yi:: n :.u: - uh:t catixd sucaxc:otat:::.3 '' '' f 'f: v. p. v. i vt:u.r r.rftr u',' Cents Dollars Aug. lrt. 1 i 1 7 I f t i.ty-fou- r M Oanutrugala M. T. per par ton - ' lb. 0. Temp- r hour' rainfnll, i i i. i s i i .' erstnrn, Pile, HawsUaa basis.,. 7.63 1 160.40 Iin.!7. Mai. CI.' previous auota-- i , A ) 'WestW, clear. A A A A ttoa..,...... Til $144.20,


(.V ANSWERS to the proposal of Pope Benedict wilt undoubtedly ALLIES by the Allied nations. David Lloyd George, whose Lieutenant Iti German IN FLANDERS picture is shown below, is believed. by diplomats .to have indi- cated the general terms of the reply in a speech before th house ' avy: Spy of commons yesterday. r 'ir N Arrested As DRIVE TEUTONS BACK

-- ; - -- is hJiibillLy r p-- a and iMaps Are Seized r AND RETAIN ALL GAINS (Ataoctatod Praia By U. 8. Naval Communication Service! BAN FRANCISCO, Angtut 18 With tha arrest of Lieutenant Irving Ell Schneider of the German navy and Theodore Ka'jtngw yesterday afternoon ui Federal official belleva that they have ia euetody two member of a Teuton band British and French Conduct Furious Drive Along Wide of piee, that the Hang ha teen disrupted and their nefartoua undertaking brought to an inglorioo end. .. : Frcnty Flank Enemy, (iptnre Trenches and Towns GEQUGE XJenunant Schneider waa an officer In the Oermaa navy and proudly wear LLOVD as Iron erosa which waa eonferred npon blsw Ho vra arrested a a nT vnder . , With of Prisoners' and Many Guns a presldenUal variant.. .When arrested Incriminating paper and map war Hundreds; : found in hi possession and Belied for as a evidence against him and hi alleg- ed coconspirator. - Theodore Kaalnger wa takes Into custody on eharge of having aided Lieu- Word? of British Premier Inter- - tenant Schneider in the securing of maps of Fort McDowell and other military defense of the United ' preted As Preliminary State. ,j COUNTER WaCKS FAIL Officials dedar,1 that their two prisoner occupied a mlto of' apartment '.V slon of Attitude of ' Allies To with four Austrian army officers who were recently, hero and who were. It U . claimed engaged on a spying mini on. The net la spread for their srreeta, also 7 Proposals For Peace v ; J for It ia thought that they have sot been able to leave the country but an In dlsaulflQ in some other of the large cities. ' - (Associated Press By U. S. Naval Comrauhkation Service.) A ; 7;, LONDON, August 17 Continuing. theff campaign of a resistless 'POSITION OF WILSON upon the German lipes in Flanders, with blpws fall- ing" at various points, the British and French yesterday launched a -I ADMITTEDLY DIFFICULT japa;:esemission deetsugarmeiito drive along a nine-mil- e front from St.'Julien, held 'by the British since their last offensive, to a point west of Dixmude, held by the , ; - ,' Alsace-Lorrai- ifl French;;,- y i.'-- s'-;- 'Question of ne off to washington share profits , V The British, forming the right of the advance, gained all their '. Would Be Stumbling Block For objectives, while the French made signal advances, driving the Ger- ' Any Negotiations Which Might mans across. the Yser and wresting from them bridge- Viscount Ishii Says Nothing That System ts Approved and Con- - .Canal' the Be Taken On Papal Suggestions head at Dry Grachten. The French struck north along the Foes Cart Do Would Now tract For 1918 Decided On At road and effected .the crossing of the Steenbcck ' Divide Friendship .' , Salt Lake City Meeting River, the advance bringing them within three miles of Dixmude, ' : ' ( Assoclaud Pren By T7. 8. Kavtl Com the French objective on this section of the Flemish front. . The German trenches, defended by .tht Y8r Canal, were taken ' ' XT ASI IINGTON, August 17 (Associated Fras By V. 8. Ifaval Com-- (Associated Free by XT. S. Naval Com-- r along a front of two miles, th French flanking the enemy and forc ' " . mnnicattos. Service) t . munleatlon Service) - .v-Ll- oyd ' ,,VV George, spialcing HAM FBAJfCISCO,. August 16 SA?.T IAKK C1TV, Augun Id y ing them to fall back through a heavy barrage, m which operation ' ' ; '" 4 l',e hbuse of , Utah , . . . . . , ,'n British commoaj bnt dnllgnfcjth the reception reetora of the and Idaho Sugar the Gcrituha lost heavily 'i ' Z t yesterday,' lias given' the? prelim 11 ctender t the ptember and the enter- - tympany yd yesiertlay to enter Into V.V.v;. BRITISH TAKE PRISONERS ; liroit-sHnrin- . 'y ary C'pfy of 4htf.AUM peace tainmnt w n1 en'nrfVsies y hlch they' plan with the beet ;The village of Longemarck, five miles northeast of Ypre, to the ' wlch ,durineY '. employee, ; ! ' kave enjoyed their her,. growers and the company and ' proposal , which vliave come str has been occupied as a headquarter point .by the, Germans since 1914, i tha..lnninAM. ai.Att mi.jin. Ia entiriivet s iAntra..t ti mUmiI : ' through, Tope Benedict) accord- - was carried with a rftsh by the British infantrymen, prisoners num - United Mates leff. list night for Wash- - for-th- season of .191ft. ..1 With aeyen-rnt- ' ' berinj eighiea hundred surrendering at thi9 place, , Among those . - i ; ing td the way the diplomats here I dollur bent sugar there ia td he paid a aom-aa- d thirty-eig- ht ; " Vest'eciay" ifroos per taken ar officers, while the spoils include five canrums - 4 ' veas davoted to oightseeing bosunsf reaUrrTh . ' i V y' read the words of the British pre- ' thertVvrr , no formal entertain fr"-- v Wly K out f and a, large .mtmbcr of machine guns 'and munitions, v '..," ; mier. His word, are regarded a or function, and no ane.hm.k. wt d the. balaocO; will tjiie jaunch'ing '' t :. . ' . nivlderi'''"P' c Lens.Wiere waj'eavy fightihg, Germans, a preliminary, at- - ML "r' ,bt eauallv. r indication of the v r ))) I flicial-nn- i r. . Washington , tb . food' succession, of, attacks in an' endeavor to regain the position t taken " efore H mjf, iwount Inhii pave litride to be En- - - control excrn'Hv appealed, -- ' n .adoptedf byth - an flhaeniew- to tha Associated Preea In hfva for n ort . NV'edrtesday byt the Canadians,' In instance did German - ' r . i. no, the .... - "I wWcb-h- e b under fvl ;. ";..tente in the evenf that Germanv, anJk."'"r Wa, now. know that.' "V l''"d. counters, gain them anything, while their" dead' litterrtl jhe puuind I nn4bnwlft vi.l . alia two tfdna, 'tin rVaited 'f A - complied with as a result ; ; Sttesnnd Japan. M A. i r ? !v'i;f'-t;:''.'- iiunsise:heavily;:,'.'v,.:'.7-;- KILLED H rtrrnoon ' - VV, SOLDIER STRIKE PROGRAM IS "Neither In yoo language nor in my W fveilt'rJ"i action, Vhlch the war 'should end. . - ei . - V The Brilwh consolidated dnJ held their gam of iht day, despite ""n on nwi jiwui. i dsv aoi me .',...;, i i ih i fierce counters delivered by Rupprecht throughout after- ;.. '.'. In the opinion of diplomats veeannjary in oltlier to express fr my- Prince the here there will he iio reply MTnnDVPirnnAou self and my eolleagSies our deep appro--' iiu nrnnrnc noon, when, his supporting. Lattilioas had been brought. up.; 'The early REGARD EDfilEliACE weh-om- MA II UlAHOn cration of. the that hss been. 1(1 Germans repeatedly endeavored to wrest back the rope by the President, and IUIUIUIULL extended to ns. ' : UrriULHd :' the Longemarck lines, ito ) J fho .genuine sinaerlty r .... iri ' ',- . . losses these fr'ttiUeW. f'ffcirts' being very heavy. . - ." 'the dirTiculty that confronts PreRi- - nith which it wa extended to vi. will f their be" roeiprocated fcy. a sense bf laetisg' Admit ''local Xom ';. . v dent recognized.. . 1 Ma-.-; Japa- TO GOTO FRANCE burning' of the 8t. Quentin cathedral,,, Wilson Is It Another Qadly Injured When Department of Justice Considers obligatiqn on th fart of the hole Official deHpatcbsa' aent oot ttbe ! - r which ia Gothic dat- -' r ' nese-nation, ' -- a 'noted atructure, v , appreciated "; that he. Cannot ,well : ' German war office' admit the German tag chine Just Bought Strikes Action" Against V W' W.' ; y back to the twelfth century, is aa ' ; Refuse to enter Into.j discussion losser at v Longemarck and east... of advaaee exeus for further German : Runaway .Horse ; vand Other" Agitators':; V pros, but. announce', that the Anglo-Frenc- h vandalism,' preparatory to an .evacua- wheii stlggesti6n is Will Be Sent From .;. Training peace' Jhe v EDS , offensive a a whole wa shat- tion of St. Quentin. It is believed Id tered and ended la failure. Only local that ".made by the Vatican, while, at th Camps For Intensive Instriio- -' the Oermana have themselves fired the ' ' successes were, gained, nay the Berha building and are to destroy frame his '."'On a ntotoreyrle which be had only (Assoc laUd Praaa By U. A. Naval Con-- preparing jilne 'timehe.must te tion Behind the Lines announcement,' while th loaie of th the city, a they did I'eronue and other, purchased munleatlon Sonde) Allies were According Ber- ' proposal yciiterdar, and for which a WAR TAX MEASURES heavy. to towns evacuated . V p'y the peice so that . 3' under pressure. WAHIlINUTON, August Of lin, the offensive Waa lauached along aa ' foutract and reeeipt for first payment la a statement made in the common , 'f'.' v'V'' his words will parmonlztf whh' the grave menace ta tha United State and eighteen-mil- e front ia Flanders, y wa found In bis poeket, F, "C. Pennl-son- , (AasocUUd Prasf By V. B. last night, Premier UoVd Oeorga ""Rtatements rnade to it Industrie o vital and necessary Naval Berlin likewise report the anelling tlrat oi'aim$ by.the n'. member pf the qunrte.rmaster' at time to ftervic) the British advance had - ' Jhia the aneceasful conduct :f, of St. Qnentin by tbe French., oa the reached well beyond Longemarck, with .'$''.;Ainei-isv- of the war is seen in th of 17 A1" eorji at 8chofleId Barracks, rode to hi activities Upper House I? Passing Bill Sec- WASHINGTON, Augnt Somme, fifty mile ts the south of tbe the Tommies beating bark tbe Ger- Aline-Loml- ' the Industrial Workers of the World Ypree fighting. Bt, Quentlft has for a? n death on Kalakaua Avenue last night. number of officer, fresh msa counters and following up Puules : . their ' and other limlliar agitators. Their tion By Section months been well range ; , wit hia of the advaatagea , r" Dcnniuoa and another soldier named from th various officer' . training by fresh advances. ; ; "It,! thotighf liert tbt tk quMtloa proposed program of strike Id aevea Allies' artillery, but ao effort ha heea ' ' campa, hav bees go im- Teutons Gala, la East th."Alc-torrl- Louis 1.. Lane, belonging to the Thirty-secon- d was be- selected to of restoration to states yesterday laid in full utile directly to dislodge, th Germsa No reports hav bee a received ' - mediately to J'raace, ther to take p from i, France, which Franca hna made Infantry, were riding waikiki on fore th diartment of justice.. ther becans of th daioag that would Bom hr ' (Assoclatad Pros V. Naval Com an training behind th line or Petrogmd, but Berlin , an- ' Hteadily lis io menace of the. agita- hf '. intnsiv from a Yester- minimum U' tht atumbUag block; to that avenue' shortly after seven o'clock. munlcatloa Borvlca) in tb methoda, of modern a (suit bombardment. nounce that von Maekensen 4 ag tors who have' been disturbing the warfare day, report; Berlin, the Freack gun 16-ee- in hia ' any Jirogreim toward .peace along th When waikiki of lowers Boad the ma- vV AS III N Q TON, August tioo they hav been developed ia tbe great drive in Bumania and. business f f th United Htataa been opened up on the eity, three' thousand ha thirty-fiv- - war. Home of these, new officers will taken hundred prisoner' V ' - liaeir aiijigcsted. by thi;Popo. Tha quo- chine crashed into a runaway horse, and gaining recognition by government by section onaldertd thr hell bursting la- th presbytery of the thsrnat enter the America, training school, in the Hereth region, with sixteen can-ao- n. h la re-- 7i ; 'These ha vo been most evident ' cathedral alone, setting fire 1 "' t'on c'rma ooloalra aot tie riders were thrown with forrifla War Kevrauo Bill yesterday. It .ap- these to the . . ' ' while, other will be assigned to the ' ' in .ti n I'scillfl, Northwest, . ."; ' Important nor beyond 'f California, proved th liqnor section including famous structure. The lire burned all ;,',,. tart') force t ,the ground. ., ;; schools being maintained by the Brit- Vienna despatche atate that 'An.: " - : - Arisona hnd Moatana. Now eome ailjudication. ( . which Wednesday sight, cathedral beiag re- bs the provision pots a prohibitory ish and French armiea for their subal- ' th. triaa aviator dropped four too of r .The patrol wagon went out in up In- r '."" XtncloB the thioat to tie all Important ' ' gutted., I wttmnt' la jreaterday, tax oa grain to bo Used for distilling terns. ' - ' .i'... ,v: bomb on Venice and defeated the - sponse to a being dustries in mere a '. - ; V, l.loyd George aaid the dlffieultiea eall, 'the 'ambulance than half a dote t andallani , .,- , ; ' that and tb snip taxes except those oa After their period intensive train-- . Supecte4 i Italian flyere sent aeainst them: FIto :' on ia purpose de- of " ,' ; .' faeed by the A.lUa are dally growing out another ease, and on its arrival States. 'It the of the bank cheek, parrels poet aad moving The suspieioa la. voiced la th Lon- - Itallaa machines were destroyed . tug nu anisotng, some ox aod ' V En-- Hospital Hteward HtevenaoU found partment of justice to move awiftly in recruit , , Imia, while daily tha power of tb ' the picture tickets, It waa decided to eli- otticers will be assigned to regiment don press that the aanouneemnt of tha three Austrian have failed to 'return, ,tf-n- t inoreaning. Oemany, oa two men lying unconscious on the ma-ka- i and surely to . protect th Indostri il ' in. Ia minate the general tea per eent ad at tbe front,' to take the plaeee of regu- 6f- - side of road, score enterprise upon, which msoh d the rontrarv. while their oewer of the with about a so' valorem duty that waa 'proposed and lar vftlcere required aa '' daily of automobiles drawn up nearby, for the nation and it allies. Th instructor for ftn and growl weaker, also to eliminate th taxes oa Jewelry, other- aew . d'fne police was remedies proposed be a officers, while, others of : their difruHta are multiplyiag. At the station .Ucnoisoa will draatie musical instruments moving pic- th new officers RESOLUTIO In a are In- sad will b brought back HURTS REORBAF.IZATIOn OF aaid a dying condition Lane was still they speedy and tha lumbar : "Neat- year,"' the prtmief, and tures, ,'-- , to the I'nited Htate sa ' v ' instmetors for : v,5fthe world will begin to reap the nnconseioua. Tho former waa suffering dustry, mines and all other enterprise " th National Army regimenta ' ' from 1 a basal that are needed for water purposes will and ia fruit of her . ,..' , what ibetieved to be valor." the officers' training schools. - . ' fracture skull, be given adequate protection. OItm Crop Eettmatea of the while Lane had bis TheUntensive training schools behind FEELKiGS OF HUNS ARMYDECiDED left hand terribly mangled and wa Ortlcial generally Jncllne to the be- UPOIi ? rop-- through- - th front ar being Preliminary eatimatee" suffering from concussion of the brain, lief that the trouble arises not out of eoaducted oa a tna be aaid, an large scale, the British and French out Hntuh Ile. reveal, - Both-me- "were removed to de- luW an.l working but r the condition, sending even - , increaae in the atookt'of wheat and bat '. their seasoned officer partment, hospital &hafter, of a "political nature. , . r ' .JnrreaHO at Fort' there,- - detaching them com r;'fey over lut yeaa, VAa of Uennieon expiring en route. Deceased An effort will b mad today to settl FUTURES STOPPED from their Proposals That Foreign Newspa- Regulars Will Form Twenty-fiv-e nearly 1,000,000 acre nder cultivation IS manda prior to promotion order ' had been employed as on the the. street car atrlke in Kansas City, is f ' ' engineer tbey may be la also rejiorted. m according to despatche that kept well abreast pers Print Translations Arer: Divisions. National Guards Fif- - . mnuka pump at hoflidd Barrack. from there last 'There ia no hnre"Ttiat,' with Ten-- ' of the development of th science of The horse which caused the trouble night, .This strike wa precipitated by V ' ll . Npt Acceptabfe ty. National Army ; aonable economy,' "Knglancl be - war, ia which each month bring Balance can owned by John- Colburn 111,, and was demands , for the. unionization of, th - , cam-- change aad new idea ad rapidly atarved. out. 'The ' being driven night buggy by railroads, while the mauagera stood Coffee Exchange Takes that ia good last in a officer on one section of the are paign improvipg gradually and brother of the owner. It ran away, for the "open shop." Tb front '' ''.'; v.. renulta are being aeoitiplUhed. -- Action On Request of Hoover ' unable at times to keep up with tbe (Associated by somewhere . near Kapiolani Fark .and basia for the proposed arbitration will Prea VI B. Naval (Associated Press By V. B. Naval i Continuing, iloyd Ueorge aaid that lesson,. learned la actio oa other eo the buggy ia said to have collided with bo th wage scale. ; : Service) Servlc.)-- : ''.( the net renylt of the Oermaa tion. , ' i aubmarine a telephone pole near Ohua l.ane and AMSTEHDAU, Refer- vVAPHINGTON, ', ruthleeaneaa averaged 80,000. grona tons A number of the regular army off- Augvst H August to have become detached from ' tb Proas By U. . ' monthly, while Herman U barely hold-iu- f (Aoclat4 Naval icers now la France have been assigned ring to th bill introduced I congress wa mad today by the ; horse, which wis found at the scene of . ber . . is ; Servlc) to the British and French school. by Senator aompel war own."., 'J.' the accident badly iniured, and ,wai Kng of Vtak to department of a complete reorganU : The new tonnage launched . 1 ! ..' NEW YOBKV August 10 Aeting total to be t - i.... - i i ui. alien paper publishing war news in nation of the army ystiu which will .the' flmt half of. J ft) H. he 'announced, ou the advice of Herbert Hoover, the foreign languagea to print parallel to provide that the regular army organir-.- . 'would amount to 4H0,0(K) ton monthly.. 1 1 IN national food administrator, the New CROWD TAKES WOMAN ITS PRAISE York Coffe Exchange where sugar sale such new the English translation of tion will make up the flrni twenty fit1) SEICRET WIRELESS if are also conducted has suspended trad the articles, German paper declare that divisions. Division Twenty-si- to Hsv ing in sugar future.' This step wa tak- "henceforth there are two classes of enty five, Inclusive, will be composed sf REPORT OF WOUNDED en citizens ia the United States th An. guard oruaniy-atious- , after confereaces between traders .AWAY FROM POLICE aattonal , whils , a ruler and Grrmaq aer from Heventy-siat- Columns and representative of th national food the' the Division oaward divbirtb Account of '.. PLANT DISCOVERED commission," who' urged that all trading vaaie. , ''', will be made up of the so culled na- Parades of Railroad Engineers In sugar .future be stopped, as advised ''' tional army secured from the draft. ' denied by Mr. Hoover. , ; ANXIETY IS FELT FOR AH iafantry divisions are to com- - "i" . (Aodt4 Fr By TJ. S. Naval Oota--, posed of headquarter, a battalios of mmm stunicatlos Berries) STEAMER LONG OVERDUE machine (Assoclstsd V. S. C guns, two Infantry and one ar- rs Ksvsl oasis. (Associated Pre By TJ. g. Kav4 POLICE DESTROY BANNERS &EATTLF,. August At a peace tillery brigade, Sarrlcs) , is aa engineer regiment, ' alsstloa ' Serrioe) (Associated Press By U. 8. meeting here un- ; Naval last night the police (Aasociatod Press By V. Kaval Oosv battalion of signal four hosmtal JAarjcUtod FrM By V. S.' Naval Com-- ; . RtrEKOH' AJHE8, August W Ar- IXINDON, eon, August IdNewspaper Borvtce) dertook to arrest a woman speaker Companies, four ace . , , naalcatloa Borricep ambulu compaoios, munleatlon Serrtce) ., gentine navy oflicers ysntcrduy report- re today giving column WASHINGTON,,'. 16-- Th who of tpaoe to August had used language which it Is ' i, ed tbe discovery speret wirelesn , SAN FRANCISCO, California, Aug-tin- t sni suppiy irains. WAfiHINOTOrr, Anguat 1 The' re-- . of a the march of United tttate roilroud police yesterday took from , parading claimed wa derogotorv to th United near l believed .As infantry brigade ia to consist of port tkat "wounded ' flgbter station Cheibut. It troop through the streets of suffrspets and destroyed the' offending Statea Government, crowd rush- Id Oreat aiety i being felt for American has-bee- the two regiments sf infantry and thres that it used for the purpose London, praising the men placards wbicl they as- ed officer , for splendid bore, They tbe and took th woman the safety of th Kotohirs Maru, U ompaoie bad arrived In England U oflicially d of communicating suspicious ves- soldierly-- of machine guns. As artiU with appearance.) Many pictures sert they will permit no sui-- displays from them. .;.A riot rail wae turned days out from Kobe. She la 34 day pied today by depart-"'- . differ- lety brigade will eonalst of three regi- the war and navy sels which have been sighted at taken slung the route are also being' as those which bore th word "Kai- in and the reserve overdue, h '.v ' hurried to the and aot been reported by menta of artillery and a of. strata, . ent tituea in tb south . ' - m. ,'.'. battery Atlanti. ser Wilson." scene and broke , , . i s ' j up the meeting. any passing steamer. ' trenek mortar. .. ' . J


A v t'V:'V'- - HAWAIIAN G 7r.TTE. FRIDAY, AUGUST' 17, 1917.SF.MI-TF.KLY- . Puff'S EFFOILPOLL'.'li. iir.l!'.'''.'!:.i" 'II'.'S' LOTsoFPio::s Lf;;oc:!.KEs::'.o no. ESFQR ' IS 001 HKEiy SHI ,UUi "ni Ci:c5N FLALIE AS ' PASS BY IN REViEW Mission Which Is Leaving For German Trouble Makers Brought BJlITijfJS TO United States Makes ifrdng, tin Insurrection and Decla--. MAKE ATTACKS RESULT III 4 ; Declaration oANeed r Measure ration Is Defensive (Associated 'Press oy TJ. Naval Expected To Pass Sen ' . .Communication Bervtce) V Site; This Likely 1 Week and , 'LOMH); Auglifit Co (Assoc iatod rress tT. Coca-- , est That Preceded InfaotryVAdvnce Shakes EARLIER By a Naval ;: ' To Go Through (Associated Press By TJ. S. Naval Oon trom,s who mnrclil thtongh ths kllulbty House ' mnnicatlon Service) ... mnnlcatloji Senrloe) t - Streets Of London yestertluy were ' AMSTKBDAX, Augnat loW'Any tivea a reception soeh as "was ter hrtli tzi Dulls All Senses While It' Serves" As tcr-- failure persuade I'nitcif States WASUIJJOTON, August Jft Because icfore i. v. - : to the temlerel to foreign soldiers, . i German ... i . ' mt to permit a continuous aapply ef grain plotters' fomented Internal Millions of people changed lined the nroots to come te Holland from America will little' from troubles la China, ihe Chinese govern- through which they passed, urn rcr Lpicc:ia success ua J wo xiiie Lees neat , Lansing Awaits Reply and Mean windows mean the economic ruin, of this country vv'A,'DRAFT "OF COMMITTEE ment, ia have been forecd and housetops were black with peo- - time Consults With Ambassa anil will produce grest misery," stated ple, and on all the Union Jaek spohecmna to declare war against ths Central Pow- iii the of the Dutch mission, and btars and Stripes waved togeth- . ' Great ' Britain v.ii .. ers,' says an official explanation ,of (Associated Press ttuTT'R Ttfaval dors tf and the members of which are to sail this th. er.' It was one of the most remark-wbl- e week More Dol (rec'ljiratioBi Lonlloil-4ia- s YORK. August 16 Splendid aepvievement France Who Cable " Home for the United States. Than Two 'Billioniof of war, gives out at th sights thsi ever by the This mission is going to Washington Chinese legation here yesterday,'" witnOsse(. The populace seemed to NKW and British force, before Lens have brought - Provided Meas-ur- e . them into to place- the facts of the Putrh situa lars For By "In vtw of the persistent German be mad with Joy at the advent of intrigues, the very outskirts and with comparatively email cost considering tion aquarely before President Wilson, As It Now Stands seeklns to create "Uisnrder in the soldiem of the other Knalish- - REPLIES EXPECTED FROM in an effort to persuade the Americas China and disrupt the Republic, the ,epeoklng nation. the intensity of the battle that raged yesterday and the night before President to modify the export government has found it impossible to . The 1 emhareo climax came at the reviewing and the terrific losses that were entailed uport the II tins. The French ; ALL ENTENTE COUNTRIES ruies in iavor or Holland. The mission await the convening of parliament be- Stand, where Were gathered the roy- will be empowered to give such guaran (AssccUted rress TJ. Com--. deuoonc.ing Germany declar- aiso acnievxu successes near uixmuae una in tne vcraiin sector. ' ;' By S. Naval fore and alty of the empire and the cabinet. .v: , '., tees against TJermany, ing her aa enemy China," says reexport to mnntcatioa ernes) of the The demonstration here was such Berlin anticipates a further drive on other points on the West front , , Austria-Hungary- , either directly or indirectly, as Presi- explanation.-- to that Wild caa be - WASHINGTON, August lft The War .As its onlv character- and admits that the renewal of the Allies offensive is stronger than . Wilson , ' No Change Is Expected To Be dent and the export license that nation is acting in concert with '.at ion. Every time "thnt - . ' ' Tas Bill, which haa not been material- "Old ever..--- .v ; t :. board may require, . , Germany, and the settlements passed , ,. ;'" 1 Austrian Glory" the rflviewinir stand .'....-:- ".'' '!. ly ameaded srfcy Made In Plans of Allies and la way aa the result in China might easily be used as the L royalty saluted, as did the cabinet, ."The' British "forces, with the Canadians in the fore, and the ' of the debate, will pas the senate bases Statement of United States Will for further intrigues China has ,f iiu mo surrounding., thousands German's were at close ertos vesterdav on the western outslfirta v before the end of the week, in tbe therefore bean constrained, for her own .fheered themselves Opinion of the honrne. The of Lens.- - All long a of high explosives Give New Light To All Europe MONDAYS .ELECTED senate leaders, when it to accord the same sol re was thunderous in he enthusi- night stream had been poured will be Austria-Hungar- y sent into conference. treatment to as - to asm - of . the spontaneous demonetra- upon, thr Hun's positions, The thunder of the big guns shook the The measure as it is certain to pass Germany." , V provides . for the raising of approxi- Troops r OaAhsrliig tit --4) - mately -- (Associated Press By TJ. Kaval Com- 2,000,000,000 ia taxes to meet I Arc bodies of troops belonging to ment that the British on the West front have yet subjected the , I FOU GREAT STRIKE war ranlcstloa ferric) ; expenses, but makes no provision the northern and southern factions am enemy ia. ttso conception. 01 uts intensity and terrors can ie..torme - ' ASHINGTON, 1&-Th- atthe for further bond authorisations. reported ftasembling St Chavhn, .in August . . t ; - by description. . . The bill was increased $133,000,000 FnJcien district, and a clash is Srami- PsOYAL FAMILY OF ".'"l'. .,' W peace over ' ,:": proposals tbe total as it passed the house. nent. c. , I. W. W. Call Gen ;' TRENCHES BATHED IN CRIMSON FIRE Threatens To About 327,000,000 was added during - . of the Pope are not likely to have . 'TmitAWl. A...m . C A '. . .. , . t the last , week because of the latest ,L... .1..' eral . Walkout and Alabama the least effect upon the plans of war estimates. The final redraft was to there burst a perfect hurricane of shelling. Solid lines of crimson presented to the senate as ft DOUDTS OF JAPAN the Allies to carry forward the Miners Make Announcement fire' lightened the Teuton trenches bathing them in a blaze' of ex- - V i measure, with Senators La Follette, , I , , ' , ' , ra war until Prussian militarism is Gore and Thomas presenting a separate ulosives a the shells broke soreadine death arid devastation on all report advocating -' a thing of the past and the power higher tax levies. Former Rulers Will Go ' To To- wuies.' i ncn Dcmna tnis uarraee tne miantry . (Associated Frees By XT. 8. Naval Com-mo- New Increases ARE ALL REMOVED terrinc untisn rushed of Hohen2olIerns pre- 'Move: tade'-'To'- forward.' and Ktlerl and carried all 'before tripm.'- - From the ever to cation Service) . The new Increase of $327,000,000 ov-e- r bolsk On ' PEATTLK, August 16 A general the west of Lens to East Loos charged along a two-mi-le cipitate committee's Original is, Pro-Germ- of they front another world conflict draft ; ';' Check an strike of all members of tbe Industrial distributed approximately among the Plans has been stripped away Is gert-eral- ly and carried every' position by their assault, including Hill Seventy,.' Workers of the World engaged in con- louowiag additional levies: Reception To Mission Such That t agreed upon by those in the struction work throuehout the United On corporate incomes, 102,000,000; .: the most: formidable ebstacle in their course and which the Huns ", fttates la to be called for next Monday, Conviction Good ; r,l,r imnrixmQ 1 h 1 IAn additional snrtaxes on individual in of West's (Associated Press By TJ. 8. Naval Com--1 hurt rwllvl nil rnnntorc urtiiFt th diplomatic service here, but that eight-hou- r unlet ft general t day is -- comes of $15,000 nod over, $27,500,000; 1 ? , munlcatlon ... adopted ' Bervicst ,t leaders threw against the victorious Tommies were beaten back one . the proposals, coming when they by aU employers, according to distiUed spirits, $1)3,000,000; beer, $12,- - Heart Follows . t v 1)N PON,' .August .18 The Pussian a statement issued from the I. W. W. 300 00(r; wines, $17,000,000; war excess after another and the results' of the whole glorious onslaught were have and from the source they Boyat family has been sent to Tobolsk, headquarters here last night. proats, retained.'-'- ! ' $3,000,000; bank cheeks. $2,000. Hiberis, despatches '"'"W .: have gives to President Wilson from Petrograd said ' '"l':vi 000; floor or stock taxes on sugar, eof tT. Oom--, i ; (Associated Press by & Naval night. ... t Losses to the victors were nftt commensurate with the magni- - BIRMINGHAM, Alabama, August V. tea cocoa, last Earlier despatches. telling golden fee, and $6,000,000. . Berries) a opportunity to make a 'A Alu-bam- a mnoicfttloa " ojf the Intention, to strike of 'twenty thotiiwnd Additional taxes on incomes of cor deport the former lude of the gaing for theBrhish official reports Say that the losses AN FE AN CISCO, August lft All oaur and csarina-sai- d statement to the world, impress- coal miatrrr .is to bo called Mon- porations apply also to partnerships. Nicholas, deposed were slight while the Teufon casualties were appalling. N V V" day demnqda doubts and misconcepttous that'-ma- y and his consort ilmprens Alex- ing upon all the right- if their 'or shirter hours joint stock companies and associations, Cir, The result. sf the .Canadian! alvaoce brings tbe British, lines around nations the and higher wy aliAil hi reui-.'d-. have'been entertsined in Jspsn regard- andria are to be transported from the Jens including life insa'ranee companies. tike point . in- - ' ing the nrobabW ftttitnde of the people fortress iarkealoe in Hiberia. The pro- s shear's north and south of tbe eitv. . fulness his position recom hand-to-han- tf Their normal income lax is increased to r, Bloody fightitif? progressed in .the suburbs and s of the united tHnt'ea regarding the visional government in view of . mending six per cent, four per cent more than the .were v, to' congress that war Japanesw mission -- have been cleared German influence, as number of prisoners token. the present law and two per cent above exerted in the re r. A V V ra A .. v. mi . Germany ' away, by sincere and ' hearty wel- cent, uprisings and inn against be declared. tne original House pro 'the demoralisation of ne ox now i and committee come gives to. Viscount Ishii and tbo the army fears attempts may be madd i ran .seems treasonably rertata Within a few days at the STATEMENT WILL ENLIGHTEN gram, utmost r members of his 'mission by the people to liberate the royal: prisoners and U as. ths resultls of the latest British, victory this morning when Hill No. Increased Surtaxes 70, com-hlne- d The case of the United States of Hawaii and ths people of California, taking extra precautions to prevent 9 eminenee .domionting .this hotly contested objaetive fell before the Increased surtaxes fall entirelv on pounding of the British big gnns the jjlcrce English says the viscount in a statement to tbe suiih aa attempt.- - Ths point of thoir and. Jiwoop of the in against Germany and her allies individuals k having incomes of $15,000 ' fantry. Hill ,0 is the lost German stronghold , iu this soction of press wighWv ' ' ths battle last future captivity is Tob4k? Wpital of ' ;- : r above. They range from one. per 4 arena. .'''..,-- , v, , has hever yet been told in Its en-- 4 ' 'Iiawe-soavfnoe- my govern ft'pryviteo in west Siberia, Tb news t yy.. ,K eentn $15,000 incomes, Co ft maximum c Ai 1n' s'l previous important sueeesse of the last Mx moHths. tb honor meni ana tne wspanese peepte tji of his transfer is reported to. have made . A . . 1 , ...... 1 . . m . . tirety, these diplomats point out, of thirty-thre- e per cent on incomes in that r i i .... (AsaocUted Press By TJ. 8. Kaval Oota--: heart of ths grest American West is all Nicholas extremely sad. but the Em- ui viriory tne juiiwaiT vanauians wne mier nays or incessant artillery -- excess $500,000. and espeoiath throughout Ger- mtmloation Service) of right,V he aaid,.f'snd you have made press accepts the decree with equanim- fire advancod to the attack under a terrific .barrage fire. The Oermaas put op KASHLNOTO, An additional one dollar per gallon it a stiff defense but with bayonet and machine gun firs Teutons were August plain that friendly cooperation is to e ity and is making aa effort to appear ' the forced many and Austria the truth is ' im- tax is imposed on distiUed spirits, with- back step by step fierce bloody . or not Americans have been keynote cheerful.- .". ' after and .onslaughts and finally forced to th of all our future relit ; ' - ' drawn from bond, except those used for - r '. the mneh. grounds . i not known. Nowr Pope Benedict pressed into the German army is to be ;.- : . yield coveted i ; industrial purposes, tions." having opened way determined. Reports have reached increasing the lax In military circles the capture. is considered one of the most important the and at here that American eitixenr were be- on distilled, beverages to $1.20 per gal- of the year as it is believer! the transfer of this eminence to, British hands will r 0 traded the ear of alt the belGger-- : ing compelled to aerve aganist their lon as compared with the present rate make Lens further oscirjiatiou by the Ciernians untenable. Hill-7- was con- $1.10, The . committee HAND OF GERTtlANY IS by cnt nations, a statement of Ame- own country and the Spanish Ambassa- of 'a prohibitory sidered impregnable: the' Teutons and yvith its fall, the city, of Lena, with dor at Berlin is investigating. tax on grain, molasses and other ingre- its immense coal jind. iron dcpoHlta, is .now half encircled by the British armies. rica's position would be of ines dients of whisky to stop further manu- ' British forces .also pushed German outposts back across the Bteenboks facture is retained. river. ' . , ';.-- timable value in heartening Rus- IN ASIOR HOUSE ROW ' ' ''.... Beer would.be taxed three dollars per .' , .. BERLIN EXPECTS nTRTHZfe ATTACKS sia; France arid Belgium. and in TURN ARTILLERY ON barrel, double the present rate.' Wines Berlin official 'reports last night said that the. renewal of the Entente of- making it plain through Austria . would bear virtually treble their pres- fense along the .West front was the most Severe thst Jisd Jret been met and ent taxes. '.'.The house levy was only was taken to forecast that attacks will fallow on points along this front As tire row ' thst and Germany that they have been $6,000,000 on wines. , result of a which took have heretofore been cann. r. , Exrs"9 Socialists Express Disappoint pUee in ihe Astor , House, restaurant, The report however, . deceived by their rulers in the re-- Profits claims, thst British attacks on ."Vpres and French The $5,000,000 increase en. war ex- ment At Britain's Action on King Street, lata yesterday after- at Oerny vers reuiibied, "J .. ' . peated claims that the war is one cess profits was added by minor change noon, Ah t'oo ia confined at. the emer ',.' schedule of gency .hospital with ft knife wound in of aggression against the Cen in the such taxes providing (Associated Press by TJ. 8. Naval Com-- for a total revenue of $528,000,000. The his back, and Ho Sun is booked at the ; (Antedated Press By TJ. 8. Kaval Com-mnn- l mulcaUon Service) tral Powers and that Germany $2,000,000 additions! from bank checks police station for investigation and will POLICE ARE SILENT GERfilANYMINIMIZES cation Servtoa) . " LONDON, ; August lft Germany's be charged with ft in de- would make $10,000,000 in all from assault with weapon. was lorced into the conflict MADRID, August lft Eevolutionists ( hand In tbe Stockholm of - source. ,,..,-- . conference The two Chines are employed in the in Barcelona and SabadcU, ia - Cata- tbst Socialists, is clearly seen reports ' fense of her own borders. The new floor or stock taxes on su- ia that restaurant, Ah I'oa being dishwasher ON CASE OF lonia province, yesterday fired upon were received from Amsterdam last Ho Sun Lansing Awaits Document ".. gar, coffee and thS sad a waiter. . Bad blood has the troops and guards. A. bloody battle tea, cocoa, at same night. The despatch says Germaa tjeeretary of State Lansing hsj made rates proposed in the new consumption that existed between them for some time. no statement' m yfet regarding followed when the troops returned Socialists openly express ths keenest Yesterday the men quarreled in the the fire. The artillery was brought taxes, are levied only oft wholesalers ths FLORENCE BERG ! peace proposals from ths VatIran, an- then disappointment at ths action of ths kitchen and a fight ensued, in the into play and demolished many bonnes, and retailers having large accumulated British government in refusing to give nouncing only that he is awaiting the ' course of which Ho Sun grabbed ft thir- -- , i . .. . supplies. ': k. i. receipt of the official killing the inmates. , passports to those who desire to at teen inch blade knife and stock Says Only Twenty-si- x text of tbe The says Sourcs of Tares Ah i'oo Pope's communication, which not, premier that the atriM ia ft tend ths conference, and say that they ia the bsck with it. , , ,' Tbo elusive and mysterious evi- hat . . ..Of the $2,002,000,000 proposed new yet been received. failure, ... lear tne result will be the failure in. Us Ah Foo grabbed the knife and walked dence which the police first say they iVr Destroyed During War - , , . .... taxes about $720,000,000 wiU be secured ,., ' purpose of the conference. , , ,.,t. .. to police Snd Yesterday Secretary Lansing was in from corporate and individual incomes, the station, his wound hsvlng have then ssy they are waiting been : ron fere nee with Ambassador Jusseraad $74)1,000,000 from wsr excess profits, bsndsged by other employes of for in the ease of the death after a Bss-ela- y the cafe, , There criminal operation Miss of France and Charge d'Affairea aboht $200,000,000 from rectified ftftd he told his story, sad of Florence (Associated Press By V. S. Kaval 0oai- - of the British embassy, eon--f MARINE TOLL IS ft police officer was seat to restau- BeTg, is as el asi ve and mysterious ' the illHtiiled spirits, fer- the mnnlcatioa Borrlcs) . , . erenee $45,000,000 from rant to arrest as ever. Two weeks elapsed rising designed, it it atated $0 malt liquors, $23,000,-00- 0 the offender, who was have mented aud and found going AMSTEKDAM, August 16 Accordi- give London and Paris a complete from wines. Few other schedules sbout his customary duties since the unfortunate woman died at ng- as cool as fther-if- f to Information recently received ststement of Heeretsry Lansing's were changed in the final revision.' ) su please and waiting on ft the Beretania Sanitarium and patron ' Rose from "Wilhelmshaven, German ad- views at baaia of action. -- ' ' The committee VEL BELOW with a dish ofJtidney stew, hss sot yet gathered a jury the ' ' .'i also wrote ia bow NOW Ml twenty-- Reply is Kscessaxy , if provision exempting from all postage to take evidence on tbe cause of her miralty admits ths loss of only , rep- or any not been .Other evaferenoea la which the letters written by American soldiers death, at rate It has six, submarines sines the inagu ra- resentatives of the Aaier-- announced whether or not jury Entente and (Aaociatcd Press by TJ. B. Naval Com-- , and sailors iu foreign lands and pro- a latin state department rflirial parti-; (Associated Press By TJ. B. Naval Oom FILIPINPS viewed the remains, as required by tion of the campaign of ruthlesanesa, t : , -. nmnlcatloa gorvlcf) ., ( i viding that the proposed new tax of cipated tnulcfttion Service) law .. ,;. ,. "while the underwater fleet haa grown wei held,, and while nothing one cent on twenty-fiv- e ; law. .The says; i WA8HINGTN, August 16 A new each cents paid st was ofuejally given Out IXNDQar,: f Augsst ' aftr-Lk- week soon as any coroner steaiiuy until now includes three respecting division- - srmy for transporting 'parcel post paehages "As shall it o( the staff has been ths number of ships destroyed by Ger- hundred t, large and smalL ,' these the conviction is that while the was shall not apply to packages weighing have notice of a death of any person l'ope's oomniunieatien demands formed, it announced yesterday. It man submarines and mines iwas well WOMAN; ARE JAILED Within jurisdiction, supposed The" deVman grand fleet ia making a eonv will have charge of the handling of nil less than four ounces. ; his to rrelienslve rp)y cannot ia all like- below the average. Fourtea vessels have com to such death by poisoni- frequent eacuraioaa from its base into it shipments of supplies to the United In greatly increasing wine taxes the of sixteen hundred tons over were lihood change. the attitude of the Allies committee had ng,-' violence, or in any suspicious the North Haa, aceurding to the State army in Kurope and will : be derided to levy four cents nor of tbo I'pi'ed btatos, as previously per sunk, three smaller ships were lost and manner, he shall forthwith issue bis rrpars the battleships ' command 1. gallon additional, doublirg the pre upon. , : undet the of General F three Jlshiug crafts were destroyed. ' leaving their fcnehuragea in the even- htrread Karaan. ent tax of four rents en dry and still Three Filipinos were taken to the summons to six good and lawful men . ' n ing cruising throughout The KritUh offleial view . of police of the district where such death and the night tbe " - V :.': wines containing less thsn fourteen per station lust night, on the com-plui- sp-pe- for .battle practise Cud on pope's proposals, credited to an cent sleohoL ' of ,a fellow-countryma- may have occurred to ths lookout ' of On sweet wines, inn that the.-Britis- h source, ia that the d LOST WARSHIP FOUND ; . Tir before , him the for fleeu In the morning liruors, cordials UlLL-lrtlM- : they hnd. accosted him' at time sad terms and other compounds m . aud a younj the gran fleet returns to port.. (eave have a distinctly Ger- THIRTEEN TEARS AFTER the new rate was fixed at $1.10 per lady with whom he was walking, aud place expressed ia the warrant, and man au- flavor anr, according to this proof gallon, double the present law. had sieied her and tried to carry her there to .inquire- upon the view of thority, are believed to have cmaaated ' - body of the deceased, (Special Cable to Kipptt JUO On alcohol used for fortifying wines off, only desisting when- be erled loudly tbe when, how, jrora .liorae through Austria, which is ;' by what means he cams TOKIO, .Ispss, Aujrurt 15 After, ft ths new bill levies $1 per proof gallon for the police. and to his CUBAlS a pr nt'iitteed Catholic nation, as a test The , ..;..' riADfjiVITH search for thirteen years, torpetto in addition to the present , tax of tea affair occurred on King Street, death.",' to sound out the Allies' frame of mind the No report is made by boat ..No. 03, owned by Japanese eeuts per gnllon. . . ; snd the names of the men arrested er the army of in the interval since tbe tn-tttiv-e the ' Herman On Ohmpsgnes ,' ' Abondio Hunihlino, Vietormua ficisls on the ease, except that it is ;overnment, has been located. It was ' Garcia peace ffer. , r " Investigated inspector-ge- - '' ound at the bottom of the bay at Port Present taxes on champagnes, spar- (Associatsd Press by TJ. a Naval Com-- aud Autero Alpon. , i ''being "by the li;ifJG All Expected To Beply ? . neral. . The CAMPSITE Arthur yesterday. ,' kling and prtifloial wines would be nmlcatloa Berries) The woman iu the ease is a enmelv army investigation BritUh circles ante-morte- I the peace terms trebled. Total taxes on ' COPENHAGEN, August . Ger- Filipino of diminutive is based on alleged tne UiiMsian Jananesa war the champagne lfl statute, and she :. would revert to the status quo which Willi . , ' '; V' and. sparkling nam mm ue charges by tbe dead nurse Capt, ''; " vV. harbor of l'ort Arthur was mined, emd wines under the revised many plana to expropriate the entire tnrts ruiplnos grabbed that ' U considered as just what Germany M, C . the Bussian floet lay at anchor iu the bill would be nine cents ft half plot and potato erop of tbe country. This was hef by the arm so roughly that it John I.udy, was the father of f, '..'''.,' ':.'',':'. is striving for. :' ,, one-hal- harbor.. The four and f cents a nint on arti announced yesterday ,von Waldow caused her considerable puiu. .:',, ., her child,, whose existence mads an (Associated Press By U. 0. Kaval Oo s torpedo boat rushed ty i. - It is expected thst' ihe various mem-Ver- operation- i j , through the mine section and sunk the ficial wines. the new food controller. . That the trio 'planned, to kidnap ths illegnl neeessary. muulcaUon) Service) ;, of the Entente will reply to -- S the ekibestopol. The Japanese boat never That the new extra tax of one dollar woman is ths belief of Ihe male com- WA8HINCWW, . August 18 - As papal proffer individually and no joint per gallon on '..- - returned to its base. distilled spirits shall not plainant. offer received from unswer will be promulgated.. ;. the government of -- . . .; apply to that used for Industrial or lvfendasts preserved a sullen de- Home newspapers here sUo . T Cuba Island attribute other than beverage purposes, such as II meanor at the police station and re- that that' be used as the move of. SCORES ARE KILLED pite of the peeeft Pope Benedict to TBETHINO OIIILDEEW. ruainR medicine and perrumery. ateo fused to offer any explanation of their winter training rniups for Austrian influence while others are re- Teeth isr vsildrvit have or less troops has been 'declined. nan was provided. , , conduct. 4Chey were charged with as from any comment un- diarrhoea, which .. - fraining passing can be controlled by The' new floor or stock tax on soosr. sault ana uaitery. - V v. an official version is In- giving ON WAY TO CANADA til published. Chambrrlain's Colie, Cholera tea, coffee suil cocoa was modified to- dications arc the term are and Diarrhoea- - Remedy. GERMANS that All that is day in favor of retailers. Ths follow-in- g SHORT OF COAL to the Entente, " necessary is (o give COLDS CAUSE HEADACHES the prescribed dose amounts of such products in their (Associated Press By U. U. Kaval Ooav The Times, leading English ncwspa- - each operation of bowels more after the hands will be exempt from the floor (Associated Press By TJ, 8. Naval Oomv LAXATIVE BROMO jUININQ es i munlcation Service) ' per, expresses astonishment at the Vat- than natural then and castor oil to tax? ' munlcatioa erytce) the cause, Used (Associated Press By TJ. I. NatsJ Com-- ,' LONDON, August severe is ican Si ignprancc of t tbe world over 10Sa the 'opinions held cleanse the system. It is safe and sure. Tea, fifty pounds: -' - , coffee. 200 noundsi CLAT CENTtft, Kansas, Augus-- 15 to cure cold muntcatlon Service) becoming the shortage of 'onl iu Oar- by the Allies and the United HI a fcven severe ...... K.,1 . r in one dsy. Tbe signa- tec the most and dnnirerous puunns; ' bet- - PETBOOKAU, 15 col- many, say d n"! grape sugar or gW1 Former President Taft is so much ture B. W, August In a the reports that hac re:h-e- The whole, tenor," says the paper. cases are qiiickly cured by It. For sale cu.o, BA IN now PRQVB is on each box. editorially,', iuu uuuihm, ana saci'hnrino. am 1M thsr lias left hr Anil lision today at Moscow between S here, that it has been determined to the note pears the by all dealers. Bensoa. Mnilth Co.. pound, n - Manufactured by "of k No retailers' exemption for eo-ie- ronte to Canada, where he will re- tbe TARIS MBDJ.. freight and a pRsener trsia sixty cut down ths making of electricity mark, of Germaa inspection.' kyeats for Hawaii. coft was provided. ' enuerate ftftsr hia aevara illness. CIN CO., 8t. Louis, JU, &, X : f were killed and ISO Injured. from forty to sixty per cent. w - HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, FRIDAY," AUGUST 17, 1917. SEMI-WEEKLY- ",

;k f H''v i r-i- p-- HONOLULU STOCK tXCy.XV.il- - .MAJOR GENERALS Ana-tis- t 1C, OKEIiUilEDL'iEII LUCKY UUil LUDY S ACTIONS , llonoliilil, l!HT J . w " t ' LjLil ., ... ORDERED TO 'DUTY it ARE NAMED GO . vifpf nnuni)ni f TOOK 10 Tiese 17 Go To Training Camp 1ILIVU IIUIlUlinULL j WITH WAR ARMIES MKRCANTILtt TRAINING ATKIKSON-rorme- WATXIlJs ' TO CAFilP A. 1 O. r 'aee;. JOHN a Clerk, Ha--' Army Investigators Give Medical , ?, ... , retary and acttng governor of the raUan Electrio Oa. ' Alennnder A huldwln. . Territory; attorney-at-Iaw- i t OHAUNCXY F. CLEVELAND Reserve Officer Certificate Thirty-tw- o Are Assigned, Includ C. llnwer A ii .,,,4' 4M JU)WA&D 3. MALAKTTT Purser, ; Clerk, Hackfeld h CO. ' BCdAR of Good . ing Leonard Wood Who Will Whites, Hawaiiahs, ateamcbla LlkaUka. .X R, ROBERTSON Agent, Hono- -' Conduct.'.' List hchidcs. tlsntsttua Co I 3.1 4 fciper. kiln Oas Company; guardsman. . Probably Leave Soon Kl WILLIAM HAMPTON tihikii nniinr I o ... i IIIO Chinese, Wak; KENNETH - , ...... Japanese and ; lntendent, Bonotuht OM Worts; EMBR80N Clerk. Ha- Hawaiian Aan-t- l Co V command- wsllan Pineapple Co. That, despite the alleged death bed Haw n Com I A Hussr Ca..l 4H , ' former capt, N. O. H; ing Camp Cosmopolitan ANTHONY Y. WTO Attorney-a- t llswsllsn Hiiitsr Co .'IT 8TT4 ing Companies M and D. atatemeata of tha late Horence Berg, llonokas Buasrt'o... I 1U law. nurse, who as a crimin- ll'mmnii HAROLD . STATf ORD --Attor-' aiel result of a Ku. m ' WILLIAM H. JOHNSON Editor!- -' al operation, there, is no evidence to Hatrhlnson dinar Ctt....,. Hn ney-at-ta- (AasocUted Press By U. U. Naval Oonv I 111 kl mH, i. ' show that Capt. John B. Lufly, Medical Kshukn I'lsiitstlon Co.... 1tl NATION AL GUARD IS W.' fe'ROWN JnUliagef, mmuektloa Servteot rv r. una It,. i!VO 14 AftCIirB OEOROB K. LARR1SON, Terrttor-- 1 Reserve Corps, United States 'Army, ' Kolisi Huasr 'o (its WASHINGTON, August l.fWTblity- - .... . Insurance department, von Hamnv and' '. Mrllryile Hu-s- r 'Moii1 REPRESENTED tM federal hydrographlst, acted other . than honorably towards Co lO'l 1014 STRONGLY vi-- major, generals t ,Toung. Co. ..'.! ,"t . captain, First Company, A., N, of- two of the regular nha miliar o j 5Bt ..' 0. ths dead girl ia tbe official decision, i - ': army tiisa niiKsr !&, ,. - i ' hav been assigned by war de in 11. ROBERT E. WHITE Clerk, land ' ficially annonneed, by the department Hiisnr C J partment - eMers issued to llnoisaa tVli ii" ia" department, O. . L. Co.; first XBEN & CUSUINOHAM Chlsf Inspector or toe yesterday Mi.Mii,ii i j ;. zi B. n Hawaiian Department. - I'si-lti- r riianr "' - duty wllh the armies."- Hnuar Mill Not .." llcut... machine gun company, N. .clerk. ,. secretary of , .Hawaii; "Nothing damaging to- Captain 'sr MARINE m Forty, Applicants Were ' ' the Maj INTELLIGENCE. I'sla llsntstlott Co...... J21S ; v guardsman. Included in list is Cea. ;"o. H ." .; j i , . ... Lady's reputation can be proved' " Miiaar i'o 1n- - , - Lconarl Wood, commander of the By Morckanta' Exchange Fortunate Ones WARREW Assist- ABNER . T. LONQLEY Superin- sava a statement of the denartmeiit in- lliilleer Mill Co WILLIAM L. Southeastern lHpnrtment, who he tin-- I'srlisi Mllllna Co., ' tendent, territorial epeetor prepared for publication, . ant manager,"1 Honotuls Phot market. while Wslslua Acri-tl- " All . been ordered to field dutv, and will Man Co.,,., dude Lines of Business ANDREW M. HAMRICK tnoa i . Fraaetsra ansust arrived, etr. Eupply Co.; second UeuW anpply Federal military authorities who have (f p. m.l, bene Auirusl 7. Walluku Bus. Co mi - ' meteoYologlst. leave soon, prousniy, for France.' ttlerra . s ' ' - gone inte the ease have be AiiKiist 1!1. Kn-- epmpany, K. O. H. "a strenf Yesterday s war department - orders 8an Kmnctsn ariired. str. MIRCKIXANEOCB HERBERT E. WESTCOTT City lief" that Captaia Ludy w belly terprlMe. froin litis. Auunst 4. . PBTTTOHH' Jeacn-- "is -t HOOARTH ' ' : assiga: MsJ. Ovn. Johs F. O'Hyan, Vokolisms' Alis- l.'l. srrlred. str, Anyo ''-- purchasing agent, book- ex "' men, .' aasistaat innocent misconouct ia relation to ' Bnrian Devel. Ce One hundred iTreseuttivo r, sIlIU School. j eecnmandina: tbe Unard Mara, kenes July 'JU. a. . keeper, Tha Advertiser? Hen- -' The National of 1st Asa. 7 pd eeeu fin this unfortunate girl". depart VtikohsuisAnirusi l.'l. arrived, str. 'Bniuyo Unit 4 a ri,fi M.IS .. from kit Islands, all race and all CTRrt F, t)AMON Raal estate 4sj: New York, and Major General Clem nvuee "i' . ' tenant, battalion, tdjutant, N.,0. nient inspector recommends that his Mara, HKut .t p. co. pfij;;;; the-- army partment. Guardian Trust Co. ' eat,' commanding the National Guard BelllnKnsai Ancuxt 14, snlled, hk. Bene--. iisikn r. mi "tuitions were selected. by H. findings be made public view of ' HHikn r , m . i n. nun As- - ;. "la f Pennsylvania, te commands of di cla.. fur Ksnuiill. ' IP'4 the officers' training camp .WILLIAM T, ALEXANDER BERNARD H, KNOLLENBERO the- - daiuage to his (Captain ludv's) 14. Hawaii Clin. Rr. V, A. 1 T 'Hi tbortties for reorganised army, ; Cvliiiiilila Hirer Ausunt arrived, sclir. O W. Btstnnt agricnlturlst, experiment ; Altorny-at-law- . ; visions in the c, Hawaii Cob. K. " BchoBoJtt which opena An " reputation that the publicity given t rtr-i- nenee iuiy .... at Barrack!, " ft. Ai" Brigadier generals from the regular 'rancls.-Aiiirui- tt i.14. 4.00 Hawaii Con. lly. runnnon. "iu. rtntton, H. T. L, JAMES -- case bos , ia steamed. being' an rRANK r Treasurer, the caused.'' a. at., str. WUheliuliis. for Honolulu, jiawaiian Kisrtne 'o.... gort 27, the list of""names ALBERT P.; CLARK Assistant OreenbaUgh, ar ' army wilt cTveinailer these wsjor gea tUw'n i'lneapple Co 44 Jamaa Cd. A The' officitl statement, given out at JHun . AnilUKl CKW v ' ' in. arrived. Hrew. A nounced yesterday. There were about BanX of Hawaii, Ha-- erals front the militia, a new depar AitR-u- Iln. Msll. Co.. 1014 crshler. ALAN A., DAVIS Bookkeeper, i. army 'headquarters yturteidny morning, p. u. str. HHomhis nence I. I - affairs. - IihkiIiiIu Uss Co U4i2 ' ftalea- tore ia army 14, sailed, scbr. Oala- candidates. ADRIA1 ENOLEHARJJ A . wsllan' Trdst Co. .' . ana dotea yenerosy, is: . , , .... furft , Hon. H. T. L. Co 140 forty unlucky ;; urids-e- rur uuo. 14S Standard Oil XJo. . i Announcemeut was made by tbe war lxlan.1 B. .N. UK! Hat- - Americana, tnsn. ." . JOHN It BAKER An to sajesmaa, After Tkorongk Investigation : Inter Co.... IIS) V The include white RAWBOft department o a complete reorganixa Mutual e TREDERICK P, In on Hamn Young Co. . ' VThe conclusions of depart Co.... Ill'i lux eltl-ise- n. the ' thjliu By. A Uind Co 1.17U! Japanese; Chinese and Hawaiian M.' ; of army system whu'h wUI lBTVs structoT X 0. A. eoopexatlre HARRY, F.. LTJOAS Clerk, tono-- " ment Inspector as the result bf h thor tion the I'aliiiiiu Ttul.lirr I'll ' , provide the regular army organ of Honolulu , s Residents of all four counties .' "achools. ' ltrhi Planing Mill. . V''-- . ough 'invesflgation ef the ease of Cap that tMsiiui IHnillua-- plil. ... V4 (rations will make un the first twenty Hame mi LI i 10 ere included and there are e'lKlit ser EDWARD 8. ; JACKSON Broker OEOROB - HUTCHINSON- - Ardst--.' tain' John B. Ludy, Medical Besenre ml. live divisions. Divisions TO and 79. ia Taujuna Mak UihiImst ,J , . . the regular army in the lint. manufacturer'a agent. and chemist, axperlment Corps, tn eoaueeetion with the death of rennts of end station, - : ' ' - clnsive, win be eomposed of- national AB&MVBD 7Tnhn, Inclusive of both Honolulu LEWIS T. LYMAN In charge anV H. ft.' P. A. . a Mies. Berg' are- given ia the following i 'A BONDS In- guard organisations, white from the residents of the outside experimental H. FRED L. HOWARD Utter transmitting the report . s 14. If'IT residents and , station, station, JrClerk, af 7(1 Ansiwt Beai-- Walk Imp. - division onward will be niadei up of . ,"iVi... districts, is represented by sixty-eigh- t ft. P. A,' Walpahu. Lewers Cooke. vest igatloa to , the department com- Wm. (Mivn. from Nitrate Porta. Hawakua I lt-- Co. d Vsm-ixive- 4s.... . army nun 4 m. ' names, from Hawaii there are MAORTXDER MAURY Editor- ALFRED L. MARKS Assistant mander. .'The conclusions reached and tbe national secured KtC. Xlasnra, f SOV. Hawaii Cm. Hi'. 00 while six, a Kea. from lllln, a. . - the draft- - Htr. atauua at. ' ' Hawaiian lrr. Co. W now : expressed by from ITi. 11M7 ...... fi. taui seventeen and Kauai four. ial staff, Tha Advertiser.. engineer, departaieat of public opinions tbe Inspector Ansust ' Haw. Ten. re . ma. O. MURRAY ' - ceen AH Infantry divisions se to be kn. 4'. ll'l .. t ? Seventeea Guardsmen CHARLES Clark, T. work.- V'- have approved iy tue eommaad' site, MstMmla, train Ran rrsnctseo, a. Haw. Tr. Full. Imps.. too o . -- - ' composed of heiluarters, a battaHea H, Darloe k Co;. ' i f. , ROBERT D. KINO Office aaslst-- Ing general; , Ktr. Ma una lsa. (nun Kauai porta, a. m. law. t er, pun. luip. as influence guard Is guns, . m. i tserK-- s 11) iooW VI The. of the national BKOWN Clerk, in-- The following report of Investi-gatio- of machine two Infantry aa Kir, Manoa, from Knhnlni. lllla ., Ho--. HER RICH 0. sntH territorial urwyoc ftrst "1. . AllKllot 1!1T Haw, Terr l Vindicated by' tha fact that ia tha ' ' one artillery brigades, an engineer ' 1. uraoca department, ; lieutenant, battalion adjutant, N. is submitted: First come the 7. Aw fmiu Kalmlnl, a. tn. tlonokaa Bnssr Co. : .Hawaiian atr. VoltII. , Bj,.. nolulu list ars seventeen frnardamea or ' regiment,, battalion of signal corps, , Trust Co. O.. H. ' v C : statements and sworn testimony, ef Ktr. McI-sm- fruiu Hen t'ninrtMr-o- 3 p. m, Hon. IJiii Oi. Ma ; ; a Hy. ex guardsman. Many officers or out 1 four hospital companies, four ambu Hrlte. Kieai, fnsii Houlli Bend. a. in. K lial Vo. Oa. 101 WILLARD C. ROSS Teacher Mills WILLIAM A. SIMPSON Sales- witnesses available. 8ccond, a brief ' 'side regiments, including CoL J: I), lance companies, and supply trains. Mtr. ItsiHllne. from Maul, a, ra. ... Manoa Imp. Hat. . . :'" " A Sckool.' . .i j '; man, California Feed Co. . summary of the evidence. Ktr. Ho noma, from fnn Vranclwo, noon. Suuar Co. Sa... KsJiton of tha Second Hawaiian Infan vmH An infantry brigade ia tovrousist of Tel. Jr-ftie- No Positive Evidence Mntual ,1s..... list ALBERT B.' CARTES; no-.'i.. JOHN T. CRAELTUS Blacksmith, SEPABTKO ;" .i.... - ( Ry. A I 1ISJ , try, are also present ia the list. It is ' two regiments of infantry and three Oshn .and Co. iai" 10S ' O- - By L. Co., "2. Mr conclusions are that tbe ' B. V very who BYTTfher, Honolulu Iron WoAs. Of gnne. tr. Wsllele. for llnwall. 2 p. m. ' , (iska Btiasr l'o. 111. no stated that few guardsmen Ho--. evldeneo is not positive but only companies machine Ah artil n. n eamp HARRY HENRY Clerk, ftmoot LESTER C. CLARK Ralesman, cir H. Ir'sUs nf I'lJ.lts fir Huu Francisco, i lias nuasr i Ml . iuo' applied for the were turned down. ' ' ' lery brigade Will consist three reg - - ' ' nolulu Kuhber Works. cumstantial, and that this circumstan-tln- l of a. s. i nuano r. i o. as. liiri Stclnhauser; exnniardaniaa. m. 1UO Practically the entire assistant staff OEOROB Teacher, evidenpe is In favor nf Cantaln iments of artillery and a battery of Sir. Kluan, tut Kauai ports, It. racinc nusar Mill Co. Aa - EDOAR ANDERSON Bookkeeper, T. RETT1N Ulkshala, for Maul and Molokal Ban Carlos Mill. Co. 104 of tha experimental station of the 11a- a trench mortars, at. gnaxda- - Mine SchooL - Ludy innocence. Certainly there ltj porta, S y. in. i 0, , Bishop Insurance Agency; waiiaa Sugar Planters' Association ' Koiiurf, 4 ' ' on w men ne convict-- j Hu. Fuller, for p. tn. ';.-.- ' man, ' ALFRED R, BAIRD Employe, Y. noining couia te A.J. - ', Bettreen Bonroa ', . in be-- v 1 fin- Msnlln. ' will be the ramp, this institution ' M. C. A. ' ed by a coart of any crime, military, tlr. I.aa, non. kgri- - JOHN ft. B. PRATT, Jr. Assistant ; Hir., Mauna Kea. for Kilo. 10 a. m. IMoneer. 10A. KB. 2M. Kahnkn. ing represented by four assistant ' ' S7i: ?, ' agrlraltorlst,' experiment station, , ALLEN REN TON Student,' Ewa. civil, or criminal. Bp, Ar J. Fuller, fur Hound, a. m. 10.7.1; McBryde. 10, "SI; Kwa, tAMtt rulturists, one assistant , chemist and -- , . ' .WILHELM A. ANDERSON Clerk, "S. T therefore recommend that' . IV tar. IamiIm-- fur Hnutoa. a. m., . Svlaina liUiillnic .fil. IX. V.J& one ' entomologist, or H. S P A ,' Htc. Ann Francltw-o- . neon. assistant six ia H. Daviea V he be so Informed; and that, in view )lso, fsr ' Board Balsa - ' FREDERICK C. MOORE Cashier, The. Co. Ktr. Mauna Los. for Kaoal porta, 0 p. m. alL dMmage U. B. A M: . ' Smoot Steinhanser. . J. ATHERTON RICHARDS Stu-- :' of the. to his reputation that Ktr, HVhvouui, for Mydney. p. m. Ca.. 10.25r Onho, 0, 10, 35, - Practically every important business ' MM; Kwa. 10, , , , . WATSON the publicity given to the ease has ITS ' i'1.00.., house of Honolulu will have ft repre- BENJAMIN H. Clerk deaf -- .'.. rAS8ENtI3it AUtXVI TJ. B.. J. ATHERTON OILMAN Em--. canoed, a statement be made and pub- Bngkr " sentative la the camp, some more than '.A. anarteraaatar corps, By etr. Msuna Kea, fnim TTllo. August Quotation ... ploya, Inter-Islan- d Navt-- lished in the press' to the effeot that AusStst T.' CssitnAr.n Steam 14. lflll John T. Molr. Khen Uw, VA. WIT. , one, and others again with three or four ' " M analysis agrl-ca'tmri- ..' gatlon On. ' .; an exhaustive investigation has been Irfinl. W. II. 0.. I'ampMl, VIIbs Kprnule. beets (aa anvtces). ... ' RALPH E. DOTY Assists y- , . .' apiece. The Advertiser is represented DAVrES--Draaght- C. Parit- . ' , made and 'there is nothing Miss Beelier, Mrs. Itanforri, J. lnnfunl. Qxpertmeatal ttatloa, H. HOMER . that that 80 (for fTawaUan7 by three candidates for commission and has been develoned to Drove Can-- Total During War Runs Above liuBford. V. Uunford. Vv llanfunl. Jnhu Cent sugara).... T.S3 .,.. - ...... f man, Catton, Nam Co. that Jr.,-W- K. . o. r. aa-oyer' Walker Jlotiliy, Master Weter .. a Bbbo.Qnotuon the Star Bulletin by one, ia addition to a. " tain Lady toward ;';r v Can-In- u, - acted then a Half Million Miss Hanliaui. klisa Wiilker. Miss '1 ' . . AUBUst 14. HH7. - XEWTS T. ABSHTRZ-TrmnBlt- mait; - r Four and i several etners woo nave- gone tacx to jZf!?0 J4'XAT'i ??0PX late Miss Florence Berg in any other Mlsa fnuiulers. Mrs. Bryant. MUc Oryaua, Klusapnre BI.Miv, . - the Coast to enlist, V. .K. boa-orabl- e. allss Mrs. Frank Klua- and twa FREDERICK H. AUSTIN Quar-- nannor than 'that worthy eftaa (Associated Press by TJ. ft. Naval Com CtiapmsiK. Two or Mills Schools Utrpertn- -' ' ' cklldreullUlM Carrnthers, Mrs. 11.1 v v''- - three teachers of rRANK D. STJLLTVAN NScno- -' gentleman. And furthermore, ! ' tarmaster'a department, munication Service) A. 8. Costs. I.. Flsu and wire.. Mrs. are present, this being only 'educa--. O.; - ' the-- the tendnt of city delivery, P. "Held Banacka. r '."" that evidence leads not only te a 17 Kcboea. Master Brancn. Mlsa IMiwney, Miss LONDON, August The German Ha rue. FerDHUdss, Mrs. Soarm tional institution represented. edit-- FORBES-Quarter-maete- r'i conclusion nothing damaging lie Ms ANDREW FARRELL Sports MORRIS H. that to cnu-dre- UNLISTED SECURITIES Officers of the local regiment of the and Uirajit. K. . rpenver ana iwo or The. Advertiser. : department, Schoneld Puttlo ometol Hats, avklck dc? Uss. Us-- Slid Infsnt, W. MoKryile, HUT, 7. ?'.bt1r?ir Oermin not , . Hunoliiln, August W, guard who will attend tha camp are: fteora- - ' Zl also a strong by K. Farer. C. K. Fren.-a- . '. K.. Freiu-h- K v HI1TRY P. O' SULLIVAN Barracks. '"include the casualties of tho Bavarian, LrSdenkemper ('apt William H. Hampton, rlrst ft. unitary authorities that Captain McKessue, Ur. and Mrs. and taxr. Public Utilities Commission, M. CARTER Student, Walpahu. Iudy Wurttcmberg had Baxon divisions, two children. Miss Mlvaiuoto. H. tltioikl, Lieut. Bobert' B. White, machine gnu is wholly Innocent misconduct in s Captain, Company A, V. Q. H. ADDJNOTON,!., WISE Clerk, H. of numbered 8,863.-Thi- H. R. Bryant. Ct Bryant, A. Fadiids. Allss i company; . Second Lieut. W. L. Wur- - relation t '.'girL 1. H. M. I.lu. Miss Ta- ROCX i ' , Hackfhid H Co. . to hls'"vn fortunate " German Brnns. Icons'. A. HERBERT T. OSBORN Assistant brings tbe eaaualtiea Miss, Miss CHIvvr, Coroorsl Yen, Supply Company; Lieut. Lewis ' ctile; Arils. I Entomologist, "experiment station,. A. K. ALEXANDER . . . for the war up to the first of thi Mrs, Abaliire, C. A. Cant Henry I". .. Irwin, Corjtoral lieudiicks, Mr. and C; H. 8. P. A. . HARTEY L CA88IDY ' month In excess of four and n half Im A. Keiniier. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. OmiiiiIis. O 'Sullivan, Company A, Begi-inent- ) First million. ., i. 0. Curtis. II, JohUMon. Miss C. Blske, Capt. Goorge K. LarrUoo, C. A. V'),". - Mls Orr. Mrs. Leouanl. Miss tlrlines, Mrs. OIL . shovvfs and . I'sminn and Infant, Mrs. Hall and sou, Mrs. Lieut. Herttert Westcott, long and shovels short the RMFMIII ',' r'- .... K. CTirst ' Webster sad Iwt children. A. Flake. W. Hon. Con. adjutant, First Battalion,. First Regi- other instruments that wear holes ia NINE OFFICERS OF SOLDIERLY APPEARANCE : Walker, X. J., Harvey. Mrs. Himule, Mini Oil...... 4.00 4.T0 4.63 ' E, ment; and First Lieut. Robert D. the nlms of soft hands. And nearby Kuninf. yninn. Mr, and Mrs. Mr. M1MNO , : IMPRESSES OBSERVERS Mrs. A. J. rtr, Mr. King, adjutant, Second Battalion, : some trenches already dug, that sad I. K.'WUson. Jelenlke. are ENRICH TERRITORY and Mrs. B. and-- son, Boris il. nirenlinrKb Csl. Haw. Dev. Co. , irst Regiment. filled in. Where the officers die 1 .V I). f willte LOCAL GARRISONS (Aaaoclateil E, WkTal Ijiskln, U. Wslker, W. Maclsy, Kn s CoiMr ...... Tfl 6.S7V, al-- ; earth, Freaa By it. Com II. W. Hnilth, K, J. Kiel, Reverend I'alik. 67 Of these, Captain Hampton has probnbly will NOT be in that soft v Mineral lTmHMte .(! .iw . go mnnlcatlok Serrlce) A. A. Aklna. K. TasakL V. P. Motte. H. ready resigned to to the camp.jt wy be elsewhere There also are W. M'tiiiitsla King .24 - AMERICAN CAMP IN FRANCE Take rl. TouunasL Msliliniira, Fattier Tliierary .Iff Boiue of the others will ask for fur- dummies hanging nearby.. They are (Srlfflu, Mr. and Mrs. Ilorswlll, A. 11- - .,.....,., .11.. M HADE COLONELS Ten Play- Aucuat 16 The review of Uncle 8am J. Muntaua lllngnaiu . . .40 M lough t attend the camp and still for bayonet practise but that will be Chinese Youths Nabbed arils. Hiss lireenneio. Madera Unl .4.1 .44 . Brig.-Ooh- . V, Ijihslna Mrs. trcncn-aiggin- fighters by L. Hibert yes Krum Mr. and Bhraderand ners wilt uc m un iiu Pai-ka- vrnn?rrmi welcome reiier arter ing u and Land In .tefdsy great wo children. II. B. Weller, A. I.. Castle, tional guard reserve. it regarded here as n his Hltclu-ock- . Salea Under recent Most Important Room - Miss Stsnler. II. H. J. K. Usr Madera (lolil. l!t.OUtl, 2TiO0, rulings the officers will not have to were correct. That Cables rarslved yesterday fcy army torical event. . ' cla. Mmiranla Novl. T. Mlyaliara. Mrs. J. 43c: , 44: The men in khukl Police ' 4:ic Kugels T4U, Court officers WW Visited eamp H. Walker, lly Afoun, Reverend Kainato-iill- l. Cappet. Montana , resign their guard commissions to at Of all. French the III btk-- : 07h: room is the most important headquar(ora from the. war department whQo J. H. Walwalols. Mlsa I.. Hmlth. Miss iikIisiu. lOOa, MSI, 4llc; Hon. Cuu., tend the camp unlosa they wish, but tha troops were under review I, 100, 4.&"i Mountain 77.T, Maj. Hugh D. Wise, . constructing raise nine field Officers of the local Through tbe kindness of tea Chinese Ksliulokula. Mrs. Treaitwar. Mine Tlmoten, Klna. 4c. must do so of course before they are were, greatly impressed by the bearing Mrs. Fttsstinmons. Mr.' aud Mrs. I Minn, has been ordered to the garrison to the rank Of colonel in . tiiiarturmaster; tbe youths, the Territory was enviclied te Miss il. Mrs. Haines.' Mm., CImk-W- commissioned. In the national army. states'; but the major finished the build- army them to report and discipline of the Unit. Ars linns national and order the extent of one hundred dollars yes- Moving pictures were taken of many Master Hone Itiork. J. I. Uurtl, K. It. Cain ' Camp international ing for the camp in twenty days, at once On the mainland for duty. This run. It.. McComlskey, K. B. Dames. K. terday morning. A friendly1 game of Freeek and AmeriSsn afGeers. .... Rrei-ht- , Mr. Mrs.' Vlerra nud Infant. I attorney-a- t which is doing remarkable work. It eablo was but one of the aeries which and NEW YORK STOCKS Anthony: Y 8eto Chinese pai-ka- u appealed more K. H. Mrs. Osrrl-son- . ready for to them much j I" v. - Htaluhauaer. K4iiM1enlerr. law, reresenta his rare, the Jap was tur'ued over Wednesday hive been pouring Into headquarters strongly thsn did the law forbidding Miss Kodrlfiies,! Me. and Mrs. It. Mllva - dries, mime are represented by Kiniuhe Ba- occupancy when the paint it for the past three days tn connection RESIGNATIONS : NOT ALLOWED ssd Mm FMrakawa. airs. Peterson. (AaseolateA By B. ' this Oriental form ef amusement. L. rcteraon, K. frees V. lies across the railroad tracks, remote with the formation of national Oom--, Mas. Itotbman. l.. Tauska. knl, guardsman of the Big Island, and the Tbe game was going strong when (Assortated Press by V. S. Naval Miss Taaaks. . A, Miss liisi aloattaa Barvtea) the llawaiiana by John II. Waiwaiole, from the barracks, commanding, rrom army, and which ta throwing local mnnicatlon Bcrvlce) lieorjl. C. 4. Wtllett. Miss NaucV J. I'. SKW 17 Detective Kellett . appeared on tbe , . YftRK. Allimst r.illowlns arc I view Of stretching army ICriluian. Mrs. Zs waits sud two clilldi-en- openlug o1umbu also of the guard. the rear, a canefleds kdmialatration into a fever of 1 ASHLWrON-- August 1 Hesig the and quotations of stocks scene. The whole, outlit waa cartel to Vsm-mive- 14, men adilitioa Mountains, although it activity. ' '4 - '; Str. Niagara, from, Auirusl In tbe New York inarket yaaterday; Several of the ia to to the Waianae tbe police station 'and either 'forfeited nations from local exemption nnd ap- 11)17 Miss C. YiKHia. Mr. and Mrs. F. Cul- - eight sorgeants of regulars is feared tnVwew will not appeal Yesterday orders referred to a ' peal will un- H. Culliertaon, Mlsa llansea, - the have that ' their bail or pleaded guilty. This boards not ba tolerated hertnui. I. l. Cloa- had military experience outside of tbe much after the first day Of trench-dig-irunn- number of the field 'officers Who were less for the most urgent reasons, run Teiuaky. Miss von Temiisky. Mrs. M. makes ?20 that baa been donated to Pro Mm nun. Miss B. WUIUiinv Mrs M. Kltnu. Iai military experience was tf. ordered away the day- before, but con but not! inn the Territory in the past two days by vost' Marshal Crtwder knnonaced last Miss K. Culver. Mlsa ,tt. Bruiuestuu. Mr. Auierli-a- Bunar UsX...... , 1LI I on a - " considered to a greater extent thaa It is a brown frame building, veyed toe additional- information of followers of chance, i night. '.. ami Mrs. I". Uli hanls. Miss C. lies Forest. AiiipiIisu Hei t .. .. . ut other qualifications, it being taken for stone foundation; On the second floor tb1rlc)evBtie to. the of colonel Mr. and Mrs. C. IrreWiy aud tl)r Assoiniteil till ...... wo BO 1 . . . , rnk Lum Lee decided to take a chance at - were go ... rooms, or i am and gave an intimation of their future W. Culler. U. Wood, ,E. Wortliley. II. Alaska Hold , M 9Ka grantea mat an to mrougn are only tnree two wnico ' Mr. i che fs, ami instead of .Its costMig bim TRAINS TNJCbLLISION t'nlrer. and Mrs. K. Kdmunds.ui and A mi-rl- a u IXMiNimtlve . 70 the same course, and all would possess for noncommissioned officers, detailed to dutifcs.; V. ,. the small sum of dollar or two he Mies M. Hsl.lsird. Miss I". Moliic. F. lit"4 Is I Hix - .a (Assoclatsd Press By V. Com- - Zuelilke. It. lleasley, Mlsa Miss ahh n'.i in, ta.i.i.,1. same knowledge eamp wbicb of these afflccM arc tn th iafan- e '8. Kavkl Bhervold. Ainerit-a- 1IK the. technical after its. the and the other of hud to dig up twenty-fiv- dollars and ' I. 3': eompltition single large dormitory In' Which the try afm, the new name among them municatlon QCfrtca) , A. Mertiilkt. Auierluan Bteul Fdry..,.. ., 70 the costs. To prove that he haul no hard ll.v str. MatsoiiUu from Ban Pnturlwn Ausi-oiid- 7U14 - biiug Maj., W. B, FORT , Texan, August lfl Aun.-w- . Coier The men will report for duty at the One Hundred will sleep. This room is that ' Cochraa of feelings against tbe. police, he donated WOTH,. Mr. and Mrs. !. Asnew. Miss Kutli Railway ...... BUi - j - W. V. A III Alli-- Vw barracks near the first Infantry can- no by forty-tw- o feet. There are plcn- inu orcinu lniauiry, i ae otoers are his lottery ticket to them. ' Several are reported as killed and a Mr. nixl Mrs. rich. Miss lu Uoooiuotlve L!.-Co- l. B- Twenty-fift- h Rsnxh. Y. A. Baker. 1. B. Barnes. Then. tenmeiit, uurracas, on tne ty of windows. The nutldlng is uu H, - Nelson, In- number Injured in k collision between Bitltliiiorw A Hil...... t4 i"i Tukuuioto and T. Hirano became Ueraert. K. F. llnatty, Mrs. V.. II. lt.'lni.i. HetUieliein Mask, ... 1154 - , tweuty-seent- o differ-mout- ry; Cpl. Guy G. Sec- morning of the of thisjby fifty-tw- feet over all, the fant Lt l'almer, mixed up in a tussel Monday which s passenger and freight train last night. MIhs I'hyll ISevenilse, Miss Isalwlle rubs Hnuar t .: al-- 1 ond Maj. Thirty-secou- d M. H. A. Bmly ; bu( many of the men have ence of ten feet being' accounted for Infantry; 8. P. Lyon, resulted in Hirano. gently, caressing fllsho, Mrs. 0. sml ''initial Leatheriii.,,,,. un 01 14 school Infantiyt Maj. H. 8. Hawkins Infant. H. lliirdntt. Mrs. N. B. Csinuhrll. C'sllf'imla I'etnileiiiu' , ... , , 1tl realy visited their future and by the tanal one length of tho front, Tukamoto on the head with- - sout-wate- r CHRISTIAN SCIENCE.! - - Ur. and Mrs. J, Cardsu, IjIiis ('ir- - Fst-llt- : a j , It. airs. Canadian ...... IHtlVt lmi many-other- s will be of (Cavalry Inspector General, CUirrle. t there ahead upstairs and down, bottle. Tukamoto resented this rlu. Master Wtliuer Miss Mursuri-- C . ii A BL l'SHl.... CiV Maj., H. H. Hycr, Fourth . CHURCH OFFICIALS Corrte. Mlsa Illanvha Mrs. A. H. Fuel A 411 time ready for business. I he course f ' l'isNl. Colo. Iron,....,...,, What Building Is Lik form of endearment and had him ar - ttMl Miss CriiL-llil- ' Cavalry. Tluse six nun are to be V '..- ' Cnlieu Itifant, Miss Helen Chute, Hteel l 7I1b follows that ,pres;rilied for all train- rested. In court, ; Tukamoto' .;...'( .". I us Kyaa, Below, on first are several ' - yesterday B-- Huts Mr. .and Mrs. Jsmes a Krl com- the floor, eoloneb of Infantry regiments raised BOSTON." Auuust followlnn JH-u- I .....'..'.. ing schools, and will be under 'this charge-ht- s I'leulewe. Ashley Crtupec. O. II. Ml". Ocuersl KUi trie ....,.. 1 ' ' askii:tliat (ithinn, mand Captain assisted bv rooms.: Two on tne ends are for omer by tne 'Vraft, ' sn 'their immediate 'changes In' the personnel of' the tfhVcrs H. II. IHi lissaa, Mis, 1,. Klddtt. Xlsrtln ilrtieral Motors lllVfj of llout bath-Ins- t having lieeri toM that If, takes' two to hil- (lie)...,,, "2 noncommissioned officers. The Klsslar. Mr. aad Mrs. ITprrest aud . XurtUera Hsi , Captain B.bueider.: The course will transfer U the Coast is Indicative j,f of the First Church of Christ Hcienc. F,. Ja lireat p(d.,..,,., list make an affray. "A - ilven, Mrs. John linivla anil Miss I XB is at one end j the kitchen and tbe tli-i- t the- Infant. luteriiiillniiiil I'aper ...... 4m4 for three months, the cud of.T"0 fact these regiments will soon '! and phristian Psicace . Publishing m., l i- - -- ' at Jiblge Irwin Said he was tired ' uimrrn yan wiii ItlOlltltriSt KWVt - tbe that .iii time it is expected that forty- ba in fr.icets'cf formation. ' Hiieiety', are announced, "' , .lianuiis air. anti .iirs. n, .m. iur Krimissttt Coppsr ...... 4:114 of having rases mad out, only to have U.sal-iusi- i. fi ve will tie once'L001" rty-'o- by forty-tw- feet Tho1 rrinniniug tliree ofttcers are Hdward" A.' Merrit, C.8.rl kas "been fsnl. Mrs. I'kaKes iues. Mvs. II, M. L.diiuh Valley Rnllroaits. .. 4'i . of the candidates at persons concerned J. B.- - Urallnin.. Miss IJiiiIimiii. ( the withdraw the' '. " llernli e New' Turk Central.,.,.,.,,, 87 t jvktlllli!aiatiniiAt n feotivA i uo fr,m ArUl'.err ahd command elected , service anil "vuj Ikr will charges, so he decided to begin a caul member of Christina Mr sad Mrs. A. F. Mlsa lUesnnr IViiiiki Ivsuta . ' Hcir-nc- e tt. oai com, concrete floor ror vegetable warning, rieimewta artillery 'in Vli, (I. A. Miss M. t the rest, minus those failing to leU tbe to bring this sort of thing to n board of directors; William P. lirinith. nive. ilriiu Ilav oilsil lila teil --TVS 'f y patgu A. W. llulld 4.. Mis. II V Itepidilli. HO plete tbe course, will .be, commissioned i"iu a soreeneu in innai ouisiue, tio. irmy Thev are I.t Col. A. McKentle, CXB., has been elected edi- Jr.. Hurt. Iniu niiumou, . . . . !" stop. He accordingly fined the. parties Hart. VYiUleui-U- . HswkliRis. Mrs. Mmlc , off the kitchen, as does the pantry, First Fieid . (light) Iteailliut (shhiiiou .,,.,.,. U4 It2- in the reserve. ' Artillery t concerned five each. tor of the Christian fteieace Journal, A. Adolpd Mulm. Mam l.sitra lt.,1 Bouthern' Facllle strung, Lt-Co- dollars, and costs ...... The electric lights already are K. C. i First ricld Artillery turn K. U, Hubs.. Mr. ami Ms. W UIiuai T. StmleisiVer , , (IX - . Krcd Oiseu was Sued and Christian'.HeienrC tentinel and Per rooms first floor oJ tea dollars Irwin. Mrs. A. 1,' Jo'ues, Bltlnev Ksnders. UI Iwt There are nine oa ibe aid Austin, of tho Ninth on Herold Dor Christian fcciece; .John B. Tess ...... VTO KIT) GLOVES Ifi-- Ift lI- costs amounting to four odd dollars, Mr u ml Mrs. Thomas V. Klin, Mtas t lilted States ItuMur to three on the second, MHilery hnvy). Of these three C. 8., has been M - a charge of common nuisance. Watts, elected manager Kliiiisy. M,rs. Js k Kiilin. Mr. aud Mrs. Irion I'srini- , i:nii i t 1 j Tbe largest downstairs, rooms Colonel M:latry H. Miss -- AT TRAINING CAMP of the aud Austin are The esse of Theliua Williams, oftke ChrfttiaffHcieodC Publishing Ho Lewis. Blshap UHrt. It. I.yiett. I'dited Btstes Bteel. l'J4 lit!, ' i forty-tw- J. I', Lynch, tl. ttorsliall. Mrs. M. Miiv. I 1114 ' m L I t t - . Is the classroom, which is' by i.i. their way to the Coast on ciety to succeed Ogden; Tl. 'fsh ..... men were snowingt meil ' charged with heedless . drlylog was Ml. Uavld J. T. Mrlhinald. A. Mil mm.., J. 1. WaatHrn t'uion two in for con previous' orders; , Ir . M 9.14 snail feet A.sad tabid Ogden. C.8.B,, and, Rowland, Mcluw'uy. W, Y. MIHi-r- Honolulu civilians about the new build continued until next Wednesdajr. Miss Miss U Uercbantv V vsttuKUouse .. . : 4B tour relief work wns put in yesterday. Tht great majority of them have lust 0. r?.,' have been elected trustees bf the Ml. 1 4i lira Mills. Mrs. .. MolTiit. Mia. , ing at'Hchofleld that will be occupied Williams was learning to drive a nia U-- e NWU, The building will be furnished and received their commissions ia their ' Christian Publishing Hoc let y Munkr. Mts. Mildred F. Rid fHvldend. by the one .hundred of oftlcors' chine under tbe tutelage of Y. Oxina, teienc Il'liouohiw. Mlsa Selma R. (Illn.l.i. Mix tTTnniw.ted " the resdy long before the One Hundred are previous grade in t,he regular army, succeed - eamp; when a Japanese boy darted in front to Mr, McKeaxie and Mr. Mr- Hide lliuiaawa. and Mrs. lirorue (Mr. training Maj- arid are jumped to new In Mrs. W. lr.W. M. SAT5" -- called, in spite of tbe fact that the rank the aud, rltt, ,respectively. . '". IC.Orth, 1'uttou. Miss Fsn FRANCISCO QUOTATIONS way! of the machine waa rnn over. The .... 1'en-het- . ".Oh, come this You're about or Wise had twentydaya in which to national army with considerable speed. I 'T ''(. uy W. T. Hawllus. Mrs. Mury to miss the most important room of child was seriously injured. Itsaiiiike., Miss lOKolilusoit. Mrs. A lluliln HAS KllAVCISCO, AilR-ns- t do the work. And the relatively small .;, , 1 - exclaimed J. Calhoun, Likoff hud H. Yates were BURNING AND FREEZING sou. Mr awl Mm. Howard B. RiMlitrrs, It sm the oiieiilna aud eloslaa- auotatlons of all!" one.' of men It. Itulilliiia. 4- - HisiiHUDy, 11. I.. mlit-- r number thirty did it. GASOLINE '' ' ' i Mr. tuttiir and stocks tu (Us baa Fraa- - clipped SUPPLY IS the only representatives of the boor irt'OKANE, July kUled And' tho 'other in with the Capt. Thirty-secon- 3 Frost Ir. K J. Rowuu, Mra. F.lla T. cInco murket yesterday: Klvin Hunt of the brigude' in the police' court, trocji iMiiilili-r- . voice of a raven croaking over a grave, will be of the CUT IN SWEDEN filboun much garden aad' some Spring II. m uuiil sad t:. U...4im i Me. Infantry in charge FURTHER was given a suspended sentence of wheut and 1" K. Sibsyer. Sir and Mrs. II. II Scm. Cloa.' deep, sad, hollow, burdened with tuelan com in tne district south of a, cum p. lie will te assisted by t apt. ' ''' in. ... L. BeiU-- V. M,. fiireet. It. IIhmiw. tne ' thirteen months aud. the . latter two here Inst night. ' ; F.. Wi-h- vnviy v . '; Ay T. tl Tliruin. C. Watklus. C. i liu itiiivi v.- (By Tho 'Aaeodated Treat) . C ,uv,!" nil. iiniriurr were fined flv dollars kud costa apiece. A wick ago tho mercury wns over V V'CHsi-la- I). W) Weasels. Mlris Hutu llus'n 1'i.m'l Hturnr... . fleer still to lie named. These men are STOCKHOAM, August! week- Wil- with II e t r TV 100 degrees. ; .' ' ' While. Mrs. A. W. White, Miss Lu. lie Ilswiillau Hiiinir 7 going ther! - KilL-s- r '.., in addl- ly benrjne taxi-eab- s ' liam.. Miss Bvldl Mr Mis. IIoUoUhb TluUr UHtmVnrt and quantity of allowed . pi , B B , ; , Williams. and Co...,, 7U nln t; a kid glove. Not j t, i a m Wiailey. H Wonley, II. There Not til)n th wII, be men, experts traf-II- Word bus been V)f J. F. It .. Vuuun Iliiiihiu'oii Kunar Co.. othor lata tie. again reduced, .'AH received nere tbe Au-ku- even cotton glove. won H ! ,, TT "tlAKDT, By str. Honoins. train Ban Frniu'laro. i Hnh 11 Miiaar Co.., . .There ertRl j,npi CtD. KSSF l from tm, to tlme between midnight and fl a. m. also ajipointoieut of 'J. ,,T$r ' McGrew as HI --J. ti. Ileckird. '1, r. Bos ui t Mrs. Ulsa .Hucsr l.-- '' 1H anything to da. about room except 1 Co.... that tain Hunt' is finishing' now with a probably "will le forbidden. There ate Interpreter ror tea American, axmy lu Immediate relief necessary in st N K. Fiiirler. Miss M, Vlsheriy, Mis. A. 1.. Omnium Hnuar M look sua Krliw. M. 1', Kane. F., C. to at the and speculate. "How - McQrew. " d '. Mr ami Mis. c. Mm. I'nsiiliail Xuniir Co., , 1?4 class of reserve officers at Bchofleld. He now; fewer than' 1?5 taxlrabs In serV- Frnnce. Mr. wha has Resided tanks bf larrkoaa. Chtatberlatn 's r ; 1 tin. Mrs. M. B. Mlsa Mn I'luni-e- Mill long, O Jnpitur, how long! " Isai arrill,a4 -- ., , I?S7 Mssweil. Boults Co. , m, ' t... will be through with them soon. .... m tAmiu i n m, huii thisjmnny years fu k eouiitry 'home hear Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy will. B, II. Mors. Tom Murpliv, Mia J. T. Il.iuoliila l'lautatloa...j,,,.,...... M. For flint,, relstlves and friends of The nnny has- - done whht It can. number wtrr ne stilt further "reduced, raris, is tbe son of Dr. McQrew, a ka should alwaya be on hand.: For sale by Iti.vil. .1. P. I el no. Mrs. F. Mmiti and In Honolulu (111 4.70 . V.. in.,,.,.,,,, the One Hundred, Is the room in which Within a week or so It will be up to The street ear service .was by maaina of the Islands, and all dealers. Benson, Bmlth Co., fant lr. Catherine BYhumai'lii-r- V Alameda Snifar .'. '. . . . t .. reduced tbe brother k agents -- l A I,, llsrtuiaun, 11. II. IluKhlusun, tbo trench tools are stored axes, picks, men more C. ' the than one third six weeks ago. in law of Ur. B. Cooper. for Hawaii. .'..' '' l Wllllsius. Bid. .Omjuoted, I.

' 4.4 4aAsV arwaala).s4lrk a ( M ' HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, IKIDAV, AUGUST 17, 1917. SEMI-WEEKL- LSJ BREVITIES PERSONALS POST OFFICE HAS TOURIST TRAVEL THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE i C. HearlqheB, Brow-tri- n Mrs. B. P. tisi-to- ' repreMidlif the Sehoen of Hilo Is r NEW WRINKLE .on Angclen, In the efty. ,. - ; FRIDAY MORNING, lwli t'omjuny of I ( TO DIG RODERICK EDITOR v 0. MATIIL50N. THE ADVERTISER'S WEEKLY aiaklng a tour h ielnnttn. ISLAfJD AUGUST 17. 1917. ii of T. A. Bimpson, veteran hotel man, U t ; A Meeting of tb krbor boant will waa a passenger la the. Mauna. Kea TO SAVE BREAKAGE be held la the basement of the Capitol yesterday for Hilo. . ' - , SS on thirty acxt Monday afternoon.) Miss Rose K; Helt pf the Irind, office, GRO I! G STEADILY Power of the Presfdentl P,rono tion Pdy$ Twelva . Filipino wera arreiited at who was 111 recently, returned yesterday wamawa lan night 1r I'olke omrar A to her dutie.' . .. l'.' j.'.i juo' Fragile; Ancr , Crushable ..Parcel WILSON, Dictator. So some of K synopsis of the annual reporqf ihe Hawa n B. Palmer and gambling. PRESIDENT charged with Mis L. Merchant' retnraed yesterday Post Articles To Be Shipped In who think more of their own Publicity Commission, to the Hito Board of ravetnent of Beretanla Street from morning in the Matsonia from busi- Annual Report of Hawaii Publicity Alapai, ness Wire-Boun- d of, to Paaahou Street ha been trip to New York. Wooden Boxes prerogatives and privileges than they do the Ttade for' the year tiding 30, is published Lord-Youn- - Commission Shows Encourag-- , June commenced Jr the in- , Mr. Wanley Cutter wait a psssenrer national necessity and the need of meeting it ade herewith. :t i gineering Company. in the Mauna Kea yesterday morning ' Ing Results' of Publicity Work Manuel attempt- - a a visit to the , - Dia. ehareed with outside islands. No more will quately and promptly are writing it these days, and The Commission, which is a committee of the ins to defrand a chauffeur, forfeited the fair lady' receive Hermann O. I.emke was a passenger through the parcel poet 1 1 bail of tea dollar im nolle court a sad, squashed complaining of the tremendous extension of the ilo Board of Trade,, has accomplished all and the ia the Mauna Kea yesterday morning ' yemeraajr morning. ; simalcrum of what a hat ought to be, VpLCANO ATTRACTS powers of the President as granted in recent leg- more than its promoters expected of it. on business trip to the outside islands. . ' J. Farr waa dinchareed by Judge Ir- - Former after having sent to some fashionable islation. , ": - Beoator Charle A. Ric of MANYvFROM, MAINLAND ' The statistics show that during twelve la. i He a I shop ' tht vii eharsed with atatutort Kauai a visitor in the elty and will Eastern for the latest shriek in is no question about the concentration of offeaae; complainant being HmIcb There months lo81 round trip $30.00 tickets to the Vol tbe remaia here for the polo at headgear. : No more will Cord en, series the bride's in Inter-Islan- a girl seventeen year of age. Park. ', '.", i y;" ,'" crcat power President Wilson's hands, any more cano were sold by the d alone) amount- cntglase pickle receptacle arrive look of ap- The Governor made an official eall .Mra. Howard D. Personally Conducted Tours than there can be any question the popular ing to over $50,000. VThia does not include those two yesterday on Case, who has been. ing like small pickle and many of 'em. Gain, at o'clock afternoon visiting in proval of this concentration. The President has General Treat, Ha- neattle and other North- They hav a different system now. Ing In who traveled on their own account withou round commander of th western cities, will return o Popularity Kilauea al- waiian Department, Bchofield Bar- - to Honolulu Things the great American public back of him today, at on 10. ... . of that ort are to be mailed trip tickets or by Matson Of Great Northern . October ;i Big ". ram. ... , . . Military Camp Success . solidly, is every disposition to j... in wir bound wooden boxes most and there trust Joh T. One-me- a hereafter steamers. .. Dr. R. W. Ben was appointed yester Moir, manager of the e Sugar Company, between this port and Sab him ahead of congress with its peace-tim- rules goes without saying day. a insan- returned veiter. Francisco It that these tourists spent member of th territorial day in Mauna and point east. ..It is an and precedents the carrying forward ity eommiaeion, members of the Kea to kia home in experiment - that hinder a considerable amount besides fares. , the other which Washington ie going to try on The annual report of the Hawaii pub- ' ' the board being William L. I'apaiaou, iiawatl. . Jadge as first, of today's task. " , Another marked feature of, report is the Supervisor A. A. Aklna and if it work it will be in use the Whitney aad George Herbert. of Kohala, everywhere. .. ' Jlere e some of the extraordinary powers now of Hawaii, was a returning board of trade ot Hilo oa Tuesday, popularity the personally conducted trips which Considerable routine business waa passenger in There ha been much- - complaint of . terri-tori- the Manna Kea yesterday for his home ' August 14, and given many Interesting possessed by Mr. Wilson: were operated during the first, three' months of transacted at the meeting of the breakage of parcel post packages ia the Big Island. - , aad v "' " Under the Bill he is given practically abso-- 1917. of 799 land board vesterdav. aeveral marked "fragile" coming to or going statistic records, i rood Out ''round trippers" to the Volcano Dr. L.1 L. Bexton In applications for the lease and purchase returned the from Honolulu," which Postmaster Mac-Ada- Dealiag with the steady arrowth of nue control over trie transporianon ana disposi- 371, e " during that period, or over seventy-on- per of government lota being handled. Mauna Kea yesterday morninn to his says is due to th rough handling the tourist traffic to. Hilo and the Vol- - j fix home in Hilo, a tion of foodstuffs he is given power to prices, cent, traveled on these personally, conducted tours. With He arrived recently from received on shipboard cano oy me nier-isran- route auring prices for the best service a trip to the Coast. between the to fix standards and grades of certain foodstuffs; This report preaches a sermon to the Islands of dancer and best couple given at the ' Islands and the Coast ports. There is tne twelve month ending June 30, the '. benefit dance to be held at the Thoenla Mr. and Mra. John Hickey. of Knna- - an unusually large proportion of parcel report refer particularly to the ue-.- . . to commandeer supplies and even take over plants, Maui Kauai. j "." add .',"'.'.' Hall Saturday evening at eight 0 'cloak. wai Lane, welcomed at their borne last manor coming in ana going out of ccbs of the personally conducted trips or for Em ( either for the armed forces the public's Hawaii is getting a heavy travel, while Maui and there ia so doubt that delightful time Sunday the arrival of a daughtsr, who at all times, which ia tirob- - m ins volcano inuiiieu or me commis ' ; ' ha ' i " ;'-- ,. good ; to license the importation,' exjiortation, man-- is in store for those present. been named Ethel. . !.. . ably the reason why Honolulu was se- sion. ' Kauai got very few tourists, not only because the - ufacture, storage or distribution of necessaries; to At the meeting of the board of har Judge Alexander Lindsav Jr.. will lected as one of the offiees in the new i nia tour is made at aa inclusive Volcano is on Hawaii,' because - but the people of bor ' commissioner yesterday leave'in the Matsonia next Wedaesday experiment. round trip rate of $.'IOr which severs prevent waste and to prevent hoarding; to pur held it Wicker baskets Hawaii go after the tourists, while the people of waa suggested that th land commie- - for San Francisco and will soend a Va are used to convey steamer fare,' automobile rate and all chase store and sell necessaries at reasonable Kauai Maui sit back ioner b asked to reserve for th use cation of ome month in the mainland. fragile packages from Australian ports. uuici capvuBm lor lores uays, ana is and and wait for Providence The local authoritiea ssy a very large peo-- prices; to prohibit .the use of foods, fnfits, food of the board a atrip of land along the Jamee L McQulre and Miss Mame that breakage attracting number of and chance to bring the, tourists to them. is practically pie. ':.' ,. .. . ; , j coast from Waiakea to the Kuhie MoMorry were married on Tuesday by eliminated by the use of , materials, or feeds in the production of distilled such carriers, though I he passenger All of the islands should join in the expense of wharf. In Hilo Bay. v v Rev.- - David Carey Peters, castor of the their bulk forms number of booked for liquors except for governmental, industrial, manu- - Christian Church, an objection to their use in the mails. - tllAM Inurl H nri M T lb. tttn.tk - the general Promotion Committee to get tourists Miaa Elisabeth Dutot of Honolulu . the witnesses being - -- . . . ; . ' . . . I . r ...... ':; ending June 30, 1681 ' f ' t j n f vr- - was' who paid ; waa ana ssrs. , . a jaciuring ur rncuninai purpuscsi 10 tuuuui to the Islands; but after vthe, tourist arrives here, appointed yesterday a member of air. Aaoipn uerta. r th sum of 50,430 ' I.Oui for their tickets making of beer and wine and to prevent it if he the territorial board of registration of VOn TemDskv. niniMr f the alone. Thia total takee no aeeonnt of he is anybody's game and the island which hustles nurses. ' The other members of the Haleakala Ranch, sees fit period of the war. Makawao, . and his those who prolong their etay nader the during the most and makes it the easiest for to visit board, previously - appointed, are Dr. daughter, Mia voa Tempsky, HART'S PLEA GOES the tourist returned free stop-ove- r privilege allowed on thia ; Law, Mr. Wilson, ' Grover A. K. in Under the Bdnd Issue was it will win. .1. Batten, Dr. James Judd, the Mauna Kea yesterday morning ticket, ana aoe not, or course,, include JRZ.rXlJ.lMXl.lXX) Misa Mary Johnson and Miss Janet to their home in tii? Valley Island. I'tvpn tn issue in bonds and -- nnwfr It is the earnest belief of The Advertiser that Dewar. ' . loan not to exceed $3,000,000,000 to the Allies. Mr. and Mrs. John Lind of Pusko. OVER TOAUGUST privilege of traveling by the Mateoa-- ' to Maui and Kauai can increase the' travel to their Postmaster MacAdsm has sent a re South Kohala, Hawaii, welcomed 25 t.i- - .i.:- - u ...... at vjiiuci iiiia iiaiiiugi.:., pwvci tuc i icsiuiii van vavi points of interest to a scale which will astonish quest to Washington for 2500 window the Kapiolani Maternity Homo ,thi Oreatly-- Increased Travel ..t i- - cise great control over Allied purchases and Allied them if they will emulate the example of Hawaii sarda and copies of first instruction bul city, on Tuesday th arrival of a son, The Aguree dealing With Jaauary to letin for distribution to the signers of wno has been named James, when diplomacy. Congress gave him an absolutely free a end of June, 1917, are of interest and establish promotion agency in Honolulu the food conservation pledge card. To lake charee of the dock work of Man Charged With Embezzlement compared with the same period ia the hand in the distribution of the $3,000,000,000 to Response are coming steadily since ; ' with periodical personally conducted tours. in the Matson Navigation Company' t at Brought Back preceding year. Month r by . month AlT?erl the sending out ot the pledge cards last From Coast ' the variniW nation. The serretarv of the would be well worth the-whil- of people this port, L. Forrest, aeeompanied by they, are aa follower ' It the Saturday.- '.' .. , his family, waa an arrival ia the Mat- - Arraigned 7 January, 300$ Febmary, 307t treasury Was given" the' immediate handling of the of .those islands to try and join with people of and' v the The water department began yester sonia yesterday from San Francisco, , March, 192; April, 72; May, 03 j June, lond issue but provision was made that he should - the tJig island in a mutual organization for the day morning the relaying of new one- Charles L. Hopkins, Hawaiian inter 172. . ... ,' :....: i, - exercise it onfy with the approval of the President. ' inch service pipe on Jseretania Street, 191ft January, 6' February, i purpose. , .V V , ., preter of the local circuit court, who 14 three-quarte- r Bepreeented by Judge William B. to replace the present was soma week re- March; 137; .April. .109; May, 118; , : Under the provisions of the Espionage Act, ap- "The Advertiser has pro- ill for past, fass Lymer, Lionel B. A. Hart, who was lone what it could to inch pipes, and will instal four-inc- h Jane, 10L - -'- L5, "President was given covered and returned yeaterday to his brought back to Honolulu In the Mat- w proved June the broad mote travel to the other islands by means of its service pipes at street crossings with official duties in the Judiciary Building. The very apparent difference between embargo powers as well as absolute power over bead ends, to take' ea.ro any future sonia yesterday . morning front San January and February 1916 and 1917 automobile, issue and travel guicle, which latter of A daughter waa bora on Tuesday to by Capt. McDuffle, ' demand. Francisco Arthur is due the extremely high level er ? the clearance of ships.' .,'( .v. Mr. and Mra. Andrew J. Bright, of local head of the bureau, waa to will soon be issued in book form, and it will be ' detective Residents" of the Kalihi-ka- i district Kanoa Lane, off South King ' Street. arraigned yesterday Halemaumaa hike in the. latter rear. Under the Urgency Deficiency Act the President before Judee cam-pVig- more than glad to' cooperate with and .the met Sunday .evening Ad. a ,ebtrf7 newly-arrive-d and .to the very heavy, publicity', assist ' fom' The baby Is the1 ninth' given power ships ship Heen ta itheverimlnalralrlaiott. of Jibe; ebndu'rtetr whiU the 1 was to commandeer and people of the three islands named to put into execu- munity organixajtion ftoi promote the child of the couple eight of whom a circuit1 court on two 'Charge of at lbs time, plants and shipbuilding material needed by the tion general "welfare ox the youth 'of that living. - returned against bim by Mini uiu aw nnM mv theabove suggestion. portion of the city. They up a .".:',';.':'"''.'' '' as compared with the corresponding , ; modify, suspend, cancel drew W. B. Hobby superintendent of pub-li- e the territorial grand jury aome time country during the war to petition stating the object of th or period in 1918 show the effect of the for the building, purchase works and chairman of th harbor go- - ',. ,'..- - scare rumor of submarinea wbioh hit cr requisition contracts r ganisation aad calling for the support board, leave tomorrow afternoon In Chirp and debonnair, Hart listened or production of ships and material for ships; to of citiaen of that district. A club to the Islands with full, force at that . Big Island Slaakers the Mauna Loa for Kauai. He j will the reading of the indictments, year.. recovery house is desired for the use of the - time in thia The awift ; visit Hanalei in particular on harbor which- was performed in the usual commanuccr snips now iwruig tunsiiuticu io nx mix-u- p in II ilo regarding the completion members. to above normal in June i remarkable . t . . t t, . , . , work. ' suave mnaner by City Attorney Ar ine compensation lor an snins. euner constructed the registration be ' The Governor's anjuint report to Hk: '.'',''.',' thur M. Brown. At the request of as showing the trend1 of pnblie opin- TIE appears to merely politi- Albert Fukuda of The Advertiser re- ion, ia worthy of notice the of under construction, that are taken over; and to secretary' of the interior, which has Judge Lymer, Hart's counsel, the de and it that cal, of the brand of turned ia the Mauna Kea' yesterday by Inter-Islan- d politics that has produced such been in the course of preparation unce fendant 'a pleas were a booking the ateamer expend $750,000,000 to carry out the purpose, of morning from a week's stay in Hilo. continued are now aneaa decided results all over the Territory from time to June' 80, is. not finished and will not weex trora next Saturday. At nine to the volcano rar oi act. ' He visited the Voleano of Kilauea and the usual volume of traffic for this sea- the in- be concluded for aome week yet. It o'clock that day Hart will be railed m w ' time wretched roads, slack police, jwaste and says that he never saw anything as ..... son year, and are actually up to - Public Law No. 2 the President was giv- should leave Honolulu for Washington upon to answer whether or nor-b- of the Under The trouble on Big is not spectacular. is figures, of the winter eeason - efficiency. tie Island not later than Beptember IS. The mem- guilty of the charges against him. the best en the rieht to take over vessels within the iuris- .' an anti-Pu- a, L; Horner, stenographic . re- pro-Germ- but according to reports, and ber of the clerical staff employed on Jamee In the first case Judge Heet set trade. tliction of the United States, owned wholly or in porter of .Judge Aahford 'a division of Conducted Tours Popular v the supervisors in refusing to appropriate the regis- the voluminous work are hoping they Hart 'a bond at $3500, which waa fur part by any citizen, corporation or subject of any will be able to terminate their task tn the, local circuit court, who has been nished and the defendant was given Further analysis 'of the traffic figures ' on a past, tration money do so because they do not want to time. - ' vacation, for some time ex his personal liberty.. In the aeeond case how the, popularity of the personally nation at war with the United States. pects to return within tae week, to his condusted tours. During the first three allow Pua to have the spending of it and the hiring A party of men. organised bv Prof. " he was allowed, to go on bi own recog- , I . . . Under Public Law No., 12 the President was official dutie. .. ', . nisance.'-" months of 1917, the Volcano was visit- of his own particular men. Vaughan MacCaughey of the College of He repaired immediatAy to m'vrn the r.cht to faise .nrtranize and ermin the Hawaii, is conducting biological ex Alfred Venoy .Woods aad Mrs. Carrie hia home at 3J55 Diamond Head Road, ed by 799 purchasers of .'i0 inclusive a r ticket's. S71 71.40 . .: i i : u It has been suggested that there are at least a plorations in the Punaluu Williams were married, last Saturday WaikikL Of this, number, or .1.. wic Mountains, 'con- regular arinjy w urnii inc siauuiiai gudiu imu dozen clerks in the county employ, assistants to this ou the windward aids, of Oahu., This ia evening by Rev. Leon L. Loofbourow, The charge against Hart are, in One per cent traveled, by the personally teuerai service ana to raise an additional army ot the hlgheKt eitensivf region ..on the pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal ease, that he converted to hia own use ducted tripe organized by the publicity and that official, who have a dreary time now find- commission. . men by selective conscription and to fill the na island and its forests are the least dis- Church. The witnesses were Theresa 532.38 the property of a local bust ' ing enough do to divert Martin and George ness The report deals interestingly with to' war strength. The President to them during oftice hours turbed on Oahu. Many plants, native Wood. man, aad in the other there are in tional guard its tree-shell- e work commission birda and s that are exceeding Mai. Will Wayne, N. G. ' H- will volved twenty-liv- thousand shares of the general of the and that these could very easily speed up "a bit and - bow very Mvas also given almost absolute control of exemp- rare in oiner parte or tne island occur leave in the Manua morn the capital stock of the Wjlbert Min and shows a wide publicity do all the extra work of the registration without un- Kea thia no expense. tions under the selective conscription feature. here. ing for Hilo, on business connected ing Company of Utah, valued at 500, is obtained at practically duly sweating themselves. This sounds reasonable. Edward A. Dunn, son of Oeorsre H. with the draft registration and the and twenty-flv- e thousand shares of the The commission carriea on no definite In the matter of appropriations, President Wil- mainland campaign,, but has made con- The bad feature of the affair is that petty politics Dunn of I.ahsina, who registered at territorial militia. He will return Sat Stock of the Success Mining Company, ton was given $100,000,000 to spend in his own Kansss City, Missouri, waa drawn in urday morning. valued at aoaou, all the property or siderable purchases of movie-fil- and have been injected into a patriotic service and money lantern slides which have been loaned discretion and without report to congress, for the that the first (selective draft, but had not Antouio Maria Miss Au the man whose he ia accused Ferrax and to well-know- lecturers,' while many of the supervisors have fallen back upon a technicality been ordered to camp whsa the latest gusta Pereira were married on Monday of having embexxled. ' prosecution the war. word "was received him. for- The United rttates Fidelity Com prominent persons in scare!) of "opy rr n. a for an excuse instead of coining out with the plain from He by Peter N. Kahokuoluna, agent to 1 ne . merly was a pany, represented locally by the Water and lecture material have been taken naval Appropriation Bill, passed in the ' student at Ht. Louis Col perform the wedding service. The truth. . house Trust Company, went on in hand and thoroughly instructed in closing minutes of the last session of congress, lege. His brother, George J. Dunn, re witnesses were Julio dos Santos and Hart' :o: side here. Mr. duiu as suixij the legendary lore and aceuie attrac- $1 15,000,000 for of con- Dunn's card number Adeline dos Santos. appropriated the speeding was 11190, which was the 3069 number tions of the Big Island, August 8. Conta, deputy Internal success of struction, deliberately delayed by Secretary Dan- - The pall of silence that fell over the investiga of 10,000 drawn. rOTJHT AIN AKANA .Reference is made to the - revenue in , i . .1 u- - w".t - i v .. . . : Ingram M. attorney collector charge of the the special July 4 excursion to Hilo 119 UUI1UK IIIC III M K1I!UI1 dUllHIHSir dtlUll. I II-- tions started into the causes leading up to the Stainbaek. Gen Hilo office, Edward Clarence Fountain, of Nawi eral of the Territory, returned Monday arrived in the Manua Kea organized by the commission, and to ident Wilson was given the right to suspenl the tragic death of Nurse Berg remains unlifted. In yesterday from the Big Island in con Uwili, Kauai, and Misa Eva Julia Aka other activities along useful publicity arternoon in the transport Logan from na of Kalihiwai, the same iitland. were v light-hou- quiries headquarters nection with work of the federal de linos. r law, to commandeer shipbuilding plants at army and at the police Han Francisco, after a visit of aeveral eight o clock Mondav partment. He wil4 spend a few days married at on A new guide-boo- to the islnnd of station the : months on the mainland. He aay that and materials in order to expedite the production meet with stereotyped response "No in the city. evening at the Catholie Church of the Hawaii has been written and was pub- hi trip had no political algnifieaoc Saered Heart, unanou, the ceremony ot snips. thing to report," until the conviction is growing and laugh wa Claus L. Roberts, clerk of Judge f lished under the auspice of the Hilo at the idea that he being performed by the pastor, Key exceed-- . Aviation Law recently passed by congress stronger the public mind that it not of one of the government officials Heen division of the first circuit Board of Trade. This book is The in is the several Father Stephen J. Alenrastre, in the thoroughly up to ficial wno nave been accused of having taken court, is not ill, as reported vesterdav lugly attractive and appropriated $340,000,000 for an increased air force. intention ever to have anything to report presence of parents of the young couple - vacation on the mainland to forward afternoon. Mr. Roberts is, however, date, and ia- copiously illustrated with is be of Isn't it time for the enjoyioir his and intimate friends. with macs specially This money to spent' under the direction about territorial grand jury the candidacy of the Governor for a annual vacation on the ' photographs and other aide of the island. Miss Mary Akana, sister of the brldo, drawn for thia production The work the President, who is authorized to increase the to look into this; not only into the facts of the aeeond term. was bridesmaid, while Ernest Fountain, Norbert Bush is finding a very ready sale at Just the Signal Corps of ap- - two deaths from unnatural causes, into'-th- e The agent of the Territorial food P. has sold hi auto brother of the groom, acted as best strength of the army; to but machine shop in half the uriee of the guide previously commission on Hawaii has reported Wailuku and is going wore ' man. The bride a white if cor 1 .'' point all officers not above erade of colonel, facts of the crime that made the death of twenty-tw- o in 'use. , ,' the the that growers of food stuffs to the Coast on the Manoa k join the gette 'crepe dress, with a long veil of .''' obtain enlisted men, voluntarily or by child in case necessary as a .for on tn pig island ready to ship aviation eorpa as maehiaist. If unable Military Camp Patronlied to either the protection ar' orange blossoms, ami earrieil a bouquet commission ' agent in Honolulu, death their produce to Honolulu, if they ere to get into the aviation (ervio ia Call of sweet peas and gardeuias. The The draft; to organize the personnel of the aviation someone, which brought with it the death - agent for the trustee of the allowed I fornia he will go East. . acting a special ratea by the' mi road bridesniaid wore a crepe de chine dress, Camp, instru- section; to purchase or manufacture airships, of the mother, as well? Will Honolulu tolerate and steamship companies,' Dr. Kilauea Military waa The Hawaii Jonathan T. McDonald returned with a picture nat, auci earned a lou inducing large bodies of Minnlies. aerial machine of character, an- - a situation in which two deaths as the Consolidated Railroad baa offered to yesterday in the ex Bru ner mental in other direct re Matsonia from an Ouet of Cecil roses. island, the suc- make special rates grower to et tended vacation in the Hs troops to visit the and pliauces, etc., etc., of every description; to pur- suit of law violation are to go not only unpun mainland. After the Ceremony a reception was cess camp was sssured from the their produce on thefrwharves at 11 ilo, went a far South as New Orleans and held the home of Mr. of the buildings, necessary ished even properly at and Mrs. Harry outset.'- chase necessary acquire land but' not investigated? Are but is not thought the steam- East as as New York. Me-- Armltage,-mi- l it that far Doctor uanu Avenue, Manoa Complete, arrangements have''.' been by any means he ees fit, such as purchase, lease, infanticide and manslaughter offenses in which ship companies would concur in lower Donald's health was fuUy restored dur were anil some ' Refreshments ser'ed with a large mainland concern for ing rates at present. ing trip. ;, ; was Spent music, made donation, condemnation; to increase plants, fac pull and influence can secure immunity? the time with aud sougs. special service of de luxe tour to "t r i A cable has been sent to Washington ' a John Lycurgus, kamaaina of Hilo At ten o'clock the bridal .couple Island of Hawaii a 'aoon aa condi- tories and other airplane establishments and to asking a decision of the authorities Honolulu, slippeil away ami went the and has returned from the into the foun tions warrant? These tours will be rua aid the operation of technical schools and colleges His Holiness, Pope Benedict, desires tq end .the there M to whether men already regis mainland to Greece. "Unele John try. where they 'will spend a brief ' very frequent interval and will be U U 1 ' L " ' at f, rtf ...... ll tered elsewhere can pro-All- honeymoon. where aviation is taught. ...nvaj uu Hit uajia t d piiua1... 'Will take the examine who i an ardent has been exceedingly profitable to all concerned. v irf cn paUOi fion for physical fitness before a Ha some - i Mrs. Fountain Is graduate of the pfe-'w- seeking for time to return to the a' its' af Owing to the efforts of tho commission The Trading with the Enemy Act, still to be having restored to it bounrjslriesJattd waiian board. A number of eases have Class of 116 of the Territorial Nor Hellenic country, where there are stir- there has been effected a greatly im- - t assed, gives the President almost absolute imw each nation standing for its own losses. This recently arisen in which men who huv ring tint these day. mal School, completing the academic eome here on science courses, roved automobile service to point of vrs in the matter of determining what is trading means that Germany would withdraw subsequent to registration In the presence, of parent and in and domestic and has fnterest; the class machine having her armies the mainland seek to take been teaching since in the government of the examina timate friend, William Maurice Gax- - been especially improved. ' with the enemy, and in tne prevention ot such from France, Belgium and the Balkans and escape tion here, so in ease of rejection school at r.ieoie '. that lola and Mica Mary Turner were mar- Kauai. Present Travel Heavy . business. the punishment her murderous course demands they win be spared the expensive jour ried last Saturday by Elder Ernest h. ney to the In an Interview of very recent date ; back Btatea for examination. ABE YOU OOINQ ON AJOUliIET? . At the outset, of course, congress granted the and which she is on the eve of receiving. The Miner of the Church of Jesus Christ Mr. de Vis Norton stated that th Vol- 1 The local board is now awaiting a cable ' i J i . L - ...... I . J I . t of Latter Day Saints, the witnesses Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and cano bookings are now exceptionally Pope has the wrong idea. Cermany will be given . - reply. being V. W. Kinney and Julia Smith. Remedy should be packed in already 3S,000 he has Diarrhoea large, and that over the United States, both land and sea, as deems peace after she pledged herself to pay to the Eugene Horner, supervising princi your hand luggage, when goiug on a had been 'paid for transportation to Ki- proper for the successful prosecution of the war. last tarthing ner debt to Belgium and France PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DATS pal of the government schools in East Journey. , Change water,' diet, and lauea since 'January thia year. This After that.she will be allowed to live in peace with PAZO OINTMENT ia guaranteed to Hawaii, and Mi Betba Ben Taylor, temperature all teud to produce bowel total is largely in exeesa of last yar i : . i ... supervising principal of West Hawaii. trouble, ana thi medicine cannot be when the figure for the same period - - :t .i.. cur blind, bleeding, Itching or pro-tradi- the despatches announce that viscount islui and in r own conscience, u 11141 oe possible. will return to their respective homes cured. on board the train or atesmship wore nearly 411,000 loss, ,. Mr. JKortoa Mis Japanese mission have arrived at A racihc PILES in 6 to 14 leys oi in the wig island by the Mauna Kea It may save much sufforing nd.lneou tansldrs,tbat,the polioy of the com money refunded. Manafactared by. Saturday you have it hts'l.v- - 'o mission .confining exclusively Port," Everyone will be allowed one guess as to Maui offer "twenty men 10 the officers" training s next afternoon. They have yenienee if of itself UmVARIS MEDICINE CO., gt. Louis, boon in Honolulu for om time past sale by all dealera.. Beiisun, Smith ft to ? 'home-wor- V is amply justified by tli name of that port, f U. 8. A. on worn oi vno aepartment. t Co., agent (or Uawu, .ifueee excellent result. HAWAIIAN GAZHTTR. FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1917. SEMI-WEEKL- 5

PURPOSE OF AMERICA ARREST OF OECOY BATTLE MILES IN PROMINENT CHINESE PROPOSALS FOR PEACE V AIR IS WON BY OUR PURPOSE. YOUR EXPOSEDHUN PLOT HELD AS INSANE MADE TO BELLIGERENTS BRITISH JURMAN V t ix nun n o irn infill Immigration Man Passed Self Off Y. Ahoo Carries Big Knife and At ' X. As! Conspirator and Ruined . Fighting Altitude of Eleven Says He Will Kill Enemfei'.1 BY POPE BENEDICT XV Scheme To He .; Follow ' A Free Bopp , Thousand Teet Defeats .Who Him I ( Three German- - Flyers, Sending Denounces Those Who Would Japanese Commissioacr (Associated Press By XJ, 8. Naval Com- Two Hurtling To. the Ground! T. Ahoo, well known Chinese livery- - Suggests That Warrin? Nations Each Withdraw From munication Service) mau. wauM) ataolcs sic situated at tae T MR MM SV 'at Up Between United States and corner of Vineyard and River Stir Bad Feeling the PAN KKANnHCO, August 15Fn.t-rlc- k Htreets, tapturcd territory and important Boundary Is detained at the police station, as a loat .1. Farrelly, l hp immigration serv- (Associated Preaa by V. S. Naral Oonv monlcation Service) supposedly insane person. He was ar Japan and Declares That Two Countries . Will March, ice watchman ho Questions Be By Peaceful Ne- , was arrested ft few rested last Nundsy morning on the com- Left For Settlement 1 1 BRITISH FRONT, AuguM 15 A ' daye ago on a charge of bring Imbll bat- plaint of his wife and has beea under Work an J Fight Together cated in a j)lot to free tle 11,K0 feet la the air. in which one the obserratioa of Dr. R. u. Ayer ever gotiations py.::'-- rran JJupp and ' Gef-ma- a si nee; I4,, , British! airplane defeated three ' srfii other Oerlnan prisoners held by fed- si am ii the was As a matter of fact. Ahoo is ri eral government on Anurl Inland, wn machiaet the sensational fea- violent " . ' ty has ' J tit. IT C J...al nMM inlnvAM Co..!.-- . V - ouly a decoy, it developed ture yesterday of the llhtin on the insane and been so for some (Associated Press By U. S. Naval Communication Service.) Inst night, time past. He has been employed by the federal aiithnritiea to Western front. ia the habit - IXMSHINGTON, August 15 Proposals that the bellieerents FRANCISCO, August 15 Denouncing the venomous kelp run down the renl plotters. All along the bloody lino the Teu- recently of going about his premises SAN ' armed with a big knife, .. would attempt to up a bad feeling between Farrelly played his pnrt well; so well, tons met with defeat.' Their airmen and announc y each withdraw from the territory of ,the other occupied as a' who stir were hurled dying to the earth, ing that enemies were following him f hired who appealed In fact, that, eaeept for hi immeUiate their result of the war and that the questions of the restoration of bound America and Japan and the slanderer to racial superiors, none knew massed eolumns of Infantry melted ia and that he intended killing them. that he km not wnea rounu y aries involved in the Italia Irredenta dispute, the claim of France prejudices to keep the two Pacific Powers apart, Viscount Ishii, the traitorous crook he Ip.I the Germans death under the fearful fire of British the police. Ahoo was hay loft in Alsace-Lorrain- e, in to believe he was. He passed himwK machine gun and rifles, their trenches hiding in a his stable. He ;o and the independence of Poland and the Arme responding to a toast at a banquet given honor of himself and were ae waa off an Hun traitor to nti- - invaded by the triumphant Eng- Mia mat scared of enemies his colleagues, stirring last night, departing from who were going to hill nian question be left for settlement by peaceful negotiations, were made a address lishmen. him if they " lain ne jrpp.ioin or the notorioua ranc . I . 1 1 l J ' l I J . 1 I f I f North of Arras, along line found him. i the format expressions which have heretofore characterized his' Bopp, former (lermiin roimu I general in the of the n Hi nee 'hia Incarceration police thia eity, and woll did he plar his Donala railway, the tier nm made a at the meaaenrers from the Vatican with hia DroDOsals to each of the war utterances since his departure from tokio. desperate effort to rush and storm atation hia condition is reported to be part that he was accepted by the' Tea-to- n the ring capitals. "The message which we bring to the people of America from traitor an one British trenches. leaping from their unchanged. of themiclvea, and Pope proposes Beleium, and eva- - the people of Japan," he said, "is that your purpose is our purpose, learned niany of thfir xecreta. own trenches, the Teutons churged in Ahoo has had an interesting career. The that Serbia Rumania be '. . A t I I t Many years ago he served Chief - u, m.w.A J J arrelly a work n a decoy reaulted the open against a disastrous and with Justice ....l.l Ku lha Tt,tnm J ..AMI V,tf nt,.l..l,7 your roaa to victory js our roaa, ana your goai is our goal. ering fir poured into their massed A. G. M. Roberatnn in the Capacity of in the arrent yeaterdnv of I). I, Ham-ert- that the. British, Japanese and Portuguese restore to Germany the . "America and Japan will march, work and fight together as ranks by the rifles and machine guns of coo. Abater ne branched out as a sta k.ahoe dealer, and H. Do Laey, have seized and occupyipgT comrades until the end is reached and victory is won. Then, when who ( connected with a weekly publi- the Tommies.' They dropjred like leaves blekecper, colonies they are has laa am i tm sen I ! from a tree and their rhnrgrs melted Always Ahoo beea credited with TiiAtsi nrAnnon a a en w KAtis a. aj maw rl an xtnw riAi n a rl ami nnmmtn unAmw U4nrtitirtA4 nri fh A umrlrl fnr cation, the Lender. aaimraw je vvonie haua vw iviie uisue" m aaa .nv tut-I.- vui vviimivii ciiwiiij io faiiifuioMu aiiu tiiv nvnu 19 iiiauomtA oaivaIa ivi ' The two men iuto terrified flight. being a boss gambler, but his premises, j five in arrested yeaterday are ferent capitals. It is expected that they will be accepted promptly free men, we should such understanding that no word or charged with ronnpirucv to free Bopp West of llullucb the British raided where gamonag has for years past beea other-notoriou- on every deed of either may be brought up to create a suspicion, so that the and Tciitnna who hava the trenchen of the Huns ami took carried day in the rear, ae by Germany and Austria and hailed as a clear basis for peace nego hired been convicted of violation of the laws large numbers of prisoners. eoroing to common report, bave been tiations, and that there will be unanimous rejection of them on venomous gossip, the slanderer and the sinister intriguer, jt was aero mere occurred one singularly immune from molestation. of th United eHate. mat the pait of the Allies. Such is the unanimous opinion of the diplo of the influences of which we have both been victims in the past I'arrelly played bin BKaumed part to of the most spectacular air fights of the Despite the most explicit and repeated can do nothing in the future, so the influences of these enemies the limit, lie wa arrested aa a war. Una lone Hrlton, sailing at an complaints, the Ahoo building, at the mats here, who have eagerly scanned the unofficial text of the Pope's that elevation Of 11,000 feet, was corner or lueyarci and and wna wnt to jail. Thia d attacked Kiver Htreeta of the peace will result in nothing except to bring Japan Amer- - and the Huns that be waa by three German aeroplanes. Instead of have not beea subjected to the India- the years, MOVE WAS EXPECTED . ica closer together for our mutual protection and for common he , running away, as he well might nity of a raid for since a grand our traitor represented himself to be, have . 9 . . 1 . ' none t It welfare. and enabled him to obtain the informa- under such etreusustaiicea, the jury visitea tne place. : iic uiuvc ui me v suKsn urns nui tunic wiui any IC( auiuusc ' ':""' . -- 1 1 a Englishman gave fight. Ahoo has beea for years looked open utl. f 1 common j. .a.'. or- f ana tion that expoaed the German plot and to the state department or the White House, nor to the other capi- iiie.iirsi uuiy japan America ai mis lime led to the arrest of Harnedy and Ve 'Directing upon them a dnndlv rain as the big power behind the chefs - tals of the Entente. The possibility of peace proposals along is to guard the Pacific, to make sure shall be Lafy ,,. -- . of hnllet from his machine gun. and pakapio banks which operated these that there a safe :.',.' lwis i- -- - " -. . , 1 . .' me union, eaargou his roes gallantly, here on a gigantic scale. Recently it lines was discussed here during the visits of Foreign Minister Bal- They oened op on. him with their ma- ia believed that bis gambling intereats of Vye our of Great Britain and Minister of Justice Viviani of France, when shores America. must see that the ships of those ferocious chine guns, but so clever w as his have beea eon lined to the games run-"in- g manic was decided Allies, including States, would pirates whose crimes on the high seas can never be palliated shal! RUSS-RUMANIA- ulation of his machine that they were at hia own home which ddrlng it that the the United NS unable to hit him. rew nsve Dee a una no snener in me waters 01 our seas. tae monins. ran taa. refuse to discuss any terms of peace ao long as any German troops The air of the Englishman, "however, The dinner periodical) Y given t br remained within the seized territories of any of the Allies. This "You may count on us to do our part, as we must count upon was better. Wheeling, dnrting, twist Ahoo to high officials of the police, you to do yours. - r ' - ing and turning In the air and fighting eity attorney and other departments, decision was reached after it was pointed out that to enter into HURL BACK HUNS i . ' P , juriviini i ,l. uei are or local gourmands v ."Let us forget the molehills of misunderstanding that have us iiniBtt succeeaea Dy stilt tamed tr negotiations with Germany while that Power held any occupied clever maneuvering in. pumping a who f ere fortunate enough to partake vc been exaggerated into mountains of trouble and let us work for Stream Of bullets into the cnsoline of them. They were most recherche (ciui,uiy wuuiu iu cuicr a wnman irap inu siiiuw uw i cuions good Links of two of his enemies. Flaminir and hospitable affairs. Ahoo was also to assume the position that inasmuch as they held seized territory relations on the Pacific. Let us see with , a clearer vision Turn On Enemies and Check like a groat present and of- ii 1 J i j: a. i a. - the pitfalls been dug by cunning enemy Ter rockets, the Teuton machines hur giver, many aa Uicy cuuiu iioi uc uiciaicuj iu mm uic ucai.cn biuc.j thattiave a in our mutual tled to the earth. 11,000 feet below. ficial or today treasures art! ' rific- - Drive of some quarters it is thought inaamuch as proposals path. .. German . The Englishman then turned his atten ele of teak, inlaid with pearl, and In that the gold ome from outside : "When victory is won, let us together help in uplifting the new General Mackensen , tlon to the remaining German, but the solid buttons, stamped with curi the and from as powerful a quarter as the Vati world, which will latU--r had seen enough. He turned tail ous hieroglyphics,- - the token of esteem can they should be regarded in a different light to that of .similar rise fair and strong and beautiful from the war and fled ignominiouslr. leaving the of the suare seeker after favors. . '.Associated Press By XT. S. proposals Berlin or Vienna. '. Their manner of presen- - ashes of the old." a. . Naral Briton master of the air. Mrs. Ahoo ia now seeking to originating in ' bar . I . i t . . . t . t Serrlce) ' - ,,, , jr - Mayor Rolph mis-.slo- ir . a guardiaa appointed to look after the uuon ana uieir source itlbkc incm auncuii to meei as uicy otner- James Jr. electrified the of the e members NEW iYORK, August IK The terrl-fl- business interests of her husband. anji the quests at the great banquet by the wds-of-t- ts ad- drisvs of General Maekehsra, who nuv nuuiu ire ivvciycu aiiu uwi UK lucui fcsia uyiwiy suinc iioyaj CHINA ; ,v - dress of welcome, his speech establishing the; cordiality of the has fot days been steadily forcing back DECLARMR or an eariy peace. ,. Has-rin- ii ; function beginning. in western Moldavia the combined . REPLY CALLED FOR '''''X.'. from the and Rumanian armies, has at last IS v yye of San Francisco, and of America, remember the deeds been checked. American officials admit that the proffer, from nthe Pope calls ' ON HUN NATIONS of Kuroki and of the gallant Nogi The Russians and., Rumanians tookn or a respectful reply. That they cannot be accepted outright is cer at Port Arthur," said Mayor Rolph, firm staud at Fokshunl, from which the - tain. That they will not be accepted at all is probable. . . in one portion of his address, "and we rejoice that the successors Teuton general was LI trying to drive official of these men have come to fight shoulder to shoulder with the boys them, and with desperate eourage hurl- The text has not been received here as yet, but it is. ex ed back in broken and linea pected by cable, will of California." ragged the Long Expected Declaration Fol when it be carefully scanned.' The unofficial formidable masses of men he threw text as it has been outlined in the Dress desoatcheS. astonished against them. ' tha lows Crushing of Revolt officials, The stand of the Russians auit Ru- Kato Will Cultivate Four Hundred much of the language used parallelling the words of Presi- - America and Canada Officers manians was all the more effective in (Associated Press By TJ. B Com lent Wilson in his recent declarations. ', , :: Naral Acres . hat the Hun leader did not expect it. munication Serrlce) Despatches from London explain that it is understood there For days they hod been retiring be- that WASHINGTON, August 14 Infor che Pope proposes to leave the matter of the readjustment of na- To Help Each May Shoot Aoy fore his thrusts, until he had eome to mutton was received by the Chinese consider it a habit. And then, sud minister here today that China has of II. Kato, who has been represented by tional boundaries in Europe to be settled through after ieuly, they made a stand.' . ficially declared war on Germany and Attorney Wade Warrea Thayer, former :he main question of the restoration of peace has been accomplished. The waves of German infantry dash Secretary waa yea- Hun Austria in line with the policy deter of Hawaii,: awarded inci-lenta- Other Garner Crops Head In d The peace suggestions from Holy See were lly Siht against their steel shod defense mined on following the recent crushing 'erday by the board of industrial the referred to nj fell bark broken and dismayed. or (he monarch tal revolt. schools the contract, to plant and eulti in the house of commons yesterday, when Donald Mc-Mast- er, The terrifie eun- - efforts of the German rate approximately four hundred acres representing Division an- (Associated Prasa By T7. 8. Kaval AMKHlCAN ARMY HKAD nors dislodge the- the Chertney of Surrey,' bluntly - to Hlavsfrgm their of land in pineapples for the Boys' In Communication Serrlca) VUARTEKH IN FRANCE, August Positions failed. "$ biatrial Bchool at Waialee. nounced that the British Colonies of Canada, Australia and New WASHINGTON, August 13 The 15 A grim point of Kronen Etiqu- And then, while the Germans baited infanHenm! waa one Zealand ' Kato of bidders for would oppose United Slates and Canada have three the the restoration to Germany of any of her ette has been settled ia favor of the in amazement, the Rumanians swept contract aud hia offer waa as .. v. t-- :c ..... x vn combined accepted, vvivmv, M 4 rWalllMUlAIl,j: II UII1 JTl foreea to save the crops of American forces now in Frauce. forward in a counter charge ear- It wss deemed the most UK avillb. n.iiluviutlld two will that advantageous. the countries and work Hereafter aa American officer via ned everything before it. The terrif- i tie board un tario. He served in 1904 as the president of the Montreal Bar As- together, it waa officially has baa tne proposition announced iting the front may shoot a German ied Huns broke and flod and the Ru- ler consideration at several meetings, sociation and was member of the Canadian house of common and here lost night. if1 the Hun sticks head bis shaven manians swept on after them, cheeriag ouly ; Arranrgrmcnts been made imi reached its deehuoa yesterday, of the Ontario legislature. K- ,,;, . ; have above the parapet. is they felt victory perching at last The land waa recently placed ii i hereby Lf,Ot)0 American harvest An order" was issued yesterday on tbeir battle-fraye- d banners. :harge of the Waialee Industrial Bchool The Pope, according to the despatches carrying the text of his will be sent across 1 hands the border to the effort that American army HII.O. August 'iVe third detach by the Territory. It ia aitnated at Wai eace proposals declares himself unqualifiedly to help Canada aave her great grain officera approving President visiting the front may carry t of H Company, Twenty-flft- In nice and la considered eminently well crop, which ia in danger of going revolvera and ahoot any Teuton antrv. tired over the rifle range yester ntieu tor tne proposed cultivation. ' partially to waste on account of whoae betmeted head projects above PERSiOTARE I'nder the superviaioa of Superinten posed to the plans for economic war. v lack men to re- day, fiiiiKhmu up an of harvest it. In mo trenen top. with excellent lent Anderson of the school, Kato will All belligerents must submit to losses sustained with the ex turn Cansdii, later in the year, Will te record, (if the lire.) uinetean men who pliiut and carry on the of - ' 10,000 cultivation ception of the of . send men into Maine to help h- - matter territory. ALL SWELLED OP int ouiiiineii as experts, eight the laud. He wiU make use of all the the farmers of that atato dig their shnriiNhooteiH mid three as murksinen boys, paroled for the purpose, paying potatoes. This brings thi'record of the company Hie minimum daily wage of one Thia cooperation has been agreed dollar up to un exceptionally high fttaudnrd ami twenty cents aad the maximum of Two In Hospital, ' upon by the governments of the twenty-nin- e Porto Rico Wants (Associated Presa by V. 8. Naral Com there lieing experts, thirty one dollar and thirty cents. This I nited ntates and Canada. municatlon Serrlce) oue hIiiii 'pshiioters slid fourteen marks money will be paid to the superinten- - r AMERICAN ARMY HEADQUABT men in the seventy-fou- men who have dent aud placed in a, fund from which One In Self KH IN FRANCE. August 15 The men so far shot the prescribed eourse, as ea h boy is releaaed from the achool Jail Government of General Pershing's expeditionary one hundred per cent qualifying us his fhare will be paid him. It ia be one are getting .tut. Or if not fat, marksmen or hetter. lleved that many boys will thus be o In hey are at least swelling up. Tbvir There are still twenty-tw- men to given a handaoine start in life, once Filipino Row and "Demands" It Pershing's Men Object To Being uniforms don't fit any longer. complete the course before B Company they leave the school at Waialee. Called Henry Morgenthau, former United had hinslied, eleven of whom will I In additioa to the pay for the labor "Sammies" over tne rouay on of the boys, Kato E States ambassador to Turkey, who is ran'e and tu others undertakes to turn Kustaijuia Kllama, a Filipino girl, is (AsucUte4 Press By 9. S. Kaval Com- Wednesday. And even If n.eu over to the achool twenty-on- e now in r rance, inspected the American thei per fcent iu The Queen's Hospital, and l'edru munication Service) v amp yesterday fall down budly, which is oat of the of the gro.is recejpts from the sale of (Associated Press By U. a Naval and found that the SAX JUAN, 13 3 Bandalan lies In tae emergency hospi Porto Rico, August Berries) men had developed ao remarkablr lhv question, the record of ih company pineapples. This money will be placed locally ainee coming to this eonntrv will be admirable. in a special fnnd to assist ia the main tal, both suffering freia kuife wounds I'orto Itieo not ouly asks, but deiuanda, (Associated Prasa By V. S. Naval Oom-- , AMERICAN CAMP JN FRANCE, teuauee aha be given ' that their uniforms were; too and support of the institution. in the baek as the reeult of aa attack that complete autonomy, Sarvtcal 1 small for mnnlutton August The men forming the first ; The industrial achool lteaolutinua addressed them. '. .. commissioners made ou them at Walpahu oq Monday to President LONDON, England, August 14 A J expeditionary force from the United haxe considered the project from maay Wilson were passed by both houses of GIFFARD IS ELECTED aixi afteraoou by another Filipino named the British destroyer on scout duty has Htates hav Just learned through Amer- inle, they believe that they have legislature yesterday "demanding" ' solved to a large Ueurv Both Leon sunk in the North Ben as result of ican newspapers extent the question of Alcautra. victims of the that the I'nited Htates irrant eomideta thai they have been SPAIN NOW UNDER maintaining the school, so lf goverumwat to the Island. collision with-- a German mine. No, that in a cutting will recover. Aleantra ii held tagged with the appelation few year the ' ' word has been received as to the loss of institution will cease to st the police atation, but has not as yet T. life. . ,, mios," and are deeply resentful, be a burden to the taxpayers. the nickname as undignified been charged. BRITISH HOUSEWIVES MARSHAL LAW and irritating. Not only the boys of states mat he stablied the HAVE THEIR TROUBLES MISSOURI SALOONS the army but American residents are ouple because he waa Jealous, lie declared opposed to . - the term. Harold Ii. Giffard was yesterday .Iuiiii-- tliut the girl was ouce bis wifu B Ths AssMtatse- Tm'l CLOSE THEIR DOORS It is declared to be a ridiculous ef- 4 (Associated Press by U. 8. Naral Com elected prenidoiit of the Houolulil mid tlntt Hh nd a Ian atole her from bim. I.OXDOX, Auguat Many domestie fort to play upon the jocular interpre- & : Stock Bond Kxchauge, at its annual The stubbing took place In a cottage problem wirich worry the wife of fAjwoclatod by V. S. Com tation municatlon Serrlce) te Press Naval of the initials of U. H., "Uucle meeting. W. A, Love was elected vice where Alcautra fouud his victims to- Premier of Kngland were disclosed by munloaUoa Berries) Nam," and no aucb should MADRIR ISimlni Auirust 14 Mar nickname iat law has been proclaimed president aud I), h. Coukliug was re- gether. I VV. I.loyd Oeorge la aa address she Aiurimt 14 M'iiut be forced upon The pro through KANHAH- CITY. the fighters. elected secretary. The office of treas- Alcautra was Police Olli- - delivered recently at the Natiouel ( test is ihe country because of the general arrested br most spontaneous from both for the ensuing year will be tilled cer Kuouaona - Kcouomy a "'cusjjp" in the sense of the wor J j all urer shortly after the stab- Kxhibition. he aaidt army men West-poin- t trine trades. The agi i and civilians. The by the (iuardian Trust bing. He "When we went 11 as used by the Presideut in his regula- - at ion is Spreading. The. railroad em Company. (Associated Press Bf IT. Naval had a dagger In his hand to Pownlng nickname for molasses is Sam- Iu a short talk, John L. Fleming, the when accosted by the police, aud took street, nine yeara ago found a big tiona eatablishing a dry none within the my. iloycs are considering u gcueraX walk Serrlce) fit nit iu syuipathy with the strikers. rotiriug president, stated that the past LONDON, August 14 Figures made to his heels, throwing the weapon in a woiiery mere without S window, not a limit of an incorporatei! cityf e- - year had been, qn the whole a very as he ran. He gleam of light nor The public here by the admiralty show poud surrendered under ventilation of any federal authorities have takeu successful one, and that he looked for threat of being shot. sort or kind. It took ue some little up the matter and a test will either SUPPLIED BT ALL CHEMISTS. HUNS REJOICING that the human toll takea on British even a hetter year to come. inertliHutnien sinee the be made at once iu the courts or a Physicians prescribe Chamberlain's (Associated Presa By U. 8. Naral Com beginning of ruliug will be sought from attor- Colic, Cholerra Diurrhoea Remedy the ear is H748 Uvea. Of these 387s HUN IS JAILED the and mnnlcation Serrlce) were puasengers. AN IMPROVED QUININE stoni-aut- i WANT FIRE PROTECTION ney general of the United States, iu because it relieves cramps in the Zl'RICH, Hwitierlaad. Angust 1-4- (Associated Frees By V. 8. Naral Com-- order that a speedy decision may be and intestinal puins quicker thun Austria a newspapers are jubilant over II 11.0, August II On motion of Jul DOES NOT AFFECTTHE HEAD ui uuicatiua oemce arrived at. n nv preparation ian It Yates, an U'0(Mj' BRITISH LOSE they can compound. It he resignation of Arthur llendersou, appropriation of 21,722 Bcco ot Its toaie aad Uaative PA(iO PAGO.. Hfllnoa. Anmi,t II In the meanwhile, 260 can be bought A a survey of Hilo s eSsct. saloons from any chemist. Mrltlsh labor leader, from the cabinet for water system, British casualties in all theaters of LAXATIVE BXOMO Ql'INIMB) arlUbelObiid imam ttutea naa heeu eonvicted here whose places' of ' bolt In will keep Wl for advii-- re- business are' within for years, and no home They regard it as rrreaagiuc the wreek and soruring expert the wsr duriag the first two weeks ni tter lhaa ordinary OulauM. Does not csum by courtniartia.) of aeditions uttering half mile of the military-establishment- Is eoinpU'te bwal fir without it. For sale by all of the English en bi net 'and herald his garding 'he apparatus wan August were 81,723 killed, wounded xrvoiisnrss. nor Tlaglag In .the bead. Ec nud senteuced to lirlaon for the period have' 'voluntarily closed their dealers. Deuson. Hinitti & Co.. uL'ents Miiuurawai as Uuwo puasej yeaterdnv by the board of and missing, according to au ofluini Is only t.i v,ar. li - ' ueiocening lbs rmhet, .hers oat "Bronw Quinine.' the llut. is a tJerniua Aaier- doors. for Hawaii, or peace. . . . i pervisuu. , report issued here yesterday. . h iuaiiir of K. W. Crovt Is oa sac' - 1 icun. . ' k r1 J

' - 1 - : 19i7;SF.Mt-UT.ms'r.- Y i . V Hawaiian . FRIDAT. , .. .' - (.rpni' Ai:r,tSTl7;- - ; .. .,; ..... j wm t - - i , rrttrrTTJ"HrT , lihib ir - .,

' ' ,..,.. 111 i


-- iV . 1 r .; : I ' r f s , i i I ' ' - PRICES GO HIGHER ' r - : Next ; Year's Crop Reduced By; At Least One Half aad i i i May Be Mere HeaVlIy Damaged la Two Hawaii Dis- - Demarfds of Refiner Are More Year Production Js Thirteen Hun-dr- ed tricts aad Part of Third; Dry Spell Started. February Urgent and Holder? of. Sii: Tons Better than Had ' ' : gar. Reap Benefits . VBeen Anticipated l t Certainly W since "iRflf and perhaps ary the mi was Mow the Wirial, and never in the hint or; of , tbe sugar Indus it Jias decreased ever ' steadilv sinee. ' try a tne Inlands have weather condi- Kor six . moat hi it hjui been a real ATLANTIC STOCKS AR5 K KEKAHA. IS, ALSO FAR T' tions been so threatening as they now drouht. Hefore ke drought of 1H0I, " - CONTINUALLY DECREASING AHEAD OFv EXPECTATION are in the Kohsta and Ifnmnkua dis- in- the first four kioofhn or thst year , tricts aad a port Hilo, bad eo i of North of the there St.2 inches of rain fo ."'-- ' i.. .,- Inland in molnt-ene- d of Hawaii. If there a rainfall that the earth was pretty well 7 - V of ail Inches in those districts within before came, This i the dry spoil ' ' - Transportation 1$; Big . Problem Experiments With, H Prove the preweat month, pomillT as lat as yean the 'rainfall foe the- Ami f.iur i t09 the middle (Vptember,' the situation fatonths wax. Inches, l - tt sn is the Sinco Tnere is Sugar Aplenty-- 'i ' Variety"- Excellent For will tot materisnjf belpei,.but the cura past .fpur months kn l bceo on)y. bl h& passed.' Irreparable flu : - tge inrnes. iv iwn: the erflrXhat was dnm fiut fri Wrong Places'! ; r; '.Late Harvesting , ' ' ' age has been done by draught. At aged by ' " '' ; 1 the the 3901 drought fer Honokaa V "' .' "' 1 ' neat nair a crop may e obtained, at was only tons, and from those fig - .loi 4 ''V"' ;,. ')'y ,.-- ; worst the loss will be, far beyond that ures caa .be gler-ae- some idea of what bijr percentage.' ,' : the management of thi plantation has Hole bf U'S.OOO bags ef Cuba; most L1HUK,' Asgiist 4 Tho weather on v.j There was no rain of tmportanre in to fear If rain does not seedily come. ly early-Angu.- and prompt lelivety Kauai bnS wow'' returned to .normal, the Kohala and Ham ak.ua districts last Aad there ia reason to believe thnt all and a small mrtion In stores; 40,000 warat and dry iMit .aa yet not seriously wtoek and the drought that started Inst the other plantations of the affected of Perte Bicos,'- Light iTebmarjr Is still Hilo bnss Augitbt dcliveryj dry. showers ocsiur Itow and unbroltea. In the rtistrlfta'hre sufferins; similarly. 4700 bags of Guatamalns, August; and district there were goyd Taiaa last Sat- UksTwenty Ago then but not of sufficient intensity to Tsars bags Perus and Ht. Croix, in the ' urday and there .has been no such In 1897, when conditions more nearly lm do any good. - I week eliding. August 2, are' reported by ' - drought there as farther north, al- approached Honokaa, MeBrydS finished irrindinff oa August the present at the uray nx new ; though ser.Hoa is. below y "mew oi nurMreet, glBd ig ow drying pff. The Output that far the rainfall for the first four months of the York. A very amr.ll portion of the antes normal la moisture. year was only 11.43 inches, or .71 of an tbU ,.c,r very eloM to 17,300 were rorenriy eieptemr.er delivery ana t((Bg ero McBrvdc. WtoU Ooontry Dries ty . inch, more than this year for the same th banner for the small' amount of Porio Bicos waa ; Ia tlie week ending Augunt 11 the i q. 1:100 tone above estimates, perioi, y my htiiiahle.. v.. '. Imiaa . . reported1 Kohala ti rainfall from North This yesr's.erep has been reduce.! to' o wew ' '0 tteiative tne iora mantcr, Dnrimr the wart, of Julv and Hsmakua observation stations" to some extent br, the drought, Mr. Wal-- V latter thlrtv-ai- the weather bureaa was: Ranch, dron saya. J TL. i V "Held of acres of 11109 waa I'uakea When he was over there he itThe market Inst weekI whs strong,J.' 0.15; Kohala Mill, Mis- picked ' i The yield was as follows: 0.2; Kohala up pieecs of eane that had with light offenngs at five and wven- - tonnfU sion, 0.25; Nfulii, 0..14; Honokaa, aone: dried , : Tona eane per aere.. k. .. 67.37 and died, hut It la next year 'a e,ghth eents c 4 f.'(0.S! c) and with I'aanhau, aone. In of North seri-J-on- s Tont ,cre. ;..'..,.. . n.85 that part crap, that baa suffered the really holders generally hsklng six eents e. A ' Hilo that has. been affected, Ookala damage, youne ne Quality Batlo fl.8.1 ' Thf of the The demand 0.18; B.iO, and - f (7.fie). tor rswjs W; r IOM (. eane .10.08 laupaboeboe, 191 crop has not been killed as might more, urgetrt a ' tuiued than the supply ; Honohine, 0.5O. In Mouth Hilo at have been xwcte-i-. is surj)rlsing J yiber liM It prices have advanced. . - ' was pre- Wal-- j '.This is the yield the erop,' the fall 0.35, aad for the the vitality It has ehown, Mr. " on Thursday sales were made to beet. vious two weeks, 2.12. dron says, all! Ute , f T.rteD, hor, and ttran be practically Csn.dmn reliners ht in bond , John W. Waldron, trnasurer of F. A. saved if rain come soon, thoneh it is ii u Hm whlch fc ' and outport rertners pn id 5 I Vi cents Pnhaefer t Ct, a;rent for Honokaa, wat nsw beginntns to show the effects of maturity, before har-- recently over on the Big Island looking the prolonged shortsge of moisture. Of - ..' vesting. Herctefore, all the HlOtf field. " II I - pet.t.on or the .mall over tonditions there and says re- course Its seriously If b harvested early ia the d that growth lias lieeq ' an on MW have' - advance Friday .to , ports not exaggerated the serious- checked just at the time it should first, with 'Tery nt M esc situation, lig some lit- SATETT eeD'.fQr.0TSd M.d ix, ,f futtins: back,- - ef the sret have been going ahead making to prevent loss . of '' at. time Thefleld tle hnrw shall lie six inches of growth. : or nronarlw th v-"" shows H 109 is a good eaae if there g ' is mntis -i- V. that for rain' month early At best Big of the Kabului r li'fr.tT It!' this or 'next. losses Are Certain railway whlcn serves artivl oeeuired .rvesting. It poaseeeC, ef th. half the next crop is gone and unless Condition Maui, me Die plantation r Of LaUiaa, on have if seem, in central MauL and VdlVKW bag. of Cub... Porto R?f. '"bt.ea eanoth. the rain eomea the damage will be been in some In Ins jrroup hers pic- up well of sugar to- - eu exaggerated of the reports shown the Rieo. an.l Ht Croix were sold at .1. ""Idjng. conient eVen worre. that were brought hero. John L. ture to the rieht shows f , , I end of the season. ,, ,. cent. f. had 7.0.' ,ceut. for all po-- . 'The'dry belt extomls from North Fleming wns on the Valley Island last (two new overhead crossings, built of j,. CaterpUUr HMling . I'oint right dowa the coast, taking in in ooncroto ana Un-gero- I week anil saVs that there some yel- to supersede tne celhei, the market Us been ftrm all Kohala and Hamakua and a little of low thut VVaililku and Air old stylo grade crossings. McBryde and Mak.weli la the of aje, Maui at six cent. e. ft f. 7.0J cents, with u. North Hilo. I will not undertake to; ricultsrul Company j This crossing is at Bamakuapoko sd hauling have suffered some moler,te offerings at on. sixteenth eeut i ns,ater,,,Uar for th. case fieak for the other plantations in that pnd thnt Hawaiian Commercial and I i and la bow cbmplete while another '",1L - - "P eter- ' - ' to one eU'hth cent higher. J V? dry belt, but I will say for Honokaa I'ioiteer have suffered less, - at Camp One ia not yet completed. V work boraes the lust - .iH,(. , Todav the tone U strdnger, with doe. the, two and Pacific Mill that the situation as named the least, because of the amount In the lower left of the group is ' 'of thrao each and is e.pablo of showq sales of August ...d 8.Ttember' C.l.ss to next year 'a crop is a very grave one. of acreage iu the low lands, , A ft warning sign at one of the U I WMW lialf at six and, oncsixteent hs routs e. fc r.: ' II.' P' H.I u wuv wm im Of course there is still some hopes, if Inch rainfall occurred on Maui lant old grade crossings while the upper haul. ;. --- 7.0H cents and six and ' there shall be good eufrly rains such as (Saturday. On Maui there will be re INCREASED IN ; right hand picture shows a view of - This tye of eaterplllars was tried August has COSTS CUBA the big bridge cents c; ft f. (7.15 cents). often brought," iluctioun in the estiinates ef the 1918 steel across Malik0 is out In the fields for cultivation. It is Early Makes Worse crop Gulch on the The excessive hot weather iuteK Start but nothing o compare with those Haiku branch of the M ' . ;.U ...... , ,aA..iBM well adapted for use ia a eanefield as road. IL. n This year's drought is worse than that will have to be made bv nnmliers liilnjr fegarda aiee hnd ahape for .a.traddllhg others because so CUTD0WN PROFITS HEAVILY and there is more or km. trouble it started early, Mr. , of plantations on the island of Ha - i ins cane row. nowvrsr, ii. was nui Waldroa points, wit. Even in Febru- - waii. on the waterfront. Full duty sold at 5 ami acvea-- ! satisfactory because of the foct that It .UKarn runs and miles an Au Man-'- , eightha cent, and six eents c.i.f. j 'our tbreefourths interview with President tie influence ujion the 'market from This is too fast plowing aud ! stock continue. for uel Riouda of the Cuba Cane rkiuar now to December. HALF MILLiQN The Atlantic Port's TONS to decrease, the receipts being only when running any slower, it lacks pow PLAN MEETING TO SUGARSTOCKSAR E Corporation, Profits Not Much lacreased , .: such use hauling along relative to the affairs of . !t'2,K44 tons against meltings of fiO.ooo er.. But for as thut company mid to existing condi "it niav a 1x6 be iiroper'to add that 'tons, leaving refiners stock 189,118 tracks, or on the road, it seems to do the 1V' very well: ..'. w. ' '.' tions in the sujjar industry, win priut-- averaii eurice obtained. our i'toW "' comiiany for its suirar this year is oulv OF SUGAR SHIPPED Also Kekaha finished grinding oai the 9th DEMAND ed In the New York Evening World Refined mces Vf RAISES SHOWINGSIiRENGTH a very little over one-thir- of a eent with an outnut of 10.179.123 tons. This The coatiaued strong and advancing ' of July 24 aii I L'.l. From it the fob' tor pound higher tliffn v that of the raw market compelled refiners to ad- is a bnmper erop for Kekaha. Besides The-.Jub- 1 lowing excerpts, of cKpcx-ia- t interest to previous yeaf. Cane vance pricfts during the week and as this big crop a field of considerable the sugar trade, ht-- taken. The ton-- ' Ihih not sold anv suirar of the More Than Three-fourt- hs of Out 'we go to prose quotations are aa fol- sine was allowed to go over to next Can To Be Issued To Plantation VI ore Activity Noticed and Three nage Hgnres (piotct liy Mr. Kioudu are coming crop, which begins next lief lows: American and Howell 8.15 crop.. i ;.. in long tons. cemlicr. turn Gone and No Fears . cuts, Arbiickle M..rt) cents, Federal and Laborers To Formulate De- Securities Score Advances 8. I ' U. Btocks Low "UnlesH the production of spgar on A'anier withdrawn. tinn continue' at work, ' airuinst einht Are Now Felt i mands On Companies On Stock Exchange "As the law of supply and. demand this aide of the world iucreaaes and' . It is difficult to obtain sugars, but last year and ten in ' 1913, Heattered regulstos prieen of ull eoiiiniodities, it exceeds cousumiition ia the United reliners have tieen willing to take raink cables re-- ' have occurred, biit later to reason manufai-tiirer-s s stands that prices of sugar' States, present prices, are likely, to i are of whe have no a contlnuaare of i must he hiuher when the uemaud is continue, excepting when the quatit i More than .'.00,000 tons of the 1917 sugar on hand, and also tq distribute western sections, although the Agitation for higher wages for plan- ' greater tiuiii the rt fugkr stocks were more active, in supply. Just now ty of sugnr available from domestic Hawaiian sugar erop has been shipped. a moderate amount of grocers ami job- is- - in caster prov- - weather fair the tation labor started by Japanese news stocks of sugar in t hi- I'nited (States sources and foreign countries sufllccB Up to in position. ' ' Itetter demumi ami higher in jester-days- ' the first of this month the bers similar inces. s papers is taking more concrete, form are less than they were a year ago. to meet the requirements of the United figures were 4G7,H1 and aince then, in- The new' refining company at Havaa-nali- , Java Market Precarious - market thigi recently. Hales be- -- Last vent Culm's production .was States and its allies. As a rule cluding the cargo shipped on the tieorgia, the Havannah Sugar The is in a precarious and a meeting is to be held, it ia report- tween board were HSt) nharea .tOOO.oiMp ' Java market of listed This venr 'a cro'p was of sugar fallal off in the Msnou yesterday, there has been des- Corporatiim, alarted melting on conditniB, as (KK),0t)0 bold by ed, next Monilny cv?niiij ae ' tons are to take securities, of which 5!i were sugars expected to(,lie :t. loo, mm tons, but now United Ktates during the faH months patched 32.lt, a total to August 10 July 16, and offered their product for speculators, which at latest quotations tioo on the subject aad to arrange for and at the It is etiinnto I til from L'.Ki'tl.OOO to( of the year and as during,,' these of 600 ,0S 5 tons, more than seventy able 24 at 7.80. cents-les- s two a' loss of about cniiin fifty five,' of which ) represent nominal demauds to be made the 2,93VM0 tons. Hie other hand, months domestic beet ahd iiouisiaaa per reut of ill go main-- , per cent f.o.b. Havunnah, tieorgia. This - uKn plsata fifty were nuj;iir storks. Oalna ever all that to the without sales. It- is problemat- tiona. cost of production luis increased etior-ibusl.v- . eane into- - the market , w very land. - company rejiort the refinery is su- Inst sulci, were Me,- - tme '. that ical whether actual sales of these luude liy l'toneer. For instunie, marine freights often Jo wer prices While some in a manner V.Beirt hits it that according to tbi RrvHn mill . . t 4 .. because production surprise Ws expressed' working satisfactory and gars would force, the market lower or preaeut arrangements', " """".that prior to the Kuropeun war were overreaches ronsuHiptioiti Even theao that the Mnnen will be takes off from that the ee fined product is well re- not, liquidation.' Endeavor leaders from the and a loss recorded for Oahu f twea-U,,-- 1,. ,.,., M.rfl,i,' due to such plantations will attend the meeting pounds, have coiHlitionn vary from year o year, sugar carrying after this trip it has ceived by the trade. is being made to gtt assistance: from J as ' ' ext Monday night. Prominent mer- hih as fifty rents,' sixty upon size of rrope and the visi- not worried shippers. ThMatson com- 'California new trop beet' sugars, the Dutch government. tnhsted stock, were fairly strong i' ' eents and seventv cents per 100 pounds ble supply available.' , .'' pany has the1 which were offering week in ter- - chants, newspapermen, hotel keepers and more but ' its contract to dnltvet all last Philippine Islands shipments have active little change in J this venr hii.I hint veiir. Colli, the cot ".United States consumers are getting sugar te Crockett by a 'certain; ritory Chicago and est, at 7.63 cents are hirge. and in fact, every Japanese hui, it is be , time been small and stocks price is to noted except the Oil d6l-wa- s thirty-- 0f which prior to the war was five their sugars even now iu vwar time, and is assumed to be confident New York or New Or lea us basis, curtailed de- said, have been invited to attend this Bgnin marked up on quotations,',- - that it in China have . lars a ton deliw-re- h, ('uba, sold this cheaper than any other' country, In' the enn do this without the day contracts for shipment in turn Scarcity meeting, w I services of the mand from that direction. of again it hoia other information than year dtdlnr-- i Ha-wa- at ten mid sometimes at world. After the war, when Manoa, from the 'beginning of factory opera- . Fred K. Mskino, editor of the l y tonnage is another contributing factor.' mainland prices, ami Mineral I'rodUets,; fifteen dollurs a ton. Machinery to Oeminuy, France, Austria,' Kuasia, Bel- Jt is possible that, abdut the first week of August suf- Hochl, T.. Murakami, ' ; 1 the Perapis, one tions words, the Philippine, are of the Hawaii recovered to nine rente. . I ' In other Cunbo. y, Hnga of the Nippu Jiji and me raw simar costs now' more gium and the other producing' countries of 'tUe former Oernian steamers, aiay have been Withdrawn, as the sellers fering from the same circumstances as Madera led in activity with antes of double ' ' - the' Hawaii Wiispo have than iti vahie liefiire the war. start producing sugar at the same .rate be chartered by the Kngar Factors to baVe IbNiwHrd of all the early produc- Java. '"' '""- editor issued 10,4110 shares at forty-fou- and forty-fhre- e (ins '' Cubnu labor advhmed very much as prior to the war, then prices will take sugar to Hhe tion they, care to at this time. . invitations to the plantation Mnntnna-Binghai- the Mainland. has problem of Tranaportatiota laborers cents, of - salfa also. It is e tiinul-- l that the !uban commence te go dowa ' v - s capacity, of 7000 tons Other markets made advauces dur- the" Philip- nd those who are interested ia the were 9100 shares " and it remains Our remarks oa Java and at fifty and forty nine iasHrrcctioii this year cause I a de to lie determined Will week us given elsewhere iu la move for higher wages to attend the whether there b ing the ' this pines show that there plenty of sugar eeuts, of Mincrul Products 41t)a shares ereuse in the 'Cuban - meeting, A hall is look- crop of nearly enough sugar ort hand to fill her ahd fcsoe.' the world -- the only trouble Is,' it Is large being sold at nine cents, Kngels Copper 74l at SOd.wm tons iu from what it would have meet the requirements of the uext Caba Market Statistics wrong nlaee. - at least 000,-00- 0 ed for, and as soon as it ia secured, Oil IrtO at in the With fl.7, 44.53 and Mountain been had they not had the political four regular departures as well. Hike is Kntire Islyiid liuuies for the' week tons (and probably muclli the four Japs sene newspapers will pub- King 77fi shares 24 in Java at cents, turba nces. now n 'route here with soal for the Here cabled, as follows: Receipts 2L',-0- - needed) and about lish the details of the meeting. .. .- -. more available If regards the Cuba Cane ftugu'r "5,-87:- One of the leaders said this morn- 'As lnterlslaud and negotiations for her i tona, exports to Atlantic ports 70,000 tons In the Philippines, it is a Y. Ahoo, who hits Corpyiatiou yn Julv I'JIfi,' had tiSU.I ing that certain attorneys have been been ennflned at II, it charter ere underway; tous, to Xw Orleans an, to question of transporting tho sugars to the polii station sold SMI'.O.IMKI bai's of a Of All onaalted regarding the proper meth- for several days as a totai feelings of anxiety relative to havaiiuuh (for the new refinery just the large consuming markets. The ,0.l.l.(i('O 44,-.S- kiippnse!ly insane person.' was dis-- liags it had Iih.I for sale out the shipplpg of this year's crop, which opened), lt)14 tuns, and to Kurope 4 has at- od of placing the demands of the labor- , ocean tonnage actor already the charged in rnnodv of his wife vester-'- ot r"l- - July 14,, 191 ff, Cuba had a tendency to be acute, after war tOi; stock 6IS,87 tous, which is of United as well as ers 'before the Hugar Flantern' associa- ptilv tention the States - day afternoon and cane had XM.Wtu bags of augur was declared and some same as figure tion,- The- names of .the lawyers, how- went to a private for time, later, almost the lust year's of the allied governments. That it is h home st Kaimuki. uanold out of the .'l.tl.TKMNt bags it sold flVEHUNDIO bav now been dissipated. tuns. The weekly production evi- ' 5l!.nill dittirult problem to solve is very ever, art placed ea secret file. tbrotighoilt the :: Tims Seems Inopportune venr. Those ,'.'l9,00t 'i -,' continues above that of corresponding dent. The high sugar prices here and bags were sold during September, Oc- Utah beei" crops a weeks of the two previous years, lit- 'While it appears probable that de- and 400,tliio il be disbursed in lump showed coudition thus in Kurope are thus explained, with tober 1111. Iteieuiber of HI Mi. , of one hundred per cent on July 1. The bringing the total visible p'rVluction new mand for'biglier wages may be pre- sums. It in hardly likely that the la- ' tle likelihood being lower until Little Bugsr Unsold tenyeaaverage is ninety-tw- o "per eoiistant4y nearer to lust figure. 'f sented te the plantations there is little borers will be no ill sa Detuiled' on the condition cent. year's sugar crops come to market or sums one advised as to a huviiijf ;j,0.'ia.tMll riorts TI.- - i. '.'H any crifice any "If eiiiupanv of the crop on the Olaa plaatatloa !!.... Visible production to Julv compares solves the ocean transportation ques- likelihood of aetion along the line such sum of money aa that I .bags of sugar to throughout the wires the information to the de- -' 2.K:it,7:l!l tons, attains! 2,UIH,78i1 tons ' I aa of August 1, ha.ve received state tion. of strikes. Under the bonus system by undertaking a walk out oi strike. itiilif ?!"lll iinil been j ? " 1....' lllipviil..u..l.l in1 . government1 year, and .K.i:t 1015. pan payments Are .....i n,n from C. F. Kckart, the manager. ipartmeiit thut the Mexican last tins for Australia the major ot the are rianiauoos In Uncertainty jjuly, that qiiuntity sugar piny j lias placed embargo i I of cull He has found necessary to re- an .on a number of The 'estiinafeil balance of supply A bright outlook for tbe 1917 harvest made after the aeason clones, usually At the present time the suirar com a it only erv nun r nail in the tluctiia-- l among de-- j anu wtiii-- coming the first paBiea are not in a duce ef the erop, made joonsiuns, ineiu sugar, i lu tiKl.jrv tous, is larger man exists at this time; about of the year 'position te Sirtertain tious of the lte-- (HIS HUH market from July to last January by 600 tofla aad bow cree is effective July I, both 1s t year's figure of tons as tr Jaaes time to receive remittances. nomsads tor uiirher wage as they do ceiubcr. It luii'll-- . oni- - represents places as 2ft,50O of and 1I5 of (0).554 tons. Whil' this The United Mtates'food commisidun or figures on shipments, compute bonus- - not Vtow what their own expenses wil s it tons instead wees ieiuircini iils ui the United :.tn.(MMI. 1 Maui Aurieultural Coiiiimnv hus Hn- - rs and arrange the payments, siure in be sA'tl"'' year. They not been This makes his August have Htutes. The aim of the t'nbhn Humir 80IM) ished grinding, with it must not be overlook (tastv ef such large baymenta it is advised of the demands estfmnte tons larger thao whs an outturn of lust year's, el nu,s . scarcer. We nse today three the , of war taxes Corpoiiitimi has been uml ia to self its) 33,7.10 tous, 2.10 below is under, con- - .. . i J a i . j ' .l.n .. ;.. u ...... i i , the output of the company last early estimat.es that a liU' proportion fj,es as much per person as tbe Allies, i.n. atM n ' wi.i n ,71-- hum nave Hliirar it rtmLnu : t ..m,wrriwi, niiiviv silver. inev aiso ui 'n...... :.l.., .1739 tons over shipment rea-'cnt- .. : m M . year. ; .;.'.. ' but last year's ship; tract iihw for. to Huroiwand .jj,, may be enough excuse tltam-- nna.iliiiav.. ..f f...- there for all at vMiere isnorers quit witboot v vi iiiDxunum rn- ior jrnni jut Tact that todnv. Jnlv JiO.. la eeu be- - ' l.enf hopper Is the reason for the' Il",r tl" balance .ouable price, wse less cansy and leas tbev would Use aiieb bonuses. raw augar neiag by the food eon ii i ted hm, His ne:irlv per finf ib'i'renso in the 11)17 crop from the ...j , Ug it.e ende.it iiiin weather conditions wi,et drinks. i' Po 'not stint sugar' in This year the bfiuu payuienls, triil ndniiiiistratiiiu The appearances Ilii T. mm pr.i.l.i, u.ii, uV.Kiel m'k. Kel.aha planlntion i.-- riii li : i onliniiufion is-- iui 'ie. Had it not been for tWe exceeded its est i' of urinding, putting up fruit nud Juma.' They will what pair) each month, is ore, therefore, not favorable to a grunt-l- laiil l,U(... ;,,! I,... ,,. i ,,) ,lsMi in Uml Mould been mule iu crop bv iU79 tons and lust nud planter tire therefore loitlli to offer Have butter. everyone savee an estimated to be about 3,0o),0(M) and of any deniands wliieh may be bugs. ' the outturn have If Tn, Mlllltl .Hlllllllllt Of i .ii ol year's crop by .M71 tons, its outnut siiquis. until iiiude. We ustiinate thut uuce of suirar dullv it means 1.100.000 this will mesa that between 1,500,000 mads. , . eees early estimates. sugui, lGn,wu bugs, Vau buve vury lit-'- jfor 1917 hus been 19,179 tons. 'fourteen Centrals iu ths eastern por- - tous a year, -

it I., raisaSss-Uii- ' f mWAITAN CAZTHTE: TBI DAY, . AUGUST !7. ' 191 7. -SE- MI-WEEKLY.


v 5 - nit i nr. nrnnrrinr K K A h lil. ihUI Louis ,Banigan Will Leave Soon New Natronal Guard Unit Will Be BOARD'S CRITIClSiYI UUI 1111 1 1 I lll.Ullllt-- Hirsute Musical Genius W(tp fail ' Organization, Power Fill Office Is Vested In Tv 'i . f.;- - i I Tito Affiliate Himself NWht j Crack Say ffl la -i - 'i V."' '( " tupervisorsfMuhl-- cd Td Register is Kicked From 'Jy. PaVAmerlcah Union r ii! Its Captain 'Board of ; ',.;..,:;v"7": twelve Companies Re , Superintendent Kinney Makes Assert Accusations of lettered "i One Federal Official To Another clpal Lawyer's Opinion Sfx and Artil ' Public Results of Examina Ifduced T two Back Again : and Slaokerism $y ' and Among Tba" appointment of Captain Williani Companies' ( the pnaHengers to the main tions Held Last Week fiery Abolished V- 'r Registration Body Untrue ' I J','i- a v 1 - J land next week will Louis J. Ban- G. Allen, :N. lO. II , to tlie eommaml of Tower to All the office of city engin- Igan, who" goes from Hawaii take the Jftpsnese compfiuy of the national "Wilfred James ttingleton, alias Frits to eer ta vested in the board of super his ehare in the guard which will h. orgnnir.oil this ''nit-- d wsr work of a Wider Reeulta of ,,tha examinations held at Visors,' aeoorifing to a yes--terd- jssued v Poavenlus, is still t,h avbject.of week, was .one of the surprises and statement DISLOYALTY NOT BAOK order to be Htatea C Hu scop than is pomiilile for many. Mr. the close the 101 T summer school District Attorney 8. of pleasurea yesterday of the new orders; by Deputy City Attorney Headquarters today ber's diatinguiahed eonaideratioa. V Banigan is going Knt with the ex ant week . wera anaounced yesterday nrawn up xor ine Charles Davis. Hupervisitr Charlea OF THEIR ATTITUDE mili- being rirst inrsntry Ar' Hingleton failed to register for pectation of joining in the work of tha morning by Henry W. Kinney, super reorganlaalion. nold saya that there is absolutely 4 ', tary service on July 81 and was n of publie . ,', , Uuion. of which John intendent instruction. The Order, which will be issued to- doubt aboot the matter. J ., Jle. haa ai nee been allowed o were given ,Five tenchera their gram night, 1 the 'ttrsT step towards the , or- - llttvis .atated that under OrrliiiArieW of Without For1 be, fur- Barrett Is the director general. ' (Tha Going Jlrfed oina Pay register, but whether, he will aiar trrada. certificates. Twenty sesan ranir.atlon or the first Japanese mili- - 2 the' supervisors are given pov Wayne To Hilo This Morn I the ther proceeded agalaat Is in the hands iieailqitartors of the nn American ed grade certificates. Thirty-on- e ?U")k of Strenotti, Radical j?! primary nry unit under the American' flag and 'to spoint or remove the city engineer ing To Try To Straighten ;f A the district attorney, who stated Cnion are in Washington, IC, r j 'teachers were awarded the sec borrows eonsidatnble importance from I and that the mayor hns nothing whatH '.1 P Sv; tteasuret taken :.;: yesterday that he intended to give th ,A lawyr by profession, Mr. Banigflir ond permit to teach, aud twenty-on- e that fact. : lever to do with the mutter. This or ill Out Ugly Tangle ' be- . permit.- - matter still further consideration was aao'laled fur a time with to tha first All told, seventy Tile news came as a great surprise nance was psssed in 1WIJ by a boani fore definitely deciding one way or the aw firm of Smith, Warren, and But- seven taacbera paoaod their sxandna in.1 AllAn.1 who was lint nnlv miAAiArA which bad the right to appoint, .ntl othe. ... ' ton, only recently Uiovitig them toaet tions successfully, 'lhose who tailed of his appointment but was nnder the ii.oe. thea no law hns been pussoi . long-haire- - itUBipims rrvrgnnvzaiio pi me mi Ia a way, the velyeteened, d jp ad office of his own. Now. ha .feels will probably be retained by the board impression- thnt he wns out of cuanl emaKCulating or invalidating this crdi- - All berlbboaed and an offl- . H V has been a football that , a wiiler of education and given another chance l at reaolution from the Hawaii coun ' ' A IUt . UpEM'HBI UB Ml) PI hat duty call him to take work,, months on furlough. nance.'.. 1918 tiom-- d at Honolulu, will be ffected to ha a afforded considerable exercise to a ais tart in the ranks of the active next year,.' when tha summet Ha was first notified bv The Advertiser Asked as to nhnt would lie the ty board, of supervisors was received '' Uto - number, f aealous officials. ,. , workers. . u , school meets. to get yesterday by Francis J. Green, exeeo- dwy fn order to-t- be Issued from the . and hastened confirmation of tho of tho ordinance at present under eon' Marshal Hmlddy bootnd him to Dis- The work of the The results of the examinations were report. sideration of the supervisors, providing ve otiicer or the registration board, regimental ' Th , headquarters. plant trict,, Attorney Huber who paused htm Union ia a jettder-itoBilin- g as follows: a nd upon reading it with aa interest to cement clo?r "It 4 poing to oc good company, lor, in ,apoiiiw!ii'iii i an assiatanr. wcn-ke- O, J -- by ita imposing appearanoa, were Out by Cept, ht Craw, along gracefully to Fradcls J. Green. between the countriea of Oerttflcatea and Permrts nvwa.v,-'.- ' Allen stated aftr he hai city engineer,. a nd which comes up fo: quickened .Ban-gs-a .Oraila Miss he was a worded 'ford, CI A. C V. fi. A., inspector in- Treen's skilful toa guided the musical N'orth anil South America. Mr. Oramitiar .Certificates liorol(fhly' digested the news. "In third reading and passage at Friday 's! found that it neatly genius to 'Will Wayne who torn la well Ittte.l his Helen C'olbnrn, Mis Christine Dawson. enthusiasm J xpoaition or what said supervisors structor,' aad the adjutant general's of- - in lor tank by four 'act, with the displayed by meeting of the board, Arnold said: bootod htm along to Judge .Antonio .realiirm e in I'orto Ri0. where amea C. Kamakaiwi. Ben L. Kama-- he Jo)Snes and their desire to eive "The ordinance Should be passed thought about him. And if was not a mili jiY hf ; regiment the worst be., knu and !Mra. Clura A. MacOregor. .opiplimeniary, Perry of the registration board, who learned the Hpanish lunguage .aul .practical demonstration of their anyway, os.on it hihgVs the reorgnnixs-tio- u either. ishaking up has years.' Mrade .mas Amoy Ahu, not pass the short it bed In The enrae near searing the wits Out of Jjtanuih law proceilurn. Mrs. Banigan Primary ovality to the American Flag, it ia Of the city engineer's depart meat i It did and nglier. Burns, MUs Green's re- - 'Scary ". by "promising to prosecute aiII aecompnny Uim to the East..,,. sirs. Helen Klsie Croweli, Aa fa to oaf that it is going to be one This reorganisation plan to have thej What jt aaid was that Mr. The Miss Petray. Knim)t, Miss Of. oaaika in .regard to the Hawaii nnper- - - him to the full extent of the. law. J.'.' doner relntiou between North Christina the largest companies of the guard city engineer devote his valuable v ' wnf ! Illll I VUIII' Miaa tinul - At this perplexing jnnctnre iHenTO' and South America is. more important, Kmmsley, Frances Foster, Miaa in aambesa and one of the crack or- more vieors were "untrue, false,, and ntter- 'Mates are abolished. - to matters important than actus" .Vinnie Kukuda, Alias tlisayu Hiraehi- Any--m- e inconaiNtent with tho uiu ran to Attorney Claudius Iterhaps, than many reiiliw," said Mr; ganisation in point of efficiency. vork or auperiiitendeiire gruAii, facta in tha I Madel-- road of ,v Better companies and pay ma, Misa Ah Lung .an, Miss i . .It. said Green's actions were for them who' straightway donned the danigaa yesterday. "The recent coin, isrho knows the Japanese knows overseers, such ns improvements uniio.j natter,'' blood-staine- Ine Lopes, Mra. Minnie Lnir., hasty in are th reasons garments which he nihiou eent to Brazil was a great help David - and aad that ruling for the shake1 u). in tho frontuge tax laws for instance. , i . Mjm uupa- - waa apparalled ; , when he did n uuitiog that country more Lyman,. Meta Menvler, Misa data the nrgnnixation tho stead of being pro German and The companies are present d battle cloel Tha for of , "J'ho ossislant engiuenr .will be at to Zalida de .la Mrs. di' te reassert--- d with i'Old Boee", Jeff McCarn, and .0 the United rMutex. A dip!omatie Nux, Lucille Peek, lapanece .company hns beon set for to- rectly rosonsitile for maintenance! rlot they, the supervisors, of neathMt It la practically m or rv lrginia Mrs. I.ula Solo- the and allegiance, in aneking ont Green, Perry and Wayne, commission the sitiiie sort Is soon to Mr, 1'erreira, viorraw .Bight when tho Japanese. of the roads under the cnutonnierin .their "faith tha possible te proceed a systematic; bo sf'pt. mon HilvB, Mra.. Marie Wehling, Wis aims, and Idaala of the national gov with engaged them privatim et seriatim, and to Guatemala ami some of the Americana :of ithe citv will meet with system Ond will find innumernbhr du . ve-he- lly ' ttcy Wilcox,' Mra. Lizzie Watson, . scheme of instruction.-- From the view defeated them all. other South American states. "i .i DOrd officials .and plans for ernment." - . ties ,t1 occupy him, which will hardly' MrBride next took his Bcarenioa to utimnt Favors Allies Second Permit .. , , Tha war. however, is coins' to be poiat of Hi i men- themselves the pe-m- lt come .within the province of a highi Hnher 'and onlooand a legal ', Tha war feeling in the southern Second . Mrs. F.lir.abeth Ab-- ! With Allen will be associated First arrietf Into th enemy 'a country by rhangos will be much wealth of f class city engineer." for the better, argument on behalf of the embarrass- outinent ia gradually swiugiiig .round rabamsen, Mr. Ella Ai, Mrs. Lucy' JeUtensnt MiTlkirT ami .Second Lira he .registration board, for Chairman for under strength, as Ls-- at present, it i, ed genius, a o the Allies. Brazil, Argeatina fcmj Aki, Mrs. Ethel K. Amalu, Mrs. Warren, .Allen 'a Will Wayne will leave this morning impossible for them whili, which daarled the federal enanl exiwrience in to draw pay, that ha promised to the Ouateniala have already broken off re Stephenson Amssiu, Miss Annie de he guard' recently has been peculiar. a have a talk with the Hawaii super with six. companies at the require! itorey take Vraujo, natter tinder consideration, where It ifttions with ermanv. Others will Miss Uarne Arthur, Miss Ethel M he. hns been trying to resign, fol- - iors and try ta straighten mattera strength pay will depend ,'. upon, - L. Bnylese-Mis- not bel-- their ' ; toubtlesa follow. The only Unnhnm, Mrs. Elizabeth s ut. Ha is going down in a average has been ever sine. ? , strong cent owing the eertamtv that the ruanl their .attendance alone. wit)-li- e (ierinnn Gertrude Buchanan, Mias Gene igerent spirit, he stated last night. 1 8hnuld the dei nnkindlv frs of pro feeling are Chile traa, not to be mobilized, in order to The enlisted personnel Company fates vieve Caryalho Miaa Kyau necessary of Hcvniiis. thrnugh tha medium of ami i oiomoia. i oiomhia has never ba Yin Chungs itmt J.he ..increased pressure of his nd feels that all that is ta U and of the eoasr artillery compnnie ' any Mrs. Julia 8. Cockett, Miss Mareuer- - DRIVER IS FINED or all parties to get together and cut ; Mr. human . will use for the Vuited States aloe niMuuesa, ta to machine gun Buber. the football iviiaa transferred the com again be in evidence, for Marshal .he Panama Connl was startei( and hes itt Evans, Mrs. Eva Bels Gomes, Miss, He has aunt .in hi resignation three ut polities and partisanship. peay- -- of the fiet vegiutaat. Those are Nmiddv will boot the hirsute Wilfred rights,, as she considereil, were trai Mane Holt, Alias, Mary Jensen, Miaai imes and .it has been turned down war may jsreax uut all. wait organization, and the aetion. to pled on. Chile 's attitude may be ex Kaui Kanakaole, Miaa Naomi KahhaoeJ hree times, he finally being If any trueulenee is displayed tow- - ia "Biff Bill." Jarrett, who will, score Mra, instructed evidence of the fact ithat the effort' a goal i gaol iHaiued 'Tn part by the fact Clor Edna KvenK William l.aehaj o ask for a alxty day furlough, which irds Wayae 'a harmony efforts however.- na by booting him into thai For being dcunk while in charge ' man Miss Dolly A. Lee, Mrs. Malani Me ia extremely liable to- - confirm atata- - ll No. 3fl. eOmnonly known system has lieeu employed ther? ie hail Inst "done. . His new appoint t as "the ItnlV Xliuun..n VI.. Af XJ an antomobile, Manuel ' - waiia oipb iiouoiiiin naa wen a bed-buC- a Ulu Hei. a pum' nents .made by the board disloy- in ' aia; T home" to' all who have inauy instances!, and the army is nent .may lead him to reconsider his that mar tallure. ; jntirely founded aud trained aftqr the Miinily, Ansa .Violet. Ferry, Miss Jennie lecitlbn. it ia.hoped he will. He engineer at Waipahn, wns fined twen ilty and even pro Germanism ia back spent aa extended vacation oa the ,ad ' Btire-reon- d The la K. Wus webling, e . aupervlsora' battulton broken German method. '," Mewart, alias Violet s wv-i- i dollnrs and rusts if the actions. that ' reef. riiiniui.Bij who ine Japanese, by Judge Ir If op, He etflieted peraonnel ia tranaferrefi, thar Wong aVal,; ..Miaa ...Elisabeth WilkieJ appona-- war will out for ''';.,.... "Argentina went in for cause taylpg known them in their own coun win yesterday morning, ' and had hll break fair. to he unacaj tfned list or the natianaii jf'the Allies early because of her large, m iss to ayin lap, ty, and reen a laree emplover of them Among the. arrival yesterday from BeglnneM TeoclUni rhauffeur 'a certificate cancelled for I Hawaii veaa A. mana-- guard rerve. Heveral ,of them r Italian population. Buenos Aires, .the in in the Waiahoh? totinel job. His ap-- Arthur Akiaa, -- First Permit Miss J.ncv A. AiJ - period of three months. er of the Hawl Mill and Plantation HNK"iyi'CANDLESS capital city, has more Italian resident" ointment .i .applauded by iruanl of- ' Mrs. Grace Bonner, M. - Thai Japanea company to be formed, than any ity in Italy outside of ftomi .Charles Chinci llcers, ', .. j. Police Officer M. C Kfcdciros teati kHrtpany store, 'county supcrvlaor Louis Choo, Mrs, Hula. Mis e will tfd into the tegiment aa Company; And Naples, .Elizabeth fled Monday .nd a member of the flnanea commit-- '.will' JtosaKnd Haia Edward Kaopu. Mitsi thut.oaj afternoon defend Which J),, And bej)laced in command qf fear Spoils System ant was in an automobile outside thi of tha board is accused of v.apr. - now ; airn-- iviAuys efusiag fuuiU tO help on regitrr wiiiiam- u. Alien, or vom WANTS CITY TO PAY One reason for the attitude of thm a0ku, vrawioro. Prost Saloon, in an intoxicated condi- Mrs. Marie V. DenKfrMia Annie S.'J ion' work-- ., -.- U..-,'i'i Vwth'vAmerican republics is their' fearl tion, nnd about 10 start the Voanhlnc iu.iiw v--ri irv Alias Akina, as a member of com-- Japanese oomputy that Vnleas proteat is made against thi Mi"! .uai was In- that E. Dunn, Misa fV Begina Evana. Jamesl Witness told him that he a nittea,. is intimately eompaalaa A, B and C of the Brat unwarranted attacks on neutrals their) condition to drive car, .whereupon acquaint,! with Fontea, Miss JK the or ; battalion aaoiain, greatly angmanted by ot after the war would be un- - KUtt, David gave ' k inside the flnaucing of Hawaii IIeges His Automobile Came To tu Keis him considerable lip. gist rat ion .and completely kokoas the tramafara ..from he aeoond battalion tappy one. The spoils system might ATTEMPT TO DIE License Inspector Company J, Stephana, Miaa Edith M. Thatcherj Assistant Ham af .'the- - supervisors formerly Portiigueae, will Grief Owing Municipal be nut Into fnree. in their Annfnhafinifin ' Roberta corroborated the statements of tttituda towards leae ita identity aa lb hftVA Mrs. Alice H. vong,, JheritI Sam Pua and the couaty .togia- - probably auih, i. Thev .. nnt thA- - - AotidttHrv- - - - . nt- wa ttni. . . ., .... ,,. ' Meileiros. . tAe'mjB ' - j rauoo ooard, itq be traaaferred , to it ar Carelessness fled country, and a covetous power? Defendant testified that he waa go largely .Hawafiaaa. - While at pree-- t ". Pua first cams before as." be aaid. the might attempt the acquisition of somet Alice Medvedeva, Russian woman, ng to Waipahu but he .waa no ent 'they are . greatly 'Ivtow, a that ' with a raqueat, foe 300 for .Immedi Li McCandleas, Tempting ease .victory; , , l.t whose claim bit. In the of wenty-on- e jonig to drive toe eat himself, tie they-wil- l years of ago, was taken to ate expense. tha board aitting atrengtht number by tonight,) against the city, waa turned down at for the unspeakable' Huns, they, thlnki School Notes ' said that he was waiting outside the Order named, elghty-tbre- he the time. . waa referred .to the irt th eighty, the meeting of the board of supervisora the Monroe Doctrine would be littlt emergency hospital yesterday suloon .for bis son to noma along aac-- it It and eighty two men, or approaimatolv on norning, suffering effects finance committee, and. while w were (Monday evening, yesterday filed a urotentioa against rapaeioua foes. They from the of lnve him home. Asked why he abused ' , powers appro- - th atrsngtb reqdired by the war de-- j 700 leaire now .to, where they innktng liniment, with the in police doubtful .about, our to ' suit far against the city govern state stand Hix teachers, guard ot taken he officer, Reia stated that he we wish ;j ; .. '; - . the advance - prints, did not to delay the 'partment.,. yV '.' ment, aomage he claims for an auto for future protection.".,; , cut of ending her life. After a atom- thought he was joking. ,. denied be; -- oetweed eighty aud ninety teachors tu Be work, and voted money..,. :., . Company I), the next' ia line will mobile .which came to grief in Anirnst Mr. Banigan 's brother, Carlton had been applied by Dr. R. ng intoxicated and mentioned with tha Japanene la at to ,be organized r : - i . . i . come here from the mainland for em Too Mack Money.... .;... and f of laat year when "Link 'a" chauffeur rDiiiKan, mis imi rrieivruj a provision-i- l 1. Ayer, the girl erew rapidly better pardonable pride that he could drink ' JapAneae-American-s pioymeut "with the territorial board oi 'After ibak Pua came before the A meeting of the ran it into a rock pile a mile below the second lieutenant's commission in the md was seat home in the ours of the ten glasses of wine and ot fall dowa In elry been called for tomor- education, arrived ou Monday, even - oard with a request for another thou the hat Pali road regular army, undergoing per- ifternoon. . r in Windward Oahu. after tha tog transport Logon ttau 1 . sand dollars and five dollars row night at which the company may At great length and considerable de iod of instruction at l'lattaburg. ,or( in the from The woman seems to nave a penchant ibundred ; .:. -- . If ranciaoo. Quarter, for .the aeriod of tha war. b atarted,, ,.' .."'. .. wriptive language, Cmil C, iters do aot aail him away, Ban) or ending her life, this boina the Peters, nt the The next meetiug of the...,'.commiasion FOOD COMMISSION the latter item to be used, ha atatod, The next four letter eompaniei, E, F, orney for the' Bourbon leader, sets ou' !ftsi wil fee .him wbea they .the. third known attempt nnder practically O and H, will be tranaferred to the nak jrs of public instruction will ,be kelu umiiar leaterday'a aa aa intellignaee. department fund to in the complaint the facts attendant mi circumataneea. af -- outaide dlatricta and, aa already men lome time next December. took .place run down slackcra. . The board then the manner the machine met ita pilikia Recognition by the United Btates fair at her , home, Miller tha-ma- a George M. Kuymond, yean at .pteaent .will Pacific-Araerlc- for some . secured legal opinions on the matter, tioaod, ia them Me says that the eity waa negligent: iiivernment for the ml 1'unuabowl ntrecta. go to other, nompaniea. Thaao company inapector general of schools, will luavi ( WILL SPRAY POTATOES nut only irons Deputy County Attorney that it hft a 'pile of eruahed rock on Cnion ia a possibility of the near fu nhappy domcatie aurroundings are lea will be located .at Kwa, Waipahn j week from next Monday for Wailuku aid to wo- - Rolph,. but Irons private attorneys in the road and that into this "Link's" ture, in the opinion of those who netad have preyed oa tha young t and Waislua aad there ia a poaalbility Maui, having recently boon appqintei nan a mind and to have driven her to Hilo and they agreed, that tha eonnty chauffeur drove his gasoline burner. the announcement that, . Melbourne principal Valle) did give authority that one of the four will not be or- saya would send repre luuervising for tb .'Pd her life, on the t)wo first occasions, irt aot ae the to The complaint that the ma Australia, a apaeial He at one .principa. money purpose. ' ganised for anme time. on Waahiqgton Island. huh time it which time she waa living with her I'otHto may receive the ippropriate for this chine, August 23,. 1918, into sentative to to explqit the 1 nardeners The third battalion retalna Compan- "sunk of Kamchameha III Hon oo in Labaina a ' Not having the authority, we did said sou and rock so there deposited an interests anil possibilities of. the Anti 'uisbund, Russian, in Kauhi. aid of the Territorial food commiasion ies I and the former Hawaiian In ' Word bus been received from Jame Some time ago woman so not make the appropriation, aad that it, aforesaid and anid podean itv. , the left her in taring for their tubers, if they raiaed 'by to a the shaft of auto C. Davis, who is spending a .month 's sums up our attitude oa ,that particular and transfers mobile waa sprung and '. doubled, itx The PaoiflcAmerlnaa Union waa fa hueband and went to; live. with ber desire. The commiasion stands ready atreaath, .ae.venty-fpur- . Company vacation ut the Volcano of Kiluuca c n question. . Coon hearing that the work of H .rear stripped und broken, ita differcn thered by A. P. Taylor, secretary of unuii ua near ruier and runcu o tell snyone who is growing tha sue Company B, Hawaii. Mr. Davis says that he has ';..--;.;'- -. was being .delayed for want of help, ia Filipino, like remains tlult torn and stripped rubber the Hawaii Promotion. Comraitteo, who lowl Streets.- J- cnlent vegetable how to combat any intaet, with a strength of and its put oa such udditional weight tin Alice Medvedeva- - the business snea.of Hilo came for practically basing ground and destroyed in the hua written to 4'ranklin Lane, aecre that atated yesterday lifficultics which may arise in their ninety-thre- e. Chinese .company, first thiug un retfirntng to nqnolulii she to ac-- p ward generously and offered to aupply ,The (Uidcuvor of the said agent and servant tary of the interior, and a .number af hat tried kill herself on culture. , ., Company II, la to will be to see bis tailors. Mr u ut of a all the help needed to get the report formerly transferred of plaintiff, while exercising cure unatora and representatives in Wash sevral something Russian man had If lius afflict tho potatoes and aa Com,pany,JC due Otivis is supervising principal of tht pill her out, the Firat National Bank offering to the; third battalion tIt and extri- ington urging them ta work on a plan yesterday morning. spraying is indicated, tne ommlsslon preaeat time a atreogth without fault on his part, to jovernmeiit sctiooui on Uanu. -- lend one clerk antil the ivrork waa fin- baa at tha of ror a organization which, ex- will tell the gardener how to, do,it, or cate said automobile from said soil and real will HH ished, '.V ) hlrty-- f even, and wiwt, say guard PaoiHe-Anierica- Mrs. Minnie tt, UhurcbtU, principa but t whereby by ploit the n if desired will send' a man with the ofliolajs, np at once. rock, and reason whereof countries lr the government school at Waiuluu 'Pua refused these officers on the reeruit a thorough , it Ti leccmmrv materinbt wjio .will show the said automobile was damaged in the aad syatematio way. ialnnd, returned, on Monday even 'rrhunda aot; being paid officers, Now jPompanlaa , this owner how or evep do that, sum of ,7.00. '. M. Logan the spraying for , company pf thia bat- ,',,.. lug in the transport from ai elerka would, aot be sufficiently The remaking . , A?.'',f him. l'otntoes are an important food hee . .i - talion, VjL,V, ia the! eompaay jacently vxtonded visit in the mainland. . crop end the comniimion, to in under his control, Bo far as wa super who wishes county orgaaiaed at Alea With a ktrtngtH or TRAVELS OF ALIEN 'W. C. Avery, has Just been np STOCK EXCHANGE ure the largest yiflc) .posslblf for the visors knew not another Jn the de- - pointed inspector general of Territory had appropriated money 150. Its acacptauoe by the war territoria inn i vKiun i grower.- " - , for nirfmfll i nit vol liAn flnnonnr.Ad. schools, will return from Kauai, when this purpose, but .had had tha work Th machine eompany, Augmented by he bad been principal of the Uardci lerformed bv volunteer labor. Aa this tho-m- o irom Company D aad. the coast SlED Island Hiyh School at Lihue, on August work was else volunteered in Hilo, Jt . 'MaI ENEMIES RESTRICTED artillery coupanks, will dumber eighty-- it), and will immediately begin bis nee Inactivity again marked yesterday Social Glass npeared to us that we could do the live man. .' luties. 'roin stock , exchange standpoint some aa every one else.'. n V i - ' ' ' ' " ... It ia jtnaounced Jrom guard head- ','' r' '. V.' AVilliHra McCluskcy, until Tecentl' fliere was very little trading in liated i. quarteraKtiMt AOQreommuMtoeti omcera tunervisiiig prinoipal of the temtoriB ocRs, ami, ontsuie ur Madera, not vs. Kidnevs an-- Teuton alien enemies get ii tianaferred from one company to i Thelma Williams and T, Orima were must vow schools in Muni and who has just bees urn more m is a jonow Biioet, special li ti I a5wws "limjPkturf i ii her, will retaio their grade and their oeriuits 10 travel about the Islands appointed principal or the. Kauai Higi ies. ... , : .; . arrested yesterday afternoon aud held United States District eoatintiknii ia UAtll be a matter for for investigation in connection with Attorney 'Huber School, will leave for, his new bom Honolulu Oil Continued to rise, 010 their .new, co,mpnby commander to de-- received cable advice .from Washington; in, Libue enrly in (September. luircs changing liunds .at 4.7P, Mon an accident which occurred in Kukut yesterday morning Lane and as a result of which Hidesi instructing him to .Elmer R. King of Los Angeles, a gra ;nv's trunsactioua being at $1.00. The slinlte-e- inks on an cases ii WORRY POOR POUCE tha among officers oat been a Japanese boys six; yeara of. age, wa and authorize the duate of the I'tuiromia rotate iMorraa peal rise in price ia wilii de-i- iin uce - extensive . also and as finally of permits for legitimate rea- ichaol, is expected here shortly from I rise in price on the Count, hut the ' badly and probably fatally Injured. aMat c f ler . a number of tenta- The Williama woman was driving tin ioiis. the Coast and will take charge of tlx eiison for this hardening ia apparently Uutl up, new Permits will pe granted by United this, tive lists been drawn the enr, the number of which is 1921. un '..'. Territorial Normal .School, garden .iiKuouu at cad of the luip. bo , . miitc .viarsnai rtinuiiiy upon .Mr. Ma.lera was in soma 13,40(1 roln will as follows: der the tutelage of Ozima, .who has r Hu work. ilsmauil, Two week ago last Saturday the Company ler-- rhiihgliig Hwadqnarters Captain chauffeur's certificate, when the chili' approval. The July report of the Boys' Indus liurc hunds at 44 ceuts, no icrvants' quarters at the residence of By virtue of the. new Has-ing- Frank Pougherty, adjutant. ran across the road and was knocked instructions 'rial Silimil nt Wniulee shows that or .luiiiue of quotation being noted ilauney Scott, tMsnoa Road aad s . Machine Qua - Company Captain he federul authorities are placed in 'he first of the mouth there were 1(1! lioiituiiaatiughani was .firm .but in Street, were entereil and a do n machine. r watch Jpdd bv the losition to Observe more closely Lawrence and lieutenants White, The boy waa picked op th 'nmtiti's nt the institution. '.During thi ictive at 60 csuts and investors an toleu. On the following Monday Mr. Ryaroft ' and taken oiovciiienta of alien .peculators and Clark. to the Japanese hospital in a enemies.: Resident siontb nine were ailuiitteil. two parol Iike are appurwutly mark Strong drinka lika bs,'wbis! kV. tei Scott apprised the police of the matter, blnpply Company Captain Lewia B. private if Hiiwai are afforded greater proteo to leaving ug time as far as is car, where it was found that beside in d, one si'iit jail, on' Jul' this stock con md entice, irritate ,tlla. kidnevs aik but hua failed ta. receive nuy satisfac- Beeves tion from pro Qerroaa seventy-thre- e Wood, pending . . so and Lieutenant MacKaye. ternal injuries, there was a probabil- demonstrations 'I one hundred and a the raceipt of the re habitunl iikc tends to weaken , them tion, far, although be has telephoned Company ' Henry O'HulH 'inl aliens themselves jiii of Jorgep Jorgensen C. O ity that a fracture of the skull had are (protected he institution. Tha school earningr is and llmlv luicl nclie, with headache, ;nr the police atation on three different Llcuta. .'J0O,3O 'tallentvua,. .who van, .with Uodfrey and Desha. - against illegal seizure and search bv for mmith amounted to are visiting the prop niisv s ana a iu order to been sustained.- , , the vousiiess. roils rueumaii keep the matter Company B Capt. 8. M. .Lowrey, iwrsons purporting to be poor srtv in pcrsqii. a, fresh A report of the accident was. mnde United State Owinc th the condition of tho wa coudition should be taken as warpinc iu the official mi nil. HaRer ana ecret servicemen. on new Miperul Products ic nl in-- two with tJeuta. Uenny. to the police by a chauffeur, and Police ter tank work a reservoir has and Mountain nf trouble, tut put, pr at eus About weeka ago, while Judge Company U, Ktuart John -'.,.: King were in small Officer Abe Kawaihoa shortly after been be?un. demand at la nioileriitc the stimulant, and use Bonn Alex. Lindsay waa bathing, someone en- son,, with, Lieuta. May and Vichery. ' Presided over by Chock Lun, the fol arjee. rliickuclie Kidney Pills. They are fine tered the Moana bath house made the twq arrests. FISHERMEN FINED "" and went Company . V Capt. W. Q, were ', ..- - iJlfn, No charge will be made agalnt eith lowinn officers elected for th for weak kidneys. Thousands reeem through hi things, abstracting from his with and Warren Mnsuila and Bniol'a. ' two Japanese yenr at a meeting th- Lieuts.Uidkin ed defendants rtntil of ensuincr held bv MUCH TARO IN KAUAI mciiil tneni shirt a pair of cuff links marked with Company Officers not selected, tha condition smnpannien, were fined ten Chines School When your bock ta his the injured child has been ascertained. dollars anil Weipahu Chun Wah " lame rrmeoibei initials and on which he set muck also F, ( nd M. . costs each by Judge Irwin in the policy Hau. president; ivong Hhin Ming, vice Taro W plentiful 'On KauaL accord the iiHine." Don't almply ask for store. t'ompnny Samuel II. Ware, court yesiernay morning. They were president; Chock Lun, English score ing to Humuel Keliinoi, who has just kidnev remedy ask distiaetly foi Judge Lindsay In person A MASTER REMEDY. reported the with J.ieuts. McCallnm and Kauhane. with violating harbor recula tary, with Kam Hon, assistant ( Ma returned from the' Oarden island. Doun's lliickiiche Kidney Pills and take theft at the police ' station, but baa Company Chlng K. Amona, Chamberlain 's Colics Cholera and tions 'prohibiting vessels of under flf Wing Yue, Chines secretary, with where lie repteaouted the Kalihl Taro ho other. Doua 's , Backache Kbjney beard nothing of the matter since. The Soug 1.a nd Co. with Lieuti. and Yap. , Diarrhoea Remedy is master over cramp teen tons movintr about thA linrKfiv TlnnA niinn ASslHtAntl Chock Chew, t in a recent trip. Planters 1'ilis ure sum iiv an druggists and store sergeant at the dek listened to his .. t!i)mu"iy J Aioa-.;apt- vusrles 1M, eolic, dysentery, and - all iutestinal iroin nan an nour airees sunset until treasurer, with inang en vuew assist are silling it nt .11.7S a bag at the keepers :it lc a box (,I boxes fig.50) story sympathetically enough, but when A One sunrise. . c on 1 mold, with Lieuta. Witto and De La . pains. dose relieves, a second dose ... T..u Chunur Man. auditor. The di patches. It is stated that W. C. Achi, or will mailed receipt of price the judge Informed him of the fact that BHmtnn-Hini- ' M1, . V , ia t heeu manager Hi.. .Dratf t. ffn. . ., rtrely necesaary to effect a cure. For tiefetidsnt have in the kablt of rectors are l oo Bo, Yuen Suek, Tong directing of the Kulihl Pol Milliliter (V. or the miseing links bore his iuitiali, waa Company MCjpt.; Walter V Kolb,aale by all dealers. Benson, Huiith A leaving port ror tne nsuing grounds be Chung Tatt, Leong (Wo Lea and Lee Bctury, will send Tor a large aupply of ft Co., agents for tha Hawaiian Islands not interested enough to jot down a wltk Llouts. Haobnlea and Qlmbel. Co., agents for Hawaii. I fore suurise. 'Tai. turo troul Kauai. Ad ertiseuiout. note to that effect. -- HAWAIIAN GAZETTIV' FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1917. SEMI-WEEKL- COLOIiEL HERO IS MARSHALL DREADS HILO PREPARED TO Mill! OF SHAFTER IU QUIET TuncAT nr nA7no Dim noun An mi nni'in cvnn i cut POINTS MADE BRIGADIER lie LISTED SECURITIES I NULtt I Uf lAHLUIA ouu u IIILLO MUlllU LAbLLLLMI uuilu PRINCETON, YALE NEW YORK AGAIN " Ten-To- ED GENERAL, HE HEARS Seeks Divorce, Charging Wife n Roller Cast and It Is No WORK FOR R CROSS AND HARVARD HOT LlttJ Demand Evidenced For Said Would Cut His Throat Longer Necessary To Send SPLITS TWIN BILL i ' Higher ' r Priced Stocks With' tonsoria! Implement "T6"H6nbruIilF6hW6rt ' , Official Notification Not Received Unit Confines Its Efforts To Mak- -' Trading ia the augara TO ENTER and higher But He Gets Cable of Con tag. of Surgical Dressing, At TEAMS V1TH CHAMPIONS priced eearitle continue light aad yesterday amounted to only too shares. ; Pally pilgrimage to the divorce Hilo Is getting Into' tbspe to fully Which gratulation From. Mainland Members Are Expert Of these ISO were furnished by Sela-m- a emirt by spouse who have found mar-riag- a build aad equip the sugar mills for the Dinging Pfd. rubber stock. Sugar a failure continue, and during this Big Island. The Hilo Iron Cnmpi.iT But Other Big Universities Except Reds' Loss To Pirates But Take stock were unchanged in price. O lower quotations from Mala-lan- d month have picked up at an alarming haa demonstrated that it ean east tea MAKE Virginia Will , " the IS EXPECTED TO COMMAND FIRST GAUZE Play Foot-- Second Red and White i Honolulu Oil aold yeaterday for rate. For tk half month, up to yester- ton roller by doing such a job eat'ly 4 : : 14.55, a decline of fifteen cents. A HAWAIIAN DEPARTMENT . BANDAGES IN ISLANDS ball This Year - day, twenty-ai- l auit for divorce, aad quickly. The following account of Sox Win- yet ao advice have, beea received, to i : on for annulment of mnrriage, th work 1 from the Hilo Tribune. account for the recent advance nor have been instituted ia this city. Hi nee Ia aaattng loa sugar mill roller - : , did any reme yeaterday to explain the Thursday la Works Additional detail' of the decision of subsequent reaction - . Promotion of Popular Officer Hail- the first of the year two hundred and last, the Hilo Iron Drganization.At the,. Beginnint th KATIONAL LEAQUB not anly added further. laurel to HiloS National ftdlegiat Ableti Asso- ' Won ret. Mineral Product led la volume of thirty-si- suits have been filed here. , ciation con N lst mmvmwy - Was Greatly Aided By Col. t linn ntblerfcni which had New York, ...... ft) . .BM transactions and aold dowa to eight With Joy By His Associates reeora IOC iru(TrB- J. - ' ed Five divorce actions were filed yes- ravuuw beea reported I'lm-lnns- at M y.' AM briefly by radio, con- a cents. forty nine and fifty aiveoesa, but dispelled the ar riillst-lpbl- ft.' 41 . AM 'At' etntt terday, aa followa in ,...... ,. Montana-Bingha- and Bv the Enlisted Men Irons, Then In Command tained the following! , Chlrnt-- o .ma thar wer le of . 2200 Oeorga agninst Mrs. question a to whether heavy rollers ..... M M A. Marshall could be eaat WASHINGTON ,' ; August t. Iniis M a J"4 aad Madera fluctuated from K. of locally. ,.. J ,4M Alice Marshall, on grounds Rrooklra e the Having a of aollege athletics during the war forty-thre- e to forty-fiv- cent oa sale desertion aad extreme cruelty. The received aa order for waa Hontitn 4.V nr targe the Hilo decided on by th National Co- l'ittxiiiirah ...... of 5250 hare. En gel copper waa Receiving cablegram of rongratula-lie- Marshall war married in Han Fran- roller for a augar mill, Tke only Eed Croat anit for rargieal llegiate ....';... si n iroa set to oa the propo- Athletie Association t a well taken ear of, 1000 sharea selling brigadier cisco on September 1, 1912, by Pcan works wort work ia th of the ladies ' over hi appointment sition early last week. Moulds aad Island, that her today after Secretary AMI RIO AN UBAOVS at $fl.87V4. Greham, and no 'children. Mar- Mid-mont- h Colonel Andrew Hero Jr., ton htv cores thor- of Fort Hhafter, waa jrlailed yesterday Baker had declared in an to Won 't Pet. dividends were paid by general, were made, aad after being address 70 42 ATM shall rhargea that oa one occasion, the delegate rhksao' .... .J o, received yester- - oughly large oven, sev by F. Damon, the aetina that competitive sport HoMtoa Hawalia Sugar, Oahu, Pacific Mill, mender of fort Ruger, while he wna shaving, his wife grabbed dried ia a th Mrs.'Hrr hould ...... ; m 41 .en eral parte were assembled Thursday "b continued to equip young rlavalsnit ,. 0 M .Ml San Carlo, Waialua and Oahu ne w On an- Jieeutiv head of th Hawaiian Alllet I ' .nay kin nrtt intimation inni the rarer and tried to cut him. men for the reception taatrailt ...... r.T M .Alt Railway. All of thee were the regular morning and everything put in readi - of military train - among the two hundred new brigadier other occasion, he asserts, Mrs. Mar- Vr Relief. Mrs. llanon is making i ing." Near Vera , ,. aa R4 - .401 nesa to receive the moltea metal. Wsshlntton .. M M .411. monthly disbursement! and they total- v.. shall told him that some night, when Nearly ed a. ':4. i .v. .... At 11, o'clock a fire wa started ia taur of all the unit now formed to re all of the Eastern colleges and rhllsilfliihls .. 4(1 M .RHI 21 7,000. he was aleepiag, she would tske that many Ht. I.ouls . . .. Tl .37J whom awaited by the local the huge cupola, ha a melting view the work being carried forwan from th Middle West and the is eagerly rasor "and cut hia dirty thront from which Coast were i ., eapaeity of per hour, by " represented, and it was a inn. ear to are sundry seventeen tons each (roup. '' " from enr." And there said afterward the decision - meant For the third time in three day, th The telegram waa from Chicago, other rhsrgen, too. and twenty minutes after 12 the metal The Hhafter unit ton fines it effort? that, with the of Yale, Har- - New York Giants, eoming champion a pemonal friend of Colonel Hero, anil Th filed were: Mrs, was flowing into a' specially prepared exception of other suits t th aaaking of surgical dressing, v.ru. i nnceton and possibly Virginia, Castle &Cooke he believe that the announcement Wong Sun Lan ngsinst Kny Hoy Oee, ladle,. . of the National League, aad th Brook- quit all the larger in- - hi appointment wa probably aeea in licking vp the ladle, the eleetrie-- d appropriately for a group ei institutions will piny lyn Superbas, champions, suit to annul marriage; Kotaro Kbesui present split ;'. ; .. ; re 15,- - army women on. .c"nrp,iio ., Aban- .. f . the paper there. He ha, however, riven traveling erane placed the ia a pott containing louiuau inia rail. " Umitxd.. agaiast Mrs. Tonovo Kliesui, desertion: donment Of Hv a double-heade- r yesterday. Vttp York reived ao official notification, nor ha ttOO pound of into the f largest military hospitals ia th the snort lh li..tl. Tsurukichi Tomaoka gainst Mrs. Tok molten metal tlona named wa any other of the occupying irmy. Th organisation was . fin ascribed to lank of has leen dropping by reason of th th announcement of Tomaoka, desertion, and Kaxue Honda mould, the .'whole process ' Tarrroiv m upturn new general officer reached here. space minutes. formed last aortas a a class Jn Are material, timet member of lest splits, but Brooklyn ha remained trmia itn against Nobuhiko Honda, desertion. I the short of eight squads ver's ... now hcinw In v . COMMISSION . Colonel thin time aid under Red Cross direction. Whet one-hal- MERCHANTS Hero' promotion at The papers ; in A. 'striking feature In tne perform- frosn at .405, f game abort of the divorce suit of ihe military : eas-wit- the first aid course was finished th' service. IKSUaVAKCS is especially importaat to the depart Manuel K. Costa against Mrs. Bessie ance of this job Waa the apparent Boetoa won II AOENT8. m It m m Am- 1 no .500, from the Fh ill lea, mAnt aa wWaU lln tar which ' the work was handled. aembera oader the leadership of Mr conference adopted the follow- Costa, filed here on July L'.'l, were re- ing .. to 0, taking the odd game of the aerie, ' partmeat eommander upon General was no any na- rames Iron turned to the making o resolutions! Ewa Plaataxioa Company turned yesterday, Albert F. Boss, sher- There commotion of game ' .tial Cross tirgir.al dressings as a mean "Whereas, eolloira three to two. The Phillie loot ' Treat leaTing, ahonld he get official con iff report- ture, aad the other work of the foun- athl.c.. if. Wailuku Agricultural Co., Ltd.' of Shasta County, California, -- ed by ground to the Giants. Cincinnati loat firmatioa of the appointment before the waa on aa nothing un- of war work. . Secretary Baker in his address Apokaa Sugar Co., Ltd.' ing that ha had been unable to locate dry carried if to Pittsburgh fill-i- a gam ' The com Woman Deaarra Credit iiiv are or great use in in a ea Kobala Sugar Company prevent eommander depart. Mrs. Costa la his jurisdiction, where she toward waa taking plnce. cvuirrrnrr, ryute erst, but by a contrariety of th mand of th department weald devolve conducted 81 nee Mrs. Irons' departure in Jul developing the Qualities of a iron.l nl- ; Wablawa Water Company, Ltd. waa supposed to be living. The Costs t Foremaa Charles Green dier, percentage table Cincinnati, which wa upoa him under these circumstance, were 1012 the easting and waa assisted by M. 3. th' unit has beea under the directio. married in Oakland in and No Interference one point behind th Phillies, take Loui provided ao other officer of the - wit- jf Mrs. Ouy C. i'nlmer, but aaothe With Military Fnltoa Iron Work, of 8t. that have two children. Costa charges his Witsos. There were present to 44 second plsce by one ia a local been appointed aange will bav to be made ia th. Resolved. Thar, wa n point. It ' Babeoek ft Wilcox Company garrison had wife with desertion. i ness the performance J. Foss. Jr., A. aA,nJ decimal beyond the colleges - question of thre Company brigadier preceding him on the list. C. engineering near future, a Mrs. Palmer will leav that the program of ath- - Fuel Eeonomiaer At nine o'clock this morning Judge Wheeler and other local place.. a v Ora' Xa ooa for th mainland. The1 greates iciio sport ror the coming year be Chaa. C Moor ft Ce7 Engineer Extremely Popular Heen will up hearing mo-io- n experts. - Today - take for the ef-- PUy in Eaat . tibataele to th work of the Hhafte continued with increases- in i wa ot know to qnnsh in the divorce case of Previously the largest easting made the The Westera teama of the It a at department unit la th its membershi forts to develop athletics for stu- National MAT80N NAVIGATION COMPANT e Nakai vs. Evelyn Nakai. ia Hilo waa about four tons, the heav- faet that all will open their, headquarter at toeing time yesterday is constantly rhangiag, owing to re dent rather than for a chosen few, and laat aerie la the East . Judge Heen s ier work being aent to Honolulu. TOTO XI8EN EAI8HA whether General Treat would leave on yesterday sent Jean ' inter-eollegiat- today. After three game the East moval caused army orders, Thi that the schedule of e Ma ana an planned, or not. Rulx, a Spaniard, to jail for a ;': ,. by ern teams' will go west for the the today, omea who have beea taitoful in coi, sports be csrried out as far as local leal Ha haa reaervatioas, but for the pant week because he refuted to obey the or- - time, and then the aeaaoa- will eloa inaing work murh . eonditiona allow, care being ant baa been confined Bcboneld ders of court. rJUrs, Maria Kodrigues th deserve eredi taken with each section playing home. lira dav to fhe tralniag of pew workers ever. to interferit with Ida mii;i. a.ii,;.. at by . Ruix some time ago secured a divorce In the American League both lead- Barrack illoe.-- SERAPIS WILL few week is ao light tssk, aad thos of the student or to conflict the Colonel Hero 'a appointment, which from her husband nod Judge Keen or- with er won, the White Sox from Cleveland bo peraever iMtntiauing seal an military interest of the INDEPENDENCE aeaine a mured, waa heard of with great dered the latter to pay her four dol-- . with nation." ,st Cleveland, 5 to 4, and Boston from a ' enthusiasm' show- splendid spirit. (rpriae and pleasure by the oSleer of lars week as permanent alimony. To Philadelphia at Philadelphia, 4 to. I. ' more members the ar Freshmen Play Wbea , once you , ar acquainted i ex- This he haa refused to dn, and Judge Two of unit ', Both the Sox teama won two of three the garrison yesterday, for .he TAKE SUGAR OUT C. K. CAMBRIDGE, July 3(W Although tremely popular haa a splendid lieen yesterday brought Ruiz around 6oa te be lost ia Mrs. Panielsoi game. with the feellag of independence and . H. Hajdner, who are to re there is practically no chance of Har- army record. He haa been colonel for with a sharp turn. aad Mrs. J. No American Game tbat a bank account will give yea move to. another post, aneording t vard varsity football being played this i but a abort time ' and I almost the unlesa No game ar scheduled for today. yon will sever again go back to th word received yesterday. fall the war is over by Septem- The junior colonel on the coast artillery lint. 1, is Eastern teams will open in the long rtocklng pure. . . : r : : Will Be Chartered If Shipment On The different dressings made at for ber Harvard not to be without its - wy of th ,., ir wmm l. in iiuisji ua West tomorrow. These series will be viuvri nriu uwi R GETS hhafter include envelopes, ganae apon football competition, , a the Harvard on . 1868, appointed last intersections! aeriea. The December IS, and Next Four Vessels Leaves bandages, muslin an freshman team will be orgaaiied 'the W offer yon the .strongest' and to th military academy from that state a, aeeordioa Western team will go Eaat for on ' . m . . .1 bandages. Eighteen sets of pa usual and play ita regular schedule of I moat trustworthy banking facilities ao t --, artt Cargo For Her tauae more sw ing. Turkey and pumpkla-p- i ua yiRf iq, imi. un jubs l iovi. jamas bee made by Mrs. W. h. game. Owing to the fact the h wa appoiatad aeeoad lieutenant and y Heavy have that is approaching when th major for both' your checking and your VERY -- majority of colleges preparatory fine lunt and Mr. S.j J .Ueidaer In addi and down end eeason. accotuita., - assigned to the Twelfth Infantry, with first-yea- itiaie to th fag of the savings v . work, with, school teams that the Harvard r which regiment served svatil Novem- :ioa to their the unit. Dur he Is wns announced yesterday in tag month July 15 to Augur men line up against yearly are to ber' 14 pf that year, when ha wa traa thtt the frm Jem may know .polUvl7 tbat - play despite the war, will ferred Fourth Field Artillery. tbi- event of sugir anipmcat requir- 15, under Mr. Palmer' leadership, the it to'th unit made 537 eevelopes, 7tiH gnus be an easy matter for them to arrange TOUR MONET IS BATE WITH V Ua September 10, 1898, he wa appoint- Judge Irwin continues to deal, out ing extra cargo space above that avail- SERIES ARE'EVEII ; their schedule. ed first lieutenant and assigned to the salutory sentence in connection with able in the aext four carriers out that sponges, 892 ateordiont, 112 muslii blind-piggin- ganae i Fifth' Field Artillery, with which regi- ease of brought into hi the steamer Scrapie will be bandage, and lv0 baadagea, BANK OF.HAWAII, LID 8, court. voyage to otal of 1848 aorgical dressings for th. ment h served until May 1901, when chartered for a th Coast. Hoaoiula h waa promoted to captain and He fined Willism Puko, aa old Ha- Th Serapit it now on her way dowa month. .mi. ... EVERS MAKES THIRD IN COAST LEAGUE UeTchant and Tort 8ta, signed artillery eorp. On waiian, 250 nnd costs, yesterday here from British Columbia with seven The gana bandages wer made as a' to th toast i 1008, wa promoted morning, an appeal being noted and thousand ton of coal the Inter-Islan- experiment by the Shaftar unit, a leecmber 27, he to T for major of eoaat artillery aad oa May 25, bond set at 4300. Hteam Navagiation Co., one of had been stated that those particula was notor- eould be mors quiekl. 1V13, he was promoted to lieutenant Defendant arrested at the the largest rargoe which thia com- irtlng made Jl ious Vineyard , camp cheaply by machine. The result Each Team Has Won One and colonel of CMMt artillery. - - Street No.. 2, pany haa received from the northweat-er- a md where be is said foregoing ttatt-mea-t CANADIAN -P- ACIFIC The colonel is a graduate of the eoaat to have been doing a port since coal began to arrive have indicated that the Lost One Angels thriving business in Illicit boots for from that districf. is correct. , They are troublesom- artillery school, clase of 1806, and this, - coupled with his diversified experieaee soma time past. The tugar company i now prepared to make, at they must be measured Lose Ground RAILWAY in the various arms of the service lead- One of License Inspector Motion's to charter the vessel providing that, at wet' thoroughly, torn aad rolled, whil For the third time ia his baseball men purchased a bottle dago red wet, and .dried sun. Tht ing up to his present gfade make him a of the time she is ready to sail, th aeven then ia the career Johnny Evera ha shifted hi .'.. , from Puko for the modest sum pf fift- thousand tons of augar wliieh would Irying take from four to five day am most efficient oflieer and one conversant ' club uniform and hi effort with the ATLANTIC LINE Of STEAMER! arm een cents, which act constituted the mike it worth while to secure here art a tediou process. It haa been de COAST LEAGUE with practically all of the service. specific Philadelphia National will be follow from Montreal to IJverpool, - charge. ready for shipment. Tbi wiH depend ilded as a result of the eaperimeiit Won . Pet Command Fort Ruger ?d with interest by fan throughout Hon 70 JW .!Wi7 vl tt, on the sugar taken on that it is more efficient and satisfactory Pranrb.cn London andSQlaagow Colonel Hero same to Hawaii from the next four the country. The present season Halt iMkm H7 no . .627 o make gaua by machim CANADIAN-PACin- Fort Terry, New York, and arrived ia HAWAII CANNERIES CO. vessels from Honolulu and the amount the bandage is the fifteenth Ever ha aerved Angeles ns 'l V Al RAILWAY by labor, that Onklnuil Ill AM .4K1 Honolulu an October 12, 191(1. His first then left for shipment. The fourtS than volunteer head in the big league. During thi lengthy : and St. Lawrence Route FINISHES ITS SEASON bout of the Mttson Gaux Bandage I'ortlsnd M 68 .460 command la Hawaii waa that of tac- service out uader rirat period, viewed from th standpoint of Vermin 5M 74 .4311 THr3 SCENIC TOUBIHT ROUTE OF eommander and fire the normal schedule would be th Those made by the Phafter ladief tical , marshal at the baseball player, Ever haa had a THE WORLD - w t , i I. . I UHl'K, August 14 The Munoa, which were the first bandages mtid. I.O Angeles has dropped away from ronn Mnininpoi, ana on Marco jv, Hawaiian leaves tomorrow for gauie emnrkable and spectacular record up- Canneries Suit in . end '1917. ha was assigned as fort com-- ' Company are closing their San Francisco. This vessel, however, ia the Islands. The group which tool on the diamond. Noted for both his Lake the Coast stand- Ir-m- i Th COLUMBIA manner of Fort Buger, which command canning scuson this week after a run of will then be on her way to Manila oa ever this work included Mrs. pjick thinking and fiery temperament ings. Aagels lost to Vrnon yes- THE AXASKA BRITISH about thirty-seve- days. a new schedule, in- Mrs. A. R. Rock wood, Mrs. H. C. Muh terday, while Salt defeating COAST he still holds. Their output this fact evidently re has figured in some most Lake wat SERVICE ( of th San this year was about forty thousaad fluencing the factors in teaberg, and Mr, t. Francisco and, ineteud of being Th promotion of Colonel Hero to getting p line lleldaer. ensationul of the national game cpi-tode- By the popular "Princess" brigadier general win create a reeling eases of pines. on the Hera pis. At the atart of the organization ii one point behind, are eight point be Steamers from Vancouver, -- Angel Seal-an- d ' t -j .,1 : .it . L k. May Colonel Jaave Iron, then in com Kvert made his baseball debut with hind. The and Tigera, Victoria or Seattle. 1 L TI - I . t J ma ad at Hhafter, assigned quarter No the Troy Club of York Beet and Portland and Oakland ..J the New State huve even repeetd by his fellow officer but it 3 C in the cantonment to the ladles a League in 1!)02, playing shortstop. The split at one game each, for For full Information apply to ' idolized by every enlisted man who hat their meeting place. The post quarter following year found him at aeeond the Beavers lost yesterday to the Oaka, ever aerved under him. ' master donated chairs, tables, am1 base for the Chicago Nationals and (i to o, H. Davies & Co. Ltd I " t . - Yetterday'i Theo. i man whkmlM trnnk lockers for their use, and detail he held down the keystone sack Tor Result I'liv ism Vernon 1. 'told of hit possibility of becoming a Save Eggs ad a man to clean aad dust the rooms the Cubs until 11)14. when he joined the At Vernon 2, Lo Angelec KAABfJMANU STREET by San 5, e brigadier, aaid: have had the pleua-or- Using Th quartermaster department at th Boston Braves. Now be has moved on At Francisco Salt l.ak San den 1 Agent, Canadian-Paelfl- Py. Co, "I Fori Francisco 1. and honor of serving under the cob post takes the material out to lo the Pbillis, where it i expected At Portland 5, 0. ooei, ana re irurnruuy say x Hhafter and deliver th finished worl that he will strengthen aeeond base. Oakland Portland un ui'i to the Red Cross headquarters in Ho never yet acea him when he wa too ' Some idea of Kver's ability can b f CASTLE & COOKE Co., Ltd preoccupied by business of the army Royal Baking Powder nolulu. gained from the fact that up to the HONOLULU, T. H. or otherwise, not to have time to glv i Meetingi are, held Ave mornings r close of the 191(1 season he had played the enlisted man a kindly smile and an week, and a bus is provided to brinf in 1,753 games with a resultant grand MARY BROWNE BEATS encouraging word. It is a pleasure to In recipes ' for cakes, The following tatted th members and take them home a batting average of .38 and a field- MALLA BJURSTEDT IN serve under such a man and 1 hope he the conclusion of the. working period ing percentage of .813. Cominission Merchants muffins and recipe is practical , ' become a major general soon." other baked The average attendance ha been tei ' a. SEABRIGHT TOURNEY example: member a day. , ' . - flour foods calling for , Axe Worker -- Pert SF.ABRIOHT, New Jersey Aug- the use ofeggs, fewer Some of the worker have becom Sugar Factors RICE ust 4 F. C. Inman Ma-ba- a BOOTLEGGERS INFEST MUFFINS eery expert in the making of the dress- and L. L. eggs may be used with lH tups Hour won the Round ' ings, which require deft and stead j Robin Double excellent results and tsMat Rorsl Baklnc Pawnssr - Tournument on the turf eonrt of Ewa Plaatatloa Co. 1 ublsoims sugar Aqgenjn- addition) lq great, accuracy. Agricultural Co., J , the Seabright Lawn Waialua Ltd. often left out altogether H tsaspson salt t' H 'I'- One member baa a record of,three and CALIFORNIA STOWAWAY Tenni and H eu boils rise - , v Cricket Club here today. They cam Apokaa Sugar Co., Ltd. I tabUspooo one-hal- f ddten bandngea made In twt by using a small addi- stwrUnlnc . ., through the aerie undefeated. Iiltoa Iron Works of St. Loui lit tus milk and one-hal- f hours. Blak 1 In the other important : match, Stetm Poinu tional of DIRECTION Mis an slit ir A garrison donation i made up each j quantity Karl H. Behr and N. W. Nile, de- WesUra Centrifugal Royal Incradlaata. Ad botM rice sad month amen; the ladies and forwarded Whether or not Fred llollerson, a Babeoek ft Wilcos Boiler Baking Powder, mlUj ml wall. AM wimhrnm shart-tnln- a feated T. R. Pell and B. 8. Prentie. and kaks In for the work of the Red Cross in addi youth who slowed 'away the Caught .With Six Quarts s'aaaad Mums aboard Mist Mary Brown woe the wo- Orea' Fuel Eeonomiaer One about a teaspoon, in tins is med.rata avas) t te a tion to the faithful work performed steamer on Iter present trip from Ban hlarth Steam Pump mlnutss. at the unit meeting. man's singles. In. the final match of Gin place of each egg Francisco, is wnuted us a slacker in she defeated her rival, Miss Molla Matton Navigation Co. , The old eaUed Membership of Unit OnliforriiH, is what the federal authori- Bjiirstedt, Planter ' Lin Shipping Co. omitted. . . method ' national champion, The present member of the Fort ties here . Sugar Co, Despite the fact thitt there is a se- lor 2 egg are anxious to know and Miss Browne's dashlof! Kohala Kbftf. unit include , Mrs. ; (luy C. what they huve set themselves to find ver penalty awaiting anyone found You must use Royal Palmer, unit; drives and her crossing shots over the directress of the out. come a BU8INESS CARDS. with liquor ia possession en a federal Mrs. W. C. Cochran, Mrs. T. H. Bald long lead jn the last act. Baking Powder to obtain the best llollerson, who was 'born In Honolulu ' reservation,- it u Denevea ey rue ioa results. win, Mis. Frank C. Bolles, Mrs. C. I.. of ' eonsiderarile Loot a German father and a Portuguese ri eral authorities that McKain,' Mrs. W.'E Hunt, Mr. E. P. mother has been HONOLULU IRON 'WORKS CO. Ma legging' (TC'ltig en in 'alifienia (ft qmie m at 8hoficld Hir Hartshorn, Mrs. R. II. Perk, Jdrs. John " ebinery of every deacriptiou mtdo tu time. His father 'still resides ou jiiU INTER-ISLAN- D ' rar.V ans) that civilian euiplove are New book of racipe which economist In eggs aapeh-siv-a COMPANY , and other Randolph, Mrs. C. R. Bennett, Mr. island. order. , to men of the Ingredisnu mailed free. Addrss Royal Baking McCU-lbiri- , furnishing iotoxieaals the Powder Co.. R. M. I.yon, B. F. The I 13S William St., New York, U. 8. A. Mr. stowaway was found concealed COMPROMISES CLAIMS Mr. T. K. Crystal, Mr. C, H. among some sacks of potatoes on the . FreacieN Pulidio was srri'vted at I Mr. J. 8. Sullivan, Mr. H. C. K. Muh Hrst night out of Sim Frauriseo, aud Through a compromise effected be- HAWAIIAN GAZETTE Hsrraeks ycsltrjuy moiniug leulierg, A. K. F. Inter-Islan- Mr. H. Hobley, Mrs. was permitted to work hia way hero. lt ween the d Steam Navig- iv iirnuiy I mti-- nmii iwrsuvi nuvm Witsell, Mrs. R C. Holllday, Mrs. J. After discovery, Company six quart of gin in bU rHtssesxinn. llollerson was ation and th miner children SEMI. WEEKLY 'if Royal F. I.ohinan, Mrs: H. O. AUcAdiiai, Mr. of beiug a slacker, lie then pro- of the late John J. Bevereus, Judge , f-- t Baking efelidsat be clinigi'i) under the Powder I H, Issued Tuesdsys Trldays . . BMk wood, Mrs. J. Iliddncr, duced u Ash and . l.. .. . t. I ; . i u . I .. . registration card which showed ford yesterduy granted the petition new m ! Brmv iut yr0nx,fin ssir vi Made from Cream of Tartar, derived from Grape, M rs. D. 11. Oientv. Mr. C. R. Danielson. that he hud registered iu Solauo Coun- whereby the company will pay to Willis (Rntered at th Poitofflce of Honolulu, iutt xluiuts in t'nrisU'd men, or even the , i T. H., teronil-ela- t add Home of the older children of the ty, Culiforuiu. He was bow-ever- Klaworth Ieverenx a mattet or none but healthful qualities to the food. uuabie, and Hoy Elwyn ponsi'ssio iiiciu. post nave Helping m hi inr ns to give uuv reason j Deveretix 3500 each, SUBSCRIFTIOlf RATES: v ieen for wanting to th of filUi was bnniglit to town yesftr-4- thi-- work of the Tthr No Alum No were hle in .the return to Hawaii in such a hurry. the boy, who was an engineer of the , Per Year ..,....,,.,. 12.00 gsjd hoed set ht IO00, pending Phosphate Hbufter unit. Tbey are Alice Palmer, It is possible that he left company, waa hinrio before 1'niti'd nuiv have fatally injured while at Per Tear (foreign) ..... S.00 liulse Cochran, Betty , Baldwin and California on account of his number work ran March li, last, throueh an ei- - Invariably U Adv e fctates CouiuUidiwnur (ieorge H. Curry, Randolph. been " PTb Johu , , having in the draft. piosiou, ana died on Mares II CHARLES I. OWJUm I .. Mauag!
