arXiv:2103.16124v2 [math.NT] 4 Apr 2021 (1.1) N xrsinfrterltdnmeso ihrodrApl po Appell order them higher of of One numbers obtained. related are the polynomials for Appell expression order higher ex of explicit Euler two Hasse-Teichm¨uller hypergeometric , the order th using higher [16], the In define gener to further polynomials. generalized Cauchy is hypergeometric concept general This the numbers. Bernoulli relate geometric on conjectures some getti moreover, topic, even-indexed and related adjacent obtained, two the is of on ratio conjecture ratio Qi’s the solving for tained, bounds new [20] In with ( factorial rising the with h uhrddcscnetosbtensm auayrecur lacunary some fam 2 introduced between infinite length connections is an deduces functions [17] author symmetric In the elementary polynomials. and Bernoulli complete the de [11] of are those In polynomials of Apostol-Bernoulli fun functions. the from symmetric for obtained well-kno elementary resentations be is and can It complete numbers tween Bernoulli properties. the differen other of genera its among properties is and sum studied defined, binomial are multiple are formulas a polynomials on Bernoulli Kamano of geometric result a [10] In in;Drcltcharacters. Dirichlet tions; n[4,hpremti acynmesaedfie n studi and defined are numbers Cauchy hypergeometric [14], In e od n phrases. and words Key 2020 Let ≥ ,hpremti enul numbers Bernoulli hypergeometric 1, B EEAIE YEGOERCBROLINUMBERS BERNOULLI HYPERGEOMETRIC GENERALIZED 1 1 ahmtc ujc Classification. Subject Mathematics hrces esuyterpoete,icuigrelation including properties, their study We characters. Abstract. tteedi pedxw eiefis e xrsin fthese of expressions few first derive we Appendix in end the At F ,n r 1 ( = o h enul ubr n h nee attosit at into partitions integer the and numbers Bernoulli the for a ; B b ; n z h lsia enul ubr,dfie by defined numbers, Bernoulli classical the , eoetecnun yegoercfnto endby defined function hypergeometric confluent the denote ) eitouegnrlzdhpremti enul number Bernoulli hypergeometric generalized introduce We 1 AYNCARBRYADTKOKOMATSU TAKAO AND CHAKRABORTY KALYAN F 1 (1; enul ubr;hpremti enul ubr;hyp numbers; Bernoulli hypergeometric numbers; Bernoulli x N ) 1 ( n 1; + ) = 1 F x t 1 ) ( ( e 1. x a = t ; 1) + − t rmr 16;Scnay1B7 33C15. 11B37, Secondary 11B68; Primary b Introduction e ; t 1 z − = ) = . . . B P t n 1 X N N,n ∞ ( n X =0 n N ∞ x =0 /N =0 − + B [,6 ,8 ,1,1] r ie by given are 18]) 13, 9, 8, 7, 6, ([2, 1 ( ( ! n a t n b n t n ) ) n − ( /n ( ! n n . ) ) )( 1) ! ,epesosaddeterminants. and expressions s, z n rsin o h eae numbers related the for pressions = n gatgtrlwrbudfrthis for bound lower tighter a ng ! ie sntrlgeneralizations natural as rived n n X oisaeproposed. are topics d ∞ ubr.Rcnl,i 1] by [12], in Recently, numbers. =0 ≥ lsia ue ubr are numbers Euler classical e lzdi 1]b introducing by [15] in alized nta oeo h known the of some that wn rmteerelationships, these From . ec eain ihgp of gaps with relations rence l frltosisbetween relationships of ily numbers. ileuto n recursion and equation tial B )ad( and 1) aetlrltosisbe- relationships damental enul ubr r ob- are numbers Bernoulli yoil,wihinvolves which lynomials, w e lsdfr rep- form closed new two da nlgo h hyper- the of analog as ed ie,hge re hyper- order higher lized, N,n rsnsadeterminant a presents t n n ! o Dirichlet for s x most ) (0) remti func- ergeometric .As for Also 1. = r − parts. 1 2 KALYANCHAKRABORTYANDTAKAOKOMATSU several determinant expressions of special numbers, such as the higher order generalized hypergeometric Bernoulli and Cauchy numbers In this paper, we introduce generalized hypergeometric Bernoulli numbers for Dirichlet characters. Let χ be a Dirichlet character with conductor f and N be a positive integer. We define the generalized hypergeometric Bernoulli numbers BN,n,χ by

f ∞ χ(a) tN eat/N! tn (1.2) n = BN,n,χ (|t| < 2π/f) . ft N−1 (ft) n! a=1 e − n=0 X n=0 n! X One recovers the classical generalizedP (see, e.g., [1, 3, 4, 19]) Bn,χ := B1,n,χ, which are simply Bernoulli numbers twisted by a Dirichlet character. As seen in [3, Chapter 4], generalized Bernoulli numbers and Bernoulli polynomials are related. A closed form expression for sums of products of any number of generalized Bernoulli numbers is given in [4] and shortened recurrence relations for generalized Bernoulli numbers and polynomials attached to a primitive Dirichlet character is being studied in [1].

2. Basic properties We begin with some basic expressions of generalized hypergeometric Bernoulli numbers. Proposition 1. Let χ = 1 be the trivial character of conductor 1. For any N ≥ 1 and n ≥ 0, put N(n) :=min{N − 1,n}. Then we have

N(n) n BN,n−m if n 6= N,  m mX=0   B 1 =  N,n,   N−1  N 1+ B if n = N. m N,N−m  m=0    X  Especially, for N = 1, we have 

Bn if n 6= 1, B1,n,1 =  1/2 if n = 1.

Proof. By the definition of generalized hypergeometric Bernoulli numbers, we have ∞ tn tN et/N! BN,n,1 = n! t N−1 tn e − n=0 Xn=0 n! P n n tN /N!(et − N−1 t )+ tN /N! N−1 t = n=0 n! n=0 n! t N−1 tn Pe − n=0 n! P P N−1 ∞ tN tn tn = + × B N! n! N,n n! nX=0 nX=0


N−1 ℓ ∞ N−1 tN tℓ tℓ = + B + B N! N,ℓ−m m!(ℓ − m)! N,ℓ−m m!(ℓ − m)! Xℓ=0 mX=0 ℓX=N mX=0

N−1 ℓ N−1 ℓ tℓ N tN = B + 1+ B m N,ℓ−m ℓ! m N,N−m N! m=0 m=0 ! Xℓ=0 X   X   ∞ N−1 ℓ tℓ + B , m N,ℓ−m ℓ! ℓ=XN+1 mX=0   and we get the assertion. 

Howard [8, 9] defined the hypergeometric Bernoulli polynomials BN,n(x) ∈ Q[x] by ∞ tN ext/N! tn (2.1) = BN,n(x) . t N−1 tn n! e − n=0 n! nX=0 Note that Bn(x) := B1,n(x) be theP classical Bernoulli polynomial and BN,n(0) = BN,n. For classical case, the following relation between the generalized Bernoulli numbers and the Bernoulli polynomials is well-known [19, Proposition 4.1]:

f a B = f n−1 χ(a)B . n,χ n f a=1 X   The following proposition is a generalization of the above classical case. Proposition 2. Let χ be a Dirichlet character of conductor f. For any N ≥ 1 and n ≥ 0,

f a B = f n−N χ(a)B . N,n,χ N,n f Xa=1   Proof. By the definition (of hypergeometric Bernoulli polynomial), we have, ∞ a (ft)n (ft)N ea/f×ft/N! BN,n = n . f n! ft N−1 (ft) n=0 e − X   n=0 n! Now multiplying by χ(a) and taking a sum on a fromP 1 to f, we have

∞ f n f N at n a t N χ(a)t e /N! f χ(a)BN,n = f n f n! eft − N−1 (ft) nX=0 Xa=1   Xa=1 n=0 n! P ∞ tn = f N B . N,n,χ n! n=0 X Therefore, f a B = f n−N χ(a)B N,n,χ N,n f a=1 X   for any n ≥ 0. 

Consequently, we can express the generalized hypergeometric Bernoulli numbers in terms of hypergeometric Bernoulli numbers 4 KALYANCHAKRABORTYANDTAKAOKOMATSU

Corollary 1. For any integers N ≥ 1 and n ≥ 0, f n n B = χ(a) B an−kf k−N . N,n,χ k N,k a=1 X Xk=0   Proof. Since ∞ tn tN ext/N! BN,n(x) = n! t N−1 tn n=0 e − n=0 n! X ∞ ∞ P tn tm = B xm N,n n! m! n=0 ! m=0 ! ∞Xn X n tn = B xn−k , k N,k n! n=0 X Xk=0   comparing the coefficients on both sides, we get n n B (x)= B xn−k. N,n k N,k Xk=0   By Proposition 2 with x = a/f, we obtain the desired result. 

3. Fundamental properties of the generalized hypergeometric Bernoulli polynomials

We also define the generalized hypergeometric Bernoulli polynomials BN,n,χ by f ∞ χ(a) tN e(x+a)t/N! tn (3.1) n = BN,n,χ(x) (|t| < 2π/f) . ft N−1 (ft) n! a=1 e − n=0 X n=0 n! X When N = 1 in (3.1), Bn,χP(x) := B1,n,χ(x) is the classical generalized Bernoulli polyno- mial. When χ = 1, BN,n(x) := BN,n,1(x) is the hypergeometric Bernoulli polynomial in (2.1). Proposition 3. Let χ = 1 be the trivial character of conductor 1. For any N ≥ 1 and n ≥ 0, we have n n B (x) if 0 ≤ n ≤ N − 1, i N,n−i i=0   X BN,n,1(x)=   N−1  n n xn−N + B (x) if n ≥ N. N i N,n−i  i=0   X    Especially, for N = 1, we have 1 if n = 0, 1 B1,n, (x)= n−1 (nx + Bn(x) if n ≥ 1. Proof. By the definition in (3.1), we have ∞ tn tN e(x+1)t/N! BN,n,1(x) = n! t N−1 tn e − n=0 nX=0 n! N−1 tn N−1 tn tN /N! et − Pext + tN /N!ext = n=0 n! n=0 n! t N−1 tn P e −  n=0 n! P P GENERALIZED HYPERGEOMETRIC BERNOULLI NUMBERS 5

N N−1 n ∞ n t xt t t = e + BN,n(x) N! n!! n!! nX=0 nX=0 ∞ ∞ min{n,N−1} xn n tn = tN+n + B (x) N!n! i N,n−i n! n=0 n=0 X X Xi=0   ∞ N−1 n n tn n tn = xn−N + B (x) N n! i N,n−i n! nX=N   nX=0 Xi=0   ∞ N−1 n tn + B (x) . i N,n−i n! nX=N Xi=0   Comparing the coefficients on both sides, we get the result.  Proposition 4. For n ≥ 0, n n B (x + y)= B (x)yn−k . N,n,χ k N,k,χ Xk=0  

Proof. By the definition in (3.1), we have ∞ ∞ tn tn B (x + y) = B (x) eyt N,n,χ n! N,n,χ n! n=0 n=0 ! X X∞ ∞ tk yltl = B (x) N,k,χ k! l! k=0 ! l=0 ! ∞Xn X n tn = B (x)yn−k . k N,k,χ n! nX=0 Xk=0   Comparing the coefficients on both sides, we get the result. 

When x = 0 and y is replaced by x in Proposition 2, we have a relation between generalized hypergeometric Bernoulli polynomials and numbers. Corollary 2. For n ≥ 0, n n B (x)= B xn−k . N,n,χ k N,k,χ Xk=0  

There is another relation of generalized hypergeometric Bernoulli polynomials with their n numbers in terms of Stirling numbers of the second kind k , whose is given by ∞  (et − 1)ℓ n tn = . ℓ! ℓ n! Xn=ℓ n o Proposition 5. For n ≥ 0,

n k n k B (x)= (x) B , N,n,χ k l l N,n−k,χ Xk=0 Xl=0     where (x)l = x(x − 1) · · · (x − l + 1) (l ≥ 1) denotes the falling factorial with (x)0 = 1. 6 KALYANCHAKRABORTYANDTAKAOKOMATSU

Proof. ∞ ∞ tn tn B (x) = B (et − 1) + 1 x N,n,χ n! N,n,χ n! n=0 n=0 ! X X∞ ∞ ∞ tn x n tn = B l! N,n,χ n! l l n! n=0 ! ! X Xl=0   Xn=l n o ∞ ∞ n tn n tn = B (x) N,n,χ n! l l n! n=0 ! n=0 ! X X Xl=0 n o ∞ n k n k tn = (x) B . k l l N,n−k,χ n! n=0 X Xk=0 Xl=0     Comparing the coefficients on both sides, we get the result. 

We can see that the generalized hypergeometric Bernoulli numbers are Appell. Proposition 6. For n ≥ 1, d B (x)= nB (x) . dx N,n,χ N,n−1,χ

Proof. From the definition in (3.1), ∞ ∞ d tn tn B (x) = t B (x) dx N,n,χ n! N,n,χ n! n=0 n=0 X ∞X tn+1 = (n + 1)B (x) N,n,χ (n + 1)! n=0 X∞ tn = nB (x) . N,n−1,χ n! n=1 X Comparing the coefficients on both sides, we get the result. 

4. Recurrence relations From now on, for convenience sake let us put

f f n n Sn := χ(a)a and Sn(x) := χ(a)(x + a) . a=1 a=1 X X The following are recurrence relations of the generalized hypergeometric Bernoulli numbers and polynomials with Dirichlet character. Proposition 7. For n ≥ 1, n N + n −1 N + n (4.1) B f N+n−i = S , n i N,i,χ n   i=0   n X N + n −1 N + n (4.2) B (x)f N+n−i = S (x) . n i N,i,χ n   Xi=0   GENERALIZED HYPERGEOMETRIC BERNOULLI NUMBERS 7

Remark. When N = 1 in Proposition 7, we have n−1 n B B i+1,χ f n−i + 0,χ f n+1 = S , i i + 1 n + 1 n Xi=0   n−1 n B (x) B (x) i+1,χ f n−i + 0,χ f n+1 = S (x) . i i + 1 n + 1 n Xi=0   which are [1, (1.12),(1.13)]. When N = f = 1 in Proposition 7, we have the well-known basic recurrence relations n−1 n B 1 i+1 + = 0 ; i i + 1 n + 1 Xi=0   n−1 n B (x) 1 i+1 + = xn . i i + 1 n + 1 Xi=0   When χ = 1 is the trivial character of conductor 1, the relation (4.1) is reduced to n N + n B 1 = 0 . i N,i, Xi=0   which is [2, Proposition 1 (3)]. Proof of Proposition 7. We shall prove the relation (4.2). The relation (4.1) is the special case when x = 0. From the definition in (3.1),

f N−1 ∞ tN (ft)n tn χ(a) e(x+a)t = eft − B (x) . N! n! N,n,χ n! a=1 n=0 ! n=0 ! X X X The right-hand side is equal to

∞ N+n ∞ n ∞ n N+n−i (ft) t BN,i,χ(x) f N+n BN,n,χ(x) = t . (N + n)!! n!! i! (N + n − i)! nX=0 nX=0 nX=0 Xi=0 The left-hand side is equal to

∞ f ∞ f tN tn tN+n χ(a) (x + a)n = χ(a)(x + a)n . N! n! N!n! n=0 a=1 n=0 a=1 X X X X Comparing the coefficients on both sides, we get

n f B (x) f N+n−i χ(a)(x + a)n N,i,χ = , i! (N + n − i)! N!n! a=1 Xi=0 X yielding the relation (4.2). 

5. Expressions We give expressions of the generalized hypergeometric Bernoulli polynomials and num- bers. Theorem 1. For n ≥ 1, n k k! n (5.1) B = T (k)S , N,n,χ f N−k k r n−k Xk=0   Xr=0 8 KALYANCHAKRABORTYANDTAKAOKOMATSU

n k k! n (5.2) B (x)= T (k)S (x) . N,n,χ f N−k k r n−k Xk=0   Xr=0 where r 1 Tr(k) := (−N!) (N + i1)! · · · (N + ir)! i1+···+ir=k i1,...,iXr≥1 with T0(0) = 1 and T0(k) = 0 (k ≥ 1). Remark. When χ = 1 is the trivial character of conductor 1, expression (5.1) reduces to n r 1 BN,n,1 = n! (−N!) , (N + i1)! · · · (N + ir)! r=1 i1+···+ir=n X i1,...,iXr≥1 which is [2, Proposition 1 (4)]. Proof of Theorem 1. We shall prove (5.2) as (5.1) can be easily deduced. From the defi- nition in (3.1), ∞ tn B (x) N,n,χ n! n=0 X −1 f ∞ n ∞ n n t 1 N!f n = χ(a) (x + a) N t n!! f (N + n)! ! Xa=1 nX=0 nX=0 ∞ ∞ ∞ r 1 tn N!f n = S (x) − tn f N n n! (N + n)! n=0 ! r=0 n=1 ! X X X ∞ n ∞ ∞ r n 1 t r (N!) f n = N Sn(x) (−1) t f n! (N + i1)! · · · (N + ir)! n=0 ! r=0 n=r i1+···+ir=n X X X i1,...,iXr≥1 ∞ n ∞ n n n 1 t r n!f t = N Sn(x) (−N!) f n! (N + i1)! · · · (N + ir)! n! n=0 ! n=0 r=0 i1+···+ir=n X X X i1,...,iXr≥1 ∞ n k k n 1 n r k!f t = N Sn−k(x) (−N!) . f k (N + i1)! · · · (N + ir)! n! n=0 k=0   r=0 i1+···+ir=k X X X i1,...,iXr≥1 Comparing the coefficients on both sides, we get (5.2). Note that the summation is empty when k ≥ 1 and r = 0.  There are alternative expressions with additional binomial coefficients. Theorem 2. For n ≥ 1, n k k! n k + 1 (5.3) B = T (k)S , N,n,χ f N−k k r + 1 r n−k r=0 Xk=0   X   n k k! n k + 1 e (5.4) B (x)= T (k)S (x) . N,n,χ f N−k k r + 1 r n−k Xk=0   Xr=0   where e r 1 Tr(k) := (−N!) (N + i1)! · · · (N + ir)! i1+···+ir=k i1,...,iXr≥0 e GENERALIZED HYPERGEOMETRIC BERNOULLI NUMBERS 9

with T0(0) = 1 and T0(k) = 0 (k ≥ 1). Remark. When χ = 1 is the trivial character of conductor 1, (5.3) is reduced to e e n n + 1 r 1 BN,n,1 = n! (−N!) , r + 1 (N + i1)! · · · (N + ir)! r=1   i1+···+ir=n X i1,...,iXr≥0 which is [2, Proposition 1 (5)]. Proof of Theorem 2. We shall prove the expression (5.4). Put ∞ N!f n w := tn . (N + n)! n=1 X Then, we have f dn 1 B (x) := (1 + w)−1 χ(a)e(x+a)t N,n,χ dtn f N a=1 X t=0 n k ∞ n −k ∞ ℓ 1 n d l d t = (−w) Sℓ(x) f N k dtk dtn−k ℓ! Xk=0   Xl=0 t=0 Xℓ=0 t=0 n k l 1 n l = (−1)r f N k r r=0 Xk=0   Xl=0 X   ∞ r ∞ dk N!f m tℓ × tm S (x) dtk (N + m)! n−k+ℓ ℓ! m=0 ! X t=0 Xℓ=0 t=0 n k l 1 n l = (−1)r f N k r Xk=0   Xl=0 Xr=0   k ∞ r m d (N!) f m × k t Sn−k(x) dt (N + i1)! · · · (N + ir)! m=0 i1+···+ir=m 0 X i1,...,iXr≥ t=0 n k l ∞ 1 n l m!f m = T (m)tm− k S (x) f N k r (m − k)! r n−k r=0 Xk=0   Xl=0 X   mX=k t=0 n k l 1 n l e = k!f kT (k)S (x) f N k r r n−k r=0 Xk=0   Xl=0 X   n k k k! n l e = N−k Tr(k)Sn−k(x) f k r ! Xk=0   Xr=0 Xl=r   n k k! n k + 1 e = T (k)S (x) . f N−k k r + 1 r n−k r=0 Xk=0   X   e 

6. Determinants Recurrence formula from Proposition 7 n−1 S N!n!f n−i (6.1) B = n − B N,n,χ f N (N + n − i)!i! N,i,χ Xi=0 10 KALYANCHAKRABORTYANDTAKAOKOMATSU assists us to derive determinant expressions of generalized hypergeometric Bernoulli num- bers and polynomials. Such determinant expressions were studied by Glaisher ([5]) exten- sively for Bernoulli, Cauchy, Euler and more numbers. Theorem 3. For n ≥ 1, N! (N+1)! f 1 0 N! f 2 N! f (N+2)! (N+1)!

(6.2) B = (−1)nn! . N,n,χ . 0 N! n−1 N! 2 N! f · · · f f 1 (N+n−1)! (N+2)! (N+1)! S S · · · S S n n−1 2 1 where f 1 b bN! an b b S = χ(a) f n − . n f N (N + n)! n! Xa=1   Also b N! (N+1)! f 1 0 N! f 2 N! f (N+2)! (N+1)!

(6.3) B (x) = (−1)nn! . N,n,χ . 0 N! n−1 N! 2 N! f · · · f f 1 (N+n−1)! (N+2)! (N+1)! S (x) S (x) · · · S (x) S (x) n n−1 2 1 where f 1 b Nb! (x + a)n b b S (x)= χ(a) f n − . n f N (N + n)! n! a=1 X   b Remark. When χ = 1 is the trivial character of conductor 1, by Sn = N!/(N + n)!, the determinant (6.2) is reduced to N! b (N+1)! 1 0 N! N! (N+2)! (N+1)! n . B 1 = (−1) n! . N,n, . 0 N! N! N! (N+n−1)! · · · (N+2)! (N+1)! 1

N! N! · · · N! N! (N+n)! (N+n−1)! (N+2)! (N+1)! which is [2, Theorem 1].

Proof of Theorem 3. For simplicity, let N!f i α = (i ≥ 1) , i (N + i)! then S0 Sn 1 Sn Sn = αn N − N = αnS0 − . f f n! fN n! n   Furthermore, by puttingb βn = (−1) BN,n,χ/n!, we shall show that α1 1 0 α α 2 1 . (6.4) βn = . 0

αn−1 · · · α2 α1 1

S S · · · S S n n−1 2 1

b b b b GENERALIZED HYPERGEOMETRIC BERNOULLI NUMBERS 11 by using the recurrence relation n−1 (−1)nS (6.5) β = n − (−1)n−iα β (n ≥ 1) . n f N n! n−i i Xi=0 By definition, S β = B = 0 . 0 N,0,χ f N For n = 1, by (6.5), S β = α β − 1 = S . 1 1 0 f N 1 Hence (6.4) is valid. Assume that (6.4) is valid up to n − 1. Then by expanding the b determinant along the first row repeatedly, the right-hand side of (6.4) is equal to

α2 1 0 α α 3 1 . . α1βn−1 − . . 0

αn−1 αn−3 · · · α1 1

S S · · · S S n n−2 2 1 α 1 = α β − α β + · · · + (−1)n−1α β + (−1)n n−1 1 n−1 b2 n−b2 b b n −2 2 S S n 1 n−1 n n+1 = α1βn−1 − α2βn−2 + · · · + (−1) αn−2β2 + (−1) α n−1β1 + (− 1) Sn b b = βn . b The last equality is due to the recurrence relation (6.5). Then the first relation (6.2) is proved. The second equation (6.3) can be proved similarly, by using the recurrence relation n−1 B (x) S (x) N!f n−i B (x) N,n,χ = n − N,i,χ n! f N n! (N + n − i)! i! Xi=0 or n−1 (−1)nS (x) β (x)= n − (−1)n−iα β (x) (n ≥ 1) . n f N n! n−i i i=0 X 

Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to three anonymous referees for their precious comments and advices. This work has been partly done when the second author (T.K.) visited Harish- Chandra Research Institute in February 2020, where the first author (K. C.) was working before moving to his current institute. T. K. thanks K. C. for the warm hospitality of the institute. This work was initiated from a hint by Professor Miho Aoki of Shimane University. Both authors thank her.

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We derive first few values of BN,n,χ: S B = 0 , N,0,χ f N S S B = − 0 + 1 , N,1,χ (N + 1)f N−1 f N 2S 2S S B = 0 − 1 + 2 , N,2,χ (N + 1)2(N + 2)f N−2 (N + 1)f N−1 f N 3!(N − 1)S 3!S 3S S B = 0 + 1 − 2 + 3 , N,3,χ (N + 1)3(N + 2)(N + 3)f N−3 (N + 1)2(N + 2)f N−2 (N + 1)f N−1 f N 4!(N 3 − N 2 − 6N + 2)S 4!(N − 1)S B = 0 + 1 N,4,χ (N + 1)4(N + 2)2(N + 3)(N + 4)f N−4 (N + 1)3(N + 2)(N + 3)f N−3 12S 4S S + 2 − 3 + 4 . (N + 1)2(N + 2)f N−2 (N + 1)f N−1 f N Now

BN,0 = 1 , 1 B = − , N,1 N + 1 2 B = , N,2 (N + 1)2(N + 2) 3!(N − 1) B = , N,3 (N + 1)3(N + 2)(N + 3) GENERALIZED HYPERGEOMETRIC BERNOULLI NUMBERS 13

4!(N 3 − N 2 − 6N + 2) B = . N,4 (N + 1)4(N + 2)2(N + 3)(N + 4) From ([2]) we can see that, n n S B B = n−k N,k , N,n,χ k f N−k Xk=0   as shown in Corollary 1. When N = 1 and χ is not the trivial character, as S0 = 0, we find that

B1,0,χ = 0 , S B = 1 , 1,1,χ f S B = −S + 2 , 1,2,χ 1 f fS 3S S B = 1 − 2 + 3 , 1,3,χ 2 2 f S B = fS − 2S + 4 . 1,4,χ 2 3 f

Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, 211019, Uttar Pradesh, India, Kerala school of Mathematics, Kunnamangalam, Kozhikode, 673571, Kerala, India Email address: [email protected], [email protected]

Department of Mathematical Sciences, School of Science, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, China Email address: [email protected]