Stand with Israel! Israel Emergency Campaign Approved

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Stand with Israel! Israel Emergency Campaign Approved Jewish Community Federation | No One Builds Community Like Federation the OF RICHMOND in this issue RVolume 62 | Issue 8eflectorAv/Elul 5774 | August 2014 FEDERATION Stand With Israel! Israel Emergency Campaign Approved “The Hamas decision to escalate rocket attacks on Israel was designed to provoke an Israeli defensive response that would necessarily endanger Gaza residents. I fully Special Note - Federation support Israel’s right to defend itself against these indiscriminate rocket attacks ...” President Richard Samet and CEO Samuel Asher took U.S. Senator Tim Kaine part in a Jewish Federations of Local Teens in Israel Editors’s Note: At the time the North America Campaigner’s Reflector was going to press, a Mission to Israel on July 13- PAGE 3 JCFR Israel Solidarity Rally 21. See pages 10-13 for high- was planned for July 28 at the lights of their experience. Weinstein JCC. The September AGENCIES Reflector will provide coverage Directors of the Jewish Com- of this important community munity Federation of Richmond gathering. in a special emergency meeting July 23 set in motion a $100,000 oday, millions of Israelis Israel Emergency Campaign to Tare struggling to live a begin immediately. The board normal life after a devas- unanimously endorsed support tating onslaught of more for the people of Israel. than 2,000 rockets from the JCFR Immediate Past Presi- Hamas-controlled Gaza dent Nathan Shor and his wife, Strip since July 7. Nannette, a JCFR board mem- Federation President Richard Samet stands at Haas Promenade while in Israel on 2014 As a result of this humani- ber, will serve as chairs of the Dr. Ruth on Sept. 21 Jewish Federations of North America Campaigner’s Mission. tarian crisis for the people Israel Emergency Campaign. PAGE 9 of Israel, and to signify that JCFR President Richard the Greater Richmond Jew- Samet, who had returned from COMMUNITY Jack Paul Fine: 1924-2014 ish community will Stand A Pillar of Our Community With Israel, the Board of Israel More on pages 10-13 ith the passing of Jack Paul Fine Temple-Beth DONATE NOW Won July 18, the Richmond Jewish El and the community lost one of its most valued entire Rich- e can’t silence the rockets. But we can try and soften leaders who had a deep passion and mond Jewish Wtheir impact on the lives of the children and families. commitment to Judaism and Israel. community,” “No country on Earth would remain passive in the face of Fine, 90, a former president of the said Rabbi Mi- hundreds of rockets fired on its cities,” Jewish Community Federation of Rich- chael Knopf said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Experiential Learning mond from 1965-66, received a number of Beth-El at “and Israel is no exception.” PAGE 14 of community honors and awards over the service on his lifetime. July 20. To donate to the JCFR Israel Emergency Campaign JCFR President Richard Samet “Jack served Temple Beth-El with S Go to T FEDERATION 2 said, “Jack Paul Fine was a giant in dignity and honor as president, and N our community and a great leader over together with Bea, they both served contribute/2015-Israel-Emergency-Campaign TE AGENCIES 6 his lifetime. His name is synonymous and helped to build the Temple in so You may call the ISRAEL 10 with caring, doing and giving in the many ways,” he said. Jewish Community Federation of Richmond CON SYNAGOGUES 14 Jewish Community.” At Beth-El, he was also a past chair of at (804) 288-0045 or write: FOUNDATION 17 “He was a dear friend to so many of the building fund of the old and new JCFR at P.O. Box 17128, Richmond, VA 23226 and a pillar of our community at educational buildings. HADASSAH 17 for more information. TABLE Fine More on page 20 Federation happenings COMMUNITY CALENDAR • August 3 | 3 p.m. • August 17 | 6 p.m. Richmond Chamber Players Concert Reel Theology “Frisco Kid” Network JCFR offers many Featuring Works of Allan Blank Congregation Or Ami Bon Air Presbyterian Church programs, activities • August 10 | 5 p.m. • August 18 | 8 a.m. KBI Steakhouse Night Temple Beth El Golf Tournament Keneseth Beth Israel Crossings Golf Club • August 13 | noon • August 18-22 Hadassah Lunch and Learn Camp Sababa “Dynamic Women of Jewish Renewal” Sponsored by RCJE Weinstein JCC Temple Beth-El, N. Parham Road Visit for a complete calendar of Jewish community events. Network JCFR set for August Network JCFR plans the following pants and bring your favorite dish and programs in August. bathing suit for this special Shabbat Flying Squirrels Game, Wednesday Aug. experience. 6, 7 p.m. The Diamond, 3001 N. Blvd. Net- Looking ahead to September work JCFR has another set of tickets for (From left) The Matzo Ballers gather after a recent kickball game – Rachel Schaier, David Levine, Nerice Karaoke Night, Sept. 8., 9 p.m. participants to enjoy a Flying Squirrels Lochansky, Kevin Fine, Sarah Kelly Daniel, Brooke Kargman, Naomh Hudson, Grace Zell, Kevin Hudson, Zach For details and to RSVP, call Mela- Brenner, Matt Kaplan and Melanie Phillips. game. Take in a thrilling baseball game, and enjoy awesome happy hour specials nie Phillips, Federation Young Leader- By Kevin Hudson at The Diamond with other Jewish young ship director at (804) 545-8623 or email professionals, 22-45 years old. To claim his summer, seventeen young adults your free ticket, email Melanie Phillips at Tcame together under the leadership of Melanie Phillips to form the Richmond Poolside Potluck Shabbat Dinner, THE Jewish Federation’s kickball team, the Matzo Friday Aug 22, 5:30 p.m. RSVP for the ad- Reflector Ballers. dress. Join other Network JCFR partici- The first time many of the people on the team met each other was in May at a How good & pleasant it is restaurant in the Fan, where we picked up Summer Intern for brethren to dwell in unity. our team T-shirts and chatted with new etwork JCFR teammates over some drinks. Over the next introduces The Reflector is published monthly by the eight weeks, the Matzo Ballers met at Gil- N Jewish Community Federation of Richmond. its summer intern Copy must be received two and a half weeks lies Field in Richmond for a total of eight Grace Zell scores a run. Jason Markhoff. prior to the date of publication. The Reflector games. One of the advantages of playing at Markhoff, a Rich- reserves the right to edit or refuse any copy or advertisement submitted. Views expressed Gillies Field was its location, a short distance mond native, is from downtown, where our team always were divided into several leagues. Our team by guest writers and reader’s letters do not entering his senior necessarily reflect the opinion of the Jewish went for drinks and food after the games. was in the “super social” league, which was year as a political Community Federation of Richmond. Luckily for me, athletic ability was not a the least competitive category. science major at prerequisite condition to be on the Matzo Call for information about advertising in The Network More on page 4 Christopher New- Jason Markhoff Ballers team. The various kickball teams Reflector at 545-8655. Acceptance of advertis- port University, ing does not endorse or guarantee kashruth. Newport News. Lock in great rates on your term Richard Samet, President He is making plans to continue his or permanent life insurance today. Samuel H. Asher, Chief Executive Officer Guarantee education in Israel at Tel Aviv University Health issue(s) such as diabetes? Matt Langsam, Assistant Executive Director Insurance A few pounds overweight? We have through the Masa master’s program in Raymond (Skip) Kozakewicz, Editor a long history of helping folks with political science and political communi- Sara Rosenbaum, Director of Operations Services, Inc. less than perfect health histories cation. Markhoff enjoys participating in Providing our clients ultra competitive rates on obtain excellent coverage at attrac- sports, the beach, reading and his two personal and business: tive rates. dogs, Joey and Toby. He will work in the Life Offering Medicare Supplement, Health Young Leadership Department, and get Medicare Advantage and Part D a taste of how things work at the Federa- Disability plans from Virginia’s top insurers. Insurance tion. since 1993 Call us today to customize a Join participants at the next Network program of protection for you, your Jewish Community Federation family members and your business. JCFR event and introduce yourself to OF RICHMOND 804.740.4211 our intern. 5403 Monument Avenue • Richmond, VA 23226 (804) 545-8620 Guarantee Insurance Services, Inc. Richmond, Virginia 804.741.4009f Email: 2 | the Reflector | August 2014 . Av/Elul 5774 Teens have ‘amazing,’ ‘unforgettable,’ Israel Tikkun Olam Exchange hree Richmond teens – Hannah Auer- Tbach, Mollie Maistelman and Mali Ben- Meir – experienced an amazing trip while traveling to Israel June 24 - July 7 as part of the new Jewish Community Federation P2G Tikkun Olam Teen Exchange program for incoming 10th - 12th graders. This summer exchange program is designed to promote a connection between Jewish youth living outside of Israel and Israeli youth. The Richmond teens were home-hosted in the Hadera-Eiron region by their Israeli peers. The Richmond teens and their families will host 4 Israeli teens and an adult staff person Aug. 11-25. Six other teens from Charlotte, A large group of The teens from the U.S. and Israel gather to salute the 2014 P2G Tikkum Olam Exchange N.C., and Jacksonville, Fla., also took part in program and welcome all their new friends.
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