Herald Classified Ads are the Loud Speakers that Speak in All Languages hUSINESS UITUBTLNITIE5 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT

FOR RENT—One sales room and garage Blent of the interest or any one of 65 100 ft. location on by Splendid MULES MULES said notes at maturity, such default Radio eatures highway. One store room 25 by 40. on Today’s ana block from school. should, at the option of the holders highway, high DCCSMSRR 1» One sales room and 50 90 of said mature all of the THURSDAY, ^OOUfeL A garage. by > or notes, k tiir-r ft., good location, two doors from high- For Sale Exchange same; and [By TK* Amoc*at*d Brass] way. Address P. O. Box 255, or tele- WHEREAS, the said F. W. Sea- Suita Piled In the District Courts: PnwtSnMi la Ceatral Standard tlma. All tlma Is P. M. wMmm otfcerwteo 410 or 261. *100 9053—M. oa left of caU letters, kilocycles on nsfet. phone I have 20 head of mules, all sizes and all prices. Will sell bury, J. C. George and V. W. Taylor Satterwhlte, Admr. vs. tuSlcsted. wsveJenrtas J. F. are the owners Rodgers, Debt, and Foreclosure; FOR SALE—Well established Valley or for cattle, sheep, hens, goats, or of and holders of said York—880 Chain) exchange anything 9053— Valley Developments, Inc. 48*8—WIAP New (NEC 10th & Adams business on paying basis. Well located notes, and the said H. C. Mitchell WOT KSD WTJC WHO \ value. Also have one Ford one-ton truck for sale or ex- vs Merchants' National Bank of 7Trftfl fliiniTilne Hour Rudy V*n*t Orchestra.—Also STEVENSON MOTOR CO. Inc. and will stand Investigation. Price and H. J. Hinkley have made de- WTMJ WJAX WIOD WHAS WMC WSB WSMB Brownsville, , Garnishment. WOW WDAF Wvfj Brownsvtlie Texas. $4000 00. Best of reasons for selling. change. fault in the payment of the prin- WKY WSAI KPRC WEBC WOAI WSM WAPI WBAP KT I3 *62 9054— Address X62. care Herald. cipal of the first of said notes and Valley Developments, Inc., •lOO—Shngoro—Alao WGY WTAM WWJ W8AJ KTW I8D JHO WOW PERSONAL vs M. D. Debt. WTMJ WHAS WIOD WSM WMC WSB WSMB WAPI BILL' ELLIS the interest on all of said notes Lewis, WDAF K8TP 9055—Cameron WOAI WBAP KPRC WKY _ FINANCIAL above described which was due County W*te» Wanted—By office girl, roommate. Control & Improvement District No. Address x$l, cars Herald. xBl 4 blocks East of Dodson Bros. Store October 1, 1929, and said W&T. SdVoVUSJ dollars worth et Lib- principal 5 vs Mrs. O. P. }%ZWOT’JSrWW'J WIOD ONE THOUSAND of first Interest Ludlow, Admrx., Tax TOO WIT KPRC WOAI KOA K8L WTMJ WFAA W^JAX care Herald. SAN TEXAS said note and the KVQO KTH8 BUSINESS NOTICES erty Bonds. Addreea *83, BENITO, Lien; WHAS WSM WMC WSB WSMB KTW WDAF x9S on all of said notes Is now past WOWr KOA 9056—Lola Espinosa vs Nicholas 10:00—Grand Op*r*—Also WTAM WWJ KSD 1YIIASJJJM LIVESTOCK—POULTRX due and unpaid; and !n aa Hour of Danes Music—WEAF Having sold my Interest In the Alex- H. Espinoza, Divorce. 11:00—Hal Kemp's Orchestra ander TOe of Texas, Sea- Co. Brownsville, ARTICLES FOR SALE WHEREAS, the said F. W. 9057— Trust Co. vs Frank S48.8—W ABC New York—MO (CB8 Chain) to 8. X. Vauter and C. A. the WE ARE orders for January Realty Nletert. booking CLASSIFIED bury, J. C. George and V. W. Taylor C. et KMBC KLRA WISN WSPD WADC WREC la notified that the said delivery of baby chicks from the best Brunneman, al. Paving Lien. 0:30—Levttow Ensemble—Also hereby have elected to declare each and 7-10—Talk hv Frederic William Wile—Also WCCO WRAEC WLA C WISM Vauter and C. A. Nletert are re- FOR SALS—Electric Majestic radio, flocks In South Texas. Reds, Rocks. 9068—Realty Trust Co. vs Frank all the ible for all outstanding bills and used only one week. Reason for sail- Wyandcttes, Orpingtons, and White RATES and RULES of said notes due, Including C. Bnmnemann. et al, Paving Lien are also to collect all accounts due ing. moving to country and have no Leghorns. Write or call for price list. Advertisement* will be accepted full amount of the principal and £863sSSNb^^scp?kw^w°^i^ chicks. the said Alexander Tire Co. Dated electricity there. W. E. Adams, Qen. Book your orders early for early over the telephone from telephone interest thereon; and there is now 28th District Court wadc wo“* this x84 Cameron La Ferla. or those 7th day of December, 1929. Harris Del., Brownsville. County Chlokeries, subscribers, from having due and owing the full amount of Hon. A. W. Alexander. x7« Texas. X31 regular charge accounts. Other Cunningham, Judge. ,:0#^Si!TVS^r^M%5hR1nVcciodkK£ and on all classified must he ac- principal Interest of On vacation. KFfl KOIL KMBC STEIN WAT PIANOS advertising WKRc“wKBir WBBM^MDjT KLHI WANTED: Good at once: CUSTOM HATCHINO—We will start cash. said notes; and •!3<>“wdOD WOHP WBBM KMOX KMBC KOIL housekeeper makes. F. D. Hamb- companied by of the Alr-Also WaDC of and other standard Incubator Dec. •:0O-Mu?i aomeone able to take entire charge Brownsville. our mammoth Bucksye No advertising accepted on an WHEREAS, I have been request- 103rd ly. Box 562. Pbona 868-J, this District Court WHK WSPD WADC WREC home. Oood wages. Mrs. A. E. Ander- W-1M 23. Now making reservations for "until forbid" order. A specified ed by the said F. W. Seabury, J. t-30—^^na^Fwim—CA?s—Mendcxa aaI\fe?doia Orch-Also Company. Creek. St. Ing. Co., Ferla, cash on the first Tuesday in Jan- Dancy. Judge aij>o^ wMC KPRC KOA WHO WOW WSB KYW xlOl W-108 The publishers are not responsible Hon. J. F. Jud- KDKA WJR KWK WREN WCKY A. D. the same Whitelaw, Special • Mlrleirt Hour-Also WON Add- for copy omissions, typographical uary, 1930, being hr.)-Also KDKA WREN FOR BALE—Standard Burroughs Ensembls <1 _ error or unintentional error the 7 of said at the ge. in^Z^iumb^rlfuslc Serins SALESMEN—AGENTS Machine, capacity 9.999.999, at a REAL ESTATE any day month, .. WMAQ KTW KWK WREX WTMJ KSTB ing that farther than to cor- Suits Filed: None. SSSfSSX- Phone 9020 W-l. *89 may occur, Courthouse door in the City of WOAI WDAF bargain. Issue after It Is WEBC WKY KPRC THE REAL SILK Hosiery Mills will rect In the next Brownsville, Cameron County, Tex- to their attention. All ad- Court at Law CHANNEL STATIONS have an opening on a permanent ter- Player lc first class condition. brought County CENTRAL CLEAR piano orders are on this as, the following described pro- ritory about the first of the year for Sacrifice. Cox 562, Phone 868-J. F. D. vertising accepted Hon. John Kleiber, Judge. can basis only. perty lying and being situated in 7.00— Hour From a man over 22 years of age. who W-18S No. Lumber Co. vs »3.*~ KYW Chicago—1020 WJZ_ 1 Telephone No. 8 and dictate your Cameron to-wit: 4218—Taylor (30m.); WJZ (30m.) give good references. Position will pay Hambly._ County, Texas, Bob (Walter Wilson) 8.v*)—Troupers For Sub-Division advertisement to an experienced Fidel G. Falcon, Judgment for 0:30—Uncle 9:00—The Hall: Fillmore's Bend about $22.50 per week to start. Expe- BRIOHT CANE HAT for sale; |17 per Orchestra; Lida classified writer. The East half of Farm Block No. Plaintiff; 6:00—Party; 1(>:00—Melody Mslde: Scrap Book rience not essential aa you will receive ton. delivered. Bailey Kee, Phone 7:00—WJZ (K'm.): Radioet To insure asms day (29) and all of Farm 10:30—Los Amlgoe: Orchestra ^ % full training. Man accepted must be W-193 160 Acres publication Twenty-nine No. 4291—Ben L. Todd vs Arthur «;00—WEAF ft WJZ (2 hrs > should be not later 11:30—Mansfleld * Lee: Dance (1 hr.) of pleasing neat appearance and hard 1393-W._ copy presented Block No. Thirty (30), as shown on for 10:00—News: Orchestra: WJZ than 10:00 a. m. for Sunday McMilllan, Judgment Plaintiff; Cleveland—1070 worker. Chance for advancement In Copy the map of the Combe Reserve, in 10:45—Dance Music <3%a hrs.) 280.3—WTAM-WEAR LAND FOR RENT Located 4 blocks from the issues should be In not later than No. 4321—Jose G. Tames vs Pedro short time. Auto helpful but not ab- high and the of San Ben- 6:00— Music; Radio*: t,i school and closer to Brownsville 6:00 m to insure adjoining City for S44.6—WINR Chlcsgo—070 solutely necessary. Apply by letter p. Saturdays Reyna, Judgment Plaintif. 7.00— Ed McConne’l; The Boys V Irri- than the exclusive Lot Ebenos classification. ito, Cameron County, Texas, dedi- only, giving full Information. Inter- FOR RENT—50 acres potato land. proper _ Hon. John Kleiber, Judge. 11:00—The Music Parade 1:00—WEAF (30m.); Jolly Jeater ft or Subdivision. resaca run* ADVERTISING) view will be If application Is gated. Call at 101 Adams Steet. Winding CLASSIFIED cated by F. W. Seabury, J. C. 11:00—Mike ft Herman; ooes'.p 9:00—Sam* aa WEAF (1 hra) arranged No orders. Vaudeville (2 hra.) Real 811k Hosiery Mills. Har- phone 961. T-97 rung through property offering RATES George and V. W. Taylor on the 12:00—DX Air 11:00—News: Feature; Dance (1 hr.) accepted. natural lake front sites for sub- 20 words or less, one Insertion. 30a lingen. Tex. *9? 12th day of July, 1927, filed for 410.4—WGN W LIB Chicago—720 299.8— WHO Das Moines—1000 * division. This property Is for sals Over 20 words, one Insertion. Marriage Licenses. record and recorded 6:00—Santa Claus: News; Musie by owners and can be bought at a per word.l?ic July 27, 1927, B. and Pro- 6:00—Quin; Dance: Comedians j Charles Snyder Estella 7:00—WEAF ft WJZ (I hra) very attractive price. Henson-Lo- Subsequent Insertions run con- on August 3, 1927 in Volume 7, 7:00—Floorwalker ft Dance bet; Jose J. Pena and Elena Orejas; 8:00—Pat Barnes: The Major 10:00—Brevities; Grab Bag rn ax A Houston and Brownsville secutively, per word.lc page 20 of the Records of Map Max Martin and Gladys O'Brien. 8:00—WJZ tSOra.): Frolic 398.8— WCX-WJR Detroit—388 Development Co. W-191 Minimum .....10 words. _ Business Cameron County, Texas,— Features: Dance (I hrs ) Classified Directory 10:00—Newt: 6:00—Amos 'n* Eneembl* By month, per word.25c Andy; No classified advertisement ac- to which map and its record refer- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 844.4—WLS Chicago—070 6:SO—WJZ (30m.); Cigar Makers ARCHITECTS REAL ESTATE cepted for less than.30c ence is hereby made for a further Cameron County 6:80—Suppsr Time: Books; Angelus 7:30—Same as WJZ fl(* hra.) LOCAL READER RATES said 7:S0—Same as WJZ (S©m> 10:00—News; Dance; Organ description of property, and Furnished By Valley Abstract Co. of SNAP-4.4 acres Arroyo frontage. 3>i Readers, per word....4c 8:00—Orchestra (S0m ); WEAF (SOra.) 11:00—Hour Danes Musio reference is also hereby made to L. H. Hawkins et ux to J. L. For- miles north Rio Hondo. Water, lights. Readers, per Inch .$1.20 8:00—Musical Programs 370.2—WCCO Minneapolis.8t. Paul—81# BEN V. PROCTER 3 the above mentioned deed of trust aker Lots 5 and Blk. “D" and Orchestra (45m.) All for only 9750 cash. Other lots, Second and third days. tic per Tywn 6, 10:15—Vocal 7:00—Musical (ISra.): WABC «l») Howard and sixth ENGINEERING CO. F. W. acreage end orchards near Rio Hondo word; fourth, fifth days. as recorded in Volume 64, pages Lakeside Heights Addn. Harlingen, 447.5— WMAQ Chicago—070 7:30—Foresters <10m.):WABC (SCm ) 7 consecutive REAL ESTATE AND RENTALS at bargain prices. E. H. Smith, Rio 3c per word; days, 252-256 of the Deed of Trust Re- $10.00 0:15—Topay Turvy; Story 3:30—Radioes (30m.); WABC <30m.) Arehtitcts—Engineer word. Hondo. x35 2>ic per cords of Cameron J. K. Wells to C. K. Richards. An 0:00—Orchestra; Pianiat 9:30—Theater Hour; WABC (30m) Farm Property — I in- County, Texas, 308 Merchant: Bank Bldg. Legal notices lc per word each 8:30—Prep Pepper; Orchestra 11:90—Dick Long's Orchestra of Citrus Lauda for a further description of said undiv. int. in and to an undlv. Phone 617 Large Tracts sertion. 7 :0O—Lecture; Health Talk 279.1—KMOX 8t. Louie—1080 Arcade Phone 1090 property. *4 int. in real 65 ft. Lots 11 and 12. T:30—Musio ft Features (2H hrs ) Brownsville, Texaa Bldg. 8:00—Feature; Baritone ft Pianist Blk. ■T \ Brownsville. 10 ;00—Dan ft Amoa; Orch. T will not only sell said land above Sylvia; «:*>—Financiers and Talk WANTED ROOM AND BOARD Eva Lamb Blount O. D. Howe et 11:00—Dance Music (3 hrs.) but all the rights, title to 7:18—WABC Programa (t% bra) XNVKSTXOATB described; ux. Blk. 92, Hooks & Sub. 1, 428.5— WLW Cincinnati—700 10:00—Willie ft Lillie; Sports; Musie WANTED—Room and board In good and appurtenances thereto in any Hodges La Feria Grant. $3000.00. • 80—Through the Jar 10:30—Dance Musie (1H fcrs.) private home for boy high school age. wise belonging, to satisfy said debt E. G. 145 Del Walt Hoel. *89 Cuates Dev. Co. to William • HOLLIDAY SUMMIT PLACE Phone Room above mentioned and all legal ex- Joseph SOUTHERN CLEAR CHANNEL STATIONS Li Park Clesen Lot 8, cont. 20 Ac. of Blk. 6, Riverside incident —13—___ penses thereto, including ms— KTHS Hot and Builder • Citrus Gardens Sub.. Share 27, Esp. 405 2—WSB Atlanta—740 Spring*—104« Architect THEN INVEST HOUSES the trustee's fees as provided for Brownsville's most exclusive residen- Santo Grant. $7600.00. • -.00— Hour of Features T:00—Hour From WEAF * State Nat. Bank Bldg. in the said deed of trust. S:fO—Same aa WEAF 1 ,409 tial district. Carefully Improved home- In Brownsville** new buxines* Sara Rodriquez to H. B. Galbraith 7'.Oh—WEAF A- WJZ (4 hn.) ># (1 br.) FOR RENT—Five-room house odth WITNESS my hand this the 11th 11:00— Sheldon Organ Recital 11:00—Orchestra: Studio (1 hr.) 906 sites from $750 00 up. terms. 1-acre and residential *ub-d!vlsl:m. a Two hundred and fifty dollar int. j, J Phone to bath, gas all rooms. Instantaneous hot of A. D. 1929. citrus groves planted trees, modern located on 13th and 14th day December. in and to that certain lot of Id. be- 283—WAPI Birmingham—1140 366 6—WHAS Louisville—«0 care. Riverside water heater; convenient location. Improvements. 3-years* streets, one mile from Gateway CHAS. REID, 7:00—Same as WEAF (114 hrs.) Hotel Orchestra owners and de- Phone Mrs. R. L. Walton. 17. x83 ing Lot 6, Blk. 317, Brownsville. 1:00—Hymns; 4, Development Company, Bridge, on the main thorough- Trustee. • :S0— University cf Alabama? At T:0©—WEAF ft WJZ (4 hr* ) Sales orfice Riverside Boule- $250.00. velopers. fare leading to the proposed 283.3—KRLD Dallae-1040 W* 11 :G0—Dance Music Hour vard. Riverside Park. W. M. Sales RENT—5-room house, corner West 12-12-19-26-2-4t 3625 Egan. ship channel, municipal air- FOR Port Isabel Irrig. Co. to Fritz Dit- ' WATERS x39 Phone 72?. 10:00—Piano Pastels (30m.) LI 461.3—W&M Nashville—660 R. NEWELL Director, phone 1398-W. rich ttstrlct of 12th and St. Charles. tmar West 10 Ac. Blk. 2, Unit 3. port. farming W-131 10:80—Hotel Orchestra El Jardln. and Boca Chics Bavview Citrus Groves Sub.. Share 6:00—Orchestra: Happy Cops J MATRESS RENOVATING 374.8—WBAP Fort Worth—830 * 6:30—Francis Craig s Orchestra Architect Beach Easy terms. Ten per AirMail * Schedule* 31. Esp. Santo Grant. $16,500.00. 3:C0—To he Announced; Feature 7:00—WEAF ft WJZ (3 bra) f cert balance S to FOR RENT—1304 Washington street. 5- State Bank Building down, years | F. E. et ux. to M. W. 8:10—Hotel Orchestra 10:00—Violinist ft Pianist Security room house; gas. all modern conveni- Downing R-12 pay. Jesse Dennett. » phone427, Behner et ux. Lot Blk. 50. O. T. 7:(?0—WJZ & WEAF (2 hrs.) 10:30—Minstrel Entertainer Weslaco, Texas Brownsville, Texas. ences. Good neighborhood. Phone W. 4, Let Us Renovate C. Craig. *52 The schedule for the man between Harlingen, $1.00. KWWG—“Voice of the Border* Brownsville and Dallas Is announced Robt. B. Allison to Clarence E. the as fol- Your Mattress FOR RENT: House located at 1323 oy postofflee department Kidwell West 30 Ac. Blk. Brownsville. Texas lows: 53, Briggs avto repairing Washington Street. Eight rooms, bath, &: Coleman 8ub., Sur. 271-272. $10. Dally, except Sunday—On air 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Back oc air at We make mattresses to order. All closets, kitchen, two garages, gas and Southbound— A. F. Parker To C. S. Thomson ip. a with Valley news and Associated Press dispatches from Tba repair work guaranteed. FOR 8ALE—1 acre grepefrult grove Just water connections. Apply above address Leave Dallas . 7 43 a. m East 20 Ac. Blk. Brownsville Herald. Remain on air 7 a outside of city limits. City water, gas, or phone 20 or 720. Leave Ft. Worth . 0:13 a. m 95, Coast Land until p. . A. Newman and Leave Waco Sub. M. SOMMERS electricity. Excellent homestte. . 9:20 a. m Farms 2. Buena Vista Grant., * Call W. M. Egan, 1398-W.x40 5-room house with garage and gas. Leave Austin . 10-23 a. m Plat 1-63. $10.00. $30.00. Phone 911. W-238 San Sec. Tex-Me.$770.00 N. 20.96 ac. Lot See. Tex- 12th and Leave Antonio ...... 11:20 a. m A1 Parker Sec. Co. to C. 8. Thom- 276, 11, 269, Garage Adams FOR 8ALE—Attractive to j proposition Arrive Brownsville . m Mrs. Fran- Mex. In rear of Bell Service Station 2:05 p. son North 5 Ac. of West 19.66 Ac. Ida W. Veale, et al to $4,000.00. Phone 674 anyone considering all my 5 farms. 121 FOR RENT—New four-room house with Northbound- I Blk. 81. ces N. Ward, Lots 15. 16. 17, 18, 19, Harry Land a to R. W. Nelson. 1,000 in Carburetor acres, near Brownsville. Highly Im- furniture, lights, water and gas. If de- Leave Minn-Texas Land and Irrig. (Specializing Brownsville . 1:23 p. m W Blk. ac. out of Santa Anita proved. About 32 acres grove. Includ- sired. Cheap. In Victoria Heights. Co. Sub. $10.00. 30. 21. 22, 23, 24, in 1-2 172, Grant, $10.00 Work Leave San Antonio . 4:13 p. m and Ignition ing farm equipment. Terms. P. O. 809 Elizabeth. *79 A. F. Blue Bonnet Addition to Mercedes H. E. Smith to I. M Biddinger. et OFFICE EQUIPMENT Leave Austin .. 3:10 m Parker to C. 8. Thomson and Service for Box 507, Phone 9013 Brownsville. p. 8. ac. Holt Tract Agency P4, East 20 . $200.00 ux, 124 Lot 113, Brownsville Leave Waco . 0:15 p. m Ac. Farm Tr. 125, Coast i Stromberg Carbueratora x29 FOR RENT—Modem 5-room house; Subd. ___ Leave Ft. Worth . 7:15 m Land Fred Adkins to R. J. Peck. Being' .$5,000.00. shades, hot water, fenced-ln back yard, p. Farms Sub., 2, Buena Vista Arrive H. E. Smith to I. M. et ^ ART METAL concrete drive. Also 5-room modem Dallas 7:35 p. m Grant. $10.00. part Farm Tract 259, West Tract! Biddinger, LOTS FOR SALE The schedule for the ux S 124 ac. Lot Holt Tr. Bl ILDERS-CONTRACTORS house on pavement, Victoria addition; American all A1 Parker Sec. Co. to C. S. Thom- Subd.$10.00 114, mall to Mexico is as follows: V-—---- FILING shades and water heater. Phone 941-J City son State Carl Salisbury to Minnie Salis- LOS EBANOS ESTATES North 9.82 Ac. of W. 19.65 Ac. Guy R. James to Security or see W. A. Rasco. *38 Leave Brownsville 0:15 a. tc Lot Blk. the of Blk. 85. Minn-Texas I N. 12 ac. Farm Tract 1035. bury, 15, 2, Cathay Courts Equipment Investigate most beautiful stBur- Arrive Tampico .11:00 a m Land and Bank, PROCTER & DUDLEY ban In the Sub. Addn. to McAllen, $2,000.00. development Valley, Imme- NEW THROUGHOUT—5 rooms, sleep- 'Leave Tampico .11:30 a. m Irrig. $10.00. Adams Tract, $10.00. Maverick-Clarke Litho. Co. diately north of Brownsville. Tracts M. P. Zumbrunn to B. W. Bat- Contractors ing porch: gas: on paved street; $32 00 Arrive Mexico City. 1:45 p.m. The A1 Parker Sec. Co. to Leo G. et ux. to General 208 Merchants National Bank of one acre under j Guy R. James, Security up. irrigation. For month. Phone 247. x56 is the schedule for the terson. Lot 3, Blk. 2 Mission Grove$ sale. per Following Karwick et ux. North 10 Ac. of Blk. I State Bank. Lots 7. 8, 17 and 18. 528 Washington St. Phone 617—Brownsville James-Dlcklnxon Company, Real- Mexican air mall: Estates Subd., $10.00. tors. comer El Jardln Hotel x98 11, Colline Sub., La Feria Orant. Blk. 4. Highland Addn. to Weslaco. Bldg. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Leave Mexico City 7:43 a. m M. P. Zumbrunn, et al to B. W. Texas . $10,000.00 Brownsville, Arrive Tampico .10:00 a. m $10.00. Batterson, Lot 5. Blk. WELL SELL 4 modern lots, plenty of Louis 2, Mission Leave Tampico .10:25 a. m Gosche et trustee to A1 Co. to Sarah Phone 627 orange and grapefruit trees. Paving Notice The Nick Doffing Groves, Estates. $10 00. of sale of grocery stock Arrive Brownsville .12 55 m Parker Sec. Co. South 15.96 Acres paid out. On corner Grant and l«th d A. Trossel. Lot 11, Cont. 7.89 ac. E. M. Freasier to F. G. Karle. and fixtures of the M I Following is the schedule on the Blk. St. Make a# tx offer, 4 lots. 4-room System; 43, Pomelo Sub., La Feria Nick Doffing Subd. No. 1. $4,000.00. Part Lot 6, Blk 64, $500.* and bath Stares. Texas. Brownsvllle-Mazatlan Route: Capisallo, frame house, gas. water, Brownsville, Grant . $2000.00 to F. C. Platt, Leave Brownsville 7 Kermit Hickmand Encamaclon Guerra to J. C. Bar- lights. Plenty of oranges. Terms. Hayes I will sell to the highest bidders; . a. m E. M. RIDLEY Arrive Louis Gosche by trustee to the Lot 39. San Juan Gardens Subd. rera. Lots 4. 5. Office and at 16th. E. B. Gordon. W-222 Monterrey .. 9-30 a. m 1, 2. 3. 6. 7, 8. 9. 10. Equipment Supplies all of the Grocery Stock and fix- A1 Parker Sec. Co. 17 Ac. Leave Monterrey .. 9:50 a. m North $19,000.00. Blk. 36, Miss on also lots, 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. General Contractor HARGROVE S STATIONERY «5s FOR tures of the M System Stores. Arrive Blk. BALE—Corner lot. good business Torreon . 12:30 p. m 39, Pomelo Sub La Feria State Bank Ss Trust Co. to C. B 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12 .13. 14. 15 16. 17. BOOK STORE at the M Roads, Land Leveling, location. 9th and Madison. Inquire Brownsville, Texas, Sys- Leave Torreon... 1:30 p. m Grant $250000 Lot Laurel Subd. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Blk. 49. Mission of Box Arrive Hand. 3, Heights Brownsville, Texas owner. 244. City. x43 tem Store No. I on Elizabeth Street Durango ...... 3:50 p. m Townsite. $10.00. Plowing, Sub-soiling Leave Sam Bocher, Jr. by trustee to the $3,000 00. (located the Bar red a Durango ...... 4:10 p. m In Building) A1 Parker V. J. Darliak to Herbert EMBANKMENTS FI NEHAL DIRECTORS WANTED—REAL ESTATE Arrive Mazatlan ...... 0:10 m Sec. Co. Farm Tr. 17, W. Gartman. et ux to P. A. Drefke, EXCAVATIONS at 10 30 o’clock a. m. Friday, Dec- p. T. NATL BANK Return crip: Coast Land Farms Buena Lot 6. Re- et ux. part Lot 12, Blk. 67, Capisal- 403 MERCHANTS ONE Sub., Walker. E. 152 of Ett LOT on either Washington. Ad- ember 13th, 1929. Leave Mazatlan lo Dlst. $1,000.00. BROWNSVILLE .. 7 00 a m Vista Grant., 40 Acres ....$300000 Subd. E; Lot 11 In 8Wl* Sec. 7. am* or Jefferson 8t. between 8th and I also call a of the cre- Arrive meeting Durango . 9:00 a. m Geo. N. to Viola M. Canal known as ” Palm Bird. Give best cash Rowley Rey- Hidalgo Company price. ditors of the M System Stores Leave Durango . e 20 a. m dray—TRANSFER Wallace Harwood. Phone 1023. x70 nolds. Lot 2-A, Blk. 35. Townsite Country Club Acres, $10.00. Brownsville for 2 o’clock of the Arrive Torreon *. 11:50 p. m Port Isabel. 00 Rail Traffic Heavy Leave Torreon .. 12:10 m $1500 Clell Solether to Nellie Wood Sol-! RENTAL same day to approve above sale. p. & Arrive Monterrey . 3:10 m Wimberly McLeod to Richard H. 1 to 7to 24. 26 to 30 Mason Transfer All Interested, please be present. p. ether, Lots 5, In Border Ports Leave . 4:10 m 40 and 55. Land Sc Mistle- PRACTICALLY NEW store Monterrey p. Brown. Blks. Hgn. 32 to 37, 40 to 43, 62 63, building W. B. Brooks, Arrive Brownsville 0:10 m MEXICO CITY. Dec. 13— Ex- Co. 16x55: attractive front. Elizabeth stteet’ p. and Water Co.. Sub., "A" ...$10.00 toe Park Addition to Weslaco, $10.00 Grain Assignee POSTAL RATES rail from Rent 975.00. Phone 247. x55 Rosailo et ux. to W. G. Sole- portation by Mexico to warehouse The United States air mall Esparza Clell Solether to Harry C. bonded 12-10-ll-12-3t—3624. postage Alta Addn.. the United States in October total- _ Lot Blk. KINDS rate Is 5 cents for ths first ounce and Mathes. 20. 2, ther, N. 10 ac. 8. 20 ac. Farm Tract SEEDS OF ALL APARTMENTS ed 1.181 cars, while importation to OF THE COLLECTOR OF 10 cents for etch additional ounce or San Benito .$10.00 413. West Tract, Farm Tract 692. Light and Heavy Hauling OFFICE Mexico from the United 8tates FOR RENT: fraction thereof. Letters mailed In C. 8. Thomson to Frank Englerth Farm Tract 641, Farm Tract 780, ANYTHING Four room south apart- CUSTOMS. Port of Brownsville. totaled WE MOVE ment, the United Btetee for the points la West 2-3 Blk. 6. and Wes- 1.797 cars, according to fig- Phone 139 private bath. $30.00. Two room Texas. Dec. 5, 1929. Notice is here- East 1-2 of West Tract and Lot 18. Blk. 44, |105 Adams. apartment with emit. $22.50. On Mexico take this rate. W. 2-3 Blk. 5 and 8, ures of the American Chamber of DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange pave- that on Dec. 3, 1929. there N. 1-2 of E. 1-2 of laco, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, *■ ment. Phone 946-W. v-163 by given Commerce In Mexico, obtained from (Brownsville's House) W. H. Richer Sub., La Feria Grant. Blk. 35 Mo-Texas. Lots 10 and 18, AUSTIN TRAN8FER Typewriter was seized at the B & M Bridge the National Railways of Mexico .. $5500.00 Blk. 34. Mo-Texas, Lot 1. Blk 57, COMPANY Distributors, New L. C. Smith “Si- Furnished 3-room apartment with gas. Brownsville, Texas, from C. H. and the Southern Pacific railroad. lent'’ 8 lights, telephone, garage. $30. Phone Oil. Train Schedules Port Isabel Irrig. to T. C. Lee et Mo-Texas. and Lots 5. 6, 7, and 8, Crating. Shipping. Hauling and Late Corona 4 type- Drake, for violation of Sect. 593 The to ths MISSOURI PACIFIC LINES Acres Blk. Unit Blk. 10. Weslaco. $10.00. principal exports 421 and 519 writers. Also sell Royal Portable* Tariff Act 1922 and Sect. 3062 R. S. ux. West 0.2O 1. Phones ^_W-77 No. 12—To Houston. San Antonio et O. United States were: Bananas, 381 and No. A 2. Extension. Bayview Cttrus Groves P. H. Antweiler ux to LeRoy “Factory” Rebuilts—all trxkes. FURNISHED Apartment and furnished One Ford Coupe, motor 6:10 s. m. cars; split peas !10 cars; lead. m Plat 7-70.$9800 90 Terry, et ux, Eta Lot 2058, N. Cap- HOTELS—CAFES We repair all makes typewriter and house for rent. Gas, modern. Phone 619376. one claiming the above Jtio. 14—To Houston. 1:00 m. Sub., 387: and zinc 128. I Any p. isallo. $5 00. 326 or 1230. X60 claim No. IS—To Houston. Ban Antonio C. 8. Thomson to Frank Englerth adding machines. 1112 Elizabeth described automobile will file L. A. Jannes. The principal imports to Mex- 9.00 m. N 1-2 of E. 1-3 Jessie Raymond to St. Phone 1103. (20) days p. East 1-3 Blk. 6 and ica: KITCHEN SWEENEY APARTMENTS—Well f^ with me within twenty No. Blk. Subd. B. La Blanca, Lumber. 177; machinery, 124; WHITE 13—From St. Louis. San Antonie Blk. Richer La Feria Orant 5 ac. 13, ntshed apartment, ultra over the date of this notice; other- 5, Sub., merchandise. 147; oil; 101 poets, 100 Fanout for lta modem, from Houston. 7:30 a m. $10 00. WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER new stucco building. Electrical automobile at 10 AC. $5500.00 refrig- wise I will sell the No. 13—From Houston. 8:10 a m. La A. Jaynes to Jessie Raymond. wheat, 103. SALES CO. eration. garage, maid service. Every- S. Custom- No. 11—From San Antonio and C. C. Warren to John C. Silvers public auction at the U. Boua Lot 2, Re-8uhd. Lota 6 and 13, La The exports went through the thing furnished for housekeeping. Rent 9:53 m. Ac. of South Cooking-Immaculacy Typewriters—Adding Machine* Texas, on Thurs- ton, p. et ux. North 11.9 * Matamor- reasonable. Phone 1038 W. 1st and house. Brownsville. Blanca B" ,$10.00. following ports-of-entry; o’clock 20 Ac. Blk. 8. Parker Sub.. La Feria and Service Supplies—Repairs Adams. x88 day. December 26. 1929. at 10 L. A. Jaynes to Roy A Roseburgh. os. 13 cars; Ciudad Juarez, 434; Phone SOUTHERN ... *1000 506—Harlingen A. M.-Wm. Neale Deputy Collector. PACIFIC LINE* Grant Lot 4, Re-Subd. Lot 6 Ss 13, La Piedras Negras, 54; Nuevo Laredo, The for ccnley Apartments—3 No. 319—From Houston. San Anto- popular plac$ room*, hot SEIZURE No. 1570-B Blanca $1282.50. 462: Nogales. 158; Naco 82. bus!nett lunches Exclusive Sales and Service water and $31.00 and nio. 8:13 a. m. P. W. “B", gas. $36.00 per Eubaldo Hinojosa, et ux to Counties Title The imports went through the 12th between Elizabeth and UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER month. Phone 847-W. No. 320—To Houston, San Hidalgo & Starr 11-5-12-19-3t-3623._ Antonin Part of San Jose Tract, border Matamor- Levee COMPANY 1:15 p. m Perkins, Grty Co. to 8. M. Tinkler, Lot 20. following points: SALE 62 Ciudad 123 8. First Pboaa 2*3 Nebraska Apartments. Furnished, frlgl- NOTICE OF TRrSTEE’S NATIONAL LINES OF MEXICO * Blk. 233. Edinburg, $10 00. os, cars; Juarez. 332; *" daire. Furnished and unfurnished cot- virtue of author- (Matamoros et ux to Mrs. A. Piedras Negras. 342; Nuevo Laredo, REAL ESTATE Harlingen WHEREAS, by Station) H. L. Hawkins, Gulf Coast Securities Co. to Join tages Jefferson and Fourteenth. Phone named No. 133—To Mexico North ity vested In me as Trustee Monterrey. City E. Brown. E. 10 ac. Block 2107. John Baumann, et ux. S. 10.48 ac. of 758; Nogales, 124; Naco. 179. PROFESSIONAL 11M. V-71 deed of 6;05 a. m. and in a oertaln .. HOOO appointed No. 131—Prom Mexico City. Monter- Capisallo Jp the 21st day of et ux to G. E. HERREN REALTY FOR RENT—Newly furnished apart- trust recorded on rey. 3:30 p. m Jerry Stugard ment in duplex. 1112 W. Elizabeth. at four o'clock p. m.. RIO of 81-2 Lot 4 in SE DR. C. RANZELL August. 1928. GRANDE RAILWAY .... Langford, out Phona Carlos O. Watson. W118 of COMPANY Chiropractor in the Deed of Trust Records From Point Isabel. * p. m. 1-4 Cec. 8 Hidalgo Canal Realtor* Texas, in Volume To Point Isabel. 9:30 a m. j POR RENT: New apartments and rooms Cameron County. which Conner. Reeee-Wll-Mond Hotel Bid*. Electro—Therapy Phone S57-J. 8-170 64. pages 252-256. inclusive, John H. Shary to J M- Texas on the Harlingen. Massage and Bath deed of trust was executed S. 6 ac. of N. 25.033 ac. Lot * Light Housekeeping rooms; hot water. H. C. 46JJna VALLEY CITRUS GROVES 15th day of August. 1928. by Mexico Subd.- • • • Electricity, down reason- H. Shan* No. 6. Arcade Building Oas; town; by him to H. A. OUR SPECIALTY able. 1407 Elizabeth. X3 Mitchell, and acknowledged George A. D’Hemecourt - Tex** 1928. ac. Lot Write, phone or call Brownsville, —-—-I on the 16th day of August, Deposits Increase E. 10 ac. W. 20555 Pub- Manley. — V. a Notary to The .$42,000 ^ FOR RENT Furnished apartment. before A. Logan, (Special Herald.) 207 Jno. H. Sharry Subd.. Lights, water and for Cameron County. MEXICO Dec. to H. A. f ttf H MIM M M ATTORNEYS gas furnished; $27.50 lic in and CITY. 12—The George A. DHemecourt f f f f f f per month. Also two desirable to sleep- Texas, and thereupon delivered Mexico City branch of the National W 1° 355 °f ™ lng rooms. Phone 189. X21 Manley. *c_ LOS EBANOS me. for better securing of the pay- Bank of New York shows an 6ubd.~ RALPH A. DUNKELBERO City ac. Lot 207 Jno. H. Shary A CORDIAL INVITATION ment of three certain promissory increase in of 800,000 Attorney at Law FURNISHED ROOMS deposits pesos Brownsville's Supreme Residential Dis- for the sum of its second financial O. notes, each being in statement, et ux to Matilde Is extended to the to visit our and the careful trict. carefully restricted, completely Commercial Collections a Specialty "Ad'an Guerra* public plant inspect FURNISHED ROOMS—South exposure, $3000.00, and dates August 15. 1928. as compared to its first, issued Sep- Block 35, Ham- Home site* from $1200 00. 186 George and de Guerra, Lot 14. and thorough testing methods in use which assure only pipe of the improved. Seabury, Taylor very close in; reasonable. M2 Levee. and due respectively on or before tember )8. easy terms Jmes Dickinson Co., mond Addn. to McAllen .....$10.00 delivered to the Building T-112 two and three after of the National Bank highest quality being purchaser. corner El Jardln Hotel Bldg. _ one. years Deposits City to J. a. Realtors, Brownsville. Texas Raymundo Garza, et ux For information address Owen M. Combs. Brownsville. TWO October 1st, A. D. 1928. and each are shown in the new statement to complete _ COMFORTABLE, adjoining bed- Block 26. McAUen The Karam. Lot 5, District Sales Manager rooms. suitable two or three. Plenty and all of said notes being payable total 5,517.462.57 pesos. first FLORISTS H. B. GALBRAITH hot towels and heat. statement showed them to water, Separate to P. W. Seabury, J. C. George and be 4,698,- Lot street entrance. Meal* IX Scott ’Ford to M.’ D. Borman, Attorney at Law- desired. 503 V. W. Taylor, and each and all 729.69 pesos. GULF CONCRETE PIPE CO. THE flowers Levee Street. *68 Block “A” Cathay Courts Annex BOWYER FLORIST, Merchants National Bank Bldg. providing for interest from date Loans now are 2.386,098.80 pesos 5, P. O. Box 1061—Brownsville, Texaa funeral St* Charles to in Addn. to McAllen .$2500.0C and designs. Brownsville. Texas FURNISHED roam. Private at the rate of 8% per annum, the compared 950A14J2 pesos Sep- home; Tr. to K. N. Xnud- and Pita streets. Phone 312-J. meals IX desired. 702 Levee. Phone interest payable annually, and also tember. Total resources are 6.181.- Fred Adkins. Plant located at Blalack Switch on Highway. ac. Farm Tract — — H. L. YATES 400.*71 680.86 to son. Part of S. 27.43 of Texaa *^i^si_jTj~tiirxiJ"u~ijrvi~.r-e~wWm—i —■—■—*—■-•■-‘■f—-~-i— the usual 10% attorney's fees and pesos, compared 4,698,729- The Pioneer Concrete Pipe Manufacturers Attorney at Law also the usual acceler- 69 pesos in September. 317. West Tract Subd.$1000 Concrete for Drainage and Sewer Systems. NICE BEDROOM in residence containing Pipe Irrigation, State National Bank Bldg. private ated clauses The Mexico City branch of the W. E. Dixon to D. E. Hamblen, Try a Herald Classified Ad All conveniences; t4 00 per week. <02 maturity providing 9 Brownsville St. Charles, phone 853. x49 that if default is made In the pay- bank was opened in August. W. 8.74 ac. of E. 17.29 ac. Lot 12, tr--