Cambridge Judge Business School Working Paper No. 02/2017 THE STRATEGIC NATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE ASSESSMENT OF DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS Edward Oughton, Zoraida Frias, Mischa Dohler, Jon Crowcroft, David Cleevely, Jason Whalley, Douglas Sicker & Jim Hall Cambridge Judge Business School Working Papers These papers are produced by Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge. They are circulated for discussion purposes only. Their contents should be considered preliminary and are not to be reproduced without the authors' permission. Cambridge Judge Business School author contact details are as follows: Dr Edward Oughton Cambridge Judge Business School University of Cambridge Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1AG Email:
[email protected] Please address enquiries about the series to: Research Manager Cambridge Judge Business School University of Cambridge Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1AG Email:
[email protected] Tel: 01223 760546 The Strategic National Infrastructure Assessment of Digital Communications Edward Oughton1, Zoraida Frias2, Mischa Dohler3, Jon Crowcroft4, David D. Cleevely5, Jason Whalley6, Douglas Sicker7, Jim W. Hall8 1Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, 2Group of Information Technologies and Communications, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 3Centre for Telecommunications Research, King’s College London, UK, 4Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, 5Raspberry Pi, Cambridge, UK, 6Newcastle Business School, University of Northumbria, Newcastle, UK, 7Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA, 8Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK 1 Acknowledgements We would like to recognise the contribution of all participants at the EPSRC-sponsored workshop on The Future of Digital Communications at St. Catharine’s College, Cambridge, on 1st February 2017.