Sept 2013 Mag Colour Final

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Sept 2013 Mag Colour Final PARISH NEWS 65p VERYAN AND RUAN LANIHORNE SEPTEMBER 2013 Inthisissue: Veryan & District Helpfulhintsfrom AUTUMN SHOW Nicolaonhowtowin prizesattheShow. PARISHHALLANDSCHOOLROOM Yes,butoutofall SATURDAY7SEPTEMBER thosebeans,weonly foundtwotomatch… Tobeopenedat2.30pmby MrTrounceGuy Entertainmentduringtheafternoonfrom JACKAJAZZ Teasonsalethroughouttheafternoon, suppliedbyVeryanWI SHOWCLOSESAT5pmwhenPRIZESWILL BEPRESENTEDandtheAUCTIONwillbegin Macmillan COLIN, SUZANNE & CHLOE Coffeemorning WELCOME YOU ALL TO BroomParcTR25PJ The New Inn Monday23September Veryan 10am—12noon COFFEE YUMMYBISCUITSAND CAKES RAFFLE CAKESANDPRODUCE BOOKS-BRIC-A-BRAC Enjoyinganenviablereputationfor agreatatmosphere,friendlyservice Ourchurchwebsites Anddelicioushome-cookedfood tel: 01872 501 362 ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE September2013page1 ElerkeyGuestHouse Veryan,Truro,CornwallTR25QATel.01872501261 [email protected] AA****RatedEn-suiteBed&BreakfastAccommodation WithReasonableRates ArtGallery&GiftShop MadeinCornwall HandcraftedJewellery Also AFantasticSelectionofGiftsforEveryOccasion OriginalPaintings & FineArtGicleePrints By ArtistHarveyGraver CommissionsTaken Outofhoursviewingavailablecallinortelephoneanytime September2013page2 goodconditionandwellpre- INYOUR sentedinasmallvasewith water.(OurEditoristheper- sontobeatinthisclassandit GARDEN willbeatallorderIpromise you,33lastyearwasit? No- this month onlyabout20-Ed) Cabbages musthaveagood heartandbeshapely.Ithelps tolightlywashthem,very VeryanandDistrictShow,7 carefully,whenliftedtheday September2013! Yesjust before.Takeoffreallytatty sevenorsodaystogoandhere leavesthatmaybedeadand isyouropportunitytodisplay lookforslugs.Alsoleavea allthatyouhaveachievedthis coupleofinchesofroot,more year.ItakeeverythingIcanon thanwouldbeleftifyou theFridaynightandthengetup boughtitfromthesupermar- reallyearlyonShowmorning ket–thisprovesitishome gatheringupeverythingthatis grown.Thenaturalbloom(a somuchbetterfreshontheday. sortofdullmistycolouron Forexample, fuchsias arenota theleaves)isimportantso goodcutflowersoifyoupick ensureyoudon’tcleanthat theminthemorningtheywill off.Ifthecabbageiswethang lookbetterthanthosecutthe itupsidedowntodryoff. youmustleaveonthestalk, Nowallthatstuffaboveis nightbefore.Andwhatisthe Carrotsandbeetroot must socutthemofftheplant howtheShowandExhibitor judgelookingforinafuchsia? beliftedcarefully.Thosewith withscissorstoensureno manualswishyoutoexhibit Wellthatquestionwasaskeda slugmarksoranylittleholes calamities. andperform.ThelastthingI coupleofyearsagobyanex- inareunlikelytobeprize Avaseofflowers isoften wanttodoisdiscourageyou. hibitorwhoreligiouslybrings winners.Tryanddisplay bestcutonthemorningof TheShowneedsentriesofall threebrancheseveryyearand threethatlookthesame.That theshowexceptthatsome shapes,sizesandqualitiesand nevergetsaplace.It’ssimple isofteneasiersaidthandone gardenflowerstakeupwater wecanallhelpsupportitwith really.Youneedthreebranches butitisimportant.Readthe overnightinacoolplaceand aslightlybentcucumberora withlotsandlotsofflowerson instructions–topsonoroff? lookbetterforit.Thisistrial normalsizedmarrow! each.Thosewiththemostand Cleanthemwithadamp anderrorreallyanddepends Itisnotthewinningbutthe freshestflowerswillwinand spongegoingroundthevege- ontheflowertoagreatex- takingpartthatmatters! I generallythebestbrancheswill tablenotupanddownit.A tent.Againa‘collectionof hopethatmyfriendandrival befoundontheperennialfuch- verticalmotionmaydamage gardenflowers’meansthe Gilbertremembersthatthis siasthatarehardyandnotthe theskin.Seasonedexhibitors moreflowersyoudisplaythe year.Hewouldquiterightly halfhardyones.Iamgoingto mayputbeetsinabucketof greateryourchances.Asthe liketoseehisnameonthe repeatmyselfherebecause saltwaterforthreeorfour Showisacoupleofweeks FlowerCupthreetimesandI therearesomesupertips,like hours.Apparentlywhenthe earlierthanusualwemay knowhecanachievethisifhe this,ontheShowwebsites judgecutsoneinhalfto havemoreflowersavailable practiseshisskillsonbutton- whichreallyhelpyouprepare checktheinsidethiswillen- butmyMichaelmasdaisies holesandcorsages–now yourgardenexhibitssothat couragethewhiteringsinside arenotlookingpromising, there’sachallengeIthrowout theyareshownoffattheirbest. todisappear.Nevertrieditso theyareignoringtheurgency tohim…. Youwillnotbesurprisedto Icannotconfirmthis! oftheShowandwaitingfor Ihavetogoandseeafriend knowthatIshallonlybegiving Runnerbeans mustbe Michaelmas. thisweekwhoisbemoaninga tipsonflowersandvegetables- matchinginsizeandlength IcannotwaittoseeGerald’s lackofcolourinhergarden cakes,sconesandjamsarenot andbestraight.Theyalso sweetpeasandGilbert’s thisyear.Someplants,the myforte!Howevermyhusband needtobeveryfresh.The dahliasandperhapsthisyear hardyperennialsmainly,have wishestoencourageanyoneto judgewillsnapthemtotest somechrysanthemums? donewellthisyearbecause makeheavycakeashebuysas forfreshnessandifhesees Ifyouarebraveenoughto theylovedthewetwinter.But manyashecanattheauction stringybitsyouhavehadit! enterdahlias,chrysanthe- someoftheherbaceousplants aftertheShowandconsumes Lettuces shouldbeharvested mumor singleflowers as gottoowet,Ilostquitefew. themrapidly.Itisfortunatethat onthemorningoftheshow. exhibitsinthemanyavail- Andiftheysurvivedthewet thisisonlyaonceperyearrit- Theymustbefreshandtur- ablecategoriesthenthepet- thenthecoldspringfollowed ual! gid,nothingworsethana alsmustbeperfect,theflow- byahotJulymadethegrowth ThebesttipIcangiveyouisto limplettuce!Liftthemwitha ersthecorrectshapeandthe abitfeebleandsappy.Nowis readtheinstructions inthe handfork,cleantheroots stemsasstraightaspossible. thetimetolookattheborders Showentryform.Ifitsays5 carefullyandwraptheroots Morepointsarelostbyex- seewhereyouhavegapsand stemsofparsleyandthreebeets inmoistkitchenpaper,and hibitorsnotcheckingthe getreadytoautumnplantand makesureyouhavecounted putinaplasticbaguntilthe backsoftheblooms–the filltheminfornextyear.I correctly,it’saneasymistake lastminute. wholeflowerheadisimpor- leaveyouwithapictureofmy tomakeandIhavemadeit! Tomatoes shouldbewithout tantandmustbeasperfectas treeliliesandbestwishesfor Abunchofherbsshouldbe holesorwatermarksandas possible. theShow!GameonGilbert! exactlythat. Asmany asyou alikeaspossible.Remember NB canpossiblymusterandin September2013page3 aseason).’ From the Theversion uncomfortableinusing TENNISCLUB From the byTheByrdsreached everydaylanguageinwor- NEWS thenumber1spotonthe ship,preferringthelan- Vicarage… Anothergreatnightat Vicarage… BillboardHot100chart.) guageoftheBookofCom- ChurchtownFarmbarnon14 monPrayer,anditisnot Augustorganisedbymemrbs Peopleareusuallyquite OneoftheCommon restrictedtopeopleofad- ofVeryanandRoselandTen- predictableinchoosing Worshipbooksis vancedyears! nisClub.TheNewlynReelers readingsandhymnsfor ServicesandPrayersfor ledthedancingandthecaller weddingsandfunerals;the theChurchofEngland, Soit’sabalancingact. madesurethateveryone,re- passageknownasThe TimesandSeasons .It gardlessofageorability,was HymnofLove,(1Corin- providesalotofalterna- MayyouknowGod’slove abletojoinin.Sideshowsand thians13),isoftenusedat tivematerialwhichcan inyourlives. children’sgamesprovided alternativeentertainment. bothastooarehymnssuch beusedtogivevarietyto Fr Doug. Plentyofqualityfoodwas as‘Lovedivine’and‘All ourservicesofworship. availabletogetherwithafully thingsbrightandbeautiful’ licensedbar.Oneofthehigh- However,changehasto lightsoftheeveningwasthe Soitwassomethingofa behandledcarefully.It final‘weigh-out’todetermine noveltytobeaskedtoread canbeveryunsettling. howmuchweightFrDoug thepassagefromEcclesias- Therearepeoplewho hadlostsincethebeginning tes,‘Thereisaseasonfor finditdifficulttowor- ofWimbledon-about7½ weeks.Startingatastagger- everything,atimeforevery shipwiththeirnosesin occupationunderheaven’. thebooks. ingweightof18stonesand¾ ofanouncethescalesre- (Ofcourse,thepassagewas VeryanParishHall vealedalossof31pounds Thereismerit,forsome, madepopularinthelate and½anounceforafinal inthefamiliarandconti- 1950swhenPeteSeeger Tuesday3September weightof15stones11 nuity.Itiseventhecase wrotethesong ‘Turn!Turn! 7pm poundsand¼ofanounce. Turn!(toeverythingthereis thatsomepeoplefeel LIFEOFA Thewinnerofthecompetition toguesstheweightlostwas DIPLOMAT’SWIFE SelinaGibbons,just¼ofan MinaDresser ounceout,closelyfollowed byPatRaineandTony TREVERBYNHOUSE Tuesday1October Cowenjust & 7pm ¼ofanouncebehind. TREVERBYN THEHISTORYOF Thetreasurerisstillworking THECRINOLINE onthefinalprofitfortheeve- LODGE ning,buttheyieldfromthe RachelMiles BED&BREAKFAST& SponsoredSlimisestimated tobeabout£1400whichwill SELFCATERING gotowardsthecostofthe ACCOMMODATION Formoreinformation projecttoimprovefacilitiesat contactSueDayon thetennisclubandencourage 501673 peopleofallagestoplayten- nis. Sponsorscansend VISITORSAND cheques.madepayableto NEWMEMBERS VeryanandRoselandTennis WELCOME ClubtoFrDougatVeryan Vicarage,TR25QA Tel:01872501201 Aneditorialreminder… Email: [email protected] Please,ifyouaresendinganidenticallywordedreport orapieceofnewstootherpublicationsorwebsitesas wellasto‘ParishNews’,couldyouletmeknow?It’s ourpolicynottopublishitemswhichwillalsoappear inthe‘WestBriton’,‘RoselandMagazine’orelse- where. September2013page4 “Farewell, VeryanPrimary, HelloTheRoseland!” saysEllaBrigg… WaterfightsintheplaygroundandPizzaatFrankieand BennysI’msurewillnotbeonmytimetablewhenIstart CaerhaysCastleGardens atTheRoselandinSeptemberbuttheyweresomeofthe
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    Birds in Cornwall 2006 Ydhyn yn Kernow Cornwall Bird-watching and Preservation Society CORNWALL BIRD-WATCHING & PRESERVATION SOCIETY SEVENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT 2006 Edited by Derek I Julian HONORARY OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE President Steve Madge, Seawinds, Lower Trerieve, Downderry, Torpoint, PL15 3LZ Chairman Peter Crispin, 5 Church Lea, Launceston, PL15 8QZ Vice-Chairman Graham Sutton, Harcombe, West Park Road, Bude, EX23 8PB [email protected] General Secretary and County Recorder Tony Bertenshaw, Hantergantich, St Breward, PL30 4NH [email protected] Treasurer Gary Lewis, Manager ERCCISS, Cornwall Wildlife Trust Membership Secretary Sara McMahon, 72 Underwood Road, Plympton, PL7 1SZ [email protected] Conservation Officer Tony Blunden [email protected] Newsletter Editor Simon Marquis, St Breock Place, Wadebridge, PL27 7JS Field Meetings Officer Colin Selway, 2 Two Trees, Wadebridge PL27 Public Relations Officer Vacant Honorary Solicitor Greg Adams, 2 Wendron Street, Helston, TR13 8PS Committee Members: Rosemary Parslow, Bruce Taggart. ******** The Society is a Charity registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales Number 255899 The Trustees are the Honorary Officers and other Members of the Executive Committee shown above ******* Birds in Cornwall 2 County Recorder Darrell Clegg, 55 Lower Fore Street, Saltash, PL12 6JQ [email protected] Editor “Birds in Cornwall” Derek Julian, 12 Dunveth Road, Wadebridge, PL27 7XD. [email protected] (01208816779) Section Writers Sara Mcmahon – Games Birds, Birds of Prey to Bustards, Waders and Pigeons to Woodpeckers Darrell Clegg – Waders and Larks to Dipper Bruce Taggart – Skuas to Terns Paul McCartney – Wrens to Bunting Andy Pay – Wildfowl Derek Julian – Divers to Herons, Oystercatcher to Plovers and Auks Records Committee: Mashuq Ahmad, Greg Conway, Pete Fraser, Steve Madge, Keith Pellow, Graham Sutton & Laurie Williams Front cover photograph; Purple Heron, College Res., May 2006 – Darrell Clegg Birds in Cornwall 3 Review of the Year.
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