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[email protected] 613-798-2411 and historic sites > p. 15 Brokerage, Independently Owned And Operated Ottawa Jewish Bulletin OCTOBER 12, 2015 | 29 TISHREI 5776 ESTABLISHED 1937 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM | $2 Holocaust Education Month to be launched with special concert at National Gallery World-renowned violinist, pianist to perform BY HANNAH BERDOWSKI include some Russian music in the olocaust Education Month will program. be launched Sunday, “Prokofi ev wrote music inspired by November 1, 7 pm, at the Jewish music. He was very concerned HNational Gallery of Canada about the whole Jewish situation,” said with “A Night to Remember,” a special Stroke. concert “in memory of those who Drucker described Prokofi ev’s work as perished” and “in honour of those who sombre. “It’s a magnifi cent and strong survived.” piece of music.” The concert, presented by Jewish He said the Bach and Brahms compos- Family Services (JFS) and Jewish itions they will perform were chosen to Federation of Ottawa, will feature world provide a balance to the Prokofi ev and renowned violinist Eugene Drucker and are a “sublimely moving, spiritual, pianist Marija Stroke, both children of elevating kind of music.” Holocaust survivors. Proceeds from the As children of Holocaust survivors, event will support JFS programs for Drucker and Stroke both said they are Russian Jewish seniors in Ottawa.