
The supplies oxygenated blood to the abdominal organs and other visceral structures through its branches Position

It starts posterior to the arcuate ligament at the T12 level from the descending (thoracic) Aorta It ends to the left of the mid-line at the L4 level and branches to become the common iliac

Topographical Relations


Celiac trunk, branches and plexus Lesser sac Superior mesenteric, inferior mesenteric and left renal Pancreas (ascending part) Attachment of mesentery


Lumbar arteries Left lumbar Vertebral bodies


Cisterna chyli Thoracic duct Azygos vein Right crus of diaphragm Inferior Vena Cava


Left crus of diaphragm Duodenojejunal flexure Sympathetic trunk Inferior mesenteric vessels

Parietal Branches

Inferior phrenic artery → phrenic and supra-renal branch → ureteric and supra-renal branch → apical, upper, middle, lower and posterior branches Spinal arteries

Visceral Branches

Renal artery Common iliac artery Medial sacral artery Celiac trunk:-

Left gastric artery → esophageal branch

Splenic artery → short gastric branch, splenic branch and left gastroepiploic artery

Common hepatic artery → gastro-duodenal and proper hepatic artery

Superior mesenteric artery:-

Jejunal branch

Ileal branch

Iliocolic artery → appendicular, cecal and ascending colic artery

Right colic artery

Middle colic artery

Inferior pancreatico-duodenal (anterior and posterior) artery

Inferior mesenteric artery:-

Left colic artery Sigmoid artery

Superior rectal artery



SNELL, Richard S. Clinical Anatomy by Regions. 8th Edition edition. 2004. ISBN 978-0-7817-6404-9.

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