
November 28, 2017

Day 1 & Precipitation November 28, 2017

Review: What is the Cycle?

Yesterday we talked about the ? What is the water cycle?

Water Cycle: the continuous movement of water between Earth's surface and the air, changing from liquid to gas to liquid

What is ?

Condensation: the process of turning gas into liquid.

What is Precipitation?

Precipitation: any form of water that falls to the ground. November 28, 2017

Clouds & Precipitation Today we will be focusing on the different types of clouds and the they bring and the different types of precipitation! November 28, 2017

What are the types of Clouds? As rises it cools turning water vapor into water droplets(CONDENSATION). Those water droplets group together to form a . There are 4 different types of clouds....

*Stratus *Cumulus *Cirrus *

November 28, 2017

What are Stratus Clouds? Stratus clouds are often described as blanketlike clouds.

Stratus: blanketlike clouds.

Stratus clouds usually brings long lasting, with smaller drops of or .


• Stratus clouds bring long lasting rain • Stratus = Blanket life clouds

KEY WORDS: Stratus = Blanket

November 28, 2017

What Cumulus Clouds? Cumulus clouds are often described as puffy clouds with flat bottoms.

Cumulus: puffy clouds with flat bottom

Cumulus clouds often bring heavy rain or that doesn't last long.

NOTES: • Cumulus brings brief heavy rain • Puffy clouds with flat bottoms KEY WORDS: Cumulus = Puffy November 28, 2017

What are Cirrus Clouds? Cirrus clouds are often described as wispy, featherlike clouds.

Cirrus: wispy, featherlike clouds

Cirrus clouds often come with clear and calm weather.

* Cirrus = wispy


• Cirrus are wispy, featherlike • Cirrus clouds clear and calm weather • KEY WORDS: Cirrus = Wispy November 28, 2017

What is a rain Cloud?

We've learned about the other three types of clouds but what about a rain cloud. If rain or snow falls from a cloud, the term nimbo- or nimbus- is added to the clouds name. NIMBO- or NIMBUS- means "RAIN" *Cumulonimbus clouds are large puffy rain clouds #THAT BRING .

* Nimbostratus clouds are blanket like rain clouds.


• Cumulonimbus puffy rain clouds bring thunderstorms • Nimbostratus blanket like rain clouds

Key Words: Nimbo/Nimbus = Rain

November 28, 2017

What is Precipitation?

We've learned about the other three types of clouds but what about all that water that comes out of them. Any water that falls from the ground is known as precipitation. (FYI YOU ALREADY WROTE THIS DOWN) Just like there are 4 types of clouds there are also 4 types of precipitation.

*Rain *Sleet *Snow

NOTES: * The determines the type of Precipitation *4 types of precipitation: *Rain *Sleet *Snow * November 28, 2017

What is Rain & Sleet?

Rain is water that falls to the ground. Sleet is rain that has become frozen.

Rain: Water

Sleet: Frozen Rain

November 28, 2017

What is Snow & Hail? Snow is when rain has turned into crystals. Hail is when water droplets collect around ice crystals and freeze.



November 28, 2017

Day 2 Time for some weather inquiry...

Spend some time exploring these resources to learn more about weather related concepts. 1. Pick a concept 2. Write 3-5 related questions 3. Search for answers and record them in your day book/journal