Palmwoods' Guitar-Playing, Classic Car Driving Postie

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Palmwoods' Guitar-Playing, Classic Car Driving Postie Sunshine Valley Gazette FREE Local Matters | 10,000 Copies Fortnightly | Wednesday June 3, 2020 | Edition 204 | Distributed to Palmwoods, Woombye, Nambour, Chevallum, Mooloolah, Editorial: [email protected] 0409 424 487 Eudlo, Hunchy, Yandina, Montville, Flaxton, Mapleton, Maleny. Advertising: [email protected] 0400 069 711 Palmwoods’ guitar-playing, classic car driving postie A lifetime of music and classic cars ... Jimmy the Postie, originally from Arkansas USA, is a popular figure around Palmwoods. Jimmy is as well known as his striking car ... Read all about them on Page 19. Qld Rail comes clean Brand new trains’ mouldy air-conditioners the reason for Woombye’s sleepless nights: AIR-CONDITIONING units on been running the noisy units full Responding to a question from has temporarily modifed the NGR Court Judge Michael Forde said the Queensland Rail’s brand new mul- boar for the past three months came The Gazette, Queensland Rail CEO air-conditioner settings to operate at multi-billion-dollar contract to build ti-billion dollar “New Generation” as no surprise to weary Woombye Nick Easy said QR had been made all times to provide continuous reg- the trains was fawed with all 75 new Rollingstock trains have to run day resident Mike Melzer, one of a aware of reports of mould and odour ulated air-fow. trains not complying with disability and night for days at a time to deal number of residents growing tired afecting some of the New Genera- “We appreciate the inconven- access laws. with mouldy air-conditioning units, of his queries being side-tracked. tion Rollingstock (NGR) feet. ience this may be causing nearby The $4.4 billion project was man- Queensland Rail admitted last week. “QR have lied to us for three “Where mould has been detected residents at this time as we work ufactured in India by a consortium Constant noise from the units has months about the trains being in on a train, that train has been taken with the Department of Transport led by the company, Bombardier caused sleepless nights for puzzled ‘stabling mode’,” said Mr Melzer. out of service and the mould com- and Main Roads and Bombardier to After completion the new residents near the QR stabling yard “They will tell us anything in a con- pletely removed. Any train sus- address this issue.” trains failed disability access tests, at Woombye, where the trains are descending attempt to placate us. pected of having an issue with mould Services had to be cancelled in including having space for wheel- stored. They were assured years ago “After constant requests QR have or odour will not enter service until March after staf reported feeling ill chairs to move into the aisle. that there would be only a negligible admitted the residents are right. We thoroughly inspected and confrmed and mould and odour was discov- Rectifcation work to treat the increase over existing noise experi- can hear air conditioners running as safe to do so. ered. mould and odour problems on the enced by the Woombye community constantly. Yet for the three months “To address these known con- But the project has been plagued trains was to cost $335.7m. if the stabling facility went ahead. we have asked they have told us that cerns, Bombardier – which manu- with problems from the start. An News that Queensland Rail had we were imagining it.” factured and maintains the trains – inquiry in 2018 by retired District More Page 2. Sunstate Gearbox RENTAL PROPERTIES & Diff Service URGENTLY REQUIRED! ALL YOUR DRIVE LINE NEEDS All cars, trucks, Specialising in: machinery RTA No. AU49451 • Manuals • Automatics Burns Removed Property David & Tina P 5478 8020 • Transfercases • Differentials CA$H for some Ledger F 5478 8850 • Tailshafts • Clutches Power SteeringSuspensionWheel Alignments Scrap metal OBLIGATION FREE APPRAISAL WE HAVE PLENTY OF GREAT TENANTS bins supplied Child RestraintsRoadworthy Inspections JUST WAITING TO BE APPROVED Tyre & BalancingAll Mechanical Service & Repairs 5 Charles Court, Kunda Park FOR YOUR PROPERTY! Caloundra Scrap Metal Air ConditioningAll Brake Repairs We also sell nuts, bolts and tyres. Ph: (07) 5476 8911 1300 132 013 4/27 Main St, Palmwoods, Qld 4555 2 NEWS | June 3, 2020. localSunshine matters | Valley Gazette Minister Delivered Fortnightly | Online Always Restrictions are invited to lifting but the devil is always discuss in the detail solutions Editor's Letter. Cameron Outridge [email protected] WOOMBYE Community and Business Asso- ciation has invited Transport Minister Mark MONTHS down the track, it is to be Bailey and Nicklin MP Marty Hunt to discuss hoped that the worst health impacts of the a bipartisan solution to light and noise mitiga- COVID-19 pandemic are behind us. tion at Woombye Stabling yard. With the announcement that restric- Woombye resident James Kasmer said the tions in Queensland are being lifted fur- Minister had not accepted the request for a One of the New Generation Rollingstock trains ... some of which are out of action and sitting ther, it is important to keep in mind that meeting by Tuesday but he hoped he would idle at Woombye stabling facility with air conditioners running constantly to prevent mould. the devil will always be in the detail. agree to come. Business owners in some sectors are Mr Kasmer has been advocating for ally being recorded as far back as the begin- shop?” still faced with new responsibilities and Queensland Rail to improve mitigation meas- ning of March,” he said. Fellow resident Mike Meltzer, who is kept onerous limitations that make it unre- ures dealing with light and air-conditioning “Nine News Queensland television on awake at night and woken in the morning by alistic and unviable for them to fully noise coming from the Woombye Rail Stabling March 5 this year reported ‘92 services, some light and noise from the stabling facility, said reopen, even with the recent relaxations. Facility. of them on city lines, were delayed or can- Bombardier should consider shutting down the Let’s hope that these fner details will be He said the community wanted to work celled due to mouldy or smelly trains’. air conditioners and leaving the doors open. cleared for them sooner rather than later, with QR “amicably and reasonably” to fnd “Why has Queensland Rail not divulged “Fresh air is the enemy of mould,” he said. as long as it is safe to do so. some common ground but was disappointed this critical information to myself and other “Circulating air through flters will prolong the This fortnight, we had the very great QR had dodged questions regarding the source residents who have made contact in writing problem. pleasure as always, of meeting business and reason for the constant noise. until now? “I would like Queensland Rail, Transport owners and members of the commu- “True community engagement starts with “Why could they have not issued a state- and Main Roads and Bombardier to earnestly nity who inspire us with their creativity, Queensland Rail being upfront with people ment before this time stating the real reason seek a workable solution to the noise and light adaptability, generosity and resilience in who have taken the time to write to them with behind the air-conditioners being consist- issues generated by an industrial complex the face of the most trying conditions. fair concerns and questions.” ently run on NGR Trains in Woombye during operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week beside Let’s get behind these people and support Mr Kasmer said it was disappointing to periods of non-operation is to dry out the a residential area. them in any way we can. discover mould on NGR Trains was at least a trains? “Common sense says it should not be here. three months old issue in light of multiple que- “If they need to dry out, why must they sit But it is. We want TMR to devise a long term Print closures ries sent to QR. here in Woombye so close to residential areas plan to manage it until it can be relocated.” LAST week came news of the closure of “It’s very disheartening, with the issue actu- when they need to be elsewhere in a work- more than 100 of News Corp Australia’s print newspapers including the Sunshine Coast Daily and its weeklies. They are to cease printing and move to digital as Mould excuse on the nose, says advocate coronavirus has impacted the advertising spending that keeps them afoat. As a From Jeff Addison Rollingstock (NGR) trains would only be left they be issued with torches? former journo at the Sunshine Coast Daily Sunshine Coast Commuter Advocate on during cleaning and maintenance so as to It’s high time that action was taken to fx and The Gympie Times my heart goes out ensure the Workplace Health and Safety of these issues. For some Woombye residents to people who have lost their jobs. My WAS a member of the original Queensland the cleaners. they can’t even sleep on the matter. thoughts are with my former colleagues Rail Woombye Community Reference Queensland Rail’s chosen option for the and the mastheads they serve. I Group (WCRG) set up in June 2015 ‘to NGR ‘mould and odour’ issue is to allow the provide an advisory role to Queensland Rail air-conditioning units to run 24/7. on community issues, concerns and values.’ That is not a long-term solution, and these DETAILS I thought that the WCRG sessions were carriages have a 32 year maintenance life. professionally run and Queensland Rail (QR) Can you imagine if your home air-condi- Hinterland Editorial were doing everything possible to ameliorate tioning supplier’s response to a ‘mould and Cameron Outridge | 0409 424 487 community concerns.
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