'l'REATY WI'l'H THE WYANDOT, ETC., 18li. 145


.Articles o.f a treaty made and concluded, at the .foot o.f the Rapids o.f Sept. !9, 1s11. the .Miami of Lake Erie, between Lewis Gass and Duncan .McA1·thur, 7 stat., 11JO, cornmissione!'S o.f the United States, with .full power and authority to 4, rsr:iamat,on, Jan. hold conferences,. and conclV;de and sig7: a tr~aty_ or treaties wi,tjt all_ tr!if.~:'1/r6~~·:r or any of the tribes or nations o.f Indians within the boundaries of tlw state of , of and concerning all matters interesting to the . · United States and the said nations of_ Indians on the one p_art; and the sacliems, chiefs, and warriors, of the Wuandot, Seneaa, Delaware, Shawanese, Potawatomees, Ottawas, and Ohippeway, tribes of · Indians.

A'!'T· 1. T~e Wyandot tribe of Indians, i~ consideration of the stip- th~8:~~x:ig~t~~nd8 by . ulat1ons herem made on the part of the U mted States, do hereby fot·- ever cede to the United States th.e lands comprehended within the following lines and boundaries: Beginning at a point on the southern · shore of Jake Erie, where the present Indian boundary line intersects the same,·between tne mouth of Sandusky bay and the mouth of Port- age river; thence, running south with said line, to the line established in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, by the , which runs from the crossing place above fort Lawrence to Loramie's store; thence, westerly, with the last mentioned line, to the eastern line of the reserve at Loramie's store; thence, with the lines of said rese1Te, north and west, to the northwestern corner thereof; thence to the northwestern corner of the reserve on the rivet· St. Mary's, at the head of the navigable waters thereof; thence, east, to the western bank of the St. Ma:ry':jl river aforesaid; thence, down on the western bank of the said river, to the reserve at fort Wayne; thence, with the lines of the last mentioned reserve, easterly and northerly, to the north bank of the river Miami of lake Erie; thence, dow1i on the. north bank of the said river, to the western line of the land ceded to the United States by the treaty of Detroit, in the year one thousand· eight hundred and seven; thence, with the said line, soi1th, to th~ miqdle of said Miami river,_opposite t~e m; o~ the Great ; thence, down the middle of said Miami river, and easterly with the lines of the tract ceded to the United States bv the treaty of Detroit aforesaid, so far that a south line will strike the place of beginning. · . ART. 2. The Potawatomy, Ottawas, and Chippeway, tribes of Po~ei:!.°:~e1"'n1>t~ Indians, in consideration of the stipulations herein made on the part was, and Chippewas. -of the United States, do hereby forever cede to the United States the land comprehended within the following lines and boundaries: Begin- ning where the western line of the state of Ohio crosses the river Miami of lake Erie, which is about twenty-one milP,S above the mouth -of the Great Auglaize river; thence, down the middle of the said Miami river, to a point north of the mouth of the Great At1glaize river; thence, with the western line of the land ceded to the United States by the treaty of Detroit, .in one thousand eight hundred and seven, north forty-fhre miles; then, west, so. far that a line south will strike the place of beginning; thence, south, to the place of beginning. · Other tribesaccede. · ART. 3. 'fhe Wyandot, Seneca, Delaware, Shawnese, Potawatomy, Ottawas, and Chippeway, tribe,s of Indians accede to the cessions men- tioned in the two preceding articles. . Annual P.a,·ments ART. 4. In cons1"d eration· o f t h e cessions· an d recogn1"t' ions s t·1pu 1a t ed to certain tnbes. . in the three preceding articles, the United States agree to po.y to the -l\' vandot tribe, annually, forever, the sum of four thousand dollars, in specie, at Upper Sandusky: To the Seneca tribe, annually, forever, 146 TREATY WITH THE WYANDOT, ETC., 1817. the sum of five hundred dollars, in specie, at Lower Sandusky: To t~e Shawnese tribe, annually, forever, the sum of tw~ thousand doll:i,rs, m specie, at Wapaghkonetta: To the Potawatomy tribe, annually, for the term of fifteen years, the sum of one thousand three hundre

The United States also agree to grant, by patent, in fee simple, to Grantai08theSba!t: Quata wape or Captain Lewis, Shekag-hkela or Turtle, Skilowa or Robin, ti~u:1wn. enecas chiefs of the Shawnese tribe of Indians residing at Lewistown, and to , Mesomea or Civil John, Wakawuxsheno or the White Man, Oqnasheno · or Joe, and Willaquasheno or When you are tired sit 9,own, chiefs of the Seneca tribe of Indians residing at Lewistown, and to their succes- sor:; in office, chiefs of the said Shawnese and Seneca tribes, for the use of the persons mentioned in the annexed schedule, a tract of land tp contain forty-eight square miles, to begin at the intersection of the line 1·un by Chal'les Roberts, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twelve, from the sourne of the Little Miami river to the source of the Sciota river, in pursuance of instructions from the commissioners appointed on the part of the United States, to establish the western boundary of the Virginia Military Reservation, with the Indian bound- ary line established by the treaty of Greenville, in one thousand seven · hundred and ninety-five, from the crossings above fort Lawrence to Loramie's store, and to run from such intersection, northerly, with the first mentioned line, and westerly, with the second mentioned line, so as to include the quantity as nearly in a square form as_practicable, after excluding the section of land hereinafter granted to Nancy Stewart. ot!-rvationsforthe There shall also be reserved for the use of the Ottawas Indians, but was. not granted to them, a tract of land on Blanchard's fork of the Great Auglaize river, to contain five miles square, the centre of which tract is to be where the old trace crosses the said fork, and one other tract to contain three miles square, on the Little Auglaize river, to include Oquanoxa's village. ART, 7. And the said chiefs or their successors may, at any time an1'~1f:~:vey- they may think proper, convey to either of the persons mentioned in · the said schedule, or his heirs, the quantity secured thereby to him, or may refuse so to do. But the use of the said land shall be in the said person; and after the share of any person is conveyed by the.chiefs to him, he may convey the same to any person whatever. And any one entitled by the said schedule to a portion of the said land, may, at any time, convey the same to any person, by obtaining the approbation of the President of the United States, or of the[erson appomted by him to give such approbation. And the agent o the United States shall ti~ntto makepa,r- make an equitable partition of the said share when conve_yed. · ART. 8. At the special request of the said Indians, the C nited States Gran: t.o Indian agree to grant, by patent, in fee simple, to the persons hereinafter connec ons. mentioned, all of whom are connected with the said Indians, by blood or adoption, the tracts of land herein described: To Elizabeth Whitaker, who was taken prisoner by the Wyandots, E. Whitaker. and has ever since lived among them, twelve hundred and eighty acres of land, on the west side of the Sandusky river, below Croghansville, to be laid off in a square form, as nearly as the meanders of the said river will admit, and to run an eq11_al distance above and ·below the house in which the said Elizabeth Whitaker now lives. To Robert Armstrong, who was taken prisoner by the Indians, and R.Armstrong. has ever since lived among them, and has married a Wyandot woman, one section, to contain six hundred and forty.acres of land, on the west side of the Sandusky river, to begin at the place called Camp BaJl,and · to run up the river, with the meanders thereof, one hundred and sixty poles, and, from the beginning, down the river, with the meanders thereof, one hundred and sixty poles, and from the extremity of these lines west for 9uantity. . To the children of thE: late William M'Collock, who was killed in w~\l&f~rn of August. one thousand eight hundred and twelve, near Maugaugon, and who are g_uarter-blood Wyandot Indians, one section, to contain six hundred and forty acres of land, on the west side of the Sandusky riYer, adjoining the lower line of the tract hereby granted to Robert 148 TREATY WITH THE WYANDOT, ETC,, 18li. Armstrong, and extending in the same manner with and from the said river. • •J~ Y~::i_and To John Vanmeter, who was taken prisoner by the W yandots, and 8 lllS e who has ever since lived among them, and has married a Seneca woman, and to his wife's three brothers, Senecas, who now reside on Honey creek, one thousand acres of land, to begin north, forty-five degrees west, one hundred and forty poles from the house in which the said John Vanmeter now lives, and to run thence, south, three hundred and twenty poles, thence, and from the beginning, east for quantity. w=• i:,~ =rei: To Sarah Williams, Joseph Williams, and Rachel Nugent, latC' Nugent. Rachel Williams, the said Sarah having been taken prisoner by the Indians, and ever since lived among them, and being the widow, and the said Joseph and Rachel being the children, of the late Isaac Wil- liams, a half-blood Wyandot, one quarter section of land, to contain one.hundred and sixty acres, on the east side of the Sandusky river, below Croghansville, and to include their improvements at a place called Negro Point. 80~·J:V~ and her To Catharine Walker, a Wyandot woman, and to John R. Walker, her son, who was wounded in the service of the United States, at the battle of Mauguagon, in one thousand eight hundred and twelve, a sec- tion of six hundred and forty acres of land eaeh, to begin at the north- we-..st.ern corner of the tract hereby granted to John Vanmeter and his wife's brothers, and to run with the line thereof, south, three hundi:ed and twenty poles, thence, and from the beginning, west for quantity. Wm.Spicer. To William Spicer, who was taken prisoner by the Indians, and has ever since lived among them, and has married a Seneca woman, a sec- tion of land, to contain six h~ndred and forty acres, beginning ob the east bank of the Sandusky nver, forty poles below the lower corner of said Spicer's cornfield, thence, up the river on the east side, with the meancl,ers thereof, one mile, thence, and from the beginning, east for quantity. . · Nancy St.ewart. To Nancy Stewart, daughter of the late Shawnese chief , one section of land, to contain six hundred and forty acres, on the Great Miami river below Lewistown, to include her present improve- ments, three quarters of the said section to be on the southeast side of the river, and one quarter on the northwest side thereof. ~=-dtenofCap- To the children of the late Shawnese chief captain Logan, or Spa- magelabe, who'fell in the service of the United Stat.es during the late war, one section of land, to contain six hundred and forty acres, on the ea.st side of the Great Auglaize river, ad.joinin~ the lower line of the grant of ten miles at Wapaghkonetta and the said river. A.Shane. To Anthony Shane, a half blood Ottawas Indian, one section of land, to contain six hundred and forty acres, on the east side of the river St. Mary's, and to begin opposite the house in which said Shane now lives, thence, up the river, with the meanders thereof, one hundred and sixty poles, and from the beginning down the river, with the meanders thereof, one hundred and 1:1ixty poles, and from the extremity of the said lines east for quantity. ;r. M'l.'henon To James M'Pherson, who was taken prisoner by the Indians, a.nd has ever since lived among them, one section of land, to contain six hundr~ and forty acres, in a square form, adjoining the northern or western line of the grant of forty-eight miles at Lewistown, at such place as· he may think ~roper to locate the same. TheCherokeeBoy. To Horonu, or the Cherokee Boy, a Wyandot chief, a section of land, to contain six hundr~d and forty acres, on the Sandusky river, to be laid off in a square form, and to include his improvements. A. D. and R. God- T.o Alexander D. Godfroy and Richard Godfroy, adopted children froy. of the Potawatomy tribe, and at their special request, one section of land, to contain six hundred and forty acres, in the tract of country TREATY WITH THE WYANDOT, ETC., 1817.

~e1:ein ceded ~o the United States by the Potawatomy, Ottawas, and Chippewas, tribes, to be located by them, the said Alexander and Rich- ard after the said tract shall have been surveyed. To bawendebans, or the Yellow Hair, or Peter Minor, an adopted Yellow Hair. son of Tondaganie, or the Dog, and at the special request of the Otta- was, out of the tract reserved by the treaty of Detroit, in one thousand ei$'ht hundred and seven, above Roche de Breuf, at the village of the :,;aid Dog, a section of land, to contain six hundred and :forty acres, to be located in a square :form, on the north side of the Miami, at the Wolf Rapid. ART. 9. The United States engage to appoint an agent, to reside dt;;ntfortbe\~~'i= among or near the Wyandot

PaymfeFnt uinndder ART. 13. And whereas the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars uy.treaty o ort us- has been paid• by t h e u·mte . d 8 tates to t h e Shawnese, bemg . one h a lf o f five years' annuities due by the treaty of Fort Industry, and whereas the Wyandots contend that the whole of the annuity secured by that treaty is to be paid to them, and a few J?ersons of the Shawnese and Senecas tribes; now, therefore, the commissioners of the United State~, believing that the construction given by the W yandots to the said treaty is correct, engage that the United States shall pay to the said Wyandot tribe in specie, in the course of the year one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, the said sum of two thousand five hundred dollars. fe=~· taverns, and ART. 14. The United States reserve to the proper authority, the rig~t · to make roads throucrh any part of the ]and granted or reserved by this treaty; and also to the different agents, the right of establishing tav- erns and ferries for the accommodation of travellers, should the same be found necessary. . GrantB tree from ART. 15. The tracts of land herein granted to the chiefs, for the use taxes. of the Wvandot, Shawnese, Seneca, and Delaware Indians, and the reserve for the Ottawa Indians, shall not be liable to taxes of any kind so long as such land continues the property of the said Indians. . Gran;f~r:;ed~- ART. 16. Some of the Ottawa, Chippewa, and Potawatomy tribes, ?:'e~. 0 n n c - being attached to the Catholic religion, and believing they may wish some of their children hereafter educated, do grant to the rector of the Catholic church of St. Anne of Detroit, for the use of the said church, and to the corporation of the college at Detroit, for·the use of the said college, to be retained or sold. as tte said rector and corporation may , judge expedient, each, one half of three sections of land, to contain six hundred and forty acres, on the river Raisin, at a place called Macon; and three sections of land not yet located, which tracts were reserved, for the use of the said Indians, by the treaty of Detroit, in one thousand eight hundred and seven; and the superintendent of Indian affairs, in the territory of Michigan, is authorized, on the part of the said Indians, to select the said tracts of land. pa.111:f~~vementstobe ART. 17. The United States engage to pay to any of the Indians, the · value of any improvements whicli tney may be obliged to abandon in . consequence of the lines established by this treaty. . ~J::!?n by the Del- ART. 18. The Delaware tribe of Indians, in consideration of the stipulations herein made on the part of the United States, do hereby forever cede to the United States all the claim which they have to the thirteen sections of land reserved for the use of certain persons of · 1807, ch. 49- their tribe, by the second section of the act of congress, passed March the third, one thousand eight hundred and seven, providing for the disposal of the lands of the United States between the United States Military Tract and the Connecticut Reserve, and the lands of the United States between the Cincinnati and Vincennes districts. Grant to James and ART. 19. The United State8 agree to grant, by patent, in fee simple,. Silas Armstrong. to .Jeeshawau, or James Armstrong, and to Sanondoyouravquaw, or Silas Armstrong, chiefs of the Delaware Indians, living on the San- dusky waters, and their successors in office, chiefs of the said tribe, for the use of the persons mentioned in the annexed schedule, in the same mann,~r, and subject to the same conditions, provisions, and limi- tations, as is hereinbefore provided for the lands granted to the Wyan- dot, Seneca, and Shawnese, 1ndians, a tract of land, to contain· nine square miles, to join the tract granted to the W yandots of twelve miles ~quare, to be !3-id ?ff as ~early in a square form as practicable, and to mclude Captam Pipe's village. · Grant to the Otta- ART. 20. The United States also agree to grant, by patent, to the was. chiefs of the Ottawas tribe of Indians, for the use of the saiil tribe, a tract of land, to contain thirty-four square miles, to be laid out as nearly in a square form as practicable, not interfering with the lines TREATY WITH THE WYANDOT, ETC,, 1817. 151 of the tracts reserved by the treaty of Greenville on the south side of the Miami river of Lake Erie, and to include Tushquegan, or M'Carty's village; which tracts, thus granted, shall be held by the said tribe, upon the usual conditions of Indian reservations, as though no patent were issued. Ai:T· 21. T_his treaty ;,hall take effect, and be obligatory_

Schedule r~fer-red to in the foregoing treaty, and to be taken and con- sidered as part thereof. -

App~op~iatfon gt Three sections, to contain six hundred and forty- acres each, are to S:,~ t~ tli.e ¾~an~ be reserved out of the tract of twelve miles square to be granted to ots. the W yandots. One of the said sections is to be appropriated to the use of a missionary, one for the support of schools, ann one for the support of mechanics, and to be under the direction of the chiefs. Two sections, of six hundred and forty acres each, are to be granted to each of the follo'fing persons, being the chief of the Wyandot tribe, and his six counsellors, namely: Doouquod, or half king; Routoudu, or Warpole; Tauyaurontoyou, or Between the logs; Dawatout, or John Hicks; Manocue, or Thomas; Sauyoudautausaw, or George Ruuh; and Hawdowuwaugh, or Matthews. Division of the re- And, after deducting the fifteen sections thus to he disposed of, the :mainder. residue of the said tract of twelve miles square is to be equally divided among the following persons, namely: Hoocue, Roudootouk, Mahoma, ~aatoua, Mautanawto, Maurunquaws, Naynuhanky, Abrm. Williams, sen. Squautaugh, Tauyouranuta, Tahawquevouws, Dasharows, Tray- hetou, Hawtooyou, Maydounaytove, Neudooslau, Deecalrautousay, Houtooyemaugh, Datoowawna, Matsaye-aanyourie., James Ranken, Sentumass, Tahautoshowweda, Madudara., Shaudauaye, Shamadeesay, Sommodowot, Moaut.aau, Nawsottomaugh, Maurawskinquaws, Tawtoo- lowme, Shawdouyeayourou, Showweno, Dashoree, Sennewdorow, Toayttooraw, Mawskattaugh, Tahawshodeuyea, Haunarawreudee, Shau- romou, Tawyaurontoreyea., Roumelay, Nadocays, Carryumanduet.augh, Bigarms, Madonrawcays, Haurauoot, Syhrundash, Tahorowtsemdee, Roosayn, Dautoresay, Nashawtoomous, Skawduutoutee, Sanorowsha, Nautennee, Youausba, Aumatourow, Ohoutautoon, Tawyougaustayou, Sootonteeree, Dootooau, Hawreewaucudee, Y ourahatsa, Towntoreshaw, Syuwewataugb, Cauyou, Omitztseshaw, Gausawaugh, Skashoways- squaw, Mawdovdoo, Narowaysbaus, Nawcatay, Isuhowhayeato, Mya- tousha, Tauoodowma, Y ouhreo, George Williams, Oharvatoy, Saharos- TREATY WITH THE WYANDOT, ETC,, 1817. 153 sor, Isaac Williams, Squindatee, Mayeatoho~ Lewis Coon, lsatouque or John Coon, Tawaumanocay or E. Wright, vwawtatuu, Isontraudee, Tomatsahoss, Sarrahoss, Tauyoureehoryeow, Saudotoss, Toworordu or Big Ears, Tauomatsarau, Tahoroudoyou or Two, Daureehau, Dauo- reenu, Trautohauweetough, Yourowquains or the widow of the Crane, Caunaytoma, Hottomorrow, Taweesho, Dauquausay, Toumou, Hoogau- doorow, Newdeetoutow, Dawhowhouk, Daushouteehawk, ·Sawaronuis, Norrorow, Tawwass, Tawareroons, N eshausta_y, Toharratough, Taurow- totucawaa, Y oushindauyato, Tauosanays, Sadowerrais, 1sanowtowtouk or Fox Widow, Sauratoudo or William Zane, Hayanoise or Ebenezer Zane, Mawcasharrow or widow M'Cullock, Susannah, Teshawtaugh, Bawews, Tamataurank, Razor, Rahisaus, Cudeetore, Shawnetaurew, Tatrarow, Cuqua, Yourowon, Sauyounaoskra, Tanorawayout, How- cuquawdorow, Gooyeamee, Dautsaqua, Maudamu, Sanoree8hoc, Hau- leeyeatausay, Gearoohee..,~Matoskrawtouk, Dawweeshoe, Sawyourawot, Nacudseoranauaurayk, r ouronurays, Scoutash, Serroymuch, Hoon- deshotch, Ishuskeah, Dusharraw, Ondewaus, Duyewtale,Roueyoutacolo, Hoonorowyoutacob, Hownorowduro, Nawanauponelo, Tolhomanona, Chiyamik, Ty1,:eakwheunohale, Aushewhowole, Schowondashres, Mon- dushawquaw, Tayoudrakele, Giveriahes, Sootreeshuskoh, Suyouturaw, Tiu.dee, Tahorrosh<>quaw, lrahkasquaw, Ishoreameusuwat, Curoweyot- tell, Noriyettete, Siyarech, Testeatete. The thirty thousand acres for the Senecas upon the Sandusky river, Divisionoftlielands is to be equally divided among the following persons, namely: 8yuwa- ~~~ted to the sene- sautau, Nawwene, JoseRh, L;;eumetaugh or Picking up a club, Oraw- haotodie or Turn over, Saudaurous or Split the river, Tahowtoorains or Jo Smee, lspomduare Yellow-bay, Dashowrowramou or Drifting sand, Hauautounasquas, Hamyautuhow, Tahocayn, Howdautauyeao or Kin~ George, Standing Bones, Cyahaga or Fisher, Suthemoore, Red Skm, Mentauteehoore, Hyanashraman or Knife in his hand, Run- .ning About, John Smith, Carrying the Basket, Cauwaua,v or Striking, Rewauyeato or Carrying the news, Half up the Hill, Trowyoudoys or G. Hunter, Spike Buck,CaugoosboworCfearingup, MarkonhisHip, Captain Hams, Isetaune or Crying often, Taunerowyeaor Two com~- nies, Haudonwauays or Stripping the river, Isohauhasay or'.rallch1ef, Tahowmandoyou, Howyouway or Paddling, Clouding up, Youwautow- toyou or Burnt his body, Shetouyouwee or Sweet foot, Tauh.augains- toany or Holding his hand about, Oharrawtodee or Turning over, Haucaumarout, Sarrowsauismatare or Striking sword, Sadudeto, Oshoutoy or Burning berry, Hard Hickery, Curetscetau, Youronocay or Isaac, Youtradowwonlee, Newtauyaro, Tayouonte or Old foot, Tauo- sanetee, Syunout or Give it to her, Doonstough or hunch.on his fore- head, Tyaudusout or Joshua Hendricks, Taushaushaurow or Cross the arms, Henry, Youwaydauyea or the Isbtnd, Armstrong, ·Shake the Ground, His Neck Down, Youheno, Towotoyoudo or Loo~i~g at ~er, Captain Stnith, Tobacco, Standing Stone, Ronunaise or W1pmg stick, Tarsduhatse or Large bones, Hamanchagave, House Fly or Maggot, Roudouma or Sap running, Big Belt, Cat Bone, Sammy, Taon_gauats or Round the point, Ramu ye or Hold the sky, Mentoududu, Howno- tant, Slippery nose, Tauslowquowsay or Twenty wives, Hoogaurow or Mad man, Coffee-house, Long Hair. . ... The tract of ten miles square at Wapaghkonetta 1s to be equally at~~';,=\<;;0~~~ct divided among the following persons, namely: The Black Hoof, Pom- the or Walker, Piaseka or Wolf, Shemenutu or Snake; Othawakeseka or Yellow Feather, Penethata or Perry, Chacalaway or the End of the tail, Quita wee or War chief, Sachachewa, Wasewweela, W aseweela or Bright horn; Othawsa or Yellow, Tepetoseka, Caneshemo, Newahe- tucka, Cawawescucka, Thokutchema, Setakosheka, Topee or James Saunders, Meshenewa, Tatiape, Pokechaw, Alawaymotakah, Lalloway or Perry, Wabemee, Nemekoshe, Nenepemeshequa or Cornstalk, She- 154 TREATY WITH THE WYANDOT, ETC., 181'7. she. Shawabaghke, Naneskaka, Thakoska or David M'Nair, Skapakake. Shapoquata, Peapakseka, Quaghquona, Quotowame, Nitaskeka, Tha- kaska or S_py buck, Pekathchseka, Tewaskoota or James Blue Jacket, Calawesa, (.luaho, Kaketchheka or W. Perry, Swapee, Peek too or Davy Baker, Skokapowa or George M' Dougall, Chepakosa, She may or Sam, Chiakoska or Captain Tom, General Wayne, Thaway, Othawee, Wee0 asesaka or (.,'aptain Reed, Lewaytaka, Tegosbea or George, Skekacum- sheka, W esheshemo, Mawenatcheka, Qu.ashke, Thaswa, Baptieute, "\Vaywalapee, Peshequkame; Chaic.alakee or Tom, Keywaypee, Egota- cumshequa, Wahepee, Aquashequa, Pemotah, Nepaho, Takepee, Topo- sheka, Lathawanomo, Sowaghkota or Yellow clouds, Meenkesheka, Asheseka, Ochipway, Thapaeka, Chakata, Nakacheka, Thathouakata, Paytokothe, Palaske, Shesheloo, Quanaqua, Kalkoo, Toghshena, Cap-· owa, Ethowakosee, Quaquesha,· Capea, Thakatcheway, The man going up hill, Magotha, Tecumtequa, Setepakothe, Kekentha, Shiatwa, Shiab- wasson, Koghkela, Akopee or a Heep of any thinK, Lamatothe, Kesha, Pankoor, Peitehthator or Peter, Metchepelah, Capeah, Showa.game, Wawaleepesheeka, Meewensheka, Nanemepahtoo or Trotte~, Pamitch- epetoo, Chalequa, Tetetee, Lesheshe, Nawabasheka or white feather, Skepakeskeshe, Tenakee, Shemaka, Pasheto, Thiatcheto, Metche- metche, Chacowa, Lawathska, Potchetee or the Man without a tail, Awabaneshekaw, Patacoma, Lamakesheka, Papashow, Weathaksheka, Pewaypee, Totah, Canaqua, Skepakutcheka, Welviesa, Kitahoe, Neen- takoshe, Oshaishe, Chilosee, Quilaisha, Mawethaque, Akepee, Quelenee. t1::visio~tthetra.ct_ The tract of five miles square, at Hog c:t:eek, is to be equallv divided a og • among the following persons, namely: Peeththa, Onowashim; Pemath- . eywa, Wabekesheke, Leeso, Pohcaywese, Shemagauashe, Nehquaka- hucka, Papaskootepa, Meamepetoo, W elawenaka, Petiska, Ketuckepe, Lawitchetee, Epaumee, Chanacke, Jose, Lanawytucka, Shawaynaka, · W awatashewa, Ketak.sosa, Shashekopeah, Lakose, Quinaska. _ Divi(!ionoftJ:i.etract The tract of :forty-eight square miles, including Lewistown, is to be mciurlingLewistown. equally divided among the following persons, namely: Shawnoese- Colonel Lewis, Polly Kizer, Theueteseepuah or Weed, Calossete, Vamauweke, Waucumsee, Skitlewa, Nayabepe, Wosheta, Nopamago, Willesque, Salock, Walathe, Silversmith, Siatha, Toseluo, Jemmy M'Donald, ,Jackson, Mohawk Thomas, Silverheels, John, ,vewachee, Cassie, Atshena, Frenchman, Squesenau, Goohunt, Manwealte, Wali- see, Billy, Thawwamee, Wopsquitty, Naywa1e, Big Turtle, Nolawat, Nawalippa, Razor, Blue, Tick, Nerer, Falling Star, Hale Clock, Hisos- cock, Essquaseeto, Geore, Nuussome, Saul;tanoe, Joseph, Scotowe, Battease, Crow, Shilling, Scotta, Nowpour, Namea'wah, Quemarito, Snife, Captain, Taudeteso, Sonrise, Sowget, Deshau, Lettie Lewis, Jacquis, Tonaout, Swaunacou, General, Cussaboll, Bald, Crooked Stick, Wespata, Newasa, Ga1-ter, Porcupine, Pocaloche, vV ocheque,. Sawquaha, Enata-, Panther; Colesetos, Joe. Senecas-Civil John, Wild Duck, ·Tall Man, Molasses, Ash, Nahanexa, Tasauk, Agusquenah, Roughleg, Quequesaw, Playful, Hairlip, Sieutinque, Hillnepewaya- tuska, Tauhunsequa, Nynoah, Suchusque, Leemutque, Treuse, Sequate, Caumecus, Scowneti, Tocondusque, Conhowdatwaw, Cowista, Nequa- tren, Cowhousted, Gill was, Axtaea, Conawwehow, Sutteasee, Kiahoot, Crane, Silver, Bysaw, Crayfiste, Woolyhead, Conundahaw, Shacosaw, Coindos, Hu_tchequa, Nayau, Connodose, Coneseta, Nesluauta, Owl, Couauka, Cocheco, Couewash, Sinnecowacheckowe or Leek. Divisionofthetract The tract of three miles square for the Delaware Indians, adjoining for the Delawares. t h e t ract o f twe1 ve m1'I es square upon t be San d us k y river,· is to be equally divided among the following persons, namely: Qaptain Pipe, Zeshauau or James Armstrong, Mahawtoo or John Armstrong, Sanow- doyeasquaw or Silas Armstrong, Teorow or Black Raccoon, Hawdo- rowwatistie or Billy Montour, Buck Wheat, William Dondee, Thomas . TREATY WITH THE CREEKS, 1818. 155 Lyons, Johnnv Cake, Captain Wolf, Isaac Hill, John Hill, Tishata- hoones or widow Armstrong, Ayenucere, Hoomaurow or John Ming, Youdorast. Lewis Cass, Duncan McArthur, Commissioners.


A treaty of limits between the United States and the .Oreek nation of Jan. 22; 1818. Indians, made and concvuded at the Oreek Agency, on Flint rwer, 7Stat., 171, the twmty-,Mcond day of Jan,uary, in the year of our Lord, one thou- 28~amatioD, Mar. sand eight lmndred ana eighteen. · ' JAMES MONROE, President of the United States of America, by David Brydie Mitchell, of the state of Georgia, agent of Indian affairs for the Creek nation, and l!:Ole commissioner, specially appointed for that purpose, Of! the one part, and the ~nder~igned ki;ngs, chiefs,' head men, and warnors, of the Creek nation, m counCil assembled, 'on behalf of the said nation, of the other part, have entered into the fol- lowing articles and conditions, viz: ART. 1. The said kings, chiefs, head men, and warriors, do hereby TheCreekscedetwo agree, m· cons1"d erat· 10n o f certam • sums o f money to b. e pa1'd to t h e said.• tractsum"t.ed states. of land to· Creek nation, by the government of the United States, as hereinafter stipulated, to cede and forever quit claim, [and do, in behalf of their said nation, hereby cede, relinquish, and forever quit claim,] unto the United States, all right, title, and interest, which the said nation have, or claim, in or unto, the two following tracts of. land, situate, lying, and being, within the following bounds; that is to say: bt. Beginning Bounds of the first at the motith of Goose Creek, on the Alatamahau river, thence, along traet. the line leading to the Mounts, at the head of St. Mary's river, to the point where it is intersected by the line run by the commissioners of the United States under the treaty of Fort Jackson, thence, along the said last-mentioned line, to a point where a line, leaving the same, shall run the nearest and a direct course, by the head of a creek called by the Indians Alcasalekie, to the Ocmulgee river; thence, down the said Ocmulgee river, to its junction with the Oconee, the two rivers there forming the Alatamahau; thence, down the Alatamahau, to the first-mentioned bounds, at the mouth of Goose creek. 2d. Beginning-at Second tract. the high shoals of the Appalachee river, and from thence, along the line designated by the treaty made at the city of Washington, on the four- teenth day of November, one thousand eight hundred andfi1,e [fifteen], to the Ulcofouhatchie, it being the first large branch, or fork, of the. Ocmulgee, above the Seven Islands; thence, up the east.ern bank of the Ulcofouhatchie, by the water's edge, to where the path, leading from the high shoals of the Appalachie to the shallow ford on the Chataho- ehie, crosses the same; and, from thence, along the said path, to the shallow ford on the Chatahochie river; thence, up the Chatahochie river, by the water's edge, on the eastern side, to Suwannee old town; thence, hv a direct line, to the head of Appalachie; and thence. down the same, to the first-mentioned hounds at the high shoals of Appalachie. ART. 2. lt is hereby stipulated and agreed, on the part of the L' nited 0 e:~ent for said States,. as a full consideration for the two tracts of land ceded by the Creek nation in the preceding article, that there shall be paid to the Creek nation by the United States, within the present year, the sum of twenty thousand dollars, and ten thousand dollars shall be paid annually for the term of ten succeeding years, without interest; making, in the whole, eleven payments in the course of eleven years, the present year