January 2020
Abington Senior High School, Abington, PA, 19001 January 2020 Decade in Review! With the decade coming to a close a few weeks ago, the editorial staff decided that we should fl ashback to the ideas and moments that shaped the decade. As we adjust to life in the new “roaring twenties,” here is a breakdown of the most prominent events of each year from the past decade. 2010: On January 12, an earthquake registering a magnitude 7.0 on the Richter scale struck Haiti, causing about 250,000 deaths and 300,000 injuries. On March 23, the Aff ordable Care Act is signed into law by Barack Obama. Commonly referred to as “Obamacare,” it was considered one of the most extensive health care reform acts since Medicare, which was passed in 1965. On April 20, a Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded over the Gulf of Mexico. Killing eleven people, it is considered one of the worst oil spills in history and the largest in US waters. On July 25, Wikileaks, an organization that allows people to anonymously leak classifi ed information, released more than 90,000 documents related to the Afghanistan War. It is oft en referred to as the largest leak of classifi ed information since the Pentagon Papers during the Vietnam War. Th e New Orleans Saints won their fi rst Super Bowl since Hurricane Katrina, LeBron James made his way to Miami, Kobe Bryant won his fi nal title, and Butler went on a Cinderella run to the NCAA Championship. Th e year fi ttingly set the tone for a decade of player empowerment and underdog victories.
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