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T U E S D A Y 161st yEAR • NO. 303 APRIL 19, 2016 CLEVELAND, TN 16 PAGES • 50¢ Reminder County OKs hike in hotel-motel tax rate Special Olympics By BRIAN GRAVES Commission, of a private act allowing the this week "six months ahead of sched- policies finishes that task. Banner Staff Writer county to increase the levy by 2 percent ule." That will exclude items seized during slated Saturday above its current 5 percent. "We're trying to permit to start activi- criminal cases and authorized to be sold on CHS track After a full day of helping celebrate the Passage required a two-thirds majority ties when the funding comes on-line," by a judge's order. opening of the Wacker Charleston plant, and was always expected to pass easily, Berry said. "We'll be coming back to you "I just feel this is the best thing to do," By LARRY C. BOWERS the Bradley County Commission and the since the Commission also unanimously at the end of May with some resolutions Finance chairman Milan Blake said, Banner Staff Writer Commission’s Finance Committee met passed the request for the private act. pertaining to a certificate of public pur- emphasizing this was not targeted at one Monday afternoon, with their two major The extra funds will help with the debt pose filing so we can incur the additional department, but the entire county gov- Cleveland Civitan actions being to start one process and service of $3 million for the county's por- debt, and are hoping to start construc- ernment structure.
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