Cathedral 310 WEST SECOND STREET, RENO, NV 89503 Most Rev. Randolph R. Calvo JCD DD, Bishop of Reno

30, 2020 August

Father Chuck Durante Rector, Ext. 106 [email protected]

Fr. Lucio Zuñiga-Rocha Parochial Vicar, Ext. 101 Saint Rose of Church [email protected]

Joseph Bell & Robert Dangel Feast Day August 23 Deacons

P O E-: [email protected] P O H Monday: 11:00-5:00 PM Tuesday thru Friday: 9:00-5:00 PM Rocío Paz Office Administrator Ext. 100 [email protected] Mary Ann Dangel Bookkeeping Ext. 108 Tammie Sheely Religious Education Ext. 110 [email protected] Anne Buja-Music Coordinator [email protected] James Rizza-RCIA Director [email protected]

B & G S Jack Hallsted Mgr. Ext. 112 UR ADY OF AHOE HURCH CLOSED MONDAY THRU FRIDAY O L T C Saturday: 3:00-5:00PM Sunday: 8:00-1:00PM & 3:30-6:00PM FOUNDING ANNIVERSARY SEPTEMBER 1

Office (775) 329-2571 Web: Fax (775) 329-2824 Religious Ed: [email protected] Gift Shop (775) 329-3011 WSTA: [email protected]

FROM FATHER CHUCK Dare I say Happy September? We’re in the final days of August and I find myself wondering what has happened to summer? With the various restrictions on travel and visiting, I feel like I’m still waiting for summer to arrive! In any event, August is on its way out and in the parish we are in the throes of looking into fall, preparation for RCIA, religious education and trying to figure out what else may be coming up for which we can plan, or not! The one constant is the presence of our loving Lord who journeys with us through it all. One thing that is being planned at a national level, but being streamed live very soon is a spe- cial retreat for divorced or separated Catholics. Years ago, when I was chaplain at Bishop Manogue High School I hosted six-week sessions on divorce recovery for anyone in our area or parents of the students. This came about because a Catholic parent had gone through a very painful divorce and was feeling alienated from the Church and didn’t know where else to turn. It was important that the facilitators of the sessions had experienced divorce firsthand and could identify with the participants. I saw some amazing healing and growth take place through those sessions & prayer experiences. It was good and important work for the Church to be present and accompany those who were suffering. The online retreat being offered is entitled “New Begin- nings” and while I have not worked with this group, I’m impressed by how they define them- selves: “We are people of faith who have experienced the pain of separation and divorce. Be- cause we believe that all things are possible with God, we are on a journey of healing and recon- ciliation. We seek to provide accompaniment, share our stories, and help find answers for those on a similar journey. We welcome people of all faiths or no faith at all”. The retreat will be on September 11-12. You can get more info and register at: Whether you have recently separated or divorced or it happened years ago and you still carry the pain, I encourage you to consider this time of listening, prayer and reflection. Last Sunday we remembered in prayer St. Rose of Lima , one of our sister parishes at the very south end of the city. I want to give just a bit of its history since I wasn’t able to include it in my notes last week. St. Rose of Lima is the newest parish in the diocese. In 1996 Bishop Phillip Straling entrusted to Fr. Tom Donnelly the monumental task of founding the parish & building a church. With the help of some very committed Catholics the community be- gan to grow. First meeting in Pleasant Valley Elementary School & then Brown Elementary School, where folding chairs had to be set up and taken down for Mass each Sunday. A fundrais- ing campaign began in 1997. As the community of about 60 families continued to grow, they part- nered with the new Mountain View Montessori School and had a more permanent space for wor- ship while the parish continued to gather new members and raise funds. On land donated by the Diocese of Reno and with the financial strength of a few large donors and many, many other faith- ful and generous Catholics the building of the current St. Rose of Lima Church began. The first Mass was celebrated in the grand, new building on August 2, 2003, becoming the largest church structure in the diocese with seating for just over 1000 people. The parish family is now about 1200 households and is served by Fr. , pastor, & Fr. Bobin Babu, parochial vicar. Holy Spirit Mission, in Washoe Valley, also operates under St. Rose of Lima parish. Let us re- member to keep the priests and parishioners in our prayers. Another parish that was overseen by St. Rose of Lima’s pastor is St. Mary in the Mountains in Virginia City. Due to reassignments as of September 1, I will be assuming the administration of St. Mary’s. I will still be rector here at the Cathedral and another priest, Fr. Tom Nelson from St. Ann Catholic Church in Dayton, generally will be celebrating the Sunday mass at St. Mary’s. The Catholic community in Virginia City, much like the city itself, is quite small, so there is no need for a full-time or resident pastor, nor can the parish sustain one. However St. Mary in the Mountains is an important historical site, both for the civic community and the religious community and so we need to maintain that presence for parishioners and visitors alike. Fr. Tom will meet the pastoral needs of the people, as Dayton is not far from Virginia City, and I will oversee the administration. This weekend, we also lift our prayers for Our Lady of Tahoe Catholic Church on the cusp of its founding anniversary, September 1. I will share more of their history next weekend. One final thing I’d like to raise in my notes today is an invitation to a series of Zoom presenta- tions entitled, “Voting Gospel Values–Let’s Talk!” The Life, Peace & Justice Commission of the diocese, including yours truly, will be leading this series of Monday night sessions on crucial top- ics to consider as elections and issues come before us in November, or before for early voting. We’ll be reviewing Catholic teaching on racism, care for creation, poverty and forming conscience and will be encouraging reflection and prayer in light of the choices we need to make. Presenta- tions will begin on Monday, September 14, at 6:30 PM and will continue through October 5.


DEL PADRE CHUCK ¿Me atrevo a decir Feliz Septiembre? Estamos en los últimos días de Agosto y me pregunto ¿qué pasó con el verano? Con las diversas restricciones para viajar y visitar a nuestros amigos y seres queridos, me siento como si todavía estuviera esperando a que llegue el verano. En cualquier caso, Agosto se ha ido y en la parroquia estamos lidiando con los retos y dificultades del otoño re- queridos para la preparación para RCIA, catecismo y tratando de averiguar qué más puede surgir que requiera planificación, o no. Lo único constante es la presencia de nuestro Dios amoroso que viaja con nosotros a través de todo. Algo que se está planeando a nivel nacional, pero que se transmitirá por Zoom es un retiro espe- cial para católicos divorciados o separados. Hace años, cuando era capellán de la Escuela Prepara- toria Bishop Manogue, patrocine sesiones de 6 semanas para recuperación del divorcio. Decidí brindar estas clases porque un padre de familia había pasado por un divorcio muy doloroso y se sentía alejado de la Iglesia y no sabía a dónde más acudir. Era de suma importancia que los facilita- dores de las sesiones fueran personas divorciadas que pudieran identificarse con los participantes. Vi como la sanación y reconciliación se manifestó a través de las sesiones y experiencias de ora- ción. Fue una buena e importante obra para la Iglesia estar presente y acompañar a los que sufrían. El retiro se titula "Nuevos Comienzos" y aunque no he trabajado con este grupo, me impresiona cómo se definen: Somos personas de fe que hemos experimentado el dolor de la separación y el divorcio. Creemos que todas las cosas son posibles con Dios, estamos en un camino de sanación y reconcilia- ción. Buscamos brindar acompañamiento, compartir nuestras historias y ayudar a encontrar respuestas para aquellos en una situación similar. Todos son bienvenidos, sin importar religión o aun si no tienen fe alguna. El retiro será del 11 y 12 de Septiembre, usted puede obtener más información y/o registrarse visitando: Si usted está separado o divorciado, recientemente o por años, pero aun lleva el dolor, le invito a que considere este tiempo de charlas, oración y reflexión. El Domingo pasado recordamos en oración a la Iglesia Católica de Santa Rosa de Lima, nuestra pa- rroquia hermana al sur de la ciudad. Quiero dar un poco de su historia ya que no pude incluirla en mis notas la semana pasada. Santa Rosa de Lima es la parroquia más nueva de la diócesis. En 1996 el Señor Obispo Phillip Straling encomendó al Padre Tom Donnelly la tarea de fundar la parroquia y cons- truir la iglesia. Con la ayuda de varios católicos muy comprometidos, la comunidad comenzó a crecer. Primero se reunían en la Escuela Primaria Pleasant Valley y luego en la Escuela Primaria Brown, donde las sillas se tenían que poner y quitar para cada Misa los Domingos. Una campaña para recaudar fon- dos comenzó en 1997. A medida que la comunidad de unas 60 familias continuaba creciendo, se aso- ciaron con la Escuela Montessori de Mountain View donde obtuvieron un espacio más permanente para adorar mientras la parroquia continuaba reuniendo nuevos miembros y recaudando fondos. En terreno donado por la Diócesis de Reno y con la ayuda financiera de unos cuantos donantes muy generosos y muchos, muchos otros católicos fieles, comenzó la construcción de la actual Iglesia de Santa Rosa de Lima. La primera Misa en el gran edificio nuevo se celebró, el 2 de Agosto de 2003, convirtiéndose en la estructura eclesiástica más grande de la diócesis con capacidad para poco más de 1,000 personas. Ac- tualmente con unos 1,200 hogares registrados y es servida por el Padre Joseph Abraham, pastor, y el Padre Bobin Babu, vicario parroquial. La Misión Espíritu Santo, en el Valle de Washoe, también opera bajo Santa Rosa de Lima. Mantengamos pues a los sacerdotes y feligreses en nuestras oraciones. Otra parroquia que fue supervisada por el pastor de Santa Rosa de Lima es Santa María en las Mon- tañas en Virginia City. Debido a las nuevas asignaciones, a partir del 1 de Septiembre, asumiré la admi- nistración de Santa María. Seguiré siendo el rector de la Catedral y el Padre Tom Nelson de la Iglesia Católica de Santa Ana en Dayton, celebrara la Misa dominical en Santa María. La comunidad católica en Virginia City, al igual que la ciudad en sí, es bastante pequeña y con muy pocos fondos, por lo que no hay necesidad ni la posibilidad de un pastor residente o de tiempo completo. Sin embargo, Santa María en las Montañas es un sitio histórico importante, tanto para la comunidad cívica como para la comunidad religiosa, por lo que debemos mantener esa presencia tanto para los feligreses como para los visitantes. El Padre Tom se encargara de las necesidades pastorales del pueblo, pues Dayton no está lejos de Vir- ginia City, y yo supervisaré la administración. También este fin de semana oramos por la Iglesia Católica Nuestra Señora de Tahoe por su aniversario de fundación, 1 de Septiembre. Compartiré más de la historia de esta parroquia en Zephyr Cove el próximo fin de semana. Por último, quiero invitarles a una serie de presentaciones por medio de Zoom, tituladas "Votando con Valores del Evangelio – Hablemos." La Comisión de Vida, Paz y Justicia de la diócesis, incluyen- do a su servidor, guiaran esta serie de sesiones sobre temas cruciales a considerar en las próximas elecciones y otros temas que se nos presentaran en Noviembre, o antes para quienes votan temprano. Repasaremos la enseñanza católica sobre el racismo, el cuidado de la creación, la pobreza y la forma- ción de conciencia, fomentando la reflexión y oración a la luz de las decisiones que debemos tomar. Las presentaciones seran del Lunes 14 de Septiembre hasta el Lunes 5 de Octubre a las 6:30 PM. ¡BENDICIONES A TODOS ESTA XXII SEMANA EN EL TIEMPO ORDINAR

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The second collection on August 29/30 is for the Seminarian Fund. I am pleased to let you know that we are blessed and now have four young men studying and preparing for the priesthood, several of whom are from Nevada. We still need to continue to foster vocations in our diocese and continue to support the young men who are in the seminary. One way to show our support is to continue praying for them and their voca- tions. Another and more temporal way to support is through giving. Each year the cost of educating each of these students is approximately $35,000. All of the monies collected in this annual second collection goes directly to support the seminarians in the Diocese of Reno. Sincerely Yours in Christ, Most Rev. Randolph Calvo, Bishop of Reno

ROSARY TO END ABORTION—SEPTEMBER 5TH AT 9:00 AM THE RENO ABORTION CLINIC* Join us and invite your friends and family to pray for an end of abortion, the healing of those who have had an abortion and the change of mind of those committing these acts against the unborn. *West End Women’s Center, 5915 Tyrone Rd, Reno. Rʏʖʓʑʓʙʟʝ Eʎʟʍʋʞʓʙʘ Rʏʑʓʝʞʜʋʞʓʙʘʝ Oʚʏʘ REGISTRATIONS FOR ONGOING RELIGIOUS EDUCATION, HOLY COMMUNION, CONFIRMATION. COME TO THE PARISH OFFICE TUESDAY—FRIDAY FROM 9:00 AM—5:00 PM.

Iʘʝʍʜʓʚʍʓʙʘʏʝ ʎʏ Cʋʞʏʍʓʝʗʙ Aʌʓʏʜʞʋʝ INSCRIPCIONES PARA CLASES DE EDUCACIÓN CONTINUA, COMUNIÓN Y CONFIRMACIÓN EN LA OFICINA PARROQUIAL DE MARTES A VIERNES DE: 9:00—5:00 PM. KINDERGARTEN Saturdays 8:30-10:30AM. (No cost)* FIRST HOLY COMMUNION Saturdays 8:30-10:30AM. 1st—6th grades. 2-year program. CONTINUING EDUCATION Saturdays 8:30-10:30AM. For children who have already received Communion up to 8th grade. (No cost)* PRE-CONFIRMATION Tuesdays 5:15-7:00PM. 8th graders. (No cost)* CONFIRMATION Tuesdays 5:15-7:00PM. 9th-11th graders. 2-year program. Please bring child’s birth & baptism certificates on registration day. POR FAVOR TRAIGA LAS ACTAS DE NACIMIENTO Y BAUTISMO DEL NIÑO(A) EL DÍA EL DE REGISTRO. *DONATIONS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME TO OFFSET COSTS. Bʖʙʙʎ Dʜʓʠʏ—Sʏʚʞʏʗʌʏʜ 20ʞʒ ʐʜʙʗ 8:00—11:00 AM Hosted by the Knights of Columbus. Vitalant has modified its bloodmobiles for COVID safety. Only 2 donors are allowed on the bus at any given time, masks & social distancing will be enforced. Vitalant will be conducting COVID-19 antibody tests on all donations: Please schedule your ap- pointment now by contacting Brian Saeman at [email protected] or (775) 772-9726.

Wʙʗʏʘ ʙʐ Sʋʓʘʞ Tʒʙʗʋʝ Aʛʟʓʘʋʝ Nʏʡʝ DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE KARMA BOX ON ARLINGTON AVENUE BY OUR PARKING LOT? Karma Boxes are cubby sized boxes mostly intended to serve the less fortunate in our com- munity. The Women of Saint Thomas are seeking donations for the Karma Box such as: Non-perishable food items such as small jars of peanut butter, canned meats, fruit cups, protein bars and snacks. Toiletries and First aid items. Questions? Email us at [email protected]. “If you can’t feed 100 people, then feed just one.” - Pʜʙʔʏʍʞ Rʋʍʒʏʖ -A Pʙʝʞ-Aʌʙʜʞʓʙʘ Hʏʋʖʓʘʑ Mʓʘʓʝʞʜʣ This month we remember the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We pray for the mother of a poor family who unexpectedly becomes pregnant and is advised that abortion is the “logical” choice for her family’s sake. May she reach out for help to experience healing from the love, mercy, & God’s compassion. Find out more visiting, Our Works, Pro- ject Rachel. To take advantage of these resources, contact our confidential, nonjudgmental help line 775-324-4325 or email [email protected].

Wʙʜʖʎʡʓʎʏ Mʋʜʜʓʋʑʏ Eʘʍʙʟʘʞʏʜ A Get-Away Weekend!!! Do you need a vacation? Give yourself and your spouse time away from the pressures of work and everyday responsibilities. Enjoy a chance to talk and listen to that special someone who loves you! Upcoming Weekends: October 2-4 in Reno & November 13-15 in Sacramento. For more info and/or to apply for a Weekend, visit or contact: Terry & Janet at [email protected] or 916-489-3464.

Fʜʙʗ ʞʒʏ Oʐʐʓʍʏ ʙʐ Mʋʜʜʓʋʑʏ & Fʋʗʓʖʣ Lʓʐʏ Virtual Retreat for Divorced or Separated Catholics Friday September 11 & Saturday September 12 To register go to: For Questions: [email protected]

The retreat will be streamed in Spanish & English El retiro se transmitirá en español e inglés

MASS INTENTIONS READINGS FOR THE WEEK Saturday, August 29— Mon: 1Cor 2:1-5; Ps 119:97-102; Lk 4:16-30 Tues: 1Cor 2:10-16; Ps 145:8-14; Lk 4:31-37 8:00 AM † Dora Alicia Cerritos Wed: 1Cor 3:1-9; Ps 33:12-15, 20-21; Lk 4:38-44 4:00 PM For firefighters and first responders Thurs: 1 Cor 3:18-23; Ps 24:1-6; Lk 5:1-11 5:30 PM † Jeanette Cooksey Fri: 1Cor4:1-5; Ps37:3-6, 27-28, 39-40; Lk5:33-39 Sunday, August 30—XXII Sunday in Ordinary Time Sat: 1Cor 4:6-15; Ps 145:17-21; Lk 6:1-5 Sun: Ez33:7-9; Ps95:1-9; Rom13:8-10; Mt18:15-20 7:30 AM † Jenny Steinbagle 9:30 AM People of St Thomas Aquinas Cathedral 11:30 AM † Angelo James Siracuse 4:00 PM † James Johnson 6:00 PM † Celia Guillen RCIA Tʏʋʗ Lʏʋʎʏʜʝ Nʏʏʎʏʎ Monday, August 31—Weekday We are looking for volunteers to become team 12:10PM † William Parker leaders for the RCIA. If you feel called by the Tuesday, September 1—Weekday Holy Spirit to assist building Christ's Church by 7:00 AM † Elvitia Mirczak supporting the development of adults seeking 12:10 PM †† Andrea & Franco Ramirez the sacraments, please email James Rizza at Wednesday, September 2—Weekday [email protected]; call or text 7:00 AM For the health of Tim Bauer (775) 440-8655. 6:30 PM † Conchita Mendoza Cruz Thursday, September 3—Saint Gregory the Great 7:00 AM † All deceased Dominicans Jʙʌ Oʚʚʙʜʞʟʘʓʞʣ 12:10 PM Christian Juarez Bʓʝʒʙʚ Mʋʘʙʑʟʏ Hʓʑʒ Sʍʒʙʙʖ Friday, September 4—Weekday Bishop Manogue Catholic HS is seeking a full time Custodian. This is a year-round, afternoon 7:00 AM For the unborn position with benefits. Prior school custodian Saturday, September 5 experience preferred. To apply visit: bishop- 8:00 AM †† Franco & Andrea Ramirez 4:00 PM People of St Thomas Aquinas Cathedral or call Marion Hammond at 775-336-6011. 5:30 PM † Vernon Barnes

Rʓʞʏ ʙʐ Cʒʜʓʝʞʓʋʘ Iʘʓʞʓʋʞʓʙʘ ʙʐ Aʎʟʖʞʝ ARE YOU interested in becoming Catholic? ARE YOU a Catholic who wishes to receive the Sacraments of Confirmation & Eucharist? THEN RCIA IS FOR YOU. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process for adults or children over the age of 7 who desire to explore the Catholic faith & become fully initiated mem- bers of the Catholic Church. The goal of the RCIA process is full, conscious, and active participa- tion in the Catholic way of life. RCIA helps adults to grow in their relationship with Christ, become familiar with Catholic teachings & practices, and get to know the faith community in prep- aration for making the conscious choice to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. If you’re interested in learning more about RCIA, please contact James Rizza via email: [email protected] or call (775) 775-440-8655.

D®— ùÊç »ÄÊó? T«ƒã ®Ä 㫛 Ýãƒã› Ê¥ N›òƒ—ƒ, ƒÊÙã®ÊÄ ®Ý 㫛 ÊĽù ۗ®‘ƒ½ ÖÙʑ›—çٛ 㫃㠃 îÄÊÙ ‘«®½— ‘ƒÄ çė›Ù¦Ê ó®ã«Êçã փٛÄヽ ÄÊ㮥®‘ƒã®ÊÄ. A child cannot get a Tylenol at school or their ears pierced without wriƩen parental consent. But a young girl – no maƩer her age – is legally able to undergo the invasive procedure of aborƟon without her parents even knowing. Since 1985, Nevada’s aborƟon law has included parental noƟficaƟon requirements, but due to a court ruling, it has never been enforced. Nevada legislators have failed to fix this loophole for years, but fortu- nately, our state consƟtuƟon allows “W› T«› P›ÊÖ½›” to act. If we can collect 100,000 signatures of registered Nevada voters by November 10th, we can force the legislature to remedy this problem, and if they fail to do so, it will be put to a public vote. The peƟƟon is asking for an amendment to the law on parental noƟficaƟon. Please pick up a copy of the peƟƟon for your review near the doors of the church before the sign up weekend. A バ½› ó®½½ › ƒòƒ®½ƒ½› «›Ù› ƒã 㫛 Cƒã«›—Ùƒ½ 㫛 󛛻›Ä— Ê¥ S›Öã›Ã›Ù 12/13 ƒ¥ã›Ù ƒ½½ MƒÝݛÝ. Please be sure to stop by then and sign the Protect our Girls’ PeƟƟon and take the 7x7 Challenge by taking a peƟƟon and geƫng 7 more signatures. FÊÙ ÃÊٛ ®Ä¥ÊÙÃã®ÊÄ ò®Ý®ã: PÙÊ㛑ãOçÙG®Ù½ÝNV.ÊÙ¦. PUBLIC MASSES HAVE |RESUMED WITH SAFETY PROVISIONS & A LIMIT OF 50 PEOPLE. Sunday Masses, 9:30AM-English & 6:00PM-Spanish, will be livestreamed via YouTube: DIOCESE OF RENO CHANNEL.

SUNDAY MASS ADORATION: Thursday: 1:00—5:30 PM Vigil-Saturday: 4:00PM No Vespers, concluding with benediction (RESERVED FOR SENIORS & MOST VULNERABLE), & 5:30PM PÙʹ›‘ã Rƒ‘«›½ ƒ PÊÝã Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30AM, 4:00PM AÊÙã®ÊÄ H›ƒ½®Ä¦ M®Ä®ÝãÙù & 6:00PM–Misa en español WWW.HOPEAFTERABORTION.ORG. Miércoles: 6:30PM – Misa en español con CONFIDENTIAL HELP LINE: 775-324-4325

Liturgia del Domingo Gʏʘʏʜʋʖ Cʙʘʐʏʝʝʓʙʘʝ ʡʓʞʒ

WEEKDAY MASS Gʏʘʏʜʋʖ Aʌʝʙʖʟʞʓʙʘ Monday: 12:10PM PROMPTLY AT: Tuesday & Thursday: 7:00AM & 12:10 PM 5:30 PM Thursday Wednesday & Friday: 7:00 AM 3:00 PM Saturday Saturday: 8:00AM or by appointment

FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP 1st Collection 2nd Collection 2nd Collection To Benefit August 2 $8,159 $3,190 Loan Payment August 9 $7,159 $1,595 Black & Indian Missions August 16 $6,036 - No 2nd Collection August 23 $3,939 - No 2nd Collection August 30 $ - Seminarian Education September 6 $ $ Long Term Repairs September 13 $ $ Holy Land September 20 $ - No 2nd Collection O A 17—A 22: $2,605 M O: $765

LET US PRAY FOR… / OREMOS POR… US Servicemen & Women, Joseph Gezelin, Katherine O’Dwyer, Rose Marie , Rose Fazio, Tim Bauer, Armando Zumaya, John Zepeda, Fr Tom & James Czeck, John Bestvina, Patty Tellez, Joe & Veronica Mayak, Tillie Pugliesi, Gary Blount, Roy Avery, Debra Degley, Lena Magee, Ed, Maria & Rick Slaughter, José E. Almaguer, Sayra Gutierrez, Ed Kolesar, John Dearborn, Patti Beer, Donald Walls Sr., Charlie & Linda Gill, Jovita Mendoza, Douglas Todd, Kristen Monibi, Jose Hernandez, Kriss, Zenaida & Kevin Janoski, Vangie Elordieta. †† George Jamieson, Ricardo Vazquez, Dennis Johnson, William Parker, Celia Guillen. Our Mother of Sorrows Professional Janitorial & Handyman VOLUNTARILY CLEANS THE FLOORS IN THE CHURCH, Catholic Cemetery RIGHINI HALL & BATHROOMS • FREE ESTIMATES MENTION THIS AD AND 10% OF YOUR 2700 N. Virginia St., Reno BILL WILL BE DONATED TO THE PARISH Victor Fuentes 775.379.6906 775-323-0133 It’s Not Fast Food, Call today for information on It’s SPEEDY! The Most Complete our advance planning program Online National Se Habla Español - No Obligation 1420 S.Wells Ave. Directory of 775-324-1339 Check It Out Today! SUMMER SPECIAL 50% DISCOUNT ON MEMORIAL PAVERS Catholic Parishes Take your FAITH ON A JOURNEY. (CST 2117990-70) Catholic Cruises and Tours VINCE ROSSI and The Apostleship of the Sea BROKER/OWNER of the of America Serving the Reno/Sparks area for the Catholic Cruises/Tours to Worldwide Destinations last 30 plus years. Call us today at 860-399-1785 or email Cell: (775) 762-4762 [email protected] [email protected] Westside Cafe & Coffee Co. Grow in your faith, Open 7 Days WALTON'S find a Mass, and 6:15am - 4pm FUNERALS & CREMATIONS connect with your Catholic Community High Quality Coffee 60 years of compassionate care 775.323.1321 with OneParish! Breakfast and pre-planning assistance Lunch Civil Litigation • Personal Injury Sierra Chapel: Download Our Free App or Visit Family Law • Wills, Trusts & Estates 775.323.7189 5150 Mae Anne Avenue, Suite 206 311 E. Liberty St. Reno, NV 89501 MY.ONEPARISH.COM (By Safeway & Kohl’s) ALWAYS OPEN! Delicious & affordable Mexican food 24 hours a day! If You Live Alone You Need MDMedAlert! 5 Star Mexican Cuisine ✔Ambulance 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! 4950 S. Virginia St., Reno, Nevada ✔Police FREE Shipping (775) 826-4144 ✔Fire Solutions as Low as ✔Friends/Family FREE Activation 95 $19. a month Sharon M. Jannuzzi NO Long Term Contracts This Button SAVES Lives! Parishioner As Shown GPS, Lowest Price Guaranteed! CALL NOW! 800.809.3352 GPS Tracking w/Fall Detection Wills,Trusts, Estate Planning, Nationwide, No Land Line Needed Estate Administration, 775.688.3000 MDMedAlert EASY Set-up, NO Contract Probate & Guardianships Safe-Guarding America’s Seniors Nationwide! 24/7 365 Monitoring in the USA

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