MEDICINE—EXERCISE How to Fill Out FEI and USEF Horse Passports C. Mike Tomlinson, DVM, MBA Author’s address: Tomlinson Equine, 3940 Verde Vista Drive, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360; e-mail:
[email protected]. © 2007 AAEP. 1. Introduction Completing the Passport Graduate veterinarians are the only ones permit- The influenza vaccination page and the diagram/ ted to complete and stamp the diagram, descrip- description page must be completed before valida- tion, vaccination, and lab-tests pages of the horse tion by the USEF and use at an event. Please passports. The rest of the document will be com- review the entire passport to help the owner through pleted by the owner or the National Federation this process as quickly as possible, but you are only (NF). The NF for the United States is the United responsible for the diagram, description, vaccina- States Equestrian Federation (USEF) based in tion, and lab-tests pages. Lexington, KY. The International equestrian orga- nization is the Fe´de´ration Equestre Internationale Items Required (FEI) based in Lausanne, Switzerland. Member- You will be expected to have a black ball-point pen, ship in these organizations, although highly en- a red ball-point pen, and a personal or clinic stamp couraged, is not a prerequisite for completing a to complete the passport. The stamp must include passport. your name and address and should be as small as is practical. Documents that are always helpful are Role of the FEI Passport for Horses the horse’s registration papers and the vaccination The FEI Passport for Horses is required of all equine and Coggins’ history from your clinic.