Meeting Minutes/Final Report (May 8-10, 2018) (PDF)
IJNITl:.D STA 1 ES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY WASIIINGTON. DC 20-160 ,. ; ,, "'' ; '•,t, rrn I t1T1<J" rl\1,,r:nm·, MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: Transmittal of Meeting Minutes and Final Report for the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide. and Rodenticide Act Scientific Advisory Panel (FIFRA SAP) Meeting Held May 8-9, 2018 TO: Richard Keigwin Director Office of Pesticide Programs FROM: Marquea D. King, Ph.~&'~&; Designated Federal Official, FIFRA SAR,gtaff Office of Science Coordination and Policy THRU: Steven Knott, M.S. 0-.-.,L__ . n Executive Secretary, FLFRA SAP Panel ~,::'(/fl /fu~ Office of Science Coordination and Policy Stanley Barone Jr., M.S ., Ph.D. Af h .• I .__.--:;i _o Acting Director 1"'~~ Office of Science Coordination and Policy Attached, please find the meeting minutes fo r the FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel open meeting held in Arlington, Virginia on May 8-9, 20 18. This report addresses a set of scientific issues being considered by Lhe Environmental Protection Agency regarding methods for efficacy testing of pesticides used for premise treatments for invertebrate pests and treatment for fire ants. Attachment Page2of2 cc: Nancy Beck Louise Wise Charlotte Bertrand Rick Keigwin Anna Lowit, Ph.D. Mike Goodis Linda Strauss Cheryl Dunton OPP Docket FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel Members Dana Barr, Ph.D. Marion Ehrich, Ph.D. David Jett, Ph.D. James McManaman, Ph.D. Joseph Shaw, Ph.D. Sonya Sobrian, Ph.D. FQPA Science Review Board Members Arthur Appel, Ph.D. Jerry Cook, Ph.D. Christopher Geden, Ph.D. L.C. "Fudd" Graham, Ph.D. Elmer Gray, M. Ag. Jerome Hogsette, Jr., Ph.D.
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