The Super Quiz Content Information for the Event Division Friday, January 8, 2016 Concordia College, Bronxville

Part 1 - Test of 25 questions on Reformation history and Martin Luther

Reformation History John Calvin Martin Luther Albert of Mainz John Eck Anabaptists Anabaptists John Knox Annunciation by Faith Augustinian Augsburg Confession Justin Jonas Black Cloister Babylonian Captivity of the Church Leipzig Debate Brethren of Common Life Marburg Colloquy Conference of Basel Castle Church Means of Grace Eisleben Christian IV Papal Infallibility From Heaven Above Council of Trent Peace of Augsburg Georg Spalatin Defender of the Faith Hans Diet of Augsburg Pope Leo X Hans Luther Diet of Worms Predestination Doctrine of the Elect Priesthood of Believers Heinrich Voes Edict of Nantes Relics Johann Esch Excommunication Sacraments Johann von Staupitz Schmalkaldic League Magdalena Geneva Simony Mansfield Good works St. Bartholomew Day Massacre Margaret Luther Heidelberg Catechism Tetzel Martin Luther Heresy Translation of New Testament Paul Luther Huguenots Transubstantiation Philip of Hesse Ignatius Loyola Ulrich Zwingli Sylvester Prierias Institutes of the Christian Religion Wartburg Table Talks Jan Hus Wittenberg Jesuits Wittenberg Hymnal Part 2 - Test of 25 questions on Biblical Literacy, Religion in America, and the 16th Century

Biblical Literacy Nunc Dimittis Salvation Army Ananias Original sin Scopes Trial Andrew Pagans St. Matthew's Church-NYC Annas Passover Walter Rauschenbusch Barnabas Paul Bartholomew Pentecost 16th Century Bartimus Pharisees Act of Supremacy Bathsheba Philip Albrecht Durer Benedictus Phillipi Anne Boelyn Bethany Pontius Pilate Battle of Mohacs Bethesda Potiphar's wife Chambre Ardente Bethlehem Psalm 23 Charles V Boaz Rachel Christian Humanism Caesar Augustus Rebekah Copernicus Caiaphis Ruth Defender of the Faith Cain Sadducees Erasmus Capernaum Salome Frederick the Wise Corinth Samuel Fuggers David Sanhedrian Geneva Eden Scribes Henry VIII Eli Seth Index of Prohibited Books Elijah Silas Inquisition Elisha Simon Peter Johann Gutenberg Ephesus Solomon John Leiden Esau Stephen Leonardo daVinci Ezekial Synagogue Lollards Galatia Ten Commandments Lucas Cranach Genesis 1:1 Thomas Machiavelli Gentiles Tiberius Maximilian Gethsemane Timothy Michelangelo Gloria in Excelsis Torah Obedience to Husband Golgatha Transfiguration Ottoman Empire Hagar Uriah Peace of Augsburg Herod Antipas Zacheus Peasants Revolt Isaac Zion Philip II Iasiah Pilrimmage of Grace Jacob Religion in America Ponce deLeon Jairus Abbington v. Schempp Pope Clement VII James Amazing Grace Praise of Folly Jeremiah Billy Graham Raphael Jerusalem Billy Sunday Rembrandt John 3:16 C.F.W. Walther Sack of Rome John, the Evangelist Charles Wesley Siege of Vienna Joseph Dwight Moody Sistine Chapel Joshua Great Awakening St. Basil's Cathedral Judas Iscariot Henry Muhlenberg St. Peter's Lazarus John F. Kennedy Thomas Comwell Lord's Prayer John Wesley Thomas Cranmer Luke, the Evangelist Jonathan Edwards Thomas More Lydia Thomas Wolsey Lystra Methodist Religion Titian Macedonia Twelve Articles Magnificat National Day of Prayer-1812 University of Marburg Martha National Motto Mary Magdalene New Sweden Matthew Moses Princeton University Naomi Presbyterians Nazareth Puritans

Part 3 - 3-5 minute video: "What Does the Reformation mean for Today's Youth?"