ISSN 2334-8836 (Štampano izdanje) UDC 622 ISSN 2406-1395 (Online)

Mining and Metallurgy Engineering Bor


Published by: Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor

Mining and Metallurgy Engineering Bor



MINING AND METALLURGY ENGINEERING Editorial Board BOR is a journal based on the rich tradition of Prof.Ph.D. Tajduš Antoni expert and scientific work from the field of mining, The Stanislaw University of Mining and underground and open-pit mining, mineral proce- Metallurgy, Krakow, Poland ssing, geology, mineralogy, petrology, geomecha- nics, metallurgy, materials, technology, as well as Prof.Ph.D. Mevludin Avdić related fields of science. Since 2001, published MGCF-University of Tuzla, B&H twice a year, and since 2011 four times a year. Prof.Ph.D. Vladimir Bodarenko National Mining University, Department of Editor-in-chief Deposit Mining, Ukraine Academic Ph.D. Milenko Ljubojev, Ph.D. Mile Bugarin, Principal Research Fellow Principal Research Fellow Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor Prof.Ph.D. Ruža Čeliković Full member of ESC MGCF-University of Tuzla, B&H E-mail: [email protected] Ph.D. Miroslav R.Ignjatović, Senior Research Associate Phone: +38130/454-109, 435-164 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Editor Prof.Ph.D. Vencislav Ivanov Mining Faculty, University of Mining and Geology Vesna Marjanović, B.Eng. "St. Ivan Rilski" Sofia Bulgaria English Translation Ph. D. Ivana Jovanović, Research Associate Nevenka Vukašinović, prof. Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor Academic Prof.Ph.D. Jerzy Kicki Technical Editor Gospodarkl Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energia, Suzana Cvetković Krakow, Poland Preprinting Ph. D., PEng. Dragan Komljenović Vesna Simić Hydro-Quebec Research Institute Canada Printed in: Grafomedtrade Bor Ph. D. Ana Kostov, Principal Research Fellow Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor Circulation: 200 copies Ph. D. Daniel Kržanović, Research Associate Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor Web site Prof. Ph. D. Nikola Lilić Faculty of Mining and Geology Belgrade Journal is financially supported by Ph.D. Dragan Milanović, Senior Research Associate The Ministry of Education, Science and Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor Technological Development of the Republic Serbia Prof.Ph.D. Vitomir Milić Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor Technical Faculty Bor ISSN 2334-8836 (Printed edition) Ph.D. Aleksandra Milosavljević, Senior Research Associate Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor ISSN 2406-1395 (Online) Ph.D. Eldar Pirić Journal indexing in SCIndex and ISI. Mining Institute Tuzla All rights reserved. Ph.D. Dragoslav Rakić Published by Faculty of Mining and Geology Belgrade Prof. Ph.D. Novica Staletović Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor 19210 Bor, Zeleni bulevar 35 University of Union - Nikola Tesla, E-mail: [email protected] Faculty of Ecol. and Envir. Prot. Phone: +38130/454-110 Academic Prof.Ph.D. Mladen Stjepanović Engineering Academy of Serbia Ph.D. Biserka Trumić, Principal Research Fellow Scientific – Technical Cooperation with Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor the Engineering Academy of Serbia Prof.Ph.D. Milivoj Vulić University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Prof.Ph.D. Nenad Vušović Technical Faculty Bor


Jovana Ječmenica, Zlatko Ječmenica




Ivana Jovanović, Nenad Magdalinović, Daniel Kržanović, Radmilo Rajković COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF AI MODELS IN THE MODELING OF FLOTATION PROCESS ...... 27





Viša Tasić, Radoš Jeremijić, Marijana Pavlov-Kagadejev, Vladimir Despotović GENERAL PURPOSE AC CURRENT TO DC VOLTAGE TRANSDUCER ...... 69



Kristina Vojvodić, Ljiljana Nikolić Bujanović, Sanja Mrazovac Kurilić, Novica Staletović APPLICATION OF ECOFRENDLY OXIDANT FERRATE(VI) IN THE METALLURGICAL PROCESSES OF COPPER EXTRACTION ...... 97

Nikola Stanić, Saša Stepanović, Miljan Gomilanović, Aleksandar Doderović



MINING AND METALLURGY INSTITUTE BOR ISSN: 2334-8836 (Štampano izdanje) UDK: 622 ISSN: 2406-1395 (Online)

UDK: 622.332(497.15)(045)=111 doi:10.5937/mmeb1804001J

Jovana Ječmenica*, Zlatko Ječmenica**



For the needs of desulphurization of flue gases, the Mine and Thermal Power Plant Ugljevik have found the necessary absorbent (limestone) in the immediate vicinity. The deposit of carbonate mine- ral raw materials (limestone and chalk) Spasine - Brdjani is defined by detailed geological explora- tion in which the sodality in distribution the main quality parameters (CaCO3 and SiO2) is observed. Keywords: flue gas desulphurization, detailed geological explorations, quality parameters, distribution


The Thermal Power Plant Ugljevik, in- fact that it is completely justified to conduct stalled power of 300 MW, uses the brown the detailed geological explorations. coal as a fuel for the production of electrici- Taking into account a number of im- ty that is exploited by the open pit Boguto- portant factors (level of exploration, dis- vo Selo. The brown coal of the deposit of tance, density, connectivity with the open Bogutovo Selo is characterized by the in- pit and landfill, transport, etc.), a commit- creased sulfur content (5-6% S). By the coal ment was to perform the detailed geological combustion, as one of the flue gases, sulfur explorations at the site Spasine-Brdjani dioxide is released; whose concentration in which is close to the Mine and TPP. the air exceeds the allowed limit. From the The explored area is 1x1km. Detailed aspect of environmental protection, primari- geological explorations were carried out in ly the air pollution, the process of flue gas two phases on a larger surface with the aim desulphurization (FGD) in the dependent to separate the deposit segments with the company Mine and Thermal Power Plant good quality indicators that were pre-set. has become inevitable. After providing the Already after the first phase of the explora- financial resources for these activities, a tion where the net of drill holes was Conceptual Study was developed in which 160x160 m, it was noticed that the essential one section explores the possibility of sup- parameters of the quality were better in the ply the limestone (absorbent) for the men- northern part of the deposit. Then, in the tioned process and where it is proposed to second phase, the dense network was used find the solution in the surroundings of to reexplorate this part of the deposit. The Ugljevik, known for the presence of a huge results justified the needs, so in the end, the carbonate massif. area of the deposit with the good quality After this, the preliminary explorations indicators was defined, which significantly have begun, which in the end resulted in a exceeded the required quantities of car-

*Jantar Group d.o.o., Belgrade **Mine and TPP Ugljevik

No. 3-4, 2018 1 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor bonates (absorbent) in reserves, but provi- tent of calcium carbonate gradually shifts ded the possibility for leveling the quality as from gray marls into this article, characte- well as the possibility of starting the exploi- rized by the fact that "the content of silicon tation in the best part of the deposit. in limestones with depth is increased, due to All exploration works, types of tests, as the presence of siliceous spicules sponges in well as the subsequent separation of the ore the older parts of the explored profiles" bodies that are not only expressed to their (Vrabac, 2014). It contains lithotamian, geological differences and specificities, but shellfish: Corbula cf. gibba Olivi., Venus cf. also the qualitative characteristics that de- Multilamela (LAMARCK), Tellina sp., termine them, have been designed and pro- Martinottiella sp., Xestoleberis sp. and spic- cessed, that is, analyzed in a function of ules Spongiae, as well as a very large asso- carbonate similarity for the FGD process. ciation of benthic foraminifers and ostra- The Ugljevik Mine and Thermal Power Plant is located in the northeastern part of codes. Thickness of this type of chalk reac- the Republic of Srpska at the place where hes 30 meters. the Semberija plain passes into the hills of Compact chalk - krd(к) is made by the Majevica Mountain, about 20 kilometers lithotamian limestone (calcarettes) with from the town of Bijeljina. shall fish Flabellipecten cf. besseri (AN- DRZEJOWSKY), Lucinoma cf. borealis GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF (LINNE), Amphistegina sp., Elphidium THE DEPOSIT crispum (Linne), Planostegina sp., Hy- drobia sp., Turitella sp., Xestoleberis sp., Based on the data of exploratory drilling and fragments of Ostrea sp., many remains and field geological mapping, it has been of microcxfauna foraminifera, ostracoda, found that the explored deposit is mostly coral and briozoa. The largest thickness of built by the Badenian chalk and limestone this type of chalk is 30.2 m.

( ), and Sarmatian limestone ( as an 1 Solid chalk М - krd(č) was not found interesting mineral resource, and from an 2 economic point of view the productive area in any drill hole. However, it was discov- and quartar formation (Q): eluvial-deluvial ered in sections of human-made activity sediments of insignificant thickness, which (open pits) in the far western part of the for these reasons are not shown on the geo- exploration area. It is a variety of chalk, logical map. extremely solid, from which the blocks are made as a fundament, or bearing parts of Badenian chalk and subordinate 1 residential buildings. limestones (М ) 2 Lower Sarmatian limestone, chalk, The deposits of the Badenian chalk and sandstone and clay (М22) limestone were deposited over the Upper Badenian massive and laminated marls. Deposits of the Lower Sarmatian (ore This is a clearly defined unit that is mostly body) lie, most likely, concordant on the built by three lithologically different mem- Upper Badenian in a greater part of the field. bers (ore bodies): dusty, compact and solid The boundary is noticeable because the chalk that is often permeated by layers to Lower Sarmatian limestones are deposited the sandy limestone. over the Upper Badenian deposits of chalk,

Dusty chalk - krd(p) is in the sur- which is a correctness found both in the drill face, whereby changing the color and con holes as well as in the field.

No. 3-4, 2018 2 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor


1 M2-Lp 1 N M2-Krd(k)

KR-19HG KR-20 2 KR-21HG 1 M -Kr M -Krd(p) 2 324.44 314.22 321.36 2 M2-Kr,Pj,Gl 2-Kr 2 M2

1 -Krd(k) KR-18 M2 KR-17 2 M2-Kr 314.91 KR-16 325.60

KR-24 325.48 1 -Krd(c) 324.28 M2 2-Kr M2 KR-22 BSS-1 1 297.65 KR-15 M2-Krd(k) 326.55 322.76

325.67 1 M2-Krd(p)

331.88 320.31 (c) 330.01 N d 316.34 320.65 1 -Kr M -Lp

2 2

1 329.22 M

KR-23HG 316.47 KR-22 329.20 1 301.73 M2-Krd(k) 325.64 1-Kr M2 d(p) 2-Kr M 2 2-Kr 327.08 M2

333.32 1 306.46 M2-Krd(k) KR-15


306.46 SZK-53(HG) 338.52 313.48 2 M -Kr BSS-1 M 2

1 2 -Kr

d ( k ) N 2 -Kr,Pj,Gl M2 N SZK-53(HG) SZK-42(HG)

SZK-41 D C

KR-3 KR-6 KR-9 KR-11 KR-13 KR-14

M2-Kr 1 -Krd(c) 2 M2 1 M1-Krd(k) M2-Krd(p) 2

1 M -Lp 1 1-Lp 2 M2-Lp M2

Figure 1 Geological map of the deposit ( R≈1:10 000)

The older portion of the Lower Sarma- prints eyelids and molds, while largely tian is made of make Mohrensternia layers preserved mollusks are present in the Cre- while the younger part of the Lower Sar- taceous sediments of the Upper Badenian. matian is proven by molluscs Poliaptes cf.tricuspis (EICHWALD), Obsoletiforma Quaternary deluvial-eluvial absoleta cf vindobonensis (LASKAREV), sediments (Q) Cardiidae, Modiolus sp., Granulolabium sp., Gibbula cf. picta (EICHWALD) and These rocks are represented by the sur- Hydrobia sp (Vrabac,S. 2014). face clays and clays with the limestone It was observed that the Lower Sarma- debris whose thickness reaches almost 15 tian mollusks are preserved in the form of meters.

No. 3-4, 2018 3 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor






2 2


kompaktna 30


cvrsta ? 30 KREDA peskovita




1 2



M 1

< 150

M U.U.F. 7

Figure 2 Litostratigraphic column of the Badenian and Lower Sarmatian sediments

It can be said that the carbonate rocks, bonate series of sediments, defined for prac- generally, mild (up to 10 degrees) fall to tical reasons as the ore bodies. The results the north-northeast, making a mild mono- of laboratory tests have fully confirmed this clinic structure, too. determination of the ore bodies, because they, apart from the geological ones, also Geological explorations of the deposit possessed the characteristic qualitative pa- rameters in which they differed. Methodological observations of the field Thus, under the carbonate raw materi- explorations of the deposits were done by als, in geological terms, they include: the geological mapping of the field, ex- - sediments of chalk (ore body 3 - dusty ploratory drilling, and development of to sandy chalk, ore body 2 - compact trenches and open mining works. chalk - lithotamian limestone), Detailed geological mapping has selec- - as well as the deposits of hard, compact ted the prospective members of the car Sarmatian limestones (ore body 1).

No. 3-4, 2018 4 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor During explorations, the 27 explorato- ty, Bond index, Mn, Zn, Cu, Co and Cr met- ry drill holes, 26 exploratory trenches and als were analyzed and realized the experi- two test-exploitation excavations were mental technological tests. carried out. The total of 1,066 partial and The activities that preceded the phases 212 complete tests were tested from the of detailed geological explorations and laboratory testing for the purpose of test- which included the calculations of coal ing the quality of mineral raw materials. combustion, theoretically calculated and In addition to these, the test of grain size measured values of the emission of harm- distribution, factors of looseness and cohe- ful gases, obtaining a corrective factor, sion, determination the physical-mechanical and deformation characteristics, determina- and finally the measurement of flue gases tion the volume mass, petrographic, difrac- (degree of flue gas flow and amount of tometric and paleontolo-gical tests, reactivi pollutants (2012) are shown in Table 1:

Table 1 Designed requirements regarding the quality of absorbents (Main Desing of construction the FGD plant) Unit measure Range Designed CaCO3 wt-% 85 – 100 < or = 94.0 MgCO3 wt-% < 2 < 2 SiO2 wt-% < 5 < 3 Fe2O3 wt-% < 1 < 1 Other wt-% difference to 100 difference to 100 H2O wt-% to approx. 10% Bond index Wi 3.0 – 10.0 5.0 Particle size (delivered) Mm max. 20 max. 20 Reactivity -- Be determined by the contractor  Only as information Titration of HCl at a constant > 50% pH value after 3 minutes

The basic parameters of quality were: llowing limits: Al2O3 0.4-0.8%. SiO2 0.8- - Available Ca or reactivity 1.5%. Fe2O3 0.1-0.7%. - Low content of inert elements Analyzing the obtained quality parame- - Impact on the quality of obtained ters (CaCO3, MgCO3, SiO2 and Fe2O3) and product their synthesis, the appropriate maps were - Impact on wastewater treatment made for each of these parameters, as well - Particle size/grain size (less = better) as for each mining body separately. - Special grinding facilities depend on the limestone grindability (Bond DISCUSSION Working Index) It was immediately noticed that the per- Considering the content of inert ele- centage share of calcium carbonate rises to ments, the same must be below 5%. Particu- the north and that it has the highest (most larly important is the share of MgO. Name- favorable) values for each analyzed package ly, a part of MgO is inert, especially if it is in (ore body). As it increases, the values of the the form of dolomite, but a part is soluble, other three parameters are reduced. and the presence of MgO ions in solution The values of the quality parameters for improves the process, so that the content of MgCO3 i Fe2O3 are below the above de- this element of 0.8-2% I spreferred. The signed units of measure, although they clear- other inert components such as Al, Si and Fe ly decrease from the middle of deposit to the adversely affect the sulfur recovery process north. Due to these reasons, these parameters so that their presence should be in the fo- are not the subject of more detailed analysis.

No. 3-4, 2018 5 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor The percentage content of CаCО3 direct- of gypsum produced, and from SiO2 the ly depends on the consumption of car- abrasive effect in the plants for absorbent bonates in the FGD process and the amount preparation.


1 M2-Lp

1 M2-Krd(k) 2-Kr 1-Krd(p) M2 M2 2-Kr M2

1 M2-Krd(k)

) d(k 1 -Kr

BSS-1 M 2





1 M

1 M2-Krd(k) 1 M2-Krd(p) 2-Kr M 2 2-Kr M2

1 M2-Krd(k)

2-Kr M2 M N

1 2 -Kr

d ( k )

2 -Kr,Pj,Gl M2

SZK-53(HG) SZK-42(HG)



Figure 3 Contour of the CaCO3 quality for the Sarmatian limestone (ore body 1) N B

1 M2-Lp

1 M2-Krd(k) 2-Kr 1-Krd(p) M 2 M2 2-Kr M 2

1 M2-Krd(k)

) d(k 1 -Kr

BSS-1 M 2





1 M

1 M2-Krd(k) 2 1 M2-Krd(p) 2-Kr M2 -Kr M2

1 M2-Krd(k)

2-Kr M 2 M N

1 2 -Kr

d ( k )

2 -Kr,Pj,Gl M 2

SZK-53(HG) SZK-42(HG)



Figure 4 Contour of the SiO2 quality for the Sarmatian limestone (ore body 1)

No. 3-4, 2018 6 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor N B

1- M2 Lp

1 M2-Krd(k) 2-Kr 1-Krd(p) M 2 M2 2-Kr M2 97 1 M2-Krd(k)

) d(k 1 -Kr

BSS-1 M 2



-Kr 2

1 97 M

1 89 M2-Krd(k) 1 91 M2-Krd(p) 2-Kr M2 89 2-Kr 91 M 2

M1-Krd(k) 89 2 85 83 87

2-Kr M 2 M N

1 2 -Kr

d ( k )

2 -Kr,Pj,Gl M 2

SZK-53(HG) SZK-42(HG)



Figure 5 Contour of the CaCO3 quality for the compact limestone (ore body 2) N B

1 1 M2-Lp

1 M2-Krd(k) 2-Kr 1-Krd(p) M2 M2 2-Kr 3 M 2

4 1 1 M2-Krd(k)


2 ) d(k 2 1 -Kr BSS-1 M 2

3 4

(c) 6 d

5 -Kr

2 3

2 1 4 M 1 5 1 6 6 1 M2-Krd(k) 1 3 M2-Krd(p) 2-Kr 7 4 M2 5 2 6 -Kr 7 M 2 8 9 1-Kr M2 d(k) 10 7 8 11

2-Kr M 2 M N

1 2 9 -Kr

d ( k )

2 -Kr,Pj,Gl M 2

SZK-53(HG) SZK-42(HG) 10



Figure 6 Contour of the SiO2 quality for the compact chalk (ore body 2)

Distribution of calcium carbonate and Badenian and transgression in the Lower silicon dioxide in the deposit is a product of Sarmatian with changing the coastline and various palaeogeographic conditions that sea depth, as well as changes the salinity of dominated the Upper Badenian and Lower the same, caused the distribution of quality Sarmatian. Namely, regression in the Upper parameters as in figures.

No. 3-4, 2018 7 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor The sponges (Spongie), whose skeleton the same from the west and north sides is was formed from small spicules built of excluded because this terrain is falling steep- silicon (silicispongia), and which massively ly, and the inhabited areas are in the foot. inhabited in the Badenian sea (eucharistic environment), were by a lage part the carrier CONCLUSION of SiO2 in the shallow sea (lithoral-up to 200 m depth) of then Central Parateticis. During The two phases of detailed geological the Lower Sarmatian, there was the sweeten- explorations were carried out on the deposit ing of the sea (brachyaline environment) and of carbonates (limestone and chalk) Spasine- a smaller spread of the sponges, until their Brdjani with the aim of establishing their complete absence (Vrabac, 2014 and 2015). quality and reserves, which would serve as The presence of silicispongi certainly affect- an absorbent in the desulphurization process ed the percent-tage distribution of SiO2 in of flue gases of the Thermal Power Plant. the associated ore bodies. This is also visible It has been determined that for the prede- on the quality map for SiO2 of the Lower termined values of certain qualitative pa- Sarmatian where the surface area with rameters there are spaces within the deposit SiO2content is below 1%, than it is in Bade- that satisfy these qualities in their integrity. nian (ore body 2). Analyzing the quality maps for individu- Changes in the quality of CаCО3 are al ore bodies, those areas with the best quali- small (the order of a few percent), but they ty indicators are precisely defined, and their are not random and are the product of very location in the space is a product of the subtle changes caused by either the yield of paleogeographic circumstances that ruled in some terrestrial material or certain difference previous sea and its sweetness. in the types of organisms that inhabited the At the same time, the location from lithoral, or the difference in the constitution where the exploitation would start was also of their carbonate skeletons. determined. The mutual dependence of CаCО3 and SiO2 for the ore bodies 2 and 3 is evident on REFERENCES the quality maps. Their isolines of maximum values of CaCO3 are almost identical to the [1] Bugarin M., 2018: Elaborate on contours of minimum values for SiO2 within Classification, Categorization and the same ore body. Calculation of Reserves of Carbonate In the initial phase of exploration, the re- Raw Materials (Limestone and Chalk) alization of two test-exploitation excava- in the deposit Spasine-Brdjani near tions is planned. Only one was made due to Ugljevik (with the state of reserves as the justified reasons, with the intention that of December 31, 2017), FSD M and the exploitation of carbonate mineral raw TPP Ugljevik (in Serbian) material starts from already open benches of [2] Vrabac S., Djulović I. & Ječmenica Z., the coal open pit. The first results were not 2014: Badenian and Sarmatian in the favorable in that part of the exploration field, Profile of the KR-5 Drill Hole near so in the second phase, the trial-exploitation Ugljevik. Bulletin of MGCF, Univer- excavation 2 was carried out, in the segment sity of Tuzla, 2, 39-50, Tuzla (in of the deposit where very good quality indi- Serbian) cators were already indicated. [3] Vrabac S, Ćorić S., Đulović I., & The place of opening of the open pit Ječmenica Z. 2015: Discordance (quarry) is immediately imposed, because between the Badenian and Sarmatian the easiest way to access the limestone and in the profile of Spasine near Ugljevik, chalk of the best quality and with the least Proceedings and Congresses of overburden is from the east side of the de- Geologists B&H with International posit from the benches of the northern land- Participation, 10-15, Tuzla (in Serbian) fill, from the PEO-2 space. The opening of

No. 3-4, 2018 8 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor MINING AND METALLURGY INSTITUTE BOR ISSN: 2334-8836 (Štampano izdanje) UDK: 622 ISSN: 2406-1395 (Online)

UDK: 622.271/.7:338.3 (045)=111 doi:10.5937/mmeb1804009K

Daniel Kržanović*, Nenad Vušović**, Milenko Ljubojev*, Radmilo Rajković*



The problem of exploitation planning refers to A criterion used to optimize the open pit. In spite of sophisticated algorithms, the problem of optimization is always an economic problem, within which the procedures for assessment the necessary economic parameters are defined. Every ore body is different, but the main steps in planning an open pit, when the main objective is to make a profit, are developed by the same principle. When planning the copper ore exploitation, the final economic result depends on the overall technological process of copper obtaining copper as a final product.This work present an economic analysis of the copper ore exploitation on the Cerovo Primarno-Drenova deposit for athe nnual capacity of flotation processing of 6.0 and 12.0 million tons, using the software for economic analysis and long-term planning of open pits Whittle surface (Dassault Systèmes - Geovia). Keywords: deposit Cerovo Primarno - Drenova, optimization of the open pit boundary, soft- ware Whittle, profitability of exploitation


Profit is the dominant driving factor of and verifiable methodology for evaluation modern mining. The process of globalization the value of mining investment project, in of the world market is especially pro- order to collect the sufficient valid and relia- nounced in the sphere of production the ble evidences of the economic justification mineral resources. The largest world mining of investment in the same. The developed investors, as a rule, develop the projects methodology, which provides a unique and outside of their home countries, and the ex- recognizable way to evaluate the value of ploited mineral resources are most often the investment mining projects, is in practice subject of a global market economy. Under known as a conventional approach to the the conditions of globalization over the planning and economic evaluation of the years, the necessity of formation a unique mining projects. methodology for evaluation the mining in- Despite the expressed characteristics of vestment projects has been imposed. This is each mining project (specific geological, above all significant from the perspective of technological, infrastructural, socio-econo- potential investors, who need a recognizable mic, political conditions), a conventional

* Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, e-mail: [email protected] ** University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor *** The work is the result of the Project TR 33038 “Improvement the Technology of Copper Ore Mining and Processing with Monitoring of Living and Working Environment in RTB Bor Group“, funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia

No. 3-4, 2018 9 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor approach, through a set of generally accept- 3) Optimization the dynamics of ore ed procedures and formal techno-economic and overburden excavation at the documents, provides an opportunity for a open pit. recognizable and comparable evaluation the 4) Calculation the quantity of ore and economic value of the investment mining overburden and Net Present Value in projects. the optimal contour of the open pit. In implementation the optimization of In order to implement the optimization the final contour of the open pit, in addition process in Whittle software, the expected to the optimal contours also a set of addi- mining costs of ore exploitation and pro- tional contours is constructed. These addi- cessing to the level of concentrate of the tional contours are constructed as identical useful component, as well as the total as the optimal contour, but one parameter metallurgical costs for the final product or (rarely) for defining the economic model is cathode, were first estimated. changed, resulting in generation the optimal As the software manipulates only with contours different from the initial (nominal) the attributes/values of the mini blocks one. In essence, an analysis of sensitivity the from the block model of deposit, it is nec- contour of the open pit to the parameter be- essary to attach this time dependence to ing changed is actually carried out by this the mini blocks. This dependence was way. achieved on the basis of production limita- When the final contour of the open pit is tions, i.e. limited capacity of the flotation determined, it is necessary to define the ore processing. order in which the blocks will be excavated To optimize the open pits, the economic inside the final contour of the open pit or to parameters were used which include: [1] define the excavation dynamics. It can be . excavation costs per ton of excava- viewed as the order of excavation by which tions, the blocks should be removed during the lifetime of the open pit, in order to increase . processing costs per ton of ore, the total profit, in accordance with a series of . costs of metallurgical processing per operational-technological and physical unit of produced basic product – cat- constraints. hode, The aim of performed analysis is to . metal prices, define the optimal boundary of the open pit . discount rate. Cerovo Primarno-Drenova for the given In addition to the economic ones, for techno-economic parameters and limitations the optimization process, the technological of the flotation processing to 6.0 million tons parameters as well as the capacity con- (Variant I), or 12.0 million tons (Variant II), straints are defined per technological respectively. phases for the optimization process: The analysis was carried out using the software for economic analysis the long- . recovery and depletion of the ore in term planning for development the open pits the stage of excavation, Whittle (Dassault Systèmes - Geovia). . recovery in the phase of flotation The following was processed within the processing, analysis: . recovery in the phase of metallurgi- 1) Optimization of the open pit. cal processing, 2) Selection the optimal contour of the . limitation the open pit capacity in the open pit for defined technical- phase of ore excavation, economic parameters, terrain topog- . capacity limitation in the phase of raphy and existing innovative block flotation processing. model of the deposit.

No. 3-4, 2018 10 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor Block model is the basis of the modern ment a variety of algorithms and software open pit mine planning. The block model packages that use a discretization of the is a regularized, three dimensional array of ore body into a block model as their basis blocks used to represent the properties and [2]. characteristics of the ore body. The raster Figure 1 shows the zone of future ex- representation of the ore body is beneficial ploitation in the deposit Cerovo Primarno- to the analysis using the computerized Drenova, with the disposition of the exis- techniques and has resulted in develop ting mining facilities at the site Cerovo.

Figure 1 Zone of the future exploitation on the deposit Cerovo Primarno-Drenova with a dispozition of the exisating mining facilities in the field Cerovo


The techno-economic parameters used The metal prices (Cu, Au, Ag) were for optimization and determining the op- adopted on the basis of long-term forecast of timal open pit boundary are shown in Ta- price movements on the world metal ex- ble 1. changes and forecast of the World Bank.

No. 3-4, 2018 11 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor Table 1 Techno-economic parameters for optimization the open pit Parameter Unit Value Base metal prices  Copper USD/t 6,000  Gold USD/kg 40,000  Silver USD/kg 500 Costs of ore and overburden (excavation) USD/t 1.30 excavation Costs of flotation ore processing USD/t 3.40 Costs of metallurgical concentrate processing  Costs of copper production from concentrate USD/t Cu cathode 670  Costs of gold refining USD/kg 150  Costs of silver refining USD/kg 15 Flotation recoveries  Copper % 85.0  Gold % 37.0  Silver % 21.0 Metallurgical recoveries  Copper % 98.5  Gold % 91.0  Silver % 85.0 Annual capacity of ore processing t/year 6 Mt/12 Mt Discount rate % 10

The final angles of general slopes have due to the sale of useful mineral resources or been adopted from the existing technical concentrate obtained from the open pit. documentation [3]. According to the Whittle methodology, the optimization algorithm can be roughly 3 OPTIMIZATION OF THE OPEN PIT divided into three steps: AND SELECTION THE OPTIMUM  Generating the shells of the open pits, PUSHBACKS  The best and worst scenario of excava- tion, Generating the optimum open pit limit  Selection the limit boundary of the was performed applying the software open pit on a graph of changing the op- Whittle, which uses the modified Lerchs- timal contour depending on the reve- Grossmann algorithm. In this approach, a nue factor. series of the open pits of different sizes is The results of optimization are shown in generated, wherein each open pit has the Tables 2 and 3 (the first 50 shells of the open highest undiscounted value for the consi- pits, obtained by optimization from total 85, dered open pit size [4, 5]. are shown) and on a diagram of the tonnage It should be kept in mind that the only and Net Present Value (NPV) ratio for the criterion used in the Whittle method is to best and worst case, Figures 2 and 3, for maximize the net present value of revenues Variants I and II, respectively.

No. 3-4, 2018 12 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor The presented diagrams represent the each optimal contour. The best and worst changes of optimal contours depending on curves of the net values give the upper and the revenue factor of the net values. Dia- lower limits of the value that can be grams represent the net present value for achieved in practice [6, 7].

Table 2 Results of optimization (Variant I)

No. 3-4, 2018 13 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor Table 3 Results of optimization (Variant II)

No. 3-4, 2018 14 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

Figure 2 NPV tonnage graph for the best and worst case – Variant I

Figure 3 NPV tonnage graph for the best and worst case – Variant II

Based on the results of optimization  For Variant II, a shell of the open pit process: No.30 was selected, which includes  For Variant I, a shell of the open pit 321,469,484 t of ore and 541,567, No.19 was selected, which includes 569 t of overburden. 189,294,305 t of ore and 253,473, Figures 4 and 5 show the final contours 150 t of overburden. of the open pit for Variant I and Variant II.

No. 3-4, 2018 15 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

a) b)

Figure 4 Contour of the final open pit boundary – Variant I a) 2D view, b) 3D view

a) b)

Figure 5 Contour of the final open pit boundary – Variant II a) 2D view, b) 3D view


When the final contour of the open pit is The excavation dynamics was optimized determined, it is necessary to define the in the case of balancing the excavations, order in which the blocks will be excavated with the established requirement for a inside the final contour of the open pit, or to constant annual capacity of flotation ore define the excavation dynamics. processing, according to the considerations Whittle software can calculate the of Variants I and Variants II. On the basis of selected phases of the lifetime of the mine with the total quantities open pit development, the dynamics was of ore and waste, content of metals, cash generated that is used to realize the highest flows, and discounted cash flows, that is the profit for the company for Variant I and NPV, in accordance with the given limits by Variant II. the user [8]. The optimized excavation dynamics The Milawa algorithm, incorporated in with the annual cash flow for Variant I and the Whittle software, was used to optimize Variant II is shown in the graphs in Figures the excavation dynamics. 6 and 7, respectively.

No. 3-4, 2018 16 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

Figure 6 Graphic view the optimized excavation dynamics with the cash flow (Variant I)

Figure 7 Graphic view the optimized excavation dynamics with the cash flow (Variant II)


The main goal of each mining operation environmental and other parameters that is to make a profit. Basically, the mining must be planned before the project gets its processes are complex and complicated, practical value. Due to this, the costs, prices, with many different economic, technical, reserves, excavation and processing of the

No. 3-4, 2018 17 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor ore, as well as many social aspects, are backs in a Long-Term Planning crucial for the project evaluation. Process of the Open Pit - A Condition Profitability of exploitation the Cerovo for Maximization the Net Present Primarno - Drenova deposit was analyzed Value: Case Study: The Open Pit for the following annual processing capa- Veliki Krivelj, Serbia, Mining Engi- cities: neering, Mining and Metallurgy 1) For capacity of 6.0 million tons an- Institute Bor, 1-2/2018, pp. 37-44. nually – Variant I, and [3] Feasibility Study for Exploitation of 2) For capacity of 12.0 million tons an- Mineral Deposits “Kraku Bugaresku“ nually – Variant II. and ”Cerovo“, Mining and Metallurgy The obtained techno-economic results Institute Bor, 2008 are: [4] J. Whittle, Open Pit Optimization, I Variant I: Surface Mining, 2nd Edition, Editor Bruce A. Kennedy, Society for Mining, i. Ore quantity 189,294,305 t Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc, ii. Overburden quantity 253,473,150 t Littleton, Colorado, 1990, pp. 470-475; iii. NPV 316,895,258 $ [5] Kržanović D., Rajković R., Mikić M., iv. Life time of the mine 32 years The Effect of Open Pit Slope Design II Variant II: on Net Present Value for Long Term i. Ore quantity 321,469,484 t Planning, The 46th International ii. Overburden quantity 541,567,568 t October Conference on Mining and iii. NPV 436,554,907 $ Metallurgy, Bor Lake, Serbia, 2014; iv. Life time of the mine 28 years [6] Wharton C., 2000, Add Value to Your Mine Through Improved Long Term Based on the analysis, it can be conclud- Scheduling”, Whittle North American ed that significantly better economic results Strategic Mine Planning Conference, are achieved for the annual ore processing Colorado, pp. 1-13. capacity of 12.0 million tons of ore - Variant [7] Kržanović D., Vušović N., Ljubojev II. Generated NPV is higher by 37.76%, or M., Rajković R, Importance of 119,659,649 $. Planning the Open Pits in the However, in deciding on the excavation Conditions of Contemporary Mining - capacity, apart from the economic aspect, A Case Study: The Open Pit South the social aspect as well as the state interest Mining District Majdanpek, Mining must be taken into account. Engineering, Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, 1-2/2017, pp. 15-22. REFERENCES [8] Kržanović D., Ljubojev M., Jovanović I., Vušović N., An Analysis the Effects [1] Whittle User Manual, 2014, Geovia, of Changes in Price of Metal and Dessault Systemes, available at Operating Costs to the Profit in [ Exploitation the Copper Ore Deposits, A Case Study: Copper Mine CTA]. Majdanpek, Serbia, Mining Engi- [2] Kržanović D., Vušović N., Ljubojev neering, Mining and Metallurgy M., Selection of the Optimum Push- Institute Bor, 3-4/2017, pp. 51-58.

No. 3-4, 2018 18 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor MINING AND METALLURGY INSTITUTE BOR ISSN: 2334-8836 (Štampano izdanje) UDK: 622 ISSN: 2406-1395 (Online)

UDK: 622.272(045)=111 doi:10.5937/mmeb1804019M

Vitomir Milić *, Mladen Radovanović *



In the Rembas mine pits, the coal exploitation lasts for more than one century. During this period, most of coal reserves have been mined, so there is a need for introduction the new and modern technical solutions, which will enable rationalization of exploitation, higher productivity, safety on operations and better operation conditions with lower investments. In the Rembas mine pits for coal exploitation, the low-productive pillar mining methods are used. During the eighties of the last century in some pits, the mechanized longwall mining method was applied, but the expensive equipment and complex natural- geological conditions in the area Resava-Moravian coal basin restrict application of this metod. Bad financial situation, as well as the increasingly difficult operation conditions of exploitation, indicate a need to apply some of the methods which would be technically justified, and whose cost of exploitation would be proportional to the possibilities of mine. In this paper, the possibilities for application the shortwall mining methods are considered with their advantages compared to the previously applied mining methods in the Rembas mine. Keywords: underground mining, mining methods, shortwall mining, Rembas mine.


Rembas is the undergound coal mine mining methods were applied in different with the head office in Resavica. It is a part forms. The choice of these mining methods of the Public Enterprise for Underground is caused by the deposit conditions which Coal Exploitation Resavica. The Rembas are not particularly favorable. Exploitation mine has a long tradition, over 150 years of conditions in the Rembas mine pits are char- coal exploitation and very rich history [1]. acterized by the expressed tectonics, rela- Currently, within the Rembas mine, there tively unfavorable physical-mechanical are four active pits: "Jelovac", "Strmosten", properties of the operation environment, "Ravna Reka - IV block" and "Senjski variable thicknesses of coal seams, coal ten- Rudnik". dency for spontaneous self-ignition and During a long-term coal mining from presence of dangerous coal dust and hazard- the area Resava-Morava coal basin, most ous gases in some pits [2]. of the coal reserves have been exploited. According to the Book of coal re- As the dominant systems of mining in serves, the state of balance reserves on deposits of this basin, the classical pillar December 31, 2016 amounted to [3]:

* Technical Faculty Bor, University of Belgrade, V.J. 12, 19210 Bor, Serbia, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] **The work is the result of the Project TR 33038 “Improvement the Technology of Copper Ore Mining and Processing with Monitoring of Living and Working Environment in RTB Bor Group“, funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia

No. 3-4, 2018 19 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor Table 1 State of balance coal reserves in “Rembas“ mine (in tonnes) Category Deposit A B C1 A+B+C1 Ravna Reka 419 790 849 380 880 770 2 149 940 117 070 131 130 192 480 440 680 Strmosten 371 230 984 990 1 690 930 3 047 150 Jelovac 610 1 085 440 514 600 1 600 650

1.1 Geological Structure of the Ravna Reka Deposit

Considering the coal exploitation is tak- In the deposit "Ravna Reka-IV block” in ing place at ever greater depths and in in- the coal-bearing horizon, there is a seam of creasingly difficult conditions, there is a good quality brown coal. Coal seam has a need for application of more efficient min- complex structure, and it is divided in two ing methods which, in addition to the lower branches. The thickness of the coal seam investments and minimal costs, will enable ranges from 2.2 m to 18.1 m, the thickness more rational exploitation of the remaining of pure coal is from 0.5 m to 12 m, while coal reserves. Since the opening of under- the average thickness of pure coal is 4.54 m. ground coal mines, mostly low-production The direction of the coal seam is, generally, pillar mining methods have been used, so east - west, with a fall of 12º-15º towards there is a need for implementation a new the north. The coal seam floor is made of more mechanistic method that will enable gray-white to greenish clay sands, alumina the production increase, with far better indi- cators, better working conditions and signif- and coal clays. Crossing between the floor icantly better level of safety in operations. series and coal seam was built mainly from Due to the complex geological conditions in coal clays. The coal seam roof is presented the deposits, as well as due to the necessary in the normal primary conditions with gray- high investments for application the ish-whitish marl, while in the intermediate longwall mining methods, the most realistic and western parts of the deposits it is eroded solution is the application of shortwall min- by the pulled-over red Permian sandstone. ing method by a direction of dip, with drill- Intermediate waste in the coal seam is repre- ing and blasting technology and obtaining sented by coal clay from 0.2 m to 4.7 m the roof coal. thickness and clayed sandstone from 0.3 m In the “Senjski Rudnik” pit exploitation to 2.1 m thickness. These interlayers are is carried out under the old works; the re- completely absent in some parts of the de- maining coal reserves are low and mining posit, and coal seam appears as a single will come to the end for couple of years. compact seam without intermediate rock [4]. Due to this, it does not need to count on the new technological solutions of mining. 2 DESCRIPTION OF THE For the other pits in Rembas mine pos- SHORTWALL MINING METHOD sibility for application the shortwall min- The application of shortwall mining ing method will be represented on an ex- methods should represent a transition the ample of the “Ravna Reka-IV block” pit. classic pillar and longwall mining methods.

No. 3-4, 2018 20 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor In shortwall mining methods, the face is divided into pillars per a coal seam strike lengths are relatively small, not more than by drivage a haulage and ventilation drift at 20-30 m, which allows better adjustment to a distance of 40 m. For the next pillar per the specific conditions in deposit [5]. De- strike, a new ventilation drift is driven in- pending on the conditions in deposit, there is stead of preserving the haulage drift of the a possibility to increase the face length, but previous pillar. On that way, between two also reduce it if there is a justification for strike pillars at a distance of 8 m, a protec- this. The application of some of the possible tive pillar is created, through which the ven- shortwall mining method variants should tilation connections are made. At the end of enable the increase face length in order. the mining field,a preparatory incline be- Elimination of separate ventilation and elim- tween haulage and ventilation drift is driv- ination or reducing the use of timber support en. In this incline, the shortwall excavation improves the operation conditions and safety equipment is installed: double chain excava- on the excavation process [5]. tion conveyor and friction or hydraulic props with steel or timber roof beam. Ob- 2.1. Principle of Excavation taining of coal in face is carried out by the Currently, the exploitation on the Ravna drilling-blasting works, while the friction Reka deposit is carried out in the ”Ravna support is used for supporting the shortwall Reka-IV block“ pit in the mining field OP-1 face. Double chain conveyor is used for using the pillar “G“ method. In the mining removal the cast coal. This kind of a short- fields OP-2 and OP-3, the conditions in the wall face structure enables a flow-through deposit are such that they enable the appli- ventilation, while a separate ventilation is cation of shortwall mining method by the used during the shortwall preparation phase. full dip direction of coal seam. Within the Figure 1 shows the construction of a short- development phase, the mining field OP-2 wall face.

Figure 1 Construction of a shortwall face by a distance of full dip

No. 3-4, 2018 21 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor The shortwall work technology consists The selected friction support, its carry- of two basic phases, which are repeated ing capacity, the layout and face advance cyclically. In the first phase, the coal under- (which causes a short open stope time) cutting is carried out in the subsection part should ensure that the all projected phases of a shortwall face by the drilling-blasting are normalized without the difficulties works. Therefore setting support, loading caused by the face deformation of face due and removal of coal are carried out. In the to the impact of the rock pressure in the second phase, after the certain face progress excavation area. in the subsection part and after removal the For excavation in the first phase, the ex- friction props from a demolition line, coal is cavation height can be maintained as with obtained from the upper part of coal seam. the existing pillar "G" method applied in the Obtaining of a roof coal can be done alter- "Ravna Reka-IV blok" pit, due to the exist- nately at the face; while in one part of the face there is excavation in a subsection, in ing drilling equipment. The height of the the second part the caving of the roof coal upper part of the coal, which is obtained in will be done. The work cycle is shown in the second phase, is conditioned by the coal Figure 2. steam thickness.

Figure 2 The cycle of work at a shortwall face: a) drilling in the subsection, b) coal loading after blasting, c) setting of the roof beam, d) setting of the friction prop, e) obtaining the roof coal, f) moving conveyor to the starting position

2.2. Parameters of Drilling and Blasting 2  1  The specific consumption of explosives q  0.4 0.2 f   ek  depends mainly on the characteristics of the    S  rock mass, selected type of explosive and = 0.34 [kg/m3] (1) surface of the room cross-section. The specific consumption of explo- where: sives could be defined by the following e = 480/Ax - coefficient of working abi- relations [6]: lity of explosives,

No. 3-4, 2018 22 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor Ax = 190 [cm3] - working capacity of d 2 methane permitted explosive Metandetonit, p d 2 2 k=1 - coefficient which characterizes the p 0.32 necessary quality of the rock crushing, kp" = 4    0.58 f = 0.8 - strenght ratio, d 2 d 2 2 b b 0.42 S - surface of the cross section for blas- ting. 4 (5) According to the Rulebook on Techni- cal Norms for Handlings of Explosives and where: Blasting in Mining, only the methane milli- dp- diameter of cartridge, second detonators may be used, whereby in db- diameter of drillhole. the adjacent drillholes it can be detonators of The length of borehole can be calculated the same number or adjacent higher or lower according to the formula: number of deceleration interval. Also the k = l /l  l = l /k =1.03 [m] (6) sum of deceleration interval cannot exceed ib sm b b sm ib 136 ms. Because of that, the blasting will where: be performed in sections of 10 m, so the lsm= 1 [m] - predicted advance per shift, cross section area of one section will be kib= 0.97 - coefficient of drillhole utiliza- S = 30 m2. tion. The resulting value is increased by The required amount of explosives could 5%, and the specific consumption of ex- be calculated according to the formula: plosives will be: Q = q ∙ S ∙ l ∙ k = 10.7 [kg] (7) q = 1.05 ∙ 0.34 = 0.357 [kg/m3] b ib The required number of drillholes could Quantity of explosives per one drillhole: be calculated according to the formula [6]: Q1 = Q/N = 0.4153 [kg], 1.27 q  S it being adopted 0.42 [kg] (8) N   26.5 (2) 2 Quantity of explosives needed for the d  g k p center cut: where: Qz = Q1 ∙ 1.2 = 0.504 [kg] (9) 3 q = 0.34 [kg/m ] - specific consump- Quantity of explosives needed for the tion of explosives, auxiliary drillholes: S = 30 [m2] - surface of the cross sec- Q = Q ∙ 1.1 =0.462 [kg] (10) tion for blasting, p 1 The following quantity of explosives is dp = 32 [mm] - diameter of cartridge, g = 1150 - density of explosive Metan- adopted: detonit, Qz = 0.5 [kg] k = 0.435 - drillhole loading coefficient p Qp = 0.5 [kg] [7]. The corrected number of drillholes kp = kp’ ∙ kp” = 0.75 ∙ 0.58 = 0.435 (3) will be: l p 0.78 Nb = Q/Q1= 25.47 kp' =   0.75 (4) The 26 drillholes, 4 in centre cut and l 1.03 b 22 auxiliary drillholes are adopted. where: The corrected quantity of explosives lp- loading length of drillhole, for one blast will be: lb- the length of drillhole. Q = 22 ∙ 0.5+ 4 ∙ 0.5= 13 [kg]

No. 3-4, 2018 23 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor Considering the number of drillholes, done by the millisecond electric detonators, drilling according to the schedule given in intended for use in the methane mode. In Figure 3 is adopted. Initiation of loadings is this case, four slowdown intervals are used.

Figure 3 Drilling diagram and order of loading initiation at the coal face with the center cut (interval of slowing is 34 ms)


The roof coal is obtained in sections of By comparison the face parameters and 3 m long by the blasting of drillholes with a mining method indicators, it can be conc- lenght equal to the roof coal thickness. For a luded that the application of the shortwall specific consumption of explosive, a lower value is taken than for blasting in coal face, mining method has many advantages over because a large slope and gravity have a the pillar mining methods, such as: positive influence on the coal collapse. - a significantly lower preparation ratio Using the shortwall mining method, i.e. than in the pillar methods, increasing the face length, an increase in - better excavation effects, productivity could be achieved, the number - higher excavation intensity, of excavation units could be decreases, or- - drilling of roof coal is carried out from ganizational conditions could be impro-ved, the supported area, which also impro- and utilization of the haulage system could ves the operation conditions and safety be increased. It would also reduce the costs on coal face, of timber consumption, reduce the hard - by increasing the shortwall face physical labor, as well as the number of lenght, an increase of shortwall face preparatory units. The flow-through ventila- output and excavation productivity is tion ensures safety and better climate condi- ensured, tions, especially in methane pits.

No. 3-4, 2018 24 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor - number of preparatory units and num- Table 2 present the calculated indicators ber of workers on preparation are redu- in case of application the shortwall mining ced, as well as the cost of supporting, method for miningthe field OP-2 in compa- - better organization with significantly rison with the same indicators for mining the better operation conditions, and field OP-2 in case of the pillar G method - higher recovery, less losses and less di- application. lution. Table 2 Comparative overview of indicators of the applicable mining methods for the Ravna Reka deposit Shortwall face Excavation Excavation Preparation Mining method efficiency effects intensity ratio [m/t] [t/sm] [t/nad] [t/m2] Pillar G method 0.0139 34.58 8.89 5.87 Shortwall min- 0.00503 48.53 12.1325 6.13 ing method

On the basis of all the considered param- excavation intensity, and significantly higher eters, it can be said that the proposed productivity. shortwall excavation is more than an ade- The technical solution of the excavation quate replacement for the pillar methods, given in this paper enables more reliable both from the aspect of better productivity operation, better working conditions caused and organization, and from the aspect of by the flow-through ventilation, reduced financial profit. participation of manual labor, because most materials fall on the chain conveyor, while CONCLUSION the works on the face supporting are facili- tated due to the application of friction props. The low productive pillar mining met- Due to the all above, the application of hods are applied for the coal excavation in shortwall mining method by direction the the “Ravna Reka-IV block” pit. Observing full dip of coal seam is imposed as a quality the conditions of coal exploitation in the and serious solution for ensuring the conti- “Ravna Reka-IV block” pit, as well as ob- nuity, stabilization and improvement of pro- serving the technical possibilities, the struc- duction in the “Ravna Reka-IV block” pit. ture of the existing workers and Rem-bas mine financial situation, an analysis of pos- REFERENCES sibility for application the shortwall mining method by direction the full dip of coal seam [1] http:/ was performed. [2] Ivkovic M. et all, Natural and Geolo- Relative to the mechanized longwall gical Conditions of Coal Mining in the mining method, along significantly lower Pits of the Brown Coal Mine “Rem- investments, the advantage of the shortwall bas”- Resavica, Technics Technologies mining method is reflected in much better Education Management, Number 2, adjustment to the specific conditions in the Volume 7, (2012), 673-678 deposit due to the occurrence of tectonics [3] Tehnička dokumentacija JP PEU and irregularity. In comparison with the "Resavica", JP PEU Resavica, applied pillar mining methods, this method Resavica 2017. achieves higher face output, better excava- tion effects, lower preparation ratio, higher

No. 3-4, 2018 25 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor [4] Group of authors, Main Mining Design [6] Milićević Ž., Design the Mines with for Coal Exploiotation of the Deposit Underground Exploitation, Technical “Ravna Reka“ Locality “IV block“ Faculty in Bor, Bor, 2007 (in Serbian) RMU Rembas - Resavica, Ugalj [7] Milićević Ž., Technology of Under- projekt, Belgrade, 2010 (in Serbian) ground Mining the Deposits of Mineral [5] Milićević Ž., Methods of Underground Resources, Technical Faculty in Bor, Mining the Deposits of Mineral Bor, 2013, p. 221 (in Serbian) Resources, Technical Faculty in Bor, Bor, 2011, p.71 (in Serbian)

No. 3-4, 2018 26 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor MINING AND METALLURGY INSTITUTE BOR ISSN: 2334-8836 (Štampano izdanje) UDK: 622 ISSN: 2406-1395 (Online)

UDK: 622.7:519.816(045)=111 doi:10.5937/mmeb1804027J

Ivana Jovanović*, Nenad Magdalinović*, Daniel Kržanović*, Radmilo Rajković*



This paper presents a comparative overview the modeling results of flotation process from the Veliki Krivelj plant. Within the research, a total of ten models were formed using the various methods of soft computing - fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks and hybrid system ANFIS. It was found that the flota- tion concentration process is best modeled using artificial neural networks, where the best correlation coefficients between the actual and predicted values of copper content in concentrate and tailings, as well as the copper recovery in concentrate are achieved. They also gave the minimal RMSE in all cases. Keywords: flotation, modeling, fuzzy logic, ANN, ANFIS


Modern industrial flotation systems and man intelligence – adaptation and lear-ning, demands for the high quality technological planning under high uncertainty, and com- products require the accomplishment of puting immense quantities of data [4, 5]. complex tasks with a high precision, under Motivation for the use of soft computing the insufficiently defined conditions [1, 2]. methods in modeling the flotation process is Classical process models and conventional also the possibility of incorporating the ex- control techniques do not provide enough pert heuristic knowledge into models, as effective results when it comes to such sys- well as increased flexibility in interpretation tems. On the contrary, there is an everyday the obtained results . For development of mathematical mo- need for inclusion the human factors (ex- dels, the flotation plant in Veliki Krivelj was perts and/or operators) in the monitoring chosen. This plant is an integral part of the process, as well as the control and regulation Mining and Smelting Combine Bor [3]. of technological parameters. For these and similar reasons, a need arises to introduce EXPERIMENTAL AND the intelligent flotation control systems and DEVELOPMENT OF MODELS soft computing based models, characterized by a certain degree of intuition in creating For the purposes of this research, THE responses – analogous to human experts [3]. fuzzy logic, ANFIS and artificial neural Intelligent control is a discipline where network based flotation models have been the control methods are developed so that developed. Their brief systematization is they mimic important characteristics of hu- shown in Table 1.

* Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor **This investigation was conducted under the Project TR 33007 "Implementation of the Modern Tech- nical, Technological and Ecological Design Solutions in the Existing Production Systems of the Cop- per Mine Bor and Copper Mine Majdanpek", funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Tech- nological Development of the Republic of Serbia

No. 3-4, 2018 27 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor Table 1 Basic data about models

Input variables Output variables Final Cu Collector Collector Final Copper SC Method Label Frother Pulp tailings content dosage dosage concentrate recovery dosage pH grade in feed (roughing) (scavenging) grade (CCU) (RCU) (TCU) Fuzzy logic (Mamdani EMM* + + + + + + + + system) Fuzzy logic (Takagi– ESM + + + + + + + + Sugeno system) Fuzzy logic (Mamdani BMM + + + + + + system) Fuzzy logic (Takagi– BSM + + + + + + Sugeno system) Adaptive neuro-fuzzy ANF1 + + + + system Adaptive neuro-fuzzy ANF2 + + + + system Adaptive neuro-fuzzy ANF3 + + + + system Artificial neural ANN1 + + + + + + networks Artificial neural ANN2 + + + + + + networks Artificial neural ANN3 + + + + + + networks *BMM – Basic Mamdani Model, BSM – Basic Sugeno Model, EMM – Extended Mamdani Model, ESM – Extended Sugeno Model

Data for models were collected from velopment and results of these models are the industrial flotation plant "Veliki Kri- given in literature [3]. velj". The ore processing in the plant in- cludes: two-stage grinding and classifica- COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF tion, rough flotation of copper minerals, MODELS' OUTCOMES regrinding of the rougher and scavenger concentrate, three-stage cleaning of co- A comparative analysis of the modeling pper concentrate and scavenging after the results was based on the correlation coeffi- first cleaning. cient values and root mean square errors, Experimental research was performed in obtained by the regression analysis. Figures 1 - 3 present the column chart diagrams sho- the virtual conditions, using the MATLAB wing the values of correlation coefficients, programming language. The validation of while Figures 4 - 6 present the column chart the proposed flotation models was carried diagrams showing the root mean square out in Microsoft Excel. More details on de errors for each of ten developed models.

No. 3-4, 2018 28 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

Figure 1 Correlation coefficients of the real and predicted values of copper content in the final concentrate.

Figure 2 Correlation coefficients of the real and predicted values of copper recovery in the final concentrate.

Figure 3 Correlation coefficients of the real and predicted values of copper content in the final tailings

No. 3-4, 2018 29 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

Figure 4 Root mean square errors of the copper content prediction in the final concentrate

Figure 5 Root mean square errors of the copper recovery prediction in the final concentrate

Figure 6 Root mean square errors of the copper content prediction in the final tailings

No. 3-4, 2018 30 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor Considering the results shown in Fig- imperfections of the reagent dosing devices, ures 1 – 3, the obtained correlation coeffi- differences in the lime activity, quality of cients are very high, which in general points reverse water, etc. to a good mutual relationship between the The lowest correlation coefficients be- actual and predicted values of the output tween the actual and predicted values were variables. However, the values of the root obtained in predicting the tailings grade, mean square error (Figures 4 – 6) indicate a and this is generally valid for all models. significant deviations between the values The reason can lie in a relatively narrow predicted by the models and real process range of real values of the tailings grade in data. The assumption is that these devia- relation to the concentrate grade and recov- tions occurred due to the fluctuations in the ery (see Table 2). Therefore, the influences real process data that can be caused by the of completely different values of the input different factors, such as: variable process parameters can be integratedly manifested dynamics due to the stoppage in the plant through very similar or same tailing grades, operation, higher oscillations in the process without considering this during modeling. parameters that were considered constant in This situation could significantly affect the models (grinding fineness, pulp density), correlation coefficients.

Table 2 Maximum and minimum measured values of the output parameters in the plant CCU,% RCU,% TCU,% Max 28.09 96.48 0.15 Min 7.91 40.78 0.01

Also, any possible imperfections in the system. Also, this data shows how the addi- sampling of tailings (which are especially tional information about the current state of coupled with instabilities in the plant opera- the system can be obtained by the modeling tion), should not be ignored, because it is an of that system. extremely small content of Cu in the sam- Although it has already been noted that ples, and therefore a proper sampling is cru- all models have the high values of correla- cial for obtaining the precise chemical com- tion coefficients, some differences can be position of tailings. established by the mutual comparison of The highest correlation coefficients be- modeling results. For example, the BMM tween the actual and predicted values were model has some poorer correlation coeffi- obtained in predicting the copper recovery in cients than the other models, and the RMSE the concentrate, which is also generally valid indicate the significant deviations from the for all models. On the other hand, the high- real values, especially when it comes to the est RMSEs are present on diagrams related variable CCU and RCU. Also, it can be to the variable RCU. Such results indicate claimed that the ANF3 model is the least that in the process of achieving the balance adequate because, regardless of the high of performances of the flotation plant "Ve- correlation coefficient, it has a large RMSE liki Krivelj", more complete performances of predicting the copper content in tailings. are achieved regarding the concentrate On the other hand, the artificial neural grade. This conclusion does not mean that network models have shown the best predic- the copper recovery is ignored, but that the tive properties regarding to all three output process is a "fine-tuned" in a direction of flotation variables. Therefore, there is a hy- obtaining the highest concentrate grade. This pothesis that the artificial neural networks would be the underlying reason for the max- better "overcome" the datasets in which a imum RMSE in modeling of the RCU vari- large scattering of values is present, or in the able, under thecircumstances in which it is other words, provide the responses that bet- confirmed that the soft computing models ter follow the fluctuations in the output da- illustrate well the state and variations of the tasets, at least in terms of flotation modeling.

No. 3-4, 2018 31 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor Generally speaking, performances of the served that all methods give the high corre- fuzzy logic models with the five input varia- lation coefficients between the actual and bles (EMM, ESM) are somewhat better than predicted values of output parameters, but the performances of fuzzy logic models with some differences can be noticed among three input variables (BMM, BSM), espe- them. The highest values of Rare given by cially regarding the copper concentrate the artificial neural networks, while the low- grade and recovery. Based on this, it can be est R values are given by the fuzzy logic concluded that the introduction of a larger models with the three input variables. Con- number of input variables leads to the im- cerning the RMSE, this value is the lowest provement of predictive properties of this for the ANN models, and the highest for type of the flotation models. Therefore, there fuzzy logic models with the three input vari- is a recommendation for development the ables (copper content and recovery in the fuzzy logic models with the six or more in- put variables. However, in this case, the final concentrate) and ANFIS (copper con- maximum number of input parameters must tent in the final tailings). Therefore, it can be be taken into account due to the size and concluded that the artificial neural networks complexity of the fuzzy logic rule base. present the most suitable tool for flotation Finally, when it comes to comparing the modeling, when it comes to the soft compu- fuzzy logic models with the models based ting methods. on the hybrid ANFIS system, there are indi- cations that the ANF1 model has better pre- REFERENCES dictive properties than the BMM and BSM [1] Chanturia V.A., Innovations in a Com- model in predicting the copper concentrate prehensive and Profound Mineral grade. Processing in Russia, Rudarski glasnik By mutual comparison the correlation (Bulletin of Mines), No 1-2, pp. 5 – 30, properties of the BMM and BSM model, i.e. 2016. EMM and ESM model, and having in mind [2] Radosavljević M., Vujić S., Filipović their root mean square errors of prediction, it J., Boševski T., Praštalo Ž., Functional was found that there is no significant differ- Correlativity of an Integrated Mana- ence of what fuzzy system is applied in the process of the flotation modeling (for the gement System and Mining Processes, same conditions). Rudarski glasnik (Bulletin of Mines), There are indications in literature that the No 1-2, pp. 43 – 51, 2016 Takagi-Sugeno method gives some better [3] Jovanović I. Model of an Intelligent results regarding to modeling the same pro- Adaptive Management System of the cesses, under the identical conditions [3]. Ore Processi)ng Process, Faculty of Accordingly, in this particular case, there are Mining and Geology, Belgrade, PhD certain differences in favor of the Takagi- thesis, p. 217, 2016. (in Serbian) Sugeno method, but these differences are not [4] Jovanović I., Magdalinović S., Mikić distinctive. M., Miljanović I., Possibilities of Intro- ducing an Intelligent Control System in CONCLUSION the Flotation Plant Veliki Krivelj, Mining and Metallurgy Engineering Within this research, a total of ten flota- Bor 3-4/2017, pp. 85 – 90, 2017. tion models were developed using the vari- [5] Jovanović I., Nešković J., Petrović S., ous soft computing methods – fuzzy logic, Milanović D., A Hybrid Approach to hybrid system ANFIS and artificial neural Modeling the Flotation Process from networks. Their predictive properties were the “Veliki Krivelj” Plant, Mining and compared by means of correlation coeffi- Metallurgy Engineering Bor 1-2/2018, cients (R) and root mean square prediction pp. 1 – 10, 2018. errors (RMSE). In general, it has been ob

No. 3-4, 2018 32 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor MINING AND METALLURGY INSTITUTE BOR ISSN: 2334-8836 (Štampano izdanje) UDK: 622 ISSN: 2406-1395 (Online)

UDK: 669:681.5(045)=111 doi:10.5937/mmeb1804033R

Srbislav Radivojević*, Mlađan Maksimović*, Darjan Karabašević*, Srđan Novaković*



Every organization today faces the problem of decision making. In this regard, the intent of this pa- per is to present an approach based on the multi-criteria decision-making methods. Primarily, the proposed approach is aimed to help solving problem of choosing the optimal production lines in the metallurgical industry. The proposed approach is based on the use of the AHP method for determining the weights of criteria, whereas the Compromise Programming is used for selection the alternatives. The usability, applicability and efficiency of the proposed approach is demonstrated in a conducted case study of selection the production lines in the metallurgical industry. Keywords: metallurgical industry; production lines; MCDM; Compromise Programming


Metallurgy represents a science that is defined as the selection of an alternative aimed to the production of metal alloys. from the set of available alternatives [2]. Most often it includes the refining, alloy Also, very rapid development of the MCDM production, shaping and refining, as well as field has caused a creation of many MCDM studying the structure, composition and methods, such as: SAW, AHP, PROME- properties of metals. By a type of metal, it is THEE, ELECTREE, COPRAS, MOORA, most often divided into the ferrous (iron and ARAS and MULTIMOORA, etc. Compari- steel) and metallurgy of non-ferrous metals sons of some of them are given by Mardani (obtaining all other metals). Legrand et al. et al. [3] and Turskis and Zavadskas [4]. So [1] states that the “metallurgical industry far, MCDM methods have been successfully mainly transforms steel or its derivative applied in solving problems in the metallur- products into products with either better gical industry such as: thermoplastic matrix surface properties (thanks to the surface selection for fiber metal laminate using the transformations....), or into different shape fuzzy VIKOR and entropy measure for ob- products (lamination...), involves some pro- jective weighting [5] and selecting the Com- cessing tools which can generate the flaws plementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (cracks, grooves...) within the process”. (CMOS) Image Sensors using a fuzzy Until now, the multiple-criteria decision- MCDM framework [6]. making (MCDM) is often used as a tool for Based on the above stated, the main aim solving a wide range of complex problems. of the paper is to provide the effective ap- In the simplest sense, the MCDM can be proach based on the MCDM methods for

* Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance, University Business Academy in Novi Sad, Jevrejska 24, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia. E-mail: [email protected]

No. 3-4, 2018 33 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor selection the production lines in the metal- where Lp, i is the distance metric of alterna- lurgical industry. The AHP method is ap- tive i for a given parameter p ; w is the plied for the weight determination whereas j the programming is applied for ranking the weight of criterion j; xij is the performance alternative compromise. *  Therefore, the paper is organized as fol- of alternative i to criterion j ; x j and x j lows. In Section 1, the Introductory consid- are the best and the worst performance of erations are presented. In section 2, the ap- alternative i for criterion j , i 1, 2, ,m ; plied methodology is explained. In section 3, m denotes number of alternatives, and the conducted case study is presented. Final- j 1, 2, ,n ; n denotes the number of ly, the conclusions are given at the end of manuscript. criteria. The parameter p , in equation (1), is 2 METHODOLOGY used to represent the importance of maxi- mal deviation from the ideal point. By vary- The Method of Analytical Hierarchical ing the parameter p from 1 to infinity, it is Processes (AHP), which is proposed by possible to move from minimizing sums of Saaty [7] is one of the most popular methods individual deviations to minimizing the of multi-criteria decision making. The popu- maximal deviations to the ideal point, in a larity of this method is influenced by the decision-making process. More precisely, hierarchical problem structuring and com- when the parameter p has a value of 1, all parison in pairs. Therefore, the AHP method the distances in relation to the ideal point was applied for determining the weight of have the same significance and, in this case, criteria. the sum of distance in relation to each crite- The concept of Compromise Progra- rion is calculated, and alternative with the mming (CP) was proposed by Yu [8] and lowest sum value is the most acceptable. Zeleny [9]. Until now, the CP was applied in The choice of a particular value of this order to solve different problems, such as: compensation parameter p depends on the Fuzzy-based heat and power hub models for type of problem and desired solution [13]. the cost-emission operation of an industrial *  consumer using compromise programming The best x j and the worst x j perfor- [10], a Nadir Compromise Programming for mance for criterion j should be determined supplier selection problem under uncertainty as follows: [11], empowering cash managers through Compromise Programming [12], etc. max xij ; j  max *  i The basic idea of the CP is to determine x j   , and (2) min xij ; j  min the alternative that has the least distance  i from the ideal solution (ideal point). For some problems of multi-criteria de- min xij ; j  max   i , (3) cision-making that involves m alternatives x j   max xij ; j  min that are evaluated on the basis of n criteria,  i the procedure for selecting the most ac- where max and max denote the set of ceptable alternative can be represented as benefit and cost criteria, respectively. follows: 1 Determination of the most acceptable al-  p  p ternative with application of compromise n  x*  x   p  j ij   programming method is considered to be min L   w  , (1) p, i  j  *   relatively simple, but also efficient and un-  j1  x j  x j     derstandable for decision makers. Accor-

No. 3-4, 2018 34 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor dingly, we suggest application of this meth- k where w j denotes significance of the j-th od when solving problems of production lines in the metallurgical industry. criteria obtained based on the standpoints k The evaluation of alternatives based on of the k -th respondent, xij denotes per- application of AHP and CP methods in the formance of the i-th alternative in relation group environment will be presented below. to the j-th criteria obtained from k-th de- In a group environment, the decisions cision maker; i=1,2, ..., m; j=1,2, ..., n; k are made based on the views of several re- =1,2, ..., K. spondents, usually experts in the relevant field. In the literature, several approaches to 3 CASE STUDY - SELECTION OF a group decision-making have been consi- PRODUCTION LINES IN THE dered, and as a commonly used procedure, METALLURGICAL INDUSTRY it is possible to indicate the approach in which: In the considered case study, the evalua- - determine the group weights of criteria tion of five production lines in the metallur- based on the weights of criteria ob- gy industry was carried out based on the tained from each respondent using the opinions of the five domain experts. AHP method; The production lines have been evaluat- - determine the group performances of ed from three points of view: alternatives in relation to the criteria - reliability, reflected in time and based on the performances of alterna- maintenance and repair costs, as well tives obtained from each respondent; as the number of planned and un- - determine the overall performances, planned downtime of the production i.e. the significance of each alternative line. of some MCDM method, and, in given - quality of the products on these lines. case, using the CP method, based on - productivity. the group weights and group perfor- Therefore, the following criteria have mances. been adopted for the purpose of evaluating Group weights and group performances production lines: can be determined using the following for- - C1 – exploitation indicator, mula: - C2 – maintenance and repair indicator, - C3 – performance indicator, and 1 K k , (4) - C4 – quality indicator. w j   w j K k1 Table 1 shows the group weights ob- tained using the AHP method and applying 1 K x  x k , (5) formula (4), based on the standpoints of the ij  ij five decision makers. K k1

Table 1 Group weights of the evaluation criteria

Е1 Е2 Е3 Е4 Е5 wi

C1 0.128 0.114 0.141 0.138 0.128 0.130

C2 0.265 0.192 0.141 0.125 0.265 0.197

C3 0.333 0.337 0.263 0.309 0.333 0.315

C4 0.275 0.358 0.455 0.428 0.275 0.358

No. 3-4, 2018 35 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor After determining the group weights, of criteria. For evaluation the alternatives, each of the five experts have evaluated the the five-step Likert scale was used as alternatives in relation to the selected set shown in Table 2.

Table 2 Five-step Likert scale used for evaluation the performances of alternatives in relation to the set of criteria Rating Meaning 5 Excellent performances 4 Good performances 3 Average performances 2 Below the average performances 1 Bad performances

The performance of the alternatives in Tables 3-7. obtained from the five experts are shown Table 3 Performances of alternatives in relation to the criteria obtained from the first decision maker

C1 C2 C3 C4 А1 4 4 4 4 А2 3 4 5 4 А3 4 3 4 3 А4 5 5 5 4 А5 3 5 3 4

Table 4 Performances of alternatives in relation to the criteria obtained from the second decision maker

C1 C2 C3 C4 А1 4 3 4 4 А2 4 5 5 5 А3 5 3 4 4 А4 5 5 5 3 А5 3 5 3 4

Table 5 Performances of alternatives in relation to the criteria obtained from the third decision maker

C1 C2 C3 C4 А1 5 5 4 4 А2 5 5 3 3 А3 4 4 4 3 А4 5 4 4 4 А5 3 5 3 4

No. 3-4, 2018 36 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor Table 6 Performances of alternatives in relation to the criteria obtained from the fourth decision maker

C1 C2 C3 C4 А1 4 4 4 4 А2 4 3 5 5 А3 3 4 5 3 А4 3 3 5 3 А5 3 5 3 4 Table 7 Performances of alternatives in relation to the criteria obtained from the fifth decision maker

C1 C2 C3 C4 А1 4 3 5 4 А2 3 3 4 3 А3 3 2 5 3 А4 3 4 4 4 А5 3 4 3 4

Finally, the group performances, shown in Table 8. obtained applying the formula (5), are Table 8 Group performances of alternatives obtained from five experts

C1 C2 C3 C4 А1 4.200 3.800 4.200 4.000 А2 3.800 4.000 4.400 4.000 А3 3.800 3.200 4.400 3.200 А4 4.200 4.200 4.600 3.600 А5 3.000 4.800 3.000 4.000

The normalized and weighted norma- where xij denotes the normalized perfor- lized decision matrix was obtained using the mance of the i-th alternative in relation to the following formula: j-th criteria, and vij denoted the weighted x*  x x  j ij , (6) normalized performance of the i-th alterna- ij *  x j  x j tive in relation to the j-th criteria. The normalized and weighted norma- * x j  xij lized decision matrix are shown in Tables 9 vij  w j , (7) x*  x  and 10. j j Table 9 Normalized decision making matrix

C1 C2 C3 C4 А1 0.0000 0.6250 0.2500 0.0000 А2 0.3333 0.5000 0.1250 0.0000 А3 0.3333 1.0000 0.1250 1.0000 А4 0.0000 0.3750 0.0000 0.5000 А5 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000

No. 3-4, 2018 37 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor Table 10 Weighted normalized decision making matrix

C1 C2 C3 C4

А1 0.0000 0.1233 0.0787 0.0000

А2 0.0433 0.0986 0.0393 0.0000

А3 0.0433 0.1972 0.0393 0.3583

А4 0.0000 0.0740 0.0000 0.1791

А5 0.1298 0.0000 0.3147 0.0000

Overall performances of alternatives, as p=1, are shown in Table 11. well as rank of alternatives, for parameter Table 11 Overall performances of alternatives, for parameter p=1

Alternatives L1,i Rank

А1 0.2019 2

А2 0.1812 1

А3 0.6381 5

А4 0.2531 3

А5 0.4445 4

As shown in Table 11, the most accepta- The overall performances of alternatives, ble alternative is an alternative, i.e. produc- as well as the rank of alternatives, for pa- tion line designated as А2. rameter p=5, are shown in Table 12.

Table 12 Overall performances of alternatives, for parameter p=5

Alternatives L5,i Rank

А1 0.00003 2

А2 0.00001 1

А3 0.00620 5

А4 0.00019 3

А5 0.00312 4


Based on the data from Table 12, it can In modern business, often are used dif- be concluded that the increase of parameter ferent methods and algorithms in order to p does not affect the ranking of alternatives, solve the complex problems that accompany which is why the production line designated the production and optimization of pro- duction factors, which have an impact on as А2 can be considered the most appro- priate under the given conditions. profitability. The complexity of the problem

No. 3-4, 2018 38 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor often requires the application of decision Techniques and Their Applications–A making methods in order to solve the men- Review of Literature from 2000 to tioned problems. 2014. Economic Research, 28(1) Every organization today faces the prob- (2015) 516-571. lem of decision-making. In this sense, one of [4] Turskis Z. Zavadskas E. K., Multiple the intentions of this paper was to present a Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) model based on the multi-criteria decision Methods in Economics: An Overview. making methods, which aims to solve prob- Technological and Economic Develop- lem of selecting the optimal production lines ment of Economy, 2 (2011) 397-427. in the metallurgical industry. [5] Ishak N. M., Sivakumar D., Mansor The proposed model represents a hybrid M. R., Thermoplastic Matrix Selection AHP-CP model that was tested on a case for Fibre Metal Laminate Using Fuzzy study for the selection of production lines in Vikor and Entropy Measure for the metallurgical industry. Applying this Objective Weighting. Journal of approach, the most acceptable production Engineering Science and Technology, line was successfully selected. It was also 12(10) (2017) 2792-2804. found that an increase in the value of param- [6] Huang C. Y., Hung M. C., Jhu T. L., eter p does not affect the ranking order of the Tzeng, G. H., Selecting a CMOS alternatives, which makes the production sensor by using a fuzzy MCDM frame- work. In System Science and Enginee- line designated as А2 as the most appropriate under the given conditions. Previously stated ring (ICSSE), 2010 International Conference (pp. 119-123). IEEE. shows that the proposed model is applicable and effective, especially as it can help the [7] Saaty T.L., The Analytical Hierarchy management in a selection of strategies in Process: Planning, Priority Setting, order to optimize the allocation of available Resource Allocation. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1980. resources. [8] Yu P. L., A Class of Solutions for REFERENCES Group Decision Problems. Mana- gement Science 19(8) (1973) 936-946. [1] Legrand A. C., Suzeau P., Renier E., [9] Zeleny M., Compromise progra- Truchetet F., Gorria P., Meriaudeau F., mming. In: Multiple Criteria Decision Machine Vision Systems in the Meta- Making, eds: J. Cochrane L. & M. llurgy Industry. Journal of Electronic Zeleny, pp. 262-301, University of Imaging, 10(1) (2001) 274-283. South Carolina Press, Columbia, SC, [2] Vujić D., Stanujkić D., Urošević S., 1973. Karabašević D., An Approach to Lea- [10] Khodaei H., Hajiali M., Darvishan A., der Selection in the Mining Industry Sepehr M., Ghadimi, N., Fuzzy-Based Based on the Use of Weighted Sum Heat and Power Hub Models for Cost- Preferred Levels of the Performances Emission Operation of an Industrial Method. Mining and Metallurgy Consumer Using Compromise Progra- Engineering Bor, (4) (2016), 53-62. mming. Applied Thermal Engineering, [3] Mardani A., Jusoh A., MD Nor K., 137 (2018) 395-405. Khalifah Z., Zakwan N. Valipour A., [11] Ekhtiari M., Zandieh M., Alem-Tabriz Multiple Criteria Decision-Making A., Rabieh, M., A Nadir Compromise Programming for Supplier Selection

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No. 3-4, 2018 40 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor MINING AND METALLURGY INSTITUTE BOR ISSN: 2334-8836 (Štampano izdanje) UDK: 622 ISSN: 2406-1395 (Online)

UDK: 005.7:502/504(497..1)(045)=111 doi:10.5937/mmeb1804041V

Danijela Vujić*, Srđan Novaković**, Mlađan Maksimović**, Darjan Karabašević**



Leadership becomes an important topic of research in the organizational theory as it is an es- sential factor for success of organizations. Leadership can be understood as a process of influenc- ing followers based on clear values and beliefs. Leaders, based on their own power, create trust in the organization and desire for followers to achieve the goals of both the group and organization. Bearing in mind that the natural resources are a factor necessary for functioning the societies in the modern world, the main goal of this paper is to determine the leadership styles in organiza- tions that apply the concept of preservation the natural resources in their operations. Keywords: leadership; natural resources; leadership styles


The accelerated industrialization and Without leadership, the realization of a increasing level of production in the world task is impossible [8]. caused a faster depletion of natural re- Davis [2] states that the term leader- sources and emergence of the environmen- ship implies an attitude, guiding the or- tal problems, which directly affects the ganization or some of its part in a new environment. The whole world is affected direction, problem solving, creativity, by the serious environmental problems, but launching new programs, building organi- it is increasingly difficult to find a balance zational structures and improving quality between the production and ecology. in an organization. According to Kotter Economic development is unthinkable [6], leadership is the art of mobilizing without the natural resources. Natural re- others who strive towards the goal realiza- sources belong to a group of basic and tion and common aspirations. unavoidable factors on which develop- Dulewicz and Higgs [3] consider that ment is based. the relationship between the approach of a Leadership is the ability to focus the leader, i.e. the leadership style and context group on the organization's vision and in which they function and act is extreme- goals. It can be said that it represents one ly important. They also argue that behav- of the key features of an organization that iors of the leaders on the basis of investi- interacts with the employees, and has a gated literature [4; 5; 11; 13] can be great influence on the rate of turnover. grouped into three categories: 1) Orienta

* Military Medical Academy, Crnotravska 17, 11000, Belgrade **Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance, University Business Academy in Novi Sad, Jevrejska 24, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia. E-mail: [email protected]

No. 3-4, 2018 41 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor tion towards the goals - goal orientation is followers because they are involved in a set of behaviors in which the leader sets what is happening, but also contributes to the direction and behaves in the way that development the skills and competencies he / she plays an important role in direct- of the followers. Liberal leadership "lais- ing others to accomplish the key goals sez-faire" leadership style - according to necessary to achieve certain performance Lewin et al. [7], the liberal leadership rep- of an organization; 2) Involving - in this resents the leadership style in which the category, the focus of the leader remains leader is nominated and still physically to provide a strong sense of direction, occupies a leadership position, but where however, there is a significant focus on more or less avoids the responsibilities the involvement of others (followers) with and assigned tasks. the aim of setting direction, and to a great- Based on the above stated, the paper is er extent in determining the way in which organized as follows. In section 1, the Intro- the goals will be achieved; 3) participation ductory considerations are presented. In - behavior of the leaders in this category is section 2, the materials and methods are focused on facilitating others in achieving explained. The section 3 displays the results the nature of directions and the way to followed by a discussion. Finally, the con- achieve the necessary goals. clusions are given at the end of manuscript. Leadership styles are ways in which the relationships between the leaders and 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS followers and others in the organization are based, i.e. the way through which the The survey of leadership styles was leader directs the behavior of subordinates carried out in the period from 15/05/2017, and means by which it is used to acquire a until 30/06/2017 in 4 economic entities. consent to the desired behavior [12]. The survey of leadership styles was made Leadership styles are patterns of be- according to a questionnaire designed by havior initiated by the leaders when work- Northouse [9-10]. ing with the followers. Lewin et al. [7] Of the total number of surveyed leaders identified three styles of leadership: auto- was 26 in all four economic entities, there cratic leadership; democratic leadership; were 65.38% of male leaders and 34.62% of and liberal, i.e. "laissez-faire" leadership. female leaders. Regarding the age of the Autocratic leadership - in this style of total number, there were 15.38% of the lead- leadership, people know exactly what to ers in the age from 25 to 30, 26.93% of the do and how to work and always expect the leaders in the age from 31 to 45 years, and exact instructions to follow. Bhatti et al. 57.69% of the leaders in the age from 46 to [1] argue that, in terms of productivity, the 60 years. Regarding the level of education, autocratic style is most effective, however, the total number of leaders were 19.23% of Suša [12] states that the stated leadership leaders with the college diplomas; 50% of style in time leads to a dissatisfaction with leaders with the university degree. and the group climate. Democratic leadership - 30.77% of leaders with the completed post- it is often mentioned as the most effective graduate studies. style of leadership. In a democratic (often Ranked importance of leadership referred as participative) leadership, a styles are calculated by assigning the "democratic leader" makes the final deci- score value for each parameter that is sion, he/she always invites other team characterized by a set of answers from the members, followers to contribute and take survey. Applying this methodology opens part in a decision-making process. This the way for implementation the parametric way of leadership not only contributes to statistical test for evaluation the parame- increasing satisfaction with the work of ters set by the principle of interval values.

No. 3-4, 2018 42 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor The obtained values correspond to the compression of the phenomenon itself rules for applying the above tests. In this resulted in precise, based on the survey way, the commodity is obtained, and it is data. By extracting the maximum from concluded that based on the average va- data, the new derived indicators were ob- lues that are in the interval from 6 to 30. tained which will provide the best possible By doing so, all parameters are compared, way through an analysis (ANOVA) to i.e. they are all present in this interval in generalizing the conclusions. By summa- generate the information on the reasons rizing this way, the given ratings of the for determining the respondents when it scattered ness of data was avoided, i.e. comes to the leadership styles.

3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 1 Test of normality


Statistic df Sig. Authoritarian 0.161 26 0.081 Democratic 0.147 26 0.155 Liberal 0.156 26 0.106

The Kolmogorov-Smirnov distribution normal distribution of probability, which normalization test is seen from Table 1 implies the use of parametric statistical that all three leadership styles meet the tests.

Table 2 ANOVA test of the importance of leadership styles according to the gender of leaders Sum of the Average of Probability df F square square of error Between 2.615 1 2.615 0.641 0.431 the groups Authoritarian Inside the 98.000 24 4.083 group Total 100.615 25 Between 5.213 1 5.213 1.018 0.323 the groups Democratic Inside the 122.941 24 5.123 group Total 128.154 25 Between 0.111 1 0.111 0.007 0.936 the groups Liberal Inside the 406.235 24 16.926 group Total 406.346 25

It can be seen from Table 2 that by de- ducted for both genders of surveyed lea- tecting the differences based on the ave- ders. With statistical test, the gender differ- rage scores, the statistical testing is con rences were tested and their influence on

No. 3-4, 2018 43 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor determination for all three leadership styles. dents are negligible between the group and These differences are put into a relationship within the group which can certainly be through an F test giving an explanatory regarded that no one leadership style is error probability that generalizes the con- important in relation to the others, and that clusion about random variation or variation variation is accidentally in this social phe- that has the natural and systemic founda- nomenon and work environment. With tion in this phenomenon explaining the confidence, it can be argued that the phe- very importance of a half of surveyed lead- nomenon that defines the examined leader ers towards the leadership styles. The ob- in terms of importance the leadership does served differences expressed through the not have the significant statistical differ- average scores for the gender of respon- rences in relation to the gender.

Table 3 ANOVA test of the importance of leadership styles according to the age of the leaders Sum of the Average of Probability df F square square of error Between the 37.025 2 18.512 6.696 0.005 groups Authoritarian Inside the 63.590 23 2.765 group Total 100.615 25 Between the 24.106 2 12.053 2.664 0.091 groups Democratic Inside the 104.048 23 4.524 group Total 128.154 25 Between the 31.489 2 15.745 0.966 0.396 groups Liberal Inside the 374.857 23 16.298 group Total 406.346 25

It can be seen from Table 3 that the de- observed differences are shown through the tection of differences, based on the average average scores for the age of employees, scores, was accessed by the statistics test- where the importance of authoritarian lead- ing for each category of age of the sur- ership can be considered with certainty and veyed leaders. The statistical test was used that variation has a systematic foundation to detect the arise of differences between in this social phenomenon in the working the age groups and their effect on determi- environment (F = 6.7, p = 0.005). It can be nation for all three styles of leadership. safely argued that the systematic phenome- These differences are put into a relationship non that defines the surveyed leader in through the F test, which further explains terms of importance the leadership differs the probability of error by which generaliz- in relation to all three age groups. After es the conclusion on a random variation or confirming the statistical difference using variation that has a natural systemic foun- the ANOVA test, it is approached to de- dation in this phenomenon which explains termine in which age groups the difference the very importance of the age of surveyed occurred and this is done by the following leaders towards the leadership styles. The analysis.

No. 3-4, 2018 44 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor Table 4 Post Hoc test 95% confidence Average Std. Probability interval difference error error Lower Upper from 31 to 45 -3.643* 1.042 0.002 -5.80 -1.49 from years 25 to 30 from years 46 to 60 -3.033* 0.936 0.004 -4.97 -1.10 years from 25 to 30 3.643* 1.042 0.002 1.49 5.80 from years Authoritarian 31 to 45 years from 46 to 60 0.610 0.761 0.431 -0.96 2.18 years from 25 to 30 3.033* 0.936 0.004 1.10 4.97 from years 46 to 60 years from 31 to 45 -0.610 0.761 0.431 -2.18 0.96 years from 31 to 45 -3.071* 1.333 0.031 -5.83 -0.31 from years 25 to 30 from years 46 to 60 -1.833 1.197 0.139 -4.31 0.64 years from 25 to 30 3.071* 1.333 0.031 0.31 5.83 from years Democratic 31 to 45 years from 46 to 60 1.238 0.974 0.216 -0.78 3.25 years from 25 to 30 1.833 1.197 0.139 -0.64 4.31 from 46 years to 60 years from 31 to 45 -1.238 0.974 0.216 -3.25 0.78 years from 31 to 45 -3.143 2.530 0.227 -8.38 2.09 from 25 years to 30 from years 46 to 60 -3.000 2.272 0.200 -7.70 1.70 years from 25 to 30 3.143 2.530 0.227 -2.09 8.38 from 31 years Liberal to 45 years from 46 to 60 0.143 1.848 0.939 -3.68 3.97 years from 25 to 30 3.000 2.272 0.200 -1.70 7.70 from 46 years to 60 years from 31 to 45 -0.143 1.848 0.939 -3.97 3.68 years *The average difference is significant at the 0.05 level

No. 3-4, 2018 45 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor The afterwards (post-hoc) analysis can are increasing with age at most respondents be seen from Table 4, which was conducted expressed through the authority of persona- through the LSD method. Statistical diffe- lity who is the leader. The findings of the rences occurred in younger age groups, younger age group are statistically signify- which explain the importance of the age of cantly different from the other two older age employed leaders and their behavior through groups and, on the basis of this, it is con- the empowerment of authorities. It can be cluded that less often the leaders who have a safely concluded that the estimated reasons strong personality.

Table 5 ANOVA test of the importance of leadership styles according to the education level of leaders Sum of df Average F Probability the square of square of error Between 3.017 2 1.509 0.356 0.705 the groups Authoritarian Inside the 97.598 23 4.243 group Total 100.615 25 Between 6.787 2 3.393 0.643 0.535 the groups Democratic Inside the 121.367 23 5.277 group Total 128.154 25 Between 47.702 2 23.851 1.530 0.238 the groups Liberal Inside the 358.644 23 15.593 group Total 406.346 25

It can be seen from Table 5 that detec- systemic foundation in this phenomenon, tion of differences, based on the average which explains the very importance of the scores, was accessed by the statistics testing education level of surveyed leaders towards for each category of the education level of the leadership styles. The observed differen- surveyed leaders. The statistical test was ces expressed through the average scores for used to detect the arise of differences be- the education level of leaders are negligible tween the level of education and their effect between the groups and within the group on determination for all three styles of lead- where it is safe to assume that no one leader- ership. These differences are put into a rela- ship style is important in relation to the oth- tionship through the F test, which further ers and that variation is accidental in this explains the probability of error by which social phenomenon in the work environ- generalizes the conclusion on random varia- ment. It can be safely argued that the phe- tion or variation that has a natural nomenon that defines the surveyed

No. 3-4, 2018 46 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

REFERENCES leaders in terms of importance the leader- [1] Bhatti, N., Maitlo, G. M., Shaikh, N., ship styles does not have significant statis- Hashmi, M. A., & Shaikh, F. M. tical differences in relation to the levels of (2012). The Impact of Autocratic and education. Democratic Leadership Style on Job Satisfaction. International Business CONCLUSIONS Research, 5(2), 192. [2] Davis, S., Darling-Hammond, L., Creating an organizational culture and LaPointe, M., & Meyerson, D. (2005). initiating changes in the organization almost Developing Successful Principals. always starts from the leader. Therefore, the Stanford Educational Leadership leaders are those who initiate changes in the Institute, Ed.). Retrieved February, 20, organization and who have an influence on creating an organizational culture that will 2009. respect the concepts of sustainable develop- [3] Dulewicz, V., & Higgs, M. (2005). ment, especially in terms of presser-ving the Assessing Leadership Styles and natural resources. The culture of one group Organisational Context. Journal of changes over time and is the result of the Managerial Psychology, 20(2), 105- most frequent changes in various influencing 123. factors such as the business environment, [4] Higgs, M., & Rowland, D. (2003). Is leadership, management practice and formal Change Changing? An Examination of and informal socialization processes. Also, Approaches to Change and its as research has shown the leadership styles Leadership. WORKING PAPER have a great importance in applying the con- SERIES-HENLEY MANAGEMENT cept of sustainable development, and there- COLLEGE HWP, (13). fore preserving the natural resources. Organ- izations face the challenge of applying the [5] Jaworski, J. (2001). Synchronicity. concept of sustainable development and Berrett-Koehler, New York, NY. preserving the natural resources, however, [6] Kotter, J. P. (1996). Leading Change this is possible with the active role of lead- Harvard Business School Press. ers. Therefore, a leader in the organi-zation Boston, MA. provides the largest contribution in creating [7] Lewin, K., Lippitt, R., & White, R. K. an organizational culture where it demon- (1939). Patterns of Aggressive strates how employees should behave in Behavior in Experimentally Created terms of preserving the natural resources and “Social Climates”. The Journal of directs followers in a direction of use the Social Psychology, 10(2), 269-299. resources, while respecting the principles of sustainable development. Also, the leader [8] Mills D. Q., Leadership: How to Lead, demonstrates to a large extent the conformi- How to Live. MindEdge Press, 2005. ty of his/her beliefs and actions regarding to [9] Northouse, P. G. (2017). Introduction creation an organizational culture aimed at to Leadership: Concepts and Practice. preserving the natural resources, where em- Sage Publications. ployees led by the action of their leader align [10] Northouse, P. G. (2018). Leadership: their behavior towards preservation the natu- Theory and Practice, Sage ral resources. Publications.

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No. 3-4, 2018 48 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor MINING AND METALLURGY INSTITUTE BOR ISSN: 2334-8836 (Štampano izdanje) UDK: 622 ISSN: 2406-1395 (Online)

UDK: 628.33:644.6:546.726.057(045)=111 doi:10.5937/mmeb1804049S

Danijela Simonović*, Branka Pešovski*, Vesna Krstić*



2- Ferrate ion, FeO4 or Fe(VI), has long been known as a very powerful and environmentally benign oxidizing agent suitable for a wide range of applications: organic synthesis, water and wastewater treatment, corrosion protection, and as a cathode material in the new super iron batteries. Several tech- nique have been developed for the synthesis of ferrates including the thermal, wet chemical and electro- chemical. The electrochemical approach has received the most attention of the three synthesis methods because it is easier to perform, does not require harmful and costly chemicals and provides the possibil- ity for continuous production. The electrochemical synthesis of ferrate (VI) is reviewed in this work. Particular attention is paid to the influence of factors such as the anode material, electrolyte composi- tion, temperature and current density. Mechanism of ferrate synthesis and recent advances in this field are discussed as well. Keywords: ferrate(VI), electrochemical synthesis, wastewater treatment


Iron usually exists in the 0, +2 and +3 “green” oxidant. In most cases, ferrate (VI) oxidation state, however, it is possible to provide a complete degradation of the pollu- obtain the higher oxidation states of iron, tants without harmless by-products. theoretically up to +8. These high oxidation The superior performance of ferrate (VI) states of iron are in the form of oxyanions, as an oxidant/disinfectant and coagulant in called ferrates, and the most stable is +6 or water and wastewater treatment has been 2- FeO4 . Ferrate (VI) has a dark purple color extensively studied. Separate laboratory 2- similar to permanganate, MnO4 . studies have confirmed the ferrate (VI) effi- Ferrate (VI) has been considered for ciency in removal the various pathogenic years as a possible alternative to the most microorganisms, bacteria [1], and viruses commonly used oxidants in the water [2], among which are those resistant to chlo- treatment plants (chlorine, hydrogen per- rine. By comparing the disinfection ability oxide and ozone). The unique characteris- of ferates and other oxidants, it can be con- tics of this compound are: high redox poten- cluded that ferrate (VI) exhibits the same or tial (E = +2,2 V, under acidic conditions), as better effect even in smaller doses and shor- well as the non-toxic by-product - Fe (III) ter operating times. hydroxide which has the properties of an Ferrate has also been proven to be a effective coagulation agent. Therefore, in good pre-oxidant in the removal of algae literature, ferrate (VI) is often called a and for a biofilm growth control. It has

* Mining and Metallurgy Institute, 35 Zeleni bulevar, 19210 Bor ** The authors are grateful to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia for the financial support of the Project TR34004

No. 3-4, 2018 49 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor been demonstrated that many organic conducted under the strictly controlled con- compounds can be easily oxidized by po- ditions in consideration a danger of poison- tassium ferrate. Alcohols, phenols [3-5], ing and explosion. The additional problem is carboxyl compounds, amines, thiourea [6], a separation and purification of the obtained thioacetamide, hydrazine and monomethyl ferrate (VI), because the toxic oxy-chlorine hydrazine [7] are just some of them. Fer- compounds are always present [13]. rate (VI) decomposes rapidly many recal- The electrochemical technique is the citrant pollutant such as antbiotics and most promising because it uses electrons endocrine disruptors. as the “clean” reactants and produces a Potassium ferate, thanks to its dual role, pure dissolved Fe (VI) product with better as an oxidizing agent and coagulant, can yields [14]. However, the obtained maxi- break down and remove a range of inorganic mal concentration of Fe(VI) is limited by impurities in the treatment of wastewater. the low stability of Fe(VI) species and Some of these pollutants are: cyanides, am- deactivation of the anode surface. monia, hydrogen sulphide [8], heavy metals (Mn2+, Cu2+, Pb2+, Cd2+, Cr2+, and Hg2+) 2 ELECTROCHEMICAL SYNTHESIS [9.10]. Removal of radioactive elements from wastewater with potassium ferate was The process of electrochemical genera- also studied. In addition, potassium ferate is tion of ferrate (VI) usually consists of a effective in oxidation of As (III) to As (V), sacrificial iron anode in strongly alkaline and its subsequent removal by adsorption solution with electric current serving to onto Fe(OH)3. oxidize iron to Fe (VI), Eq. (1), while the In the field of the corrosion protection, hydrogen gas is generated on a cathode, ferrate(VI) can be utilized for passivation Eq. (2) [15,16]: of aluminum, zinc and iron products, or to Anode reaction: dissolve the resistant deposits from the - 2- different metal surfaces [11]. Fe + 8OH → FeO4 + 4H2O + 6e (1) In the organic synthesis, ferrate (VI) Cathode reaction: can be a substitute and safer alternative to - 3H2O → 3H2 + 6OH - 6e (2) the other highly toxic oxidizing compounds, Overall reaction: e.g. CrO3, K2Cr2O7, KMnO4. - 2- Ferrate has also been used in a new Fe + 2OH → FeO4 + 3H2 + H2O (3) class of environment-friendly high capaci- 2- + FeO4 + 2K → K2FeO4 ty batteries, referred to as the super-iron (in KOH medium) (4) batteries, as cathode material instead of The electrochemical generation of fer- hazardousMnO2 [12]. Generally, three kinds of technique are rate is significantly affected by many fac- used to synthesize ferrate (VI): (i)wet chem- tors, mainly, the anode composition, type ical synthesis, implies oxidation of ferric and concentration of electrolyte, tempera- compounds by hypochlorite in highly alka- ture and current density. Thus, many re- line environment(ii) thermal chemical syn- searchers have focused their attention on thesis, implies oxidation of ferric com- optimization of these parameters. These pounds at high temperature in molten state parameters influence the structure of pas- with alkaline peroxide and (iii) electrochem- sive layer and possibility of its dissolution ical synthesis, implies anodic dissolution of during the electrochemical synthesis of iron or its alloys in strongly alkaline solution ferrate. Parameters should be selected in in the low trans-passive region of potential. such way to avoid blocking the anode sur- Chemical synthesis of ferrate (VI) must be face with poorly soluble species.

No. 3-4, 2018 50 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor 1.1 Anode Material Composition 1.3 Electrolyte Composition

Carbon content in the anode material has The electrolyte composition and its a crucial impact on the anode dissolution concentration is one of the most important process. There is a general agreement that factors that affect the synthesis of ferrate only carbon in the form of iron carbide (VI). It was found that using more concen- - (Fe3C) positively influences the anode mate- trated OH solution, both surface layer dis- rial dissolution. White cast iron (WCI), con- integration and ferrate (VI) stability are taining 3.17 wt.% of carbon in the form of increased [17]. Stability of ferrate (VI) in a highly Fe3C is a typical representative. For a grey cast iron (GCI), where carbon is present in a concentrated NaOH solution was investi- form of graphite, the efficiency of ferrate gated by L. Ding et al. Under these condi- tions, a ferrate ion undergo the spontane- (VI) synthesis is even lower than for a pure ous decomposition described by the fol- iron anode. Graphite on the surface of the lowing reaction, Eq. (5): GCI anode lowers the over potential to the 2- - competing oxygen evolution reaction and 2FeO4 +5H2O→2Fe(OH)3 + 4OH + 3/2O2↑ reduces the current efficiency of the electro- (5) chemical process. On the contrary, the Fe3C A set of experiments was carried out readily dissolves in the concentrated NaOH with initial ferrate (VI) concentration of exposing a fresh anode surface to the anolite. 0.145mM in aqueous NaOH solution with It was reported that the silicon content has concentration in a range of 1.5 – 14M. It was the similar influence on the protective layer assumed that the reaction of ferrate (VI) as iron carbide [17]. decomposition follows the first order kine- tics. A decomposition rate constant kd and 1.2 Temperature half-life of ferrate (VI) in different NaOH solutions were calculated. These results The influence of temperature on the effi- demonstrated a great effect of NaOH con- ciency of electrochemical synthesis of fer- centration on the aqueous decomposition of rate (VI) has been studied from the earliest ferrate (VI). Free water activity in NaOH stage of research. There are two basic im- solution from 1.5 M to 14 M decreases and pacts of temperature on ferrate (VI) produc- inhibits the redox reaction Eq. (6). For exa- tion. The first, rise in temperature increases mple, a half-life of ferrate (VI) in 1.5 M - NaOH was found to be 0.48 h, in 8 M the activity of OH ions and their interaction NaOH ten times longer 4.8 h, but in 14M with the oxo-hydroxide layer, thus acceler- NaOH was greatly extended to even 43h ates de-passivation of anode. This is espe- [18,19]. cially important for materials that tend to Numerous researches reported a max- build a compact protective layer, such as imum current efficiency of ferrate (VI) pure iron. In contrast, using an anode mate- generation in 14M NaOH solution. Fur- rial with a high iron carbide content such as ther increase in NaOH concentration cau- white cast iron (WCI), the high yields can be ses a decrease in current efficiency and achieved at 20 . The second, increase in ferrate (VI) yield. When the concentration temperature causes an enhancement in the of sodium hydroxide approaches to its rate of ferrate (VI) decomposition [17]. saturated value of around 20M, the elec- Conclusion is that by the appropriate trolyte solution will become very viscous selection of anode material and electrolyte and solution conductivity will decline sig- composition, the effect of temperature on nificantly resulting in a lower rate of elec- the efficiency of electrochemical synthesis tron transfer on the anode surface and fer- of ferrate can be minimized. rate (VI) generation [20].

No. 3-4, 2018 51 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

1.5 Mechanism

Although NaOH is the leading electro- The anodic behavior of an iron electrode lyte for electrochemical preparation of fer- in alkaline solutions has been studied in de- rate, the electrolyte solution may include a tail by numerous authors. The reason of an hydroxide selected from potassium hydrox- intensive research of this system were main- ide, lithium hydroxide, cesium hydroxide, ly the investigation of corrosion protection barium hydroxide and combinations be- and improvement the construction of alka- tween them [15]. It was reported that when line Ni-Fe cells. More recently, a trend in comparing LiOH, NaOH and KOH solu- ferrate (VI) research has turned from optimi- tions, the NaOH solution provides the high- zation of electrochemical production toward est ferrate and current yields [21]. On the a deeper understanding of the electrode reac- contrary, He et al. [8] reported that KOH is tion mechanism [26,17]. Anodic dissolution of iron takes place in far better electrolyte for electro-sinthesizing several successive processes. Various fero- ferrate (VI) than NaOH. The results showed and ferric oxides, hydroxides and oxihy- that under the similar conditions, the ob- droxides are formed on the anode surface, tained current efficiency in the concentrated among which the ferric compounds are par- NaOH solution was 55%, while it could ticularly poorly soluble and lead to the an- reach 73.2% in a solution of KOH for tem- ode passivation. With an increase in anodic perature higher than 50ºC. Ferrate produced potential the conditions for formation of in KOH was more stable and with purity. soluble compounds of iron in higher valence state are obtained, i.e. trans passive dissolu- 1.4 Other Important Synthesis tion [17,27]. Parameters Voltametric studies of iron behavior in the alkaline media exhibit several peaks and Anode activation before or during the shoulders within the potential range of water electrolysis significantly improve ferrate stability, corresponding to the active dissolu- (VI) synthesis efficiency. The following tion of anode material and surface layer re- methods have been proposed for this pur- structuring. The anodic current peak a1 at a pose: mechanical polishing, chemical etc- potential of about -0.1V (depends on the hing, ultrasound and cathodic pre-polari- electrolysis conditions and electrode compo- zation. sition) corresponds to the active iron dissolu- Anode geometry is another important tion to Fe2+ according to Eq. (6). Oxidation factor in the electrochemical synthesis of reactions, Eqs. (7,8), may occur simultane- ferrate. Generally, increasing the specific ously [17,13,26]: surface area of the anode yields a significant - - enhancement of production rates. Several Fe + 2OH → Fe(OH)2 + 2e (6) authors reported the utilization of three- - - 3Fe +8OH →Fe O +4H O+8e (7) dimensional iron anodes in a form of iron 3 4 2 - - wire gauze [22,23], porous magnetite elec- Fe + 2OH → FeO + H2O + 2e (8) trode [24], pressed iron powder [12,24], iron chunks [25], and sponge iron [20]. Current peak a2, corresponds to a conti- The efficiency of ferrate (VI) formation nuous oxidation of Fe(OH)2 to Fe3O4, ac- is also affected by the electrolysis time. In- cording to Eq.(9). Parallel oxidation of creasing the electrolysis time will decrease Fe3O4 is possible, according to Eq.(10) the amount of ferrate (VI) due to a decom- [13,26]: - - position, and anode deactivation. This repre- 3Fe(OH)2 +2OH → Fe3O4 + 4H2O +2e sents a serious hurdle for the industrial con- (9) tinuous production [17]. + - Fe3O4 + 2H2O → 3FeOOH + H + e (10)

No. 3-4, 2018 52 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor It is assumed that the reactions of passive doped diamond electrode) was successfully layer with OH- ions, Eqs. (11-13), causes the performed by Canizares et al. [28,29]. With- iron surface to break down and enables con- in this research research, it was demon- tinuous dissolution of the anode, corre- strated that the application of ultrasound and sponds to the current peak a3 [1,14]. iron powder as the raw material during the - 2- electrochemical synthesis of ferrate using Fe(OH)2+2OH →FeO2 +2H2O (11) - - - conductive diamond electrode, enhances the Fe3O4 + 4OH → 3FeO2 + 2H2O + e efficiency of process. While high current (12) density and hydroxide concentration in- - - Fe2O3 + 2OH →2FeO2 +H2O (13) crease the yield and stability of the generated After the active dissolution region, a ferrate product [29]. broad passivity plateau follows. At the po- The formation of ferrate (VI) in molten tential of about 0.6V, the oxygen evolution NaOH – KOH system was studied by Hiveš commence, Eq. (16). At the same time, the et al. [30,11]. The most important advan- oxidation reaction, Eq.(14), takes place, fol- tages of these method are: (1) there is no lowed by the subsequent dispro-portionation decomposition of the resulting ferrate due to the absence of water in electrolyte, (2) after reaction, Eq. (15). Peak a4 the corresponds to the reactions (14-16) cannot always be ob- cooling down of the reaction mixture, ferrate served because an intensive oxygen evolu- (VI) is in a solid dry form and thus stable, tion overlaps the trans-passive iron dissolu- (3) lack of passive layer formation on the tion, including ferrate (VI) formation iron electrode, (4) chemical step in the fer- [17,13]. rate (VI) formation mechanism is accelerat- - 2- - ed by raise the operational tempe-rature of FeOOH+3OH →FeO3 +2H2O+e electrolysis. (14) The main issue in this synthetic approach 2- - 2- - 3FeO3 +H2O →2FeO2 +FeO4 +2OH that requires attention is the stability of fer- (15) rate (VI) product at the temperature of a - - 2OH → H2O + 1/2O2 + 2e (16) suitable molten hydroxide mixture (170 - During the negative scan of the poten- 200ºC). Therefore, this group of authors tial, the three cathodic current peaks are chose the eutectic mixture of the NaOH – often observed and attributed to the reduc- KOH (51,5 mol% NaOH), characterized by tion of Fe(VI) to Fe(III), Fe(III) to Fe(II), a relatively low eutectic melting point of and Fe(II) to Fe(0) [13]. 170ºC and high electrical conductivity of 0.588 Ω-1cm-1. 3 THE NEW APPROACHES IN THE ELECTROCHEMICAL CONCLUSION SYNTHESIS OF Fe(VI) It has been demonstrated by numerous Ferrate can be synthesized by the oxida- studies that ferrate (VI) is one of the most tion of ferric ion with an inert electrode (Pt, powerful oxidants for water and wastewater BDD, SnO2-Sb2O3/Ti) as well as in hydro- treatment. However, the challenges have still xide melts by the oxidation of an iron anode. existed to the implantation of ferrate (VI) In recent years, the electrochemical oxi- technology in practice due to poor stability dation with conductive diamond anodes of Fe (VI) solutions and high cost of the converted into very promising technology solid ferrate salts as they require costly for electro synthesis of powerful oxidants chemicals and multiple purification steps. such as peroxodisulfates, peroxsodifosfates Of the three synthesis methods – electro- and percarbonates. Electrochemical gene- chemical, chemical and thermal, the electro- ration of ferrate (VI) using BDD (boron- chemical method is the most promi-sing due to its simple performance, high

No. 3-4, 2018 53 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor purity of product and absence of hazardous Engineering Chemistry 18 (2012) chemicals. Many factors affect the electro- 1931-1936 chemical ferrate (VI) production, such as [14] V.K. Sharma, Z. Macova, K. Bouzek, anode composition, type and concentration F.J. Millero, J.Chem. Eng. Data 55 of electrolyte, temperature, cell design, etc. (2010) 5594-5597 Further work on optimization of these pa- [15] M. Alsheyab, J.Q. Jiang, C. Stanford, rameters is necessary. Although the electro- Journal of Environmental Management, chemical generation of ferrate (VI) has been 90 (2009) 1350-1356 known for almost two centuries and many [16] M. Alsheyab, J.Q.Jiang, C.Stanford, advances have been made over this period, Desalination, 254 (2010) 175-178 there are still many unresolved questions [17] Z. Macova, K. Bouzek, J. Hiveš, V. that should be overcome, such as: pas- Sharma, R.J. Terryn, J.C. Baum, Ele- sivation of the anode surface during the elec- ctrochimica Acta 54 (2009) 2673-2683 trolysis, self-decomposition and low yields [18] L. Ding, H.C. Liang, X.Z. Li, Sepa- of ferrate product. It can be concluded that ration and Purification Technology 91 ferrate (VI) represents vital and continuing (2012) 117-124 field of research. [19] E. L. Yang, J.J. Shi, H.C. Liang, Electrochimica Acta 63 (2012) 369-374 REFERENCES [20] X. Sun, Q. Zhang, H. Liang, L. Ying, [1] J.Q. Jiang, S. Wang, A. Panagoulopo- M. Xiangxu, V. Sharma, Journal of ulos, Desalination 210 (2007) 266-273 Hayardous Materials [2] J. Ma, W. Liu, Water Research 36 [21] K. Bouzek, M. Schmidt, A. Wragg, (2002) 871-878 Electrochemistry Communications 1 (1999) 370-374 [3] M. Lim, M.J. Kim, Water Air Soil Polution 200 (2009) 181-189 [22] W. He, J. Wang, H. Shao, J. Zhang, C. N. Cao, Electrochemistry Communi- [4] H. Huang, D. Sommerfeld, B. Dunn, cations 7 (2005) 607-611 E.M. Eyring, C. Lloyd, Journal of Phy- sical Chemistry A 105 (2001) 3536- [23] W. He, J. Wang, C. Yang, J. Zhang, Ele- 3541 ctrochimica Acta 51 (2006) 1967-1973 [5] Y. Lee, J. Yoon, U. Von Gunten, Envi- [24] Z. Ding, C. Yang, Q. Wu, Electro- ron.Sci.Technol. 39 (2005) 8978-8984 chimica Acta 49 (2004) 3155-3159 [6] J. Q. Jiang, S. Wang, A. Panagoulopo- [25] V. Lescuras-Darrou, F. Lapicque, G. ulos, Desalination 210 (2007) 266-273 Valentin, Journal of Applied Electro- chemistry, 32 (2002) 57-63 [7] M. Johnson, B. Hornstein, Inorganica Chimica Acta 225 (1994) 145-150 [26] K. Bouzek, I. Roušar, H. Bergmann, K. Hertwig, Journal of Electro-analytical [8] V. Sharma, J. Smith, F. Millero, Envi- Chemistry 425 (1997) 125-137 ron. Sci. Technol. 31 (1997) 2486-2491 [27] M. Čekerevac, Lj. Nikolić-Bujanović, [9] J.Q. Jiang, S. Wang, A. Panagoulopou- M. Simičić, Hemijska Industrija 63 (5) los, Chemosphere, 63 (2006) 212-219 (2009) 387-395 [10] M. Lim, M. Kim, Water Air Soil Pollut, [28] P. Canizares, M. Arcis, C. Saez, M.A. 211 (2010) 313-322 Rodrigo, Electrochemistry Communi- [11] L. Hrnčiarikova, M. Gal, K. Kerekeš, J. cations 9 (2007) 2286-2290 Hiveš, Electrochimica Acta 110 (2013) [29] A. Sanchez-Carretero, M.A. Rodrigo, P. 581-586 Caniyares, C. Saez, Electro-chemistry [12] M. De Koninck, D. Belanger, Electro- Communications 12 (2010) 644-646 chimica acta 48 (2003) 1435-1442 [30] J. Hiveš, M. Benova, K. Bouzek, J. [13] Lj.N. Bujanović, M. Čekerevac, M.V. Sitek, V.K. Sharma, Electrochimica Miloradov, Journal of Industrial and Acta 54 (2008) 203-208

No. 3-4, 2018 54 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor MINING AND METALLURGY INSTITUTE BOR ISSN: 2334-8836 (Štampano izdanje) UDK: 622 ISSN: 2406-1395 (Online)

UDK: 005.94:330(045)=111 doi:10.5937/mmeb1804055D

Nebojša Đokić*, Dragana Milenković*, Nebojša Stošić*, Sanja Dobričanin*



Knowledge, that is the obtained knowledge level of a certain community, its capacity to develop in- novations, to adopt modern scientific and technological achievements, in other words, its capacity to create a new knowledge, which leads to further prosperity and development, is in the basis of competi- tiveness. Emphasizing knowledge and innovations as the main resources of developebment and relying on them in creating the competitiveness index surely leads to quality display of competitive capacities of a certain society which is the basis of this paper. Today, the Republic of Serbia is a candidate coun- try for the EU membership and it is at an economic and social turning point, which brings the new challenges and chances. Just as it does for every European country, the European Union represents a basis for stable development and improvement of national competitiveness for Serbia. Keywords: competitiveness, knowledge economy, competitiveness index, innovation


Nowadays, in the knowledge era, the the rapid changes. Changes are the condition competitive advantage of an economy is for survival, thus it can be concluded that based on technological development and learning and training are, in fact, survival. innovativity, as well as using the potential For all these reasons, the modern manage- chances and opportunities for realization ment systems are based on changes, which knowledge is necessary. Constant knowledge and constant learning. Human investment in the human capital increases knowledge is a dynamic category that is the productivity, employment, and a direct constantly improved with development of source of innovaton and long-term competi- science and technology directly resulting in tiveness is obtained. Human resources and a rapid obsolescence of the existing know- their knowledge represent a key to the suc- ledge. “From the economic standpoint, with cess for economy and companies, while an the function of gaining and improving an incompetent workforce represents one of the competitive advantage, as a prerequisite for most important obstacles in their business. development, the modern companies enable Development of competitiveness on the an efficient use of knowledge which can be domestic and foreign market has become an seen in realization of innovations, at the imperative for development a modern eco- same time decreasing the time required for nomy. Knowledge is a factor that generates its practical application” (Premovic, 2010).

* University of Pristina, Faculty of Economics, Kolasinska 156, 38220 Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia, e-mail: [email protected]

No. 3-4, 2018 55 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor Knowledge enables to the individual and The strategic course of Serbia is its in- community to cope in reality. Know-ledge is tegration in EU and launching domestic the awareness of the cause, functioning and companies and economy on the European anticipaton of events. Nowadays, the main and world market among competitors role in the economy belongs to a worker from a great number of successful, expor- with knowledge. Know-ledge is the basic toriented companies from the other coun- instrument for creating wealth. tries, multinational companies with world According to the National strategy of famous products - brands, modernorga- sustainable development, knowledge society nized companies with the use of the most and knowledge economy do not refer to modern information technology and mo- rigid, that is textbook knowledge, but rather dern - designed organizational structures a set of skills, abilities and competences with very educated, professional and ex- used for creating innovations, solving prob- perienced management (Vesic, 2010). lems, cooperating with others and working with the aim of general well-being (Go- 2 KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY – WHY vernment of the Republic of Serbia, 2008). AND HOW In order for countries to be able to re- spond to the challenges of an economy Knowledge is the basis for progress and based on knowledge, the following factors development of a society. Investing in in the National strategy for sustainable knowledge includes the costs of education, development of Serbia are listed: research and software. It is very complex to  modern education and permanent be measured. Managing investments in training; knowledge and measuring these investments  means for research and development, have developed into one of the most im- especially for investment in the mod- portant issues which knowledge economy is ern industries (computers, biotech- dealing with. Knowledge economy has re- nology, pharmacology...); sulted out of the rise of knowledge intensity  adequate scientific-technological and and increasing globalization of economic cultural policy of a society; affairs. The rise of knowledge intensity is  adequate management of economic mutually moved by the information revolu- changes in accordance with the chan- tion and technological changes that are mo- ges in the world and its close su- ving rapidly. Globalization is moved by rroundings; deregulation and revolution in communica-  choice of a macroeconomic policy, tion related to the Internet. However, it is systematic and structural economic so- important to note that the term “knowledge lutions; economy” refers to not only any individual  telecommunications, massive use of phenomenon, or their combination, but the computers and other modern tech- overall economic structure which occurs nical devices; nowadays. Investing in knowledge that in-  High technology sectors and defining creases economic efficiency and economic incentive measures for attracting for- growth will enable technological develop- eign investments into those sectors; ment and set the basis for increasing em-  degree of ownership rights protection ployment (Albijanic, 2010). and especially of intellectual proper- By analyzing the world economy to- ty and day and its basic features, Draskovic em-  social responsibility of a company’s phasizes that there are “three basic driving business. and strategic forces of modern economy:

No. 3-4, 2018 56 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor knowledge, changes and globalization“ companies and for the national economies (Draskovic, 2010, pp. 83-90). and whole society (Premovic et al., 2011). Improving the existing and introducing Knowledge economy is formed and new products can be realized through the spread through the basis of knowledge as a systematic and continuous implementation unique, unlimited and individual factor of of processes for innovation and learning in production that cannot be substituted by the companies. “Innovation in the knowledge other resources. This same knowledge is economy is not only the process of creat- converted into the economic goods and in- ing the new products. In essence, it is an come in most economic activities, not only element of production and other business in those which are conditionally associated processes because a company either real- with the advanced technologies. In the izes innovations or it disappears“ (Krstic, knowledge economy, innovations are not Petrovic, 2010, pp. 215-225). Knowledge only reserved for the new products and tech- and effective management of organiza- nologies, but are also of value for the new tional knowledge encourages creativity of ways of organization and, therefore, for mu- employees that is realized through various tual relationships with customers. Innova- innovations. The ability to innovate is one tions are a precondition for the company's of the important factors of change and competitiveness and whole economy, where success, which is why innovation is a ne- knowledge enables the sustainable economic cessity for the survival and vitality of growth and development (Figure 1).

Competitve advantage pro- vides dominance of nation- al economy

Innovation is the driving force for competitive advantages

Knowledge is the basis for innovation

Figure 1 Knowledge as the source of competitive advantage (Albijanic, 2010, p. 56)

No. 3-4, 2018 57 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor In order for knowledge economy to ducing more reforms at all levels. The new evolve towards a higher development level, strategy tends to aid EU in overcoming the it is necessary to create the conditions for crisis and movement towards a society based compromise, equal and joint membership of on knowledge (Kronja, 2011). countries into the global economy. Of Three crucial initiators of growth are the course, knowledge here occurs as a neces- basis for a new strategy and they should be sary corrective of neoliberal globalization used through the specific activities at the and precondition for the reconstruction of national level and level of the EU: intelli- mankind. Only then, we will have an intelli- gent, sustainable and inclusive growth. The gent, sustainable and inclusive economy. leading goals of the Europe 2020 Strategy can be seen in Table 1. The leading integra- 3 LEADING GOALS OF ted guidelines for Europe until 2020 are: THE ”EUROPE 2020“ STRATEGY 1. Quality assurance and providing longterm sustainability of public fi- The “Europe 2020” strategy, which en- nances, tered into force in 2011, also focuses on the 2. Removal of macroeconomic disba- competitiveness which recognizes know- lances, ledge as one of the three crucial pillars of 3. Removing the disbalance in Euro- development (Kronja, 2011). zone, The Lisbon agenda, in many respects, represented a decisive step in the EU access 4. Optimization of research and deve- to the social and economic development. lopment and investment in innova- There are open tensions, which must be tion; strengthening the knowledge dealt with by the EU protagonists in the near triangle and releasing the potential of future. First of all, the tensions are related to a digital economy, the political and economic establishment of 5. More efficient use of resources and the EU and reform of the European society reducing gas emissions which cause model in the global economy. The Lisbon the greenhouse effect, agenda presented the first attempt at finding 6. Improving the basic conditions for a new compromise through a clear Strategy companies and consumers and mo- (Natali, 2010). dernization of the industrial base, Investing in knowledge is of crucial im- 7. Increasing the employment rate and portance for research and development. The removing structural unemployment, Lisbon strategy (Kronja, 2011, p.12) was 8. Educating workforce, the qualifica- started as a response to globalization. The tions of which match the demands of idea was for the EU and member countries the labour market, improving the to cooperate in reforms, the aim of which is quality of jobs and learning through- to enable growth and more jobs by invest- out life, ment in the intellectual capital and techno- 9. Increasing the efficiency of general logical development and, in that way, over- education and training at all levels come recession and transform the EU into a and facilitating access to the higher more innovative, sustainable and greener education institutions, economy. The EU has revised the growth 10. The fight against exclusion and strategy for the period after 2010 by intro- poverty (Vukovic, 2011, p.507).

No. 3-4, 2018 58 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor Table 1 Leading goals of the Europe 2020 Strategy (Vukovic, 2011, p.500)

LEADING GOALS To increase the employment rate of 20-64 year olds from current 69% to at least 75%. To invest 3% GDP into research and development; primarily, to improve conditions for investment of the private sector into research and development; also, to develop a new indicator for the assess- ment of innovativity. To reduce gas emissions which cause the greenhouse effect for at least 20% in comparison to 1990, that is 30% if the conditions permit so. To increase the share of renewable energy in consumption to 20%, as well as energetic efficiency for 20%. To reduce the rate of students leaving school from current 15% to 10%; to increase the share of 30-34 year olds with a college diploma from 31% to at least 40%. To reduce the number of Europeans who live below the national poverty line for 25%, which would lift 20 million peple out of poverty.* INTELLIGENCE INTEGRATIVE SUSTAINABLE GROWTH GROWTH GROWTH Innovations Climate, energy and mobility Employment and qualifica- The EU initiative “Innovation The EU initiative “Europe tions Union” which improves the resource efficiency“ needs to The EU initiative “Agenda for main conditions and availa- contribute to separating eco- new employment qualifica- bility of financial funds for nomic growth from using re- tions and opportunities“ research and development, sources by decarbonizing the should modernize the labour with the aim of strengthening economy, intensifying the use market by facilitating mobility the innovation chain and of renewable energy, modern- of the employed and acquiring increase investements by the izing traffic and improving qualifications throughout life, Union. energy efficiency. with the aim of increasing the employment rate and better compliance of supply and demand on the labour market.

Education Competitiveness Fight against poverty The EU initiative “Youth on The EU initiative “Industrial The EU initiative “European the move“ which improves policy in the globalization era“ platform for the fight against the education systems and should imrove the business poverty“ provides the social makes the European universi- environment, especially fo and territorial cohesion in ties more attractive for stu- small and medium size compa- order for everyone to benefit dents from the whole world. nies and build a strong and from growth and employ- Digital society sustainable industrial structure ment, and the people who live The EU initiative “Digital which is competitive on the in poverty and social exclu- international market. sion can actively participate agenda for Europe agenda za in social life. Evropu“ which accelerates the spreading of fast Internet and provides households and companies with the advan- tages of digital unique market. * The national poverty limit is defined as 60% median of available national income in every member country

In a function of research, Table 2 of- relation to the priorities determined by the fers an outline of ranking the countries in “Strategy 2020“. transition towards the realized progress in

No. 3-4, 2018 59 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor Table 2 Ranking of countries in transition towards the priorities determined by the “Strategy 2020“ Sustainable Intelligence growth Integrative growth growth Country Company Education Labour Digital Innovative Social Environment environ- and train- market and agenda Europe inclusion protection ment ing employment Sweden 5,05 6,13 6,12 5,75 4,65 6,40 6,31 Croatia 3,30 4,72 3,14 4,27 3,55 4,24 4,83 Estonia 4,13 5,94 4,07 5,03 4,66 4,66 4,67 FYR of 3,70 4,7 2 2,72 3,84 3,98 3,36 3,47 Macedonia Hungary 3,61 4,60 3,53 4,51 3,97 4,52 3,70 Lithuania 5,33 5,35 3,49 4,81 4,69 3,75 4,59 Montenegro 3,95 4,74 3,62 4,37 4,67 4,79 4,60 Poland 3,65 4,44 3,39 4,89 4,01 3,97 4,20 Romania 3,44 4,08 2,89 4,14 4,00 4,03 3,97 Serbia 3,12 4,10 2,79 3,81 3,53 3,85 3,49 Slovenia 3,73 4,88 4,08 4,95 4,26 5,19 5,04 Turkey 3,90 4,27 3,29 4,01 3,42 4,01 3,32 Source: WEF; The Europe 2020 Competitiveness Report: Building a More Competitive Europe, Edition 2012.

This battle for growth and jobs requires 3. Innovativity competitiveness in- the accepting strategies at all levels and mo- dexes, and bilization of all actors throughout Europe. 4. Information-communication tech- On its way towards EU, Serbia must harmo- nologies competitiveness indexes nize its development strategy with those The mentioned knowledge indexes demands if it wants to join the EU family. KEI, KI and IKT can be seen in Table 3 Europe is reducing the innovation gap in and in Figure 2 where data for the basic comparison to USA and Japan, but the dif- pillars of these indicators is presented. ferences in terms of success among the EU Countries that realized the biggest shift member countries are still great. The innova- are Estonia and Lithuania. The total pro- tive and technological gap is increasing at a gress was contributed by the openness and regional level: success in the innovation area attraciveness of the EU research system, has worsened in almost 20% of EU regions. cooperation in the area of business inno- This development is measured in knowledge vations and knowledge commercializa- indexes that describe the knowledge com- tion, which is visible from income from petitiveness. Namely, there are 23 composite permits and patents of abroad. However, indexes which define the competitiveness of the growth of public expenditures related an economy and they include the knowledge to research and development is neutralized parametres. It has been noted that they can by the reduction in investment of venture be classified into four categories (Katic et capital and business investments in inno- al., 2012, p.32): vations, which are not in the area of re- 1. Competitiveness indexes, search and development. 2. Knowledge competitiveness indexes,

No. 3-4, 2018 60 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor Table 3 Ranking of the leading countries in transition towards indexes KEI and KI

Ranking Country KEI KI EIR Innovation Education IKT - Sweden 9.43 9.38 9.58 9.74 8.92 9.49 1 Estonia 8.40 8.26 8.81 7.75 8.60 8.44 2 Czech Republic 8.14 8.00 8.53 7.90 8.15 7.96 3 Hungary 8.02 7.93 8.28 8.15 8.42 7.23 4 Slovenia 8.01 7.91 8.31 8.50 7.42 7.80 5 Lithuania 7.80 7.68 8.15 6.82 8.64 7.59 6 Slovakia 7.64 7.46 8.17 7.30 7.42 7.68 7 Latvia 7.41 7.15 8.21 6.56 7.73 7.16 8 Poland 7.41 7.20 8.01 7.16 7.76 6.70 9 Croatia 7.29 7.27 7.35 7.66 6.15 8.00 10 Romania 6.82 6.63 7.39 6.14 7.55 6.19 11 Bulgaria 6.80 6.61 7.35 6.94 6.25 6.66 12 Serbia 6.02 6.61 4.23 6.47 5.98 7.39 13 Russia 5.78 6.96 2.23 6.93 6.79 7.16 14 Ukraine 5.73 6.33 3.95 5.76 8.26 4.96 15 FYR Macedonia 5.65 5.73 4.99 5.15 6.74 - Source: The World Bank; KEI and KI Indexes (KAM 2012);

Figure 2 Ranking of the leading countries towards the KEI and KI indexes

Table 4 and Figure 3 show a compari- and innovativity in the leading countries son of the global competitiveness index of the world for the period 2012-2013.

No. 3-4, 2018 61 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor Tabela 4 Comparison of competitiveness ranking (GCI) and innovativeness ranking for 2012-2013 GCI 2012-13 Innovativity Country Ranking Results Ranking Results Switzerland 1 5.67 1 5.72 Singapore 2 5.61 13 5.14 Finland 3 5.54 2 5.65 Germany 4 5.51 4 5.59 USA 5 5.48 6 5.43 Sweden 6 5.48 5 5.46 Hong Kong 7 5.47 7 4.83 Netherlands 8 5.52 7 5.36 Japan 9 5.40 3 5.62 Great Britain 10 5.37 10 5.15 Source: Schwab, K., World Economic Forum, The Global Competitiveness Report 2013–2014

“Realization of innovations throughout reduced number of obstacles to the inno- Europe is still a priority if we want at least vation commercialization. We need the 20% of GDP of EU to come from produc- innovative companies and a framework tion by 2020, which is the goal of our in- adapted to a growth so that the innova- dustrial policu. The key to growth is more tions can be successfully launched onto business investments, greater demand for the market” (Tijanic, 2014). the European innovation solutions and a

Figure 3 Comparison of the ranking of competitiveness (GCI) and innovativity of the leading countries in the world for 2012-2013

The main obstacle for development of debt. For years, Serbia has been at the bot- Serbia is a bad macroeconomic environment tom of a\ competitiveness list, which is cer- –deepened budget deficit, reduction of na- tainly a precondition for the pessimistic atti- tional savings and increase of the public tudes of businessmen.

No. 3-4, 2018 62 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor


WEF measures the quality and competi- longterm stable economic growth, as stated tiveness of the business environment in 148 in the report. The biggest index value of 3.9 countries of the world by the Global Com- was realized by Serbia shortly before the petitiveness Index. The GCI is obtained by first wave of the crisis in 2008. The value of analyzing more than 110 indicators, based GCI notably dropped to 3.77 the following on a research of the main managers’attitudes year, in 2009 and after that, there was a peri- in the countries included in the research and od of gradual recovery of the index. Serbia reports of other international organizations, is in the category of institutions on the 122nd such as the World Bank and its Report on position with the index 3.2; according to the the facility of doing business. In the WEF infrastructure, it is on the 77th position (index report for 2013, Serbia takes only the 101st 3.9); according to the macroeconomic envi- position in competitiveness, which is a fall ronment, it is on 129th position (index 3.5) in for 6 spots when compared to the previous the world and in the healthcare and elemen- year and a worse result in comparison to all tary education on the 68th position with an countries in the region, including Albania index of 5.8. According to the criteria higher (95th place), Bosnia and Herzegovina (87th education and training, Serbia takes the 74th position), Croatia (75th position), FYR Ma- position on the list (4.3), and in the efficien- cedonia (73rd position), Montenegro (67th cy of the goods market – position 128 (3.8), position) and Hungary (63rd position) efficiency of the labour market – position ( 119 (3.7), sophistication of the financial Serbia has improved its position on the market – position 109 (3.5), technological global competitiveness list of WEF for 2014 readiness – position 49 (4.4), and according for seven spots and taken the 94th positioon to the size of the market – position 71 (index among 144 countries. The jump from 101st 3.7). According to the sophisticaiton of the position on the list for 2013 Serbia noted, business processes, Serbia takes the 132nd based on the increase in the value of the GCI position (indeks 3.2) among 144 countries from 3.8 to 3.9, as stated in the report pub- on the list and according to the innovations – lished by the Foundation for Development position 108 (index 2.9) (Table 5). of Economics (FREN) as a partner o WEF According to the ranking on the list of (World Economic Forum, The Global Com- competitiveness for 2014, among coun- petitiveness Report 2013–2014). The most tries of the West Balkans, the only country competitive country in the world is Switzer- that has a worse ranking than Serbia is land; Finland and Germany are leaders in the Albania, with the 97th position. Its index is EU and on the Western Balkans, the leader 3.84. The FYR Macedonia is the best is the FYR Macedonia. The value of the ranked, at the 63rd position, with an index GCI ranges from 1 to 7, where 1 is the worst of 4.26. It has jumped 10 spots on the list. and 7 the best mark ( Montenegro kept the 67th position. Based je-manje-konkurentna-od-clanica-evropske- on the position of GCI basic value of 4.23, unije). According to the results for 2014, Slovenia takes the 70th position. The posi- Serbia has repeated the historically largest tion (fall for 8 spots) with the index value value of the GCI, which is the result of the of 4.22 was noted, while Croatia is on the current perception of the business world 77th position according to competitiveness, about the capacity of a country to provide a two spots lower than in 2013.

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Table 5 The most important indicators of competitiveness of the Republic of Serbia Indicators Position Index Institutions 122 3.2 Infrastructure 77 3.9 Macroeconomic environment 129 3.5 Health an elementary education 68 5.8 Higher education and training 74 4.3 Efficiency of the goods market 128 3.8 Efficiency of the labour market 119 3.7 Sophistication of the financial market 109 3.5 Technological readiness 49 4.4 Market size 71 3.2 Sophistication of business processes 132 3.2 Innovativity 108 2.9 Source: adapted according to the report of WEF for 2013-14.

With the GCI value of 4.13, Bosnia crisis, such as Spain, Portugal and Greece, and Herzegovina was not ranked on the have made a significant progress in terms list for 2014 because of inability to collect of improvement the funcioning of its mar- data. In 2013 it was on the 87th place, with kets and allocation of product resources. an index of 4.02 (Table 6 and Figure 4). In the SEF report for 2014-2015, Spain is In the EU, there is still a gap between a on the 35th position, where it used to be in very competitive north, on one hand, and 2013-2014 too, when the list included four south and east which are behind in compe- more countries than today. Portugal is on tition, but there is a new classification the 36th position in compariso to the 51st among countries that perform the reforms from the previous year and Greece is on and the ones which do not. Several coun- the 81st, which is ten spots higher than in tries greatly influenced by the economic the year before.

Table 6 The absolute ranking of the former Yugoslav countries for the period 2007-2014

Ranking Slovenia Montenegro FYR Macedonia Croatia B&H Serbia 2014 70 67 63 77 - 94 2013 62 67 73 75 87 101 2012 56 72 80 81 88 95 2011 57 60 79 76 100 94 2010 45 49 79 77 102 96 2009 37 62 84 72 109 93 2008 42 65 89 61 107 85 2007 39 82 94 57 106 91 Source: Adapted according to the Neighbour countries more competitive than Serbia, GCI Global Competitiveness Index - Rank

No. 3-4, 2018 64 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

Figure 4 Competitiveness of the formerYugoslav countries for the period of 2007-2014

The most competitive countries in the in comparison to 2013. Switzerland and EU are Finland and Germany. Both coun- Singapore were joined by the USA on the tries have fallen on the list for one spot, so top of the list and, by doing so, passed Finland is now the fourth in the world and Finland and Germany. Russia is the 53rd, Germany is the fifth. Generally, Finland which is ten spots better than in 2013, has a good performance in all areas and a China is the 28th, Turkey is the 45th, Brazil small fall on the world list is mainly the is the 57th and India is the 71st. consequence of weakening the macroeco- nomic opportunities. In addition, accord- 5 SERBIA ON THE WAY TOWARDS ing to the SEF, a small fall of Germany is THE EU a consequence of fear about the institu- tions and infrastructure, which has only The Republic of Serbia is going to en- partially recovered the improvement of the counter many challenges on the way to the macroeconomic environment and financial EU. In order for Serbia to join a suprana- development. The German education sys- tional community of countries such as the tem received the worse marks than earlier. EU, based on a combination of interna- Great Britain improved for one spot and it tional agreements, practices which must is now in the ninth position. The perfor- be respected and bodies which control the mances of that country have improved EU behaviour, it needs to carefully pre- owing to the results which arouse from a pare. Serbia will not be able to become a lower fiscal deficit and public debt. Brit- part of the great European family until it ain still benefits from an efficient labour meets all the criteria for joining the EU. market and high level of financial devel- Even if it could skip some phases that all opment (Lojpur, Peković, 2013, pp.61- countries of the EU passed, and be accep- 75). The first position in the world for ted in the Union for a shorter time period competitiveness and the highest index – it would return to as a boomerang. In value of 5.7 in 2014 is held by Switzer- fact, the effects of rapid acceptance would land, while the worst value of 2.79 and the be in many ways negative. The economic 144th position is held by Guinea and consequences for the country would ex- pushed Chad one spot up. The order of the ceed the wish itself to join the European leading three on the list is slightly changes Union.

No. 3-4, 2018 65 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor If we compare the goals set by the EU Based on the results, it can be seen and Serbia for the period of 2010-2020, that the Republic of Serbia is ten years we can see that they differ in many re- behind the European Union (Milicevic, spects taht can be seen in Table 7. 2014, p.120).

Table 7 Priorities of the European Union and Serbia for the period 2010-2020

EUROPEAN REPUBLIC OF UNION SERBIA 2010 2020 2010 2020 Employment of population from 20-64 (%) 68 75 49 65 Investments in research and development (%GDP) 1.9 3 0.3 2.0 Participation of energy use from the renewable sources 16 20 12 18 in the total energy use (%) Energy efficiency (that is /1000$ BDP-a) 0.21 0.17 0.96 0.57 Population of 30-34 who have a university diploma (%) 31 40 21 30 Poverty rate (below 60% median of the available 16 12 17 14 population income) Source: Serbia 2020: The development concept of the Republic of Serbia until 2020, 2010, p.3

Joining the European Union represents a The Republic of Serbia is on a development significant incentive for the rapid economic intersection, which means that it is necessary growth and creation the new jobs. The pre- to change the concept of development and vious experience shows that all countries system in which it is being realized. In the which joined the EU, after a longer or short- following development phase, Serbia needs er time period, entered a phase of dominant to build an open, competitive economy, economic growth. In that context, funds based on knowlede, which implies strength- which Serbia would receive as a developing ening of institutions as crucial factors of country are of great importance. Free per- competitiveness and development which formance on the market of EU would pre- enable the growth of resource quantity and sent a great incentive for the development of the technology level and the growth og the some economy branches, such as the textile range and quality of products and services. industry, agriculture, food industry, con- The disfunctional and undeveloped legal and struction and the like. Of course, at the same institutional order in Serbia presents a great time this presents a potential danger, having development limitation. The system is miss- in mind that a number of producers could ing many laws, institutions of capital mar- not keep up with the competition of the other kets and, up to very recently, the internation- producers from the EU. al standards of accounting reports, a fast and efficient bankruptcy proceedings and so on. CONCLUSION For the growth of competitiveness of the Serbian economy, system machanisms for For Serbia, there is no simple or fast way stimulating and mobilizing the savings and to remove the numerous and big determi- credibility of the financial institutions are of nants of incompetitiveness because the crea- special significance. They should contribute tion of competitive advantages needs a lot of the company’s competitiveness growth and time, investment and knowledge. the economy’s as a whole. The central

No. 3-4, 2018 66 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor problem of Serbia on the way to the EU is Development, The economy of the incompetitiveness of the economy and fi- Republic of Serbia - the sustainability nancial sector and incomepetence of the of knowledge-based, knowledge-based public sector. Timely and high quality prep- economy - how and why ?, Official aration of Serbia for the entrance in the Eu- Gazette of RS ", 2008, No. 55/05. ropean Union requires building a competi- [4] Draskovic M., Knowledge as an tive market economy. Being very late when unlimited resource and facility mana- compared to the developed countries and gement, Montenegrin Journal of successful countries in transition, which Economics, 2010, No. 11, Vol. VI, have become the members of the European p. 84. Union, Serbia needs to adapt the strategy of [5] Djeric D., Reports of the World Bank its development to a new developmental and and the World Economic Forum's tehnological paradigm. In the other words, competitiveness as a marke-ting tool of the Republic of Serbia should accept the location, Annals of business new developmental and technological para- economics in the year, 2013, Vol. 1, digm and change the previous development No 8, pp. 45-62. strategy and previous production-technolo- [6] World Economic Forum, The Global gial, social and institutional system, with the Competitiveness Report 2013–2014. K., aim of establishing an innovative environ- Schwab, Full Data Edition, pp.15-20. ment and innovative behaviour and for all [7] decisions, initiatives and activities to con- ko%C4%8Di-svetsku-privredu/a- tribute to the creation of an innovative econ- 17897252 omy and knowledge society. [8] Katic A., Cosic I., Andjelic G., Raletic The main goals of knowledge econo- S., Review of Competitiveness Indices my in the Republic of Serbia are: that Use Komwledge as a Criterion, a) increasing the competitivenes of Acta Polytechnica Hunga-rica, 2012, the economy, Vol. 9, No 5, pp.25-44. b) joining the European integrations [9] Kronja J., The path of the Lisbon and Strategy to the Strategy of Europe 2020, Guide to Europe 2020 Strategy, c) developing sectors and products The Open Society Fund Serbia, 2011, which can be more intensive with p. 12 knowledge and technology. [10] Krstic B., Petrovic B., Improving the System of Measuring Innovations- REFERENCES Prerequisite to the Effective Guidance [1] Albijanic M., Knowledge as a Source of Regional Development and of Competitive Advantage, Singidu- Strengthen the Competitiveness of the Economy, Proceedings of the XV num University, Faculty of Econo- Inernational Scentific Meeting; Regio- mics, Finance i Administration, nal Development and Demographic Belgrade, 2010. Trends of Southeast Europe Nis, 2010, [2] Vesic D., Influence of business globa- pp. 215-225. lization on the economic system of [11] Lojpur A., Pekovic C., Knowledge and Serbia, Ministry of Economy of Serbia, Innovation Policy in Transition Vol. LXII, br. 1, 2010, pp. 136-164. Countries as a Measure of Readiness to [3] Government of the Republic of Serbia, Join the EU, Economics&Economy, National Strategy of Sustainable 2013, Vol. 1, No 2., pp. 61-75.

No. 3-4, 2018 67 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor [12] Milicevic V., Milicevic Z., Arsic Lj., [17] Strategy of Scientific and Techno- Premovic J., Innovation and Know- logical Development of Republic of ledge as Generators of Economic Serbia for the period 2010-2015. Years Development of the Republic of Serbia, – Focus and Partnership, 25.10.2010. Inernational Scentific Conference [18] The World Bank; KEI and KI Indexes Innovations in Function of Economy, (KAM 2012). Faculty of Applied Menagement, Eco- [19] Tijani A., Statement from 7.03.2014, nomics i Finansce, Belgrade, 2014, Irregularly Distributed Innovation, pp. 119-124. [13] Natali D., “The Lisbon Strategy, 116/Nepravilno+ raspore%C4%91ena Europe 2020 and the Crisis in between”, +inovativnost.html preuzeto 16.10. p. 93-113, in E. Marlier & D. Natali 2014. (eds.), Europe 2020 -Towards a More [20] World Economic Forum, The Europe Social EU?, Brussels, P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2020 Competitive Report: Building a 2010. More Competitive Europe, Geneva, [14] Premovic J., Arsic Lj., Premovic T., 2012. Knowledge Society and Knowledge- [21] World Economic Forum, The Europe Based Economy, 6th Inernational 2020 Competitiveness Report, Geneva, Symposium, Technical Faculty Čacak, 2014; Information and Education for the Society of Learing and Knowledge, [22] World Economic Forum, The Global June, 5, 2011. Competitiveness Report 2009-2010, [15] Premovic J., Knowledge as a Strategic Geneva, 2010; Potential of Enterprise Development, [23] World Economic Forum, The Global SM2010, Palic, 2010, pp. 1-11. Competitiveness Report 2011-2012, [16] Serbia less competitive than EU Geneva, 2012; [24] World Economic member states, EU integration since Forum, The Global Competitiveness 11.06.2014, Report 2013-2014, Geneva, 2014; -konkurentna-od-clanica-evropske- unije/

No. 3-4, 2018 68 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor MINING AND METALLURGY INSTITUTE BOR ISSN: 2334-8836 (Štampano izdanje) UDK: 622 ISSN: 2406-1395 (Online)

UDK: 621.313(045)=111 doi:10.5937/mmeb1804069T

Viša Tasić*, Radoš Jeremijić**, Marijana Pavlov-Kagadejev*, Vladimir Despotović***



The most of previously realized and implemented Distributed Control Systems (DCS) for the electric- ity consumption control are based on a control at the transformer substations level (transformer output cells level). In order to make such DCS systems, applicable to a wide variety of consumers, the new components are added into the existed DCS (transducers, controllers, communication modules, etc.). In that way, the realized DCS becomes easily applicable to almost all types of electricity consumers. Also, the DCS should be low-cost, to be available to the targeted customer groups. This paper presents the characteristics of recently realized transducer (AC current to DC voltage). The application of such de- vice in the realized DCS enables measurement the electricity consumption of almost all electrical con- sumers in the industrial facilities, as well as in the households. Keywords: electricity consumption, current transducer, measurement


The Department of Industrial Informat- system actually limits the amount of electri- ics in the Mining and Metallurgy Institute cal energy consumed over a designated in- Bor (MMI Bor), Serbia, has a long tradition terval of time. in design and application the DCS for moni- Most of the previously realized systems toring and control the industrial processes for the electricity consumption control are and electricity consumption [1-5]. The elec- based on control the transformer substations tricity costs include the peak power costs at level (cells level). In order to create the a certain time interval (e.g. 15 minutes). DCS applicable to a wide variety electricity Such costs can be significantly reduced by consumers, the new components are intro- switching-off or delaying to switch-on the duced (transducers, controllers, communica- certain electricity consumer or a group of tion modules, etc.). The new DCS should consumers for several minutes. In this way, satisfy a requirement that the measurement the electricity consumption optimization accuracy remains unchanged in relation to

* Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, Zeleni bulevar 35, 19210 Bor, Serbia, e-mail: [email protected] ** Dielectric DOO, Dr Milovanovića 15, 19210 Bor, Serbia *** University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, Vojske Jugoslavije 12, 19210 Bor, Serbia **** This work is supported by a Grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia, as a part of the Project TR-33037: “Development and Application of the Distributed System for Monitoring and Control of Electrical Energy Consumption for Large Consumers," within the framework of the Technological Development Program

No. 3-4, 2018 69 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor the previously implemented systems. In this electricity consumers within a band deter- paper, the characteristics of recently rea- mined by the power of consumer, a fre- lized transducer (AC current to DC voltage) quency of 50-60 Hz. Such input signal are presented. The application of such de- transducer converted to the output voltage vices enables measurement the electricity signal in the range 0-5 V DC, which is gal- consumption of almost all electrical con- vanically separated from the input signal. sumers in the industrial facilities, as well as That output signal is suitable for further in the households. processing by the DCS. The transducer is housed in a standard DESIGN AND APPLICATION plastic case, with the degree of protection IP20. The unit is designed for installation on The electric power and current trans- a standard DIN rail (35 mm) in accordance ducers are the basic elements of every elec- with the standard EN 60715. On the front of tricity consumption control DCS. The AC housing (as shown in Figure 1), there are 12 current to DC voltage transducer (hereinaf- terminal clamps, arranged in two rows of 6 ter - transducer), presented here, can be terminals. used to measure the alternating current of

Figure 1 Front panel of the transducer

Terminals 1 and 6 are intended for the of connecting the transducer into the elec- voltage supply of transducer, 230 V AC. tric circuit of electricity consumer is Terminals 3 and 4 are intended for con- shown in Figure 2. Terminals 8 and 11 are nection the main electric circuit of the transducer output terminals (0-5 V DC, electricity consumer. The wiring diagram max 100 mA).

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Figure 2 Wiring diagram of connecting the transducer into the electric circuit of telectricity consumer


The transducer components are located sensor, inverting amplifier, precise dou- on a single-sided PCB, as shown in Fi- ble-sided rectifier, and output stage. The gure 3. The transducer itself consists of circuit diagram of transducer is shown in the power supply, current transformer/ Figure 4.

Figure 3 Single-sided transducer's PCB with the attached components

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Figure 4 Circuit diagram of a transducer

Power Supply

Power supply of a transducer supplies Graetz bridge 1.5A, voltage regulators IC1 the electronic components with ±12 V (78L12) and IC2 (79L12), and electrolytic DC. It consists of the voltage transformer capacitors for filtering the supply voltage, TR1 (220 V AC, 2x12 V AC, 2 VA), referred as CF1-CF6 in Figure 4.

Figure 5 ASM-010 current sensor characteristics[6]

No. 3-4, 2018 72 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

Current Transformer/Sensor

A current transformer is an instrument voltage with single amplification is obtained transformer in which the secondary current at the output of the rectifier. Both OP ampli- is substantially proportional to the primary fiers work as the inverting amplifiers with current. Current transformers are switched unity gain. When the input voltage is nega- on the primary circuit regularly because they tive, the feedback circuit of the first OP need to reduce the current being measured. (IC3:B) is realized via diode D3. The input This is the reason they practically work in a current is negative and it is divided in the short circuit regime. The transducer, shown ratio of 1:2, with one third going upstream, in Figure 3, uses a miniature current sensor and over R2 and R4 entering the second OP, type: ASM-010/TALEMA. A typical cha- and two-thirds closing via D3. The gain is, racteristic of the ASM current sensor is therefore, ±1 depending on the polarity. The shown in Figure 5 [6]. The accuracy of output voltage is not affected by the voltage measurement can be improved by an ade- drops on diode; hence, the circuit acts as a quate selection the accuracy class of the precision rectifier (absolute value detector). current sensor and other associated electro- The circuit is simple because the resistors of nic components. equal resistance are used. The disadvantages of the circuit are that there are only a unit Inverting Amplifier gain and small input resistance [7].

An operational amplifier (OP) IC3:A Output Stage with resistors R6, R7 and potentiometer P1 forming inverting amplifier arrangement is The OP amplifier IC3:D, transistor T1 shown in Figure 4. Non-inverting input of (BC337), resistors R8, R10, R11 and capa- the IC3:A is bound to ground (zero poten- citors C1 and C2 forming the voltage con- tial). Since the input voltage of an ideal OP trolled current source are presented in Fi- is zero, the inverting input of the OP IC3:A gure 4. The OP amplifier IC3:D acts as a is virtually on the potential of ground. Since voltage comparator. Non-inverting input of the input current of OP is zero, all input cur- the OP IC3: D is connected to the output of rent is closed over R7 and P1. The amplifi- precise double-sided rectifier through an cation of this amplifier is negative and equal integrator, formed by the R8 resistor and to -(R7+P1)/R6. The input resistance of this capacitor C2. The output stage provides a amplifier is equal to the resistance of R6. greater current availability due to the use of transistor at the output instead of using the Precise double-sided rectifier direct output from the OP. The OP IC3:D OP amplifiers IC3:B and IC3:C, diodes and transistor T1 ensure that the voltage D3-D4 and resistors R1-R5 forming a pre- over resistor R10 is kept equal to that co- cise double-sided rectifier are presented in ming to the non-inverting input of the OP Figure 4. When the input voltage is positive, IC3:D. The voltage on the resistor R10 is the diode D4 leads and on its anode, the proportional to the AC current at the input voltage is equal to the input one, but with the of the transducer. Adjustment of the trans- opposite polarity. In the second OP (IC3:C), mission characteristics of the transducer is this voltage is only inverted and a positive done by a potentiometer P1.

No. 3-4, 2018 73 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor


As an example of transducer applica- the peak power or exceeding the allowed tion, the overload protection of the low value for electricity consumption of the voltage electric motor is presented (con- factory/facility. In such case, the addition- trol box shown in Figure 6). Figure 7 al electronics (Arduino board DCS node) shows a circuit diagram of the electric has to be added into the existing overload motor overcurrent load protection system. protection system, as shown in Figure 7. The protective element compares the pre- Hence, the information about the actual set maximum current load with the actual electricity consumption of electric motor current load, measured by the transducer. is forwarded from the Arduino board, that When the actual current value exceeds the serves as a DCS node, via the wireless preset maximum, the protection system network to a DCS control level (PC work- activates the sound and visual alarm. This station). scheme (on/off regulator) could also be Based on the actual electricity con- applied for the electricity consumption sumption of the factory/facility, and other control. If the electric motor is the elec- elements, contained in the control algo- tricity consumer that can be stopped for rithm, the DCS decides whether to turn off several minutes, it can be used to avoid the electric motor or not.

Figure 6 Transducer applied for the electric motor overload protection [8]

No. 3-4, 2018 74 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

Figure 7 Circuit diagram of the electric motor overload protection system[8]


In this paper, the main characteristics of Conference Proceedings, Book 2, pp. the recently realized transducer (AC current 629-631, Ohrid, FYR Macedonia, to DC voltage) are presented. The appli- 2007. cation of such devices enable measurement [2] Tasić V., Milivojević D., Pavlov M., the electricity consumption of a wide variety Despotović V., "Reducing the Costs of of electrical consumers in the industrial fa- Electricity in the Copper Mining and cilities, as well as in the households. The Smelting Complex RTB Bor (Serbia) device is easy to manufacture, install, cali- by Using of the Distributed Control brate and maintain. In the practical applica- System", MIPRO 2010, Conference tion, in the overcurrent protection systems, it Proceedings, pp. 664-667, Opatija, has shown a good stability and reliability. It Croatia, 2010. is expected that in the near future it will be [3] Tasić V., Milivojević D., Pavlov M., extensively applied in the electricity con- Despotović V., Brodić D., "Micr- sumption control systems. ocontroller Based Systems for Peak Load Reduction, " Proceedings of REFERENCES 35th International Convention, MIPRO 2012, pp. 919-923, Opatija, Croatia, [1] Milivojević D., Tasić V., Pavlov M., 21/5-25/5/2012. Despotović V., "Synthesis of DCS in [4] Tasić V., Milivojević D., Despotović Copper Metallurgy", ICEST 2007, V., Brodić D., Pavlov M., and

No. 3-4, 2018 75 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor Stojković I., "Communications in [7] Realized Industrial networks", ICEST Radojle_Radetic2/publication/3138533 2013, Conference Proceedings, pp. 83_Operacioni_pojacavaci_sa_zbirko 619-622, Ohrid, FYR Macedonia, m_sema_-_odabrana_poglavlja/links/ 2013. 58ab4422a6fdcc0e079bb850/Operacio [5] Tasić V., Despotović V., Brodić D., ni-pojacavaci-sa-zbirkom-sema- Pavlov M., Milivojević D., "Twenty odabrana-poglavlja.pdf (in Serbian - Years of Monitoring and Control of accessed on 18/08/2018) Electricity Consumption in RTB Bor, [8] Tasić V., Pavlov-Kagadejev M., Serbia", MIPRO 2013, Conference Jeremijić R., Despotović V., Tasić O., Proceedings, pp. 1134-1138, Opatija, and Stojković I., "The Elements of Croatia, 2013. Low-Cost DCS for Electricity [6] Consumption Control," ICEST 2018, (accessed 18.08.2018) Conference Proceedings, pp. 303-307, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2018.

No. 3-4, 2018 76 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor MINING AND METALLURGY INSTITUTE BOR ISSN: 2334-8836 (Štampano izdanje) UDK: 622 ISSN: 2406-1395 (Online)

UDK: 622.33:504.6(497.115) (045)=111 doi:10.5937/mmeb1804077D

Boban Dašić*, Marko Savić*, Bojan Labović*



The objective of this paper is to point out the significance of the natural lignite resources in the re- gion of Kosovo and Metohija and to consider their influence on the environment of the said part of the territory of the Republic of Serbia. The region of Kosovo and Metohija is extremely rich in lignite. It makes up 76% of the total coal reserves in Serbia and it is the third biggest region in Europe regarding the coal reserves. Lignite is burned in the existing thermal power plants in Kosovo and Metohija, and the construction of the additional blocks is being planned at the moment. Lignite reserves are so im- mense that on one hand they enable the energy independence, but on the other hand the overall negative impact of reliance on lignite must be taken into account, especially since the existing thermal power plants operate according to the out-dated environmental standards, producing large emissions of air pollutants (harmful gases resulting from lignite combustion in thermal power plants) that have negative impact on health. In order to reduce the environmental pollution that such thermal power plants create, operating of the said power plants needs to be adjusted to the stricter standards in compliance with the legal requirements and the Industrial Emissions Directive of the European Union. Keywords: lignite, natural resources, energy independence, environment, environmental standards


The region of Kosovo and Metohija is their rational exploitation, combined with rich in mineral resources. Its energy re- a good management approach, represent a sources and non-ferrous metal resources solid basis for quick and sustainable eco- represent a considerable potential for the nomic and social development. overall development. Not all parts of Ko- All kinds of the existing resources that sovo and Metohija are equally rich in the country has at its disposal make up a mineral raw materials. Mineral deposits foundation for planning and implementa- represent a true natural basis for develop- tion of development and energy strategy. ment of industry, i.e. economy as a whole. Each of the specified resources has bigger Some of the most important resources are or smaller resource potential, but planning lignite, minerals of lead, zinc, silver and and strategic exploitation are insufficient. gold, silicate minerals of nickel and co- That is why it is necessary to define the balt, iron – bauxite, manganese and mag- accurate sector policies and strategies and nesite. Moreover, there are also significant to select the proper mechanisms for their amounts of the non-metallic, industrial implementation. Regarding Serbia, this minerals and geological construction ma- goal is extremely difficult to realize at this terials. Specified mineral resources and moment because the region of the Auto-

* High Economic School Vocational Studies Pec in Leposavic e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

No. 3-4, 2018 77 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor nomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija ant to any natural and international law, is the UN protectorate and subject to the including resolution 1244, the mineral re- Resolution 1244. In fact, at this moment, sources of Kosovo and Metohija should stay Serbia as a country does not have any in Serbia. Since Serbia has been exposed to mechanisms that could be used to protect double standards by the developed Western those natural mineral resources from ex- countries that recognized the unilateral in- ploitation. On the other hand, the interim dependence of the AP of Kosovo and Me- institutions in Kosovo and Metohija do tohija, the so called independent state of everything in their power to use those re- Kosovo was given the opportunity to ex- sources for their own development. Pursu ploit all of the mineral resources.

Figure 1 Mineral resources in Kosovo and Metohija [1]


Lignite reserves are by far the most amount, only 1.6 Bt in the Kosovo basin are abundant among mineral resources in the economically exploitable, while 4.8 Bt are region of Kosovo and Metohija. There are non-exploitable (as well as 0.7 Bt in the still no accurate estimates of the amount of Metohija basin, and 0.25 Bt in the Drenica lignite in the region of Kosovo and Metohi- basin). As for the thickness of exploitable ja. According to the Serbian scientists, Ni- seam, it is the biggest in the Kosovo basin kolic and Dimitrijevic [2], lignite reserves in (24-60 meters) than in the Metohija basin the Kosovo, Metohija and Drenica basin are (36-40 meters) and than in the Drenica ba- 7.35 billion tons (Bt). Out of the specified sin (5-18 meters). Only in the Kosovo basin,

No. 3-4, 2018 78 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor the thickness of overburden is smaller than ment, the estimated lignite resources on the thickness of lignite seam. In the Metohija entire territory of Kosovo and Metohija are basin, this overburden thickness is 2.5 times 12.4 Bt. [4] bigger than the thickness of lignite seam. In Rainer Hengstmann’s report from Bigger overburden thickness implies more 2004, the Independent Commission for expensive lignite exploitation and, conse- Mines and Minerals of Kosovo, regulated by quently, smaller profit, i.e. lignite-based the UNMIK, published that the World Bank wealth of the region. The average overbur- estimated the mineral reserves of Kosovo to den to lignite ratio in the Kosovo basin is 1.3 be worth 13.5 billion euro. The most signifi- m³/t and 2.4 m³/t in the Metohija basin cant resource is lignite, with geological re- On one hand, it is positive that there are serves of about 15 billion tons. [5] large amounts of lignite, but on the other This estimate is in line with the esti- hand the negative factor implies high con- mates by the experts from the Faculty of tents of moisture and ash (because of Mining and Geology in Belgrade who also gangues) and increased contents of toxic estimated that the lignite potential in Koso- microelements of Ni and Cr in lignite, en- vo would be sufficient to supply two ther- riched in the thermal power plants smoke, mal power plants, and to provide the elec- so this lignite represents an important but tricity production in a hundred-year period law-budget raw material for exploitation which, according to the estimate of our and production of electric energy that pays Ministry of Mining and Energy from 2009, off only with minimal transport or exploita- equals the value of 100 billion euro. There- tion on the site. [3] fore, a major part of lignite reserves in the According to the data of interim institu- Republic of Serbia (over 76%) is located in tion, the Ministry of Economic Develop- the Kosovo-Metohija basin. [6]

Table 1 Lignite reserves in Kosovo and Metohija [4]

Reserves Basin Geological Balance reserves* Off-balance reserves** Kosovo 10.09 8.77 1.31 Metohija 2.24 2.04 0.19 Drenica 0.10 0.07 0.03 Total 12.44 10.89 1.54 * Balance reserves are reserves in which thermal power of coal exceeds 5,450 kJ/kg ** Off-balance reserves are reserves in which the thermal power is smaller than 5,450 kJ/kg

In one of its reports, the United States’ coal reserves in Serbia are sufficient for CIA says that, according to the interna- 60 years, and in Kosovo for 200 years. tional standards, Kosovo is worth 500 They point out that the value of localities billion dollars (estimated reserves of coal, of seven strategic ore (lead, zinc, silver, natural gas and metal), and the remaining nickel, manganese, molybdenum and bo- part of Serbia with Vojvodina only about ron) was estimated to as much as 1,000 200 billion dollars. In line with one study billion dollars. [7] mentioned in that report, the USA experts It could be concluded that there is estimate that in Serbia there are coal re- enough lignite to last more than one centu- serves for maximum 35 to 40 years, while ry, even with the increased exploitation. in Kosovo there is coal for as much as 16 Importance of lignite for the region of centuries. Another study estimates that the Kosovo and Metohija is supported by the

No. 3-4, 2018 79 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor fact that the share of lignite in the total by application of modern excavators (dig- electric energy production is about 97%, gers). Lignite exploitation in those open- while the hydroelectric power plants ac- pit mines, that represented one collective count for 3% of production. [8] exploitation area, ended in 2012. The an- With the estimated lignite value of nual production capacity in both mines about 12[9] -15[7] Bt, Kosovo ranks as was 28,000,000 m³ of gangue (solid mass) the third (after Germany and Poland) in and about 17,000,000 tons of coal. Since Europe, and as the fifth in the world re- 2010, coal has also been exploited from garding the established lignite reserves. the so called “New Mine” (southwest of Sibovac), and this mine is in the final 3 EXPLOITATION OF LIGNITE IN phase of development. KOSOVO AND METOHIJA Among the lignite fields in Kosovo and Metohija, the Field Sibovac is the The main energy sources in Kosovo are largest exploitation reserve. It comprises located in two major lignite basins known as approximately 330 metric tons of exploita- the “Kosovo” basin and “Metohija” basin, tion reserves and has the smallest portion with the usable lignite deposits. [10] The of overburden. The Field Sibovac covers Kosovo basin covers the area of 274 km², the area of 16 km², with maximaldepth of and Metohija basin the area of 49 km², while 3.8 km and length of about 6 km. In addi- the other basins cover 5.1 km². [11] tion to the new mine, the Sibovac South- The first systematized data on the lig- west, in which lignite has already being nite exploitation, i.e. small-scale lignite exploited, the plan is to start with exploi- mining in the Kosovo basin, dates back to tation of the southeast part of Sibovac 1922. More extensive lignite production field that has been explored, as well as started with opening the open-pit mines with two alternative fields: Field D and Miras (1958) and Belacevac (1969), and Field South Sibovac. [12]

Figure 2 Mining fields of lignite - Sibovac [12]

Figure above presents the potential min- lignite has been depleted (Miras and ing fields of lignite (Field Sibovac, Sibovac Belacevac). Southwest, Field D and Field South), as It is important to mention that the pro- well as the mines in which the exploitable spects of finding the new coal localities are

No. 3-4, 2018 80 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor very favourable and realistic due to the Power Plant "Kosovo A" consists of five good geological prerequisites. There are working blocks, known as the A1, A2, A3, indications that there is coal in many other A4 and A5. The Block A1 of this Thermal locations, especially in the south part of the Power Plant was put into operation in Pec lowland, in the part of Djakovica and 1962 with the power of 65 MWe; A2 in Prizren. Also, one of potential locations is 1965 with the power of 125 MWe; A3 the Neogene basin of Kriva Reka that repre- in 1970 with the power of 200 MWe; A4 sents a tectonic basin, formed in the cross- in 1971 with the power of 200 MWe and border area of the Dardani massif in the A5 in 1975 with the power of 210 MWe. east, and Vardar zone in the west, whereby At the moment, the blocks A3, A4 and A5 the thickness of coal seam in this region are in operation. According to the current reaches 5 m. It would be reasonable to ex- production plan, two blocks are in use (A3 pect an intensification of explorations aim- and A5), while one of them (A4) is a hot ing at discovery the new lignite localities. reserve because of their low readiness and Taking into account the specified lignite age. The Blocks A1 and A2 are non- amounts, it would be reasonable to expect functional and are without defined status that lignite, as an energy generating product, and, according to the current plans, they will continue to be the main source of ener- will remain like that until the end, when gy in Kosovo and Metohija. With that in their decommissioning is expected. The mind, it is necessary to: whole Thermal Power Plant “Kosovo A” - follow up the developments, in our is in a bad condition, and considered to be neighboring countries and worldwide, the worst single pollution source in Eu- related to the technology of clean rope. The interim institutions in Pristina combustion of lignite, intended for in- plan to decommission it, but it cannot be creased utilization in the industry and done until the sufficient amount of elec- heating plants and economically justi- tricity has been provided, which is not fiable from the social and environmen- feasible at the moment. The annual elec- tal aspect; tric energy production from the Thermal - intensify the geological explorations in Power Plant Kosovo A is around 1500 order to develop the strategy of lignite GWh. [14] exploitation planning; The Thermal Power Plant “Kosovo B” - apply an economically and environ- Block 1, built in 1983, is active (339 mentally justifiable procedure of lig- MWe) and so the Block 2, constructed in nite refinement in order to comply 1984 (339 MWe), and they both need a with the modern technological solu- rehabilitation after being operational for tions for utilization of lignite in the in- 35 years in order to be aligned with the dustry and mass consumption. [13] environmental standards of the European Union. 4 THERMAL POWER PLANTS IN The total capacity of these two thermal THE REGION OF KOSOVO AND power plants (Kosovo A and Kosovo B) METOHIJA amounts to 988 MWe. The plan is to have the thermal power Plant Kosovo C, with In the region of Kosovo and Metohija Block 1 (300 Mwe) and Block 2 (300 there are two thermal power plants: “Ko- Mwe), built and put into operation until sovo A” and “Kosovo B”. The Termal the end of 2018 [15].

No. 3-4, 2018 81 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor Table 2 Thermal Power Plants in the region of Kosovo and Metohija [15]

Thermal power Thermal power plant Thermal power plant Thermal power plant name Kosovo A Kosovo B plant Kosovo C Block Block 3 Block 5 Block 1 Block 2 Block 1 Block 2 Status existing existing existing existing new* new* Operating since 1970 1975 1983 1984 2018 2018 Capacity MVe 200 210 339 339 300 300 * Beginning the operation of the new plants is based on estimate

Figure 3 Thermal Power Plants “Kosovo A” and “Kosovo B” [16]

According to the plan, the Thermal energy independence on one side, while on Power Plant Kosovo A will be decommis- the other side3, the negative effects of reli- sioned by the beginning of 2023, when the ance on lignite must be taken into account. Thermal Power Plant Novo Kosovo, cur- The Thermal Power Plants “Kosovo A” and rently under construction, is expected to “Kosovo B” operate according to the out- be put into operation, and after that, the dated environmental standards, thus produc- Thermal Power Plant Kosovo B will un- ing the high emissions of harmful gases dergo a rehabilitation. [17] which, consequently, greatly affect the envi- ronment and human health. In order to re- 5 ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION BY duce the harmful gases emission and, con- THE THERMAL POWER PLANTS IN sequently, their negative influence, the KOSOVO AND METOHIJA Thermal Power Plant “Kosovo A” needs to be shut down (which is planned to be done In this part, the environmental pollution until the end of 2023), while the Thermal related to air emissions of pollutants, creat- Power Plant “Kosovo B” needs to be im- ed by lignite combustion in thermal power proved in order to comply with the new plants in Kosovo and Metohija will be dis- legal requirements based on the standards cussed. As it was already mentioned, 97% that are much stricter than those that are of electric energy production is based on currently applied to the existing thermal lignite exploitation in Kosovo and Metohija. power plants. Those new standards have The first step in this process is a procure- been defined by the Industrial Emissions ment of raw material for further processing Directive (IED) of the EU. [19] and transformation. [18] Large amount of Regardless of the stricter standards, the lignite makes possible a certain level of negative consequences cannot be avoided

No. 3-4, 2018 82 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor 100%, but at least they can be reduced to a causes pollution of air. Influence of SO2 minimum that will not affect severely the and NO2 is connected not only with expo- environment and human health. If the quali- sure to the pollutants in the form in which ty of air in the region complies with the they are emitted, but also to the products of requirements, it does not mean that people their reactions, since they react with the who live in that region are fully protected other pollutants in the atmosphere forming from the influence of air pollutants from a the aerosol (ammonium-sulphate and am- certain source. Estimate of pollutant influ- monium-nitrate in particular) that contrib- ence on the environment represents a sub- utes to the overall particulate loading of air. jective attitude and does not imply the ab- Nitrogen-dioxide also reacts with the vola- sence of that influence. There are numerous tile organic compounds in the presence of studies of influence the air pollutants on sunlight which results in production the health, both in our country and worldwide, increased levels of ozone, the other pollu- according to which the risks are not limited tant that is considered to be a threat to to the areas in the imminent surrounding of health. [15]. Other dangerous substances, the plants or other combustion objects, but emitted from flue-gas stacks of the coal extend to larger areas, sometimes several thermal power plants, are heavy metals, e.g. hundred kilometers away, because the said mercury, and persistent organic pollutants particles are transmitted by wind and end up such as dioxins and polycyclic aromatic deposited on the ground. These harmful chemicals. High emissions of mercury from substances bring about enormous environ- the lignite-fired thermal power plants raise mental problems and are a threat to the hu- the special concerns about the health of man life and human health. [20] What can children. [21] be done to reduce the harmful consequences The influence of air pollutants on health of lignite combustion in the thermal power includes death due to the respiratory and plants is to adjust them to the specified heart problems, bronchitis, hospitalization standards, and to increase the competitive- and many other negative effects. Exposure ness of renewable technologies for the en- to the open air contamination is associated ergy production in relation to the lignite with a large number of acute and chronic exploitation and utilization in the thermal health conditions, ranging from irritation to power plants. death. [22] By lignite combustion in the thermal Table below shows the annual number power plants, the harmful particles (sulphur- of cases of premature death in Europe that dioxide SO2, nitrogen-dioxide NO2 and can be ascribed to the thermal power plants particulate matter (PM)) are emitted, which in Kosovo and Metohija.

Table 3 Annual numbers of cases of premature death in Europe that can be ascribed to any plant operating with the capacity adjusted to the loading factor [15]

Sulphur-dioxide Nitrogen-dioxide PM2.5* Total Kosovo A, block 3 17 11 21 49 Kosovo A, block 5 36 22 45 103 Kosovo B, block 1 53 38 18 109 Kosovo B, block 2 53 38 18 109 Total 159 109 102 370 *PM2.5, fraction of “dust“ with diameter smaller than 2.5 micrometers

No. 3-4, 2018 83 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor The latest data, published in the HEAL ranks as the third in Europe and fifth in the report, show that the influence of harmful world, regarding the amount of lignite. particles, produced by lignite combustion in The big world players have joined the the thermal power plants at the annual level battle for exploitation the Kosovo resources. round the European Union resulted in over In addition to the American companies, 18,200 cases of premature death, around German, British, French and Turkish com- 8,500 cases of chronic bronchitis, and over 4 panies are also interested in investing into million days of absence from work. Eco- the mininglocalities and exploitation the nomic costs of coal combustion impact on natural resources of Kosovo. It is an interest- human health in Europe are estimated as ing fact that the American company “En- 42.8 billion euro per year. [23] vidity”, run by a retired NATO general Wes- In addition to the negative health conse- ley Clark, asked for a license to explore the quences, the harmful effects caused by the coal reserves in order to be able to produce air pollution by the lignite-fired thermal the synthetic oil from coal, with the produc- power plants have the financial consequenc- tion plan of 100,000 barrels of oil per day. es as well, regarding both population and the Lignite is the main energy source in Ko- state. Monetization of the influence of lignite sovo and Metohija. Its share in the total elec- combustion in thermal power plants is relat- tric energy production is about 97%, while ed to several factors: additional health care the hydroelectric power plants account for costs resulting from the hospitalization, in- only 3% of production. Due to a large creased consumption of medicines, etc.; lost amount of lignite reserves, the situation is productivity of workers who take the sick likely to remain the same in the period to leaves because they themselves are ill or to come. According to the European Associa- take care of ill family members and; loss of tion for Coal and Lignite (EUROCOAL), what is labeled as the “usefulness“ or coal will continue to be important as a factor “pleasure“ in economic literature due to the among the energy generating products for a pain, suffering and reduced life expectancy. long time for the purpose of electric energy [15] production, whose increasing needs are def- Due to everything aforesaid, the air pol- inite and will continue to grow. In order to lution brought by the lignite combustion in meet the need for electric energy, it is neces- the thermal power plants is being increasing- sary to modernize the existing and to apply ly acknowledged as a considerable threat to the new, technologically innovative proce- the public health. sses of obtaining lignite as an energy gener- ating product. CONCLUSION Currently, there are two active thermal power plants in the region of Kosovo and If a country wishes to plan and realize Metohija: the thermal power plant “Kosovo the energy strategy, it should possess the A” (blocks A3, A4, A5) and thermal power energy resources. It is typical that the coun- plant “Kosovo “B” (block 1, block 2). The- tries with larger reserves of energy resources se two lignite-fired thermal power plants have a higher level of energy independence. emit thousands of tons of harmful pollutants The actual lignite reserves in Kosovo every year, thus contributing to the air pol- and Metohija are still not known as a fact. lution considerably and not only in the re- All lignite localities in Kosovo and Metohija gion of Kosovo and Metohija, but in the are still not sufficiently known and have not Balkans region and farther, because the been sufficiently explored. What is unknown pollutants are transmitted by air to a greater known at the moment is that those reserves distance. Operating of the said thermal are so immense that owing to them Kosovo power plants is characterized by the

No. 3-4, 2018 84 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor outdated environmental standards, which [8] Lignite Mining Development Strategy, contribute to creation the high levels of Energy Strategy and Policy of emission of pollutants that have numerous Kosovo, White Paper, EU Pillar, negative effects on the environment and PISG - Energy Office. Retrieved 24 human health. Therefore, it is necessary to February 2013. p. 1. revise the energy production plans in order [9] to reduce the reliance on lignite and exclude SoE/energy.htm (Date of access: it in the end and in order to increase invest- 28.01.2018.). ments into renewable energy sources. [10] Avdiu S., Veselaj B., Pireci M., Environment in Obilic and Pollution REFERENCES by the KEK, 6. Scientific-Expert Conference with International [1] Participation ”KVALITET 2009”, /u-cijim-rukama-ce-se-naci-prirodna- Neum, B&H, 04 - 07 June 2009, p. bogatstva-kosova-i-metohije.html? 536 (in Serbian) alphabet=l (Date of access: [11] Bojaxhiu M., Hoxha P., Ahmeti H., 15.01.2018.). Raci Xh., Bislimi N., Energetic [2] Nikolić, P., Dimitrijević, D., Coal of Resources of Kosovo as a Strategic Yugoslavia, Invention, Belgrade, 1990, Potential for its Economical p. 464 (in Serbian) Development, Journal of International [3] Karamata, S., Životić, D., Jelenković, Environmental Application and R., Bursać, M., Natural Resources of Science. 4 (2), 2009, p. 152–156. Kosovo and Metohija – Condition and [12] KOSOVO POWER PROJECT, Near Future, Collection: Kosovo i Environmental and Social Impact Metohija, prošlost – sadašnjost – Assessment (ESIA), Draft budućnost, SANU, Beograd, 2006, p. Environmental and Social Scoping 356 (in Serbian) Study (ESSS) Rev. 2. p. 21-25. [4] Interim Institution of Self- [13] Mitrović S., Kojić-Lekić S., Place and Management - Ministry of Economic Role of Domestic Lignite in the Euro- Development, Strategy for Mining of pean Environment, Termotehnika, 32, the Republic of Kosovo from 2012- 1-4 (2006), p. 55-63 (58) (in Serbian) 2025, Pristina, 2012, p. 14 (in Serbian) [14] [5] https://www.kosovo- elektrana-kosova-a/ (Date of access: 08.02.2018.). mineralnih-sirovina/?lang=sr (Date of [15] Holland M., Health and Environment access: 20.01.2018.). Alliance, Technical Report: The [6] The Assembly of the Republic of Effects of Coal Thermo Power Plants Serbia, Decision on Establishing the on health I the Western Balkan, March, Energy Development Strategy of the 2016 (in Serbian) Republic of Serbia by 2015, "Official [16] Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", No. sr.htm (Date of access: 12.02.2018.). 44/2005 (in Serbian) [17] Interim Institution of Self-Mana- [7] gement - Ministry of Economic Deve- kosovske-milijarde-bezocno- lopment, Energy Strategy of the pljackanje-srbije (Date of access: Republic of Kosovo 2017-2026, 25.01.2018.). Pristina, 2017, p. 35 (in Serbian)

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No. 3-4, 2018 86 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor MINING AND METALLURGY INSTITUTE BOR ISSN: 2334-8836 (Štampano izdanje) UDK: 622 ISSN: 2406-1395 (Online)

UDK: 622:502.17(497.11)(045)=111 doi:10.5937/mmeb1804087I

Miroslav Ignjatović*, Slavica Miletić**



Sustainable development is the most current topic of today; it means a moderate development that meets the needs of the present generation, and does not interdict the needs of future genera- tions. An analysis of the sustainable development benefits in the mining companies (Mining and Smelting Basin Bor, RTB) presents a problem that can be solved using the multi-criteria decision- making methods (MCDM). The interest in analyzing the benefits of sustainable development in the Mining and Smelter Basin Bor originated from the fact that the benefits influence the growth, de- velopment and survival of the company. One approach based on the AHP method is proposed to solve the complex problem in this paper. The usability and effectiveness of the AHP approach has been considered in the empirical application of the proposed method for assessment the sustaina- ble development benefits in the mining companies of Serbia (RTB Bor). Keywords: sustainable development, AHP method, RTB Bor


A concept of sustainable development in development and external trade balance of the modern world implies improving the the country [2]. RTB Bor is one of the quality of life with respecting a healthy envi- leading manufacturers of copper and pre- ronment, using the social and economic cious metals (gold and silver) in Serbia. qualities for both present and future genera- Ranking of the sustainable development tions [1]. benefits of the mining companies (RTB Bor) Development of RTB Bor in Serbia was done implementing the multicriterion depends on many investment factors. But, decision-making (MCDM) method. their development and survival depend to The MCDM technique has the benefit to some extent on the benefits of sustainable evaluate the different options according to development: sustainable production and the different criteria that have different units. consumption, implementation of the inte- Their benefit over the traditional methods is grated management system (ISM), intro- that the deciding criteria have to be convert- duction of clean technology, development ed into the same unit. Another benefit is that of social responsibility and environmental they can analyze the quantitative and quali- protection. Development of the mining tative evaluation criteria. companies in Serbia has a major contribu- This paper deals with a multicriterial tion to the solution of social and demo- analysis of ranking the benefits of sustai- graphic issues, positive impact on regional nable development in the mining compa-

*Chamber of Commerce of Serbia, [email protected] **Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, Zeleni bulevar 35, 19210 Bor, e-meil: [email protected]

No. 3-4, 2018 87 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor nies or selection the best alternatives from mining companies in Serbia for the purpose a set by conflicting attributes. of creating a sustainable business model, The main idea of implementation the providing opportunities for rapid recogni- MCDM methods is an efficient assessment tion of opportunities, chances, strengths and the benefits of sustainable development of weaknesses, better mission and vision, bet- the mining companies in order to improve ter positioning, gaining competition, win- the performances, increase profits, survival, ning the new products and markets. faster risk identification, achievement the The advantages of sustainable develop- strategic goals and stakeholders' demands. ment are: sustainable production and con- In recent years, MCDM methods are sumption, implementation of an integrated rapidly developed towards an effective management system (ISM), introduction of methodology for solving the conflicting real the clean technology, development of the problems and have a significant interests of social responsibility and environmental researches in the mining for: selection of the protection. degraded areas [3]; evaluation and selection Alternative A1: Sustainable production of the personnel [4,5,6]; selection of the and consumption: designed, real set and optimal integrated management system operationally managed production and con- [7,8]; selection of the mining tourism strat- sumption of the mining companies is one of egy [9]; choice of the suppliers [10]; opti- the alternative benefits of sustainable devel- mal mining [11]; business strategy selection opment. Alternative (A1) creates the sus- [12], etc. They have found an application tainable models of the mining companies for evaluation the sustainable business [13] with which the desired results are achieved and selection the most influential indicator with the start of exploration of mineral re- of sustainable development in the mining sources. companies [14]. Alternative A2: Implementation of the One of the MCDM methods - the AHP ISM. As in the world, and with increasing (Analytical Hierarchical Process) method is importance, it has an integrated manage- used in this paper. The AHP method has ment system. It is defined as a comprehen- assessed the benefits of sustainable devel- sive management tool that connects all ele- opment of RTB Bor with the given criteria. ments of the business system into a single management system. The optimal model of 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART the integrated management system is a pro- cessive [7, 8], supported by the new stand- The concept of sustainable develop- ard ISO 9001:2015, an international stand- ment in the world and in our country is ard that includes the ISO-International Or- accepted as a condition of survival and ganization for Standardization. Alternative development the mining companies. Sus- (A2) creates the sustainable business mod- tainable development of the mining com- els for the mining companies that are will- panies should enable a continuous sustain- ing to give answers to all stakeholders. able long-term economic growth that will Alternative A3: Introduction of the be based on the moderate use of natural clean technology as a priority for sustaina- resources in accordance with the environ- ble development is crucial for development mental principles and respect for the envi- and creation the sustainable business of the ronment. The benefits of sustainable de- mining companies and healthier environ- velopment for the mining companies are ment. Problems of pollution as a result of examples of implementation the sustaina- out-of-date technologies, worn out equip- ble development and business. ment, inadequate use of the secondary raw The objective of this paper is to evaluate materials, inefficient use of the natural re- the benefits of sustainable development the sources, decision-making without the ade

No. 3-4, 2018 88 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor quate models, lack of the waste manage- opening the international standards of the ment perceptions and incentives for intro- efficiency, sustainable use of the natural duction of the clean production. resources and product quality [15]. Alternative A4: Development of the Criterion (C3): Reducing costs; many social responsibility improves a reputation mining companies have met with demands and creates a confidence for the community, of the foreign companies, so they are forced employees, users, and all stakeholders. The to provide the appropriate ISO standards to concept of socially responsible business reduce the costs. The criterion of cost reduc- contributes to a better society and healthy tion is important for the mining companies environment. The responsible business of in order to increase the production and the mining companies is an investment ra- thereby to increase the profits. ther than a loss. Criterion (C4): Introduction of the Alternative A5: The environmental new technologies; a trend for drastic in- protection, its requirements are defined with crease in the investment in the mining com- the ISO 14001 standard. Implementation of panies in Serbia (construction of the New the ISO 14001 as a benefit of the sustaina- Smelter in the Mining and Smelting Basin ble development makes the model of min- Bor) has been recently seen. This criterion ing companies that reduce the environmen- increases the production and sales leading to tal pollution, ecological disaster risks, con- a greater competitiveness and cooperation trol emissions, execute certain controls re- with the global companies. lated to the production, reduce the operating Criterion (C5): Simpler procedures, costs and increase the ability to generate the as a criterion for evaluating the benefits of sustainable production and consumption, sustainable development of the mining which is a condition for getting a successful companies is based on introduction the con- sustainable business model. cept of business quality improvement on the Criteria: Criteria are measures that PDCA cycle (Plan, Do, Chek, ACT) which evaluate the alternatives for evaluating the includes: plan, perform, check and control. benefits of sustainable development in RTB Criterion (C6): The quality control of Bor, defined by the decision-making team. the process by Deming is: to design a Criterion (C1): Informing the em- product, to test the product on the produc- ployees and their participation in deci- tion line or laboratories, to sell the product sion making as an important criterion for and test it, to find out what they think about evaluation the benefit of sustainable devel- it and those who bought it and who did not. opment for the mining companies. A certain The mining companies in modern business milestone in the way of information and are forced to focus on the quality processes their participation in a decision-making has to be sustainable and competitive. been made by the companies in developed Criterion (C4): The introduction of countries. Deming gave a major contribu- new technologies has recently seen a trend tion to the employees: it is necessary to in- for a drastic increase in investment in min- troduce a permanent training, improvement ing companies in Serbia (the production of and transformation of the employees. the New Smeltery in the Mining Smelter Criterion (C2): Competitiveness: The Basin Bor). This criterion increases pro- international competitiveness of a state is duction and sales leading to greater com- the ability to maintain and increase the petitiveness and cooperation with global share of national economy in the market by companies.

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b) Matrix obtained on the basis of The problems of evaluation the sustaina- comparative comparison the crite ble development benefits of the mining ria and alternatives; companies can be overcome using an analyt- c) The consistency test must be less ical hierarchy (AHP) which Thomas L. than 0.1; Saaty (1970) introduced into the multi- d) Comparison synthesis in order to criteria decision-making [16]. This compen- obtain an optimal alternative, satory decision methodology can be applied e) The evaluation of criteria is done in various areas of planning, management between each other and ranking of and solving the real problems. the individual alternatives using the Criterion Decision Plus software. The AHP includes [17]: The weight coefficients of the criteria a) Structuring the problem of a hierar- are determined using the scale of compari- chical decision; son the Sati's procedure (Table 1).

Table 1 Scale of comparison the decision elements Dominances Description Rating Equal 1 Poor domination 3 Strong domination 5 Very strong domination 7 Absolute domination 9 2, 4, 6, 8 are the subtotals

Table 2 Matrix of comparison for criteria

Criteria C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C1 1 1/5 1/3 1/3 1/2 1/3 C2 1 1 3 3 3 C3 1 1 1/2 1 C4 1 2 1/3 C5 1 1/2 C6 1

The obtained results are shown in hierarchy of the AHP method. Table 3. Figure 1 shows the decision Table 3 Results obtained by the AHP calculations

Criterion C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 Weight coefficients of criterion 0.053 0.327 0.160 0.136 0.127 0.197 Consistency coefficient 0.084

No. 3-4, 2018 90 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

Figure 1 Hierarchy of decision-making

The next step is to evaluate the alterna- the benefits of sustainable development in tives, individually with each C1, C2, C3, C4, RTB Bor. The choice of criteria is very im- C5 and C6. criteria. Alternatives are given as portant for solving the real problems.

Table 4 Comparison of alternatives in relation to the criterion C1

Аlternatives А1 А2 А3 А4 А5

А1 1 2 3 1/2 1

А2 1 1 1/2 3

А3 1 1/5 1/2

А4 1 3

А5 1 Consistency coefficient 0.084

Table 5 Comparison of alternatives in relation to the criterion C2

Alternatives А1 А2 А3 А4 А5

А1 1 1 1 2 1

А2 1 1/3 1/2 1/2

А3 1 1/2 2

А4 1 2

А5 1 Consistency coefficient 0.095

No. 3-4, 2018 91 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

Table 6 Comparison of alternatives in relation to the criterion C3

Аlternatives А1 А2 А3 А4 А5

А1 1 1 3 1/2 2

А2 1 2 1/3 1

А3 1 1/5 1

А4 1 5

А5 1 Consistency coefficient 0.017

Table 7 Comparison of alternatives in relation to the criterion C4

Аlternatives А1 А2 А3 А4 А5

А1 1 2 3 1/2 1

А2 1 3 1/3 2

А3 1 1/5 1/2

А4 1 1

А5 1 Consistency coefficient 0.072

Table 8 Comparison of alternatives in relation to the criterion C5

Аlternatives А1 А2 А3 А4 А5

А1 1 2 1/3 1/2 1

А2 1 1/3 1/2 1/3

А3 1 5 1

А4 1 1

А5 1 Consistency coefficient 0.079

Table 9 Comparison of alternatives in relation to the criterion C6

Аlternatives А1 А2 А3 А4 А5

А1 1 2 3 1/2 1

А2 1 1 1/2 2

А3 1 1/3 2

А4 1 3

А5 1 Consistency coefficient 0.067

No. 3-4, 2018 92 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor The AHP analysis of evaluation the sus- nology; the fourth place is the alternative tainable business benefits in the mining (A5) - environmental protection and the fifth companies shows that the highest benefit place is the alternative (A2) - implementa- has the alternative (A4) - development the tion of the integrated management system social responsibility; the second place is the (Table 10). All alternatives are the benefits alternative (A1) - sustainable production of importance for implementation the sus- and consumption; the third place is thealter- tainable development in the mining compa- native (A3) - introduction of the clean tech nies.

Table 10 The final ranking of benefits Order No. Benefits Result

1 A4 0.315

2 A1 0.214

3 A3 0.181

4 A5 0.152

5 A2 0.139


Using the AHP method, the most influ- the criterion C1 - information of the em- ential criterion was obtained as well as the ployees and their participation in a decision- certain alternative that has the highest bene- making with a weight coefficient of 0.053. fit for the sustainable development of RTB Evaluation the sustainable development Bor. benefits in the mining companies by the The results obtained by the AHP calcu- AHP calculation results in a fact that has the lations (Table 3) show that the criterion C2- highest benefit has the alternative A4 - de- competitiveness has the highest impact on velopment of the social responsibility, the obtained result because its weight coef- which has a maximum value of 0.315; the ficient is 0.357; the second position occu- second place is the alternative A1- pies the criterion C6 - quality control of the sustainable production and consumption process with a weight coefficient of 0.197; with a value of 0.214; the third place is the in third place is the criterion C3 - reduction alternative A3c- introduction of the clean of costs with a weight coefficient of 0.160; technology with a value of 0.181; the fourth the fourth is the criterion C4 - introduction place is the alternative A5 - environmental of the new technologies with a weight coef- protection with a value of 0.152; the fifth ficient of 0.136; the fifth place is the criteri- place is the alternative A2 - implementation on C5 - simpler procedures with a weight the integrated management system with a coefficient of 0.127 and the sixth place is value of 0.139 (Table 10).

No. 3-4, 2018 93 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

Figure 2 Graph of evaluation the sustainable development benefits in the mining

Figure 2 shows a graph of evaluating the tation the sustainable develop-ment and cre- benefits of the mining company (RTB Bor) ation a sustainable business model. An as- in implementation the sustainable develop- sessment of the sustainable development ment. Calculation resulted in a fact that all benefits gives stakeholders the opportunity benefits are almost equal. The responsible to better understand the chances, opportuni- business as the best benefit of sustainable ties, strengths and weaknesses of RTB Bor development means: investments for intro- to the aim of sustainability, competitiveness ducing the new and clean technologies for and profitability. sustainable production and consumption, The AHP method was used to evaluate development the awareness of environmen- the benefits of sustainable development. tal protection and implementation the inte- The assessment of the following alternatives grated management system (ISM). The re- was made: sustainable production and con- sponsible business improves the image of sumption (A1), implementation of integrated mining companies, creates confidence and management system (ISM) (A2), introduc- thus increases the competition. tion of the clean technology (A3), develop- Alternative A4 - development of the so- ment of the social responsibility (A4) and cial responsibility does not create a loss but a environmental protection (A5). CAlculation prosperity (satisfaction) for all interested has provided that the alterna-tive A4 - de- parties. velopment of the social responsibility has the highest value showing that it is the best CONCLUSION advantage. The following criteria were used to The applied MCDM methodology for evaluate the benefits of sustainable develop- evaluating the benefits of sustainable deve- ment: information about employees and lopment creates a perception for implement- their participation in a decision-making

No. 3-4, 2018 94 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor (C1), competitiveness (C2), cost reduction [5] Karabašević D., Stanujkić D., Urošević (C3), introduction of the new technologies S., Maksimović M., Selection of Can- (C4), simpler procedures (C5), quality pro- didates in the Mining Industry Based cess control (C6). The criterion C2 - compet- on the Application of the Swara and itiveness has the greatest impact on evaluat- the Multimoora Methods. Acta ing the benefits of sustainable development Montanistica Slovaca, 20 (2), (2015), in the mining companies. 116-124. Based on all of these, the future research [6] Stanujkic D., Karabašević D. & should be directed towards the implement- Zavadskas E.K., Anew Approach For tation of sustainable development in the Selecting the Alternatives Based on the mining companies. Adapted Weighted Sum and the Swara A contribution of this paper is the per- Methods: A Case of Personnel ception for implementation the sustainable Selection, Economic Computation and development in order to the company sur- Economic Cybernetics Studies and vival and meeting the requirements of Research, 3(51), (2017). 39-56. stakeholders. [7] Miletić S., Bogdanović D., Paunković A contribution of science is focused on J., Selection the Optimal Model of expanding the theoretical and practical Integrated Sustainable Management knowledge on implementation the sustain- System in the Mining Companies. nable development in the mining compa- Journal Mining and Metallurgy nies. Engineering Bor, 2, (2015), 181-204. [8] Miletić S., Bogdanović D., Milanović REFERENCES D., Advantages of Implementation the Process Model for Sustainable [1] Ortiz O., Castells F., Sonnemann G., Business Operations of Mining Sustainability in the Construction Companies. Journal Mining and Industry: A Review of Recent Deve- Metallurgy Engineering Bor, 3, (2016), lopments Based on LCA. J. Constr. 71-82. Build. Mater.23 (1), (2009), 28-39. [9] Maksimović M., Urošević S., [2] Radosavljević M., Effect of Use the Stanujkić D., Karabašević D., International Standards for the Selection a Development Strategy of Management Systems in the Mining of Mining Tourism Based on the Grey Serbia, Doctoral Dissertation, Univer- Relational Analysis. Mining and sity in Belgrade, Faculty of Organi- Metallurgy Engineering Bor, 1, (2016), zational Sciences (2016) (in Serbian) 115-124. [3] Bogdanović D., Obradović Lj., Miletić [10] Keshavarz G.M., Zavadskas E.K., S., Selection the Optimum Method of Amiri M., Turskis Z., Extended EDAS Rehabilitation the Degraded Areas Method for Fuzzy Multi-criteria around the Bor River Downstream Decision-making: An Application to from the Flotation Tailing Dump Bor. Supplier Selection. International Journal Mining and Metallurgy Engi- Journal of Computers, neering Bor, 4, (2014), pp. 137-156. Communications & Contro, 11(3), [4] Bogdanovic D.; Miletic S., Personnel (2016), 358-371. Evaluation and Selection by the Multi- [11] Stevanović D., Lekić M., Kržanović criterion Decision-Making Method. D., Ristović I., Application of MCDA Economic Computation and Economic in Selection of Different Mining Cybernetics Studies and Research, Methods and Solutions, Advances in 48(3), (2014), 179-196.

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No. 3-4, 2018 96 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor MINING AND METALLURGY INSTITUTE BOR ISSN: 2334-8836 (Štampano izdanje) UDK: 622 ISSN: 2406-1395 (Online)

UDK: 669.33:628.38:543.55 (045)=111 doi:10.5937/mmeb1804097V

Kristina Vojvodić*, Ljiljana Nikolić Bujanović**, Sanja Mrazovac Kurilić***, Novica Staletović***



This works deals with investigation the efficiency of sodium ferrate, Na2FeO4, obtained by the elec- trochemical oxidation, as coagulation and flocculation agent for purification of wastewater from the electrolytic refining process from the Bor Copper Refinery and Copper Smelter Plant of the Mining and Smelting Combine Bor. Removal of heavy metals and selenium by barium ferrate in aqueous solutions could be possible up to: 100 % for Cu, 97.18 % for As, 98.37 % for Sb and 6.06 % for Se using fer- rate(VI) in the ratio M : Fe(VI) = 1:12. Also, the efficiency dependence of copper sulphide ore leaching from concentrate by the oxidation of copper sulfide and chalcopyrite with ferrate(VI) on the sulphuric acid concentration was investigated in this work. It is found that leaching of copper from vthe copper sulfide concentrate, carried out by fer- rate(VI), proceeds easily due to the efficient oxidation of sulfide and sulfur, in respect of the classical acid process that usually needs the addition of strong oxidant, such as oxygen or hydrogen peroxide, to increase the process productivity. Keywords: ferrate(VI), chalcopyrite, hydrometallurgical, wastewater, oxidation


The first descriptions of ferrate(VI), twentieth century, especially since 1950. Fe(VI), are given in 1702 [1]. In 1715, Stahl Many possible applications of ferrate(VI) as noted an unstable red-purple compound, a strong oxidizing agent, coagulant, floccu- obtained by dissolution the heated mixture lent and effective disinfectant were tested of potassium nitrate and iron chips in water and confirmed. The biggest advantage of [2]. Poggendorf is the first, who documented ferrate(VI) is an ability of application in the occurrence of purple coloration in anodic environment protection, in the wastewater oxidation of Fe electrode in strongly alkaline treatment of different origin and composi- solutions [3]. In 1897, Moeser gave a de- tion, as an environmentally friendly oxidiz- tailed description of ferrate(VI), its chemical ing agent [5,6,7]. properties and methods of synthesis [4]. One of the possible methods for removal Interest in synthesis methods and appli- the heavy metal ions from the aqueous me- cation of ferrate(VI) was risen during the dium is application of ferrate(VI), an envi-

* Sanitary Medical School of Applied Sciences “Visan“, Tošinbunar 7a, Belgrade, Serbia ** IHIS Techno-experts, Research and Development Center, Batajnički put 23, Belgrade, Serbia, e-mail:[email protected] *** University “Union Nikola Tesla”, Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Protection, Cara Dušana 62-64, Belgrade, Serbia **** The work was financially supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, within the Projects TRp 34025 and TRp 31080.

No. 3-4, 2018 97 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor ronmentally friendly oxidant, coagulant and gical wastewater is among the most serious disinfectant. Due to the suitable physical and threats to the human population and fauna chemical properties of ferrate(VI), such as and flora of the receiving water bodies high oxidation potential, which is 2.2 V in [11,12]. acidic conditions, and 0.7 V in alkaline con- This work deals with investigation the ditions, forming of the oxygen by oxidation efficiency of sodium ferrate, Na2FeO4, ob- of water, and high capability of coagulation tained by theelectrochemical oxidation, as of iron (III) hydroxide, the reduction product the coagulation and flocculation agent for of ferrate(VI). Ferrate(VI) ha\s been proved the wastewater purification from the electro- to be a very efficient and environmentally lytic refining process from the Bor Copper friendly oxidant, disinfectant and coagula- Refinery and Copper Smelter Plant of Mi- tion agent in a variety of application areas. ning and Smelting Combine Bor. Ferrate(VI) can be produced by the chemical Removal of heavy metals from or electrochemical synthesis. Ferrate(VI), wastewater can be accomplished through produced by the electrochemical synthesis, various treatment options. Some of the con- has many advantages compared to the chem- ventional treatment processes for their re- ically synthesized ferrate(VI) [8,9] such as: moval are the ion exchange, chemical pre- simplicity, lower consumption of chemicals, cipitation, various adsorption methods and non-toxic products and exceptional purity of membrane separation process. However, all the obtained ferrate(VI). Moreover, the elec- these methods have their drawbacks, which trochemically produced ferrate(VI) has no are primarily reflected in the insufficient instability problem and needs no transporta- level of heavy metals removal, high-energy tion, and due to the ecological advantages, it consumption and formation of toxic pro- can be implemented in wastewater treatment ducts. [13]. practice, in situ. Also, as a strong oxidizing Also, in this work, the efficiency de- agent, ferrate(VI) decomposes the complex- pendence of copper sulphide ore leaching es of organic compounds with heavy metal from concentrate by the oxidation of copper ions, which could hinder the efficient coagu- sulfide and chalcopyrite with ferrate(VI) on lation and removal of heavy metal ions from the sulphuric acid concentration was investi- solution and avoid the formation of toxic by- gated. The aim is to explore a possibility of products, which is often a side effect of con- copper sulfide oxidation improvement by ventional methods [10]. reduction the number of technological steps Wastewater from the mining and metal- and increasing the efficiency of electrolyte lurgical processes is characterized by the preparation process of the copper electro- low pH value and high concentrations of lytic refinement. sulfates, heavy metals and some nonmetals. The copper oxide ore is leached only by The heavy metals load is of greater concern sulphuric acid to form copper sulphate, see than the acidity in the terms of environmen- Eq. (1). tal damage. Heavy metals are generally con- (1) sidered those whose density exceeds 5 g/cm3. Most of elements that falls into this Chalcocite and chalcopyrite ore, on the category are highly water soluble, well- other hand, can only be leached under the known toxics and carcinogenic agents. Con- oxidizing conditions with ferric ions or sequence of discharge the untreated mine oxygen, see Eqs. (2) – (4). wastewater in the environment are reflected in aq long-term contamination of soils to e e (2) which the mine water come in contact and e + accumulation of heavy metals therein, enter- ing the mine wastewater into surface water, e (3) and mixing the mine wastewater with e e e (4) ground water. Therefore, the hydrometallur-

No. 3-4, 2018 98 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor The formed elemental sulphur, Eqs. (2) – centrate in the absence of strong oxidizing (4), can be oxidized by means of oxygen and substance in the leaching process, particular- partially bacteria to form sulphuric acid ly in the absence of oxidizing agents. Fer- which reduces the overall sulphuric acid, rate(VI), as a strong oxidizer, has shown the required for the leaching process. ability to oxidize sulphide and sulphur [18], The major issue with the leaching of so the aim of this research was to explore the chalcopyrite concentrate in an acidic solu- feasibility of ferrate(VI) application as an tion of ferric sulphate at atmospheric pres- oxidizer in the process of copper sulphide sure and temperatures below 110°C, is that ore leaching from concentrate. copper dissolution typically slows down once approximately 30% of dissolved cop- 2 EXPERIMENTAL per, depending on concentrate. Many au- thors [1 ] have concl ded that this “pas- Electrochemical Synthesis of sivation” effect is d e to the formation a film Na2FeO4 Solution on the surface that does not allow further reaction to occur, but there is no consensus Solution of Na2FeO4 was obtained in to the actual composition of this layer. the process of electrochemical synthesis. Munoz [15] proposed that a layer of sulphur The process of electrochemical synthesis of is formed around a chalcopyrite particle. an alkaline solution of ferrate(VI) was Formation of elemental sulphur or polysul- based on a transpassive anodic dissolution phides: XSn, and jarosites XFe3 (SO4)2 of the iron alloys (3% Si, C) in 10 M + (OH)6 , where X = Na, K, Rb, NH4, H3O, NaOH solution at a constant current of 1A Ag, Tl, causes a passivation of chalcopyrite for a period of 1 hour, in accordance with concentrate. The metal deficient sulphides, the previous studies [19]. All measure- and elemental sulphur are the prime candi- ments were performed at room temperature 0 dates for any concentrate leaching pas- (25±1 C). This was carried out in a labora- sivation. [16,17] tory facility for electrochemical synthesis Obviously, formation of an insoluble of ferrate(VI), (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2) consisting sulphur layer or its compounds may slow of a two-part flow-through electrochemical down or prevent copper copper from con- cell [20].

Figure 1 Scheme of the pilot plant for the electrochemical synthesis of ferrate(VI)

No. 3-4, 2018 99 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

Figure 2 Pilot plant for the electrochemical synthesis of ferrate(VI)

Waste Water from the Electrolytic

Refining Process in RTB Bor

Waste water sample from the electrolytic JLT4, Italy). The mixing rate was at first 300 refining process in RTB Bor is characterized rpm for 10 minutes, and then 160 rpm for 20 as a highly acidic water (pH = 0) with a light minutes. After 30 min, filtering was per- blue color (Fig. 1a) and content in Table 1. formed by the vacuum filtration on the The wastewater samples (200 ml) were Buchner funnel. Chemical analysis of the treated first with 6 ml of 10 M NaOH solu- obtained solutions was carried by the Atom- tion (p.a. NaOH, “Centrohem” Stara Pazova, ic absorption spectrophotometry analytical Serbia) in order to show a difference be- technique. tween the treatment with Na2FeO4. After this step, 6 ml of 10 M NaOH solution with dif- Wastewater from the Copper Smelter ferent quantities of Na2FeO4 were added (2 Plant of the Mining and Smelting mg, 5 mg, 15 mg and 20 mg) as a target to Combine Bor investigate the influence of ferrate(VI) on removal of heavy metals (Cu and Fe) from The stock solution of synthetic hydro- the waste water solution. Value of pH was metallurgical, used in the experiment, was increased with the addition of ferrate(VI) synthesized according to the composition from 11 to 14. The treatment of waste water and characteristics of a real wastewater samples was carried out using the Jar test from the Copper Smelter Plant of Mining equipment with a four-stirrer unit (Velp and Smelting Combine Bor, Table 2.

No. 3-4, 2018 100 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor Table 1 Content of elements in waste water solution from the electrolytic refining operation Effluent from the electrolytic Element Unit refining process Al mg/dm3 7 Sb mg/dm3 <1 As mg/dm3 4 Cd mg/dm3 <1 Ca mg/dm3 64 Cr mg/dm3 <1 Co mg/dm3 <1 Cu mg/dm3 698 Fe mg/dm3 25.8 Pb mg/dm3 <1 Mg mg/dm3 18 Mn mg/dm3 <1 Ni mg/dm3 12.2 Se mg/dm3 <1 Na mg/dm3 11 V mg/dm3 <1 Zn mg/dm3 1.6 Ag mg/dm3 <1 Bi mg/dm3 <1 Hg mg/dm3 0.001 Cl- mg/dm3 10.21 2- 3 SO4 mg/dm 18563.3

Table 2 Characteristics of the real wastewater sample from the Copper Smelter Plant of Mining and Smelting Combine Bor August 2012. Parameter Unit Average Temperature oC 25 pH 0.1 Acid content % 3.8 g/dm3 38.9 Dissolved metals Cu g/dm3 1.8 As g/dm3 0.1 Sb g/dm3 0.0008 Se g/dm3 0.361

Besides the heavy metals and Se, the tion synthesis of the synthetic wastewater sulphate and nitrate ions (c(H2SO4) = 1.770 with the same characteristics and composi- 3 3 mol/dm i c(HNO3) = 0.001286 mol/dm ) are tion as the sample of real water, the follow- present in waste water. For the stock solu- ing chemicals of p.a. quality were used:

No. 3-4, 2018 101 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor CuSO4 x 5H2O, As2O3,Sb2O3, SeO2, H2SO4 i (UV-VIS spectrophotometer Shimadzu HNO3. model UV-1800) following intensity of In the second stage of treatment, four absorbance peak at 510 nm characteristic samples from the previous stage were treat- for Fe6+. ed by Na2FeO4 in the molar ratios M:Fe(VI) In the course of copper and iron separa- = 1:2; 1:4; 1:8; 1:12, while the fifth sample tion from insoluble residue, the acidifica- remained untreated. The second stage of tion of solution is achieved adding the 2:1 treatment was carried out at room tempera- mixture of water and concentrated sul- ture (25 oC), stirred for 30 minutes using the phuric acid to convert copper and iron hy- Jar test with a four-unit stirrer (Velp JLT4) droxides into the soluble sulphates. The pH at speed of 300 rpm and for 1h at speed of value was adjusted below 2. After sedimen- 100 rpm. After 24 h of precipitation, the tation of insoluble particles, a greenish so- treated samples were filtered through a filter lution was filtered through double black with pore size of . μm. The changes in labeled filter paper. The Cu and Fe content heavy metals and Se concentrations, treated in filtrate was analyzed by a visible Cu and by NaOH and Na2FeO4, were determined Fe spectrophotometry (UV-VIS spectro- analyzing the treated samples using an ICP photometer Shimadzu model UV-1800) ThermoiCAP Q device. and iodometric titration of copper. The Oxidation of Copper Sulfide and iodometric titration was used for the quan- Chalcopyrite with Ferrate(VI) titative determination of copper content in filtrate. As Fe3+ ions oxidize iodide, For the purpose of oxidation the copper iron(III) present in filtrate is converted to (3-n)+ sulfide and chalcopyrite with ferrate(VI), FeFn complex with NaF to avoid a pos- the chalcocite and chalcopyrite copper ore itive error in copper determination. concentrates (22.66 % Cu, 34.74 % S, 29.80 % Fe, 7.47 % SiO2, 11.36 % H2O 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION and 1.93 % Al2O3) were used as the exper- imental sample. In sample of 2.1 g, the total Waste Water from the Electrolytic Re- sulphur content in a form of sulphide was fining Process in RTB Bor 0.48 g, 0.0149 mol S, and copper 0.73 g, Due to a high concentration of Cu and 0.0115 mol Cu, the quantity of ferrate(VI) 3 Fetot in effluent (698 mg/dm and addition is calculated according to the stoi- 3 25.8 mg/dm respectively), the chemical chiometry of sulphur oxidation using sodi- analysis of treated samples with ferrate um ferrate(VI). Sodium ferrate(VI) has (VI) was carried out only for this two el- been electrochemically produced according ements, Cu and Fetot. to earlier reported procedure [19,20]. Figure 3 shows samples of waste water In a laboratory beaker sample of 2.1 g, from the electrolytic refining process, before the copper ore concentrate is mixed in to 3 and after treatment with ferrate(VI). After 0.5 dm of demineralized water with a la- neutralization with 6 ml of NaOH solution boratory magnetic stirrer, with the final pH and adding 2 mg Na FeO , the pH value was value 5.75. In such mixture 200 ml of 20 2 4 3 increased to 13 and there was a hardly solu- g/dm Na2FeO4 in 10 M NaOH solution was added in small portions with intensive ble precipitate formation of light blue color. stirring, 300 min-1, and later stirring is con- With the increasing content of ferrate(VI) at tinued with low speed, 30 min-1. After this 15 mg Na2FeO4, there were the hardly solu- operation, the pH of solution was 14, and ble dark green particles (Figure 3d). After visible flakes of pale blue colored cupric filtration, the filtrate was completely disco- and brown-orange colored ferric hydro- lored. Black precipitate with large particles xides was clearly visible. The end of reac- (Fig. 3e) was formed after addition of 20 mg tion was determined spectroscopically Na2FeO4.

No. 3-4, 2018 102 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor a) b) c)

d) e)

Figure 3 Wastewater samples: a) initial wastewater sample: b) wastewater treated with 2 mg Na2FeO4 and filtrated; c) wastewater treated with 5 mg Na2FeO4ferrate(VI) and filtrated; d) wastewater treated with 15 mg Na2FeO4 ferrate(VI); e) wastewater treated with 20 mg Na2FeO4

Table 3 and Figure 4 present the con- tion refining operation after treatment with tent of copper and iron in the waste solu- ferrate(VI).

Table 3 Content of Cu and Fe in the wastewater refining operation after treatment with Na2FeO4 3 3 Element Cu, mg/dm Fetot, mg/dm 6 ml NaOH 15 0.3 6 ml NaOH + 2 mg Na2FeO4 16 0.6 6 ml NaOH + 5 mg Na2FeO4 2.6 0.6 6 ml NaOH +15 mg Na2FeO4 0.4 0.3 6 ml NaOH + 20 mgNa2FeO4 0.2 0.3

Figure 4 Grafical illustration of Cu and Fe concentration change after treatment with 6 ml 10 M NaOH and 6 ml 10 M NaOH with Na2FeO4

No. 3-4, 2018 103 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

It is obvious from the results that the the non-ferrous metals and byproducts of concentration of Cu in solution after treat- production and intermediate products before ment with ferrate (VI) is significantly re- mixing with the other wastewater are: for duced. The best results were achieved using copper 0.5 mg/l, and iron 3 mg/l. 6 ml NaOH + 15 mg Na2FeO4. Cu and Fetot concentrations decreased from 698 to 0.4 Wastewater from the Copper Smelter mg/dm3,and from 25.8 to 0.3 mg/dm3, re- Plant of the Mining and Smelting spectively. Combine Bor According to the Ordinance on emission The results of heavy metals and Se the limit values of pollutants in water and removal via precipitation with NaOH deadlines for their achievement (“ fficial show a high efficiency in Cu and Sb re- Gazette of the Rep blic of erbia”, No. moval, a but low efficiency in removal of 67/2011), the limit values applicable to the wastewater from production and casting of As and Se, Table 4.

Table 4 Reduction of heavy metals and Se concentrations in the samples of wastewater from the mining industry before and after treatment with NaOH pH c(Cu), mg/l c(As), mg/l c(Sb), mg/l c(Se), mg/l Before treatment 0 1800 100 0.8 361 NaOH 9 0.12 99.86 0.051 358.43 Removal, % 99.99 0.14 93.62 0.71

The synthetic wastewater, containing concentrations of metals and Se with in- dissolved heavy metals (Cu, As, Sb) and creasing the amount of added ferrate(VI). Se treated with ferrate(VI), in various mo- The results of heavy metals and Se re- lar ratios (M : Fe(VI) = 1:2; 1:4; 1:8; moval with Na2FeO4 from the samples of 1:12), has shown a tendency of decreasing mining wastewater are shown in Table 5.

Table 5 Reduction of heavy metals and Se concentrations in the samples of wastewater from the mining industry before and after treatment with BaFeO4

c(Na2FeO4), mol/l pH c(Cu), mg/l c(As), mg/l c(Sb), mg/l c(Se), mg/l 0 0 1800 100 0,8 361 0.0224 (1:2) 9 <0.05 30.19 0.029 351.32 0.0448 (1:4) 9 <0.05 5.12 0.024 344.65 0.0896 (1:8) 9 <0.05 3.34 0.017 342.50 0.1344 (1:12) 9 <0.05 2.82 0.013 339.12 Removal, % 100 97.18 98.37 6.06

The treatment results show a very high Due to a low mobility of As(III) in the efficiency in Cu removal with NaOH, aqueous solutions, it cannot be removed 99.99% in the first step of the treatment. from the wastewater with NaOH. However, Therefore, further removal of Cu with the As removal with Na2FeO4 could be up to Na2FeO4 is not necessary. 97,18 % when M : Fe(VI) ratio is 1:12 be-

No. 3-4, 2018 104 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor cause of high oxidation potential of Fe(VI) to improve the removal efficiency of seleni- which provides As(III) oxidation to As(V). um with Na2FeO4 from aqueous solutions. Ferrous hydroxide, formed by the reduction of ferrate(VI), as a powerful coagulant re- Oxidation of Copper Sulfide and moves it easily from solution. Chalcopyrite with Ferrate(VI) Antimony could be successfully remo- Absorbance spectra of the intensely red- ved in a very high percentage (93.62 %) 2+ only using NaOH. Higher efficiency re- dish colored complex Cu(NH3)4 , formed in the filtrate in reaction of the concentrated moval of Sb was achived with Na2FeO4 (98.37 %). aqueous ammonia with Cu(II), presented in 2+ Removal of selenium was extremely low Fig. 5, confirms the presence of Cu ions in in the first stage of treatment, 0.71%. After filtrate. The absorbance peak at 470 nm treatment with Fe(VI), the removal was characterizes the presence of Cu(II). The more successful (6.06 %), but not satisfying absorbance spectra of Fe(III) thiocyanate yet. Higher M : Fe(VI) ratio is needed be- complex, obtained by the addition of ammo- cause a large part of Na2FeO4 is spent on t nium thiocyanate in filtrate, with the charac- oxidation. Further optimization of the treat- teristic absorbance peak of Fe(III) at ment conditions should be done in order 474 nm, is presented in Fig. 6.

2+ Figure 5 Absorbance spectra of filtrate intensely reddish colored by Cu(NH3)4 complex

Figure 6 Absorbance spectra of filtrate intensively red colored by Fe(III) thiocyanate complex

No. 3-4, 2018 105 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor Variation of sulphuric acid solution influence of acidification on the leaching quantity was completed to investigate the reaction efficiency.

Table 6 Copper sulphide ore concentrate leaching with ferrate(VI) efficiency * VSulphuric acid, Time of ferrate(VI) reaction , -3 CCu, g dm Efficiency ml minutes 50 90 0.52 0.71 100 50 0.62 0.85 150 30 0.69 0.945

The end of reaction was d spectroscop- of absorbance peak at 510 nm characteris- ically determined following the intensity tic for Fe6+.

2FeO2- + Cu S + 4H O  Cu O+ 2Fe OH + SO 2- + 2OH - (5) 4 2 2 23 3 - - - e e( ) (6)

The results presented in Table 6 obvious- metallurgical wastewater with Na2FeO4. It ly confirm a positive effect of the reaction has been shown that the removal of heavy solution acidification on the copper recovery metals with Na2FeO4 in aqueous solutions efficiency from the chalcocite and chalcopy- can be possible up to: 100 % for Cu, 97.18 rite ore concentrate in presence of fer- % for As, 98.37 % for Sb, 6.06 % for Se rate(VI). The acidification of reaction solu- using ferrate(VI) in the ratio M : Fe(VI) = tion provokes the increase of redox potential 1:12. By the use of larger amounts of fer- of ferrate(VI) and its oxidative power, so rate(VI), more efficient removal of heavy speeding the copper sulphide oxidation reac- metals could be reached requiring further tion, reaction (5). Also, ferrate(VI) suppress- optimization of the treatment process. es the formation of passive layer on the The investigation has shown a clear posi- chalcocite and chalcopyrite ore particles by tive influence of ferrate(VI) on the rate and polysulphide-sulphide and sulphur oxidation efficiency of copper sulphide ore leaching which could be accumulated on its surface in reaction, as the result of copper sulphide the leaching process. particles surface passivation pro-cess sup- pression. The increase of sulphuric acid con- CONCLUSION centration in a reaction pot speeds up the leaching process and increase its efficiency Iron(VI), known as ferrate, is a powerful due to the ferrate(VI) redox potential growth oxidant, coagulant and flocculent and its in acid solutions reactions with pollutants are relatively fast with formation the non-toxic by-products. REFERENCES This work concluded that a high Cu and Fe removal efficiency with ferrate(VI) was [1] J.W. Mellor, A Comprehensive Trea- attributed to a comprehensive effect of tise on Inorganic and Theoretical Fe(VI) together with its reduced forms and Chemistry, Longmans, Green & Co., alkaline environment. The aim of this paper London, (1924), p.929–937. was to investigate the possibility of heavy [2] G. E. Stahl, Opusculum Chimico- metals and Se removal from the hydro- Physico - Medium, Halae Magde- burgiae, (1715), p.742.

No. 3-4, 2018 106 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor [3] J.C. Poggendorff, Annalen der Physik [12] Kržanović D., Lj bojev M., Jova- und Chemie, 130 (1841) 161–191. nović I., V šović N., An Analysis the [4] L. Moeser, J. Prakt. Chem. 56 (1897) Effects of Changes in Price of Metal 425. and Operating Costs to the Profit in Exploitation the Copper Ore Deposits, [5] J.Q. Jiang, Research Progress in the A Case Study: Copper Mine Use of Ferrate(VI) for the Environ- Majdanpek, Serbia, Mining & mental Remediation, J. Hazard. Mater., Metallurgy Engineering Bor, (2017) 146 (2007) 617-623. No.3-4, [6] V.K. Sharma, Potassium Ferrate(VI): An Environmentally Friendly Oxidant, [13] Grosse, D.W., A Review of Alternative Treatment Processes for Adv. Environ. Res., 6 (2) (2002) Metal Bearing Hazardous Waste 143-156. Streams,J. Air Pollut. Control Assoc., [7] Y. Lee, J. Yoon, U. Von Gunten, 36 (5), (1986)603-614 Kinetics of the Oxidation of Phenols and Phenolic Endocrine Disruptors [14] Djurdjevac-Ignjatovic L., Ignjatovic D., Ljubojev M., Mitrovic M., Mining During Water Treatment with Ferrate (Fe(VI)), Enviton. Sci. Technol., 39 and Metallurgy Engineering Bor, Change the Uniaxial Compressive (2005) 8978-8984. Strength of Paste Backfill Depending [8] Wang H., Liu Y., Zeng F., Song S., on Change the Parameter (2016), 1, Electrochemical Synthesis of Ferrate p. 17-24 (VI) by Regular Anodic Replacement. Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 10(2015) [15] MunozP., Reaction Mechanism for the Acid Ferric Sulphate Leaching of 7966 -7976,. Chalcopyrtie, Metallurgical and [9] Nikolić B janović Lj., Čekerevac M., Material Transactions, 10B (1979) Vojinović-Miloradov M., Jokić A., 149–158. imičić M., A omparative t dy of Iron-Containing Anodes and their [16] Córdoba E., Leaching of Chalcopyrite with Ferric Ion. Part I: General Influence on Electrochemical Aspects Hydrometallurgy, 93(2008) Synthesis of Ferrate(VI), Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 88–96. 18(2012) 1931–1936. [17] Dixon D., A Novel Galvanically- Assisted Atmospheric Leaching [10] Lim M. and Kim M. J., Effectiveness Technology for Copper Concentrates, of Potassium Ferrate (K2FeO4) for Simultaneous Removal of Heavy Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, Metals and Natural Organic Matters 47(2008) 327–336. from River Water, Water Air and Soil [18] Sharma V.K., Oxidation of Inorganic Pollution, 211(2010)(1-4), 313-322,. Contaminants by Ferrates (VI, V, And IV) – Kinetics and Mechanisms: A [11] Babel S. and T.A. Kurniawan,Cr (VI) Removal from Synthetic Wastewater Review, Journal of Environmental Using Coconut Shell Charcoal and Management 92 (2011) 1051–1073. Commercial Activated Carbon [19] Čekerevac M. I., Nikolić-B janović Modified with Oxidizing Agents Lj. N., Jokić A. B., imičić M. V., and/or Chitosan Chemosphere, Investigation the Electro-Chemical 54(7)(2004) p. 951- 967 metyhod of Ferrate Syynthesis, Part 2:

No. 3-4, 2018 107 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor Optimization the Parameters of the [20] Nikolić B janović Lj., Čekerevac M., Electrochemical Synthesis Process of Tomić M., Zdravković M., Ib profen Ferrate and the Method of Analytical Removal from Aqueous Solution by Process Control, Hemijska industrija In-Situ Electrochemically Generated 64 (2), (2010)111-119 (in Serbian) Ferrate (VI): Proof-of-Principle, Water Science and Technology, 73, (2)(2016) 389-395.

No. 3-4, 2018 108 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor MINING AND METALLURGY INSTITUTE BOR ISSN: 2334-8836 (Štampano izdanje) UDK: 622 ISSN: 2406-1395 (Online)

UDK: 622.271:504.3 (045)=111 doi:10.5937/mmeb1804109S

Nikola Stanić*, Saša Stepanović*, Miljan Gomilanović*, Aleksandar Doderović*



1 This paper presents the calculation of CO2 emission on the example of the CCS system at thew open pit Potrlica in Pljevlja. Calculation was made before and after reconfiguration of the CCS system. It can be seen from calculation that the CO2 emission, caused by the CCS system operation, have been reduced by about 3.5 times compared to the pre-reconfiguration state. Keywords: CO2 emission, CCS system reconfiguration, open pit Potrlica, energy efficiency, surface exploitation


Production of energy and other miner- of waste that exceed many times the quan- al resources is, as a rule, related to the tities of coal. The focus of equipment en- management and manipulation of signifi- gagement, total energy consumption and cant quantities of materials that are not impact on the immediate environment is found in the other industrial areas. In addi- just related to the processes of overburden tion to the significant energy consumption and waste that have to be excavated to necessary in the production of mineral provide the designed coal capacities, and resources, the environmental impacts and which take place closer to the surface of ecological factors of exploitation are also the site where the consequences of these significant. Due to this reason, the issue of activities are more pronounced. Imple- energy efficiency and application the pro- mentation of more efficient methods for cedures that enable the entire system to excavation, transport and disposal of remain within the permitted limits of the waste, both in terms of reducing the ener- impact on ecology is very important, that gy consumption and reduced time utiliza- is, these two issues in the modern world tion of equipment, the use of easier and become the crucial ones for assessment equipment requiring lower maintenance is the success of exploitation. the primary task in the process of optimi- As for the surface exploitation of coal, zation the exploitation. it is always related to the excavation, The energy-efficient systems have a transport and disposal the large quantities direct impact on a unit cost reduction, or

* Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, e-mail: [email protected] ** This work is derived from the Project TR37001 “The Impact of Mining Waste from RTB Bor on the Pollution of Surrounding Water Systems with a Proposal of Measures and Procedures for Reduc- tion the Harmful Effect on the Environment”, funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia

No. 3-4, 2018 109 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor an increase in the production efficiency. In their character and, in the last decades, addition to this primary factor, in the con- carbon dioxide emission is the most rec- crete examples of exploitation the lignite ognizable in the general public as a direct basins in Serbia and region, their ecological cause of the greenhouse effect, that is, the effect is also significant. Namely, in the last cause of global climate change. decades, there is a significant tendency for In addition, there are legally formal the diesel fuel production systems to be obligations at the national and internation- replaced with the modern systems and al levels relating to the maximum carbon equipment that would be directly supplied dioxide emission and a need for its reduc- by electricity from the thermal power tion. In the concrete case of reconstruction plants, which, as a rule, with the coal mine, the CCS system at the OP Potrlica, the represent a unique organizational unit. Con- reduction of carbon dioxide emission was sidering the structure of energy consump- analyzed as a consequence of a more effi- tion within the exploitation system, they are cient system for transport of overburden realized in a part of transport of masses and waste. This side effect is not a direct (waste and coal) in several ways: economic parameter of the exploitation 1. Replacement of discontinuous sys- system, but it contributes to a better un- tems with combined or continuous derstanding the overall benefit of intro- systems in which a significant part ducing more energy-efficient procedures of transport the total masses takes and equipment. place by the belt conveyors. 2. Reducing the length of transport by EXAMPLE FROM better use of the available excavat- THE OP POTRLICA ed space within the open pits, man- aging the front of progress the ex- Excavation of overburden at the open cavation works of overburden and pit Potrlica is carried out with equipment useful mineral raw materials, im- with a discontinuous operation, and plementing the additional measures transport is combined, inside the open pit for protection the open pits from by trucks, and further on the external land- water, and indirectly changing the fill by a conveyor belt system. Disposal is geometry of benches on excavation continuously carried out by a stacker, and and disposal and better organiza- a transitional element between the discon- tion, efficiency and reliability of tinuous and continuous part of the system the basic equipment. by a crusher. 3. Using the modern, energy-efficient Technological system of overburden equipment. exploitation at the open pit Potrlica (Fig- Supply of electricity for the needs of ure 1) consists of the following technolog- lignite open pits is directly related to the ical processes [1]: thermal power plant in the immediate en- - Preparation works vironment. The coal open pits, in addition - Drilling and blasting to belonging to large energy systems for - Excavation and loading electricity production, are also big con- - Internal transport sumers. On the other hand, the production - Overburden crushing of electricity in the thermal power plants - External transport is related to the significant environmental impacts. These effects are very different in - Disposal

No. 3-4, 2018 110 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

Figure 1 Technological system of overburden exploitation [1]

Configuration of the combined CCS height difference of 320 m. The transport system enables a continuous transport of system parameters before reconfiguration overburden to the external landfill Jagnjilo are shown in Table 1. [2] in a length of 3680 m and overcoming of a Table 1 Parameters of transporter before reconfiguration of the CCS system

Belt Lifting Installed Belt Length Slope Belt length speed height power conveyors (m) (o) (m) (m/s) (m) (kW) T1 212 9 1500 4.5 33.5 2*400 T2 543 6.26 1500 4.5 66.5 4*400 T3 529 7.53 1500 4.5 72.5 3*400 T4 620 9.5 1500 4.5 83.1 4*400 T5 500 10 1500 4.5 67 4*400 TO 1275 0 1400 4.5 0 3*400

Considering the applied exploitation disposal of the total amount of overburden system at the open pit, the costs of electrici- and waste on the internal landfill. For the ty for crushing and transport account for purpose of forming an internal landfill by 40% of the total electricity consumption in continuous equipment, reconstruction of the mine and these costs represent a signifi- the existing CCS system is needed, which cant part of the total exploitation costs. has recently been carried out. The parame- By development of the open pit, the ters of the reconfigured transport system conditions have been created for further are shown in Table 2.

Table 2 Parameters of transporter after reconfiguration of the CCS system Belt Belt Lifting Installed Belt Length Slope length speed height power conveyors (m) (o) (m) (m/s) (m) (kW) T1 303 1.37 1500 4.5 7.26 1*400 T2 623 0.43 1500 4.5 4.74 1*400 TO 1250 0 1400 4.5 0 1*400

No. 3-4, 2018 111 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor Figure 2 presents the transport system 750 m. There is a place for accommoda- after reconfiguration. Figure shows a dis- tion, installation and disassembly of posal transporter TO set at a level of equipment above the disposal transporter.

Figure 2 Transport system after reconfiguration

Justification of reconstruction was prov- belt drive and stacker is carried out within en by the techno-economic analysis within the supply system of all consumers at the which a configuration of the transport tech- open pit. [2,3] nology system and disposal of overburden To produce the appropriate amount of for the next period are defined. energy, it is necessary to burn the appro- An integral part of the analysis is calcu- priate amount of coal. In this case, based lation the standardized electricity consump- on the long-term monitoring of the pro- tion for a continuous part of transport and duction effects of the TPP Pljevlja, the disposal of excavated waste. This calculation average consumption of coal per kWh of was made on the basis of required power of produced electricity is 1.15 kg/kWh. This the conveyor belt drive and measured ave- average consumption refers to coal from rage engaged force on the crusher and stac- the OP Potrlica, whose mean values of the ker. The electricity supply of the conveyor quality indicators are given in Table 3.

Table 3 Statistical indicators of the quality parameters of the main coal seam Mean Minimum Maximum Variation Standard No. of Parameter value value value coefficient error drillholes Wg (%) 20.18 15.00 28.00 21.46 4.33 11 Wh (%) 8.51 1.69 25.68 54.05 4.60 54 Wu (%) 31.11 21.46 37.69 10.35 3.22 56 P (%) 19.17 7.63 42.55 35.31 6.77 56 Ss (%) 0.61 0.12 1.79 54.10 0.33 54 Sp (%) 0.49 0.07 0.89 40.82 0.76 54 Su (%) 1.09 0.62 2.16 69.72 0.76 54 Zm (t/m3) 1.35 1.22 1.57 5.18 0.07 49 CaO (%) 21.75 7.62 57.92 60.41 13.14 28 Isp (%) 27.30 14.93 43.29 15.24 4.16 52 Sag (%) 49.35 29.40 60.30 10.50 5.18 54 C-fix (%) 22.10 7.16 35.15 23.03 5.09 54 Coke (%) 41.43 21.08 53.38 13.15 5.45 54 GTE (kJ/kg) 12,947 5,347 15,673 24.15 3,127 56 DTE (kJ/kg) 11,648 4,409 14,281 12.33 1,436 56

No. 3-4, 2018 112 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor


For calculation the carbon dioxide in the mass or volume units, and then must emission from coal combustion, the meth- be converted to the energy value of that odology given in the document “IPCC fuel. Guidelines for the National Greenhouse The energy values of individual fuels Gas Inventory, Volume 2 – Energy” [4] are determined by the statistical methods, was used. collected systematically from the national Generally, the emission of each of the agencies and processed and presented in a greenhouse effect gases from stationary form of periodic inspections. The following sources is calculated multiplying the fuel tables presents the specific energy value of consumption and corresponding emission fuel (TJ/Gg) (Table 4) and carbon content factor. Fuel consumption is first expressed (C) expressed in kg/GJ (Table 5).

Table 4 Default net calorific value (NCV) and lower and upper limits of the 95% confi- dence intervals for different types of coal Net calorific value Coal type Lower Upper (TJ/Gg) Anthracite 26.7 21.6 32.2 Coking coal 28.2 24 31 Other Bituminous Coal 25.8 19.9 30.5 Sub Bituminous Coal 18.9 11.5 26.0 Lignite 11.9 5.5 21.6 Table 5 Default values of carbon (C) content for different types of coal Net calorific value Coal type Lower Upper (TJ/Gg) Anthracite 26.8 25.8 27.5 Coking coal 25.8 23.8 27.6 Other Bituminous Coal 25.8 24.4 27.2 Sub Bituminous Coal 26.2 25.3 27.3 Lignite 27.6 24.8 31.3

The CO2 emission factor is determined carbon is 1, or that the combustion is on the basis of the average carbon content complete. Table 6 gives the content of in fossil fuel. In the case of CO2, it is carbon and emission factor of carbon di- assumed that the oxidation factor of oxide. [5]

Table 6 Carbon content and emission factor of CO2 for various types of coal Default carbon content Emission Factor CO Coal type 2 (kg/GJ) (kg/GJ) Anthracite 26.8 98.27 Coking coal 25.8 94.60 Other Bituminous Coal 25.8 94.60 Sub Bituminous Coal 26.2 96.07 Lignite 27.6 101.20

No. 3-4, 2018 113 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor


The gas emission with the greenhouse Calculation the conveyor belt parame- effect is calculated as: ters in the CCS system configuration was made using the standard method according Emission = Fuel Consumption * Emi- to JUS M.D2.05. Calculated conveyor belt ssion Factor * Oxidation Factor parameters before and after reconstruction are given in Tables 7 and 8.

Table 7 Parameters of a belt conveyor before reconfiguration of the CCS system Engaged power Installed power Coefficient of (kW) (kW) engaged power CRUSHER 566 1132 0.50 T1 460 800 0.58 T2 940 1600 0.59 T3 989 1200 0.82 T4 1142 1600 0.71 T5 926 1600 0.58 TO 594 1200 0.50 SPREADER 161.4 538 0.30  5778.4 9670

Table 8 Parameters of a belt conveyor after reconfiguration of the CCS system Installed power Coefficient of en- Engaged power (kW) (kW) gaged power CRUSHER 566 1132 0.50 T1 243 400 0.61 T2 359 400 0.90 TO 332 400 0.83 SPREADER 161.4 538 0.30  1661.4 2870

Specific coal consumption per kWh was taken on the basis of testing results was measured by a long-term monitoring the quality of coal of the main coal seam and amounted to 1.15 kg/kWh. The spe- of the deposit Potrlica which accounts for cific coal consumption and CO2 emission more than 90% of the total balance. The per kWh was determined and are shown in average carbon content is Cfix = 22.1%. It Tables 9 and 10. For the CO2 emission was assumed that during combustion the calculation, the amount of carbon in coal reaction with C was complete.

No. 3-4, 2018 114 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

Table 9 Calculation the emission of CO2 (t) before reconfiguration of the CCS system Engaged Operation Total Equivalent Total Total

power (kwh) time (h) energy (kwh) coal (t) C (t) CO2 (t) Crusher 566.00 3,000.00 1,698,000.00 1,952.70 431.55 1,582.34 T1 460.00 3,000.00 1,380,000.00 1,587.00 350.73 1,286.00 T2 940.00 3,000.00 2,820,000.00 3,243.00 716.70 2,627.91 T3 989.00 3,000.00 2,967,000.00 3,412.05 754.06 2,764.90 T4 1,142.00 3,000.00 3,426,000.00 3,939.90 870.72 3,192.63 T5 926.00 3,000.00 2,778,000.00 3,194.70 706.03 2,588.77 TO 594.00 3,000.00 1,782,000.00 2,049.30 452.90 1,660.62 Stacker 161.40 3,000.00 484,200.00 556.83 123.06 451.22  16,154.38

Table 10 Calculation the emission of CO2 (t) after reconfiguration of the CCS system Engaged Operation Total energy Equivalent Total Total power (kwh) time (h) (kwh) coal (t) C(t) CO2 (t) Crusher 566.00 3,000.00 1,698,000.00 1,952.70 431.55 1,582.34 T1 243.00 3,000.00 729,000.00 838.35 185.28 679.34 T2 359.00 3,000.00 1,077,000.00 1,238.55 273.72 1,003.64 TO 332.00 3,000.00 996,000.00 1,145.40 253.13 928.16 Spreader 161.40 3,000.00 484,200.00 556.83 123.06 451.22  4,644.69

On the basis of realized calculation, it transport and maintenance of the new CCS can be concluded that the CO2 emission, system were analyzed on the side of reve- caused by the operation of the CCS sys- nues [2]. Reduction of carbon dioxide emis- tem, has been reduced by about 3.5 times sion and consequently reduction of deposit compared to the previous state. This indi- costs or CO2 emission allowances have not cator is the result of reduced specific en- been considered. The current legislation ergy consumption. does not foresee any costs due to the CO2 emission. This situation will be changed in CONCLUSION the future. When analyzing the construction of a Reconfiguration of the CCS system is new or replacement block of the Thermal carried out on the basis of the results of Power Plant Pljevlja, the costs of CO2 emi- techno-economic analysis for justification ssion have been discussed from 2025 on- the relocation of the CCS system from the wards with a gradual increase in the pre- external to the internal landfill at the OP scribed fee from 0 to 100% over a period of Potrlica of the Coal Mine Pljevlja. During 5 years [6]. These costs will fall into the economic evaluation, the costs of disman- electricity price and will also affect the ex- tling and assembly, equipment transport and ploitation economics. This will further ag- other costs were analyzed, while the costs of gravate the issue of energy efficiency of the

No. 3-4, 2018 115 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor surface exploitation system, and their parti- guration of the Potrlica Open Pit Mine th cipation in the CO2 emission will be an im- CCS System, 13 ISCSM 2016 portant indicator of efficiency. In this case, Belgrade, 11-14 September 2016. the CO2 emission is reduced by about 3 [3] N. Stanić, S. Stepanović, A. Dode- times with the reconfiguration of the CCS rović, Ž. Sekulić, M. Gomilanović, system and is a direct consequence of only Calculation Analysis of the Construc- reducing the length and height difference in tive Parameters of the Internal Landfill the waste transport. Even better results can Kutlovača and Included in the Design be achieved by: State, 50th International October Con- - Optimal mass control at the open pit, ference on Mining and Metallurgy, - The use of modern, energy efficient October 2018. equipment supported by the automatic [4] 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National control, Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Volume - Better maintenance, primarily the ele- 2, Energy. ments of belt conveyor, [5] V. Milisavljević, V. Čokorilo, D. Zla- - Applying the new materials for con- tanović, J. Milenković; Consumption veyor belts, drums, rolls, etc. of Coal in Serbia and CO2 Emissions Related to its Combustion, Procee- REFERENCES th dings, 14 Symposium on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia, [1] N. Stanić, S. Stepanović, R. Stanić, M. 13-16 October, 2009, Sokobanja, Nikolić , Analysis of Input Parameters Serbia. for the Optimization of Open Pits for the Open Pit Potrlica Pljevlja, Mining [6] Costs of Carbon Emissions of the and Geology Today International Planned Coal-Fired Thermal Power Symposium 2017. Plants in the Western Balkans and the Risk of Formation the Stranded Assets, [2] N. Stanić, R. Stanić, M. Nikolić, CEE Bankwatch Network (in Serbian) Feasibility Analysis for Reconfi-

No. 3-4, 2018 116 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor MINING AND METALLURGY INSTITUTE BOR ISSN: 2334-8836 (Štampano izdanje) UDK: 622 ISSN: 2406-1395 (Online)

UDK: 65:622.271:504.6(045)=111 doi:10.5937/mmeb1804117B

Dejan Bogdanović*, Slavica Miletić**, Hesam Dehghani***



Technological procedures for obtaining the useful mineral raw materials on the excavation site cre- ate the environmental pollution. This is manifested in several ways such as: blocking of land, degrada- tion of soil and appearance the other forms of pollution (dust, gases, mineral water and noise, which affect the pollution of air, water, land, plants and human health). Consequently, in this paper, a multi- criterion analysis was carried out aiming to rank the all types of environmental pollution in order to identify the most difficult types of pollution. Also, the work presents the most important environmental protection measures, in accordance with the most severe types of pollution, and their ranking has been carried out with the aim of determining the most important measures. The AHP analysis was used for the multi-criterion analysi. Keywords: open pit, environment, protection, AHP method


Surface exploitation of useful mineral exploitation on the near and further envi- raw materials seriously disturbs the natural ronment using the mathematical models and balance and environmental quality. The data obtained by measuring the concentra- changes relate to the relief, regime of under- tion of dust and gases in the working envi- ground and surface water and microclimate. ronment of the open pit. Also, the operationof mining equipment at Previous research, especially in the field the open pit creates dust and gases. Under of mining, has led to development of sever- the influence of natural air currents and al models for assessment the impact of vari- thermal forces, these pollutants are released ous harmful effects from the open pit to the from the surface to the environment and environment, such as calculation the range atmosphere is contaminated. Emission of and intensity of blasting gases, blasting dust from the air pollutes the soil, water and dust, transport, crushing and seismic waves plants in a wider area around the hoof [1]. caused by blasting [2]. Also, the models, The quality of environment at the open based on a probability of ecological catas- pit and its surroundings can also be deter- trophes around and in mines have been mined by a prognosis the impact of surface elaborated [3].

* University in Belgrade, Technical Faculty Bor, Ul V. Jugoslavije 12, 19210 Bor, e-mail: [email protected] ** Mining and Metallurgy Institute, Zeleni Bulevar 35, 19210 Bor, [email protected] *** Mining Engineering Faculty, Hamedan University of Technology, Hamedan, Iran, [email protected] ****The Research Was Financed by the Ministry of Education and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia as a Part of the Project No.: Tr-34023

No. 3-4, 2018 117 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor The basic characteristic of this research evaluating and selecting the personnel [19], is specifically related to each individual selection of personnel in the mining compa- type of pollution, without taking into ac- nies [20], etc. count their integration and without deter- Today in the world and in Serbia, there mining which type of pollution is dominant. are many software packages that enable fast In other words, no comparison of all or setting up and solution of tasks from differ- most important types of pollution has been rent fields (mining, mechanical and con- performed in order to rank them and deter- struction engineering, etc.). The best-known mine the most difficult types of pollution. of these methods are the assessment mod- This is important because, when ranking is els, the analytical hierarchy process - AHP, done, the managers who manage the open analytical networks of processes-AHP, pit have an overview of the priorities and, TOPSIS, ELECTRE and PROMETHEE, as accordingly, can properly direct energy and well as some of their combinations. The take the appropriate measures to suppress or best known software program are QM for reduce the most serious forms of environ- Windows, Electre, Expert Choice, Decision mental pollution around the open pit. Lab, Criterium DecisionPlus. Measures taken in order to reduce or eliminate the harmful impact of the open pit 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART on the environment are very complex and they involve several types of procedures. The damage of the environment by the These procedures are mutually different and open pit is reflected through have different efficiencies in preventing or  Land blocking (alternative A1), reducing the pollution. Due to this reason,  Land degradation (alternative A2), the managers need to determine the best and practices and apply them to achieve the best  Pollution of air, water, soil and results. They can do this only if they deter- plants (alternative A ). mine the priorities, and this is best if this 3 procedure is done on the basis of ranking Technological procedures for othe cop- the most important measures to prevent or per ore obtaining at the open pit create the reduce pollution. pollution, which is concentrated in the zone One of the method of multi-criterion de- around the open pit, and such a space is cision making, the AHP method, is used to called the zone of increased impact, where rank various types of pollution and mea- the land is blocked. On blocked land, the sures that are undertaken in order to reduce field configuration retains its original ap- or eliminate the harmful effect of the open pearance, only the people living and agricul- pit on the environment. The multi-criterion tural production are forbidden, and the decision-making methods (MCDMs) can be plants from that zone are not propagated for defined as the process of selecting the most the animal and human consumption. The appropriate solution from a set of available land in this zone is acquisited by the mine. alternatives, based on their performance in Degraded soil occurs as a result of min- relation to a set of criteria for evaluation [4]. ing operations and the relief loses its original The MCDM methods are implemented to appearance. Instead of forests, orchards and solve the real problems in a series of areas arable land, the surfaces without the ability such as: sustainable development [5, 6], to self-eco-system are created. At the loca- economy [7], mining [8,9], quality system tion where the deposits are exploited, the [10], management [11,12,13], construction dents are formed in a form of funnel or [14,15], education [16], production [17,18], crater. At the site of overburden (waste) etc. disposal, the terrain is covered and the artifi- Also, these methods by extension or cial hills-planes are created. combining them are more effective tools for The mining activities at the open pit and assisting in making the real decisions, for landfills create pollution in a form of dust,

No. 3-4, 2018 118 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor gases, mineral water and noise, which affect pit (construction of the circumferential the pollution of air, water, soil, plants and channels, concreted riverbed, water pum- human health. The land is not acquisited in ping using the pumps from the water tank at the zone of expressive impact (monitoring the open pitm, proper storage of waste oils zone), zone of moderate impact and zone of and their return to the manufacturer for re- possible impact, but the mine pays a com- cycling, etc.). pensation to the owners of the land for the Soil protection is carried out applying resulting damage in the amount of income the technical measures of protection at the that would be realized on that land. open pit, which prevent the raising of dust, The most important environmental pro- remediation the degraded surfaces (preven- ting the raising of dust), etc. tection measures include: Protection of plants against pollution is  preventing the air pollution (alterna- achieved applying the technical measures for tive B1), protection at the open pit, suppression the  detection of the landslides at the open formation and emission of dust (wet proce- pit and landfill sites of overburden (al- dure), suppression the emission of gases, ternative B2), drainage the aggressive water from the open  eliminate the possibility of contamina- pit to the predetermined water collectors tion the underground and surface wa- (pre-collectors), where they are treated by ter, water from open pit and landfills remediation the degraded areas [22], etc. (alternative B3), Protection the health of population are

 soil protection (alternative B4), measures that include prohibition to the peo-  plant protection (alternative B ), and ple living in the sanitary protection zone, 5 prohibition the agricultural production in the  health protection of the population (al- sanitary zone and using the plants from this ternative B6). zone for livestock and human research, cul- Prevention of the air pollution is carried tivating certain plants in the monitoring out applying the prescribed technical zone, such as the root plants, grains (corn, measures of protection, maintaining the wheat, rye, barley, oats), bean plants, then proper dusting devices, respecting the de- walnut, hazelnut and almond. Also, it is not signed operation technology, constant moni- recommended to cultivate the leafy vegeta- toring and measuring the air quality, etc. The ble crops in the zones of moderate and pos- most significant occurrence of air pollution sible impact (spinach, cabbage and greens, comes from the following technological then carrots, potatoes, garlic and onio). operations: drilling, blasting, loading of ore In order to identify the most difficult and waste, transportation of ore and waste, types of pollution, the ranking of the most disposal of waste and ore (unloading) and serious types of environmental pollution was ore crushing. performed. Ranking is done using the AHP Detection of the landslide at the open pit method. In addition, the Criterion Decision and landfills of overburden are done by the Plus software was used for calculation. instrumental observations. This implies set- The AHP is a quantitative technique that ting up a network of benchmarks and track- starts from decomposition a complex deci- ing them. On the basis of the bench marks, the speed and mechanism of movement of sion-making problem into a multidimen- the entire lkandslide is considered [21]. sional hierarchical structure of goals, crite- Eliminate the pollution potential of the ria, and alternatives. The AHP assesses the underground and surface water, water from impact of tcriteria, compares the alternatives the open pit and landfills is carried out app- with respect to each criterion and performs lying the appropriate measures, within the the ranking of alternatives. The creator of designed solutions for drainage of the open the AHP method is Saaty, 1980 [23].

No. 3-4, 2018 119 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor Assessment the relative impact of each in order to check the consistency of the en- criterion and comparing the alternatives with tire process. respect to the criteria is done through a com- Comparison of criteria and alternatives is parison matrix. Then, the weight coefficients done on the basis of the scale from 1 to 9 - for each element of the hierarchy is calcula- Table 1. ted and assessment a degree of consistency Table 1 Scale of comparison the decision-making elements Description Evaluation Equally 1 Poor domination 3 Strong domination 5 Very strong domination 7 Absolute domination 9 2, 4, 6, 8 are the subtotals

Determining the final rank of alterna- defined - Figure 1. And, then the weight tives is done by the synthesis of results ob- coefficients of the alternatives are deter- tained at all levels. mined using the scale of comparison given The process is as follows: First, the defi- in Table 1. nition of the multi-dimensional hierarchical The results of comparisons are shown in structure of objectives and alternatives is Tables 2 and 3.

Figure 1 Ranking hierarchy (Criterion Decision Plus software) Table 2 Defining the weight coefficients of the alternatives

Alternatives A1 A2 A3 A1 1 1/3 1/5 A2 1 1/2 A3 1

Table 3 Comparison results

Alternatives A1 A2 A3 Weights of alternatives 0.109 0.309 0,582 Consistency degree 0.003<0.1

No. 3-4, 2018 120 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

Figure 2 Pollution type overview

As it can be seen from Table 3, the de- tection measures. gree of consistency is 0.003, which is less Prior to calculation, definition of the than 0.1. The obtained results show that the multi-dimensional hierarchical structure of most pollution type is A3-pollution of the air, objectives and alternatives, Figure 3, is water, soil and plants, alternatively A2-soil then defined. After that, the weight coeffi- degradation is the second most important cients of the alternatives are determined alternative, A1 is the blocking of soil (Figure 2). using the scale of comparison given in The following procedure is the ranking Table 1. The results of comparisons are of the most important environmental pro shown in Tables 4 and 5.

Table 4 Defining the weight coefficients of alternatives

Alternatives B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B1 1 1 1/3 1/2 1/3 1/5 B2 1 1/3 1/3 1/4 1/6 B3 1 1 1 1/2 B4 1 1 1/3 B5 1 1/3 B6 1

Figure 3 Ranking hierarchy (Criterion Decision Plus software) Table 5 Comparison results

Alternatives B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 Weights of alternatives 0.064 0.055 0.172 0,151 0,171 0,387 Consistency degree 0.010<0.1

No. 3-4, 2018 121 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

Figure 4 Protection measures

As it can be seen from Table 5, the con- represents a permanent damage to the envi- sistency degree is 0.010, which is less than ronment, which can only be partially reme- 0.1. The obtained results show that the most died by the remediation. Degradation in- important measure of protection is the alter- cludes the open pit, land where the landfills native B6 - protection of the the population are located, as well as the other surfaces health; the second place is the alternative B3- around the open pit. In the end, The alterna- elimination the possibility of contamination tive A1 is blocking the land. This land is of the underground and surface water, water under the impact of pollution coming from from the the open pit and landfill; the third the open pit. The existing vegetation can place is the alternative B5 - protection of survive here, but living of people on this plants; the fourth place is the alternative B4 - land are prohibited. soil protection; the fifth place is the alterna- Regarding the environmental protection tive B1-prevention the air pollution, and the measures, the most important are those re- sixth place is the alternative B2 - landslide lated to the protection of the population detection at the open pit and landfills of health (alternative B6). Protecting the popu- overburden (Figure 4). lation is the most important because preserv- ing health and ensuring the conditions for a 3 ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS normal life of people is the primary task of all companies. In the second place is the The analysis covers the most difficult alternative B3-eliminating the possibility of forms of pollution, as well as the most im- contamination the underground and surface portant environmental protection measures water, open pit and landfill water. Water is for the open pit. one of the most important conditions for the The results show that the most negative life existence. Preservation the water re- effect of the open pit on the environment is sources and watercourses ensures the exist- pollution of the air, water, soil and plants ence of this resource and its safe use, both (alternative A3). The reason is that these by the humans, and animals and plants. In elements are the basis for the lives of people, the third place is the alternative B5 - plant animals and plant world. Any pollution that protection. This measure is also important disturbs some or all of the above elements is because it ensures the survival of plants, very badly manifested in the health of the which is a precondition for survival of ani- living world. Damage is the most often per- mals, as well as people in the end. The manent and it is very difficult to correct the fourth place is the alternative B4 - land pro- negative effects. In the second place is the tection. The land protection provides a con- land degradation (alternative A2). This also dition for the plant growth, animal survival,

No. 3-4, 2018 122 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor development of agriculture, etc. In the fifth most important is protection of the popula- place is the alternative B1-prevention the air tion health (alternative B5). The advantages pollution. Although the air pollution is the of this analysis are in using the AHP method most pronounced at the open pit, and to a to find the best solution, that is, determining lesser extent in the environment of the exca- the most severe type of pollution and the vation, the use of modern protective most important environmental protection measures can significantly reduce this risk. measures. Also, this method can be used to In the sixth place is the alternative B – detec- solve the other important problems and ma- tion og the landslides at the open pit and king decisions, not only in mining, but also landfills of overburden. Landslides that ap- in the other areas. pear at the open pit represent a major danger for the open pit. They endanger the employ- REFERENCES ees, as well as the equipment and installa- [1] Jovičić V. et al. Security and Technical tions that operate at the open pit. Measures Protection in Mining, Tuzla, Yugo- to prevent the landslide appearance include slavia, 1987 (in Serbian) the proper execution of the works, respect [2] Miljković M. and Stojković Z. Impact the designed excavation geometry, monito- of Surface Exploitation of the Metal ring, etc. Ore on Ecological Factors of the CONCLUSION Environment, Monograph, Technical Faculty in Bor, Bor, Serbia, 1998 (in This paper presents the ranking of all Serbian) types of environmental pollution in order to [3] Miljković M., Application of the The- identify the most serious pollution types, as ory of Probability for the Assessment of well as the most important environmental Occurrence the Ecological Disasters, protection measures in order to determine Proceedings-Our Ecological Truth, the most important measures. The three Kladovo, Serbia, 1996 (in Serbian) most difficult types of pollution are ana- [4] Stanujkić D., Zavadskas E.K., Ghora- lyzed: land blocking (Alternative A1), soil baee M.K. Turskis Z., An Extension of degradation (alternative A2) and appearance the EDAS Method Based on the Use of the other forms of pollution (dust, gases, Interval Grey Numbers, Studies in mineral waters and noise, which affect the Informatics and Control, 26(1), 2017, 5- pollution of the air, water, soil, plants and 12. human health) (alternative A3). Also, six [5] Ghosh, S., Chakraborty, T., Saha, S., types of environmental protection measures Majumder, M., Pal, M. Development - prevention the air pollution (alternative of the Location Suitability Index for B1), detection the landslides at the open pit Wave Energy Production by ANN and and landfills of overburden (alternative B2) MCDM Techniques, Renewable and were considered, eliminating the possibility Sustainable Energy Reviews, 59, 2016, of contamination the underground and sur- 1017-1028. face water, water from the open pit and land- [6] Miletić S. Bogdanović D., Milanović fills (alternative B3), soil protection (alterna- D., Advantages of Implementation the tive B4), plant protection (alternative B5) and Process Model for Sustainable Busi- health protection of the population (alterna- ness Operations of Mining Companies, tive B6). Journal of Mining and Metallurgy Ranking was done using the AHP meth- Engineering Bor, 3, 2016, 71-82. od for the multi-criteria decision-making. On [7] Ghadikolaei A. S., Esbouei S. K., the basis of the obtained results, the most Antucheviciene J., Applying Fuzzy severe type of pollution is determined, MCDM for Financial Performance which is the alternative A3 (pollution of the Evaluation of Iranian Companies, Tech- air, water, soil and plants). As far as the en- nological and Economic Development vironmental protection is concerned, the of Economy, 20(2), 2014, 274-291.

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