The Parish of St Martin with St Francis The Team

Parish Profile 2018 The Diocese of The Parish of St Martin with St Francis Wythenshawe in the Wythenshawe Team 2018

Worship space in St Martin’s Church Hall

Our Church

 We are a very caring church, good at welcoming people and hopefully nurturing our present congregation. Over the last three years we have welcomed many asylum seekers most of whom needed specific help with forms and application support. One person has been helped to settle in the area and another we are supporting as witnesses in a forthcoming tribunal. We encourage new comers to find a place with us where they can feel valued and are pleased to accept their help where this is possible.  We have friends locally who are very supportive and help us with essential repairs and support projects financially. As our congregation has aged and diminished this is increasingly necessary.  We are concerned with the needs of our community and to that end the use of the church hall is crucial. It is occupied every evening, weekend and some times in the day by many and various groups – See relevant section of the profile. It is of particular use to our Rainbows, Brownies, Guide and Senior Section packs which are growing in numbers and giving us contact with more parents.  We are in the process of negotiation with a housing group for major changes to the site. Our church building is no longer fit for purpose so we have moved all our services into the hall. We have partitioned off an area which is secure and big enough for our needs. Hopefully being part of it will reinforce and strengthen our links to other hall users.  It is hoped that we shall have a new building incorporating a Church/ Community centre which will meet all our needs. This will give us the fresh start we need to move forward.

2  The monthly magazine was a successful means of communication in the parish until December last year being distributed to 100 people in the area and to former members who had moved away, unfortunately we have no one at present who is able to produce it. We do hope to maintain contact through short bulletins listing events etc. as and when we can.

Inclusive Church:

The PCC have adopted the Inclusive Church statement, together with all other parishes in the Team and deanery. Ensuring inclusion is integral to our mission and ministry. The statement reads: "We believe in inclusive Church - church which does not discriminate, on any level, on grounds of economic power, gender, mental health, physical ability, race or sexuality. We believe in Church which welcomes and serves all people in the name of Jesus Christ; which is scripturally faithful; which seeks to proclaim the Gospel afresh for each generation; and which, in the power of the Holy Spirit, allows all people to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Jesus Christ."

Our Parish:

 A parish, which in 2011 doubled in size to 15,100 when united with the parish of St Francis of Assisi, in one of the largest Team benefices in the Church of .  An estate with a balanced mix of housing association and private housing  Within ten/fifteen minutes’ walk of Wythenshawe Hospital – part of the Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, a major provider of health services to the North West.  On the Metrolink line connecting the centre of Manchester to and with three tram stops within the parish - one right outside the church grounds.  A broadly based worship style including BCP, Common Worship and services of the Word with our Methodist partners.  An ethnically mixed congregation, diverse in nature, mostly older but also with young families.  Well placed in the locality with strong generational and family connections between the church and the local area and the congregation has a caring and welcoming attitude to visitors and newcomers.

3 We are looking for:  A person with concern for people and a heart for reaching out and drawing them into the church.  A team worker committed to sharing leadership with every member of the ministry, clergy and lay, and someone who would be involved in the training of others in the work that needs to be done.  A leader who can help us think strategically and use godly wisdom in how to be effective in services, evangelism, and discipleship.  Someone not afraid of a challenge who we could support and relate to as we move forward jointly to strengthen the church.  It would be good to restore our lapsed contact with local schools so an interest in young people would be valuable.  A sense of humour would be useful and possibly lifesaving.  We are living in exciting times at St. Martin’s. Everything is in a state of change and there will be many opportunities to do things differently. It would be good to have someone with an open mind about what works and the vision to experiment.


Population The population of the parish is approximately 15,300. 65% of the population are aged 16-64, 14% are 5-15 years old, 12% are over 65. In the 2011 census, 85% identified as White, with 15% identifying as BAME.

Social aspects  A good mixture of rented and privately owned accommodation  The open aspect of the estate with green spaces, small local parks and play areas and mature trees creates a pleasant living environment  Unemployment is around 5%. Manchester Airport and Wythenshawe Hospital are major employers for the area.  Two ‘Young People’s Nuisance Hotspots’ in identified in 2008 indicate a lack of provision for youth. Closure of the City’s Youth Services in 2011 removed these facilities from all church premises in Wythenshawe, despite the 2009 West Wythenshawe Regeneration Plan’s intention to focus on these issues.  The Community Police play a significant role in maintaining security in the area.  The Index of Deprivation figures (2010) show Newall Green and Baguley in the top 1-5 % most deprived for a number of measures, particularly Health Deprivation and Disability.

4 Housing  Wythenshawe Community Housing Group manages 80% of former local authority housing in Baguley and Newall Green resulting in a significant upgrading of the accommodation over a period of time. There are 3000 social rented households and 2850 owner occupied households.  housing stock comprises o original 1930s estate of Royal Oak o 1950/1990s developments of the Bideford estate and Newall Green. o The area is a 1950s mainly private development o All areas have experienced 1990s/2000s infilling with social and private housing. o There is a good sprinkling of social and sheltered accommodation o From 2013 a new combined management team, the Wythenshawe Community Trust, was formed from the Parkway Green and Willow Park Housing Trusts

Transport  The parish is well served by regular bus routes, between Wythenshawe and the centre of Manchester as well as local links to Wythenshawe Civic Centre and nearby towns.

 The Metrolink line runs from the centre of Manchester to the airport past the church. The Martinscroft tram stop adjacent to the church grounds has improved local transport links especially across the Team parishes.

Schools Baguley Hall Primary School Newall Green Primary school Catholic schools - Sacred Heart and St Paul’s Primary Schools and St Paul’s Secondary School Piper Hill - a Special Support secondary school in Newall Green adjacent to St Paul’s

Stable community links between the non-catholic schools and the church have developed significantly during the last ten years.  Previous Vicars at St Martin’s have been governors at Baguley Hall School and have been available to take assemblies. Key Stage I and II classes regularly visited St Martin’s church to experience a ‘Sacred Space’ and were shown round by church members. All three schools have used the church for concerts, leaving ceremonies and seasonal services.

5  The Team has developed a really close working relationship with the primary schools in Wythenshawe, pioneering Experience Easter/Experience Pentecost/ Experience Harvest visits from a number of the schools to William Temple Church and St Martin’s over several years. This has involved a team of helpers from the Team and other churches in Wythenshawe, including several from St Martin’s.

Associations and Groups Residents’ Associations meet in both Newall Green and Baguley. A variety of secular activities throughout the week are hosted by St Martin’s Church Hall and also The Royal Oak Community Centre. ‘Mums’ and Toddlers’ Groups meet at Newall Green Baptist Church and also St Martin’s Church Hall. Currently two Sure Start Centres are based at Baguley Hall School & Newall Green Primary School.

St Martin’s Church Hall The Hall, with a stage, kitchen, store rooms and excellent dance floor is in use every weekday evening and Saturdays. Regular users currently include the Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Senior Sections, a School of Dance, Karate group, Art Club for adults with learning difficulties, Mums and Toddlers group, Fan-Tastic keep fit group, other Christian worshippers and faith groups. Occasional users include drama groups, the Local Polling Station and individuals for children’s parties and private functions.

Shops and amenities include 24 hours Tesco & Aldi 8 small parades with up to half a dozen shops each 3 doctors surgeries and 3 pharmacies 4 pubs, 3 social clubs Royal Oak Community Centre Bideford Community Centre 13 (at least) sheltered accommodation units,1 nursing , 2 special care units,1 assessment centre (formerly respite care).


Worship and worshippers The worship tradition is ‘central’ with a variety of Eucharistic and non-Eucharistic services which contrasts with the other churches in the Team. Sunday Services are as follows:  8.30am Holy Communion (BCP)  11.00am Morning Worship (with an Anglican Communion once a month and a Methodist Communion once a month)

 Thursdays: 9.30 am Holy Communion

 The non-eucharistic services are usually lay-led by one of the Team’s Readers.  Cassock alb, stole and chasuble or cassock and surplice are worn according to the type of service.  Home communions have become relatively few latterly, but still take place when required.  Church-based organizations and groups  Guides, Brownies and Rainbows meet every Tuesday in the Church Hall (currently 28 Rainbows, 30 Brownies and 12 Guides) and a Senior Section is starting in 2018. They are sponsored by the church, have long standing leadership from within the congregation and take a full part in the social life of the church. Numbers have increased over the past year.  A programme of House Groups, mainly for Bible Study and Meditation under the previous Vicar was much appreciated by those taking part. We intend to restart the meditation group early in 2018.  The social life of the church is lively and centres round a recognized pattern of dances and suppers, fairs, coffee mornings and outings.  The major social event of the year is the Martinmas Fair followed by a Service of Remembrance the following Sunday.


 The parish also takes part in Team events (see below).

The Wythenshawe Team The Wythenshawe Team is one of the largest in the Church of England. Formally created in November 1999 and with a population of over 55,000, the Team consists of four parishes:

 St Luke the Physician,  St Martin with St Francis, Wythenshawe  St Richard of Chichester, Peel Hall  William Temple Parish, Wythenshawe

Since 2014, the Parish of St Michael’s Lawton Moor has also developed informal links with our Team bringing the population to approximately 63,000. As well as the individual PCCs there is a Team Council which coordinates Team activities and is working towards a mission and ministry plan across the Wythenshawe area. The Team Council employs a Community Development Worker enabling us to reach out across the communities of Wythenshawe in creative ways. Among the major Team projects are:  Food For Thought: a food bank and care hub helping to combat food poverty,  Holiday Breakfast Club: providing hundreds of free breakfasts for children and families in holiday time,  Inclusive Church: we are working towards the whole of the deanery adopting the Inclusive Church statement. Two parishes within the team have already done so and Team Council coordinates this.

The Team ministers enjoy a strong commitment to sharing ministry across the parishes. They meet weekly for Team meetings and prayer, and occasionally meet for drinks and meals. Currently the Ministry Team consists of:  Team Rector (based at William Temple Church)  Team Vicar (based at St Luke’s)  Team Vicar (based at St Richard’s)  OLM Assistant Priest  Two Readers (one of whom is emeritus)

8  Two Authorised Lay Ministers  and a number of ordinands and Readers in training.

Team Easter Vigil at St Martin’s Hannah’s Baptism

Ecumenism Baguley and Newall Green have enjoyed good ecumenical links over many years, previously establishing a formal covenant to work and worship together. This arrangement was subsumed in 2007 into Churches Together in Wythenshawe. After a year of preparations, a new ecumenical forum, called the Jonah Group, was instituted in 2015 involving all the Christian churches and communities within the Wythenshawe area. Working together on social justice, faith, prayer and other activities, the forum seeks to bring together the denominations in ministry and mission. St Martin’s, through the Wythenshawe Team Ministry, is an active member of this. Acts of Witness in Wythenshawe Town Centre and similar events have been arranged ad hoc at Easter and Christmas mainly by a much wider coalition of interested groups. The co-operative work of collecting and fundraising for Christian Aid Week; in Baguley and Newall Green continues to raise between £1500 and £2000 each year. Coming even closer together in Baguley and Newall Green

 In Dec 2012 the Parish of St Francis of Assisi finally joined together with St Martin’s to become the Parish of St Martin with St Francis Wythenshawe. St Francis’ church building is now used by an independent church for worship and outreach. The combined parish covers a large area, with the church and hall buildings in the centre and therefore the extreme edges of the parish seem a long distance from the church. We hope to renew mission and ministry in the Newall Green area in particular.  For around the last thirty years St Martin’s has been meeting socially, for study and worship with nearby Baguley Hall Methodist church. Some progress was made toward the formation of a Local Ecumenical Partnership and the two churches shared worship for many years. In 2017 Baguley Hall Methodist Church closed for worship and some members have continued to worship at St Martin’s.

9 Ministry  During the vacancy the remaining Team clergy have primary pastoral responsibility for the team parishes together with the rest of their responsibilities and provide extra cover for sickness, holidays and other absences. Previous vicars have undertaken an extensive programme of visiting in the parish and this was much appreciated by families.  St Martin’s has one Reader (Emeritus) who preaches and assists at many communion services, as well as preparing and taking Morning Praise each month. He is trained and licensed to take funerals. During the vacancy he is also covering a number of administrative and other duties formerly carried out by the Team Vicar.  There are currently two licensed lay assistants who assist at communion and one is able to take communion to the sick and housebound.  The congregation as a whole is encouraged to support each other and their neighbours.


The most recent formal Mission Statement adopted by the PCC reads:

At St Martin’s we are committed to the worship of God, the service of the world and the sharing of the gifts and tasks which have been given to us in this place.

We are currently working on our new Mission Action Plan which centres on the following areas:  To discover how St Martin’s can best re-organise its physical and human resources to meet the spiritual needs of families, young and elderly people living in our community.  To encourage and enable congregational members to be more effective in their mission outreach; these connections will be supported by individuals as part of their ‘daily (Christian) work’  Developing Thursday morning holiday Breakfast Clubs into a year round opportunity for food, fellowship and faith.  Strengthening partnerships with Church Hall user groups, especially the Brownie and Guide packs.

10 Church Buildings and the Future After many years struggling with the upkeep of the church building, the PCC decided in 2017 to work towards closing the existing church and to rebuild. As part of this process the church hall was licensed by the Bishop of Manchester in December 2017 for divine worship, baptisms and funerals, and all worship now takes place in the hall. (The hall is not licensed for Marriages, however an instrument issued by the diocesan Bishop allows for couples in any of the four parishes of the Wythenshawe benefice to marry in any of the other parishes.) We are in conversation with a local housing group for the redevelopment of the whole site. This will see the demolition of the church, hall and vicarage and the building of new homes together with a purpose built hall with integral worship centre. At the time of writing we have draft proposals for the site and the worship centre/hall and the process of closure of the present building has started.

Finance and stewardship The parish is committed to the full payment of the Parish Share and has normally met this obligation; in 2018 the parish share is £11,000. The PCC is committed to paying clergy expenses according to the diocesan guidelines.

For the past 25 years the parish has tithed its income (envelopes and loose collections) for charitable giving; the charities supported include local and national ones such as

 St Ann’s Hospice  Francis House  Wythenshawe Women’s Aid  Crisis at Christmas  USPG  Trinity High School  EMBRACE the Middle East (ex Biblelands Society) supports the care of a disabled child.  Christian Aid, Unicef and The Children’s Society also receive collections throughout the year.

The congregation has been faced with a number of decisions regarding the church building, and mounted a programme of fund raising events which have been well supported e.g. inviting pledges towards the roof repairs, sponsored half – marathon running, curry nights, dances etc.

In recent years, the parish has been able to take advantage of local community grants (available for non-religious activities) to fund the refurbishment of the Church Hall including new windows and blinds, replacement of stage curtains and 11 redecoration. The support of the Wythenshawe Team and the Team Rector has been instrumental in helping Team Parishes to obtain grants towards the three year appointment of a Community Development Worker with the remit of raising funds through grants for the Team.

An aerial view of St Martin’s site.


The northern boundary ( Rd) of the combined parish is on the edge of Wythenshawe Park; on the east it is bounded by the M56 motorway, on the west by Southmoor Rd together with the industrial estate and Wythenshawe Hospital and in the South by the approach to Manchester Airport. It is co-terminous with the wards of Baguley and Newall Green.

The official population for the Baguley ward (ie Newall Green and Baguley is 15,100 (2011 update of 2001 census figures of 13,800)

 Parish Church of St Martin with St Francis Wythenshawe in the Wythenshawe Team  Deanery, Manchester Archdeaconry. The Reverend Stephen Edwards (Area Dean) is also Wythenshawe Team Rector (William Temple).  The Bishop of Manchester is the Patron.  Consecrated in 1960; seats between 400 and 450 people.  The Church Hall is adjacent to the church building.  The other Team churches are William Temple , St Luke Benchill, St Richard of Chichester Peel Hall.

St Martin’s Vicarage, 2 Blackcarr Rd, Baguley M23 1LX is situated in the church grounds; built in 1960; 4 bedrooms, lounge, dining room, reception room/study, kitchen and utility room, internal connection to garage; medium sized back garden.

12 Fence and secure gate separates vicarage from the rest of the site. The future development of the site may lead to an alternative vicarage being used.

There are 50 names on the electoral roll.

Average number of Sunday communicants 22 Attendances at the 11.00 service are between 15 and 25 with around 5 - 8 at the 8.30 service. There is no regular Sunday School at present but a play table in church is popular with the one or two children who attend regularly.

In the last twelve months (Oct 2016 –Oct 2017), there have been 4 baptisms, 2 weddings, 1 funeral in church, 6 funerals in crematoria, 21 Christmas communicants, 27 Easter communicants

Name, address, and telephone number of Churchwardens

Mrs Barbara Collantine (0161 998 2254) 46 Spinney Road Baguley, M23 1AB

Mrs A Daniels (0161 945 3348) 131 Royal Oak Rd Baguley, M23 1DZ

A Churchwarden’s support team with 5 members deputises in various ways



February 2018