Marketing Violent Motion Picture Products to Children
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S. HRG. 106–1142 MARKETING VIOLENT MOTION PICTURE PRODUCTS TO CHILDREN HEARING BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND TRANSPORTATION UNITED STATES SENATE ONE HUNDRED SIXTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION SEPTEMBER 27, 2000 Printed for the use of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation ( U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 85–586 PDF WASHINGTON : 2003 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Internet: Phone: toll free (866) 512–1800; DC area (202) 512–1800 Fax: (202) 512–2250 Mail: Stop SSOP, Washington, DC 20402–0001 VerDate Apr 24 2002 13:21 Dec 15, 2003 Jkt 085586 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 5011 Sfmt 5011 S:\WPSHR\GPO\DOCS\85586.TXT SCOM1 PsN: CAROLT SENATE COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND TRANSPORTATION ONE HUNDRED SIXTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION JOHN MCCAIN, Arizona, Chairman TED STEVENS, Alaska ERNEST F. HOLLINGS, South Carolina CONRAD BURNS, Montana DANIEL K. INOUYE, Hawaii SLADE GORTON, Washington JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER IV, West Virginia TRENT LOTT, Mississippi JOHN F. KERRY, Massachusetts KAY BAILEY HUTCHISON, Texas JOHN B. BREAUX, Louisiana OLYMPIA J. SNOWE, Maine RICHARD H. BRYAN, Nevada JOHN ASHCROFT, Missouri BYRON L. DORGAN, North Dakota BILL FRIST, Tennessee RON WYDEN, Oregon SPENCER ABRAHAM, Michigan MAX CLELAND, Georgia SAM BROWNBACK, Kansas MARK BUSE, Republican Staff Director ANN CHOINIERE, Republican General Counsel KEVIN D. KAYES, Democratic Staff Director MOSES BOYD, Democratic Chief Counsel (II) VerDate Apr 24 2002 13:21 Dec 15, 2003 Jkt 085586 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 5904 Sfmt 5904 S:\WPSHR\GPO\DOCS\85586.TXT SCOM1 PsN: CAROLT C O N T E N T S Page Hearing held on September 27, 2000 ..................................................................... 1 Statement of Senator Breaux ................................................................................. 47 Statement of Senator Brownback ........................................................................... 43 Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 46 Statement of Senator Burns ................................................................................... 37 Statement of Senator Dorgan ................................................................................. 51 Statement of Senator Hollings ............................................................................... 1 Statement of Senator Hutchison ............................................................................ 49 Statement of Senator Kerry .................................................................................... 38 Statement of Senator McCain ................................................................................. 1 WITNESSES Friedman, Rob, Vice Chairman, Motion Picture Group, Paramount .................. 4 Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 6 Gianopulos, Jim, Chairman, Fox Films ................................................................. 7 Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 9 Harris, Mel, President and Chief Operating Officer, Sony Pictures Entertain- ment ...................................................................................................................... 11 Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 12 Horn, Alan, President and Chief Operating Officer, Warner Bros. ..................... 16 Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 18 Iger, Robert, President and Chief Operating Officer, The Walt Disney Com- pany ....................................................................................................................... 20 Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 22 McGurk, Chris, Vice Chairman and Chief Operating Officer, MGM .................. 23 Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 24 Parkes, Walter Co-Head, Dreamworks SKG ......................................................... 26 Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 27 Snider, Stacy Chairman, Universal Pictures ........................................................ 28 Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 30 Valenti, Jack, President & Chief Executive Officer, Motion Picture Association of America, prepared statement .......................................................................... 2 APPENDIX Joint Prepared Statement of Donald E. Cook, M.D., President, American Academy of Pediatrics, Clarice Kestenbaum, M.D., President, American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, L. Michael Honaker, PhD., Deputy Chief, Executive Officer, American Psychological Association, Dr. E. Ratcliffe Anderson, Jr. M.D., Executive Vice President, American Med- ical Association, Bruce Bagly, M.D., President, American Academy of Fam- ily Physicians, and Daniel B. Bornstein, M.D., President, American Psy- chiatric Association .............................................................................................. 67 Cleland, Hon. Max, U.S. Senator from Georgia, prepared statement ................. 68 Parents Television Counsel ..................................................................................... 65 (III) VerDate Apr 24 2002 13:21 Dec 15, 2003 Jkt 085586 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 5904 Sfmt 5904 S:\WPSHR\GPO\DOCS\85586.TXT SCOM1 PsN: CAROLT VerDate Apr 24 2002 13:21 Dec 15, 2003 Jkt 085586 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 5904 Sfmt 5904 S:\WPSHR\GPO\DOCS\85586.TXT SCOM1 PsN: CAROLT MARKETING VIOLENT MOTION PICTURE PRODUCTS TO CHILDREN WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2000 U.S. SENATE, COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND TRANSPORTATION, Washington, DC. The Committee met, pursuant to notice, at 9:30 a.m. in room SR– 253, Russell Senate Office Building, Hon. John McCain, Chairman of the Committee, presiding. OPENING STATEMENT OF HON. JOHN MCCAIN, U.S. SENATOR FROM ARIZONA The CHAIRMAN. Good morning. The purpose of this hearing is to further consider the Federal Trade Commission report on mar- keting violent entertainment to children. This hearing is a func- tional extension of the one held 2 weeks ago. I want to thank the representatives of the motion picture industry for their attendance here. It is my understanding that the Democrats will likely invoke the 2-hour rule again today. The result is a possibility that we will have to conclude at 11:30. As noted, the appearance of the motion picture studio executives is somewhat overdue, and I am sure ev- eryone is anxious to hear their testimony and then move to ques- tions. As such, we will suspend opening statements by Members of the Committee and move straight to the witnesses, and this will ensure we will have adequate time to get through the substance of this hearing before 11:30. I realize Members have a great deal to say on this subject and that this is somewhat unusual, so I want to thank the Committee for their cooperation. I would like to point out this morning that the front page story on the New York Times, Major Studios Use Children to Test Mar- ket Violent Films, will be addressed today by the witnesses. STATEMENT OF HON. ERNEST F. HOLLINGS, U.S. SENATOR FROM SOUTH CAROLINA Senator HOLLINGS. Mr. Chairman, I have the statement of the distinguished representative of the Motion Picture Association, Mr. Jack Valenti, and ask consent that it be included in the record. The CHAIRMAN. Without objection. [The prepared statement of Mr. Valenti follows:] (1) VerDate Apr 24 2002 13:21 Dec 15, 2003 Jkt 085586 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 6633 Sfmt 6633 S:\WPSHR\GPO\DOCS\85586.TXT SCOM1 PsN: CAROLT 2 PREPARED STATEMENT OF JACK VALENTI, PRESIDENT & CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, MOTION PICTURE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA In earlier testimony I pledged the Congress that the movie industry would treat the FTC report seriously, responsibly and with dispatch. In submitting to the Com- mittee the 12-point set of Initiatives set out below, we have done just that. But Ini- tiatives are useless unless they are understandable, and they cannot be understand- able unless they are clearly stated. We have tried to do that as well. We have received this Committee’s comments with the gravity and respectful at- tention that the views of our elected representatives deserve. These Initiatives are confirmed by the following movie studios: The Walt Disney Company, Dreamworks SKG, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Paramount Pictures, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Universal Studios, Warner Bros. The Initiatives listed below attach themselves to the three basic recommendations of the Federal Trade Commission’s Report focusing on violence and entitled Mar- keting Violent Entertainment to Children. Items 1 through 5 are connected to the first FTC recommendation, which has to do with advertising and marketing; item 6 speaks to the second recommendation, that of compliance at theaters and retail stores; and items 7 through 12 are fitted to the Report’s third recommendation, giv- ing parents more information about ratings. Initiatives of MPAA Member Companies 1. Each company will request theater owners not to show trailers advertising films rated ‘‘R’’