legal rights and due process; political pris- Whereas, on July 20, 2017, the Tom Lantos S. RES. 143 oners; killings of and threats against jour- Human Rights Commission of the United Whereas Israeli- are a vibrant nalists; official corruption and abuse of States Congress held a hearing on The immigrant community contributing to the power; threats of violence against human Human Rights Consequences of the War on diversity of the ; rights activists; violence against women; and Drugs in the Philippines, during which Whereas Israeli-Americans, including forced labor.’’; Human Rights Watch testified about the ‘‘re- those on college campuses in the United Whereas, on February 23, 2017, an arrest lentless government campaign’’ against Sen- States, have been subject to forms of dis- warrant was issued for Philippine Senator ator De Lima ‘‘in evident response to her crimination and desire to connect with their Leila De Lima for allegations related to drug outspoken criticism of Duterte’s ‘war on culture and celebrate their heritage free trafficking, and as of April 4, 2019, Senator drugs’ and her calls for accountability’’; from bigotry and bias; de Lima had been detained for 770 days; Whereas Amnesty International finds Sen- Whereas the United States is a nation of Whereas the charges brought against Sen- ator De Lima’s detention to be based solely immigrants, and Israeli-Americans con- ator De Lima followed a history of criti- on her criticism of the Government of the tribute invaluable skills that promote the cizing extrajudicial killings in the Phil- Philippines, her political beliefs, and her economy and protect the national security of ippines and the Rodrigo R. Duterte adminis- peaceful defense of human rights, and con- the United States; tration’s antidrug campaign, including— siders her a Prisoner of Conscience; and Whereas the contributions of Israeli-Amer- (1) in 2009, in her capacity as Chair of the Whereas the immediate release of Senator icans in the fields of astrophysics, mathe- Commission on Human Rights, Senator De De Lima has been called for by nongovern- matics, chemistry, aerospace engineering, Lima investigated the alleged involvement mental organizations, human rights groups, biotech, agriculture, and Internet tech- of then-Mayor of Davao City Rodrigo R. parliamentary bodies, and individuals in- nologies have been invaluable to the United Duterte in the extrajudicial killings exe- cluding the European Parliament, the Aus- States; cuted by the so-called ‘‘Davao Death Squad’’; tralian Parliament, the Inter-Parliamentary Whereas Israeli-Americans have helped to (2) on December 15, 2014, then-Secretary of Union, Amnesty International, Human form a strong bond between the people of the Justice De Lima led a raid of the national Rights Watch, Liberal International, ASEAN United States and the people of , rein- penitentiary which resulted in the confisca- Parliamentarians for Human Rights, and forcing the shared values and interests be- tion of drugs, firearms, and contraband many of Senator De Lima’s colleagues in the tween the two countries; and items and the extraction of 19 drug lords and Senate minority bloc; Whereas countless Israeli-Americans have high-profile inmates involved in the facili- Whereas Maria Ressa, an investigative enriched the society of the United States: ty’s drug network; journalist who founded the online news plat- Now, therefore, be it (3) on July 13, 2016, Senator De Lima, in form Rappler, has been arrested several times Resolved, That the Senate— her capacity as Chair of the Senate Com- on charges against her and her news organi- (1) affirms that the Israeli-American com- mittee on Justice and Human Rights, filed zation widely viewed by human rights ob- munity has contributed immensely to the so- Senate Resolution No. 9 calling for an inves- servers and a number of governments as part ciety and culture of the United States; and tigation into extrajudicial killings and sum- of a pattern of ‘‘weaponizing the rule of law’’ (2) condemns all forms of discrimination mary executions of suspected drug offenders to repress independent media; and that aim to marginalize or disenfranchise arising from President Duterte’s ‘‘War on Whereas Ms. Ressa has been released on members of the Israeli-American commu- Drugs’’; bail, but she and Rappler still face charges nity. (4) on August 22, 2016, Senator De Lima and will soon be standing trial: Now, there- f conducted Senate hearings during which al- fore, be it leged former death squad members detailed Resolved, That the Senate— SENATE RESOLUTION 144—DESIG- extrajudicial killings executed as part of the (1) condemns— NATING MAY 5, 2019, AS THE antidrug campaign and one member testified (A) the Government of the Philippines for ‘‘NATIONAL DAY OF AWARENESS that Duterte participated in extrajudicial its role in state-sanctioned extrajudicial FOR MISSING AND MURDERED killings as mayor of Davao City; and killings by police and other armed individ- NATIVE WOMEN AND GIRLS’’ (5) on August 2, 2016, and September 19, uals as part of the ‘‘War on Drugs’’; 2016, Senator De Lima delivered two privi- Mr. DAINES (for himself, Mr. (B) the arrest and detention of human leged speeches on the Senate floor calling on ESTER OEVEN OUNDS rights defenders and political leaders who ex- T , Mr. H , Mr. R , Ms. President Duterte to end the killings; ercise their rights to freedom of expression; WARREN, Mr. GARDNER, Mr. CRAPO, Mr. Whereas President Duterte vowed to pub- (C) the harassment, arrest, and unjustified LANKFORD, and Ms. MURKOWSKI) sub- licly destroy Senator De Lima; judicial proceedings against the media and mitted the following resolution; which Whereas the charges against Senator De journalists, in particular, the proceeding was referred to the Committee on the Lima were supported by testimony from in- against Rappler and Maria Ressa; and Judiciary: mates whose illegal activities were disrupted (D) the continued detention of Senator by her 2014 raid; S. RES. 144 Leila De Lima; Whereas the United Nations Human Rights Whereas, according to a study commis- (2) considers Senator De Lima to be a pris- Council’s Working Group on Arbitrary De- sioned by the Department of Justice, in some oner of conscience, detained solely on ac- tention adopted an Opinion on August 24, Tribal communities, American Indian count of her political views and the legiti- 2018, finding several categories of arbitrary women face murder rates that are more than mate exercise of her freedom of expression; detention and concluding, ‘‘Ms. De Lima’s 10 times the national average murder rate; (3) calls on the Government of the Phil- political views and convictions are clearly at Whereas, according to the most recently ippines to immediately release Senator De the centre of the present case and that the available data from the Centers for Disease Lima, drop all charges against her, remove authorities have displayed an attitude to- Control and Prevention, in 2017, homicide restrictions on her personal and work condi- wards her that can only be characterized as was the sixth leading cause of death for tions, and allow her to fully discharge her targeted and discriminatory. Indeed, she has American Indian and Native females legislative mandate, especially as Chair of been the target of partisan persecution and between 1 and 44 years of age; the Committee on Social Justice; there is no explanation for this other than Whereas little data exist on the number of (4) urges the Government of the Phil- her exercise of the right to express such missing American Indian and Alaska Native ippines to recognize the importance of views and convictions as a human rights de- women in the United States; human rights defenders and their work and fender.’’; Whereas, on July 5, 2013, Hanna Harris, a allow them to operate freely without fear of Whereas the Department of State’s 2017 member of the Northern Tribe, reprisal; and Human Rights Report highlighted due proc- was reported missing by her family in Lame (5) urges the Government of the Phil- ess obstructions in the case of Senator De Deer, ; ippines to guarantee the right to the freedom Lima, stating, ‘‘During the year prosecutors Whereas the body of Hanna Harris was of the press, and to drop all the charges used a variety of legal tactics, including fil- found 5 days after she went missing; against Maria Ressa and Rappler. ing new and amending previous charges, to Whereas Hanna Harris was determined to delay arraignment.’’; f have been raped and murdered, and the indi- Whereas the United Nations Working SENATE RESOLUTION 143—RECOG- viduals accused of committing those crimes Group on Arbitrary Detention recommended were convicted; NIZING ISRAELI-AMERICAN CUL- Whereas the case of Hanna Harris is an ex- that the Government of the Philippines TURE AND HERITAGE AND THE adopt certain measures, including— ample of many similar cases; and (1) the immediate release of Senator De CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE Whereas Hanna Harris was born on May 5, Lima; ISRAELI-AMERICAN COMMUNITY 1992: Now, therefore, be it (2) an independent investigation of the cir- TO THE UNITED STATES Resolved, That the Senate— cumstances surrounding the arbitrary deten- (1) designates May 5, 2019, as the ‘‘National Mr. CRAMER (for himself, Mr. RUBIO, tion; and Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered (3) the provision of compensation and other and Mr. CRUZ) submitted the following Native Women and Girls’’; and reparations, including reinstatement to the resolution; which was referred to the (2) calls on the people of the United States positions from which she was ousted; Committee on the Judiciary: and interested groups—

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:37 Apr 05, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A04AP6.042 S04APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S2280 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 4, 2019 (A) to commemorate the lives of missing during effect on life, culture, and religion in languages critical to United States interests; and murdered American Indian and Alaska the United States; and Native women whose cases are documented (3) recognizes the extraordinary role of (9) Project Global Officer, a Department of and undocumented in public records and the Rabbi Wise in the history of the United Defense initiative providing summer scholar- media; and States; and ships and year-round language training to (B) to demonstrate solidarity with the (4) congratulates the Central Conference of Reserve Officers’ Training Corps students for families of victims in light of those trage- American Rabbis on the 130th anniversary of critical language study and cultural learn- dies. the founding of the conference by Rabbi ing; Whereas the IIE has been rescuing schol- f Wise. f ars, artists, and students threatened by war, SENATE RESOLUTION 145—COM- civil and religious conflict, terrorism, and MEMORATING THE BICENTEN- SENATE RESOLUTION 146—RECOG- dictatorships and other forms of repression NIAL OF THE BIRTH OF RABBI NIZING THE CENTENNIAL OF continuously since 1920; ISAAC MAYER WISE AND THE THE INSTITUTE OF INTER- Whereas, in 2002, the IIE endowed a perma- NATIONAL EDUCATION nent Scholar Rescue Fund (referred to in 130TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE this preamble as the ‘‘IIE-SRF’’) to aid FOUNDING OF THE CENTRAL Mr. WICKER (for himself and Mr. scholars threatened by conflict and repres- CONFERENCE OF AMERICAN LEAHY) submitted the following resolu- sion in their home countries by— RABBIS tion; which was considered and agreed (1) vetting the scholars; Mr. BROWN (for himself and Mr. to: (2) providing the scholars with funding; and S. RES. 146 PORTMAN) submitted the following res- (3) placing the scholars at host institu- olution; which was considered and Whereas 2019 marks the 100th anniversary tions; agreed to: of the founding of the Institute of Inter- Whereas, since the endowment of the IIE- national Education (referred to in this pre- S. RES. 145 SRF in 2002, the IIE-SRF has— amble as the ‘‘IIE’’), the oldest educational (1) placed 793 scholars from 59 countries at Whereas March 29, 2019, marks the bicen- exchange organization in the United States; 393 host institutions in 44 countries; and tennial of the birth of Rabbi Isaac Mayer Whereas the trustees of the IIE and the (2) saved entire national academies; Wise (referred to in this preamble as ‘‘Rabbi students and scholars associated with the Whereas building economies, helping gov- Wise’’) on March 29, 1819; IIE have contributed to their societies in nu- ernments and corporations develop an edu- Whereas Rabbi Wise— merous ways and have been recognized with cated workforce, and preparing students and (1) moved to Cincinnati, , in 1854; and 108 Nobel Prizes; professionals for success in the global econ- (2) resided in Cincinnati, Ohio, until his Whereas the IIE was founded by former omy is fundamental to the work of the IIE; death in 1900; Secretary of State Elihu Root, President Whereas there are more than 27,000 annual Whereas Rabbi Wise is widely recognized Nicholas Murray Butler of Columbia Univer- participants in programs developed, man- as— sity, and Professor Stephen Duggan, Sr., of aged, and implemented by the IIE; and (1) the pioneering architect of Reform Ju- the College of the City of , with Whereas the IIE is at the foundation of a daism in the United States; and support from the Carnegie Corporation of network of colleges, universities, and com- (2) the founding organizer of Reform Jew- New York; munities that host over 1,000,000 inter- ish institutions in the United States; Whereas the IIE was established to dem- national students annually, at a benefit of Whereas the United States is home to the onstrate that the international exchange of over $42,000,000,000 to the economy of the largest Reform Jewish community in the people and ideas can transcend borders and United States: Now, therefore, be it world, which considers Rabbi Wise to be 1 of promote greater understanding and peace; Resolved, That the Senate recognizes— the preeminent founders; Whereas the IIE is privileged to administer (1) on the 100th anniversary of the estab- Whereas in 1873, Rabbi Wise founded the 200 programs that promote mutual under- lishment of the Institute of International Union of American Hebrew Congregations, standing and enhance the national security Education (referred to in this resolution as now known as the Union for Reform Juda- and economic competitiveness of the United the ‘‘IIE’’) the many accomplishments of— ism; States, including— (A) the members and staff of the IIE; and Whereas in 1875, Rabbi Wise founded He- (1) the Fulbright Program, the flagship (B) the participants in programs adminis- brew Union College, now known as Hebrew international exchange program sponsored tered by the IIE; Union College–Jewish Institute of Religion, by the United States Government; (2) the contributions of the members and which, as of March 2019— (2) the Benjamin A. Gilman International staff of the IIE to— (1) has campuses in— Scholarship Program, which enables high- (A) national security; (A) Cincinnati, Ohio; performing United States undergraduate stu- (B) economic development; (B) Los Angeles, ; dents of limited financial means to study or (C) advancement of cultural awareness; (C) New York, New York; and intern abroad; and (D) Jerusalem; (3) the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship (D) cooperation among nations; (2) is the premier Jewish seminary in Program, which provides a year of enrich- (3) the effectiveness of the IIE at pro- North America; and ment in the United States for experienced moting opportunity by— (3) is the academic, spiritual, and profes- professionals from designated countries un- (A) providing scholarships and admin- sional leadership development center of Re- dergoing development or political transition; istering programs that benefit underserved form ; (4) Open Doors, the comprehensive infor- populations; Whereas in 1889, Rabbi Wise founded the mation resource on— (B) rescuing and assisting threatened and Central Conference of American Rabbis; (A) international students and scholars displaced scholars, students, and artists; and Whereas in 2019— studying or teaching at higher education (C) encouraging teaching and learning (1) the annual convention of the Central institutions in the United States; and across cultures into the future; and Conference of American Rabbis shall be held (B) students from the United States (4) the important role of the IIE as a dis- in Cincinnati, Ohio; and studying abroad for academic credit at tinguished partner with the— (2) the Central Conference of American their home colleges or universities; (A) United States Government; Rabbis shall celebrate the 130th anniversary (5) EducationUSA, the network of over 425 (B) private sector; and of the founding of the Central Conference of international student advising centers in 178 (C) nonprofit and philanthropic commu- American Rabbis at that convention; countries that promotes higher education in nities. Whereas the Senate congratulates the Cen- the United States to students around the tral Conference of American Rabbis for world; f reaching the significant milestone of 130 (6) the International Visitor Leadership SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- years as an organization; and Program, the premier professional exchange TION 13—REAFFIRMING THE Whereas, for 130 years, the Central Con- program of the Department of State; UNITED STATES COMMITMENT ference of American Rabbis has made invalu- (7) TechWomen, a mentorship and ex- able contributions to the cultural and reli- change program pairing emerging inter- TO TAIWAN AND TO THE IMPLE- gious fabric of the United States: Now, national women leaders in science, tech- MENTATION OF THE TAIWAN RE- therefore, be it nology, engineering, and mathematics with LATIONS ACT Resolved, That the Senate— women professionals in the United States; Mr. GARDNER (for himself, Mr. (1) recognizes March 29, 2019, as the bicen- (8) the Boren Awards and The Language MARKEY, Mr. INHOFE, Mr. MENENDEZ, tennial of the birth of Rabbi Isaac Mayer Flagship, initiatives of the National Secu- Wise (referred to in this resolving clause as rity Education Program that invests in the and Mr. RISCH) submitted the following ‘‘Rabbi Wise’’); next generation of leaders in the United concurrent resolution; which was re- (2) recognizes the outstanding accomplish- States by supporting United States under- ferred to the Committee on Foreign ments of Rabbi Wise, which have had an en- graduate and graduate students in learning Relations:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:37 Apr 05, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A04AP6.039 S04APPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE