PRESENT: Cllr F Barringer-Capp (Chairman), Cllr P Mason, Cllr R Husebo; Cllr P Armin; Cllr S Mew; Cllr B Maitland-Walker; Cllr P Laramy; Cllr T Taylor (District Councillor), Cllr C Lawrence (County Councillor); The Clerk 3 members of the public.

1. APOLOGIES. There were no apologies, all present.

2. DECLARATIONS of interests and dispensations Cllr Phillip Mason declared a disclosable interest, already on the list of interests, which is covered by the dispensation in effect until 7 May 2015, with reference to the item regarding payments to the Village Hall. . Cllr Roland Husebo declared disclosable interests, already on the list of interests, which are covered by the dispensation in effect until 7 May 2015, with reference to the items on the Youth Club, allotments and the Recreation Ground. Cllr Faye Barringer Capp declared a disclosable interest, already on the list of interests, which is covered by the dispensation in effect until 7 May 2015, with reference to the item on Townsend Farm, and also a disclosable interest with reference to the item on the Flood Plan. Cllr Patrick Armin declared a disclosable interest, already on the list of interests, which is covered by the dispensation in effect until 7 May 2015, regarding payments to the Clerk. Cllr Susan Mew had no disclosable interests to declare. Cllr Brenda Maitland-Walker declared a disclosable interest in the item on the Flood Plan. Cllr Philip Laramy had no disclosable interests to declare.

3. COMMENTS FROM THE FLOOR. A member of the public asked if it may be appropriate to create a conservation area for the part of Carhampton which includes some listed buildings. The Clerk will ask WSC what procedures would be necessary to create a conservation area and what are the pros & cons. The level of S106 sue from Townsend Farm was queried. The contribution is only due on the open market housing, not on the social housing, and will be paid at specified stages of completion. The Clerk will seek clarification on this. PCSO Sue Hurley had no crime or incidents to report in the last 2 months. On 30th March a new working model comes into place, with fewer staff and so no representative available for Parish meetings, although one will be at Area Panels. A request for a report by email would need to be made with 7 days’ notice. Sue, who is leaving her role, was thanked for all she has done. The speed limit on Ratlings Hill is still being challenged. It was understood that this was due to be reviewed, a process starting in 2014. The Clerk will find out what the situation is.

4. MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 5th February 2015 The minutes of the meeting held on 5th February 2015 having been circulated, were agreed as correct. Being proposed by Cllr Roland Husebo and seconded by Cllr Patrick Armin they were signed as a correct record, by the Chairman.


Carhampton Parish Council minutes 5th March 2015 1 5.1 Village Notice board: to be fitted shortly, and invoiced before the April meeting 5.2 name sign: it was agreed that this will be made to present standard specifications, and an agreement signed to place the order with SCC Traffic & Transport Dept. 5.3 Maintenance of verges and roadsides: feedback still needed on problem areas for the Clerk to pass on to Magna for a possible partnership arrangement to be made. 5.4 to Carhampton pathway: an enquiry has been made about EDF S106 funding. The requirements of the full application may be difficult for this Parish Council to meet. 5.5 Tribute to Hilary Binding: the PCC and vicar are very supportive of the idea of a tribute and will help with any project: there will be a meeting to discuss ideas. 5.6 Councillor training: Cllrs Philip Laramy & Phillip Mason will attend SALC training on 12th March,

6. CASUAL VACANCY No interest known at this time.

7. YOUTH CLUB Discussions are ongoing about the funding for youth workers, with 5 youth groups having co-ordinated funding for safeguarding, PAYE etc. It is hoped that an away- day can be organised.

8. ALLOTMENTS The hedge has been layered. The new Chairman will be encouraged to come to Parish Council meetings.

9. TOWNSEND FARM It is acknowledged by WSC that there was inadequate consultation on a range of changes made over time, and that information was not made available. Hastoe has accepted the refusal of planning permission for the changes in wall finishes and will continue as previously specified. Regarding the potential S106 contribution, advice from Angela Summers has suggested some possible uses and that the Parish Council liaise with the Recreation Ground Committee. A WS Flood Group meeting today had included run-off issues in Carhampton. The Crown have now agreed to work on the ditches and to update tenants on their responsibilities. It was made clear to Water that they have not responded adequately to concerns about the capacity of the pipes in light of the new housing.

10. RECREATION GROUND UPDATE A success application has been made for Lottery Funding for updating the kitchen and access.

11. JUNIOR PLAYING FIELD UPDATE Clerk to chase Simon again about work on the gate and goalposts.

12 COMMUNITY FLOOD ACTION PLAN The sandbags are now ready for local storage, on a pallet: Cllr Brenda Maitland Walker will facilitate delivery to Eastbury Farm. Our road closure application to SCC has gone astray: Mr Lynch will be contacting Peter Owen. It is hoped the work will start within 2 months. Cllr Brenda Maitland Walker has the land drainage document, which will need to be authorised later. 13. PARKING AT VILLAGE SHOP

Carhampton Parish Council minutes 5th March 2015 2 There is concern about trade at the shop being affected by a vehicle being parked outside the shop for long periods of time. A 20 minutes parking restriction in the layby in daylight hours would seem reasonable, but this would require a costly RTO from SCC which takes over 6 months. The Clerk will seek advice from Peter Owen. Meanwhile, the shopkeepers will be encouraged to write to the owner of the car.

14 DRAFT WS LOCAL PLAN: The Clerk having given the highlights of the contents of the Local Plan, Councillors were encouraged to view it online and pass any feedback to the Clerk. The points made in the comprehensive report on the Plan by the WS Flood Group are to be seconded. Clarification will be sought on the allocation of new dwellings in relation to the facilities of each settlement or ward.

15. DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORT The partnership with Taunton Deane continues to strengthen. Tidal lagoons are under discussion as possible significant power providers, alongside the Hinckley Nuclear plant. Day, Monday 11th May, could also be Carhampton Day, with links to . Could village name plates reflect this?

16. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT Christine Lawrence has heard a presentation at the College about the possibility of joining a Trust with Bridgwater College. The LEADER funding stream includes rural tourism, maybe for the pathway, in support of local B&Bs etc. Building projects for schools will be undertaken from capital. There is an increasing number of older people needing care. A new 03 number for accessing services will be publicised when known.

17. PLANNING: 17.1 Applications: No applications received. 17.2 Decisions: Appl no. 3/05/15/002, Alterations to Townsend Farm, refused

18. FINANCE: 18.1 Statements of accounts: Current Account: £6,052.32 Business Reserve Account: £9,709.98 Monthly balance sheet checked & signed by Cllr Brenda Maitland Walker 18.2 Accounts for payment: Proposed by Cllr Roland Husebo and seconded by Cllr Susan Mew that the following accounts be paid: Village Hall hire (Feb) £ 5.00 Clerk’s salary J Armin (Feb) £266.79 Clerk’s expenses (Feb) £ 9.70 Community Council sub 15/16 £ 40.00 SCC for Blue Anchor sign £315.58 (as agreed Feb 15, item 6.2) Receipts for Maintenance & S137 grants have been received from all but the Recreation Ground. Not yet cleared in bank: Rec grass cutting (£550) & renovations (£750); CV Hall (£250); ATWEST (£100); Youth Club £2000. Grant Thornton are offering free training on changes to the final audit method in on Tuesday 28 April. It was agreed that the Clerk should go. The Website cost is unchanged at £195, it was agreed this be paid in April.


Carhampton Parish Council minutes 5th March 2015 3 19.1 WSC Street Cleansing and public convenience cleaning contract: ideas were invited on how to reduce the costs of these services. Cllrs expressed the view that no reduction was acceptable, and that a better standard of work, ie in removing mud from road and killing the weeds regularly would reduce the long term work load of accumulated problems. Hastoe will be cleaning regularly during construction and will help in a wider area as necessary. 19.2 Land’s End Trial 2015: the Motor Cycling Club Ltd Trial 2015 will take place on Friday 3 April and Saturday 4 April 2015. 19.2 Wessex Water survey of beaches: Clerk to respond that swimming and fishing take place all year.

21. NOMINATION OF PARISH COUNCILLORS: Nomination papers were given to Councillors, and their availability will be advertised locally. If there are more nominations than places then a poll would be necessary. The closing date for nominations is 9th April.

22. INFORMATION FOR / FROM THE CLERK: Reminder of Dunster Area Panels, at 7pm in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, : Tuesday 14 April (originally scheduled for 13 April) The Clerk is still trying to secure a speaker for the APM on 2nd April.

The meeting closed at 9.40pm

……………………………………………Chairman …………………………..Date

Carhampton Parish Council minutes 5th March 2015 4