Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Jumpchain
Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Jumpchain Location - Roll 1d12 for your starting location, or pay 50cp to choose. 1. Jakku - A desert planet on the edge of the Inner Rim, Jakku is devoid of any green plants or major bodies of water. After the Battle of Jakku, one year after the second Death Star’s destruction, the vast deserts of this planet were filled with the wrecks of Republic and Imperial ships alike. Now, scavengers hunt through the bones of these old beasts, making a living off of selling the parts. It’s a hard life, but it’s something. 2. Castilon - An ocean planet in the Outer Rim, Castilon has also seen its share of battles. Republic and Imperial wrecks lie scattered on the seafloor, but more interesting is the repurposed Imperial refueling station that now caters to civilians. The Colossus is home to a skilled band of starfighter racers. Perhapsyou can make a name for yourself here. 3. D’Qar - Far from any hyperspace lanes, this forested world is the current home of General Organa’s Resistance. While it lacks any intelligent civilizations, the lush jungles of this world make for a great hiding spot. Just make sure you have a reason to be here, if you go talking to the local freedom fighters. 4. Starkiller Base - Once the ice planet of Ilum, the First Order has converted this world into a weapon capable of tunneling through Hyperspace and destroying any world in the galaxy. Starkiller Base is one of the First Order’s crowning achievements, and they guard this treasure well.
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