Images for landscape assessment

The images contained on this page are not representative of scale and distance from the actual viewpoint and show the proposed development in its wider landscape context only for landscape assessment.

Bashall Eaves Village Hall Proposed shepherd’s huts Top of yurt Manor Cottage Red Pump Inn

Proposed car park

View flat at a comfortable arm’s length

Viewpoint location plan Viewpoint description and assessment This view looks along a farm access track to Mason Green, which forms part of the public right of influence includes the functional farm buildings. Value is high, given the AONB designation. Most Location of accommodation Viewpoint location way ( Definitive Map reference 3/15/FP 15) that links with Aigden Farm. receptors will be travelling slowly and will appreciate the wider view; susceptibility is high. Overall, The farmstead of Mason Green is behind the viewer; this includes the stone farmhouse as well as visual sensitivity for this viewpoint is high. associated steel portal barns and outbuildings. In the foreground is Manor Cottage, typical of the local style of building and decoration associated with the Worsley Taylor Estate. Other cottages within This location was chosen to provide a ‘worst case’ scenario of visibility for the yurts from Mason Green. the estate, part of the scattered settlement of Bashall Eaves, are to the left of the view; the timber Closer to the site, alongside Manor Cottage, the slight rise in topography and hedgerow screens built village hall is also just visible. The Grade II listed Red Pump Inn is almost completely screened views of the accommodation. From here, the top of a yurt can be glimpsed just to the left of the by Manor Cottage. These buildings are set within the rolling agricultural landscape with medium- Manor Cottage. However, it is a very small element within the wider view, seen in conjunction with scale pastoral fields bounded by hedgerows and frequently punctuated by mature hedgerow trees, the relatively larger scale electricity and telegraph poles. The magnitude of change is negligible and although telegraph lines and 33kV electricity poles are also visible. Distant views are available the visual effect is negligible. towards Pendle Hill and Pendleton Moor. The viewpoint and surrounding landscape is within the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The proposed shepherd’s huts may be slightly more apparent, to the left of the view, but only above the surrounding hedges and as transitory glimpses before the track drops downhill. The proposed car Receptors will include walkers on the footpath alongside residents and farm traffic to Mason Green. park will be subject to some screening or filtering by the hedge. The magnitude of change is low at The site is relatively tranquil with only occasional traffic or agricultural noise, although the wider most and the effect is moderate adverse at most, but generally negligible within the wider view.

OS Grid Reference: 369408, 443259 Camera lens: 50mm fixed lens Red Pump Inn, Bashall Eaves: Holiday Accommodation Distance to accommodation: 150m Crop factor: 1x Figure 4a Viewpoint 1 Camera direction: Looking ESE 35mm equivalent: 50mm fixed lens Public footpath to Mason Green Farm Viewpoint elevation: 117m AOD Horizontal field of view: 65.5° Version 2: 18/10/17

JBA Consulting Camera model: Nikon D610 with full frame sensor Height of Camera above ground: 1.65m Salts Mill, Victoria Road Saltaire, Shipley BD18 3LF Date of Photography: 4/1/17 Weather Conditions: Sunny Tel. (01274) 714269 Fax (01274) 714272 Images for landscape assessment

The images contained on this page are not representative of scale and distance from the actual viewpoint and show the proposed development in its wider landscape context only for landscape assessment.

Red Pump Inn Recent tree planting behind trees Fell

Approximate location of shepherd’s huts Airedale (Eastburn)

Top of yurts

View flat at a comfortable arm’s length

Viewpoint location plan Viewpoint description and assessment This view is taken from the car park in front of Bashall Eaves Village Hall, which is adjacent to School Receptors will be visitors to the village hall. The presence of seating attests to local appreciation of Location of accommodation Viewpoint location Cottages, comprising three residential properties, located behind the viewer. the view. The viewpoint is also partly representative of views from the residential properties at School Cottages, although visibility is very dependent on localised screening from the hedge and trees. The view is towards the prominent local landmark of , the forested ridge of which Value is high and susceptibility is high. Overall, visual sensitivity for this viewpoint is high. is filtered by mature trees within the car park and by hedgerows along both the unclassified road through the village and the farm access track to Mason Green. More recent tree planting is visible The yurts are screened by intervening hedgerows. During winter, glimpses of the tops are available. within the mown grass area around the car park. The road is screened by a managed hedgerow, The magnitude of change is negligible and the visual effect is negligible. although glimpses of traffic are available to the left of the view, where the road runs between pastoral fields towards Bashall Town and . The Grade II listed Red Pump Inn can be glimpsed through The proposed shepherd’s huts would be located closer to the viewer. However, given the two the trees, although is largely screened; this screening is likely t o be more pronounced during the intervening hedgerows, with that to the paddock being relatively dense, visibility is also likely to be summer months, when vegetation is in leaf. The viewpoint and surrounding landscape is within the limited, particularly during the summerr months. The magnitude of change would be low at most Forest of Bowland Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. and the effect would be moderate adverse, but this is likely to be a worst-case scenario and the level of screening is such that the effect would be closer to negligible. Views of the proposed car parking are likely to be screened and the effect is negligible.

Red Pump Inn, Bashall Eaves: OS Grid Reference: 369620, 443293 Camera lens: 35mm equivalent Holiday Accommodation Figure 4b Distance to accommodation: 100m Crop factor: 1x Viewpoint 2 Camera direction: Looking SW 35mm equivalent: - Bashall Eaves Village Hall Viewpoint elevation: 119m AOD Horizontal field of view: 65.5° Version 2: 18/10/17

JBA Consulting Camera model: Nikon D90 Height of Camera above ground: 1.65m Salts Mill, Victoria Road Saltaire, Shipley BD18 3LF Date of Photography: 3/10/17 Weather Conditions: Overcast Tel. (01274) 714269 Fax (01274) 714272 Images for landscape assessment

The images contained on this page are not representative of scale and distance from the actual viewpoint and show the proposed development in its wider landscape context only for landscape assessment.

Approximate Mason Green Farm Manor Cottage extent of yurts Red Pump Inn School Cottages Old Vicarage Farm Waddington Fell

View flat at a comfortable arm’s length

View flat at a comfortable arm’s length Viewpoint location plan Viewpoint description and assessment This view looks along the unclassified road that leads from Clitheroe and Bashall Town and onwards Receptors will be mainly local vehicle users, mainly accessing rural properties and settlement; Location of accommodation Viewpoint location to . It is centred on the Red Pump Inn, part of the scattered settlement of Bashall Eaves. agricultural traffic; and those driving to and from the central part of the AONB. The road was well- used by cyclists at the time of visit. The area is tranquil with only occasional traffic noise, although the The Grade II listed Inn is prominent within the view. The older, stone built-wing (dated 1756) runs wider influence includes functional farm buildings. Value is high, given the national designation; the east to west (left to right) in the view), whilst the later 18th century wing, painted white, protrudes view represents the setting of the listed Inn. Some receptors will be travelling slowly and most will towards the viewer. The pub is set within a wider agricultural landscape of pastoral fields bounded appreciate the wider view; susceptibility is medium-high. Overall, visual sensitivity for this viewpoint mostly by well-managed hedgerows supplemented by timber post-and-rail fencing. Farmsteads, is medium-high. including Mason Green to the left of the view, punctuate the landscape as stone-built houses with more recent barns and associated agricultural infrastructure. Manor Cottage and other properties The westernmost of the fourt yurts is just visible, with the others screened by the Inn. Only the top of within Bashall Eaves, including School Cottages, can be glimpsed through trees: part of this scattered the yurt can be seen, partly screened by elements associated with the pub and largely imperceptible settlement within the Worsley Taylor Estate. Views towards Browsholme Hall are curtailed by within the wider view. The accommodation does not conflict with the setting of the listed building, woodland around Moor Piece, although more open views are available towards Waddington Fell, behind almost exclusively hidden from the principal south-facing frontage. The magnitude of change as well as Wolf Fell (out of photo to the left). The viewpoint and surrounding landscape is within the is negligible and the visual effect is negligible. The proposed shepherd’s huts and car park would Forest of Bowland Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. be screened by the pub and fencing; the effect in this instance would be no change.

OS Grid Reference: 369593, 442952 Camera lens: 50mm fixed lens Red Pump Inn, Bashall Eaves: Holiday Accommodation Distance to accommodation: 240m approx. Crop factor: 1x Figure 4c Viewpoint 3 Camera direction: Looking N 35mm equivalent: 50mm fixed lens Road into Bashall Eaves from south Viewpoint elevation: 103m AOD Horizontal field of view: 65.5° Version 2: 18/10/17

JBA Consulting Camera model: Nikon D610 with full frame sensor Height of Camera above ground: 1.65m Salts Mill, Victoria Road Saltaire, Shipley BD18 3LF Date of Photography: 4/1/17 Weather Conditions: Sunny Tel. (01274) 714269 Fax (01274) 714272 Images for landscape assessment

The images contained on this page are not representative of scale and distance from the actual viewpoint and show the proposed development in its wider landscape context only for landscape assessment.

Proposed car Approximate Mason Green Waddington Fell Chapel Cottage parking extent of yurts Red Pump Inn

View flat at a comfortable arm’s length

Viewpoint location plan Viewpoint description and assessment This view is taken from a public footpath (Lancashire Definitive Map reference 3-5-FP 14) around Receptors will be walkers using the footpath, which is accessible via stiles and footbridges although Location of accommodation Viewpoint location 150m north of Horse Hey Farm. The footpath links the unclassified road through Bashall Eaves with no clear evidence of footfall was visible. It nevertheless forms part of a network of footpaths that Aigden Farm and onwards to Lees; it also forms part of the local Hodder Way. It was taken through a offer access for residents and some visitors around Bashall Eaves and the Hodder valley. The area is gap in an overgrown field boundary hedge; views are expansive in all directions, particularly to the tranquil, although the wider influence includes the functional farm buildings. Value is high, given south and east (including Pendle Hill), outside this field of view. the national designation; the view represents the wider setting of the listed Inn. Receptors will be travelling slowly and appreciate the wider view; susceptibility is high. Overall, visual sensitivity for this The Grade II listed Red Pump Inn is relatively prominent within this view. The more recent 18th viewpoint is high. century wing, painted white, stands out within the landscape, in contrast to the stone-built older wing and other dwellings and farm buildings that form the scattered settlement of Bashall Eaves. The yurts are just perceptible, to the rear of the Inn. They are viewed against a background of mature Otherwise, the view is of an agricultural landscape of pastoral fields bounded mostly by well- trees and hedgerows, in close conjunction with the building and associated curtilage elements. They managed hedgerows displaying varying degrees of management, alongside numerous mature trees. are unlikely to be perceptible to receptors not intentionally seeking them out; vehicles in the car park Farmsteads, including Mason House (glimpsed to the left) and Horse Hey Farm (behind the viewer) are considered here to be more prominent. Whilst visible within the setting of the listed building, are associated with utilitarian structures such as barns and silos. The viewpoint and surrounding the degree of visibility is very limited. The magnitude of change is negligible and the visual effect is landscape is within the Forest of Bowland Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. negligible. A similar effect is expected from the 3no. proposed shepherd’s huts and car park which would be located beyond the yurts and in most cases subject to greater screening.

OS Grid Reference: 369241, 442807 Camera lens: 50mm fixed lens Red Pump Inn, Bashall Eaves: Holiday Accommodation Distance to accommodation: 0.5km Crop factor: 1x Figure 4d Viewpoint 4 Camera direction: Looking NE 35mm equivalent: 50mm fixed lens Public footpath near Horse Hey Farm Viewpoint elevation: 100m AOD Horizontal field of view: 65.5° Version 2: 18/10/17

JBA Consulting Camera model: Nikon D610 with full frame sensor Height of Camera above ground: 1.65m Salts Mill, Victoria Road Saltaire, Shipley BD18 3LF Date of Photography: 4/1/17 Weather Conditions: Sunny Tel. (01274) 714269 Fax (01274) 714272 Images for landscape assessment

The images contained on this page are not representative of scale and distance from the actual viewpoint and show the proposed development in its wider landscape context only for landscape assessment.

Browsholme Hall (hidden) Aigden Farm Marl Hill Moor Red Pump Inn Waddington Fell Easington Fell Beacon Hill

View flat at a comfortable arm’s length

Viewpoint location plan Viewpoint description and assessment This view is taken from an area of recently cleared coniferous forest along the eastern flank of Receptors will be walkers using the informal footpaths and public rights of way within the woods. Location of accommodation Viewpoint location Longridge Fell, a locally prominent outlier of the Forest of Bowland hills. The area is crossed by a These are accessible and evidently well-used, with parking available on Birdy Brow. Value is high, number of public footpaths and walking routes close to parking areas on the unclassified road Birdy given the expansive views of the AONB area. Receptors will be travelling slowly and appreciate the Brow. The view is panoramic and dramatic, encompassing a wide sweep of the gently undulating wider view, often with the purpose of seeking this or similar viewpoints; susceptibility is high. Overall, agricultural landscape that rises from the valleys of the Hodder and Ribble to the open ridge of visual sensitivity for this viewpoint is high. moorland between Cow Ark and Holden, including Waddington, Newton and Easington Fells. This offers a balanced composition of medium-scale fields bounded by hedgerows, interspersed with The yurts are not expected to be perceptible to the naked eye. They are largely screened by the Inn mature trees and woodland and punctuated by scattered settlement and farmsteads. Long-distance and viewed within an expansive panorama. The magnitude of change is negligible at most, more glimpses are available to high ground around Dunsop Fell within the Forest of Bowland and the realistically no change; the visual effect is negligible at most. Yorkshire Dales, above Settle and around Malham. The wider view continues to the right (east) outside the frame shown, as far as Barden Fell and Pendle Hill, but also including the cement works Given the location of the 3no. proposed shepherd’s huts and car park, beyond the yurts and the at Clitheroe. The Grade II listed Red Pump Inn is one of the many scattered buildings within the view, pub, the effect in this instance is no change. although slightly more conspicuous through the white-painted 18th century wing. The viewpoint and surrounding landscape is within the Forest of Bowland Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

OS Grid Reference: 368794, 440710 Camera lens: 50mm fixed lens Red Pump Inn, Bashall Eaves: Holiday Accommodation Distance to accommodation: 2.6 km Crop factor: 1x Figure 4e Viewpoint 5 Camera direction: Looking NE 35mm equivalent: 50mm fixed lens Longridge Fell, above Turner Fold Viewpoint elevation: 210m AOD Horizontal field of view: 65.5° Version 2: 18/10/17

JBA Consulting Camera model: Nikon D610 with full frame sensor Height of Camera above ground: 1.65m Salts Mill, Victoria Road Saltaire, Shipley BD18 3LF Date of Photography: 4/1/17 Weather Conditions: Sunny Tel. (01274) 714269 Fax (01274) 714272