
" ' i :; ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ; ¦" - •' ' ¦ " -"' WRY. , ISOS 13 ^ ¦XEK - - ¦0 . ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦• • • ~ ;¦ . • ¦ t? I di^e BMpppg Company, CAS1 AeeOMMODATION GUNARD LINE FASTESTand ' " FINEOT oi BtRIMBH "Tr?.IBST.CIJd38 .' F«il.po*n«V ETEAMEB8, with 117 ( Ptttcetger Awon-io. dktxn. if Ui6uLi-t comfortable Inelndlng th« Laiert ' EU'oitldty. and JHoti Yiatm * de»cntUoB. ligbieu ..ilu. niVki Ij SzatzrplM of Jfarint) Acobfteatrm [Eegnlar Steam Communication The 'OA&i ^IA' (Turbin*) aad THE CITY j COUNTY 'OABONIA,' AND L IKCT.BBH oixcnmattBOs, *ith libertj to tow ytttiU «nd to c*U at Y ¦ ¦ mgrjaaBiTTrr-IMXL X io ir cc> 1.1 tl eccfttomuy ' [ - - ¦ ssy Foil or 1 crt». it an» t rdcr, / • : . MEBSAJCMB. ; ' ooor««, to recehte ana d*Bofc»rg» caipc. ir tor any 6th T to ' . . imrTOBK. i TO purpose whatsoever. : Etrnrla .. '8at Bosroa. " r . HA7 I0 Irernla. ' I a B^ t S*'' "^! f^LwB* r I^^LBBTW * F^BBBI BJL^^*^ \dt i Toe*, May ' : CarmAoia Toeg, May 22 Suaoia r 2> , 1 i 'Waterford to Glasgow. ¦ , nCT., Jnns 12 - ¦ ui ^ OS. . ~ Liicuia, Bat, May ii ", tleadaj (Dlrtot) ... - . „. - • ... ^ p-m ¦ ¦ ' I»erni». Every ;: ¦ ' Torn * June i3ft ;i • > , ->' ¦ Th* -OARMAOTA,'' I j > . i Via Vljnioiatb;. r ¦;¦ " : »,000 torn, to Oh 2nd. 1 p.ci I Wtdnetdaj, 16lh... l.p m I \ I ' ;\y< . - - -; . - lanraat tnrtiia* a46atser in T7ctoctfer, ... i ealjr {be world, as4 A WedneSEJ, \terfo> Unties 0dp8.nc®B Da//y m £S €/^t"Jafi'cfSi : Stoop * KM ib« ' b«*«Ma d Sfieamstdp i Company ¦ fro TAdattt0Mti»v. - - ' . - _ ; Yraterfcxtt- . . ^' ¦ ¦ ' ' '¦ ' '¦ ¦ ' TM-aateoo OlaBgovs to : - . ! iJJnTEOJ; i ; . i . . " • . " . - , ¦ ¦ fMd» £l*8acVa«Ca*ia ErciJ Uonaoj (djwoO ™ ' ' •¦¦> -. ~>.- 2pm .:• H3 AaW PftSTfl OF" inELANE, : tnoa Oroepook. 6-24 jwm I CkL'BaU to iSTTENlJKly ETtrjthunjdijlEjreoij^. - .r. ... 2 p.m ORDER/.OF SAWNO— . d§5,t!3 ; 'ly. M tffi a^ PAIir.lK,S SnOPKEEPERS, AND All/ RESPONSIBLE PERSONS, ON i . C?>U till ti? (in raoeH. &.tt p-m ¦ ¦¦ - ¦ ¦ ' ; i X.OWliOXM ¦;. MRY., - - iBps.: ¦ : h*Q*:*s : rjPJrZWGBf fflSOSAl. ^EOURBTV. WITHOUT PUBUCITY. v«r«(amk|nad«to6>ioco«nlSM)caSS 53 :XVotcrforcl. - ¦ ' ' (BU Katharine D00W to . " ¦ • ¦ ' ¦¦ ' ¦ ¦ Tbticdaj» Srdj pjn j HOh, * p^n ; 1Jth, 4 p.Q i - . ETEAMElS a » ' ' . 'i [ Yotfc.maw: ti»«»i t» f ~ r * ; CLODAflH, '»» -~- '''^*- *--^- -- . 24th, 4 pja ; 8irt, 4 pjn. ¦ ' DPWBHOD ¦T. BEQIHALD¦ , ! . : . : " ¦ ¦ " ¦ ' with Ho I&iBBBintkST si inia iiouTE. ¦ : l iltAEA. j ¦ Sfbcab creg&es?» Co-. 1^.188 Leo&ahaD : ^T-r^^-m. : jL^!-8toarafetJoai»irjr(LtaIto4 ^ '^cpn ^a^ to BaSmoi* olifl, E.) g[ . • ! - ^ ^ S&cot fv i Clyde Shipping Co, Ltd, E- Warebocie. 5 ¦ Ptnamiifim hK>ted;ttgoo4a will tearta piccip- attention. ?^WtSSC? .•*'' csnli 09- tli eondlHooi -o*atlon«d la SB .ra2!3T i|i \W& A/TEAiPbRARY ADVANCE Aswrto* to a3 p>ab d Katberiao Dooi, Eifltar XJ»ti. 6o» to to baa at thaij ¦ THB AEOVB IS OT «nd Oa^ad«. i to Dublin. Olf.cta: '. ' ' ¦ ¦' ' . Huna t ««m» I W&tarford ~ ' en. on . w::; ">.**"¦*¦ -' •. .. -tiESr- AKD^ . : -;,/ . to Oaiuda via.. y«ir TceSI '»i!j = . Ererj BatnrfM (via. BejUat). : „ ~ • ~ 1 *-«n >iomtojB411kij,""OiHaa ol tb» Ctea=era srlQ i MOST RELL4BLE. ^'.>. »w oi eo TWXIY. : I ¦ 'O Vtexotmt ' ^FauHL^^Ja^BUal i^ virus ^w- »ntrtn» bj tba I^^^l^ Ilet ¦^¦^¦faUflfl ^aT AT ffWrvTI ¦ Dublin to \> atenora ¦ jf^B^BfkaBBdhBtM BVDBHB^HBI^^B wai'faWHABma ^k^B^Aiah^^M ^^ ^Ua^a^S _. iv L : i .... XttTBZpcViJW ^k^^^ ai^B ^ -^ -» "WcdcMSij. 2nd ,». 6 p.n I Wednesday. ICth 6 p u. 0 ii D AUD SEIOTOL IHQIInVDNa - ^B^^aft>afeBB9M "¦ 'ft n #Ar^^.cu£ louaiBi i i ; »C- > ' y ^ pcvV .|UM' tOSTIm » 9tt ». 1 pan I <> 53rd ^ 7yt co. . sson kurro& xo T7A13ft703D FOB 7COE3O AK0; PARTICULARS APPVf Wednesday, XOtb. 6 p.ra. ' , W&teilord to Cork. g , J :;, 1 Brotter* «id KarWy «ad ' • 2 p-a Tncxty, „ 8 .. !8u^on WedMwLiy, ' C £k», 1Tat*a1c4tf Every TbBtijtfBj \Diitc») ... -». . M. i' „ 9-9 Ola ' IIIa«.l£ OotUr, BaSduflj riu*j. ,, li15. .. »pn Slt«vl»j, „ 13™ 6 D fo : MWttrt jnctejr «sd ToesJ. _«p.n (D'GONNELL Sf YJ &icriord. r, Wt&om4 * REET !/. Cojfc t& T 13_Ua' S WATEEPORD ^ sttl pu, i'rtdnjt , t .. Ua Saoi./, ^ • poqnin; Jaaw £tu;Eildoy(Direct) _- .— ': ~ 6 „ «... tu u ' ! 1 lAJuwaoaiHeoot*. Tne»u>j, ., 32 ... l^hodL W«dsud*j .. O—SSOpa . I TV ateriord to London. FiidJjr, ,, ^5 ... J p_ta BatonUj ,, S3L- 7 0 pwn Brcry t&t&rcaj Ola. B«ulfcat>p.-— w 1 p.tu .; - : . Wc^G^mkdo VJDterford to Plyraontli (dlrcot). Eei rrjlalotj is»riod:'«ti.l)rfitol to»aU£b'peT BrfcSol aAKDEM SEATS ; asiS |JMe]iiiS ¦ fl. »» -I 2nd ». 1 pja I Wedoeodn¦ j. 16th_ 1 [,.tr. f. '« . T?HK ; K 1 : . . .;. . . . 9in „. 4 pas I 1. . : " £3ra^. * pjs. SteuierV pi/uumi P. M o ¦ ol! G*.¦ cut *, or horn Cork on paj- ' 0'KEEFPE&S0N8(j| ^ ¦ "Wedsotdrj, Smii, W toon.; . • loeut ol t»Mi oxsn. i. :. , . CUl «po*Jatfan4m to th«!»;fa^, « Plymouth, to Watortoid (direct) Bctum ncketa fcraod it WtUrford or T7«forf to 1 Bristol bl Wucrtard Stein SJJp Co. «ra aniUU* tor return ae\(jBtoao3, Sitwdaji 5Ui _ 'l pja I Saluidaj. WtL ... p.ia rer BrtitolS.H Tombs & MTjnum3nt» • 6» . Co. tron DnbUU to Cork or to DabUn (3 ; ..;, "I1 12th -_ 6 ft.ni. -p. L!• ¦.•». «i6">«> - P-m-ni without p»jmenu . | i i . : ' ojanoonistiai »i»'k«« S Cj^^if^' . 't^£3 ( TiE^«?IttI2DC M elwra ct> Of tta BrtSlteJja i«)oondJ.. Y^aterford to Soctbompton. B *JITS m etA afa srvlliKla for tvh EUmtJis. ; lu«I eUaJW «ft(» ¦ RATEBFOB Tha Best f. aft^ iht sxirt Bodrtwigrawrel 0>i»ct). ¦«. - ' ;»• . « P-a !A D LlYEiJFOOL * !.! ^ Every 8a««ecsy ~. ¦ . ; CflliCTC^LT C31BCTSBJ OTOCQ, *aa rc^a esl^? '¦ OOK W.TtEJOOD. rsoa unirooi. C^P- C=r cGoutSapapton to ^atcrlcrd. ' "¦ ' : " - I' ' i "?: :- . -¦: > - - . . - e3S8ss3 ;oa • • ¦ • • Wedoctfw „ 8._ 1 -DJ U Vtdntilxj, „ fl_ ;4 o p-a * ' ¦ csgs«5Ia3 : rfc» Proprtatoa ai« alto pav«md 'L i j Even Xhtuedaj Altonoea A . i ' . ._ : . • ¦ to if Frldaj, . „ 4_ r pjb ^ ridtj', „ 1.7 u» — v .. .«. ,!. ^:...i * ... • _ I (»l3 Ne»iaT»D, Plytnooth, «nd OUIJOW u ttboTO- SUJUUJ ,. 6... 7 njn llonii/. ,. 7 ' 9 0 5.0 -. ' ^. ¦^y i (?«&3;jDZ .t&0 !?«9 2^t QaaHitB- onltt - : .VoriB. lt»o»|bj»iefeeaan ol bt»Uoal ^^ . 1 kroterford to Hcpfoavon. WedstsdSTk ,. . 0_ 8 u Wednaid^, n »...ltf S3 to i V-r- 8ontlaaptoo) i PrW«j. .. 1L_ S p.m m8> goWtfe Tha - (nsday Vcsau Ixlid it KorUi Wtirf, CTiVMtord >d'Ct^i^^;tuM^ 'iwJ7 ::,. 7- ¦ '¦ ' lxatfi^lbrtb-tFrfaiot'i lfcwk .UTCxpool. . . M-a*'.OXEM»B SONS I .: . . : ; . OsbOsblois E'Bt*<-txinnn>. .Sicci8ttfct»0tcou. SEetnrnetzio ; ^nzsfeCea Pua«tt llio I» Boa»: (' ¦:¦ . . . ^ * *airMai»W#ii. , te^«»I te-*««Q o»rrJ« . • andrUwarpogl. *c3- T7otaford - kad U^iSTiS 1 njinonflw • Os. 04 COS. Us. Its. M WcMord Mia Brl»tol-C«llji;!Blii«5k;U».i2.lJ «;-l>eckV|i5xlB,7» «4¦ l flOi fio,ClkUdnn WI^^1^MB " Do«». — SDB.04 - : 10*. — «ndcrUta>r> ,ta. :. i ¦ , 1 IStPOBTAHT NDTICE U) Bdnm tenn Londonpet TbmwkjHct«UBe r. •teMBgen booked ttuonilbbotwMa v?*ttrfonJ, ti4.Ci«ahlt» THE- Lbsaf Bunny Statoa aadl WM£ SRFOED LOAN COMFANIT. HOTS—Tb» U)d« : Snipping 'Company, limited can ¦ tadTa¦ niifuMrt tad Torkshir* , ¦ ' 1 C*lld4o&ietole» Aribur faoB ItmiQuno*—C*Ur< Ko coancctlcD rpith r.~j> other Loan Ofiicca or cbroalbd Bsaka la t).b Gpaaty ; 8IBEBT, *• I 8b«rt West, «td>t LAS W &asdara uacptid,at at 1.10 a^a. 1 run t7*nan»D—Pailr.Soiidaja aiccpt^d. US pun. Fornterty carriedoo ty iaWlafai OCciaalBank ttAUtM^ uccamcQ blouses DOT*—"»» V?«ur(oxastc>jsuhlpCoapaa7^LlBlt«d : and ha» QP@ffiD throBgDoot loadon. Oood»S liippM br tbasa < Innr» £p?ly~THE MANAGER, ttH.aAor*. ont. to TCiadan Use* ot btaunea at 8a. ed. ta It la now fully «tock*dwith Joto LOHDON .- < otr&>*n>S *,So-> *£•¦ 'bans( tearir JLfnEai^ata, and fcj. per Dr-3o[b nanafoote'ered QQOCOO CsopQ OD ouoiry i ' ; I 8 juatrnBm EoebectcrS* ©nildiojo, 17a, c«Jt. to OoDatioaal Shipper*; nln* to U dWiredat Ua« ol Dc^ac-^c^'S I , John Strcctj V7n ford Sana' •«• WhalWT, XtflM* H*biMa»y« 4Oa.% L»deolallSt., <&&* ahtrsxat. ronna aad. ail. Informitloo to to had at tta "• Bwody, Invaiid Airt aad Steaits «i Ml : OtfasM. ' i DOVEB ' . «. Cljdo BUppirg Co., £Uc»b«tli Bertio •tfeortd ana «ntr Bart Bcaad*. Oninaew' Bate* 8t. - (oiorsMttoa gtrsa tiy £700 tt * Bkra* «W :/ tPi^- »uuin>]U>—'ffktorfonl EtMaulup Co. (Ucdtaii, Scad brown iaboL Baa cad wriBBXt»«t.aad-Piiaeta :Doek. IVJesSeEaCa C7l : ^ . 8sinoi^Wat«x(tml «h«aoaKBCoa ^ay >:;. .i^ . ' c&ttpat /jaftfaftjf aatMadtioa ruratrkatd«a QHEENOOE ~ Do -OjilfedsloEaak BMa {UsdxsiU a f«v^ - ! CELEABT 1 : ; •• i>P -«*3i-*TistorS» . fitieet-- i CASH ACCOMMODATIOJS *. H»Tin«leaf HV IO DDBfifa - ; ~ Do r«r'Btea Qaar laawttoo oi # O «*«T 4k«S OOBK ! : _ Do Pktriek' Qony - ' Dfr>(>ubro>-Wat«r{oiil ¦ 1 : SpdWl Bocbieaw fc« oW gtiiwaotoe • * BtoajhipOoa csav(United) OCo : "' ' *u Mi LH1EBICK M. Do JDoch Eocd LIM wcf- Urutt Kbtnim GUuaihipOaea MW. ' . - - ; Qoodt. «i isatkc croatt^. "A afc»r« ol you tXocat fl(O>fIiroi lM|^Ial ¦ . keacrt 'fiib ^iivfeto Adiraficd , Vln»J. ff»OO«»>TtJ«ph0tta Ho. LSI. \ : ,Bsmk . bucas-'Ixnrcr Ciunao-i ciUaoiiulpOO r«. C«pj3; CejiiVmi) A4droalor . O'COIJITEIVL.SXBEEP,; OLONlliEir, - ' • ¦ ' ¦- ¦ Cocjom !-Hou=V V^ Ttl»&*B» 1—»' CTBaJI" .rf resl ; •::¦ . .: ¦ r. ' - ' v ¦ o V7aicr :. : - : : ¦ : ¦ K J - ;. brd, UTSTTOOL BriitoJ. ¦ ! Mnmfci or neiteo. ¦ ¦ ' ' HoM Addraoaw ; ' - . j—<< 1, ' • Telcirephw Ad Irea yjULlBIlAI&" • W , GB DFi7AED0 to LwJlw Md Oeotleoen F«no«Ta, Shopfawpm, Oov«>iuneBl OfficHU. - f THOMAS OONWAY, trfd all Bopon.lbb Bcwoa» :la Town ot Coxmtrf , ph Ihdr 017a epprored e»n b« br Potozal Security, without KO. r BROAD BTBZBT AOT> tlTCLB KltASLltUC>D 1U10. lion pabllolty The toonoi ^>aoyr«i ,ep t2s=~j. & j. nm, ucstsi), • it to their adT*oUg» to apply to this Bank Whero ! : • WAXSBfORD,' • ; 1 ortir application la hep* itrtcay prtyaU and coaHentiM, and where UATBBFOBS SdlUnQD DAUS. ALI kKiOAIi- LINB. Q ¦ ¦ , liutoeif ol ¦lookUitt fu tSsld, | , ty commu.\ srssitT. W. «, O'CONI^ELL STREET, V/ATEK?03D, . . .• ¦ . : . ¦ tfcbjrean neaottaia their bctlaca la tbdr own neighbourhood . - . "tn)Ee3to IntsresVet tho ratoot jCa 10»pa* ceat •UoiwdottdepjslUi. V7rito cr call fcr tTNKPBD STATES MAIL STEAMCOi anccc=O3s£t S o'CIoii. I7rc£a E(jgo ¦ nnotioro ' cot by Elacl^co. , !•< VBKiPOO'L TO PHILADELPHIA ocd I2w«CT «£dl7. . •¦• - . ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ • " , . . ; ; O'COIIITELL BTBEET, Callina aKJaesnstowo ercrj ToTtfedsy. County and Ottjr Choptccpcrocoti that I caa supply CLONHEL. i: Eat*of Interest eCqaed- h£37« Cd. pa Oont. euangrn andof Otods art laedea PoflsdcIpMj Prices at a motasstv ¦ ¦ allL GOO&I at Wbolcsalo (C-3 Eaaauc>"Bild|p> 0taat,) DT P»AVS ; Any mar iMrc3t,may exsh have 0 -. SOUTBAMBTON—NEW Rc=:cn^a , You can ted moi« etock, get mere cj|Bn> ' ' TOOK 8BBVIC3 sjrAMES 'T' te diicdt soccaot. . . SOtrTBAMFl Cr 40, BROWjNE ' - •1 bt Strelest 9**r*9fi e ebepr wed wltb wjord ON T|O NEW TOBS Zt 0'COHNELL ST. (opposite Ur. Courlcaay'9 Butter Store), *^ \ toiikf ini,aaitt toott butttf» simply 6y t : SATDEDA WATCRFOnD Ltiiuiu n Axx-oonw. ; .• , ^8 nt^o9n. I'' . -Boobi. Bifbest date ol u coraojbdatkia lor J7bc5,8cso:d, !:Hsir*y feCKFORDS' Xkx . Gnn ho ctargti b muta tis? Ecu any tD^jThltd OJasa ' > 6ctse op (0 £10 acy to ^rft^drawn at tim ft=:aiKcrej. i'Maninw. 'Btsidea, cattle Uke th« ¦¦ ¦ ' ttird r itioiiinotice . . • Cbi5-Faro »l lOEdcirBica. O-atflt fcco- re! Drap er \ \ . , Clothier & Hotise herbage,thrive better T)< rotire ' ficd3C=3 toiected: SoTcmmcat Fttrnislie? oa it, art istta 'In Applj ta American ' : bfruru? and the new fi9gtaeaiEyr'rtet(M sad C6 LlnaJ SocthcmptoB or Liver- CD \J©hn Street ' ' ' ' from disease. - . i ; pOOl, Or 10 • • :¦ ' I '; LEVH 9 , 0d p : Vzc .i t*i>. n> plw.c3doE£nbcEi=j*ibe3p5rTbioD Aid control ol w » Ta^tssSsrt^rZS^Bla Icncstlao WaSSBVoaD—Hftrtcy & 8oa< 12, Oladjitoae-stroot ; „ Word Hut. SL B«rrro«t*aod-o»ccl rv.uDiuer, ; : i • fdTejT Envlns 8, SOUTH GREAT GEORGES ST.) _.._. IM TrrcaaAOT^iluhoC>rri gaa{5|, £Ia]a-ctrcct] np-OPEUED tfco CCJCTO prcaltco' lOIiK HAE0T« Drapery, and v/JO IJow Oclectiona of Clothing, PUBLIN Ac^cayeri Bcaoizsg CiS&icx-I?ATOUB. : ;: ; : '. IABLE TEEMS TO EDIBLE SBBSOHS TO •m- firwrauiOTORS. Que^n. »/- ; Nia«ly Fold, 8/«; iHubiwr. «/•! I L0OA1. AaBWTB .: - Second Borlie«, BrrtUh Queen, to laerceflyn, 8/-; Itad-SeMoa #ad l«to Tariotiea, I i*D, WhiteaiownHooa e, Otooe*. ' • OFF M0BTG/6ES THEBEOIL „ 1 : , BL ¦ Tha Bturinca alreadyi oae feSoeda be held on tie 29th Insij., receive proposa * VoUtoaTat-^W. /epbaon. KflbeaosO. )fAN PACIFIC RV iqr tho Repairing oi the Fence to- the ad- Itoonootn—MM. Bridg**Qulnn. &L780.OOO CAN| dftiooal allotment at Oarrigcaslle jn the oc- f«oior, «e»trty 01 sow, ay ipioa ii-i : Wit«rfo«l—T.. J"oky and £ l fcipescvs yized end isoclenta HC J.8. LKJE8 TondinB must be lodged with me on or be- Ijoio 01 oXJlock, aaa., on Ihe aboveMate, .• ¦ market flnoiatitraB. Ordera 1 DDpoeiteretei red tt the tolloilc-g ; :— ntca «t)iatcic3l tCHSiPCWJiL TO 0AN&DA. By Order, ; . ; •wards: cArruee paid to all « rto of Xnocoe^Bx i Black Tartary Osta, M/>; i i THOMAS F. WA3SSJJE. ; At Call — ... — 2j I C^T Cert; gcr.t^tinam Kjct Cabin; SecondiindThird CliiJ. asd 17/- : Wnita (PoUto Oa MElk • -of the 01«Tk to Council. i i TlR^O ' . tot On* or Uoo Yearn... & i , . Maiden y^sg© j new etoainor Clerk's Office. lGih liar.' 1906. : wluo yin u» tirad of Me a« ¦ i FotThrc» ; ¦ nmttfiMBV .y*ar» ^. 8J „ o " Empress el Jr^Jaqfl;" Tip: -geat and Ussiest to Barronsferg^d-Street plication. • ¦. ; miSSptkiMi, iffld weiuy of w« [&« ' : , wSotrfa ' Pet P.-'wpeotaj^nd eTory ioforir&t^3cS fecta Canada, JOB* ^}^4. ! FoTiPricoLi »t *ppry t» BeS writa to «• and I wQf awt yOt a ¦ H. Fa» pamphlet n> *TO>« cad WcccV BACk whVoh alvonra bonr «ra^pai. fmms' i ' -W,^hKD £J£BCEB;Secretary cJ Fiona 12. UANA.G_S BXUtUNXOCK FARM aw^l ^L^ " IPVB * local Agents, ot C. P. Ely-, 21. Jusea Cl, Cs^ij - ^jft^la. ^B ^F ^Br^B * ^a^^aiB^lB^aA^Iw ^ .^Lval ' a^t^BflHhV^BaH^atHl^r ' * i*''a. <16 V?f eimaceiarid-Bteoet ; ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ laoj:Dillon Oi? :j NEW EO8S. : ¦¦ ; , LiTerpool . ; ¦ ;¦ I . . ; i> ! ; . - Dnblin PIMLIC BCKDTE8. OEa>EB, 1904. : : {Artiole 87.) ¦ caaw . wMtwf ir. T«nrawffCTJOIWB ,:¦ - , ¦:¦ WHOLESALE AND Tlnaii iYirlliH. * i WJS . ' ' ot* aBuHl^ffDGBvXT BHBBBBB'IBT - - cUmOTOK-ON'-SmRJ SOS. 2 And 3) RURAL labj'Game. Poultry.«: i loo ¦ ¦ • - ¦ v . DismRKxra. Storey; <**»*•• ' ¦9tfmian^;0mttOt-V(Km . way M- H» ¦ , - . . ; . pEAU-vSTBEKT, VTA'. ' oiato^B. rSentioDtMrpip w. J. X. IjpBBX. : GUIDES to ihe R[.U of Cashcl. ! CHIMNEY PIECE¦ S EFOBa ¦ ' Pictorial Foo!: cUtSa of - iwyracE OF OF AUIDIT 93 a«^ », Cheat BtimOte^l|ikn,W-rf«»i|r-C»*J HftOJad. : audited the Abconnte . oi the Carrick-on-Snir to.: ; . Oonneil* tor the period V I'R^FKirtOB. ; LABOUBEBi^r (EBBLAKI : and ito feed the land 13 tP apply oui* XXX too ** ^"OBBS, I . ; : : I j ended the 30th day d Sbplember, 1906, in but weathat' GovemmepMSwrd ¦ (Grass Manure. 3& Gjnccntfated ¦has reported to the . Looal J »%» aftiote Oooaiefl wiU, at tl ¦ ¦ ' ¦ '¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ ' «e beld od ihe ¦ ' in ob iheiwxa, " ; . • 9ttKfei«y co ler ,T««8«v ;.;.. -:-:¦?:it if^trass ' Food aup condition* ; ' ' itor th* reniedtfiQf oi; the I)ele< ! ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ , A Copy oi the. Auditor s .Beport and oi the jILED _ ] ¦ - "' : i ; .. J i ; : ' f .^_ BDBJfilBTJasI «jt loTkfirini L»'bourer»' C TCBV ' ; • -• ' -.V i«¥ Specially dried and do.Hlfe sifted. Costs ; p &TMit —-*«^— Abstract therein Teterred W caa fcfc obtained £b« M iriUaC". . . 'TIC at, thda Office durmg oSJpf hours by any per- jtwjre to. produce ; than jiommongrass BOTJ applying tor too * .and paying 1o .\13M 1 ¦ ; *f fri *i. i 5wttiia6dli ; i-.'^»i"vfi'^';)iii AB&MRAm¦ ' )OoinitfJ?nir. .. : [' . *** 1 : . ' j ; (Foo&ded t7p), ; <|c*^^^^ffifc^(D«r'V|- .A on !: WMHCB 18 TJHHBBrr¦ OTTiN. ¦pJi'A. / JL o. C01.LCOC OR^fjf oyown. Fljfetol & ¦ ¦ lj HANUF CTURE PKOMIFI 8BTTLEMHNTOF GLAX34B *» * , **»*. - ; •;4 H . . ¦! ¦ j^RKH I A i) Oppy orf uU:: A«Btbi?« iB»jiort *n4 «f& ¦^i i -: ; ; Ub tn oi tlMNdn . ' - I/Mai. i(JEOTS ;- J,^ : ¦ rdernd to can b« obteto<)d ¦ ¦ • -*-¦' ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ » ¦ ¦' ¦ •¦¦' 1 ' ' . ' ; it' fajfa *))Q0 /" QflVOd • ' A . . ' I .iMldt0 ;r * I . 'dlM4D^- bjr , •! WOify Qi/P' ¦ ¦ ; ; . .; ; . . jj. VEBBOto: il) _ , , : . 4' ^ tfftocfc eiaOM> -r • . i r- !' : • " ' ; '•• : siw b ai ¦ ' ° ' 0iai«£5i-eiifa-J^ «hft Beimi IWn^t.; ¦ GBOBGB W. CABSC : " JS^' IL^attr^J2S2 ff *** -^^ i'a«> XP. ;; ; . HLIBA AW, 19Bh: MEDICAL PfiOFESSlON. AiAtr^*** i.*.-^^^ **_^-L « i—^.•»«tjA— ¦ * ' ' ;»* ! - - H* JUaUaV'Wait ^at '^aW'^ t^a^a^a^ffa ^^attaf VaMaM ^' ffaM^aUfc . 1 !^S3| ^^^^^^VVB^a^a^BBBBB ^^ ^B^aBBI^^BBJBJ ••>^SftafifflsffS *i::^k.! ^^^ ^^^^^*^^^^^^^^ &B^a^^Bi^^^B^^^^^i2liwaWa^B^ ^.^^^^*.i.^«-—*^^^^^^.Mi ^^^0 - '^W^^Br^ &* liUifc iilB*^ ^B^M'a^MlMaVl^Btf'VillAliilMftl lBh¦^t^v B^afaW'^a. Bf ¦ ¦ ™ ¦ ^^^^^ ¦^¦•W ¦ (^^^BIQB* vflV^B^B" 7 BBBBB^B^^* .wi¦¦¦ iL ¦ ¦ ridfail&id^ ¦^^&7 . I M ' litW^P . kii M^^^^ 'AnB^^¦^Bk ^^ dw "VBaT BMMw! rti ^O>i»>iioDf»tTi5wj7ir*rin>ie*tSo»<> MfL .O -; : - •- ["¦ B«B^aiP»)a^B'~TP»Bj«i l^nWt^-p¦ wfcnr ;^ . :- . . ; W%9i JIPf a " : ' ' ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ W* WOnto. ¦ ¦ wt ifiw^ii i f! ,' -J • . -i f-- i - *¦ i - - * .. ;. - . . ,i , ' ip. rt '.jvfl1*v. /:«- l fc i -v y-'- .j :. •:-t *i; ¦ ¦ p^p :¦¦ ^¦^¦mfH ' MS >.- . !' '¦;. • :« . -i; , bi:r: •¦'¦ ¦:¦ .'j.':i:Jj:: ':«:.-:* .'.fvf l' y Hit. Ifahanv, \o pay Graves, JJP. ; ffoha Heame, ' TXT.)! W. ' S. Sheriff; Oapt. William C. Coghlan, XP; 155ie fortnigitly meeting i of thia body was Mr; Coghlaa £100 on acoo«nt. - - : ! , John Sfcraag- MessiB 'David IHyland; T.C., Chairman The queetwn of the- r«madetatloa. Sfairell , IT.C.; Edgar White 1 held in ihe Council i Boom1, Town HalL at 7 tOLbe-^l' ; ; ' ' ¦ (TJC. • Waterford Board of..,Guardiana;-. I«aac--T. lowed fwthi removarpfittie flelf-BeliaTi - ¦ ¦ . taao. E. (Phaban, : | -^tdock- out: JSf«rday-."e.v^ning.i. Mr" -TBomas e* , JYT* ' » +Sm ** - * 1-1- . • _ -. . . _ . ' _. ! ;and IWm. Bhipsey, Jf.CX?., Danmote East. '~~" '\. waa deferred. : ; '' : ' Bpatop's 3bhn Adlingham. junr., Secretary, "W. (H A Farrell ; \ . \ O'Connor, and suSsequenily Mr'FrankStuart , ' I : alfio in attendance. tQ<»-(S. iCraitr, Denny,. .: c. )Thefolloiwing offloial slwere The Council then rose. • ' . : JFriel;-Engineer, vere IWij E. Farjell, TX3. ; 'H. J, Forde, in attendance VX)., presided. fChe other members' present . Dining BffijfcDOE QUESTION—A (DHVEDQP- -fl>r. J. A.;Oakshott, SMS.- Di, Fitzgerald, ^.^aid Rooaa^'^~ . ' . ^.( -T^ THE : " ¦ ¦ ¦ Sir (William KJoS, :(Bflrt, 1DJL ; iA. E. ¦ Were:—iMewra John Wlalsh, ! J. M> Marphy. ' MENT. .i \ I I Assistant ; Medical Offlce^, and -1U' -O. 1 J. Johh ; Ctirran, Johw:.1X:-1 CMSbe*; Michael ^ on, the , JSP; 0. aforier, ML; E. P^elan, (BriBOoe, Clerk." ~ 1, At & meeting of <£h$ Quay Committee 1. Power , 919; ad- : ! . ' • f- . We f ;oarantee all Our Cakes are made from Bridge Bill, toy which April, 1905). ' : ' :¦ ' ¦¦,' JttichaeljBeaiy, BB. ; William O'itara, Bate [FEOU OUB BKPO|BTZB]. ; to levy ferry '-tolls, tri-oHi merely ; mitted since, 14; discharged and died since, ' Fare Irish Batter and Irish E the1 Corporation . This concluded the -business. ' Collector; John Cullinane, Water lnspoctor; The ' weekly meeting of. thik Board was held ggs, and made by on passenger ferries to Ibe maintained by 3; remadiiing in :house this day, 554; corresr Thomae Vealo, (Eoad; Steward, and Capt. Irish Gijrta. ' o&lall goods ponding benod Vast year, ; on above day. Mr. fTJhomad|01Connor , UJP-C, them or their lessees,'; but also . 5*4. Chargeability iPhtrick Curran, 'Harbour iMaster. presided, and the- other tnetnbet* ptetent Sappprt Home Manufacture 'roh&ndise- taken' Ironvon©'hank of 'the at paitienfo—To County of Watej'ford^ 35^6; to "¦ ¦ and keep oat or me- ¦belong- ' ' ' THE PAJYMlHNire. ware:—Mis«aFlrank» Stuait, V.C, uiWC.; the Foreigner. liveT Ito the otherin 'boats,or iighiera A COACHMAW'O E2CPERICr:CE City.of 'Wlaterfoird;a83. ! - • • ; • ' , iPayments to , the amomit of £2! 19/10 were or to Wm; Stack. JIP" • James iKayes, .Cbainnan ing to private tradere or to shipowners ordered to be made.;' , : i ] U.OX3.; Patrick JJoOarthy l(King>;. Maurjce railway companies. It was iortlier under- ^Michael Kavwia^h, 6tud . groom ~ to Mr. VISMENG- QOTHBNOOIS .BEPORT. ; ! Licensed Restaurantat Paul's Square. irpm Messre : '• i • . 'IHE IJBVEL' OBOSaiNiG. Power ^Lyi-eJ ; 3tatthew ' WaWb; John ' J. stood that in reply to & request Br toor - of iruspectidn •! by • I>r. 'Oakshott; ' the' es- «ja.ting that the Council did not appear to l condition nor have, any; statutory : power .tjo. calL upon the 'Relieving' Officers Thomas:Dee 'and B. Kiely. . Londheoos Board, ojf iTwde. re4uesting,/their...aotervenlion* laat I gave her a box of thai" Vet&rine : Horse teemed fieeideni Medical Superintendent. 'I j IHllllMUIUIlUIIIIJIKIMMWB iUUU , Dinner*, Tftaa, Pacctofll atten- ' "of petition rin the went, through the different departmento of railway ipompahy either la 'divert'^ jlneir line^ ruoE PASS cjirasnow. dance arid ithat the' question W6rm Powders," after which she filled up . ! "Arising.out of the minttt-ee in reference to , and Moderate Charges. on-fthia point he j)03tponied lor'the pre- , II .consider these tb.e .establishment, and I j hl^ve pl«&3ure .in; in- So afi . to avpi,d, the crossing or to erect A Lords ah$ inrproved wonderfully. ; : ' the ' the resolution pass*d the]previous board.day Bent until we see whether nine Boaid of Trade are the flaest-remedy, going for in*- forming jths Board that]II found evervChing (bridge at the crossing for j pnrpoee- of : " P,o*der«, ia LliSfARCH p^viiling inconvenience to ' road traffic. allowing the infirm men and women out on NIOB IAIBV; BEDROOMS xriU have Ike necessaryamendments . -in the paving the condition of horees, especiaUy if .the ma3t satisfactor yjord<5r .and condition. ¦ ¦ :' • ¦ 1 * AND SITTING- : : ¦- ¦ ThiS- etote iof thinaa, I im J Krlad -to 'AaVi -te1 • to view, however, they j pointed, out, of the pass,, : . : . - ; Bill. , ,: ajBected'with intestinal worms." *4 These ex- M. Walsh fiaid thai*, a more illegal re- i BOOMS. ¦which of . the committees the floote'Jhe greatest credit on the BJM.S., «s ^ CoUflciV<;j«presentaUqn8, i they roqnested Col. Mr. iMd. SPower asked cellent Powders are sold in>2/- boxeB by ' " ' of the solution was never paused. Mr. . frank bad- made that recommendation. . Bell, Waterford; well as Kb . assistant , Dr. . KtzgeraJd, the Ton Donopv.JBJBr'.--'^one J at Inspecting originator, H. : ^ook the arrange- Stuart, he added, second *!: the resolution. The Secretary said he fhad-Tead it from th« Matron, (MrB/i^BBdnjp.DdKsaad tha.toinbr of- ' .Offtcew oX^^aSUlway*,' to ¦ ' ¦' ' Walter ' flciaV-«s the' Asylum, OUE GAELIC COLUMN jiijents a?,t|v{:^ poeaingr", and he proposed to do Mr. Btaart—'Idid not. ' . • - Bishpp, report of the Quay Comtnajttee. who evidenltly devote of few Col. -had been QCKOOU0 'their - entire energv- andj ability ; to the So/in L tbeV.c^utea a daya. Von. iilr. M. Walah—A mor?. illegal resolution Caterer^Co; ofeotfooer and Swert Maotifacturor lAld. IPDwex Uiea said ijhat ihe . MOUNT OION . ef- ' *' ficient and careful 'Ddnap.jwjiuld-iommunicafe with the Council never was pas_sod. 1 aay-J—~- _ : . i :!¦ . .- given to understand that •would take over oil management and super- " ,me. Haven't' you 'Bridge Commissioned: MABY . . iauiiACPiiA'PE .inten'dence of this .extehaLye -rtnd-fimportiaipt- i ctteTOiift A5us 30RCA. !aa to tni*-eacaoldate and time of his visit. - Chaitman—listen to the righto -which the soBAiiirrr . cxe ; ; ! ' some respect for the chair. at present possessed, and he did 'pot, there- iniututioa.- TMy' visit >M thV wea-vihff, 'taJlc*-. ; .The folloi^g^was thea >read^>- OF ' ' : ' ¦ ¦ . Mr. M. Walsh—I must'get my talk • fore, /understand why any/'frlocijqng'.. Ol.^ie CEXDi^ TIHB ANMUAIL BEfDBEAT AND -ing,: and ishoemaking depaptmenjt3, wnich are ! . ;i- . : _ ; ¦ ^kxniot V. flill, Dorwybrook '¦ on ¦ ; ' ¦ ¦ ' j Chairman—Sit down. VICTORIA HOTEL 'Bill should (be done ,the-part PlBaOIS3K)NX - . .-¦' .'admirafbly-'conducied-, afforded me the-otmotst ¦ ¦ • ¦ :- ' -.- •'<>>. iPree'lBridKe^ i' : - : . ii. ., , 1 | Dublin . Mr. Walsh—I will if 1 like. I'll put you [COLBEGK HTKEEf, of the Haibour iBoard. Hi was ior the ' Cor- pleasur^aftrthey not only keep several : of the 6 " toe Urn " mt! tiobUig, 1904- (Dear Sir—In -accordancei with instructions ! : out of the chair. , ' . WATBEFOED. poration -to-;use .theSr" discretion, and tos. i he- On .Sunday last the Keteeat -which had been inmates employed, bull are a considerable 1pei p >1 received 'from' recia'{eIheir ^/ . * ' were required for the eanctuary lamp. wiia atoderaU OhAi^zj ci chould interfere t<*t, picturesquely situated respxjiimSifitfei5; garvan'totd'»yf iomWiterford.: and I wou'd before titi» HoteL Iti potitico peated; the Corporation -would' it©; nothing Sah6sQ!i, : . *4Bi'.which the Soladiiyis associated.I found the-doimiilori&'ei»!epti -oo W re AS critic W pfe 45 UAinc a' line "by return to above -address.—Tours ¦• : gicands weie'pi^idecowtsa-wijh after. ;T inspected ' and " te procured by the Master. ; ¦which they sought to acquire. . | - ter. .The -thefprovision^ found in UAUI v 'A -opium, r\& ps6- faithfully, I ! ' ' ' CDI3IKB AND WJ.>J:1nJ fl fipj» agup ' ' later on aaid— THE MHIXTCAOO, iflFrCBB'S stand the ¦ This , gentleman. writing Haekett, M.O., reported &t' follows:— ! , ElootrioBella esroQs&oot taining •their ferry rights 3 tiheyl"wanted to ib! various partsof 12ie pwmd. ffhe oujnwi- relieved" the oongBstdai of the 'house, ; which C05 - J4H Cjwc -O& 45011-6 in temB. til Since writing to you this morning the G.3. iDr. afford people an; opportunity ot \ tanking a ch.1 1 strength cd the MbUnt Sfca> Soxla&iy is a was a I msiier that engaged ihe attention 61 Company have idndly~ of- There la a patient in the hospital suffering * cflips? connate fd an lean0 me procured. ; 5. " ' ¦ other across the bridge, Bttt ^4id te to 'be xsongratulated. Gemesally speaMnst, AJ\ Aifl vious letter. : . - j :, r :; 4^JIEAp& Proprietress different thing >to allow the Corporation to ob- the eacred purpose of tii^. asaoiaufcwca, anid perfect; discipline 'prevaite, -irid the in- AJTA^t6An. .Wa, .^& <36rCA A^tlJ* At At! : WOBIKHJOIJ^. all the yeaira Clerk—ii wrote to toimjto say I would hav« LitNAfiks mrms BsnAosaEotet. "WoodsJoirn, now opsn I tain -power -to tax suoh ¦pe raane as, say, ;loya!!)ty in supportingit through stitution appeam' to bo worked ifoannoniquslj teintiin prt. ^VAOiiCii'OtA cuise p^in An the members of the Council meet him at 10 -The following letter, was read from * Mr. or Murphy /Brotierd lor^'the oi its.exfiaftence. • : We .met memliens of the aigla ' " : - . r , Office of Lnnatic Asylumo, (Dub- CTeasra (Hal* whb' have and ss otorily. ^ teAttp 60Cp ACAIJA Art &i|vo-1ti£ o'clock •Unnorrow. ' In | oontJ«>tioii with the John Smith carriage of their gooda across the river in Qcxlaliiftr at -Mbunft Son. yeBterda^ :\Vi|)['ffiTir 'H J. J. WShee, lin Castle.- — • iuncioio ttanjihly1: anil , . . .i ...... ••-^gj} nAOiiibA CA HA C« A! matter ii had a. wire from Mr. theix own Ibargea or steainera. : These fiisns be«n attending ite- ! l Sheriff ol WaterforoV: |* vAsup -oo conn{VAt> representative: It ia as SLr-nl am directed Iby the (Enapectoraoi for forty- yoara,andtt wlu>fitin..rqrtilia, vour.Parliamentary ¦were large ratepayers, «nd the injustice of atmrualty iMr. i^IAnd—'HwtVM.'A-'eatdsfactbry ; report. ciohiicAC HA 0A|>. * 1T1eiUiT> muilce T)6 follows: "House , of: Coinmons, 2 o'clock.— Lunatics to transmit t means be 0 ' ^Aidjta -otogAtCAir 0pjtAi6-rA.? "CA . : , ] . : Workhouse, and. I am -to request yoa to .preacher; FlatJier AJieme/ aanBunced the .- MQiNTffl&Y i&fiPV>ET OF BHIB 'E.'il£. : QjBhee. . . ; j left optional' Trith the Corporation; to .make i^c , Mr ^olah—To^norro-i; in 'Londoii? kindly acknowledge ita feoeipt. i : Yoa ihat daaih, *\vhica took place at 12.30 oVtock, on ' An-tflUAS ASArfl T)U1C A tteAn DOCC," AJtfA f . . oan get all th» edv&ntagoi of an these charges,tor &e '-veiy good : reason: of and faithful (Dr."'i.*k. (Sakshott reported as followB:— . t't COerii-r-Yes, 3 webt top; to eee the Chair- -Memorandum ot inspection.6a the 23th H rwas a ethsfting body, and no one Iknew what Sunday^ a davoied inemwer, CiAfiTOuBAn. ^"Ill jjjnginn o'AifjjeA'P An j^ April, 1900.—In thia workhouse VL men and 7 take "place from tdme "^iy - • Ktnrn^paj . rr\&TL**(wr- off, CbsuiTOjris .mineral . District. Asylum, Waterlord, -' man as- to how we -fomld deal with the mat- expe&aive hotel with the comfort changes sx^s^fht ! to • time * ' ' • '-:"¦¦;. • :" ¦:-¦ ' conridptA rtA' - classified aa of uneonnd mind. Of and na- tar.ihe repUse-^ol-wboseeoul 'the ¦.•* - .. : - . -f> ri lMjay Oi4%i..U906. i pAitim-re cunncAr;cpumn A .:t^il?. ' : a good thing tidier, Ibut the women Ar« fairly Well dressed H* goede. He waa •BboHhem are ait nnesenit eng%ed:i!a impoJtanit which ended Jaially; and Jher«_ w»re_an_.ua- p.At>niq tiftc^Att teif An 5Connjv4t> An vo ; Clerk—W-S IBEKir,- iIarphy'flmLax>9every day withoat )any ckirge Vbidedii . ' ' ; :¦¦. . ! : __ ¦! : SUBLET. emtare thai the-:boo) BSEJ*»of: WatoEford, are to-da-554-patient* in the' Asf lwaC.sH' in.- ACA fcltAt Amiiif«!Ac.: " I ' rninife. v'imiB A' «Mr. J: Corran—TK&nistory «f it ft, .it ia in them. . . being made, land if the | Corporation, were ^ r r: : the Chairman, Sir. J. M. COCTBirNAY,. Most Bev. DT. Sheehan, is taSSnga deep-ana orease- oi S-dnnng^thia monih, and 10 ia tfce t^Att '* a 'bad Ktate. I move- that eoinx ito acquire, as they-6aid . they ¦woold; a ' : ptV- . tiufify U&n: A h-UAJUgin An A Mr. O*Shea be ; . andi-iferry eignts they should bo (practical inftereBB in .this wai, and waa -evi- twelve months. The increase of patients ia O'Connor, Mr. Murphjj and Inopector of Lunatic*. tree ibridge with, ihe result of tihe altogether on the, male side; theife are IS muin CwC& Agpf Cuj; An. MC*p uippe. t)A deputed to meet thia gentleman here at 10 AprQ 1906. . i - dently we!13 pleased Gllh . iaiaH¦ free to everyone, and particularly to large ' : •' ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' company with women than this A 'clock to-morrow. I : ' - ' ' < ¦ ' inspection .which he made i in' more men and i^less! time quippeAC, Cinn_j i coipcfiirfi, Ajup 50 o I Mr. M. (Wal»h said with regard to the last . .. . ratepayers. . ; . . . . - .. $urveyor. .. (Power Cor- Bev. Brdther Muilian, Superior of the lnsiitu^ last year. The food supplied have been good. ¦cieimin mppt> lonstiA* pan. CUAIP pf An Chairman—iAnd the Paragraphin the leport—«ure that is illegal, PROVIDENT ASSURANCE CO., LTD. iAJd. safdhd did not think tiho iproceiidaa was formed in the I have to report Att^ndanfo Jameo Griffin, iMr. Cnrran—The Surveyor ie necessary. poration "froafd do anything inimicalito the titoru Hhe Ajiit) 50. niAlt Agup 1 sciont> CAmAtt Mr. Chairman, spacious enclosure opposite the technical Annie Dooley and J£ary lower are noi giving 1 ; Mr. O'Shea—|Let e cj>mmiti&» of the whole Chairman—JIave, you anything to "say ftaooiporated under tha Companies' Act], public dxiterest, They were about to pay \ & Bartrack-cftreei npAiflCMAit ' Board be appointed to [meet him -to-morrow. : ; urge sum for'ihe general pnblic benefit, and bixttdingB, -and headed ty the satisfaction after having been Tepeatedly tuippe no-mdp f f di* pt pop An about it? I ! 18C3 to 18S8). : Bmss Band, moved through' the gwund^, each warned and punished by me. II was absent , . Thiji wafl agreed 1A. ! ;Mr. M. Walah-HNothdng at all. the Corporation and the Sown Clerk fcad gono ^ ptdt^nA t>cop d'n b'puACc. . . ' HOME. eoil .Aft mAITMti p.UA)p p.CAp A 61 AS SAtAiL A letter wag read from ttio managers of the tie free bridge and ferry, tandJ they would distinctly insciibed. 25th. ; :! !- to the Master. ! ! ; 8IEEBT. DUBLIN. ^lohds," and " Hail! HeaivenTjy Queen,' were An j OeAl-415 I. Oi pi f UAip fflAptt AgUp A Catholic Inebriates' 'flwne at Wateriord ask- Mi. IM. Walsh—(Refer it to Mr. Stuart also. oniy-do "vcihat was right and fair in epite of -assembly ia exoeUeuti time, and ing lor'co-operationtowards iU maintenance. ' Master. ' handi- Gung by the OHAEGIS AGAINST ATTENiDANT8. ICAnb niApb An A mum Cotfi mAit. tiuAip dp ¦ i The report waa then referred to the Caplt&l, £100,000. Govemment Security,, the, unfair manner in which they were "boy's voices were" most effective; A hand- Mr. fnmt ! ' perconacommitted to the institution. ezceedt £70,000. | | • !• •- . - ' , : ! three. mAppuigeAtt Ap An UitAippin e. ¦to him. it ottt.- of- the holy shrine, the scene was a v&ry im- (DrJ Oakehott—VeryjwelL - : ¦Mr. Curran—(For drunkenner*. iMr. M'. Walsh,—;uill«d bes* lisa clause empowering iffiem tfr^do t». . he.eloxjiwai.tly-encouraged £hO3e who hodl parti- ' Bdshbp caid thei palients complainedtil Ati Mr. Curran^-We havent a case fit for that applied foj fluTaitAdied.' ' ¦ ¦ Power—iBut if you maintaia &'. ferry) The so' AS^n t»iomAis An order was made .that the suit - Aid. cipated in'.tne 'retreat to avoid sin and occos- complain ' ' ?; ' • ^tittrtioA 4tall-^laa$ht«r).' ' OodowiwatPoUeiM ksoed from (have ht to charge:ior it. ffihe' him, and how wa9 i^. they did not ' . '¦ "¦ ' - '•' ' "be granted, _ „„_« -. aO V> cureyryou a sig ing of'«in, and not UtsSHowthe deydlto destroy > pointed j •; A* ;V j - llurphV-i^rhereiate no dninkards in "" °" ^ £2ft000, and lor perlodi from Corporation, "were going to buy! out the earfiio: of other attendants. His Lordship \_ fjMrj'! THE OHETABY QUESTION. 1 to SO yean. ¦ ¦ the good work which had beea aocomjpliahed out thlat the govamot^ left iwtlhing undone to TDunp»rvani<^«8bler)j r ' following waa read:— \ FroapectoM*and fall particular* an appll- rights of the Bridge Commissioners-. . He colemnly warned tEem to be done to us The : ' •in, thei r eoiils. of see that the patiente) were properly: treated, Mr. Mahony—All¦ that should¦ ujocaT Government Board, (Dublin, catkn to iSecretary—You are mistaken.; (That is act monster SAfhptA AJUS corftAinte. ¦•( ';¦ " ' ' ' '..¦: ' ifear -and figfrt f l£yLivfitr th^ mortal ia to mu2ile uv». | . . ( anaHAEL OTDOHOQETO EO. Oibjection was taken,to a power eoughtto ilf he waa to stay in the housa he ihould not May 14th, 1900. | T. I sin. Fathers and mothers ishbuld instil into ' ' The communicationrwas mnrked "noted." i : . ' JMstriet Sopprtu tolls on a class of traffic handle patients- rougWy. Hf there would bo ¦' ' "' ' " ' ' Sir—(With reference to the .minutes of the . Vmraw^ tt- be retained to levy ¦ the mittdB and hearts of tiiedrchdldien that the ¦ governors . . . r-—-?>—-- •¦ TIEBIPiCIBCHiASEOyTBjBfliaWiN HAUL. IB, Lower Nenrtofwn, W*teriord. OTCT Corporationhad no control. a repetition, of the ichargca the proceedingsof the Boardoi Guardianeof the whichthe " one.greatevQ :£bey had to feai oa laMfcJ would be dbliged to , tako a very -extreme- An ; ordet .„ was , made asking the Local Union on the 8th inst., I ant The Chairman reioarkedthat if there roia in hJB day. A ' Dungarvan »in. 3t. liowa wa3 Kany of France course with regard-to him. • : ttiuipip t-1. H ftoinn, ^opcUipgc Government (Boartf^ to hold ivn, inquiry at directed by tho Local Government iBoard for a charge to t» made for bringing 'grain ofj woa a good Ohristnan-, and he waa ¦ r ¦ ¦ ; His mother Aittendant—(Very well, my lord. - • • - once in reference to the ! loan, oi £300 for the ' to BlateT'tHat. Khey have 'epproved"of eoala from one Ibank of the liver to the other her only One ijvening flhe seated the T)D Ciinl. Ireland of "the *eon. The-Matron (lira. Redmond) then camobc- purchase of the .Townj Hall. the proposal to euhstitute bread for potatoes ORTANT NOTICE TO TiiH it 'would simple mean >the taxation, •child -on .her knees, and eaid to bim^—"My "" BAD BOOWPATFa. Sir, very people "who were paying most iheavilyior. apple ioro th« Board, and ihe Bishop informed hei in tho workhouea dietary¦ scale.—1 am¦ . ¦ Hft-^i-n^ Louis, I love you more than,the* that a complaint had been mode with regard Mri 'Uary O. OWeill. O'Connell-ctreet, your obedient.servant , ' ; PUBLIC* the freeing of the bridge. of my; eye, birt I wouldrather see you dead female attendant named Dooley. t?A rfiAips *o nA tut>Atge lompuig ml wrote asking the Councilio have the foot- Aid. Power said that ; there was no charge should commit a mortal tani" to a. : H. COXJSKENAK. than tbift you The Matron said that this girl appeared to ! ptAgAtCA i . path near her gale repaired ae rt ia in a bad Aiesistrtft Secretary. being made at present from.bank to bank history .tbld them that he lived and died ¦ - . i ' and be eomewhat diffident about her duties. At state. - . | Marked "noted," . . transit of goods ta 'merphants' iightera or •wMibut coiriTTitiAing one. mortal sin. Let them Cpfitg f i£o"olige A|» -ocigeApnA Ap pon HA Mr. Beary. There LO.JSTS. LOANS rule would , times ehe did her Work very well..j '¦ Mr; "Walsh—Befer H to hareee, aad be thought the same avoid: -tihe publichouse, company (keeping, j pDACA1«O, " ;. - . footpa'iii there. ; \\- LOANS. 'tion. . ¦ I xih'ey Dr. Oakfihoit eaid ;that two complaints had . ia a bad ; District Council cpply nnder the Corpora cursiiig, ewesrinig und bad language, beenmade aboutthlsattendant. tAinig te pcApg cuillc Clerk—(Whatwill yAui refer it to Mr. (Beary Mr. John< White-Itis! perfectljrabsurd. B, mu^jovoid.givingecand b, lwhichwas found CAP An CAlArfi, ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ The attendant in^ question was then called' for?. I . • to the albeen-ceoi a quorum the Gupposing a merchant rwamted to eend SO to be j the ruin of many «ouls, and avoid bad tiA peACA1t)C ; flii : AtililApAC, 0l O*AT)An Owing I HE SODTHEttN bridge upon before the Board, end the Bishop explained 4 Km laArBBOtiB BTTKPOSES. acted. adrcm* from £8 utnrmrdsto across his merchandise ^they ¦ a pity that •tt;xe aptoUU*Tlta ttMtiHidOtj. steamers Ihe -was liable to: ibo chargeS—iarecourse- tfl God in prayer and ask Him to expressedthe hope; that she would not be ngtoipe, dt w&s orderedthat applicntion. be made to :Mr. iPower er*, Qovermn«ni Offknsk,. «to., oo ridiculous arrangement. . be a 'helper in- time otf need attentive in "Oo Coil nAorhCA if c«3ip -oOinn A -oeATiArti ¦ waa « eh am© far those their own «pprovwlp«muinn gjiap mt)0 feipoip Beit ANonnrBB OBStnaiioriON. Same af them had oome a distance of 14 or "!She o5»ject of :the Bill .'iS to purohaeci In the case of Mary Power, ¦ derk—There is' a Jitterhere from Mr Hunt, 36 jnilee, whdLst Oouncillom a few mile? of " of an encouraging ana ingtmiative character I CftAIDCeAC, - ¦ and terminate ' the existence of the pie- impnessedupon. Qie mintf of hia heare'w by Dr. Oakohoti said there had been two youreolicitor , ;with regard to tha Moresby the workhouse did aot turn np. That, be : XottAMima: Eivigr changes already made against her. mtseitimiv mreacher. : • 50 nAp gntomcAju¦ contractor, dt is asjfollows:—"Ia reply to thought, ffhowed a gTfeai J ucw Waterford, and to substitute therefor \ti On this girl comiig before tho Board, UL ; ¦ . ¦ your letter of the net, Jnct., referringto my their part. Thi* wa* also finance day, aad After the sermon, the._Mo6t,-I6ev. Dr. Shee- I I SAC • , . ko oonoeotKm new bridae for the free use of the publi?;\ han,| Lord Bishop, g»vo Bened5eAnA nt bertimiTj or cerve any noticed as mentioned in. your great disappointm-esii.thM ihey conld not Fatier OTDoncgbue, Chaplain Goad Shanhefd ' Hariboor Commissionera.! (But it appears Oonvedt;Eev. M. 3. Cwrtty. daaptoaaMount . To. this Miw Bower replied that that wa* I ; AccpeAtA*, ! letteraod ^iil the: copy' of th« resolutionihore- bold a meeting of the Council for . want oi a j PRIVACY SEBICTLY OBSERVED. that in regard to-the ieny righte, -whichi StonJ The aseidtintf clenryimeii were—Vesy eo. and it was in cobsequence of a falling out til f;uit yibp.AgAinn cioniiAjvnA CAtAin with E&nt. The Council ehould pass a reso- quorum. if the Bill is ito be presented 'from] the Bev.i.Ganon Fryna, P JP., BallylbriJdloen.; Btev. with the Charge Attendant. geoBAimip lution authorising thalcsso to be fdbmitted -and the Corporation;1 iBii&op—Si the discipline of the house jo to . bAp, to counsel ior cdvicb.ind direction is the Bridge IProprietora Father C. P. Begley, GuaiJdian. OSJF^. and inp ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ' it is not intended ihat the pnlblic should EevJ T. F. Furlong, Atim., The OatihtedraT. Ibd ;carried out under these conditions wo may 5AcU^Sur 0i*C3 ^n UAIJ beidtmiT) matter." ' M PICTUBE VRAUS , i I i . : , -will expect some trouble. . THE enjoy cimilar immunity fromtolls as ' This tenninated the ceremonies. pinco, ; " Chairman—'IcnH, the work, goina cmf : AM© DADO ! be seen (by tihe "wording of Clause 6, Subf ,' It jsori ly right to add that the de'eomtions Oapt. Coughlaa—-I think it would be woll XJlerk—OTie work i» going on," by order «f IIOOM, Ap C10T>A Ap ic'AbtA A U fgup belt pe Ag ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ Clauses S and 6, and Clauses -6 and . 9. .As wore; carried out by MeiE3rs. j; Ohndfie , -E. it thas girl retired ; Ibefore we com© to our : ¦ ¦ the Board. - ;• • ¦ ¦}¦ ¦ :¦ | regard* passenger ferries: to be provided Koaco, and lL Brett. Lwhp hive for several deoision. j . v&r> ->¦ ' ¦} Chairman—If that 'ia eo what about it then. b " -the Corporation.-or-their lessees, : tha yeaia attended to She». duty on' (behalf of the Tho girl then lefi. .' ¦ ' MOULDINGS. pRK FOUNDRY y ( Clerk—(I wlU ^ow you what ia about it. Hartwnr Commissioners, do hot; of coarse, Sodlainiy n-ith artistic iasfe. (Bishop—Sow long ia she here? A OAnpiogAn nA nAingCAt vo rhic tiilipvo There is.am- applioaiioa- from tho direr to- B»29* aa4 F«MM fMimrcMMl t*mj*m+tlB raise any objection , to the'levying of ferry: iDr. Oakshott—She is here since May, 1803. ¦ £300' j"" ; BOLTON STREET, ceAtinuig, 4; . nigbt for j j h STS|lM. OKI) NtHf- !; tolls, as it is orily ieafionablethat -pay-- Biiahop—Thatis throe years. I tthe following waa!read:— cl KOTUIttl ment should be made ' for services' 1>r. Oakshott eaid on a previous occasion SAOtpe Ap n-AnAriiA 6 pm^t nA bpeACAiPe ~ ; ]»#¦ MMna S i 'i . j | . EUJfUrrS toil Pd3 f I ho TD' fnituing pd b^p ngpoip Aoino Gentlemen—I have cone down to the wreck ¦: ¦ , OH , conyeyed ¦ ¦ hmt** p **tuL , ( « tolls goods and merchandise Sir William Gotf—If the discipline of the ! - CfiApCA. ' , • Moresby and find a flshiog Iboat da in my way from one Ibank of the river to the 'other house is to be maiatained, my lord, this, I i . ¦ W MO'J REQUIRE ¦ called the 6elf-Seliance. All her bottom ia H. MORELL, in. boala or Ibarg&s, belonging, to privs** CK think, is a case for dismissal. . Le gpA* «Oinn t>'6Ag Torv Ap Hipp CAIU , and : it will take a lot oi dyna- "^^Si^i^rtfe .Edisff¦fctq /Ici^ J Pclr,3 ¦ : ' down there JAMES traders, or to Whipownen,s or io eaUway ¦ • ' ¦ Ctamm Flynn—61»owas £3kod to!eend in tletpf. ; . ' mite and labour to jremove her. I searched MOIE companies, the Coanmisaionera consider ¦^oaT/ont .. her resignation. ' ' as near as I could, and it will take £50 to re- • JtekMCry. l^ilm.' T«lif > M« tl»dSi. ^bi ^intr, JfiOttrijto, Jrm and Brass Foundry that to authorise ihe Corporation to con- j H:E aurj flji R.LP. COOK (Dr OaishJdtt—You could give her a month's inp An cuAmA r>'f An p6 move her. All hex frames Are of oak, and it tinue the same powera, afl at present notice. J • A5 tuigo Ap peAti ' and OmnrtU " ; pAinc cpf will take a lot of time to break them. The \ Smith. exist, the (Bridge (Proprietofa would ba £3tsa. innimaa. cwn BwnaCBwa.., The Biehop suggested that she be asked to lAetc timber will "be of no! use to una when broken but perpetrating aa absolute and in- exmd in her recngn-stioa. go T)6tApAC Bt A ifratAip Ag CUlrfinOAffi Afi up. I would bo thapJrful if yoa could Me ApricvllvnlImpUmmU , jurious incubus--upon the trade of the Canon. (Flyim- diea proposed, and ' Sir ire., Repairtd. : ¦ : tgcomnufOe ; \ your way to get done with this, as I want to ¦ ' port and ihe priblic generally." ; : ' (William Goff ceconided, that &he be asked to go over the wreck toi put in some bi« ahot to ! : "O'eipig -S6 copp "\ An AnAtvi cpeAp IA Sfc Rtpafri send in her resignation. our fixed at ' THE NATIONAL TREATMEHTPF Moresby. 2 will ihave air feet oi water over ia 13 o'clock. An interesting game i may be Trith a view:'towards ewivin^ as enteuta ! ¦Attendantr-eot«»Tittnitrom-Tiiai>iCo,- td in !my owsigna'taaa. ! '• , iAp mAfom 'OomnAig CApg* bionn An gpiAn way, j ; Ctirotilo Braae&lus* -{IpnlBi in Oan«rml. Wooodj, crtmp, ! mite and gear and I am sow ih a lair '¦ The following: i^ the BenedictsXI.:—James 13&B' iBAiMiWAY *&TTiAfflSAK?EHE . | Siiffam, Som—tat biiBM »rtn Exucin, cuiocs, ttXR. aVKHHOOirs ANNUAL iKHPOBTT. pinnco le Afcip everything beinff straight, as I can GO all : Air. Edgar l f5Wiite moved; and Aldetraat* Utmi, tttetotm.Cnu. £ana,r*T*n.Wnoopta t Oougb. Di- OakshdtfB aonual ireport was Tead. Sage, T. Eeane, John Hoanqc, Jams* Heylin, Ap t»eipWim Hig- neime CA A over the wreck .with my big boat- and TiiW I E. Sage; J. (Kennedy, Aodrtrvr; Doyle J. J. M01B JParrell eeoanded, tihe following resolution: ¦ i&r. Oak&hdUt eaid the usual : 'i "believed. tli«» -MCIIDCD ' ' ¦" MivIR Jwihitesaia tiat Jw 1 I Mf BlflBTT¦AnOagH- »€«fflmOD malo nf -the old ipart of the farititntira;. portion of wreo^^t 8eU4Eelianoe1* lyiny : :¦ ' < " were aJl firmly irx sympathy -wrtai" the rest - «xtuM«toaUd¦ «t«xi. II - ; Irani? litttn xubtd . (Bishop—(Wlhai iis ajh6 CBtimate? ; . " : • 1 on the MoreaJbyf tie. etatia tiat lie cannot ALL IBOM HAY SHiOS, lution, and: that fhete -waft/ to oeoessity Sot Sarr^tts - proceed with hi* wojK notil «h« it removed. rj*I Sm « IF YOU Oakshott ^-M-(Priela' estdmate is £200. I ^mim^imM * him to" eay aaythinjf f arther j than; (onnalty ! ••«¥*;s»'««?iri- In. . 2 beUenre-thlv nhui M her floor* and bottom *• ** ¦; ' - . - ' fUJUJW8 WUVK8AL EMBR0CATI0J1 (Thejtender of (Mi. iGeorgeNolaata £293 waa move ite adoption.1 [ r : . i as her stern poist deidwoo*, and h«U-dpsen B ¦; ! ¦ «!>KCtAirJUOTATIOH¦* The Becretary meobioDeAj i. in. conawJuo a You caa Obfauo F««l | plaoJte were ptdced ap before. (He (the diver) rowo c*Polsoi>8 : roa^rwir« KASON, -with that the dtetsuryha4 wired I mslmmB a BE aK)NHH, informed roe i in. a tenderfor thi*matter , (P. QUOJC.,WA sppmtited *« W«*!»endin«- rdriatpowW , ¦ to^ay T&aji tiiey would melee |no deds^atfo a Mi. J. Moloihy, * Herbme removing thi« wreck *Aao- a ooneider from ' sPECiALmef tt : i; .; . vdsiting governor tor ithe ensuing-:unouti i. : . at present-asto -the balance ct the SXHf/X) a T ELUMAN R.LP. BOOK ¦ ¦ ¦ ' tto poniloo, *eda»erjbed'by the diver to : , \ O^taMfa wJte«r>la> IHMImtlrt tl« r»ili IIUMrataA. I - ' «NBA3J» iPBfiaOiJHaM'. ;• , m*. «A?Xi|l•MUMNO, ; although-St-was stated in tJui *Bn^li«h i te wrote to Mr. ¦ John onuinis TM 1L0M). lhat we have na aHernativebut to aeoeptbJa i i JDr. Oaksbott said ; ; - ,., COVMUJB trtktin,*' : ¦ Dublin: dittiw ;oe Balrtrdayjthat they ,jwoja! g5M^nariBffi gg8S^y?? ~? (Redmond, witih «&renoeto priaoner*coming ¦ ; '' ' tender. The diver fclao inlorms me he ha» f :- '; : i : ¦ ' • found'tha MotSVi fcible obJriiM, «nd if torn iWaterfordUiil to *hB 'Aeytan , and be g-IikillTaliini-fMJ * '^ wH 1 i ,k-: ¦;: Soo^HP TBAR Tmtmsni " lho*«*re pot aan H ipmaaaa to the WlatarfordJag U^P; CanKO.' 'I' • ' | : i S^nnew - <>A^*iH-.^^rtomJi 8tkk- ¦ ; ; : UMMI WUM oti*MM•#amiv , The SoUffwxQtr'wiMW. *ppodai«4 oft }h6*uini prc^taWy«> J «dd UMt «t, John (ttSdrt «x. p«*ry Oottthi ^B^ng). .r : . - lU :i.. v ¦: v ¦ . IBWhoplekedi f-^wnen. jpttooBw * bocam« oonmUtoe*!— .. . . . ::> • jv '..i .vj : :. ;- - - ),± |; JThe ¦ igaane In these countdes theywouldbeeBatto I. i j. ¦ ins-pnwiw M- .ppp m^ ' ¦ \ \. \ f tWi yBir ;OT^59'« t» !tie Ttood^: tfwT aH ! ¦ ' ti»OT» NOMMtir«4H I nover Ith© 'AWylpm, and:toafwtobd matotatoed«t ¦ * * *" - '**^*™**&*- ¦ had bMUr (he expense of «fc ratepayers of :, mf* "dflS.to i H * reAjfelMljmilfed »em oo.IdnMed ind (Waterford, *p $y ^^?mp m ni ^ Ia4*»6 from •ooar.; I «fo neemsaRd!the •lioply feecaweth*<3overMn«at found it oon- Tin>6ZKk.Apr Mielt1 t}wn¦ urposcs".to i' idoM 9Qma ,: - ¦ - - -¦¦ ¦ ; itWf 'SM itiBjj'Hipifiirwrio olJtheJi jailsJi - . j - .;. l i-.-y . y- . * '. ,:?-: ;: ,- : ¦- ¦- " f'- ^F^^'^^' - ^T !i^'fT5 ^s^^'^f^.'- ' -V- ; flfWr^TO iw» u . QDho spem*iatng " ' " ' ' fcusinea* ¦ w* « "uaintetwrtinf. ' ¦ ' ' ' : ' ' ¦ ' " ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ " ¦ ' - •¦ • - ' . ; ¦{ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ -I' • ¦ * ¦ ¦:¦¦ . : - ^ . : ¦ ¦ . ;; , _ . ;;. ——y-T-^- —— - :¦ . - t d(!gi iiflor a reallygood battle «rf Ba» you •hould isk: 1 ; " Semper ^^'-^^jyjSjBMBfflSt^^^B^B i ^w«dJ^K(p^w «aBdUoot,; -;?51 eom» to Dwef*, ; >0 Jg0*7.. i Jlofto— ^

rnmrnm ' ' " ' ' ¦'¦!. ': f -l -v-r . ;" • 'hl:- - 'i: ii'., ¦ ¦• .! .;¦:: i. ,-'!• - . .:-- : . .M! : : ' ' ¦ ' ' ' : ' ¦ ' : ; ' • ¦; ¦ ¦ ' • : " " >¦ " ¦ ¦]• !' •; - ' • , !• . : • : ¦ .i ¦ jj! ¦ ' ¦• ' • ¦ ! - i-S ¦ •¦ -ii:r ! • • P^S !• . ,V. • O !f iillrilife ll il lf i K . . |-

• "!' •:¦ ¦: "- ¦ • ¦ '' - ' ' - - MA3!EKFQBK .- ¦;: . -;J :,-\,,-i - .-j; . 3EHE . ' -^i- . ; , . . . v;-H^"' V" :- ; y ^ . rM;rTr: ; : ' -r- 'T^ ; ti ¦ ¦¦ : DS>0< ^i«^»^ - . :• I: : j- . 1 ; ; : ¦ ¦ :¦! >:¦: : i!' KOTE8. i ¦! • ' S "' j ;!¦ ;¦" JQO]QISPr;-'jjp]Dll!WBB{{ JfliBggiOig&r T r W rti ir fflr"has:'Pt j. ^PHtCBOp.'; ' . " Vl:: '_(B?!; W 'f - JTOTTCE IB EdffiiHBlBTP QTVIEnf,'I?th»i Xn CLUB. ; j/ilr©I' ¦ ' • ^b fcr ;\sn ; Fancy .Lwber i «na Boot U5ip,r?oTj3i ' >K:|? i ,,j 31. Qo QQtk ' ;. „ . : EDfad day- oi MAIY, 1006,.a. approved,ofjby tfe ^^ : 's j ' ¦ [ e\ifiered the loaa/of -tHelt helowngs thi y are | ' '¦" r ' > ' ¦ ¦ ' " -¦' ¦ ' ¦ ' County iCouncil:-^"^' '' •: * . ' : ''^tfi iff'rBciUj: m^"P«l» " ' -June 1. ¦!¦ •j ! . :- . . - • i . . :¦. » ¦ ' [_ "Bluoiiir*, new, T ; B431H£E3al a;! 5| Toai, ¦ : I gjratefol teare8)i4*ot^r^lbqpeiby time , . ' ' • , - 10d- , »n. l&dy and tny- "No.,; 8«; Same. Dieiticti-oen ; lost.} . and tbj H;rc-r. > ! • :: j • . .; .: SA.tfPLKS-Aay quantit c^Ms puRUNv iih' 'i, f . leased; to see there is every pro- ^tc.y contract at Baihaagown Weetand y forwa jded on receipt of Caih ! • f¦¦¦ I am very p Order; ::' damage -dona to 'one , -al ilu, ;piost be&uiiiui Edmoad' iloQrath' 'J ' ¦ f . \%-: this club,; whose prbwesg at an early s contract 1. at . the crow. I erau CMiL . Fzu«a on Application. . -. • ; ' | i| i : ; • [ ¦ '¦ ' ¦ ' bability of cities in the woild. illiere-.jis not a, building Ballingown TVcst. Townlajid : | j . . !] . ' : , K] - >: ; the envy of many etanding in the. buBineas part of j oity. of Bailingwwii period of its existence was the West, [passed not to .exceed £& 19/4 per 1 Yon could not itoagine what: ;flre Wa^ like ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦other southern dubs, bids fair this season to : the annum. . .. .: ' .: . ' ' • - — ;I uptil you saw it rushing th oi hlock'"tO block (To In reach ita former state of perfection, if .may ire oc&ana of flamea; iNo. 620. ^016 Distriot. keep repair and' 'P >Qt ;!peopl« driven for one year a ,425 perches ;oi the main roagt» from the form shown in a series of racea m Mm Catalog irijh their hwmes i with ' notl irjginat what was . road ^ THE KINCI iTTMnri/ INVlbdRAtlNI irefm Waterford to Cork, between the district ; Of for junior pairs run off this week for a set of on their "backs, ffhey -hiid^lt$. leav« aH jtheQ boundary at Dallig.au , It Is the bestjbook little belongings to be cpnaaaieiJ'By'flrcf, and Bridge and Coolaghi RESTORATIVES :- : " tnedals presented by ihe Yice-Captuin, Mr J ever printed about bicyde& Nothing worth ' (Lane, . at the Urban. District bodndary i®H^ exH?lu8TEb Abdy.and I were in , the 'i&ame £tiaita» 'IWe do : Stenley. After some very closely contested ; knowing i ' ((perches being half «xad).; Townlands of isj lefj out The illustrations n<}t know yet when we 'etvall %e* what money Uiilineen rizes wire secured by Mr Joseph ¦ are magnificent and we have ia the bank. 'SiJTvever, ncibody is . iEast and'tVeBt, Tournore; Buxgery.! races, the p etc (Passed net to exceed £1140 10/. : James Meade, coxed by the accurately represent hungry. (VVe jget.lclqthea' itBd'Hibd.lJrom' . the ¦ COLEMAN'S Doyle and Mr the finest series of Cycles and Accessories " ^ No. 627. Same Distriot.^Tp keep "in repair ' well dWve GOvernonent. There U only, ohe quarter] of Commodore of the Club. >ho " for , 7 years QM perches, of! the road from l diffiV lever produced,, including the latest the city standing; and; ;U» tbwiiiMljr Innloapla. - encoiirege rowing, Capt idon't a bicycle tKatrict boundary at Jliiigerehy and the ta- TO OPTAiw I give an interest in and buj fl till you have read it. when 'everyiody:'Was in bed: '33 it happened A rnrt »AMPI-B BOTTLB I vice-presidents of inj the dav;:titneHlie loea life would-.be barony bounds «t Slievegrine, 1,251 perches -CT H P Cbearnley, one of >he -Jol being main road, and 1143 ' perches being s^ : ' : ; ¦ for junior terrible. rA» - it iff 'inore' liost .-th^ir lives than' . ™ L.-r " . ' [' ¦ the club, is presenting five medals Every charged" on distrdqt. ' ¦Paesed not to exceed \ ' ¦' ; ; I Rudgef!^7fcltwortb gn raoteed years. will ever "bo ''known, I.niyieH jjaw 88 bodies COBKX I ¦ ' ' ' >. j| tor on Way 24th. Major 4 84 models, Packed Free BIBS 12/8. ' ' • ¦ • '¦: ' four*, to be rowed land Carriage Pflld, from £5 t buried in ope hole. 'Alter LAndy and. .I were . . : " £15; by 12 equal monthly payments at : : . iNo. 630. Same District.-^To keep in repair 8end to COCIKU ik II C Vpers Siuart of l>rornana (Captain) is awakened we thought the house : was moving Oo , Lid,, Wlnomli Work*, Nonrichv icatalogna prices]without extra harge; ; Ko refcreaeea perches oi the finny' tUunptoi oovir cost of uclotlnf thr*» cup, -with five pie- or depodt required. alftng, and it seemed like being in a railway f-w|one year 2^84 anain. road earriiw», nurkioc envelon "Otrapon." wid yoa also presenting a chsllonge 10% cash discoant from Dungarvan : to' CQoairtel, : competition this season. (2s. in £) er cash with order. carriage which was tumbling j from side to between the centation cups, foj- ' turn to Colligan and the district boundary; these, and under side. ?We rushed lo the window, and crowds With auch inducements a* ;i Th*iK-&*JGrekrrtMi 64BY poaae age JM TT \,zcziogttetrost tree fh ¦were ' already xn the etreeta- ia: their mght near Halfway House. Tovrnlandsof Lackem- •tho guidance of the presentc ommittee, I have robes. iWe dressed a» "quickly ! as we (S>uld, ¦daTra, CkAligaji Wood, iand Kjlcooney. Passed : 1 not) to .exceed £201 6/- ' . ' i co doubt this pluck y little club will bo heard RDBG&V/fflTl/ODTH.lt^ Dspt and never ehall I forget,}he eight of 'the flos^JSSa"^ streets (burated inaesiye btnldmgB topped : No. G32. :eame Distnct.—To build 5 perches of and seen at manj of the sonthern contests np^ of a protecting'wall; erect 45 perches of wire SIK1C S for old times , sake, a ovtr, people rushing disabled off to hospilal, this year, and I am sure, and everything in a turmoi^. fWe are etayin railing on tlte road from Tallow to Dungar- S I HE S them, and ij. vaxt, t>etweeu 'Dromore Ferry and Dromore learty welcome will be accorded IDTHNKJA-BVAN ¦iBATOffiESii I at 'present out with my husband's sister, and in an appearance I wiah The matches l to legislate for the " foreign " Bport ol cycling. if j were-to write all night I 'should : have (Bridge. Wownland- $ Dromoro. Paeaed not XHOKOUG-aBEED wherever they pot p ayed in barling and football to exceed £15. .' ± 8IEE FOE IC03. of their former suc- at Dongarron This JanuB-like porformonco is, of course the eomethiag still to tell youv. u>o i6t fretobout (Koyictored by tha USE HUNTING 8TEE : them a very hearty return on Sunday ware easily secured , : (No. 363 District of Liamore.—fBo madn'tain :¦ Department of Agriculture) , ¦¦ by the Cork subject of ridiculo with all who know'nhat is us^ however, only pray ttiit we Xaay; live to '. ' j " M UN 8 T E R cesses. tfcams. I am informed that come eeo each, other again. : ¦ : ;: i : " i JOJ '3 yeara 474 perched of the road from Cap- i . < \ i ," TELKi'ffONE, j |;;; of the ' behind the G. A A scenes. > It is nil , a dolge of 'poquin to Clonniel, i between ihej Barony Foaled 1901, ^ Waterford players woes abient. flfheaa personal expmencea, which are ju&i: Th& Property of MARTIN Will etand Xbia Seaion . on AND GB/OUfcm . certain individuals to bring g'ist to their own : bounds at Bayliokey and the bridge over KENNEDY, 8tone> and : WElXN^SDAYB SOAJt HOUSE coining through, describe [very iyividly land i hoage.j K ilaeaden, County XHTJRSDiAYS at Mr. Michael ' past lew months tho greatest im- TOLTOWN ¦SACTBS. mill n-gardless of tho' truithiolly tho present ooQdition.oi the beauti- ' One . Mile Stream. (Passed ¦ not to exceed• £23 Waterford. Yard; Ballybricken Pi»lan» For the I eonfeqaercea. Tbe - . - •.. ; • acUNSTEB is a. bay horse with black , Waterford, and;tie re- been made in the Boathouse The popular Piltowo fiitn|-o tricksters to suit their owu full city known as "The Gate of the Goldeh: 14/->iper annum. eianda 16 handj pointa. mainder of the weak provements havo will ho btld on selfirh ends woald No. 363 Same (District.—To maintain for 3 ; high, with great depth and at the 8tad Farm, Bally- of the club, and the M >n i»y, Jnnfi 11 create a West." . ; : ! : . . powerj and immense bone vadon, ^Kilmacthomais (Fair •Grounds by the members , over thei pictu>e-qne course split in tLe rank«:o{ . Irish sportsmen. years tW perches-oi the ' road from. Cappo- , sine inches under weathar, Hays)) foni aristocracy of the situute i ' ^ ' knoe. I lia ja yearling.thU colt accidents, and illseasl taken in it by all the y/i bio one-aud-a-half miles of Of course, no man of ¦ 'to Olonmel, between the bridge over was awarded exwpted interest Kiddown intelligent* will have any- ¦ quiii 2nd Season' endo dth . ¦ ¦ IFriie at the Waterford 'JnXy.j . membero . ¦!! at - . well as by the respectable antJ three- nd-a-half milea !irom fiing to do T7itb I One Mile Stream and' the three roads Agricultural Oentlamen' district as C^'^ck on- cycle racfshdd nodor Iho new : Shaw: at (wo years old. First s Hares, '£5; Groom's Fee of every class and creed is, Suir. Uoercibi GAPEO IN CIJICKCNO : _ , iBaherwillin. - 'Passed not .to exceed £25 W/- Farmiag Prize•• at Iverk MailSntA (Hares - , 8/-; of the community Regime in Sporting Ireland. I . .. . . Sooiefr/* Show. •• . ....-. , £$;: Gicram's ;FM career. of 'B per-ann-ion. - Fanners'" Hares, ; 2/t; in iUslf, sufficient i guarantee tbot a , Can bo prevejited and cured by Longmpio repair HCUINSTEE will stand every Wednesday i2; Groom's Fs», M; THE HON. Cure, lias , 1/3 (postal ordera) posttree. Xo. - 601. District of Waterford.—TV> and Saturday 1 ¦ Groom's Fee to be paid great usefulness lies before it. Quite lately SBOBBEA!BY.| FISHING ON THE SHANNON. Gape and' oope.10 yards of the protecting'wall on at Mr. J Cnn-nw* >i-»'- Ti— at .first servioe. Ser- Unc of the best 8|"Ttsftien in Ax .Jtcilfcciirieli KOWL SPBOEPIC for Liver Disease and g*n'8)jjBAlIyiricken, vice money to be paid on I«4 there was an addition built to the Boathbuso, Ireland is the ' during the week, - the the road near Dunmore East. tBajssed not to Waterford, and other August. Hon See, Mr T O'Dmntjl, weather nas 1 Chtlero, J>d. (postal oxdera) poet'free. ¦ daye of, the w£ek at owner'a .„»,*, » uj_ xoong wild used as a dressing-room, which -was an. I ho alsray d-y but coo , with..rorao :rcintf.; exceed: £6. . . . ' ' ; residence. Tues- Wild Oits, Oata, by and this is . . works ivilh wa'er f LOKGWlOnO, M.P.D., —To Topair and day, JJnngarvan. . - son of wild Dayrell-j then again' several new a will to make tto meeting a BUC- lower. Oa Hermitage Lord Maf>sey I DBOMOEE. CO. DOWN. No. 602. Same District. T. i sister to Maid of . his dam sorely needed, and ctee. ivvr' killen underpin the Seal Wall &t Creadon, and to 90 ij TBBMS: Tralew by The! Eover bought in Dublin, includ- iU be remeiDbered th it Mr O'D mnell 's one salmon, 80 lbs. . Oo NewgardeD, Sir almoh;22^, I7^, 19J, 14, 84. 22*. Ko. ¦6O3.JSame Ifictrict.—To make SO'yards St. Gatien jru alia n of paved channel at the turn of the by Hermit; Harden, with Harvester. . ¦ ¦ '¦ - ¦ Derby for.the future. Ths young The eveuta are—Curragbt lore PJato of 25 iMoiiday ni ht were afforded a genuine treat the ; Marine Hotel, Tnurwra, - and to supply his dam Alert II., Own SisUr to ' - I •• :. - . " to bring back the U Wheatley Itill-d tr/Ojsnlmon, 80J, HJiba.j ^ Id«njtHy by Detective, by HEIiBHHONE is a dark brown working " ad unum omnea eovo, a handicap streplochase, two miles. Bess- ' ' when Sir Francis Burnand's '*The ILady [of and: fix 2 gratea and- gully txapo, and connect EoWt the DeviL soluteJ y.eound; fcos», ab- and tb»y Mrs T Inghara ofie salmou, 24 lbs. On Sum- ' (b Tramore. R.d. Aleoto, by Pride: of Pruesia;g ^f.d. atandj over 18 binds preotige which obtained long ago, borough Plato Of '25 KOVS, d han-Hcap QMlend, was produce^ . y Mjr. Lawrence same to draina at the Oovo Road, by Thund Fury, on ahort legs, t high, hurdl * merhill fishery Mr H, \\h original "West End Oom- » : ' : b erbolt; g-g.R-d Francseca, ¦ by wi h pJenfar of bone.l sutatanoe certainly deserve success in their praisowortby race, 1^ miles. Piltowu ?hte of 25 l : -. alley billed two Brdugh and hia fuH' IPacsed not to exceed:£&; minste^: g.g.g.g^l. Laar Jlv*- quality, and beautiful , COTS, a two oalmon, and lbs pady. It was & return visit of the celebrated No. 39. iDiatrict of Yonghal No. 2.—WomainH Fxenoe»/bY Venbdn. etrafgbt action. : maiden ' 9J 12$ On Doonasa LI' ' of the ., (For jurthM- partioaJST» TELEmaCXNE if exceedingl •effortfl. chase; two miles] jWcterford Plate of iaxiioal comedy,i-WB-'i^was presented Bo ad- taia ior^7 veais441 perchea road from- «ee Stud TBoak.) ' fruitful. ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦ y healthy and G C Williams ki\lv\fl yd iaimon, 18, 12J. 15i, • ," ALACRITY," • . ¦:- ¦ ' ¦ ' 2$ tovs, a etceplechace thres miiably and is_ replete j with j real humour " ' to Youghal, < -bstwoea' WlEiain ova brother to Hnn^tex, 3 i . ;¦ , miles. - Carrick- \H, 24 lba. Mr eo DuiigarVan years old; jwinner The owner (Mr. 33.A.A. AND I.CJA. on-Snir Plate On Woo^land G W Gresn- thil its success -wt^ s.-oVKliinore pronounced Ooowa/a cnxjs and the -cross at. Grange of 2 flret rrizes, only iiraee T. Po.w«r) will not t» reproducing tho fol- ¦ , of 22 sovo, a horjlo race, 1^ ^ ¦ ahown-i tTerms u Monster. sponaiblefor aocideats »- I have great pleasure: in !' hill killed on« 8ilmb'it;-3$fbbi On Landscape ¦thin when it ifiret appearedi i here. Mr. Gtaweyard. ' ToTmitnda of'BallybruaaEait Wedieddajj to mans, ! Qluotrates the miles, , [ , . per and Saturdays at Mr. J. Cooneyto letter which admirably Mr C WiHiamo killed one salmon 21 lbs. iBr<|ugh himself was, pi coyiree, inimitableia iand Weet. iPa&sed not to .exceed¦ £11 2/- , Bally* lowing '¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ '¦ : brioken, Waterford. ' - ^' ; ' • • : ¦ with tho hw! personation of Le Baron de (Longueville, annum! ' . ¦ ¦ cyclints in ccanection : i. ! • " •opinion of Irish OLOSEH} CXF ^ ENTTRTTRB. : (Owri«r will not b« accountable That ; QUgn i ¦ ¦ BWB OF ROTMi BOW H. while Air. Henry Hampsbn s& the general ITendero, wbich-tnuGt-bo lodged with me not for accidents 't«tepping Powerful 'GJLJ L. debacle :— . . . The entries cJoso on Wcdaocday next, 23.-d was l Hx. Simmon ontsicb the ^ ¦ , I : ; ElAUIv- Jay for 850 *«».•. is ¦c!e shows travellers in ^.jthe trade" smoketl ^ AjrORTDNE WAITING flie BOTAI Hunt Oup oi Irishmenfrom playing games by £Ie3ET8 Burroughe3 and Watts. 1 ' ' \ ' UUs iiustfoiR A TMB. : : . ATTACHED. PKINCE tha Cachculuin Ploto anrl* 2Jr John Widger'o RESTAURAOT i ; veterinary¦ ¦ Eatablisbment, Watetford, OF JtBZ ths motto of our enemies, end. the lessons of But it waa only for a time. The unfortunate i I f - ' . ' 18th May. : ¦ Will SiHRiES Bacbelor'o Walk the StenarJa Ploto. M. ThQ , . Great : He^burg; - 1006. . .. stand this soason the fatal split in Irish politics have soak too Irish public at last discovered ihat ibay T7cre t 5 ! I hierwy certify h&viny, at tha reqo&tt ot Clonaa, from ill on[ iFRDJAYS. ^ ' Widger rode the last named, and at the till 8 o'dook; , l in tho he&rta of Irishmen to be eradi- being rrhelly Vic\im!so3;the sup'^lies atdppe<|, onb:2- ¦ ' 'Ij Sir. ]H. JVjWer, examined a. ohestout faoow 2UYS at Hr. KeniMSdy' [on aATOlB- deepy quont auction tbo eon of S A r:.- .:JliIoiiey .' r. Ottery».i: . ; bamled "' e Yjud, Lou«h-*tre«t want to live in peaci with the revelry oeasedj-tiovellerS .-req^iped that the pcod was sold to Mr ' c . THlbeniian , Ia my opinion ! said Carrick-on^air. ; -|' • ' » cated in a diy. TTff i H B QiKJIbey; bi ph!e!i'^y^^ci:>U <^^ra{^;fa mjat&&xd by horsb'^s perfectly tound, , ¦ Geattoaan' !r; . . • i • : into rivalry time had come for them-toJ.work , cycle papers Black for 105 save. Wmry t? Karc*. /^; Gnxxin' cH neu, and as sportsmen to enter Uanaginffllrector. | I ' ' |! : ' BOBKBT HLEE, iULO.VJS. iF*rmersfM*tt a iees,rfie. ' dropped out of exlstenco osjif they never had rtorl - iwumm «i'£I'iO«; artomfsfeesi with all nations.. , : (PBEOTO H. ANJ) PEEWIIY POIIiY. \7ben coles to Dublin eeenre Rooms M Q,02&,28& or- M fthout T £451580 ! VeteriaaryBstablishmeot , Aosieaes.6tre«t » QE QiF TfftiR ffHumiflH »>6d. btcn printed, and¦ davraof Eoaconot lMt camo. I 'I .' uosuael , February 1904./ many Prije is ths sifo of " ¦ * -^ - Presto II, who defeated Pretty Polly twa 10$, Winfle**, and hir NOW STANDS AHONET. . —m tiokt& toaal b »3,000,o(«tfa» I I hewrtry certify having, at lugh ¦ j ¦* colts are eeUing mm Q^.Ji. seasons ago flu OTCT COO OedrotKsit tzota i Th8«=Hw«nmbar«I at tha reqoest of .prices. • i '- '¦ . -¦ ' ¦ any athletic ; or THE "1HE9H CVC5I3!8V." ' ; in tbe Prix Conaeil Municipal, , *eosMQQa&ly nearly oss ^"^ of all tickets issrxtd Mr. |K. Bower, examined a \ - "It is not recognised by \ 4 44^656 ¦ ' " ' ' ' '¦ ' ' : . ohettout lien* In Great Britain and Ireland to-day there is to bi given another chance to beat Major ecxt dn ^pijxa. ', '-¦: . :p -.j'i . Earned 'Hibernian." Said bors* in my Crrner, Thoma* cyclingassociation in existence. Had O'Connor, ' ,000 Uaxla' oi if, (Power, will , not Eustace Loder s wonderfol maro. He will bo Tha higbot prito-trill evont.be 600 opinion, |sound .and free;from-heredlttuy dii- couiWMojfoi aooidtats. f« «o- .Leah or Daly subscribed to the now order of aro not half a dozen paperi.s olely devoted to ta» mwt:&rtaijatocsae. ' J . , . ' y |li tbo cant over from France by bis owner, M G&aton- tbarrt^ 5,000 ttaLla -things in the G.A.A; they could not hate eo the cyola. trade. Tbe ^Eyir« only journal EspcdilljCwe«wth»fo Uowing principal pris* fiT. BOlBPKiB MTJUQAHy, M^.O.V.6. ' Dreyfus, to rou in tbe Ascot Gold Cup, in which : ' ! QalknQy upheld the whletio prestigoofIreland in Ireland outside the recognised organ , of 1 Fremten of SOO.OOOMwIa ¦ i He i wiQ be lei to a limited number of ap- Pretty Polly, all being U) ¦ '¦;¦ 000 „ ; ¦ ¦ ¦ cyeledpm in tlji3 contitry thiit 'regularly keeps well, is dae eompeto. I Pronimn „ £00, proved Mares only at following terms:— , ¦ • ¦ • • ian games. No cyclist who com- . ! ' • LUitfiNABii. .ct tbe Olymp ,000 „ :———o- .—i—- I Fnmiom „ 60 j ifiorougibbred Mai*. £4; Groom' i ' ¦ stcd on^^fejg., offoOT. s t*tk.U- : .;i pjtea sow nndsrr G.A.A law* can enter the itartfla-ftr? ipo. , The (PRIX DU „ W\000 ¦" • „ " • OOKSEIL MUNKttPM,...... - i ! J Pi&m ! ¦ i Winners and dams of:«inoers,.epecial fee. under tho rules of aoy other tsaodstto. " Irish Cyclist" doea-dutyifor all Ireland, nnd Tho English 1 Praniraa m 48,000 „ . : ' Sd7pr«s^H<^(d«m^rz««T Hits j : entries tor ihovaluHb'e Pris du GroWsitoes, 6/- .; ' : ' - y> BoMberry.^fon> of the crude end selfish legis- doei'it i7ell. ' lt bc& alvVay4'-besn-in tbe'htods 1 Prtsfctam „ -iCOOO n |. CfwrtJeinNie Hares, £3; - Qtoom' taigae, Rnight of -ThiBOe .Tfcii is the rtsult CottJen Municipal (lo be;runatj Longchpmpa ] Anfl Hoady Hoielin WATESFORD. j ¦ J t fee*, 3/- clere J Fen; by SUv«. —Faithfullyyours, _ __ -^ ; too, Langibby, Hammerkop, Athi, Challacomb, I : . : . iWa « «.o&? iPJ UcBonald's. llnllbiavat; »n Wednesday*, Bodarociaa, o«^t -of " ' ( A. EOCKETT." Knocinjj. tte 'JJ^13.* Vctcir lor^vcry mony- - ' W 0OO „ ' Belt, by VoMi Bomry M 'T, Song Thrush, Feather Bed, and Nortnifr-rro. ... . l Prba n . at Mrs. j Wakbe-«. 12, Sallybricksa, WwWr- gnw. ooi of Qnsqa Mary, years, I on-'indKa gratified to join in the 1 l PrlM ' ., iOfiOO „ iord: on: Wedncsasr eVeniagj by : Among the 88 French entries appear the names to at Hr. Oom«r- KBOIMIIMN1G' mJUHX VP0iBi>kw UlSJVE. Coming of Jigo celeBrotionson Monday next. . -l Prfca „ 80.0O) „ fords, Uooaooin,' i^om 4 6 o'clock,;.sod A of all.the local rrucks, including Jardy and tha „ 20,000 „ * l eave jnat received from Mr & W Kelly a I'hopb to Have , the pleasure of cbnWytn' my : 7 Pria3 lexi of we«k at 9wn«r « stable*. Ko mares g nnbeaUn tbr. o-)eir-o!d Prestiges who has al- . 1 Prira » 18,000 „ att«tnded to on Sundays:. Every of his performorcc3inthe othlstlc '• " , can Uksc ctort acceunt personal eongratulations to the Irish Cyclist ready won thirteen recce.' jCopi U Frizes ,, 10,000 „ but: ao responsibility for aooidesta. All (s«J which I em sure his many old friends : ' issmranc^ papy ' 6,000 imuit! arena, .otaff on that day. j 88 Priia M ' H be;.paid before October 1st 1900. 8e*- ell-wishers in Waterford nill ptmco Trith : .83 Pri«a „ 8.0OO „ isonjenda 7.J. July. . ¦ end w ¦ : : leasure. The subjoined paragraphs ex- BflG-flE5CB9 HQE HipmiBS. • - . ¦• i leo VriKs „ 3 000 ; i Ft j further particnlar* apply to - Great p Prtea 1,000 „ ¦ ' • ;' ¦ ¦¦ '¦ ' ¦ li nks the turn of th» hnutora to command DAYS^REE taumed by CUJ : «8 ' » HIpHAEL PDWBB. Eahecn, PUtown. plain. ; ^^TEH TRIAl 1 TThccs buainea ta balna ! . 683 Prlaa. , . . . 800 „ good prices at Albert-gate, London, on'Moa- ir if " DcraUbcO (roo ttetorren «Lpyn>rtf UJ urbc* li ¦ ¦¦' ¦' ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ , •• |\ J TBTittooot On* Ptnnr EHpo«lt« I iixea *¦ 200 „ OViAL. Mr Burke's "consign'raent from Co Tip- vsf* m^ ¦AT! EHNOTNGTON day, At TRY OYOLES ' Murk U o?ual bi oaa Eagsh eMUta . Handicap at f c\ f mOOIraV tfeetDt iorttti m noftetunn irteci ' | OaaGerman ^. ¦ i i J ' " CABVAQHY." ftof i In tho 100 yards Open Sprint pcrary ond the Oakley Htnt horses runliing to n fV'3-r^m - > I :; YOBKSHi^HJ I Lottery oonttio UfiUfxica and 8 'ri : ; ¦ further partieutais aplyj " ' ,.held, at n jKHf'rt icon jtf3 otf fin aU tbe I © the South ILondon ; Harriero Sports very high prices- indeed. I Every one of Mr i* fSEKU MODELS **** iu ta t^ "- ! OI priiu ; Dark bay none, .with Mack pointa, 18 1 oal V 8aIB£t' ' ri" Pii»«"1rm IV- Harmr. ! rN3U2AN0E ! OOMIPANY.^E!Stab. i85*. p S. y^ittnn*! awarded (n eacb ¦ ¦ ^ennington Oval, on April 14th, 1906, y Burke B twelve- Iot3 chauged bands, Huraigao, '" Poottod Feao, Oarri 'Patd uS^^« tHa UA band* 1 in«h, with, nine i&cbes of bone, will - • • - i : - . ; J BaQydofj, Kiimeaden. 3 W«m Wuniited mnut TM\» CouUii, Tvo to tto r«*i>«tiT» Uckrt dr»wn tritb I . camo third in 10 l-5th sees off 10?t yards, ond a bay, by Tho, BaroB, going at 850gs The ' 3 iKtafni l dire^a stand every;Wednesdayand Saturday and r , LIFE AOOIDENT BTTSGLAEY. gLPiinapprise*! i» *ocord*noe with tho reguIaUoca ol ! Fair Day* at cwqerf* ? yard, tjha winner of my heat came cecond in the a bEbwn ¦Nbbte Chieftain at ;300gs ,W Va* XS MM SeOond-tland Osblca ]PrE3 . : ¦ Ballyhrtcken, Buck, , bv , , the o3Sc5alprow***11" • ¦: and the roTnamderof the week at th« stables, ¦ ' - : v 3s*?.S.r"iS/iro4S2.»O FIDELITY GUAiRANTJEE. I UVB 6T0OK- 1 eXBB FOR 8B&80K final, " !; : ; . Sooth Lodge, o chestnut!, (by Curfew, at ;21.0gs, ¦W8 A.W pnaa must be rorelj won in 7 dhrwtoj. Mnmrn«>inpii» . • . ' J 1808. 1 { >I CU«» A««nU nlM In <*cl> OxU let U rood j»y vrnxsf s EXCEED , ;; ¦ ond ! Thatcher, a brown, by Eeliotrorie, at , C« i*'S HUUaoniV ft*«i »np»t»loe»«»Bi»oortp«cfa/ j AOomsuio^sBo ¦ oilhin toe «*e» ol • f «w montl* , . Wlan«r of many races over hurdles and oo BBEttQE. • '¦ ' . at let drAwugMnoanta lo ¦ JUT, STAMPOBD 200gs. Mr Esms Arkwright's stad, from the ' ' sr.sbo.oooJ : . Th. blsbeBtpcBibtairriza«a to tfHT^flat'is ln bsst of eoa^ainr: -; ;.' ', - . ¦ Opsn Sprint Bandicca held r MEAd OYOLE OO. Dspt. I ' 1^-MOoTtaaow 2nd.drsrfina Mk.-S5.o6o ; : i In the IOC yuda ' " MTmrpofelIM Paradtot BL tton6onil9, C*arinoCrof tBJ. . Chief Office ynReload— . ;^% «ot Sy Otoloeiai, ty Sterling, oai ol . ] : Stamford Oakley conatrf, nnbberedT:twrinly;-sij:;. t*ro Si. Dnbllai 181 Omtrick SU I to MiTeaoOO In 4thto MOB.000 bt&ic ' MORTCAC,* ! . . . ;i ct; the London Athletic Clnb 8ports at ' Cl*Mt VV l imM*dUf "U> ¦ a Srf ^lUda, Sv Lo; rd CamS. o4t of, Minewlr-by J bays, W«tWford and lUafles^oho, fctcbirig FAncjiiitmrt iai. Dfy iige*.i , Of ta till t pjx : 3, COLLBGiE GKBE0T; DUBLIN. Mfc Tftooofaethto Mk- M.0"0 •*> 6Baar b Ttb SAUplab; bot of 1faUer«M; by BlrdoatatKr. Bridge, April 80th. off 10} jardo, I camo 2nd obtained from ' ; 290gs an^ i60((8 respectively; !&U tho Garth De.pt. 33aB. : ; All porticulara to be; limrina to M«rk« 800,000. -¦-••• ' OBSM Sam: Nerfne, Igr Kertoe,' by Favo, out of The property of- , after nkming my iheat (beating H for lot drawing costo O chffl. • d 'Wflliaan IH(|qBin, in final Hunt horses <»ere dia;08^d ofy ;90gs fpr Grid- iitSdB ticket NifBtmars, by Ohildens,oat ¦ of Ante Deims, Uotmf L.A.C, third in 1905 English Cham- / ; JACOD j DROO., : byi If osket. • . • • K«ill, 5 T7ateon, iroo, a chestnut, being tbe best bid; Of the J Waterford, WU s^bd li Second prize, £3 8s silver cup. -Waiarlord, Aecata ' •ly.M ^ OBOrtKfOAiS OF VS. - Hr.!jai»«» pionships). ; 'WIHlVT WATBHEXXR3> -WAIiTCS TO KN.OiW. • • ¦•[i " ¦ - ' ttsA.j polo poaics, Mjjor H N|8cbofiold sold Gay . . ; ;i . < offldsi proiPCctcithowiBg tba lot - i ¦ . .: . . . l!^the • iOt'lbsrisby etrtify ibis day. January 97th. UuAefe, 1 In the following dmwtogi «ad tbt d; »iled (iarriok-oji-Sulroil si/TWSOAYB. PAIiAOE. ' Lass for SlOgR, and Mr|W A H Baas, ' John's Frotn' week to week, from rear ' to year, bJadwOion 190$. «xama«d, at th* request of Hr. Jame* 41 CRYSTAL ' rtwto ejfjbody gr*ai md. port-fna m IJ^ . ' ' •A: ' 1 May, at tbo Blscsheatb Barrier Lnck, a chestnut¦ , for 13CgsJ iLere have been appearing in these columns ^rfp .Ari»ld,l BaUyortoketr. Waterford, the bay bay''hone, ty Ham : On the I2tb : ¦ ¦ by !l staHlonj(Jarvaghy; six year old ' pton or; Doobl^oo Crystal Palace, I carried ofl • - h\ ! . : :" ^statements made neighbours, which . w& 1 I tent to . ivmt ticket. . , acd in my . Sporif , htla at LIFEIPOBLSCIUnt ES ? Tbt^offly6* ttisSi ChW ': the Open 100 jards Biif (But what we want to B XpertCD QB OCLB; TOfgOTf* noiaflr tomedimtdy *"*^^ ^. dl< aty dhwsei; and eottnd for Stud purposes. . crot of 80 3-5th.eecs Mr Keith Fraser! Malcomson, say* the of us with jjreat profit.' ; paymart»od lorw»dmg ol th« »m«ina won h., and the SCO jcrr h Batdiiap in Tmow is, do they stand the greatest test ol ' rtte trwuaetJOi , JUdy lforgan, ttiej 10C in " Sporting Record," I vrhp last summer had mv wriojid»nd prouip«ittai flon. Every . 'enniv-Tborotigh-bjred d*m|;of HJrgaio«^«y/JJ»» b 10 y.tis, after frinnirg my heat in ' jail—the test of time ; does time endorse their PIRE!¦ l*dUCVARM Faoora.IE8 ' Hares, £8: groom'* y ouch a splendid-season rwith his bsautifully . n Bsitsuog, U tnlwa confldentuOly, »b»olate . pnr»ey **&» : Uii 6fJ ;!!'Q«nqemeo'« Salfcbred Hares, tt; dam of 10' dt-ad and the t-eiini-finiil.'iD 10 dead. First [truth? (Here U evidence from Wwterford on Gsttsft More' aadj'Aird Pikkk appointed and splendldlji- hnrsed road coaoh |this point. unassT coiiraHTra( TBB WOBIA. gr >om's f &,~Bh; Tenant- Fmrmir'¦s Hares¦ , ES: t*khm prize in 100 jards. cigM guirea 18 cf. gold ' - i ^"^" TiokeU $n ieut only »g»inrt c»ab, which there- ! - • •' ' ' ' ' ' '- ''r* ' " The Shamr«.cb," haa juJ3t issued , [notations ; MT. John OiKeeie. 2, Spring Garden Lose, J. OHITTY, Quay; R&npFORD, gr >«n'4'Wiv.«C . . > . • Kver walch; firot piize¦ in 310 five gnicea silver ¦ f Allssrvle«mon«y to Wpald Jrt 9sptea>b«r. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' ' ¦ ' for tbe oponug trip of thd coach to Bray. Tho (Waterford, says:— iFor eight raorrths I was m linit dish. ' ; \ . : \ , ; : : ]a auflerer irom kidney complaint; my back A. fow dams of wfnas«», fr*». date is May l'.ith, at 11.4 i, from thoMctropole Tbr farther oartfqnlarsapply to oratr, . - : '¦] ' [ached dreadially, my body u»ed to awall a ; . - : *t". 'v ^mwr^r. ' .. ' ... ;. Hotel, which is now tht itartfag point ictteid great deal, and I tr«3 in a^iul pain. (When IftrtA BAT8 Ultted;»nUgg on Dt to the Groom.: t ; ¦ New " tnkli.g iart in ¦ |isupport. fThere wexe also distressing urinary IL et Harrison • nellobto'* Hat (ball ¦ " ¦ rk. He Mends f>a>>1 lo ave got together a most workmonfitie '* now Utt ippro»ehlng,I be obUg»1 ' '!¦ • ¦ !^or M lM 0 the drawingI* II. ( • . . • • •¦ . States. He jitroubles, the secretions being unnatural and i Poison. Kq°»ny B or ,2 i Z,*^ order at ones, howprsrwx ¦I Several important meetings in the te^m, ami such a g aniline yonnjj sporlsinan iatl to " °°* 'lounh^'« ^« P'Joo BA, I?H, 3a? U yoa will cod me your ¦ ;l J .:{, :!; , : ' v ^painful pass. I tried different medicines OOKB nd Cats will nol; *t. : ¦ :¦ ¦ '' ' • ?g^5^: :fi ;ft Athletic than :: ' ' /> i i » • . ; i • ' ¦ rwill itturu iu .lime /or :tho Gaelic good coachmsn will resamp. his rcigd OP the in the hone that they would cure me, but 81, and 8a 8d. Porti(?e 2d. (i. W. HABBISSH. later : ; • : ' S',S ; iu August - King's Highway to Bray Hpad Hotel the try | Cheml«t, 118, Brond S'teet: Bedding. . *Jirt'l» '<>' ; Msy St4t"h . # ^^^ TSt. 'i CLampicr ships pith 1 got no. better. H was recommended to Mer^han : ¦ ! ¦ ¦ sincerest wishe87for juov 'M frotp all admirers ;!Doan'<9 backache kidney pills,-and I am glad I WtMnrord-WHrn- A RONS. 5^iral w HE0K8GHER, Benr. <¦ 8EASOS 1906. Y U is /~~i :¦• ¦¦ ' H. BBLL. AB<«>' SAMUEL »O IB j iipULIXiaAlR R.^OES. '¦:• • . . of tho fiue old pastime. 1 fhe iuWnti /ri to run [I dud, 'for they helped me from the flrat, I I O'Conuell SUoei i 6V*»*»- '»' ' Gennany . : i f ft* Vrt$. for , CMrio«.on*nlr ~ 3. T, TUUHfc u, Chwoln. 17, i ; BanKer. Ha&bTU^f, At the Stud Farm, Bsllyvaden. Kill. Co. PKn^y iomai - The aiiove rau^aro a iponnced Munday, : went through a thorough course of the piliB ^ ! ' : of tC itelOT fljinjhrtj tha coach on tvening ir bs to Malabide has me. I am- now free from M»tnHittett i i ' . . : ¦' ;i | " Waiarfoid, : tDoBm^ T,l Oo. mt rfwdl'liln m SS. As nsnal an excellent programmo Shamrock and they cured" 1 ; AST^SS .May been dbaaddodd, bu^r^tfhe * will [.pain, and there ia no eigu ol ,the old trou!bles. :! : .:¦ 'tvUl provided. Full particulars; appear In ' t > QBXWTE8 - , be run aa at preBent arranged to. Bray en Sad- i;gg»«if ' A. (Bnle.) idU heW *V ,ti :\ ',. i- ;i . f l i..\. - t.\ yit ,--^|;-.!srt |j ' ' The May Pbte at lin»d»lk, on Tneeday ¦all I eaid for Doan'e pills some years Ago ?£?J?*lJ221 «Tnd«r OJI b* : ' we certsimiy think - sach| jdelightful tri for lad to be aWe to tell yon that my : ^os seemed by Sir KT Malcomsons Sprig of [a p and. I am g " , bnsy men, on the day oji rest—especiallypa rties cure bos proved such: a lasting one thai I ; Sebilityj a bay fiJly hy, Bojil Meath—Sloe ' com- 1 of friends, cannot be imjigiDedon a fine eum - have had no return ol the kidney toalo and jpniretyttn/M OWMM 1 i05nMoeo«Jaif «t«JO . was ridden byjB Flahnery, ttarted favorite, ¦ ¦ ¦plaixn since. I cannot speak too highly of. ah ideal Wm ogjgr^ .J ; She : - ., .i -I. i ; ' ;¦- ., • of nuny who ntve tMed_ H>-Mr._ in a canter by tbrcc lengths. mert daf/J. . i. IDoan'e piUfl, and can' oancfidently recommend (One ' BMDoroagb i FIBS, - -and woo ' ' ¦ ' • MilchaB, 1M& fitMud, ; ' ¦ :. :.;,: ':_ -.• . i-.\ . .; ; . .. ,| fy • , ;;- ; ,; ; ;; •them." :• • ; : ' : , ': Xanio Pow- ' ••;; ' ¦: : ^ : ; ; ; ¦ POtairs.irr ittnt «fceta ? PtjpOki* |D«*n «nd B. «««»». . | • j ,/J . a3DE:EiB8T.BW. '^ N:'i :. - ; :;;;: : ^. : . Othe genuine Doan't backache kidney ' pill*; r-4H»i f .„.. z _. -_i^_ ^c iV. , in Vnhwn rumrillfr. 4et" UJ» :-^)Mt i 8 BY " • — As Mr Malcomflon'very kindly inckded me gently restore health, lo the, delicate kidney ' BuMnet itiK Avtanm w 1M0 fflJ^JKgMlaflAjTffi MP (WEt#. kf FEEffl ' : to purify the by TOO ia th* '* deemed- the DntidilgmriPb te In hlsiliat of ontiWionstor ths opening organism, helping tho kidneys . teniomod core Wr 4ettd»r *l-**Bp. 4^ ; : :; Q«ilOU'yloo l tt ; Mr C E Byrne, run; I Wood, and to drive out the liquid waste that «i h«i4a, -i :i ;!r r 1'' : '' ^' j hter of Ci?caiaiqn— hbpifrtaeitweek* to iv^ iny tboke tronbted «ft «««Hed ^- ' ;:- 55Sa5ffi ' ' '' ' '- I Of; 100- ioT«. i The daug g experiences daring is j tlho cause: of (hackadie, Theumatiam, pfctattf an ¦]¦. ,[¦ ' ;:. I . Q aatMae oty wpn as anpun 100 Y«ld»i ppwj^^ftndjoap. . ¦ ! YsofvaaM,J Mi^t QM« oft Bwigbh M over Mr provedvery ¦¦¦ : over, the kticke as well thetrip Malcoms«ni I»m gUd Kiavel. stone in the blad- v ' . ¦ ¦ 1 1, ' . j' i ¦! ' ' ¦ | Policy is speedy ¦ ; ¦ ^ to say, urinary diaorder*. ! ' atonal." 0W§. VihutoU , ' QO. '. . . do. . oaiajsv - - ,:v, i -!.:•» K \ :- "t •:. '• ; '^i ' ¦ ' ¦ • :;: '¦ tarkm aod foiit ln 6D0 , j_ . ! country. ^ :J--- ; \ ^ ; -\ . - • . ."i ; ;_ ., ;):_ almost invariably buys bis horsesfrom Mr Win der, and; the fatal Bright e disease. the to»tijf*putMoatari a y ' Vmntt to cn» ot ' ¦ ¦ " ' - '!: ' - . ! . ! Murphy; W«terford, daf t shOhld eay there in Do«n« »aric*olieKidney Pilk are two »hill- 860 '¦ dO. ' ' ' 40/ . : . I , ter e Of 1a$> u4 «ta«p«ic» j per Jbojc (»&c bojcejjfoi not a bet judg ajgee ge* in tbia grand OZvrUxm" iliffl lBtt iaiffllaepeBct).- Of all WcltnontTl/- afia sportingcountry. ; : .; ; ; ' tbo originator, Hear,rB^M iv ¦ ' ' ¦ ' cb«oM» mUj imm.ct pot4 UH, dlreo* Iron) ,fy> ' 1 • ' >- ^ OSO T«rd>; r : . i ' ."A:. t^M ^^/"^P ^^ff ^~ . I - ,—r< ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ :* ' SV»ter4M»aBu Co., e.^tUMyouBe gelA OxfeiS (N«w !^^flt^»to-»md1! 1 ¦! '¦ '^" '" ' " - : : M sure \ iw*t<*/ • i' . 'is^'^ittr4SriR(MT8BH] iQ iAWD ; \Mk m^n§ ^^K^i the.QMi \ ".j.-, *IY> MTff ^ 10 DoyoniuiKj CTKJCOH t,- cyclers, :JLeBocf««fon ; «nd Kugby footbafl B ¦ ¦ ;' «n» SAUNVM^>Wlll4^'^!!!%4l • "(Exoeiaent in every reapeot." i» how thfe j nl7^to ^ou ^*b^^J*wr.W nwt%iJSS2v •ad other f foreiptfj jlivipg inlreW kg- dele«ftt».at jweenL T«iohe»' Oonareii IS"? &^ «e»?:«3y ^a«i!V> '• WPTO ak oj , ^ lhey rece r ; epe ih« ire*toeintJ ived t \Xx&¦.^£?«*netf* rWP^'hP!f ai*&itiF'W-J; Oroitrootton.«nd RoWi ' ' ¦ |:&^ k :iw*eittii«iai Irkhmen;DbrtL ^rt! 1 P—»»d.-OTj—ry« od Oo., WaUrlard. '.33 Mte&m, M *<*»' T< b** uu5,l1 :2 Vb*ita*mi 1*mtt m U ' ' ' : - : ¦\ y.- \- - i**: :\:"w: ![-\- >r :|i i- ' i M- .h!H^^ ' ymjt. ' ¦ r .. •?; ': . ¦;- ¦* .$¦. :*¦ h ' •?•.!. -..- : 5V* .'. -:*: ' .i.;k"t-4-|A".-'-;.-:: : '-.f W^M^M^i > m WmSt 11 ?? -!k-'T^-:?v;.! ! .-I r* ¦ 1 . .j! I , : 1 " l - ¦ !l8; i906 : : ¦ i ¦ 1 ' ! T : : I-: > <\ i • ¦ . ! : ¦ ' !¦: - ¦ - I . . i I

¦ ¦ ¦ U v-*. ¦ ¦ •¦ ¦ ¦ - - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ; ¦ ¦•:•• ¦ -:i • ¦ - . .. .!!¦ ¦ ; . -| - • •<. i!. i : . :; ! . , .?.f(x i . < -,r< ; ;•{ HtCt iJ

' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ¦ ; " ' ¦ ' ; - -!- - • - ¦ - ' ¦ ¦ - ¦¦: ; !i - - • ¦ ' . - ¦ •• • - • " » ;n ¦ . ¦i •; . . , - . • • • . • - . . .. :C) . > ; . : \[\ . . ^ ! . . i : and mth it the demral^ i : STRAW HATS . for .; mother visit of our 3uyer to\thiB Markets. [ to-day, and his purchases ate already arriving, BO that i. He returns BVUHyj OATZ

(NEW . SUIEMBB . (FAaHHONa AEE ; "i lAlBBaVIKG.' - . - - - we shall make Displays of SPECIAL BR1JGBS for all the New things ¦ during the Anniversary Now On. [ .' ' . ¦ - iSJprflcagiSbo" noat :'toto i woeEso ; ao j iilH ; givo cap Men's Xew Strafw.Hat» , 1/- Ho 6/8. S ill ©Gotonacpaian ©pporftisnBty of 6ediqpin@ of Bop' New Straw 'Heia , 4}d., 6id.. l

¦ FULLY GUARANTEED \ Catalogue ^- _^-^^^^and Order ^^ ^— ^^ i Forms. ]tri Latest P&irisi&n j andI jLbiidon Novelties raM0?M7n\ ¦ ' - '• : ATT ; . :

^ ^ ^^ TOWER ST., iTHE MALO-j jWATERIr'OR© LE BON 2=<55 Un Zf o<2 'ontf a : I if of 3L2.S, (^"O'^.'Sr Bridge St., Carrjck-on-Sul'E* CONWAV ¦ MICHAEL ' ¦ ¦ . i | ; is iLyj liy i\3 BBPE 1I Having returned from the Jjeading Centres of Fashion, I would ca Hair), BlayclM, Uheola, llcblcal Ic^rc=c^3, respectfully invito Ladies to visit my Showrooms, where they will pncPAio ADvnnrioar.iQCJTo Leather tfoodi, lacladtBa Unracs,ct s, etc. no Cseoad Prlea. Cab DSpartmcaf— PcjCal^d see the Latest ideas in Millinery, Blouses, and Dress Fabrics. , ^klges, vrhlch Inolnda the gesoral ran of Uc?o A imsiT > flcc=cd Pledgesftom tills Hlgh-rteaOffloo , vtc,— TO , THB In A PABTUENTS required bj rinRle gentleman fa Wo&rlnB Apparel, tJoudlng,Feather Boda, Bolstaro ; order , to provide for it3 Bpocial requironiontp our Buyer X3L Tramore Bed nnd litting-rootr : ' most fca .and PIUovs, Watehu, Bingg, Boditcails, FaiDl- BpGflDKaafi/ hd toy E&peeienced London /FSPtioto comfortsblo ; permanent ; terms £35 to £10 pii I into. Boois.Shoes , and sundry Ooodi. Solid Clvcr has vidted. London and secured a Rare and Varied Collection of annum, inoladln^ lire, lljfht and uttondanw* Eoplj Watcaea from Cs. GcifSDtood MUltarj Boots , £^ '¦ 1218, Witerford News OOco. ! 7t 4d. Fuinltuie BoOxhi. Beet Price paid for GAS COIPiHI'S \ I A N ACKNOWLEDGED FACT.—BaU Broa. F imitare, laft-off Clolhlai etc., removed frca of ¦ .Kate BEATTIE P\, Pharmacy Is one of the bast equippedin cL- rgo. Business trfinscCsd br letter or other, : SMOWtffiOOMS FCcivi^b every way for the diapering of Doctor^ Prescrip- wiso. tions. 'L hirefore if yon hove a Prescription bring ROBKBT8ON, Lcdlie, Fcrffuson ft Co., LialUd Now Op3a will provo .nrc™3 D.CC3O it to Bell's. , !i Waterford, rcqoira o farr cosd Sbirt Matters i 1 BARGAIN.—H. Bell la selling 1/- Bpoagea for TO BE LET—A Comfortable Farnlsheil Cotta^j, ENT A Si. each and 6d. Sponge* for 8Jd. each, to No I Plorenca Place. Tramore. Dc5c7C3GDi;3 ace] DcotiraoflCra HW BRANCH ESTABLISHM clear en orsr stock ' 62, Quay, i rpfiUST WORTHY Book-koaper of eonridcxablo A KB you wanti' g o Servant 1 Twelve cor&j i JL experience ceeio poaltloo of trust, s-crctarlal To people who uoo Gao aa wellX] -A\ for twopence in The Evening Neu». i or otherwiae, la good hours. Highest credentials. CwOCCOG yon a large u»er of Bniioeai Envelopes fcr Apply 976, this oQce. as to people who don t. e::jwoc2, CtD.j CJO. MESSRS. O .BRIEN ABB .Account*, Inroices or Advertising 'matter I HpO BE LET or Sold—Hcrass, speiocji Shop and We lave e great line. Single 1.000. 2s. Perhaps JL yard attached ; bodroJms, dttlng ond drar?- Proprietors ''Model Bakery, | VTaterford & Tr.imore you have a email obop^ Get oar quotations for ing-rooms ;¦ situated in Ualo-streetof esiport totra. \rhich yriU be shovm During Nest Week ¦ Redmond & Co.. Waterford. 1 ALL INFORMATION vrill be Havspleasure in announcing totheir numtrout clients and tht quantities. Conaty Cork. Apply 12C0, his offl«. ' BBIDGE Scoring Card* can be obtained at Tha TABLE Potatoea cglendld quality, kidooy gladly given by |tho Attendant (h, OPENING of a • - r - - .i New* Office , Wateiford. Orden by poet ehnps—0d. per etano. Kelly 4 Co , John's , end receive brimedute attention. ' Lone and O'OontfolUtrcat, co p7coc!Icj- tto bay. BAKEBY and Confeclioneiy.—Wanted a Eood fjj lHE Q«st way to spend ths long winter evening! business girl to take cb&rga of a shop. Apply ¦ -1L is by Joining Poole'a Library—Ovcx 2,050 o- 12K, this offioe. . . : Books! to talect Iron—Call for full particulars to U HOO nitUuldlusM IN THE HEAD! Try Formavrn Nose Poole' olun L ¦ COLD s Stores and Lfis&ry, 184, Quay, Wctaford. GAS ia DOT7 univ-Grcally ucad (or OooHag, THEIR NEW PREMISES, Wool (7Jd.d) and Dr Cooper's Cold Cure f|>HB » 8AT0RDAT HJ5BALD" ta the Bert AT Heating, Hot Water! ARRffifl by G. White ana Sons, Chcnula 8opply, Ironing, Wash- M Tablets (6d.) Sold , Ji Brlghteei and Bpleisst of Irish Evtalas Waterfoia. Pepcre, Oaa bo hod by .post for 18 nec^a fcr ing, Qrillinj, Baking, Batho, and many other ETo. U, PATEICK - STREfiT , WATEUF0EB fPtOTINB Skin Soap la invaluablefor dry, tender, Is Id ' from the Indepscdent OfQca, LowerThoitia domsctic parpoca. \J or irritable tldns. Waterford agento—George street. Waterford' John Heame, Dtctrfct AQfont, . To meet the requirements of a aiQS.CLi.SS PROVISION TB iDE thii Eitublishmant White and Sons, O'< onnell StifeC Teopenrij tablets mi&ON LABELa—Get our prides fron 1.W0 to i cv j , . qcauavi, Bi. foi cash. . JL £0,000. ntatly psebsd in boscs. Rctooad has been Sloshed with ONLY TEE CHOICEST SELECTION OF THE LEADING iTIOKFECTIONEBY — Wanted tt Eeapectabb ' & Oo.,' Watetfordi I OPENING OF BUSINESS BRANDS OF SUPERIOR IRISH \ BACON, HAMS, and other Qoodi. "O Young Girt as Apprentice to above, For nnBB Bed Bportinz UornlcaPcp jr In Irclc=a b Gooda termi apply to Mn Smith, 9 Ths iloll, Waterlotd. JL the "Dally I&dcp^nden),'* Just try it tad 0 WPP W H °f &* HIGHEST Tonio PH1§ (BOgM-costed). I beg to announce to my Friends and to HTT P ntvruR HJ PTT VAi a.VJOi x\rN I * W BE. BLAXTD'S Iron se* for yonrself. John Hcarns, Dktrlci Ac:a*. tho uu n STANDARD ^^OF EXCELLENCE mil «» Bottles In. and Is 6 -^' "m-JL3i>fc V | V/J ; ' ¦ ¦¦ —'' ¦ the - ' 1 ¦ " ¦ * ¦ ¦ ' fllfit , 0503. j 1 Trade, my Customero i .-_" I ' ilONDAYTliAiY c^a i«ly on pro- . , Cosh with ordar. C. P. Brrcsro d Co,, Tha pentUvc Bcdncj. Glrb rccslvo csrcfnl • ¦ a 4* JW I ^^" ^ ¦» A l\ i !¦ j^^l f^ ^^^ # ^^^ 1 r^**% ' ^ f * ' { ; On THTJBSOAY. JUNE 7ih jPilstsn, Wftterfoxd. training. Fes required. Apply Henry Boll. curing the Best Gooda at iBa^onablo PriccD. (For Thrco Niglita. , IVUNGARYAIT—Picture. Poctcarda o! Local Waterford. i . ' :¦ 0L03ENG. V exfl other Views in large variety nt NOTTS \y.\/i NTB ">—Approntico to the Tailotla'. Apply A TEHAL OBlDEK SOMOITED Coder the Patroaaga oJ; the BightJWorehdp- on- , MAY Quintan.), and AH fiaces Cloee WEDNESDAY Branch Offioj, Ualn-etrect, Dongarvaa V V ! r. Flynn, llanor-ctreel ca to M. tho Mavtor (Cotmoillor M. E3rd, -with Mr. T Briadley, 14, Upper Merrjon yonng man ; (tie Officore jol the 1TKO yen Vent a Situation! Try fojelvojworda ^jTJTANTKD—A Aeabtant tho ffiEajor MoOarthy, nnd ¦ Street, Dublin.. . - VV , Grooery and Provision bnoiuceo. Applr JAMES POWER ' Garrlsoa. ¦ • . ¦ ' I i CLate of UaoNhmira'o.) ENVELOPE3 at WholeSlo ITieo—Bmra. of James Browne. O'ConoeU.strect, Waterford. A BE ON ONE ii,TNE~ The M WSrdlBS ' HLAIEE of £S5. A 'Hurtflo , «d.and6Jd. \f»xtor. Gtcotvtlca ¦^JTOOLFSON BBO3., Ct CO Braa Cejpsr, Esceptioaial Engagement of 100, 64 ., , iNoxn ADOHESS— IBace. One mile and a hall. Weights— BedmonQ & Co., Waterford. : V V Lead. Zino, BAT and Metal Merchants, KROUlGfiE : 3(tet llffib ; Sve years, list 6lb; ; ¦ 14, PATRICK 6TEEETT. iMJB. LAIWttEJMOB IFour yeare, ENQUIRIES invitsd ten oar Pttstcd Pestoid No. li Kneeffe'i Lane, Weterford. jHlohest prioa "West End Company, ' eiz yearo and aged, list 8V0. (Feailtias— Boob) with dcplieatsa. Grcst cvinj la 'ven for Tailors'Clippioge. And hi3 Full Ori^nai , (p HKQIKIEST prcvjen.tinjr the 8tiocdaseft ol U10 reriod. lite winner of a hurdle race value £26, 51b jKtaga.. Cotsmanleaaoni oopM cha urlexa. OOODEoomito Lot tt 69 Quay. Wttcrfcsd, ffllE - value £40, or of A . diroct from itha Gaiety Theatre, Oublin. extra; of a hurdle race BedmondA Co.;Waterford. : ' , . S suitable for oQcea or dwelling apottaent), steeplechase value £49, 71i extra. AUow- —Mfiie every, letter yon csad oat , Lorpe fcatb room. . ly Bell Bros. ~* " • • / ¦ ENVSEOPE3- etc App ©Jriii ivli AJLiiL ii JJLJiliKJ C\ r\ Tl > 'n - N'nF rni jnr-1 TUBSD'AiT, MAT fllfit and 22nd tancea—; an kdverGseaaenttoryour baaioKaby haricj Spectalitfa-IoDolca, all swn. Apply Janes Hayes, Burro»CotU ja, C23t and Ctieapsst, JO^.-^r Ji». , ; . i 'Frincia BJuniand. . i ahate. Two mdie» and a Inrlong. WeigWa the " WctilyInd ependtn,"t 'Beck nmnteiu csn fca Woodetown. 9 09org®'s-stpeet ; & 1S1, ]©uay > New Process SoU^nlfllDj i'touf cfJQ (Famous 4-ybiir y«BU old, aa« .31b; Jve, J2st ; .fix bad on appttoatloa to tha In<3epC2dcnl O3oi, WANTED for a Provision 8hop a Girl with 'W3DKE33XA-Y, MAY 23rd-JThe ! dnd aged, 12st 4tb. PeniUy (calculated - Watsriord. John Earns, District Agent, I , go»d knowledgo of bodneci A 1CI0 for stone. • Nautical Comedy, eatitied^-The Oraise oi pply , —• only aince 1st May, 1905)—Winners to carry ' ¦ .* ^S. - -— TnvVEEYBODY wanta wmethinf?. "XProvida this oQoe Alco Scll-tcfcbj; t/heattucal at sane penalty of 61b for every race value 30 ETfrjthiog." In four yean I have 4 UDi paid to T] f\PKft CETST. INTBBE3T.—A responsible price. : SALLY " sovi won: 141b eitremie penalty. Allow- Spare Time Agents £112,655 19a. 9d. Commisaon, iL V/ Trading Firm pays this rat? of Intercut ' TkE SAUCY onoea (only one can be claimed)—"A." JWrita for Daitlcnkis of Acencv. 3. Q. Grave upon invrttmen'i of 20/- upnnrds. Addroat— Special Wbcatccccal for Drov/a ¦From , (London. ! By: (Maiden* allowed, if four years old, 7Ib; Ths World' the Comedy Theatre Agency Depb, t Sopply Worehonsi, * Interest." Walcrford News Office. Bread, oislocj. : Sir Prancia Buraand. j dive; Mlb; »ix and «g«d, Mb. "B." Hozma Sheffield, tl /O : iPrcccdcd each Evening by & Comedietta thai have not in • 1905 won a steeplechase TTJTOB One Shillllng ne will esnd yoa, carrbso " Ccol Crcaa " Cutter, "0/2 per l£>. ' ; in, ono Act— . ' .value 24 eove., allowed, if four yeare, old, JJj paid, a Charming BtoCM Lcc^thi ctylbi OVb ; if five years old, 71b; 'if six years and , Patterns free. Birbctt's Bloo£3 Were- Reliable Table Potntosa, C3a' a otone- UARGARETS 8TEATAGEM. Designs ¦ ST. STEPHEN'S MONASTERI aged, 03&. . hoote, Bradford. ' Tfce Red Brncd Tea, 2/« STJiiMD PliATE of 30 eov». A Handicap Flat EOE SAtiE-Sixteen fC tlotor Boat, Dion NATIONAL SCHOOL. Eoprccontative Mr. (Hilaiy A. Young. Bace. 6even furlongs. • Bonton engine. Wrieht. Colbeck-strcsti Frcah Roasted Cof!ee, t]/2. of 21 eovs. ¦¦ y ¦ BMBVI^AatOH PILATE A S'-eo- Waterford, CWTCB t ¦?. '. . i !LM ""!??"? JTMJPOBfTA'N'Tr TO ETEHRIEHDIATE ' (Prices of Admission—Circle, 3/- ; Stalls, 2/- ; pledhase. Two mile* and one furlong. FTJENISHED A.partncat3 to Let — Church erDDBNTS. , 1/0 ; Pit, ; year olda, aOst 71b ; five, (Reserved, 2/6 1 Second Circle ¦ 1/- Weielrta—Four Met Villa, Tramore. ; &Eiry ^Tjiite (hi Co. ii ^d : Gallery, 6d. tftb j «ix and ased, list 101b. Penalties— FABMBBS thenja tsgr tio •• WecMy Indcpca •Booking at Mr. Poole'a 134, Quay; ; IDoora /Winners Bince May 1st, 1905. of a race " (or six "monthsU thay «rant a good 'Wdti the eanctioa ol <.he Commissioners d ¦ ¦ dent" ant iNational Education, Quay, Waterford NOW :THE ONLY SURVIViNQg MANUPACTUREp Open at 7.30; commence at 8. , ; : ¦ -value 96 •ovs., 6U> extra; of two races each Intoicsting Ixleb Weekly Paper. Canb9 csd & certain numW of . I ba ttntennediate 6tudenl«, -who have already . A spacial train to Tnamore on Wpdnesday value 39 aom, or of 100 BOV» singly or post for tit niontna for Ca Sd from all Dcwcwnta might, May S3rd, after tha performance. dolttctively, WEb extra. Aflowanccs— joSsn DistrictAgat ,LovreiThomc s-otajot vamd with honours in the Junior or Middla IN OUR CITY Mi Hearne, Grade, or who will pas$ (Hosse* entered to be sold for £70 allowed TIj1LB8TOLA83 Furnished Apartments to LetJ the eame eraminationa iM. ia GQTIiL AND 60N., LTD.. OUBLIN. at the forthcoming dinlennediale TVynTni^Ji- 71b: maidens (not entered to be sold) al- JO No. 1185, Nons Office. n? YOU WANT TO KILL PI&H , if 4 yean old, 7tt>; five, Hlb ; six Bottle Wrappers.—Assorted colocn tioas, will bo appointed to the above School YOU IIUST A SBLECTOXliN OF m\SK PUBXIOATOONS low*d yp< BOOSES' as Pupil-teaehere. » and! aged, Sub. HJT Enqnlro our prices. Bedmond tt Co, HAVE REIiLlElE ¦ . Candidateemust not be iesathan 16 yea» ol 1!A0mL3. Worka by F. CNeiU EueeoU. : PHOWNCB PLATE of 26 eovs. A Handicap Waterford, ; age and not more than 17 years tfU4- Baoe for-H«T»Ur».(Excl usion-iWioner Water Bottles for warmth and comfort on the 1st litOOEE'S MELOlMBS-JldHaleV vemion race under Sales oi value 30 HOT; June preceding the date oi Examination . in Irish ; crown 6vo.j paper cover, 1/- act, <&& 'Racing (10 by 8 Inches) ix 6d. taoh. Searlet Ploih TOBiCSO : ¦ aav« excluded. IHrt*noe—Twomi le»v . yoa AIB ; The period of service is three years foi Cdi 'BOTif post free. Coven Is. 6d. G. White and , Soss. Waterford. : T7ioro7cr you Cih^^hotorcr for, fjtff lSBOBff lBBBTffiSyT? R I)3 Air© TIACKiLK SLANEY'S " THE LAST OiHiISH KING-'Doalihg mih (Full Programmes can b» had ftom the Hoa. : the colomss b! THB H«WB yon can talk to ing passes with ihonoura in Middle Grade. ' ; Art MacMurrough; crown 8vo. ; piper cover; Through . At the end of their period oi cervice they , . I : is better than them all. M ¦ Bee.; jMr. J. MiUUCAHY, Ckramel. j bsndrcds of thonsands of people in Uw South ot will givo IcitiCiaollon. price Od. net ; by oet. 7d. i : 1 { Try an sttractlv* advertisement. ' become eligible tor tha King's Scholarship BED HUGH—Crowa 6vo. ; : paper cover; Ireland. Eramination ; in view of Training for a ; : • HABM8WOBTB ENQTCLOP^DIA ci They have atood tho iazt for tho p^t 70 jean. ' Very cheap price,:6d. net; by post 7d. : , : I A ¦ line just Teaoherehip; in National School. ' n Pipes. i Japan's Fight tor j Frcodom/ etioaQlji 1 maBram*AmaBAxmOT A H EIKEANN " ; I The Scale of Salaries is as follows:— - |THB CATB0LIC WEEKLY, j essea, lor 0* M, or in own coven for 2s fld. Kern Crown 8x0. ; paper cover : 9d., po«t free. —: 1 . _ . ist Year, mi Ytu. 3rd YV ¦MX SHOUAMA LAKHHEiN-OroTa8vo. ; 1KE OB!GAN FOB THE CATHOUBOa OIF Office, Waterford. . ! : Q). iPupil-teachem- who Do you intend to buy Vcelb fcr 1C03, U co\ j THS "WHOIffi ENCDUIfiH-aPBAKiKO yes want Art Circular*, Prcgcvnmw, lieasa, paper cover; 6d. ret; fcy post,-7d. . : ¦ IF , j ihav-9 paEaed xrith i hon- ¦write for j I TOOfHLD. InvitatlonOard«1,Daneo Prograaaaes,GrtoMn^ : i oura in ! ths iTnnior Oltalojuo "N" to New Wor'tlbjr Dr. Bwwy. . TickeU, or Genoral Fancy Cards; OBAOaTA CHAl >nOTB ANMHOTNTDOiaA HB. HiBAiLyS (BBHiliLANfr SPEECH i Oardi Concert !! Grade ..:.... *.:- £18 £31 £30 I Special Beport. i Ht cs nbnlt mi booki ol samples. Any pattern JOHfJ CrjniCJHT AMD OOW, o —A OoDveraatioual| Gmide for Teachea of . IFullet than. in. any other (E). OPupil'Jteachere who Irish, 'with special, iretereooe to "Handbook obtainedat a day's notieo. C. P. BeAzumd & OoJ , ¦ itave passed with hon- . j , PISHING BOO AMD TACKLE i Street oi 'Modem II&J." :j : i 1 • I . '> • TO*, Churob «»dr«hio»tk>n—(By (Father Printer*,Water ford.. , i EJAKEBa. ¦ i _Li onns in IthelMiHdlaGrade £Si £30 — JJAJKrATTRnBUaHTn T I WCTBo*7d. • > ' ! j iAn! «^liitoMfttalt bB«»U<> Tunre th« J TU fanmation tn&y fbo tfotairteiJ. j I ^rSrottrisj TO jBAonje MW^- emij 1 O«euo 6o&e» of th» Vtetl by th6 ¦ •*me—«d. All tha "V7orld DhampIonQhip3 for Lonjt Dia- net; i>y post, 10d. i -I , ¦ < ¦ i IBB| M CompKtttton*for. 70002 and old for ¦ fcsneo Cistinj . havo ibocn with j ! ^ ;! Klfaietooinss; Vuoowi, Snqgimt ^von ctutld- . New Irish List eent 'by post fret ta koy o» to«»4 and *h« Sriearoed ' LOtoM. ooonell Boda. •' " ¦;: ¦ : X)»vP»gntad CsCToqnbrwitb Baebis;Batnlta «n< ! ! CSMNEY OLBANIKO. | «ddteM. j : ' is tte WiterlordE ranaa Nasts. 1 ' ! I *,UDg 1> • E. FHELAN, 27 JOHN eTEHHT, Prizes axratdodt inoludiaa Qtand Prix, 132. (^lod«toE^ m *e*t. ¦M. H. OIU._A MOM,¦ Ltd.,¦ i :.ftlsh' the <*f tj EvtaimgPaper tilth BacloiS BasLta ] . ^ WaWford. : ' ; -> ¦ " ** "t* iiw* ¦ •w»k in goodoaooe. ' ' ¦ : ' : ¦ ' London, 1904, highest award over riven for Dtrffinr. , '! i MM 70B. 1: ".), ; * • i natklng ' Catrlck-«n-BB,i r KflihtelnyIt \ Clcemtl, f. • . WAlfiBFQED, i Salmon Plica; ; . . '. : T . . AND Canir. and ^tatipM ctftimariekLin*- )ieat athi !fics> fe> £tv© notice to his IWends end: tiw LAND r^WHMlB^iTft;' litterick:—"'gha ' j H^SE Ap J . U¦VMORI HOfUM i i Cnbihi Evening; Papers at BMrnaecw, lto&ieavsi ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' ' *»«Htt . :- ¦ • - <*¦ I- :- i »; ia pwfcoHnf-Oi ttudiciz rtort^aT ? ; Thomaitown: »nd RnneUorUgo fa of Uw late Vfatteut EEosna is soir iranzfemxl i. fir - ' 1 - ' ¦ " " - ¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ i rillvhsle. •* ! w ! -i- . I if . . - J I- . - . . i I%£ ^.^ . ; r . ] tisnrs. Ii in KilkennyM mtaB»e»befar» ail iu to J&. B. Fbebm, 27,1 Jchn*toKrt,Wtterford. JLIJJD LIFE INSlifRAN JUMPIMO .| | eboaii! THE VVICKLOW 'S-JOTCJ., ; f&E AGENTS. ; : IqttMBtetimaHj- -;- tint*. Bactog,Hnnto g«nd all SportingB tporti la ftitere ell tasmeati ffmmi'm'rfltto'a ; p ' ' y 1 ; !~ • . : '- ' -DO wapnfmxi . .,. • ' WBUNBaDAY, | 9f&x ipHX. • j f^ggg^^o*^ TTDCSUXXW' STUESTi (jaAPTON SEBEDP ¦ ¦ - UOe. TOSBPI 00HWAT, : lod«4ja|«l - OUtadty ¦ : - j&.+u&jL-kv..; . ! • " : '- : - - -i I -: 1 Hly : . -r> , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! : . a i ; : i T* y jiirnjiMMi totew*ting1Su& ' ' V'? ' '¦ ¦ ¦ " ¦¦¦ ¦ «ad - 'ij »,; .JU»|» i 5i ^ : »T*«*»^. . . .I proaaHt- •¦ .• •¦ - CHaiMa for Oattte, 8b«^ 2i& bvtoM *o^ t»jp»«te»«^u»d twondi fc* ¦ -j' |] MI tifl i.ekUnaij*.'; B«sfoBd4tr»et.W atoi, !;l^\ . 1 " *#» ; ¦>- ;¦ ' I ) '¦ » (.-' ->-* - , - . I " ¦ - ¦ * " * ¦ ' '; ';- ;. . ' ¦ : ;. ; Prita Lkt.fiow widr. ; 1 ! wr.. -II||i&Mtm . : • -',- ~{«^^srf7' . ,'f. f ' '- . ' ^T '. ' s«rto^. * ¦]'''.;¦:¦ ' .:¦" " • ; | : pArUk |rito- , " . - :. . .7 d::: . : . , . . "" ' BBP 'ttoC^^;w^»* I«^i " '¦ ' ' '' " ' ' O^ |iv.-\i'[: : . L'vt6::Mv ;UtT. . : : : :, : Oanteally situtttod/-Mwteatanda Hcst K I : - -OotasbtteM*. • ' ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦: - f: HlghOU*. -lUttMNot «M*rfird. - : : : ; .;¦ ¦: ^- fl-i .^ ..-Sga^sisi^ss^ ¦ ¦ ' . ^ ¦ ¦ •; ¦>¦ - ¦ ¦ ' ^ (M ill i: . .: : . . : .:;.:. . !: . . . : Wedding BAaUMte k 6^d»lUy, Dw ;^*. I*! jieFEOKkTCBLDHOIfra;OO. WLSSSSSZ 1 _ : t ^ p ^ l fl ^^ . -M ;,;;; -SO BirWri,,;'!- • i <» "4 :^- ""V - . > «?!sw** !w*!tie^;r fiSH*?: ^g,?: P. - . . :i :? ! c*.hB ^d i l«AM^II. ::M*na?te.r.;-r; :: : ' : '!¦ - ••|^^' (p»ciW H6USH M4 wdfln < BadlBSkUlaff *VU53?M3 A LAIUJ* tiOUsIs W"~NBW^rBBBT.; i-; ;,'' ; : ;; ; ".| ,y : '' f;j f miSSmhaU . luviat- b«W doo« OLODAON 1 :; 1 t#t**, " HOU9I, ¦ '' ' ' * ' ¦¦ • • - ' ' * * !r . .- . ' ¦ " . ¦ y . • ;. r^i^B^ i- . wii8TOwKi- '¦ -; . ' IHIi »|i • 5- P^v- j. I HWKTWTOBP1 gCBJgfTi -.TBtAmBBUVMrn • :;JJ T Good : HMK I i &tiHmnh '.Wth 'or. ! ¦' ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦8 *t^A«oraWiSroJorl)tfry?^3s^ - .!- " • r f ri - - * > ' ¦ '•• '•- ¦ tosi«tBo tftkr., ! ¦ ¦ ¦ •!:¦ • ¦ ¦> «t MWSC^SS .; :•! . < . I . r- FUBNISHED Hduis A TBlMOHBi- ';. i" " j ':' "; ' MBfl. . flT ifrHjwrf ' 1 .: by th« Uo«pon.C*iI. ^MdWWM .•i 'p?? .4i t-! a.:a.BBvt,. . ! j tfgyj^ ' ! To U IM-f» fiftt^iw feVv illill : r-ij isKv -rr^ !-"rf.-- - " - .rr U"=^:- - -iiii ;:^ .i :iLi. umm :¦ " : - ¦ ¦¦ ; '^ -;- " ililll :; ; -i -.. • - 4 ^r- .\ ,- * iU; -ft r -i •v; !;||-:- -? ^i.^ ^^^^r4[:::ii-.:r:::j iHH ' ' I I ' ' ' ' ^'i ¦ ' " ' ¦ ¦: iiSlp IW PSiHlff^n^v- . • . ' ^ — / ' . ! ¦ ; ; : -i |^' -M ;J^^':A ^N^ii:i ui^.tertttl »tth iiisA MI ifciit A ^ n \ ¥ m : wmmmimm

¦ ^= tf* •«¦ ¦ ¦ ¦• c^r-^ - *;¦£¦?*¦« * ..'- • • (-7* T7v> < I I r^a ; Meil'to t^ilesnr« and to (omsiadnBtag* iy ifc* Itwrnmnii -a, f ' w^,^ W^^fl " ;WAUffl! botej kerns* sad catactx*naentlti II to to Ukkdbnt ^lfobtrt ^. pJ Mbav m m wp.rm UACES - :& .ffi ' ' "**£ * mULLINGAR ¦ ¦ ' -¦ ¦ ¦ Ciiili a e *2&wM Urbs Iniabta• Sailing' • - ' t po c t e r would m k $^S.^|-ffl8 "i di Uoa u n whi h' he Tr asu y *& ¦ • -¦: }¦ •' ¦'-> ^«»4aI5wasyrjaw m«> k*m rf -tt-JJHfc tta ltUdcsticm tht Cork project have not, ja» > nt . : l .'NO,- 0ft: ;C»A!t affiBMftAi -edPA«B tp c« aB t>M*sfl%at««arJk.farlewadl Bwt«r*Tw*» :- -jm ms ^ the |>rp«rtme«tcoiuMfrb(«n^ fulfill., Thrte- % ¦ ¦ itoNiJATn ¦ ' : ^- --i- . :. - . ¦ 1 ' I . - ' Council -¦ • ' forav we would brge upodithe Oeanty "•:.; ¦ :v: At! STICK > ¦ ¦ r • tad? olhw Waterford rjnblie bodlM that the Caa^'VcnXaan' Uat ta*la^r^a«tia ?^Id! " - : per Ibi^ wOiUallowed o»all Iow«r arlo alUa a.: flo ¦ ' "' ' rV - -V:- .. - . -n !P» ] V' . . timd was never;more opportune for them to, be • ; ;¦ .; •- \ < loobt Mr. TonH tss'satraetio (Maager and his *••, !. ^EW^ilJiWt, ;-/;; . : f .; HKfcTTaHHCttP PUiBawrUIEB, up and doing and press with the utmost : ' j to rJU b» bviota **8af $& S¥ooe»th« JadtaTjol Attrisd *»o*Biie^^««»*«Trf^w».rbal w IM . .: thei t>eet and the moat convenient _ v-;ij'Bi g^rti' Sowing ' bn • the ultimajte I ' COIM adnataM ^ .JOna o* Mlaciibeea perfect - and vigonr tneir clalrnS r|up with laitM tbe «< ^^l b* booat ka** U aoqaalnted wtth tb* : Over aud over r«^ "» ^"ra *S!2 i&ty.an bfind W regard ^ tbir t*Town*-boo. ylao*oca- oyaUatai. ;Vcwo. . (WIE DNEHDIAy, 33rd MAY, public bodies h^«X after ito^fac«etfer^iaU^Vraoe^^t^*rM^6f BCf nWav^VW* ' < 1 at 13:' ¦ - : ;H4t ; . week .odlM lb« lSth Mum «%«««« » *WW ![ TtM Mbwb«iatst*«Ii4d«Ca{batctikm(rc«ita* r 0^06, .VO16dt JU RiE. this enoimons anmjbdt we iarorJa hopejus t now IhiblU: loi S6tp, 1834 j— b etkkvuw «M^iember»VMsaa;Party*&" !*? < ' 'Train Arrangements¦ on ¦Wjuare, " the ftflaowju Tbi ZwuLbUf ow« <* Wtflteiqr *W* \ Fraoy /«in««r. April . Special Excursion % HwaeeljWM ; PornEture, • that they will aec the: r duty to a more practical ^_ bjr thkft! :9itoat*d oo ba»k»» ttbm Blaokwatetri» er, OB' properfjadpaaBt in UM ' *4*a»gh»pit« onrw»-UyJ -. •:Ahe Great Northern, Great Southern, Midland 8AIL1NO .AND IBOWONG- . EVE^TTS Aocrt-D Stock **rk«i Ii* &to tndf #** tb* tb* O-Brfiai i extent at onoe, a»d deVote a little tas of their Ijooodwryvoft iei OtjBsiy W.)W*t«ford, and midway af2r*,jaDdltbat'w. wislt |Tr5nS^Mr. l^* Great -WeSferii.-and Cayan and1 Leitrim Bail- SronnNfl-IElOcili O)-4Mbhibwany ; Chaire UKaeareooI Ojed former !» *« • to- . i^iirctaUi' tod For Yawla, Cote, Pr&wjms, Punto (SoulllSng valual le ' time iand tbelr oratory tb matters of daring tb» pwwnl , bm btm\\ *tnmngiai f^fiWM^^OOIWlDfilli^ Watermen* Giga (40 feet); Ships' etc drcl« ttoce jh^BtB 0«Btl,*ooosistlngofaUri*jo oiid?o wer. wHh wrcral Natiocjcana*.l " • . T : -| -: : - : .in reaogoaWe'ltime. i. : :' . . : OJaiMeB, wUth mare i onnee-flJd« ToMes. Sidte- Gics. [ recent eipcrience;that; in4te»d of helping great fiMo3»l Hd tnd« jgg g^ ' ' . dltMUr Tix ifaadT tttnrn«t BCBflAtiw igtBMg •ataOsr aquar* con BankiDf to mtemwdiste baa*.; 8T.8TkPHBrBSCHOOL 8PORTS . j I j publlo morements, sdeh Iw the freeing of the aod with th« asraral adjaasat inprorearulE at ' tba schoolfaUod heWui« < A GOOD i DAfTS BUMMIN1Q- EOB GOO© Entries oioso lfflh JUKE, with j tinb- prip-ttj«&?** «**« B?SfflS- , ha* Tb»ptn^W aU*. U^r ¦; ¦ '¦ ' ; bridge of Waterford- bodiesof more thiin pVeaentaTtr r pietanaqaa apeearana*wbtt rtewed ia annual l atbfatle iaMIag k« 8oBd«y, Joly lat. »¦ ; I • . , ; ¦ ' ~ ¦ gt^w); .Ohdaujey 1 Kmxm, mam and th* M" ' i 3HHSSEB. Oto» A., H. PAEEEB, ooj ^ h- pwtldp^OOBi Nrf ¦now mar eureooaa. nas irncoiany aeroa* «a nrer. D« La8alb Bjioad It will be usa.atntml , gmite and RHee, VfioSmr ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Hon. Sec., | one county vrentinto jppbsition for the »-rV Mtimat lo Which Oan>CT < Baommmi. • 1 1 jew ! ;•:¦: • - - ' wry ^««h» nw» Ow spot when It s«td\ Otoiawe!, rf while tba church, whick fills (Balliiesee,. Mafiiresai},Feattiar Beds, iBol- North Tipperary bat Improwd 17*. M. pet ton. Beary np tba ebaisa In tbe FOOTBALL AT THJ5 tKLLOW; ROAD. : H&ILWAY J'CICFCKTS ADMIT FREE 'to be L*t Terms modertte. Apply ¦1221 N«V» they were asked to contiibme. fonraid deUr«»y wa. fAW osotre, with a wall planted hilr-»cr«s»dogtb« nan etere l and-IpawB, Wardrotties,. Ohaptfl Draw- ¦OSes. ' ¦ •> .; . • : - . - • . • •taodard copper lor Joj^ Loren «f football pasUm* caa witnessa toufb i TO COURSE. ere, -ixxueK- 'lialbUct) | I and out OWD Gounty Conacil contrived to batnn, th« pettiitaot demand finally Mgbtola^ distant m»unUto« of Ologoatorand ArigBa, compute* Boad, oa BaaUy end; Glaeees, Basin Staada mBAMOBE- Forrl«hed ApirtmenU to Lei JI9 < encooater at JthHit' t deloV Tdlow, and Wbro, Oano CpxiiB, jEoVto' asl r i deprive , the, pwSK-J ^i.of the Bill of .,£15,000 aeUen,- and leading to » very (mart adTano*oa^we4< on« of the prettJeat landsoapeswhich iaa-WloB can afttrjoonanext, i Garny's XVIi,, captamad bj Mr. : Screen, JL J onairr hoaie. . Large sitting room tod tUndard eoppe*; ewireytotbeiniiktj ioco RKil»vay AdTOrbc3is6ol3 OarpetB, etc : I ' <' ~i • > <^>e whi h vi ea esked:for id the BUI for construction nesday, when the opening prio» ol »j* thiUwaanaadJacWwSiowl*•Jtm P«pdy, will nwrt UM Tall** Baod team al » C^y ¦ ortwo good Bedrooms. 8er»anU' room If required, wbUrt th. «lotin| nine'ineM ^S sir* jodWouslyplanted wkh well grown timbsttaod iKilriHakmN'-aWbEea and Ohairs] Oulinaty purposes and th^feaultwa* complete faQure, a £82 three nwmthi. ratara match. Tjba tat eagagement betweea taaa* fKegmisites ¦¦ \ : wtth use of kitoben B«aotUnl eitoat lon. 1J mile 17i. 6d. W. Boiibed tlw weS W&h, » Brm tendtaor the rirw. wUchhere en»»i»toe eoooty of Watetford, , etc. : .\ , f rom BaUmy Stetl n:. : Golf Clab »t abort tax ripon-the gain whitever team* nsuJtedin a win for Gartey'* mea by 1 goal ami Terma—Cash. ' ¦ . . • : ': : diruno*. ratepayers and no nearqt price, fcing *8« Sa. 6C ewh, and X83 , lCa aod winds almost underthe castle, adds mush to the ;8 point*. M* SVll hara aietaol WoSIco o? ' \ Ap'p'y 1221 tbiaolMU. j ; >aoab0a Garrey * ChuriftaDIo DoquooSo THOMAS WALSHAND BON. i to. thi protesting bodiea. This, at all events, three mootbi. ' ' beauty uf the teena. A neat timbsr bridge, subject U defeated a crack (can of tba I>W I Th* Yellow Bead YSrANIBl}—Bt prctuble Iffanner ". Dangbt«r. ¦ a1 small UU hat, for pubBoooo»toleaoe , b«*n erected a - . . . [ AotjiioBcstB, eta.. I V V abont 14 or 16 u ha tho vir.ue of proving a vict -ry ¦ .- team, he-wafer, have practised since and Intend tafctor. In the Goods (jf Mary Flynn, late of- Dun- : ' «ppn:ntloo to the E*r (LArrasT AEavmcEa. L • . . little to UM west of Mocollop HOSM, by the spirited , Carvaa, ! | !: The ma. .Waterlord. baalnas. Progressivo'(alarj alter Bret for the promoters of the Bill, und we contend The conotniona in: pnea which were made b^ a £all' put ot UKST opponents this time. A good gaae in the¦ Oounty of Watsriord, Widow, : i: ¦ : i 7esr. O»e 1 restdsot ewner, F. Draw, Esq. A littl* further up the : ¦ from BnDganr.0 or that the Water- dealer* tome prodnoera oonteqomt npoo bit week i ib«refore, is rxpaettd on Sunday nut - Deceased. | ¦ celghbonrbocd praforrod. .£60,000 i* to be had if wo in aa* rirer may be seen fact falling to decay tbe perforated ! • ¦ i I II an excellent itimoUnt to con-, VI8ITOBS TO TBAMOKE. ! TVrOHQE :IS| HEBBBY GIVEN, pucacrt Api ly (Ho CogbUrj & Co, .-qoore, Dan^arrsn, Oo ford County! and City are sufficientl y active ip reaction haw proTed wall* and high-pointed gablea of an extensive mansion GBAyiENK} BAINX, WIATBKFOED Wri rfo'd. ' , ' camera, who hare mantfertwi a mott remaikable power; Bectnt vititor*to UM l>amore Golf Links lndad« •*• * to ithe 1 presenting their claim for their owu hard cash. tbe on the Waterpark estate, , _ Statute 30 and 31 Vic, cap. 34, f reosin/r. Dublin firm Trill Enppljr H»r of absorbing Urge qoantlUa ol reflned oopper. All .—J Patterson. Hosbbrosfc* ; 1< Dnde, Dablia;-Bar. ithat the said Mary Flynn, RAY the o«Art appear! ¦ ¦ Brfatol ; -W-^ who died .on the AiUiOTHON OFt . tErVEB BAigGffiS x Frets and 16 H.P. Qta Entfint as thafr «b»t» Aoother phase of this Free Bridge Bill is the teeood hand parcel.which wertr lo iBEA/irnmu!L eiucAtraoN. \ - r /OEMk. do; St .Vaagban Clirfa , :BTth day of December. 1905, by her will dated daring tb» flrrt U« dayi of tbe ! i Followln|tb« oourse «f lha rlrer, the next phot M»tter»pn, Looaoo ; W Me 'ann i Balljgawan. CMM J. ; in sbavs .eaterotise. : Address " H»y '.' 0 Kctffo't aci'on of tho Walerfor'4 Harbour Board, w ib to haw-been bought np 1 ^: . the 25th day of November, US06, ftobate TO BE SOLD BYiAUCTION. on HRmiYi AdTertWog Agencj. Dublin. ' ' ~ [ week, aod the demand incttaring with the jb«tte» almost ndjoinlsg Mccbllopi» BaJljduff. a nllag*. like Miss PwJIow, Gurlttore, Osugb; 3 rxaly.¦ T-fl aait ¦whereof was on the ; by an almost complete va\t«\jace have arrayed wen able *oi»o 1st day of February,1906; iffia. MlAY. J>9es, at X3 oXJBocfc, at the.¦ Graving -npEA ROOMS, Duamore Esxt, nlll bs oprusd tendcooT in tbefpeeoiatire« n»rket, *rodne*ra •IoioH t&ow fas Uw'BoatHoMrrlaod,:worthy of remark , J llf.oj, DnbCn-• Ctfi. i 'aiaerca- v DeBsnajr, granted 4o John F. \^Hain3,-aTti, tqomakewo;i H Higgtatottaaa, : na ; jawing to 'tie '00011- Banoancsmeot Hiss BoiL conteaplate an appearance before tbe Hoasa re«U bdojj» retain-to the Wghert ><>taiJoM .»« - «onj nien. aad three or four times that.numbert>f pablio- O.NatWVlioaeiagb; Miu FbeUa. Mooorean ; Mis* 4he deceased's ' executor, fCetion ' Th» chief demand Jh»lan , A forth of the District . af >the EdssiaiB RaaJway). i BABUAID Wanted for Trttmore. Apply W. of Lords next weekVto rai » an obstacle to the tomMTlitand. hitherto tnling. booses,, the remaining population fojmiog » vast ^oashtet bligo j Major McCarthy, Mr* (Registry of the! King's Bench Division (Pro TLOfT l'-^Barse, 40 | Tcns where the electrical Jnapatry contrast to tba Beapoa Dnblaxj. ;.Vr» Oaonroo, , ^ , m gibod . woridmr PhUllptca.Jobo atown Wttcrford. ' ' tneosai-e. • Tb» Bill ia'paftctly eafe,' honereri came from Germany, ' many princely rural residetx** at Wtber . B O.IWll. do balte) of the Hieh Court of Justice in Ire- trrdef 'and weff fotrndi 1 «seaa to ko eoornasalf'active , bat Franoe h** al« •Ue of In* river A little fartheroa is Oltobtg tbe 3rrtcht:.ScoU*nd; J U Bt3gw«y,: TXLB i H Ha*t, -A Cbclco Selection cl Good*; eaitaTilo (or Prizes. fur wo think tjie oppo^Uon caa be shown as land, bequeathed the following charitable LOT 2—(Kargo, 40 Ubna (as 6&e now Kes ai A B. Whelan, i0, Esmmstrand Btrcrt : •bowd algna of trade rerital aod baa porcbaMd copper Mat of O. B. Jackton, E»q , a plaos for which nature Dublin - W Blake, 8 E Harris A Winder, LLJjf legacies:— . ,| ©unlbrody). : . proceeding from a body! which ia not a* reprej liberallT asd BOMU, alki » very loop intertal, bat bai doM much aod art bat little. OmbaBgiag, tb* T U Blake ; M Bntton, j I Lyon*. Or. Dmlea.W ¦ i { '¦ ' : icapeetion of our stock m?ectfaUir uiTiUi). . To the Parish Priest of Dungaroan for the Teima—Cash, . : AM Cest esd Cbcspeot , tsataiive as it might bo, ia a pnblio cssse, and ones jnwa com* Into tbe market for moderate Uoea. rirer is a lofaly beech *ajk , ptrbspa not to be equalled Donlfa. LLD ; J 7 Maruira, W Hickie I D O Co»- time being the!enm " THOMAS ' receiTed by mail and ' cahfa ill the kingdom for situation nor. W Dwyer OMOC McCarthy, KUUU Morjbr, seam to tbiafc Very good ease; large a» H baa and other Curagb! Q be celebrated in the j "Parish Church, Dun- Xi\. yoo. Wb«ltn, Waterford : they- bive- a in all branenoi of ttoeopper trade U a*, surprisingna taral'ftirositie*bare been found; C»n>p;; W Lyon. Fortmamock ; A W garvan ,; :durinej the week in which tie an- to Premotrrs of Sports, against the clanie empowering the Corporatioo^ erer been and then are DO tigna of any dimuratian ; bot IU extent ba* not yet bets perfectly ascertainedj Wbildoir, SatUn. ficr. K Talfct, Newtownbirry; ANNOUNCEMENT eta ertabliihmeflla appear to be almost opposi&aienbeg Miss 8 Heffernso niversary of bis death occurred, and also for TBAatOHE, 00. WUnWElFOED Irish Mads Medib rtocked. Whdaa. XTtiatort if the Bill passes, to charge1 for goods trans- in fact most ol the electrical is Flower Hill, tbe prettiest , Dublin ; D Cunningham, Glasgow; Bix Low Masses, to be celebrated eveiy year which xill keep tbe work* in fall aqd most eoriabla sitoation I know of oa tba rirer JO Borkoj, ©renew, -Beliirt; D Senithwkk, TSM Whdfta'i. BarrobstraDd Street, Silrer Medsli ferred from b.-nk to bank of **ie river in private prorided with order* ; for the repose;jof her arful and the j souls of VuVLUiAIBLE HBIHEEOOIID:. HBOBEfiTY , . A7 from 9d; Gold do s : operatien tbroagboot tbe pn*«nt year. Tbe Oalomet tbe entrance at the atenue is truly neat, and terminate* CotUge,;Kilkenny 1 F 8 Preston. Cork ; H W 1 1 ., from lit. boats, but it must bo rcr^ombeiedtba '{ in taking have made with the bouse Brown, ' her huiband , parents and eistera, to be cele- Held for Ever Ornamental Wrought Iron Bsilis£S, Sit. x 8. and Hecla Co. daring tho patt few day* , built in tbe cottage style; tbe lands, Qretnore it 3 Filsworth, Tboaisstown; Capt , Free of Ben-t, TWO over tbe nevor to home coaiumen, and. ba*e which are neatly lanted and Mrs Biffej Fermay brated in the Parish Church, • iDungarvan, ' Nercr nnd. 8ttitnb!o fcr frc=t of cottrrm. power, which will probably be[ exceeding!* large aale* p and most economically : E Carlisle. Slim : Tbomaa during the week in which the anniversary of (g Q- lB I§AL(B . been obUged to rabe tbtit prioa to 19 ctnta. Tb* arranged, speak aocfi for th* Usta of tho owner, B. Hrfferaan DuWBri ;' b Vragban UUrk, Bniy ; HA 1 H Ubits & Co. i oicrdrcd, tha Corporation wJI be only assnin-: her-death took] place. • ? the! Amatsamated bare also marketed iopcrtant qOACtMc* Drew, EKJ. It i* celebrated a* a great cider coontry, Graves, LI»crpool; TF Waisb 8(ndyoota j Capt W WANTED—Typist and Shorthand Writer ing tho lights w^ich Bridge Proprietors at compeUing them to and, in my opinion B Syle* Fermar fTo the Superioress for the time being ol the TO BE SOLD 'BY PUBLIC AUCTION, (temporary) Office, City. ApplJ-1223 for Jdy and Angnrt deli»ery, a*k , might Tie with that of Deton or . , i (Presentation OD T2TU.BSDA 2fth MAY, 1808, tat One prejont poasMS. iXJertaiiJy,; the suddenly ex-! a farther adranra in their price. aolph»l« of cepper is Cornwall Adjoining Flower Hill is the natural ANOOIH1BR LOOT Consent, Dungarvan, the sum .Y, . thlnoffloo < . ¦ DCDUailEY. of £5 to aid id providing bread and olothes 'o'CJodk, on the (Pfeeaiisee, iby direcitiDns of pres:td hoatility of tho Hsrhour Comml&sionen tho oalj branch of the copper trade in which tbo con- Waterfall of Glenmore, and on the opposite> w«V ol the W© regret to record .tie doeiug at Kehoe'« for tie poor of |Lhe town. (Mr. John J. Morrissey, the MWEIEEST in haa come like a bolt from j lbo blue, and those: •amption ha* fallen oD comiduably, and tho dis- rirer is Glencairn Abbey, admirably situated. : clcwjsta'biisned , tnoto-iactory 1 in New Boa* tbe el tbi* articla la ntj .-which loot place To the Superioress of the Mercy Convent the Wwo Valuarblel . 05wo- for an Exqise License for the lion ol those desirous' < f having, a residence at it appears that Jnvrycra have been maing dis-; ! In the history of Waterford, next to the freeing of note that before tweiTOmo nlha had elaiwerjl sale of Beer, ' pabluhes corrected figures; which (bow that the original WaUrford Bridge, tbe opening •C&deT, Spirits, 4ic.. by retail, at my house Tramloie. The pUrch&fer can nave the furni- coronid of comethmg thai either dees or does: to duplication of the line to Boaslare wo^-.OMy I»awiiiHaiamdatftQrlng concern of ture at a fair ! valuation'; or it wdli be cold by estimates wen exaggerated, owing chieS; uitut naoessarily be tha moct Important erect ot our end premises, qituate as follows :—At Sex- AGITATE FOR THAT cot exist, and the Harbour Board members! Tba loilowinff table anjr .tafporaaace In New Boas bad to be dosed auction the foSwwing:T ve^k. in the reports gif en by producer*. time*. Home people held Uut this new system wtuld "On-tojiwaat erf local inppoilt. ton Street, Alibeyside, in -tie Parish of Dtm- : aver that ceitaiu powers- poose-sod by thel shows a comparison betwesa the .estimated figures as OJt ia A pfty, garvan, Barony Decies "WiJthout , Iminedia.-te fpoisession. iPor further par bo injurious to tbta city, becaottL it was contended, that indeed,! that' while we preach about tie wp- jof Drum and ' ¦ :¦ 1 £60,000. Bridgo ' pa: our Circular* and tbe actual figures BOW to hand :— tbo poetible.Iou of tbe Milford ' County of (WatJerford. Post town of Dun- tica-aiB appto- to i ! Fropriet'ia which they did not excreta, boats would hare to be ipoaft 0^ home Trtarraf&oiiureB our pracftioe its : r KENWY & SnHHHBNSON, 8oli<£tore, nouldj to the detriment 'if leading traders, be! TM i irfE*^ , ' Actual. reckoned with. VTt always contended Utat the new ao, freqiiently opposed to our 'professdoss. The garvan. ; | 4 line must necessaril • liATTDilE OF AiHPLrCATDIOOK , WaHErf:ard:andOarrick-oii-S iiiT . WATEBFORlTciTY & COUNT5T pot iu force by tbe Corporation should tbo Bill, Oaloatt end HecU ... 87,850 tou 87,950 torn y be of immense benefit to this city. MopleJar . New . Boes who have, we beEeve' 820 It open* up a rich countrydistrict »>¦«» was in Uie past cbeeri fohHing lot the tarit coapite of' [For the Magistrates' Oertificate for the cm at prcJenrframeJ, receive tho final sanction Other LsW 83,815 „ 69. ,, yaaw A : THOdflAS-WAiLSH& SON, Auctioneers OWN IT. Uoataoa IS0 895 „ 142.189 „ a* a closfd book to Waterford. Concentration follows Wordy jbatAlo aboat {he erootSoa of a monn- transfer of a License to Sell Beer, Cider, . the railway ! The Mall, Woiterford. of Porlianeot. It is gcnorplly hoped that eomo ArUoaa : 102,680 „ 09,480 ¦» track, aod a* Waterlord fa th« canital ol mentt . raighft have been veil advised not to Spirito, etc., to I be consumed on the pre- tha Booth-East ol Ireland ' •mises, at the house and .premises situate as HANDS OFF OUTSIDEES- arrangement may be co?ne to by which tbo, Other Stito 57,880 „ 49,870 „ it is certain to beneflt, fcsuv« .allowed onie ol"their n«miiimen(t8 of in- citizens may be Bsved tho coat of further pcDslbly at the expense ol villsga ^ad (mall towns. dustry I to laiEc into decay. ' A. live- aae that above, and lately Licensed for socb sale in l < wpnks ' the name of Margaret Burke. MAEKlET HOUSE QUIAY. W1AIHEEFOBD HARBOUR COMMISSIONERS AND THE • ¦¦ • ' '¦ . Tetal 418,070 „ 889.129 „ BAUIiENILAIW JEEBY. > • and oarna itfl ia better¦ ¦ than a Ifoctfon. ,! , - dead o6n any.- faine. i •¦ ' ¦•¦ ¦ • ¦ , Tbone who lik* shade* sad contrast* will read iDated this . Kill day . of May, 1S0S. . ¦ ¦ cuiiaj Uie Utal copper producUca lor th» ysar ; 1005 ' " ' UNKE3BKVED AUOTOON OF TIMBBB. BRIDGE BILL. - • S.& tha annexed StWSf GnSSmE.., .: " ; I JAMBS KYAN, Applicant. i! 810 tona l The output for extract* r* tnTelOng in the old day* with TJESOLINE 084,800 toss, instead ol 708, . mbcb interest It Is ' Very lrxtony orf our raadera, tr«i are rare— , —-wajj ti -ten us that ti« pleasarrt ocfteo of lo the Waterford Freo Bridge-Bill wUch to- cross Ballinlaw the ennktao ar« • Auctioneero, , The event took the ahape, principally, ol vheath» watea wen in - ta uigry bumoor yet, being now being heard in that The Moll. Waterford. day reached and passed its Third-reading AN MXV&BmBUXG lEHMTOl. : . owectitoo, thai the prSniro8e» haiv» long, ago TALLOW ATHLETEEC AND OYCLTNG- ttagc, drill, gyannadtlic and H«TKJTig exeTcisee, which As an adTortidBgmedium it ii unique, u most lure th»t there wai a golden nioe,and a pbalanx ol • on the and which \TQ1 poscibyl be dealt vrith ia the embraced eome unique and expellently con- attorneys brandisbinz thar white fcias^omed sunny southern, slopes ol projrreedTe Uaiaea mea an aware. It is tbe cheapat kriefs on tha opposite pur beaatofol seaside . OPOtlTO ducted exercises in physical 1 culture.I to diill sbora—eooaesdlngU OUKU to' Dirin*Pro rldeoce aod suburb, and tiat tha BODSO of Lords next Monday. In tbb iosne Quids publubed, and the widespresd characterof the , 1.tJice ol oar old- rriend, the comcrafee, . (Under G.A.A. Laws), will%e held on EHJOOH'EN, Klli ST. LASWEJENCE and gymaaatica the follofwing was the .pro- information contained in its pages can be gathered from flinginz hU saddle-bag*Into tho boat -ha* stepped ia haJ wo eapply a special report of . the proceedings eramme:—-Indian Cliibe -Preparatory • and of after them ; and if be bad Iboen heard ia the road. iWDiere he and tho SUNDAY, 3rd J'DiNE, -1S06. WATIEiEIBIOBID. ; j the follawic^ lilt contents. .—Adrertismest Tariff , any prayer* or curses bj mate oome from bsforo the Conmittee to which too Bill we* Elemenilajy Divisions, acepmpariirit, ! Mj£a Ida heart, now and then pronounced fragment pf inch to ie being inquired! into by Under tie iPatronaee of the Eev. William Board ol Qaardiacj, Oajendtr, Car Fares, Oashel Lioc, * more than one onnaitJiMlogJeiL "Qoikker J» EXB0UTOB 1S SALE eotrnotcd, and ye ceitynly think that no im- uMoloney; rings. Qfenior mviaian; bridge lad- Ohaaber of Commerce, City Banks, rotation as wen most familiar to mm, on benching ¦Meagher, .IP . der, Oilholio Oharches, Nuta." -. Out mysterious bra« of th© esithered ov partial reader rcill deny that oa excellent cas^ Juaror DSimsion; inclined ladder, Pre- Oity Gluts and Societies, City Magistrates, County Into an element which ha never drank, and fn^ a rooted parroiory and Elemenltiary.ptiwiaiona; climbing aiersioa to be npset in. tribe which was supposedto! be viai*ot»lissi President—iMr. B. J. Purcell. A Compact Farm, held in Fee&mple, con rras mede oat by tin prcmotors of tho Fret Pruon, Clerks ot - Petty Setsitn*, Oommisiooers foe sw , - . taining' 37 Statute Acres. Ako Catt'e rope, do. ; qoartftre'Safl exaredses. Senior Divav havw not been' traced.; The Derjacus IVice^Presidentr-Mr;- 'Philip Oihill; B.D.'C. . Bridge Bill.: -Now, this Bill fa" cno which is Ida Taking AQdaTits, Olonmel aad TburUs, Clyde Shipping ¦IN A rOTOBDJ. &a£ba@» fledsOxnga . harve atoo [ boconre ifoeenr ' iHoxse, Farm implemeate, etc. sdohv aJoa and Shea Charity. List of Pair*. Mail Can, Market •' 0 Lord I O Lord I" breathing an ardent prayer that by Ithe l and Two Acre3 pre- ana dancing- Silver medial for excellence ini Boiunahon afiiuiag 'Developioen t J. Condon, P. Hurley, P. Condon, D. J. Acre3 are under Oats. The Chairman (addressing the nitaeso)—It Tickets and Hotel Lilt, Nonconlsrmist Churches, b« might one* more see bis own bonae, Daffry Hall, in Syndic-a/to is goi^g or> moat sadsaotonSy.-OOie pared for Turnip. In enclosed Yard is a drill and gymnastics . .wap awarded W Misj. PerisbabloTraQo.Peetk!Information, CBrien, .Wm.i OKtolLaghan, J. T. Condon, PaRmger Fares, safety. »nd t*ste_tt swert bam door fowl or dock, of plant has been recently arJarged. the Comfortable DVfilling-hbuse, Stabling for 4 hss been brought to the notico of the Committed May O'lVtrreul. Bronze medal for exiefleoce Iodicatiana, Bural E&trirt Na 1, Eural work* Templevalley ; ! Denis Slattery, J. F. Mor- in dancdng wtaa awarded to M5ea lizzie Q'Par- Bailaay which he> bad fine breed*. " Arrah I Comudlor," said mg staff has been strto^ttmnod, and, is a. Martin G-reehy; M. Carey, W Murphy, iHorses, Cow House, Car Shed, Barn, Bcdlei that there ia a considerable sum, somo £99,000, District No. 2, School*. St VincentUs Paul Society, the boatman , " don't b* going on praying t\ai ni4, n-iorid ¦ rissey, ' roil. Bronze ehield fox highest- merit in drill,- if , t&© project pcio. Lee, T. Spillane, P. Oondon, Ktlmacow; (House, and Pump. Ml held in FeoSimple which is being bang np by tho Treasury with Tide Table, Trade*' Dictionary. Tramore Eailway, yea plue ; snre it' UM ether lai you ought to be 4ucce^. : U was-oaly yedterdtoiy - , payable to gvmnodtd'cs ondi dancitig ^'¦M awarded' to tire * thai anotiber, J Condon, Tallow; 'P Bcecher, James Forde, hubject to an annuity di £24 W/8 the object of paying U over for certain purposes W. L. W. Line, Waterford Bridge Tolls, Waterlord praying to." ' Whatjad do yoa meanr*aid Col- Ithe' third; big Tangye punnpj with two Jor» the Irish Land OommiEiion. (Poor Law Valu- Pupfil3 ol lh« Senior DdTrisiOD. . . : City, Waterlord Corporation, Waterford Kr« Brigade 1 ¦P. O'Mahony, JJP. ; ii. J. Murray , J. D. (or the benefit of the Sonth of Iioland. It is In tbe second 'part ol the programme danc- . dough with alarm. '' Wbat lad I why Counsellor, tbe ties; weife received at tba mti&ng oamp, aad OTBTien, J. McCarthy. ation, £49. -I W atcrford 8,& Co., Wexford & Bceslare. old people alway* tay tiut too devil take* ore of bis f rcHbe placed "into immediate opemtknv; , .being jid that tho Treasury might bo willing, in the ing held sway, the itema; being—iFour hoad who not : The situation is very convenient B' ' , own ; and if TOU don't vex him by prayisg Uie oifctr. IW p^ci^e 'hiwe atfaady:visitedtbe ¦ ¦ .irithin three minutes1 , jwalk [oi the Borough reel, ilassea Gfenty Mtoloney; Margery iBoucbier THE BBflBOB BILL. . \ EVBxrrs. case of o railway being made;through OorV for H EWS cannot bare failed ;whll« vaj , I really think , OounaeUor, w* bare a pretty io/« ocene od operations oootd adeqroatcfty' realiaQ Boundary, and commarids splendid vierw of Hayes, Bride Power, l&iloa Oarroll, laccom- Beader* of T » N 100 Yarda Open. Handicap. the purpose of joining up tha railwayo b the ptamist, Muss ldr» Molooey;';. Irish jigj itiaeet pmui ag ira •pecial report of the proceeding* before- the cargo aboard at this prueat puuse. " . . Ithe : vaett amount od work whach baa been tSO Yards i ,, ,, the ,citv and curroundirg country. idSohe under 6ometim«a vgxy bufcalTwry* Qjnmediate be given. city, to give a enm of ^60,000 towanty cud i MJartie MlarroR, Mary Soailan, axxxurmanist, Parliamentary Committal to gain a good, deal of ^ryin^ 440 Yards !„ „ ' possession will ¦ instructiono poa this Tital matter. ' Tbe (PWHEWID OOdjOLatrGK. , ihtajpefat oircumstAnces, - 'for , (be "Boamahon ¦ an euterpricp. . • ' (Miss Mbllie OWerill; cfigbt band reel; Misses educaUonary : Tbe friend I allude to 680 Yards !„ „ Immediately after will pe Sold:— speech of Mr. J. T, Fittjsrald, who was Counsel for , wbose wit and pencil were is£oei "Wai it the seat futnr& -proy« a iorMi to calf in June. mita Jenninna. Aenes DoT/ler. Norah Scallan; always ready, immediatel a Mile- 4 Prime Dairy Cowa, Mr. Heath—I might explain that £93,000 , fTTplnV t&ei points which w* haTe all y placed CaMar in a much tenrtniAratrve" pottogion -tax those wbo- harre . " \Bvta Soailan, Ahce Eyaa> i ESleen Bouehier tbe promoters "^ mcrs classical peint of rietr ' Long Jump \, ,„ 3 Ye&rlines. [ . was a sum repaid on account of o loan t> n , along pressed. For example, we.told the Ocraaty . Thoughbe made him a bad the/courageto reviv* apiirarartry vHtdi. Tackling, , Donkey, •Hayea May OTFarrell, NeJiie- {JandlLioecom-* downright idolater, yet ba put Aim on a a Mile Cycle ; „ (FAB1M HOUHEM3art railway, and, therefore, tha .money paniat, M5is TeaaTe OWanrell; Irish hwn- Councils that In their polley of opposition theyi w>n le»d with a via in- Hanger oi being. iMl* .|or- eyer to-tha* Ploughs, iHarrovcs, went bit > mighty hero or emperor—writing upon the beck ol a ' in ' 'JSp Yards Hurdle (Open "Handicap). Cart and the Tackling ipdpe, ilisse s . lizzie OIETa-rfeH, iDodlie pT^cdll, cimply cpesidlnff money .tihuh, by ft more conciliatory ¦ 'part ca Xralarid'. . IPtribBjciBlte^k Oie woria ;¦'¦ ¦ Grubber, Turnip CuSari'Boilers, Farm (R»ls, the Local Loans Fnnd, and is not, strict! f Jetter thB* :— - . • - • - . •;• ¦; »" beiriit High. Jump „ „ aocompankt, Mies Oora England; four hand policy, they would ne»er'b*.required .to Itrr off their ^ , ¦daily;iBufctratedf bytthei mrrdberof , without follow. Chum, Mbnure. lAlso t6me Household Furni- opeakirjg,available for tbo purpoco^ofA grant. - i Wb(kaeaim ib« ' (wfltorfc,'' etoaeiaHy ' flu; aaotliryir,- Vrhb- ^Lt& Slinging 561b». between Legs jog; I&JSSJ - Alice Ryan, Mny OTarrell, Bvoi catxmaa&ii Tak*»cutta poistfromMr.J?itzgenld> *oabi *e«pertpy kcpt ia aws. . ' Throwing the 161b. Hammer. Open Handi- ture, j Aoy grant would havo to ba given by 1 arils • , Miss NJ speech in regard to North TipperaryCooncil. Ben it ; latrepsd ColdaQgh, nw f Ballinlaw ftttmoted thwher.arid wbo-Mte'"been& *&* I Seallan Agnes Dowley* aooompaniat. ^^ ^ c&p ' ; 1 Terms—Cash II menu The chairmanof tho Committes of tb s Soo&an; mfinuet, afiax© I ld!a Mahony, Eita was ihown that the paltry sum of £14 per aonust was ; CJrI«ito tbe»aaor*{«hiTtriciin theirra2«) Atttly jarprteed.ftf the; torn wbifch events ar« 'further partdculara appSy to ' i^W rMy 'i I rw4 ' nA^UtJU * il i il n \ ' Mttn rn a . * ¦"HI Confined to Tallow FooballiClub. For BUth&t TU required from that patticnUr contributory : Too carry Caaor a&a Us taddl$-tap I ' T "yi* •^*^«. «*«*-M ir^V HW TV"***^, WYi NATO aoo Yards. : : Cork Jnnctioo Railways Bill Iact year wrote I BMhony, Katie Roche, Bride Dowley, i accom-; ' ' Confined to Football Club. Messrs I. TPOENSON AND 6ON, > area. That pointed oat, meant a rate—think of perepicaofty erf tho mnnegament, ' its prin- 440 Yards. - pani^!,. Miss Idsi Mlcrloney j ^and orchestra. , a* wa* Little did Julias Ceexu Icreste before tb« ' Race. Confined , to Parish. Solicatora: Cathedral- Square, the Financial Secret try to tho Treasury asklnjr " ¦' it t—«f tha one hundredthpart of a penny on tha rate- birth ol cipal mioiDg ofocialB, ' and 'fioe deparlmente 300 Yards Boys ¦ .The guedtB dmytiited to th!o Alt Hbaoe were Christ that the first man at tba Irish bar would ; ' , . .;.IWiaterforfi whether the Treasury could assist the Cum • Sheehan, Bishop of able Taloe of Tipperary North Bidkj I , tw seneriklly.. TJne . cottagea on fee pa^ieBtyare * "Under 17: ; ^ —flUve Mloet R«W. Dr. two ! Utonund yean afterwards, call to mind his ex- 6 MileiCycle;- r nittet) with Information ca to the financial nic , (WateriSord-; Rev. W. O'IKxnnel, P.P; Mr.; being ratkHy filled; up, and tbe dtaff oif ^ UBOdlAJJ iWAbH AND GON. AB9UHD OFPOSITJJON. ploit* In Uaul oo the wares of BaDinlaw, is Uie roaring woft«8 is got/ting; trrodwftly^lartTeyftnd pro- 2 fMile Cycle. Confined to Parish ° if any, that might be looked for from the Tres - Mrs. and the Misecs JenningB. TOaAerftond; How it work out ! Tbe legal •I; a' hurricane. Should I meet a radius of 9mile3. Aciticneers, etc, Mr. and Mrs. Egan, do: and Mrs. Quirk, doe* expense* ol him hereafter, I abail fWtionateiy effective to tha i expanaton tut Tug-oWWar. lOowflned to sury if the Bill passed. The Treasury NXi North Tipperary in this Ir.r.nn opposition cannot fail certainly tell him the anecdote. : Match. Open Handicap. Tiie Mall, Walerford. ; replio 1 -Mtoea: DoraHey, do; DT. ; opettUnfanB/ The conduct ol, the laboarer,'* 3 Milei Walking Cbrnilcik-orteudr;! the to be less than £300—to save a £11 a year annuity, be 1 ; General, 2/6,. Boys Free. oa July 8, 1905, giving tbo conditions undt r Wateriordj Mrs. E.j Walsh THEATBE ROYAL, WATBaFOBD. ; -who are earning good vog«B, • ia good; those Single En-try; 1/- and 'lire. WbiH , it noted. If tbe North Tipperary County Council ' All Entries close on Thursday, 24th 1 May, which, if tbe Bill received the approval of Par- 'New Roes : tbe Stiudeafaof St. Augustine's and j following what is prortng a great *aoc«**ful week %to are beat <*u«eined to j ooa« «ay tinat'tba : -' ; ¦ ' QbQege; Miss OSuliiraiv, Si,.' infested that £300 at 6 per ant—which U easily at the. Gaiety, Dublin, Mr. Bioogb aod bia fall men are equal to ttnythirigrthatoodk) 1M 1906, with Hon: Sees.! VAUUAD1.G pCMEDIEO. liament, they would be prepared to oak Farlh • St. Unailas obtainable—they would bare an income of £16 (The OpmnriWee reserve to themselves the -Awrustine'tf OoETeuro:Mrs. IV, Hkro'ard Water- a year original Company of comedian* will visit Wstorbrd met with to any njirjang oitrtrSdt fa> the : ment to vote a sum not exceeding ^60,000 for eter. while tho £14 a year which their Waterford •wWid.! Bwving eaid so couch tight to alter |the date, change the Pro- ¦ :: ': ! tord ; Mre. Oarrigan, do; Mr. and Mm. Doyle, on MoDday, Taeaday and Wednesday next, and will , w« abonld towards the cost of the scheme for the junction do; Mire, neighbours aaktd them to contribute would b« jwlped present two of 81r Frauds Boomand' latest aad most tiie to roentkm that a gentieman carOed to eramme. or 'refuse^y Bn^ : -ir- ; and the Masses Deevy, do; Mr. ana conreo of about 00 * To Romovo Impure Blood ia trequeaUy pf the Cork railways north land couth of the Mm. FennesByJ do; Bev.i Browne P;P; out in tbe yean. Tba tam« fict* sooceeslal comedie*, oa Maoday aod Tuesday "Tb« Ma on:Thursday aternoon witii reaped tba W. . apolr to the fataitoo* oppositioo of the other opposin* i D 'CRIORDAN , Plmploo and the cause of bod nealtb ! River Lee. Siisa Mtirdbck ] London: ;DT. and Mrs. Denv Lady ol Ostmd," and on Wednesday ••The Saucy certain party or partice, wboj ie, or are, pre> ! Hon . Sees. . Dlotchoo. " D rJKing '6 Skin aad Blood mefoy, do; Rev.|T. 'Mloaklot, !do; Mr. and Ma's. County bodiea. aad tbe reference—jocular to a certain Silly." Both were pro:..bad and enjoyed mat runs saTwtmg ; to haw aometbing to do- fioaaciany ! Witness, coatiuning, said i the position wns drgtee—that the Oonnty OoaoelU enteredinto opposition this mir?nft Pur &ex " acts ca a cleanser IHeUernian, Oahir; Misoj Stack , St.j Amgus<- ' in Loodra, whilst In ti-.r profiaoe*.under Ut6 *kOral 'Wkth project ati ^Bbosnvntn^ A and purifier ol the blood, different this year, because j there were three itine's College; Rev. Maurace1 Oanon Hyiuv, was due to • desireof some to tune a trip to London, aiamgement of Mr. La«noca Brough, Utey bate ex- Kenllemart rt»i»ei3 Mr. Beardto', fcr isxampl,e was by no means unfounded. Tbe cost of tbeir trip- 000 performaaoes naa been indicating-the ho^ereAwfabca be eradicating all impurities, schemes before Parliament which, while not "P.'P; Mw. and! Miea Outlar, iMra. WooTlard, ' ceeded 4, , aqd the toon io South veil, we bope tbe auditors report will disclose tbf exact Africa, Australia, Canada tad takes ro Botunabon nJiningJ Ute BontuaEbmrX COUNTYiOOUNOIL OF WATERFOBD leaving the «kin clear and dealing altogether with the same matters, cut Bondbn; Rev. Pialhere KieJy and Blood, OJP; America bar* bean \ ooft Bottles; 2/6 ¦ each, at Bev. T. FfirrlW^ Mr., Mrs! and MEss -MWioney, amount. Tba Waterford Corporation allowed .only equally successful.' Of tb* author U may ba (aid that dyndtcBt« bsiv« . no eaaneritkm -whatever, bod the object of improving railway communi- . £12 a bead for fire days* trareUing and hotel expenses., buflinm* or othecwia* wiibjjMr. Reardbn, a AND , PILAOE Qor nan'e Medical Hall, 128 Ihingarvan; Mr., M"rB. and the MSases Healy, be is foremost amongst living- homoarisU, hi* work In . NOTICE FCTECISHiENG TIME cation ID the Sonth of Ireland. The Treasa: What did It cost for delfgtles—out ol tba local rates— « Jsot which may enplain to more than . one : i OF AUDIT. ¦ QUJ y, Waterford; y IhfbBn ; Mr., Mra. and fMBss OTOamrtl, Iiia- connection with Punch" is ample proof of this. Io hla (s DabKn; Mrs. to (end men who lir* much farther removed from tb« treatment of the plays under notice be aeeo at his centain mWleading crroarw.tances. , having no means of arriving at a decision more ; Mr. andJMre. J. Mtihony, London ? i North ' I* Hoadacho "Ddoryne " Powdere act and M"iKe» Kirwnn,' Dubtcn; Dr. ond Mas. dlrrct route to Tipperary is a cast in best. He ha* gireo strong plot* to them, which are NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , that the to the merits of these respective railway bil Is point ! I . - ¦ ' ¦ . { ¦ They remove the , DutTin,; Mre. EngJ'and, Ooitk ; Mr,, easily followed and which ara full of screamingl funny 1 : 1— i 1. — . . Audit of the iAccounts of the above-named Curod like magic t 'and their cpmpatability or Incompatibility hi d JMkmlks y ^ period ended tne In' a fow -nor Uorms of Headache and Mxs. and Misa, O'Connor,; do; MT.,,MT&. B. ENEMIES IN THB HO03EHOLD. ; j sito|iions, retailing In tbi interest being sustained Council for the financial determined not to come to any final riccisit n hout the oening. TEAQIO OOCIJBiRBKOE Jf KJUMOHL4N , 1905, -will be opened Mlnutoo. Nei xalgiain a few min-utes. afohtony, do; Ai r., Mre. and!the Miasee ;Morria So much for the counties. A great many people in throug Mr. Broogh and his artiste* 30th day of September *nrned : if not auc- 1 ' bare thoroughly entered into tba author's i»« 1 Council Offices . (Dungarvan. by : QDo iey re . aa to assisting any system for effecting a jun :- Ncwrath; Mr., Mra.- and; Mias ONeill, Kin- Waterford and onUlde, as shown, imagine that Town idea*and g ¦ in the County ' ceeiful ! Boxes 9d. and 1/3 ' in bis work a performanoa of UM bigbtst standard. Mr Broojb i • in *i Fr -INQUEST. -. , - , ! B. i Sheehan, Local Government ¦; ' tioa in Cork until the threo bills were cons- eale; Mr. and Mx». F. Scalian, DaibKn ; Mw. Clerk Fetly s* to tbe cogia ering; Mr ». eachi Prepared : only by H. Elliott,- DuMimt 'Mrs. Mbj nb!ch can it would ba bard-e*ra»drtp ota will be open -without in- I T , log one of our leading oMnedlau. : - .' O3M|:*olk>irirk ymy iw«r0 11 w Mr. and Mrs. Lawlor, IPungapvanjI Mr. &i\d founded and entirely ltglcaL Tb« promoters of tbe atteptlan for Seaside Hotel ,. Bar. Also ' Conetdpation and of modern times. Bpadal and ptnonal I* «jm. Ion Fridaymomiag whin he got up, Ht ASf - ASSilsiAINIT Otomach d. digestion, that .£60,000 wDi be allocated and we finely (Mrs, Carroll, IBantry; I Mir. and Mrs. Barry, Bill have, we bear, nol mtsgirlng* as to its ullimaU Broogh to NO and Liver , (D Mid by Mr. . U* mountiBg of all Us - •the fire^ and1 went oat; « ««> next *»w hka Llvor Ceano tSL i Stosnach ungaroan : Mi. and Mrei. Ly^ter. i AlMone; soooe**, and tho«« who bare oonstaotly and persistenUj HepresenUU»eo»«i »»m*laTishscaI*fai a Young Cook. ! troiibles. In boxea at 1/14. believe that with a Iittlo bit of cctirity on tbe U&8. -MuftMly, Uondon;;-Mr, and Mils. Martin, doctiooa, ttt* dead! tAout13 noon on St today, the ; nert I aboMd tbe measure bars now succumbed to th* tha: piotinoes aa ia London. Amoegit UM artistta la : : ij tXr obtained ii ' Gorman a part of our pnblio bodies | tbe Treasury t 111 Co. !Kilkenny; Mr. De CUwy, Netw Ross; 'Mr. more) : ' day;' «he went itrto aa oncbonued hoi^e- ia ' " News" : 1 inerilabl* decree—No Timbertoei. tba Company Meadame*EaU Maf»rd, Dairy O«ok, \pply by. le-.ter only to 8easide, 1 Madical Hall, 12G Quay, never give that money away from the peo] ile Mre . and Mies Marron, 'N«wry ; Mr.l MTS. and turn j oat aome cattle said km hiro.dea, daqd * ;. - Office. : ; ! Beware ol Imi- Snery,' COMHIfllMBWr TO "M. A. U." \ EleanorGUkait , and.Mcsarsw H aoryHaa apaoo, Oaarie* bangfig IKCOU the roc4; «i> Ua away, ' \ W*tertord. who, at a great telf-sacrifice,maintaujed a Hhe Mosses UaTc Kilkenny ; Mi{, Mxe and aad Gow« aUy may.b j ab-Pwl ot hi i\ *M ' . i . ¦ tattoos I IMFJSB Tjamier, ThomaMnwa ; MXB. I and lie Many frisnd* of Mt U. A. Manning,tbe pimalar Oroxa, ' ¦ guarantoe to help a lino of rail which wain teadal mertJoB.' O& mdntrfay trwlog a tat*train ^. l-jrofc ; ' : i|i! . ' Miasea SteplM neon, KiVmeadeo; Mra. Henry, T*wo Obtk of Kingstown, hat* made his rectSt !¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' "¦ HB Sergeant Mahonjr-'D ttottee.ao}^ L rtn U raa toTraavJc*.., V. 'i' .- •' } ¦ > '{ '< ¦ - •-¦ - ''¦' .; :.; : TCEJDEM8 . A Good Osnea only by;having A fioaocial failure for close upon two generatii ns Oashel:; and ittl the Pniieat* of tholCWy. ! marriagvthe aceajka of ptrwotiBghim wbia mark df ' i : ¦¦¦ ¦' ' ¦' : ' - Appotlto perfectacting liver and good through what u now becot iing thei direct I »tt theirgood wiU and stc*a> A otaait*** r»«s*atZ pHSSHBVATioNorHAaiHi - : ^J\, i' -eSKaTOaQtyH^; h»<'W*I l<^ltM^.maM CaUaa i • digestion; Both can be ob- ¦ ; tin of all ahadc*ol polWtt, *port, aaj pobuToVparl• Ur.Jol»Ot*MH*lQCn aa«|dl*fea ta*4»n«>i Ara.'iLvited by the OfJ^P""*"* : rente from Goodwjck In W dea to Quecnstowu : wmtf ttm, Atod h »f»w oT'Waa^rt Dairy 8ociety. Ltd.,, for a : Sined by teiiitt} " Gor- ' ' ' ' • " ' ' 'w sWa -jfiJlfBwiF.T. ' : 1- nert day*tb. ycWwhlliuA Mio. fcr TW.rt «-^ O*. Aericuliural *nd in Cork. The people are benefiting by ¦ I - - M ; " AromaticMixture of vb\> ' ^ O | | i ... j an addreasof oongntalatJoa and • magnilatotisnr ^ jotocUt—"I wilfamjat. U ma *a w»«B»- af,t jvS&*3 ton» : Wiif. by. Averey^ ! nil ih'a ' ito.Mr.i - approved maker, to ,be : . Iron and; Quinine. It gives this development are wett able to pay, and A toIfiKran* tram Uloyd'e Part. BaM agent, strrto* wOl b» mad* Hualag,wool as i SPoofey'*, or <>U»er handed - Britten tdrpedo'boat jonraatM, a spoctsBao.abda|mbtk tO dii,m madW «borrf»fasi&Waty,jb* jlw aimpj extiei m thiir prem&eii, ' aad to-be : to$« to toe stomdcrj, etreng- their attempt to aectue that'money to them i»s ithia morning attttee the BtstSfof 'acceptance ol .!. ti ai» tb« constitution, and 56 ¦ oft 3»ojthOoid ; aprtiJ^ Jhe troop* of fiiendi. . Wbcn pastiiythroogb KlsMowb OT*r *iSin «pe mdnth alter 1 as bold as it will prove abo'tive. The County cav&m r w*r» ia oony*r*aUeo 1 : their •aliataction, ; «id : ecrlciftgthe blood.128 Bottle*, night: Seven ol the iua& fere dtorroed! Dot loDf *go w* with atTtra]late • L3 Snderlreec^ to ¦ ¦ ' ¦ CouncO of Wateifordwill meet ntzt Tuesday. 1 tag fetMeott of tin Prnler VnrmUp, wt paSoi ttobR MiKliuiigto^ag Lpal IyBpeotor °l ! : • j lRlTand 1 1/9 it^Gorman'i; fHi« Adsniw Wy notify lit tie, torpedo baan ud *4 wsi WttTail SSS ^Ttoe j $*&£, ¦- ¦ : UU that DM tHtimeatet moftouet WM «t)ar,la Ooaoed to •SseL" At a%M ti leufi iron Uje xM VjM*yjaMk- : - iTMMHc^BW^ Qo*y,: Win that body rise to iu responsibility as] to W, capawed and aJuilif!Inhale '^to --JE5. «" » Mrikinb ta* tm baoeiu* -a* - l^. ¦ t oto*ng— suoc«s*aodthat nearlyall tk. r«t>ctt«mt>tirtv i£ui tWwa* 4 l8nM*n r»pg ';i^wt«» iH>^«g this matter an* place their views reipectfijUy A-migaat. ^fte dbtlq^ipg «» _ ' rt dtm ¦ Andrew Piilrf r, flreVow; petty orfloerr Lgo- DabHn.Klnp lowa.Bray, *a*d tkronyhoat Ik*.emmtoV Sr^Boklalsrarirrgaa'X^k* m tmJjtiuiA' feW fek were iatewt; -foSi'Mif tomtit ; ; ;: but emphaticallybefore lie Government and EH j*aVa*^K^a*i 1 ' K^S HBH Jp ^^a**9 -'a^'* ^ ^(Jv*aw^a^^Hi vfl^a*a*BM*j ^**********s ~v 41 ' ¦ A , Cartaln IM ' v "TSerw'a > Asneikab nsami Amtey, A: B. Frederick JtodeTc^nsM19 poarallyban johwU jtajtali itrftSiof natsjcTiMa vWaV^ kwaM: the rofle wai a« derelic eatDKB » a. MBUWM .«( nd> onrktd ahttnH Si * : ' tlon of duty to the ratepayer! which will! ; tUvto Motallty of CaposiUoB»• •• 6, A. 14V' -fi* Mi- Mitat#*tr>reUd in &U caaen b^ rtUkwj. jp ^r on1ee»! ^^i «lW*rJl ' win te «rt ^tt^'Suck«T^^ A^SCTillt i)ctMit : i • :. : • I of ; conglM .and oold» from: inquired into at the elections. We cannot Ijelp iBattey, mSam H. Toil, Bod George F. ^PtaHco o*d. w«k, and Mr/ G«or7. hrtaad.>» l. te^lfa^Mj.a l^^ r^pM.; you ^ rtH iM "' O B.VAL.Br^Ts»T^ ^ i. I : ^irtntever cause ariaing.- It that mott our public bodie^ Ba*jn. [ Jn»B*;l K^t^irtfc ' ¦i :¦ remarking of In «w» •w»«ofty aoo.t natsm. ifa Us y, ¦' ¦ ¦ MaaaUe¦ £ i b. t * " ¦ " - ¦; • • -- • - , : « |Wt ;. : . .Vr- - . :¦:: ¦ ; . :¦ .; • - "I. ..j , ; . tb*thhp»^.Bg«ie», l/B e»cft prone to iadnlge . Jn wbat we presi m^ Appftrenayi' witli- «por4e«io- eeizate, ana ;re- . , ; .. v| , i i . i ¦ : ' ' ' ! ' ' ¦¦¦ " ¦¦ ' ¦ : " ' - - ! ---i ¦ ' --¦<¦ ;«0owZ »vk«*cai - - 'Hai; to " call prolonged and] sometimea a »tf moTed to WwtnMer iHowoltal.. . i ¦JOB ASAOaS-&A!!Xi ' i v ' -'/"¦' hi'! :¦ !- - . ' ; - - • :;! .{ ::¦ 'l»!Qn4y¦ TwM6ifoni. : b' A bBll««itoTliwue4- a,t Wc*nM4r' HtaswW : :. -|B:ttp ««t, ¦- • ¦ : : ! :|i - ¦¦" ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ' ''; mODiotu. crideum. on mal ters of tde or no j;: -iMldta| BMMtw^naniy m t , . Ki ' ' ; . MM' ! i» m fttoc, frMtv.-p»«Wfc import Ignoreor skrp nattenof lidvant age Mr. J*aaU .Mk.*#bM*M«bi I Wttmj mfJctm^ ia*&I , they stroke; ari*, W» ooodSti'Wl»! !»eria ».' .. _ , ' :.rme bearicgo i {J^lpeiftion to the. commnnitie* at;L rfe which they ' ep» £rSe« Arts«» <>* Oo«£oigjbl!tediA'iAlM» >[ ai«li»t-theW- : ¦ 1 tarn ot 1ie-;Hb^< A &i BabtttUali'bM testnt. It U qoh» apparentDOW that that the noS tOriftW« ri»mo rafa¦nlngog a«fro*: JJhpwi hP" aivi jfitoeeeW ii!» i<)0ixg bw Uemibee mid ¦ ' ' ' ' ¦ * m »: oii**ji -< r^Mki: ,lr 2u T. -Th^^VwrtJ- ' - • ¦ * • . .-! I -! I* - .t - " ¦-: »¦ ' - * ' - to -Bota«i^Xhvia,^' apwed.aljBodminuH grant of £60,000 wanted, for the Cork Coi mtjr , dayflfc ^rinoiiial ilegition 1»|o« «xoe» W" jTT ^ Baflwiya will not | vto away . by the at ••».' Ttfi''fn«t>n mt il pMidtioim'tteamedittniA^^lSi'iSSSoo u Tiwrary from tbose wl o arebeat entitle 1 tb The' flmt bllcer and eSsut < * , «« 4iritfa5inl 'ht«Mh-| f|^i)h* « Mrtilajj : ^*< j if » ^ig ' to ftlle^ec it Tbe indefinitearticle and fat Mr Hti tb't nrMnB, b»i ing ;Mtj WLP0* MSeMf » "a railway" i booM diliiptto Umu« "IttioiSla IM^iltl U ' ' ' ti^ ' ¦ ' ' i ' ¦ ' ¦ l " ¦ ¦ i ¦ ¦ - :¦ ¦¦; ¦ ' j; ¦ ¦ ¦ • - iwitaio^ ¦ '&% !' . . . : - : acum ii» ¦\uUL<:-'\i.\ir 7 " ' ' ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ , ¦ ,H . ' ¦ ¦ ?• ' i ¦ ' ! • i; '¦ * ' " '¦ ' ¦ ' " '" ' . - . : ; c. ¦ ¦ ¦t " ' \ , ¦ ¦ ¦]¦ ¦ -V ; . ' , . • ' ' ' ¦ " ¦ ' '¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ . j wBmmi ! . - i~-. ¦ ¦ \ ¦¦ . ' ' 'J '¦'> i . . i - . ' M WSSmm ¦ ¦ 1 ¦ ' :v; - ¦ • >;¦ - - : 'i*s'r,r " 1 t F \ r ' .. •; : - f>i . *vrji;.rjv: 1 |V.i '.•;"«

¦ ¦ - : ¦ - ¦ ]v:.ri.l'J::.:::. i:;ij!v; i!, , • - .. . . v :. . ;. . .:. ..i V^^>^£h:*^Sv^^ f.: : ¦ •H. .. nhjpnp'¦ . 'tsrJAjnl '¦ Cif '^i |-Miyn;>O». jj. . S<}j h. i: rjj Vi. ' r> ' 'i-v"J.S'i^^ } 1. ! .ih|«J*i WH? :f.| i "<: : h> V . ^fpffffil) ¦ i L- !" ' " ''' ! 1^.iBrTt^frt^firti tnr rrnnni\i^f r Iiii itf ' ' ^' _L^lj— 1' ' ' ¦ * u'1 ; '.|;-iii''ii; ' ' i ' ' : "< trf: the ' M':M -':V'li-^J i t'i»Kft'- 1 , V;^ - '" • ""i -i- •J H-i!:>. j -' - 'l'.! ' ' - ?>?- ' ' ¦ W'- .flraaaciaVifl'ltlve: :wajr of^ getting -rid 'of-:<3& riveT; no cogis«nit /crt bosoptira^pa .Co. ' I ** ¦wim en«c* Asi.it tapon Hiie /trtiffic <& '<&?¦;! . ^<^¥f^' ^ v • l - T-^ - ' -i ' * & loiudge,1 b«iu^ oioonireejthe ridfe, capafbliai of carrying ' ¦; . HOUSE Of COMloy attack upon !the Bridge (1) the briAge1 ¦ ¦ ¦ . . II believe, deefired to' itike down 4h©'-'brtdge above^-vizl: irraD«)»ed' ;nex u;^ ! - j heavy 'i?&wo?rT$ij$on ftt .(think BO. ¦!' ' ; ; ! brft--there be sUutoited enMrely jwiui&n. oii]e;0ouhiy; a^nd. -i Are tthe Oorpomtio y tWaterford iaqd.rt1?buiid'i)t' iii modem • £ashiaa,7 i brixJaa ' and \ Joi .unand> ; ! ¦were'financial difficuTtie* anTtheif; 'way. iThere (2) ^ tihe exnstdng ie atoo ,90 edtuatjed, \ moua ia favour -iof acquiring Hie >xuA£ng- : ¦ xri6 ljighlts of. wie Btrioge( .ComkufificuoneJB .'witih : ixmdge?—lUadotWKdly. ¦ - -BWIM REPORT OF THE .; • liw'certmni-AiqtB orr certain Jegi^IaUon-'pecuMai .pup. ii! ¦ ;' : - 'i SPECIAL 1 thcbe'AatlB' are known as the reapect to it 'and tto terries, eiSc:; mnat be ' ' mV» £»piW''?'ii&Lt*ID mifanj a» ^And they;«e wiainri^tear ' tie-'ooA of Hie '¦ rto -Irefliaod , and ia • iLff-tT BtU BpM. ¦Bwdge Acts ^Ireland) conitaimed a 'number ohised before any auchlnerwbridge ban ibfl \! Ll»hWrt C&kai, GconM. punchtaee ¦ , ore ihey notPf-Yes. ,. , • ! • PROCEEDINGS. . ' 26 of me I ridges (Irela id) imA, | 1 : m PutnJUs fi sftlonx ul Bntt Fnddlscf. ; , : iof ;6tatatea,' and! those Acte provide for the buiit .; Seotdom ! 1^*^ Sold 1 24, P»ckijU; ^0 ed., U.V Tiadjis .mtwnnring; jtihey -girt the laan^tiance ' ' , adjoinOiig 1667,: co adapje d to tie piovMonof the tocaj ; : ¦tiat the 'BUllprovad«e!in^ceganJlti<> thi6 «M« ' " :fbuilding of bridges csonneotihig . ' .*L- . .i " 9*.M. <*6ijfHn .GMiitan. , - ,.-, or :toounili&3, atod tie ppoeekiureunder tliose. Ajii Government Act. 1898, malkeB tlhe . cpeBa- ; trtroi 3BUJe ,itt8ltte» thafc ihafm. been onentioaed ! 'lihe Lwrd lixxu and consent of the eouncdlB of ti^ neigir . j :n opaming?—.Yea^quite ' : ' " :SPEEOH.. OF. .COUNSEL 1FOE ]is $nBi ,A. -meponal is Iaid-'be&>ie ' feo. - • . . OPENING : ]Ifleu!tenanit—it used to be from,tie 0B*«xaejined l>y:'S£tr<3hiafceir. '. ::;¦ :!.' ! •¦ ' tit a new bridge and' to ' the purohsao of ihe , My lle»riied . - OOKPOBAMON. ; 1 \*& thte Cbunty.jbut it is now fromthe Ooua^f I n fctena , oari (Ft&Qgex&ld > ^^ 1 ^ . ; . mHE ' ilighita of the Bridge ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ .yvu fihould be bi»U. bridge and tie terry . - : • •¦I ¦ ( ¦! . • - • ¦ :¦ ;:•¦:; ) . enquire into thj ban act under tie Badges (Ireland) Alets. fThe engjineer to !be "by the Board of of -tolaibridce?—iNoi. p o^ssarilygreat , so mitp e acting ! toy ithe . appoin'ted ' 'ha ' ¦'• ' ; ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ' ' oi Com- mamoiiial 't6 eee 2 it ia a .proper case for Ooipbration of , WaJterfond, '; ii'&ylbodyellB^'^ j-' -. ; . . • ' ' i i . {The Seleot Oonnnittee pl IJie!iJlcn it. 'kenay. ip neajpBct of \h* ¦ ' a-pplied by, them in relief'of their propqrtfboa 'Are you-getttonf'£4 ,000 at least ,(from tibd BIT. J. O." Fitagerald ' ej>{; Wateilord tiought.tiha posed new bridge, but they bawe failed ' jo 1 Harvey Beojte it?-^ (hope BO. - * ' He said—Sir, in . tibis caee I Sir; t!he Corpoiation of ; oi ^he" , cost oi tie aaid.now bridge." You aee, promoters. th« Corpora^ (time had cojnerwhen fhat (procedure might Be obtain, that co-operation for the,'j )ualcnase: of , And I believe' ttie rentalof the AoUls of tie ior ibe promoters, who site "in tie 'feadsiiog ! bridge andi ferry ingbitB -of thie eir> tiat nnrier; that proTSiJionthat of tie pear , witto; eet ' ir. oneT .'don ;' ar.'d acK>mingly,, ihe Vear bridge is labotft .£6,000 ;. . j : j stole tree 'bridge, and ... oce : the best knoM engineers in pow€|?s if tie work, I whitoh i« admiiitEUly of ¦ But you intend ltlo over tne uuver oiiii «»» ^O;is itHe exiBtang bridge (which undoubtedly will 'keep Iffiemto itall tie lrit ing ferry rights Bayer Snir !xxn the iTeiand , iadsed i may say his reputaldon ejt- uiKei! f necessity, ia io bo carried ouv The - of money), have January; 1908?—(T|iey ar^ ibound be, ibecause toni. Now, sir; you see the preetl.it Bill ia aee.gjied to eiwbte tie Cor- b*ia euCatanteal sum they through ,the O2ty of Waterford, lands far beyond Ireland, and Mr.. Ihinln and '(Bought it -only reasdnable; that tie whole of they; are under > lease]at preneoit. plan ; it runs the !ifr. Baxdon who are boith engineers, -and'were porarli an to purchase, ! with or wjlhout the ico- But If you tooi jthe lease over you woiild get A cuispiay pi \vnitei sweet 1men , poim waere ii run3 "through ghbouring tlliB .eum of £15.000 should be applied towards and a' n&e of Waterfard, ex- ;ras.peotivejy County Surwyors . oi Kilkenny opeKi rion of the couacils- of . the nei money; and if that was done ¦the rents or colla: for Ithtait t>wio&. would ; TOO of "Watenford; the «3fty : exisbingi bridge and feri;y rights, the::purcha»s, ' ¦ ' ; Ofty bank ; but if you look aiia ;Wat«riord. The Counlty. oi .Kilkenny, as ¦counties, the tljiiey, would bear the' \vhol-e; of the reet of the not,?—.ProbaWy.we ^hdulfLi . - - ftead'a to .the nonhvrn Water-: unrlersta-nd; was- co-operaiiing in- thfe and and to remove AU preliminary o xstaclee ' s' And that m-ouU; Teptesenit> , map in froritof youtnia ia . XI. ¦ ¦ j cast!"of . .the purchase taioney of-the dxisting Bum of £12,000 on the line ' earljf in the alt the larger way into imemorial. " •. •¦¦ .. . . ; to tlli'Txmliditiff of a new bridge Under tie - coit di the roughly?—It muodating ti* vast and growing! traffic taking-, and if as iai probable they.;will con- •rtaising! no objeotion. . ' thi3 " ,being South TipperaTy and sdde i to side of the river wiie'ftered by the im-; Sotrth' Tii-erary! presented a petition against tolls received f rofti -the bridge are close upon ISppenary, : to the one. tinue to' carry, it on.,rthaji. ia to say at various drawn it on their £8,000 a year—4a inot jtbat iwilat ithe Ocanmis- ithat ¦ North -lipperary Minting :¦ :rpO=iJtion oi ' tolls—i\vas disputed - by no have,ferry boata .going to .tbe'iBfll; but they have-with tiwve " ^ ¦ - : ; : existing structure for other .places tiey luatnea . being strucki out of the ¦ penniaxrve aioneis round iu Jhedx .deport?—The'bridge is plan). : ; , 'ihe iiijadequacy of the and tor, of course a -chaige "will be niade for! to which1 have. existence time ihe esigencic-3 of tradj 'and for : ihe . require- ^jlaHxse , contribute^ I already leased at tie pretemit Stipe M £6,700. Now, eir, tie re has .been, in passing in those feray boata, bat the bVj dge ' with the (But the lessee hag. to! gflt Qua profit, has he ancienlt ferry at Waterfoitd.-' I ments of modern tran.s:t was 'practically ad- will bo toll free ; ana tien, once th?y have ajienitioned. and Iney are satisfied out ctf mind an been re- matited: The ' paralysing influence iipou tha of the ¦ (Bill! as: it now stands! ; The County Councils not? : £He may not get bis profit if yoa to! provide?—•!e fatal "to its pro- earns Body, the Bridge pommriasioneni. (Ifoflth" Ridmg) CountyOcranda; SW Iwe do not faiaw "what |h "trill cort; it may , were tEtten-a civcia. WJ ~ coatlnueid under the Bill - ttipci3mU' to' igive TBIpperaty ¦¦ ¦ Sunlight Soap, ...it j ,iddoes wha ttOSM catUe ejqpanaionof trade, . agriculture, sir ,. 'aM^j annum.. - - • ¦¦ ,.. . . :• ... •.- ,- :. - . . ,oost lfllOO.000. .; : . I , ' "ioaiB, and they oom*trttH&4 a wwden gress. The of ihesa County'Councils- of Kilkenny, Wppwary pei" I Ierty .-whidi jyrxu -oee-'taiei^ and industry.1 and the certain^ effect*, the MI The Chxamtanj -ZThat ja.:I^OTth.. ,3S.pneranrJ, BuH. ha.3.it not ''been 'stated by your Town bridge at'.tKe ponit : iNbilth and ' South, .Wttterfoai ao* [Wexfoni , (Feely) tiitiit wins quite possible J6H a'TTOoden bridge*wMch ^rossee railwayconseotions n owJn jirogress render the the;: JUirhae© ,AIr. J- p. Pihgetald-Yes;North T^jpcSary Clerk «JMr. promises and it firiniltt caMtoori, ¦ Oity ot erection of a new totWrtSdg«:'a4'WAterford pernidssrvepowen e to ocrritwibtite- ; ''per flnm.TiTn: representing a'M.te' at tine- Kiat it may be ultimately bought for £05,000 is i no dearer t finida ocoe ade : to "tlte ' Other wt !^ 1 money of tihe .new bridge it.they. JW T» C fit.:We !—i^l4 1 At*;6&?9;-itnnit ts ihq a matter of;utgi pnt local neoesaity,' sod ci * "hmwirelth' of ayenaiy uj 'tie £. As 'regards tile —is not t!hat so?—iUri Peery cannot-tel¦ ¦ l that "S7atei4ord,otf and as the snxL : , sir, impdtse no oCoUga'Sdon:upon- them , bull we pro- not god, Uie- exact mpre' itoo anvjl>edy else. ' ;.. ' ¦ '¦ ; "' " ftnic^i: I/einstex ' ""HtiED^tieir, -^r,'' a^t more than provincial importance." Well pfenmifieiveporwer ej to con- lOqunty of Kilkenny 1I bare, pj^v BBtt-'Ujwis.'ttoiiagli the' result which tiat commission arrived at pose!to give'them jaguTC'Otiiei atunber, of-.pounds, ^nt I,.am -told Novr in addtooa< o; ih«6e (three sums- that liaVp&iiri,, and wH«r1 $ Kh« oavig; bridge was itribdte if- they think 'Hi to do.«o. ! . The poeaiiom .wpuM rsprespnlta 'itate you have told uj yoil :have got towards the iri (Wateitord,it SB a wide, deep, ¦ -was this, that though: a' new-free wf the Bridge Coinidi^onem, who are -no itMWDOW; be £80, and it . Bbttfthiy ly -tie tandce vraa mgently requined,Ihe lpos£tiion irhich L hAd der. jqt onie^iwen'tBCiti'ola penny in. tie £>rand ycith purchase df the old bridge, will ytou not have cibl© TO.-TOT, atd aocwrding " ' TonseT ' opposing thelBiUi is^lrii:theu n^ the : reOTlt acquired the ferry rights in the txridge?—Yea, as an opening tbridte," it ttiaa an been indSna.'fcal in. the Tflenaflorial by tiho Oor- origin^xrly drafted under- ^«ct^ ' .to the -CoTittty of w&terioroV'thtf ¦ - jfctmdtruci'Jod -wiSiiSi-rifeSBete ot a poralj iJcm,of "Wateifford! waa not the be^t po&i- Bdli as it'wa^ —if would represent a-rate d one- undoubtedly. ... . , }. ! ,, . 1 . . - . . , tpfening in.' the ceirlre-by tateag was tx) be acquired by a^bLtralfjonun td^r M ¦ ferry can pass j carry cia *hose rity and Excellence. Cartiain;mze for . ' distance above ithe itiajp), pm that in tact the' existing toll the pwxviadons of the. Lands Clausee/Act/ Jtoiobiig that those three,.countries " thai. righto across tie WEfter.for all time?—Yea, {^jbavtea&le a consideiable jbe Jip. " f bitfdge ja pit^baWy- in "the'bedt pooffion, and jwMcn ia : ibiajye". appeared here; have already aponfl in for Xhe comvenieika oi-ttW public. 'from ithat. if a^ndw-bridge; waa ; be erected''it *Kat be,ing tie ^.dt -geiiemHy con> , .the bulk' of the .'iidtvaoiage And tiat maans ca^rjtmg-passengeia ocrpfia tolte, aod they do'ia.fetft take tolls "to eftJe red'to be m^f fbVourabU>"to tie]pe /rSOik'supQ^ea'ring here ' ' B&a . irda&'iQ^ttle* aind'tPODQ: aH ehouWbe ^B 1 nearly aa poasihteupon thai aite. 11 (wSach-tiey- wouldi. ge't if. ti»y intfuced.ltaa the rirver, and doea it BOt afeo mean taking i26b4'2fiK33enger8/2uijd wifoee' propeilty is pucrchiasedi buit. there waa ' 6aacrtd!op\ti8.provision ai> gooda BCroEs the—Jinref- in ibaigei)?—YeB, 11 should also "iay, ".sir, that in tieir 'report Ootaofitltoo w4-t» ¦ ¦ ¦ * a doSerenft maciane/y t» tie Bridges (Ireland) : , fiasre qoi'te ' !¦*; * ' ¦• ' • : ¦ - - ¦ bridge has'-"•to ^ay a tofi.' At'th? they;«ftated in. what ' prpjwjtaon Tjtbej-'.'tittiigW ; (tbi -;Bin. Sir, I; reaffly thSuftf-they mustng so*. - £& moment receive tame, Sir, when that bridge' was erected the expense ; the Lord Lierfteaanlti • really-b einK'anjarbitria- '(prteenlted the THE LUCKY cvuxtuea, ami uit .pgJtwpmoiiB nero.Uicav.r~ from the Great BdtotUorhawl {Western Com- WEDDINGJQ ¦ RING HOUSE a work of tttality.akidr Boit&W^;-^ 1 ^ 1 i . pndoubtedly : lonj : tot.'and filing, the ismtount! ctf tne .puAwtee ptow Oan.m: tip Bill was Ipany for that rlgttWJaf—talkinggoods across tTucuindjanoeeof the day,¦ fbot it has The i Boroughof Wotenford .$> per ccjit;. the h53 doaelon ;there.'.ia an l aj^Hi i.tom.ia.Jie ' fild iihiait odaeiraiSjOoii osd'-a Oinii%:oi . iCftk«a»iy 20 peor. centi.'Sotfth lip- money," and-^froan ! i jpokeeVi I know, mnti tlhingj &£ that aE my the river a j teomi naarly £600 a veer?—'No, ti!ftob ceased to j^f^iH 20 per ¦ appeal to the Lord: lieutenant in , Council. been; going" -tin. far- yearsto £(% p^raty cenl; "Waifeiford. County 15j>er coiifl!trya»eQv ,itt»wev«r they - may be .divided no. The raiVway, -peoltf te at presentpay .tie " ' Skjvemerrt haa : In Ireland, when^tSef^^.aiLafipeal^tp.the .jdtier-jqTjfetojc oot care wiio eacctatM /leEtnima / and of various gervtl^men, members ^ tihey. writ be hoaod. ¦ ' cartoon me to point out ihat they, fuitther eay this:— «w^| heWi and no. doiifbtt it da—at thia moment,it. is iim Great Sotrthem Yes, lhar« la BO ^tj cw, cir, if you lodk figainf at that "In flTOig the conltribution of Waterfond City of the Privy .Council 'of Ireland and gentlemen tie- whale <6se. /that is Ahe and . Western ^Jompany-rat prfsenlft .pays doubt about it, the j j v. (will eee lthalt ^th© inainp of experience ; and the.Bridge OommjesioneiB Nnv, sir, th^t is, / . eoV tlw tigbJt, you. we .were mimthil of the lact- that the erection onify. opjiodi.taoa thatlis now , left to ,tiiB Bill; aifiher the lessee of the toQj or tie Bridge ambition ol every Young Lady ia to hare the \ ! railwaycox opanaeoare :ny dbnajiderdble sum to. tie mtea of 1 the ; Oity of there 13 no opposition from new bridge, the other County Have tiew toot, as a nta'tter of ttact, a When you have Bcmthern antf WeSternCSwn.pan -7 , there are one or two other email maftejns which etruoiiing the finally resolved on Uking my the Great . WateilfcHd, and when th!j* bridge is done away dqnincila which' are jwit wiTIinff tto cumtrabule dtaamdr?—Yes, they have & Ismatl steamer. 'tho ac left ' . of, .000,, whdeh is now river on tie bridge or in baij oes, they have to existence,' you won't make any Wiattenfonf'witn' tb^ Hhe Bill and to which oppositixm.la directed. tmaftiwa ot tiat ama ^10 , ~ mistake by • nmnaaftiixja- as ^ giyen from down ithe es*bimate at £1,430 a year. I am told paid by the rai>wia"M;c>c (The Chairman—Let mo eec-tiax'We oave unless my learned .fasenda 'widh it, that' J neesd sum at £10,000. Now, itttti secard iotttisgreat variety of designs, excellence eeo'B red line, 4h« "Vfa.terfoKl. anft Maw 'Soe^ dor an annaity far hi» . i widow . chlargjed upon ' fairly of quality oan- IWexIond theise[figures'right. Wiaterford 25 per cent; he. left read the: pcrtntLons.! I think I have burdeq you would taia xrpon your«bonx>u&B not be cuipaesed. : : . tBailteay«f tteDcatearWacHflW-end KaEflanny 20 ; per cent; South Tipperar/ , £0 htia propcTtjy and eoice other property, etatad what, is' the only poGnt raised. ire ha-ve gdt it now thai there 1» £33,000 from R«Tii«av cvnnnanv: ti*at,fflr , connectsWateo - bis property to the Corporation of Walierfoid tho3e potUions? landTWfcQcIorw, tmd also per cent; WaflerJoid : County 16 per CAEt ; of 'freeing the bridge from The Ctairman-iWiiatare ithe State,, £4,000 from I the (Harvey ' Bequest, Eoini with "Wexfoicl ¦•¦ Wexford 8 per centj North Tippeiary 4 per ifor the puipo^e ¦ ~ - J. D. EUtzgerald-^There U a peititton £11,000 that would coine from the toUa, and - • ¦ - ¦ ,- ) ' • ; - i i I tolls: ¦ ¦ , ; , . . | ' Mr. gfflfihtOWblin. ' ' wjlliyoii cent';!Queen s County 4 per cent, and Oar'ow j from Kilkenny, BIT. ; Ithere are these.Valoa btsr riglite tiat you are T. - 1>. ISt^gwraMMI- are baking poweir in tie toib. .. \' < I T- , •; ~F~~ that; the bridge should 'be saniotSoned at such and - accordingly we same poimt. Wow, eir, if you. will toqi •• ¦ ¦ ' ¦ •¦ ¦ ; ' whicii were propoee^ *>lthe . " • ;¦¦ • • £hajr Bites for bridges ctf the Corporation ' 1 . : ; a-jxidnt aa the CtommdaaoneiB migli^- deter- Bill to sell the reversion 'of the County Council of Kil- iMr. Chater—Thivt is,' jound by the Vacercga ( ! Originally when.the ConunicsrowjnB inquired 1 at!.the petition ¦ oartooa inine. A3 woo as that memorial was pre- of WaBerford to Mr. H&rvoy'a property, wnich 'keimy, paragraph 5 df the petiiicm, I thitik, K^port-, if you want any reference. The lessee into tlie inaj/ter. Jt am ainaid that that • ed&roaiedwill : kmmunaiionei8 for ti^BQ prepared oitginally for a Bill come yeans ago, " ' , instead of having de- ¦ acroa^ the driver VTBS bewtg ceived, that the erection of another' bridge Die pmrchiasoof the irigbtd petitioner in t ne tol towing .reapecte: It righta ; and we • may ,-aBernitre he has some (cAen a 'bridge . " till they had first been purchasednp wouM be to wait tiHithe holder of tie .annuities has! ¦nrives your petitioner of .any voice or cpn- ^profi t over that leasojand tie Ocanmusioneis Baftiwrnsed, a raiiwayimdge , and Hhoeo maito ' : Dr GU2- an :iatferference with tiair righla under the died. There ia no oppxisflioji to tiat at allJ ttol in the iiBplioatitm an least £01.000 will be derived ^ '¦ Mr. jj'D. Pit2Keiold--No, Sir ; there r di no jao new .bridge" could"be.'" constructed 'xinlil i& a, line which is known, aa the Fishguard lease may be runnong. I beQerve, under tie (from these toife lbefoie;ihe tMfidae is free. fsfrtfee there. : "Wliere 4he pointer ia now, tor, ¦dheir' righte "had been , purchased up, and »the andiBxxs3lare.lino, of]which probably "on have existing lease, tie tolls are leased : by tie Tie Chftinnan-HBp!t! how doee tiiat .come in; Quay, ; ' & nervr nailwa Irish 'Ocnirts so decided,; and. the result of heard. It comes in 103 you oee at that poiai a tessee; and . onder because plainly '.they ; will Jiave"to pay the ?7i ^aterford. -fa toe ipodni where aotaally j Bridge Ctammisaitram to ¦ fet&Xge has been aoffioriaad: ^fow, sir, what! i] a-T2itrefore it eeeme. to me 61 traffic lie8 the axiaftang ¦thea by a branch line- gedna lon ,to Coi(k;.!and Ch« intexesSo f . your peititaonieirBand tioipuWic difflcultr the Cbmsmirteois it>. : (Kmtkong at that cirtoon, you -trail see ihat the ferry Utightoor rt»11 ibriirises •tlo be'acquired when on. tie Rngl1«h riidefof tie.Obaniufl;therei was generally denmnd ; the immediate fTecing !of Mr. Cbater—Yvs . I ' quite appreciate thili bulk or the principalb asmed? quarter of ilk a' nevv bridfee .has toltte made, but the Oor- a line from the Fwhg-uard Bay coonedtiDR ithe said bridge from tolls, and the «ub- difficulty. * '! - . . ICftty oi Waterford u on the couth side, and tbie poxaltJon of >V|atei!foad couHd n<& move in this ,-with tho GteaitWiedtern.:Idne at come podnf, efcHuiion therefore of an entiredy new free toll Mr. Greig—You see] 4ir, we axftualty do .take principal quays are on tlie eoutii side, .anil ni&Uier wiffltiout the assent of the County Ooiin- che lobjeot bedns to i give, a new-.compebitiye Ihridce of greater capacity and strength. ipfower under our Bin to purchase out the lessee wat.tWTt» woum«r* mcr *a*u cil of Kilkenny, and1 " ithe ' whole, South: of England and empowering ,we ; &e (vessels, toe eteamew for Iaveipool, and |I though County mute from the i Purthennore, tie Bill, whilsit tasd if purchase out tio lessee we rihaQ and •various other places, Counfcil of Kilkenny had been wiiffing to bear lloiuion. That line i way bkginuTry. promoted ydoiT petitionersto oontribirte soonev towards .have itO : do rt upon :whialtever he gets- from it; Khiok for Glasgow they him ^ tH fitsutt from tihe eorrftih edde. " tChej&aUosd tibair(p/ poporaibaof the coet of the construction by ' .'indeperident pTOnJoiterfi;' but when the purciaee of the said existing Bridge and Ii iwe d"o ndt purcbas^ ou4, hu .lease will ROYAL ENflELD BteameiB I am told tftart from the north «ide, of a I new bridge, ami they were not SvSEng hiad i got to a certain! stage, the Great; Western .Ferry Rights, and ctf the estate and interest run out in 1907. and l asaumine we take over the other steamens aH rtaEt from the wuth to bear any part of the Cost of jptunchading op Railway Company oU Eiiglai>d and t!he Great of any lessee thereof in the event of their eo ithe bridge In ftlrat pesipd, there"Ha all the main* but IB txrodgd anii jpay a ' toH." B5^S3iarly County Council of Kilkenny shoes of the Bridge ICoiinmisaronera. ' WATEHFXXaD—A. Owning in from those! counties to . iransac! righli ol the Bridge ttamnxs&oneire. But for niated by the Great dotftiern and Western prf their mdnds . to contribute to the purchase Mr. Greig-IWiiti alliliahikaieB.:' E. Sdndeo, Tower-kt.,Mall I CWi "(PoqiUI»-ff. «. Keeffo, llAin-wtreel ih'U that punpose it was a'beolutel Oj- eland, - and the - Great Wcdtara of Englandi- : OB1OI1.J ' . business in W«i«rford, iaye'SU to cross y neceesaiy Shal (which at present they have . not done—indeed 31r. Chater—JAnd ]4hey »vre thento e otrtled Hf» . [, : . raro.i/BWar-B«». at M Flynn. la Main-rt bridgeand have to" pay i a foil; sind ¦when thej they should come to Pjjlicmen, tbecause the *he | Great ' Western; oJ Jn/taoA temg i in Hhey . have said : they will not, as I under- to tie rent which th^ (leases pay*; that it ' ' :; lhavfe tto cross' the ¦Bridge Aicte were so, expressed1 that 00 one a majority of one, !• I thinik- Now sir;- in ought, to be entitled to paying convpen£Bffion to YOOOBAlile. J. MfiiWc. ; f }E^^60(K£HT--^. ». Owen. tdtuxn -fo their hornets tiey1 stand) tien that they is not & quaftinn ol Barry. (bridge a 6 purchase money Bad all tihe merchandisewtiich comes in,- anld heard (it was' a' hybrid> OwnmSttea thai: en- they would be entitled to a proportionate IMT. Gredg—I -quite anticipate that tiia lease eonfth atte, and has to be eent quired into -tie matfer)—vthey wene « imtpree- share of any profits |-which mngnt be derived »tiU have run out betlorc we hove acquired the ia landed on the iThe Chairman—No;have not got it. i wooden by railway fo /thtce counties crossesthe bridge 1 sed .with what they heaid tibaut tii from carryingon the ferry rights. J mould: b boa%), and pay& a toll. ! (Mr. J. O. lUtogeralct-OTien tit, Bhal be bridge, and tie difllcuJtlLes surrouidiog it, not objaat to that; but I hardly thini. thai (Mr. Ohator ho; tie I ¦witness)-HNow there ; is (unless it is sent y handed in. (Handlingin .the same). Xhey say: tie Bill ithat aScmg that In addition to thiat, sir, awing to the tune whep " that they put into ii! what they want. 'Now, sir, you will see I one other iran I a/houM Kike to ask you aixnrt. confertriusted,- th© opening in " The reascms for andrthe objeoto of this Bill nadiway t>ndge a footibridge was to be con- ¦ dbViged ; to ., ma!ke a eosnewhat Under the FashguaBd lAct do not you gelt out the bridge \^as ^t are fully set;out in the preamblethereto; bait Hke tie at Oharii g Cross, have 'been is jaot wade enough to".the £10,000, that thiere fa M nec*ss£ty .to hav*re- : btclt of wood, and it ia land) Acts. ; Then they go aa " ifhe proposed footWidga was made a oanitil- case on ;behlall cjf tho .ptftamoter^ BiTl. ! conddtflou/ thsxt ia to cay. it is not safe : for tfcotiit ftait tlto.t course io i\; and mow!I will eatasfy you tiat SMOKING : ; the Bridge Oomto^ new bridge will be, and the existing' bridge Won of pasang «he Ffchguard and Bosstare ' Jt will be a breach of Ifcith if they &i apply : heavy Ioad3. ! I .th1i)i which the ; Bill emrpaweis the Corporotionof 1 was in 1900, and when I! THE MAYOR'S EVOIDBNCE. - ; sitmera have (found it.necessary to limit the Eailway. Now tb&t'j —(take it away from ib«joriginal purpoee, that , our, is. this: •WatenTwd to purchaseas a preliminary to tie the Obnupaqy came back for dome viriationiB ia to say. towardathe fconsttruction of the new load to four tona, and the rtiauli' traiVtingof such new bridge, is wh' painted out, 1 sis 'Mr, (Maurico Quinlan, sworn. {Examined by ' laige 'tracfito engine" or a heavy situate olVy of their Act in 1903i it waa : : bridge-toUk« «*ar *hkt bom of £10,000 irotn I If ithcre ie B withia fhe .OaunAjr Borough. «J WaWaonf, I have juat been starting, the fcJoitbridgb (MTJ IG-ra6g. i -' .. jctfjilW wtmk} nt&&&exo AMiag loui tons; tbtaft is. Teqvirajig - tim* 'ittoitiMor tho itihe ocmrtraoticm biid(8 it be » | : aide. 0i |lh°« whabh; is an; admSLdjsfcaSive county in iteeU. would be ol comparatively lidile u«8,|and tie . You lare tie ' iMtaybr Kit IWWe ibreach o< faith tO Opr flody Applyit to the ' V> b© «aken »croa« tio ihe other ¦Bt H had beenmerel y a ffuetWon ol buildinga proposedtU ot tnat««dof matinKthat ¦pteee nli ' year, W2 -udderBltoiuIP-rYes. i *o ! tlwerVithft« to be talbesitoundby OBTricX-on- Donxpany purchaseof th«:[a onemfber of tie ¦ HaA¦:¦ toui! (NOW, tell me. hi the rtionth of J«sauu-r, 1909. Bt£r, wMcb'-i» iriiiet^cni r the Comity qf KiThwrnvy over a boundary aum |oi COSfitt)when (the £eW Bcwird of rWbtenlcmiP-J-TeB. ' : ' • ! tatd, and il a...ve«el.romeainto. ,the. south itioQ Ho pay the ¦you aippnoachedthe KilkennyjOoanty Cb ntBoil machxnery^ or toll- Jree "bridge- v.-a» OOEdtanwUd at Waterfowl. nbe (KartourBoard ,Al 4 w itiBtena- fBul y(oru Qtltend each, in, your capacityas - ' ¦ ' ¦ P|K away-by tie railwiayson th^v^#*fnl^1 /(«byor Wf (the dtyf—Ye», Ithlat ia BO. -. - : Chaier—Tl)caI MS get il from ' Mr. i tiimt veBserafter it has dS»chaiged.psH Bo' Boosht.DfMinufceiured T«tlran±l3 v Now, you Wove seenl&e Mix. ¦ ; tiams ¦: •" " cade, to move/ acrctett ' ¦ " ' " ¦ ¦' - • ¦ ' fwly. M . : i i ' " V- •I •• iriwon on: iHt eoxtii iaa it t ^*9 - .. : • . • •¦ • ¦ : • Y ¦¦ " cargo* taT the I iwa/'over Rcver 8uir)i shall mat apply to . the ¦ \ : -: ¦ - (Oootwuedj(in p»fe 7). ;. • - .. . •: •AW.. ;. . • i -de raver, and deBver ite heavy ¦ thia Act aotiorieed or to toe bridge (Wlhat do-youBay generallywiih regand to ' :, ._ i:«ther B&te.-:because the: tniielg« da'aol "¦&. * t» I nailway by : ; - Qor carrying Jt over tie Mod river." ITten j.t the.neoea ifl&y oJ ia fcea JuSage;MBUurt tpranltf— i- , - ; ! teSte it- OnTy; J«et year I th'uvk. it waa, or the lTIi Stj is very angeqt iaft prwanl;5t fa very great i 1.03 OopparaitaiMi vorv-HiTimwrL-trb- rAWMtra. : ;; deS&Baltnle to aawe a wpmt upon th^ >¦ ' ¦[ . ' ' ' ¦' ¦ ¦ | «iongH ft 1 acting by tie Counciland the County Oouncal ody nAb. . . : ;-. . . . ; , !.- '. : ' ." ' .¦ : . JC»«1« wWoh JS Afl^ciud *lth OtylCSrna,a .; ! bridge, and they csliirf. in, cot a, focal man; ¦ ,of liiKhejit ot Kilkenny (in iM» «aoUan.ireepecSfi|vely: re- or EDry and BedIMurr»lnl m«y very efleo. !• L • ' fcttt. ant-^BigiDeer, ;1K Pnc«, the oouaty tuiOly be cuw4 fcrt-^Npl*"muait^ *»Wfii 1 ' l tie Souti «rf^ Iieand, and i he ferred to as 'the cm^ora&oa' jwa 'th< 1 ' h* ¦j' -i '- . i i «tMH(Inig. :in council*and togpn.t ltieiJ w/iijCjjolnit (x uncUs ) INFLAMMATION1 OP THE KIDNBYS¦¦ : tw«n thoco«gfa|y fasted, MriaUay ynmeA ¦M: :" : i*h«)f t&e •.•bridgO; ,waB,ia. ':* verjr ytM^Mif^ r ; ';-- - - } ¦:: ^ - ; i ] . ! «at»rtW;ffl6r, Ittrtt^.Ttg jrtl^BV . ffnljf . fW i»y rh fh< y ; . -?' .; ]- -; : . :. - -:^ 'i itmMO, nw of iw mff t, Iiiwinixtn .OdBdnt, ¦¦ ' L i H and thslt granre wspon^baHty , ; i. - ' . ¦ T ' . ' - ¦ 4 j r 'S ' - ; ¦ ;.i:- :; otiwie-eocdifoon, '?) $ jpbftly.or either of KJVnmniyM,! fionh «» jg., **jh « r - - ' . I T i i -i : ' :¦[ *- r. ;- - yt'.T/;la : .£B £WV "5i£ iT<.lin ;..; , ( " " " i^' , on any eiigiheer who certiSed it BAD ane by taw WfeW^lb! j *>y*:— * H i : >ocW r<^ . ¦ ¦ ~ 'b. YOU WEAK HEART : J- DROPSY AND ' - c ' ' ¦ " com thai £ad f«nr Red yf atet todiJ>nr ¦ - ¦ ¦;•- "" '(¦ ¦ • ' : :•:;: ^ W^ , : • : I V! . . : ' . . . ; ! L ; .* ' «n4 i- - »- - ' '»•*¦ ¦ 'Bf- ' "M -' ¦Murrain in»do ajtrc-Qce ¦fUl"50<»V«ry' jtftt*du V* ^M ^P^i ^M/*^flP^I|I^L^^^Mk4b ^K - ^^ M S£ ^ ^^ ' ^ | ^ ^ ^ '-^^>i • ^ ; .|> : .5tc*rb^ r precawticmB1 r iA afflioSexSltt> fble provWwfis out iffeot." '¦ ThJ n«x sAlaol juteutt/,,mhi 1 . I '¦ < ¦*'!>' t3( jp |»JIIBB\iMaPSSTR^XwBll'Ej iiBHuHBflBiHiffiS{OTO.ff? r-L. c. fe^Sf ': ^wrttflwdf W^^ •kieep< £a ^ trefficl^^^ on'itSe bridge,tp; » VENO'a! j BE^W^fcD tOMIC :> prw^ entcrpwd« «iJi»e Bradg^, STtMi »edtoi oontttbtfrllcflWH*t^' .««*B •tcodlhftI «A oFi if * 1 %r: i i'l^WttSs-t^itio cd tuTobnrtriadttoo, -jtift;in jlrsrJaa i .wrij iiHi be.j o2|1^;4ip do Ui4 nmcaiM JOB MH tn#d« #BWL- not ttttsofM* yo% o ^i-i» .11 J^ If tie:*aidwiidge i« coiaHimoUd'oa tbe iffie ¦ - - ¦ ^ MM •\ . . .:; : > „ -e. 1' JFOtL' : J^CUKM )QH wMM"tM HNuHl > ttv'lOl&V- K ' U 01 ait a dWEance 0 ' not.«M*«imgif % feet > afixn a the esUfttng I toK'lWd jpi^W'^oinJ.(A : fMtw n 1 tttouiwUKiuoa' di toc)ttttbe -mta brid re :jj ^^ gg^t|i^k "& YnttiNV FlnWUNflllOIIMiniVillMBMpMVlli k'¦:« iMbiooUd-rnpZL > <*&*^*te -betrtr.«y -fi 3v m|nin i bwr;'• Bijek «nd Vbe!««id .en rfing tol brVJ te ^K^^UV Ww w^^WB ^^9B '^H *V^^^^^^^^9 4t>4*rcto- 0*;ten tboiwttd poondi." i rhea tt goefc 110 to-'iirtHitde- fer U»-nta»^fa etfori. ircoSaioalUonC aai:HJbm-ta:»titi *tiitjL^i{A my *t riwmlOaan booqtfhvot i:'Sh« >¦ ooaricS'.«^>4h*'-iy eft«t te ibe ay at|: tlM * ¦mi Ocmokor- J&fi Cdk m m SU-Vriili II ¦ ¦ ' i:: )- : ! ¦ : ,¦:¦ - ;:- ; i| i A .;¦}; - lii/^i;^^"::' ¦ ¦: ;: fe)-n . -M| ;i!^J:\Sii!i^ : i^' i ;i ¦xn.Li i • '•. : - " " - J ' - -* ' tf 1 " - IT•" ' - ¦ - • •"•' "- ¦' K '.^', JHMk' -.'BF M Hl^k'i-'^ ^^^IH ' * JSiMlMiIS DLy' u, - \ ftc ' \- jr \..;; ., ;v l:^. *L:j :Ui :.:::£ll;. :_ .' .j . .}.:, : : '"' ' ' fr^jtoge :r v' - V^:- i I' ; (Oimtjin^lf 8). ; W6ekly.m6eting'^Lv ; B^U L^' I The ¦ ' ^8 v >? j oh alboTO day.. -Mr. David iHtland, T.C., W'-B-B^M^H^iil'-iHV ;-| ¦ ¦ Ohainntt ,prwidadj -and th« 6tW membeb . . I :«v |'|-A |4H I 'E '' • QsbGs-exaitnried Tmt Mr.' V »#|jjp- ' ¦ ; ACIDBURYJiM Weie^p7R:,iC Ca .Me^*' .¦ -¦ 1| -H§ 1^^lk| V1 ff |-fl ^ l ' ! ' if I lean.clear i iWdlliam-? GallweyvJJP -; Arthur Bow«rA,-- J P.y ¦ ^ » . ^l.'l^.:i Maw I wantl, ctf iD, a> flm, &&, " fV.G MH^; imec flo5a4. -.!;i . und«iaBJindr*, ttaj^yoor A'* W!>.!KSnnsr. VJJP: kr«m«*^ijiEaiTeli; ; , fniraMl ' ¦ ' '' ' * ¦ ¦ ' " H»clS%'/P^;:l*ame« Young; TO; ipteffSloni 'wtafl, aa jdbajted> by;my learned; , ' "- • '; " •:¦ - ¦ - f l " (¦ ¦;¦:• - ¦? ¦¦ - - - :i -- - i " Jknes •ii': :: . . J . ( . ! J! ] ¦.%- ; A ^ : .,. .j - j : •:, ;>: /¦ - . 1 : . .ii . -;: . • • . '.Mlobael CKdr- (Mr. Kt2«emldria:<9eidi^'tfi- ^ th«vOcniwi»- ^ SI ( ' James Mttrphy-¦ O PheJJlaiKir), jijnfrtt Bhou*Iei» £h« . ^jth^t that'cWiiy Kb /W8 that all theee ooutrjibajte one-tfourth to -thV ooietruction of ; (P. Lynohn ;EoT>ert .'Wlaia* (BaUmdud); IH 4aoa 'are to t^e|o»^w!E ,-we dan^ ¦ •whole ihiurden oi tfte purchase flu*- wbofe areas rofeHBd to in tSie! Vicewga}.Commifi- the bodge, andl theratore, ate . entitled to Maurice (Power (MooiLamlntra-, Johav J. r o* ' contribute to the onfrAra«i» of; the £10,000 a» our promoritioa ; 1 ' ¦ : bridge?—YeV.quita}eo: /'! ;^* ' kr r/j sionerj ireport undonbtedl r aoger« ;v .: r. " - -:l t -: -."r^- . > S ip ; ! -• . - . ^ jj^ .f upkeepc^iieee talte?HYet, or elee they woaW., bl theiajnatatnetiatt' of "Sife bridge: io addition ' ' wiffiag to do :eoN-Y«r-' ' : '" . ?fTh& folio* ing U I any-connffiss. It is to comevOtft of the tally J ¦:¦.- •• -¦ ;¦ ¦'¦ that ! U^ua BI -Saturday, ' - ¦ ¦ Commission will hav»!-to sftL" aft-. • a«digJ-It.J» perfkitJy^iib'noufl it Eeniaining in «he itoeltt, . j. ;!; - ! J: And, of course, my lean ed friend asked tfae yriiibe opea.to you again to object . to those 660,, correapondiugperiod last year, 838; ad- ,|; - ' : : And many other reductioriiiala 0odorr *«UUKttUil Price*Price*,' TBAiTEA; flrttftrit, ttti«« f«*«|l »b»b(iut dut othot^ipprr R eddactlonnctlont. N; | |: ;./ I So nab tfamtiijio iatoh yon. at ill, ;but if it afiayor what case you: -^ 1 inalke bejore tlite airlted during the week, 87; ,W>ro; 0; dio- ^ uite clear upon i^hat point, I thitt%.iljwill Viceregal OoBnmiHsiojn; ;I aoppose yon ¦wfill .M£ Chater ^But ttil"j0port I eay biaa nOTer charged.aOS; died, 4; remaining,'833, Against is •qt " enable me to enomea me;j jipceeasiuga- IB IS isaike the beet!caee youiiiian?—Y«B ; we win toeen acted upon. ^ -» I 639. lafit year.. Cost of provdeiensconeamed, i - We havo ffone on© rtop further than the Ohanc«llor of th» E?ttoh»<|u«r, »o ^hat 4h« quite clear t!hat Voa' wiil tuideriaikex*a bebali- make. the best case w« ca. 1 for onteeweB, you The W5tae?9-rfrhen if it has not been acted £V2B 13p), 4gaiost (410 0.6J4 :. correeponding : . upon: are not enlfi,led to any port of the peciou JH3X- j«»r; geutiaj uiverajje cv»i oi &u omallor purchaser may In thla roduetlon thiy )orth«rwl»» of your Oorpo.-s&ai; toot to uee ¦—— : may be quite sur* of thit j : you ¦ • ¦ ¦ , participate , which woiiW pet ' : ¦ fao.opottt alt -t 1 . ' Jiunate, 8/6; feyer ' hospital, j 4/7; ;! hospital All i iMt. Gredg—Sow tan yon edk this gentler. Now then, we may tabeiib, may we not, that number have done, whilst all get an immediate reduction of 2d.¦ ¦In the 11^off Tea* abov« oil benatf of his Cbrpcxmiflan : Mr. Chater—)vtiqtT\l , . .. . _ '- v And oa nearly tb« wholtof jthal^. ficcftejit tike I; there, in black ia (piito a (asuialconnso. Sure, must admit it, j it ia ¦ ¦ ponding period'hot .year. Btimulaoti* issued Sir. Veeey K^ox—It small portion- that' goes to; the . Oouniy oi «md white. . .. . ! - ' : vj' GO -».\" : ¦ ' ' -414 glasses of wine, against. 1:corresponding -II he ie unable ssy . hecan.say (Waterferd; tollal ar»': jpak !?—YeeV ; . , : £15.000..£10,000 was to ¦ ' And oi thu flum.ol week last year;: 43 glasses of whiskey,' against ¦ ' ¦ (Mar. Greiig— ! IHiff J\ -i*p ' ; < ' 63 Last year; pinte. of-beer, lagainst 21 last Otir M iiok reduced^ fSS, jWr , lo.!\; \ eocm«ftihiDgaino otl aa imjuiry tif ip b io eouag to City: ol Watertord?—Yes,! . anrtEbinj that goes ¦ ' ¦ ¦ 2/2 ford?—-No ; paid towards the general construe* year. ; - . ¦ ¦]. • • 'ij - . ¦ ¦ ¦ ;¦ an (a bs taken off io the ifuture. : ; > '. , , over.the bridge haa to p&f toll. . : Wo are ^olngrto make this Q/-TEA entirely New Tea itdJdn of. the bridge. - ! iClark—Things axe Battling down to an aver- ne ens-i- lieiwtards the oanritimotlioa of the, new. bridge. but then you axe going to and use tlte Xsot peer, read-by learned friendv Mr. Fitzgera'd? patal, AS against one la»t . yearj . i THE BUDGET REDUCTION OF 1d. LB. WILL BE ALLOWED OFF ALL try^ : ¦ Now, eir, the present Aot seeks to apply that | th&t you nave ehouMeied mat iburden> as ajj —Yea. , i ' ¦ : • . i . ; . • :i ; £10.000 to tile purchase; of the old bndgo. A!N .EMOBJENIT OOTLilNiDiOlCTbB, AND THE LOWER PRICED TEAS. ! i: ; i i argument ivrhy you ehk>ull'd puH. a larger pro- And in your opinion, as a i raeddont; citizen my learned WOBBHXXUSB . HOaPOTAIL A COMlPM- ' Mr. Ckwg—iMny I judt taitenropt i; ¦ ¦ ¦ p: ¦ portiiott " '•"' i i ' ' ' : ' • " ¦ , friend here for a ¦ the other counties, j ipa&tSoTt of thonga wiiibh regard to the bridge find that this ia correct, thai if there is Joint Or. Jacfcmaar 6aid--Quile !; recently Sir Mr. GreTg-rThat ia agafa tryiog fto put into or . do yoa thfini it is atlall i an.eiaRgeraW «o«rpeiautiitan . lbe!tfween: '.', IWlaterSotd; , 'and ; Kil- CharlesBall , the eminent physician, was in Uiis- witoeoa'a naxDUtih' eometthfiiiij that-isgodn s repoaft?T-No 1 do¦ not • th5n k it ia ¦ in the least ' ojto'oi'thein.'.projieedlj 6«pa- the vicinity-, and, I took the lopportunity of e.i a, ^ - ¦ • ¦ ¦ . kesoioy,, br if any to be said at same iut>ure^ imesliga'tjon exaggerated. • • •: ! i • -; i-ately—which cpnteiBpMea eenana-te actSon— bringing him through | the workhonso hos- time. -srtien thao genStleman-'niiay not even' be (Now I beilievfr the brie ge : origdnally. cost @ [j ¦ ¦ ¦ tliaJt event, ;tihe raCTnay.coinpa'ny' pital. . I am cure it would be ' a eource of !] " then; and in Q.O ¦ ¦ '¦; ; ¦ - , ©!!D ['Ti . . - ' ' r i . .. , . 000 to build?—Yes ; aid the ferry righls l^iSil ' ¦ ¦ -: the e. £13 ; , :, 11130®;.;, " ¦; . ¦ counicdls, but bowaida gratification to the . guardians I I . . i -! ."•; H- •; •!: ! .. ,;- SJJ . : ¦ ¦ ¦ - one to pay not to edither ; to hear what j sJ • : ¦¦ ITI (Mir. Vevey Knox—(But the : whole scheme, I cost; £Hooo; _ . ;;. .!! . • !;, . - . 'of'conBto»y0ix»-4(whjic>h | wiH tfike to , the impression Iof auch .- . inL iMt. i». ft>t - : ;. - ¦ . '; ; ¦;- : ¦ : T ! ; ' the coA ; wu an eminent - . ilb. Pot : | ¦ . ¦ ';; i ' f= • *j • Guptpose, has now been £are!fnlly considered And I thdnOc the bridge has been in ez5o- ,000.- Tim, daiise coflteaDip!ateeeepa- authority about it. 'He then jead the follow- ' " ¦ ¦ : j ¦;¦ - ' ¦ lan of cam- , to be aocmttte txi £10 ¦ ¦ ¦ - iSXdi 1/- , ' ; .!' :• »». pot ' :• ' Iry: the Oorporattonj end their p •tence idnce the year 1794?—C733 itajte actlto' the "Jwpoee' of ,' constructio^ n. injr letter:— . j \ h. - - . ' \ Stt'awborryp 6d. . ;. !' , £3 for^_ : ; Magn. eo ito epeai » develloped, 19 it not?—¦ Now, as a maiiter oi fact] as far as you HhereKftrfej'.if .the •wla.teribrd- Ooijooratera. bad i Qi, Merrion. Square, iNorth Dublin. ; 1 Gooseberry ^1 i,;. ... ftb a certain esrtentj 1 .1 a citizen and a member ?^d. (with Apple) cost of freeing this brodgte .on your eiouUderB, upon f the quesfdon of a ;free bridge?—No; I that must.begot out of the ¦I :Jbe allowed to compliment you upon 1 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • | i^dJ Go or ... , Gid. argument) that you flgai-npft it by a single npove an[dbetaick the : ' ' " ' : you are going to; nso the only heard one argument wtaj oefflore, the purchase con ..be got, ' we say vejy efficient conditdari in whfch everything ! - - - Lave done so as an !an?umeni-wh y we ettauM gentleman, and was a gentleman living at : ' Irinooi 'Scd jch aiarmalade 6d. it is fair to us acting¦ separately¦ to hive thiat was. ' I wa9 much elruok with the up-to-dato , per 2 Ib. Pot- ; \ : ffey more than we ; would : otherwise pay rtJo— the other aide oi the water, and he objected y' ' ¦ • • " - j . - wards the codt of bmldin^ the naw 4>ridSge?-ri , 1 1 be Baili ail the 4no,ooo: - . : trea-fanent of the patients,, especially the very Iic3o O2^ra charged for.all! 2 arid 3 1b. Pots ; but ¦ ¦ Ho a free . bridge because learned eupcessfal case you showed me' in which you allowed for wh6n returned oannict answer thiait quedfeibni. , ' • - ,. * ' beggaro of WtaterfondwpuM be going out to Mf.: OhafteT—.1 admite reiiything iny but I eay tHat every penny that had performed the ' operation of colotony.— iBeoauee, it' eeama. i(Jo "lie raiher a hia house—• > • . • : goes ift constpuotion eaeea me in ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ : ' doubtful adrvanitEwe' to us; Ibsrt Hi!at fia your, ^. . ' : ' • ¦ - ¦-;" • ' : ; j2 ;0ir 000 : :! : 3 Pence ' -NoW the case that has Mem n£ad»-here by Sulioni..They are 6Cefeing,t6take away £10, ¦ 0; B. .BAXI,. . saved In every Shilling: by buying: from positaxn, is rtP-rJf realJy csannolt answer your : ' , : and that ia- : (Dr; Jackman--il s •¦ ¦¦•" - ' ; ' "; ¦ ' my. Warned friend; 'Mr. Chater, on, behalf-^5 and ciHsify i: f it.toyfiard s poirohaae thoupht the guardiana qneedon, .. i | •. * '! ' " ' down " ¦' • might like' • i " ' ' ¦' the County] OojmcS, ; aboujk 'ttes £16,000, is Vhatwe conJteEJt^; / . . ;-nxrw just to hear what jsuchan. eminent GIVE US A TRIAL, r . ; -:r[ ; ^;; ^*? ^!y. y ¦Ytou-'So not fcn»W; tA all?-WoV, . . fineddoes occur;to. me that miin had to eay. ;. i !.,; ii- : ' . the period dealt "n'ith,' is it not, in Section 29 otf tne'Act The Ohiainnaa—It < i -Now you- hay© [said thai dhmng ; - *J ' '^^hja^Jbeen' to cruch lOhairmanTJWe- are. v»rj- glad: to- hear that. before the naw'-'bEidfee ia iuflt, the Corpora- of l$83?-rfHhe Aot of 1903. y ..- -<..s • the me ' 1 beg.youT pardon..' ; Now, as-a' nKLtiteT Kany linnfe, tte.1really, if ' you would consider Dr. Jackman-HPecauie some times you will iteoa will havfe ;W ."pay the cost oj ihe jejpaiT . Yesj X actual r- of " was that £06,000- -geft,by ih© Oorpcata- the matter you wx>uld eee that the hear very adverse reponta; about, the hospital. of ithe bmidfee?—Te^.,. . .. - fact. r cSiated originsally \t ^ It; ia;well to Ihear tKat expression ' ^ tiott' as the price.ol:their jWitndmwting- tih«fix &unottn£ :& less f{J ijv&g in that . tho ; ; frvni'; . a man¦ Have you estimated hew . nmeb..'£hat ¦ will ^pt.Tg^tpfi.]ifj affocrtiing ccccEtn&Q.tJion'd ofihis eminence. 1 ' '; ' I " : - : -"!: - '" • • ¦ be?—J have not my»eSi perecmally.. , • ¦• ¦,' tUHposiition?.—AsTa matter cq lact, that money fmT j ' ' ; . : lby: the different .counteeo, because ol the ¦ Yon have ncfo been advfeed; , iby your expert iwas got £oleQy through the exertions of the ' bridge. VIimaiEW> .OT7AIRDMN^6 REPIOBT. ¦: " Oonporatdon in relalaon to .the \ Hshpaaxdand opetifflcwi of conritrutotion' of the 'new (The folloTring: : ¦ ' ¦ ¦ odvtiser what it v/ W. come «o?—No.. . parties; and, thew- ¦;¦ reportjwas .read:— i ¦ ITVn pt'Wh'a nv wn ti 1 Bcmlare Act;ot 1898..and it which;.:it;.'was She old bridge affecte all •' , • " • ; "Waterlord • ' ' ¦ ¦ " ; WTig-iihft^ffftriTr t * ' W *"^' J*?* . inflnd'tes&aal that I ¦ ¦ ' ' ^orkhouee,. '! i ; ;:- . .;. . : ¦ : . • : J ' ' ¦¦ "" ts5Q have the reveawje from the ¦bridge, will suggested by the Ooimmitee at that tome tore, . the amount ia so "-.' - " . - . • .. . ¦¦ •} ¦ - i Hoxasth, lsos.:: . WATGRFORD I 4, BROAD 8TREET. i' ; ' .;i' f ...v ) ' ':- '\%f ~ : " E» ' would augg|- • : " mere * . _ Awon^ | NEW ROSS : 8, CHARLES 8TBEET. '\'-^ V - IBraotJly. Ycru b*uy.: out ti>e~intereei'of the to construct too bridge whore; they i finst pro- Mr. • Chater—I. quite ooaour in /'that, eir ; pjiied. by thft.Maateri .I ^went ;through - the audithey put it h%her l rather'keenly EefcsoiB at the company;tn tt you will have posed to construct it, •butiuidtoctanfltaly.mypli ?mto feel ' etoraj iand found ali i provisions ot good ' - feat coming foam the : tensailt,''w5H you up; and in consideration'jo f that the railway anco this wwst, vtxifift the ijuetitioii elbout guality, - and : well equal to [the: ctandard "the do ' 1 atoh of [Wl&terSora ;Eh&t-^ UJ. uie year nwt?-^ not Jatawiwhether we." .wSl cor not. company gave Jho Corpora pnrchseei fW/;thj',s r^son-:. eairipie8.v I observed even, jjt.thst' early hour , *¦< ' fitWreritTtku JilOOOO in lien bf^tb.e-.bridgb (the toot , bridge i wer^.a rfked^46- co-obtaSfe\wi th S^' very-Jo* and d^npkh where V-\ 'J i Hhwe?er, if yaa : ibu3 the lesBdra . 1903 they. : the .greatest •cl«anlineaSI in every departmetti ofot of ;eicfe people were:coming ^in it ma -J. f MPjf|DTAM'f A wpmhJ have cost about £10,000), and then they cow&tmSj:.i ' t • . . .. - . - i - • ._ .. <>Y|^J ']f;t • ) . , ':¦;^. Sat the-lassowsC Q have- to be- KwrnpensatedeoQtoqinentlygave .them £5.000 in-&« Ac4-ot aitdl theycoisienied^to.dp -that', abd.the .tesa% wirilft in' iheTtoepitalJ and, ; de&nliAes} ' : ¦ ' ¦ ' 'euta ; the' thbu^hi-th'e Doctoro were very right in eay- j too. : . 1 : • ' ' . ' ' . ' ':!. • • I' ' ' :'' . 1903. I suppose it cost itheto i Ooeporaioon' & was! that; on. viik reflpcreseiease satocxn"U UU- flfis there' also 100%my afteotion.' At No. (Hie geft that foat- would, contrajBiaon they . .'IB ing At. ought to ^>o tiled. - Ji would-be easier No; you are: not bottod welre open I wi> aurprifled at the awful stuffy Mx. Earrell—Would it do to havo it con- eonHtfhmg. error £HfXO a year tij'dtner in endeavonring to get it.t except the feel.t2i)a>t any d!e?n$rttiur6•from- tne.:ttr2an0eniBn.t atmoephereof. glutting a irenlt of - ¦ • • ¦ ¦ • ' ; - ' m 3Db Hot you ithSnfc i thiait.ii&t w3U that none ot '-oon- oj ibefore,- .fcjund everything ; in earcellent mittee to have the suggested improvemsnts cost of the repair of the dtradtore that is going Bat the bridge' 1B to be 60 feet above the pre- ite jorlgineij purppse,. tta^Sly:' W?WK^a tho ' : ! ' '-¦ ; '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦¦ ¦ ' ' 1 "npw~,-it ifl carried out—The Chairman, ; Mecsri Hackett M, - . • i : " i and Young. : C22d , Ca;c3S3SS3 tts* fcatrtog paieha—vll; ;fj ;:-:;, .; ; Notw,: under ¦ydur 'feM. yW 'inWode. tihe^ Co. liliey ijZso feef ffiat 'WW)et- calls attention ''^ !a.eatistfactory ; report: longa to.any union than Dr. Kelleher. He |;, ^ expect to gat a Now, you. aa a matter oi foot, bsw« gone, (b«iM ;i^pxfee GJonnteeo ol .Epparaay?—Yen; Nlartlh land will make .Mr. Hackett—iWlho was the'.visiting guard- that he. should have every accoanrnodation. ¦ ¦ . . . . cause . thoy canoot claim th< £5,000, of couree: rmiA is' why they' feet'in, the matter.my ' Now, - - ¦¦ ¦ and Sdaith Epperaiy. . i> iat in 4 talbulatoa that Jearndd' ian.? i •• . . r Chairman—Bdsx, hear. : . ' ' your mSfltaSw anyhow?—!No.. aiod I thank you bave gtit i} '£&¦; ppHy ^xne other-.fff aii^r , Ohairman—Mr. Tjynci, ' '¦ i' ¦ ¦ > i TOal wBa not, Sotrtb?—It works out at One- hundredffi pant of 'waaZ-thet if , ,. . MiHCiK eUPIUT. ; QEFJERAL PH0VI6I0N Hlave you ofteai been in Kostlh- Eppexary?¦ irieuiljSlf. iftttji&ialdv^J foceded iMr ECacket^-iECd ought to be congratulated. | BU8IMESS. ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦< A penny, and MT, Fitaeerala stated it envctly 1 ip&dlar- SeitMm^Wwe fEhe Master enbmitted the following return ; '' —»Yesy very oftem i! - •• • 1 we did S^<1o:*6ine;Tn. : but a long time. AThey werp ae long as tne table, ga«i( (Orwa «od BmokudV Tmh Urt, M« «ifci > ' That iB '(» ' -:my "leiaiietf -eiSa,- MA- <-l£'atittoi ''iA not-at isi^uf-; as rShei hew milk supplied during tho week:—: : tt >. Cbt^Mt, tM *. VMdl^ fMgplMK' ore further awayj rnoon; WaSerfomithao naito w. »urchi ^r. K ' and when we Tead them we were ae wise as Robert. Kirwan, ShH(t «Dd TO** Padatef. iBtrtUrjj^jipsTWitVtrarf^UM; M Eaioi'e client, wffll bei^tjiJ-tihey'SUcceeain tpw;'p&testo&we - 01181*. ' ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ' (Patrick Phelan, 10 04*; 10 S« to « SI BI d the- Oouniy. exf Dfublin?—f do noti fenqw 1 s$ ia \ l$cy ^M' w ever. . . . - . ,.- - , -( • ¦}. .- . ' . !¦ '-eBl" T : r: • ' ¦ '" ' getting their proportion' ol .che'^O.OW. - to tie M: John Ehelan. 10 4-7: Wm. Sheehan.' 101 iOa^ab wfli b» tooftd to:eomp*r»fMowi My iSfe^aAf .tt»:taf».. T - ^.- '- ' wtether they are; I'codScJ .heft eay. . ' 'Ohairman—I wish we had mDro guardians epencer, p ' thing, does it not-,' to extent of a.hnnaretjthpart bd A paaiiy¦ P^-'YeeV'ima SSBL -JT y &' cannot'cawy. ;ddi your eujges- C-a4 ; Edward. Ehelan, 10 &t; 'Wan. !pt eeems a strsnge out; ¦ - '¦ •; •. ¦> --J /^--v. 1 JiKa Mr. LjTMih. i ]_ , ' i ao 344; - (Richard Gough, 10 11-iM; , James being (hem right away from the&ui&B ol the itlhiai ih bow-- it-works' \\ '- - ™ t-- -; . Now, wi«h xeciai* -to -the tcflls; > thtej waist m-'^- u ' rr/'i^i.s ^ roe, ;e.l^ r,' on. THE iLDNATIC mUATESS.mSFAVrO&Y {Fl?no, 10 lfl-04; EdwArd Maher, ffl.-. ' /; Shannton to pay ft>r a bodge over -iie Suit?— , Mr. ^HckardS-Wio«H_you ollow. . - ; ' . - HHRLAMA/iniON.! ¦ -. - ,.. 1 .; • ;¦ . i E^j Ccia ea3 CtaiacMonay - el . «n t'hW" '| » atotA th&t The cattle an elaborate csicukationipnjto the Mlayor by ' OounicdJ of 'Wla.terford, . . . . .- MASEEBfa EJEP3BX ¦ Ma^,fcDB <»int trta^- QViX|«ii 1 I oannbtGay anyttiin^ beJiWlf-jof ihe., Cbunitiy The Clerk -caid' he communicated with ,4he (Mjaster* diary- cor/tained the .j - .- - «bo fee bad ¦> Otji wmmiilttWUUVB't: .. - - .- f- - ;. ./ tram Neafcgh erose the toll bsud^e buy' learned friend to the . effect that you what'my learned friend hao eaii. Ilhe * weekly •j j j ;f; . . [ ^ '', ;. . that came : ¦• mould -benefitito the extcnit ; xf £11,000 totdlla? to 0 repeat Medical OffioetB and Mm. Dreaj Superinten- following tr-iAcoording'- to dnstructioiu ieeued ; aad, are shipped on the dotfth tilde. : '- out i3^eel ;,^ron«V. a«c«rt'iW^l.matterrland : ^-(1 fail-tor^e&.iUTlhe leac».runa an the JWe ifi ja cmaU eum dect Nuree of the idiotiward, respeoiingcom- on 'last board day I called on itr. Bbelan ¦ I T"! _ vj ^Provision:¦ ¦Store Tj ibw¦ KMWLtj friiilij It is your case;tlhlat every part of Ireland eOtbioiwbI actaki -thattiie ^to . • -then . !'I . 023 ABSSE33&3 j ' . - . • •: » • .. . K • • {¦ : . »;.- . .1,: > •-•.. -:. . .--^ ; !.:.. >.- . -' 3k& December/. 1907;. bau I it seems, to havo plaint* made by; Mr. C ourtenay¦ ; 'He¦ ¦ . (KnocHboy) relative to the price of jennets ' ^. which-.' sends any oailte forto . beeMpanenti toto the : iweife^it.-js a mattet not jwi be^ta&en, an4 »t tivese ttwo inqufeea : epicting .the condition of the bedding in the qoostaiona rroglit be put'at the ViceregalCom- iwtuch i,w£ll have eutewruaitily^to^ in both cases bv 4lve applilcanit^, &nd house having their parents outside. D fenterrty jfOTgWten;fiought' mile 'idiot ward, I beg' to'etate . that hia re- required CSS the fever HHSsrion laquiry when it taxeb' placeP .which eeeitta .I . have beea ¦-iitive. .In attendant toeing jjhotigh% it 1 Now, you have conriideraiwhat the proce- ' noit eay that. mirks hod reference to the beds inot occupied hospital during the 'Week I made arrange- The CQiiaimran-Hl aoouWt have ;. BEr. ;Groig-rrNo,.you murif. . Aa tho occupanto of tneee convenS&iii 'bu.'t of dure vM be underJhis BSH if it, becomes law. "mi!tteT 'd5di'come to be duHng the day. ments with a woman named Mary Donovan would have been n*>re '-e iere not-to be.41* lSl£{jBr jail, whea the beita were not. under medical Itreatment the ¦ and entitled , to, rout •lB..jihe ftndi uSstaacse.ihas. Counts of Justice, the at 5/- a week and rations/ . l^ayl coxtneel is . lprt the Vincent counse vie leamied fhraw'h oul before under this Act to • the. purpose. of condition' of 'the ,- &eds; referred to did not Mr Tlyrin wishes to take out A gin I I thznk inquiry . taking the . JairieA hta ' question iJ h'e, likes,, atthongh , pay. Cfeawn! . actuaJHy appeared it«e£C ' |- : Jteiewaat'ifthey. were^ put wxday-nz . the amoui)4:<& .0 jmpep^aition. ¦ fljiere weie no msWts ili these come under my notice. ': . named ' Annie Yynagh.' This 'girl baa no £hev woriBd 5« moie - ¦- ¦ . Oommtglonerg?--Yea. : -.•• ¦ . . cCde we.-did^thSA . the - 'JAMES J.-H. JACKatAN,. P.-BXr^.i:, etc. nejdt rrftegei- • ! : '. < 1 i . • able'to the CtammiEBjpneaB" antt it y&ij'bnly^by inter- clothes-: ju?e about 13' vears. at the . And tiia-tott ;W;wiSl:.iSl:-tal«&i«« '- thnet-rtime —Yes.y*9-!, .Wee have the legal flfoe dcrk sAid it wasjnot tho doctor's duty .BSvthmoylan, is anxious to Mr. Vesey &iox—Bhwever; I have done . And ' ^ ^T* ¦viKiftion of tSo OomJiflsESonerb that • ' Mr. John Wyse, ' witness): When twelve mon4h3' mtfci& wli jch. toi commence; vvo. ncie *«u» to I inspect beds' not used by patients. . The take a boy from the school.. Thia boy will with .that point wow. (Ho the ^ (A4blt ' woe te&ted as.to wnamer ¦ • ¦wzA: irnrmte , into tlhds proceedings for that under hla BrB. : . ' . ; : . : - '"' r "¦ cotoplaint more .adapted to the Xunatic also require clothe«. Uu. Nugent i» taiicg there is a OominiEaionto «iandt&m of or iwrong...... Abylum tbAil io-the unions - : ¦ JwTig - : xi^tiend^i: tha!t Oariow and " AiHt ihenjoa Js»ve ;to g< t the am that , I out a woman named , (Kate Butler. This MANURIS1 , n^atter it iLocal Government Bo ird of. Iielandf~ , house, and TEr*perary should be -taken- in as cocaiibtftdng the ^fr. I because 1 ' ; ' ' " ¦ ' woman bag A daughter in the , . j I I Oldest Established In Ireland; Either the Bridge Qammias onesa or the Cor- or OonanirisSon faaled iaitorjr, '-' - :• ' : [\ ; . . unless jthe daughier be " r :ppt them ro yoor first iwpnix paya che cannoi go, *¦ ¦ : ; : ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦ oprunltiaa, why.did von not thcdx eon* - !- in have power to sp jesalto the Piivy B3lienny.A&bed tb at -IDra. JacTnrftn and¦ Ford wrote ca followo— ' ' !• - .--_ • ; ;. ; do nvt know; I waa nrtt ^he Oox- poration lie Cbnntiyof ¦ : ¦ ' ¦ supplied ¦with clw«a.—iGTanted. i Over: Billf-^I ¦ to a ;eum of X600; ¦ :' ' . • • ¦ 1 : 16th:May. 1906. .. ' . '- , - . . ,, Oounoil, which. I need not tell yon¦ will cSOso ftribotlida flhouM be Ihmtett I i fff nere. was extra soap used in waeJring/dur- ; " poratian at the time. ' : ' . ¦ .- '¦ ' ..' OnnuniKaon failed because Gemlemon—(With reference lo the part of. washingof an: j | Half a Century's Reputation for CooEd-emimned by Mr. McCoy.' take tame. . Board expense ia attending -workhouse : : . • , -. ¦ the sanction of the Local!Covemment tend we were put to great occurring in the idiot ward of the the emu ot £8 VOf l. . ' those ibridges?—No.- whatever jmy be the difleremce thoseinquiries- . «na .therefore we are cebonmtended by him *be kept, we faeg to eay thnrt ' Mary IKwoven If no Agent In your district apply direct " ' ' ¦¦ '¦ (HJave yon any idea of the quaatSAy ol goods to borrow both of begard to th5a It watt painted. on± |to , , , ; the river?— IbeKrween the money we he?« and^ the money «*xuEidcitailyout of jxx&at with tbfat geneiwl records ate already kept, -tad could mot bee appointed attendant ia the Jem brought by barge¦ across ¦ , get iiisA are ¦ ¦:¦ • Bridge ' JX EO feel that we Mn* enclosed .in your letter we . !• ¦ : fthat wifl be awarded, if ;toy, to ; the ntatter. • We I thurt the lornu hospital ahe was -an inmate, and hadthreo • . . - . ! i ¦ from bridge, and '¦ ' : a* No.: : H_ *CTnTT\T^ ff )'HfiCnB r"*Y *6^9¦ I i ' yeneflt . the proposed cdnaider unnecessary. f i . . ; ; Be-e*an»nied by Mr. Qrcis. ¦: • • . . ^ nn^xb i bearu "belfore) ¦ \ children'in the bouse. , kMrmng the etate of UringB as yoa SSBO makes u& snsfloiis to be tMra. Eleanor Drea, SuperintendentNuree requested to ' appoint ! I PAUL IND , ! Dablij asking yon Now 'that was VINCMT' ¦ 1 ' been The Master ' friend ba» ' ¦ ' ¦ i ' Now my learned thia princwle ¦ I :¦ -:' ¦ • ¦ ! •; mlLbe unpocsible do tilinic.that ' ¦c£ , wrote as follows:—In ex- , . i . i -, -! : - cua^nuiuuiu^o. '^v know tfiem.idoyou iMnk Uj you. i And we. the idiot wards another pereon. . < . i Goone qnedtiions i &-uouii 29 of the Act | raided before to do that under eighteen months?—3 wn which waa laid down in 8edtd0n[ planation of the extracts from (he report of • report having been considered from the: only question of oontrilratta n 1 We are not A ...... ; ¦ ¦;¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ' of wiQ--@^leaae willbe;6pnebe 1B33, ought to be mainiaiaed, ¦Dt Gourtenar, Inspector of lainatic Asylums, . : \ i I !; ! .; . i 1 Vriceregai Cbaanifisionia the cost cerfeicttuyBureit ¦ of nnreason- House Committee, y the is it not?— lore we are in a posJtdonto buy the bridge. bere for a moment to ta&e up flay I Ibee • to slate, with regard to ihe paragraph,' adjourned. : ; : (be erection of the! new bridge,. say j that:tbe OorporajUon The Board : . . :¦ . . . . : ¦: And when you buy out *nd-get-pas*earioiimWte Attitude, and to: "inoie attention ihouMi be .paid to rop6TtiomBf—Yea^ol t&4 bradge you wiu .iuea of WalterJoid for rolepayero, irig and : And th' , we will loee; piboot; £1,600. a year¦ , I and at'the' expense of , iia owni clothe?" that, the linen Ion all ;tbe patients;! Silver Plate, Jewellery, WatchM, Plated in- the Ball ia a year?—Ye« ¦ ¦ * : Xhe power of bantrjihoSon tajjaMon,f • the olid bridge; but we , Bicycles, Gunv Pianos, eto. Piste • Bd. ia Ote £ in not jmrcha&a changed ones' a week, and on e&me patieri-te Ware power ot contribttUijg to -tie purchase <& tie which is ehould ccmlTSbute, AS we nr ^"Kei^s'ts:i. - '" Qit&, i this old bridgo forced to ' by Post or Bail attended to same day 'ft :fiot?—Y«a. . :... . • . • And in additioai to.i «sSc bot to be purchase t rice or three times ai day, and eome> times GOods !* imderteking, ia to keep up? the cost of the Borrower * thai under the Kit it COESB, I think it io, EXf iOOiJa.tear may be. firet'oi all to ci tener. iDr. CouTtenayji euggested to me that sft received and money forwarded. • ;. ; iAuid are you awore ,4Q0 ia;year. , : [ \. : ) ' bridge, and, aeoond, !to the cost of for privately virited if required. ' Flro-prooi I THE- UNEQUAi-LED..^URliEy-AlilCHER|li purely permissive power; that is to say, —About£1 ^00,or i£l , of the old However, I should try and get a change of lin^n all is a not, ' isndicapped;the construction,of the maw bridge. twice a week and their blankets Safe* for the «ecnrlty ot valuihles. Strictest they may give tie contribution or So that £ro 'far vpu ral. be ; ; armncemettt wiih the patient* ' . - '¦ " that ¦ while •we -wdia-try and dome to an sr earned. II told him, | if possible, 1 would Secrecy ; observed. :. | / . : OB they tliMk fit?4-Yes. will you not, by .ta» old bridge?—Yesj . contrilbution; but 'give inoiace to [ bridge we will have regard to the question of c irry out hia suggestion.:¦ I find, however.'on ; ron OALQ. -.' ' And that if yon I .reojuaxe to .we are building the new ! have much' hope that we on the part, of the Oor- in repair. ' : " I cannot say'thut-1 cunsalting the Matron': it would be oifnouU Splendid Selection of 1 Jewellery, com- theiri of . any piopiosal : ¦to keep.theold one Alble to come . to any satisfacto ry wth regiaird to ; comrSbntion, they with regard to 8eoWni,21, what 4o you Bhafl; be. - ¦ '¦ to get i this done, owicp;to the; want . otsteani. prisinj • Ladiee' Diamond Binpj, JeWl«ry. 5jtt(ratioh ordinary .Now ' : better B&pe&n&nt. ' were more or less certainly eoilei Silver, Oandelabrsa. i:^i •will have to pai o.' re&otntion'in the «>y?-r'Itat- is on. clauses; tod- you had ^^ : to the quesSaon of fho sheets Antique and Modern , and il they do ; ¦¦: ' Mr. Qredgv-^Witli' regard a'Tfd flea-marked, but not from; ~any: offenaiye 'Wai*, Bicycle*, Piinoj, Feather Bedi, ¦¦; way at one of .thidr. meetinga wilt .tor d'aiaea, I thank.! cannot give any undertaking Pitted - it there-will be no cohmb-a- Noiw & a nteatef of fact. I be- contnibutijeev, I friend' ¦natiter, other than . that arising from their Bedsteads. Hftttrectea, : (Hall and ,P*rlonr ! . Wr - /75^ ::- not want to paea Very weB. Oiby -Bg the amounl .'cil my learned ^ i s^X -I why not strufce out the clause' -of -Oormnarce of the htere to ¦ . ;, Weirig worn. oh: .the : bede for aiweek. The In- Clocks, Hardware, Haxne*s, Tackling,.. Bad* liio-a?—Quite60 ' ¦ " ' ¦• ¦ Qrerve the Ohmriber 1 - • - ; ' ..! ' - . - •., -paaBed: the con]tri)butQon.' . . recognise ibi» fact for , he , ehoe», etc. «Ro«Wber? L |: . of Waterlordtaw ' mtantthoTOTy eipector appeare to. dbs. Bridle*, Clothing, Boots¦ ¦ ¦• ' - ' ' CJoaniber, ' ' with: regard to , : -' •' " : - ' , 1- : - - : '¦ ' : - ¦:;.; ; Ae witnesa ! \hen withdrew). ; tfoKbrningxeBo Sufioa-r"TO- uaft-. t£i»; ' lie Ctoainnan>—(The quesSawn ajtates in his report " they were, ftowever to Very Cheap. - • ¦ ienous detri- cot arise, I thinik. The of iieit." The straw tioks - DANIEL OMKDV, ! Sawing bwn tongi aw&re! Qi t^bi the contribution does He changed on day [ . ; ' ' FEJEILY'S EVIiDENCE. ' WaterionJ Toll 'Bridge to .-t- u^urfiinn T 6uggonmree&tnt >ramyu DahouMUVUM *~—confer*— : upon^,— from every ward in! <\>he ' [workhouee are ¦ 4S and 48^ Ballybricken, j •MS. XAME8¦ J.i sneniti causedby the oniry'OuefiSaon 1 PAvmbroker, ! . ' . . : matter of ¦ ' I : : I- _ . 1 mereliy Of:the Oi^ of with Tegardi to thia emptied on the ground where these patients ' • ' 'Witeifoid . : ithie : prospeaaity not (would be matter dt i ' ; .Mr. Jefleoson-. at tne *iLeiAive www ' and, if you will .consider the Uke exercie^. is, therefore, impossibleto Branch OfHces^Wisi Gate and Qladstone I ExScanihed by. WaltBrford, bi« also £10,000: eee thlat on ¦ J ; Yoa have been Ibwni Oleiik. of Waterord, I (or which;; our port, is: the natural outlet, de- during he adjounuoent, you wiQ prevent them, owing to their ' coming in: con- ' ' ! Street, Clonmrt. . i mnnbex of ««UB?— ' h'ope ;t2tat ths Bffll (been making with "fleas 'n thiai, lor a <»nsider«&>le J¦- area to exJpreEB He earn«dt Ithe calculation I have toot with, ihia straw, .|rom carrying IP ye^rs;: •!' ¦- . . . . .• : •• : : in ! Pamanjertt: by ' the earn Mated here, your figures wards. "We cannot place fe'Ss?;; Yes, over 14 now, ' being, promoted; regard.to the matter deir clothta 1to the I benevej aanjee , you became -Town. Oocnporatdou.of ¦Wtateifoni -xn»y. > lead to the are really too high, if you look at tbe ¦Chese patiewta under rostraireti ,and if: they be 'Now, 'appointed of logical ; potai,of Oleife, and oven before yoa were extuiction-, "on fa)i aadi*«43lacioryUaeo, ttrom a philosoph-ikaiand deprived oi exercise we shall have many more therei wto thia agitation ' long £bfWl«ral*a : barrier;' to 1i>e will find that the amount between - we ; now. I rSorxys Oleri, Bn. dbsolidte ami; -rtaw. YOU and it Of them in hospital than 'have be^iie for . the purpose cd gtit/t&ig; ml ol this ¦trade and comnn«noeof {the-; ta!tire nmQi-eaUtyou ia -really quite extraordinary tiny, have never been neglectful in attending to going OTI IOT v. . pafioed should endeavour to toll tatirige?—-Yee. -Tt has been ' of Ireland." "Riili -waaI uiKininiousJy to that which-I suggest ihe warrts of my pitieii't *, to)r iwhoge welfare !¦¦ : '¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ • . ...;.. and we can enter 50 years. !| ' ^.- . Chwnber rot Comsaerceo l Watertotd, come to an agreement about; responsible, as Dr. Courtenay'a previoua I. think, ae far by the paeseq ; • ' J am !:M ¦i afitemptl was made, ' ft' wad jUDtnyinxrusly other mstltere. present, FITTE Nv (ivei; fef The firat •was 5i not?—'YeB. i then diearee reports on these •wardajprove.\ |?n hi*, M - - ; ' %lmm H IIJ T U (» .». _ .¦::: ; • :- . ; ;- eay one nill» illaM »lt» « ». .. « »*«' , >.. .«« Bk. . hadk as lfi51?-TYe2. • ; Mr. Gre5g—ben, c6r( I will only report he aays "they (meaning- the patienta) ' runt * *>M« •• tmoiHiliA.l " -M» » MtVMtM ltl>»H UIUIMH X , And -I beliere there was Now ' as there anything else, ia ) to the position of maltera attention ind to w> care- (I# , ^ ¦ . ; 1 explain to IWOR wilh regard Appear to reccave , ff«r »r«»l u« tll>ulr«M4 V* ifct. »M> *«• . " i ' ; 9 IS made in the year 1874?—Yea. : i crpinflon, thaa you wowjd Eie to the noc&tion. is thHa. The Corporation fuUy nuTfledV' ; I,, thetefore, Ibelieve the: ex- in the jess , except BhortJy orici- And in the year! 1676?—Yes: the OomroitteeP—1do pflt itliinik to Of Wtateaford, who were pmctiMLlty the tracta were written mole as suggestions-than THE 3-SPEED GEAR SYN 3ICATE¦ , LIWITEOr-J was a Bill promoted by the Har- ifor which the icoimtleoare, in the first nJ- NOTTINQH y. -! MMM 1893 there thia : £7,500 that comtsdbutiozs Hoping.yjou will accept this exr ¦ ' •; ¦'¦ A¦ 1 tbaf niatorei of iompUiato. ¦ i ;¦ i ye&r 1696 the acjinjali vatua- the : : i . _ L l ixmi Board; and iihea ia the now pgbUBg ae aeseesed |!. - . : law, but the. provisions Jjii aCSfater. . . ; ! . /¦ : ' 000 or £UX)/)00 iiv] passed that Biff inJpo ; ., Crqa»«Bataniaa;by ia anjfthangfrom - £50,000 to £80, Mr. Sackett moved, and * Mr. Young not danied out; " v \ you jproyostoe divert the i» only : right thaV4hi» : ! ! ol'it were1 rj s -tA Water- By! this Bill now Tbey therdore thinkit seconded, that the report b? accepted as. ' ¦ ——^uinu —¦*o-Muu«f~« >«* 4VM«>V» - rs*""^ - - - .fotrfnal channel, do; Wwinicailyfor ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦¦: " p {.NOW pie feum , of £15X100:tf om its coTftrSbtttajan, whdlch woi giveo iatlrfaciory." ;. ]; .- - |i . ' BES¦ T And ' T 000,' is'it not?— really, them- in . I ; . ; - ' j ¦ 4ord is eennewhere about; 27, you not?—(The amomA 2 £7,500 rtjoold1 go to alleviate to.ji I' ! ' ¦ •« • I E i*V |: ¦ " cttctJttwtion, (This va» eirreed . : Modelling ? - . - ¦ ¦ : - 1 > ' ! - '! : . . : . V at £7,600. it Yea. . . j|, j ©nt taie tire £10,000,-p»,!taSe it :of the bridge. ; -A*.; that time ". , ' eometfaong over ¦ UUWIDUW ithe purchase . j . HHE NUB3E,IK STBUpTRBSS. ; And your valuation.is . The Ohairiutin—11 ;pae- bridfca io» word conBtnjc- J Mr. B ate clawe cr^pft'tthe " ia indeed¦ a c¦ raditlto any in«att- Now fc 4bn« 1» fwvA jnwr fbotocnok large k «J eetate?—Y« ,' th^ dafo'th«t leave. She ¦ ;¦ ' fl* ; l 6ttsed of a anttcipaSMithat nobody • . - ,- .: ¦[¦:> , :-|!. -j v -i j;^'- :.... MM Mu «Bf M%"waKd Un ^y at iw«eejit, " bec«aaeH wi» tSon. :\ iMaui. ' fbtv M ' ' ' HLUUA . flMtf' noeeeepedof a'Ian:e land. e*ate¦' Aaoa, ' ¦ E^^fc^^ft - WM^^M ^M ^^ A 9W ^ I W ^^^atte ' onteodte. ; - M^^^^^^^L 1^^*- ' ' : - :. -i . . ¦ ; M go and putiaeb taoge down fEhe application; ;WOB graoteid/ : \£ j- \> v ^ ^^ t^^Smr ^t^ ;jW;Wa.y«ittr . . > -I. «1 oojuld I - I ^^S^M^^t' ^M^B^^^^M^^M^^M^K^^f ^^^MJMtf itoMM * 51£ e iratae e* wrong, aati M^ ^r ' ^L^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^a^^^^^^^M ¦! : -S»":-fafc'-««] : ' Itfwis;! T' JfcinM— OK&t oorteffi«ion'wa«,fli*d ^ ^Iftiwl^lielr ^frftlfs: p»Wf|^ tl it ;is .lia' the naftue of budding tprewei*momsn. Si, and • fceek- of-albataee,andl ifatedthat Ur. i; I b^Beve bb--1n- con)tnJbu*ionis 'BRparenKty not appBc- e le*v« hod f|ltlll J!i ¦-; ; : leftsesiHEDBad ten*;-OBfinBatfid^*sE that to «Mer tbe Dec- fe. V. Dxes. ^Principal) kindly; conrtated¦ r|j rtl^j ^ lB ; i- 'V^ u • I|. :H]^i' H.-|^i;^ j]:./ hl}; | 1 think,in id vear». B tail thenetforewe bad . . K.r. 7 ' VMIV*.i J^V. iwflv *^ _ J^ • creased by alboo*ilSO ,000, W*; 1 got to put tbe to do hi* duty* dirind his obfi*nce. ^ • 9' ^^^ *5^' ^^^*» 2P^^' V^^^^E^^W ^ tionijithateenee. ttoit we had j : ~ JTU):: .-,r j C-\ tefingi& e 1* tnaMj'toto eonsidert^Soa ia instead of "confftruc- ¦! iGrante^- ' - F %_ - I- ¦ i' Nonfc cojninj;Jto/^«ter- ' : iWtwl r'jhirchaeo ¦\ SET (DCtB(PlBN8AB.Y.; " • tritfa we. t/ntxm&sr ^flfct ' i Bi« Bu^«jWi«^*^W*hlir5»tah " and as no bridge can b4 put there until fCHiB. JtHEHE pTK SSBftJSTfi^ffli^a ttoit, of the way, we I T5; 'f,.{&br ' IS? a^ilw -jj]^ larfwt •v^httm' gdi the old one out ; i'-iDni. V. '5^t« and lA.ilfceliehe "Mp^phl to IM ¦nd);»a< W>tmoww« our frietidb; and; therefore, I eesuMkry Medical Offlcete, wrote; a* follows:—¦ «re bebefVtteng Ml'^^ *^WP ^^wW ^^^^ ^S ^^^^^r^T^z^^^M^^-il 'l^s ^i n»;th«t «houVi " •¦-: ¦:¦;¦! Pater Street,-. :- .;, j arabnat U ia only fair lor , we : 1 - Oispeiway,^ : which wttimatnft to go to ¦, ' : : ' 1Bth May. ifcs.'S 3»ve thoJt money V.. W- \ iij : HOimitf the new bridge.; If tie Bill mm : Gentlemen—W«|We« to reoo*te«od;«>» >l i« tbe promrtOT-w^falwwih e.BQ,! :ol watting worn andiBifato; ¦Wtia> -<&&: Sopp^dvil :Soor ;;" Wi*K H4 f c?&&i*L- - tfheee J» an Oxdei in tbe Courtte o Ohai>c«ry ; penaaryb a'-tilM. vA"»orf*c«;|th*t'-*&n -b«*»P*' in iTetod-thailuntil that^bridge purchtoed1 jhrnmalricilatm Duettt;*ojm *at«t«ui *df for xdhbdsr.«BiaSI put op a new one th«r«; and. thA' pjjaaatold |ModfO ilotjngfr' Arhlqtii ,to i the i nno,»«<> UBJJ ou* Jpermest^4n< i.uiinygieiHo. W S^g^l; J^^ni. forced of mtohjxp ipimIrodomt^atd,that .w«jnlU;[|«j'fr'ai^iv.'':1 iS)cnat ^^^^ i»id#:M^W*ur^^,o/ porch*^_^e i Mr. Hiokott «iiatt ^toackl ^xn])^e^toMt

¦ ' ¦ • ¦• • ' ' ¦: , iT- :- -1- • .!¦¦ ¦ -;- • L- . .l- i -r- ; , • -.; : k : ¦ ¦ i . :H- IX Wf tMW ¦fli-S HE WA [AJ? 18.U^06 ¦ ¦ - ' ¦: ¦ ¦ ¦ " -I i • • ' ' ¦¦: > !| ! 1 h - . - : ibe altoeether abandoned, and c- pur la gfven which i tie headed with a penewus-cantabi t- WATERFORO MARKETS 4>ver . tSon himself, and:aeverai; the w«altJiy men>'. *s vo lh * truth of tibia, fcy. the -i*.jt thai o< OTES-& NOTIONS. 3,000 acres of grazing ate ottered lor sale at Ibers of . the pariflhdonerfliquicMscfo Ilowed hia : ~ : department of the municipal inarket Whidi was taken over some twelve ej cample by sOTdine in > kbertrt aubboriiptionB " ' i-ij ' -ir;; S iCli'f 'ji j K « Every «nd bus.-. . 'DUNGARVA N. Mooratxailk be waa i : L-: _: .. -V:! 'J TT'- . JsU^ ! /:J n wT' T^ j ¦waa well euppHed.during the week, { ; months ago by the WailOfflce, and wheie lt Ito tbe> ftlnd, with the r^eaBt thatt. en- expected thaV great and esstenswe aWfed to.purchase a flmei new orgaai at a coat 1906 : of- S22 ' There' was sever a linar collection of view^ eras then ¦: ¦ ©U,1ffiEB^ cotfespondiag, week fee ;n at the "News ']' ¦' CARRlCK. :: IMestaab; Oasaone . Paieuit, has been, eupplied WITTERHS to SH- ' bands at from garvaa; There are a doiea diflerent views, O'LEARY'S 500 w*. mm *mi of last year 342 firirina changed ;• •• !We 'fldnceiely regret td announce-t he dlaaWh. Iby the. Posittve Organ Co., . W,, Jjxadoa, and pliin and coloured../Thff one-; of the Augus- " which- la a type of organ- very muob in use thTOUg scene of Sifter Mlary Josephs Crotty, ead 'h* : tii ian Ohiiroh i» epleifdid. The baithing. !¦ place after | a protracted : llbaesa, Oirt the coumtry/'ae ii iff epacJaBy adapted tor is alao good. Wihat a popularity for: Bun- javenit tooik 2/- with order ; balance^monthfy. ke (bonne With Chiislian fonttiltrade and resognation, Aittage chanxheB.:beCT,UBwhile«of ptieofts ewingall gs nvan mi^ht achieved t>y;;the circulation TO toae .at .tho Mercy Ctonwont^. Ctaicik-on-Suirl-on vCltime andi ruchne^s a more supply, in nod demand, pf[ ihese view po9tcard8;to be eure. '--¦ ' ; :¦ 1 maaadive inBtruinenit, it; ia not-necessary Our fi& 17sl, 6d, Net Cash is FULL SIZE Ladys'Jdr Qepb' Free; Vfheel, 2 Bntkes, operated lomiTOE^air - - ¦ ¦ ' (Wyiinesday night. On' Rdday, aifter Of&ce to : «¦» tan 4d to 6dL »er stone, .wholesale. .. ! lNext in- iMpoit&nice to , the quesltion- »nmun>ty'a (any ipeiBonj dbfle' to play a harmonium . can the top price paid all lAibi>ey^ide. The V-dxm Oomnicdl has been lo,r antermenft ' ' i " waTreadMy .Txraglht; ; for much ibunali ground. .: The aftondanioe included] the i>w;it : Oon't risk Mf? or limb wljth one Brake Leveif or ^Straight Tubas , not Bridged. Isobrie time padt a^taiiing Deeded ' rpMTiftci nnri trii>nrofe8sed:. in . it, eSkn aidUs gr*iatiy Io ithe inwernal Our High-class Ce/t/cs Uii'o;j>j% iitKht, . arising . as it did. on . q-nUe s circullaT waa appkirance of .the already pretity: church. AM) »1P!PE« are very ' " -' X le'.ter from : the ¦1894. i The loTbcxwdng Trtounrin^ , ^foW FOWlL-IFish .pile or correspondence. die Convent:—-" IDie Jeflu 'Dotnine Oa' Wednefediay, the .ioTenm ceremony of Bto^rd ofr9Vade pointed 6Ut that Oouncil issued from the ¦ ¦¦ 'dona ei requiem. ' TJie pfayere of Rerv. diedicaffing the-new organ wna perionned. by ¦, • ¦;.. * . i- -r ^r m.) did, not aripear to have any etiatutiory, power ' : fttue-tfjgm Kev. ; i». tra±ara," Lord Bishop of ; ,; 3/eats. **?* ^ t^ haddock. to 'Mtathor and OaninTunit/yL Wita the-usual' ouff- : pv ; and riEice, 6d;.dbry, 54. per Ib; itti pelt upon-' tHe railway company either 'earnestly-spliciitea for Clashel and :Em3y, in fixe pretence of an un- 1 ihair-thre as to Jivodd the crossing, 'ragesipf the Order, are •¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ! ! jdK'i-i *<> . . ithe reioee of :h« ' «>ull '-ipil our beloved Stsitor, kisiraOily • large congTegiation. ' ' oi to eredt a bridge at the crossing Dor the die-parted thia |i Mm. H. C. Delane, TaMow -prestided at the noe •to"roa» iMiary lJwsapha Crotty,' ^ho| tt'te . (purpose o(f oWvlatir.g inconiveuie twelvetih year; of her .organ, diuring thb eenvice, in her. usual bril« triahlc. Ln view, ¦ however, they pointed out lfith ^y, lOM, in the ' ; religions profctoion. Otnwent oJ Our Lady [iliLanrt.and talenitod raaimer, and the proceed ; p£ tho Ckxunoil'B lepresento'ii'onB they requ«sb- : .¦Jngs' thncraghontj were Teay impressive' and one of the inspecting of -MteDcy, Oaniick-on-.Suir." . . ; ¦ ¦ ¦ : «!OdHtwiel Vba Don»pj '¦ ofi a brilliant'andl im- interesting. : ; . . : ' ¦: ' Kiffifiets &f roiiwajia, to' took at tihe arrarige- A rcHigioTia eveot I I : SjWfei^ VV 111 of^©n- staffer nnriseta : ipresaive character ijook pliace on Monraiy— AMERICAN BAOON-Sl&toly niente at the ctassinE. thefPrpsen- HI»BS-«aisin£66 firnvw-. , •.Tnat ofiilraal' aocpniipainiiied by the follOTncg namely, ihe aniwiol procession at. WOOL AND i 'kiUan ' Cc-hrvoiiK, in ' honour of the • Blessed The Youghal Young i -Men'a Society Dra- i George's Street, : WATERFORD Bmfl3fflO!L—May 17-nShJort: supply y matic Club, at the request of the Bav. Father wak a. craiet traHe. . Best • ,: OX/., -the procession WteagheT, owu Five tanfeed• •*» ?«© 3eH, auperinrtendent G. S. and W. Elailiray;. 1 je. llev. Father Ward P.P., gave a grand production- of BE ' X?1% ®-™* ; - 1 and Mes3re. Man^ lie historical Irish;drama , Robert Emmet, in :¦ . ¦ . CA^KOT BEATEN ! • &met with, a slow trade. BB^J .e^d. tt£r. H. Fardlon-' WaitcBtord, p»- : " V beat, downy 8dr prone id\jrtlje ¦ , .jDiiley,,. engineers,- and Ifr. -v.^re ' neatly ait-rad, - .wa3 Iteoai. and the Market House;here ol> Thofsday evening. limited ffcorw of steep-; , OhwMck - round the grrtunilB; the ctoHdren bills' jThoiigh the THIS DATS RAGING 7Jd; ' .heavy,' •»*; . awes, 6*; Ba-aCh repi«Benttiiiy Mr.. Deirt, General Man- •f.edod ¦ notices were issuel oniy a weSt light wethers. ' hji^mns and reciting the Rosary- . of! the ipreriously there.; was a Very large SSbs IST to 10d, per .-lb.v Average euppry ¦iaijir.. These geaiLemeii *eiH met att. -the-«vil- 0 j ? ¦ audience. HAYDOCtt MCETIMQ KELLY'S Speciall Boiie & Blood Manures " per- BOOM: ' iI:lC6ssxl . yiigin in-IrisBl It was a truly) p'ic^ There were at the outset a great many dif- of riffi*- bacon, 10/- ; porkers, 11/- ;way.ciwssing- by A. dapiitnltion from ;he Uiban 2.3—NUWJUON IPIATBi-Piary Footstep s Waterford Bacon Cellar*. The iToat Perfect Fart; Burtiter Market -on ' Thomas OiConnor, i;ures- :flcuhies to' contend wilh. fThe hall was not Made irom the Bone) and Blood of the At the Oarninfcon-Suir , jOiunicil, includirg ifisiss.^ 1 (Lynham), 1; Jolly Jenny; filly -ra-nr—6cotch eOIiD ONLY ON GUARANTEEED ANALYSES. ^ed fen 84/- Mi- .per <**. gba .§»*«» >M!ei«ns. OXformO T and O\3irea very 'lucidly yoiing men very kindly ¦Lad, Perletia. Betline—tj to 4 ag&t Jolly Son , H. E dgway iiiconvenienice arising Irom oil roLnd aithllelte, will teavo iu tho-oouifee ol ¦lent;theirs for the1 occasion. This was also ; KELLY'S 8PECIAJL MANGEL £XD TURNIP MANURES. were Messrs. CXmrtenay and j ipain'iecf out the Jenny filly, 7 to 4 Gu-uUimont colt, 6 to 1 : Marquis 61 Waterford—" l«t Prise (2). Belfast 81w«f." Waterfordend , Mr T crossing, and Colonel Von Donop a few' days tor the 14nd of the Store and somewhat large, and ai good deal of trouble rt anfa Son, T. Fryna, Itijio' lav€JS , add let, Scotch Lad, 10 to 1 others.j'fWoirby a neck; : Major Alexander, ililford, ICarlow— l*t Prize,.iEoyal IWblin." ' , T\Ua ftwcod toi oduriit th'ai; a dSiadnaf grievance iS&nipeb, where he will akiin. comtpete , waB (experienced in . fitting it up. ¦Fortunately IWey, Clbnanel. . , .,„ . ¦us wittjbe crowned withl suc- four leagths between second and third. (Win- . J. Gubbins, Esq., J.P., D.L.i Bruree, Co. limeriek—"It gave over 60 tona to aero." BLACK OATS—Improved demand at 10, 9; exiiiLtd, amd aEso tKit hend had see'o many a bad' hqpe hda efforte Mr. Nagle, of I>ungarv, 3.. Also ran~OroEs Park, mixtures for Special Manures, and ;'iqnote loweat price for same on receipt ol inquiry. Amerixan. 14/8 t» M/9. :bir6 made the dUoooi-rtagin^ pbsjtsroent 4ha* the " Tom inoon they found the atage well-njgh com- ' i»J6l3; _ _ QeMf StockJ preaerut. «nne thifhe fears no foa, and iiivitej i pj eted/ ;The doors ' ' BHyih'a .'Wood, ' FiorinoJ iNena, fMon Ange, OEAS3 AMD CLOVER SEEDS, MAKttHL AiMD TURNIP:SEHD3. ' Particular of i Traxj oactiona.ia-Storo (Board «f Wbrisa were poiwertess to Betting1—'13to 8 agst to d»;two-yeaHW>ld, nrsK-lasa<4), flip W to in- apple pie order. From eSatft to finish the Grangenioclflkir, cert a;.few weeks ago every class and creed Head Offlcei>-JOaN*8LANE. : Manure Factory—GRACED1EU. 15/- ; third 6 points (2 goala). Mr. 3. Power, of Wirndgap, ¦were Pcndefnnis, 5 to 1 Essene's filly, 100 to 15 Nor- £11 ; eeoondclass (32), £7 10/- to £8 [keenest imterest, "was tak«n- in the game wlhdch ' r,eipres6ntedL and,all eeemed to enjoy 3/4;- three-yesrs-old, Swae of an ciidtin^ character, and resultted aotaf aa reieree in a capable and impirtiat the play immensely. man Lad, 10 to 1- Minaeaota ami Bonny Ena, class ©3), £6 5/- to £7 . . ¦ - i two £10 10/- ; ere flr ihn a win for the repr^sentaitiveaof ; the E^WI manikir, ' The ' play itself was a faithful''repreaenta- BOO to 8 others. 'Won by i four lengths; ¦ eecond-clS ss OS). «I™g > Q,' j£; F. Morrisscy, PJJ.G., has of between 6econd and third. rk'to .onjoy an evening's in which it wss | carried out reflected the * .fi -na (Go, Mayo) fair, hfeld oa.l2tia. iMiay. ¦^objects" dealt with in -a most artistic and after j a hard day greatest credit upon tho ladies and gentlemen «l»ynbam), 1; Merry Andrew the orices-for. . ipictore pcctotrdjon successful offorta were repeatedly punctdated 1 'fiS to £4 Ifi/-; yeaitogs, flr|t ¦Branch: Office j- Dungarvan. You .-should,call nine 6'clock, tiey can have a nanfblc thfougih /by. to 2 ag&t Chuckaway, 10 to I Schoolmaster. Bdoood-clafis C7). ' ithe twwn, or the rurall dWtiniot if th^ eo loiid and sponbaneous applau£e. class QS), & to £8; second-class P>./5 10/- !ld and take a look through the album. ' ; ' : (She house wag hot,'.'generally epealdng, ono "Won w six leagtha; tame between second ' £3 to £5;. bwo deaJr4. Thio Ettle recreation, though al very and third. HWanaer trained by Kraime). to £6 10/ ; thiid HAOTMEKAIP—- Burotas ««tawtafce« 17JU , yearaoW, - , be?innang to hive a •be expected, but; there; weTe;- neverthelew, ^^*"'^» *£&S & cites (29), £7 12/- to £8 M/5; ihree-yi&UBJaTd, &p3 lsrge and demand'- good; the top price triad a observe already ' ¦ ¦ the Town. Hell oa llon- :in whichtre leadingroles were filled by such ^riueere flrstclaea «), £16 W-'to £18 aiid Kyan, Dungarvao. : . Ooun sii was held is Btoneling, Lady.Thea, Onneton. Betting—<$ S] . ^small^ t diiy list , under t!he preaidency of Mr. Tb omaa jfamouB men. and womea as Sir HenryIrving, (2),' £13 2/6 iff £W 16/ ; ilDhiring .&e *we^k ' Mjessre. Denny and Soms, to 1 agst DumbartOQ Castle and First Crop, 6/-; seooraUlifis ' vdce-chai nnan. The otheia pre- Bboth and Barrett, Benson, Ddon Boucirault, eantfly ol sheep: over IB and under at monMhs Tj^con merchahla, 'W&teriloikf, : who are repre- F. Kixmsey, ' ! 500 to 15 Fairfax, 8 toil Muley Rat and Or- ' sent ^ncludedi-iMeasrs. Mchael Batdiwiii, M. Basah Bernhardt, Mra. Langtry, Ellen Terry, ' cfcj aecond, Michael Oonnray, Thomas Oa uneTl. to 8 others. (Won by a length and a half ; and ilWbert YTlalsh. Meaero. J. ¦ Verriilgton, that for real natural dramatic art and the Large aopply ot stock; demand tor for trtanding any adv&ntt>ages vriiich the ficaling (faithful of' ' iour lengths between second and third. (Win- ¦TUB : TO CORRSSPO?JDE;JTO. .per cult., Supply- wias pejeonatioh of cEnrmet-before Lord .Norbany, gan>,;3. . Also ran—iRicheaJe fiHyt Blue Nose. •natcad ,of f«r y " 6- -10/- t5 :fi9 -l(tf-; ito& ^jB jaB) Bangs. : ; : • • ' opening the streets and roade in this dlatrict, , 2 to 1 thoo»*4 oonnds wfctet, d,a SS» Wl - wj.fh'' . original maSanljmd tlre-~ca>l«^- and; inip^nff .detejee-.of. hi^r ^Rpsi- CBeftong—7 to 4 «cst Cfois Channel F' OTie' ISoredbyjwoeck .aoj thei'dSwet $£t ' Dan- ta. aoooiust be«n ' Bdwy (Grig»), • : ' 8aoa«ty filly (JBlades), •; tto» ;: ¦the compjimenit oppressed by : tfric!f and talla tainting to the KU and the best tost always is wkat np«>rda, flrBltHClaas <01>, £2: 6/- to ffi 7/- the diver hlais . enioumtereid-aa abatrudtion- in recipdeAt of a wtfll merited : Starlesa Night : gelding (Bees). 3. lAbo ran— man Barney Doolan, who was Up to recently &« stop- 22/- 27/- catthj ifi ¦boit ithe Officers of the 2ndl BajU floor) displayed a very high etandifi of dra- watchdoei what the pirtof ycrtme mg» 8 to 10. wee&s cH^I -on M , Jjjeck of a/emalH > TTha SeliJfReli- drcan Colonel and Porter. Lnke :ID«lnta«e'. Bioburite, Bit ot in the employment of Messrs Murphy Bros., goes nntH ihrf Uw ^«leva ]« (Oo; Ctek) -fairiieW Wth Bnoe, which* wen!t d"»wr> dome time ago.' He lotion Boryal Diihlih Fiiailiers, ButAevaij lt, to matic art. This and the former scene made 1»jeacM ;aa a-«,*£ ^to iho ,. chiefly year; ¦whidh ctotion he was ittached prior to hie a great imJprecsJoin on the audience,'. *) much ¦ IVaterford, as stevedore,and who dliappeared tafV-Jw fitay. Small eapply. ol caflide cUaains* additional rermineKjjtiibn for the re- *el Thrush fiEy, Taleteller, (Marie Jeanne, myBteriously from Tranure a few weeko axn, teaas we caa «Jy aay that lines- demand moderate, but a fair clearance atoval of the litter, and ino doubt this will be itnansfer to thia iown a couple of monthaago. 60 that some of the ladies, and, mppt strange the conduct ef tio 15/- ; to say. awne well-known local ipWitidans, 'Bcptile. (Betting—6 to 2 ajjst 8ir Edrwy, 4 to has turned . up; in New iVxa, ho . having crowd who mrmmdritha teuu eOeoialOalveB, second class 0). £4 to £4 cheenEuHy . conceded , to him. on the coinrrile- ; The preaenttfion took the form of a m^saive 1 Starlec3 ITigbt gol'ding, 6 to 1 Taleteller, 100 was not at aU "10/ ,io X8" 10/-;. of the eniiiJe job ' Already, idoiid k-LVw inJc ritand, with pan, rack and cut were actually moved 1»: teara—a ejvate, of feel- walked from DuWin. He v.^-.* reported to « • •PortananOte osjinar/ yearliness fiifit-class (34), £S jiott . Mr. .Goghliui ' to 8\Others. A dead heat | for first, place: a bave gone to America, but will probabl iThe» crowded (41), £6 5/- to S3 5/- ; third class iftaa gone to considerable experrse in carrying glass bottle , with the following infittription— ing which only the very best actinar can pro- y be aromd :th« •econd^olasa duce. " Mr. Jamea Quain represented TJarby length between eecond: and third. Stakes nea aad titeapectaton were cot (2), £4; two-yeare-old , flretrdaso (25), £10 to; jwlt his ooritaaat, and the Cbunoil on Monday Preienitad .to 'WiilHaiii L. -bOome, dt i*ion ' aaorfjd:u to £9 10/ ; Southern and Weatero Bai WTa-y, O'Gafl to perfection. The cheerful, manly, divided. : . i i . oppoitaaitjr of a fat eight of tho m 10/-; second-elas a RlA H'AKIIXrCAP — Mar- 10/-; three years from the Harwur Madter, the substotcaal by the 0fBlcer3 2nd Billbalion Ktojial P ibim faithful, "Song of the Emerald Iole" could third-cW ^9), £5 10/- to & : •not conigrem ^G/rijfgs),i I; Syphon CTempleman), Sulj)Ht8 old; firstr-claaj(3), £0310/- " to'£15, 5/-; secondliitetanmentof £100. Fusiliers, es a lokcn afj edteem, 1«H>." possiblybe better_ perconated. Indeed ' 1 _ ofAm«oaia—Wethlnk there ba l|. accompaiiyiing the (jro , Co lonel ¦Mr. Quain, and MH&s Kate .Troy as Jndv 0; Qnocn of the Rand (Madden), 3. Betting BO class C25), £9 15/- .to CU 12/8; •epnngeis, .first-, -H- you, chanco- to bo pasan« through-the in a ldlrtler 3 to 1 agst Syphon, boon iaofmn Aaaingwftb hM the adds. eecond-class; fit},, ipljain-stxeet talse a look at the alhum of English referred in-voiy ftatto rins terois to OUK>ngherty performed their parts most- ad- Ml to 4 on Miaroonigram, STOCK NOTES plaat Tha other clasa (4), £05 to £06 10/-; ^ 0 to 2 Queen ol the. Eaad. .IWttn by a. length; ^rato prohWbly „ «u S £12 to £14;. Toung pigs 8 to 10 weeks old,; i mature _p03teard3 in the ' "Newa" Branch ithe itony eterHns qualitiea of Mr. M oore. mirably, and very artfolly avoided anything ¦ 'a ibili- approaching to -what . 1B known ia ' etoge- a bad third. (Winner trained by Sadler, fun). Cycles, Motors and Tyres.—Obere haabeen •ted[it that •»«« «« the ealtadqrin^hto Ifit 1& 24/* each. ¦ !: .-' .' • . . ? i : Office. • The cards are aH» frorks of artistic Sincerely trust that thtia getfrfeman period (Co. ILoath) 'held -14th nierit, and yon need ti«e, iaa a roiJway offidial , eo keenPy rfceos- inahiiiii. Everything they dad and toid xno i3.7—A9HIDI0IWN BANDICAJP— Tyntesfleld quite a sensation in the . market during the Oro^eda laii . on .not purchase if you do VioletJHiinea), • ;¦ Oar- last week IQy; gtwd- Sspialnd n«t wish to. The very Ittest cards are on nised i by the public, wild not be lost aig-ttt of thorough, nor wa3 : theTe; a trace of affectation (C. Haloey), 1; Blue owing to thi esceptiooat demand a lot -Kay. 'Very small fair for ¦ ¦ I SO , Miilli- oftnotber hqiwr or^jd .iolotloB , all ; of which1 show, and the photoG of the beauties of the t>y his authorities. j or sia-consciousne&s. : Even" the , icone of relet (Etecott), •. AI rtn-HHwpdtown for Daimler Motor, which closed, bid for all (dfl«3 tat nice cattle in condiiSon gataway, Falcon, Eidymipn, Mrs. Boweo, round at 7r/- The capital ol .this company wto water to *7-or S8 deg.)i, dianged .hands quickly, tut 'thin ,, animate hour will- interest you. .. . A Eleds, conflnied to tho parishesof Ldsmore, itheirj departure for America, in connection 1 t*awt«rate : "Keenaoia Minatrela Oaippoqiun, USalfaw and iBaHydnfl win beiheM with ' which in. real life ed much saflnea ia CFSrttnan, Silvet Gate. Dante, Poanilesa, Peri- coosiEtti of EWJ7B SI ordinary shares, and tie Motion «4-w hard to cell at any price. Yearlujs, -totr i: Iiish-timeric^n occu- aast Caxre- (H l^- «*WiJ5S ?SS 6«coad-«Us i &), pied the boards ia the Town Kail on Wed- under, the auspices of j the local branch of associated, was ennobled by a lofty resig- dal, Induction. Betting—6 to 1 ,200 d, 6 per cent. Com. Pref.: Xh« com- class (4), SI 16/- to £8 *l-y Irt, to 1 Endynrion, 8 to 1 IFalcon and pany was formed in .1901. Since) ito formation £6 SI- io Vt; t-wo-year*<>5d, first-class ^23), , nesday ^and Thursday night, and were well ithe Gaeic League on either tho 22nd or 1 23th nation which the beautilul singing of "Off to 6' 1 worhM Its Jiuly. The dates have been submitted W> Uie Philadelphia In tho Morning" accentuated. Itonte, 100 to 13 Fireman, 10 to 1 MuUigat- tho shares were selling lor abort n/- At the ^ m*xl«mnucaaoe«t«taW fiffl ao/- to £112; second-class (B4), £8 16/- to supported. The entertainment was a varied (Won oy«talfa» my of £14 and interesting one, princi attraction O»rear Irifih pinging, etccy thrilling effect. Mr. I. F. Duny as "8ergeiant for eecond place. £1)4. Young pigs 8 to versatile that we hiave eeen for eome ¦ time Itdffijig, recitotion and ]6ong8, written down Topfall accraitted himself- most admirably, stood at 60/- The present price i» 80/-, and ealt; each nun fishrs eetoond-class<£), £12to OOUiRSBBEnmEKJG. it is undorertood that a phenoanonial dividend pat, tat the eawStf 10 toee&s b'd, 22/- to 27/-6 each. •piast. The r«>mpany is under the advance from the native tpeaikeTO ol the diatriot. Stu- his fine handsome manly form, dressed in tho ¦ amaortsal Dqaar Pn«rl7a»jd Fermanagh) fair, held on iraiinagemeiLt of Mr. MMaud Booney who is dents ' ocf the lwgm-$e will ,be catered foi and military uniform of the time, presented a -will be announced thi* year, j ; . np byihTK iLknaekea (Co. ( Nearly, all the motor companies are doing ECth May. Large fait, composed chiefly ol StfVwell knijn-n and respected throughout t*a* every tnducemen.t f !11 bfc offereid1to any native Bplenidid specimen of the English "(Military icoutftxy. ' ' : ¦ . . j • gpeaiker in the jjar-uiiea ! named, who can teu.1' Beigeant of '1733, and contributed largely to exceptional well, and moot of tie shares are young stock : ;cattle in fair ; condition cold 4 (an old soldier) was AjAo very Speiarmint (t) i ! ; have eased up afi^htly,. "but the ordmaries Guide for Jone hard to dispose sehioob will havi a ' section for tpem- are firm at about 14/fl. : will conUia til the raflwar ;£7 10/. to £7 OS/- ; eecond-class (69) £5 diiuated about a mile and a half from the The good, and true to character, and Mr. M< 0), tftxsni. , . . ! sieves, and we are sure that a splmted effort " ," 3.G3-C\1CCHIH STAKiES-Futurity fPiko), 1; iRIudgea have somewhat weakened, and Dtm- an. Steamboat ti>« Uhle, l6/-;to £8 13/- ; third-eW (74), £4 to £6 6/; ; 1 O'Keeffe as . .JKxwdall Emmet'a friend, left : ¦ fw ff £nS 1 {If you have a . house or 'apartments to let iwiUV be made to chow ti iat Ireland ia nxxj, for- nothing to be desired. Hr. P. J. Kipkham. as Eageres s (MJartin), -2. ; Betting—1 to 2 on Jopa are slow. ] . -*• Swwn., The StimeM taW« two-years-old, aecomd-ciazs CIS), £7 12/6 to £9 lengttis. (Winner th- d«l ,rUi tfffi ass (18), £5 to £7; springer*, first lor the summer, we 6hould advise an adver- goiiten in their pxegramnnes. "jLord Nbiibury," though rather mild fir such Futurity. iWoa by two Copper and Anacondaaare the chief feature aovlce^the HMt. You caa 6/-; itnird-cl itisement-ia "SV The Gaelic League and the Gaelic AUbletii; trained by ildNlau^liton). S cttB9 (2), £36 "10/- to £16 ' eecond-ctass-(12), the "INowa." MJ W-LE. theneby a! hard stem \ character, acquitted hjmscli . £ ' pilt yaur'armouuceraent'be&cre the beat people 'Atuooiarion, klindred : C''?I''';vardji!Wy ;done on every- boaid with igent-iBev. J. A. Klirwan, j ; Very the good order which prevailed. ing, Esprit and Undaunted. (B«tting<—11 to 8 derrtand ta« ..itoatiod BUlViiE. "which he i all know Dean BrousSnam, D.O ; Mtessre. Jsjnea T. Pen- , 6SED3 AND MANURE. (BEST . created at T»SS?ul ¦- : . ~' ITiatcj Prlco . ia connected, v^e how .After supper the ; comipany from Youghal a&jt Persister, 5 to 3 Norman Mint 6 to 1 AND nroU he acquitted himself during the time he rose, J.P, M.V.O ; William AJicarne, [T.C. •were dance, Frasinus, 7 to 1 Esprit, : 100 to 8 others. (Won Satniduy - . ... X"2 ... 80/-97 routino • entertained to a in the Court Bagbyjor Amocbtioa 0 00/00 occupied the chaiT of the County 'Council. The business wca ^• House, the Youghal orchestra furnishing the by a length ;_ half a length "between ; eecond Football, Golf, or Udaitj ... « trained by owner). . aPBOTAL OFFER. a^ Tiiaidoy ... .« 0 CO/03 muii?. ; ' . aad third. iJWinner . . . • SEXTON AND; OO. EMT. P. J. TLogun, at the request and on be- VTMMSIUJ .- - I" ~ CO/00 MICHAEL J. 48 C8/97 Ara now paying the HSghcst Market Prices for half ,of tl>e dance club and all present, EET OA&V AND CO., TBnnday ... -. chs3eo of ffidea-cid- c A P P 00 u 1 ro ¦ Friday _ _ 0 ,W gl Bktno, abo Cow and « r thanked the : members of tho orchestra for DUNXiAEVAM. i : — UJree Hair bou^it. 'H&hect Price' paid for , , ¦ He, of flrldna oomspoafliag neeScl laoj local rowing cliiu ciiccesaxully ran ofl their splendid :music, and the other, ladies Ara sow offering Lam Stoclfe : • Anoiui, Brown Walter. ¦ jui; reeeired la iplandid oondftWn | oon>- " 40s ea to S2a M The programme was arranged in such a oap- • ¦ . : ; Oaten 8ttow, ~ . able manner, that each Item- was ctoeely oon- winner. prliing.XXZ Onus usdiOORi Mmunn, XX V7hsat*nS tnu «. «» OJj to OOJ C3 - ajlo-JHUOT PliA/TE-Caycraft, 1;- Orchid, Duplex Bert TTbeatca Sbe^f . „ ITaoactain ; Ma T; C. i Kacri, itested. I The beautiful eet. oi medals wnich ran—yeoman, Bal- Boo* BptcM PotetoeHteo z*. by the winnero in the final 2; Mar Grange, 3. Also Spoclal S/27 SupwiJlMpbAU.. ate.. «(oj ' TornJpo „ OOi to 00» Od iw«re cairried off TNTEEB9TING TO BUSJiraSS MEN/FAR^ Betting-Ja to 1 aist winner. — tussle, !were presented By the VUce-CapltaLn, ilinasloe. ' '¦ "• ' ' i ' ' uigrtda «. ~. 13s to 17* SUEO-EON DEKTSEST, riUNGABVAN. MBBS ANiD 2.45-JPHSOVIIINOIIAL PLAfTlB—Aimie Bymons . • BrUl U pioaLi COa ' MT. Jcihn Stanley, a thoTOugh Eporten an, GEttsTDLEiEEN OF POSOTTION. OutoU . - «. CD to H; Kinlors 2. Also ran-'Lackey. - Deerpark. Now u» Urt* coa^faata k d itkmH „ iJ lo Sd por co ¦ Daily Mtcndanco—10 iwfoj ose services to the dub, ere thda, have I een iPexeone requiring loans of money should , dinut fc«» Potito"' ~ ¦ to 4. . [Belong—6 to 4 on winner, i Qwlity Now 8««d* ia^otui Xb» . : IBISH. OLD, NBT7 i . nwwl mexitoTiDua. I be ; careful to avoid those £0 tote the water v -ere who demand fees and : charge in - advance. ftsO—BAZiHWOOD wsm I Cippoquin : Fortunes.Darling, .3. . Aflso ian— Baglkh Cow OHM, Badjmd mite CUftn. WHEAT—per brl. of!£S0Ilb3— IM££3TB.!P. KeHy, W. J. Ouxiiniane, and Jaitma Such fees and j charges are frequently de- Songster, 2; At 2ix. Oo'Jsndcx'o, 4, M--"™ etrcot (Jleary geldinEl, Pearl 4» «tov *ll S%3wS\ : i • ' T/nrwo: most exciting, , object being to obtain the fees. Genuine , 2. tAIso ran—Stolen Bnae. paAaood mwa.8 ^ifl race was by no mehna fied i as to the lattor'a respeot&biltiy. Publicity ¦witlhout : inltereel to tihe epectetors, but Jtbe General Order thereunder dated lBtb Apri' '¦ ¦ and' other disagreeable results eome. lane* : 18S9 (The County Co'un«iU Order, I860.) i ' .- - - «» 0 00 0 IfanneT crew were eucces ; Pal,; making a very follow such iudiecretion.! . ' ¦: uONDorj i aorrtrca. ThWa- ' " - OATMEAL. p«r eaekj, ... 81 G Si 0 oredHaWe display on n ;anng the winnong 'Inftflnding T>oiTaweTS could not do better - ; Salmion fishing round FORM 29. NOmECE OPI INTaJNTPION TO BBA». p«r o«t ...... ¦ 5 ¦ 3 5 6 hero has been very poet. I . I I than: apply to an old estatoliahed) firm, snoh W AiTTR '¦ POLtAM) do , a 0 6 3 briak ftw- the past faw sree&s, eaxtoially in the In the third heat the cr«W9 ivere—(Mteps. « ! BAlTES, I - • as thfe City and County Loan and Discount DEBBT. 3 and 4 Vic, c. 108;_«l and 48 Vic,, c. 63 POBEIQH. Pnci flareyavffle district, where the largest catches P. Casey, P. Lincoln, ani M. Saigent (oo±>; Bank ,! OXJonnell Street, Waterford, which" is 9 to Q ngsL Lally (t.) ! ; ! . B. d. iniaye - been made. Salmon are now more in and Mesas. J. Lacey, W. Heaph/, and M. now-well known: to the pobliofouthe ' (Picton (o.). ¦ ' straight- 8 to <1 — COUNTY iBOBOUOH OQT WATEKJOHD : mmmm ' if ¦WHBArp.tier btL aft2SO n>3- evidence in the river than at any time einco Hea'phy foox). Tfoe liuit 1 amisd texun werp ihe foFwa.r'd.manner in which they carry on Uieir 10 to a — Bpearmfrt!(t.) I* ' Bprwg^ ... .« !. . : - W 0 Xabft! fimm«r, but tbia h most prtibalbly ac- ^dinners by a good margd1 i • (ts/ and o.) - ¦ busin g, and where all applications from 10. to a — iNulli Secundus ¦ •}¦ ! Sllfornim - ••• ••• °0 0 jcopoaed tor by the ; fact that smce the' Duke In- the Borarth heat the crowe were -Meshn. Iborrowers are treated with prompt attention ao to i — auiuB ^o.) j : -. of | Dawnshire arrived ia iiamore some ten , M, Hadke,ll ind T. GiMan teok); Eminence(t.) ' J. J. Smith and . the.e trioteite ecrecy1 ¦13 to « -— His ¦ ¦ ¦ daya f igo. the meating si, iti-aL plaice and othcra Measre. T. Beaphy,. ». D'Brien , and 3. P. (14 Gorgo* Kt-)i - i : ; >*\ ¦ ' i 8*f»riopol' - ... OO o w sro to tt — Ir'Nj a. ptf tabo !_ 0 0 0 6 hSaaindtbeen jeo oon"in.-uou», 00 ihat a laiper KeHeber (cox). The Hast I ichUomedi t«ean : 38 to a — Black Arrow (o.) ill ' OBA0IB •tBtztisgvian' inailber have been allowed np the river. Tho vmsucceestul, their oppant nSJB; leading tne T ay i. THE Ltynra; WAXJE. ¦ ¦ ,16 to 1 - Baney («.) ! i (Duljer himself , wiro ia a iaen,B posteman, and Winning pcot. • _ ¦ .With proper monajement, it is surprising Act, leee, and¦ of the Acta moorpomted ther*. • ¦¦/¦ , wjorl— part the i i •. earcelW ¦ ¦! : :!]¦ "ImH«u» pi«U an Csas, fcW 20 to 1 - J. wan - : - . i ' . ; • who; spends most of his leisuasm omenlta fieli- The flrab teams "were a jain ran on, when low Cheaply and comfortably a family can (o.) . . , ,;. 7" !! 'I' : ' 20 to 1 — Admirable lOrJchton — ¦ — ingj on . the SQadkiwiater with the Duchess Bit. Kelty* crew ontdbmn its partner. Tjthe live. The secret lies in choosing the food ' and o.) . T*w Bates fox tha eervkxt of tW jwut «nded :; ' 6iavetr4d«r CU " ' : ¦: ¦ ¦8} ¦ffMts at Iismore Caetfle finda this restriction *' third hcaU were that goes furthest, .05¦ 1 — the aist day of March ¦; !v : 'I : i ; to ,; winners W the eecond and i Currant bread is a ^ ALTCAE oopSa^a CLIJB. , 19OT. dh*rgeaM« to iti* ::lI %ib^ . on^lnleto conducive more lively gpttnl; ¦ te , when the delicious, ¦ i , : '48 0 and against caw; 1 cfthsr wholesome and nutritious article ' Oouaty Boion0>oi •Vf tMtoH H- fw MM GIint' _ - Hhen. pitted ts ' d . I . an» «i Iha W- larger ca'licihes. 8poxiBmen ahouM, fiereJore, -laiii sie iby .u good' epan. of di^t; The curran double the.food lowto i foranEff oarrtcd off the' worth the> Press Association i*l oiBoUlly informed y Bat awuWtHi l . -. ; ;. " ¦ ' ' • Then cams(»ms the most eexcitingtcatmg dacedace' ofoj 411I4IJ, cost. A*k your baker for - White or H(wi» ' ' ¦ ^nlr ' o u -^ ._,-« 1 We* Club^avembi * ileflttM/1 908. > «»• Oo««»y Bor««k . A - 1 :• • ! 8ILKCTIONII. Si! ; • . . . .! ¦ ¦ •( OmsMlMM iot tbalak r ¦ ' offfrirothUHagi ¦ ' - r ' ¦ 1 Chw , ¦ wetk; one weighing 2ahB.' Thia young gentle- fie prowess -rnaa dieoemaHe during the race - —- *i t'r ? rilk1| o A REPUDI ATION. (M WatarfW4Craie«.udJUia ) . * • [|« ' i? is|S?54 * - oj main!j and bis faUiw j»ne, perhaps, the.moeit bat • evidently there >waa nothing to Walt ¦ HAT-—iDIOiOa > luclhrj .'ahglera on |th« Sfiver a fact, however galknltJly Led the way ; ^^TOG np«BW« IneaiTM byUwi ; tnt 4 , : . , Meaide's boat for he beg to intimate to tbs public OwaeU la m«tl»f tb« ! 1 : •jrtri<» iB in a larfje. nyjasure dne to the' excel- oast the winndng post iaSiiei heorty. cfteeta. iDear fiir-HWe *U are : ' ' 0 - - bra that we ars not the- author* of the letter T seleatkms lor to«iorTOW «ahl d»ma*d, ••dSToon- , ' . . ' , ' ' . . ' - •¦:• fentiei.ol their ba* and tedkle, of¦ which they HWe- wtaatoly cangraltalnle the winnem H&ricKoai(-««llto»«o» ! J ' ' ggp?1!S:-rk:-i&«/.-!J ?• llie*Qielv«aare large veodom. , i- , viciory, the! rowta* >lub|at written1 ; to the Depastmentof Agriculture in fiiydlook P*rfc Bie«oaw»nih« a»Jd ?o« :; j .- . -t ^ fchiaii magtdncenit' refroeotito fr«nd«lent>n«prwe«f«won In ob- ddb Plater-(MlaTifj.'jr.; .:r-.;.r ' ; , maU tumawtrnm iS,M - r^f ^i ^^v, «bfe tune t mt;-.mi»-tailf: -i ttw , wmmwmtim \ W*i&mtoy %rK ' r toIfe^"** 5 IMf 11 ft\Vikifc l*ett-Tml:nil mrntii ~\ 1 ilniirf - lit xmtm.: A1 M^-.twOma>$> mm MmikMd^mA& m IWmm - •\W ~ - WSfSifiSi?*¦ SMs3S«Mf«p£!5pwqfS : i I }¦ ?l:0& 'Ji! H* mf:8. 'f&!#:;? *# is plPIPIillill^I'l lp -f

' ' ' ¦ ' ' ¦ : » ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ ;• • . ¦• . i . . " i illi l 'i^Qafo . . : l^ :> . -H".\ >v. ' -^ l \ - ' :- "^" ;r .v - .^ : " i .i 'i[it^;: : ¦ ¦ ' .^^*^ 6fa!!::aift w ' "rf^ ^? • - Ifl ^ ©Asaae ATHLBTIQ f S rm AT Kluiml MSVJQ t tmmm?BEMt>v. BUTLER. oppor^umity favourable.] a4&P*'i>a mjnor,!and;betoro^fegy.B a^ been dMlpdlg«d $&SO$E8BD.Hirttfi EEP'ASAN BXwAYttB ;. •. retuniedto the w6rk of icompinniffatoinor., Buckley:^.ftg the^pbinit, pet^Cuartby^w gptt.dawn fot once-more j end^l^o^^tor ^iJM^ :; iSoini ¦ 1 -^ j , TOgsflwr in Mj». Hartrey'a fine field, which) , ' - SOOTBT*— ¦ i *B(5wi *' of SftiiHHn^i^^f "f 'rfftr- Wh *«-» jrtrpBe- ; : aoeomEt^ iEEialf«tinid ; -i . , a vast i |,i ,JL 4 A got- in a "T^^^ff'^n't : - " t'h*e> dejftffi& J A man. de»ariJ)ed«^6-£awtSQce^C. JBtsande, :.«he;kinwi*» ihMl rit^frimm Ml i In (iirifi rT hrifTff*" . mat ue - ¦ recordedftg ainat 'Vyiaterfotd." J^r t»3le-iiloig 1 (| P " the day'3 programm^e o - . "* ;; BR» *IIH3 I^K8¥ ifcP ^?' ^ OOCBKr StDdQQBSBOL^ TWKlEi ? Watei^rd^.:rig'h^;jwiT]g K^^it#the-1|*« .«E«A Wi 2*'iffiECk)INID :''^Slip; 'A-V ;L. -: '' •** r * ' H1 er 11 iTOJitagoof Cork, and in iPMMNrnv^ ^ '" gi*m a letter to a aerraat to hand to her^jweett David CbrMAopber, the Imh ffw- iba * Heruf?1>i7» aiavid ^eS»|e6te' ;bfi6ween ation 8ireohaa did- the needlfulj with a point (Wia*e*tford- opemed etroogly and in two letter,- which : 1 F. S,^ a oa 1 1 #fc» H %af S^SH!**?*^ !* ^ O«^ mimitesof' the re-etarthad oDtaioed a point. AiBtrces. whicheh* did. dn :«he de- and*"» B^i*LJ?dbert.? Butler, of# Dunmore^ ^UtS East *, "who?' •afid Wateitod for the foQS.iJStet&e'Cemi^ shot. Jit. It was now I dreadfully midhard luck iwitKiwitli; [SMraistaob^nMatiwxSkMBKtAteMmMOoer ^ , ]P?«nsmps jih iujjing^ «tM:foothail yr&» 1 Waterioiid, who; though battBni for all |thejr; tha£|^tfe^hd^i«a3Qm«Ht>^^ been tor fionwi time tea*y naoMew wed in business in ihe> city. , to^ed-on i^ndaV de- nedyT^ffit was now Cork'e turn, but the Wa- embed hinweHli 1x afl having :w T:n j &s®»*tcT «®»lS^^i J^iSuiuvan 1 'at'yMmgarvan,: in weaWhef;Were jworbh, were junaWeto secure a favour* defence. past Ild Md ^ £ f^Key, at a most; farouraW* character, olble_po6itdon on the ehee-t;. BittOi .the'j fed terford meni a\weree mtoo^^^ resourcefull^ in t,^ ^ ^^^^5^ ^i«' ^^i^a ft%i6: ^^^i 1/a.ltop .Phahp J and in : J paSj ^JSt a kTck' ibuitJwSS wo i^^^ ^ ^^?e^^ and - Marian?j ^gg^ ST^^fi^fe^l^^Jice of goodly dMen- ^ ^ l iJ ^^^a^olierU^Wati^* «Wf(l&f«^m ., .: (ETE^' r i ' " in keeneWi interetSJsSt, L^®andat *hi iS?Ks was proved^£j S byhv fhoSn ->. -. OTB^GT .i£aii'^ ' ' ~ over tile field followed. Dtfie- ^3ae MaySr ol the city 189MS00, and mtui ««• &>;.Wtoy a nee€3sai r ^jwrk'T>la^e«j^g!^n3tSft4trong BOH, and like napiaLty* andJeveirtualjy Be^bledTdoiwr m peratatus sleall" had watted eawrmotM^ *"foe*mg ^e «* «J» a «Srlffi A«f lu 3 f«>m 1 ooli put!in a decisive kick which, gave Cork 4 member of a deputation which- htaag about &0OO peopleA pre-: •aojist the Matron in^nakin? ^r^01 to toe throwian'WSt erford forced ^he play, but IWiatetSord ground, where 'Walsh did «#r© nnSi the *at« Queen Victioria.-iPJef. McOor* «ttoa», then* . calved a sum TS? ^^d £hes - -Be re- *ne atrtiemptja* t ' *WIaterfo|:d*a an opening, "but a retLrementbecame a>&ceb- mu of 15/. ^ • ? - *coiin*f provedfutile. Cork *han [a man s ahare . to improve; Eary^nd-a-fre«-Av'4is-awArded-Wat6rfordwhich- S howev«,S^SSl^1WiSM- ¦& oonsgiMible sum. iAsf to. H ther child ni^ig^ %£>*****» o* * JSSe-.?ftltj ?^^pa--ai"JLon .mmo-fine- ppaitionr^ut--witJik>uV8ueees^^u«Hey-havi '! ' he taw a gWe^TnamedLaw woc© -^^«w>nflto dI * casuals *-- ^ere- were-42- wJ SW^iw iCompellecFa 4efen<5© bhfe ing ajmexed anothierl goal for Cork; and Nolan was taken by Eocketit whx> converted. There ffi iimijj -th6^&r ]£ » ,&* part yet;three vpointBf teadf' gtandiM to Cork's »^t wh7lif^oTSy^Twaterfoid. S^^1^y3ffP^oiW^opfh*r t?^ " of Wla'terio^d, JSheehan . received*a -ndo© pa^. hayinig lespond'ed .with a .poinftlior'i^SBateralHdj Were t '£r^ "SiiSibTttatt' lEa lacVMr. Bnttfi;tit dbertX'M aald flifeyr werft eomewhat ^HWiUt W.thoc^uala and ; puHedh ' .jph . ' accbun;t,irajndi tfiet pace Ibecaane cv&y fast eta .SS^-TSLS*r ? " ; SS. iStfSff d&i&ofi^. a^ MriaT short' of antici- ^J^^ ^? 'pff 'a niMbr fdr'tJbrk. *^Ehe goat the fuW itiine . iotle.we!nt , wheni . the pasdtttons w «iS^'jaayorySS, i:W«» .- iwwnrg: ; ¦ ¦ " ' ' ¦ • ' ' ¦' : ' : •Qfciiange, who baa D«o" 1 , the • • • ., ; ¦ k - - ¦: : ; i - •botih: sides, Hiallorananii, ' of Qliaahmore, playiug ^ patiana. IButler did not spPfar up to his ac- : WMter^Thw .axs. pumpix^^^ < . "''^ .dehverV favoured Cork, ^d'from ceatEe .sitoo dl— . ;•: 11 ! 1 -^Pt^neriiplcaded' ^ M41W.4- n ' a 'flne gium.©-.' Cork proved(Mama/fchem selveja> "too like pxisonw. cusrtomedfo im"Th*flie I3()*yards> and notwith- ••fch^stea'dtly. 'workedrdowiiv , and 'H«nnes&v. ¦ * •The aerfcxeindiid«d'pi*Bpn«rc^hat ^desc^ied jfebranig poss«6Sd<>tt. euppTme^'te4 .with' 'a-goal,. OOtRK ...... ,- ..•*..,.. ;.. 'i goali IS points i ifi^fforvi^tpTtford^' CaadiOTs'- tak- worked 1 afcandin«;,that he was-conceded two yards i ; ' ' drig a free from a difficult angle gave Cork >a ;to;eay..wh*fc;^e^e, injnJWdjg ; IC&Tidfcci^er;i!w;h^ running waa tobid ^nii(jli "api»lauflet , TEbe. Waterford . men ¦ ! sent was a curious 4aot that. pnscgMrapame iw>w ^aye;a. ffaieKiieplay/ fiarmg^ " " (WiAiUEEIEOHDi ....:.v....v...'..l . .2 pointe i fufliher point. ^WaterfOTdi ;havin^ over, and it generally admired, won-easilyseemedby five yards. showing up '¦ " : f communicatewa*h J ttjj RJr six yardaV ,.^he njT&m <"> -•acnes- ; ©;¦¦• effe (captain);i] T.i Hallaoao, for Cork, whosefl uibseqvuent. onslaught was aj 'the police-would •finaveHea ' wrUi;<«pfeepher is -only- Ifl '-v^Mtk- ~A%~ ' ^r^-* dmm^dis^y.";civoasea ^¦>ver , ih^ ' foirwardtkidomg , .Cork— OIK^ . but^priBon^^hed-^ ' 1 mmmmmgreat.' e^e6iiilSo'n.:,. ; flK, . was^ again anotiier • de- ;ili"S. more marked 6ucces&, . (Daly sending right! p^W. had^ e^ TOffiS-: was ¦out oA ihiS-metal,and^ going-ra enirine- . - . ¦- i¦ 1 goal: . It was noWj -rOP^soner i<;'! «^»d » fen«6 f tipW6t^M,/jd -' yrY8a%Oork -'lia4. the (Eiordah, A. ^uekjey,'..IW. . jPa^freyj- .: and T, tthKrughJ the mouth of-the S.¦ ' asking ! ' L?^ Bke:fSshion ibp" caughi ha« man on, the ;tape» .wa1?hr .Sheeihianf.-:O. Nolimi^ all over wMx: "Wafcerflorid, whose post© were anotlier' letter,; ^ ^he^ijra^,^ and' eooordiag.to,& e .jndfc es. decision ""wop-by - Jo reference <6 Mi^ iGfe^ ' ' " ' <; ¦ ;a^yta|ni&ag"ei> for^BucMej, a fine diweeent lOoughto {Blaokrock), D. ¦ Window-cleaningto be done,.; and.efeiune hnn* ' Ibetweein t&r:' a goal;-rlThQ^fi^Tding. of and tM; O^Leary :(St. iUniharrek);' M.' Hen- (repeatedily_&»sailed. : M)H)ai(t)hy was crediUsd «&« incBes*"' The 'oiher byente, -which were also . . Water- 1 ' supplemental podnt against WatoEiord i ae3ii;i6 •• L. ./ _ , rngtigiw -welT contesi^d';.. TEbiv officials., ' ' ' ¦¦ '^ v|> . ..[. :¦;>. - |." : th'e tfrliia Intacba. Just beforo esjpiration iol j inassed on? prisoner ;, ^ wiihi. Ahe.-. -utmost , ef- began to ^re . rapidly, and thueei points-wet©' Dinean- (St:. -Uiaf&p - ' ^ ¦HdPolice Cton^blei^M'dOoriiaac a 'patiye. of ohaigied .tfitat'^utd^y.n ¦ ; b-; iSirwan , 'P. Oonn

Hffi* p^ular':c¥p4ain>W''tti« Kilniaodw.7 team ^wMeni'«fl^i*ogQqd-jwa r^ under.-h|?.- .ski|ful ¦fl h jf -^ . - ' T-T» - .- ¦«"~ iHlS^iii^wyjfc -fj h£^..{BtttleJitUjwil C0m* fS^^liu'* ££-'- . sms"%!? «i(«oaai MISS 1 i>- . -A' , \ ff atlSpff int£*^^- I loinaiiion.' Stranifaxan's;J Jr€nyt>ry;'tcam. ' werfeto Mytp Jhav© mei BSl^[nti,''b1'iit'iti»fe tjaftertfid;¦ not ;::^ turn''up^v'inwJ»renl»^:''meii 'se«med 'jn.^od :i iraw ¦ ¦ toteiaaw/-«d'" «n±ikWM';*o - have:a" tug . w;th ; :^:, . m&om.i = .• • « i: .!KalmaooTOl:bUt;«imee4j in«.;between thpm wao ' 90 1 j >Mon(ULV &t the ' .HW V ? 'Gtovtownent Board iorwarddd MMmm^m A-nromMwi-fn *.(W ^iit . 6IX>rtA in of ? f2r kWi'iKA ^Slymn^oirtiis audit the mTi6mS oipri^^sa»oA!Pt -^Tstit2c'i -^oh^ G^toi 'Bn41ai6toiro. Tl8.ya)rd&4 .1; > P. Xidr. Waieiflora.- Jj 84 ty«r?b, ?j J| ; -Lonergan, ^ .yards, . . :Also competedHD. oSirit¥ffT-u.iiav-:&av|e toe ' ; Bu 11ei8towoJnl9r -3: fc ^S^Mdwnour^rep^&tSf*that - iI (tiong, •DunSaU 19 yaws. ' > This was a -very tore audited the accounts of the Board of 'e^tmVevefftfI «KielyJ l?d fof-a consadewMa Gaiardians -oi Gamofc«oTFStnr Union, the wa^^W^Loneflgan.aniai4^ahan tali-year eadedx 3Qfch fo* tferKoii'6l'tiK &' Septemfoer, tim; , £ |' ' e^ .-Qp.^r.T& i ]a!tleitaeanMnfr;np, .the ..fl^«» J , and just beat Kiely -|MWWWl ' rwisnt intot,«£^ ¦ •' ffon? ^ r ? JN<>vemlbe«j • •' Becbnir Hfiid^-M. -'(Pbley, > .(ButleBSbown/ £2 u&JK,c^arx h^eaders?^ -for- 's^anila fir 'i:woilk9 M the yatds, ^|E^er;-P€sn!bw)feefittown, 18,yard3, wot&bausb " l'^K- IA^ IUM OT ' t2B were I -and • ¦ ' ' ' ' ' ¦ 0 icaaad^tioii ;/ ¦ ' ¦¦ " - ' ' ' ¦ - , 3. ¦ - J;l ' : ¦ • yards ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' "' " ¦ ' • ' ' ¦ • ¦¦ ¦ • ' • ¦ ¦ ' 'Kilbacry- ¦ ' ¦ ' iV ' ' • ¦- ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦(. . ¦ ¦• • ¦ ¦ ¦ . ;]¦ ?»" (R^rlXalton; for " • ')" - ¦ " ' ' ' ¦ ¦ •• ¦¦ ¦ - . : • . . ¦ ¦ 'i ¦ /,: ¦ ¦:• ;: ¦ - '¦ ¦ - - riBurk(B, .iWsaJeiifordi 'ffl. 'yarda. ' : ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ' >j ,.-/. - .. > * gmeer i asauxat ;4 'lower'teawfor^ fiMS'M/s,? At fe^e^!th5B^4d;^mffliell'lt*'J0 the «ndi. mn« z ' $W«tMo (yards;I Wicni;'being :dose ,up. the oath Jprihruaiy. s ' : iiiil* ¦ M ^$Q 0 1B& VrhaS-ad- ' — ' ' ¦ ' -matter ¦ ' • ¦: - :¦ ¦ ¦' 'I ' ¦« - ¦ iwa ^^ we? ¦ : i»tprd*; '- ' . .. .:t . f !0&^m^y ,, .r.CJA M& ¦laaita : . .. . jafert^w^j^SiwgB .} * s?O0in3id6T tie'-^€^di3iff'-0jia^naini:i6ius0d; ;, inne^qirn It'ya pdo, ^^^aiS m»i- • iir*rfs,_l ^K.OOQpipw, ^ &r&ji&mbb ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ s. -:iii!! r-v.»:-" - . . '. -;; V \ . • • -, . - :.. : • *2iU«»iAi^i ^^^^ "metktSA;S afibtoSflbby, 22'yarda;^ ^fieaiupott M^.-M. V.' iPi(>w©r/ >M^ of^ih* ti.u fcSi-«iiM2 SaiS Ct!MSar»;1 'BiPia-i! » yaidB;: end :H./ Haider, i .BJPiA2, - .| llSvy4K!a8*iJ EOS¦•&* oonsideralble .dis- - tance the .wannej but entering Ae^ted,. W&. uiToMng a tes^ dt fflB: 18/3-to he went:vwiiii' a 'spewlr, tons "She luuto'fanda. c -• ¦; . v—: - .ri: > 1iiei,steai¦«^h|> i . ; 1 ' " ; sfaidto .to rfr\mtand won by-asyard, ' ^iNIoIreas6na-Mve 1>&en -aesign&^!by; jh6; -He«HW;< " ; J (i ; 1 aMb they ' ' * ' ' ' ' . m^rTiay^. .f^aifc-aieir ¦ : - - Jl V:f ':r' : : ¦' :i ' ' : - ?v : ••! 1j Kn!id^- .' ir ' WSHiama, 2; J. t^^fe . i " . . ¦r- ^ i(M J»- ¦ - ' E^/ \'5' ^Lp .::M V- Q^' \W ¦ ©Ia^S©3 i - - 1 1 H na9odf.-> W,; Dofobyn, audit^. of .apdMtnte, !l i ¦ '" ' " ¦ ^. ^;fturp«o©V ^- ( ^^%a;, 4«^T3ny ^¦ • : j . ^Yd^UXSt^ChTistotdieTy. • Butler.- - The ' * "* " ¦ ' tHao ¦ ** ¦ ¦ OMO EJ . :. . . : * i » • > . •VrXvZX . t 1 & .. , - • -i • 'Bkercise ' Xv* i y • S ' 9OT33Q^p) iffj&j^^ uivj^*'\tffteiu .and^.aumired r vy .tno crowxT;/Ae .&ppfarediln.the p?nk of fonn; and §#fisio-?: ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ had.'&idun; ' . ! : :c l Wiii^a' ^id-^^dJi^S * ;, IM itiWc^inltie(r^. l.By Hhtfitim^'P^ ovei ¦jMsMt hidi m the ease af./S^at-ter.JWlalfilh, : wiho 2,d FackstsMd ceac fego ' a*fl«nW.ed.JA 'few attstamed; 4/to:P^l^-h^I minxes a dislxicatwn jitsH onldieg-jomkaiia .la^:BrtWtam«W9&w nidW- applause, - and ar«hoj *tinwiat^lx»th men-V-2 came.to fne line, ¦v * ^etopS;,^^S ng ' fa^-'' - Sergeant ¦ :^t«r^lsa^^iBi^!iiftlbP«n :. ~\ : ;-.^:;; ..,. ; \ y»r&. '^ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' : , iri b&toal«57ibyifiTe^ Tun?— «i ,titie,;ext>ejiBe fl ' r. r -I' • •-: i:- L- r .rf .::, . . i:. . ; ;,: , - .- ; ittdT^fa ; , -jnciHiea 4n..4>rv>t away. well. ' &%&? ' Ww&Ifl^/Jtuong.^thifsh -atlK© ©mflS&l ; ¦ ¦/¦¦ : anak^winifrottt'iBitfi.bjB.'.'wtift caught on tho cbfeiattdSAre[ fetlfeE : „ Y^ * ;iap© j.M&;beafy3J*iby, ft; fg^ inches/ Time— ¦ fei i^M^Bfe^Si!-SS iM^e/ • . ¦' A ~ O6ftH3!ii^di3!^ J "Mr. ¦^ix^' M^a^.St . (rnQJOff-WASF^WiiftacQir v. Butdefstowa. tbai-^had^a T3rS xVvSr^icitfrff contest, : thd fiist raawution to pTiopose'In oaanectaon'mtilx -tie ^' -: in wardsmaads....I4i!;wiwria ¦ follows:—rt That tha pHU lai^^hn»t.intoatWane6i?ltiDg ' ^twirurf fflBrfft«>5. egBz3g(^*,*«k the TvardsinaMa ¦ ¦ liejjalEwed . . f out •- .. ia the eteninS |>. . ,. &ainr . ' . • ¦ • • • ••¦ ¦¦ • .«.. : . : 1 \ ¦:{ . . . • . . dwng .th^eimi^. ' . , . ,. \ \ . , v T^ oj#c&i^ , ¦ ' ' ' ' " ' ¦ ¦: " ' ; ' " 1 ' ¦¦ ¦ : ; Gtich ' ^^ • ¦: ;:• - :• /-i - - . • - ¦ ;1t ' nuo^beirs. £f& will suifili© boswesd'enced - .:. r; i; : ;/ • ;. • ; . . . and dkoi line ." ffiffi iP .i tombedb7 i their p o&ttashPTffie- XJaaltinuing -i5k -^—:_^«' ?^U,-- ;.;,' ..V.ni ^^l^iiiU r ' • r~ ~ ~ " ' ' ¦ ¦ —:¦:¦ " - ' ¦ ¦ ~^~~a #PTil^c«««fe;^ife«ivaftlii^of iSUer^ Doanfisaey^ said~>fr. CJhainnan and «entle» 2r - -;. :! . 7, •¦. >:¦ : rf Jj:: '- ! r. '". v( ;. ¦:i y- - - : •' • .- .• !i; ;¦ •'!.: h¦:;! . . - ; 7TT -. ¦:-..:: • ! ' ¦ ; ; r ' " , ^ | „. - = h " rw»;^w?t.tWjj ^ f;<;v- ii:R .'S.^ /i J.-. ,. , - . - men in coun.eciion ,.with...thi3. resolution t ; Cork i 1L r : /; goal-find a point¦ , HKJarihy. OBitp "fulltime Halloria, €. jNoian and * A. 'Bucklay,. . nc31/ Eeatmjr, ©.: IWihelani]' 3S£. Gallactao, pe*¦ •¦ ¦ ¦ ;; ' -¦/ : ;¦ ' . ¦ ¦ •¦ . ¦ •; '¦ may say that I consider -;.there ia ampld JW;-. Ctsyc/o; -.- ¦tf &tptf&ii-T .- , • •: ;. ...; :.:\\':-\': . c-r.'; ^o - >-iic;: o -jiu- , J1J I JBIJJ .; ¦ •were reuteeritteatly-.a rcarded a ixi&e,.:bu t notif- ."W. iWpii, 14. She&yy Pi -Clcirphy; ' ' A*waM^^^^lto jcapU, ¦ ¦ ¦ !¦: - ¦- : ' : -' ; - : ' ¦ : ' ¦ ' ' • -fay - : " • ' =- : -- ' • justificatioai: it. These • jwtmg;: girl^jiare attack iiicffijl olcn;- - . . !:• , .. 'V H - ' -' , • • • - . • • ;^l^««^ ing came it^'andi^noiihflx on^W^r- ' O;;iilurphy;J ^^afieV'-ir. Bagmno, ' ' ^ ¦; 0- ' ' ' ¦ M,^ faeo-e all day engaged iii woxfe 'wbxch, I ,<.;^;q (...:,,. • ¦ : ¦; "!¦ : ¦ : thini: (foxd*s ^pocte'i enmdi nl-.Tha defiacQ.ttiaa ' iacA J^ CHfc%r £I.'ffl'Me, iE. Qtoc&J b' 1 f r^ jir^ - ' iCOtaK . 8 £0:13 poiffb •[•^• . - i^":- . : .. .;, ./ will am...aigrf6.vwth.JiiB»_feL iwt of a very ,:i (V0AJTEEEX>ED 5 potob': S>u effedtivev ' yaA £aco-i.>oi.' ttoi:d^Usi!aiiija©i- tOT- ¦ ¦ i The 25th Annual Bace Meeting under the '43eHhyv:0Mb^'b2ll " • !¦ • ¦ ' ' aortEAIiLV:•; 1 ;. " •;:;• ;!.|-: ' ;- ,,^ . . ,' , , posita^xn^aii4 1«bd "fc;ucblsr • • , •: • • lij ;! ¦ -: : - ttuepicea of the "Wateafoitd Bicycte dub ana ;;'B«»ferj: Wdj:rth Gmc« r - ,...... :• •. . (trpm , .the .country . where- #h6y 'werev ac- ^po^KOov^t-jwi&Aiitd. 'A' giaadtiifcSlsfollovred1; ^-Thj3" ttama^trow:—¦!' - " " • T^. . and ^ : ( - ' ' ¦ ¦ ' • ¦ ¦ ¦•' • - ji ' - ' ¦ \3*T£o*iety 0J0. cuete^tioin. )n- ' ^ 1101 ,: l ^terforft- -ioal^v j ejtoeediagly ;'M . - • CTiBsyf >: CTAT/P.' . . .j j.; ;Cixrk-(M!:Haonn*ry (captMn), F-. Seaiifes, ^p rftr.?? Wat* , ' ! 1 T J. &,' %8m^fSrj&w£B;j rafnr} W.''0a»ran %ie want of tjh*i nowh rnu^t ^e, Eerily,^ H iby 'daaj ^eiou?'!.\ < Gofk clearedJthedr ^HsSis.: .wefll, ¦anENut&ir>«&. (DttaoghWiM: O1SuUlvaCJ«s-. ^UaaTafld T.MH&JWifpsi Cfoff -Hl Oc^grsro, P. ; ' ' T > ¦ • Hx&ai, and I thin^.it .would'be..only,right'.at -ond-^dyiayf:<: »f - an onatt 1 .chaBaioter> Mlowsd.. Cork .played v^th the sun' ,^6 ' tUeir' - backs, t&(asphy; J. Bdordan- ana' W. Padtey (N^6)r QT; ;M0rra. : <¦!H "^ 4y .';- -'. .l l> :i.^.:j i-.. '-; -' ¦ • ,. - - >£he. ¦• close-of their day^¦./wori . to ^llow-•;them -iWlateaaoid> were doing-well and a scorer teamed J; Dfeaniixad-ana iBteya^^ll«amh B. - te 'Bced Ban*&$b '&ft J)?:Br< ; rtne^Ka( h fiiom^:th3«:I gjwiar the.a»l«.ccww*VM«tt».of Mr. Henry GOto0xm.j '\ :: U "\:. >,;-.: .' > : .' •V. ..-;^ ..A.j.\ ¦;; *' 1 : ,' iWlater- .'Uv^ljr for.VIWii^o^'by pttlliag'iC: a 'ipoW ' p.:7 w£*'ih»t--^^^^3Sl rnT ; a*ioiiwliiclilet Cock down, again andi 1M);¥. tfcaiflm^ aM 3toW (Sk^cy)|'.- ^Jj .1|¥ipii *1nlTI|, .Tr fiBTTr* 1T| M wrflj l W^ Coyio a CHOIC3 Mr. Purcell seconded, , the resolutto join;- aiid tford '^ad 'to^afisuirie the'dfileooaive'.: ilt;waaan par BJenmessy. 'Fouls tvere not inifreojuant, IDriflcoll i (Mlaoroom}, and D OwitfT '(Kiaaaile.; aaid that .theseii^irte'/were used fresh aif iotereating;battle untilr Keeffe " '-received v an' and a penalty to I Cork taken |by,J. Murphy r^Meaf ii -Vb$ ; - - / j'-i - eircryone at the .end , of ithieir - days.work they Oorklbiobe i ; 'Eegan, TO:-.BJowan;nJ^Keninady; R Toipey;E. ^ ^i ; -fait TTT . . 1 ¦;; dOTfa .to Ckffk. 'Rjom ther delivery; aeaat' etubflbomly i^viaded, but |» ft^ ttroUghfi wt>uld lik^&'iUttier recreation. .'¦/ ,. away;r and'tn^ficorM ce;f«al^ lto Bheehan, n^ch«usedetf: rel^ pt«Be or-r^ The (resolutioni-ffias i>aei3«dtanianimously. who landedi aa addifaonal^ minor for Cork. j£ ^ ¦iTp-lfiflrwfc J; Hal©y;'D. /Eockett,:J. liyotih^ j * - ¦ c'-'H ' -'' .;,- " . i: Mr. ^' > ! ¦ m 'i ! ! vi ,!<;',;¦; ¦ ¦ ¦:¦ ¦ TherBo&rd /thifr;adfjOMynefiV' ^ good .de»l;.« gire : .Be|f«P6fe-^ MtiGtealhi.Jttpp^BaQr.: - jif^V' , : 3 > ?!? 'i 'iftu. lj . • ''!'. : ¦ ^ * ' Watei^ayitor wj^-^ iRoc&it* iaa^:a^'^^;criSS^OT§/ ?¦^)7 ¦•IJ: ' e^v[ ~: / '!': ' 4ailedr.to 'h>M;;theit', loppoaente,' .atid park©^ndaiii^wide, " and !Wat©Btoro, -ohanoet' ¦y/j &B' ' I-)::- ;:!' v :;:d;r;^ bfii?: ax:i'J ^:: . : .1 ! 1 ¦¦ ¦" ¦ , ; ii* ¦ <' ¦ i ;i. ;-ii¦' . ¦ : of ¦ ^^WW^Whyniyrt;"«fr»ltty, when the 2iaj iTin -^rCSaah gL' ', -" • = 'iaMnlW with success, Buckley - wing ^Couch^^ o.iS^DaH -. I INTTEEINlAlXirdflSIACL.; HS3BCIiBaaTI10(N/ ^giin- , : | lo^HiA,^ ^fij fcaiSvecl.f.KJork^ ¦ ¦ iotnonrin^ offlofer^ iicaceieloctedi for the coming Miay 22nd and 23rd—CJorfcfi/ ^v - - .poSit.. ! lQit!f4)jfaji o^ff iu>' •iww'; ;. « H>?.7.v. •-!•. - r. ':i '" .L'- VI I - . *i . 1 .n- • r ,uf.r ' j:.' . . ; .;:; ; ireepo(nadibl6;lor jft fhavinj ' Becoredth« throw-^.rrom, the netftiraV T ^; May 24th^Ch«IiBvilfeJl' ¦ . at naild, bit'J>«for ej h© whMle! vrisiA PanEHjy lin& looked'fik e •coring, but ,^t«*old'4 back! ^ Hay J28thr ^Wlingd*. i:: ¦ J • •¦<' 1 goial for r ;;itei*a^ jroto my^i;ii^ jiiaiice ihad. laxiaed flaoo! ^her¦ the ¦ ; So^itli«i^: «P«f Hay 29th and!3pth-ITipp2rary ftam.|;S!0o;r^:-r :i! •/. j;;;: '' , - ' : v i- ; ' - r' " dato^-;anafl A»^' ianaDQoniSil:P ru®&eVmmk *:&&$& ¦: : ; . - i. : .;. - ;tr^n^«^ Juae 7th**<38»ww»L - ^ ¦ 7: I; 9®WQ jj 'iway, .nia^^ceniiy|.'v^er6 ;not, j^j• , >:^p»^fl#K^ O. O._WhJ^. Jnae 8th—Clontoel Harriara. ' : ' ! ^ JTme^lStb—¦BntiJsoerthy. ; . . ¦;¦¦: .: i'T*'«i(^'fJLj .i.ii.- ..M»;MV 3^te pointed. . ¦¦ '' ; ¦ Jttno ' IJUh—«YoBi{hal.;:'>'> "" <: '.;::¦ - "¦>:. - • - :' lii ¦ ¦ "' >- ;<¦,*•/ ¦¦ -' ;; ' *>?- f ' f¦ -«T ;,' . : . •• • ii : : ;UP-H A^ J>. , ^f -. f^y» .^ .| ( ; .. i llo&e :JWii^R»tf«adte^ ^? -^- "' -•> g- -^- J^© 28to; «tt; «*- Mod AUt ,.w4ks ketA innde r^'a«to;»ri «fith^7urr«ffh.. . • ¦/ -r . :tfl>6gi«ee ."wh^itji:C toi: fitf6q i«d|aJ^ in::j ^btib^3fttt ¦ r ' ¦" ¦ t' -'Watifiin WBteiA)™* lines, ! and " a" gooa.t>dnx«^ jwitaeif sed, ' |indr*6!fe^ke« ;ru^h?i|,.-;ft • ¦¦ri]&>ipMp ASSt KWi; «th and I5th-^EBAS£OEE.¦ (K|ckl&y.¦ Miio-. $lioi flifaor who a»a^ , r c ;;:¦' ¦ iwaiiBiniJaMttiTw; * ; ptW^tiw^d,' jw^ew^d^jAijaj^k At»l*tai rt^TondUdii ' * > K'^" ':-o~ . fo7;qork>i««fp-w W>^r ^!ateiford ^OTtodJhard which|was frustrated >by BulHvin, and Wa^r* &wuraible a most ihtere*ting.a3a ei wrttbi4 back to their owii ] and pot Ooflir eta iiieif nwtfle. the' attack lord w^te-"beaten who ground. M o«y'« •port h certain. Bntneu ehoafcf 1«| gwaBjpr. again t&meli H T RrhaWBi: ttnd %«ce CbmtDaaee! Hqpwaaparww y wasa omenrjbat•lowly conducted 1 owing to tae Sit wai for a brief ^period, for\ t]tey !gwt an4 1 liho !'A(4voittiflin(g, T^w^i and IUb!Ecit(yi (»na4« to honl •ec., W.B.C . - .,-; i ; <\ he&itMBcy, iWa1«fifoTd'e froot sank to draw *way ba the loose, and -^fow«r ^ Piferot yS 1 o< CtausHSUted ^Sio met, Mr. R. 8. TretfUSftn in £s£StwWDCSS5f SSwWJ^ WWiS iiprkW^wM.¦ ¦te' fr' ¦ i i peireevering eflorte were with gTeatdash, re^te^ Watenrforfwith MM 'MM ^-UJR ^sH ' ¦• ' ' ' iw^* oa tiie wlj . Th«dT' '.' Q X ¦ • ' ¦ ¦ AM^ I^M i^^^ tito tWtt, B 12 " oommttl*te dealt : with: a r ¦ - . • • • . . . : '¦ • - • -. ! j ! a inj swr.:.. Tbe,.W«twt shot o¦^¦ : • ¦ ¦ ¦ i!j | W«ttenfiQ«i piwedbi*w -ortli with a ib^Hantty poini make themselves"felt , but a ! foul «S»inat eeat icw. . *, . f:. . •: • ¦: ¦ < jJ^J^r-vv *}• . * Owwmbw i^.a-IiaMrtA. ;.; . 1. . . I vli - i • !: ; : .- r i: - ¦• !{'\ ilir-.!. -. - . - .v .:r 'i' *m*' ir - . - f~» • -¦ • .!»•! - 'f j^"' : ' ;K;Jtr %^- c iT^-1r • «^;-3yp^ f Iff ||HPlf|p! iSiKff if ¦ ^ll pp^Plf^SHP ¦ 1 ¦ : ¦ ¦ •ii' : -; •!; • "! !¦ ¦ ¦ . ... 11 ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ! ' ¦ ¦ ' : pippppir •vj :; js&p$f | :ii; v'+ M®£§&i B&^mM W BECB

' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' " '' "" _ V . .. ; ¦ ¦ - I. :" ¦*;" ' ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦ : ¦ - ¦ ¦ : ' , . . . • - , . . t! ¦ . . ¦ j : i' . ¦ ¦ - j:..:. } ', I ¦ ' ¦ ¦ / ¦ }: ' ' ' " ¦ ¦ J .. .: . ' .' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ - ¦ •¦ - • ¦ • • : : ' : ¦ ' ¦ : ¦¦ ' * ¦ ' " '" : .U'¦ . -• - . " ¦ • *{ ¦ ' ' " • ¦ ' " ; " i " ' ;; " ' ' : - - . .]• -M- . = ; - ! ¦! - • . . /• . ' . ¦;•!- .- *!• 'i! ' ' i : .1 . . . ,: i : .v • n ^¦ -vWE^^^TiHiiry^^/^ 1 The Batesof Subeoriptionaw- , tvz 't . ^ :^- . .^^ r^^B; m^J :- ^

! MpBFeBD • ! '¦• ¦;y - -"- ;¦•KEwa- ¦; , ¦; fi \-yy- _ ; . ¦¦ "*"*t" ' . ' I ^ . vi «~- -« • - . ¦ ¦ ' ;¦ '! & ' :- . • : = : . • : (By Hand .f^ t/fc ? : , 1 : . ; ../ ; ¦; ;•; : ;:; v; ,,...;^sj iSSlir ;;;- ;(Bp^Po$tS- : :- ' ... ' t ; :;^r v :^^ 5/5* ¦ ¦ ;. '- * ?¦ • ¦• ;-'-¦ = •- ' ' i ;> f- : - t 1 Months.1 ¦ ¦ 1 •< ¦ . : - - -! - - ¦ • ' ! ' ; : • ' ! ¦ V¦ ; ::: .:¦ ¦ -v - :'

" ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : ; - - . .. T . * • ' : -. \ ' . . p . . , r > ¦ . . r ' : f l . ¦ ¦ - : "i: : ' ' • ¦ ')¦ ; - ¦ ¦ ~ : !;; i'!v ,K. ):v:|- r-y- -^ ' ,ji: !¦;' ../ . y- y. ; .. ;; !. ; ;:.; . !: . • . ,. ..; . ' of recently planied lor<^ and Scbtjch fir. / Tbe (pfcitfai^ji^eiij oaanous midl ¦ r _ ; ; , ^ icosti* i ^jjj qpenee^. t!h& 1- !n ^ 'eiiid^hrilt" (imsfc," 'landr' tiiit thie wlxcitiher waa effective treatment for their destruction^! they tiwra which the Kjottrt i TOilil ttnia cSauae-:-^ "ITieij .-nKyyrw9 "wom^i^fa* ,ueh'tinies ae my e3cecutar& xiho keeps a dairy of i from ' 35 to £0 cor/4 and :• i. to his means, which -would enable Itfhe judge (to ^j (to- fetoH S*^J^?M^f?m>«>W. tot fiie tiye replyrrrThe f . ^P& "Js being gnQwed by asceEtain wiiaft j otioafeder it "wise and iprodenltand (Cp.lieT^beat woM^ sails his nailkWueetj i is : troubled r occasionally- ^ ' ilia peouniary iposiitioii-waa.aDter^sfts to dip BO." ?Phe ^d be wrWiheM irom^ef crieSs; Bp«amens;6f"; tt& pltte weeVil ^' ff yUtimabieti&y ISiesreifore;' ih%Jwrdigliaipl iTOnM,J ne (hoped , loibivJoiw puTjiOBe oS ¦with ! " :> ' ,'act W one: l»d^aie*e(R)re» a fond . from which - the cream becoming Stringy. Portion of pbich frequently damages conifers in this way v i iflariTiOtNis /jK» -;-B(xnH ' ' si3KEsr : upon ftihe • srtom iteslinwnor of i ^genttllietoaii;/ in-- :M. $«L;^^ ^W« * itibje;jage : of tWe the a?am when b#ng poured pat of thef vessel dnriner th« - late sprine: and eummer monthW Tsei*.York¦-who waafwefl a> >iroainited ?with MT. waial ; SH® OQuiaj HER ' th^^TOai amde-rfsma «o" 'give it2i«/eJDebTrtpfla ' - j^ATf OWN OOi&QS. •comes put like a piece of curd or jelly the ra^ sometimca cpnbnuiDg the injury into too atltuEjn. fUtzgeraiia'a ;meaiia fln.d:. ->os6!t60ii; It may, be ip(p^ : ' ' taken thatQSx. '.Flit zgemld'din coane' it)o>;deteiBftiin^-arjd oanffcrol the ainounlti tpainipg.portion being all right; ^Fhis , «;nly There can bo little doubt 'was about •wWoh- fiihie wae? tbo 't^dwre; - eflie (wfe ! fl>uriLng ^he wh6le.; ptf iie proceediigg& in I&n.- tnaty somewhere near; £ao,ooo a year..';.nie. -: fon no ; Ket tawtee6h^'?^Vra:imu^ aip$QEfcilfiii6 - ^f¦-, .; . no clause referred,to wao ito ! r .; jthat t>l the whole !herd ? We cannbt; |3o;.better Tiere w^ affidavit or itekenientirom Mr. eoableJbtvmbe eaHk> iMr. .Joa^ - eg^-laying,- because in- then the yoong gruba Fibgetiald1 emtiiCQ(pa!t/e the inoomsa for her toeneffit. eeemedi ul£&e^ l^TTkigr«eview«i aB;. o|¦: , tie o&e wilijfind the most suitab-e lifo co^icoc o, la giving any ttnfflonnaitiWft jtpj oonrt. In rather a forced oomcluaifln. Ali WiM , Usad "he ioliowiag extract from a recent American'.stork 1 ttSS. IPjbZGflESRMlDB- JBNIOO^ §TATir> AT '^h© }MJr. Mtusexiaid; sa*J zn. wgand tP his income growing trunks and shoots tjoa flow of sap is answer to the lady'e notioe of nwtSonan affi- ft» deny {ihe otf fWflte'Biidoritirf.-AjJ «o-: TV oh '¦ daii^nig whicb:: d0atmg •' '««$ tJMs--irab]ecl enduro davit • rmas.^flilBd'; flr, i^taa Acoixoacy the statement fhe «^e^:fi3ioii^, bo too Btrong^ for the ^gnibo j cpsctr '*he vjiwi»9iging oletfe, to imtalde i» regawi^Bo #, And to say taxedj andiiofBcd bfeniialionidrnay them."and u i8;du> t^ifr fermen- t^ ffilfesem. fljewis and I/e^^/.J50TkaBOTO,-in~wficli thalt Me wife *^^ •says ;:-j- This abn6nnali^r: quenily tho practice of leaving foiled: trunks, ! Ihtad oiwa' ^B itold 'him tha't she bad (Jfleoty stbew 'tfj ftu^|^^4e\W^in **a^t£o(n Up £e (made^ani esMwt 'oi (bw^- &ffidjiv3t»H:nrade by the fin^:o*!^s d^^rj^^oijaiw were • : . ¦ itfhe iifrne «f trial was4xed IrejUand uexltd lay Ihiacnahge'occurs tt«e/ln^^!8ai??3 servo as traps for the insects,! and periodically list. , It 'tvaa •a-Jmlnrtfinnl3&w tftwcffwur-mrgMfi^y ni j anti filed her p^iiiorMPoft.divorce a. anensa probable that the Btatile dust jiin- ¦ n ^^ - et lie -(counsel) read another •cow* i It io ; collecting and burning them, the numbers of Who plainlbiflis- Creralld.JPurceE lU^eata^d1, «(f tfilcab .ffirom ter' !h'U«!banid;' biit ' aiEdavit made on. aniL ot coutGe it: fileo ttihai uJ62aiiid;'v|W!a1iedSoiT4^7cetleo caq be. greatly reduced.^ ; For the }i^r-')B^ki r ja ¦^ tw , WATBRFibra>! Ail^SOUTH-EA3TEOr3 ¦exists milk house and upon the milking ; ULvprcea-im ^naa et ,ttfl(&rottoom Ibaa ns^ j^.Iddtf -Qiq^ii^u^fHi^ .fihejJ3. ,not in> anyr.* di£5ciiHy,- In -*egaid to |in the .dratrjiiJBtioii-Qfth ^ Jbe«3w|toat»jarei^dw feeding, Jams , 'w^e ;>. ¦nMoey,. her'eoliciwr ill Ireland hsfi. urnce the to get rid of it 13 to tho- /EffiesaaioT:IEnscell;:.QBlil{SiKwiaM lbr^^:«^i^1iioi^ : 'a1ay ib^ore-ion-; ( day) : ' roughly disinfect jhe jitabies/by spraying with Burface of the trnuks and branches. The oafe QBtogtfar a divorce toaniher lhmabtapd~«)£B!k« ttudfejEQierilt \^ a^iiv€a^ia (Ehigl^uid>--»the bus- .Ujrafelled to ih^ Biy^iaU6.in^TOew.;a, - l!ady ¦ ¦ tihere abowt these proceedings,besides coxmng • ¦a;:: ; :::PA: . ,,.:J- ' ' vj' ; ' y :;• 7. a 5 psr pent solution of carbolioacid and then etrerigth of such ' an application Bhonld.be tested tf^ rpiiand hiad hab peitiiHdocaagainst nig mile filed. ' ^- ce of each cot7 by laft' DUoa ^iingilbs;' ii^T^i^yi^tlTi^i^H'fife 'QJBQ9 ,coh^f^.ni^aiaweJhiad |$t[ipeiad!y ijofxmdoain. regard-to the case." The oex& .^yash offlthe surfa a 2 p6r on obe or two lireea beforei itj:ia;:ppplfed. on;. 'a ^^ •'beffipre- wa? made by Mr. AvtfNTTAiL EXOD^^-^DUNIHIIiL OASELB, \ . 'laiid'M^ nv«r« •tj&ea bhlld^ec^ ^ponid ^o^eilmM'lie: KXrtw inUHWWCHI K7, JUT. irU!Vt«»«*l« iuntil thi conditionB.are more favourable. ' The : r.lOcmmel' - too'j.thiajM' r staged 40 have fcaien place on- America, ana the ! trees i ara jroung, j the colleclion t>y,hacd- &xe ffl£r. .iEWotoj eitoSII^^¦ b^:' peipi0V£)d/ she ihtad fewji income w£ a_l Mi & KJO; tand: Pr., BioseaaiitW XMwn- lhat ibbth parties-were B&m; of 'MSra, -disinfected, and for ibis: purppsa itis well to bs practiccble. ! rthJe^ : as jsesldent in America. And Mr. Shannon ^he -pa.^WdMy, lath inst T; at dveil^r'b^' iw^'- iW'{ooiri*oiver^ to; itlwo 'oTcfcofik, uwoe tfie jKraaiideatcy of .ids Lord- use formaldebyde.| The utensils;in fact every .•Ebr QAxo. ^l&enaild^-ffiflasaate. J. ;OBL Ctam>- le hiusUaoKTe -means. (Che! pe1fltaoneIMIP; OHleiiirai, iKJO; cuvd¦••!W». 0" rthiattithe incoan© dSaee n'&t exceed £1,000 ta thalt a OonunSaeion'af havingthe iby " t 1 : ¦wiHl .be neceesary to examine watoeeaeflre$d» toncal eawttoe.aredoo - dbfont tho end be sterilised by boiling or steaming them in a Jte^iison. Ijniotoiicftfedl dySr-' iShiaiinani).''.-. f y ; Saa .'. Qpiuneel theaV fe^d' fro?1*''I^i©- affidttviit oi'i ^>^i^^T^; ^uaaK*i .aa&iagxeed to. BBr. KJbmflbeli eaSsd |hei» «w«r« ' 'i &evred-tU> , in "whidh1 alt was ise^iforth thait itie deiit an. Aaneriica, or that medical witoeeBeo -closed japartmeDt ^derlow^pfeasure;,. It may ; T?dll hivo to ibe brought over Do Ireland. Hiia iv^/ w^uo^nttaiad;, n^-antjojaVe e^onier's : ifeither. Jolnv Nlehionis,- dSed ia Hain^^^nieeaapjagf'". ape*' P^thenBower , Hon. •Tw VQ) \ to repeat the CourG3of disinfection two i ' '13Srr M.-.. A. j ; tMifvnTiimg, fin. bia. lEprsgtA'tyrrjWX). gUMMJCKNlSEiS jAlNID etyber, 1692; tteavong half jhid \jtnM enJtail oonades&'ble ezipenee to the : ' columiii, imd J* ffiWlO. MSQJffiOiNS. l iesifaiteHo hdis Editor, hoa projnSBedfo oonroejeA gnid© fox :three timeai < If it;Ira-persisted/H "^re: 31iet4>. in 'tihJv'Bemld:/' , ' leaving.iS5 ,O0O idollI&are tto the petitioner, partlea tothe suit. Badi oomplaiined «thialt *p9: lllA /MVilatV^i kirmt.maivn lt >l^: 1i»iv ii .!4.Vmis> or even, h&ai evidently bbem looking doubt that fit will result in . up ttbie qnestficov On© wto3 a fcumauons tlB itlhe. eufiit pi;I tiio hu&- cud^ itlh'e'oHihef liialf w be adBoana^tJeired' for her o!bher h^.cwmanitlteiiTpSiB&oaid^i^ ¦ ¦ there can be no for he wiilt^3:—iWomenbring1 enldl:esseww ro : In mEticniar vears." In aiddMon W ' : " ¦ ' [ ' \- watiJpiit tK$x&MuipJe^j osvoe. 'Will be .'dkxoe to the difficulty. " ? r ; ijand ffioi ifu^theT land' ft^ttter t tjpsin!ai&u3{adB fiiii Miefit i«r ttrtisteies. The toitaT dmount of MT. it./ J%i»JWWeTiiti fe'nflrar tince i^adh an excuf eradicating . Sn iheir train, j Hibe good- EMertmen ot Nord- retferenjoe |t>he 'aQile^lt&ms fflo ' UlUe ipe)UJbiOiJM icheflfB 'leemtete wiasisrwoxn at 709,543 dollare, iBtB^ ' Oartl HQrsej with Cb!ic«-I have a big cart ih&ussn, a municipaltown in Hianover, have i *:::AiEbB^ ! '{,1 tiaxra trtarted'fe wtt jit2ie.'1city, and fi^ they wets 1 fXIhe v6ek3ond tsummoiisjw ajj ' tolt ttih& Bufs po(f«(thi '6' aadT^ie!,n6fflUffitx>i? the-Be^tilenieiimadelt: by,fix©. I 4^#Tik¦ ^S^./ fKfcrAyirinnfeft popular, it3id*ey avwOed of by many hcrse very eubject lo colic, He is fed on oats, issued "an, ordei forbidding^ 'burgihers', m'ves, laxJy< laiso laskins,(for ¦ 'iifeiiinarJ iiU -«^ ftte* Mre: iFWMeaJaild ihad-the-fiiiicoine4 X-"l: A' , :-,.: •; ^.M ^r. K&llV-;^ ' W*jf^ •widows, and 'teailing luatfier: torat. ibe / .ftSende^J^ g; :^;ti3.¦ i ©Uiiivia: He Kjporongel) Buggedted(to. tbo» Mend;SM etanll Blted 'tnajtl.Aoobrdiing to AtoerStoah law the who IwVnttd have t» be eiannmodiland it wouM "working; *° I let bun: out on gras^-where he tim$>\i6i "'^bdhpyf* •null" bear flownl^'ori.-'. iany ' ; be (uifterly jmigpOEtBi&Ia V^p^h; ^C(tihje only IcMfW of Iher, r ^ t 'TO'yPl.tl&JMMaMiai .Wifer.Pinu -It will Jb£merit. got an i attack rof -colic, : but not badly. Last c&ea&vr fwii/h:&.'i, long iiaan,( arrabhe wjH;be, too fbdrtih elides, taraditihett jorther, jwafl^ewbiied.ijoinheiflt a| Jarge porWon own. iaowhe to pay- tihe- coiafr^ of rdwaifog henj ~ eubsequfintly" fi ied thirty ;azuaiikB. !T!hMy Hi ttlhe TetedDt 'waa rf . , ..Ebaongab gilBu(muw^»j|^B^gptB «Bad AH loverB' fif .summer he was alwayi>! put at night, end 1 want , tefufifiifiacitoryon ^ttier ^eSdei' a itot^er-BrioffiicQl [ Her anift'her'^ iforttune,- (which couW-j ioit "be self iagBanBtt \m& - . seiciotiB- cWaSgee '^he^pWPd^lIP^of mlaiiks, or ^lirfe') ©Mllmge.raiday foxr-pu^taing:-: ¦ ;¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ •jBjaib^*h^oT'^tf6 - pww§ "ihe dliflfte^iiQ her;: . s^. •• ¦|^ .fie1ir ^iaSB^ tv - ; ';ii is^prapetfty Rtnaj sylVainlia, HJhte ^^^^ideoce .iwott&i ,be,giyem;m -f£garid tP : given to;acnte indigesdon ^1 liiay ' march cm - - - neeptt1 nd^at pr , -WwlB8i';w%£m'nr #nror,.«f "aar- adjieduled ^ jflie- CSa- Mal' ih^eMAwatet-mKiidlebv : Mr." JtuistoJee!A nJdirewBl jBa(lid' it.l1 6-d!(«5fiS^CM.piip!©^w ihiatt with t^anJ to Oiwe was. 0nmsdV 'wi9r.%e Laart Chweripnerifc' oiwtf,to,jejqpegiid ihe bovwls^r diwafie^F^Ae;i^:-io^ij^reoj^ '< < ODtOUfiy rftf atiftn jrwwpnhftj lfiit. Hy^Tipn/[ifu>> AT ^mfielves: AlconseflqenUy^be,;:^;der- sMe, trait twhalt tthe'«flecft dl iaB' oidetr •Jh tOt^E^^aKM^WrjBQft(JOJ, -HIIS • £p6.TJSE'. ;IN- iiottaww. (Pox o?^hat stood th|\t^tbe method ofj UeatmeDt will largely But the auth< rities'iay." sweetly : My dear Ikimdivvio^^ihedM iDriiaaDcej " of in,G&eeiman>dii8( OKm; soaStipQ inti"| it ' " therefore, undw the %cunistanc*8^«JviaByou the ' .oapJtal^..pi twaft waB ^ ao^thep wttuadoepnr 'X ' \ ^HE HJUSBAMiyS KBTDOKT ! \ \ • ' : OUHSTB «tfito.as$( ;3tf£Vrf ananj gtf'^OT 4 ea^di|wl> bird, ^ ¦ ' ¦• : "' '" *' ¦ to have -ihe animal exomino'? ana:ff ;,nece3«ary ibut 'il- ; fcntotwn aaan. ,^tt'ipe?fer«tace^ '>t^::id€0iiiiain4i:'iloir{ '?f [. ' !'". .C' "!¦*": - " !^"i i' , ' ¦ ¦ of• ' ' ' 6aiiiiary «denc©d«maiid«d' clippi-ngthe ' ''ii j' SBfltytip& otf 5hS^53ffl«II'to4 ooae*of-i jia.l&ree1 itt>.wat'iffa8la'Clia^e5agaanistlbi3 ;wdife mia- treated -yi©uriVe^inary^urgeu m«»litg ive him eihorn. „ Yfija; O my beSored ones, catch '•; up po^bijon' .to isiatesfy; . th^ count ,8)halb ! I 1 ! ,.. ' , -ofl^- ?"> eol*e»TPhi«iee(S HS£i«r to *r*il themfielv^ ' M ^eW^te'dl' ,rtVfae Jaiafenwp^ Aja o%r: iVateer..McDonald, who wae now in. Sontb 'bza e;robta eiclk beds, land | omg fore-weus. So, my dearo, Mr. Jo^txo 'Andrenve eaid t3mt : Jiia order hoi'iprooff iol t^afc; but thde e«afte?nieait oJf^' " V . fcwuld 1 ^ent «o! affidavit by Mre. FUzgerald, in frfxfch cine MK «of the nails of his pa^a soft fleaby lamps grow yourleMrts, in 't leomtoiob oi poor humanity, noit pwjucEce d.ther |pa*ty whesO' they BJKKW 3XOW fsr 'tinij* ^emtiDsm&n nvias ipxeiparodi her huiband was a man oJ laige must barely toujch the nzound. coma 4o dsal wPth cated;that ond in 'a!ftw-i^'li^,^*Wlfl^i*to((idj f 1 togoin Tew!kieBaHwe6wiiig. Tbe ^batemerJItaiflt ajeansJ anH tiwft rih©, as nto w^e, Iwd wft order wM'cih !be icoullld! anaEa© wooild oomipej the iaiiy wai&to be (financed RU») ' th4t xneasuresTOOMiWiy by the SurtJher ipiirtSottllaro niaJterial.(to --l(ihed tSwr 1 . : .!¦; nr- ::•!., > ¦ • • inches inlbath* ioEen^ SBpxffiaD^Bjffllja . iH36etafid» '-affidaiWite ol^them.. She1 elated theft, e^.4»ad-now-1«> .fl: .;• - ; ¦: .FJnjd apd warnj^ater (li-50);-.finft>hen dry ing flttito i ¦vrora:on. s aila eid^ ito etnatD*rtihem 1» ;deaa'hviiihit. . i j ¦ wiB . . ; to oe . days by ffala- i xi)[iw£fc3Eihi ^l dttS!bQQI woit 'Siu' mo(ti':^tirii&6.42u&it*' flon& her diBpoi»>,i^i^:th^ .." -; ! , . pint.:; B0fc;: -- i .' ..: .. :J; L v - ;v - ;0.-:; :: / . .M; i j .propeiily wlhich 2tnc, 1 4recbm;dfetflled «fitef , l Cassa ehte-jpoaeaasei 'wia o thait whach ^^ f " ' ' ¦ ' i| ¦ ¦ ° " ¦ iit. ^¦ Mir. • • - • :¦ ¦ Oammlb^HAndwemfiJljgiive [ -> i :!¦ of this nature scon bej eome,. chronic unlfiaii ot- fihe daitilv©di mud'etrit&e) rffiDL< J iher feSfher, esod. . . .*•:!• - ::: -1 , / MtP. IJtEraxse AajdwwB-eaSdB thaj .ap ^ft^ tase Uhe inb!ad «aW;«!botft «ae D19. , ->; ' ' '¦ 'I i . -:- ' • : • ': ¦ ' tieM at ihe«a(prrfH'eaitt ? 'votoed/' ' \ j , f f' -^jfl - j : .. " : '-|- : ;' 0od*rafc FetTyfoaak. jrear o foal the dam ef which died ; I can giro; . -:aaiet::BCai»djawl'. m& been ruW>inafi fi . ¦ > ^ r mt&-*' !ltox&' G $M>.:¦ She rep^a^^a' te!t«mer4t' Amounterf has inotm». Tie. lady B%oJd hwvf Wattejaorcoitl : >- ovflr .flw Mx. .¦Oaio.p'b^ll eaid *Ke\d%d i}io4 (thinla. • ¦ . ¦• toe)«ttxM*y. ^© examiners 1 j do^a, 0^^,:Kifebwtt':OiartB!w . Unaoii'; x • (there ..that . : - . .- . > .. .A". : .: •. . ! . - i.. . . ; . ner Hi cow"? milk ad % Is it necessary to dilate, - f ¦ (ffjcralld ¦be ; 4ny; :plpio^ Hjbj&yg j qfatoer ^o income enfflcipnt noft merelyjof tzwoor w^«e>-HlteB».BetftnaW B.- Ifioorc, indlkl'ctxDJtHawt >«iiW : a; J vengance. Wje'. aaje- -jdifl^^y . Si iteiiiaaicetb^'forjelllHdeJence. incomeww ' otf Mus.B.^ .milk and add sugar*;! Pieae©give! allinfpnna,- 4o04Htbjat~'1EVnisuaait6lj^ ' ttiift, order fflor fyiilihe^ i^nd jbeij6&r {ptsnta'cujlaits . ! ^ Ozxxn^ PJRWJO.; Exeter, idd K W^RHha.^ dB^rofrri Garejf (wiu)r ¦¦ IHER:¦ BIUeiBiA)NlI>1S IMXXMIE/ fWlA^ iaof iod. riotjVetfuw to. ^ie .two ibamens.$ nd, «he. flteB, Lee h your mosivaluable paper* Dilute iby wtay, ¦ ,T»fett© niadi8.i ! ,;j (I' ¦ ii •!¦ : fi . MJl., MJofcB.. 0toWb, and P^.O.U o? lion thtoug W6 wiae waimty,weilcam «d:ft aek after, > ^ a i^ ,' ?• ;• -.• v: r .i^i -• 'i . , f --;:: . :y ^r; V . ;.|: ' ,-;¦. & "JHElilB. j , -;,.j , - ; :| T: ., -.«,, !' W-l«nteiltlted.. enlitiledf to, \uie. Ti^BaI jonfeir ^ r ' iqt a iioEdtay) inltj OTenod' ; ' .^ :" ¦; ¦ ¦:; ; ' ¦ ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ each pint of fresh cow s milk with half a p Hi; i^ ai^ouEiBionwaiHl' /:0^..tJiiK84t'Ara» tofTO 'maxie ' aaafix&bher h'asfcMid, :. .-, . I f ii . - , :. :• . • • ' C : ; " ' ¦ ' an of euoo^edetf ,in . ¦ : !lH^ ithUsfoanicB' liiad, ' " • ' JM*t • ' '*^f hot water and raid half ounce cane mrb^rf^^:^o^ iirmilblett. I , CkranBell. tfiheoi.: 'Mrtoded'eid' .to Inove. ipis . 'ftibJe idoa ^^zt^ ixkhf oiq: to- . I'lmrt |Rli>&etnKiW., . . - :- ; . . - , . .. .,. ;.; ,,. ,• .. - ^t .Mh ^^^ioimW!; - ' •. ¦:• ' ui i FBIM ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ' ' ' : " 1 -' - mfy » by i Idw pi6hyrXdm)aake,- badkedn jr by; (n&tsi(uiiu^ twmsjt pl'Hiifftt~iiyi" iT .^^ P. •. | j - twianda her efopport;t ^njd • ; iEbamniieina.Dcie • i- -/t:f-i - ' ! -;*; • ' > •¦' -> " '- I ' Isngar.jThe milk should, if possible, bai taken - ' ^nce '- '-V -_i_l_ - -i LL^ a vi ry. eeniaibld OTgg^Ppit.;.:- Althdujgh. ''the, -."Mir.VJvmce Andterini JBSM J .'fihlat•¦Ihe: Ihjadmen iJH^,". 1904, ATirf ¦it'il-H^g' ffi^ffifrfi liW'l .X'Kil&lirgni TORifmgrTnn- TPmg.Hf/YRyrt^ ; OTJ .HHHiAifl? op ¦ ¦ from the same cow and she freshly calved. As ©ail^inlt.Cbipltiairj hS» ' v " "- tife Jeeodek.i wffith! iherV ¦ ' " " ' - ' " : r ftfiAiDB' OKB ^GjtfOCBS* w^ftp;J ail3Beia£, lor soine got'th© deciaiou-efiBbfe 'lCteuJft ^ ^tBngSapdiioinmtbi , b^bw ololt- cyntrf ratekifoBe T.;}i.- .T , ^^- (i^.^atop);.;;, ;:{ , -. v ; .;:j i tho animal grows older the proportion of water timejii©ta^iw>fc faiiie4;'rBo fcaep :fi3imrie'lif.,well i&e questaatt itDiC^coBtt^^tt ctt^ hiaij ^^ cere is j decfssaryI* D {beep triod- iit'-BDtflai^di-fs^i'B^w 1 deciidjc IthM. Mie aano!io efttted - h^T^^^ gV^f ftife ' ii&'satf'tih^daraid^ ; may be i reduced. Grireat .4Mi9;F : ^ ^ ' oi Canjtweir"Kaftfcteeo; (E^csarald/ Oaky ; H is. ver^.^abte;tp suffer 1 c4rcrarl' ^iaiw.w^. ^JqoM ;K»,»r#rnate that i&Sr. JUtsgeTalSctwt to idkxrndK»le)d;toQf reillaaq,j^^upepap rr^^i,TTiing^n»g^'aa ^T. cbiM vJJand-reariBgafoalas oof ihiir 'aadaaaffiotjoy'f --: -"' 1j i ,i|t: 'tii:M|Ml::odl r : inwrot^othel wife',; wrhdeh^«wa a allegedby lthe indigeslion and constipatiofii A moderate ' , v Vl-Jlr. Oain^bell!ii^aflfl ^ li^rinopdaig.'iitpl x,imitth'mlik with ' pKbftrit-imildkm^"TSxe^'OT' j»oowdtog|i |^band.tp £2,500, and v,Kuee4 1««6d' by her r occaaiopall wfll be found eQid'-ia^rs • *he : ip«fc2ti»»':am^\^.J^e taken dese of: castor oil y. jy^i^^%Iai ^^prwn^^1^;)>e^ y-p pngita.'nrt fi-ni BO (Wl^Vyj ff^glfllatt«d Oa»trwlp( }e ^^^':emx«Sy i io bT£a,000.to ^l^ojni^hlbe > be! beneficial, j' "'; ,: ; - "' ¦ wiwirirally'J asseTOOT ^iwApp^fte:6il,r J«<>!fro, '^itli)!&'efl hbeweon the two. In, the-ifieoand;a^ *oe, ooam- very A ~ .- --1 r^-M^ .:. 'WfcifcSttiae . '-; ^:;v*- |^(»|:fJ&V'^^ : ,wo; «*er^.wurooB^: Temperature of -rln.ftfererice tbj " ; di ^^. A^W^for {Bi^pi '^to e^arroap aSHdlld nbit agree w3Ui Mr.Cbnwil)©^*^^^ Jlri^ba^rT wial6e!i$''r.'M » ffii& iro^,ofc;.'&8p(Iali5Qini5J to© way- ^ which ! f^V^' her hi&fi'tiiob •cAiuferti !h sr'hurfwnid |wfib! oe Ouib* tioi a© to the floeana ol the JruAandr'IS* Ia each i caae. ^-^tSSijS JfiS^ in '-i! bueiy ob the above*nbj6ct; uppeare* irfinjjjesB^^jirilt;|^inimiy^^ii^ r ij^i 'ijpeafic- 1' ¦ xjltbferaide (»^ld hwve hjadihmitherefc r.cfl?^ pi^Aftwy ^ wteKSnfed Co Wicfc- .^^le^uit^dt^ax, .! » W/* ;^ ¦ * ' &&¦ oi &« Confttnun*y:ei t^xftiWwdHeart Ooa. • nitiitif ato W&* ]#? !» to us ^adaaninafcittn, tWtt^iKey - -ain.?, T^i* *to ttie sebbok ^Ibw cp^ppndent writes -wnnom srf: tmJSy.C' eyideTMce aa to the^^ffleg ^ inline ot X ,y.ui;y: ;: ' 'i.'^ isite and 4h^-o«r«a^«,.*eB*»,but l*r; <^M & : ^ 10* Aqg^i vJEW d«cl^^nd«ee«5, ¦ . t - k . - of ex*mtoa*ioa-4rf*.Bio*M r :¦¦ ¦ •ifcAfi^i vii: ¦ii ii^iw^wsJiaTrt^iA-I'ffiiiif-p ^ r^ CW»^ -4PI d%^to'|PS &&.? But'Ji P.JahpiiWtflfc^ ' >£fJ^viirJL , y ;r 2md n^f'b^a-inT dav^ot * H j - •^rtj^&^wn^'rj l^^gi 'a^aiti^K^ ^|T| ;-;^ ; vj out «6>ra «id*4 a ix»k ©Jtin«trtiofiojr. : .;: i 5 Larch and Scotch FirB. 'lathily\TSd.rwe' aSe'»iir0 this * ! !! ^feritily- 5 -I'josecM1 Injuring ing :ito' htis.old:friendly-'to W&tedm:-';E&ln oaBed A - '/BSfenidQiriftt roeft^ -' letme know theJiameof en--* iA J ; v ®; t: **a^'«6rtbek - 'Would jyoa please •^ffnstopusin Mr. E. ~'W. I Cflampiijrti'pl "thia '" tt&atL&e ft-¦rrasft. ftf . «i6 eiftciiior 6hJ -t!r^ee fpnnd eating ihe bati ; "- ' ; ; Thi " euitii-,1 w©-:4Ji^^jWOTMf*^inrt0j iyj e'/J t*iftVJ i c.^ i'-.yuiu*; - 't. ... i.' v | r« *ir. .:.;;-.'; .n-r-ufv which: I . . - ] ' - 'l" ' ¦ " .clofed insects, ;-e||8&-;|>. r : ; ¦ ^^f ' :^'M' ¦ • •¦ ¦ :|;. .; i ' .; j '^' : T : v ¦ ¦¦ - ' .f . . -\r ¦ ;;: . 1; - > ' - ¦ ^ : ; . r .. ;.! ;.;- : .vi. . ^ % ..\1 .'^:V: " ' ¦ - ' ¦- ¦ ¦¦¦ /.' ¦I' .i- ; p: :i >-r^tf,W:ri ; K- '''¦: . -¦: ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ''¦; ^ ' i ; ¦ ': , -;j. ;i r •I^' * r -' :': .;'- -M-- S • ..r- - .- . . --V- ¦¦ ¦ -Vv ^R—+ ^l / - v:-^! : ¦ • - ••[.:.; *¦ ¦ > Hi^ :i:^;!..' i. -" .- . -^'- <, :> .:: . .fi< i •:: ' . : -' . - . :i' •:'. ;.; . . • .U .. ¦ ^y- A;v i > . :;, ¦fr->? 1 vii :• ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ <¦¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ l ) .;iii-zi Vf.v : >±~; :xc ^ : :: ¦'' --¦ ¦i-- ¦ ' ¦ * ¦• ¦ -• :' ¦ - ¦ i : " ; ' - ' A p..' . -:--\. < ¦;¦ • ;¦ • '" - : :"'?' fh '!. j!J|ir :4 ' ;i. '.i iir vil b :fi '>: : Lit: ;!'' 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