Mid-Atlantic Ridge Sym- Mexico, Russia, Sweden, Switzer- Quantification of Fluxes Posium in Reykjavik

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Mid-Atlantic Ridge Sym- Mexico, Russia, Sweden, Switzer- Quantification of Fluxes Posium in Reykjavik \ V Jean-Luc CHARLOU vol. 5, no. 2 Fall/Winter 199 6 InterRidge News Contents InterRidge Update InterRidge Update 1 InterRidge Provisional Calendar....4 InterRidge Phase 2 Projects The InterRidge Office has sus- the United Kingdom, the United SWIR Project tained a high level of activity during States), 2 Associate Members (Nor- Southwest Indian Ridge 15°E-35°E: A Geo- 1996 organising the ODP- way, Portugal) and 11 Corresponding physical Investigation of an Ultra-Slow InterRidge-IAVCEI Workshop in Members (Australia, Canada, Den- Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridge System/ North Falmouth, MA and the FARA- mark, Iceland, India, Italy, Korea, N.R. Grindley et al. 7 InterRidge Mid-Atlantic Ridge Sym- Mexico, Russia, Sweden, Switzer- Quantification of Fluxes posium in Reykjavik. The InterRidge land). Australia has announced its MARFLUX/ATJ Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Hydro- Office edited abstract volumes for intention to upgrade to Associate thermal Fluxes at the Azores Triple Junction/ both meetings. Both meetings were Membership in 1997. H. Bougault et al. 13 well attended and productive (see Arctic Mapping below). Their success was largely due InterRidge and SCOR Arctic Geophysical Data Acquisition from US to the many contributions made by The decision to apply for for- Navy Submarines/ M. Langseth and B. Coakley 18 participants as formal oral presenta- mal SCOR Affiliation was taken at tions and posters and to discussions. the 1996 InterRidge Steering Com- Biological Studies at the Ridge Crest We'd like to take this opportunity to mittee Meeting. InterRidge has been Colonization of Hydrothermal Vents near 9o50"N, East Pacific Rise: A Cruise Report thank the participants of both meet- involved in discussions of SCOR af- from Block Party 1, 2 & 3/ ings for their involvement and for the filiation over the past year and played L.S. Mullineaux et al 19 positive feedback received. In addi- an active part in the initiation of Hot 96 News/ F. Gaill et al. 22 tion, the InterRidge Office continued SCOR Working Group 99 "Linked Report on ROPOS Submersible Operations on overseeing ongoing work on various Mass and Energy Fluxes at Ridge the R/V Thomas G. Thompson Cruise: 12- InterRidge Projects and managed to Crests". Since its formal recognition 27 August 1996/ K. Jumper et al. ...25 produced the Spring/Summer issue by SCOR, InterRidge has closely fol- of InterRidge News on schedule. 4-D Architecture of the Oceanic lowed the progress of WG 99, and Lithosphere several InterRidge representatives On- and Off-axis Submersible Investigations on InterRidge Office Transfer participated in the September 1996 an Highly Magmatic Segment of the Mid- The 1997-1999 term of SCOR WG 99 Symposium at the Atlantic Ridge (21 ^OTf): the TAMMAR InterRidge will be hosted by France. Southampton Oceanographic Centre, Cruise/ P. Gente et al. 27 Mathilde Cannat of CNRS/Univer- UK. International Co-Operative Research sity of Paris 6 has been named as the Geophysical Investigation of Ridge-Hot Spot next InterRidge Chair. The Office InterRidge Projects Interaction at the Galapagos Spreading will be transfered to Paris in January 4-D Architecture of the Oceanic Center/ J J. Dahobeitia et al. 32 1997. Lithosphere A geophysical and geochemical study of the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge south of Udintsev A meeting of the 4-D Archi- FZ: The Pacantarctic cruise with R/V Membership tecture of the Oceanic Lithosphere L 'Atalantel L. Gelietal 36 InterRidge Membership has Project working group (L. Parson, remained constant since the begin- Southampton, Chair) was held in World Ridge Cruise Schedule 39 ning of 1996 with 6 Principal Mem- parallel with the ODP-IR-IAVCEI InterRidge Workshop Summaries bers (France, Germany, Japan, Spain, Workshop in North Falmouth. Since FARA-InterRidge MAR Symposium 46 News from Ridge Crest Research Dr. Heather Sloan, Editor. and Related Programmes 48 Dr. Ruth Williams, Assistant Editor Announcements and Notices 53 InterRidge News is published by the InterRidge Office, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Durham, South Road, National Admin. Representatives...66 Durham, DH1 3LE, United Kingdom; National Correspondents 67 tel: 44-191-374-2532, fax: 44-191-374-2510 e-mail: [email protected] InterRidge Steering Committee ....68 http://www.dur.ac.uk/- dglOzzl/ vol. 5, no. 2 1996 13 Quantification of Fluxes Project MARFLUX/ATJ Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Hydrothermal Fluxes at the Azores Triple Junction H. Bougault1, C. German , M. Miranda3 and the MARFLUX/ATJ Participants (note 1) 1IFREMER/DRO/GM, BP 70, 29280 Plouzane, France Southampton Oceanography Centre, Empress Dock, Southampton, SO 14 3ZH, UK Centro de Geofisica, Univ. ofLisboa, Rua da Escola Politecnica 58, 1200 Lisboa, Portugal MARFLUX/ATJ, Mid-Atlan- in 1991. A proposal was written and MARFLUX/ATJ were: tic Ridge: hydrothennal Fluxes at the accepted in 1992. After negotiation, * to group and compile all existing Azores Triple Junction, is a European a formal contract was signed in Nov. data in the area of the ATJ. project to study hydrothermal fluxes 1993 between the partners of the * to document occurrences of physi- at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) project and the EC. The contract, a near the Azores Triple Junction document of 75 pages, defines the cal and chemical anomalies in the (ATJ). It was the first project deal- rules and agreements between the EC water column. ing with the study of the ridge sys- and the partners. The various tasks * to map hydrothermal plumes and tem funded by the European Commu- and the "deliverables" are formally determine magmatic and tectonic set- nity (EC). The project, attached to identified. In addition, a consortium tings of potential hydrothermal sites. the EC's MAST 2 (MArine Sciences agreement between the partners is * to provide the scientific community and Technology) programme, started required by the EC. The contract re- with natural laboratories for future in December 1993 and ends formally quires that the project is monitored experiments. in November 1996. closely under the responsibility of the The project has been based co-ordinator of the project and of a around two surface-ship cruises, EC funding steering committee. Six monthly HEAT and ESCAPE. The HEAT EC funding can include sala- progress-reports and annual scientific cruise (C. German PI), conducted in ries, equipment, consumables and and financial reports have to be sub- Aug.-Sept. 1994, was designed to in- travels but the MAST2 programme mitted to the EC. vestigate hydrothermal activity along did not include ship time. Eligibility Funds are provided annually, the MAR between 35°45'N and for EC funding requires a partnership conditional upon acceptance of the 38°40'N in relation to the bathymetry between different laboratories from annual reports. Ship time was funded and morphology of the axis. ES- different countries of the European according to the procedure of the CAPE (M. Miranda PI) was con- Community. In the case of country where a ship time proposal ducted in Oct. 1995 and investigated MARFLUX/ATJ the principal labo- (independent of the EC proposal) was hydrothermal activity at the MAR ratories were in France, the UK, Por- submitted. axis from 38°40'N to 40°N, and tugal and Ireland. Several European within the island archipelago of the scientists responded to a call for a The objectives of MARFLUX/ATJ Azores. manifestation of interest by the EC The principal objectives of The project built on early re- Note l: MARFLUX/ATJ participants: M. Aballea4, P. Appriou4, F. Bam'ga9, M. Biscoito8, P. Blondel6, J.-L. Charlou1, A. Cola?o8, D. Coller1I. Costa9, M. Critchley11, L. Dosso3, Y. Fouquet1, P. Jean-Baptiste5, A. Khripounofr, J. Freire Luis7, N. Lourengo7, E. Ludford12, L. Mendes Victor7, A. Marques8, H.D. Needham', D. O'Brien10, H. Ondreas1, L. Parson6, J. Patching10, J. Radford Knoery1, L. Saldanha8 I IFREMER/DRO/GM, BP 70,29280 Plouzane, France 2IFREMER/DRO/EP, BP 70,29280 Plouzane, France 3 GDR GEDO, Ifremer, BP 70,29270 Plouzane France 4 Dpt. Chimie UBO, Av. Le Gorgeu, 29200 Brest, France 5 Lab. Geochim. Isotopique, LMCE Bat. 709,91191, GIF s/Yvette, France 6 SOC, Empress Dock, Southampton, S014 3ZH, UK Centro de Geofisica, Univ. ofLisboa, Rua da Escola Politecnica 58,1200 Lisboa, Portugal IMAR, Lab Maritimo da Guia, Fac. Ciencias, Univ. Lisboa, Estrada do Guincho, 2750 Cascais, Portugal Dpt. Geologia, Fac Ciencias, Univ. Lisboa, Ed. C2 Piso 5 Campo Grande, 1700 Lisboa, Portugal 10 University College Galway, Galway, Ireland II ERA-MAPTEC Ltd, 5 South Leinster St., Dublin 2, Ireland 12Dpt of Geology, Univ. ofBristol, UK A formal co-operation was established with G. Klinkhammer13 and C. Langmuir14. 13 College of Ocean., OSU, Corvallis, OR 97331 -5, USA 14 LDEO, Columbia Univ., Palisades, NY 10964, USA 14 InterRidge News distance along profile (km) 10 15 20 25 15 20 Manganese MARFLUX/ATJ: HEAT cruise, 1994. MAR: Segment AMAR, Dynamic Hydrocast #7 Figure 1. Hydrothermal plumes along the AMAR segment of the MAR, southwest of the Azores. Vertical cross 3 section of A He, CH4 and Mn (total disolved manganese (Aballea et al., 1995)) along ABCD. Between 1700 m and 2300 m depths, chemical signals are detected everywhere along the segment, with values at least 10 times the seawater background. The three chemical tracers have different chemical properties and consequently do not display identical plume cross sections. All chemical tracers focus on a potential hydrothermal site, the Rainbow site at 27 km near 36°15rN where the transmissometer on TOBI detected a strong signal during the HEAT cruise (German et al., 1996). Note that the Rainbow site is a complex offset. It is an example of the diverse geological settings where hydrothermal discharge takes place along the MAR. vol. 5, no. 2 1996 15 suits of FARA (French American Guen and Lucky Strike vent sites FAMOUS, southern Lucky Strike, Ridge Atlantic project) and has con- (38°N, 37°N), the FAMOUS and south ATJ, (covering a cumulative tinued in co-operation with that pro- AMAR segments (36°-37°N) and the distance of 108 nautical miles along gramme.
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