Presented to the Graduate Program in English Language Studies in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Magister Humaniora (M.Hum.) in English Language Studies

by Deasy Natalia Lessu Student Number: 116332032





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β繊在 Dr.啓.B.Dwilatmoko,M.A. Thesls Advlsor Date:Febrtlarv 27th'2017 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI



' Presented lr.y : Deasy Natalia Lessu -N:umber: Student 1 I 6axl&tr

Was defended in &e Thesis,Committee

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Yoglutarh; 27 Februrry r*17 Program Diieetor u.#i By




This is to certify that all the ideas, phrase, and sentences, unless otherwise stated, are the ideas, phrases, sentences of the thesis writer. The writer understands the full consequences including degree cancellation if she took

somebody else's ideas, phrase, or sentences without proper references.

Yogyakarta, 27 F ebruary 2017

Deasy Natalia Lessu




Yang bertandatangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswi Universitas Sanata Dharma:

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Pada tanggal: 27 Februari 2017

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In the very beginning, I would like to glorify my Awesome Lord, Jesus

Christ who started with me, worked with me and finished this thesis with me.

I would also like to reveal my biggest honor and thanks to those who have helped me to accomplish this thesis.

 Bapak Dr. B. B. Dwijatmoko, M.A. as my linguistics lecturers and my thesis

advisor for his patience, kindness, ideas, helps and supports.

 Bapak Dr. G. Budi Subanar, S.J as the Graduate Program Director of Sanata

Dharma University. Bapak Paulus Sarwoto, Ph.D. as the Head of the

Graduate Program in ELS.

 Bapak FX. Mukarto, Ph. D., Bapak Dr. E. Sunarto, M.Hum. and Bapak

Paulus Sarwoto, Ph.D. as my thesis examiners for their questions, ideas,

advices, inputs and revision since my thesis review until my thesis defence.

 The lecturers in English linguistics of Graduate Program; Bapak Dr. Fr. B.

Alip, M.Pd., Bapak Prof. Dr. Soepomo Poedjosoedarmo, Bapak Dr. B. B.

Dwijatmoko, M.A., Bapak Barli Bram M.Ed., Ph.D. for the lecturers, the

knowledges, the ideas, the wisdom, the attitudes, the happiness and the laugh

you have shared with me.

 Lectures in the Graduate Program, Ibu Dra. Novita Dewi, M.S., M.A

(Hons.)., Bapak Dr. J. Bismoko and all lecturers I cannot mention. My special

thanks for Bapak Dr. F.X. Siswadi, M.A. for his sharing and supports.

 Gondesz Ruslinah a.k.a Inul as my soulmate, my classmate and my supporter.

Thank a bunch for her uncountable kindness, laugh, foolish acts she shared


with me. For being together in happiness and sorrow from the beginning until

the end of our study.

 My Gradute Program classmates, Mbak Fransisca, Mbak Ayu, Nitha,

Rindang, Ika Daru, Mas Windu, Mbak Sri, Mas Yanu, Fendy, Pak Ahsan

Mbak Susie and Satrio, Mbak Fahma, Diah, Christo and also my senior, Usi

Ariyana Pattiwael. Thank you for all we have been through together.

 Graduate Studies’ staffs, Mbak Lely, Mbak Marni, Mbak Dita and Pak Mul.

Thank you for the helps and supports.

 My family, Papa Ot and Mama Mery, my sisters, Jeane and Injili, my

brother, Mario, my cousin, Natalia and my extended family. Thank you for

being patient, praying, loving, blessing and supporting. Especially for my

papa and mama, thank you so much for believing me.

 My brother and sisters of GKB Jubilee, especially, Breakthrough cell-group.

Special to Kak Yopie and Kak Helen. Thank you for all the blessing you have

shared with me.

 My spiritual family, Chosen Generation Ministry in Ambon. Thank you for

the supports and prayers

 My lecturers and friends of English Department, Pattimura University

Ambon. Thank you for the supports and carings.

 Other people such as my best friend, Niko Harefa for his kindness and

support. Mbak Mar for caring me.




And being not weak in faith, she considered not her own body now dead, ... she staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; And being fully persuaded that, what God had promised, God was able also to perform.

--- Romans 4: 19a – 21---




CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION...... 1 1.1 Background of the Study...... 1 1.2 Problem Formulation ...... 6 1.3 Objectives of Study...... 6 1.4 Benefits of the Study...... 8

CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW...... 10 2.1 Review of theories...... 10 2.1.1 Ideology ...... 10 Ideology and Discourse ...... 14 Ideology and Power...... 15 Ideology of Punk ...... 17 2.1.2 Critical Discourse Analysis...... 19 2.1.3 Systemic Functional Grammar ...... 22 Ideational Function and Meaning...... 23 Interpersonal Function and Meaning...... 29 2.1.4 Protest Music ...... 32 2.2 Review of Related Studies ...... 34 2.3 Theoretical Framework ...... 37

CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY...... 39 3.1 Type of study ...... 39 3.2 Data of the Study...... 40 3.3 Data Analysis Procedures ...... 43

CHAPTER 4 ANALYSIS RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ...... 48 4.1 Linguistic Features use in Anti Flag Protest Song Lyrics...... 49 4.1.1 The Grammatical Features ...... 49

ix PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Transitivity Analysis ...... 49 Modality Analysis ...... 66 Pronoun Analysis...... 74 4.1.2 The Lexical Features...... 78 4.2 Ideologies in Anti Flag’s Protest Song Lyrics...... 85 4.2.1 Concept of the Ideologies ...... 86 The Concept of Anti-Authoritarian Capitalism...... 87 The Concept of Anti-Authoritarian Nationalism...... 88 The Concept of Social Movement...... 89 4.2.2 Social Issues...... 90 Social Issues of Anti-Authoritarian Capitalism...... 91 Social Issues of Anti-Authoritarian Nationalism ...... 93 Social Issues of Social Movement...... 95 4.2.3 Ideologies Representation ...... 95 Representation of Anti-Authoritarian Capitalism...... 95 Summary of Anti-Authoritarian Capitalism Representation ...... 114 Representation of Anti-Authoritarian Nationalism...... 115 Summary of Anti-Authoritarian Nationalism Representation ...... 131 Representation of Social Movement...... 132 Summary of Social Movement Representation ...... 141

CHAPTER 5 ...... CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS...... 5.1 Conclusions...... 143 5.2 Recommendations...... 147


APPENDICES ...... Appendix 1: Transitivity Analysis of Anti-Authoritarian Capitalism ...... 152 Appendix 2: Transitivity analysis of Anti-Authoritarian Nationalism ...... 159 Appendix 3: Transitivity Analysis of Social Movement ...... 167 Appendix 4: Modality Analysis of Anti-Authoritarian Capitalism...... 174 Appendix 5: Modality Analysis of Anti-Authoritarian Nationalism ...... 174 Appendix 6: Modality Analysis of Social Movement...... 175 Appendix 7: Pronoun Analysis of Anti-Authoritarian Capitalism...... 177 Appendix 8: Pronoun Analysis of Anti-Authoritarian Nationalism ...... 181 Appendix 7: Pronoun Analysis of Social Movement...... 183 Appendix 9: The Distribution of Transitivity Processes in the Ideologies ...... 185 Appendix 10: The Distribution of Modals in the Ideologies…………………...186 Appendix 11: The Distribution of Pronoun in the Ideologies...... 186 Appendix 12: Anti-Flag Selected Song Lyrics...... 187 Appendix 13: Clauses and Ideologies of the Selected Song Lyrics...... 201



Table 3.1. List of Anti Flag Selected Song Lyrics...... 42 Table 4.1 Excerpts of the Material Processes…………………...... 50 Table 4.2. Excerpts of the Relational Processes ……………...…………... 57 Table 4.3. Excerpts of the Mental Processes ……...……………………..... 61 Table 4.4. Excerpts of the Verbal Processes...... 64 Table 4.5. Excerpts of the Existential Processes ………………………..… 65 Table 4.6. Excerpts of Probability……………………………………….... 67 Table 4.7. Excerpts of Usuality…...... 69 Table 4.8. Excerpts of Obligation…...………………………….…………. 70 Table 4.9. Excerpts of Inclination…...... 72 Table 4.10. Excerpts of Ability …...…………………………………...... 72 Table 4.11. Excerpts of Pronoun I…...…………………………..….……. 75 Table 4.12. Excerpts of Pronoun You...... 75 Table 4.13. Excerpts of Pronoun We...... 77 Table 4.14 Excerpts of Pronoun They…………………………...... 78 Table 4.15. Excerpts of Word-Choice 1 ……………………....…………... 79 Table 4.16 Excerpts of Word-Choice 2 ……...…………………………..... 81 Table 4.17. Excerpts of Word Choice 3 ...... 83 Table 4.18. Distribution of Transitivity …………………...……………..… 65 Table 4.19. Distribution of Modality ……………………………………..... 67 Table 4.20. Distribution of Pronoun …...... 69



Appendix 1: Transitivity Analysis of Anti-Authoritarian Capitalism ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Material Processes...... Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Relational Processes...... Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. Mental Processes...... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Verbal Processes ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. Existential Processes ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Appendix 2: Transitivity Analysis of Anti-Authoritarian Nationalism ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Material Processes...... Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Relational Processes...... Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. Mental Processes...... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Verbal Processes ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. Existential Processes ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Appendix 3: Transitivity Analysis of Social Movement ..... Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Material Processes...... Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Relational Processes...... Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. Mental Processes...... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Verbal Processes ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. Existential Processes ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Appendix 4: Modality Analysis of Anti-Authoritarian Capitalism...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Appendix 5: Modality Analysis of Anti-Authoritarian Nationalism ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Appendix 6: Modality Analysis of Social Movement...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Appendix 7: Pronoun Analysis of Anti-Authoritarian Capitalism...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun I (Anti Flag)...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun You (Government) ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun You (Society) ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun We (Anti Flag) ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun We (Anti Flag & Society)...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun We (Government) ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun They (Government)...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun They (Society)...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun I (Anti Flag)...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun You (Government) ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun You (Society) ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun We (Anti Flag) ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun We (Anti Flag & Society)...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun We (Government) ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun They (Government)...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun They (Society)...... Error! Bookmark not defined.


Appendix 8: Pronoun Analysis of Anti-Authoritarian Nationalism ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun I (Anti Flag)...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun You (Government) ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun You (Society) ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun We (Anti Flag) ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun We (Anti Flag & Society)...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun We (Government) ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun They (Government)...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun They (Society)...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Appendix 7: Pronoun Analysis of Social Movement...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun I (Anti Flag)...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun You (Government) ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun You (Society) ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun We (Anti Flag) ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun We (Anti Flag & Society)...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun We (Government) ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun They (Government)...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Pronoun They (Society)...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Appendix 9: The Distribution of Transitivity Processes in the Ideologies .... Error! Bookmark not defined. Table 4.10The Distribution of Transitivity Processes in the Ideologies. Error! Bookmark not defined. Appendix 10: The Distribution of Modals in the Ideologies Error! Bookmark not defined. Table 4.11The Distribution of Modals in the Ideologies.....Error! Bookmark not defined. Appendix 11: The Distribution of Pronoun in the Ideologies.....Error! Bookmark not defined. Table 4.12 The Distribution of Pronoun in the Ideologies ..Error! Bookmark not defined. Appendix 13: Anti-Flag Selected Song Lyrics...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Song 1:"You've Got To "...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Song 2: "Kill The Rich"...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Song 3: "Red, White and Brainwashed"...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Song4: "Got the Numbers"...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Song 5: "A Stars and Stripes"...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Song 6: "This Machine Kills Fascists"...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Song 7: “Watch the Right”...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Song 8: "What’s the Difference"...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Song 9:"Class Plague"...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Song 10: "Protest Songs"...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Song 11: "Tearing Down the Borders"...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Song 12: You Can Kill the Protestor but You Can’t Kill the Protest. .... Error! Bookmark not defined.


Song 13: "Depleted Uranium is a War Crime"...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Song 14: "No Borders, No Nations"...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Song 15: "911 for peace"...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Appendix 14: Clauses and Ideologies of the Selected Song Lyrics...... Error! Bookmark not defined.



Lessu, Deasy Natalia. 2017. The Ideologies of Anti-Authoritarianism and Social Movement in Anti-Flag’s Protest Song Lyrics: A Critical Discourse Analysis, Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Music especially is ideological. It has a basic belief about DIY (Do-It-Yourself) which presents their subculture (counterculture). It sets themselves as the outer group of the society. The belief of DIY sets the punk rock to life in liberty. Thus, they have tendency to rebel against authority. They see the traditional culture; the submissiveness of society to the power holders as the significant issue that need to be resisted. Thus, the song lyrics are not merely showing protest but the calling to do revolution as well. Through their music, specifically song lyrics, they act as the speaker to persuade the listeners. In the purpose of gaining up the critical awareness of the listeners about the role of punk rock music in carrying the protest about the social issues, the study will conducted by using Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). The study has aim to answer two research questions. The first question is How the linguistic features employed in Anti-Flag‘s protest song lyrics reveal the ideology? While the second question is What are the main ideologies conveyed in Anti-Flag’s protest song lyrics? The study is about CDA, thus, the study will be guided by the framework of CDA. It helps to present concept about the ideology, how the ideology works in discourse and how the ideology constructs power. To discover the existence of ideology in the discourse, - the text, the concepts of the ideology, the special terms describe the ideology and the social issues which support the actuality of the ideology will be used. To do the analysis of the linguistic representation, the Systemic Functional Grammar will be applied. It represents the ideology through the linguistic units such as transitivity analysis, modality analysis and pronoun analysis. The data derives from the Anti-Flag song lyrics. It is as much as 15 song lyrics. This punk rock band is considerably consistent and committed in sounding protest about the social issues. The data used are for analyzing first questions attained from the lexical items used in the song lyrics and the literature data to support the concept and the social issues of the ideology. The data used for the second questions taken from the clauses in the song lyrics. It is done by the analysis of transitivity to present the frequent process which represents the ideology and the modals and pronouns analysis to present speaker’s intention and judgments about the ideology. From the analysis, it is found that the two main ideologies presented in Anti-Flag selected song are the anti-authoritarianism and the social movement. The authoritarianism itself is divided into anti-authoritarian capitalism and anti-authoritarian nationalism. The result of transitivity analysis shows that both ideologies represented through the material processes and relational processes. It shows how the actions of the actors and the identity and character of the actors.


The modality analysis shows that probability, obligation and ability as the most frequent type. The probability and obligation appears mostly in anti-authoritarianism. They indicate the certainty and probability and the obligation of the authority works. The ability appears in social movement expresses the skill of doing the revolution. About the pronoun analysis, the anti-authoritarianism mostly appears in pronoun you and they. It means that Anti-Flag is as the part of punk subculture persuade (and protest as well) society and protest government. It sets position of Anti-Flag as the out-group; not belong to society. The social movement mostly carries we as the pronoun. It means that Anti-Flag is in-group with society to do the movement. It is recommended for the future researchers to conduct similar study on song lyrics, especially the punk rock music to enrich and raise their critical awareness of the use music as the protest medium. It is also recommended to explore more on the textual analysis especially theme-rheme since the usage of the theory might cause different interpretation.

Key words: Ideology, Critical Discourse Analysis, Systemic Functional Grammar, Protest Songs



Lessu, Deasy Natalia. 2017. The Ideologies of Anti-Authoritarianism and Social Movement in Anti-Flag’s Protest Song Lyrics: A Critical Discourse Analysis, Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Musik khususnya punk rock memiliki ideologi. Punk memilik prinsip dasar yaitu DIY (Do-It-Yourself) yang merepresentasikan cara hidup mereka, kebiasaan dan ide-ide dari kelompok mereka sebagai kelompok yang berbeda dari kelompok masayarakat pada umumnya. Prinsip DIY mengatur para anggota punk untuk hidup dalam kebebasan. Oleh karena itu, mereka mempunyai kecenderungan untuk melawan kekuasaan. Mereka memandang budaya yang telah menjadi tradisi dalam masyarakat seperti penundukan masyarakat terhadap para penguasa sebagai isu penting yang harus dilawan. Untuk itu, lirik-lirik lagu mereka tidak sekedar menyatakan protes tetapi juga mengajak untuk melalukan revolusi. Melalui musik, khususnya lirik lagu, mereka berperan untuk melakukan propaganda kepada penikmat musik secara khusus dan secara umum kepda masyarakat. Dalam rangka meningkatkan critical awareness dari para penikmat musi tentang peran musik punk rock sebagai pembawa pesan tentang isu sosial, penelitian ini akan dilakukan dengan mengimplementasikan Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). Penelitian ini bertujuan utnuk memberi solusi terhadap dua pertanyaan. Pertanyaan pertama Bagaimana unsur-unsur linguistik di dalam lirik-lirik lagu protes Anti-Flag mengungkapkan ideologi? Sementara pertanyaan kedua adalah Apa ideologi-ideologi utama yang diusung Anti-Flag dalam lirik lagu protes mereka? Penelitian in adalah tentang analisa wacana kritis (CDA) dengan demikian penelitian ini akan mengikuti kerangka teori CDA. Teori ini membantu memberikan konsep tentang ideologi, kaitan ideologi dengan wacana dan bagaimana ideologi memiliki power. Untuk menemukan keberadaan ideologi di dalam teks, konsep tentang ideologi-ideologi utama, isitilah-istilah yang terkait dengan ideologi-ideologi tersebut serta isu-isu social yang mencerminkan aktualisasi dari ideologi-ideologi tersebut akan dibahas. Untuk menganalisa representasi linguistik, Systemic Functional Grammar dipakai. Teori ini menunjukkan representasi ideologi melalu analisa transitivity, modality dan pronoun. Data yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini berasal dari lirik-lirik lagu Anti-Flag. Data yang dipakai adalah sebanyak 15 lagu. Band berjenis musik punk rock ini dipilih karena dianggap konsisten dan penuh komitmen dalam menuarakan protes terhadap isu-isu sosial. Untuk menganalisa pertanyaan pertama, data yang dipakai berasal dari teks yaitu; penggunaan istilah-istilah yang berkaitan dengan ideologi dan data-data lain di luar teks seperti latar belakang sejarah, dan politik tentang isu tersebut. Untuk menganalisa pertanyaan kedua, data yang dipakai adalah klausa yang diperoleh dari lirk-lirik lagu. Analisa yang dilakukan dengan transitivity analysis menunjukan proses-proses yang sering


muncul di dalam teks sementara analisa modality dan pronoun menunjukkan tanggapan dan tujuan pembicara (Anti-Flag) tentang ideologi-ideologi yang dibahas. Dari analisa, ditemukan dua ideologi utama yang diusung oleh Anti-Flag adalah Anti-authoritarianism dan Social Movement. Anti-authoritarianism dibedakan kedalam Anti-authoritarian Capitalism dan Anti-authoritarian Nationalism. Hasil dari analisa transitivity menunjukkan kedua ideologi dibentuk dengan material processes dan relational processes. Proses pertama menunjukan aksi dari actor sementara proses kedua menunjukan identitas dan karakter dari actor. Dari analisa modality ditemukan bahwa probability, obligation dan ability. muncul sebagai modals meaning yang dominan. Probability dan obligation sering muncul di ideologi anti-authoritarianism. Ini menunjukkan kepastian dan kepatuhan tentang dan terhadap pekerjaan para penguasa. Ability sering muncul di ideologi social movement menunjukkan kekuatan dan kemampuan Anti-flag dan masyarakat untuk melakukan perubahan. Dari analisa pronoun ditemukan bahwa pronoun you dan they banyak muncul di idelogi Anti-authoritarianism. Hal ini berarti Anti-Flag berada di out-group yang memungkinkannya melakukan protes kepada pemerintah dan masyarakat. Pronoun we banyak ditemukan di ideologi social movement. Hal ini memposisikan Anti-Flag di in-group. Bersama-sama dengan masyarakat, Anti-Flag memberi perlawanan terhadap para penguasa. Untuk penelitian ke depan, direkomendasikan untuk melakukan penelitian yang sama pada lirik lagu, terlebih khusus lirik lagu punk rock untuk meningkatkan critical awareness terhadap penggunaan musik sebagai media protes. Selain itu direkomendasikan juga untuk mengeksplorasi textual analysis khususnya pada theme-rheme sebab penerapan teori yang berbeda dapat menghasilkan interpretasi yang berbeda pula.

Key words: Ideology, Critical Discourse Analysis, Systemic Functional Grammar, Protest Songs





This introductory section categorized into four sections containing background of the study, problem formulation, objectives of the study and benefits of the study. The first section, background of the study, explicates the depiction of the topic of the study and the reasons of studying it. The second section is problem formulation. It elaborated with the purpose of clarifying what matters that the study has to answer. The third section is the objectives of study that expresses the process of doing the study based on the practical theories. The fourth section provides the importance of the study and benefits obtained from the study.

1.1 Background of the Study

Music and society are always powerfully intimate. Whenever people do anything either individually or socially for any reason, music is there. In politics, for example, the candidates use music to achieve number of supports from the society during their campaign. The common reason underlies the existence of music in society is it acts as a means of developing and negotiating interpersonal relationship. Juslin & Sobloda 2001 (in Cross 2006) state, “music can be used by individuals to modulate and regulate their own moods, and may be used in group contexts to modulate collective mood”. Hence, music can easily unite people, or contrarily break them down. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The importance of music in the society has revolutionized. Such kind of artwork is not only for entertaining people but also employed as a medium of communication to produce a change and a revolution in some areas of human culture. One of them is as a medium of protest. The use of music in protesting recognized as the protest music or protest song. The protest song according to

Denisoff (1972) is “a socio-political statement designed to create an awareness of social problems and which offers or infers a solution which is viewed as deviant in nature.” Thus, the protest songs gain society’s awareness and support for the being captured issue.

Commonly, the protest rises due to the government’s regulations or, actions that are contradictive to the society’s expectation. Clearly stated by Boulding

(1967: 50), “protest arises when there is strongly felt dissatisfaction with existing programs and polices of government or other organization…“. In the relation to the protest, the protesters work to change or prevent the changes of a matter. At least, they try to persuade others to change their ideas by criticizing or protesting something wrong or unfair. Indirectly, through the protest, the society is eager to show their power against the government. Lipsky (1965) in Porta and Diani

(2006) state that, protest is a political resource of the powerless.

Anti-Flag is a punk rock band. It has been totally stuck with their capacity as the activist through their music. Since their first debut in 1996 until their latest in 2012, Anti-Flag is likely to criticize the government’s administration.

Their published during the era of three United States presidential such as

Bill Clinton (1993-2001), George W. Bush (2001-2009) and Barrack Obama PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


(2009-2016). One the protest issue is about the Bush's decision to wage a preventive war in Iraq which becomes the trigger to arouse another issue such as endangering the social security, increasing the tax, causing unemployment, inflation, poverty etc. The protest revealed in the lyrics is such as the following clauses.

(S6.C2) This scene will not fall victim to your violence or lies (Material Process). (S6.C3) Our values are nothing but your values excuses to start fights (Relational Process). (S14.C2) So, if the heads of the state want to end terrorism, they should go and kill themselves. (Mental Process).

Through the clauses, the existence of government presents using noun, the heads of the state and the pronoun, your violence and your values. The protest is visible through the processes. For example, in clause S6.C3, the use of will not indicates the willingness to fight against the government’s violence or lies. It is clear that in the song lyrics, Anti-Flag as the speakers try to communicate or send the message to the society about the social issue and to counter authority.

Music facilitates communication that goes beyond word, which people use to share their emotions, intentions, and meanings. Thus, the language used in musical lyric is powerful to influence the people. According to Wodak (2007:1)

“Language ... be seen as a driving force directed at changing politics and society”.

This is what Anti-Flag intend to spread through the message inside their lyrics.

However, language only gains power in the hands of the powerful: language is not in power per se. A specific language symbolizes the group or person in power.

Understanding the message necessitates a circumscription of the term “ideology”. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Generally, the term “ideology” refers to the hidden message inside the language. Therefore, the song lyrics stand as the medium to advance its ideological stance on language. Van Dijk in his writing about Ideological

Discourse Analysis states that “Ideologies may in fact be the same as the representation a group has of itself (and of the relations with the relevant other groups, e.g. the opponents) in the social structure”. Moreover, he also states that as the member of a group, the language users supposedly will speak, write, or understand from a specific social position. In here, Anti-Flag as the punk rock band recognized as the member of the punk group. The ideologies will represent their group itself as to counter the ideology of the government – the opponent.

Relating to the study, the analysis examines what ideologies are typically associates with that position.

To do the study, Critical Discourse Analysis is considerably helpful to support. CDA is a three dimensional framework of text analysis which involves the analysis of the social practice, the discourse practice, and the text itself. The analysis of the social practice dealt with the society in which the writer of the text lives. The analysis of discourse practice refers to the process of the text production, distribution and consumption while the text analysis deals with the uncovering the underlying ideology that prompts the text production. Fairclough

(1995: 1-2) points out that “a range of properties of text considered potentially ideological through the features of vocabulary and metaphors, grammar, presuppositions and implicatures, politeness conventions, speech-exchange system, generic structure, and style”. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Principally, CDA is an interdisciplinary approach to the study of discourse, which views "language as a form of social practice" (Fairclough, 1989). As one of its central objectives, CDA considers the linguistic choices. A text producer makes the linguistic choices as a potential medium through which the ideological import of a particular discourse situation can be reproduced. Fairclough and

Wodak (1997) usefully translate this into the "working assumption" that "any part of any language text, spoken or written, simultaneously constitutes representations, relations, and identities". That is, discourse represents particular views of world, particular social relations between people, and particular social identities according to the purpose, context, and addressees of the text.

Since the linguistics choices are considered in CDA, the Systemic

Functional Grammar (SFG) by Halliday will be an applicable to work with. The

SFG has three metafunctions: ideational, interpersonal, and textual functions.

They will be the tools to analyze clauses that represent the ideology. The cooperation of both theories, CDA and SFG, will support each other to see how the social issues transferred into the language and how the ideology of the speaker manipulated to state their power as a protest to the power holders. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


1.2 Problem Formulation

The present study investigates the problems presents in the following research questions:

1) How the linguistic features employed in Anti-Flag‘s protest song lyrics

reveal the ideology?

2) What are the main ideologies conveyed in Anti-Flag’s protest song lyrics?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The study has three objectives. They related to the field of linguistics,

Critical Discourse Analysis and musical art.

The first objective is to reveal the ideologies in Anti-Flag song lyrics. The objective intends to find out the concept of ideology and power conveyed by Anti-

Flag as the punk rock band. To achieve the objective, the macrostructures analysis by van Dijk will be employed. The analysis focuses on the use of special terms and the social issues which support the ideologies. They special terms present the existence of topics related to the ideologies in the lyrics. On the other side, the social issues provide information and knowledge about the reality of the topics. In other words, they connect the text with the context.

The second objective is to find out the representation of the ideologies through the use of linguistics units. The objective is achievable by using Systemic

Functional Grammar. It provides metafunctions analysis: ideational, interpersonal, and textual functions. They help to show the relation between the lexical and grammatical features of the song lyrics with the ideologies which it conveyed. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The study focuses on ideational and interpersonal function. By means of transitivity analysis, the ideational function will be analyzed. It states that a clause has meaning as a representation of some processes in ongoing human experiences.

The transitivity system is applicable to reveal the representation of people, events, or issues in the text because it has a function to infer the author’s experience in the texts. On the other side, the interpersonal function is analyzed by the use of modality and pronoun analysis. The ideational function presents the interaction between the speakers to the listener. The observation on those functions might show the systemic characteristic of language in use. Moreover, to determine the clause represents a certain ideology is to consider the basic concept of the ideology itself. By doing so, the characteristics of each ideology will be clear.

Therefore, it will be easier and more correct to group the clauses into an ideology.

The third objective is to give appreciation to the musical art especially the punk rock music. The use of music as the object of discourse analysis is less if compare to the use of newspaper, speeches or literary works. To appreciate the musical art is not merely about the musical notes of a song but to pay more attention to the lyric of a song. The study of song lyrics by linguistics analysis helps to understand the personal thoughts and feelings of the person who wrote it.

Hence, the listeners will recognize that the genre is valuable. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


1.4 Benefits of the Study

The substance of a study is having benefits. The study hopefully equips good contribution for all readers not merely for the certain parties.

Tthe study serves a purpose for the language learners who are interested in linguistics, Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and Systemic Functional Grammar

(SFG). It provides knowledge and awareness on how to apply CDA approach in analyzing song lyrics as type of discourse and SFG in textual analysis. For the study presents song lyrics as the particular text therefore it might be a good example on how to scrutinize language features on the song lyrics. Hopefully, the study might raise critical analysis and awareness on the covert meaning (ideology) of the song lyrics and on the linguistics comprehension.

Tthe study presents the importance to conceive the song lyrics. For the music listeners, the study points out that music is more worthy if it is not merely listened but understood the messages concealed in its lyrics. Music, especially punk rock not merely affiliated with the noisy and awful sounds, which for few people is annoying. Thus, people will come up with the negative perceptions about the genre. On the other side, few people consider the punk rock music as an interesting music that helps them to release their emotions, such as anger. Hence, they merely appreciate the music instead of its lyrics. Lyrics are not just the part of the total package of the music. In punk rock music, the lyrics contain significant information, ideas, opinions, or images about the social issues. People are lead to be conscious for the social problems especially about the socio-politics issues occurred in America and world. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Ultimately, through the study, It is proposed that perhaps readers, - society - may benefit from a deeeper understanding of punk rock counterculture idelogy.

Instead of just paying attention to the lyrics and musical sounds, people will see culture, values, ideology, and messages. Public is hoped to be conscious that music as the artwork can be an applicable medium of protest to do a revolution or social movement. In a wider perspective, the study is hopefully might arouse public response towards the social issues; capitalism and nationalism. It is about how to make a stand to resist against social injustice. Public not only listening to the punk rock music and absorb the significant points in the lyrics but to act. The protest through song is propagandist to get people support. Despite this, the intention of doing the protest is for the real action. Listening to punk rock music, especially Anti-Flag, people will notice their existence as the part of drivers of changes. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI




This chapter consists of three sections namely review of theories, review of related studies and theoretical framework. The review of theories examines the theories applied to conduct the study, the review of related studies provides insights for the study and the theoretical framework clarifies the contribution of the theories in solving the problem formulation.

2.1 Review of Theories

The section presents the theories exercised in the study. The first section talks about ideology as it is what the study about. It presents the concept of ideology, ideology and discourse, ideology and power and ideology of punk. The second section is about the method of the study, Critical Discourse Analysis. It is the general framework of the study. By reviewing the theory, the study is led to reveal the ideology and power imbalance in practice in a society. The third section is about the concept of protest songs. It provides the concept of how the songs used as the protest medium. The fourth section is about the Systemic Functional

Grammar from Halliday (2004) elaborated with other experts. It presents concept of transitivity, modality and pronoun. It used as the tool to observing data.

2.1.1 Ideology

The term, ideology is controversial. It is because there are many definitions and notions of the term. Hence, it is better to start with its very beginning notion. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The ideology was used by Antonine Loues Claude Destutt de Tracy in 1796 for the first time. The term used to officially states the ideas of a particular group of scholars in France. The idea is about the new empiricist ‘science of ideas’ (the studies of how people think, speak, and argue). Simply, ideology is about the origins of the ideas. The ideas addressed to young people due to their minds are not full of the ‘fixed ideas’ compared to the minds of established scholars therefore it is not difficult to change. People who support the idea are in a group called themselves as the ideologists. Parson (1951: 39) asserts that ideology is “a system of beliefs held in common by the members of a collectivity”. From the explanation, two main points can be taken out are the ‘system of beliefs’ and the

‘members of collectivity’.

The two main points above considered as the basic notion to understand the concept of ideology. The system of beliefs might define as ‘the set of principles’ while the members of collectivity defined as ‘the group of people who shared the same ideology and essentially have been controlled by the ideology. Thus, the ideology is about a theory or set of beliefs or principles that underlie the group. A group could be a political group, party, or organization. However, the existence of an ideology might have relevancy to other ideologies. Nazism, National

Socialism, for example, has relevant beliefs to nationalism and racism. The

Nazism held racial theories based upon the belief of the existence of an Aryan master race that was superior to all races. Nazi ideology was developed by intense nationalists whose only interests were the future of Germany and German- speaking Aryan people. The people who support Nazism called as Nazi. They are PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


“a member of the National Socialist (Workers’) Party led by Adolf Hitler which controlled Germany from 1933 to 1945” (CALD3).

The ideology is not merely descriptive but it is practical as well. It is not only about a number of very general ideas that are the basis of group members’ specific beliefs about the world that guide their interpretation of events but it also influences their social practice. According to Fairclough (2003: 9), “Ideologies are representation of aspects of the world which can be shown to contribute, to establishing, maintaining, and changing social relations of power, domination, and exploitation”. Thus, ideology is practical as the power holders use the belief to control the powerless people.

Ideology is the power and domination, which owned by a group who have positions, attitudes, beliefs, and perspectives. Government is a group of people who has power and domination since they are officially controlled a country. In relation to the Nazism, Nazi has power and domination to control Germany because of the position of Adolf Hitler as the leader of nation. He is hegemonic; he has position of being the strongest and most powerful and therefore can control others. The control itself is about the order, limit or rule people’s actions or behavior. In a country, laws and policies become government’s tools to control people.

The ideology may be more or less positive and negative depending on our point of view or group membership. Marx and Engels define ideology in a negative sense. They state, “Ideologies are systems of false ideas representing the consciousness of the ruling class, and used to promote and legitimize its power”. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


A negative connotation addressed to an ideology when it creates injustice. The injustice here refers to the way the power holders treat the powerless in a relation.

There are three relations can be used; government-society, society-society and society-government. In government-society relation, government has power to create policies, which disappointedly has tendency to cause suffering to the society. In society-society relation, the rich has power to bring misery to the poor.

In relation of society-government, the rich or big business have power to influence and control the government. Basically, the power holders have tendency to use their power and domination to obtain advantages for themselves by disregarding the powerless groups. For that reason, groups of people come up to counter negative ideology.

The opposition to the common ideologies normally contains the disapproving opinions or suggestions that the ideologies are not good or not important. Moreover, it is due to the negative impacts of the ideology to the social life. As like a common ideology called Nazism, it has counter-ideology so-called anti-Nazism. However, to spread the ‘anti-ideology’ is not that easy. Inferior surely are unable to directly sounding protest or criticism to the superior as they lack of power and domination. They need to collect members to support them.

Their ideology delivered through a medium that is easily to unify people. One of the media is the music, folk song. It is used under the consideration of music is well-liked and respected by common people. Moreover, it is potential to regulate mood. The counter ideology either implicitly or explicitly filled in the song lyrics, thus, song lyrics are ideological. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

14 Ideology and Discourse

Ideology might be abstract and general. It can only indirectly emerge in talk and text; it emerges in a discourse as the communication in speech; talk and writing; text. Thus, it can be simply said that the discourse might attributes the specific and fixed ideological contents. Moreover, the discourse is the re- contextualization of concept of world through a speaker or writer’s point of view that is presented in speech and writing. Therefore, the discourse is shaped by and might present the ideology of the speaker or writer. They, the speaker or writer has intention to propagate the listener or reader. Principally, they have power to control people perception about the world. Fairclough (1995: 73) clarifies that the

“discourse is shaped by structures also contributes to shaping and reshaping them, to reproducing and transforming them”. He says that the structures are the combination of the elements of text such orders of discourse, codes and their elements such as lexical and grammatical elements but also the mediated form political and economic structure and relationships; relation in the market, relation with the state and relation with society.

Talking about discourse and its relation to ideology is conceptually wide.

Van Dijk (2000) states that, the study about the notions of ideology and discourses are not adequate in a discipline. They require the elaboration of all disciplines such as humanities and social sciences. For that reason, he proposes to stick with three main clusters; discourse, cognition and society. According to him, the ‘discourse’ relates to the study of language use, text and other communications. The ‘cognition’ relates to the nature of ideas or beliefs, the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


relations with opinions and knowledge and the status as socially shared representations. The ‘society’ relates to the aspects of social, political, cultural and historical, group-based nature and the roles in reproduction of dominance or resistance against dominance. The three main clusters help to find out how the language use of ideology shared by the speaker influence the listener. Ideology and Power

Ideology that owned by a specific social group might be different to the other social group. The difference symbolized the identity of the group itself. The identity is categorized into the in-group and the out-group. The standard determination of a group generally defines by a sense of belonging. Some reasons prescribes the belonging could be such as being in the same position in society.

The reasons are such as involving in the specific social issue and having the same perception or opinion about a matter.

The sense of belonging contains the term of solidarity. Such solidarity may contain positive attributes as foundations for a shared identity; groups also have a tendency to define themselves in juxtaposition to others who manifestly do not belong because they are different. Cultures thus often end up with a bipolar vision of ‘us’ versus ‘them’ with the former being a representation of what it means to be human, and latter implying something less than human. Groups define their collective self by presuming superiority over the other whom they do not allow to belong. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The superiority over the other groups presents the power of the ideology of the group. It specifically defines power as the domination. For this notion, Gramsci

(as cited in Mayr 2008: 13) uses concept of hegemony.

“Hegemony highlights the mechanism through which dominant groups in society succeed in persuading subordinate groups to accept their own moral, political and cultural values and their institutions through ideological means”.

The position of being the strongest and most powerful and therefore provides wide chances to control others. For the practice of power, Mayr (2008: 14) has a notion that “hegemony operates largely through language”. He further explains that the dominant cultural group generates the discourse represent them as

‘natural’ therefore people consent to the discourse with the particular formations of power. Linguistically, the ideology in a text is written in speech act or an act of writing (statement, question, command, promise, threat, giving of advice. etc.) has potential to enforce people’s interests (Wodak 1989). Wodak (1989: 82) moreover states that “certain types of speech act are associated with the special supporting conventions”, for instance, the military commands. He further asserts that the type of speech act in principle suitable for enforcing the interests of power. The notion can be taken from the description is that the ideology is persuasive.

The power in the ideology used as propaganda. As the power is dominating, the further idea is to use the domination for a specific purpose. It is to persuade. The persuasion delivered with the intention of influencing people’s opinions. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

17 Ideology of Punk

Punk is considered as a ‘counterculture’ or ‘subculture’. The term refers to the way of life, customs and ideas of of a particular group of people within society which are diferent from the rest of that society (CALD3). The subculture of punk emerged at the first time in England. By the 1970’s in England, the subculture were understood to be the groups of youths who practiced a wide array of social dissent through shared behavioral, costume and musical orientations.

From the three mentioned orientations; behavioural, costume and musical, the punk existence as the subculture may be clearly potrayed. The behaviour of punk is often revolting. It means they refuse to be controlled or ruled and take violent action against authority. The behaviour is clearly seen in Do-It-Yourself

(DIY) ethic. The ethich presents the core value of punk which are the freedom and thinking for yourself. The implementation of the ethic depicted in their ability to produce and distribute ideas and art without the interference of major corporations. The common costume orientation presents in the way they dress up by wear the the trashy cut-up clothes, the spiky hair and the acccessories such as offsensive body jewelry, such as safety pins as earrings and face rings, swastikas and crosses as pins and painted emblems.

The musical form adopted by punk rock instrumentally presents itself as direct and straightforward, in a clear line from the so-called ‘classic’ style of rock n roll music. The music employed a limited range of chords and heavy rhtymic.

Musically, the style is agrresive in feel and musician played in a seemingly untutored style. About the vocal style, it is, perhaps the most significant PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


innovation of punk rock at the level of musical sound, since it sounds like noisy as it somewhat full of screams. In the case of lyrics, they are realistic. The lyrics presents the social issues. Stuart Borthwich and Ron May (as cited in Ferdinandi,

2010: 17) explains that punk “places a lyrical emphasis on exposing working- class dissatisfaction with ‘normal’ society, and frequently focuses upon concerns that are particular to young people. Not merely about it, the punk’s lyrics present their invitation for listeners to a revolution.

The counterculture, again, is the rebellion against the traditional culture.

Hebdige (as cited in Ferdinandi, 2010: 15) says that the “subculture tends to presented as independent organism, functioning outside the larger social, political and economic contexts”. According to Brake (1985), subcultures arise as the attempts to resolve collectively experience problems resulting in contradiction in the social structure. Therefore, punk is not merely about the being; behave like punk, costume like punk or enjoy the punk music. However, punk is about doing; the loyality to the cultural sentiment that makes up the punk movement. Fox

(1987: 379) clarifies that, the “the contempt for authority and the conventional culture was in fact, such an essential values for punk that if one expressed prosystem sentiments or support for the present administration, one would not be considered a member, no matter how well one looked the part.”

Punk’s ideology can be seen in the lyrics. In punk rock, there is an atraction to telling the truth about the world in the sort of language. In the song, God Save the Queen by Sex Pistols which has sevent times repetition of lyric, ‘there is no future’. This song is typically nihilism. The nihilistic belief lack of positive belief PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


or apathy. It’s counter idealism is expression of opposition. The songs stories the major economic depression that occured in the United Kingdom during the late

1970s left an entire generation on welfare without hope for steady employement.

The issues of the British class sytem, instituonalized poeverty and unemployment become the background of the song. The oppositional idealism has voices fierce and passionate opposition to a wide array of social realities. The lyric presents opposition can be seen in Ant-Flag song lyric entitled, Stars and Stripes. The lyric, ‘don’t fly those stripes, those stars and stripes for me’ repeats 14 times. The

‘stars and stripes’ are refers to American flag. Since the flag symbolizes the nation, hence, the lyrics presents the rejection of nationalism, anti-nationalism.

As the like culture has its counterculture, so does the ideology. The word, anti in anti-nationalism above indicates as counter-ideology. The punk rock ideology is proposed to fight the well-being ideology. Like nationalism, where netizen has to submit themselves for the nation, anti-nationalism refuse the –ism.

The emergence of the idealism is also due to the reality exist in the nation. It could be the social disappointment for nation that cannot support the citizen needs and expectations.

2.1.2 Critical Discourse Analysis

Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is the part of Discourse Analysis (DA).

The point, which distinguishes the DA and CDA, is the term “critical”. The term

“critical” means the analysis of discourse is not only about what written or spoken explicitly but implicitly as well. The term ‘critical’ implies showing hidden PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


connections and causes. In other word, CDA is not only dealing with study the surface of the text but the deep of it. CDA refers to the use of language in society or in context, rather than in isolation, as discourse. Van Dijk (2008) defines discourse to be a specific communicative event, in general, and a written or oral form of verbal interaction of language use, in particular. Hodge (2012: 2) states,

“Analyses for the discourse ‘critically’ means to breaking up something, loosening bonds”. Further, he says that when the critical combined with the analysis thus it creates a ‘destructive approach’ that means a detailed analysis.

Based on the explanation above, it states that the focus of doing critical- analysis is the discourse. In Cambridge Advance Learner’s Dictionary, discourse defines as “communication in speech or writing.” In the case of communication in writing, it absolutely deals with the text; the language and linguistic. However,

Fairclough (2003) argues that the discourse analysis is not merely the linguistic analysis through the text. According to him, the discourse is also about the social practices. Nevertheless, he further adds that, looking closely to the people’s speech or writing also needed in understanding the social effects of discourse. In conclusion, Fairclough states that,

“Discourse analysis as ‘oscillating’ between a focus on specific texts and ... ‘order of discourse’, the relatively durable social structuring of language which is itself one element of the relatively durable structuring and networking of social practices. Critical discourse analysis is concerned with continuity and change at this more abstract, more structural, level, as well as with what happens in particular texts. The link between these two concerns is made through the way in which texts are analyzed in critical discourse analysis”. (p.3) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Therefore, CDA called as interdisciplinary study. This study interlinked the way language is functioned in the social practices such as exercising power, organizing social institutions or constituting and transmitting knowledge (Wodak and Meyer

2001, p.11).

Talking about CDA is talking about examining the connection between discourse, power, dominance, and social inequality. CDA concern with power as it is the central condition in social life. The power exists, as there is the dominance of a particular person or group to the others in society. Wodak and

Meyer (2001) explain, “Power is about relation of difference, and particularly about the effects of differences in social structures”. It means people in the high social structure tend to be powerful than the low social class. Indirectly, the power or power abuse which exist in the social practice arouse the condition of social inequality. In line with discourse, the distribution of power, the dominancy or the social inequality clearly entwined with the language. It does not naturally define that power derives from language, “but language can be used to challenge power, to subvert it, to alter distributions of power in short and long term” (Wodak and

Meyer, 2001).

The powerfulness of language is not on the language itself but by how powerful one uses it. This statement indicates that the language user has ideology.

In CDA, the ideology recognized as the core point to establish or maintain unequal power relation. As Paul (2005) defines that, a central component of the critical linguistic creed is the conviction that language reproduces ideology.

Shortly, ideology mediates the power and the social practice through language PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


use. CDA regards language as a kind of social practice and an inseparable part of social construction among which ideology serves as indispensable part.

Furthermore, the critical linguistics also assumes that as an integrated form of social behavior, language will inevitably and inextricably tied up with the socio- political context in which it functions (Paul, 2005). The analysis of CDA hardly separated from the socio-political situations in which language produced.

Relating to the research, the CDA is applicable as the study focuses on the discourse that contains power, ideology, and social inequality. This study sees the song lyrics as the discourse that contains the ideology of the powerful actor, Anti-

Flag. Through the discourse, the speakers depict the socio-political situation about the social injustice as the effect of the superior’s powerful action or decision towards the inferior.

2.1.3 Systemic Functional Grammar

CDA as a concept of textual analysis needs to select a tool of analysis.

Fairclough (1995) mentions that the tool has to be functional theory of language oriented to the question of how language structured to tackle its primary social functions. Systemic functional grammar which is proposed by Halliday is suitable to cooperate with the concept of CDA, as suggested by Halliday (1985) that it is able to work with the view of language as a social semiotic which incorporated an orientation to map relations between language (texts) and social structures and relations. He defines that functional grammar is conceptual framework on which it is based is a functional one rather than a formal one. It is functional in the sense PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


that it designed to account for how language is used. Everything that is written or spoken has shaped the system. Language has developed to fulfill human needs and it organized by functions to these needs. Functional grammar is purely

‘natural’ grammar that everything explains with reference to how language is used.

Halliday developed a theory of the fundamental functions of language, in which he analyzed lexico-grammar into three broad metafunctions: ideational, interpersonal, and textual. Each of the three metafunctions is about a different aspect of the world, and is concerned with a different mode of meaning of clauses.

The ideational metafunction is about the natural world in the broadest sense, including our own consciousness, and is concerned with clauses as representations. The interpersonal metafunction is about the social world, especially the relationship between speaker and hearer, and is concerned with clauses as exchanges. The textual metafunction is about the verbal world, especially the flow of information in a text, and is concerned with clauses as messages. Ideational Function and Meaning

The ideational function is one of the metafunctions in SFG that concerns the processes, participants, and circumstances found in the clause. Halliday (2004) defines that the ideational function is the function that the speaker or writer embodies language in his experience of the phenomena of the real world. This function also includes the language user‘s experience of the internal world of his PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


consciousness through his reactions, cognitions, and perceptions, and also his linguistic acts of speaking and understanding (Halliday, 2004). Zhuanglin (as cited in Wang 2010) adds that the ideational function not only specifies the available options in meanings but also determines the nature of their structural realizations.

In order to analyze the ideational function, transitivity is the appropriate tool to conduct. Transitivity aims at identifying the participants or things that are involved, the actions and event taking place, and any relevant surrounding circumstances (Morley cited in Wang 2010). In the transitivity system, the meaningful grammatical unit is the clause since it expresses what is happening, what is being done, what is felt and what the state is and so on (Wang, 2010). In this system, the meaningful grammatical unit is clause, which expresses what’s happening, what’s being done, what’s felt and what the state is and so on (Cheng

Yumin, in Wang 2010).

Transitivity system specifies the different types of processes that recognized in the language and the structures by which they are expressed (Halliday, 1985).

He also asserts that the semantic categories explain how the real world represented as linguistic structures are the concepts of process, participants and circumstances. Eggins (2004) asserts that in analyzing transitivity structure, there are aspects of clause that need to be considered: the selection of a process, the selection of participants, and the selection of circumstances.

The term, ‘process’ refers to the doing, happening and being. ‘Participants’ are the entities involved in every process and ‘circumstances’ refers to certain PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


conditions associated with a process. Process, participant and circumstance generally realize in the verbal group, nominal group and adverbial group or prepositional phrases of clause, respectively (Halliday, 1985).

The processes consist of six processes are (1) material processes, (2) mental processes, (3) relational processes, (4) behavioral processes, (5) verbal processes and (6) existential processes. In this research, the analysis is limited to the material processes and relational processes as the main transitivity processes and the mental processes, verbal processes and existential processes as the supported transitivity processes.

Material processes are processes about doing and happening. The doing is about what does X do? i.e. ‘She unlocked the door’. While the happening refers to what does happen to X? i.e. ‘The kid sits down’. This is what Gerot and Wignell

(1994) called as dispositive type and the other type is creative type; the goal brought about by the process, i.e. ‘J.K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter’. Those two types presented as two varieties of material process. Still about material processes, the clauses consists of an action (process), a doer (participants: actor and goal) and circumstantial.

The process is marked as verb; transitive and intransitive. This type of verb determines the numbers of participants. If the verb is transitive, thus the participant is more than one. i.e. ‘The woman wrapped the present’. The participant is single if the verb is intransitive. i.e. ‘The man comes’. Moreover, the process can be both active voice, i.e. ‘A Fisherman caught the lobster’ and passive voice. i.e. ‘The lobster was caught by the man’. For passive voice, the position of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


participant is changed; goal comes first before actor. The single participant may also exist in the passive voice, i.e. ‘The song has been composed’.

There are two or more participants in material process clauses. Gerot and

Wignell (1994) divide the participant as ‘actor’; one who does an action, and

‘goal’; the affected or the one that are being done to another participant. Downing and Locke (2006) called the actor as ‘the agent’; an entity that can control the action that brings some changes in itself or others while the goal is as ‘affected’; the entity affected by the action. (The other term is ‘patient’). The agent are typically animate while the non-controlling inanimate is categorized as ‘force’.

Halliday in Eggins (2004) adds two more participants namely ‘range’ and

‘beneficiary’. Range or also called as scope consists of ‘cognate’; a restatement or continuation of the process itself, i.e. ‘The girls do a dance’ and ‘non-cognate’; the extent of the process, i.e. ‘Gerard plays football’. Beneficiary consists of

‘recipient’; the one to whom something is given, i.e. ‘Sarah gives Jane the gloves’ and ‘client’ the one for whom something is done, i.e. ‘The postman brings me the envelope’.

The last element in material processes is ‘circumstantial’. The element is not too obliged as not all clauses have it. Halliday in Eggins (2004) classified the circumstantial into some types. First is the circumstance of extent; duration and spatial distance, i.e. ‘35 minutes and all day’. Second is circumstance of location; temporal and spatial, i.e. ‘on the Sunday morning’ and ‘to the college’. Manner; means, quality and comparison, i.e. ‘by train’, ‘carefully’ and ‘unlike his twin’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


circumstance of cause; cause, reason and behalf, i.e. ‘thanks to the two Japanese women’.

Relational processes essentially are processes of ‘being’ (and ‘having’).

They concerned with the relationship set up between two things or concepts. A number of distinct ways expressed as different types of relational process in the clause. The types of relational process are (1) intensive; i.e. ‘Mother Theresa is kind-hearted’, (2) possessives: i.e. ‘Pinocchio has a long nose’, and (3) circumstantial; i.e. ‘Maluku is in the center of Sulawesi and Papua’. Each of these comes in two modes, ‘Attributive’, and ‘Identifying’ (Gerot and Wignell, 1994).

However, Downing and Locke (2006) add one more mode namely ‘Possession’.

Attributive processes assign a quality, i.e. ‘Reza Rahardian is a talented

Indonesian actor’ while identifying processes establish an identity, i.e. ‘Ajeng

Kamarantih may be the famous Indonesian news-anchor. Possession processes show to something belongs to whom.

The participants’ roles in each process generally consist of two participants.

Attributive processes have ‘Carrier’ that represents an entity and ‘attribute’ which characterizes the entity in some way (Downing and Locke, 2006). In example,

‘Pasar Beringhardjo is in Jalan Malioboro’. Identifying processes’ participants known as ‘Identified’ and ‘Identifier’. It called identifying because one (the identified) identified in terms of the other (the identifier). The other name of this processes called ‘Token’ instead of ‘Identified’ and ‘Value’ instead of ‘Identifier’.

Those names are to show the representation and roles filled. ‘Token’ is the entity that represents and the “Value’ is to fill the role of the other. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Mental processes are about process of sensing. The process explicates something that goes on in the internal world of the mind. Contrary to material process, the participant in mental process is not really do an action. As only an animate who has sensing, thus the participant are only an animate and is usually human, i.e. ‘She likes cheese burger’. However, it may also be an animal, i.e. ‘The dog sensed danger’ and in the case of personification, the non-animate treated as if it were a human. For example, ‘Your car knows where to go’. The participant considered as ‘senser’ (or ‘experiencer’) and what the senser is sensing about known as ‘phenomenon’. That is, mental processes only have two participants.

According to Halliday (1994) and Gerot and Wignell (1994), there are three types of mental processes: ‘cognition’, ‘perception’ and ‘affection’. On the other side, Thompson (2004) and Downing and Locke (2006) has four categories which are ‘emotion’ (‘affectivity’ – Downing and Locke called so), ‘cognition’,

‘perception’ and ‘desideration’. Same with Thompson, Lock (1996) also presents four types of mental processes. However, he called Thompson’s ‘desideration’ as volition and ‘emotion’ as ‘affection’ as like Halliday and Gerot and Wignell called so.

Cognitive processes are stated by some verbs as believe, doubt, guess, know, recognize, think, forget, mean, remember, understand, realize etc. i.e. ‘Selena realized her mistakes to Justine’. Perception processes are perceiving through five senses. The verbs are see, hear, feel, notice, taste, and smell. i.e. ‘I can hear footsteps coming closer’ Affection processes are processes of feeling which show emotion or reaction either positive or negative of someone or something. The PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


reactions expressed by such verbs as like, love, please, delight, dislike, hate, detest, admire, love, miss, fear, appreciate, expect. i.e. ‘Our family loves avocado juice’. A desiderative process includes processes such as want, need, intend, desire, hope, and wish. The processes are about a thing or situation which the participants expect to have or to be happened. i.e. ‘I need a massage’.

Verbal processes are about processes of saying. The processes exist on the borderline between mental and relational processes (Lock, 1996). Lock explains, they are often expressed by verbs such as say, tell, ask, reply, and suggest.

Normally, a clause of the verbal process have a single participant namely Sayer; a speaking participant but in many verbal process clauses have another participant namely Addressee; the person to whom the saying is directed. The saying is called as Verbiage. The verbiage is said in two forms. Lock differentiates them into reporting, for example, She said that I don’t like mathematics and quoting, for example, She said, ‘I don’t like mathematics’.

The existential processes are processes of existing with a there and to be with no representational function. The existential process clauses consist of just one participant, know as an existent. The existent can be an entity, event or action etc.. For example, ‘There is a man standing outside’. Interpersonal Function and Meaning

In the second function, language acts as interpersonal function. “In the interpersonal function, language serves to establish and maintain social relations; for the expression of social roles, which include the communication roles created PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


by language itself” (Halliday, 2002: 175). In further explanation, the meaning of interpersonal is expressing attitudes and judgments of the speaker/writer (Gerot and Wignell, 1994).

Talking about modality is talking about two basic types of it. The first type is called modalization and the second is modulation. The modalization itself is exploring about the degree of validity of a being presented information

(probability) and the degree of frequency of the information’s truth (usuality). On the other side, the modulation deals with the obligation; how much obliged is the person to carry out the command and the inclination or willingness; how the speaker fulfill the offer. In this case of modulation, Thompson (2004) explicates the area into some points. Obligation is categorized into permissible, advisable and obligatory while inclinations are categorized into ability, willingness and determination.

The degree of probability, usuality, obligation or inclination is also divided into some scales or ranks as Halliday and Matthiessen in Thompson (2004,p. 69) calls the scales high, median and low. In example, You must/should/may come before night, ‘must’ is the high, ‘should’ is the median and ‘may’ is the low. The degree of obligation depends on the modals used.

Talking about pronoun is talking about reference. The pronouns are words that refers to nouns or substitute the nouns. The pronoun types are such as personal pronouns, I, we as the first person, you as the second singular and plural person, he, she, it and they as the third person. The first person refers directly to the participants engaged in the discourse exchange. I acts as the current speaker PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


while You is the addressee(s). The second person refers to persons and things who are not, at the moment speaking addressees. They may be either physically present of completely outside the discourse event. The possesive pronouns are such as mine, your, our, her and their. The presents who or what something belongs to.

Another types of pronoun is like reflexive pronouns like myself, yourself, herself, ourselves and themselves.

The pronoun becomes the focus on the study since it significant with the ideology. The use of pronouns typically associated with group identity and also with ideologies. The two pronoun often use to differ a group with another is, pronouns, we and they which act as the subject and their objects, us and them.

Indeed, the ideology typically organize people in society in polarized terms.

Although I is the currect speaker of a discourse, we is can also considered as the speakers. We is not the plural of I but more about I pluss one or more other peresons (Downing and Locke, 2006). In relation to the present study, it states that the punk musician has bipolar identities. The use of I refer to themselves as the part of punk subculture while the use We refers to themselves as the part of society or citizen. In a group membership, pronoun We and Us used to present an indentity of the speaker while the pronoun, They and Them present the identity of the group that the speaker opposed.

Another pronun considerably significant is you. It refers to the adressee. It means the person whom the speaker speak to. Based on the dual indentity of the speaker as the part of punk subculture and the part of society, the adressee could refer to the authority; government, capitalists or fascists and refer to the society. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


In doing the protest, pronoun usage helps to determine the position of the speaker; in-group or out-group. In the in-group, the speaker place themselves as the part of society. Therefore, the adressee of the protest is merely the government and other powerholders. In the out-group, the speaker is not the part of the society. Thus, the protest adressed to both powerholders and society.

2.1.4 Protest Music

Protest music refers to “a song which expresses disapproval, usually about a political subject” (CALD3). Protest music is a musical genre that has become a part of American popular culture since it constitutes a reflection of the culture from which it is performed. The folk music is “modern music and songs that are written in a style similar to that of traditional music” (CALD3). The kind of music is intensified during the following decade in response to the Civil Rights

Movement, Vietnam War, other social concerns. It is used as the protest music because of historically it is made by the masses for the masses, topical music, often message-oriented songs, and commercial. A popular revival of protest music in America happened during the 1960’s. It existed as the response to the social issues at the time. The civil rights movement to the war in Vietnam becomes one of the popular issue which use music as the tool of protest. At the time, the music spoke to the masses of youths crying out for the revolutionary change.

The protest music in the folk traditions had worked to build solidarity and pinpoint specific social issues. The music of protest further composed in the new form. Dylan one of the American musicians compose the new form of protest PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


music. He wrote the best topical, protest ballads of the era. Besides redefined what the protest music sounded like, he also redefined what the protest music said about. The development of the new form of protest music called for diversity among audience members, protesting, societal norms, and the notion of ideology.

The use of song as a protest medium cannot be separated from its function of propaganda. It is about spreading ideas or opinions etc. contains of arguments which are intended to influencing people opinion. Denisoff(1972) describes folksongs of protest as propaganda songs which were used to induce change in opinion or behavior, written and/or played in the traditional folk style. He outlines six primary goals of the propaganda song: it 1) solicits outside support, 2) reinforces the value structure of supporters, 3) promotes cohesion and solidarity among followers, 4) aims to recruit individuals, 5) invokes solutions, and 6) highlights a social problem or discontent (2: 1972). He further distinguishes the propaganda song of persuasion as being either a “magnetic” song, designed to hold the members of a movement together and to attract new members to the fold, or the “rhetorical” song, which “describes some social condition, but one which offers no explicit ideological or organizational solutions” (1972: 6).

Music and songs protest as the propaganda helps to avoid the direct contact to the people in power and to publically gain mass to support the protest.

According to Eyerman and Jamison (1998) and Denisoff (1970) (cited in Quirk

Cort, 39: 2013) states their indication of propaganda songs influence that are are used is to invoke support for movement as well as to recruit new members of a social movement. Thus, the use of music and songs is as the buffer towards the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


authority. It means that the music and songs have ability to communicate profound and complex meanings without direct opposition to dominant parties.

2.2 Review of Related Studies

There are some previous studies of Critical Discourse Analysis. Two studies related with the use song lyrics as a discourse type and a study use another dicourses. Those studies are involved here to present the insights for a better dicussion and to differentiate the focus of present study with previous studies.

Two related studies of CDA on song lyrics are conducted by Taiwo (2008) and Kananovich (2014). Taiwo (2008) explored the discursive practices in

Nigerian Pantecostal Christian songs. This study attempted to interpret critically some contemporary Christian songs used in worship in South Western Nigeria by looking beyond the words to the ideologies that underlie their composition. The data arethe songs used in Pentecostal settings. The settings are in four states in the south-west geopolitical zone of Nigeria – Osun, Ondo, Lagos and Oyo States.

Christian songs in contemporary times do not necessarily convey the intrinsic values of praise worship, as they used to do in the early days of Christianity in

Nigeria. The result shows that, the songs used to wage war against perceived enemies of the singers, and to manipulate those who would not conform to certain practices and possibly condemn them.

Kananovich (2014) conducted a comparative analysis of the Pussy Riot: the punk feminist band, original lyrics of the ‘punk prayer”and the expert’s reports as its discursive opponent. The prayer challenges the social norms sutained by the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


state and religious authorities. On the other side, the report intends to naturalize these norms and discredit religiously contextualize political protests as crossing the boundaries of legitimate public debate. The analysis of the song lyrics only employ the rhetorical strategies. The study focuses on finding out the social actors, social practices and contextual aspects presented in both texts.

Sharififar and Rahimi (2015) study the representation of ideology and power of the two presidents, Obama’s and Rouhani’s political speeches at UN in

September 2013. The language use in their speeches manifest their power, capabilities and policies and futhermore, the political implications of these speeches can be perceives better by common people. They employ the Systemic

Functional Grammar by Halliday which focuses on the analysis of transitivity, modality and textual analysis. To differentiate their study with the present study is to see first on the dicourse. Sharififar and Rahimi use political speeches compared to the present study that uses song lyrics. Moreover, the political speeches present the original ideas of the presidents while the present study is to study the counter ideology and power of Anti-Flag towards the ideology of power of the government and other power holders.

Yet, there are some main points to clarify the dissimilarity of the present study to the previous studies.Firstly, the type of discourse use in the study is song lyrics. The difference from the previous study on the same is is the genre of music. It focuses on punk rock music if compared to Taiwo who employ Nigerian pantecostal christian songs. The study of Kananovich also employs the same genre, punk rock but she focuses on the lyrics of Pussy Riot; a feminist punk band PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


while the present study is the lyrics of Anti-Flag; an activist punk band. Sharififar and Rahimi uses the political speeches as the discourse in their study.

The second point is the method to analysis the data. Taiwo’s and

Kananovich use rhetorical strategy while the present study uses the SFG. Taiwo looking beyond the words to the ideologies that underlie the songs’ composition while Kananovich use concept of CDA to find out the social actors, social practice and textual aspects. The studies using rhetorical strategy migh not explore the lingusitcs units employs of the song lyrics. By using SFG, the representation of ideology and power in the song lyrics are more obvious. It is because the linguitics present the supported evidence of how the language use. The study of

Sharififar and Rahimi use SFG as well. Same with the present study, they also focus on transitivity and modality. In transitivity analysis, they focuses only on the major trasitivity processes; material, relational and mental processes. The present study focuses on major processes and minor processes; verbal processes and existential processes except behavioural processes. On the modality analysis, they are different in the analysis of tense.

The third point deals with the type of study. The two studies by Kananovich and, Sharififar and Rahimi conduct the comparative study. Kananovich compare the Pussy Riot text and the experts’ report while Sharififar and Rahimi do comparison of two presidents political speeches. As same as the present study,

Taiwo does not do comparative study. He focuses on analysis Nigerian panthecostal worship while the present study focuses on Anti-Flag song lyrics. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


2.3 Theoretical Framework

This part dealt with how the theories; ideology critical discourse analysis, systemic functional grammar and the related studies elaborated and implemented in answering the two research questions of the study.

Ideology as the first theory talks about what the language is in the consideration of there is an ideology inside the language. It is helpful to understand how language, ideology and power related to one another. This theory is also beneficial to identify the clauses that contain power since those features appear as the general ideas of the speeches. In order to analyze the ideology, the theory becomes the guideline in defining what ideologies are and how they presented in the text. This theory also gives understanding that language is applicable to exercise power by means of its features. In relation to CDA, the understanding of the relation between language and power help the researcher analyze how certain linguistic features in the texts can influence the addressee.

The second theory, critical discourse analysis talks about the approach used to conduct the study. In this theory, the relation between SFG and CDA presented.

In the linguistic point of view, both of them rely on the metafunction analysis to conduct. It can be said that CDA does not only a matter of analyzing a text, but it goes beyond that. CDA believes that a text does not stay alone. It is created in a situation that influences the creation of it. This theory also enlightens the researcher that the critical analysis of a discourse should also consider the existence of power, dominance, and social inequality in which a discourse is produced. Therefore, CDA becomes the approach of this study. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The third theory is about systemic functional grammar. This theory becomes prominent since it is the main tool to answer the question number one, which intends to find out the linguistic features in Anti-flag song lyrics. Linguistic features meant in this study are the results of the metafunction analysis: field, tenor, and mode. By analyzing the metafunctions of the clauses in the speeches, the linguistic features in the speeches can be drawn. The results of the linguistic features in the speeches become the guidelines to conclude the ideologies in the speeches.

The related studies help to observe the example of academic works of

CDA. By involving the related studies, the present study puts itself as one of the works that is also doing the similar study eventhough the explored angles are different. However, the present study still relies on the same basic principles on doing CDA: the field, tenor and more, which is in the linguistic line. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI




This chapter describes the methodology used in this study. It covers the type of study, data of the study and data analysis that used to answer the research questions of the present study. They are to reveal the social representation of Anti-

Flag based on their existing ideologies in the issue of protest presented in their song lyrics and to discover the way of the song writers represent the issue from the linguistic perspective.

3.1 Type of Study

The study is a Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). A prominent justification underlies is the CDA covers all the aspects needed for doing the study. A three- dimensional framework involves analysis of social practice, discourse practice and text analysis.

The social practice is considered as the reality; the active experience of the text which exists in the real world. In this study, Anti-Flag protest on their song lyrics about the issue such as free trade of North America as the background. The free trade is the event that exists in the certain time and place which involves participants and their actions or performance. The reality brought into a text as the representation of the reality.

Discourse practice is about what is so-called as re-contextualization. It is the resources for representing social practices in text (van Leeuwen, 2008). In other PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


words, the discourse is the re-contextualization of the social practice. Therefore, the social practice is the active experience of the reality. However, not all detail parts of the reality potentially inserted wholly in the text thus it has to be contextualized. Discourse regarded as the social practice through spoken or written language. As what van Leeuwen mentions that “discourse itself [as] the social practice and as a form of action, as something people do to, or for, or with each other (cited in Wodak and Meyer, 2001: 9). From the discourse practice, the description of social practice comes clear.

As the discourse is the text itself, thus this point dealt with how the text is constructed as the discourse practice to reflect the social practice. CDA is considerably suitable to work with Halliday’s approach called Systemic

Functional Grammar (SFG). It is helpful to analyze the linguistic features applied in the texts. Moreover, the analysis will be applicable to expose the social representation of Anti-Flag based on their existing ideologies that display their power and dominance in sounding protest. CDA provides the knowledge about the points: social representation, ideology and power. From this point, CDA significantly considered as the proficient approach.

3.2 Data of the Study

For the purposes of analysis, the data of the study taken from the lyrics of

Anti-Flag. This punk rock band selected as they knowingly for their outspoken left-wing political views, focusing on the social issue that represents the protest against injustice of civil rights. Furthermore, they easily selected because of their PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


advocacy of progressive political action groups such as Greenpeace and Amnesty

International. The consistency of this band for sounding social issue indicates this band is suitable for analysis.

The data use in the study taken from the albums of Anti-Flag. There are 15 song lyrics selected as the data. As the CDA is a multidisciplinary study, it may take much time to conduct the study. Wodak and Meyer (2001: 99) state “in any practical sense there is no such thing as a “complete” discourse analysis”. They further add even a full analysis of short passage might take months and fill hundreds of pages. Due to that, they consider that the complete discourse analysis of a large corpus or text or talk is therefore totally out of questions. Thus, the data of the present study is limited to the 15 song lyrics in order to limit the focus of analysis and to make a better result of the study.

The song lyrics selected purposively for several reasons. Firstly, the lyric expresses protest; the lyric expresses disapproval and the resistance of the society towards the power imbalance. For instance, the line is drawn in the sand (S.11).

Secondly, the lyric is ideological. It detected as the protest on capitalism and nationalism and the protest as the social movement. Therefore, any clause carries another topic will not be included as the data. Thirdly, the lyrics are linguistically analyzable; it consists of the clear participants and actions. To collect the data from song lyrics are quite uneasy since not all lyrics are written in the form complete clause; such as in declarative or interrogative form. Some lyric are in imperatives and fragmented. For instance, don’t fly those stripes, those starts-and- PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


stripes for me, for me (S5) – imperatives and half life – 4.5 billion (S.13) – fragmented lyric. Therefore, the imperatives and fragmented lyric are omitted.

In collecting the song lyrics, some websites are used. This is because a single website has weakness in providing the data or information needed.

Therefore, the diverse websites are needed for the comparison and checking. They websites are such as and Those websites are selected because of they are mostly used by the netizen. The completeness of the selected data displayed in the table below.

Table 3.1 List of the Selected Songs

No. Songs Albums and Years of Release 1. You've Got To Die For The Die For The Government. (1996) Government 2. Kill The Rich Die For The Government. (1996) 3. Red, White And Brainwashed Die For The Government. (1996) 4. Got the Numbers (1999) 5. Stars and Stripes (2001) 6. This Machine Kills Fascists Mobilize (2002) 7. Watch The Right Mobilize (2002) 8. What’s the Difference Mobilize (2002) 9. Class Plague BYO Split Series Volume IV (Anti-Flag/Bouncing Souls) (2002) 10. Protest Song BYO Split Series Volume IV (Anti-Flag/Bouncing Souls) (2002) 11. Tearing Down the Borders (2003) 12. You Can Kill the Protestor, The Terror State (2003) But You Can’t Kill the Protest. 13. Depleted Uranium is a War (2006) Crime 14. No Borders, No Nations A Benefit for Victims of Violent Crime (2007) 15. 911 for peace A Benefit for Victims of Violent Crime (2007) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


3.3 Data Analysis Procedures

The first analysis starts with selecting the clauses that contain the protest. A clause considerably contains protest based on the definition and characteristics of the protest itself. A protest song is a song intended to protest perceived problems in society that could be, injustice, racial discrimination, war, globalization, inflation, social inequalities and so on. The following examples contain protest.

(S6.C5) They use the common people to settle their scores. (S6.C8) I would rather fight to spread some tolerance &unity than I buy into their nationalistic brainwashing. (S8.C8) So, we march on to raise our voice because we are left with no choice.

The example (S6.C5) contains the protest in the word of “blame”. Anti-Flag as the speaker blame government (they) for using the society (the common people). The next example (S6.C8) is about the “opposition”. The speaker opposes government’s nationalistic brainwashing. The last example (3) carries the protest as the form of social “resistance”.

The selected lyric then labelled with a code referring to number of song and clause. It aims to create a well-organized data and to help doing analysis.

The codes such as S6.C5 and S6.C8 refer to the running number of song (S) and the clause (C). Thus, S6.C5 means song number 4 and clause number 5. There is also a code, S1.C1a. The use of ‘a’ means that a clause consists of more than a part.

(S.13C5a-c) We don't need more time to talk over a solution. We know what we need, we need a fucking revolution. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The codes of those clauses are not categorized into (S13.C5), (S13.C6), and

(S13.C) but (S13.C5a): We don't need more time to talk over a solution,

(S13.C5b): We know what we need, and (S13.C5c): we need a fucking revolution.

It is to facilitate the analysis since each clause are supported each other to give comprehensive information. Thus, S13.C5a means song number 13, clause number 5 and part a.

The second step is about analyzing the data. The data are the clauses. The analysis of the clauses examined by employing Systemic Functional Grammar

(SFG) proposed by Halliday. It focuses on transitivity, modality and pronoun analysis. The use of transitivity analysis is to reveal the representation of people, events, or issues in the text because transitivity deals with construing experiences into texts (Halliday, 2004). The people shows who involved, in what event and in what issue they involved. By knowing people, events or issues, the hidden ideology supposedly revealed.

The clauses differentiated into the material processes, relational processes mental processes, verbal processes, behavioral processes and existential processes. Afterwards, the participants and the processes from each process are determined. Participants such as Actor, Goal, Scope, Client and Recipient belong to the material processes. In relational processes, there are Token-Value and

Carrier-Attribute. The rest transitivity processes are about mental process:

Cognitive, Desiderative, Affective and Perceptive, the verbal process: Sayer-

Verbiage, behavioural processes: Behaver-Range and the existential process:



All transitivity processes applied in analyzing the data because of their contributions. The two main processes, the material process is helpful to reveal the representation of social actors. Below is a clause will be analyzed to show the work of transitivity analysis.

(S6.C5) They (Actor) use (Process) the common people (Goal) to settle their scores

Pronoun, they, indicates some significant questions such as, Who is the actor?

What do the actor do? who is the goal? Why the actor does the action? etc. In addition, there is also a substance of material processes called Circumstances. It contributes the detailed information about the clause. Typically, the material processes show the protest of Anti-Flag through the action. It helps

Despitefully, the relational processes present the relation of participants;

Token-Value and Carrier-Attribute. The relation of Token-Value are identifying while Carrier-Attribute are attributive.

(S3.C11). If you don’t fight to make things better, then you (Token) are the one who betraying the country (Value).

The example (S3.C11) establishes the identity of the participant, you. You are identified as traitor. Token presents the a subject and Value presents who a person is, or the qualities of a person or group (CALD3).

The three other processes are mental, verbal and existential. The mental processes show the protest through what Anti-Flag think (cognitive), desire

(desiderative), feel (affective) and perceive (perceptive). In example, I (Senser) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


don’t wanna (desiderative) die (S8.C6). The verbal process helps to discover what the actor says. The last process, existential shows the existence of beings.

Principally this analysis is helpful to determine the social representation and the dominant ideologies of protest.

To do modality analysis, the modals lie in a clause are bolded to highlight its emergence. Then, the modals are categorized based on the modal meanings, probability, usuality, obligation, inclination and ability. Moreover, thgree degrees and polarity of the modal are determined. The degrees notify level or amount of the modals while the polarity notify the positive and negative meaning of the modals. A single example in the following shows the work of modality.

(S10.C4) This system we should defy.

The example (S10.C4) has a bold modal, should. In modal meaning, it is obligation with a mid degree and positive polarity. The clause presents that parcitipant, we is obliged to defy this system. The obligation is not must. It is merely optional whether the action will be performed or not. The analysis helps to show the speaker’s judgment and intention. Thus, the way the speaker present the text or the way the speaker represent the an event or issue will be clearer.

The analysis of pronoun started by marking the pronouns. The ponouns here are like personal pronoun,i.e I and your and possessive pronoun, i.e our. The analysis aims to answer some questions such as How frequently the pronoun is used in a clause? and What is Anti-Flag’s position by the pronoun? – It is the in- group or the out-group. The frequency of pronoun notify the target of Anti-Flag’s PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


protest while the Anti-Flag’s position notify the identity of the group in doing protest.

Besides grammar features, lexical features is also included in the analysis.

The analysis focuses on the signal words. The words which signal an event or an issue that the spekear presentes. The speaker surely has word-choices to represent a reality. The words also indicate the ideology of the speaker.

(S13.C6) We don't need your war machine, or your filthy blood stained dollars.

The bold word are the speaker’s word choice to present an event or issue.

The word, war machine could be the situation of war while the word, filthy blood stained dollars could be an economical problem.

After doing the grammatical and lexical features, the clauses are categorized based on the ideologies. The ideologies are determined based on the characteristics of the ideology. How the analysis works shown using the example

S5.C6, S5.C8 and S8.C8 above. The first example noticeably contains the ideology of anti-authoritarian capitalism. It is because the ideology shows the authority of government to use the society (the common people) for their own needs (to settle their scores). It is called as “Anti”- to obviously show the protest of Anti-Flag against the government. The second example reveals the ideology of anti-authoritarian nationalism. The lexical term, national brainwashing indicates the ideology. The “Anti” shows from their choice to fight. The third example reveals the social movement ideology. It shows the society response to attack the power. The way they response is by marching in their voice raised. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI




The chapter is the analysis results and discussion of the two research questions of the study. They are the linguistic features use by Anti-Flag to present the ideology and the main ideologies conveyed by Anti-Flag in their song lyrics.

The chapter consists of two major sections. The first section is the discussion of the first research question while the second section is to discuss the second research question.

The first section, the linguistic features, is discussed in two subsections namely grammatical features and lexical features. Analyzing the grammatical features help to show the way Anti-Flag present their ideology in clauses. In the other side, the lexical features help to show the word choice use by Anti-Flag to signal the ideology. The second section, the ideologies, is discussed in two subsections. The first is about the concept of the ideology. It presents the term and the characteristic of the ideology. The second is about the social issues. It portrays the historical, political or the social background of the ideologies. The relation of the two sections is the first section provides linguistic evidence of how the hidden ideologies are unmasked from the song lyrics. The second section supports the linguistic evidence by showing its existence through the social issues. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


4.1 Linguistic Features Conveyed in Anti Flag Protest Song Lyrics.

This part is about the microstructure analysis. It shows the linguistic evidence in revealing the ideologies conveyed by Anti-Flag. The linguistic features will be analyzed are the grammatical features and the lexical features.

The analysis of the grammatical features uses the Systemic Functional Grammar proposed by Halliday. The analysis focuses on the transitivity, modality and pronoun. In transitivity analysis, the clause is analyzed to represent experience; to describe the events and the states of the real and world. In modality and pronoun analysis, the clause is analyzed to find out the speakers’ intention and judgments.

It is to see how the speakers persuade the society to support their intention.

4.1.1 The Grammatical Features

The grammatical features are the syntactic system consists of word or phrase in the context of particular clause or sentence. The analysis of grammatical features is significant since Halliday (1985) states that grammar explains everything with the reference to how language is used. The analysis of grammatical features on the present study focuses on analyzing the transitivity, modality and pronoun. It analyzes the clause taken from the song lyrics. Transitivity Analysis

In transitivity system, the meaningful grammatical unit is the clause which expresses what’s happening, what’s being done, what’s felt and what the state is and so on. The transitivity analysis consists of analyzing six processes namely, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


material processes, relational processes, mental processes, verbal processes, behavioral processes and existential processes. To begin with, the transitivity analysis was conducted in the song lyrics of Anti-Flag. The analysis of the processes is over 289 clauses.

The material processes as the foremost transitivity’s type are assorted into the action of doing and the action of happening. The analysis of this process aims at revealing the three points; who the participants are, what the actions are and what the circumstances are. The participants are divided into the Actor, Goal and

Beneficiary: Client and Recipient. The actions show the doing and happening.

The actionof doing carried out by the powerful actor who is capable to initiate and control the action and usually cause a change of the goal. The action of happening reveals that action has no goal. It is merely about the action of the actor. The

Circumstance is the experiential category that can co-occur at clause rank with

Process and Participant and conflates with circumstantial Adjunct, usually realized by an adverbial group or a prepositional phrase. It shows the extent, location, manner, cause, contingency, accompaniment role etc. Some extracts provides below will be analyzed to show how the material processes help to reveal an ideology.

Table 4.1 The Excerpts of Material Processes

No. Verbs Participants Circumstances Actor Goal Beneficiary 1. Is built by The rich This whole - - system 2. Enslaving A Mothers, - - government fathers, run by the sons and corporations daughters of the world PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


3. Brainwash They Us - To be their patriotic slaves 4. Call on/to They Me For them - die 5. Are We - - For the rights fighting of freedom. 6. Has to (We/I) Greed, - - stop envy, hate – the competition

Those six excerpts are the doing process. The excerpt first has two participants, the rich (Actor) and this whole system (Goal). The rich denotes the people who have large amount of money and possessions. This whole system describes the complete or not divided system. The action of building indicates the power of the rich to affect the whole system. The second excerpt has A government run by the corporations of the world (Actor) and Mothers, fathers, sons and daughters (Goal) as the participants. The action of enslaving shows power of the Actor towards the Goal. The Goal depicted as the powerless group; the victim of the Actor’s performing action.

From the two excerpts, the power imbalance does exist. The imbalance happens because a group is hegemonic over other group. The participants include in the so-called powerful group are the rich and government run by the corporations of the world while the so-called powerless group refers to mothers, fathers, sons and daughters. In powerful group, there is a controlling share between, the rich, the government and the corporation of the world. In the excerpt, it depicts how the government as the highest authority in the state is able to get controlled by the corporations of the world. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The power of control is typically signaled an authoritarian character. The authoritarian is about “demanding that people totally obey and refusing to allow them freedom to act as they wish” (CALD3). The notion is the powerful group demand the powerless group’s obedience and refuse their freedom.

It clearly presented through the action of enslaving. It is about forcefully controlling and keeping someone’s actions, thoughts, emotions, or life completely

(CALD3). The slave refers to “a person who is legally owned by someone else and has to work for them” (CALD3). The groups of people who own the slaves are usually the rich because they have money to buy their slaves, and the business and industry as they need the slaves for working. Since, the slaves has been bought, they has no power to rebel. They have to submit their whole life to their owner and also to get minimum wages from them.

In the action of building, the power also exists. The power to build a matter expresses that action merely performed by group of people who has power. The

Goal, presents this whole system not the partly system. It indicates the great power of control by the Actor, the rich. Their power might refer to money. It is certain for the rich to use money as their power-controlled tool. For instance, they are able to bribe to change regulation or laws.

The analysis shows that the ideologies conveyed in the excerpts are the authoritarianism and capitalism. It is authoritarianism as it presents the authority of the a group over another group. Besides, it is capitalism because it presents some related issues, like slavery and accepting/taking bribe. Although, they are different in the notion of profit making in capitalism, however, they talk together PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


about power. As the authoritarianism and capitalism is interlinked, therefore the writer would like to use the term, authoritarian capitalism. But then, since it is protest song lyric, the notion is to protest the authoritarian capitalism. Thus, it is more appropriate to use term –anti to be –anti-authoritarian capitalism.

Back to table 4.1, the third and the fourth excerpts also carry the action of doing. The third excerpt has two participants shown by pronoun, they (Actor) and us (Goal). It also has an action of brainwash has meaning of “making someone believe something by repeatedly telling them that it is true and preventing any other information from reaching them” (CALD3) and the Circumstance, to be their patriotic slaves.

To determine whom the participants referred to is to analyze the action performed by the Actor to the Goal. The powerful Actor possibly performs the action of brainwash. It is because to influence the thought of the Goal, the Actor should have authority and position. The bigger the authority owned by and the higher the position of the Actor determine the success of doing brainwash.

Furthermore, the Circumstance helps to clarify the finding. The patriotic slaves needs to fragment into patriotic and slaves. The word, patriotic shows feeling of love for country and proud of it (CALD3) while slaves are someone works for someone else because the slaves bought and legally owned by people who buy them. Therefore, the patriotic slaves refer to a group of people who become the servant of the country. It refers to the citizen of a country. Explicitly, the Goal, us, refer to citizens and the Actor, they refer to the government. It is because PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


thegovernment (the leader of nation) has power over the citizens and has power to make the citizen as the patriotic slaves.

The fourth excerpt has two components built it. First, the participants are pronouns, they (Actor), me (Goal) and for them (Client) and Second, the action is call onto die. Analyzing the action helps to reveal reference of the participants.

The action of call on to die can merely performed by the powerful Actor. The

Actor is a group of people who has bigger authority and higher position over the

Goal. The reason of dying, to die, has several reasons supported it. One of the possible reasons could be the a strong feeling of love. The action of dying for a country is the significant example to describe the condition. Based on the analysis, the Actor refers to government and the Goal refers to the citizens. One more participant namely Client is the person who receives services. Therefore, the government calls on the citizens to die for the government. In this case, government is the beneficial group and citizens are the loss group.

Yet, the excerpts show the power imbalance. The powerful group, government use their power and position to control the citizens. This condition also signals the authoritarian character. The actions of brainwashed to be their patriotic slaves and call on to die for them have obviously presented the authoritarian government. The government uses the feeling of love and proud of a country (or nation) as their tool to have the citizens submissiveness for any command. The feeling of love and proud of a country is about nationalism. The analysis of the third and fourth excerpt shows that the conveyed ideologies are authoritarianism and nationalism. The relation of both ideologies is the use of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


authority in the scope of nation. The ideologies are elaborated in a term, authoritarian nationalism. However, because the song lyrics are about protest, therefore, the term should contains the rejection of the present ideologies. It is more appropriate to term the ideology into anti-authoritarian nationalism.

Looking back at the table 4.1, there are two last excerpts needs to be analyzed. They are the fifth and sixth excerpt. The fifth and sixth excerpt merely has a single participant, we (Actor), and the competition: greed, envy and hate

(Actor). The actions performed by the Actors in the two excerpts are fighting and has to stop. There is also Circumstance, for the rights of freedom in the fifth excerpt. It shows the circumstance of cause which emphasizes on purpose.

Since, the Actors are the pronouns, the analysis of the actions and circumstances support to show the reference. The action of fighting refers to “to use physical force to try to defeat another person or group of people” (CALD3) and the Circumstance, for the rights of freedom indicates the purpose of fighting.

It shows that fighting is the resistance towards the power-controlled. The control of a group has limited the rights of freedom of another group. If the first group is the powerful group, thus, the second group is the powerless group. Therefore, the

Actor refers to the powerful people that could be government, the rich or the corporations. This group of people has significant tendencies to limit or even break the rights of freedom. Moreover, the Goal refers to society: the powerless group who fight for having their rights back.

On the contrary, the action of has to stop refers to the three meanings; to finish, to prevent and to block (CALD3). They carry the same idea which is about PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


limit or decrease the power of another group. The reason of doing so is certainly due to the activity or situation occur in a period has disturbed or annoyed the comfort of a group. The action could be performed by the powerless group. It is to end the powerful group dominance during a certain period. From the analysis, it can be said that the Actor, the competition; greed, envy, hate refer to a situation creates by the powerful group. The greed refers to a very strong wish to continuously get more of something, especially money or (food) (CALD3), the envy refers to a wish to have something that another person has (CALD3) and the hate refers to “an extremely strong dislike” (CALD3).

The two excerpts has been analyzed show the power imbalance as well.

However, the power presented here is not about the power of powerful group but the powerless group. It is about the resistance of society towards the government and other powerful people. The two actions, fighting for the rights of freedom and has to stop show the society movement of the present condition. The aim is to strive against the chaotic situation for a peaceful situation.

Hence, the ideology could be disclosed from the two excerpts are the social movement. The ideology is seemingly the real actions of the doing of protest. The protestors are not merely sounding protest but they also call society to join for the movement.

Besides material processes, the transitivity analysis shows that relational processes are frequently emerged in the song lyrics. The relational processes represent processes of relation which obligatorily require two participants. The first relational process is identifying process. It clarifies the relation between two PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


participants namely token and value. The second processes are attributive processes which define relation between Carrier and Attribute. In supporting the ideology, both processes clarify the identity and the character of the social actors.

By considering the numbers and the frequency of the type of relational processes

(see appendix 1), the most prominent processes exist is the attributive process. It means the way to deliver the ideology through the relational process is by presenting the capitalist’s characters. The practice of how the relational processes support the ideologies is displayed in the following excerpts.

Table 4.2 The Excerpts of Relational Processes

No. Types of Processes Clauses 1. They (Token) stand for (Process) greed (Value) (S5.C10a) 2. You (Token) don't have to be (Process) a racist (Value) (S6.C7a) Identifying Process 3. Looking to stop a rogue regime? well the first ones that we must confront (Value) is (Process)WASHINGTON, DC! (Token) (S14.C4) 4. They (Carrier) are (Process) corrupt (Attribute). (S14.C7c) 5. This whole system (Carrier) is Attributive Process (Process) a lie (Attribute) (S10.C3) 6. It's time (Circumstance), we (Carrier) should have (Process) revolution (Attribute) (S10.C12)

The way relational process reveals the ideology is by identifying and attributing. The identifying process reveals what the social actor is identified as and the attributive process reveals what the social actor is characterized as.

In excerpt 1, 2 and 3, the relation of Token and Value is identifying. It means Value is the identity of the Token. In the first excerpt, the identifying PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


process is shown by the verb phrase; stand for which mean represent (CALD3).

The identity of they signaled by the particular noun, greed. The greed is identical to the powerful party who very strong to continuously get more of the profit for themselves. The excerpt is an identifying process as it can be reversed as the greed is them. It changes the functional grammar of subject, they into object, them.

As it can be seen in excerpt 2, the use of verb phrase, don’t have to be indicates the negative meaning of being a racist. The Value, racist is an identity addressed to the Token, you. In other word, you are identified as the racist. The identity is given to the person because of being too much proud of the own race and underestimate other races. Consequently, the feeling causes a race to treat another race unfairly.

In excerpt 3, the Value is expressed in noun group, the first ones that we must confront. It identifies the entity of the Carrier, Washington, DC! Since the

Token and Value can be reversed thus the clause is about identifying process. To make it in a good order, the clause may be The Washington D.C (Token) is

(Process) the ones that we must confront(Value). The city counted needs to be confronted because it is the capital city of the country where all the policies for the State are made and run.

From the three excerpts, there are three identities found. The first identity is derived from Value, greed. It identifies the Token, they. Since the greed denotes people who continuously get more of money, thus, they refer to capitalist. It is because the capitalist has motive of profit-making. The group is tendentious to PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


justify any effort even if it is deviate from the regulations and inflict a financial loss to other group. Thus, the first identity is the capitalist. The second identity is the racist. The Value identifies the Token, you. Since, you are to the people being racist, thus, you refer to citizens and the leader of nation. The third identity is derived from the Value, the one that we must confront. It has been clear that the

Value identifies Token, Washington, D.C. The confrontation aims “to tell someone what they to tell someone what they do not want to hear, often because it is something bad that they have done or because it needs an explanation”

(CALD3). Thus, the third identity is a confrontational city.

The ideologies conveyed from the three excerpts are different. The first excerpt carries the ideology of anti-authoritarian capitalism. It means the greed of the capitalist is properly resisted. The second excerpt carries the ideology of anti- authoritarian nationalism. It means the attitude of being racist should not exist.

The third excerpt carries the ideology of social movement. It means there should be a confrontation against the power imbalance which causes the inequality.

Excerpts 4, 5 and 6 in table 4.3 are attributive which means Attribute is the attachment of the Carrier. In other words, the Attribute presents the character of the Carrier. In excerpt 4, the relation of Carrier and Attribute is shown by to be, are. It is to show description: used to say something about a person, thing or state

(CALD3). The Attribute, corrupt is the character of the Carrier, they. It is attributive process as it does not allow the participants to be reversed. The excerpt

2 cannot be turned into *corrupt is them. In excerpt 5, the attachment of Attribute, lie, to the whole system indicates that the Attribute is exclusively related to Carrier PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


itself; its character. In excerpt 6, the Attribute denotes the possession. The revolution belongs to we. The relation of the Carrier and the Attribute shows that revolution is a part of we. It is also attributive because the clause cannot be reversed. It cannot be revolution have we*. The circumstance, it’s time refers to the present time. It clarifies about the precise time to do the revolution is now.

There are three characters presented in the excerpts. The first excerpt has corrupt (Attribute) as the character of they (Carrier). The Attribute means

“dishonestly using your position or power to your own advantage, especially for money” (CALD3).Since it emphasizes on position and power usage to obtain money for own advantage, they could be referred to government, the rich and the corporation. They denote the character of capitalists. The second excerpt has lie

(Attribute) as the character of this whole system (Carrier). The Attribute means “to say or write something which is not true in order to deceive someone” (CALD3).

The whole system could be referred to government regulations, beliefs or administration. The system considerably lie indicates the society’s disbelief towards the government’s system. The third excerpt has having revolution

(Attribute) shows the possession of we (Carrier). The Attribute means “a change in the way a country is governed, usually to a different political system...”. The definition indirectly explains the reference of we is society. It states that, society should own the revolution.

Based on the analysis, the ideologies conveyed in the two excerpts are the social movement. The characters presented in the first and second excerpt, the corrupt and lie, are considered as two of the reasons of doing social movement. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The character presented in the third excerpt, having revolution is the aim of doing the social movement.

The third process analyzed using transitivity is the mental processes. The processes consist of some types such as perceptive, cognitive, affective, and desiderative. The perceptive processes connected with five senses: it is about noticing and understanding things that many people do not notice, the cognitive processes connected with thinking or consciousness, the affective processes connected with feeling: emotions or reactions, and desiderative processes connected with expectation or wishes. The table below presented the excerpts of mental process. The analysis of the excerpts is to show the way an ideology is revealed.

Table 4.3 The Excerpts of Mental Processes

No. Processes Participants Senser Phenomenon 1. Have seen We A greedy gang of liars 2. Don’t know We The source of his sickness 3. Hate We Society 4. Need We A fucking revolution

The mental process shown in first excerpt is perceptive process as it is shown by verb have seen. The Senser, we, is the person who in fact perceives the

Phenomenon directly. The Phenomenon is a greedy gang of liars. It means that the Senser recognized who the greedy gang of liars is. The process expressed in the present perfect tense indicates that the Senser has experience about the



In second excerpt, the verb process, know is the cognition. It contains negative meaning expressed in do not. It means the Senser, we, does not acquiring knowledge about the Phenomenon. The point is the Senser refuses to admit that they have knowledge or information about the source of his sickness. The word, the source refers to the subject test material such as radiation and others chemical substances while his sickness refers to the effect of the substances on human body.

Specifically, possessive pronoun, his refers to troops sent into the war. In other word, the Senser is irresponsible.

Third excerpt is an affective process. The verb, hate expresses the process.

The Senser, we have a feeling of dislike towards the Phenomenon, Society. Fourth

Excerpt is a desiderative process. It is signaled by the verb, need. It shows “the state of having to have something that you must have so that you can have a satisfactory life” (cALD3). The Senser, we states that the Phenomenon, a fucking revolution is must. The word, fucking is “used to emphasize a statement, especially an angry one” (CALD3).

All the excerpts have pronoun we as the Sensers. The Senser in each excerpt has different reference. In first and fourth excerpt, we refer to Anti-Flag. It is because in the cause of perceiving the greedy gang of liars, only Anti-Flag recognize their existence. It also states that society do not recognize it. The greedy gangs of liars denote the capitalists. It shows the capitalist’s characteristics, greedy and lie.

In second excerpt, we refer to government. Since they are the responsible party who inject the harmful substances into the troops’ body, they should be a PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


party who has adequate knowledge and information of the sickness of the troops is the government.

In third excerpt, we refer to Anti-Flag. They show the dislike towards the society as the impact of the subculture they performed. They do not like common society for their obedience towards the government. In fourth excerpt, we refer to

Anti-Flag and Society. In this excerpt, Anti-Flag together with society show the must of doing and having the revolution.

The ideology conveyed in each mental process is not same. The first and the third excerpt carry the ideology of anti-authoritarian capitalism. The use of words, greedy and gangs of liars indicates the protest of Anti-Flag toward the capitalism.

The authority of the capitalists in taking advantages becomes the center of Anti-

Flag protest about authoritarianism. The capitalists’ rejectionexpresssAnti-Flag’s feeling of hate for society. The dislike towards the society is to show Anti-Flag disagreement for society obedience for the capitalists and their unwillingness to fight against the capitalists. The authority of the capitalists shows the authoritarianism. The second excerpt carries the ideology of anti-authoritarian nationalism. The rejection of authoritarianism and nationalism presented through the government behavior. It is about they pretend to know nothing about the action they have performed. Anti-Flag protest it because nationalism is applied in a wrong way. The fourth excerpt carries the ideology of social movement. The strong desire to have revolution presents the ideology.

The fifth processes in transitivity analysis are the verbal processes. The verbal processes reveal ideology by showing who the Sayer (The person utters the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Verbiage) is, what the Sayer says (Verbiage) and whom the Verbiage addressed to

(Receiver). In the following table, there are some excerpts show the verbal processes.

Table 4.4 The Excerpts of Verbal Processes

Participants No. Processes Sayer Verbiage Receiver 1. Says The They are working --- government for us just as long as we increase their pay. 2. Are telling They “If you are a patriot, You You better do what you’re told”.

In first excerpt, the Sayer, they, has Verbiage in reporting form. The content of Verbiage is a causal-effect. It means that the more we pay the tax, the government will work. In other words, how the government works depends on how much the society pay the tax. In second excerpt, the Verbiage is in quoting form. It is said by the Sayer, they. The Sayer uses power to control you (Receiver) by saying that being a patriot is being submissive to every command of the leader.

Obviously, the Sayer of the Verbiage of the first excerpt is the government.

On the other side, the second excerpt has pronoun they as the Sayer. Based on the content of the Verbiage, they refer to government. It is because they use patriotism to control the Receiver, you which refer to the citizens.

From the analysis, it is obvious that the first excerpt presents the ideology of anti-authoritarian capitalism. The anti emphasizes Anti-Flag rejection of the government performance and government policy about taxation. The condition of government demand for society’s obligation of paying is not in line with PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


government’s duty to serve the society. The second excerpt explicitly presents the ideology of anti-authoritarian nationalism. The anti signals Anti-Flag’s opposition towards the government and the State of taking advantage by citizens’ patriotism.

The last processes of transitivity analysis on this study are existential processes. They are the processes of existence. The processes of existing expressed with a there and to be with no representational function. The processes has a single participant namely Existential.

Table 4.5 The Excerpts of Existential Processes

No. Participant Existential Circumstances Existent 1. There is A flag flying high At a little big over the fallen horn national killer’s graves cemetery 2. There is A call, freedom’s Around the sound globe

In first excerpt, a flag (Existent) is the symbol of the nation. The Existential, there is presents the Existence of the Existent. The Existent, a flag flying high over the fallen killer’s graves denote the sacrifice of citizens in the effort of national defense. The Circumstance¸ at a little big horn national cemetery carries the circumstance of location. It denotes the expression of State’s admiration for the patriots. In second excerpt, the Existent, a call, freedom’s sounds refers tothe calling for a revolution. The Circumstance, around the globe indicates a global support for the revolution. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The preceding analysis shows the ideologies carried by each excerpt. The first excerpt carries the anti-authoritarian nationalism ideology while the second excerpt carries the social movement ideology. Modality Analysis

As a part of Systemic Functional Grammar, the analysis of modality is to analyze clause as means of communication exchange in interpersonal relation. It is about the speakers’, Anti-Flag, judgments and intention of the song lyrics to the listeners, society. The judgments are about the speakers’ assessment about the issues while the intentions are about the speakers’ persuasive way. The judgments and intentions determined by the types of modality such as probability, usuality, obligation, and inclination. To determine power of the judgments and intentions is to analyze the degrees of modality such as high degree, median degree, and low degree. The polarity is also included in the analysis to show the positivity and negativity. The present study limits the modality analysis on modal auxiliaries and modal adverbs.

The types of modality show different purpose of the speaker. The

Probability is about validity of the information, the Usuality is about degrees of frequency of information’s truth, the Obligation is about how much obliged is the person to carry out the command and the Inclination or Willingness is about how the speaker fulfills the offer. Another type of modal is ability. It is about the skill needed to do something. The tables below provide the excerpts of the modals. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Table 4.6 Excerpts of Probability

Degrees and No. Modals Polarity 1. They are gonna give you nothing. They want High (+) to take way the little they call something (S2.C10) 2. Let the feds pass a law, that takes your rights High (+) away cause "you gotta sacrifice if you want to stay safe!"til the day you find the feds in your back pocket locking you away for saying, "question", "think", or "stop it" (S7.C4b) 3. If you make it home alive you will die young Mid (+) (S13.C6) 4. They were throwing it away until they figured Low (+) out they could use it for armament (S13.C9). 5. Soon this corporate run government will be Mid (+) through (S6.C2) 6. We will be able to speed up that day when all Mid (+) of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing "Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last." (S15.C11b)

In first excerpt and second excerpt, the Probability in modals, are gonna and gotta have the high degree and positive meaning. They express the certainty of information. In the first excerpt, the information of they are gonna give you nothing and in the second excerpt, you gotta sacrifice are certain.

The Probability in third and fourth excerpts expressed in modals will and could. The modals have the mid and low degrees and positive meanings. They mid degree express the probability of information and the low is the possibility. In the third excerpt, the information of If you make it home alive you will die young is likely happened. It presents the hesitancy: the information will probably happen or expected to happen. In the fourth excerpt, the information of they were PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


throwing it away until they figured out they could use itfor armament is possible.

It presents possibility: the information might or not might happen.

The fifth and sixth excerpt has three modals, will. The Probability in these excerpts is mid and positive. The information of Soon this corporate run government will be through in the fifth excerpt and the information of We will be able to speed up that day ... and we will be able to join hands and sing "Free at last, free at last” in the sixth excerpt is likely to happen.

In line with the ideology, the modal in the first excerpt indicates the speaker judges that the capitalists (the government, the rich, and the corporation) are certainly will give nothing to the society. The certain thing to do is just to gain profit which for them it just a small portion. The speaker intends to warn the society about the capitalist certain action. In second excerpt, the modal emphasizes that a sacrifice is certain to happen. The speaker judges that the society regarded as the victim of the capitalists. Thus, the speaker has intention to warn the society that they will certainly be sacrificed; get murdered, lost their jobs, gain low income, etc.

In third excerpt, through the modal, the speaker judges that the tendency of society to die young is without no doubt: it is certain. The speaker intends to inform the probability impact on the society if they keep making America as their home for living. It indicates the lack of feeling proud of a nation, being a citizen of America society that America is not an appropriate country to live. The modal use in the fourth excerpt indicates that speaker’s judgment about the possibility of the using the depleted uranium for the armament. The intention of the speaker is PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


to inform the society about the condition. The fifth excerpt uses the modal to emphasize the end of the corporate run government likely happen. By the modal in excerpt sixth, the speaker is about to judge the tendency of themselves and society to do a movement.

The analysis of the Probability clarifies the ideologies carried in the excerpts. The ideology of anti-authoritarian capitalism presented in the first and second excerpts while the third and fourth excerpts present the ideology of anti- authoritarian nationalism. The two last excerpts present the ideology of social movement.

Table 4.7 Excerpts of Usuality

No. Modals Degree and Polarity 1. I never have pledge allegiance to their flag, I High (-) never will pledge allegiance to their flag (S1.C8) 2. They're getting rich by selling weapons to both High (-) countries, You never think to question what you're told! (S2.C9) 3. I always thought if you want to change the High (+) world Then you have to start with yourself (S9.C1)

The three excerpts convey the high degree of Usuality. However, the two excerpts carry the negative meaning and the one is positive meaning. The first and second excerpts express the high Usuality but it occurs in negative meaning. It means, the process is not usual to occur. The fuse of modal adverb never and modal auxiliary, will indicate the meaning. The Usuality delivers the meaning of frequency of doing an action or happening of an action. The third excerpt PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


expresses the high Usuality and positive meaning. It is the opposition to the preceding modals.

Table 4.8 Excerpts of Obligation

Degrees and No. Modals Polarity 1. You have gotta die for your government? High (+) You have gotta die for your country? (S1.C1) High (+) 2. So if the heads of state want to end terrorism, Mid (+) they should go ahead and kill themselves (S14.C2) 3. We have got to make a change (S14.C10) High (+) 4. It’s time we should dig their ditch (S9.C12) Mid (+)

Obligation shows the level of a matter does do and don’t. The do presented by the positive polarity and don’t presented by the negative polarity. All the excerpts carry the positive polarity. About the degrees of Obligation, three excerpts are high Obligation and two excerpts are mid Obligation.

The first and third excerpt with the modal, have gotta or have got highlights that the actions of die for a country, die for the government and make a change are must. The actions are obliged to do. However, the first excerpt is an interrogative sentence By using the interrogative sentence, the speaker has intention to leade people for a reflection the citizens sacrifice for the country and government. The speaker has different judgment from the society which the sacrifice is not necessary to do. The second and fourth excerpts have modal should. It highlights the actions of go ahead and kill themselves and dig their ditch are probable to do. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


In the first excerpt, the speaker judges that the citizens ask about their submission of dying for their government and country. Dying for government and country is a command of the authority. It is also an output of the national brainwashing. In the second excerpt, the speaker judges that the government is required to kill themselves if they want to end terrorism. The speaker has intention to say that the terrorism is the govennment. In the third and fourth excerpts, the speaker judges the obligation of making a change. The intention is to call society to make a change.

Talking about the ideologies conveyed in the excerpts, the first and second excerpts presents the anti-authritarian capitalism ideology while the third and fourth excerpt are about the ideology of social movement.

Table 4.9 Excerpts of Inclination

Degrees and No. Modals Polarity 1. When they call on me to die for them I will High (+) say... "not me!" (S5.C9) 2. I will not sign my blind faith away to an High (-) unjustly leader of the unjust police state. (S14.C3) 3. "We have really got those suckers fooled, High (+) We have gotta 'em trained like rats!" (S2.C2) High (+) 4. We will fight you till we die!!! (S6.C11) Mid (+)

The Inclination denotes three meanings of representation. The low as willingness, the mid can be glossed as intention, and the high as determination.

The high inclination represents the determination. The four excerpts are high

Inclination and an excerpt is mid Inclination. About the polarity, the four excerpts are the positive polarity and an excerpt is negative polarity. The inclination in the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


first excerpt means the action is determined to occur. The inclination in the second excerpt means that the process is not determined to occur. The third excerpt’s inclination means the action is determined. In the fourth excerpt, the inclination means the action is intended to occur.

In the first excerpt, the modal highlights the speaker’s judgment about determination of the speaker to reject to die for the government and the State. The speaker intends to declare the self-statement against the national brainwash: the calling to die for them. In the second excerpt, the speaker judges the signing blind faith to the government. The speaker has intention to reject believe on the leader of the nation and the police state that they call it unjustly. The statement also contains the feeling no proud for the nation. The inclination in the third excerpt presents speaker’s judgment about the determination to fight against the authority.

The speaker intends to call the society for the fighting. The fourth excerpt presents speaker’s judgment about the intention to submit life totally to fight against the authority.

The ideologies conveyed in the excerpts of Inclination are varying. The first and second excerpts convey the ideology of anti-authoritarian nationalism.

The third and fourth excerpts convey the ideology social movement.

Table 4.10 Excerpts of Ability

Degrees and No. Modals Polarity 1. Can't you realize that the big business just (-) talk, talk, talk, talkin' tax men at your door, fuckin' knockin' knockin' knockin'... (S7.C13) 2. You can kill the protestor (can't kill), you (+) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


can't kill the protest (S12.C7) (-) 3. Bullets can't silence ideas! (S12.C9b) (-)

Different from other types of modal meanings, the Ability has no degree/level. The modal shows Ability is can. The Usuality in the three excerpts has three negative polarity and a single positive polarity. The negative polarity expresses the inability of the actor to perform and action. On the contrary, the positive polarity expresses the ability of performing an action. The modals that show inability present in first, second and third excerpts. For the second excerpt, it is its second clause that shows inability.

The first excerpt presents speaker’s judgment about society’s inability to realize the big business talk. The talk means the appointment of the big business.

The speaker intends to make society realize that the big businesses are similar to the taxmen. Their appointments have no actuality. The first clause of the second excerpt presents speaker’s judgment about the ability of government to kill the protestor. It also states the speaker’s intention to show the government ability is merely to kill the people (the protestor). Another part of the second excerpt presents speaker’s judgment about the inability of the government to kill the protest. The speaker has intention to underestimate the government and to state the power of the protest. The third excerpt presents speaker’s judgment about the inability of the bullets to silence ideas. The bullets denote the effort of government to stop (to silence) the protest (ideas). The speaker intends to state that the government effort to stop the protest is useless. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


It is visible through the analysis that each excerpt contains an ideology. The first excerpt contains the ideology of anti-authoritarian capitalism. The second and third excerpts contain the ideology of social movement. Pronoun Analysis

The analysis of pronoun helps to reveal the interpersonal relation.

Specifically, it shows the position of Anti-Flag in doing the protest. The positions are in-group and out-group. In relation of protest, the ‘group’ here refers the society. The group is the people who have some belief to oppose the authority.

Since Anti-Flag is the member of punk subculture, they obviously has their own group. The condition directly sets Anti-Flag as the out-group; they do not belong to society. Thus, they address the protest to the government as well as the society. Anti-Flag is in-group when they merely covey their protest to government. In other words, Anti-Flag become the part of society to resist the authority.

The following tables provides excerpt of the pronouns. The reference of each pronoun is by analyzing the action of the pronoun and by the context of the complete clause. The analysis helps to see the poisiton of the speaker and the speaker’s focus of protest.

Table 4.11 Excerpts of Pronoun I

No Clauses 1. I don't need you to tell me what to do and I don't need you to tell me what to be. FUCK YOU! (S1.C10) 2. And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream (S11.C11) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The use of pronoun I has reference to Anti-Flag as the speaker. The first excerpt presents the action of rebellion. It presen s the punk subculture: they refuse the existence of authority control over them. The use of pronoun I also states Anti-Flag position as the out-group. It means they stand alone without society. In first excerpt, Anti Flag refuse to hear what the government want them to do or to be. In the second excerpt, Anti Flag states they expectation although the conditions surround do not support the dreams to come true. The first excerpt contains ideology of anti-authoritarin nationalism while the second excert contains the ideology of social movement.

Table 4.12 Excerpts of PronounYou

No. Clauses 1. You don’t have to be a Nazi, fuck! (S4.C7b) 2. You keep stealing from us like you are we’re gonna let loose (S1.C13) 3. You burn a flag , you are gonna hang (S2.C7) 4. The line is drawn in the sand. On one side, you are a slave but in the other you are a free man (S12.C10)

Unlike the previous pronoun, The pronoun You has more than one references. They could be the government or the society. Yet, to determine the reference is to analyze the actions performed by the pronoun or the decriptive components in an excerpt. It is clear in the first excerpt that you refer to government. The reason is the use of Nazi as the identity of pronoun you. The reference to Government also shown in the second excerpt. It recognized by signaling the action of keep stealing which indicates the action of the capitalists.

Another reference of you is the society. It presents in the third excerpt that the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


person who will get sanction because of burning a flag is the citicens. Still about you refer to the society, the fourth excerpt presents the identity of society as the slave and free man.

The use of pronoun you as the referene to either government or society indicates the similar Anti-Flag’s position. It is in the out-group. By stating you to the government, Anti-Flag stand alone to directly address the protest to government while the use of you as the society’s reference presents Anti-Flag disengagement from the society. It causes Anti-Flag to protest the society as well as the government. Principally the purpose of protesting is to raise society awarness about an issue.

The use of pronoun I has reference to Anti-Flag. The first excerpt presents the action of rebellion. It presen s the punk subculture: they refuse the existence of authority control over them. The use of pronoun I also states Anti-Flag position as the out-group. It means they stand alone without society. In first excerpt, Anti

Flag refuse to hear what the government want them to do or to be. In the second excerpt, Anti Flag states they expectation although the conditions surround do not support the dreams to come true. The first excerpt contains ideology of anti- authoritarin nationalism while the second excert contains the ideology of social movement.

Table 4.13 Excerpts of Pronoun We

No. Clauses 1. We are tearing down the borders!(S11.C4) 2. So, we march on to raise our voice because we are left with no choice (S8.C8) 3. The government says, "We don't know the source of his sickness." PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


4. You have been to our shows. Youhave sung our songs. Now, we are asking you to add to each chorus you have sung and protest against injustice state terror on the streets of the worldfor the disempowered (S14.C2)

Similar with the pronoun, you which contains two references, pronoun, we also contains many references. The first referencce of we is Anti-Flag and society.

We recognized as the unity of Anti-Flag and society due to their action of tearing down the borders as presented in first excerpt and the action of march on to raise our voice like it is presented in the second excerpt. The second reference of we is the government. The action of avoiding responsiility of what has been done signals the government’s action. The third reference of we is the Anti-Flag. It present through the action of asking the listeners of their music to add chorus and protest against injustice.

The position of Anti-Flag based on the first until second excerpt is in-group with the society. The being together in a group indirectly has informed the target of protest of the Anti-Flag and society is the government.

About the ideology carried by the excerpt, it is an ideology of social which presented in the first, second and fourth excerpts while the third excerpt is an ideology of anti-auhoritarian capitalism.

Table 4.14 Excerpts of Pronoun They

No. Clauses 1. They are getting rich by selling weapons to both countries (S2.C9a) 2. They framed and jailed the reds (S6.C7) 3. You push and push a people, what are they to do? (S13.C1a) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Pronoun they has two references. The pronoun could be referred to both government and society. In the first and second excerpts, they refer to the government. The existence of government is proven by the actions of selling weapons to both countries and framing and jailing the reds. On the other side, the existence of society in proven by being affected of the government’s action, pushing. It shown in the third excerpt.

The reference determines the position of Anti-Flag in doing protest. The use of pronoun they to refer government indicates Anti-Flag as in-group. There is a notion that Anti-Flag talks to society about government. However, Anti-Flag is out-group when pronoun they refer to society. It is because Anti-Flag do not count themselves as an affected group of government’s action, pushing.

The ideologies disclosed from the excerpst are anti-authoritarianism. The anti-authoritarin capitalism conveyed in the first excerpt while the ideology of anti-authoritarian natinalism conveyed in the second and third excerpts.

4.1.2 The Lexical Features

The lexical features relates to the words or vocabulary. In composing protest song, the speaker certainly has to choose the appropriate word to show their intention. It is significant to be analyzed because Goatly (2000) and Fairclough

(1995) assert that the vocabulary, which the media (song lyrics) select, has the potential to construct a representation. In other words, the words support the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


actuality of the ideology. The words in the song lyrics help to identify the ideology. Thus, the emergence of the ideology in the song lyrics is provable.

The analysis begins with identifying the vocabulary used in each song lyric.

The word choice might lead the analysis to the ideology conveyed by Anti-Flag.

The song consists of some signal words that support the song title. The analysis of the lexis will be done on some excerpts of the songs. They are shown in the tables below.

Table 4.15 Excerpts of Word-Choice 1

No. Song Titles / Special Terms S2. Kill the Rich: Billionaire, the riches, getting rich by selling weapons, S6. Got the Numbers: The corporate run government, big business S5. Stars and Stripes: U.S tax dollars, native insurgence, U.S corporate interest, multinational companies. S7. Watch the Right: Corporate welfare, big business, social divisions, feds in your back pocket, capitalist machine, the poor, tax-man, the few. S8. What’s the Difference: Corporate politicians, pay workers, free trade, multinational’s money. S9. Class Plague: bill rights, stop corruption capitalism, S10. Protest Song: The bourgeoisie, proletariat blood S11 Tearing Down the Borders: multi-national company, war profiteering rich, S13. Depleted Uranium is a War Crime: War profiteering S14. No Borders, No Nations: Corporate masters, corporations of the world, profits. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Below are the excerpts of the signal words. They will be analyzed to find out the social actor represents in the song lyrics.

(1) A billionaire chatting with his friends. They’ve gotta stop and laugh (S2.C1). (2) The riches plot, control your thoughts, to make you blame yourself. (S2.C3). (3) The rich are rich because they’re smarter than me (S2.C). (4) Behind locked doors in session, world sponsored corporate politicians (S8.C5). (5) Corporate masters live in their chess pool of extreme wealth and excess (S14.C4). (6) Social divisions encouraged by the few! (S7.C9). (7) A moneymaking scheme led by war-profiteering (S7.C8).

In extract (1), (2) and (3), the terms ‘billionaire’ and ‘the rich (es)’ are two synonyms that refers to a group of people who has a large amount of money or valuable possessions (CALD3). The term ‘corporate’ used in corporate politicians

(4) and corporate masters (5) related to word, ‘corporation’ which means “a large company or group of companies that is controlled together as a single organization” (CALD3). The social actor represents a masters and politicians. This point clearly states the identity of capitalist. They invest a large amount of money in a business and hope to get more back. The term, the few, in (6) has meaning of

“some, or a small number of something” (CALD3). It refers to a social actor as the small part of the state who uses the authority to construct hierarchically the social divisions or social classes: the superior and the inferior. In (7), the term used is

‘war profiteering’. It refers to “a person who takes advantage of a situation in which other people are suffering to make a profit, often by selling at a high price goods which are difficult to get” (CALD3). Those words describes people with power and position: government, the rich and the corporation. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


For the standard of comparison, a term, ‘the poor’ is stepped forward. It is to represent the society. A clause below is given as the extract.

(8). The poor are giving you the screw! (S7.C12)

The term, the poor definitely is the inverse of the terms above. It refers to a group of people having little money and/or few possessions (CALD3). Not only economically called as the poor but hierarchically in social division, they are inferior too. All of the extract of the special terms shows how the authoritarianism works through the capitalism. The authoritarian government gain profit and gives loss for society.

Table 4.16 Excerpt of the Word Choice 2

No. Song Titles/ Special Terms S1. You’ve Gotta Die for Your Government: Gulf war vet, “subject test group: Gulf battle field troops, first world war veterans, General Eisenhower, radiation, agent orange, guinea pigs.US souls. S2. Kill the Rich: A war like a party, for moral, burn a flag – gonna hang!, brainwashed nationalism. S3. Red, White and Brainwashed: Flag-control, patriotic slaves, mind programs, the red, the white and the blue. S6. The Machine Kills Fascists: Value, fights, for a moral, fucking fascists, racist, Nazi, mindless nationalism, right wing rhetoric, punk scene, republican convention, this machine. S13. Depleted Uranium is a War Crime: Crime the ends of bullets, depleted uranium, a greedy gang of liars, a money-making scheme, agent orange and Vietnam, Uncle Sam.

The identity of government considered as the fascist through the special terms such as General Eisenhower (S1.C), fucking fascists (S6.C), racist (S6.C), PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Nazi (S6.C), right wing (S6.C), republican convention (S6.C), a greedy gang of liars (S7.C), war profiteering whores (S7.C), and Uncle Sam (S7.C) below.

(9) First World War veterans slaughtered by General Eisenhower(S1.C5) (10) This machine kills fucking fascists (S6.C6). (11) You don’t have to be a Racist! (S6.C7a) (12) You don’t have to be a Nazi, fuck! (S6.C7b) (13) You spew your right wing rhetoric when we got your attention (S6.C9) (14) You’ve mistaken the punk scene for the republican convention! (S6.C10)

In extract (9), the use of ‘General Eisenhower’ is as the model of the

American president brutality. During his presidency, Eisenhower managed Cold

War-era tensions with the Soviet Union under the looming threat of nuclear weapons. He sent many troops to the war. The term “fascists” used in (10) and

“racist” and “Nazi” in (11 and 12) have similarity. It is about the belief of being extremely proud for the race. Fascist is “someone who extremely proud of country and race, and in which political opposition is not allowed”. Racist is “someone who believes that other races are not as good as their own and therefore treats them unfairly”(CALD3) while Nazi is “someone who is cruel or who demands an unreasonable degree of obedience, or someone who has extreme and unreasonable beliefs about race”(CALD3). The negative side of those beliefs is the adherents are passionate to fight for their race even to die for.

The next term, “right wing” in (13), the “republican” in (14) shared about the political beliefs. The right wing is a traditional opinion that believes on low taxes, private ownership of industry & property, less help for the poor. The republican belief is about cutting the government spending and eliminating the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


government waste. The society has to be responsible for the pocketbook of themselves and the government’s.

Those special terms have shown the way the authoritarianism works through the nationalism. The authoritarian government use society’s obedience for the country to ruin their life.

Table 4.17 Excerpts of the Word-Choice 3

No. Song Titles/ Special Terms S2. Kill the Rich: Put the trigger to the man, crashing down until they’re all dead S6. Got the Numbers: Need a fucking revolution, got the numbers, protest against injustice state terror on the streets of the world for the disempowered, S6. This Machine Kills Fascists: This machine, fucking fascists S8. What’s the Difference: March on the raise our voice S9. Class Plague: Capitalism's time to fall has come, have revolution S10. Protest Song: Take our rights back S11. Tearing Down the Borders: Tearing down the borders, fighting for the rights of freedom, a call – a ringing sound – a freedom sound, a voice in heart, S12. You can Kill the Protestor but You can’t Kill the Protest: protest, Protestors, bullets can’t silence ideas S14. No Borders, No Nations: Change the world, make a change S15 911 for Peace: A plea for peace (world peace), oppressors of the world, leaders of nations, corporate profit takers, the everyday citizen, the competition

The existence of social movement ideology mostly appears in the action

(verbs/verb phrases). The use of nouns to state identity is less in numbers. From the table, the identity of government represents by terms such as, fucking fascists PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


(S6) and injustice state terror (S13). Government placed as the target of the social movement

(15) This machine kills fucking fascists(S6.C6) (16) You have been to our shows. You have sung our songs. Now, we are asking you to add to each chorus you have sung and protest against injustice state terror on the streets of the world for the disempowered (S10.C2)

The term, fascist (15) indicates the very powerful leader, state control being extremely proud of country and race and reject the political opposition (CALD3).

Government represented as undefeated figure. The term, injustice state terror (16) represents the state; a state with an unfair system. These two conditions becomes the trigger of masses to do revolution.

Society and Anti-Flag presented as the actor of the social movement. The identity represented through the terms as like, the protestors and the rebel (S15)

(17) You can kill the protestor but you can’t kill the protest. (S12.C4) (18) You can murder the rebel but you can’t murder the rebellion. (S12.CC5)

The two bold terms are quite similar in meaning. Both of them are about the disagreement. However, they also assorted in action. If a protest is typically done by standing somewhere, shouting, carrying signs etc. (CALD3) then the rebel is more to use force to defeat the people in authority. As the output of their disagreement, the rebels behave differently (CALD3). Those terms are two types of doing social movement.

Another terms which are identified as social movement are like march (S8), change the world (S9), revolution (S10), a plea for world peace (S11), fighting for the rights of freedom (S12), Got the numbers (S13.C7). PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


(19) So, we march on to raise our voice because we are left with no choice. (S8.C8) (20) I always thought if you want to change the world, then you have to start with yourself(S14.C1) (21) revolution, it’s time to make the rich pay (S9.C13) (22) This is a plea for peace (world peace) to the oppressors of the world and to the leaders of nations, corporate profit takers, to the everyday citizen (S15.C6) (23) We are fighting for the rights of freedom! (S12.C5). (24) We have got the numbers!(S6.C7)

The portrayal of social movement is like marching on (19) and fighting for the rights of freedom (23). About the march, it mostly conducted in masses by walking through a public place expressing disapproval of something or with someone (CALD3). Fighting for the rights of freedom is the common purpose of doing the social movement. The two further terms, change the world (20) and revolution (21) are synonyms. It is about to do a movement as the product of the disagreement. As the social movement is typically massive, thus, the numbers needed. The italic term refers to people who do social movement. The pleas for peace (world peace) (22) signals the protest song lyric as a medium of propaganda. The speaker tries to persuade the listeners for joining the social movement.

4.2 Ideologies in Anti Flag’s Protest Song Lyrics.

The result of the linguistic analysis of the protest song lyrics shows that there are two main ideologies Anti-Flag convey in their song lyrics. The two ideologies are the anti-atuthoritarian and social movement. The ideology of anti- authoritarian is divided into two sub ideologies namely anti-authoritarian capitalism and anti-authoritarian nationalism. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The section dicusses about the macrostruture of the song lyrics. It is about the supporting matters outside the text. There are three points to be discussed in this section. The first is about the concept of the ideology. It provides definition and characteristics of the ideologies. The second is about the social issues. It presents events which support the ideologies. It is about the actuality of the ideology in the social practice. The third is about the representation of ideology in the relation to the social issues. The discussion of the representation uses the linguistic analysis.

4.2.1 Concept of the Ideologies

The first main ideology conveyed in Anti-Flag song lyrics is anti- authoritarianism. Anti-authoritarianism is the opposite term of authoritarianism. It emerges in consequence of the authority control over all key parts of social life that considerably tend to bring loss for the society. The word, authority, means the right to exercise power given by the State. The power holders refer to the representatives, the constitutions, and the presidents. They called as government.

Other power holders besides government are such as the private ownership companies and the rich. Substantially, the characteristics of authoritarian government consists of two subjects; the authority to control by the power holders and the citizens’ allegiance to the government of the state.

Having a central protest on government, Anti-Flag song lyrics rely on two identities of government: the capitalist and the nationalist. To relate the two identities with the ideology, the two terms, authoritarian capitalism and PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


authoritarian nationalism used to explain their fusion. The authoritarianism is associated with capitalism and nationalism as they depend on an authoritarian form. In other words, government is the figure who posses power to lead the capitalist country or nationalist country. The emergence of the sub ideologies are prominently embodies in all of the selected song lyrics. The discussion of the ideology diffused into its sub ideologies: anti-authoritarian capitalism and anti- authoritarian nationalism.

Social movement is the second prominent ideology appears in Anti-Flag song lyrics. It is prominent due to its presence shows the social resistance towards all types of the authority; government, the big business and the bourgeoisie. The ideology is the opposite of the preceding ideology, anti-authoritarianism. The difference is the previous ideology displays the government action, character, and identity as the authoritarian capitalist and authoritarian nationalist. The happening clause shows the society action, character, and identity as the rebellion towards the superiors. In addition, the category of society divided into two groups. The first group put Anti-Flag as the part of the society while the second group put

Anti-Flag as the punk band which separate them from society.

Central to the society, the discussion presents society as the victim of the authority and the protestor or the rebel against the authority. The Concept of Anti-Authoritarian Capitalism

Capitalism means, “An economic, political and social system based on private ownership of property, business and industry, and directed towards PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


making the greatest possible profits for successful organizations and people”

(CALD3). Capitalism often defined as an economic system where private actors allowed owning and controlling the use of property in accord with their own interests. It is also, where the pricing mechanism coordinates supply and demand in markets to find the best interest of the society.

In association with authoritarianism, the authoritarian capitalism described as an economic (also political and social) system in which commercial economy activity undertaken by the power holders. The means of production are organized and managed as state-owned business enterprises. It means there is otherwise a dominance of corporatized government agencies of publicly listed corporations of which the state has controlling shares. However, government as the representatives of the society is the party that should be neutral to connect the society to the businesses. In fact, government for this case lost their power under the control of the private ownership companies as they also have their hidden interests that are to attain profits. The condition becomes the reason of Anti-Flag to protest the authority. The Concept of Anti-Authoritarian Nationalism

The concept is about the general notion of the anti-authoritarian nationalism.

This belief needed to be explicated here as the selected Anti Flag’s song lyrics employ the Anti-nationalism. According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Compass, nationalism is “the desire by a group of people who share the same race, culture, language, etc. to form an independent country.” Its second definition is “a feeling PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


of love for and pride in your country; a feeling that your country is better than any other.” In Cambridge Advance Learner’s Dictionary, Nationalism defined as the wish for and the attempt to achieve political independence for your country or nation. Those definitions reveal that nationalism causes people to do anything for their own country.

Christie, Wagner and Winter (2001) in their study about Nationalism and

War: A social-psychological perspective states that “basic underlying needs for attachment and the nation as a (type of group) are central themes in the social- psychological approach to nationalism. Therefore, as the social-psychological aspect of people is neglected, they will no longer have a sense of nationalism.

This point is then arousing the protest done by Anti Flag. Sociologically, the war occurred in Iraq has brought large numbers of disasters to for American society either in domestic policy: environment and economic policies, and in foreign policy and national security. The Concept of Social Movement

The term of social movement simply deals with a movement of revolution by society. A social movement theory defines that the social movement was a powerful organizational and structural perspective that accounted well for movements by the repressed such as labor and civil rights –movements in pursuit of full inclusion and ‘citizenship rights.’ The goals of such movements taken for granted; what they needed were the means to act (Jasper, 2010). PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


In relation to the present study, the ideology of social movement differentiated from anti-authoritarianism in the idea. The idea of protesting the government by blaming, criticizing or judging stick to the anti-authoritarianism while the social movement is about the resistance. The form of resistance appears in the form such as marching, rebellion, protesting. It is a massive movement of the society as the result of the injustice issue.

As it mentioned in the previous ideology, the issues that trigger the society to do social movement are such as NAFTA, human experimentation, war profiteering, invasion, tax dollars. All issues produce injustice to the society as the powerless economically or either psychologically and physically. By doing social movement, society is struggling for the justice consisting equality and freedom.

Anti-Flag through their song lyrics are not merely judges or blame government and criticize society but as well, they ask the society and remind government for a revolution. They reject the nationalism and capitalism. They reject the authoritarianism.

4.2.2 Social Issues

The analysis of social issues is significant since it provides the background aspects of the song lyrics. The background aspects are the historical, social, or cultural context of the song lyrics. It helps to support the ideology existence in the song lyrics. By carefully dividing the lyrics into its background, the text can be reconstructed in order to look for the ideologies. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

91 Social Issues of Anti-Authoritarian Capitalism

Three main issues support capitalism. They are free trade, taxation and war profiteering.

The first issue is about the free trade. One of the significant free trades is

NAFTA. In Clinton’s term years, North America Free Trade Agreement

(NAFTA) was signed into law on December 8, 1993 and firstly implemented on

January 1, 1994. It was negotiated among the North America countries, United

States, Canada and Mexico. The purpose is to remove barriers to exchange goods and service among the countries. For Clinton, NAFTA means Jobs: American

Jobs and good paying American jobs. It means that the agreement is expected to increase the welfare of American people. For some American people NAFTA has benefited them such as consumers get lower price and provides jobs.

However, Anti-Flag saw NAFTA tends to growing deficits trade and job losses. It is seen that the policy of forming NAFTA is practically failed.

According to AFL-CIA (The American Federation of Labor and Congress of

Industrial Organizations) report “NAFTA has proved to be primarily a vehicle to increase corporate profits at the expense of workers, consumers, farmers, communities, the environment and even democracy itself” (Johnson, 2014).

The second issue is about war profiteering. America is known as the war profiteer. The term has a negative connotation as any person or organization that profits from warfare by selling weapons and other goods to parties at war. The war is considered as the “political instrument of policy, a continuation of political commerce, a carrying out of the same by other means”. It also describes as a PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


“business competition, which is also a conflict of human interests and activities” or “still more like State policy, which again, on its part may be looked upon as a kind of business competition on a great scale (Clausewitsz.2001)

The tax dollars cuts come up as the third issue. In Clinton’s term, the tax cuts are meant to the high incomes but contrarily in Bush’s term, it is purposed for the middle-working class. The policy of the tax cuts enacted in 2001 when Bush lead as the U.S president. To argue about the tax cuts, the economists were separated into two groups. The proponents state that the policy brings some positive impacts such as increasing pace of the economy growth and providing employment. Another group states that the policy of tax burden the low and middle income class while the wealthy people will be more prosperous.

The economy growth though positive does not mean that it will solve the employment problems. It is even potential to cause the income inequality. The condition surely is a burden for the middle-working class. Bush tax cuts have shifted the burden from the rich to the middle-working class. One of the problem makers is about the corporate scandals. The corporations have escaped to pay their fair share as the result of Bush tax cuts. The proponents’ confidence that the tax cuts will bring benefits for both the rich and the middle-working class is out of expectation. Obviously, the tax cuts failed. It contributed to the budget deficit which practically reduces government ability to fund essential services for the schools, health, infrastructures and even basic research. Absolutely, it is fall to produce the economy growth. Therefore, during more than decades American got less income. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

93 Social Issues of Anti-Authoritarian Nationalism

There are some prominent issues appear in Anti-Flag song lyrics dealing with the ideology of nationalism.

Human experimentation is the first issue. It refers to the use of human as the subjects of tests and experiments. Main purpose of the doing is for the national security. It deals with the concept of governments and its parliaments to protect the state and its citizens against all kinds of national issues. It is for the science and pharmaceutical development. To heal ailments and injuries of human bodies is better to study humans than animals since animals are not identical to humans.

Human as a subjects are given the new vaccines or drugs for against some diseases as like malaria and hepatitis in order to know the effects of the new drugs in human body.

In military services, the tests and experiments conducted to support weapon development programs. Some test programs are nuclear test program; it is purposively to gain a better understanding of the tactical effects on troops, protective clothing and which thousands of people were exposed to mustard gas and lewisite agents: a chemical weapon, blister agent, lung irritant, which causes severe burns and can cause death). It was done during World War II. Another tests with army was the biological warfare experiments. The purpose of the tests was to determine U.S defense vulnerabilities to biological warfare. For example, between

1949 and 1969, the unaware population was sprayed with bacterial tracers or stimulants. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The reasons of causing the issue to be protested are first, it unethical.

According to general ethical principles applied to research with human subjects cited in Belmont are: autonomy, beneficence and justice. Autonomy means that the subjects have rights to determine which activities they will or will not participate in and were told the reason why they become the subject and the consequents of being the experiment subject. Beneficence means the maximum benefits for the participants and minimal risk of harm to them. Justice means equitable selection of participants: avoiding prisoners and institutionalized children. In fact, the experiments are mostly unethical and illegal. Anti-Flag protest for the policy which has the serious consideration with society life.

Another issue is about the war. Different from the previous discussion about the war as the source of money-making, the issue is dealt with the war as the actual action of the national security and national defense. It is about the involvement of United States in wars. Anti-Flag abuse that the United States has forced on its own soldiers in wars. Not just soldiers, the citizens complacently work for the government to wage war in the interests of profits. United states foreign involvement and the extreme suffering in the Third World war is one of the issue get protested. Not so different, anti-war and pro peace sentiments are sounded in the era of George Bush.

Those issues needed as the context helping analyze the song lyrics. The lyrics will be analyzed using transitivity analysis and mood and modality analysis. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

95 Social Issues of Social Movement

The issues appear in social movement ideology are similar to the preceding issues such as Free trade agreement of North America (NAFTA), taxation, war profiteering, human experimentation and war; national security.

4.2.3 Ideologies Representation

This section is to show the representation of the ideologies in the social issues. It is different from the preeciding section which merely reveal ideology through the analysis of the linguitic units: transitivity, modality and pronoun. This section is significant because it provides evidence about the way the ideology works in the reality. The section consists of two subsection such as representation of ideology and the summary. Representation of Anti-Authoritarian Capitalism

In transitivity analysis, the ideology of anti-authoritarian capitalism appears in two prominent processes: material processes in 70 % or 63 clauses and relational processes in 18.88% or 17 clauses. The rest are mental processes in

6.66% or 6 clauses and 4.44% or 4 clauses in verbal processes (see appendix 10:

Table 4.10). The frequent occurrence of material processes and relational processes indicate that almost half of the ideology is expressed through actions carried out by the actor to the goal and through the state of existing. In other words, the capitalism is demonstrated through the actor’s action and the actor’s identity. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


In seeking more about the existence of capitalism in Anti-Flag’s song lyrics, it is important to relate the ideology with the factual issues. The implementation of capitalism is visible through NAFTA. It is a free trade agreement among the

North America countries consists of America, Canada and Mexico. The agreement explodes the boundaries of past trade pacts, which focused narrowly on cutting tariffs and quotas. The cutting tariffs provide minimum tax payment of the import and exports while cutting quotas reduce limitation on the imports on exports of a country to another country in a certain time. It provides more liberated prospects for the private ownership companies to run their businesses.

The main advantage obtained by the corporate is their power to do regulation towards the market price. Government has minimum power to control the free trade.

The power-controlled of the private ownership over the government indicates the capitalism. In capitalism, the economy system is controlled by the private ownership companies. The production of goods and services are lead by the individual person or commercial companies rather than the state or the official organization. The system puts government as a powerless party. It means government has no ability to do economic intervention to get collective profits.

Government is merely able to enormously do intervention for private concerns.

The system definitely put society as the injured party which financially loss. The occurrence of the topic about governments’ position under the control of private ownership is displayed in the excerpts below. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


(25) Behind locked doors in session (Circumstance), world (Actor) sponsored (Process) corporate politicians(Goal)/(Actor) structure (Process) policy (Goal) to build (Process) more corporate strength (Goal) (S8.C5) (26) A government (Goal) run (Process) by the corporations of the world (Actor) enslaving (Process) mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters (Goal) (S14.C8). (27) Human rights-based sanctions (Goal) just washed away (Process) when our lawmakers are owned by multinational’s money.(Circumstance) (S8.C11)

The Actors, world corporations and of the world represents the private ownership. The Processes, structure, build, and run done by the Actors to the

Goals, policy, corporate politicians and a government (government representation) indicates the power of the private ownership over the government or the state.

In excerpt (25), the world which refers to the multinational corporation has power to structure policy in order to strengthen their companies. The common policy is they are completely free to determine where to invest, what to produce or sell and at which prices to exchanges the goods and the services without any check or control. It is possibly done as the government got money support from the corporation. In NAFTA, Clinton as the government at the present time let the other North America countries, Canada and Mexico to do free trade. Because of the policy, a huge numbers of companies move to Mexico as the labor is cheaper there. The condition creates the job migration which suppresses the American employees’ wages. It clearly shows that government cannot do intervention.

The corporations of the world as the Actor presented in excerpt (26) have power in controlling government - Goal. The slavery is one of the problem arises PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


because of NAFTA. The society which represented by mothers, fathers, sons and daughters are enslaved: they work for a minimum wage. It is contradictive to goal of the free trade which providing jobs and good payment for American. The employees are not possible to demand for the maximum wage since most industries left America. People in Mexico are also paid with a minimum payment since they become the trigger of the companies’ movement. The situation reveals that movement is not possible to create the collective profits. In capitalism, the capitalist receives a big advantage over the society.

The circumstance in excerpt (27) indicates that government gets controlled.

The multinational’s money refers to the private companies of many countries.

Dealing to NAFTA, the countries refers to America, Canada and Mexico. The

Actor is missing there but it implicitly refers to government as the lawmakers. The

Goal, human rights-based sanctions is the affected of the action, just washing away by the Actor. The government is possible in executing the action as they are under the control of free trade policy. The control causes there is no sanction over the big companies’ arbitrary action toward their employees such as the slavery.

The removal of the trade barriers causes many firms relocates the production from America to Mexico to take advantage of its low wages. The side- effect for U.S employees are the jobs loss and also the minimum wages. The firms suppress the employee wages in order to maximize their revenues. The existence of the competition among the companies motivates the businessmen to gain profit as big as possible. For the businessmen, profits are the accumulation of venture capital. The maximum profits mean a chance to expanding their business. Dealing PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


the fact to the capitalism, all the tools and production sources are in the hands of private ownership. Therefore, the private companies are independent to allocate their expenses either for production fee or the employees’ fee based on their eagerness. Obviously, the main concern of the capitalist is the profit-making. The following excerpts demonstrate the focus of the private firms on profit-making.

(28) As corporate welfare flows from troughs of the state (Circumstance), big business (Actor) takes (Process) more than their fair take (Goal). (S6.C11) (29) Can't you realize that big business (Actor) is just talking (Process) like tax men at your door fuckin' knockin'(Circumstance). (S6.C13) (30) In china (Circumstance), Nike (Actor) pays (Process) workers (Recipient) fifty cents a day (Goal). (S8.C9) In the U.S (Circumstance), lawmakers (Actor) give (Process) China (Recipient) “free trade” (Goal) (S8.C10).

The Actors, big business and Nike are the representation of the private ownership. As the capitalist, their action of taking more than their fair take and paying fifty cents a day signifies their concern of making profits. In excerpt (28), taking more indicates they take out of their portion: they take employees portion.

Excerpt (29) has big business as the Actor. The action, just talking and the circumstance, like tax men at your door fuckin' knockin reveal that the point of welfare as the product of NAFTA is nonsense. It is identical to the tax which society demands to pay for their welfare however factually it is the government and the riches who get welfare not the society. In excerpt (30), paying fifty cents a day describes the super-low wage received by the workers, the Recipient. Nike as one of the globally largest private company presses the amount of money paid in order to decrease the expenditure. By doing so, the company gets big income. The

Circumstance, in China shows that the depiction of capitalism occurs in China. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Moreover, the another circumstance, in the U.S depicts other side where China,

Recipient gets advantage of the free trade by the law of the Actor, lawmakers which refers to the American government.

The second mostly occurred processes in transitivity analysis are the relational processes. It represents processes of relation which obligatorily require two participants. The first relational process is identifying process. It clarifies the relation between two participants namely token and value. The second processes are attributive processes that define relation between Carrier and Attribute.

In supporting the ideology of capitalism, both processes clarify the identity and the character of the capitalists. By considering the numbers and the frequency

(see appendix 1: Relational Processes), the most prominent processes exist is the attributive process. It means the way to deliver the ideology through the relational process is by presenting the capitalist’s characters.

The realization of relational process to support the capitalism ideology is visible through some issues. NAFTA is one of the issues. The identities of the capitalists are shown through the issue as provided in the clauses below.

(31) Big business (Token) are (Process) the pimps (Value) and governments' (Token) their whores (Value) (S6.C3)

The characteristic of the capitalist depicts in Token, big business and governments. The relation carried by the clause is the identifying process. The pimps identifies the big business as they shared the same job description such as controlling the business, arranging clients for them and taking a percentage of their earnings in return. The government is identified as the whores because they PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


are working for the pimps to get money. It is clear that government is under the control of the big business.

In relation to NAFTA, corporate control government in areas such as trade policy, tax policy, environmental policy, foreign policy and labor policy. The form of regulating trade policy and labor policy is the big business spends more on payback; “an advantage received from something, especially the profit from a financial investment” (CALD3).This policy causes the minimum wages for the labors.

Dissimilar with the identifying process, the attributive process shows the character of the Carrier which refers to the capitalists.

(32) The rich (Carrier) are (Process) rich (Attribute) because they (Carrier) are (Process) smarter (Attribute) than me (Circumstance) (S2.C4).

The Attribute, rich marks the character of the Carrier, the rich. Simply, rich is the character of the rich. The rich is identical to the capitalist since the word refers to people who has money-motive to enrich themselves. The further clause has smarter as the character of pronoun, they, which refers to the rich. The clause is attributive since smarter does not denote the rich. The rich are not necessarily smart.

Another issue related to capitalism is about taxes. The tax is the amount of money that individuals or businesses paid to the state. In relation to capitalism, taxation is essential function of the state. The state is a political institution by which the ruling classes dominate the classes under their control. It uses its domination to regulate its citizens to pay taxes. In capitalism, the state is operated PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


for the benefit of the capitalists, wealthy private owners of the basic means of production and circulation of all commodities and wealth. Taxation is the general method by which capitalists collect state revenue to keep the state going.

In U.S, government levy several different types of taxes on individuals and businesses. The Federal government relies mainly on income taxes for its revenue while State governments depend on both income and sales taxes. The income taxes are taxes that you have to pay on your income, which is usually higher for people with larger incomes. The kind of tax is called as progressive tax which means the higher your income is, the higher your tax is. The sales taxes are intended to people who buy goods and services.

The essence of citizens’ obedience in paying taxes is their expectation for the government to wisely use the tax for public service. However, when the critical services such as social security, health care, national defense and education are not met their needs, citizens as the taxpayers tend to overestimate how much tax money goes toward governments and may underestimate whether or not the amount of taxes spent on the crucial programs. The condition obviously depicts the character of capitalism. The capitalist government constrains the society.

Material processes supports to reveal what the Actor does and what happened with the Actor. In the topic of taxes payment, the material processes exposit what the government do with the U.S tax dollars in relation to their service to the society. The excerpts below are the examples relate with taxes. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


(33) They (Actor) are working (Process) for us (Client) just as long as we increase their pay (Circumstance) but the minute they get into office, we are a has-been a yesterday(S3.C3b) (34) It's the same today as then as (Circumstance), U.S. (tax) dollars (Goal) are spent (Process) to rid the native insurgence in Mexico, and any other U.S. (corporate) "interests" (Circumstance) (S5.C5.) (35) The tax dollars we (Goal) are forced to pay (Process) (Actor) fund (Process) these heartless U.S. policies (Goal) (S5.C7a-b)

The portrayal of capitalism shown in excerpt (33) is the capitalist government will work if they receive the big revenue. The word, pay, refers to the taxation. Explicitly, the government as the Actor will working for the society as the Client if they are agree to increase their taxes. The circumstance shows the time limit which indicates that in a certain time, the Actor will stop working for the Client if the Actor expected demand is not fulfilled by the Client. It means the

Client will not receive any service. In the factual condition, the bourgeoisie and the corporation often get benefits since they pay many taxes than the middle- working class or lower-working class. Therefore, it is no wonder if government has tendency to get controlled by them.

In excerpt (34), the Actor is missing but obviously it refers to the government. It is because the responsible figure spending the taxes is government.

It is depicted that the U.S tax dollars are spent for the unexpected portions. First is spending for the native insurgence in Mexico. It is an attempt to take control of

Mexico by force. Through free trade agreement of North America countries, U.S has effort to control and take benefits from Mexico natural resources and their labors. U.S buys with their crops with minimum payment and pays the labor with the low wages. Those performances toward Mexico impact the state policy. U.S PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


as the superpower country dominates Mexico. Second is to rid any other U.S corporate “interests”. The word, interests is the economic term which deals with advantage. The capitalist government use taxes for their own benefits. The condition is assessed as repetitious phenomenon. The circumstance shows the time which indicates that the phenomenon has been repeated since past, being repeated at the present and will be repeated in the future.

The excerpt (35) consists of two clauses. In the first clause, the verb phrase, forced to pay reflects the authority of government as the capitalist. The use of power to compel society in paying taxes indicates the disagreement of society on the taxation. It is the effect of U.S government policies which is considerably heartless. Since the word, heartless means displaying a complete lack of feeling or consideration (CALD3), thus, society refusal on the tax is due to the use of taxes to fund government’s programs is out of expectation. The taxes are used for bringing no benefit for society but causing profit to the government.

The relational processes showing the character of capitalism through excerpt as follows.

(36) The government says they are working for us just as long as we increase their pay but the minute they get into office (Circumstance), we (Carrier) are (Process) a has-been a yesterday (Attribute). (S3.C3

The relational processes in this topic represent the relation between the

Carrier and the Attribute. It means the attribute is the character of the Carrier. We as the Carrier is characterized as a has-been a yesterday. The pronoun represents society (including Anti-Flag). Society is described as forgettable figure. The PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


circumstance indicates the time and location of place. It means, at a certain time and place government will easily forget their duties towards society after they achieve their interests. The capitalism is perceptible the government motive to profit themselves by asking taxes form society. They merely consider for their own selves not their society.

War profiteering is the last topic which unmask the ideology of capitalism in Anti-Flag song lyrics. The term, profiteering, is associated with the performance of taking advantage of a situation in which other people are suffering to make a profit by creating war (CALD3). The concept of war profiteering was introduced by the 34th president of U.S, General D. Eisenhower. He stated term,

“the military-industrial complex” in his farewell in January 1961. The term refers to the relation of those who manage wars (the military, the presidential administration and the congress) and those companies that produce weapons and equipment for war. Those parties involved in managing wars are called as the war profiteers. The war profiteers used their political and economic clout to influence national policy, especially economic development and international relations, to serve their own interests at the expense of the general public (Davidson, 2011).

The profiteers of the war are included big corporations, the bourgeoisie and government. The government consists of the presidential administration and the congress. They are the parties who use war as a source of enrichment. They allowed the stakeholders to trade weapons and human trafficking. The big corporation and the bourgeoisie use war as a source of enrichment: providing weapons and war equipment. Also, they use human concern as the pretext of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


making money from war. They use the war-affected societies to be the mercenaries.

War requires for the weapons and other equipment. To meet the needs of military, government hire companies to supply services and materials for the war.

It is due to the assumption that the cooperation with companies is the most effective means to support the war effort. The dependency of government towards the companies and government’s oversight create chances for the companies to increase their profit. They tend to do some craftiness such as fraud, overcharging or poor qualities of work. The issue of war profiteering exists during the warfare.

Needless to say, the profiteering of war will remain occurs unless the government has a way out to regulate about the good supplies and their deserved prices.

Unfortunately, the attempts to curb the excessive profits that the companies gain from the war were successfully passed with which the government and the businesses both benefited.

The warfare and capitalism are intertwined. The profit motive of the companies to support the military needs on war is clearly proven the capitalism existence in war. The high demand on the goods and services to support war causes companies to greedily give high price for their products. Government lacks power to control due to the ownership of the production tools and do the production are on the private companies. The condition place the government as the depend party. Moreover, the competition among the capitalist insist to find market and tools production which is profitable. War becomes the promising and PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


profit-making market for the businesses. The topic of war profiteering which indicate the capitalism are shown in the excerpts as follows.

(37) They (Actor) throw (Process) a war (Goal) like a party (Circumstance) (S2.C3b) (38) A money-making scheme(Goal) led (Process)by war profiteering whores(Actor)(S13.C8) (39) As the brainwashed nationalists move to shed their blood on battle fields (Circumstance), War profiteering rich (Actor) watch (Process) their stocks reap high yields (Scope). (S11.C3) (40) And so the time has finally come (Circumstance),the bourgeoisie (Actor) has signed (Process) the war decree (Goal)with proletariat blood (Circumstance). (S10.C1)

War as the source of money making for the businesses, the bourgeoisie, and government surely must exist. Therefore, those war profiteers create condition to trigger the war. As it appears in excerpt (37), the Actor do the action of throw.

The word contains the meaning of to have a party (CALD3). The war which morally must be a misery becomes a celebration for them profiteers.

War becomes the worthy business for the few. Apparently, the high development of making money from war has created such as strong system to regulate the business.. It is mentioned in excerpt (38), the word, led describes the control of an influential person or group to control a group of people, a country, or a situation. There are few influences that the profiteers produce. They have ability to decide the market price. The high price means the high income for them. They pay the mercenaries to fight for in order to gain more return. The mercenary has no concern with the battle; they are interested only in the amount of money that they can get from the situation. In addition, the word, scheme in the money- making scheme presented as the Goal contains the meaning of “an officially PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


organized plan or system” (CALD3). It obviously discloses that the business is systematic, organized and official. Government as the employer also receives proceeds of the business.

War involves military who are fighting in the battle for national defence.

The fighting related to the nationalism: a great love of your own country CALD3).

The nationalism is tendentiously used by the leader of nation to brainwash the armed forces. Therefore, they will fight and sacrifice their life for their beloved country. The war will keep going on. In Bush administration, he invades Iraqi with the purpose to find the MDW (massive destroyed weapons) which in fact it is never discovered. It is predicted that the president has secretive motive which is to occupy the oil there. Thousands of troops have died for nothing in that invasion.

The war which is legally supported by the government rich themselves but kill people. It can be seen in excerpt (39), the Actor’s profit is going up as the military is fighting for the country.

The emergence of war, nowadays, is not purely because of the aim of national defence. It is about the business among the supreme parties. It is what the military-industrial complex about the primary need of the arms insist government to cooperate with the companies for the arms supply. The cooperation is legally made as a decree. As it appears in excerpt (40), the word, has signed the war decree shows that that the actuality of the war is legally contracted by the profiteers; the bourgeoisie. However, it is worst for the war is use as means to enrich the superior and sacrifice the inferior. The circumstance, with the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


proletariat blood indicated the manner. The agreement of the war decree means the sacrifice of the proletariat as the inferior.

The existence of war profiteering are also visible in the relational processes.

The relational processes validate the character of war profiteers as the capitalists.

The excerpt below is the example showing the topic.

(41) And so the time has finally come, the bourgeoisie has signed the war decree with proletariat blood. And that blood which flows from their pen (Carrier)is (Process) the closest that they've ever been to the people(Attribute) (S14.C1)

The excerpt is attributive. It presents the character of the bourgeoisie. They are characterized through the use of their pen as the representation. The italic words are related to the identity of the bourgeoisie as the signer of the war decree.

This identity is characterized as the very close range of place of the bourgeoisie to the proletariat. The war decree signing has marked the involvement of the bourgeoisie in the war profiteering. Their actuality is possibly to acquire millions or billions dollars.

The other processes are the rarely occurred processes in the song lyrics.

They are consisted of mental processes and verbal processes. Their distribution can be seen in appendix.

The mental processes supports the presence of ideology by showing the actor’s sensing such as feeling (affective), thinking (cognitive) and perceptive

(perceiving through five senses). The mental processes in anti-authoritarian capitalism are mostly in perception process and desideration process. It is just PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


different a point with cognition process. Affection process is less used. The following excerpts show the mental processes.

(42) They (Senser) want to take away (Process) the little they call something (Phenomenon) (S2.C10b). (43) A greedy gang of liars, yeah we (Senser) have seen (Process) it all (Phenomenon) before (Circumstance) (S13.C7.) (44) We (Senser) know (Process) their game (Phenomenon) know (Process) they are corrupt (Phenomenon)(S10.C7)

Excerpt (42) is a Desiderative process. It is shown through word, want. The

Senser has a desire to take away something as described in Phenomenon. The word, the little refers the advantages they take from society. It indicates that they only took a small portion whereas in fact it is not. The mental process shown in excerpt (43) is perceptive process as it is shown by verb have seen. The Senser is the person who in fact perceives the Phenomenon directly. The word, it in

Phenomenon refers to a greedy gang of liars. The excerpt (44) carries the cognitive process. The Senser states their knowledge about the Phenomenon. The noun phrases, their game refers to government system and they are corrupt refers to government character.

The verbal processes support ideology of capitalism by showing who the

Sayer is, what the Sayer says is; Verbiage and whom the Verbiage is addressed to.

It appears 11 times. For its complete distribution, see appendix 3. Based on the number and frequency of the participants’ distribution, the most used participant is the Sayer-Verbiage in 7 clauses and the second is Sayer-Receiver-Verbiage in 4 clauses. The Sayer is a participant who says verbiage, a content of the saying. The

Receiver does not appear. The excerpts show its presence is provided as follow. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


(45) They (Sayer) throw a war like a party saying (Process),"It's for a moral." (Verbiage) (S2.C5) (46) The government (Sayer) says (Process) they are working for just as long as we increase their pay(Verbiage) (S3.C3a)

The Sayer is the government. The verbal process detected on verbs say and claim. In excerpt (45), the Verbiage addressed to what they say. It is stated in quotation means government directly state it. The content of the verbiage clarifies the reason of throwing the war. According to government, war occurs for moral cause. In excerpt (46), the government as the Sayer has a Verbiage in reporting form. The content of it contains causal-effect. The more the society pay the tax, the government will work. In other work, how the government works depends on how much the society pay the tax.

The representation of anti-authoritarian capitalism lies in some clauses in

Anti-Flag’s song lyrics. The modals will be differentiated in high, mid and low modals degree. They help to indicate the degree of speaker’s judgment. The classification of modals’ level can be seen in table 4.11 (see appendix 11)

Probability is about the level of possibility of something happening or being true; likelihood. It appears as much as two times in high degree. Its appearance is displayed as follows.

(47) They are gonna give you nothing. They want to take way the little they call something (S2.C10) (48) Let the feds pass a law, that takes your rights away cause "you gotta sacrifice if you want to stay safe!"til the day you find the feds in your back pocket locking you away for saying, "question", "think", or "stop it" (S7.C4b) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The high degree might be interpreted that the ideology is built by the processes that are strongly certain. In line with the ideology, the modal in excerpt

(47) indicates that the speakers argue that the capitalists (the government, the private ownership companies and the rich) are certainly will give nothing to the society. The certain thing to do is just to gain profit which for them it just a small portion. In excerpt (48), the modal emphasizes to a condition which certain to happen with society. The speakers state that the society is put as the victim of the capitalists. They will certainly be sacrificed; get murdered, lost their jobs, gain low income, etc.

The Usuality type delivers the frequency and regularity of human in doing processes. It emphasizes on how often the actor do an action. The presence of usuality is displayed in the following excerpt.

(49) They're getting rich by selling weapons to both countries, You never think to question what you're told! (S2.C9)

The modal carries the high degree which emphasizes the actor is not at all do the action. Society at no time considers querying what has been told to them.

The situation portrays that the society is getting controlled by people in authority.

In relation to capitalism, the speakers tend to state that the capitalists who hierarchically have power, rich and high social status is not at any time give chance for society to speak up. The society just needs to do their commands and obey their rules.

The type of modal, ability is about the competence or strength of the actor to perform an action. The modal is presented in the coming excerpt. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


(50) Can't you realize that the big business just talk, talk, talk, talkin'... like tax men at your door, fuckin' knockin' knockin' knockin'... (S7.C13)

The modal shows inability of the actor performance. It is shown by the use of negative modal. The actor is unable to recognize a situation. In other words, the society; the labors are not aware that big business is merely promising the appropriate wages. At the end, the labors never receive the appropriate wages for their works. The speakers intention is about to make the society; the listeners conscious the real condition and character of the capitalists.

Besides modality analysis, pronoun analysis is considerably crucial to be discussed. It helps to show where the speakers focus their attention at. The use pronouns, I, you, we and they represents the actors involved in the ideologies such as Anti-Flag as the speakers, the government and the capitalists and the society.

The use of pronoun, I represent Anti-Flag. The representation of government, capitalists and fascists are depicted in pronoun, you, however in other side, the pronoun also denotes the society. The use of pronoun you indicates Anti-Flag position as not a part of society. The presence of Anti-Flag as the part of society is represented in pronoun, we and they. The pronoun, they, refers to the government, capitalists and fascists representation. The frequency of occurrence of each actor is provided in table 4.12 (see appendix 12).

The most occurred actor is the government and capitalists. They appear in vary pronouns such as them, us and you. Each pronoun occurs 13 times, 3 times and a time. The frequent occurrence of pronoun, they shows that Anti-Flag in the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


ideology of capitalism takes position as the part of society or in-group. The excerpts below display the presence of each pronoun in clause.

(51) We know their game know they are corrupt (S10.C7) (52) You push and push a people, what are they do? (S6.C1) Summary of Anti-Authoritarian Capitalism Representation

The summary will show the main points of the analysis. It provides the summary of transitivity, modality and, pronoun

In the transitivity analysis, the result conveys by each process to represent ideology will be shown. The material processes show that the actions repeatedly performed by three persons; government, the private ownership companies and the rich to the society. The condition supports the existence of authoritarianism in capitalism. Besides, it supports the issue of social injustice since it is the society who gets the unfair treatment from the powerful people. The relational processes often present the character of the actor. It is shown by the frequency of Carrier-

Attribute. The character of the actor is described as the profit takers. It supports the character of the capitalists.

The rest processes support the anti-authoritarian capitalism are, the mental processes and verbal processes. The mental processes very often emerge in cognitive processes. It indicates that Senser tend to use the consciousness and thinking to response a phenomena. The capitalism actuality is responded through the cognition of the participants. The verbal processes mainly constructed in

Sayer-Verbiage. It shows that the Verbiage has no Receiver. It means that it is PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


unknown to whom the verbiage is delivered to. In other words, the addressee is unknown. In addition, the ideology is not supported with the existential processes.

The usage of modals in anti-authoritarian capitalism is the lowest compared to other ideologies. The modal frequently carries Probability in high degree. It means that speakers in presenting the ideology attain the level of certainty. In line with capitalism, it can be said that the speaker completely or emphasize the existence of capitalism and show that the speaker is no doubt about the power holders; government, the private companies and the rich are the capitalists who strongly press society to reach their money making profits.

In the ideology of anti-authoritarianism capitalism pronoun you frequently appear. The pronoun, you, refers to society. All at once, it indicates the dominance of punk counterculture that the culture of capitalism needs to be opposed. They aim to propagate their belief to the society. For protesting anti-authoritarian capitalism, Anti Flag set themselves as the out-group. Therefore, the protest is addressed to either government or society. Representation of Anti-Authoritarian Nationalism.

The presence of Anti-Authoritarian Nationalism ideology in transitivity analysis is visible through material process and relational processes as the foremost processes. Each of them appears as much as 46.78 % or 51 clauses for material processes and 34.86 % or 38 clauses for the relational processes. The remnant processes which support the ideology are also mental processes in 7.33% or 8 clauses, verbal processes in 4.58% or 5 clauses and existential process in PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


6.42% or 7 clauses. The high amount of usage of the two main processes point out that the ideology is presented by showing what the actors do to the goals and what happen to the actors as well as what the character and identity of the actor is. The distribution of each process can be seen in appendix 10: Table 4.10.

To discuss about material process is to deal with the two types of processes namely doing and happening. Both processes assist to reveal what government as the leader of nation does to the citizens included the military with the concept of nationalism.

To discover more about the ideology presence is to interlink it to the reality.

Human experimentation is recognized as the first prominent issue connected to nationalism. The human experimentation refers to the use of human beings as experimental subjects for the medical science. The experiments on people have contributed in great measure to medical progress: human life span has increased significantly; many human diseases that were once fatal or widespread have become curable or have disappeared.

Government testing and experimentation with the human subjects conducted due to the national security purposes. The volunteers are used to test the new vaccines for malaria, hepatitis and other diseases. If the vaccine is proven as the accurate solution, the malaria epidemic on an area is possibly cured and the disease expansion may be decreased. For a national security, it is urgent and important to continue the test and experimentation. The program is not merely supported and sponsored by the government but also included departments such as the Department of Health and Human Services and others. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Despite the resulting benefits of human experimentation for mankind, the program has drawn considerable criticism. The controversial is particularly about the use human subjects by disregarding their health and humanity. During World

War II, Nazi conducted the experiments on prisoners in concentration camps. The experimentation was in fact torture since it was executed by coercion and without the subjects consent. However, the procedure of conducting the human experimentation is the agreement of the subjects. The experiment even was conducted by avoiding anesthesia and the worst at all is the murder of the subjects becomes the part of the experimental design.

The inappropriate experiments in U.S were found on some cases on vary subjects with different treatment. In 1963, the experimentation was conducted at a

New York hospital on some patients; elderly ill and feeble. The test was about studying their immune system by injecting the cancer cells to their bodies. The patients were not told what the injections were. It means the test was out of the patient acknowledgement. Moreover, pregnant women treated with the drug thalidomide, the non-approval drug in U.S. It resulted in some infants being born with birth defects. The largest test program is the atmospheric nuclear test program conducted from 1945 to 1962. It has purpose to develop weapons and gain better understanding of the tactical effect on troops.

The experiments are well-documented. It means that it is secretive. The

State hides it from public due to the diminished procedures of executing the tests.

It is secretive as the use of people is without their knowledge or consent or their full knowledge of the risks involved. Therefore, there is no need to give special PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


privileges for the sick and to responsible for the failed treatment that may kill the subjects. The secretive program then publicly opened after 20 years. During the term of years, it cannot be counted how many people have been suffered and died for the tests even without knowing it.

The unethical experimentation is best described the cruelty of the powerful leader. The use coercion clarifies the powerless of the citizens to submit themselves as the slaves of the authority. In relation to nationalism, the government uses the concept to run the program. It is for the national security. For civilians, the experiments will support the health condition in the future. For the military is to create strong, tough and tactical U.S armed forces. The condition supports the U.S existence as the superpower country which is undefeated.

The following excerpts display the appearance of the topic on Anti-Flag song lyrics.

(53) Government (Actor) built (Process) virus “Subject Test Group: Gulf Battle Field Troops" (Goal) (S1.C4b) (54) Radiation and agent orange (Goal) were tested (Process) on US souls (Circumstance) (S1.C7a) (55) First World War veterans (Goal) were slaughtered (Process) by General Eisenhower (Actor) (S1.C5)

In the excerpt (53), the government as the Actor of action built. The action has Goal, subject test group; gulf battle field troops. The subject test group is about using radiation and any other hazardous chemicals in soldiers on duty in a large group. The aim of the test is for the military service. Relating to nationalism, the troops just submit themselves for their leader, for their country even if they have to die for the national security. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The excerpt (54) just consists of a Goal. The existence of the Actor is omitted here but the issue of radiation and Agent Orange clarify the Actor as the executor of the tests. The radiation refers to “a form of energy that comes from a nuclear radiation and that can be very dangerous to health (CALD3) and “agent orange” or herbicide orange is used by U.S military as a part of its herbicidal warfare program. The circumstance indicates the location of the test which refers to the subjects of test. The U.S souls refer to American people. Still about the national security, government do the test for the medical service however the action has broken the ethics code of human experimentation by hiding the information from the subjects.

The action of slaughtering in excerpt (55) that General Eisenhower as the

Actor do toward the Goal, First World Wars veterans has meaning of “to cruelly and unfairly kill a lot of people”(CALD3). The term, cruel, and unfair are best described the fascism. It points out that the Actor is powerful to execute his ambition. The slaughtering done to the ex-forces put them as the affected of the

Actor’s action.

Relational Processes appears as the second prominent process to show the ideology presence. The kind of processes clarify who the actor is; actor’s identity and what the actor is; actor’s character. The clarification of both points support the actuality of the authoritarian leader in the concept of nationalism. The two types of relational process namely identifying process and attributive process disclose the relation between token and value and between carrier and attributive.

The relation of the participants is discussed as follows. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The relational processes are shown in two main topics: human experimentation and war. The following excerpts are the attributive process which presents the character of the authoritarian nationalism.

(56) A secret test (Carrier) is (Process) government (Actor) built virus “Subject Test Group: Gulf Battle Field Troops"(Attribute)(S1.C4a) (57) The word "America" (Carrier) means (Process) "freedom” (Attribute) - as in, "free to kill the free... (S5.C3)

The relational process in excerpt (56) shows what the carrier is about. An attribute process defines what the secret test is. The virus “subject test group” is identified as the secret. Excerpt (57) is about showing the quality of the carrier. America is qualified as “freedom” which means free to kill the free”. It indicates there is an alteration of the meaning of liberty (freedom) in America.

The excerpts carry the identity of the authoritarian nationalism which signal by the relation of Token-Value is displayed below.

(58) You (Token) don’t have to be (Process) a Nazi (Value), fuck! (S7.C7) (59) The phrase world leaders (Token) does not describe (Process) the heads of state (Value)(S14.C5)

The two clauses are about identifying. In excerpt (58), the token, youis indentified as Value, a Nazi. The verb, don’t have to be indicates the refusal of

Nazism. The word, Nazi refers to “someone who is cruel or who demands an unreasonable degree of obedience, or someone who has extreme and unreasonable beliefs about race”(CALD3).There is prohibition for government not to be the part of nazi. The identifying process of in excerpt (59) is the government is shown in PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


the noun phrase, world leaders. It symbolizes the hegemony of the government.

However, the speakers assess it as the two different identities. The world leaders and the head of state are not same.

Another interesting topic to unmask the presence of authoritarian nationalism is war. The war is basically the armed fighting between two or more countries or group (CALD3). The reason of fighting between countries is about their effort for defending the country of being attacked and controlled by another country. The nationalistic sentiments form citizens to express their expression and have attitudes about their own nation and other. Central to this focus are the nationalism arouse feelings of attachment toward in-groups as well as feelings of enmity towards out-groups. The exaggerated national self-images can lead to the wrong collective actions such as war. Leaders use nationalism to mobilize public support for the warfare; nationalism is aroused by the conflict and intensified by victory.

Nationalism has been closely associated with the most destructive wars of human history. The First and the Second World War have been examined as the epitome of the dangers of nationalism. It means that the more individual hold nationalistic sentiments, the greater the likelihood of war. The violent conflict is provoked by elites (included government) in order to create domestic political context where nationality is only the politically relevant identity. The invasion of

Bush to Iraq is the example of the government provocation in this case; Bush, about finding the massive destructive weapons. This is due to the Bush’ anxiety for Iraqi may destroy America and be the most influential country with their PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


weapon. The condition implicitly arouse the feeling of nationalism; the feeling to keep the national defense.

The presence of nationalism on topic of war is also found in Anti-Flag song lyrics. Still, the two main processes support its appearance are the material processes and relational processes. The excerpts apply the material processes are discussed as follows.

(60) They (Actor) use (Process) the flag (Goal) to control (Process) us (Client). (S3.C1a) (61) They (Actor) brainwash(Process) us (Goal) to be their patriotic slaves(Circumstance) (S3.C1b) (62) Your values (Actor) are nothing but excuses to start(Process) fights (Goal) (S7.C3) (63) They(Actor) call on (Process) me (Goal) to die for them (Client) (S5.C9c) (64) So if the heads of state want to end terrorism (Circumstance), They (Actor)should go ahead (Process)and kill (Process) themselves (Goal) (S14.C2)

The Excerpt (60) shows the use of pronoun they to represent government and pronoun us as the Client. The pronoun shows the unity of Anti-Flag with the society. The Goal, the flag becomes the government tool to control the society. It symbolizes the nationalism.

Excerpt (61) has brainwash as the process. It means the government is powerful to alter the concept of nationalism in society. The circumstance to be their patriotic slaves displays the aim of government. The words, patriotic and slaves are two contradictive words. The society has a concept of being a patriot however the government considers them as their slaves. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The Actor in excerpt (62), your values represents the government’s rules or decisions. The verb excuses to start fight explicates the government decision to begin the war. Here, the speaker is about to judge the government. Through this clause, the government the Authoritarian is perceived as through the word, value.

As the leader, government is the one who responsible to make the value. The

Actor is still the powerful one whose action, excuses to start creates the Goal.

The verb phrase in excerpt (63), call on, indicates the nationalistic sentiment declaration for fighting. It is what the government; they as the Actor do to the Goal, citizens; me. In other side, it could be the opened-requirement for being U.S forces. Every citizen is persuaded for join in a national security.

The heads of state is the term used for the government in excerpt (64). The verb of material process as the action of the Actor has themselves as the affected.

The circumstance indicates the supposition: if the Actor wants to end terrorism they should go and kill themselves. It means that the speaker indicates the government as the terrorist. Since the terrorist refers to “someone who uses violent action, or threats of violent action, for political purposes” (CALD3) then the government is a person who in authority can do anything for the political purpose. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The relational processes existence on topic of war is shown in the following excerpts.

(65) Dying for government and country (Carrier) is (Process) shit! (Attribute) (S1.C1c). (66) They call (Process) that (Token) being a patriot (Value). I just call it ignorant. (S3.C7) (67) The bush "terror war"(Carrier) is (Process) unconstitutional and unconscionable (Attribute). (S10.C6)

The Carrier in excerpt (65), dying for government and country is qualified as shit. It means that the submission for the superior is definitely not a good matter to be done. In excerpt (66), the Token, Being a patriot, is identified as ignorant, The Value. They speaker call it so to show their rejection of nationalism. The word, ignorant states their anti-patriotism or nationalism. The heads of state is the term used for the government in excerpt (67). The verb of material process as the action of the Actor has themselves as the affected. The circumstance indicates the supposition: if the Actor wants to end terrorism they should go and kill themselves. It means that the speaker indicates the government as the terrorist. Since the terrorist refers to “someone who uses violent action, or threats of violent action, for political purposes” (CALD3) then the government is a person who in authority can do anything for the political purpose.

The other processes which are useful to support the ideology are the verbal processes and existential processes. The mental processes consist of desiderative, cognitive, affective and perceptive. The types of mental processes often appear is perceptive. It means that the mental process support ideology through the actor’s perception. Below are the excerpts. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


(68) It (Senser) feels (Process) like dejavu of Agent Orange and Vietnam(Phenomenon) (S13.C11) (69) And the government says, "We (Senser) don't know (Process) the source of his sickness." (Phenomenon) (S1.C2d)

The excerpt (68) has pronoun, it which refers to the situation of government’s lying. The mental verb process, feel carriers the meaning of perception. The perception is that the phenomenon the real Senser, we ever experienced (dejavu) the current situation as like the previous incidents: Agent

Orange and Vietnam.

In excerpt (69), the verb process, know is the cognition. It contains negative meaning. It means the Senser, we, does not acquiring knowledge about the

Phenomenon. The notion is the government refuses to admit that they know the source of his sickness. In other word, the government does not want to be responsible. The word, the source refers to the subject test material such as radiation and others chemical substances.

The verbal processes are about the Verbiage of the Sayer and to who the verbiage is referred to (Recipient). In supporting ideology, it shows what the government says and how the saying affects the society. There are some clauses carry the verbal process. They are presented in the following excerpts.

(70) At news conference (Circumstance), they (Sayer) claim (Process), “we listen” (Verbiage) while they lock out their own constituents (Circumstance)(S8.C7) (71) Their explanation (Sayer) is (Process) "it’s national interest, national security..." (Verbiage)(S5.C8) (72) They (Sayer) are telling (Process) you (Receiver) if you are a patriot that “You better do what you're told!”(Verbiage) (S2.C6) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


In excerpt (70), the Verbiage indicates that government as the representatives are cared to listen for their constituents. They state it when they do a news conference. In excerpt (71), the use of possessive pronoun, their, is to state the explanation owned by the government. The explanation is stated in the

Verbiage. It is about the reason of forcing society to pay tax dollars. In excerpt

(72), the Verbiage is said by government for the society. As the leader of nation, government use power to control society by saying that being a patriot is being submissive to every command.

The existential processes exist are as much as six clauses. The representation of the actor is just in government and society. Basically two participants required in the processes are the Existential which is about the use of there + to be in the clauses and the Existent can be the phenomenon of any kind.

The process is found employ two meanings: exist and does not exist. It is shown in appendix 3. The excerpts carry the existential process is presented below.

(73) [At little big horn national cemetery (Circumstance)], there is (Existential) a flag (Existent) there flying high over the fallen killers' graves (Circumstance) (S5.C9b) (74) There are (Existential) no action, no interest, no humanity (Existent) at all (S14.C6b) (75) The bill of rights (Existent) does not exist (Existential) (S10.C2) (76) There is (Existential) no allegiance (Existent) to the board's homeland, fellow citizens, and the flag born of their country (Circumstance). (S12.C2)

In excerpt (73), a flag is the symbol of the nation which the nation authority uses to brainwash nationalism concept to the citizens. In excerpt (74), the bill of rights refer to the constituents “(a written document which forms) the set of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


political principles by which a state or organization is governed, especially in relation to the rights of the people it governs” (CALD3). Unfortunately it does not exist. It means the laws have no function. In excerpt (75), the action-interest- humanity refers to the government’s character that seemingly has no action, no interest, and no humanity. The allegiance refers to the “loyalty and support for a ruler, country, group or belief” (CALD3). In excerpt (6), the allegiance is given to the board's homeland, fellow citizens, and the flag born of their country.

Government is considered has no allegiance at all to the mentioned people.

In representing the anti-authoritarian nationalism, 16 examples contains modals are obtained from the selected song lyrics. All types of modality are employed to support the emergence of the ideology. The occurrence of each type will be classified based on high, mid and low modal meanings. Its detailed occurrence can be seen in appendix 5.

The first type, Probability emerges eight times and becomes the most emerged modal. It consists of five mid Probability and 3 low Probability. The mid

Probability shows that the process seems to be probable to occur. On the contrary, the process seems not probable to happen be shown by low probability. The examples show the mid and low probability is shown below.

(77) If you make it home alive you will die young (S13.C6) (78) They were throwing it away until they figured out they could use it for armament (S13.C9).

Excerpt (77) is the example of positive mid probability as it is indicated by pronoun, will. The actor probably dies young. It is about the probability impact on PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


the actor if they keep making America as their home for living. The probability indicates the lack of feeling proud of a nation, being a citizen of America.

Another example carries the positive low probability as expressed by could in excerpt (78). Both modals are modal auxiliaries. The mid probability means that something is probably occurred while the low probability means that something is possibly occurred. The actor as the government possibly does an action. It is about the possibility to use the depleted uranium for armament. The depleted uranium is possibly be used as it is proven in war. The use of it in war kills large numbers of people and cause diseases such as leukemia and birth malfunction.

Obligation is the second most occurred modal. It occurs as much as six times in four high obligations and two mid obligations. The high obligation shows that the processes are highly required to occur while the mid obligation is the vice versa. The examples below will present the modals carry obligation.

(79) You have gotta die for your government? You have gotta die for your country? (S1.C1) (80) So if the heads of state want to end terrorism, they should go ahead and kill themselves (S14.C2)

To support ideology, Obligation shows the level of a matter does do and don’t. In excerpt (79), the modal, have gotta is the example of high obligation. It is a semi modal which carry the meaning of need to or have got to. Furthermore, it is also a positive obligation. It means that the process is positively required to occur. The excerpt is expressed in interrogative sentence. The actor which is the citizens asks about their submission of dying for their government and country.

Dying for government and country is a command of the authority. It is also an PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


output of the national brainwashing. In excerpt (80), the modal, should carry the mid obligation. As a modal auxiliary, it used to show when something is so obligingly occurred. It is also positively required to occur. Therefore, the government is required to kill themselves if they want to end terrorism.

For Usuality, there two examples carry its use. One carries the high usuality and other is low. The high Usuality shows how a process is so usually occurred.

The mid Usuality is not usually occur. The two examples are presented as follows.

(81) I never will pledge allegiance to their flag (S1.C8b) (82) You are getting used, you will end up dead! (S1.C9)

The excerpt (81) expresses the high usuality but it occurs in negative meaning. It means, the process is not usual to occur. The fuse of modal adverb never and modal auxiliary, will indicate the meaning. The Usuality delivers the meaning of frequency of doing an action or happening of an action. In excerpt

(82), the modal emphasizes the permanent habit of the actor. As the citizen, the actor rejects to pledge allegiance to the flag. In other words, the actor supports the anti-nationalism. The mid Usuality expressed in the excerpt (83) is positive meaning. The use of modal auxiliary will means that the process is so usual to occur. The usual output of being submit to the authority is dead. The actor in this case the citizen is the tool of the government. As the tool, their life is not worthy which means death usually occur on them. Two examples expressed the

Inclination. One carries the positive high inclination and other carries the negative high Inclination. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


(83) When they call on me to die for them I will say... "not me!" (S5.C9) (84) I will not sign my blind faith away to an unjustly leader of the unjust police state. (S14.C3)

The Inclination denotes three meanings of representation. The low as willingness, the mid can be glossed as intention, and the high as determination.

The high inclination represents the determination. For excerpt (83), it means the process is positively determined to occur. The modal highlights the determination of the actor to reject to die for them. The determination that the actor as the citizen has to say as the self-statement against the national brainwash by the authority: the calling to die for them. The excerpt (84) means that the process is not determined to occur. It highlights the determination of signing blind faith to the government. The actor rejects to believe on the leader of the nation and the police state which they call it unjustly. The statement also contains the feeling no proud for the nation.

About the pronoun analysis, the frequent actor is government. It is represented in as much as 22 clauses in anti-authoritarian nationalism ideology. It mostly appears in pronoun, they. It means that the number of protest in Anti-Flag song lyrics are proposed to government and the Anti-Flag places themselves as the in-group with the society. The second protest is proposed to society. To do protest, Anti-Flag mostly appear as out of the group. It expressed by pronoun, I in three clauses while its appearance as in group. The pronouns represent government and Anti-Flag is provided in the excerpts below.

(85) They use the flag to control us (S3.C1a) (86) I don't need you to tell me what to do and I don't need you to tell me what to be. FUCK YOU! (S1.C10) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

131 Summary of Anti-Authoritarian Nationalism Representation

In the ideology of anti-authoritarian nationalism, the transitivity analysis is presented in almost all processes, except, the mental and the behavioral processes.

Yet, the main processes are the material processes and relational processes. In the material processes, the actions frequently performed by government. The actions present the authority of the government to control society under the power of nationalism. In the relational processes, the identity of and character of government in nationalism as what needed to be banned. It is like what has been presented in the excerpts, that submissiveness to the government and country is bullshit. Being a patriot as the effort of national defense in the war is ignorant. It shows that the concept of nationalism of the ruler is narrow. The involvement in war for the national security is not acceptable.

The three last processes are; mental processes, verbal processes and existential processes. The verbal processes mostly consist of two participants,

Sayer-Receiver. It indicates that the nationalism is directly delivered by the government as the Sayer to the citizens as the Receiver. It can be stated that being nationalism is seen as a command of the powerful leader. The existential processes frequently present the non-existence. The matters which considerably do not exist are about the human rights; the freedom to speak, think, behave etc.

Moreover, the processes present the humanity does not exist. Worst of all, the bill of right is not operated. The life of citizens is not significant to the leader. Laws can not touch the power holder. Thus, the deviation of nationalism to the society is not investigated by the principle of justice. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The analysis of transitivity in anti-authoritarian nationalism shows that nationalism becomes a powerful tool for the leader of nation to get the citizens obeyed their command.

In anti-authoritarian nationalism, the use of modals is quite great in quantities but still less than the social movement. The frequently occurred modals are mid Probability and high Obligation. The mid degree in probability contains the level of probability. It is a level below the certainty. It used by the speaker to mean that nationalism is probably happen. The speaker likely believe that the use of nationalism as a tool to have citizens submit themselves in the purpose of national security. The high obligation indicates the strong demand to do something. In line with nationalism, the speakers intend to strongly persuade citizens not to support the ideology.

Pronoun you frequently appear. The pronoun, you, refers to society. All at once, it indicates the dominance of punk counterculture that the culture of capitalism and nationalism needs to be opposed. They aim to propagate their belief to the society. For protesting anti-authoritarianism, Anti Flag set themselves as the out-group. Therefore, the protest addressed to either government or society. Representation of Social Movement

Throught the transitivity analysis, the material process is mostly used. It has

57.77% or 52 clauses (see appendix 10). Thus, almost half of the social movement ideology is in action verbs. The relational process is also quite much in use. It has

24.44% or 22 clauses. Besides action verbs, relation verbs are often used. The PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


three last processes which are rare to use are mental process in 8.88% or 8 clauses, and existential process in 8.88% or 8 clauses. Another process, verbal processes and behavioral processes do not exist.

The preceding explication has shown the way social movement ideology be explored using the material processes. Furthermore, the presence of ideology is needed to interlink with the credible issues such as the capitalism and nationalism.

The resistance towards the capitalism is so called anti-capitalism. The profit- motive of the traders, the State as the tax recipients and the war profiteers certainly oppress the citizens especially the poor and the middle and the low- income family. The excerpts below display the example of social movement to oppugn the authority.

(87) Capitalism's time to fall (Actor) has come (Process)(S9.C11) (88) Greed, envy, fear, hate-- the competition (Actor) has to stop (Process)(S15.C7)

The Actor in excerpt (87), capitalism’s time is non-animate. It is not a doing process but the happening process. The question “What happened to capitalism’s time to fall?”, the answer may be “it has come”. On the other side, by asking the same question, “What happened to the competition?”, the answer may be “it has to stop”. As the competition is a Goal in excerpt (88), there must be an Actor to do the action: to stop it. It could be the protestors or rebel.

Nationalism comes as the second important issue which is needed to fighting for. As the impact of the overpower concept of the authoritarian government, society is settled to be their patriotic slaves. They lose their freedom; PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


they merely act as the government tools. The condition is requisite to be altered.

Therefore, there is a social movement of anti-nationalism. The presence of the ideology is extracted in the following excerpts.

(89) And so even though we (Actor) face (Process) the difficulties of today and tomorrow (Scope), I still have a dream. [we (Actor) will be able to speed up (Process) that day (Goal) when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics,(Actor) will be able to join hands (Process) and sing "Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last."(Circumstance) (S15.C11) (90) This machine (Actor) kills (Process) fucking fascists!(Goal)(S6.C6)

In excerpt (89), the Actor, we, has ability to do an action. The material process expressed through modal auxiliary + be + to infinitive. The main verb is to speed up. The object of the action is that day. It is called as Scope as it is an unaffected object. For this case, the society together with Anti-Flag does a movement by bringing together all races and religions. The Actor, all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics has ability to join hands. The movement happens at the time every different person joins together despite their races or religions. All men are equal. In excerpt

(90), the term, fascist, refers to the very powerful leader, state control being extremely proud of country and race and reject the political opposition (CALD3).

As the second main process which supports the ideology, the relational process helps to show the identity and the character of the rebel. The relational process needs two participants, carrier-attribute or token value. There clauses in relational process are either identifying or attributive. The following clauses describes the detail of each process occurrence. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


To support the presence of social movement ideology, the relational processes which contain the ideology are provided as follow.

(91) The time to put the trigger to the man (Carrier) is (Process) growing near (Attribute) (S2.C14) (92) Cause tonight, we (Carrier) are (Process) united (Attribute) as one (Circumstance)(S6.C5a). (93) This (Token) is (Process) a plea for peace (world peace) to the oppressors of the world and to the leaders of nations, corporate profit- takers, to the everyday citizen (Value) (S15.C6) (94) The line is drawn in the sand. On one side (Circumstance), you (Token) are (Process) a slave (Value) but in the other (Circumstance) you (Token) are (Process) a free man (Value) (S11.C10)

The excerpts (91) and (92) are the attributive process as the Attribute is the to give detail information about the Carrier. In excerpt (91), The Attribute provides the period of time of execution. The action of putting the trigger is getting closer. It will be executed to the man, - the leader of the nation. The action indicates the movement; it is a form of society resistance towards the leaders. The time of getting closer indicates the society enthusiasm. In excerpt (92), the

Attribute characterized the Carrier. United is the character of the society. It indicates the social movement where there is a unity of society.

Other excerpts, (93) and (94) are identifying process; The Value is the identity of the Token. As it is shown in excerpt (93), the Value, a plea for peace, states the identity of the song; this. The song is identified as the plea for peace.

The plea is a form of social movement; the way society announcing their protest towards the war. The excerpt (94) has two identifying processes which are opposite. The Token, you are identified as the slave and the free man. The Values PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


are given to the Token to state that there is another identity besides being a slave.

It is a persuasive way to make society conscious for their rights as a free man and to stop being a victim of capitalism; a slave for the wealthy and powerful people.

The rest processes which are important to be discussed are the mental processes and existential processes. Their distribution is provided in the appendix.

The emergence of mental process in supporting social movement ideology is merely seven clauses. The desiderative process is employed in four clauses, the perceptive process is in three clauses and a clause is about cognitive process. The affective process is not obtained.

From appendix 11, the distribution of mental process is less in numbers. The emerging clauses are mostly in desiderative process. It puts the participant as somebody who counters the reality: expecting something beyond the reality to happen. It appears in five clauses. The perceptive process appears in three clauses.

It puts the participant as an actor who factually receives the visual condition. A single clause presents a cognitive process which expresses participant as somebody who acknowledged information. Below are the excerpts carry the mental processes.

(95) If you (Senser) want (Process) to change the world (Phenomenon) Then you have to start with yourself (S14.C1) (96) We (Senser) want (Process) our world back!(Phenomenon)(S11.C7) (97) We (Senser) don't need (Process) more time to talk over a solution (Phenomenon)(S6.C5a) (98) We (Senser) know (Process) what we need (Phenomenon) (S13.C5b), we (Senser) need (Process) a fucking revolution Phenomenon) (S6.C5c) (99) We (Senser) don't need (Process) your war machine, or your filthy blood stained dollars (Phenomenon) (S6.C5b) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The clause is the if-conditional sentence. The Senser, you has desire to do a

Phenomenon. It is about to change the world. However, the expected condition may occur if the Senser does an action first. The notion is to have a world changed, the society have to start from them. They need to be involved in the social movement. They need to be the agent of a world peace.

The desiderative processes are expressed through mental verbs such as want

(95) and (96), need (97) and (58b). The Senser has wish for a particular

Phenomenon as in excerpt (96), we wish to have their world back. The noun group, our world back refers to the peace situation before. The desiderative processes in excerpts (97) and (99) have negative meaning. The Senser has no needing of the Phenomenon. They reject to have more time to talk over a solution.

It means the time to do rebellion is started. The time to just talk over a solution is over. At the period of time they have waited but there is no obvious way out.

Also, they reject to have war machine and filthy blood stained dollars. It expresses society’s need to end the war and the profits taken from the war.

There are six clauses employ the existential process. Two participants needed in the process are Existential and Existent. The Existential refers to there’s which indicated that a person or a thing does exist. However, the participant is also indicates someone or something does not exist. The Existent refers to the existing or the not existing thing or person. The excerpts show the use of existential process is shown below.

(100) There is (Existential) no religions, sexual preference and regardless of your race (Existent). (S14.C10b) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


(101) There is (Existential) a voice (Existent) in your heart (Circumstance) (S11.C9) (102) There's (Existential) a call, freedom’s sound (Existent) around the globe (Circumstance) (S11.C11) (103) There is (Existential) nothing to fear (Existent) (S12.C9)

The Existent are indicated non-existing in clauses (100) and (103). The religions, sexual preference and regardless of your race and the fear are indicated does not exist. Though it carries negative meaning but it is positive for doing a social movement. The difference of religions, sexual preference and race must not be considered. Another non-existing Existent is the fear. It is also positive to do a social movement. People need not to be afraid to rebel against the authority, against the injustice. The existing Existents lay in clauses (101) and (102). The two Existents, a voice and a call- freedom’s sounds refer to the calling to do a revolution. The two Circumstances, in your heart and around the globe indicate that the expectation of a revolution is supported personally and globally.

As it has been mentioned earlier, the use of modality is to disclose the speakers’ judgment towards the ideologies. The modality analyzed in this study is the modals adverbs, i.e have gotta and modals auxiliaries, i.e never. The speakers’ judgment is determined through the degree carried by each modal such as high, mid and low degree. The distribution of all modals is provided in appendix 7.

The Ability is the most type of modals appeared. It emerges 11 times in five positive meanings and six negative meanings. It shows the ability and inability of an actor in performing an action. The excerpts below provide the ability and inability of the people in power towards the social movement. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


(104) You can kill the protestor (can't kill), you can't kill the protest (S12.C7) (105) Bullets can't silence ideas! (S12.C9b)

Probability is the second most occurred modal. It occurs as much as nine times; eight times are in positive meanings and the rest is in negative meaning. It carries the mid Probability which means the action is probably done. The excerpts below will present the modals carry Probability.

(106) Soon this corporate run government will be through (S6.C2) (107) We will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing "Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last." (S15.C11b)

The modal carries the obligation is have got to and should. The first one has the positive meanings and high degree. It appears three times in the clauses. The second one has the mid degree. In clauses, it emerges 2 times. The high positive inclination means that the action is highly required to occur. The following excerpts show its presence.

(108) We have got to make a change (S14.C10) (109) It’s time we should dig their ditch (S9.C12)

Inclination is shown in the modal, will as the mid inclination and have gotta and has/have to as the high inclination. The Inclination appears 5 times; one is negative and four is positive. The inclination expresses the willingness to do an action. The high inclination represents the determination. The two excerpts below present the inclination. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


(110) "We have really got those suckers fooled, We have gotta 'em trained like rats!" (S2.C2) (111) Greed, envy, fear, hate-- the competition has to stop (S15.C7) (112) We will fight you till we die!!! (S6.C11)

The use of pronoun analysis to support the presence of social movement is by presenting the most frequent actor. The frequency of the actor’s emergence helps to determine to whom that the speakers focus their protest and to determine the speakers position; in-group of out-group with the society. The in-group is indicated by the use of pronoun, we to represent Anti-Flag and society identity while they to refer to the capitalists and fascists. The out-group is depicted through pronoun, I and you. I represent Anti-Flag and you represent society and government. When Anti-Flag is out-group, it means that they protest society in order to raise their consciousness of being controlled and oppressed and to invite them for revolution. Each actor distribution can be seen in appendix 12.

Different from two previous ideologies which focus on they, the ideology of social movement mostly presented the actor in pronoun, we. The emergence of the pronoun means the Anti-Flag is in-group with society. In other words, they support society to do the social movement. The pronoun appears as much as 23 times. Below is the presence of pronoun we which support the ideology.

(113) We are all human. It's time to prove it.(S15.C5) (114) We are tearing down the borders!(S11.C4) (115) We don't need more time to talk over a solution. We know what we need, we need a fucking revolution (S4.C5) (116) We have got one thing you ain’t got. We have got the numbers! (S4.C7) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

141 Summary of Social Movement Representation

The ideology of social movement by the transitivity analysis is described through the material processes, relational processes, mental processes and existential processes. The material processes shows that the actions mostly performed by the society and Anti-Flag as the in-group. The actions clearly present society responses to attack the authorities due to the authoritarian character of the capitalists and fascists. In this ideology, the power of society is presented; the society is depicted as having willingness for doing the movement.

The relational processes show the identity and characters of the society and Anti-

Flag as the protestors. The identity shows the quality of the society as not merely as the protestors but sometimes they presented as the anarchists: people who wishes to destroy the existing government and laws.

The two other processes, the mental processes mostly occur in desiderative while the existential processes mostly shows the existence. The desiderative in mental processes refers to the strong inclination. It presents the strong willingness of the society to have revolution. On the other side, the existence showed in the existential processes is about the existence of the all-involving matters that supported for the revolution. Mostly, it is about the existence of the calling for the social movement. Besides, it also presents all the matters that do not exist such as the matters that prevent the social movement. Based on the transitivity analysis, the result shows that there is a strong motivation of the society in doing the movement. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Social movement is the ideology that mostly supported with the usage of modals. The frequent modal is (+) Ability. The speaker has judgment that they; speakers and society have the physical or mental power or skill to do the movement. Moreover, the speaker intends to urge and challenge the society for making revolution against the authority of capitalism and nationalism.

The usage of pronoun, we, is the most in social movement ideology. The pronoun, we, refers to the Anti-Flag and society. The use of such pronoun is the manner of Anti-Flag as the speaker to get society’s attention. It is by stating that they belong to the society. It is also to state that the punk subculture is not negative as what people might think in common. Moreover, it is also to share the same feelings of being pressured by the authority in the scope of capitalism and nationalism. Therefore, Anti-Flag might easily invite the society to join them in the social movement. The condition presents the Anti-Flag position as the in- group. The result of the pronoun analysis of social movment shows that Anti-Flag and society act as the drivers of changes; they persuade people to do a social movement. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI




Conclusions and recommendations section is the last chapter of the thesis.

The chapter contains the conclusion from the analysis of the chapter 4 which emphasizes on the explication of the two research questions. The chapter also proposes the greater extent for conducting the further study especially in the terms of methodology and data.

5.1 Conclusions

At the close of the analysis, the two research questions have been answered.

The first question about the dominant ideologies in Anti-Flag song lyrics has been disclosed. It is done by the special terms analysis and the supported issues analysis. By analyzing the special terms, the characteristics of the ideologies can be acquired. The dominant ideologies are determined by the frequency of occurrence of the special terms and by relating them to the supported issues. The issues become the background of the songs which providing knowledge and information for the ideology analysis.

From the analysis, the two dominant ideologies attained are the anti- authoritarianism which is subdivided into anti-authoritarian capitalism and anti- authoritarian nationalism, and the social movement. The anti-authoritarianism is associated to the society opposition towards the powerful ruler. Specifically, anti- authoritarian capitalism deals with protest at some issues such as NAFTA, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


taxation and war profiteering while anti-authoritarian nationalism is about the protest against the human experimentation and war as the national security. The social movement is more about the revolution call. The call states the society power to fight against the power imbalance. To unmask the detail of the ideologies is to analyze their linguistic representation.

The linguistic representation analysis as the second question is done by applying the systemic functional grammar (SFG) focusing on the transitivity analysis, modality analysis and pronoun analysis. The transitivity analysis helps to find the representation of the actors. The modality helps to display the speaker’s judgment and the pronoun analysis helps to show the focus of protest and the position of the speakers.

The selected song lyrics of Anti-Flag mostly employ two main processes.

They are material processes and the relational processes. The rest processes are the mental processes, verbal processes and the existential processes. All the ideologies presented by using the material processes and the relational processes.

The anti-authoritarian capitalism mostly appears in material process rather than the relational process while the use of both main processes in the anti- authoritarian nationalism is almost comparable. The appearance of the social movement is mostly in the material processes compared to the relational processes. The other three processes do not appear in whole ideologies; only two of the processes appear alternately in each ideology. From the three ideologies, the most occurred ideology is the anti-authoritarian nationalism followed by the social movement and the last is the anti-authoritarian capitalism. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


In the ideology of anti-authoritarian capitalism, the material processes present the action of the capitalists including government, the rich and the private ownership companies. They also present the society and Anti-Flag actions.

However, the most occurred actions are the capitalists’. The relational processes show the identities and characters of the capitalists. The describing identity shows that the capitalists are depicted as the profit-making figure. In the ideology, the power imbalance is divided into some parties. In other words, it involves some parties besides government and society. They are the wealthy people and the private companies: individual or business.

The ideology of anti-authoritarian nationalism is presented towards the material processes and also relational processes. In this ideology, the focus of the power imbalance is merely between government; the presidential administration with the society as the citizens. The material processes shows the actions of the government which limit and even take over the rights and freedom of the citizens.

The relational process shows the identity and the character of the government as the fascists; the very powerful leaders.

Different from the preceding ideologies, the way material processes show the social movement ideology is through the actions done by society and the Anti-

Flag. If in capitalism, the most powerful figure is the businesses, the nationalism is the leader of nation while in social movement is the society. The actions display their resistance towards the sovereignty. Besides, the relational processes describe their identity and character as the protestors and somewhat anarchists. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The role of modality to unhide the ideologies is by presenting speakers’ judgment or intentions through the use of modals and their meanings. The frequent emerge modal meaning is the probability in anti-authoritarian capitalism, the probability and obligation is the anti-authoritarian nationalism and ability in the social movement.

The probability in anti-authoritarian capitalism expresses the certainty since it has high degree. The certainty talk about the speakers is no doubt about the existence of capitalism and the work of capitalists in America which emphasizes on profit-making. In anti-authoritarian nationalism, probability carries the mid degree. It means that the speaker is sure that the nationalism is probably happen in

America. And that the leader of the nation uses nationalism as his power control.

Yet, in anti-authoritarian nationalism, the high obligation presents the power of the leader to have citizens obey their command. In the other side, it also shows the strong wish of Anti-Flag to reject nationalism. On the case of social movement, the ability indicates that society resistance can be executed by the society. It shows the power of society.

The use of pronoun analysis has revealed the speakers’ focus of protest and the speakers’ position in protest. The result of the anti-authoritarianism analysis shows that the society is the most protested party follow by the government. It is shown by the use of pronoun,you and they, which related to them. The position of the speaker is out-group; as the outer part of society. Another pronoun, weis found mostly in the social movement ideology. It sets Anti-Flag position as the in-group.

It is used by Anti-Flag as the speakers to refer them and the society considered PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


together. The fact shows that Anti-Flag is serious to protest against the issues of nationalism and capitalism and serious in doing the revolution.

5.2 Recommendations

Some recommendations are proposed for the further studies in the similar research type which is Critical Discourse Analysis study. First is related to the data. The present study restricts the data from a single band; Anti-Flag. The further studies conducting on more band or singers would be interesting and challenges since there are a lot of punk rock musician who carry another interesting ideology in their lyrics. It is because the writer finds another fascinating ideology during analyzing the lyrics. It is hope that the studies on the song lyrics at the future will be more systematic.

The second recommendation is related to methodology of the research.

The study is restricted merely to the transitivity, modality and pronoun analysis which means that the study is only about the ideational meanings and the interpersonal meanings. Thus, the writer recommends the analysis on the thematization. It is an attractive part to be analyzed.

At last, the recommendation is to conduct the study with other fields.

Since the present study is interlinked to the politics of capitalism and nationalism, the further researches may use the study on song lyrics by involving other fields of study. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI



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Appendix 1: Transitivity Analysis of Anti-Authoritarian Capitalism

1. Material Processes

Government Representation Codes Clauses Participants S2.C1a. A billionaire (Actor) is chatting (Process) with Actor S2.C1b. his friends (Circumstance) Actor They (Actor) have gotta stop and laugh (Process) S2.C3. The riches (Actor) plot and conrol (Process) Actor-Goal your thoughts (Goal) to make you blame yourself (Circumstance). S2.C4. "The rich are rich because they are smarter than Goal me. You (Goal) are taught about (Process) this is right, that it's your fault (Circumstance) S2.C5. They (Actor) throw (Process) a war (Goal) Actor-Goal like a party (Circumstance) saying.” It’s for a moral cause.." S2.C9a They (Actor) are getting (Process) rich (Goal) Actor-Goal by selling weapons to both countries (Circumstance) S2.C10. They(Actor) are gonna give(Process) you Actor- (Recipient) nothing (Goal). They want to take Recipient-Goal away the little they call something S3.C3. The government say they (Actor) are working Actor-Client (Process) for us (Client) just as long as we increase their pay (Circumstance) but the minute they get into office, we are a has been a yesterday S5.C5. It's the same today as then as (Circumstance), Goal U.S. (tax) dollars (Goal) are spent (Process) to rid the native insurgence in Mexico, and any other U.S. (corporate) "interests" (Circumstance) S5.C7. The tax dollars we (Goal) are forced to pay Goal (Process) (Actor) fund (Process) these Actor-Goal heartless U.S. policies (Goal) S6.C4a Let the feds pass a law (Circumstance), that Actor-Goal S6.C4b (Actor) takes (Process) your rights Actor (Goal)away cause you (Actor) gotta sacrifice PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


(Process) if you want to stay safe ‘til the day you find the feds in your back pocket locking you away for saying, "question", "think", or "stop it"(Circumstance) S6.C5a They (Actor) do (Process) nothing (Goal) for Actor-Goal- S6.C5b you (Client). They (Actor) do (Process) Client S6.C5c nothing (Goal) for me (Client). They (Actor) Actor-Goal- give (Process) us (Recipient) nothing to Client believe (Goal) Actor- Recipient-Goal S6.C6. Joseph McCarthy and Reagan (Actor) set Actor-Goal- (Process) the motherfuckin’ stage (Goal) for Client the right leanings that now grip the U.S.A (Client) S6.C7. They (Actor) framed and jailed (Process) the Actor-Goal reds (Goal) S6.C8. They (Actor) lost (Process) the keys (Goal) to Actor-Goal the cell set up the capitalist machine to go in for the kill (Circumstance) S6.C9. Social divisions (Goal) are encouraged Goal-Actor (Process) by the few - few!(Actor) S6.C10. Those few in power(Actor) are Actor-Goal uckerin’(Process) suckers (Goal) like you (Circumstance) S6.C11a. As corporate welfare flows from troughs of the Actor-Goal S6.C11b. state (Circumstance), big business (Actor) takes (Process) more than their fair take (Goal) but in the end (Circumstance), it is suckers like you who buy that S6.C13. Can't you realize that it (Actor) is just talking Actor (Process) like tax men at your door fuckin’knockin’ (Circumstance) S7.C8. A money-making scheme (Goal) led (Process) Goal-Actor by war profiteering whores (Actor) S8.C5 Behind locked doors in session Actor-Goal (Circumstance), world (Actor) sponsored (Process) corporate politicians (Goal) S8.C6 World (Actor) structure (Process) policy Actor-Goal (Goal) to build (Process) more corporate Actor-Goal strength (Goal) S8.C9 In china (Circumstance), Nike(Actor) pays Actor- (Process) workers (Recipient) fifth cents a day Recipient-Goal (Goal) S8.C10 In the U.S (Circumstance), lawmakers (Actor) Actor- give (Process) China (Recipient)“free trade” Recipient-Goal (Goal) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


S8.C11a. Human rights-based sanctions (Goal) just Goal S8.C11b. washed away (Process) when our lawmakers Goal-Actor (Goal) are owned (Process) by multinational’s money (Actor) (Circumstance) S9.C4 Corporate masters (Actor) live (Process) in Actor their chess pool of extreme wealth and excess (Circumstance) S9.C7 As the corporate towers rise up Actor-Scope (Circumstance), they (Actor) watch (Process) the people fall (Scope) S9.C8a A government (Goal) run (Process) by the Goal-Actor S9.C8b corporations of the world (Actor) enslaving Actor-Goal (Process) mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters (Goal) S9.C9 Profits (Actor) put (Process) before people Actor (Circumstance) S10.C7 This whole system (Goal) is built (Process) by Goal-Actor the rich(Actor) S10.C10a The rich (Actor) are getting (Process) richer Actor-Goal (Goal) S12.C3 As the brainwashed nationalists move to shed Actor-Scope their blood on battle fields (Circumstance), War profiteering rich (Actor) watch (Process) their stocks reap high yields (Scope). S12.C6 There is only a commitment to lock away Actor-Goal equality and steal away all freedom from the poorest of the poor. So that the boardroom (Actor) can insure (Process) their stockholders (Goal) S13.C1a You (Actor) push and push (Process) a people Actor-Goal S13.C1a (Goal), what are they (Carrier) (Actor) to do (Process)? S14.C1 And so the time has finally come Actor-Goal (Circumstance), the bourgeoisie (Actor) has signed (Process) the war decree (Goal) with proletariat blood (Circumstance). And that blood which flows from their penis the closest that they've ever been to the people. TOTAL 41 Clauses

Society Representation Codes. Clauses Process S2.C4b You (Actor) are taught about (Process) this is Goal right, that it’s your fault (Circumstance) S2.C11. You know you (Actor) are being used Goal PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


(Process) still you play along (Circumstance). S2.C12. If youare not complacent, You (Actor) are Actor-Goal doing (Process) something wrong (Goal) S6.C12. The poor (Actor) are givin’(Process) you Actor- (Recipient) the screw (Goal) Recipient- Goal 4 Clauses

Anti-Flag and Society Representation Codes. Clauses Participants --- No Clauses ---

Anti-Flag Representation Codes. Clauses Processes -- No Clauses --

2. Relational Processes

Government Representation Codes Clauses Processes S2.C4a "The rich (Carrier) are (Process) rich Carrier-Attribute: S2.C4b (Attribute) because they (Carrier) are Intensive (Process) smarter (Attribute) than me Carrier-Attribute: (Circumstance). Intensive S5.C6. The 3rd world (Token) is (Process) a Token-Value: modern day playground (Value) for Intensive multinational companies (Circumstance) S5.C10a They (Carrier ) stand for (Process) greed Carrier-Attribute: (Attribute), Intensive S5.C10b They (Carrier) stand for (Process) hate Carrier-Attribute: (Carrier), Intensive S5.C10c They (Carrier) stand for (Process) for Token-Value: nothing I believe (Attribute) Intensive S6.C11 As corporate welfare flows from troughs of Token-Value: the state, big business takes more than their Intensive fair take but in the end, it (Token) is (Process) suckers (Value) like you who buy that (Circumstance) S10.C6 Stop corruption (Carrier) is (Process) too Carrier-Attribute: late (Attribute) Intensive S12.C6 Profits (Carrier) are (Process) higher in Carrier-Attribute: return (Attribute). Intensive S13.C3 Big business (Token) are (Process) the Token-Value: pimps (Value) and governments' (Token) Intensive PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


their whores (Value)

S14.C7c They (Carrier) are (Process) corrupt Carrier-Attribute: (Attribute). Intensive TOTAL 12 Clauses

Society Representation Codes Clauses Processes S2.C12. If you (Carrier) are not (Process) Carrier-Attribute: complacent (Attribute), you are doing Intensive something wrong S14.C1 And so the time has finally come, the Carrier-Attribute: bourgeoisie has signed the war decree with Circumstantial proletariat blood. And that blood which flows from their pen (Carrier) is (Process) the closest that they've ever been to the people (Attribute) TOTAL 2 Clauses

Anti-Flag and Society Representation Codes Clauses Processes S3.C3c The government says they are working for Carrier-Attribute: us just as long as we increase their pay but Intensive the minute they get into office (Circumstance), we (Carrier) are (Process) a has-been a yesterday (Attribute). S13.C8 To you (Circumstance) the masses (Token) Token-Value: are not (Process) even human beings Intensive (Value). Carrier-Attribute: We (Carrier) are (Process) dogs Intensive (Attribute) that will be (Process) grateful Carrier-Attribute: (Attribute) for any scraps you leave Intensive (Circumstance) TOTAL 4 Clauses

Anti-Flag Representation Codes Clauses Processes ------PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


3. Mental Processes

Government Representation Codes Clauses Processes S2.C10b They (Senser) want to take away (Process) the Desideration little they call something (Goal) TOTAL 1 Clause

Society Representation Codes Clauses Processes S2.C9b You (Senser) never think (Process) to question Perception what you're told! (Phenomenon) S2.C11. You (Senser) (Goal) know (Process) you Cognition (Phenomenon) are being used still you play along. S6.C13. Can't you (Senser) realize (Process) that it is just Cognition talking like tax men at your door fuckin’knockin’ (Phenomenon) TOTAL 3 Clauses

Anti-Flag and Society Representation Codes Clauses Processes S7.C7. A greedy gang of liars, yeah we (Senser) have Perception seen(Process) it all (Phenomenon) before (Circumstance) S14.C7 We (Senser) know (Process) their game Cognition (Phenomenon), know (Process) they are corrupt Cognition (Phenomenon) TOTAL 3 Clauses

Anti-Flag Representation Codes Clauses Processes ------

4. Verbal Processes

Government Representation Codes Clauses Processes S2.C5. They (Sayer) throw a war like a party saying Sayer- (Process),"It's for a moral" (Verbiage) Verbiage S3.C3a. The government (Sayer) says (Process) they are Sayer- working for us just as long as we increase their pay Verbiage (Verbiage) S5.C8. Their explanation (Sayer) is (Process) "it's national Sayer- PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


interest, national security..." (Verbiage) Verbiage S8.C7 At news conference(Circumstance), they(Sayer) Sayer- claim(Process), “we listen” while they lock out Verbiage their own constituents “. (Verbiage). TOTAL 4Clauses

Society Representation Codes Clauses Processes ------

Anti-Flag and Society Representation Codes Clauses Processes ------

Anti-Flag Representation Codes Clauses Processes ------

5. Existential Processes

Government Representation Codes Clauses Processes ------

Society Representation Codes Clauses Processes ------

Anti-Flag and Society Representation Codes Clauses Processes ------

Anti-Flag Representation Codes Clauses Processes ------PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Appendix 2: Transitivity Analysis of Anti-Authoritarian Nationalism

1. Material Processes

Government Representation Codes Clauses Participants S1.C3a But don't believe what they say, because your Actor government (Actor) is lying (Process). S1.C3b They (Actor) have done (Process) it (Scope) Actor-Scope before (Circumstance) S1.C3c and don't you know, they (Actor) do (Process) it Actor-Scope (Scope) again (Circumstance). S1.C4b Government (Actor) built (Process) virus Actor-Goal "Subject Test Group: Gulf Battle Field Troops" (Goal) S1.C5 First World War veterans (Goal) were slaughtered Goal-Actor (Process) by General Eisenhower (Actor) S1.C6 You give them your life, they (Actor) give Actor-Goal (Process) you (Recipient) a stab (Goal) in the back (Circumstance) S1.C7a Radiation and agent orange (Goal) were tested Goal (Process) on US souls (Circumstance) S1.C7b Guinea pigs (Goal) were tested (Process) for Goal-Client Western corporations (Client) S2.C8 Brainwashed nationalism (Actor) makes Actor-Goal- (Process) you (Goal) a tool (Attribute) Attribute S3.C1a They (Actor) use (Process) the flag (Goal) to Actor-Goal- control (Process) us (Client). Client S3.C1b They (Actor) brainwash (Process) us(Goal) to be Actor-Goal their patriotic slaves (Circumstance) S3.C1c They (Actor) Programs (Process) our minds Actor-Goal (Goal) by controlling what we learn(Circumstance) S3.C6 They (Actor) are not following (Process) in our Actor footsteps (Circumstance), kill them!" S4.C3 Your values (Actor) are nothing but excuses to Actor-Goal start (Process) fights (Goal) S4.C8 Your mindless nationalism (Actor) gives Actor- (Process) you(Recipient) credentials (Goal) Recipient-Goal enough (Circumstance) S4.C9 You (Actor) spew (Process) your right wing Actor-Goal rhetoric (Goal) when we got your attention (Circumstance) S4.C10 You (Actor) have mistaken (Process) the punk Actor-Goal- PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


scene (Goal )for the Republican Convention Client (Client) S5.C2 This country named "america" (Goal) is built Goal (Process) on graves of the natives who lived here before genocide took place (Circumstance). S5.C9d They (Actor) call on (Process) me (Goal) to die Actor-Goal- for them (Client) Client S6.C3 They (Actor) give (Process) us (Recipient) Actor- nothing to believe (Goal). Recipient-Goal S7.C1 Depleted uranium (Goal) is used (Process) on the Goal ends of bullets and on the ends of shells (Circumstance) because it is so hard. {that} almost any armament is vulnerable to something that is tipped with Depleted Uranium” S7.C5 It (Actor) gonna cut (Process) through their armor Actor then cut through your lungs (Circumstance). S7.C13 War profits (Goal) surge (Process) with every Goal-Actor breath (Circumstance) by Uncle Sam (Actor). S7.C14 Both the leukaemia rates in children and Actor malformations at birth (Actor) had increased (Process) by 600% (Circumstance) and it was clearly an epidemic where all this DU had been dumped S7.C18a The military (Actor) denies (Process) first Actor S7.C18b (Circumstance), and then after the evidence Actor-Goal builds to the point where they can no longer deny (Circumstance), then they (Actor) do (Process) the research (Goal). S8.C1 The constitution (Actor) crumbles (Process) Actor beneath the weight of fascists (Circumstance). S8.C4a Our leaders (Actor) decry (Process) Tiananmen Actor-Goal S8.C4b (Goal) and dare (Process) to speak freedom Actor-Scope (Scope) as they unleash our cops on us (Circumstance). So, what (Goal) is (Goal) the fucking difference (Circumstance)? S9.C2 So if the heads of state want to end terrorism Actor-Goal (Circumstance), They (Actor) should go ahead (Process) and kill (Process) themselves (Goal) S9.C6 Those few in power (Actor) work (Process) only Actor-Client for the corporate sake (Client) TOTAL 31 Clauses

Society Representation Codes. Clauses Participants S1.C1a You (Actor) have gotta die (Process) for your Actor-Client PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


government?(Client) S1.C1b You (Actor) have gotta die (Process) for your Actor-Client country? (Client) S1.C2b A Gulf War vet (Actor) is dying (Process) a slow, Actor cold death (Circumstance). S1.C3 But don't believe what they say, because your Actor government (Actor) is lying (Process). S1.C6 You (Actor) give (Process) them (Recipient) Actor- your life (Goal), they give you) a stab in the back. Recipient-Goal S1.C9a You (Goal) are getting used (Process), you Goal S1.C9b (Actor) will end up (Process) dead! Actor (Circumstance) S2.C6c "You (Actor) better do (Process) what you're Actor-Scope told!” (Scope) S2.C7 You (Actor) burn (Process) a flag (Goal), you Actor-Goal (Goal) are gonna hang (Process) Goal S3.C5 You (Goal)are taught (Process) to bow down Goal- (Process) to the man (Recipient) Recipient S3.C6a You (Actor) fly (Process) that flag of freedom Actor-Scope S3.C6b (Scope) Actor-Scope- S3.C6c You (Actor) do (Process) what you can (Scope) Client for your country (Client). Actor-Goal- You (Actor) go and fight (Process) their wars Client (Goal) for them (Client). S3.C8 If you (Actor) don't fight to make (Process) Actor-Scope things (Scope) better (Circumstance) then you are) the one betraying the country S10.C9 Society (Actor) separates (Process) more and Actor more (Circumstance) TOTAL 16 Clauses

Anti-Flag and Society Representation Codes Clauses Participants ------

Anti-Flag Representation Codes Clauses Participants S1.C8a I (Actor) never have pledge (Process) allegiance Actor-Goal- S1.C8b (Goal) to their flag (Recipient) Recipient I (Actor) never will pledge (Process) allegiance Actor-Goal- (Goal) to their flag (Recipient) Recipient S9.C3 I (Actor) will not sign (Process) my blind faith Actor-Goal- away (Goal) to an unjustly leader of the unjust Recipient police state (Recipient) TOTAL 3 Clauses PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


2. Relational Processes

Government Representation Codes Clauses Processes S1.C1c Dying for government and country (Carrier) is Carrier-Attribute: (Process) shit! (Attribute). Intensive S1.C4a A secret test (Token) is (Process) government Token-Value (Actor) built virus "Subject Test Group: Gulf Intensive: Battle Field Troops"(Value) S3.C4b The white (Carrier) stands for (Process) this Carrier-Attribute: racist, bigoted foundation (Attribute) Intensive S3.C7a They call (Process) that (Token) being a patriot Token-Value: (Value). I just call it ignorant. Intensive S4.C3 Your values (Carrier) are (Process) nothing Carrier-Attribute: (Attribute) Intensive S4.C4 Your values (Carrier) are (Process) quit Carrier-Attribute: fronting (Attribute) like you are standing for a Intensive moral (Circumstance). S4.C7a You (Token) don't have to be (Process) a Token-Value: racist(Value) Intensive S4.C7b You (Token) don’t have to be (Process) a Nazi Token-Value: (Value), fuck! Intensive S4.C11 You (Carrier) don't belong (Process) in our Carrier-Attribute : scene (Attribute). Circumstantial S5.C3 The word "america" (Carrier) means (Process) Carrier-Attribute: "freedom” (Attribute) - as in, "free to kill the Intensive free..." S6.C2a But as the days go by, I can’t tell which side is Carrier-Attribute: S6.C2b talking. Their left (Carrier) is (Process) in the Circumstantial centre (Attribute) and labeled (Carrier) Carrier-Attribute: "liberal doctrine" (Attribute). Intensive S7.C1a Depleted uranium is used on the ends of bullets Carrier-Attribute: S7.C1b and on the ends of shells because it (Carrier) is Intensive (Process) so hard (Attribute). {that} almost Carrier-Attribute: any armament (Carrier) is (Process) vulnerable Intensive (Attribute) to something that is tipped with Depleted Uranium” (Circumstance) S7.C2a Depleted uranium (Carrier) is (Process) in the Carrier-Attribute: S7.C2b cities and towns of Afghanistan (Attribute), Circumstantial Depleted uranium (Carrier) is (Process) in the Carrier-Attribute: heart of Balkans – the heart of Iraq (Attribute) Circumstantial S7.C3a It (Token) is not (Process) your grandfather’s Token-Value: S7.C3b style of deadly munitions (Value). It (Carrier) Intensive PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


is (Process) silent and deadly long (Attribute) Carrier-Attribute: after the mission (Circumstance) Intensive S7.C4 Depleted uranium (Token) is (Process) a war Token-Value: crime (Value) Intensive S7.C12a Weaponry (Carrier) is (Process) so sadistic Carrier-Attribute: S7.C12b (Attribute). It (Carrier) is (Process) hard Intensive (Attribute) to comprehend (Circumstance) Carrier-Attribute: Intensive S7.C14 Both the Leukemia rates in children and Token-Value: malformations at birth had increased by 600% Intensive (Circumstance) and it (Token) was clearly (Process) an epidemic (Value) where all this DU had been dumped S7.C15 It (Carrier) becomes (Process) a dust Carrier-Attribute: (Attribute) that can be inhaled and infect the Intensive blood stream and the rest of the body(Circumstance) S7.C16a It (Carrier) was (Process) the opinion of the Carrier-Attribute: doctors there (Attribute) that this was caused Intensive by depleted uranium. S8.C3 Anti WTO statement (Carrier) are (Process) Carrier-Attribute: grounds for arresting (Attribute) Intensive S9.C5 The phrase, world leaders (Token) Token-Value: Does not describe (Process) the heads of state Intensive (Value) S10.C3 This whole system (Carrier) is (Process) a lie Carrier-Attribute: (Attribute) Intensive S14.C6 The bush "terror war" (Carrier) is (Process) Carrier-Attribute: unconstitutional and unconscionable Intensive (Attribute). TOTAL 28 Clauses

Society Representation Codes Clauses Participants S2.C6b They are telling you if you (Token) are Token-Value: (Process) a patriot (Value) that "You better do Intensive what you're told!” S3.C4a The red (Token) stands for (Process)the blood Token-Value: of all the people we've slain (Value) Intensive S3.C4c The blue (Token) stands for (Process) your Token-Value: Arayan eyes (Value) Intensive S3.C8 If you don’tfight to make things better then you Token-Value: (Token) are (Process) the one betraying the Intensive country (Value) S10.C9 Society (Token) is (Process) the one we hate Token-Value: PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


(Value) Intensive TOTAL 5 Clauses Anti-Flag and Society Representation Codes Clauses Processes S10.C1a We (Carrier) have (Process) no rights Carrier-Attribute: (Attribute) and I am pissed Intensive TOTAL 1 Clause

Anti-Flag Representation Codes Clauses Processes I suspect and I (Carrier) am (Process) worried Carrier-Attribute: S7.C19 (Attribute) that that is what will happen this Intensive time (Phenomenon) S10.C1b We (Carrier) have (Process) no rights Carrier-Attribute: (Attribute) and I (Carrier) am (Process) Intensive pissed (Attribute) Carrier-Attribute: Intensive S3.C7 They call that being a patriot. I just call Carrier-Attribute: (Process) it (Carrier) ignorant (Attribute). Intensive TOTAL 4 Clauses

3. Mental Processes

Government Representation Codes Clauses Processes S1.C2d And the government says, "We (Senser) don't know Cognition (Process) the source of his sickness." (Phenomenon) It (Senser) feels (Process) like dcj vu of Agent Perception S7.C11 Orange and Vietnam (Phenomenon) TOTAL 2 Clauses

Society Representation Codes Clauses Processes S10.C5 Society (Phenomenon) is the one we (Senser) hate Affection (Process) S7.C16b The opinions of the doctors there (Senser) that Perception (Process) this was caused by depleted uranium (Phenomenon) S7.C17 They (Senser) simply saw (Process) this as being a Perception direct result of the war by United States. (Phenomenon) TOTAL 3 Clauses PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Anti-Flag and Society Representation Codes Clauses Processes ------

Anti-Flag Representation Codes Clauses Processes S1.C10a I (Senser) don't need (Process) you (Phenomenon) Desideration to tell me what to do S1.C10b And I (Senser) don't need (Process) you Desideration (Phenomenon) to tell me what to be. FUCK YOU! S1.C11a I (Senser) don't need (Process) you (Phenomenon) Desideration to tell me what to say. TOTAL 3 Clauses

4. Verbal Processes

Government Representation Codes Clauses Participants S2.C6 They (Sayer) are telling (Process) you Sayer-Receiver- (Receiver) if you are a patriot that "You better Verbiage do what you're told!”(Verbiage) TOTAL 1 Clause Society Representation Codes Clauses Participants S5.C9a At little big horn national cemetery, there is a Sayer-Verbiage monument (Sayer) that reads (Process): "to the soldiers killed in Montana while clearing hostile Indians away' (Verbiage) TOTAL 1 Clause

Anti-Flag and Society Representation Codes Clauses Processes ------

Anti-Flag Representation Codes Clauses Participants S1.C10a I don't need you (Sayer) to tell(Process) me Sayer-Receiver- (Receiver) what to do (Verbiage) Verbiage S1.C10b And I don't need you (Sayer) to tell (Process) Sayer-Receiver- me (Receiver) what to be (Verbiage). FUCK Verbiage PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


YOU! S1.C11a I don't need you (Sayer) to tell (Process) me Sayer-Receiver- (Receiver) what to say (Verbiage) Verbiage S1.C11b And I don’t need you (Sayer) to tell (Process) Sayer-Receiver- me (Receiver) what to think! (Verbiage) Verbiage S5.C9c When they call on me to die for them Sayer-Verbiage (Circumstance), I (Sayer) will say (Process)... "Not me!" (Verbiage) S6.C2a But as the days go by (Circumstance), I Sayer-Verbiage (Sayer) can't tell (Process) which side is talking (Verbiage). TOTAL 6 Clauses

5. Existential Processes

Government Representation Codes Clauses Processes [At little big horn national cemetery Existence S5.C9b (Circumstance)], there is (Existential) a flag (Existent) there flyinghigh over the fallen killers' graves (Circumstance) S9.C6b There are (Existential) no action, no interest, no Non-Existence humanity (Existent) at all S10.C2 The bill of rights (Existent) does not exist Non-Existence (Existential) There is (Existential) no allegiance (Existent) to Non-Existence S12.C2 the board's homeland, fellow citizens, the flag born of their country (Circumstance). S15.C8 Lying still now (Circumstance), there is Non-Existence (Existential) no way to speak (Existent). TOTAL 5 Clauses

Society Representation Codes. Clauses Process S5.C9 At little big horn national cemetery Existence (Circumstance), there is (Existential) a monument (Existent) that reads: "to the soldiers killed in Montana while clearing hostile Indians away'. S1.C2a There is (Existential) a Gulf War vet dying a Existence slow, cold death (Existent). TOTAL 2 Clauses PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Anti-Flag and Society Representation Codes Clauses Processes ------

Anti-Flag Representation Codes Clauses Processes ------

Appendix 3: Transitivity Analysis of Social Movement

1. Material Processes

Government Representation Codes. Clauses Participants S15.C9 Bullets (Actor) can't silence (Process) ideas! (Goal) Actor-Goal S10.C11 Capitalism's time to fall (Actor) has come (Process) Actor S4.C5c You (Actor) tried to fuck (Process) with our scene Actor (Circumstance), We are gonna fuck your life! S11.C7 Greed, envy, fear, hate-- the competition (Actor) has Actor to stop (Process) S13.C9 You (Actor) keep stealing (Process) from us like Actor you are we’re gonna let loose (Circumstance) S15.C1 You (Actor) can spoon (Process) my eyes (Goal) Actor-Goal out, but I can still see through you S15.C2 You (Actor) can slice (Process) my ears (Goal) from Actor-Goal my head (Circumstance) but you (Actor) cannot Actor-Goal shut out (Process) the sounds of truth (Goal). S15.C3 You (Actor) can lock off (Process) each sound Actor-Goal (Goal) at the wrist (Circumstance) so I can't raise my fist! S15.C4 You (Actor) can kill (Process) the protestor (Goal) Actor-Goal but you (Actor) can't kill (Process) the protest (Goal) Actor-Goal S15.C5 You (Actor) can murder (Process) the rebel (Goal) Actor-Goal but you (Actor) can't murder (Process) the rebellion Actor-Goal (Goal). S15.C6 You (Actor) sawed (Process) my feet (Goal) at the Actor-Goal ankles (Circumstance), but I wasn’t going to run S15.C7 You (Actor) grabbed (Process) my face (Goal), Actor-Goal sliced off (Process) my tongue (Goal) and lock off Actor-Goal (Process) each hand (Goal) at the wrist Actor-Goal (Circumstance), so I can't raise my fist! Total 17 Clauses PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Society Representation Codes. Clauses Participants S12.C9 There is a voice in your heart. Actor-Goal It (Actor) beckons (Process) you (Goal) to do your part S14.C2 You have been to our shows. You have sung our Actor-Goal songs. Actor-Goal- Now (Circumstance), we are asking you (Actor) to Client add (Process) to each chorus you have sung (Goal) and protest (Process) against injustice state terror on the streets of the world (Goal) for the disempowered (Client) S14.C3 You (Actor) have sung (Process) at our shows Actor (Circumstance), cheered right over wrong. Actor-Scope Now, it's time to hit the streets back up those words you've sung because our voices alone (Actor) this time will not get (Process) it (Scope) done Total 4 Clauses

Anti-Flag and Society Representation Codes. Clauses Participants S2.C2a "We (Actor) have really got (Process) those suckers Actor-Goal- S2.C2b (Goal) fooled (Attribute). Attribute We (Actor) have gotta 'em (Goal) trained (Process) Actor-Goal like rats!"(Circumstance) S2.C13 We(Actor) will being (Process) them (Goal) Actor-Goal- crashing down (Attribute) until they're all dead Attribute (Circumstance) S4.C1 We (Actor) have run (Process) out of patience Actor (Circumstance), you (Actor) have run (Process) out Actor of time! (Circumstance) S4.C2 This scene (Actor) will not fall (Process) victim Actor-Goal- (Goal) to your violence or lies (Client) Client S4.C5b We (Actor) will not stand (Process) aside Actor S4.C5d (Circumstance), you tried to fuck with our scene, Actor-Goal We (Actor) are gonna fuck (Process) your life! (Goal) S4.C6 This machine (Actor) kills (Process) fucking Actor-Goal fascists! (Goal) S4.C11b We (Actor) will fight (Process) you (Goal) till we Actor-Goal die!!! (Circumstance) S8.C8 So, we (Actor) march (Process) on the raise our Actor voice (Circumstance) because we are left with no PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


choice. S9.C10 We (Actor) have got to make (Process) a change Actor-Goal (Goal). S10.C9 Its time (Circumstance) we (Actor)should dig Actor-Goal (Process)their ditch(Goal) S11.C2 Another life (Actor) leaves (Process) this world Actor-Goal (Goal) so full of hate But short on compassion. Short on humanity (Circumstance) S11.C11 And so even though we (Actor) face (Process) the Actor difficulties of today and tomorrow (Scope), I still Actor-Goal have a dream. Actor [we (Actor) will be able to speed up (Process) that day (Goal) when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics,(Actor) will be able to join hands (Process) and sing "Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last."(Circumstance) S12.C4 We (Actor) are tearing down (Process) the borders! Actor-Goal (Goal) S12.C5 We (Actor) are fighting (Process) for the rights of Actor-Client freedom!(Client) S12.C18 There is a call, a ringing sound around the globe. It Actor-Scope (Actor) is gaining (Process) ground (Scope) S13.C7 We (Actor) have got (Process) one thing you ain’t Actor-Goal got (Goal). We (Actor) have got (Process) the Actor-Goal numbers!(Goal) S14.C6 We (Actor) refuse (Process) to let him kill, in our Actor name for oil S14.C8 it's up to us (Actor)to hit (Process) the streets Actor-Goal (Goal),time (Circumstance) to take(Process) our Actor-Goal- rights (Goal) back!(Attribute) Attribute Total 24 Clauses

Anti-Flag Representation Codes. Clauses Participants S9.C1 I always thought if you want to change the world Actor-Goal Then you (Actor) have to start (Process) with yourself (Circumstance) S14.C2 You have been to our shows. You have sung our Actor-Goal songs. Now (Circumstance), we (Actor) are asking (Process) you (Goal) to add (Process) to each chorus you have sung and protest against injustice state terror on the streets of the world (Circumstance) for the disempowered PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


S15.C1 You can spoon my eyes out, but I (Actor) can still Actor see (Process) through you (Circumstance) S15.C3 You can lock off each sound at the wrist Actor-Goal (Circumstance) so I (Actor) can't raise (Process) Actor-Goal my fist! (Goal) S15.C6 You sawed my feet at the ankles, but I (Actor) Actor wasn’t going to run (Process) S15.C7 You grabbed my face, sliced off my tongue and lock Actor-Goal off each hand at the wrist, so I (Actor) can't raise (Process) my fist!(Goal). Total 7 Clauses

2. Relational Processes

Government Representation Codes. Clauses Processes S2.C14 The time to put the trigger to the man (Carrier) is Carrier-Attribute: (Process) growing near (Attribute) Intensive S3.C2 The only difference from the Nazis (Carrier) is Carrier-Attribute: (Process) that someone tried to stop them Intensive (Attribute) S11.C1 It (Carrier) is (Process) in the paper every day Carrier-Attribute: (Attribute). I see it in the headlines and I feel so Circumstantial sick S14.C4 Looking to stop a rogue regime? The first ones Token-Value: that we must confront (Token) is (Process) Intensive WASHINGTON, DC! (Value) Total 4 Clauses

Society Representation Codes. Clauses Processes S12.C10 The line is drawn in the sand. Token-Value: On one side (Circumstance), you (Token) are Intensive (Process) a slave (Value) but in the other Token-Value: (Circumstance) you (Token) are (Process) a free Intensive man (Value) Total 2 Clauses

Anti-Flag and Society Representation Codes. Clauses Processes S4.C5a Cause tonight, We (Carrier) are (Process) united Carrier-Attribute: (Attribute) as one (Circumstance) Intensive S8.C8 So, we march on the raise our voice because we Carrier-Attribute: PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


(Carrier) are (Process) left (Attribute) with no Intensive choice (Circumstance). S10.C12 It's time (Circumstance) we (Carrier) should Carrier-Attribute : have (Process) revolution (Attribute) Possessive S11.C3 Asking myself in vain, shaken by the shock Carrier-Attribute: (Circumstance), "do we (Carrier)(Process) even Possessive have a chance? (Attribute)". S11.C5 We (Token) are (Process) all human (Value). It's Token-Value: time to prove it. Intensive

S11.C6 This (Token) is (Process) a plea for peace (world Token-Value: peace) to the oppressors of the world and to the Intensive leaders of nations, corporate profit takers, to the everyday citizen (Value) S11.C10 Is not (Process) everybody (Carrier) tired of the Carrier-Attribute: killing? (Attribute) Isn't (Process) everybody Intensive (Carrier) tired of the dying? (Attribute) Isn't Carrier-Attribute: (Process) everybody (Carrier) tired of the Intensive hatred? (Attribute) Carrier-Attribute: Intensive S11.C11 And so even though we face the difficulties of Carrier-Attribute: today and tomorrow, I (Carrier) still have Possessive (Process) a dream (Attribute) S12.C7 It (Token) is (Process) our world (Value). Token-Value: Intensive S12.C10 On one side (Circumstance), you (Token) are Token-Value: (Process) a slave (Value) but in the other Intensive (Circumstance) you (Token) are (Process) a free Token-Value: man (Value) Intensive S14.C4 Looking to stop a rogue regime? The first ones Token-Value: that we must confront (Token) is (Process) Intensive WASHINGTON, DC! (Value) Total 12 Clauses

Anti-Flag Representation Codes. Clauses Processes S11.C3 Asking myself in vain, shaken by the shock Carrier-Attribute: (Circumstance), "do we (Carrier) (Process) Possessive even have a chance? (Attribute)". Total 1 Clause PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


3. Mental Processes

Government Representation Codes. Clauses Processes ------

Society Representation Codes. Clauses Processes ------

Anti-Flag and Society Representation Codes. Clauses Processes S12.C7 We (Senser) want (Process) our world back! Desideration (Phenomenon) S13.C5a We (Senser) don't need (Process) more time to Desideration S13.C5b talk over a solution (Phenomenon) Cognition S13.C5c We (Senser) know (Process) what we need Desideration (Phenomenon), we (Senser) need (Process)a fucking revolution (Phenomenon) S13.C6 We (Senser) don't need (Process) your war Desideration machine, or your filthy blood stained dollars (Phenomenon) Total 5 Clauses

Anti-Flag Representation Codes. Clauses Processes S9.C1a I (Senser) always thought (Process) if you Perception (Senser) want (Process) to change the world Desiderative (Phenomenon)Then you have to start with yourself S11.C1a It is in the paper every day. I (Senser) see Perception (Process) it (Phenomenon) in the headlines (Circumstance) Total 3 Clauses

4. Verbal Processes

Government Representation Codes. Clauses Processes ------PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Society Representation Codes. Clauses Processes ------

Anti Flag and Society Representation Codes. Clauses Processes ------

Anti Flag Representation Codes. Clauses Processes ------

5. Existential Processes

Government Representation S12.C6a There is (Existential) no patriotic pledge from Non-Existence S12.C6b multi-national companies (Existent). Existence There is (Existential) only a commitment (Existent) to lock away equality and steal away all freedom from the poorest of the poor. Total 2 Clauses

Society Representation Codes. Clauses Processes S9.C10b There is (Existential) no religions, sexual Non-Existence preference And regardless of your race (Existent) S12.C18 There is (Existential) a call, a ringing sound Existence (Existent) around the globe (Circumstance). S12.C9 There is (Existential) a voice (Existent) in your Existence heart (Circumstance) S12.C11 There's (Existential) a call, freedom's sound Existence (Existent) around the globe (Circumstance) S15.C8 There is (Existential) nothing to fear (Existent). Non-Existence S15.C9 There is (Existential) no religions, sexual Non-Existence preference And regardless of your race (Existent)

Anti-Flag and Society Representation Codes. Clauses Processes ------PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Anti-Flag Representation Codes. Clauses Processes ------

Appendix 4: Modality Analysis of Anti-Authoritarian Capitalism

Modals Meanings Types Degrees Codes. Modals and Polarity S2.C1b A billionaire chatting with his friends Probability High (+) They have gotta stop and laugh S6.C4b. Let the feds pass a law, that takes your rights away cause "you gotta sacrifice if you want to stay Probability High (+) safe!"till the day you find the feds in your back pocket locking you away for saying, "question", "think", or "stop it" S6.C13. Can't you realize that it's just talk, talk, talk, talkin'... like tax men at your door, fuckin' Ability Low (-) knockin' knockin' knockin'... Total 2 Clauses

Appendix 5: Modality Analysis of Anti-Authoritarian Nationalism

Modals Meanings Codes Modals Types Degrees and Polarity S1.C1a You have gotta die for your Obligation High (+) government? S1.C1b You have gotta die for your country? Obligation High (+) S1.C8 I never have pledge allegiance to their Usuality High (-) flag. I never will pledge allegiance to their flag S1.C9 You are getting used, you will end up Usuality Mid (+) dead! S4.C7a You don't have to be a racist, Obligation High (-) S4.C7b You don't have to be a Nazi Obligation High (-) S5.C9 When they call on me to die for them I Probability Mid (+) will say... "not me!" PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


S6.C2 But as the days go by,I cannot tell which Probability Low (-) side is talking their left is in the center and labeled "liberal doctrine" S7.C5 It gonna cut through their armor then cut Probability Mid (+) through your lungs S7.C6 If you make it home alive you will die Probability Mid (+) young S7.C9 They were throwing it away until they Probability Low (+) figured out they could use it for armament S7.C15 It becomes a dust that can be inhaled and Probability Low (+) infect the blood stream and the rest of the body. S7.C19 I suspect and I'm worried that that's what Probability Mid (+) will happen this time." S9.C2 So if the heads of state want to end Obligation Mid (+) terrorism, they should go ahead and kill themselves S9.C3 I will not sign my blind faith away to an Inclination Mid (-) unjustly leader of the unjust police state S10.C4 This system we should defy Obligation Mid (+) TOTAL Clauses

Appendix 6: Modality Analysis of Social Movement

Modals Meanings Types Degrees Codes. Modals and Polarity S2.C2a "We have really got those suckers Inclination High (+) S2.C2b fooled, We have gotta 'em trained like Inclination High (+) rats!" S2.C13 We will being them crashing down until Obligation Mid (+) they're all dead S4.C2 This scene will not fall victim to your Probability Mid (-) violence or lies. S4.C5 Cause tonight, we are united as one, we will not stand aside; you tried to fuck Inclination Mid (-) with our scene... We are gonna fuck Inclination Mid (+) your life! S4.C11 We will fight you till we die !!! Inclination Mid (+) S9.C1 I always thought if you want to change the world Obligation High (+) Then you have to start with yourself PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


S9.C10 We have got to make a change Obligation High (+) S10.C9 Its time we should dig their ditch Obligation Mid (+) S10.C12 It's time we should have revolution Obligation Mid (+) S11.C7 Greed, envy, fear, hate-- the competition Inclination High (+) has to stop. S11.C11b We will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Probability Mid (+) Protestants and Catholics, will be able Probability Mid (+) to join hands and sing "Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last." S12.C6 So that the boardroom can insure their Ability (+) stockholders S13.C2 Soon this corporate run government will Probability Mid (+) be through S13.C8 To you the masses are not even human beings Probability We’re dogs that will be grateful for any Mid (+) Probability scraps you leave Mid (+) But even dogs will only put up with so much abuse S13.C9 You keep stealing from us like you are Probability Mid (+) we are gonna let loose S14.C4 Looking to stop a rogue regime? Obligation well the first ones that we must High (+) confront is WASHINGTON, DC! S15.C1 You can spoon my eyes out, but I can Ability (+) still see through you Ability (+) S15.C2 You slice my ears from my head, but you cannot shut out the sounds of Ability (-) truth S15.C3 You lock off each sound at the writs so Ability (-) I can't raise my fist! S15.C4 You can kill the protestor (can't kill), (+) Ability you can't kill the protest (-) S15.C5 You can murder the rebel (murder), Ability (+) you can't murder the rebellion Ability (-) S15.C7 You Grabbed my face, sliced off my tongue Ability (-) Lock off each hand at the wrist so I can't raise my fist! S15.C9b Bullets can't silence ideas! Ability (-) Total 30 Clauses PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Appendix 7: Pronoun Analysis of Anti-Authoritarian Capitalism

Pronoun I (Anti Flag) Codes Clauses -- --

Pronoun You (Government) Codes Clauses S6.C12. The poor are givin’ you the screw S13.C8 To you the masses are not even human beings We are dogs that will be grateful for any scraps you leave But even dogs will only put up with so much abuse

Pronoun You (Society) Codes Clauses S2.C4b You are taught about this is right, that it's your fault S2.C11 You knowyou are being used still you play along . S6.C4b You gotta sacrifice if you want to stay safe ‘til the day you find the feds in your back pocket locking you away for saying, "question", "think", or "stop it" S6.C11 As corporate welfare flows from troughs of the state, big business takes more than their fair take but in the end, itis suckers like you who buy that S6.C13. Can't you realize that it is just talking like tax men at your door fuckin’knockin’

Pronoun We (Anti Flag) Codes Clauses ------

Pronoun We (Anti Flag & Society) Codes Clauses S3.C3 The government say they are working for us just as long as we increase their pay but the minute they get into office, we are a has been a yesterday S5.C7. The tax dollars we are forced to pay fund these heartless U.S. policies. S13.C8 To you the masses are not even human beings PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


We are dogs that will be grateful for any scraps you leave But even dogs will only put up with so much abuse S7.C7. A greedy gang of liars, yeah we have seen it all before S14.C7a We know their game, know they are corrupt

Pronoun We (Government) Codes Clauses ------

Pronoun They (Government) Codes Clauses S2.C1b. A billionaire is chatting with his friends. They have gotta stop and laugh S2.C5. They throw a war like a partysaying.” It’s for a moral cause.." S2.C9a They are getting rich by selling weapons to both countries S2.C10. They are gonna give you nothing. They want to take away the little they call something S6.C5a They do nothing for you. They do nothing for me. S6.C5b They give us nothing to believe. S6.C5c S6.C7. They framed and jailed the reds S6.C8. They lost the keys to the cell set up the capitalist machine to go in for the kill. S1.C3a But don't believe what they say, because your government is lying . S5.C10a They stand for greed, S5.C10b They stand for hate, S5.C10c They stand for nothing I believe S14.C7 We know their game know they are corrupt S3.C3a. They are working for us just as long as we increase their pay.

Pronoun They (Society) S13.C1a You push and push a people, what are they to do?

Pronoun I (Anti Flag) Codes Clauses S1.C8a I never have pledge allegiance to their flag S1.C8b I never will pledge allegiance to their flag S9.C3 I will not sign my blind faith away to an unjustly leader of the unjust police state PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


S1.C8a I never have pledge allegiance to their flag S1.C8b I never will pledge allegiance to their flag S6.C2a But as the days go by, I can’t tell which side is talking. Their left isin S6.C2b the center and labeled "liberal doctrine". S10.C1a We have no rights and I am pissed S7.C19 I suspect and I am worried that that is what will happen this time S3.C7 They call that being a patriot. I just call it ignorant. S1.C10a I don't need you to tell me what to do S1.C10b And I don't need you to tell me what to be. FUCK YOU! S1.C11a I don't need you to tell me what to say. S1.C11b And I don’t need you to tell me what to think! S5.C9c When they call on me to die for them, I will say... "Not me!"

Pronoun You (Government) Codes Clauses S4.C7a You don't have to be a racist S4.C7b You don’t have to be a Nazi, fuck! S4.C11 You don't belong in our scene.

Pronoun You (Society) Codes Clauses S1.C3c Don’t you know, they do it again. S1.C6 You give them your life, they give you a stab in the back. S1.C1a You have gotta die for your government? S1.C1b You have gotta die for your country? S1.C9 You are getting used, you will end up dead! S2.C6c "You better do what you're told!” S2.C7 You burn a flag , you are gonna hang S3.C5 You are taught to bow down to the man S3.C6a You fly that flag of freedom S3.C6b You do what you can for your country. S3.C6c You go and fight their wars for them. S3.C8 If you don't fight to make things better then you are the one betraying the country

Pronoun We (Anti Flag) Codes Clauses S10.C1a We have no rights and I ampissed PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Pronoun We (Anti Flag & Society) Codes Clauses ------

Pronoun We (Government) Codes Clauses S1.C2d And the government says, "We don't know the source of his sickness."

Pronoun They (Government) Codes Clauses S1.C3b They have done it before S1.C3c Don’t you know, they do it again. S1.C6 You give them your life, they give you a stab in the back S3.C1a They use the flag to control us. S3.C1b They brainwash us to be their patriotic slaves S3.C1c They programs our minds by controlling what we learn S3.C6 They are not following in our footsteps, kill them!" S5.C9d They call on me to die for them S6.C3 They give us nothing to believe. S9.C2 So if the heads of state want to end terrorism, They should go ahead and kill themselves S3.C7a They call that being a patriot. I just call it ignorant. S2.C6b They are telling you if you are a patriot that "You better do what you're told!”

Pronoun They (Society) S7.C17 They simply saw this as being a direct result of the war by United States." PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Appendix 8: Pronoun Analysis of Anti-Authoritarian Nationalism

Pronoun I (Anti Flag) Codes Clauses S1.C8a I never have pledge allegiance to their flag S1.C8b I never will pledge allegiance to their flag S9.C3 I will not sign my blind faith away to an unjustly leader of the unjust police state S1.C8a I never have pledge allegiance to their flag S1.C8b I never will pledge allegiance to their flag S6.C2a But as the days go by, I can’t tell which side is talking. Their left is S6.C2b in the centre and labeled "liberal doctrine". S10.C1a We have no rights and I am pissed S7.C19 I suspect and I am worried that that is what will happen this time S3.C7 They call that being a patriot. I just call it ignorant. S1.C10a I don't need you to tell me what to do S1.C10b And I don't need you to tell me what to be. FUCK YOU! S1.C11a I don't need you to tell me what to say. S1.C11b And I don’t need you to tell me what to think! S5.C9c When they call on me to die for them, I will say... "Not me!"

Pronoun You (Government) Codes Clauses S4.C7a You don't have to be a racist S4.C7b You don’t have to be a Nazi, fuck! S4.C11 You don't belong in our scene.

Pronoun You (Society) Codes Clauses S1.C3c Don’t you know, they do it again. S1.C6 You give them your life, they give you a stab in the back. S1.C1a You have gotta die for your government? S1.C1b You have gotta die for your country? S1.C9a You are getting used , you will end up dead! S1.C9b S2.C6c "You better do what you're told!” S2.C7 You burn a flag , you are gonna hang S3.C5 You are taught to bow down to the man S3.C6a You fly that flag of freedom S3.C6b You do what you can for your country. S3.C6c You go and fight their wars for them. S3.C8 If you don't fight to make things better then you are the one PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


betraying the country

Pronoun We (Anti Flag) Codes Clauses S10.C1a We have no rights and I ampissed

Pronoun We (Anti Flag & Society) Codes Clauses ------

Pronoun We (Government) Codes Clauses S1.C2d And the government says, "We don't know the source of his sickness."

Pronoun They (Government) Codes Clauses S1.C3b They have done it before S1.C3c Don’t you know, they do it again. S1.C6 You give them your life, they give you a stab in the back S3.C1a They use the flag to control us. S3.C1b They brainwash us to be their patriotic slaves S3.C1c They programs our minds by controlling what we learn S3.C6 They are not following in our footsteps, kill them!" S5.C9d They call on me to die for them S6.C3 They give us nothing to believe. S9.C2 So if the heads of state want to end terrorism , They should go ahead and kill themselves S3.C7a They call it that being a patriot. I just call it ignorant. S2.C6b They are telling you if you are a patriot that "You better do what you're told!”

Pronoun They (Society) S7.C17 They simply saw this as being a direct result of the war by United States." PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Appendix 7: Pronoun Analysis of Social Movement

Pronoun I (Anti Flag) Codes Clauses S9.C1 I always thought if you want to change the world Then you have to start with yourself S15.C1 You can spoon my eyes out, but I can still see through you S15.C3 You can lock off each sound at the wrist so I can't raise my fist! S15.C6 You sawed my feet at the ankles, but I wasn’t going to run S15.C7 You grabbed my face, sliced off my tongue and lock off each hand at the wrist, so I can't raise my fist!. S11.C1 It is in the paper every day. I see it in the headlines and I feel so sick S11.C11 And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream

Pronoun You (Government) Codes Clauses S4.C5c You tried to fuck with our scene; We are gonna fuck your life! S13.C9 You keep stealing from us like you are we’re gonna let loose S15.C1 You can spoon my eyes out, but I can still see through you S15.C2 You can slice my ears from my head but you cannot shut out the sounds of truth. S15.C3 You can lock off each sound at the wrist so I can't raise my fist! S15.C4 You can kill the protestor but you can't kill the protest. S15.C5 You can murder the rebel but you can't murder the rebellion. S15.C6 You sawed my feet at the ankles , but I wasn’t going to run S15.C7 You grabbed my face, sliced off my tongue and lock off each hand at the wrist, so I can't raise my fist!.

Pronoun You (Society) Codes Clauses S12.C9 There is a voice in your heart. It beckons you to do your part S14.C2 You have been to our shows. You have sung our songs. Now , we are asking you to add to each chorus you have sung and youprotest against injustice state terror on the streets of the world for the disempowered S14.C3 You have sung at our shows, cheered right over wrong. Now, it's time to hit the streets back up those words you've sung because our voices alone this time will not get it done PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


S12.C10 The line is drawn in the sand. On one side, you are a slave but in the other you are a free man

Pronoun We (Anti Flag) Codes Clauses S14.C2 You have been to our shows. You have sung our songs. Now, we are asking you to add to each chorus you have sung and protest against injustice state terror on the streets of the world for the disempowered

Pronoun We (Anti Flag & Society) Codes Clauses S2.C2a "We have really got those suckers fooled. S2.C2b We have gotta 'em trained like rats! S2.C13 We will being them crashing down until they're all dead S4.C1 We have run out of patience, you have run out of time! S4.C5b We will not stand aside; you tried to fuck with our scene, We are S4.C5d gonna fuck your life! S4.C11b We will fight you till we die!!! S8.C8 So, we march on the raise our voice because we are left with no choice. S9.C10 We have got to make a change S10.C9 It’s time we should dig their ditch S11.C11 And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow (Scope), I still have a dream. [we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing "Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last." S12.C4 We are tearing down the borders! S12.C5 We are fighting for the rights of freedom! S13.C7 We have got one thing you ain’t got We have got the numbers! S14.C6 We refuse to let him kill, in our name for oil S14.C4 Looking to stop a rogue regime? well the first ones that we must confront is WASHINGTON, DC! S4.C5a Cause tonight, We are united as one S8.C8 So, we march on the raise our voice because we are left with no choice. S10.C12 It's time we should have revolution S11.C3 Asking myself in vain, shaken by the shock, "do we even have a PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


chance?" S11.C5 We are all human. It's time to prove it. S12.C7 We want our world back! S13.C5a We don't need more time to talk over a solution S13.C5b We know what we need, we need a fucking revolution S13.C5c S13.C6 We don't need your war machine, or your filthy blood stained dollars

Pronoun We (Government) Codes Clauses ------

Pronoun They (Government) Codes Clauses ------

Pronoun They (Society) Codes Clauses ------

Appendix 9: The Distribution of Transitivity Processes in the Ideologies

Table 4.10The Distribution of Transitivity Processes in the Ideologies Anti-Authoritarianism Total No Processes Social Capitalism Nationalism Movement 1. Material 63 51 52 166 2. Relational 17 38 22 77 3. Mental 6 8 8 22 4. Verbal 4 5 0 9 5. Behavioral 0 0 0 0 6. Existential 0 7 8 15 90 109 90 289 Total 31.14% 38.11% 31.14% 100% PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Appendix 10: The Distribution of Modals in the Ideologies

Table 4.11The Distribution of Modals in the Ideologies No. Types of Anti-Authoritarian Social Total Modality Capitalism Nationalism Movement 1. Probability 2 7 7 16 2. Usuality 0 2 0 2 3. Obligation 0 6 6 12 4. Inclination 0 1 5 6 5. Ability 1 0 10 11 3 16 28 47 Total 6.38% 34.04% 59.57% 100%

Appendix 11: The Distribution of Pronoun in the Ideologies

Table 4.12 The Distribution of Pronoun in the Ideologies No. Pronouns Anti-Authoritarian Social Total Capitalism Nationalism Movement 1. I (Anti-Flag) 0 15 7 22 2. You (Gov.) 1 9 9 19 3. You (Soc.) 19 14 6 39 4. We (Gov.) 0 1 1 2 5. We (AF & Soc.) 4 1 29 34 6. We (Anti-Flag) 0 0 0 0 7. They (Gov.) 17 12 0 29 8. They (Soc.) 0 1 0 1 41 53 52 146 Total 28.08% 36.30% 35.61% 100% PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Appendix 13: Anti-Flag Selected Song Lyrics.

Song 1:"You've Got To Die For The Government". Album (1996): Die For The Government. You've gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government? Die for your country? That's shit! There's a Gulf War vet, dying a slow, cold death And the government says, "We don't know the source of his sickness." But don't believe what they say, because your government is lying They've done it before and don't you know they'll do it again A secret test, government built virus "Subject Test Group: Gulf Battle Field Troops" You've gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government? Die for your country? That's shit! First World War veterans slaughtered, by General Eisenhower You give them your life, they give you a stab in the back Radiation, agent orange, tested on US souls Guinea pigs for Western corporations I never have, I never will Pledge allegiance to their flag You're getting used, you'll end up dead! You've gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government? Die for your country? That's shit! I don't need you to tell me what to do And I don't need you to tell me what to be... FUCK YOU! I don't need you to tell me what to say And I don't need you to tell me what to think! What to think! What to think, what to think, what to think, think, think, think! You've gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government? Die for your country? That's shit!

Song 2: "Kill The Rich". Album (1996): Die For The Government

A billionaire chatting with his friends They've gotta stop and laugh "We've really got those suckers fooled, We've gotta 'em trained like rats!" The riches plot, control your thoughts, to make you blame yourself "The rich are rich because they're smarter than me.." You're taught this is right, that it's your fault KILL, KILL, KILL!!! KILL, KILL, KILL!!! KILL, KILL, KILL!!! KILL, KILL, KILL!!! PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


They throw a war like a party saying, "It's for a moral cause.." Telling you if you're a patriot that "YOU BETTER DO WHAT YOU'RE TOLD!" You burn a flag, you're gonna hang, Brainwashed nationalism makes you a tool They're getting rich by selling weapons to both countries, You never think to question what you're told! KILL, KILL, KILL!!! (4x) They're gonna give you nothing They want to take way the little they call something You know you're being used still you play along If you're not complacent, You're doing something wrong

One day they'll push to far That marks the beginning of their end We'll being them crashing down until they're all dead They're all dead, they're all dead! The time is growing near.. Put the trigger to the man... Ok, let's go, kill 'em! KILL, KILL, KILL!!! (6x)

Song 3: "Red, White and Brainwashed" Album (1996): Die For The Government They use the flag to control us Brainwash us to be their patriotic slaves Programs our minds by controlling what we learn The only difference from the Nazis is that Someone tried to stop them RED WHITE AND BRAINWASHED RED WHITE AND BRAINWASHED RED WHITE AND BRAINWASHED RED WHITE AND BRAINWASHED The government says they're working for us Just as long as we increase their pay But the minute they get into office we're a has-been A yesterday RED WHITE AND BRAINWASHED RED WHITE AND BRAINWASHED RED WHITE AND BRAINWASHED RED WHITE AND BRAINWASHED The red stands for the blood of all the people We've slain PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The white for this racist, bigoted foundation The blue for your Arayan eyes -- all empty Empty because you're taught to bow down to the man "Fly that flag, that flag of freedom" "Do what you can for your country" Go and fight their wars for them "They're not following in our footsteps, KILL THEM!" RED WHITE AND BRAINWASHED RED WHITE AND BRAINWASHED RED WHITE AND BRAINWASHED RED WHITE AND BRAINWASHED They call that being a patriot I just call it ignorant If you don't fight to make things better Then you're the one betraying the country RED WHITE AND BRAINWASHED (10X)

Song4: "Got the Numbers". Album (1999): A New Kind of Army.

You push and push a people, what are they to do? Soon this corporate run government will be through See, it doesn't represent the people anymore Big business are the pimps and governments' their whores

We don't need more time to talk over a solution We know what we need, we need a fucking revolution We don't need your war machine, or your filthy blood stained dollars We’ve got one thing you ain’t got We’ve got, we've got, we've got... got the numbers!

To you the masses are not even human beings We’re dogs that will be grateful for any scraps you leave But even dogs will only put up with so much abuse Keep stealing from us like you are we're gonna let loose We don't need more time to talk over a solution We know what we need, we need a fucking revolution

We don't need your war machine, or your filthy blood stained dollars We’ve got one thing you don't have We’ve got, we've got, we've got... got the numbers! We’ve got...we have... we've got the numbers! We don't need more time to talk over a solution We know what we need, we need a fucking revolution!!! We don't need your war machine, or your filthy blood stained dollars PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


We’ve got one thing you ain’t got We’ve got, we've got, we've got... got the numbers!

Song 5: "A Stars and Stripes". Album (2001): Underground Network Welcoming with open arms and, with open hearts In the end they found their arms in shackles and their hearts torn out This country named "America", is built on graves Of the natives who lived here before, genocide took place The word "America" means "freedom" - as in, "free to kill the free..." Don't fly those stripes, those stars-and-stripes for me, for me Don't fly those stripes, those stars-and-stripes for me, for me... For me!

It's the same today as then, as U.S. (tax) dollars are spent To rid the native insurgence in Mexico, and any other U.S. (corporate) "interests" The 3rd world is a modern day playground, for multinational companies And the tax dollars we're forced to pay, fund these heartless U.S. policies Their explanation... "it's national interest, national security..." Don't fly those stripes, those stars-and-stripes for me, for me Don't fly those stripes, those stars-and-stripes for me, for me They Stand for greed, they stand for hate, for nothing i believe Don't fly those stripes, those stars-and-stripes for me, for me

At little big horn national cemetery, there's a monument that reads: "to The soldiers killed in Montana while clearing Hostile Indians away... ' And there's a flag there flying high, over the fallen killers' graves When they call on me to die for them i'll say... "not me!"

Don't fly those stripes, those stars-and-stripes for me, for me Don't fly those stripes, those stars-and-stripes for me, for me They Stand for greed, they stand for hate, for nothing i believe Don't fly those stripes, those stars-and-stripes for me, for me

Don't fly those stripes, those stars-and-stripes for me... Don't fly those stripes, those stars-and-stripes for me... They stand for greed, they stand for hate, for nothing i believe... Don't fly those stripes, those stars-and-stripes for me...

Don't fly those stripes, those stars-and-stripes for me, for me Don't fly those stripes, those stars-and-stripes for me, for me PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


They Stand for greed, they stand for hate, for nothing i believe Don't fly those stripes, those stars-and-stripes for me... me... me!!!

Song 6: "This Machine Kills Fascists". Album (2002): Mobilize

We've run out of patience, You've run out of time ! This scene will not fall victim To your violence or lies.

Your "values" are nothing But excuses to start fights. Quit fronting like you're standing For a moral cause tonight...

United as one, we won't stand aside, You tried to fuck with our scene... We're gonna fuck your life !!!

This machine, this machine. This machine... THIS MACHINE, KILLS FUCKING FASCISTS ! Dead... That's right, DEAD !

You don't have to be a racist, To be a Nazi, fuck ! Your mindless nationalism Gives you credentials enough.

You spew your right wing rhetoric, When we got your attention... You've mistaken the punk scene For the Republican Convention !

No more infiltration, no more right wing lies, You don't belong in our scene... We'll fight you till we die !!!



Song 7: “Watch the Right”. Album (2002): Mobilize

Watch your right watch your left watch the right watch the center and watch your back!

It's on the radio, it's on the TV news conservatives and liberals with ever clashing views but as the days go by I can't tell which side is talking their left is in the center and labeled "liberal doctrine"

They do nothing for you... They do nothing for me... no! They give us nothing to believe Watch your right watch your left watch the right watch the center and Watch your back! [x2]

Let the feds pass a law, that takes your rights away cause "You gotta sacrifice if you want to stay safe!" til the day you find the feds in your back pocket Locking you away for saying, "question", "think", or "stop it"

They do nothing for you... They do nothing for me... no! They give us nothing to believe Watch your right watch your left watch the right watch the center and Watch your back! [x2]

Joseph mcCarthy and Reagan set the motherfuckin' stage for the right leanings that now grip the U.S.A. They framed and jailed the reds Lost the keys to the cell set up The capitalist machine to go in for the kill... yeah... yeah... yeah...

Social divisions encouraged by the few - few! Those few in power - suckerin' suckers like you - you! as corporate welfare, flows from troughs of the state - state! Yeah big business, takes more than their fair take - take! But in the end it is suckers like you - you! Who buy that the poor, are givin' you the screw - screw! Can't you realize that it's just talk, talk, talk, talkin'... Like tax men at your door, fuckin' knockin' knockin' knockin'... Watch your right watch your left watch the right watch the center and Watch your back! [x4] PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Song 8: "What’s the Difference". Album (2002): Mobilize

The constitution crumbles beneath the weight of fascists No right to assemble - no free speech for the masses Seattle '99 the mayors decree Anti-W.T.O. statements are grounds for arresting!

[Chorus] Our leaders decry Tianamen And dare to speak of freedom As they unleash our cops on us So... what's... the fuckin' difference

[Bridge] Behind locked doors in session World sponsored corporate politicians Structure policy to build more corporate strength Fight strength - with strength At news conferences they claim, "we listen" while they lock out their own constituents So we march on to raise our voice Because we are left with no choice!!!

In China, Nike pays workers fifty cents a day In the U.S., lawmakers give China "free trade" Human rights-based sanctions just washed away When our lawmakers are owned by multinational's money

Song 9:"Class Plague". BYO Split Series Volume IV (2002) (Anti- Flag/Bouncing Souls) We have no rights and i am pissed the bill of rights does not exist this whole system is a lie This system we should defy

Class Plague [x4]

Society the one we hate Stop corruption it's too late This whole system is built by the rich its time we should dig their ditch



Society separates more and more The rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer Capitalism's time to fall has come It's time we should have revolution revolution, it’s time to over throw revolution, let's hit them with a blow revolution, seal our fate revolution, it’s time to make the rich pay

Song 10: "Protest Songs". BYO Split Series Volume IV (2002) (Anti-Flag/Bouncing Souls) And so the time has finally come The bourgeoisie has signed the war decree with proletariat blood And that blood which flows from their pen Is the closest that they've ever been to the people You've been to our shows You've sung our songs Now we're asking you to add to each chorus you've sung and Protest, against, injustice, state terror On the streets of the world For the disempowered You've sung at our shows Cheered right over wrong Now it's time to hit the streets Back up those words you've sung Because our voices alone this time will not get it done Looking to stop a rogue regime? Well the first ones that we must confront is WASHINGTON, DC! The bush "terror war", UNCONSTITUTIONAL, UNCONSCIENABLE We refuse to let him kill, in our name for oil We know their game Know they're corrupt It's up to us to hit the streets, time to take our rights back! Protest, against, injustice, state terror On the streets of the world For the disempowered You've sung at our shows Cheered right over wrong Now it's time to hit the streets Back up those words you've sung Because our voices alone this time will not get it done Because the people, united will get it done Protest, against injustice, state terror On the streets of the world for the disempowered [x4] PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Song 11: "Tearing Down the Borders". Album (2003): Terror State. No one flag flies over the multi-national company. No allegiance to the board's homeland, fellow citizens, the flag born of their country. As the brainwashed nationalists move, To shed their blood on battle fields. War profiteering rich watch their stocks reap high yields.

We're tearing down the borders! We're fighting for the rights of freedom! Woah oh, woah oh, woah oh. We're tearing down the borders! We're fighting for the rights of freedom! Woah oh, woah oh, woah oh.


No patriotic pledge from multi-national companies. Only a commitment to lock away equality and steal away all freedom from the poorest of the poor. So that the boardroom can insure their stockholders profits are higher in return.

We're tearing down the borders! We're fighting for the rights of freedom! Woah oh, woah oh, woah oh. We're tearing down the borders! We're fighting for the rights of freedom! Woah oh, woah oh, woah oh.

It's our world. Let's take it back! Let's set ourselves free oh woah oh. It's our world. Let's take it back! Let's set ourselves free oh woah oh. It's our world. We want it back! Let's set ourselves free oh woah oh. It's your world. Take your world back!



There's a call A ringing sound Around the globe Its gaining ground We're tearing down the borders, oh oh.

There's a voice in your heart It beckons you to do your part We're tearing down the borders, oh oh!

The line is drawn In the sand On one side you are a slave The other a free man We're tearing down the borders, oh oh! There's a call Freedom's sound Around the globe Its gaining ground! We're tearing down the border We're tearing down the border We're tearing down the borders, WOAH!

Song 12: You Can Kill the Protestor but You Can’t Kill the Protest. Album (2003): Terror State You can spoon my eyes out, but I can still see through you Slice my ears from my head, but you can not shut out the sounds of truth Lock off each sound at the wrist so I can't raise my fist!

you can kill the protestor (can't kill) you can't kill the protest you can murder the rebel (murder) you can't murder the rebellion

Sawed my feet at the ankles, but i wasnt going to run Grabbed my face, sliced off my tongue Lock off each hand at the wrist, so I can't raise my fist!

you can kill the protestor (can't kill) you can't kill the protest you can murder the rebel (murder) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


you can't murder the rebellion


Song 13: "Depleted Uranium is a War Crime". Album (2006): For Blood and Empire [U.S. Representative, Jim McDermott:] "Depleted Uranium is used on the ends of bullets and on the ends of shells because it is so hard {that} almost any armament is vulnerable to something that is tipped with Depleted Uranium." Woahhh!

In the cities and towns of Afghanistan In the heart of the Balkans - the heart of Iraq Not your Grandfather's style of deadly munitions It's silent and deadly long after the mission Depleted uranium is a war crime Depleted uranium is a war crime

Gonna cut through their armor, then cut through your lungs If you make it home alive you'll still die young A greedy gang of liars, yeah we've seen it all before A moneymaking scheme led by war-profiteering whores

Depleted uranium is a war crime Depleted uranium is a war crime

[U.S. Representative, Jim McDermott:] "They were throwing it away until they figured out they could use it for armament."

Half Life - 4.5 Billion Half Life - You'll waste away Half Life - 4.5 Billion Half Life - You'll waste a... We've heard their lies before and we know they're lying again Feels like a dcj vu of Agent Orange and Vietnam Weaponry so sadistic it is hard to comprehend War profits surge with every breath by Uncle Sam Depleted uranium is a war crime Depleted uranium is a war crime Depleted uranium is a war crime [U.S. Representative, Jim McDermott:] PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


"We went to a hospital in Southern Iraq, and a woman was there with a very deformed child and her husband had been in the Iraqi Army and had been in the battles in Southern Iraq and came home and they produced a baby with very severe malformations... Both the Leukemia rates in children and malformations at birth had increased by 600% and it was clearly an epidemic where all this DU had been dumped... It becomes a dust that can be inhaled and infect the blood stream and the rest of the body and it was the opinion of the doctors there that this was caused by depleted uranium...

They simply saw this as being a direct result of the war by United States."

Half Life - 4.5 Billion Half Life - We waste away Half Life - 4.5 Billion Half Life - We waste away Half Life - 4.5 Billion Half Life - We waste away Half Life - 4.5 Billion Half Life - We waste away

[U.S. Representative, Jim McDermott:] "The doctor said, 'Women {in Iraq} at the time of birth don't ask if it's a boy or a girl, they ask: Is it normal?' ...The military denies first, and then after the evidence builds to the point where they can no longer deny, then they do the research. That's what happened in the Vietnam era around Agent Orange and I suspect and I'm worried that that's what will happen this time."

Song 14: "No Borders, No Nations". Split (2002): "BYO Split Series Volume IV (Anti-Flag/Bouncing Souls)" I always thought if you want to change the world Then you have to start with yourself So if the heads of state want to end terrorism They should go ahead and kill themselves

I will not sign my blind faith away To an unjustly leader of the unjust police state Corporate masters live in their chess pool PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Of extreme wealth and excess..Whoa Oh

The phrase world leaders Does not describe the heads of state Those few in power Work only for the corporate sake No action, no interest, no humanity at all As the corporate towers rise up They watch the people fall

A government run by the corporations of the world Enslaving mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters Profits put before people Equal force, equal reaction Equal suppression, equal intimidations Equal propaganda, equal rebellion

We've got to make a change No religions, sexual preference And regardless of your race We've got to make a change No war, corporate run Governments, no police state We've got to make a change For the good of the human race And you still look me in the eye And you still wonder why Your cities fucking burn

No borders, no nations No flags, no patriots

Song 15: "911 for peace".. Album (2002): Mobilize.

It's in the paper every day I see it in the headlines and I feel so sick, yeah Another life leaves this world (this world) so full of hate But short Short on compassion Short on humanity Asking myself in vain, shaken by the shock, "do we even have a chance?"



(I don't wanna kill) I don't wanna kill (I don't wanna die) We are all human. It's time to prove it.

This is a plea for peace (world peace) To the oppressors of the world and to To the leaders of nations, corporate profit takers, to the everday citizen Greed, envy, fear, hate-- the competition has to stop. When you see someone down, now's the time to pick them up Set our differences aside and never look back, no

I don't wanna die (I don't wanna kill) I don't wanna kill (I don't wanna die) We are all human It's time to prove it.

Isn't everybody tired of the fighting? (hey, hey) Isn't everybody tired of the killing? (hey, hey) Isn't everybody tired of the dying? (hey, hey) Isn't everybody tired of the hatred? (hey, hey) Violence..fighting... killing...dying.. aaaaaah!!

[excerpt from Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech:] And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing "Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last."

I don't wanna die (I don't wanna kill) I don't wanna kill (I don't wanna die) We are all human It's time to prove it. We are all human It's time to prove it. We are all human... PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Appendix 14: Clauses and Ideologies of the Selected Song Lyrics

Song 1: You've Got to Die for The Government

Codes Clauses Ideologies S1.C1 You've gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for Anti-Authoritarian your government? Nationalism Die for your country? That's shit! S1.C2 There's a Gulf War vet, dying a slow, Anti-Authoritarian cold death Nationalism And the government says, "We don't know the source of his sickness." S1.C3 But don't believe what they say, because Anti-Authoritarian your government is lying. They've done it Nationalism before and don't you know they'll do it again. S1.C4 A secret test, government built virus Anti-Authoritarian "Subject Test Group: Gulf Battle Field Nationalism Troops" S1.C5 First World War veterans slaughtered, by Anti-Authoritarian General Eisenhower Nationalism S1.C6 You give them your life, they give you a Anti-Authoritarian stab in the back Nationalism S1.C7 Radiation, agent orange, tested on US Anti-Authoritarian souls Nationalism Guinea pigs for Western corporations S1.C8 I never have, I never will Anti-Authoritarian Pledge allegiance to their flag Nationalism S1.C9 You're getting used, you'll end up dead! Anti-Authoritarian Nationalism S1.C10. I don't need you to tell me what to do Anti-Authoritarian And I don't need you to tell me what to Nationalism be... FUCK YOU! S1.C11. I don't need you to tell me what to say Anti-Authoritarian And I don't need you to tell me what to Nationalism think!

Song 2: Kill the Rich

Codes Clauses Ideologies S2.C1. A billionaire chatting with his friends Anti-Authoritarian They've gotta stop and laugh Capitalism S2.C2. "We've really got those suckers fooled, Social Movement PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


We've gotta 'em trained like rats!" S2.C3. The riches plot, control your thoughts, Anti-Authoritarian to make you blame yourself Capitalism S2.C4. "The rich are rich because they're Anti-Authoritarian smarter than me.." Capitalism You're taught this is right, that it's your fault S2.C5. They throw a war like a party saying, Anti-Authoritarian "It's for a moral cause.." Capitalism S2.C6. Telling you if you're a patriot that Anti-Authoritarian "YOU BETTER DO WHAT YOU'RE Nationalism TOLD!” S2.C7. You burn a flag, you're gonna hang, Anti-Authoritarian Nationalism S2.C8. Brainwashed nationalism makes you a Anti-Authoritarian tool Nationalism S2.C9. They're getting rich by selling weapons Anti-Authoritarian to both countries, Capitalism You never think to question what you're told! S2.C10. They're gonna give you nothing Anti-Authoritarian They want to take way the little they Capitalism call something S2.C11. You know you're being used still you Anti-Authoritarian play along Capitalism S2.C12. If you're not complacent, you're doing Anti-Authoritarian something wrong Capitalism S2.C13. We'll being them crashing down until Social Movement they're all dead They're all dead, they're all dead! S2.C14. The time is growing near. Put the Social Movement trigger to the man...

Song 3: Red, White and Brainwashed

Codes Clauses Ideologies S3.C1. They use the flag to control us Anti-Authoritarian Brainwash us to be their patriotic slaves Nationalism Programs our minds by controlling what we learn S3.C2. The only difference from the Nazis is that Social movement Someone tried to stop them S3.C3. The government says they're working for Anti-Authoritarian us Capitalism PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Just as long as we increase their pay But the minute they get into office we're a has-been a yesterday S3.C4. The red stands for the blood of all the Anti-Authoritarian people Nationalism We've slain S3.C5. The white for this racist, bigoted Anti-Authoritarian foundation Nationalism The blue for your Aryans eyes -- all empty S3.C6. Empty because you're taught to bow down Anti-Authoritarian to the man Nationalism S3.C7. "Fly that flag, that flag of freedom" Anti-Authoritarian "Do what you can for your country" Nationalism Go and fight their wars for them "They're not following in our footsteps, KILL THEM!" S3.C8. They call that being a patriot Anti-Authoritarian I just call it ignorant Nationalism S3.C9. If you don't fight to make things better Anti-Authoritarian Then you're the one betraying the country Nationalism

Song 4: Got the Numbers

Codes Clauses Ideologies S4.C1. You push and push a people, what are Anti-Authoritarian they to do? Capitalism S4.C2. Soon this corporate run government Anti-Authoritarian will be through Capitalism S4.C3. Big business are the pimps and Anti-Authoritarian governments' their whores Capitalism S4.C4. We don't need more time to talk over a Social Movement solution S4.C5. We know what we need, we need a Social Movement fucking revolution S4.C6. We don't need your war machine, or Anti-Authoritarian your filthy blood stained dollars Capitalism S4.C7. We’ve got one thing you ain’t got. We’ve got, we've got, we've got... got Social Movement the numbers! S4.C8. To you the masses are not even human beings We’re dogs that will be grateful for Social Movement any scraps you leave But even dogs will only put up with so PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


much abuse S4.C9. Keep stealing from us like you are Social Movement we're gonna let loose

Song 5: A Stars and Stripes

Codes Clauses Ideologies S5.C1 Welcoming with open arms and, with open hearts in the end they found their Anti-Authoritarian arms in shackles and their hearts torn Nationalism out S5.C2 This country named "America", is built Anti-Authoritarian on graves of the natives who lived here Nationalism before, genocide took place S5.C3 The word "America" means "freedom" Anti-Authoritarian - as in, "free to kill the free..." Nationalism S5.C4 don't fly those stripes, those stars-and- Anti-Authoritarian stripes for me, for me. Nationalism S5.C5 it's the same today as then, as U.S. (tax) dollars are spent to rid the native Anti-Authoritarian insurgence in Mexico, and any other Capitalism U.S. (corporate) "interests". S5.C6 The 3rd world is a modern day Anti-Authoritarian playground, for multinational Capitalism companies S5.C7 The tax dollars we're forced to pay, Anti-Authoritarian fund these heartless U.S. policies Capitalism S5.C8 Their explanation... "it's national Anti-Authoritarian interest, national security..." Capitalism S5.C9 at little big horn national cemetery, there's a monument that reads: "to the soldiers killed in Montana while clearing hostile Indians away... ' Anti-Authoritarian and there's a flag there flying high, Nationalism over the fallen killers' graves when they call on me to die for them i'll say... "not me!" S5.C10. They Stand for greed, they stand for Anti-Authoritarian hate, for nothing i believe... Capitalism PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Song 6: This Machine Kills Fascists

Codes Clauses Ideologies S6.C1 We've run out of patience, you've run out Social Movement of time ! S6.C2. This scene will not fall victim to your Social Movement violence or lies. S6.C3. Your "values" are nothing but excuses to Anti-Authoritarian start fights. Nationalism S6.C4. Quit fronting like you're standing for a Anti-Authoritarian moral Nationalism S6.C5. Cause tonight united as one, we won't stand aside, you tried to fuck with our Social Movement scene... We're gonna fuck your life!!! S6.C6. This machine, this machine. This machine... THIS MACHINE, KILLS Social Movement FUCKING FASCISTS! Dead... That's right, DEAD! S6.C7. You don't have to be a racist, To be a Anti-Authoritarian Nazi, fuck ! Nationalism S6.C8. Your mindless nationalism gives you Anti-Authoritarian credentials enough. Nationalism S6.C9. You spew your right wing rhetoric when Anti-Authoritarian we got your attention... Nationalism S6.C10. You've mistaken the punk scene for the Anti-Authoritarian Republican Convention! Nationalism S6.C11. No more infiltration, no more right wing Anti-Authoritarian lies, you don't belong in our scene... We'll Nationalism fight you till we die !!!

Song 7: Watch the Right

Codes Clauses Ideologies S7.C1 It's on the radio, it's on the TV news Anti-Authoritarian conservatives and liberals with ever Nationalism clashing views S7.C2 But as the days go by I can't tell which side Anti-Authoritarian is talking their left is in the center and Nationalism labeled "liberal doctrine" S7.C3 They do nothing for you. Anti-Authoritarian They do nothing for me Nationalism they give us nothing to believe S7.C4 Let the feds pass a law, that takes your Anti-Authoritarian rights away cause "you gotta sacrifice if Capitalism you want to stay safe!"til the day you find PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


the feds in your back pocket locking you away for saying, "question", "think", or "stop it" S7.C5 Watch your right, watch your left, watch Anti-Authoritarian the right, watch the center and watch your Capitalism back. S7.C6. Joseph McCarthy and Reagan Anti-Authoritarian set the mother fuckin' stage for the right Capitalism leanings that now grip the U.S.A. S7.C7. They framed and jailed the reds Anti-Authoritarian Capitalism S7.C8. Lost the keys to the cell set up Anti-Authoritarian the capitalist machine to go in for the kill... Capitalism yeah... yeah... yeah... S7.C9. Social divisions encouraged by the few - Anti-Authoritarian few! Capitalism S7.C10. Those few in power - suckerin' suckers like Anti-Authoritarian you - you! Capitalism S7.C11. As corporate welfare, flows from troughs of the state - state! yeah big business, takes Anti-Authoritarian more than their fair take - take! Capitalism but in the end it is suckers like you - you who buy that S7.C12. The poor are givin' you the screw - screw! Anti-Authoritarian Capitalism S7.C13. Can't you realize that it's just talk, talk, talk, Anti-Authoritarian talkin' tax men at your door, fuckin' Capitalism knockin' knockin' knockin'...

Song 8: What’s the Difference

Codes Clauses Ideologies S8.C1 The constitution crumbles beneath the Anti-Authoritarian Wright of fascists Nationalism S8.C2 There is no right to assemble – There is Anti-Authoritarian no free speech for the masses Nationalism S8.C3 Anti WTO statement are grounds for Anti-Authoritarian arresting Nationalism S8.C4 Our leaders decry Tiananmen and dare to speak freedom as they unleash our Anti-Authoritarian cops on us. So, what’s the fucking Nationalism difference S8.C5 Behind locked door s in session, world Anti-Authoritarian sponsored corporate politicians Capitalism PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


S8.C6 Structure policy to build more corporate Anti-Authoritarian strength Capitalism S8.C7 At news conference they claim, “we Anti-Authoritarian listen” while they lock out their own Capitalism constituents. S8.C8 So, we march on the raise our voice Social Movement because we are left with no choice. S8.C9. In china, Nike pays workers fifth cents a Anti-Authoritarian day Capitalism S8.C10. In the U.S, lawmakers give China “free Anti-Authoritarian trade”. Capitalism S8.C11. Human rights-based sanctions just Anti-Authoritarian washed away when our lawmakers are Capitalism owned by multinational’s money

Song 9: Class Plague

Codes Clauses Ideologies S9.C1. We have no rights and I am pissed Anti-Authoritarian Nationalism S9.C2. The bill of rights does not exist Anti-Authoritarian Nationalism S9.C3. This whole system is a lie Anti-Authoritarian Nationalism S9.C4. This system we should defy Anti-Authoritarian Nationalism S9.C5. Society the one we hate Anti-Authoritarian Nationalism S9.C6. Stop corruption it's too late Anti-Authoritarian Capitalism S9.C7. This whole system is built by the rich Anti-Authoritarian Capitalism S9.C8. It’s time we should dig their ditch Social Movement S9.C9. Society separates more and more Anti-Authoritarian Nationalism S9.C10. The rich are getting richer, the poor are Anti-Authoritarian getting poorer Capitalism S9.C11. Capitalism's time to fall has come Social Movement S9.C12. It's time we should have revolution Social Movement S9.C13. Revolution, It’s time to make the rich pay Social Movement PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Song 10: Protest Songs

Codes Clauses Ideologies S10.C1. And so the time has finally come, the bourgeoisie has signed the war decree with proletariat blood Anti-Authoritarian And that blood which flows from their Capitalism pen is the closest that they've ever been to the people S10.C2. You've been to our shows. You've sung our songs. Now we're asking you to add to each Social chorus you've sung and protest, against, Movement injustice, state terror on the streets of the world for the disempowered S10.C3. You've sung at our shows cheered right over wrong now it's time to hit the streets Social back up those words you've sung Movement because our voices alone this time will not get it done S10.C4. Looking to stop a rogue regime? Social well the first ones that we must confront Movement is WASHINGTON, DC! S10.C5. The bush "terror war", Anti- UNCONSTITUTIONAL, Authoritarian UNCONSCIENABLE Nationalism S10.C6. We refuse to let him kill, in our name for Social oil Movement S10.C7. we know their game. We know they're Anti- corrupt Authoritarian Capitalism S10.C8. It's up to us to hit the streets, time to take Social our rights back! Movement

Song 11: Tearing Down the Borders

Codes Clauses Ideologies S11.C1. There is no one flag flies over the multi- Anti- national company. Authoritarian Capitalism S11.C2. There is No allegiance to the board's Anti- homeland, fellow citizens, the flag born Authoritarian of their country. Nationalism PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


S11.C3. As the brainwashed nationalists move to Anti- shed their blood on battle fields, War Authoritarian profiteering rich watch their stocks reap Capitalism high yields. S11.C4. We're tearing down the borders! Social Movement S11.C5. We're fighting for the rights of freedom! Social Movement S11.C6. No patriotic pledge from multi-national Anti- companies. Authoritarian Only a commitment to lock away Nationalism equality and steal away all freedom from the poorest of the poor. So that the boardrooms can insure their stockholders profits are higher in return. S11.C7. It's our world. Let's take it back! Let's set Social Movement ourselves free. S11.C8. We want it back! Social Movement S11.C9. There's a call a ringing sound around the Social Movement globe. Its gaining ground S11.C10 There's a voice in your heart, It beckons Social Movement you to do your part S11.C11 The line is drawn in the sand on one side Social Movement you are a slave. The other, a free man S11.C12 There's a call Freedom's sound around Social Movement the globe. Its gaining ground!

Song 12; You Can Kill the Protestor but You Can’t Kill the Protest

Codes Clauses Ideologies S12.C1 You can spoon my eyes out, but I can Social Movement still see through you S12.C2. You slice my ears from my head, but you Social Movement cannot shut out the sounds of truth S12.C3. You lock off each sound at the wrist so I Social Movement can't raise my fist! S12.C4. You can kill the protestor (can't kill), you Social Movement can't kill the protest S12.C5. You can murder the rebel (murder), you Social Movement can't murder the rebellion S12.C6. Sawed my feet at the ankles, but I wasn’t Social Movement going to run S12.C7. Grabbed my face, sliced off my tongue Lock off each hand at the wrist so I can't Social Movement raise my fist! S12.C8. Lying still now, there is no way to speak. Social Movement PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


S12.C9. There is nothing to fear, bullets can't Social Movement silence ideas!

Song 13: Depleted Uranium is a War Crime

Codes Clauses Ideologies S13.C1. Depleted uranium is used on the ends of bullets and on the ends of shells because it Anti-Authoritarian is so hard {that} almost any armament is Nationalism vulnerable to something that is tipped with Depleted Uranium”. S13.C2. Depleted uranium is In the cities and Anti-Authoritarian towns of Afghanistan, Depleted uranium Nationalism in the heart of Balkans – the heart of Iraq S13.C3. It is not your grandfather’s style of deadly Anti-Authoritarian munitions. It’s silent and deadly long after Nationalism the mission S13.C4. Depleted uranium is a war crime Anti-Authoritarian Nationalism S13.C5. Gonna cut through their armor then cut Anti-Authoritarian through your lungs Nationalism S13.C6. If you make it home alive you’ll die young Anti-Authoritarian Nationalism S13.C7. A greedy gang of liars, yeah we’ve seen it Anti- all before Authoritarian Capitalism S13.C8. A money-making scheme led by war Anti- profiteering whores Authoritarian Capitalism S13.C9. They were throwing it away until they Anti-Authoritarian figured out they could use it for armament Nationalism S13.C10. We’ve heard their lies before and we Anti-Authoritarian know they’re lying again Nationalism S13.C11. Feels like dcj vu of Agent Orange and Anti-Authoritarian Vietnam Nationalism S13.C12. Weaponry so sadistic it is hard to Anti-Authoritarian comprehend Nationalism S13.C13. War profits surge with every breath by Anti-Authoritarian Uncle Sam Nationalism S13.C14. Both the Leukemia rates in children and malformations at birth had increased by Anti-Authoritarian 600%and it was clearly an epidemic where Nationalism all this DU had been dumped... S13.C15. It becomes a dust that can be inhaled and Anti-Authoritarian PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


infect the blood stream and the rest of the Nationalism body. it was the opinion of the doctors there that this was caused by depleted uranium... S13.C16. They simply saw this as being a direct Anti-Authoritarian result of the war by United States." Nationalism S13.C17. The military denies first, and then after the evidence builds to the point where they Anti-Authoritarian can no longer deny, then they do the Nationalism research. S13.C18. That's what happened in the Vietnam era Anti-Authoritarian around Agent Orange Nationalism S13.C19. I suspect and I'm worried that that's what Anti-Authoritarian will happen this time." Nationalism

Song 14: No Borders, No Nations

Codes Clauses Ideologies S14.C1. I always thought if you want to change the world Social Movement Then you have to start with yourself S14.C2. So if the heads of state want to end Anti- terrorism Authoritarian They should go ahead and kill themselves Nationalism S14.C3. I will not sign my blind faith away Anti- To an unjustly leader of the unjust police Authoritarian state Nationalism S14.C4. Corporate masters live in their chess pool Anti- Of extreme wealth and excess Authoritarian Capitalism S14.C5. The phrase world leaders Anti- Does not describe the heads of state Authoritarian Nationalism S14.C6. Those few in power Anti- Work only for the corporate sake Authoritarian No action, no interest, no humanity at all Nationalism S14.C7. As the corporate towers rise up Anti- They watch the people fall Authoritarian Capitalism S14.C8. A government run by the corporations of Anti- the world Authoritarian Enslaving mothers, fathers, sons, and Capitalism daughters S14.C9. Profits put before people Anti- PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Equal force, equal reaction Authoritarian Equal suppression, equal intimidations Capitalism Equal propaganda, equal rebellion S14.C1 We've got to make a change 0. No religions, sexual preference Social Movement And regardless of your race

Song 15: 911 for peace

Codes Clauses Ideologies S15.C1. It's in the paper every day. I see it in the Social Movement headlines and I feel so sick S15.C2. Another life leaves this world (this world) so full of hate But short short on Social Movement compassion short on humanity S15.C3. Asking myself in vain, shaken by the shock, Social Movement "do we even have a chance?" S15.C4. I don't wanna die Social Movement (I don't wanna kill) S15.C5. I don't wanna kill Social Movement (I don't wanna die) S15.C6. We are all human. Social Movement It's time to prove it. S15.C7. This is a plea for peace (world peace) To the oppressors of the world and to To the leaders of nations, corporate profit Social Movement takers, to the everyday citizen S15.C8. Greed, envy, fear, hate-- the competition Social Movement has to stop. S15.C9. When you see someone down, now's the Social Movement time to pick them up S15.C10. Set our differences aside and never look Social Movement back, no S15.C11. I don't wanna die Social Movement (I don't wanna kill) S15.C12. I don't wanna kill Social Movement (I don't wanna die) S15.C13. We are all human Social Movement It's time to prove it. S15.C14. Isn't everybody tired of the killing? (hey, hey) Social Movement Isn't everybody tired of the dying? (hey, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


hey) Isn't everybody tired of the hatred? (hey, hey) Violence..fighting... killing...dying.. S11.C15. Excerpt from Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech:] And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream[we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black Social Movement men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing "Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last."