The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2689-100x) 2021: 5. 857 Published: April 29, 2021 | Pages: 221-229 Doi : OCLC - 1121105668

Socio-Philosophical And Political Interpretations Of


Muborak Shodmonqulova Senior Lecturer, Department Of History, Faculty Of Social And Economic, Gulistan State University, Gulistan City, Uzbekistan

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This article examines the features of the validity of the ideas of in the socio-political life of society, its manifestations, its achievements and some critical views on this doctrine. So far, the lack of special philosophical monographs devoted to the teachings of liberalism indicates the importance of research in this direction. Having studied the socio-philosophical aspects of this ideology, the author considers it appropriate to comprehensively study the features of the validity of liberal ideas.The article considers the priority of this problem in modern society from the point of view of the

manifestation of the conceptual foundations of liberal-democratic ideas.On the basis of the reform of society and the formation of a socially oriented , a deeper analysis of the socio- political strategic goals and objectives of the idea of liberalism, tested in the world experience, the of the country, the implementation of fundamental and urgent tasks aimed at achieving the well-being of the population is necessary.

The article analyzes the philosophical and political interpretation of liberalism. From a practical point of view, the methodological relations of the explanation and acceptance of modern forms of liberalism in relation to the classical content are based on the ideas of the classics about the modern analysis of liberalism. The positive role of , the struggle against absolutism on the basis of political instruments were considered as scientifically and philosophically grounded teachings and progressive humanistic transformations of public consciousness. The "classical" and "neoliberal" currents of liberalism are also analyzed. The essence of the philosophy of liberalism is explained.

KEYWORDS Liberalism, Philosophy, Politics, Ideology, Neoliberal, Classical, National Consolidation, Totalitarianism, Authoritarianism.

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The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2689-100x) 2021: 5. 857 Published: April 29, 2021 | Pages: 221-229 Doi : OCLC - 1121105668


Scientific and methodological foundations of

the study of the ideas of liberalism It is known that liberalism was formed,

developed and decided in different socio- Traditional liberalism in its time played an historical and national-cultural conditions. At important role in the formation of the the same time, it has evolved in various forms, foundations of political and economic

that is, in the form of ideas, worldviews, conditions that served the prosperity of

political and economic ideology, and political Western countries. In the XIX century, the philosophy. In this sense, the types of liberal Anglo-Saxon tradition of liberalism greatly practices and the historical traditions of influenced the strengthening of democratic

liberalism differ in certain socio-political values and the development of constitutional systems. From a cultural-historical point of rules, the decision-making and improvement of view, liberal traditions can be divided into the principle of on a global scale. The Anglo-Saxon and continental European important and principle inherent in this

species. Liberalism is also divided into traditionillarni sought to introduce into life. "classical" and "neoliberal" currents, The Liberal Party of Great Britain later-in the depending on the choice and relevance of the second half of the XIX century became one of main ideas and principles in the context of the two mature political parties in this country.

historically different countries. Such a division Liberals, who struggled to find a decision on does not, in practice, mean that any form or the right to elections, develop a alternative of liberalism is obsolete. Even the economy and reform the political system,

fact that society is not “ready” to accept liberal achieved serious success, having achieved a

ideas, that democratic political is not weight of adoption of the laws on elections sufficiently developed, and other reasons do adopted in 1867 and 1884, especially the law on not lead to their rejection. Forms and stages of the general right to elections in 1918. After the

liberalism are specific periods that are leiborist party, which shifted the working class

inextricably linked with the logical-historical to its side, took to the political scene, the development of democratic social Liberals began to gradually lose their position. consciousness. In 1940-1945 years, they had participated in the

government Union for the last time.[1]. METHOD

The Liberal Party of Great Britain later-in the In order to understand and accept modern second half of the XIX century became one of forms of liberalism from a practical point of the two mature political parties in this country. view, it is first necessary to define a Liberals, who struggled to find a decision on methodological approach to its classical the right to elections, develop a free market content. First of all, it is necessary to consider economy and reform the political system, the stages of formation and development of achieved serious success, having achieved a liberal ideas for a certain period, for example, weight of adoption of the laws on elections in the experience of political or economic adopted in 1867 and 1884, especially the law on reform as an ideological basis. the general right to elections in 1918. After the leiborist party, which shifted the working class

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The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2689-100x) 2021: 5. 857 Published: April 29, 2021 | Pages: 221-229 Doi : OCLC - 1121105668

to its side, took to the political scene, the Well, the question arises as to what the power

Liberals began to gradually lose their position. of liberalism is. Its strength is determined, first In 1940-1945 years, they had participated in the of all, by the depth of the foundations of the government Union for the last time.The main social worldview. The basic principles of

emphasis of liberalism in the continental liberalism in its traditional form are the

European traditions was on the processes of humanistic worldview, "... directly influenced national consolidation (unification) and the by the culture of the Renaissance and the rejection of all forms of economic, political and Enlightenment, the ideas of the French

intellektual authoritarianism. In Europe, Revolution, and thus defined the essence of

liberalism developed inextricably linked with social order in a liberal based on the the process of national self-awareness, the rules of [2]." mutual unification of states that are close to Liberalism, as a doctrine contrary to each other from the ethnomedical point of totalitarianism, authoritarianism, and violence view, the disintegration of empires and the in all its forms, is opposed to any fanaticism formation of independent states, in many (unconditional and firm obedience to old respects manifested itself as a mobilizing force, beliefs and principles), intolerance, and a source of socio-political activity. disrespect for the knowledge and views of

Liberalism also served as the constitutional and others. ideological foundation of the Weimar Republic. Modern liberalism has significantly expanded History also testifies to the fact that, in a sense, the boundaries of classical interpretation, and it served as a kind of vehicle for the emergence today it includes such types as "political of German Nazism. Here liberalism interfered liberalism", "", "cultural with the political and socio-economic basis for liberalism", "". The socio- which it was not sufficiently prepared. As a philosophical approach to the study of the result, the Nazis, taking advantage of the ideas of liberalism requires clarification of the declining state of German society, came to essence and specific features of each of its power through parliament, took control of it, types. and paved the way for the activities of the

Third Reich for twelve years. In its end, it ended A well-known representative of modern

with the Second World War, when mankind liberalism, the British scholar , was subjected to unprecedented suffering. argued that “political liberalism” is the struggle However, at the end of the war, precisely to establish democracy and end absolutism or

because of the policy of political and economic authoritarianism; "Economic liberalism" - liberalism, it rose to the level of the leading ensuring the inviolability of countries of the world community. A similar and limiting state interference in the economy; qualitative change occurred in Japan, which "Cultural liberalism" - the protection of

was defeated in the Second World War. Japan, individual freedom and the universalization of which was destroyed as a result of the war, cultural values; "Social liberalism" is used in the became one of the most developed countries sense of equal opportunities and the fight

in the world for only 15-20 years, relying on the against economic exploitation. [3].

ideas of liberalism.

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The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2689-100x) 2021: 5. 857 Published: April 29, 2021 | Pages: 221-229 Doi : OCLC - 1121105668

In political liberalism, the idea of Social liberalism that arose at the end of the XIX

takes the lead. According to him, the consent century T.Gobbs, J. Mill views, especially the of society and the strict observance of the laws English thinker I. It relies on the concept of adopted in the interests of every citizen are put forward by Bentam, as well as

required. In other words, in political liberalism, some ideas and principles advocated within the

the is of particular importance. framework of other currents, including those Moreover, for political liberalism, the belonging to the socialist and socialist- importance of the introduction of universal democratic direction. The manifestations of

suffrage and the principle of direct social liberalism emphasize that the state

participation of citizens in the administration of should be responsible for creating the power through free elections is immeasurable. necessary conditions in society, first of all, for the satisfaction of social needs, in particular, The essence and ideological foundations of for the acquisition of education, the use of the idea of liberalism medical services and other similar fundamental Economic liberalism advocates the right to needs. In addition, the state must ensure that own property and freedom of contract. This each individual has the opportunity to realize

form of liberalism is based on the principle of his or her abilities, to prevent social conflicts non-interference of the state (Laissez faire) and to undertake social protection of his or her and the idea that the market should be self- population in order to achieve the goals

governing without state intervention. pursued. Therefore, representatives of social

However, among the representatives of liberalism support the idea of limiting economic liberalism, there are cases of economic competition to a certain extent. different, even completely contradictory, It is clear from the above considerations that interpretations of its basic ideas and principles. the main difference between the currents of For example, some liberals say that the state economic and social liberalism is that the first must control the activities of monopolies and is that positive cannot be tolerated cartels, while others believe that it is the because they lead to the violation of negative intervention of the state that leads to the rights. While the functions of the state should monopolization of the market and the be limited mainly to security, defense and the elimination of competition. judiciary, the second is that the main function Proponents of cultural liberalism oppose the of the state is social protection, providing food state's interference in the spiritual, socio- and shelter to the needy, medical care,

cultural and spiritual world of man, advancing education, pensions, crime prevention, the ideas of the individual's worldview, way of children, the disabled and emphasizes the need life, . As J. Mill points out in his to focus on helping the elderly, assisting essay On Freedom: “The sole purpose of victims of natural disasters, protecting

people interfering in the activities of others, minorities, and advancing science, literature, independently or within a group, is to protect and the arts. This means that although themselves. Such actions can be justified in economic and social liberalism strives for a

order not to harm others [4]." single goal - personal freedom, it differs in the

ways and means of achieving it.

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The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2689-100x) 2021: 5. 857 Published: April 29, 2021 | Pages: 221-229 Doi : OCLC - 1121105668

All of the above forms of liberalism imply that put forward by . His "Two Treatises

there must be a certain balance between the on government [6]." (1690) is based on the responsibility of the state and the individual, principles of private land ownership, which and that the functions of the state must be includes the right of ownership and the

limited to matters which the private sector freedom of private property. He said that while

cannot perform. All their forms are aimed at individuals have natural rights such as the protection of human values, his rights and residence, activities and ownership of personal , the removal of any obstacles and property, they operate under a social contract,

restrictions on the behavior of the individual, at the same time, citizens must pass their

and serve the interests and development of authority in favor of the government which society. protects their natural rights. Despite the fact that Locke advocated progressive ideas, The desire for freedom and its realization has defending the interests of the bourgeois class, been characteristic of different peoples and his views are somewhat limited, monotony is at all times. For example, in the polis- striking. For example, the philosopher cities of Ancient Greece and Rome, although interprets Catholics as people who do not have the sphere of Freedom was limited to a certain , and slaves and peasants as extent (while only a part of the population was people who do not have human rights. considered a free citizen), it was highly Furthermore, although many of the ideas put valued[5]. Or it proves our idea that in the XV forward by Locke formed the basis of the century, in the structure of the city-states of theory of democracy, it is difficult to say Florence and Venice, to a certain extent, whether his attitude towards democracy was elements of the rule of law and democracy, as positive. In any case, he was more in favor of a well as free enterprise, were manifested. constitutional monarchy.

The formation and development of , it was Charles Louis

A special place in the formation and who theoretically substantiated the principle development of liberalism as an idea is of equality of all before the law, even the occupied by the Renaissance. Some experts supreme ruler, the rule of law. In his view, the

argue that the first methodological ideas main criterion that limits state power is the

concerning freedom, human rights, the separation of powers and the principle of principles of its material, social and spiritual federalism. The thinker and his followers, Jean- perfection, ensuring the inviolability of private Baptiste Sey and Destuyt de Tracy, sought to

property, were put forward by scientists of the promote the principle of non-interference in Renaissance. By the Enlightenment, these the economic activity of the state. ideas had grown to the level of philosophical, , a proponent of a constitutional political, and ideological teachings. The idea of monarchy who lived and worked in the freedom, its essence, criteria and principles of Enlightenment, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, practical implementation form the basis of this who developed the idea of natural freedom, teaching. were among the scholars who greatly The idea that free individuals can be the influenced the development of liberalism and foundation of a stable society was originally the theory of democracy. Voltaire, for

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The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2689-100x) 2021: 5. 857 Published: April 29, 2021 | Pages: 221-229 Doi : OCLC - 1121105668

example, argues for the concept of human qualities. We know that radical changes in

rights, advocating individual freedom, economic, socio-political relations in society inviolability of property, and freedom of affect human thinking and activity, conscience and speech. The scholar opposes encouraging him to act more freely and

religious intolerance, bigotry and ignorance, actively. In this sense, the effective use of the

arguing that this leads to discrimination of ideas and principles of liberalism contributes to human rights, restriction of freedom, and the improvement and stabilization of the discord in the cooperation of peoples and mechanisms of development of society.

cultures. And Russo "about the social contract" The ideas of liberalism include economic (1762 y.) explaining his views on the free and activity in social life, the real practical needs of fair society in his tractor, he emphasizes that society, a new observation of nature, a critical such a society is expressed in a social contract approach to the spiritual heritage of ancient concluded on the basis of mutual agreement of Greece, observation in determining the subject people. He drew attention to the fact that and direction of research, experimentation, many people become a member of society abandonment of old scholastic, abstract forms without ownership, that is, a social contract and principles of free thought has risen to a only strengthens the rights of property higher level of perfection by relying on style. owners. In order for this contract to take a Recognition of individual freedom, the primacy legitimate position, a person should be able to of human rights, is based on the idea of private use only the resources that society can provide property. That is, the concept of liberalism is instead of his land. Russo believes that one of formed on the basis of free competition, the sources that will help a person achieve market relations, protection of the ideals of success and raise him to the level of a citizen, entrepreneurship, the main criterion for subject to the law, is education. As another assessing the development of society is source, it is freedom that expresses a person's manifested as a theory that promotes the idea belonging to his nationality and national needs. of individual freedom. Already an educated person realizes that he

should limit his freedom to himself, that this is It should be noted that the ideas and principles in his interests. The manifestation of the will of of liberalism have deep historical and the nation as a whole is only due to the philosophical roots. They have been refined awareness of the people themselves. and refined over the centuries in the process of

intense debate and controversy. Therefore, in Ideas of liberalism the implementation of liberalism, it became Based on the above comments, we can say that the source of the formation and development

the ideas of liberalism are an expression from a of a holistic worldview, served as the basis for

system of ideas that, in its essence, makes a the prosperity and unprecedented person a person, makes his life free and development of Western civilization. At this guarantees his free activity. After all, the main point, the views of the great English thinker J.

goal of a person is determined not by eating or Locke play an important role. While arguing for

drinking, satisfying natural needs, but by the naturalness and objectivity of human working with the mind and mind, being able to rights, J. Locke first sought to scientifically think independently, possessing high spiritual prove the legitimacy of this phenomenon [7].

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In his view, there are moral principles and the future paths of development of society, the

objective existence similar to the laws of objective scientific basis of human existence. nature, which are described as an expression of Two hundred years after Locke, the famous the will of the Creator, perceived through the English philosopher J. Mill wrote in Guy's natural state (freedom serves as a source of Treatise on Freedom... warns that the truth). These laws and principles determine "oppression of the majority"is part of such man’s relationship with nature, what man can atrocities that society should beware of it [10]." and cannot control. Mill believes that the dictator of the majority is The philosopher argues that without the even more dangerous than the tyranny of

objective laws of social existence, human power, because he affects the minds of the

society cannot be formed. The philosopher majority of people, undermines the individual, refers to the creation of laws for the hinders the general state and development of management and protection of property, as political and . In his opinion, "there

well as the implementation of these laws, is a limit to the independence of a person,

taking into account the public interest in the which cannot be attributed to public thought, first place, including the use of force to protect it is necessary to establish it and protect it from the state. A person who is absolutely free and any aggression, as in the interests of the

arbiter of his actions does not feel guilty, people, to protect society from political because no law gives him the right to own despotism [11]." "When Mill said [12]." the anything and does not forbid anything. [8] influence of social thought," in a certain sense he was referring to English conservatism, Apparently, when J. Locke thinks of human which had a greater power of influence than freedom, he interprets it as a natural even the legislature. phenomenon subject to the objective laws of nature, in which a person who feels his The fact that liberalism is based on man, his responsibility consciously uses his freedom. freedom, the high status, dignity and inherent Focusing on the meaning of human natural rights of the individual, has allowed this idea to

freedom, Locke believes that "it is manifested become a broad socio-political and economic in being superior to any authority there, in practice. Alekseev notes that "the tendencies disobeying the will of another, and in acting of growth, development and formation only on the laws of nature [9]." inherent in any natural organism in its society

are realized through the most fundamental By the laws of nature, he means the laws that element that characterizes the community of are objectively determined or constitute the conscious beings – human freedom. Only then basis of spirituality, , social relations, will the trends of formation, growth and which are specific to society and necessary as development themselves be realized in a elements of the preservation of human natural way [13]." Such tendencies are freedom. It is impossible to imagine the manifested in political parties and movements, development of a human society without these in the activities of liberals, in the economic, laws. From today's point of view, we can admit socio-political and spiritual life of many that the philosopher, in a sense, tried to justify developed countries.

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The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2689-100x) 2021: 5. 857 Published: April 29, 2021 | Pages: 221-229 Doi : OCLC - 1121105668

Some theorists of liberalism, speaking about principles. Each of these interrelated principles

, first of all recognize the priority plays a special role in the economic, social, of its rights and freedoms and respect for political and spiritual development of society. them. For example, according to Hayek, Indeed, individualism had become a priority individualism means " respect for the value for classical liberalism. At the same time, individual, that is, recognition of the views and the majority of the founders and feelings of each person within the framework representatives of this idea also warned of his activities, no matter how narrow they against allowing unrestricted individual may be, absolute priority, recognition of his freedom, which would violate the principle of personal potential and development equality. They argued that the interpretation of tendencies [14]." liberalism as an unrestricted absolute freedom In Mill's views, an unusual approach is would lead to anarchy, and opposed the noticeable. On the one hand, "writes J. Mill," it harmonization of individualism with the

is necessary that there should be a difference principle of selfishness.

of opinion at a time when humanity has not yet In societies where collective interests are reached its level of perfection, and on the absolute, the violation of individual rights and other hand, it is necessary that there should be freedoms, insufficient attention to his vital full-fledged conditions in which different interests and needs, limited opportunities for experiences would accumulate during human the expression of individual abilities and life, as well as the ability of people to initiative can lead to increased social conflicts; demonstrate their specific abilities that do not it is impossible to ensure that people live in harm harmony, that is, the socio-political stability of others.Itisalsonecessarytocreateanopportunit society. yforpeopletocheckthefeasibilityofvariousmeth

odsoforganizingtheirlives[15].” In other words,

individualism for liberalism is an element of DISCUSSION pluralism, it cannot exist without patience, and other liberal qualities of society In this sense, in a society based on the mutual

and the individual. A person has the right to harmony of social and individual interests, express his or her individuality if his or her their, so to speak, a unique synthesis, socio- activities do not affect the interests and political stability can be established, it can freedoms of others. Because, according to develop and rise in all respects. Some liberal

classical liberalism, it is a factor of happiness, theorists have used the term individualism to social and spiritual refer primarily to the recognition and respect for the primacy of human rights and freedoms. RESULT Liberal theory is based on holistic humanistic Today, there is no one who denies the free notions, ideas and views about the sovereign market of liberalism, competition not only in individual as a basic social value that emerge at the economy but also in social relations, a certain historical stage in the development of competition, fanaticism, non-interference, traditional societies. inviolability of private property and other

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In this sense, the relevance of the issue is 1. Gadjiev K.S. Introduction to political

shown in the following: science. -M.: Logos, 1997. – p.373-374 2. Lokk J. Sochineniya: 3 vols. Volume 3 -M.: 1. Based on a comparative analysis of Mysl,1988. –p.3-5 approaches to the formation of democratic 3. Larsen, Timothy. : A ideas, the study of the priorities of the Secular Life (англ.). — Oxford University process of democratization and Press, 2018. — p. 14. modernization, which is being conducted 4. Mill Dj. About freedom / Пер. с англ. А. today, shows that it is of current Фридмана // Science and life.– 1993. № 11. importance. p.10–15. 2. The democratization of society, the 5. Umarov B. The idea of freedom in Western improvement of forms and methods, the social thinking takomili. - T.: Akademiya, liberalization of the activities of public 2011. – p.270. organizations, including political parties, 6. Locke J. Two treatises on government. - the renewal of public administration and Moscow: Mysl, 1988. - p.137-405 the reliance on the ideas of liberalism in the 7. Locke J. Two treatises on government. - modernization of the country are also of M. Kanon, 2009. – p.40 paramount importance 8. Locke J. Essays:3rd edition. - Moscow: 3. The manifestation of the national Mysl, 1988. – p.8-9 characteristics of the ideas of liberalism 9. Locke J. Two treatises on government. - and its development does not always go Moscow: Kanon,, 2009. – p.47 smoothly, evenly. Because, of course, due 10. Mill Dj. About freedom. - Saint Petersburg: to the peculiarities of each period, V. Kubinsky, 2017. p. 11 different problems arise. In this context, it 11. Mill Dj. About freedom. - Saint Petersburg: is also important to develop concrete V. Kubinsky, 2017. p. 19 practical proposals and recommendations 12. Mill Dj. About freedom. - Saint Petersburg: to ensure the effectiveness of the work V. Kubinsky, 2017. p. 10 carried out in this direction. 13. Alekseev S. Filosofiyaprava. M.: Norma,

This indicates that today, in the socio-political 1997. - p. 303 life of our society, it is extremely important to 14. Hayek F. The road to slavery / / Novymir. № study the features of the implementation of 7. -1991. - 183c

the ideas of liberalism from a socio- 15. Mill Dj. About freedom. - Saint Petersburg: philosophical point of view. V.Kubinsky, 1901. p. 109

The above-mentioned aspects determine the essence of liberalism, the need to study the

features of its socio- on

a holistic and coordinated basis.

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