Handwoven Index 2012
Handwoven Index, 2012 – Nov/Dec 2020 Both authors and subjects are contained in the index. Keep in mind that people’s names can be either authors or subjects in an article. The column “Roving Reporters” is not indexed, nor is the “Letters” or “From the Editor,” unless it is substantial. Projects are followed by bracketed [ ] abbreviations indicating the shaft number and loom type if other than a regular floor loom. To find an article, use the abbreviations list below to determine issue and loom type. For instance, “Warped and twisted scarves. Handwoven: MJ12, 66-68 [4]” is a 4-shaft project found on pages 66-68 of the May/June 2012 issue. Issue Loom abbreviations: abbreviations JF January/February RH Rigid heddle MA March/April F Frame loom MJ May/June P Peg or pin loom SO September/October C Card/tablet weave ND November/December I Inkle loom T Tapestry loom D Dobby loom 3-D weaving Weaving in 3-D. Handwoven: ND14, 63-64 3-shaft weaving Weven op 3 schachten: weaving on 3 shafts. Handwoven: JF19, 15 A Abbarno, Luciano A weaver on the verge. Handwoven: ND12, 11 Abernathy-Paine, Ramona An Elizabethan sonnet in a shawl. Handwoven: JF14, 54-56 [10] Warped and twisted scarves. Handwoven: MJ12, 66-68 [4] Abrell, Diana My favorite pot holders. Handwoven: Mj19, 50-52 [4] absorbency Reflections on absorbency. Handwoven: SO14, 70-71 Acadian textiles Boutonné snowflake pillow. Handwoven: SO15, 67-68 [2, RH] Boutonné: an Arcadian legacy. Handwoven: SO15, 66-67 Cajun cotton. Handwoven: JF15, 66-67 Cajun-inspired cotton dish towels.
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