The of in the – Week 3 Spring 2021

I. What is a ? – Common Conceptions and Perceptions of a Miracle a. Something b. Also can be part of the work of God in the natural world c. Some anticipated outcome is radically reversed or changed (health, wellness, life circumstance, job, relationships etc) d. Unexpected, out of the ordinary event that doesn’t “fit” the “normal” course of events e. Associated with healing, restoration, redemption II. Old Testament Examples of Miracles a. Parting of the Red Sea b. Provisions in the wilderness desert (manna, water, quail) c. Victory in Jericho d. Miracles among the prophets – Elijah, , and others III. Theological questions and topics on Miracles a. Did Jesus heal every person he was in contact with? How many more were there than we read about in the Bible? b. What about those who are not healed as we hope? c. There is not one singular word in the for “miracle” i. Ergon = works ii. Teras = wonders iii. Dynamis = powers iv. Semeion = signs IV. Miracles in the of Luke a. Luke 5: 12-16 (Make me clean – physical, spiritual, and restorative dimension to this healing) b. Luke 6: 17-19 (Power comes out from him to the crowd) c. : 1-10 (Healing of ’s servant at his request. d. Luke 7: 11-17 (a , compassion for widow’s station in life) e. : 10-17 (healing and feeding) Holy Communion as a miracle f. Luke 14: 1-1-6 (Jesus heals and sends) g. : 11-19 (the distinctions between showing oneself to the priests, and being made well) h. Luke 24 – Easter as the Grandest Miracle of them all!

Take aways for Present Day Disciples 1- God’s power was at work then and now 2- Being in ’s presence alone is healing 3- Healing sends us into ministry 4- We all have experienced a miracle because we all live in a resurrection world