State Highway Patrols-Their Functions and Financing
State Highway Patrols-Their Functions and Financing EDWARD A. GLADSTONE and THOMAS W. COOPER, U.S. Bureau of Public Roads, Office of Planning •CONCERN FOR the safety of the motoring public, and the importance of the state police organizations in enforcing traffic and safety laws, was voiced by the governors of most of the 47 states in which the legislatures met in regular session in 1965. In state after state the governor's message emphasized highway safety and pointed to the need for additional highway patrol troops to curb highway accidents and fatalities. In at least 30 states requests were made for an increase in patrol strength, either by the governor, by legislative committees, or by safety agencies. Collectively, specific requests were made in 21 states for nearly 3, 800 troopers to be added to the patrol strength within the next onP. to four years. A summary of the requests (as of mid-1965) is given in Table 1. If approved, these requests would increase patrol strength by an average of 23 percent. TAB LE 1 REQUESTS FOR ADDITIONAL PATROL TROOPERS, SUBMITTED TO 1965 STATE LEGISLATURES BY GOVERNORS, LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEES, OR OTHERS Number Number St,it,,, (uhPr" stl\te~) State (where stated) Arkansas - New York 112 California 195 North Carolina 200 (4 years) Florida 212 Ohio 4-00 (2 years) Georgia 8o (2 years) Oklahoma 100 (2 years) Illinois 8oo ( 4 years) Pennsylvanla 300 Indiena 150 South Carolina - Iowa 100 (2 years) South Dakota - KMSt\8 50 Tennessee 100 Maryland 4o Texas - Michigan 200 Utah 20 Minnesota 368 (by 1973) Vermont 42 (2 years) Missouri 250 Washington - Nebraska 50 West Virginia - Nevada - Wisconsin - New Mexico 10 Wyoming - Source: Daily legislative bulletins published by the National.
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