Abrahamsen et al. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine (2018) 26:83 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13049-018-0548-4

ORIGINAL RESEARCH Open Access A socio-economic analysis of increased staffing in the Norwegian helicopter emergency medical service Eirik Bjorheim Abrahamsen1*, Jon Tømmerås Selvik1, Anders Nordgaard Dahle2, Frank Asche1,3 and Håkon Bjorheim Abrahamsen1,4

Abstract Background: The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is preparing a new set of regulations that will cover working and resting periods for crew members engaged in emergency medical services with helicopters (HEMS) and aeroplanes (AEMS). Such a shared European regulatory framework has already been introduced for the majority of commercial operations with aeroplanes, whereas national regulations are still in place for helicopter operations. A possible consequence of changing the regulations on working and resting periods for helicopter operations is that current abilities to provide 24-h, continuous emergency readiness with the same helicopter crew will be changed to a daily shift pattern with two, and even up to three, different crews to cover one 24-h period. Methods: A cost-benefit study is used to analyse whether changed working and resting periods, through the introduction of a shared European framework are socio-economically profitable for Norwegian helicopter emergency medical service (HEMS). For the study, relevant data is available for the total of nine HEMS helicopters of the three regions in , for the period 2006–2013. The aim of the study is to document whether changed working and resting periods will be socio-economically beneficial for the Norwegian HEMS. Results: The expected present value of changing the current regulations on working and resting periods is estimated at negative 181 million NOK over a 40-year period. This includes the assumption that all missions that are not completed today due to limitation in crew availability will be completed upon introducing new working and resting periods. In the current regulatory regime for the Norwegian HEMS, there are on average seven missions per HEMS base annually that are not completed due to the limitations in crew availability with the current working and resting periods. Changing the regulations on working and resting periods is estimated to be cost-effective when a minimum of 14 missions per year are prevented from being cancelled due to crew availability. Discussion: The benefit and cost elements used in the socio-economic analysis contain an estimated benefit of the measure, based on the valuation of life years gained for a limited number of patients. The prerequisites for life years gained, with the associated monetary value for quality-adjusted life years, are important for the outcome of the cost-benefit analysis. In this study 6.95 life years gained is used as basis for the benefit of the measure. This number is based on the conclusion of two studies, which have studied the benefits of HEMS helicopters staffed with a doctor in Norway. In a cost-benefit analyses, a quantification shall as far as possible be made in monetary values of all the positive and negative effects the measure entails. In this analysis, one criticism may be that these effects are relatively few, the (Continued on next page)

* Correspondence: [email protected] 1Department of Safety, Economics and Planning, University of , Stavanger, Norway Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Abrahamsen et al. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine (2018) 26:83 Page 2 of 9

(Continued from previous page) investment costs (the increased operating costs) are not provided a detailed description of, and other factors such as; effect on the environment, risk of simultaneous requirements of the HEMS helicopter with possible negative effect for the patient who most needs it, likelihood of accidents with associated negative effect are neither included in the cost-benefit analysis. Conclusion: Alternations to the working and resting periods for Norwegian HEMS operations that will result in a change from the current 24-h, continuous emergency readiness with the same crew, to a set-up with two, and up to three, different crews are not found to be socio-economically beneficial. Keywords: Helicopter emergency medical service (HEMS), New regulation, Increased staffing, Socio-economic analysis

Background Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is working on a set of In Norway, a health policy goal is to ensure that equal regulations on this issue. The forthcoming new frame- healthcare is offered to the entire population, regardless work could challenge the current continuous emergency of where they live (geographical justice), their age, sex readiness (24 h) using the same helicopter crew and and social status. This includes similar access to both could influence the quality of the emergency response. emergency medical services and specialised treatment This paper studies how the suggested limitation in avail- services regardless of place of residence [1]. As in many able service hours affects the completion of the desired other countries, HEMS (helicopter emergency medical missions in the current system. The introduction of service) helicopters are essential for providing these services common European regulations for working and resting in remote areas. The main tasks of the HEMS helicopters periods may lead to a reduction in down-time due to are to offer advanced emergency medical treatment outside better crew availability, but it will also involve increased hospitals and to bring patients directly to the correct level costs due to investment in more crews and helicopters. of treatment in the health service. However, it is increas- Based on this, we investigate whether the cost of invest- ingly costly to provide equal services to the most remote ing in increased staffing of the state HEMS helicopters, areas, and trade-offs are unavoidable. The central guiding to avoid missions not being carried out due to limita- document is the Official Norwegian Report [2], recom- tions in crew availability, can be justified by the benefits mends that 90% of the population should be reached by an associated with carrying out these missions. ambulance with a doctor within 45 min. The medical benefits of HEMS are primarily related to emergency medical competence and the time factor. The Norwegian HEMS Emergency medical expertise is ensured by having doctors The Norwegian HEMS are organised into 12 HEMS and nurses with a specialisation in emergency medicine as bases and 13 helicopters on standby 24 h a day, all year crew members. The time factor covers both how long it round. A regulation from the Ministry of Transport and takes from when the emergency medical condition occurs Communications Norway [3], i.e. the ‘BSL D 2-4’,gov- until adequate emergency care is given, and the time taken erns the staffing arrangements of the HEMS helicop- from when the condition occurs until the patient reaches ters, including allowing 24 h of continuous emergency hospital for treatment [1]. Conditions such as weather, readiness service for Norwegian HEMS crews. Further- simultaneous emergency requirements, patient-related more, according to the ‘BSL D 2-4’ regulations, emergency conditions and down-time due to technical issues or crew readiness on land (on a base) shall, as a minimum count availability are factors that may prevent an HEMS helicop- as 50% of the active working hours. This means that 24 h ter from completing a desired mission. Crew availability is of emergency readiness with no actual duty will count as limited due to regulations that control the number of 12 h of working time against a 12-month limit of 2000 h. cumulative or continuous active hours. Once the hour For actual duty, such as service on board an aircraft with limit is reached, the crew on the helicopter must be taken associated preparation and post-flight duties, simulator out of service to rest before a new active service can training, other training or any other administrative duties, commence. the time shall be counted as full working time and be For the majority of European commercial operations deducted from the time calculated as emergency readiness with aeroplanes, there is a shared European regulatory service. In practice, this means that the actual working framework covering working and resting periods for hours of crew members engaged in HEMS are calculated crew members. Such a framework is, however, not avail- in arrears, as it is not possible to predict exactly the daily able for helicopter operations, although The European workload. Abrahamsen et al. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine (2018) 26:83 Page 3 of 9

In order to ensure a sufficient buffer for unforeseen investment [5]. The NPV is calculated using the annual circumstances within the annual limit of 2000 h of work- benefits Bt and the costs Ct as: ing time, the number of crews is calculated based on a – X − normal man-year of 1750 1900 h, which gives a normal ¼ T Bt Ct ; NPV t¼0 t shift pattern of approximately 104 shift days plus days ðÞ1 þ rt for the completion of necessary operational training. The minimum staffing requirement is four crews per Here, T is here the time period considered (in years) HEMS helicopter. The tactical disposition of working and r is the required rate of return, or discount rate, at hours while the employee is actually at work is regulated year t. The values are estimated using expected values as according to the individual operator’s operating manual. the cash flows are future values, and the discount rate is Today, there is no shared regulatory framework that the set at 4% following the recommendation by the Norwegian individual operators must follow in the design of such Ministry of Finance for socio-economic analysis [6]. manuals. Below, we will discuss how the key parameters, neces- In 2008, new working and resting periods were intro- sary to compute the expected net present value of the duced for crew members on aeroplanes, including am- new regulations for emergency helicopter services are bulance aeroplanes. One consequence was 24-h shifts obtained. The values are summarised in Table 1. Benefits became illegal, creating a need for two crews on each and costs will be computed in Norwegian kroner aircraft to cover a whole day. As a result, the number of (NOK). Where a business economic analysis uses market pilots involved in the ambulance operation had to be in- prices in the valuation of different measures, it is necessary creased by almost 90% [4]. The cost increase for the to use calculation prices in socio-economic analyses, as ambulance operations was primarily related to increased market values are not available for the benefits associated personnel costs, as it was not necessary to increase the with completing more helicopter missions. The resources total number of flight hours in order to ensure an associated with the additional crews, or the input factors, average minimum number of flight hours per pilot (to are calculated at market prices. ensure minimum level of proficiency). The average In the implementation of socio-economic analyses, we went from approximately 400 to 250 flight hours per follow common practice and allow real prices for a pro- year per pilot [4]. ject’s benefits and costs to be constant throughout the If the helicopter regulations are similar to the airplane analysis period. This is based on an assumption that all regulations, the National Air Ambulance Services of benefits and costs have the same price trend as the con- Norway estimates that the number of crew per HEMS sumer price index [6]. helicopter on 24 h readiness service will increase from The Directorate of Health assesses that the value of 1 3.5 to 5. In order to safeguard the limitations in working QALY (Quality-Adjusted Life Years; see below section hours which would result from such new regulations, a on selection of a measurement for assessing the benefits need for additional back-up crews is also expected. of a health measure) may vary from 588,000 to 1120 mil- HEMS helicopters crews in Norway currently average lion 2012-kroner [7]. We use the highest value of 1 QALY approximately 200 flight hours per year, most of which set to 1120 million 2012-kroner and adjusted it with the are based on real ambulance missions. In the Norwegian consumer price index to get the value in 2011-kroner. It is Air Force, less than 180 flight hours per year is not important to have the value in 2011-kroner since, in their recommended, in order to maintain an acceptable level analysis of the consequences for a change in the work and of proficiency, which is a recommendation that the Na- rest regulations, the National Air Ambulance Services of tional Air Ambulance Services of Norway supports [4]. Norway estimated an increase of 221 million kroner in the If such regulations were introduced, the HEMS helicop- annual helicopter operating cost of the air ambulance ter operation would also have to increase its number of service [4]. flight hours to continue to maintain an acceptable level In order to determine the scope of the analysis, one of proficiency for helicopter crews. In practice, this must define the lifetime of the measure. Lifetime is means that the number of helicopters must be increased by 50% and the number of flight hours by 70% [4]. Table 1 Application of theory for conducting socio-economic analysis Method What Number To investigate whether the new regulations are socio-eco- Calculation rate 4% nomically beneficial, a cost-benefit analysis is conducted. Analysis period 40 years In this analysis, we calculate the expected net present Benefit 92.80% value, E[NPV], which provides a weighted average of the Quality-Adjusted Life Years 1.111 mill estimated costs and benefits associated with an Abrahamsen et al. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine (2018) 26:83 Page 4 of 9

defined as the period in which the measure to be analysed [7]. We chose the maximum value of 1120 million kroner is to be used or in which it will provide a societal service. and adjust it to the 2011 value using the CPI. A time period of 40 years is used in our analysis regarding the recommendations from The Ministry of Finance Results Norway [6]. The benefits of changing the working and resting regula- To compute benefits when evaluating various health tions will be related to fewer cancelled missions. When measures, an estimate of Life Years Gained (LYG) or introducing new regulations, it is assumed that no mis- Quality-Adjusted Life Years (QALYs) are used. The main sions will be cancelled due to improved crew availability difference between them is that life years gained only due to the increased staffing. While this is unrealistic, as measures mortality, while quality-adjusted life years there almost certainly will be cancellations. However, seeks to include the effects of disease on the quality of life this is difficult to estimate based on historical data. years. The similarity is that both measurements add more When assuming zero cancellations, out benefit estimate weight to the younger over the older, compared with a may therefore be biased upwards. single mortality measurement of avoided deaths [8]. During the period 2006 to 2013, a total of 65,802 mis- If benefit is expressed in terms of life years gained, it is sions were registered in the database LABAS for the necessary to adjust this to quality-adjusted life years, nine HEMS helicopters associated with the health re- since there is a recommended financial value in kroner gions Helse Nord, Helse Midt-Norge and Helse Sør-Øst for a quality-adjusted life year. The report, “Gained on the HEMS bases in Tromsø, Brønnøysund, Ålesund, Quality-Adjusted Life Years (QALYs) with Physical , Dombås, Ål, Lørenskog and Arendal. Of Activity” [9], included research on the level of health these, 42,428 missions were completed. The activity data benefits in terms of life years gained and quality-adjusted is shown in Fig. 1. Activity data for the individual years life years gained that is correct to use in socio-economic is not presented, only the average number of missions analyses of preventive measures that increase physical and completed missions in the period 2006 to 2013. activity. Based on [9], it is derived from the factors that In the period 2006 to 2013, annually an average of 325 are researched in the report that the average percentage registered missions were not carried out for various rea- increase from life years gained to quality-adjusted life sons [technical problems, patient-related conditions (no years gained is 92.80%. longer required, patient not transportable), simultaneous The Directorate of Health recommends in its guidelines requirements, crew availability and weather]. The vari- on “Economic Evaluation of Health Measures” [10]using ation in the distribution is a maximum average for the half a million 2005-kroner as the authorities’ reference value HEMS helicopter in Lørenskog (Lørenskog helicopter) for a statistical life year of full-health (quality-adjusted life with 519 missions and a minimum average for the HEMS year, 1 QALY) as a temporary value. In a note of January helicopter in Tromsø with 200 missions. The variation is 2014, the Directorate of Health [7] discusses what can be 319 missions. See Fig. 2. used as the sectoral value of a quality-adjusted life year (1 During the same period, an annual average of seven QALY). Depending on the statistical value of a life one registered missions were not completed due to crew wants the quality-adjusted life year value to be consistent availability, where the variation in the distribution is 11, with, the Directorate of Health assesses that the value of 1 i.e. the difference between the maximum average (the QALY may vary from 588,000 to 1120 million 2012-kroner HEMS helicopter in Ålesund with 13 missions) and the

Fig. 1 Average number of registered missions per year in LABAS (blue columns) and the average number of completed missions per year in LABAS (red columns) during the period 2006 to 2013 for the HEMS helicopters belonging to Helse Nord, Helse Midt-Norge and Helse Sør-Øst Abrahamsen et al. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine (2018) 26:83 Page 5 of 9

Fig. 2 Average number of cancelled missions (left side diagram) and average number of missions cancelled due to crew availability (right side diagram) in the period 2006 to 2013 for HEMS helicopters belonging to Helse Nord, Helse Midt-Norge and Helse Sør-Øst minimum average (the HEMS helicopters “Lørenskog I” Based on the inputs from Table 1, a net present value and “Lørenskog II” both have two missions). See Fig. 2b. calculation has been made for the introduction of a shared Registered activity data shows variations between the European regulatory framework for the Norwegian HEMS. different HEMS bases with regard to share of missions The results are reported in Table 2. The Average LYG in that were not completed due to crew availability. At the Table 2 is set equal to 6.95 based on the studies [12, 13]. Lørenskog base, there is a high number of completed As one can see, the introduction of the measure limiting missions, and the proportion of missions ‘not completed flight hours will result in seven requested missions (which due to crew availability’ is low. Statistics for the HEMS were not previously completed due to crew availability) helicopter in Tromsø are close to the average, in terms being carried out. However, as the cost of maintaining the of both requested mission and completed missions, additional crews is much higher than the benefits associ- while the share of registered missions ‘not completed ated with completing these missions, the net present value due to crew availability’ is higher than average. This is is a negative 181 million NOK. likely to be due to two factors. One can be different There are several uncertainties connected with this practices for registering requested missions for the cost-benefit analysis. One of the more important of these HEMS helicopter when it has already been taken out of is whether or not the set prerequisites are reasonable. service due to crew availability or technological issues. However, a sensitivity analysis can shed light on the ro- At the University Hospital of North Norway, there has bustness of the result. It shows how the effect of changes been an established practice for several years that all re- to the number of missions, where we are able to com- quested missions for the HEMS helicopter are registered pute how many missions must be performed to give a – regardless. The second may be that, until 2014, there positive net present value. In Fig. 3, the net present value were different guidelines for registering active time with is calculated for a mission range of 0 to 24 showing the the corresponding need for rest between, at the time, the sensitivity of the net present value results. The graph is two HEMS helicopter operators in Norway. This may linear, since both the benefit and the cost of the measure have resulted in one operator ( AS) having are assumed to be constant and to occur simultaneously less available active service time and, thus, a higher during the analysis period of 40 years. number of unsuccessful missions due to crew availability. The measure gives a positive net present value from As there are no shared provisions for working and resting 15 missions (rounded). The area in the figure where the periods for helicopter operations, the individual operator number of missions give a positive net value is marked must establish guidelines for this and get them approved with grey colour. As mentioned earlier, it is likely that by the Civil Aviation Authority as part of their operating there may be an error source in the data with regard to manual. The change which Lufttransport AS undertook in how many requested missions were not completed due 2014 has resulted in a noticeable improvement in the to crew availability. For the HEMS helicopter in Tromsø, availability of HEMS helicopters, which has increased such missions account for 1.27%, which is 0.50% higher from about 95% in 2013 to about 97% in 2014 [11]. than the average (0.77%) for the nine helicopters for

Table 2 Calculation of value for quality-adjusted life years for the missions Patients Life Years Gained (LYG) calculated Value of Quality-Adjusted as Quality-Adjusted Life Years (QALY) Life Years (QALY) [Number of [Percent of missions [Number [Average [Increase LYG- > [Number] [Average [Number [Value [Number; Net missions] where patient benefits LYG] LYG] QALY] QALY] QALY] QALY] Benefit] in terms of LYG] 7 8.89% 0.62 6.95 92.80% 6.45 13.40 8.33 1,111,476 9,262,955 Abrahamsen et al. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine (2018) 26:83 Page 6 of 9

Fig. 3 Sensitivity assessment on how the number of missions (x-axis) affects the net present value in NOK (y-axis) which activity data exists. The average number of annual as noted above, zero cancellations due to crew ability is missions (638) for the HEMS helicopter in Tromsø is unrealistic even with the new regulations. If these were above the average number of missions (589) for the nine accounted for, the distance to the break-even would in- HEMS helicopters in the period from 2006 to 2013. crease again. Assuming that 1.27% reflects a more correct estimate of ‘missions not completed due to crew availability’, such a Discussion percentage would mean that, 12 missions are not com- The benefit and cost elements used in the socio-economic pleted for this reason by the HEMS helicopter. analysis contain an estimated benefit of the measure, based If 12 is a more correct figure for the average number on the valuation of life years gained for a limited number of missions ‘not completed due to crew availability’, a net of patients. In addition, investment costs are based on an present value of the measure will be negative 56.7 million estimate made by the National Air Ambulance Service of Norwegian kroner. The benefit of the measure presented Norway, averaged out to associate them with a ‘statistical in life years gained is based on an average of two medical HEMS helicopter’.1 The reliability of the analysis is of studies conducted in Norway [12, 13]. Both studies are course dependent on the quality of these estimates. relatively old, considering the developments in acute Available activity data is used to calculate i) the average medicine and medical devices in the last decade. A study number of requested missions, ii) the average number of conducted in Denmark [14] provides the basis for an completed missions and iii) the average number of not assumption that the benefit value of HEMS helicopters completed missions. Such averages do not necessarily rep- staffed with a doctor is higher for society than previous resent any of the actual HEMS helicopters bases in terms research indicates. In this study, there were 204 patients of their activity profile. For some of the HEMS helicopter (56 before the introduction of HEMS helicopters staffed bases the activity level is much higher than average, and with a doctor, and 148 patients after) from a population of for some the activity level is lower. As mentioned earlier, 1788 who were considered to be seriously injured, repre- there may be a source of error in how many requested senting 11% of patients. For the severely injured, 30-day missions are registered as ‘not completed due to crew mortality was reduced from 29% before the introduction availability’ and the actual number of requested missions of a HEMS helicopter to 14% the following year. There that are received when the crew is out of service. The was also a significant reduction in mortality among those HEMS helicopter service in Tromsø states that all with a lower level of injury in the post-establishment requested missions are registered and logged. Thus, the period. If all other conditions are assumed to be the same average number of 12 missions per year ‘not completed and only the benefit in number of life years gained due to crew availability’ is considered reliable. At the same increases, then an average of 14.18 life years gained will time, in 2014, the National Air Ambulance Service of give a positive net present value for the measure. However, Norway registered an increase in availability of Abrahamsen et al. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine (2018) 26:83 Page 7 of 9

approximately 2 % after Lufttransport AS introduced new In terms of investment costs (the increased operating provisions for accumulated/continuous active service and costs), it does not provide a detailed description of what resting periods. This may mean that the annual average they include, which makes it difficult to test/analyse them. number of missions not completed due to crew availability To provide a better basis for decision-making, the is reduced. Nevertheless, based on the chosen prerequi- cost-benefit analysis could have included a thorough cal- sites, relatively few missions are needed before the new culation in monetary values of all the positive and nega- regulations for working and resting periods are considered tive effects that the implementation of a new European socio-economically profitable. framework for working and resting periods would entail. The prerequisites for life years gained, with the associ- Some factors that may affect the result are: ated monetary value for quality-adjusted life years, are important for the outcome of the cost-benefit analysis. Environment Life years gained will depend on several conditions: It is reasonable to assume that the introduction of new among other things, demographic data in the population regulations will increase the number of flight hours due will indicate an average expected remaining lifetime. to more accepted missions, since the available service Population development in Norway has been in the dir- period will be greater. Either way, this is included in the ection of stronger population growth in urban areas and higher operating costs associated with the need for more larger urban settlements where the settlement pattern flight hours to maintain proficiency and qualification now shows a clear concentration in relatively small standards. The increase in flight hours will be a negative areas. This is mainly in the central eastern region, as effect of the measure due to the impact it will have on well as in concentrations along the coast. In northern the environment in terms of increased air and noise Norway in particular 90% of the population lives less pollution. than four kilometres from the sea with the densest con- centration of settlements along the coast of Helgeland, Simultaneous requirements in Lofoten and Vesterålen, and along the inner coastal HEMS helicopters staffed with an anaesthesiologist con- waters in Sør-Troms from the county border from Nord- stitute a specialist health service for bringing emergency land to Tromsø [15]. In addition, a larger proportion of medical assistance to severely injured and ill patients. older people is expected in the future population [16]. The measure will lead to greater accessibility in the Together, these factors indicate an increase in urbanisa- HEMS helicopter service, because in theory it will no tion, combined with a higher proportion of elderly longer be possible to opt out of a mission due to service people in the population with a lower average expected hour restrictions. If such increased accessibility would remaining lifetime. lead to a lower threshold for accepting missions, it is HEMS helicopters are mainly used for missions in reasonable to assume that it will give a greater likelihood rural areas, where their use gives benefits in terms of of simultaneous requirements occurring. This can at time and emergency medical competence, meaning that worst lead to time-critical assistance not arriving in time the assumption of an average of 6.95 life years gained for the patient who most needs it, and any possible can be representative. At the same time, this is a lower increase in resource conflicts due to the introduction of average than the number of life years lost to cancer in the measure will be a negative effect. Norway (13.8 years [17]), the average expected remaining lifetime for both sexes which in 2011 was Accidents 43.07 years in Norway, and the findings of a study [14], The likelihood of accidents will have a very negative ef- which indicates a 15% reduction in 30-day mortality for fect in a cost-benefit analysis. The purpose of changes to severely injured patients following the introduction of the working and resting periods for HEMS operations in HEMS helicopters staffed with a doctor. In one [12]of Europe is to increase aviation safety by ensuring that two medical studies, 96% of the 290.6 life years gained HEMS crew members are at all times rested and ready (for patients considered to have benefited from the ser- to perform helicopter operations. At the same time, a vice) was achieved amongst nine patients, six of whom possible consequence of such a change in regulation is a were under seven years old, while four were aged between lowering of proficiency by reducing the number of flight 0 to 7 months. The overall assessment is that the pre- hours to below what is accepted as a safe level (by the Na- requisite for using 6.95 life years gained in the cost-benefit tional Air Ambulance Service of Norway set to 160 h mini- analysis can be defended. mum in the new contract which started in June of 2018). In cost-benefit analyses, a quantification shall as far as A more thorough analysis should be carried out of possible be made in monetary values of all the positive what the changes to the working and resting periods for and negative effects the measure entails. In this analysis, HEMS operations in Norway would mean for safety and one criticism may be that these effects are relatively few. whether the likelihood of accidents will be increased, Abrahamsen et al. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine (2018) 26:83 Page 8 of 9

reduced or expected to remain at the same level as that time per crew to such an extent that it is likely to nega- for the current regulation. The outcome of such an ana- tively affect flight safety – even if the objective is to in- lysis will have a big impact on how socio-economically crease it. Given the low number of requested missions profitable the option will be. that are currently not completed due to crew availabil- ity, it seems irresponsible to possibly increase the cost to Option value such an extent for something that would have a negative The measure is assumed to provide higher availability of benefit, while at the same time threatening both the cap- the HEMS helicopters, since cancellations due to crew acity and structure of the entire HEMS helicopter section availability will no longer be a factor. Option value is ap- of the air ambulance service. plied to changes in accessibility that are not necessarily The benefit value of HEMS helicopters staffed with an reflected in increased use of a means of transportation anaesthesiologist is expressed as life years gained in the [18]. For the general public, it is reasonable to estimate medical studies that have examined the health effect for that the measure will result in an increase in option those patients who underwent treatment by the anaesthesi- value – and thus give a positive effect – by increasing ologist who is part of the HEMS helicopter staff. By using the availability of the HEMS helicopter. these studies as an empirical asset for the cost-benefit ana- lysis of the measure, the analysis shows a negative net Input for future work present value of 181 million Norwegian kroner. The invest- The analysis is performed using the available and relevant mentsthatwillhavetobemadeincrewsandhelicopters data covering the full period 2006 to 2013. However, if the to implement the measure exceed what society receives in EASA are delayed in their schedule to develop regulations terms of saved quality-adjusted life years. The conclusion applicable to HEMS operations, a more recent data set of the research question is therefore that it would be eco- should be collected to analyse updated socio-economic nomically unprofitable to introduce the measure: thus, its effects. Furthermore, if the EASA implements the regula- introduction is not recommended. tions currently under development on working and resting periods for crew members in helicopter operations, the Endnotes effects under the new operating conditions should also be 1The statistical HEMS helicopter is the average of the studied. 9 HEMS helicopters of the three regions in Norway. The relevant data available is for the period 2006–2013. Conclusion The current organisation of the HEMS helicopter oper- Abbreviations CAPM: Capital Asset Pricing Model; EASA: the European Aviation Safety ation makes it possible to offer 24-h emergency readi- Agency; HEMS: Helicopter Emergency Medical Service; LYG: Life Years ness with the same crew. During the period 2006 to Gained; QALY: Quality-Adjusted Life Years 2013, this has meant that 0.75% of the total number of Availability of data and materials missions (n = 65,802) for nine HEMS helicopters has The number of missions adopted in the cost-benefit analysis were registered been registered as ‘not completed due to crew availability’. in the database LABAS [19]. For the statistical HEMS helicopter, this means that on ’ average seven missions per year have not be completed Authors contributions AND: guarantor of the manuscripts; conceived of and designed the study. All for this reason. The possible introduction of new regula- authors contributed to the drafting, writing, review, revision and approval of tions for working and resting periods that will result in a the manuscript. shift pattern with two crews is assumed to mean they will About the authors complete the missions that are not currently completed Eirik Bjorheim Abrahamsen is a Professor in Risk Management at the due to crew availability. University of Stavanger and at the Centre for Risk Management and Societal Socio-economic analyses are used to map, systematise Safety (SEROS). He received his PhD in Risk Management in 2006. In addition, he has a Master’s degree in Offshore Technology with specialisation in and visualise information that is relevant for facilitating offshore safety, as well as a Master’s degree in Industrial Economics with the decision-making of whether or not a certain measure specialisation in project management. His research focuses on economic should be introduced. The possible introduction of the analysis in risk management as well as foundational issues in risk analysis and risk management. proposed measure as described in this paper is not de- Jon Tømmerås Selvik is an Associate Professor in Risk Management at the cided by the Norwegian Aviation Authorities, Health University of Stavanger and at the Centre for Risk Management and Societal Authorities or the Norwegian Air Ambulance Service. In Safety (SEROS). He is also a Senior Research Scientist at the International Research Institute of Stavanger (IRIS), where he worked for a period at the the current base option, the average number of flight IRIS testing facility (Ullrigg Drilling and Well Centre, UBBS) with testing of hours per crew is just over 180 flight hours per year, various well equipment for the oil and gas industry. He holds a Master’s which is the minimum number of flight hours recom- degree from 2002 in Societal Safety and also a PhD from 2012 in risk management on treatment of uncertainty in reliability and risk informed mended to maintain a safe level of proficiency. The pro- operations and maintenance planning. His research areas cover reliability, posed measure is expected to reduce the average flight risk and decision analysis. A main part of his work is based on collection and Abrahamsen et al. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine (2018) 26:83 Page 9 of 9

use of reliability and maintenance data. He is currently also a technical editor 6. The Ministry of Finance Norway. NOU 2012:16 – Cost-Benefit Analysis. Oslo, in ISO TC 67/WG4: Reliability Engineering and Technology. Norway: Ministry of Finance. Available from: https://www.regjeringen.no/en/ Anders Nordgaard Dahle is Chief Pilot Norway for Norwegian Air Ambulance dokumenter/nou-2012-16/id700821/; 2012. AS. He holds an EASA ATPL(H)/IR-H certificate and is type rated on the 7. Sælensminde K. Innspill til ny oppdatering av reduserte helsekostnader for helicopters Airbus H145 and Leonardo AW139. His background is from the gående og syklende, samt konsistensvurderinger av verdsetting av liv og Royal Norwegian Air Force where he graduated from the Air Force Academy helse anvendt i ulike sammenhenger i Statens vegvesens Håndbok 140. with studies in Administration and Management, before he started his Note [In Norwegian only]. 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[In Norwegian only]. Oslo: The Ministry of Håkon Bjorheim Abrahamsen has an interdisciplinary background both as an Health and Care Services Norway; 2012. engineer in Medical Technology/Cybernetics and as a physician. He is an 11. The National Air Ambulance Services of Norway (ANS, Associate Professor in Patient Safety at the University of Stavanger and at the Luftambulansetjenesten), Protokoller fra styremøter. [In Norwegian only]. Centre for Risk Management and Societal Safety (SEROS). He has also gained http://www.luftambulanse.no/protokoller-fra-styrem%C3%B8ter. ANS, 2014. a specialist registration in anaesthesiology and works as a Consultant 12. Hotvedt, R, I S Kristiansen, O H Førde, J Thoner, S M Almdahl, G Bjørsvik, L Anaesthesiologist in the Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Berge, A C Magnus, K Mamen, T Sparr og K Ytre-Arne. Wich groups of at Stavanger University Hospital. He has broad-based clinical experience in patients benefit from helicopter evacuation?” Lancet 1996, vol 347, May 18. pre-hospital and in-hospital emergency medicine and preparedness. His 13. Lossius, H M, E Søreide, R Hotvedt, S A Hapnes, O V Eilsen, O H Førde og P research focuses on human factors and patient safety as well as foundational A Steen. Prehospital advanced life support provided by specially trained issues in risk management and risk analysis. physicians: is there a benefit in terms of life years gained?” Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2002; 46: 771–778. Ethics approval and consent to participate 14. Hesselfeldt R, Steinmetz J, Jans H, Jacobsson M-LB, Andersen DL, Buggeskov Not applicable K, Kowalski M, Præst M, Øllgaard L, Höiby og L S Rasmussen P. Impact of a physicianstaffed helicopter on a regional trauma system: a prospective, controlled, observational study. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2013;57:660–8. Consent for publication 15. Thorsnæs, G. Norges Befolkning. [In Norwegian only]. Store norske leksikon. Not applicable https://snl.no/Norges_befolkning. Updated: 3. oktober, 2014. 16. NOU 2009:10. Fordelingsutvalget. [In Norwegian only]. Oslo: Ministry of Competing interests Finance. The authors declare that they have no competing interest. 17. Brustugun, O T, B Møller og Å Helland. Years of life lost as a measure of cancer burden on a nation level. Br J Cancer 2014; 111: 1014–1020. 18. Bråthen, S, K S Eriksen, S Johansen, M Killi, L M Lillebakk, L Lyche, E T Publisher’sNote Sandvik, S Strand og H Thune-Larsen. Samfunnsmessige analyser innen Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in luftfart. Samfunnsøkonomi og ringvirkninger. Rapport 0606 a. [In Norwegian published maps and institutional affiliations. only]. Møreforskning. 2006. 19. The National Air Ambulance Services of Norway (ANS, Luftambulansetjenesten). Author details Virksomhetsdataregistrering innen luftambulansetjenesten (LABAS) 2006-2013. 1Department of Safety, Economics and Planning, University of Stavanger, [In Norwegian only]: ANS. Stavanger, Norway. 2Department of Flight Operations, Norwegian Air Ambulance, Oslo, Norway. 3Institute for Sustainable Food Systems and School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA. 4Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Stavanger University Hospital, Stavanger, Norway.

Received: 4 July 2018 Accepted: 10 September 2018

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