A W A R D ● W I N N I 11BB N G 50¢ YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER August 10, 2006 Midway FD is 3rd in the State! highest tax entity BY BRADLEY “B.J.” DAVIS, JR. County Taxing Authority Gulf Breeze News Gulf Breeze News Florida Press Association C OMPARISON “Best Overall Graphic Design”
[email protected] Taxing Authority Taxable value New Construction Taxes According to Santa Rosa Tax Collector Greg Brown, 1. School Board $6,702,089,926 $369,586,023 $50,855,458 Midway Fire District was the Inside in PAGE county’s third highest taxing 2. County $6,575,750,940 $368,825,102 $43,515,031 1B authority for the year, raking in over $1 million more in 3. Midway Fire Dist. $1,507,192,858 $ 59,995,793 $ 2,110,070 property taxes than the City of 4. Gulf Breeze 565,805,304 10,737,829 1,075,030 Gulf Breeze. 2005 taxes for Gulf Breeze were just over 5. Milton 283,648,535 13,101,482 780,033 $1,075,030 whereas 6. NWFWMD 6,702,089,926 369,586,023 335,104 ■ SRIA may extend Midway’s earnings were near- ly double that with $2,110,070 7. Avalon-Mulat 290,974,676 16,602,577 232,779 building timeline generated. ■ Representatives from both 8. Jay 34,305,379 1,291,690 68,610 PBRLA may lose entities were confident that voice at SRIA each was a good steward of Services Paul Stefon/Gulf Breeze News those taxpayer dollars. Gulf C ■ Bubba’s Beach Breeze City Manager Edwin OMPARISON of: She’s a beaut! “Buz” Eddy said the majority GULF BREEZE MIDWAY FIRE Tom Realing of The Northwest Florida Zoological Park and of the taxes collected for the # of Residents 6,000 30,000 (est.) Botanical Gardens wrangles an alligator during a two-day City of Gulf Breeze fund law # of Employees 78 29 project that moved the reptiles to a newly completed exhib- enforcement activities with it.