Biochemistry of

Методические указания по выполнению самостоятельной и контрольных работ

Новосибирск 2017 УДК 637.12.047(075) ББК 36.95:28.072 C687

Кафедра ветеринарной генетики и биотехнологии

Составитель: Короткевич О.С., д.б.н., профессор Рецензент: Бокова Т.И., д.б.н., профессор, зав. кафедры химии НГАУ

Biochemistry of milk: методические указания по выполнению самостоятельной и контрольных работ/ сост. Короткевич О.С.; Новосиб. гос. аграр. ун-т. Биолого-технологический факультет.- Новосибирск, 2017. - 47 с.

Методические указания предназначены для бакалавров, магистров и аспирантов очной и заочной форм обучения Биолого-технологического факультета, обучающихся по направлению подготовки 19.03.04. Технология продукции и организация общественного питания, Изложены основные разделы курса «Biochemistry of milk» с указанием видов и форм контроля тем, выносимых для самостоятельной работы бакалавров, магистров и аспирантов очной и заочной форм обучения и выполнения контрольных. Приведены словарь-терминов, библиографический список, вопросы для контроля. Методические указания утверждены и рекомендованы к изданию на заседании учебно-методического совета БТФ (протокол № 2 от 1 марта 2017 года)

© Новосибирский государственный аграрный университет, 2017 Содержание

1. Введение...... 5 1.1. Цели и задачи учебной дисциплины...... 5 2. Содержание отдельных разделов и тем для самостоятельной работы (согласно рабочей программе)...... 6 2.1. Introduction...... 6 2.1.1. Biochemistry of milk, its meaning and history of development in Russia ...... 6 2.1.2. Milk production. Precursors of the major components of milk...... 7 2.1.3. Biochemical and physical-chemical processes in milk treatment, production of liquid milk, cream and ice cream...... 9 2.1.4. Biochemical and physical-chemical processes in production of ...... 10 2.1.5.Physical and chemical processes in production.Biochemical changes in butter during storage...... 12 2.1.6. Biochemical and physical-chemical processes in cheese production...... 14 2.1.7. Biochemical and physical-chemical processes in condensed milk, casein, milk protein concentrate and lactose production...... 16 2.1.8.Biochemical and chemical changes during storage of dairy products...... 17 3. Содержание и организация самостоятельной работы...... 19 3.1. Темы контрольных работ...... 20 3.2. Общие положения при оформлении контрольной работы...... 20 3.3. Список вопросов для подготовки к зачету...... 23 3.4. Проверочный тест по Biochemistry of milk...... 25 3.5. Ответы к тесту по Biochemistry of milk...... 28 4. Учебно-методические информационное обеспечение...... 29 4.1.Учебно-методическое обеспечение...... 29 4.2. Информационное обеспечение …...... 30 4.3. Перечень наглядных пособий и оборудования...... 30 5. Словарь терминов по BIOCHEMISTRY OF MILK...... 32 1. ВВЕДЕНИЕ

1.1. Цели и задачи учебной дисциплины Дисциплина Biochemistry of milk предназначена для формирования базовых знаний по химическому составу, пищевой и биологической ценности молока, молочных продуктов, изменению их состава и свойств под влиянием различных факторов, биохимических и физико-химических процессов, протекающим при обработке молочного сырья, выработке различных молочных продуктов и изменению молочных продуктов при хранении у студентов направления подготовки бакалавров 19.03.04 Технология продукции и организации общественного питания на основе компетентного подхода. В соответствии с назначением основной целью дисциплины является формирование современных представлений, знаний и умений о превращениях веществ и энергии в живых организмах, химическом составе продукции животного происхождения, биохимических процессах, происходящих в ней при хранении и переработке. Исходя из цели, в процессе изучения дисциплины решаются следующие задачи: - изучить химический состав молока и биохимические процессы, происходящие в животноводческой продукции при хранении и переработке; - оценка качества и технологических свойств молока по биохимическим показателям; - идентифицировать биохимические процессы, протекающие при производстве, переработке и хранении молока; - знакомство с современными методами и достижениями биохимической науки. 2. СОДЕРЖАНИЕ ОТДЕЛЬНЫХ РАЗДЕЛОВ И ТЕМ ДЛЯ САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНОЙ РАБОТЫ (СОГЛАСНО РАБОЧЕЙ ПРОГРАММЕ) 2. 1.Introduction 2.1.1. Biochemistry of milk, its meaning and history of development in Russia Importance of studying the biochemistry of milk and dairy products for the management of the construction process of production of various types of dairy products. Communication disciplines with special technology and process control. The role of scientists in the development of the science of biochemistry. Contribution to the development of modern scientific biochemistry of milk.

Доступные источники литературы

1. Горбатова К.К. Химия и физика молока и молочных продуктов/К.К. Горбатова, П.И. Гунькова. - СПб.: ГИОРД, 2014.-336 с. 2. Рогожин В.В. Биохимия молока и мяса : учеб./ В.В. Рогожин. - СПб.: ГИОРД, 2012. - 456 с. 3. Горбатова К.К. Биохимия молока и молочных продуктов/ К.К. Горбатова. – СПб.: ГИОРД, 2001. – 320 с. 4. Горбатова К.К. Химия и физика молока: учебник для вузов/ К.К. Горбатова. – СПб.: ГИОРД, 2003. – 288 с. 5. Кононский А.И. Биохимия животных. – М. 6. Вышемирский Ф.А. Масло из коровьего молока и комбинированное/ Ф.А. Вышемирский. – СПб.: ГИОРД, 2004. -720 с. 7. Гудков А.В. Сыроделие: технологические, биологические и физико- химические аспекты/ А.В. Гудков; под ред. С.А. Гудкова. – М.: ДеЛи принт, 2003. – 800 с. 8. Касторных, М. С. Товароведение и экспертиза пищевых жиров, молока и молочных продуктов [Электронный ресурс] : Учебник / М. С. Касторных, В. А. Кузьмина, Ю. С. Пучкова. - 5-е изд. - М. : Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и К°», 2012. - 328 с. http://www.znanium.com/ 9. Крусь Г.Н. Методы исследования молока и молочных продуктов/ Г.Н. Крусь, А.М. Шалыгина, З.В. Волокитина; под ред. А.М. Шалыгиной. – М.: Колос, 2000. – 368 с. 10.Молоко и молочные продукты. Энциклопедия международных стандартов/О.Н. Фомина, - Москва: Протектор, 2011. - 880 с. 11.Оноприйко А.В. Производство молочных продуктов: практическое пособие/А.В. Оноприйко, А.Г. Храмцов, В.А. Оноприйко. – М.: МарТ, 2004. – 384 с. 12.Храмцов А.Г. Промышленная переработка вторичного молочного сырья/ А.Г. Храмцов. – М.: ДеЛи принт, 2003. – 100 с. 13.Шалгина А.М. Общая технология молока и молочных продуктов/ А.М. Шалыгина, Л.В. Калинина. – М.: КолосС, 2004. – 200 с. 14.Шидловская В.П. Органолептические свойства молока и молочных продуктов: справочник/ В.П. Шидловская. – М.: Колос, 2000. – 280 с. 15. Журнал «Молочная промышленность» 16. Журнал «Переработка молока» 17.Короткевич О.С., Дементьева Т.А. Биохимия молока: учебное пособие. Новосибирск, 2007.- 218 с. 18.Дементьева Т.А. Витамины /Т.А. Дементьева, О.С. Короткевич, Е.В. Камалдинов: учебное пособие Новосибирск, 2005. - 160 с. 19.Korotkevich O.S., Dementyeva T.A., Korotkova G.N. Biochemistry of Milk: study manual Novosibirsk: NSAU, 2010. - 210p. 20.Дементьева Т.А., Короткевич О.С. Практикум по биологической химии: учеб. пособие. Новосибирск: НГАУ, 2011. - 260 с.

Вопросы для самоконтроля

1. Could you name structural components of milk? 2. Could you characterize milk proteins? 3. Why are lactoproteins essential for human and animal organisms? 4. How does heat treatment change physicochemical properties of milk? 5. Which substance is a major power in milk?

2.1.2. Milk production. Precursors of the major components of milk. The chemical composition and nutritional value of the major components of milk. Change in the composition and properties of milk under the influence of various factors. Milk production in the udder. Biosynthesis of milk components. The content of milk: water, dry matter, gases. Composition of dry milk matter: nonfat dry residue (NDR) and fat. Components of the NDR: proteins and non-protein nitrogen compounds, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, immune bodies, hormones, pigments. Gases of milk. Extraneous substances. The chemical properties of milk: pH, oxidation-reduction potential. Physical properties: density, viscosity, surface tension, osmotic pressure, freezing point, conductivity, thermal properties of milk. Bactericidal properties of milk. The influence of various factors on the composition and properties of milk.

Доступные источники литературы

1. Горбатова К.К. Химия и физика молока и молочных продуктов/К.К. Горбатова, П.И. Гунькова. - СПб.: ГИОРД, 2014.-336 с. 2. Рогожин В.В. Биохимия молока и мяса : учеб./ В.В. Рогожин. - СПб.: ГИОРД, 2012. - 456 с. 3. Горбатова К.К. Биохимия молока и молочных продуктов/ К.К. Горбатова. – СПб.: ГИОРД, 2001. – 320 с. 4. Горбатова К.К. Химия и физика молока: учебник для вузов/ К.К. Горбатова. – СПб.: ГИОРД, 2003. – 288 с. 5. Вышемирский Ф.А. Масло из коровьего молока и комбинированное/ Ф.А. Вышемирский. – СПб.: ГИОРД, 2004. -720 с. 6. Гудков А.В. Сыроделие: технологические, биологические и физико-химические аспекты/ А.В. Гудков; под ред. С.А. Гудкова. – М.: ДеЛи принт, 2003. – 800 с. 7. Касторных, М. С. Товароведение и экспертиза пищевых жиров, молока и молочных продуктов [Электронный ресурс] : Учебник / М. С. Касторных, В. А. Кузьмина, Ю. С. Пучкова. - 5-е изд. - М. : Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и К°», 2012. - 328 с. http://www.znanium.com/ 8. Крусь Г.Н. Методы исследования молока и молочных продуктов/ Г.Н. Крусь, А.М. Шалыгина, З.В. Волокитина; под ред. А.М. Шалыгиной. – М.: Колос, 2000. – 368 с. 9. Молоко и молочные продукты. Энциклопедия международных стандартов/О.Н. Фомина, - Москва: Протектор, 2011. - 880 с. 10.Оноприйко А.В. Производство молочных продуктов: практическое пособие/А.В. Оноприйко, А.Г. Храмцов, В.А. Оноприйко. – М.: МарТ, 2004. – 384 с. 11.Храмцов А.Г. Промышленная переработка вторичного молочного сырья/ А.Г. Храмцов. – М.: ДеЛи принт, 2003. – 100 с. 12.Шалгина А.М. Общая технология молока и молочных продуктов/ А.М. Шалыгина, Л.В. Калинина. – М.: КолосС, 2004. – 200 с. 13.Шидловская В.П. Органолептические свойства молока и молочных продуктов: справочник/ В.П. Шидловская. – М.: Колос, 2000. – 280 с. 14. Журнал «Молочная промышленность» 15. Журнал «Переработка молока» 16.Короткевич О.С., Дементьева Т.А. Биохимия молока: учебное пособие. Новосибирск, 2007.- 218 с. 17.Дементьева Т.А. Витамины /Т.А. Дементьева, О.С. Короткевич, Е.В. Камалдинов: учебное пособие Новосибирск, 2005. - 160 с. 18.Korotkevich O.S., Dementyeva T.A., Korotkova G.N. Biochemistry of Milk: study manual Novosibirsk: NSAU, 2010. - 210p. 19.Дементьева Т.А., Короткевич О.С. Практикум по биологической химии: учеб. пособие. Новосибирск: НГАУ, 2011. - 260 с.

Вопросы для самоконтроля 1. What substances can microorganisms produce when they transform lactose? How are the outcoming substances used? 2. What is the cause of lactose intolerance in human and animal organisms? 3. Which methods are used to examine lactose? 4. Could you highlight the mechanism of lactose formation? 5. Does this pro-biotic influence human and animal organisms? 6. Could you give characteristics of milk fat? 7. Which substances make the flavor and aroma of dairy stuffs? 8. Could you list major mineral substances of milk and describe their nutritional and technological value? 9. What is the main source of vitamins in animal milk? 10.Could you give the information on milk enzymes and their properties? 11.Which methods to determine a protein mass fraction in milk do you know? What are their advantages and disadvantages?

2.1.3. Biochemical and physical-chemical processes in milk treatment, production of liquid milk, cream and ice cream. Changes of milk composition and properties under cooling and freezing by heating and mechanical effects, falsification. Defects of milk by biochemical origin. Processes occurring during production of liquid milk, cream and ice cream.

Доступные источники литературы

1. Горбатова К.К. Химия и физика молока и молочных продуктов/К.К. Горбатова, П.И. Гунькова. - СПб.: ГИОРД, 2014.-336 с. 2. Рогожин В.В. Биохимия молока и мяса : учеб./ В.В. Рогожин. - СПб.: ГИОРД, 2012. - 456 с. 3. Горбатова К.К. Биохимия молока и молочных продуктов/ К.К. Горбатова. – СПб.: ГИОРД, 2001. – 320 с. 4. Горбатова К.К. Химия и физика молока: учебник для вузов/ К.К. Горбатова. – СПб.: ГИОРД, 2003. – 288 с. 5. Вышемирский Ф.А. Масло из коровьего молока и комбинированное/ Ф.А. Вышемирский. – СПб.: ГИОРД, 2004. -720 с. 6. Гудков А.В. Сыроделие: технологические, биологические и физико- химические аспекты/ А.В. Гудков; под ред. С.А. Гудкова. – М.: ДеЛи принт, 2003. – 800 с. 7. Касторных, М. С. Товароведение и экспертиза пищевых жиров, молока и молочных продуктов [Электронный ресурс] : Учебник / М. С. Касторных, В. А. Кузьмина, Ю. С. Пучкова. - 5-е изд. - М. : Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и К°», 2012. - 328 с. http://www.znanium.com/ 8. Крусь Г.Н. Методы исследования молока и молочных продуктов/ Г.Н. Крусь, А.М. Шалыгина, З.В. Волокитина; под ред. А.М. Шалыгиной. – М.: Колос, 2000. – 368 с. 9. Молоко и молочные продукты. Энциклопедия международных стандартов/О.Н. Фомина, - Москва: Протектор, 2011. - 880 с. 10.Оноприйко А.В. Производство молочных продуктов: практическое пособие/А.В. Оноприйко, А.Г. Храмцов, В.А. Оноприйко. – М.: МарТ, 2004. – 384 с. 11.Храмцов А.Г. Промышленная переработка вторичного молочного сырья/ А.Г. Храмцов. – М.: ДеЛи принт, 2003. – 100 с. 12.Шалгина А.М. Общая технология молока и молочных продуктов/ А.М. Шалыгина, Л.В. Калинина. – М.: КолосС, 2004. – 200 с. 13.Шидловская В.П. Органолептические свойства молока и молочных продуктов: справочник/ В.П. Шидловская. – М.: Колос, 2000. – 280 с. 14.Журнал «Молочная промышленность» 15.Журнал «Переработка молока» 16.Короткевич О.С., Дементьева Т.А. Биохимия молока: учебное пособие. Новосибирск, 2007.- 218 с. 17.Korotkevich O.S., Dementyeva T.A., Korotkova G.N. Biochemistry of Milk: study manual Novosibirsk: NSAU, 2010. - 210p.

Вопросы для самоконтроля

1. Could you list major physicochemical properties of milk, which are monitored at dairy factories? 2. What equipment is used to determine milk density? 3. What is milk acidity? How is it calculated/measured? 4. Could you give the characteristic of colloid dispersive system of milk? 5. What major forms of milk colloid conditions do you know?

2.1.4.Biochemical and physical-chemical processes in production of fermented milk products. Types of milk sugar fermentation, as the base of cultured milk foods production. Coagulation of casein. The influence of milk composition, bacterial starter cultures, technological conditions for fermentation of lactose and casein coagulation. Biochemical, structural, mechanical and nutritional properties of fermented milk products. Defects of cultured milk foods.

Доступные источники литературы

1. Горбатова К.К. Химия и физика молока и молочных продуктов/К.К. Горбатова, П.И. Гунькова. - СПб.: ГИОРД, 2014.-336 с. 2. Рогожин В.В. Биохимия молока и мяса : учеб./ В.В. Рогожин. - СПб.: ГИОРД, 2012. - 456 с. 3. Горбатова К.К. Биохимия молока и молочных продуктов/ К.К. Горбатова. – СПб.: ГИОРД, 2001. – 320 с. 4. Горбатова К.К. Химия и физика молока: учебник для вузов/ К.К. Горбатова. – СПб.: ГИОРД, 2003. – 288 с. 5. Вышемирский Ф.А. Масло из коровьего молока и комбинированное/ Ф.А. Вышемирский. – СПб.: ГИОРД, 2004. -720 с. 6. Гудков А.В. Сыроделие: технологические, биологические и физико- химические аспекты/ А.В. Гудков; под ред. С.А. Гудкова. – М.: ДеЛи принт, 2003. – 800 с. 7. Касторных, М. С. Товароведение и экспертиза пищевых жиров, молока и молочных продуктов [Электронный ресурс] : Учебник / М. С. Касторных, В. А. Кузьмина, Ю. С. Пучкова. - 5-е изд. - М. : Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и К°», 2012. - 328 с. http://www.znanium.com/ 8. Крусь Г.Н. Методы исследования молока и молочных продуктов/ Г.Н. Крусь, А.М. Шалыгина, З.В. Волокитина; под ред. А.М. Шалыгиной. – М.: Колос, 2000. – 368 с. 9. Молоко и молочные продукты. Энциклопедия международных стандартов/О.Н. Фомина, - Москва: Протектор, 2011. - 880 с. 10.Оноприйко А.В. Производство молочных продуктов: практическое пособие/А.В. Оноприйко, А.Г. Храмцов, В.А. Оноприйко. – М.: МарТ, 2004. – 384 с. 11.Храмцов А.Г. Промышленная переработка вторичного молочного сырья/ А.Г. Храмцов. – М.: ДеЛи принт, 2003. – 100 с. 12.Шалгина А.М. Общая технология молока и молочных продуктов/ А.М. Шалыгина, Л.В. Калинина. – М.: КолосС, 2004. – 200 с. 13.Шидловская В.П. Органолептические свойства молока и молочных продуктов: справочник/ В.П. Шидловская. – М.: Колос, 2000. – 280 с. 14.Журнал «Молочная промышленность» 15.Журнал «Переработка молока» 16.Короткевич О.С., Дементьева Т.А. Биохимия молока: учебное пособие. Новосибирск, 2007.- 218 с. 17.Korotkevich O.S., Dementyeva T.A., Korotkova G.N. Biochemistry of Milk: study manual Novosibirsk: NSAU, 2010. - 210p.

Вопросы для самоконтроля

1. Describe the procedure of taking a mean milk sample to examine. 2. What is the purpose of preserving milk samples? 3. Why is it necessary to do organoleptic examinations in milk? 4. How can you differentiate milk of different animal species? 5. Which organoleptic indexes point to the difference between colostrums and pro-estrus cow milk? 6. What milk defects do you know? Which factors can induce them? 7. Biochemical and physico-chemical processes underlying the production of fermented milk products. 8. The characteristics of the fermentation of lactose when making , , koumiss. 9. The mechanism of acid coagulation of casein. 10.Influence of pasteurization on the structural and mechanical properties of synergistic and protein clots 11.Describe the phenomena of thixotropy and syneresis. 12.The difference patterns from the . 13.What determines the different alcohol content in kefir and kumiss? 14.Specify the factors contributing to the increase of viscosity of sour cream 15.What are the substances causing taste and odor of sour cream, yogurt and kefir. 16.What should be done to prevent the occurrence of defects consistency of cottage cheese? 17.The basic biochemical defects of origin to taste dairy products.

2.1.5. Physical and chemical processes in butter production.Biochemical changes in butter during storage. Physico-chemical basis of butter produce with a help of cream churning and converting of high fat cream. Influence on the processes of butter production chemical composition of fat and cream preparation conditions. Structural and mechanical properties of the butter. Biochemical and chemical changes of butter during storage. Defects of butter.

Доступные источники литературы 1. Горбатова К.К. Химия и физика молока и молочных продуктов/К.К. Горбатова, П.И. Гунькова. - СПб.: ГИОРД, 2014.-336 с. 2. Рогожин В.В. Биохимия молока и мяса : учеб./ В.В. Рогожин. - СПб.: ГИОРД, 2012. - 456 с. 3. Горбатова К.К. Биохимия молока и молочных продуктов/ К.К. Горбатова. – СПб.: ГИОРД, 2001. – 320 с. 4. Горбатова К.К. Химия и физика молока: учебник для вузов/ К.К. Горбатова. – СПб.: ГИОРД, 2003. – 288 с. 5. Вышемирский Ф.А. Масло из коровьего молока и комбинированное/ Ф.А. Вышемирский. – СПб.: ГИОРД, 2004. -720 с. 6. Гудков А.В. Сыроделие: технологические, биологические и физико- химические аспекты/ А.В. Гудков; под ред. С.А. Гудкова. – М.: ДеЛи принт, 2003. – 800 с. 7. Касторных, М. С. Товароведение и экспертиза пищевых жиров, молока и молочных продуктов [Электронный ресурс] : Учебник / М. С. Касторных, В. А. Кузьмина, Ю. С. Пучкова. - 5-е изд. - М. : Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и К°», 2012. - 328 с. http://www.znanium.com/ 8. Крусь Г.Н. Методы исследования молока и молочных продуктов/ Г.Н. Крусь, А.М. Шалыгина, З.В. Волокитина; под ред. А.М. Шалыгиной. – М.: Колос, 2000. – 368 с. 9. Молоко и молочные продукты. Энциклопедия международных стандартов/О.Н. Фомина, - Москва: Протектор, 2011. - 880 с. 10.Оноприйко А.В. Производство молочных продуктов: практическое пособие/А.В. Оноприйко, А.Г. Храмцов, В.А. Оноприйко. – М.: МарТ, 2004. – 384 с. 11.Храмцов А.Г. Промышленная переработка вторичного молочного сырья/ А.Г. Храмцов. – М.: ДеЛи принт, 2003. – 100 с. 12.Шалгина А.М. Общая технология молока и молочных продуктов/ А.М. Шалыгина, Л.В. Калинина. – М.: КолосС, 2004. – 200 с. 13.Шидловская В.П. Органолептические свойства молока и молочных продуктов: справочник/ В.П. Шидловская. – М.: Колос, 2000. – 280 с. 14.Журнал «Молочная промышленность» 15.Журнал «Переработка молока» 16.Короткевич О.С., Дементьева Т.А. Биохимия молока: учебное пособие. Новосибирск, 2007.- 218 с. 17.Korotkevich O.S., Dementyeva T.A., Korotkova G.N. Biochemistry of Milk: study manual Novosibirsk: NSAU, 2010. - 210p.

Вопросы для самоконтроля

1. Which enzymes occur in milk more often? 2. Which enzymes would you recommend to examine to evaluate milk and dairy stuffs quality and why? 3. What is the difference between native and pasteurized or sterile milk? 4. What is milk salt system? 5. What is the function of calcium ions in milk? 6. Could you describe the method to estimate the quantitative content of milk calcium? 7. What is the main role of phosphorus in animal milk? 8. Physico-chemical basis of production of butter by churning cream. 9. The basic processes of maslobazovaya when converting high fat cream into butter. 10.Let the term "treatment phase" fat emulsions. 11.List the factors affecting the degree of solidification of the fat phase in the butter-formers. 12.Change fat in the physical maturation. 13.The difference of the structure of butter, produced by churning cream from the structure of butter obtained by converting high fat cream. 14.What are the oxidative processes that occur during storage of butter and spreads. 15.Method for determining the dispersion of the plasma in butter. 16.The effect of the structure of butter on his consistency. 17.The causes of rancidity of butter and spreads. 18. The vices of the consistency of butter and spreads. 19.Give the concept of syroprigodnogo milk.

2.1.6. Biochemical and physical-chemical processes in cheese production. The process of rennet milk coagulation. Physical and chemical processes in the processing of the bunch, forming, pressing and salting of cheese. Biochemical and physical-chemical processes during ripening of cheese. Changing lactose, proteins, fat. Changing water and minerals. Creation of cheese taste and flavors during formation of the figure and the microstructure of cheese. Features of some cheeses types maturation. Ripening cheeses. Physical and chemical processes in cheese production. Defects of cheeses.

Доступные источники литературы

1. Горбатова К.К. Химия и физика молока и молочных продуктов/К.К. Горбатова, П.И. Гунькова. - СПб.: ГИОРД, 2014.-336 с. 2. Рогожин В.В. Биохимия молока и мяса : учеб./ В.В. Рогожин. - СПб.: ГИОРД, 2012. - 456 с. 3. Горбатова К.К. Биохимия молока и молочных продуктов/ К.К. Горбатова. – СПб.: ГИОРД, 2001. – 320 с. 4. Горбатова К.К. Химия и физика молока: учебник для вузов/ К.К. Горбатова. – СПб.: ГИОРД, 2003. – 288 с. 5. Вышемирский Ф.А. Масло из коровьего молока и комбинированное/ Ф.А. Вышемирский. – СПб.: ГИОРД, 2004. -720 с. 6. Гудков А.В. Сыроделие: технологические, биологические и физико- химические аспекты/ А.В. Гудков; под ред. С.А. Гудкова. – М.: ДеЛи принт, 2003. – 800 с. 7. Касторных, М. С. Товароведение и экспертиза пищевых жиров, молока и молочных продуктов [Электронный ресурс] : Учебник / М. С. Касторных, В. А. Кузьмина, Ю. С. Пучкова. - 5-е изд. - М. : Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и К°», 2012. - 328 с. http://www.znanium.com/ 8. Крусь Г.Н. Методы исследования молока и молочных продуктов/ Г.Н. Крусь, А.М. Шалыгина, З.В. Волокитина; под ред. А.М. Шалыгиной. – М.: Колос, 2000. – 368 с. 9. Молоко и молочные продукты. Энциклопедия международных стандартов/О.Н. Фомина, - Москва: Протектор, 2011. - 880 с. 10.Оноприйко А.В. Производство молочных продуктов: практическое пособие/А.В. Оноприйко, А.Г. Храмцов, В.А. Оноприйко. – М.: МарТ, 2004. – 384 с. 11.Храмцов А.Г. Промышленная переработка вторичного молочного сырья/ А.Г. Храмцов. – М.: ДеЛи принт, 2003. – 100 с. 12.Шалгина А.М. Общая технология молока и молочных продуктов/ А.М. Шалыгина, Л.В. Калинина. – М.: КолосС, 2004. – 200 с. 13.Шидловская В.П. Органолептические свойства молока и молочных продуктов: справочник/ В.П. Шидловская. – М.: Колос, 2000. – 280 с. 14.Журнал «Молочная промышленность» 15.Журнал «Переработка молока» 16.Короткевич О.С., Дементьева Т.А. Биохимия молока: учебное пособие. Новосибирск, 2007.- 218 с. 17.Korotkevich O.S., Dementyeva T.A., Korotkova G.N. Biochemistry of Milk: study manual Novosibirsk: NSAU, 2010. - 210p.

Вопросы для самоконтроля

1. What types of milk adulteration do you know? 2. What is the purpose of adding sodium to milk? How is it done? 3. Which factors bring about changes in milk when it is adulterated? 4. Which foreign substances added to milk own preservation properties? 5. Explain the enzymatic phase of rennet coagulation of milk, as well as the mechanism of the second stage of rennet coagulation of milk. 6. What factors affect the separation of the serum from the clot when it is processed? 7. What are the differences in the processes of protein breakdown during the ripening of semi-hard and soft cheeses. 8. The change of the pH value of cheese and fat in the ripening process. 9. The microstructure of cheeses. 10.Name the compounds involved in the formation of the taste and smell of cheese. 11.Flavor defects cheeses.

2.1.7. Biochemical and physical-chemical processes in condensed milk, casein, milk protein concentrate and lactose production. Physical and chemical processes that occur during production of sweetened condensed milk, condensed milk pasteurized and sterilized. Physico-chemical processes in production of dry milk products. Defects of canned milk. Physical and chemical processes in casein, milk protein concentrate (caseinates, copretsipitates, protein concentrates), milk sugar production.

Доступные источники литературы

1. Горбатова К.К. Химия и физика молока и молочных продуктов/К.К. Горбатова, П.И. Гунькова. - СПб.: ГИОРД, 2014.-336 с. 2. Рогожин В.В. Биохимия молока и мяса : учеб./ В.В. Рогожин. - СПб.: ГИОРД, 2012. - 456 с. 3. Горбатова К.К. Биохимия молока и молочных продуктов/ К.К. Горбатова. – СПб.: ГИОРД, 2001. – 320 с. 4. Горбатова К.К. Химия и физика молока: учебник для вузов/ К.К. Горбатова. – СПб.: ГИОРД, 2003. – 288 с. 5. Вышемирский Ф.А. Масло из коровьего молока и комбинированное/ Ф.А. Вышемирский. – СПб.: ГИОРД, 2004. -720 с. 6. Гудков А.В. Сыроделие: технологические, биологические и физико- химические аспекты/ А.В. Гудков; под ред. С.А. Гудкова. – М.: ДеЛи принт, 2003. – 800 с. 7. Касторных, М. С. Товароведение и экспертиза пищевых жиров, молока и молочных продуктов [Электронный ресурс] : Учебник / М. С. Касторных, В. А. Кузьмина, Ю. С. Пучкова. - 5-е изд. - М. : Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и К°», 2012. - 328 с. http://www.znanium.com/ 8. Крусь Г.Н. Методы исследования молока и молочных продуктов/ Г.Н. Крусь, А.М. Шалыгина, З.В. Волокитина; под ред. А.М. Шалыгиной. – М.: Колос, 2000. – 368 с. 9. Молоко и молочные продукты. Энциклопедия международных стандартов/О.Н. Фомина, - Москва: Протектор, 2011. - 880 с. 10.Оноприйко А.В. Производство молочных продуктов: практическое пособие/А.В. Оноприйко, А.Г. Храмцов, В.А. Оноприйко. – М.: МарТ, 2004. – 384 с. 11.Храмцов А.Г. Промышленная переработка вторичного молочного сырья/ А.Г. Храмцов. – М.: ДеЛи принт, 2003. – 100 с. 12.Шалгина А.М. Общая технология молока и молочных продуктов/ А.М. Шалыгина, Л.В. Калинина. – М.: КолосС, 2004. – 200 с. 13.Шидловская В.П. Органолептические свойства молока и молочных продуктов: справочник/ В.П. Шидловская. – М.: Колос, 2000. – 280 с. 14.Журнал «Молочная промышленность» 15.Журнал «Переработка молока» 16.Короткевич О.С., Дементьева Т.А. Биохимия молока: учебное пособие. Новосибирск, 2007.- 218 с. 17.Korotkevich O.S., Dementyeva T.A., Korotkova G.N. Biochemistry of Milk: study manual Novosibirsk: NSAU, 2010. - 210p.

Вопросы для самоконтроля

1. List the methods of preservation used in the production of canned milk. 2. Name the factors. Depends on the stability of proteins in the thickening of milk. 3. Influence of pasteurization on the viscosity of condensed milk with sugar. 4. How to determine the thermostability of milk? 5. Change fat in the thickening milk with sugar and in the process of drying milk. 6. Explain the change in color of canned milk.

2.1.8. Biochemical and chemical changes during storage of dairy products. The influence of storage conditions on the quality of dairy products. Changing dairy products during storage: milk, cultured milk foods, condensed milk dry milk products, butter, cheese.

Доступные источники литературы

1. Горбатова К.К. Химия и физика молока и молочных продуктов/К.К. Горбатова, П.И. Гунькова. - СПб.: ГИОРД, 2014.- 336 с. 2. Рогожин В.В. Биохимия молока и мяса : учеб./ В.В. Рогожин. - СПб.: ГИОРД, 2012. - 456 с. 3. Горбатова К.К. Биохимия молока и молочных продуктов/ К.К. Горбатова. – СПб.: ГИОРД, 2001. – 320 с. 4. Горбатова К.К. Химия и физика молока: учебник для вузов/ К.К. Горбатова. – СПб.: ГИОРД, 2003. – 288 с. 5. Кононский А.И. Биохимия животных. – М. 6. Вышемирский Ф.А. Масло из коровьего молока и комбинированное/ Ф.А. Вышемирский. – СПб.: ГИОРД, 2004. -720 с. 7. Гудков А.В. Сыроделие: технологические, биологические и физико-химические аспекты/ А.В. Гудков; под ред. С.А. Гудкова. – М.: ДеЛи принт, 2003. – 800 с. 8. Касторных, М. С. Товароведение и экспертиза пищевых жиров, молока и молочных продуктов [Электронный ресурс] : Учебник / М. С. Касторных, В. А. Кузьмина, Ю. С. Пучкова. - 5-е изд. - М. : Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и К°», 2012. - 328 с. http://www.znanium.com/ 9. Крусь Г.Н. Методы исследования молока и молочных продуктов/ Г.Н. Крусь, А.М. Шалыгина, З.В. Волокитина; под ред. А.М. Шалыгиной. – М.: Колос, 2000. – 368 с. 10.Молоко и молочные продукты. Энциклопедия международных стандартов/О.Н. Фомина, - Москва: Протектор, 2011. - 880 с. 11.Оноприйко А.В. Производство молочных продуктов: практическое пособие/А.В. Оноприйко, А.Г. Храмцов, В.А. Оноприйко. – М.: МарТ, 2004. – 384 с. 12.Храмцов А.Г. Промышленная переработка вторичного молочного сырья/ А.Г. Храмцов. – М.: ДеЛи принт, 2003. – 100 с. 13.Шалгина А.М. Общая технология молока и молочных продуктов/ А.М. Шалыгина, Л.В. Калинина. – М.: КолосС, 2004. – 200 с. 14.Шидловская В.П. Органолептические свойства молока и молочных продуктов: справочник/ В.П. Шидловская. – М.: Колос, 2000. – 280 с. 15. Журнал «Молочная промышленность» 16. Журнал «Переработка молока» 17.Короткевич О.С., Дементьева Т.А. Биохимия молока: учебное пособие. Новосибирск, 2007.- 218 с. 18.Дементьева Т.А. Витамины /Т.А. Дементьева, О.С. Короткевич, Е.В. Камалдинов: учебное пособие Новосибирск, 2005. - 160 с. 19.Korotkevich O.S., Dementyeva T.A., Korotkova G.N. Biochemistry of Milk: study manual Novosibirsk: NSAU, 2010. - 210p. 20.Дементьева Т.А., Короткевич О.С. Практикум по биологической химии: учеб. пособие. Новосибирск: НГАУ, 2011. - 260 с.

Вопросы для самоконтроля

1. What changes take place in mastitis milk composition? 2. Which properties are used to differentiate mastitis and standard milk? 3. Why is it dangerous to adulterate mastitis milk to bulk milk? 4. How do changes in milk composition of mastitis animals affect technological procedures of dairy stuff production? 5. What are the methods to control mastitis milk adulterated to bulk milk? 6. Could you list the most impartial methods and explain them? 7. Will you name the main stages of PCR? What is the main point?

3. СОДЕРЖАНИЕ И ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНОЙ РАБОТЫ Целью самостоятельной (внеаудиторной) работы бакалавров является обучение навыкам работы с учебной и научной литературой и практическими материалами, необходимыми для изучения курса Biochemistry of milk и развития у них способностей к самостоятельному анализу полученной информации. Самостоятельная работа студента направлена на более глубокое освоение фактического лекционного материала или при выполнении лабораторных работ. Пропущенные лекции отрабатываются в форме представления их конспектов и составления вопросов по основным положениям материала. Задания по самостоятельной работе могут быть следующими: - проработка учебного материала при подготовке к занятиям, текущему, промежуточному контролю знаний по бально-рейтинговой системе: - поиск и обзор публикаций и электронных источников информации при выполнении индивидуального задания, подготовке к зачету; - подготовка и выполнение курсовой работы по интересующему разделу; - работа с тестами и контрольными вопросами при самоподготовке. Результаты самостоятельной работы контролируются преподавателем. Учитываются при аттестации студента (зачет). При этом проводится тестированный экспресс-опрос на лабораторных занятиях, заслушивание докладов, проверка курсовой работы. В процессе изучения дисциплины студенты выполняют следующие виды самостоятельной работы (в часах): - подготовка к лабораторным занятиям 10 - выполнение индивидуального задания 8 - подготовка к тестированию 9 -подготовка к зачету 9


1.Biochemical processes and enzymes of alcoholic fermentation. 2.Biochemical processes and enzymes of lactic acid fermentation. 3.Biochemical processes and enzymes of the propionic acid fermentation. 4.Adulteration of milk. 5.Types of fermentation of milk sugar. 6.Structural and mechanical properties of butter. 7.Acceleration of cheese ripening.


Контрольная работа должна содержать следующие структурные элементы: -титульный лист; - содержание (оглавление); -перечень сокращений, условных обозначений, символов, единиц и терминов (при необходимости); -введение; -обзор литературы; -заключение; -список использованной литературы; -приложение (при необходимости). Текст работы должен соответствовать следующим требованиям: отражать умение работать с литературой, выделять проблему и определять методы ее решения, последовательно излагать сущность рассматриваемых вопросов, показывать владение соответствующим понятийным и терминологическим аппаратом; иметь приемлемый уровень языковой грамотности с использованием научного изложения материала. Студенты самостоятельно выбирают тему работы в соответствии со своими интересами. Работа выполняется в течение соответствующего семестра учебного года. Объем реферата — от 10 до 15 страниц, включая список использованной литературы не менее 10 источников. Работа должна быть отпечатана на одной стороне листа белой бумаги формата А4 через полтора интервала. Цвет шрифта черный, а размер — не менее 12. На странице устанавливаются поля: правое 30 мм, верхнее и нижнее — 20 мм, левое — 15 мм. Список литературы оформляется в соответствии с библиографией 2008 года (библиотека НГАУ). По согласованию с преподавателем, работа может быть представлена в электронной форме или в виде презентации. Защита контрольной работы предполагает доклад студента на предпоследнем занятии изучаемой дисциплины. Время доклада не должно превышать 5 минут. Примерное содержание доклада на публичной защите: название работы; актуальность, научная новизна; основные результаты, полученные в работе, выводы и перспективы продолжения работы; практическая значимость.

Образец оформления титульного листа


Контрольная работа

Тема: Выполнил студент 2311 группы Ф.И.О. Проверил д.б.н., профессор Ф.И.О.

Новосибирск 2016


1. Milk production in the udder. 2. Biosynthesis of milkcomponents. 3. The components of milk: water, dry matter, gases. 4. Composition of dry matter of milk: nonfat dry residue (NDR) and fat 5. Components of the NDR: proteins and non-protein nitrogen compounds, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, immune bodies, hormones, pigments. 6. Milk proteins. 7. Modern nomenclature and characteristic of proteins. 8. Biological functions of proteins. 9. The amino acids composition of proteins. 10. Casein - the main protein of milk. 11. Fractional composition of casein. 12. α s1 - casein 13. α s2 - casein. 14. β - casein. 15. κ - casein. 16. Whey proteins. 17. β - lactoglobulin. 18. α - lactoglobulin. 19. Other serum proteins. 20. Non-protein nitrogenous compounds. 21. Milk lipids. 22. Milk fat. 23. Fatty acid composition. 24. Glyceride composition of milk fat. 25. Phospholipids, sterols, theirs composition and value. 26. Lactose - basic carbohydrate of milk. 27. Other carbohydrates of milk. 28. Major mineral elements and trace elements. 29. Enzymes of milk. 30. Dehydrogenase, protease. 31. Lactase, lipolytic enzymes. 32. Vitamins, soluble in fats, vitamins, soluble in water. 33. Hormones protein-peptide, steroid hormones. 34. Gases. 35. Extraneous substances in milk. 36. Changing milk during storage and cooling. 37. Changes of milk under freezing. 38. Changing the components of milk by mechanical action. 39. Changing the components of milk by heat treatment. 40. Change of milk during condensation and drying. 41. Ferment lactose. 42. The role of fermentation products in the formation of taste, aroma and texture of dairy products. 43. Characteristics and mechanism of taste and flavors. 44. The structure and texture of dairy products. 45. Hydrolysis of proteins and amino acid changes in the processing of milk. 46. Proteolysis of raw milk. 47. Rennet coagulation of milk. 48. Proteolysis in the development of certain dairy products. 49. Change in milk fat and phospholipids. 50. Lipid oxidation and spoilage of dairy products. 51. The chemical properties of milk: pH, oxidation-reduction potential. 52. Physical properties of milk: the density, viscosity, surface tension, osmotic pressure, freezing point, conductivity, thermal properties of milk. 53. Bactericidal properties of milk. 54. Falsification of milk. 55. Vices milk biochemical origin. 56. Processes occurring in the development of drinking milk. 57. Processes occurring during the development of the cream and ice cream. 58. Coagulation of casein. 59. The influence of milk composition, bacterial starter cultures, technological conditions for fermentation of lactose and casein coagulation. 60. Biochemical, structural, mechanical and nutritional properties of milk products. 61. Defects of dairy products. 62. Physico-chemical basis of butter produce with a help of cream churning and converting of high fat cream. 63. Influence on the processes butter production chemical composition of fat and cream preparation mode. 64. Structural and mechanical properties of butter. 65. Biochemical and chemical changes during storage of butter. 66. Defects of butter. 67. The process of rennet coagulation of milk. 68. Physical and chemical processes in the processing of the bunch, forming, pressing and salting of cheese. 69. Biochemical and physical-chemical processes during ripening of cheese. 70. Changing lactose, proteins and fat in cheese ripening. 71. Change of moisture and minerals when ripe cheeses. 72. Creation of cheese taste and flavors, patterning and microstructure of cheese. 73. Features maturation of some cheeses types. 74. Ripening cheeses. 75. Physical and chemical processes in cheese production. 76. Defects of cheeses. 77. Physical and chemical processes that occur during the development of sweetened condensed milk, condensed milk pasteurized and sterilized. 78. Physico-chemical processes in the development of dry milk products. 79. Defects of canned milk. 80. Physical and chemical processes in the production of casein, milk protein concentrate (caseinates, copretsipitates, whey protein concentrate), milk sugar. 81. The influence of storage conditions on the quality of dairy products. 82. Changing dairy products during storage: milk, milk products, condensed milk, dried milk products, butter, cheese.


1. The main protein of milk is: A) albumin; B) globulin; B) casein; G) lactoferrin.

2. Name the proteins of milk whey: A) albumin; B) globulin; B) casein; G) lactoferrin; D) proteins of the membranes of the fat globules; E) immunoglobulins.

3. The main carbohydrate of milk is: A) glucose; B) lactose; B) fructose; D) maltose.

4. What process is used in the manufacture of fermented milk products, cheese, sour-cream butter: A) lactic acid fermentation; B) alcoholic fermentation; In) propionic acid fermentation; D) butyric fermentation.

5. List the biologically active substances of milk: A) proteins; B) carbohydrates; B) enzymes; G) lipids; D) hormones; E) mineral substances; G) vitamins.

6. What enzymes are used to control pasteurization of milk: A) lipase; B) a lactase; B) phosphatase; D) a peroxidase; E) catalase.

7. Indicate the most accurate method of determining the mass fraction of protein in milk: A) by Kjeldahl method; B) formolite titration; In) ri; G) colour; D) spectrophotometric analysis.

8. What unit is used to measure the acidity of milk: A) percentage; B) in degrees Celsius; In) in calories; G) in degrees Turner.

9. Low density of milk may be indicative: A) animal disease; B) the dilution of milk with water; C) stabilizing the structure of milk; D) on removal of cream. 10. The main technological properties of milk: A) acidity; B) rennet coagulation time; B) viscosity; D) thermostability.

11. What macronutrients are contained in the casein micelle of bovine: A) potassium; B) calcium; B) magnesium; G) chlorine; D) phosphorus

12. Note what substances cause the bactericidal properties of milk: A) antibodies; B) carbohydrates; C) immunoglobulins; D) lysozyme; D) lipids; E) peroxidase.

13. When cooling milk in a large change subject: A) proteins; B) fat; B) vitamins; G) salt.

14. Homogenization of milk and cream helps to: A) reduction in the dispersion of the fat phase; B) to increase the stability of milk fat emulsion; B) increase the dispersion of the fat phase; G) impair the consistency and taste of the product; D) improves the consistency and taste of the product.

15. Which of milk proteins during heat treatment up to 100 ° C are more stable and do not denature: A) albumin; B) globulin; B) casein; G) lactoferrin; D) proteins of the membranes of the fat globules; E) immunoglobulins.

16. Isomerisation of lactose to lactulose occurs when: A) cooling of milk; B) when freezing milk; In) mechanical effects on the milk; G) during pasteurization; D) during sterilization.

17. Alcoholic fermentation of glucose is used in the formulation: A) milk; B) yogurt; C) sour cream; G) koumiss; E) yogurt.

18. The ripening of cheese is due: A) the splitting of proteins; B) the breakdown of fats; C) the breakdown of carbs.

19. The vices connected with milk: A) the splitting of proteins; B) the breakdown of fats; C) the breakdown of carbs.

20. What methods are used for production of butter: A) homogenization of cream; B) Downing (coagulation) of cream; B) normalization; G) separation of cream; E) pasteurization. 3.5. ОТВЕТЫ К ТЕКСТУ ПО BIOCHEMISTRY OF MILK

№ вопроса Ответ № вопроса Ответ 1 В 11 Б,Д 2 А,Б,Г,Д,Е 12 А,В,Г,Е 3 Б 13 А,Б 4 А 14 Б,В,Д 5 В,Д,Ж 15 В 6 В,Г 16 Г,Д 7 А 17 Б,Г 8 Г 18 А 9 Б 19 Б 10 Б,Д 20 Б,Г


4.1. Учебно-методическое обеспечение СПИСОК ОСНОВНОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ

1. Горбатова К.К. Химия и физика молока и молочных продуктов/К.К. Горбатова, П.И. Гунькова. - СПб.: ГИОРД, 2014.- 336 с. 2. Рогожин В.В. Биохимия молока и мяса : учеб./ В.В. Рогожин. - СПб.: ГИОРД, 2012. - 456 с.


1. Горбатова К.К. Биохимия молока и молочных продуктов/ К.К. Горбатова. – СПб.: ГИОРД, 2001. – 320 с. 2. Горбатова К.К. Химия и физика молока: учебник для вузов/ К.К. Горбатова. – СПб.: ГИОРД, 2003. – 288 с. 3. Кононский А.И. Биохимия животных. – М. 4. Вышемирский Ф.А. Масло из коровьего молока и комбинированное/ Ф.А. Вышемирский. – СПб.: ГИОРД, 2004. -720 с. 5. Гудков А.В. Сыроделие: технологические, биологические и физико- химические аспекты/ А.В. Гудков; под ред. С.А. Гудкова. – М.: ДеЛи принт, 2003. – 800 с. 6. Касторных, М. С. Товароведение и экспертиза пищевых жиров, молока и молочных продуктов [Электронный ресурс] : Учебник / М. С. Касторных, В. А. Кузьмина, Ю. С. Пучкова. - 5-е изд. - М. : Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и К°», 2012. - 328 с. http://www.znanium.com/ 7. Крусь Г.Н. Методы исследования молока и молочных продуктов/ Г.Н. Крусь, А.М. Шалыгина, З.В. Волокитина; под ред. А.М. Шалыгиной. – М.: Колос, 2000. – 368 с. 8. Молоко и молочные продукты. Энциклопедия международных стандартов/О.Н. Фомина, - Москва: Протектор, 2011. - 880 с. 9. Оноприйко А.В. Производство молочных продуктов: практическое пособие/А.В. Оноприйко, А.Г. Храмцов, В.А. Оноприйко. – М.: МарТ, 2004. – 384 с. 10.Храмцов А.Г. Промышленная переработка вторичного молочного сырья/ А.Г. Храмцов. – М.: ДеЛи принт, 2003. – 100 с. 11.Шалгина А.М. Общая технология молока и молочных продуктов/ А.М. Шалыгина, Л.В. Калинина. – М.: КолосС, 2004. – 200 с. 12.Шидловская В.П. Органолептические свойства молока и молочных продуктов: справочник/ В.П. Шидловская. – М.: Колос, 2000. – 280 с. 13. Журнал «Молочная промышленность» 14. Журнал «Переработка молока» Методические указания к проведению лабораторно-практических занятий 1. Короткевич О.С., Дементьева Т.А. Биохимия молока: учебное пособие. Новосибирск, 2007.- 218 с. 2. Дементьева Т.А. Витамины /Т.А. Дементьева, О.С. Короткевич, Е.В. Камалдинов: учебное пособие Новосибирск, 2005. - 160 с. 3. Korotkevich O.S., Dementyeva T.A., Korotkova G.N. Biochemistry of Milk: study manual Novosibirsk: NSAU, 2010. - 210p. 4. Дементьева Т.А., Короткевич О.С. Практикум по биологической химии: учеб. пособие. Новосибирск: НГАУ, 2011. - 260 с.

4.2. Информационное обеспечение Doal – база данных иностранных журналов; Консор, Агропоиск – современные базы данных; Реферативная база данных Агрикола и ВИНИТИ; ChemExper - поиск соединений в различных базах данных; ISI's Reaction Citation Index (RCI) – база данных по химическим реакциям; PubSCIENCE - доступ к аннотациям статей в журналах; Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre – поисковая система по свойствам веществ в базе Cambridge Structural Database; БАЗА ДАННЫХ "ХИМИЯ" Всероссийского института научной и технической информации (ВИНИТИ) - доступен раздел по физико- химической биологии; MDL Information Systems – информационно-поисковая система в области естественных наук и химии; http://www.edka.ru/article/omoloke/como/himi4eckii_coctav_moloka.htm химический состав молока; http://www.milkbranch.ru/publ/view/475.html переработка молока; Rambler, Yandex, Google – информационно-справочные и поисковые системы; www.softodrom.ru - конспект лекций по биохимии.

4.3. Перечень наглядных пособий и оборудования Для проведения лабораторных занятий имеется учебная лаборатория, оснащенная лабораторной мебелью, набором химической посуды и специальными приспособлениями, входящими в комплект биохимической лаборатории: система очистки воды, электронагреватели, технические и электронные весы, фотоэлектроколориметр, водяные бани с регулируемой температурой, термостат, сушильный шкаф, холодильная камера, рН-метр, приспособления для титрования, центрифуги, наборы термометров и денсиметров, дозирующие устройства. Для проведения семинаров имеется специализированная учебная аудитория, мультимедийный проектор, набор демонстрационного материала в виде таблиц, рисунков, графиков, молекулярных моделей и схем, набор презентаций по теоретическому курсу, справочные материалы по разделам дисциплины. 5. СЛОВАРЬ ТЕРМИНОВ ПО BIOCHEMISTRY OF MILK

Absorption is assimilation or imbibition of a substance by an entire absorbing body. Agaran is sour cream of camel milk. Agglomerate is loose agglomeration of some part of microbes, fat globules. Agglutinins are immune milk bodies capable to adhere bacterial cells making them immobile. Adsorption is superficial assimilation of some substance (gas, moisture) by the overall surface of a solid or liquid phase. is a national sour-milk beverage of Caucasian peoples that is made of pasteurized whole or fat-free milk cultured with pure cultures of fermented milk streptococcus, Bulgarian coli and yeasts. With the culturing completed, salt is added and the clot is stirred to produce homogeneous consistence. A bottle of 0.5 l capacity is half-filled by the pre-made clot and poured to by pre-boiled, -cooled and –carbonated water. The bottle is stoppered and the content is allowed to age at 10оС. The ready-made stuff is a saltish carbonated beverage with a slight yeast taste. Some nations give the name Ayran to the beverage made by fermentation with a starter culture of complex composition. The beverage has some well-expressed sour flavor. Active milk acidity is expressed by a concentration of hydrogen ions or pH. The index is determined by a potentiometer method with pH-meters. The index values in fresh milk vary at the range of 6.55-6.75. The active acidity does not correspond to the titrated one due to buffer properties of milk determined by protein and a mixture of phosphates and citrates available in the milk. Active center of an enzyme is a combination of catalytic and substrate centers of the enzyme. Alleles are different forms of the same gene of analogous (paired) chromosomes, which are located at identical sites or loci. Allosteric center of an enzyme is a site of a protein molecule of the enzyme which activity varies with some low-molecular substance attached to it. Albumins are simple globular proteins promptly soluble in water and salt solutions, diluted acids and alkali; they deposit in a solution that is over 50% saturated by ammonia sulfate. They are available in milk (lactoalbumen), perform a transporting function – bind and transmit vitamins, hormones and microelements. Aldoses are monosaccharides which conformation includes several hydroxyl and one-aldehyde groups. Amino acids are carbonic acid derivatives with one hydrogen atom replaced with amine group (-NH2) in α-carbon. Amplification is multiplication of DNA number, i.e., gene copy multiplication by PCR method (Polymerase Chain Reaction method). Amphiphilic molecules are molecules of substances containing both hydrophilic and hydrophobic groups of atoms. Ampholytes are particles capable of interacting with both acids and bases. Amphoterism is manifestation of dual properties of both acids and bases. Anabolism is synthesis of composite molecules out of simpler ones with concomitant consumption of energy. Abnormal milk is any milk that is markedly different from the standard milk in composition and properties. The milk, such as colostrum, pro-estrus cow milk, mastitis, leucosis, and the one with antibiotics in are referred to as the irregular milk. Besides, abnormal is the milk of wrong salt composition – rennet- flabby and sensitive to heating. Antioxidants are substances retarding oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids ingressed in lipids. They are incorporated in fatty and fat-containing products. Antitoxins are milk immune bodies capable to neutralize toxins entering or forming in organism as a result of metabolism. Apoenzyme is a protein part of a composite enzyme. Apotomic decay is a complex cyclic fermentative process of glucose oxidizing splitting. Flavoring agents are substances that intensify flavor and aroma of foods. They are included into foods to improve organoleptic properties. Aspartame is dipeptide including residues of aspartic acid and phenylalanine. It is 200-fold sweeter than sucrose and non-toxic. Aspartame is used to manufacture products, which need not be heat treated, and medicinal stuffs. Acidophilin is a sour milk stuff produced by milk fermentation with pure cultures of acidophilus, lactococcus and starter culture made on kefir fungi at different ratios. The total content of lactic microorganisms in a ready-made product is not less than 107CFU per 1 g of the product. Lactobacillus acidophilus is an obligate microorganism of bowels that is easily acclimated in a colonic bowel segment and develops. A medium unfavorable for putrefactive microorganisms. The very germ was isolated out of infant bowels by Podgaetsky I., a physician, in St. Petersburg (1903). In 1910, Gartye E.E. identified that this bacterium relaxed the bowels not only of putrefactive but of some virulent microbes as well. He recommended using Lactobacillus acidophilus for therapeutic and preventive purposes to control gastric- intestinal diseases in humans. At present, it has been established that this germ owns antibiotic properties and secretes antibiotics: nizin, lactalin and the like which suppress causative agents of tuberculosis, mastitis, diphtheria and other diseases. Acidophilic lapper milk is a sour-milk beverage made of pasteurized milk with a starter culture containing Lactobacillus acidophilus. Bactericidal phase is a period when lactic microorganisms of freshly juiced milk do not develop and some of them even die. During the phase the milk owns bactericidal properties. Proteins are high molecular nitrogen-containing organic substances which molecules are composed of amino acid residues bound by peptide bonds. Albuminous milk is a dairy stuff that is, if compared to pasteurized whole milk, has higher dry fat-free milk residue (DFMR) and somewhat lower fat content. However, regarding nutritional value, the one is not inferior to the pasteurized whole milk. Fermentation is the process of deep disintegration of milk sugar into simple compounds (oxygen is not involved) exposed to enzymes of microorganisms. The compounds are acids, alcohol, carbon dioxide and others. Buffer capacity of milk is the amount of either acid or alkali needed to be added to 100 ml of milk to change pH by one point. Boiled-fermented milk () is a sour-milk product made of the (melted) milk pasteurized or aged at 95оС for 2-3 hr and fermented by pure cultures of sour-milk streptococci with not- or added lactic bacillus. The beverage is of slightly brownish tint determined by the sterilized milk color. Varenets acidity makes up 80-110оТ. Vitamers are compounds similar in chemical structure and identical in biological properties. Vitaminized is the name for milk manufactured with vitamin C added, the product having the vitamin not under 10 mg per 100 ml milk Vitamins (from Latin word vita – life) are the group of low molecular organic substances of various chemical natures needed in negligibly minor quantities versus basic foods to support vital organism functions. Hydrogen index (рН) is a negative decimal logarithm of hydrogen ions concentration in solution. Hydrogen bond is the interaction of a hydrogen atom with a more negative electric atom, the interaction being of both acceptor-donor nature and electrostatic nature. Vologda butter is full-creamed butter, the product made of fresh high quality cream pasteurized at high temperatures. Vereshchagin N.V. is considered the founder of Vologda butter. The butter moisture is not over 16%. It is made sweet, not salty butter and has virgin well-expressed flavor and smell of highly pasteurized cream (the so-called nut taste); after separation, cream ispasteurized immediately at 95…98оС and aged for 10 min in a closed container, then the cream is cooled to 4…7оС, aged at the same temperature to ripen for 4-5 hr and after that, churned like any butter. The butter grains are not washed to produce butter of the kind. To make the butter correspond to the moisture standard, high quality cream or is used. Vologda butter is commonly manufactured in summer or the fall and particularly, from Yaroslavl cows. Salting-out is proteins elutriation out of watery solutions caused by salts of alkali-earth metals (eg, ammonia sulfate). This is a reverse denaturation based on competition of the alkali-earth metals with proteins for water. Salting-out is used to fractionize proteins. Milk viscosity is a property of a liquid to show resistance when its parts drift towards each other. Gel is a structure formed by colloid particles or polymer molecules in the form of special grids, cells, which are normally filled by a solvent. Gel formation is a basic process determining consistence of all cultured- milk stuffs. Genotype is combination of all genes localized in body chromosomes that determines the reaction norm of an individual to environmental conditions, its viability and fertility – at large, its fate in the gene pool of a successive generation of species or population. Hybridization is pairing of RNA and DNA complementary denatured strands, during the pairing an RNA/DNA hybrid or pairing of complementary single-strained DNAs being produced or an RNA/DNA hybrid being formed. Hydrophilic molecules are water-soluble molecules. Hydrophobic molecules are the ones not soluble in water. Glycogenolysis is the process of glycogen disintegration. Glycogenogenesis is glycogen biosynthesis. Glycolysis is the process of glucose disintegration in anaerobic conditions which end product is lactic acid. Glycolipids are composite ethers of higher fatty acids and sphingosine with a carbohydrate component available in them. Gluconeogenesis is glucose synthesis out of non-carbohydrate sources. Homeostasis is maintenance of normal permanent internal conditions of an organism. Homogenization is the process of fragmentation of fat globules and partial degradation of milk and cream proteic substances of over 140 nm diameter. The process aims to prevent spontaneous fat settling when producing or storing dairy stuffs. H. is performed in homogenizing devices. Turner degrees (оТ) are the number of milliliters of a 0.1 n caustic soda (potassium) solution needed to neutralize 100 ml (100 g) of milk or its product. Deionization is elimination of ions out of a solution by ion-exchanging resins. Deionized water is the water with low content (about 0) of ionized substances that is obtained by passing through an ion-exchange frame. Denaturation is the destruction of proteins spatial conformation when polypeptide chains unwind (with tertiary and secondary molecule structures degrading) and hydrophobic groups come to the surface. Herewith, protein ceases to be soluble, aggregates and precipitates. The phenomenon of denaturation is used to qualitatively analyze the proteins presence. Denaturizing agents are factors inducing denaturation. They are: 1) heating and radiation by higher powers (ultraviolet, X-rays, neutron, etc.), the heating is followed by breaches of hydrogen and hydrophobic bonds; 2) action of acids and alkalis that destroy electrostatic bonds; 3) ions of heavy metals forming complex compounds with protein groups, herewith, breaking down poor relations in their molecules; 4) restorers that disrupt disulfide bridges; 5) urea and guanidine chloride producing new hydrogen bonds and disrupting former ones. Fats are composite ethers of higher fatty acids and three-atom alcohol of glycerin. Solution jellification is the process connected with losses of fluidity in solutions of high molecular substances and sols of some hydrophobic colloids and this results in gels and jells. Sol is a colloid solution. Isoelectrical point is a pH value of a solution at which particles capable of interacting with both acids and bases have a summarized zero charge. Immune globulins (antibodies) are glycoproteids, which emerge in animal blood as а response to a corresponding antigen entering a body (cells, protein or a different high molecular compound). There are four classes of immune globulins found in milk: IgG, IgA, IgM and IgE. Of them only IgA synthesizes in mammary gland cells and the rest of them passes on to the milk from blood serum. Yogurt is a sour milk stuff that is produced by either milk or cream fermentation by pure cultures of lactobacilli, sometimes, with yeasts or and acetic acid bacteria added. Casein is a composite protein (phosphoproteid) in which phosphoric acid residue forms composite ether with a hydroxyl group of serine. C. is available in milk in the form of its precursor caseinogen (caseinogens make up 80% of cow milk protein). Molecular mass is 75000-100000. C. contains a full set of non- replaceable amino acids. It is particularly rich in methionine (~3.5%), lysine (~6.9%), tryptophan (~1.8%), leucine (~12.1%) and valine (7%). In milk, casein is available as specific particles or micelles (from Latin micella, that means crumbs or grains) which represent composite complexes of casein fractions with calcium colloid phosphate. C. deposits when acidified. When exposed to gastric, proteolytic enzymes with Ca2+ ions available caseinogens transform into casein that deposits (fermentative milk curdling) and incorporates some part of the milk fat. The casein deposits stay in the gastric longer and are digested more completely. C. largely determines high nutritional value of milk and dairy stuffs. It is applied to making paints, glues, synthetic fibres, plastics, etc. Calcium casenate is a complex of organic calcium and casein. Caseinate calcium phosphate complex (CCPC) is casein content available in milk in the form of a composite complex of calcium casenate and calcium colloid phosphate. Kaimak is thick baked films, which are picked up from milk or cream surface. Catabolism is degradation of substances with concomitant discharge of energy. Catalase is an enzyme decomposing hydrogen peroxide and inactive molecular oxygen. Its content in milk of healthy animals is low, but in that of sick animals or contaminated milk, the catalase level grows («catalase test»). Catalase test is a method based on measuring an oxygen amount released by catalase from hydrogen peroxide purposefully introduced into milk. In the standard milk, the amount is not supposed to be over 3 ml. Enzyme catalytic center is an enzyme site responsible for catalysis. For simple enzymes, it is a unique combination of amino acid residues, which are present on different sites of a polypeptide chain; for the composite enzyme, it is a coenzyme. Katyk is a sour-milk beverage made of camel milk in Tataria, Bashkiria and Uzbekistan. While being boiled, the milk loses 15-30% of water. The milk is filtered and fermented at 40…50оС. The starter is a sour-milk drink of the lastest day. The fermented milk is aged in warm conditions maintaining the fermentation temperature for 8-10 hours, and then cooled to densify the clot. Katykh is lapper milk that is produced out of cow or buffalo milk in Azerbaijan. The technology is similar to madzoon. is a sour-milk stuff produced through milk fermentation by either lactococcus pure cultures or their mixture or thermophilic lactic-acid streptococci at the ratio of (1,5…2,5):1 using the method of rennet- or thermal-acid coagulation of proteins with whey withdrawn through centrifuging and/or ultra filtration. Even approaching the expiring date, a ready-made stuff contains lactics not under 106 CFU per 1 g. Ketoses are monosaccharides with a ketogroup and several hydroxyl groups involved. Kefir is a sour-milk beverage developed through fermentation of pasteurized milk by a starter culture of kefir fungi. Two types of the fermentation occur during the production: lactic acid and alcoholic. Milk acidity is a criterion to estimate freshness and genuineness of raw milk. Units of titrated acidity (by Turner’s degrees– оТ) and pH value at 20оС express the acidity. The acidity of freshly juiced milk equals 16-18оТ and is conditioned by acid salts: dihydrophosphates and dihydrocitrates (about 9-13оТ); proteins: casein and lactoserum proteins (4-6оТ); carbonic and other acids: lactic, citric, ascorbic, free fatty and other milk ingredients (total of about 1-3оТ). Coagulation is the process of adhering particles forming larger aggregates, which lose sedimentary tolerance resulting in separation of phases and destruction of dispersive systems. Preservatives are substances that extend a storage period of foods and protect them against spoilage caused by microorganisms. It should be noted that there are no universal preservatives that could be applied to all types of food. Coenzyme is a non-protein part of a composite enzyme responsible for catalysis. is dry curd cheese or a certain type of brinsen cheese that is made of a sour-milk beverage named shubat. There are three types of the curd variety: weak single-day, moderate two-day and strong three-day. This product can be stored for a long time; its nutritional value is higher than that in meat or cheese. The curd is good in tuberculosis therapy. Kurunga is a national beverage of Buryats, Mongolians, Tuvinians, and Khakasses. The product results from milk of lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation. It is a pleasant, sourish and fizzy drink. It is close to koumiss for consistence, similar to kefir for flavor and properties, but it is different from them for a higher content of lactic acid and alcohol. K. owns dietary-medicinal properties against tuberculosis, gastric-intestinal diseases and so on. The population uses K. not only as a foodstuff, but also as the lactescent wine “Tarasun” obtained through distillation. A curdled liquid named “bozo” left after the distillation is used to make a semi-liquid nutritional product “arsu”. Lactic acid streptococci and bacilli (acidophilic), vinegar bacteria, and yeasts have been isolated out of natural kurunga. Lactase (Lat. lac, lactis is milk; syn. β-galactosidase) is an enzyme of a hydrolase class that catalyzes splitting lactose into galactose and glucose. Degradation of lactose synthesis in an organism can result in hereditary disease called lactose intolerance. There is no lactase available in freshly drawn milk; it is secreted by lactics during their development. This enzyme displays the highest activity at 35…45оС and 6.5 рН. Lactitol is sugar alcohol formed under lactose restoration. Its differential properties are as follows: well-dissolved in water, nearly as sweet as glucose, virgin and refreshing flavor, good adsorptive and emulsifying properties. L. is applied to the production of ice cream for diabetics Lactose (syn. milk sugar) is a disaccharide composed of D-galactose and D- glucose remains. Milk of all mammals (2-8.5%) contains the one. It is also a part of glycoproteins and glycolipids. Enzymatic splitting of lactose is realized by lactase and, when the latter is not available in infant intestine, the baby has a severe hereditary disease that may cause death. Lactoperoxidase is a protein that is originally available in milk and owns an antibacterial effect at the presence of hydrogen peroxide and thiocyanide (rhodanate) formed in the milk out of thiosulfate and cyanide when exposed to enzyme sulphocyanide as well as at the expense of hydrolysis and some plant glycosides. Lactoferrin is a ferrum-bound protein, glycoproteid, available in milk and blood, it provides Fe3+ transport. The one has a bacteriostatic action due to Fe ions binding and making them unavailable to bacterial cells. Lactulose is a synthetic disaccharide not occurring in nature. It is considered a major probiotics used in functional nutrition. L. is composed of galactose and fructose, which are interbound by 1-4 β-glycoside bonds. In EC countries, the degree of heat treatment of a product is determined by lactulose available in milk. In Russia, ahighly effective liquid chromatography (HELC) is used to determine lactulose mass fraction in milk and dairy stuffs. is a sour-milk beverage in Egypt. Lessi is a traditional Ayrvedchesky beverage made of yogurt and water. Lysines are immune milk bodies that dissolve bacterial cells and foreign corpuscles entering blood. Lysozyme is an enzyme named muramidase that, as a protective agent, is available in organism discharges: lacrimal gland liquid, saliva, intestinal juice, milk, leukocytes, etc. It is capable to dissolve bacteria through polysachharide chains of their cell walls. L.content is 30 times higher in colostrum than in blood serum. Lipase is an enzyme that enters milk out of an animal body and splits glycerides. Its content in milk is minor and not permanent. The content grows toward the late lactation period and the growth is sometimes discerned by a bitterish milk taste, because of accumulation of hydrolysis outputs caused by lipase. The enzyme is heat fast and inactivates at over 80оС. Lipids are natural non-polar compounds not soluble in water but soluble in non-polar solvents. Lipolysis is hydrolytic segregation of fats. Locus is a site of a single gene location (its certain alleles) on a chromosome or inside a segment of a DNA genome. High-energy compound is a compound which specific bond (as a rule, phosphoether) during hydrolysis releases over 25 kJ/mol energy. Margarine is a cow milk substitute that is made of refined vegetable oil deliberately treated by mixing it with fermented milk, salt, lecithin, and some part of lard and beef suet. Butter is a treated milk output that includes milk fat with concomitant components: proteins, lactic sugar, and water (butter plasma). Madzoon is lapper milk made of cow or buffalo milk in the Caucasus (Georgia). Lactic bacilli, that are close to Bulgarian bacilli (Lactobacillus bulgaricus), thermophilic strains of lactic acid streptococci and milk yeasts are used as starter cultures. In addition to lactic acid, M. contents alcohol fermented output: alcohol and carbon dioxide, which determine delicious spicy flavor and aroma, and tender and denser consistence. Milk fermentation for this type of the lapper milk takes place at 45…50 оС for 3-4 hours in a heat-maintaining device. Matzoon is lapper milk that is made of cow or buffalo milk in . The technology is analogous to that of madzoon. Metabolism is aggregation of all chemical reactions in a cell. Micelle is a colloid particle that is presented by aggregation of molecules, atoms or ions enclosed by a double layer electric coating. Colostrum is a mammary gland secret released within 7 days after calving. It is not tolerant to pasteurization, is of higher acidity, and has increased contents of albumins, globulins and salts. Colostrum is not treated. Milk is a secretary activity output of a mammary gland in mammals. It is fat natural emulsion in water; fat phase is milk plasma in the form of small drops (fat globules) of more or less regular shape enclosed by protective lipoproteid coatings. M. is a slightly viscous liquid of white color with a yellow hue and delicious, specific, somewhat sweetish flavor. Lactoprotein or coprecipitate is an albuminous output produced on the basis of complex precipitation of casein and lactoproteins. Preserved milk products are milk deliberately refined for lasting storage. To extend the storage time, fastness is imparted through different preservation techniques: sterilization, partial water withdrawing and subsequent sterilization of the remain, condensation and sugar substances added to the remain under growing osmotic pressure, and milk drying to almost complete dehydration. Ice cream is milk or fruit mass with sugar, stabilizer, flavor and aromatic additive involved, and foam–like whipped and frozen. Fillings differentiate ice cream into milky, creamy, full-cream ice (milk mix) fruity, aromatic and Lubitelskoye. Swelling is the process of liquid adsorption by elastic gels with concomitant sufficient increase of galantine volume. Milk standardization is the process to adjust milk to the standard composition. Milk is standardized for fractions of fat mass, dry or dry fat-free substances. Oxidoreductases are a group of enzymes catalizing oxidation-reduction reactions in living things. They are presented by oxidases, peroxidase and catalase. Opsonins are immune milk bodies that prepare foreign microorganisms to be dissolved by blood leukocytes. Leukocytes are able to dissolve microorganisms only after having been exposed to opsonins. Organoleptic analysis is qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the response of human sense bodies to product properties. Organoleptic or sensor milk properties are form, consistence, color, flavor and smell of a product. Milk pasteurization is a thermal process of milk heating to certain temperatures (below 100оС) and ageing under the same conditions for the period assigned. The aim of pasteurization is to eliminate all virulent and undesirable microorganisms in milk, cream and other types of raw milk and dairy stuffs. Concurrently, all good microbe cells are eliminated (99.98% of total cells amount in the milk). Many milk enzymes break down causing its constituents to spoil, degrade (inactivate) during pasteurization. Partial destabilization of lactoprotein complexes of the milk takes place aimed at their further more complete elutriation. The phenomenon is used in making cheese, curd cheese and some sour-milk beverages. Pasteurized is the milk heat-treated at 63 до 95оС with different ageing time at the temperatures and then, cooled. Buttermilk is a co-product of cream whipping to butter. It is a liquid non- whipping part of the cream. B. is consumed when it is fresh or used in bread baking after having it dried. B. is made by fermentation of fat-free or low fat milk that is done with the mixture of lactic-acid streptoccoci (S. lactis or S. cremoris) and bacteria producing flavoring substances (L. citrovorum b L. dextranicum). B. contents the whole complex of proteins available in milk and anti-sclerotic and lipotropic substances. High dispersity of its butter fat facilitates fuller digestibility of the buttermilk. B. is a source of lecithin that normalizes cholesterol level in blood plasma and regulates cholesterol exchange. Peptization is a process of disaggregation or reverse coagulation facilitating sediments resulting from the coagulation to turn into a colloid solution. The process is feasible if there is no change in the composition of particles in the coagulate. The coagulate is rinsed off a coagulating electrolyte and introduced into a stabilizer medium. Peroxidase is an enzyme that enters milk out of a mammary gland (its great amount is available in colostrums), catalyzes oxidation-reduction reactions in hydrogen peroxide presence and degrades the latter releasing active atomic oxygen. The enzyme presence is not related with bacterial infestation, but permits to determine milk-heating level (the enzyme degrades at 75…80оС). Pesticides are toxins of chemical and biological origin applied to agriculture to protect cultivated plants against weeds (herbicides), insects (insecticides), and diseases (fungicides). Milk density is milk mass per volume unit at 20оС (kg/m3) that is determined with the areometer method. Polymer is a macromolecule composed of covalently bound replicating subunits or monomers associated with each other by a series of similar chemical reactions. Each DNA strand is a linear polymer composed of nucleotide monomers. Polymerase is enzyme catalyzing polymer synthesis. There is a DNA- dependent RNA-polymerase catalyzing the RNA synthesis through the DNA transcription; an RNA-dependent DNA-polymerase catalyzing the DNA chain synthesis on the massage RNA. Polymerase chain reaction, PCR is the process of in vitro amplification within which a 15 kb long DNA fragment can be multiplied 108 (copies). Polymorphism is when individuals existing within two or more genetically and morphologically different groups of the same population permanently cross with each other. Primer is a short DNA or RNA oligonucleotide complementary to the site of a longer DNA or RNA molecule. Pressing is the process affecting a cheese mass placed in a closed vessel (compression mould) by external static or dynamic loads. The process is aimed at compacting the mass, extracting hydraulically free whey, adjusting and fixing a certain geometric form of the cheese as well as making a coating of its surface layer. Lapper milk (sour clotted milk) is a sour milk beverage made of cow milk with the use of lactic acid streptococci. Its clot taste is soft and tender, refreshing and delicious, weak sour. Lactic acid fermentation. Lapper milk (common) is a sour milk beverage. When made, pasteurized milk is ripened by pure cultures of mesophilous lactic acid streptococci with or without Lactobacillus bulgaricus added. Lapper milk Mechnikovskaya is a sour milk beverage produced by ripening of pasteurized milk and cream by pure cultures of thermophilic lactic acid streptococci and Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Acidophilic lapper milk is a sour milk beverage produced by ripening of pasteurized milk with pure cultures of thermophilic lactic acid streptococci and Lactobacillus acidophillus. Southern lapper milk is a sour milk beverage produced by ripening of pasteurized milk with pure cultures of thermophilic lactic acid streptococci and Lactobacillus bulgaricus with or without adding yeasts that ferment lactose. Proteases are enzymes represented by proteinases (proteins split to peptides) and peptidases (peptides split to amino acids). In milk, proteolytic enzymes are mainly produced by microflora. Proteases are tolerant to heating up to 70оС and degrade at 75…80оС. Reductase is a milk enzyme released by a mammary gland, it indicates milk bacterial infestation. R. facilitates the transfer of hydrogen to any compound, but oxygen. R. owns the property to reduce methylene blue by bleaching it. The shorter is the bleaching time, the higher is the bacterial infestation (the reductase test). At 75оС, reductase degrades completely. Renaturation is regeneration of the native structure of denaturated protein after cooling at the expense of spontaneous recurrent coiling of chains. Boiled fermented milk () is Ukrainian lapper milk that is developed out of the mixture of milk and cream of standardized 6% fat aged at 95оС for 3-4 hours (melted) and ripened with thermophilic strains of lactic streptococci. The Ukrainian lapper milk (Ryazhenka) is ripened at 36…38оС for 2.5-3 hours. The ready-made product is of virgin sour-milk flavor with a well- expressed taste of pasteurization. Its clot is tender, no gas making, the color is creamy, of brownish tint. Acidity is 80-110оТ. Ryazhenka may be sweet and with no additives involved. Separation is the process of separating milk into two parts: the lighter one is cream; the fat-free one is not as light. S. is done with milk separators. For better defatting, the milk is to be heated to 35…45оС. Cow warm freshly juiced milk (34…36оС) can be separated without any heating. Syneresis is the process of gel ageing connected with spontaneous sheeting of jellies into two phases: compacted gel and diluted sol. Cream is a butterfat concentrate. Butter is a foodstuff represented by butterfat concentrate. It is made of cream in two ways: the method of recurrent or continuous whipping and that of high fat cream transformation. Sour cream is a sour milk stuff produced of cream fermentation by pure cultures of lactics with the clot obtained subsequently ripened. Sorbitol and xylite are multi-atomic alcohols (polyols). Their sweetness makes up 0.85 and 0.6, respectively, vs. sucrose. They are fully digested by an organism. Xylite is a stabilizer that has moisture holding capacity and emulsifying properties; it positively influences teeth conditions and encourages secretion of gastric juice and bile. Pro-estrus cow milk is milk obtained within 7-10 days before stopping milking. It has somewhat bracken and rancid sapor caused by changes in mineral composition and lipase available. Butter from such type of milk is not hardy when stored and cheese is inferior. Pro-estrus cow milk is not subject to acceptance. Sterides are composite ethers of higher fatty acids and polycyclic alcohols. Sterilized is milk that is heat-treated at above 100оС. In the milk, not only all vegetative types of microflora but also their spores are eliminated. Butter hardiness is butter power to maintain high quality for a long time. Substrate is the matter undergoing enzymatic exposure. Enzyme substrate center is a site of a polypeptide chain of the enzyme to which the substrate attaches. Milk dry remain is all chemical constituents of a product (proteins, fat, lactose, mineral substances and the like obtained after moisture extraction out of the product. The index depends upon milk composition and varies at the range of 11-14 %.) Dry fat-free milk remain (DFMR) is a constant value determined by subtracting fat content from the value of dry milk remain, it makes up 8-9%. Milk naturalness is defined by this index. When raw material is water diluted, DFMR turns out to be under 8%. Lactic serum is a co-product of cheese making. It contains all milk components except for casein and most milk fat. Whey protein is a group of milk nitrogenous compounds, which are left in milk plasma (serum) after casein settling at pH 4.6-4.7. In whey proteins there is more sulfur than in casein that is determined by the presence of sulfur containing amino acids: methionine, cystine and cysteine. Rennet curdling is milk power to curdle exposed to rennet to form a dense enough clot. Curd cheese is a national sour milk beverage produced by milk ripening with the starter of pure cultures of lactoccoci and thermophilic lactic acid streptococci at the ratio of 1.5-2.5:1 with the use of methods of acidic, acidic rennet or thermal acidic coagulation of proteins with subsequent whey removal through self-compacting and/or pressing. Lactics available in the curd cheese account for 106 per a 1 g product on completing the expiring date. Its protein fraction is not under 14% with no foreign components added. Curd cheese is an albuminous sour-milk product with casein as its major part. Heat-treatment is the process of milk heat-treatment at under 60…63оС, 15 sec. ageing and subsequent cooling to 2…4оС. The milk can be kept for 2 days without being spoiled and collected in big batches to be treated simultaneously. Heat fastness is milk capability to sustain heating at high temperatures without visible protein coagulation. Thixotropy is a gel power, when exposed to mechanical action, to liquefy, and transform into sol and then, when at rest, to jellify again. Titrated milk acidity is expressed in Turner degrees (оТ) and determined by the presence of some anions of phosphoric and citric acids, proteins (casein and serum proteins) and carbon dioxide available in dissolved conditions (СО2 + Н2О - + о → НСО3 + Н ). In freshly juiced milk the acidity averages 4-5 Т where the fraction of proteins makes up 16-18оТ, dihydrogen phosphates and citrates yield о о 11 Т, 1-2 Т are referred to СО2 and other milk constituents. This acidity depends on feeding rations, breed, age, individual characteristics of an animal, lactation period, etc. Melted (baked) milk is a that has undergone continuous high temperature treatment (3-4 hr at 95…99оС). It has a well-pronounced taste and smell of pasteurization as well as a creamy tint. Turakh is a sour-milk stuff that is made in Chuvashia. Whole milk is stewed (95…98оС, 3-4 hour ageing), after that, it is cooled to 27…30оС; the starter culture introduced is a mixture of lactic acid streptococci and acidophilic bacilli at the ratio of 10:1. Having ripened for 12-14 hr. the product is similar to Ryazhenka or boiled fermented milk named Varenets, but the one is discerned by a ropier consistence. Adulteration is purposeful change of genuine milk composition and properties. Enzymes are specific substances, which catalyze biochemical reactions. Phosphatase is a raw milk enzyme coming from an animal organism and hydrolyzing phosphoric acid ethers. The level of phosphatase activity goes down when the milk is heat-treated. During pasteurization (at 63оС for 30 min or at 73оС for 5 min,) phosphatase inactivates completely and this is used as the test for pasteurization degree. Pholoenzyme is a composite (two-component) enzyme. Fucose (6-deoxigalactose) is a monosaccharide α-fucose that a structural fragment of some milk oligosaccharides, plant and bacterial polysaccharides and glycoproteins. It is obtained by hydrolysis of natural substances, eg., algae polysaccharides (fucans) Chimosine is rennet. Its different name is labenzyme or rennin. It is developed in abomasum (the fourth gastric compartment) of young calves. Chimosin is capable to clot milk, has proteolytic action, but casein splits gradually and not deeply. Chromatography is separation of substances resulting from sorption processes under the ordered motion of one of the phases of dispersive system. Cyclomates are sodium (potassium) and calcium salts of cyclomate (aminosulfonic acid) acid that have pleasant flavor and are sustainable when cooked. They are well- soluble in water. Their sweetness is 30 times as much as saccharose. These substances are used in the production of beverages including those of milk. is a medicinal dietary sour-milk drink made of camel milk in Turkmenistan. It is commonly a foamy liquid of sourish flavor, milky and creamy color with small casein flakes similar to mare koumiss in composition and action, but containing more fat and vitamins C and В1. The technology of Ch.production is close to that of koumiss. A strong Ch. serves as a starter culture. To make it ripened, a special starter is used; the one is composed of lactic acid bacilli (Lactobacillus bulgaricus) and yeasts (torula). In folk medicine, it is administered in lung and gastric diseases. It is used as a general health-improving remedy in chronic atrophy illnesses as well as in intoxications and rickets. Chekize is a national sour-milk beverage of Turkmens that is made in the same way as yogurt from the milk of higher dry matter content. The technology is analogous to that of Katyk. Churgot is a national sour-milk drink produced in Tajikistan. It is analogous to Chekize. Shubat is a sour-milk drink made by the natives of semi- and desert areas. It is a national beverage of Kazakhs; its flavor is similar to koumiss. Exomorphins or morphine-like peptides are substances coming out of lactoproteins hydrolysis in gastro-intestinal tract. They are pain relieving and involved in variation of the total hormonal background of an organism. Enzymology (fermentology) is the part of biochemistry that studies enzymes. Yagurt is a sour-milk beverage made in Bulgaria, Turkey and Greece. Составитель Короткевич Ольга Сергеевна

Biochemistry of milk

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