2 / June 25, 1986 I Technician


Textiles endowment PARKING LOT

worth $1 million

Joe Galarneau of more than $666,000, the News amount required to receive an additional $334,000 in matching State's first fully endowed funds from the state. The chair will be named for William General Assembly appropriated A. Klopman, chairman of the $4 million in 1985 to the board and chief executive officer University of of Burlington Industries. Board of Governors to help “In naming the the first fully establish endowed chairs at endowed professorship for UNC System schools. William Klopman, we are paying Perry Grady, associate dean tribute to both his leadership in of the School of Textiles. said the textile industry and his the university would form a_ dedication in strengthening our committee to conduct an' inter- Harris Hall School of Textiles," said Chan- national search for qualified cellor Bruce Poulton. applicants 'for the chair. The John Kanipe, vice chancellor committee will make its recom- for development, said Klopman mendation to the chancellor and “is probably in that category of Board of Trustees within a year, industrial advocates. a group of Grady said. national textiles, fibers, and Kanipe said about $1 million apparel executives that have of the General Assembly served as advisors and consul- appropriation is yet unused. tants to our textiles program." “Other schools are working on The 81 million, distinguished proposals with industry” for the professorship in textiles, money, he said. approved by the Board of "We don't have committments Trustees in April, was estab- in hand, but we’re working in lished through private pledges that direction." Kanipe added. Harris Hall addition will bring CO-OP JOBS FOR FALL The Engineering Co-op Office in more services under one roof 115 Page has a number of listings Carolyn Davis Gerald Hawkins, associate currently housed in three build- for Civil Engineering fall co-op jobs Staff Writer vice chancellor for Student Af- ings on campus - Harris, fairs, said the in 1,500-square-foot Dabney and Peele. the Raleigh area. There are jobs Construction of a $1 million addition “is an effort to central- in many other curriculums as well. addition to Harris Hall, which ize all student services in one The Career Planning and will bring more student services area Placement Center, the De- Please and eliminate frequent stop by your coordinator's- under one roof, will begin walks from Peele Hall to Harris partment of Housing and Resi- office for more information. Tuesday. ' Hall." Student services are dential Life, Financial Aid and Student Accounts will be housed in the new structure, which is expected to be com- $9.00 SPECIAL l’ $5.00 SPECIAL pleted in mid-1987. Plans also I ONLY 89.00 ONLY $5.00 include building a plaza area and l installing two automatic bank- FOR A 16” 2-ITEM l FOR A l-lTEM ing machines. PIZZA AND ' PIZZA AND Construction crews will take 2 32. OZ. COKES i 1 32 OZ. COKE couscouronmoann : up one-third of the Harris Hall OWE 1MDUI nmvm AIEA mmmmoanla parking lot, but traffic flow in PIE! DEUVIIY Ont-IMMEIVAIM the area is not expected to be .1 interrupted, Hawkins said. Twenty-five parking spaces will be built for additional employees working in the Stu- m mm dent Services Center, he said. 3010 l‘flaboroufiSt.- (NCSU). Walter Jones, director of the FREE DELIVERY Career Planning and Placement Center, said the new facilities 833-9647 833-2167 833-3783 will “be a tremendous advan- tags to us." Although the center’s current REPPOQUCHVG Health Care space in Dabney and the planned center have about the same square footage, the new 'office is designed so more space will be usable, Jones said. Hawkins said university of- ficials originally planned for the Student Services Center to be located in the Alexander Hall basement, but “from an engi- neering standpoint, it wasn't feasible and we didn't think it was appropriate for the offices Understanding. nonjudgmental care that to be located in the basement of inciudes abortion. a residence hall." )Upm for women of all ages G 'l‘uesday. J Lily 1, Counseling for both partnersIs available. Projgct architect is Wes Mc- Special Sewlcea and rates for students. Clure, a State design graduate STEWART THEATRE Call 781-5550 days. evenings. 8 weekends. and former student body presi- dent. Bordeaux Construction FREE Company of' Durham is the general contractor. June 25, 1986 I Technician 3


It’s time for annual

freshmen invasion

Dung Nguyen activities. Counselors also con- Staff Writer duct programs such'as orienta- tion for stud-ents' parents. If it seems red portfolio- campus tours and a. social ball carrying zombies have invaded for students. campus. relax. It's only some of Black freshmen arrive one the 3.127 freshmen who began 'day early to attend the Afro- their orientation ritual last American Symposium designed week. to help black students adjust to About 95 percent of freshmen a predominantly white campus. admitted to the university will Freshmen eat in the Dining attend orientation. said Susan Hall, getting their first taste of Gorman, administrative assis- food made for college dOrm tant with the program. Orienta- residents. tion sessions, organized by “It's not home-cooked food. Student Development, will con- but it’s better than (high school) tinue throughout June and July. cafeterias." said Norma Walls. with 300-400 students per an agricultural engineering three-day session. major from Elkin. N.C. Traditionally a student‘s first Counselor Laura Lunsford Staff hoto byJo Satuber agreed, but added that the experience on campus, orienta- ' Bewiidered freshmen, flaunting their fashionable red folders, sit outside Lee dorm awaiting their tion, includes preregistration dining hall staff “tries to be a next and an introduction to student bit nicer during summer orien- orientation activity. Over 3,000 incoming freshmen are comprising five orientation sessions, being run activities. Faculty and staff tation." by Student Development. from each of the university's Orientation is also time to ‘increasing the number of Despite the increase in the from the local grocery store. schools also speak to their experience that first college patrolling officers. drinking age, many freshmen If freshmen miss orientation. future students and answer party. Counselors hold a strictly report no difficulty in obtaining they must complete registration questions about academics and non-alcoholic social in the court- “We have support staff on‘ alcoholic drinks. by mail and attend late registra- curriculum. yard of Lee. More adventurous Wednesday and Sunday. and tion. Sixteen full-time student freshmen, however. have taken some increase in student patrol. One freshman said her hosts counselors get students settled to Fraternity Row. but no increase in the number of at a fraternity -party “just “We send them the form and into their rooms in Lee resi- Despite the influx of students. patrolling officers," said Sgt. handed it to me." Another hope they do the right thing." dence hall and lead them in ,Public Safety has no plans of Joellen Nader.‘ reported “just picking it up" Lunsford said.

DORM AID Relief from fig; Dorms with No R.A.s! Chill out after class today PLAY l Food, fun, and more await you! WALK ON OVER TO: ALL >A EECTRIC CO. MALL SUMMER:- l 2526 HILLSBOROUGH STREET oSTEAK & CHEESE V ; OANDY’S PIZZA OUTLET ? oDELI WORKS oTJ. CINNAMONS -. The NCSU Music Department is _ oPOCUS ONE oBIJOU "'""'"-----'-"' offering opportunities for people I HAIR DESIGNS oTHE COOKIE LINE ( ) . interested in performing and oCELATO AMARE oINTERNATIONAL 0 listening to chamber music. The oMAII) RITE DESIGN coaching staff includes members oMICHTY CASEY’S oTHE HAIR KIOSK of the N.C. Symphony; repetoire oORIENTAL -INSTANT REPLAY Q 0! EXPRESS oSOUTHERN EYES , . will be announced at the first oPOLY PHASE 0U.S. ARMY RECRUITING rehearsal and will include string , anon for Lifelong E .oPOPEYES . WAKE EYE ASSOCIATES . semester classes wfil quartetwoodwind and brass oSUNSOLUTIONS ,YOGURT ALLEY ‘ quintet music. +=OPENING SOON: e TACO MAKER ‘0 CltOTHESLlNES 0 FINAL TOUCH- CARDS AND GIFTS a": [-Feature Merchant 0fthe Week '——---—-. W : PRESENT THIS } COUPON l ‘ Monday, June 30th at 7:30pm, : for. 10% Off total: rr_—_'-’ ‘ Price Music Center, Room 120 ' MAID-RITE purchase "

'l W ’MAID-RITE l ll For more information call: : ELECTRIC COMPANY MALL: ED Bruce D. Reinoso 737-2981 ldExpires Ju1y31, 1986 l L___...--..._____-__.._._..__l DOES FINDiNG A BALANCE SUITABLE 4 I June 25. 1986 I Technician HINGE UPON rill: ALTERNATIVE? ABORTION

A paper that is entirely the product of the student body becomes at once the official organ M which the thoughts. the my and in pum‘sbhnkfact the very life of the campus are reg'stered. It is the mouthpiece through which the students ihemselvestalr. Collegcflewlhoutits I Technkian, vol. 1. no. 1. Feb. I. 1920

Broyhill and Sanford debate,

begin crucial campaign trail ‘ . ,

Last weekend U.S. Senate can- them a“high-flyingkind oftexibook' didates Jim Broyhill and .Terry. concept offree trade.” Bathea desperateman Sanford held their. first debate. Responding to questions about Unfortunately, the confrontation nuclear power, Sanford,-,who has The declaration of a state of took? place in - South carolina and ’ supported efforts to delay the' emergency by theSouth African gov- was not televised. Despite the ' opening of the Shearon Harris phni ernment is the actcolra desperate man. ' event’s low-key nature, its im- in Wake County, said nuclear And if the West,including the United 5 port'ance should not be overlooked. energy was expensive and unsafe. States, does not act-more strongly, than that desperation willlead tocivil war. . According to news reports, both Broyhill said nuclear power should The Unites States, West Germany 'HEHRY. JARRE l' l :candidates were positive and up- be replaced as other sources are developed, but for now it is needed. ‘ and Great Britain have registered Editorial Columnist beat.- There was none of the stronger measures against South Africa. From the looks of the first debate, mudslinging that has characterized it can only be surmised that they do so countries and not- to strike at them (the which recent North Carolina politics. middlelof-the-road voters, because they believe South Africa is one three countries). The raids show South comprise over 50 percent of the The two candidates went at of them. But unless they live in a Africa’s adherence to agreements. populace, will' have a tough time lengths to disassociate themselves vacuum, the current South African There was also talk about changing choosing between the two poles. pass laws and giving citizenship to 7 from the far left and right. Broyhill, a administration has demonstrated it is not Both Sanford, often referred to as a member of any civilized community. people living in artificial homelands, but Republican, distanced himself from the state’s greatest governor, and . The raids on Botswana, Zambia and this talk was only illusion. Reagan’s trade policy, seen by many Broyhill, a veteran of the US. Zimbabwe last month amply show It is time for the and its as harmful to North Carolina’s textile House, ‘have superior qualifications South Africa’s attitude toward the European allies to get tough with South industry. Sanford, a Democrat, said and should rise quickly in the world. Those three..countries had Africa. Since the end of World War ll, he would support continued re- Senate’s ranks. agreed to restrain the African National we have called ourselves leaders of the search into Reagan’s “Star Wars” Congress. South Africa had agreed to It will take the long, grueling policy and the funding of Contra stop its support of rebels in those (see “Economic, page 6) election process before many voters rebels in Nicaragua, depending on decide who will best represent the how the bill was worded. state. It is hoped that future debates Both candidates said they support will be viewed by more than the 900 Scientist should give- curbing waste in military spending lawyers present at the first, and that and the Senate’s tax reform bill. the, two candidates will be 'able to On the nation’s economy. how- clearly present their ideas and infdrmation, not ‘facts’ ever, the two candidates drew clear opinions to the people of the state. lines of distinction. Broyhill said he Only then can voters make an supports the president’s programs. informed decision. free from the save the aforementioned foreign name-calling that has distorted North I recently attended a public meeting at the LeRoy Martin Middle School held trade bill. while Sanford labeled Carolina politics for too long now. by CASH. the Coalition for Alternatives to Shearon Harris. The speakers at the dais as would be expected from the host group’s name, opposed opening the plant, while a rather unruly mob of ~"“v’i‘nrmwomri CP&L employees sat in the front of the _. Editorial Columnist auditorium. The meeting was relatively peaceful the fears many of us have about nuclear until the question and answer session. I power. On the contrary, it only makes thought a fight would break out. To put the matters worse. Many of us have t ' . .- > . II“. fi‘Oeee cc c it bluntly, the CP&L people were quite , serious questions about nuclear power. Acct.w...-,.._.._...... hostile. With some justification, they new:weeeeeno.cm. questions we feel "have yet to be tried to shout down many of the answered satisfactorily. And since we Dee.“------so-called questioners, most of whom have to live with Shearon Harris and its were merely imbeciles making intermi- by-products for a long, long time. we nable statements instead of asking have a right to ask. ltis very muchOl—ir W...... Carolyn Stew 7 :- questions. business. . Patty Ludviksen. JelfStiles ’ Many of the CP&L people did ask TM...... Steve Leonard". 7 The CP&L people at the CASH questions of their own several of them meeting repeatedly used what I consider W Wm-wmmmmmmmm very relevant. Unfortunately, they didn’t the key buzzword in this debate. That think it necessary to answer any word is “facts,” and I’ve heard it over questions —— I guess they feel they’ve and over. Frankly, I’ve grown a little either answered every question related tired of scientists claiming the realm of to the issue or don’t have to —— and facts as their personaldomain. most of the questions they asked reeked SOme of the “facts,” as given us from of the condescending self-righteousness the nuclear power proponents, are that marks far too many scientists. highly questionable and have been Simply put, they seem to feel that since repeatedly questioned by W in nuclear power is!their field of experibe, otherfields. Manycftheseflchm _ h’snooneebe’sbufiiess. ”My...” .. June 25, 1986/ Technician .

Forum 1 ,, column laughable. he took humor State’s reactor has never been favoring some sortof legal recogni- termination “50 help me God" is State’s reactor a step further with his letter. used to produce usable thermal or tion of Christianity as our national added as a matter of custom. but it electrical energy. It is used solely religion. May I suggest that we is not part of the constitutional used for research “The only historical fact," Castle for education, research and train- would do well to follow the lead of oath.) Religion is mentioned just writes, “which can be said of all the . ing purposes. ‘ our founding fathers. who knew once (apart from the First . We in the department of Nuclear founding fathers is that not one In addition, it should be made how unwise this would be. Yes. Amendment), in Article VI. which Engineering are sensitive to mis- was a bom-again Christian or clear that State has had four they believed in God. (So do I, states that “no religious test shall leading statements in the press. fundamentalist." Not only does he reactors in the last 30 years. incidentally). Yes, in the Declara- ever be required as a qualification Thus. I was quite upset when I ignore evidence to the contrary tion they wrote of “the Laws of to any office or public trust under read your title "State's power plant regarding the convictions of some Charles S. Henkel ' Nature and of Nature’s God." of the United States." pushing 30" which was used for ‘of the founding fathers, but he also DR NE rights with which men are “en- the feature article on the ignores such historical facts that not dowed by their Creator,".,of the World history and current events PULSTAR research and training one of the founding fathers was a “protection of Divine Providence." both attest to the appalling evils nuclear reactor on campus. It black or female. It took a Civil And yet, when they came to set up associated with theocracy. Surely appears that the person that made War, three constitutional amend- Religious talk the legal framework of govem- this is no time to discard our own up this title did not read the article. ments, and a‘ civil rights movement ment, they had the good sense to national . tradition -— that our The article clearly states that the to give blacks the same rights left out of leave religious dogma out of it. religion (or lack of religion) ,is a PULSTAR “is not used to generate enjoyed by the founding fathers. There is no mention in the US. personal matter in which govern- electricity." Thus, it is not a power Women were not even allowed to legal framework Constitution of God, or a Creator ment should not meddle. plant. The article clearly states that vote until this century and there It is not entirely clear what Jeff or divine providence, not even in the PULSTAR “has been in opera- are those who believe that a Stiles means to propose in his May the preamble. not even in the J. . Pietenpol. tion since August of 1973." Thus, woman’s rights are still not fully 28th article. but he seems to be presidential oath of office. (The MR CSE it is not pushing 30. but is 13 years spelled out in the constitution. ‘ old. Your erroneous and slanted title is irresponsible journalism. I There are serious flaws in both would not expect this from a positions. I am certain they both student newspaper at a technical have something to say (Stiles about university. his relationship to God and Castle North Carolina State University with his concern about religious is unique in that it was the site of intolerance). However, the im- the first nonsecret nuclear reactor portance of what they are saying is in the world. This reactor was clouded by misinformation which called the Raleigh Research Reac- needs to be cleared up if they are tor. At the present time, North to be taken seriously. Carolina State University has one of the most recently constructed. William T. DeMente, Jr. best supported by University of- NCSU Temporary Employee ficials. and thus, technically advanced university research reac- tors in the country. This was the Headfine main reason I joined the faculty here after teaching 18 years at the distorts University of Illinois at Urbana. Bernard W. Wehring ProfNE good story

Ed‘tor's Note: The writer is Director Kudos go to Joe Corey for his of tie Nuclear Reactor Program enlightening article on State’s nuc— lear reactor program in the June 1 1 Technician. Facts ignored Unfortunately. the article’s headline.“State's Power Plant lf Herb Castle found Jeff Stiles' Pushing 30." is misleading.

Students get the good Opinion 4=

Economic sanctions or bloodshed (continued from page 4) willing to sacrifice. And what LOOKS! good is economic "well-being without the freedom to speak the free world. With the excep- We begin all our hair styling services with a or the right to vote? tion of a few instances we have The report by the Eminent supported anyone who called personal consultation and a drawing, if Persons Commission of the themselves anti-communist. Commonwealth of Nations necessary, of the hair style. This way we make policy no longer summed it up best. The West But that sure you get exactly the look you are looking works. We cannot paint with a can either try, through sanc- broad brush anyone who seeks tions. to force South Africa into for. You get 10% discount with student ID. justice as being communist. lf a dialogue with the opposition, Christ were alive today he or it can sit back and watch the When your friends compliment you on that perfect a worst bloodshed since ’World would probably be called look, just say “I got it at FOCUS ONE." communist. War ll. If we» truly advocate our rhetoric, then now is the time to offer the world more than status quo. The moment has come for democracy in South Africa. President John Ken- nedy once said. “It is those Electric Company Mall North Blvd. Plan 5/ C who prevent peaceful revolu- on US 1 North tions who foster violent revolu- Hillsborough St. tion.” A violent revolution can 878-9473 833-501 1 be prevented if we impose Town Ridge Square S/C stronger economic sanctions. Mom-Fri. 10-8; Sat. 9:30-5 .. on US 70 West Some “say sanctions will hurt No Appointment Necessary 787-9076 blacks more than they will help. But most polls show blacks are THEY C < 2 UJ '— O Young from~acrp§s the nation traVel to Raleigh for Junior Olympics Championships

Cold eyes stared straight ahead as puddles of dark blood mixed casually with salty sweat and ran from lips to chin. Blinking to shake off the muddied feeling of numbness, the fighter prepared to step back to the middle of the canvas and again stand toe to toe with a youth very much like himself. ° The white-clad referee looked to his left and then to his right. In one continous motion the older man fanned the air with both hands, drawing the two young men towards each other. They circled once. then circled again. Minutes, which seemed like hours, passed as the youths occasionally exchanged taps to head and body. Then suddenly, with lightning speed, one youth fully extended his left arm, driving his glove-protected list into the unsuspecting nose of his opponent. The quick jolt sent a splatter of blood and sweat down the boy’s gold tank top. He only stood there, waiting for a similar blow to assault his stomach. A red- and white-covered knuckle crashed mercilessly deep into his gut. His strength dwindling and hopes disappearing, the young man could do nothing more than drop to one knee and wait for the. man in white to again wave his hand, bringing the immediate pain to an end.

For several days last week, the Raleigh Civic Center played host to young, aspiring boxers from across the country. From Los Angeles to Miami, boys came to Raleigh for the 1986 Junior Olympic Boxing Championships with dreams of victory. For many of these boys, boxing may be their only chance for a bright future. Poor or homeless, some youths find that organized boxing beats .the streets and the fighting of local gangs. So with friends or family in tow. boys traveled to Raleigh for their shot at the. championship title and personal pride. Looking to the future, most of these young men have aspirations of boxing in the Olympics and professionally.With tournaments such as this, boys have the chance to test their strengths and lose their weaknesses. As they continue to train. boxing may be their ticket to the future, without the m of the streets.

4‘ Mun rut nv apnea in wms'rem 8 / June 25. 1986 I Technician

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This also cuts down on the of the Thomas Wolfe number of times that some idiot ,classic,”You can never go in the crowd yells out “Look home." Jackson talks about how Sharp." The sounds of glasses materialistic he has become and ALBUMS clinking does make its way onto wishes forth'at simpler life he the record once knew back in his home Sure, keeping the audience town. But instead of fantasizing quiet is rather sterile. But about how great it will be. Jackson reflects how the crowd Jackson says that he knows it is reacting to his new material won't be like he left it. by the power in most of his Jackson seems to be telling performance. the listener that it is a big world The four-piece band Jackson and that we keep making assembled for the record sounds excuses to avoid experiencing it. really tight and lively. with “Precious Time." speaks of re- Joe Jackson Jackson's singing and writing grets and the excuse used to hitting the mark. cover up ourerrors. Big World The record is not one in which The title track.“Big World”.is one of those Pan Am travel _ - A&M every tune is an immediate hit. Some of the songs are catchy pamphlets loaded with those to what do you get when you Big World is such a big record (“Wild West." "Right and pictures of the Far East and the cross the vocals of Bryan Ferry three sides to be accurate. Wrong” and “Home Town"). rest of the world. ‘ with that basic Big World is ’.‘a live record but Others take ‘a couple of listens “Shanghai Sky" and “Tonight guitar sound, and the answer is the crowd was told to keep it (“Man in the Street” and “Soul and Forever” are two great cuts not that bad. down. Big World is a thinking Kiss"). But none of the 15 songs that grab the ears and never let The Connells are one of the man’s record. Big World cap- on Big World reek. up. best local bands. and Darker tures Joe Jackson at his best. “Right and Wrong” seems to The eightopage booklet that Days shows the band can make Joe Jackson's music has a be Jackson's swipe at yuppies. comes with the record the transition to vinyl. spontaneous sound, and the live Jackson takes no prisioners translates the lyrics to German. The crooning vocals of Doug. experiment he tried on Big on “Right and Wrong.” He hits Japanese. French, Italian and“ McMillan work well with the World succeeds. the people that have been Spanish, which is great if you songs written by guitarist Mike Instead of recording new mesmerized by President Rea- want to test your foreign lan- Connell. They don‘t work on the material live/and hoping that gan's simplistic messages to the guage knowledge. - nerves. the audience is going to eat it up public. “And He’s got it all For those who own compact In the title track, McMillan so that he won't have to dub in mapped out] And illustrated disc players, the record is a The Connells sings of optimisim in bad times applause, Jackson has the au- with cartoons] Too hard for direct digital recording and - sort of like what Volitaire’s dience react after the taping is clever folks to understand.” sounds fantastic under the laser Days Candide would sing of if he ever finished so no applause or Jackson sings. He hits the beam. But when shopping for Black Park Records started a garage band in France. cheers are recorded. This leads people who read USA Today the CD keep an eye on the price. “Seven" fools around with a the listener to make his own and their love for having the It is only one disc. But some There are two copies of this little word play. “Hats Off" is a judgement on the songs without news simplified into little car- record stores have hiked the record on sale in the Triangle. quirky political song about Pres- feeling pressured to accept the toon graphs. price up a couple of bucks. One, an English import on Elvis ident Ronald Reagan. “Dial It” opinion of the audience. “Home Town" is his version -Joe Corey Costello's Demon record label, is an instrumental that seems to show the base derivative of the O comes in a weird purple cover. 0 ' '71 The other is a domestic released Connells' sound with David on the Connells' own label. Connell on bass and Peter Besides paying the price for an Wimberley on drums taking the imported record. the quality is lead. different. Many of the songs on The’ Connells get a tad bit COFIIWWOHS a} the imported Darker Days have airy in some spots on the record. a tinny sound. The domestic has But Darker Days never gets been remixed and is the one to' boring. It is one of the best local get for good listening. releases to come out since The Pressure Boys . Rangledoon. The Connells are the answer — Joe Corey i



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Bias death raises questions about athletes and drug

Len Bias is dead. Hard to was someone who couldn’t die llll ! fathom. isn’t it? Here’s a guy — not now,anyway. ll ready to graduate from college But his death poses questions who has just been picked as the in the sports world concerning No. 2 player in the NBA college the use of drugs. Traces of a draft -— on top of the 'vorld. drug. possibly cocaine, were Next thing you know. he's uead. detected in his urine, according When I first heard about it. to pre-autopsy reports. Several my first reaction was, “No way. subsequent reports from heart You're kidding." I thought of specialists across the nation " MAC HARRIS Bias as kind of immortal. He have confirmed that cocaine was one of the best players I could easily have caused the Sports Editor had ever seen, and his death massive heart attack Bias suf- invariably stirs up conversation fered. he did use coke. I hope that he about how good he might have The evidence from the didn’t. But all indicators point to been. “The next Doctor J" is the autopsy hasn't been released the substance cocaine as a major comment I hear the moat. He yet. so no one knows for sure if factor in the death. Sorwhy did he do it? Why j I would a young athlete of Bias' caliber want to put something O “k like that into his system -— StartWhere OtherSalonsFimsb. assuming. of course. that he did? Obviously. Bias had not been informed of the possible reac- Staff photo by Roger Winstead tions to the drug. caused by Doctorssuspectacocalnellnklnthe sudden death“‘l'hurs‘day' of many different factors, such as Maryland's Len Bias, the No. 2 NBA draft pick two days earlier. .. impurity or his lack of tolerance for it. other NHL players. NFL teams get athletes to quit using drugs Maybe now. after the death of 'like Miami, Dallas and New and set a better example for so special an athlete and Orleans have been plagued by young people who admire them. drug use. Maybe Len Bias was affected by person. according to his coach remember, a long time ago, and friends — everyone will I the fact that other athletes. my sports hero was a man especially basketball players _ take heed of the dangers of was cocaine. even on a social, “first named Mercury Morris. He that he had looked up to, had a speedy little running back l time" basis. used the drug with no apparent with the Miami Dolphins, harm. Maybe Len Bias was blind ' ’ But other people use cocaine hair wearing number 22. Whenever I to the fact that many had used bynature s way and don't have the reaction that the Bias may have had. Other played ball in the yard with the drug and ruined their repu- At hair by nature's way the health of your hair is all important. This is people get second chances to rest of the neighborhood kids. I tations and careers. Maybe Len not always true at other salons and your hair may be in worse shape when always pretended I was Mercu- Bias had been convinced of the they finish than when they began. But not at nature‘s way. we use the prove themselves clean — Walter Davis. Lonnie Smith. ry Morris. fact that cocaine was no big. highest quality products. the latest treatments. and we guarantee that your A couple of years ago._ a man hair will not only look better but be more healthy. start to finish. Alan Wiggins and Dave Parker deaL to name a few. ‘Len Bias named Eugene Morris was con- “Too much too fast" has BY APPOINTMENT ONLY victed of drug trafficking while frequently been given as the 2524 Hillsborough St. Raleigh deserved a second chance. and Recent drug investigations in a member of the NFL reason for a young athlete's during years after his retire- 6!? Glenwood Ave micron 834. l 101 206 w curmu- Sl Cary ass-Jim pro baseball have revealed involvement with such shady widespread use of the drug. ment. Eugene “Mercury" business as drugs. A million A JetlersonJon-cSou-rewar MWRab-on sea-9500no Morris. Some hero. dollars is still a lot of money. Sports Illustrated uncovered the man was possible drug use among mem- 'My image of and there are more than a shattered. If you watch TV at million ways to spend such a L I bers of the former Stanley Cup seen him Champion Edmonton Oilers and all, you've probably sum. One way for many doing a commercial against co- athletes. unfortunately. is caitie in his prison uniform. At drugs. least he knows that he was But drugs was completely out \ wrong and that cocaine is no of character for Bias. He had party drug. It’s dangerous. been tested for drugs through- Morris and other people in Wakefield W Announces Free the sports world are trying to Isee ‘Bias, ’page 11/ ( Direct Bus Service lb And From Campus! .. a “a...” 23:33:22.3 3195 Great Off-Campus Living: $.23:.21.§£°3372%’23'§3258233.;°E.";?£ ABORTIONS up T0 Only $396.00 Per Semesterl" 2.3%,323234.; .31; .33. 3.135.343”532' 9 12TH WEEK or One bedroom from only $164.00. PREGNANCY " (shared by two students) Wakefield Two bedroom from only $88.00. APARTMLNTs " (shared by four students) “GynClinic” \Sgleég’g to Wake County Medi- You‘re just 12 minutes from NCSU. adjacent . 7 HEALTH cal Center and the Beltline. Nine month lease available. Keep your housing cost way down with up to 4 students per apartment. Enjoy Raleigh's most complete planned social program! Year fround . 917 W. Morgan Street9_83_2-Q_5 “Fajarm Ill,rim 4 . a tennis and volle ball courts. outdoor pool. Modern one and two bedroom plans eature air conditioning and carpet. Cable. 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821-5878 FREE BEER I : | 832- | 25, 1986 I Technician 1 2 [June I i Classifieds f i Classified ads cost 30¢ per word with a Typing- let us do your typing at a reasonable WORD PROCESSING TYPING-EDITING. The minimum of 8300 Deadline for ads is 4:00 pm rate. IBM Selectric ll. Call Ginny, 8488791. academic typing specialists at OFFICE Miscellaneous Tutoring two days before your ad is to appear. Bring SOLUTIONS can serve ALL your typing needs. the ad by 3134 University Student Center. All Typing - Word Processor, Resumes, Cover GOVERNMENT HOMES from $1 lU repairl. EXPERIENCED TUTOR will tutor you in Letters, 2008 Hillsborough lacross from Del Towerl, tax property. Repossessions. Call ads must be prepaid. Term Papers Duality work. Marilyn, 834-7152 I 872-9491 leyesl. MCNISA. Delinquent physics, chemistry, precalculus and calculus. 7820508. ”168781110 Ext. H4488 for current repo list. $10.00 per hour. 8280469. TypingWord Processing: Olmenations, Theses, Typing Term Papers. Laraine, 781-2341. .DBS:CIeenbuidiigsatni¢Itduringthe Help Wanted sumrnerandduringtheregolarschoolyear. Rooms TYPING—WORO PROCESSING. PAPERS $150 832-5581. ABCWordPreuse'IIgzfluImesReseerdI' ds page. FAST TURNOVER. HANNAH GOVERNMENT JOBS srsprossemyau. and ‘PtheIs,Theees,MaereuiIts,LettasIM&Ig HAMILTON, 7838458. Now Hiring. Cal mram Ext. 84488 for N.C.S.U. ISTATEl GAYILESBIAN COMMUNITY: Labeb.mewa'onaIMReemodrleRetes. current federal list. Roommates 8460489. rm for Students IeII Sdectnc Choice of informationMostofourIunctionsarehdd IFITCANDETYPEDJCAITYPEITIM. Type Styhs. Very minus rum mam. Pent'me. mam. MF. WI secretarid, read “otteenrpus” and al are thereto! Cd ROOMFORRENT:FernaIenonsrndrerauIdent accurately, Iaaeorrddy. 0‘ Mrs. Tucker at bluepr'us. witrain. $4.25“. 7811359. 829-12820rwr'eePO. Oox33519,8a1ei¢I.NC preferred. Private mm to seem TYPINGMOIIJPIIICESSING-Termpmers, m,mmzr. 8286512. mmmm» Zimforfurdrerinformetion. WM.MMM mumumm Perfeetpmtxneiw foretudents. 85m “mum hue 1661“! after tru’ring. 5mm pm. Cd 8128114. nuns-auras.“ “mattertlllpm. Crier. WM-TM,MLabTechnicianto pixandprooessblackaidwhite. Experience referred. Resume to Profit, 714 St. Mary's Are you interested in emergmcy mefic'lie'l Oeg'nnerorientedandeveryoneiswdeome. XWWCZTGOSNoCaIIs. NCSU's Trained Emergency Medical Personnel Wmmwmmmm meets Thus, we pm, in 301 Mann. Everyone theStudentCIlIterOrownRoom. SdeowPegeAdvertis'ngfordieNation's is welcome and no medical experience is needed! IuooI Thurs, m 26; 5 pm. 12m WWMCoIegeurnpusTdmlme- Carmichael Gym. Be there! Cell 772-1553 In O'lectories Looking for enthusiastic goal ATTN: GAY AND LESBIAN STUDENTS. The detais. aidedmopletoselmfloridaJromJulylt new Gay and Lesbian Amoietion IGALAI Fmi. MMwstDJWorlongeLCompIetesaIes will be meeting soon. For time and place The Engineering Coop Office, 115 Pqe‘HaI, MonogrammIgwithexcelenteaming write: NCSU GALA, Box 31552, Raleigh, NC hasonfrleaistingofcoopiobsforthefal poterrtial. Call ereeoeozzs for interview. 27ers or call 9196285663. sernester.Nowistbetimeforcomebythe EDUCATION students who are office and get into the coop program 'ntime Wait staff needed for exclusive private club. COOPERATIVE are iobsinalereu. on campus after a Spring work period are fora fallco-op job. There Evening and day shifts available. Located close all majors. See your coordinator today. to NCSU. Apply in person between 2:304:30, required to come by the coop office in their Muidays and Wednesdays. Capital City Club. school for a post-work review. You will get a Club will be making a requirement. The NCSU Sailing I 411 Fayetteville St. Mall. "U" if you do not complete this weekend trip to Kerr Lake June 27-29. For 25% I Off Repair I GSA meeting on 6/30, at 7:00, Room 2211 more information, please call Pam at 829-1478. I Wart a dream job? Get a perfect resumelshort Broughton. Important information regarding Also anyone who can tow a boat to the lake Labor I 8 course on managing your job search. Ask summer activities will be discussed. All GSA please call me. 829-1478. tout our fivepart package! Call for dayleve. Representatives should attend. All graduate mt. MC?VISA. Evelyn's Resume Service, students are invited. Tutors, readers, van drivers needed for 833-3529. Handicapped Student Services-summer andlor If you like to backpack, canoe, rockclimb, fall. Contact 200 Harris Hall. 737-7653. WRITERS NEEDED for Technician news staff. kayak, etc. then come to the. Outing Club. No ioumalism experience necessary. FOR MORE INFO, contact Joe Galameau at 651-5783. Qpinion INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: Recently Finished, Guide to Greencard From FlJlH Visas. For details, send $1.00 lpost- eplhendlingl: Immigration Publications, Dept-F power safe? 79. PO Box 515991, Dallas, TX 75251. Nuclear 833-4588 1211 Hillsborough Street (continued from page 4) Well. no one died at the time. granted. But nuclear radiation doesn't kill the nuclear power. while others seem to fly same way a rifle or bomb kills. Unlike in the face of contrary evidence. Facts, war, the casualty rate from TMI will only be determined over time. and. to UNITED according to the dictionary. are - in- PARCEL SERVICE disputable. Many of the facts concern- the benefit of nuclear power advocates, ing nuclear power seem to be in imprecise at best. considerable dispute. and therefore are But evidence is slowly turning 'up. At not facts, but opinions. this time, there isa frightening increase in the cancer rate near TMI. Since this PART TIME EMPLOYMENT Virtually all the concerns about cannot nuclear power resolve around one be linked irrefutably to the TMl central area — safety. I’ve never heard accident. at least not yet. nuclear a proponent of nuclear power say flat power proponents disclaim such a link _ MONDAY-FRIDAY out that nuclear power is safe. Nuclear altogether. and in some cases are going power's safety is always expressed in to great lengths and great expense to \X/ORK WEEK distort it, It is, after all, circumstantial relative terms. Nuclear power is safer evidence. But how much circumstantial than this or safer than that. I don’t evidence doubt that under normal conditions it is required and how long will EARLY MORNING HOURS about in a worse case it take to gather data before we can is. but what clearly determine TMl's guilt or in- scfario? Is a nuclear power accident nocence? The lag time EARLY AFTERNOON HOURS saer than a coal-burning accident? I involved will do bt it. and nuclear proponents avoid make determining anyone's responsibil- LATE EVENING HOURS that question by throwing dollar signs at ity a moot point. and by then it will be us. too late. Before you bring it up. don't even I“ ., .O’I t hem-o [has been talktom... .eIe.I II' summarily dismissed by American mere presence of such plans should tell TEXCELTENTWKG ES *' r scientists who say it couldnt happen in us something. the United States because those at fault I am not a scientist, and my would be held repsonsible. Oh really? knowledge on this issue is admittedly Heldresponsible by whom, pray tell? very limited. But I do know when I’m” ' APPLICATIONS WILL BE TAKEN EACH MONDAY FROM .- Can «the courts guarantee justice in being talked down to. and I know the case of the nuclear accident? whensomething is being forced on me 11-1 IN ROOM 5, PATTERSON HALL FOR PERMANENT ‘ Hardly. The American judicial system is against my will. Before I accept nuclear based on (more or less) specific laws power in general or the Shearon Harris YEAR-ROUND POSITIONS lid punishmehts. But the damage plant in particular. someone is going to from a nuclear accident is far from have to convince me. in a civibed specific. and extremely difficult to manner, of the necessity and long- range overall safety of both. Don’t tell AN EOIJAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER me not to worry my pretty Ittle head Nuclearpowerpowerproponents claim no about it. That, unfortunately, 8 about onedied at lhree Mile Island (TMI). alllhearfrom scientiststhese days.