| Case Presentation | No. 01-2018 | A 7 year old girl with anemia and massive hepatosplenomegaly Mohammad Mizanur Rahman, Md. Mehedhi Hasan Shourov, Debashish Saha, Md. Abdul Ali Miah and S. M. Motahar Hossain Article Info Presentation of Case advised to get her admitted into the children ward for further management. In the child Departet of Heatology, Ared Dr. Md. Mehedhi Hasan Shourov: A 7 year old ward, patient and her parents were thoroughly Fores Istitute of Pathology, Dhaka Catoet, Dhaka, Bagladesh MMR, girl reported to the child outpatient department interviewed and the child was re-examined. MMHS; Departet of Bioheistry, of a military hospital in Chittagong (South-East The indoor physician ordered initial routine Dhaka Catoet, Dhaka, Bagladesh part of Bangladesh) Cantonment with the com- investigations such as complete blood count, DS; Departet of Mediie, Co- plaints of generalized weakness, loss of appe- peripheral blood film examination, malaria ied Military Hospital, Dhaka, Bagla- desh MAAM, SMMH tite, gradual distention of the abdomen and parasite, immuno-chromatographic test for weight loss. malaria, random blood sugar, liver function tests, urine routine and microscopic examina- The child was reasonably well and performing tion. After getting the results of all investi- For Correspondene: all her daily activities at her own 1 year before. Mohaad Mizaur Raha gations, child specialists sat together, reviewed She was also going to the school regularly and
[email protected] her history, physical findings and the results of was worried when her parents noticed the all investigations so far received, discussed the Reeied: Otoer distension of her abdomen and reluctant to take case in details and decided to refer the patient Aepted: Jauary food adequately.