Joe’s Barn east of Sough Clough Wood, Meanley Estate, Easington Road, Slaidburn, Clitheroe BB7 3AF Proposed mixed use as farm welfare accommodation, shoot rest accommodation and guest accommodation Design, Access, Planning and Heritage Statement June 2020 JDTPL0190 Judith Douglas BSc (Hons), Dip TP, MRTPI 8 Southfield Drive, West Bradford, Clitheroe, Lancashire, BB7 4TU Telephone: 01200 425051 Mobile: 07729 302644 Email:
[email protected] Website: Registered Office: 8 Southfield Drive, West Bradford, Clitheroe, Lancashire, BB7 4TU. Incorporated in England No. 09911421 Design, Access, and Planning Heritage Statement Barn East of Sough Clough Wood, Meanley Estate, Easington Road Slaidburn June 2020 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 This application has been prepared by Judith Douglas Town Planning Ltd on behalf of the applicant Victoria Oyston on behalf of the Meanley Estate. 1.3 The application should be read in conjunction with the following plans and documents: 6039 001 Ground and first floor plans as existing 6039 002 Ground and first floor plans as proposed 6039 003 Existing and proposed site plan OS location plan 2 LAND MANAGEMENT AND SHOOTING RIGHTS 2.1 The Meanley Estate comprises 2,500 acres of land on Easington Fell around Meanley. The land is managed for grazing also with a large emphasis on land management for conservation. Over the last 25 years, the Meanley Estate has carried out regeneration work on Easington and Harrop Fell to encourage heather regrowth and to encourage regrowth of traditional moorland species by reducing stocking levels of grazing and extensive bracken control. The estate manages shoots over its own land and over neighbouring land in partnership arrangement.