Volume 13, Issue 23

29 Adar Sheini, 5779 April 5, 2019

Tazria Candle Lighting: 7:21

Step Up For Students / V.P.K. Your dedication here! Step Up for Students and V.P.K. are now open for enrollment. Call the office at Please enroll sooner rather than later, as these grants are awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis. (305) 867-3322 If you need any sort of assistance with the enrollment process, please contact Mrs. Breier at the school office.

MAZAL TOV Mr. Hugo and Mrs. Karine Morcillo on the birth of their son Rabbi Avraham Yehuda and Mrs. Hadassa Elefant on the birth of their daughter Mr. Jeff and Mrs. Orly Stern on the engagement of their daughter P AGE 2 T HE Y . E . S . P RESS

D’VAR & INSPIRATION en to Avraham Avinu to do bris milah, we By: Rabbi Yonah Victor, Sixth Grade Rebbe would still not be obliged, or even permitted, The Passuk in the beginning of this week’s to perform bris milah on Shabbos. ,וביום השמיני ימול בשר ערלתו ,Parasha tells us received the בני ישראל that on the eighth day of a baby’s life, he is to However, once the there was another dimension added to ,תורה .ברית מילה undergo a of bris milah. Whereas before Mattan אות the Considering that we are already quite famil- of milah was to be a sign of the אות Torah the it ,ספר בראשית from מילה of מצוה iar with the seems that this Passuk is completely redun- special relationship between the Yid and his -is the source Creator, once the B’nei Yisrael were re פסוק tell us that this חז“ל .dant that, although it entails one of the 39 mela- deemed from Mitzrayim it became symbolic chos, one is permitted, indeed, required, to of an even deeper connection. perform this even on Shabbos. Ap- In taking His People from the bondage of parently, the commandment given to Av- their Egyptian masters, Hashem declared raham Avinu to perform bris milah did not once and for all time that He is forever to be It was only once .שבת of מצוה override the considered the Master of His Chosen Nation. that this rule תורה received the בני ישראל the shows that the מילה took affect. In this context, the that his entire body and ,עבד השם person is an Rav , zt’’l, asks what seems to all of his talents and abilities, are granted to be an obvious question. We know that the mitzvah of milah is a time related mitzvah. him directly by Hashem Yisbarach, thus rais- The fact that it must be performed on the ing the obligation to serve Him from the sim- eighth day after birth is an absolute require- ple calculation of reward versus punishment ment. In all cases of mitzvos that have a set to the noble character of being a member of expresses this אות time, the rule is that they are performed at His special detail. No other of מצוה Why idea quite the way it is done by the .שבת the prescribed time even if it is on which is the brand of HaKadosh Baruch ,מילה ?be any different מילה of מצוה would the ועל בריתך ,What is the reason that we need an extra Hu, as we say in Birkas Hamazon Passuk to teach us that bris milah can even It is for this reason that the .שחתמת בבשרינו be done on Shabbos? is to be מילה of אות tells us that the תורה the two are in no—שבת Rav Moshe gives a most beautiful explana- performed even on .way redundant to each other מצוה tion. We know that although there is a every single day, this is one תפילין to wear mitzvah which is not done on Shabbos. This This week is Parashas HaChodesh as well, is true despite the fact that it would seem where we read the portion of the importance that we would be required to do so, in ac- of Chodesh Nissan, when we became the cordance with the rule mentioned above. special nation of Hashem Yisbarach. Let us Chazal explain that the reason we do not take this Shabbos as a special opportunity to wear on Shabbos is that Tefillin is an strengthen our resolve to serve Hashem and merit עבדים a sign of our relationship with Hashem. Yisbarach as His faithful ,אות as well, it is thereby the coming of the final redemption אות Since Shabbos is an considered redundant, even a touch of mock- קרבן פסח this year. May we merit to bring the ery, to wear Tefillin on that day. By this logic, Milah, too, would not be performed on Shab- in Yerushalayim this year! !as well. This would Ah Gutten Shabbos אות bos, since it is an explain why just from the commandment giv- T HE Y . E . S . P RESS P AGE 3

Blossoming Writers in First Grade First Graders are quickly blossoming into prolific writers! In honor of spring , first graders write beautiful spring po- ems and decorated them with stunning flower wreaths! First Grade Learning Out of This World Mrs. Saiovici's First Graders had a blast in Geography this week as they traveled all the way to outer space and back in a virtual Google Maps tour! We started our exploration from the perspective of planet Earth and zoomed into con- tinents, countries, states, cities, and finally arrived at Y.E.S! As a fun wrap-up to our lesson, students put togeth- er a booklet made up of colorful concentric circles as a layered illustration of where they live. Along with navigating through space, First Graders also navigated through time with a descriptive exposition of their favorite season of the year. They made these colorful and alive by attaching a sneak peek windowpane-view drawing of the season. Stay tuned for our next series of explorations in First Grade! Second Grade’s First Siyum Congratulations to Rabbi Larson’s Second Grade boys who finished Parashas Vayera. The Talmidim celebrated the Siyum by having fun sports in the park with Rabbi Larson and en- joyed a Biur Chametz party afterwards. Special mention to Shalom Dov Ber Ross who brought coins so each boy could give in hon- or of the special occasion. Fifth Grade Comes to a Siyum Mazel Tov to the Talmidim of Rabbi Goldberg’s Fifth Grade upon the completion of Parashas Bo! In honor of this achievement, the boys held a special Siyum, where they enjoyed a delicious Seudas Mitzvah, as well as an entertaining and educational video presenta- tion about the importance of investing effort into Limud HaTorah. Torah Orah During a temporary neighborhood power outage this week, the students at Y.E.S. continued learning unabat- ed. Baruch Hashem, the issue was resolved in less than an hour, and the learning continued all day! P AGE 4 T HE Y . E . S . P RESS

Biscayne Nature Reserve Trip The students of our Second and Third Grades went on a terrific field trip to Bis- cayne Nature Center recently. The chil- dren waded in the sea grass beds and caught a variety of sea creatures using nets. Afterwards, they sat on the beach and observed the creatures closely, while learning many important facts about them. They also visited the museum and learned about the endan- gered sea turtles. It was an amazing experience, and of course, all of our students exhibited exem- plary behavior. Much thanks to all of the chap- erones who helped make this trip possi- ble. Third Grade Hits Two Hundred Congatulations to the Talmidim of Rabbi Rizel’s Third Grade classes, who recently cele- brated the milestone of having learned an im- pressive two hundred flash cards this year! First Grade Tehillim Project Mazel Tov to Miri Gluck of the First Grade, who has completed the en- tire Sefer Tehillim! In honor of her achievement, Miri received a certifi- cate, and will be presented with her very own personalized Tehillim.