SATURDAY, AUGUST f, 1981 Tim WaotkiT PAGE TWELVE iKatul|(Btor F o m in s If^roUi sf u. a. w< B ea tta ra d tto summer season, with Its sudden I warm, vary kumld tonight, and violsnt thunderstorms, Is thej Three Days Work in One Are Repairing About Town period of the greatest danger from E H l R E P P i R a n sndiBg Tnaaday, M a m A h y lightning,. I etoartng, leaa hnmM. H eard AUtt^Main Street Lightnliig takes approximately I Local Qtadel MancheUer^A Cify of Viilage Chmrm AndltMT PdUc* wlU BiMt -for 300 lives a year In the United | ^ f.' besA ell pracUca at Mt. Nabo And on Some o f Manche$ter^$ Side Streets, Too States, statlatldsns of ths Metro­ > nicht at 7 o'clock. politan U fa Insurance Company I Salvation Army to Hold Aivertisfaig an MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 1958 (TWELVS PAGES) PRICE FIVB C E N ^ point" , adding that many of | i: umiT TOL. LXXL NO. MO 13) ▲ dauciitar was bom to Mr. and Tha Intallaotnal ftlon .’* This Is where you floor these Uvea could have been saved I Rededication Service lUlHIlE sera. JaaMs Dowds of 306 Cantor It was pointed out bjr an ac­ them. If tha .victima had sought safe| atrast at tlia at. rranda Hoapl- quaintance tha other day, that You comb your mind for some shelter. Week End o f Oct. 4-5 MO * m e f f k t i f f g i tal nmrsday. mort of us are missing a clMca filler or squib with a foreign flavor One of the moet dangerous I to further our general knowledge and then recall you'd seen one on places during a storm Is under a I i, ^ . mtanaive repairs are now In HAwEVn Reds Claim got. Charlaa L. rairell of Cov- whan wa read Just tha main page 11 o f yesterday's Herald. tree—especially an Isolatad One. I progress st the Balvation Army 5 satiy waa amonc 13 Connoctlcut stories (local and national) in "In my opinion.” you begin and About oiM fourth o f all tha deaths | Citadel, and It la hoped the Im­ nkan wbo anivad at Naw York occur among pEr- Buses Head On, let your steely gase roam around from llshtning (raaa Buropo on tha troop ship, tha newspaper'. provements will be completed by Farmers Want State Wa figured, as perhaps you do, the'guests dmltlng for each word MHE wnorho seekEEEk ShEltET UUMF OT | First Place Oaaaral Dwljjr, today at 9:16 a. m. as If It were a precious gem. "In near trees. After striking a tree, the first Bunday la October, when that If one reads page one, the a rededlcatlon servlca will be held top local stories on succeeding my opinion, the first pure hlckle the bolt may flash sideways or It I Dauabtars ware bom to Mr. and pages and tha advertiaments, that coin ever laaued waa a 30-centlme may run along -the ground and | on the week end ef Oct. 4 sad 6. ICrBraiartas J. Marrltt of • 366 ilsce minted In 1831 by Bwltaer- kill anyone In Its path. Distinguished officers of the A tH elsin k i we've done a good Job or looking Army who jriU be present on that O T > • Nortk Mala straat and to Mr. and through the paper. But have we? and. And furthermore (now you Tha actlvlMea In which tha light- I 1 Mrs. Itobdrt MUlkowski of 33 Cot' dig deep Into that photogibphicl nlng victims were engaged when occasion will be Qnnmiaaloner and DR., W. JOHN FIELD Perish in Fire We’re not fr o p Missouri . , 28 tags straat at tha Hartford Hoa- memory of yours and remember they were struck Indicate where Mrs. Donald McMillan, command­ By TED B3HTC mther from old New England, but ing officers o f the Balvation Army OSTEOPATHIC ft t u Wadnasday. we were willing to loam. And the dosana upon dosens of fillers the greatest danger Has. A few of Hslsinki, Finland, Aug, 4 B a c k iv a in these were; lunching In a wooded in tha 11 Eastern Btatea. Older ISam we did. you've read In the past few weeks; PHYSICIAN —A/Pi—Russia today claimed Haeaatly reporting at t|ia float the metal known as tungsten In area, playing baseball In an open . resldanta will recall that Mrs. Mc­ tralnlag eanw, Norfolk, Va., for Priend pointed out that, stpilbs field. ‘ fishing In boats on open feCgs!;' Millan was the former Harriet an overall victory in the or fillers, used to plug the smaH the United Btatea la called wolfram WILL RESUME CoJorTnl Royalty a eouras « t lastructlon In damage In many other nations.” water, working In fields, herding Blackman, who graduated fronT Olympic games . with 494 Ooatrol waa Laa f . CkMMlall, ma> gaps on a newspaper bags, are a Tha dinner guests alt back, cattle, and similar activities; oper­ Manchester High school while her Texas ToU points against 490.25 for the PRACTICE d d a isf a m ats firaman, U8N, son wonderful source of leamlng. It atartldd at your complete control ating tractors In open fields. parents. Adjutant.and Mrs. Sam­ American Youth Speaki at Finnish Rally af Mr. and Mra. DarorOst H. Oood- opens up a vast new field and uel Blackman were officers of the United States. Of the situstkm and general world Others were gathering the fam- Apparently toe Russians decid­ Speedy Aid Claim Plati Ml o f 43 Bdward straat. Ooodall fills our minds with thousands of attached Manchester Corps, 1306-1903. ON MONDAY, knowledge, But jrou don't stop I lly wash from mothasllne Expected to ed a first place waa worth only aatarad Uia naval service in Jan- off-beat bits of Information. But there. to trees, standing on a porch or In The Improvements, estimated to nary. IM I and la now assigned to first a brief word about ftllera cost $10,000 will Include new oak AUGUST 4 seven points instead of toe 10 America’s first club woman a doorway, and swimming. points awarded by toe standard duty aboard tha high speed trans­ ThEy fttw tht inEU itorlM of was Anne Hutchinson who organ Lightning la a danger both day doors at the Main street entrance In Drought Will Benefit from one to several sentences long, and new inner doors. H m build­ scoring method used on all Olym­ port xnw Moms. ^ . laed groups of women for secular and night, but the largest num­ R ise to 3 3 pic games ainee 1930. with or without a headline, and and theologleal discussions ber of fatal Injuries occurs In thY ing will be painted throughout usually undated. The newspaper and naw electroliers Installed. A A atatement iatuad by N. Ro­ The feweet take place manov, leader of the Soviet Olym­ subsertbea to a special service that York City on Aug. 33. 1836. by tile floor will be laid In the main Areas Seen ‘ E veryon e’ supplies these. Thoee rsqulrlng haU. The celling will be sound­ Waco, Tex., Aug. 4 - < f f V - pic team, said tha Russian ecora the chef of a rich, visiting Chi-1 Ughtnlng deaths among men would have been 'bettor If toe headllnfs are passed on to report' nese. It was unknown In China, at and boys are four times . as frS' proofed. Two Greyhoundd busesDU col­ ers who dream up labels and two- New altars and a new frontal lided head-on today, erupted Judging had been more "objec­ By THE ASBOOIATED PEBBB THE OFFICE OF tha time . , . Umbrellas should be quant as among females, reflecting NOTICE tive.” Hartford, Aug. 4——As line heads that try to tell the [Ivan an occasional cleansing to greater exposure, screen on the platform and new in flamea, and became funeral Ths Agriculturs Dspart- <;hs Connscticut River Vsllfiy pews will be Installed. Funds for Ne ExpleweHea story. This work by the reporter teep them In good condition . . . Mortality from lightning shows pyres for at least 28. persons. ment today (Mdled a lO-atats Muiti-miilion dollar tobicto DR. JOSEPH MASSARO la usually done after he has com­ The modem ceremonial custom of a definite gebgraphle pattern, t^ pews and other equipment have Under the standard scoring pleted hla regular chores. presenting' keys to the city statisticians pointed out. The high- been donated as memorials to sol­ DR. J. A. SEGAL Thwtoll may go to 38. method, the United States wee conference to plan quick crop WM again hit by sat- Tha big vtolclaa smashed to­ Borne newspapers call this type originated In tha Middle Ages when est death rates are In the moun- ■ diers o f the corps now deceased. tola .ysar'a Olympic team victor disaster loans to farmers hit backa from which it eannat ...j/ • ^ gether seven miles south of here WILL BE-CLOSED o f filler a squib, oUmrs refer to It dtlM were walled . . , ’Ihe crawl | tain states and the southern states If any such families have been with 614 points against 868H for p u t before dawn. by a sevsre drought. Dillard rseover, farmara today da- as bunk or bunkum. Boms call stretching from Bouth Carolina overlooked, their contributtona IS HAVING Russia. This la baaed on 10, 8, A death count waa difficult be­ B. Lasseter, adminiatrator of mandad that tha atata apon- FROM AUGUST 1 it bogus. And several of the New known prior to 1900. except In the I to Arkansas. The lowest rates are would be moist gratefully received. 4, 3, 3, and 1-point awarda for the York area dalllaa term It horse Bouth Pacific . . , Popcorn pops I in the Pactflo Coast states and cause many bodies were ao badly first six placamenta In all events the Fanners Home Admini­ aor rain-making programa in REGULAR OFFICE burned they feU to pieces. Funeral for which gold medals era award­ stration. said the conference TO AUGUST 18 copy. 'TIm more dignified and staid because It has a hard casing that the Northeast. Rhode Islar^ wIM futura "beieauaa avarybody papers refer to it as undated holds back pressure” . . . la population of well over 700,000, homes which had reported 84 ed. will ^ held in Atlanta Aug. 6 wnafits." r mslsrUU. You go on and on, dropping each has not suffered a single fatality BALCH is Your HOURS AS USUAL bodies st 10 s. m. revised toe The Russian atatemant made no e clearing weatlwr keaugh8'a total down to 38 two hours later. ami 7. While we have a UtUe dignity bit of knowledge as If It were In a decade and a half. explanation o f how the Soviets DliaaUr loans are made only in orary halt to tha aetlvlUM af left, let's look over some of this something you treasured yet had ------Many senricemsn returning to got their point totaf, but papers rainmaker hired by vtfagr their bases from week end leaves states and counties daalgnated as. undated materlall Here are some to share with the world. You look 1 Kltekey-Hoo Heps Herald Photo In Moscow today publiahed a point disaster areas by the^griculture farmers In aa effort to save mil- Ware smtmg tha dead and Injuredt examples which, If read and re­ up for approval and for some I if you have aver tried to banter Complete tissue diagnoses can>1^ ■yatem giving seven points for Department. Fanners who have Ilona of dollars worth of tobaooo Is Mias Barbara Clariegllo, path­ Twenty-four passengers were tained, will offer the oi strange reason the room la empty, your way out of a speeding sum- now be made In 34 hours instead o f first place instead of 10. Bcoring suffered subatantlal loaees, and crops endangered by the pcahHgad Blowly you gase at the emptying,,,,' you may have gotten the ologist laboratory technician, who brought to Waco hospitals, many for toe other placings waa the drought for jrou to become the life o f the the three days It took before M w - prepares the tissues, after they who cannot obtain • adaquate psirty, next time you’re out. If they chairs, the napkins hastily thrown 1 impression policemen have no criUcsIly hurt. Five of the 67 pas­ aama aa tha standard ayatam. credit from any otoer source to Na flObiS' ' on the Ublo by the departing aensa of humor. Regular Heard chestcr Memorial Hospital pur­ have been molded in paraffin In sengers were miming. let you out again . , . after this. the Autotachnlcon, for the next Dispatches from Moscow aald continue their operatlona, are eligi­ Enill HaiuriUi. 0) 0 ) 1 ^ t fin d Exit osnple was mslAng- n tour of Oreenland, world’s largest Island, which "We feel that If the eSme i^ rit of fHjWdly aegwratlw warn sPfJM conUttued today, tig "What was that question down from yoUr full height aiu) Pictured with the .Autotachnlcon paraffin operation. Romanov's statement,, issued to day for an end to toe relentless "It waa horrible, people were la a Danish colony. drought which has them on toe to werid affairs, there would he aa e*d ta the kflHaf la Koraa aad ta satd.ltUMre again?” You fight for time to col- quickly withdraw from an Imier ■ ' " 1' ' I'S — ..... ' ■ ' ' — ths Fimtlsh press, read In part: leot your scramMed thoughts. "Ah, screaming and knocking each brink of economic disaster. the threat of atomie war.” (AP WlrepheW vU rafts fraai HeMahL) warraat; wckat today's copy of tha paper. discover nature and enjoy a other down trying to get out," "W a are proud that we won first UtUe rain baa fallen In either Tha first i yes. You want to know my opinion Vorking against time you huijrned- At this point the victim stopped ,tance that la extracted from the o f the current Intematfbnal sltua- and respectfully inquired of a eyelashes of honey bees. And lU change from weirkaday worriee. Mrs. Dora Daniels. 47, Waco, said place in the Olympic games in that region during toe past two months. ly fold the naw m per until More and more concerns em­ wa accumolatod 434 points. Thera • W i ytm wilt *til to- takes the khape o f a play-soldlar pi policeman standing nearby wlwther not penicillin or any of the sulplm from a. honital ' bed. “They Ught aboweni over soma areas yes. ■ ■'i:| IU\e lock-up In the basement was drugs. In fact, tms new aid to ploying hundreds and. thousands of eouldn’t find tha agit door.” Bus Fares Boost its no doubt that the Boviet Russian terday did UtUe more than damp­ m ertm to wrlto lioMd hat. Utls you clamp on your head workers are shutting 'down their sportsmen would have accumu­ ■imand rawnuvsilently marchn »rcn V>'■» Ihe uuurdoor. i Occupied by any guesU. He found meAclne la rather outlandish w d Babyktnd Exploding fuel tanka sounded en the topsoil. Powell tfrges Aiilai You don't care a s^H> for the It necessary to use the homely when compared to WsuU^ entire plants for s two weeks' re­ Ilka thunder, said the pretty lated a much higher point total if In toe south, damage to crops ■kevt th« woMltrfal food party after all. . 1 therein and feared to disturb modern contemporary dlacoveriea spite from labor, or st least stag­ brown-eyed Waco woman. "It In all sports events there had bee* and Itveatock w ffering from lack gering depsrtmente. would blow up, and then blow up objective Judging. o f'fe e d hag s o tm l welt over the 4 Mfydd at NORM'S DRIVE------I anyone. i f s oatmeal. The two-week vscstlon Is tha Will Start Friday KEMP'S, Inc; again, one after, another. "The United States athietaslac; half-bilUon dollar mark. "Threei FILMS out a* Beasau I Bmlrklngly, the culprit police-1 That’s right From plain, old' most po'pulsf, but there is a defi­ IN REBTADRANTr A bit of nostalgic sadness creeps I man and an accomplice, sdso a fashioned oatmeal, the k M that 7M llnia Bhe said a Negro soldier who cumulated 490.35 and won sacond The mulU-mlllion dollar live­ Build Rights PlRnk DEVELOPED AND nite trend, in toe case of buw waa thrown to asfsty “was brave place. We greet Hiuigary'a eporU- stock Industry, which In a few upon us as we note that thelmember of ths department as- you eat at breakfast modm m i- executivee, to grant them a much PRINTED strawberry season with its manylsurad ths reporter the aocommo-lence has developed an effective enough to come back and pull us Bridgeport, Aug. 4— (/P)— Judge Jamee E. Murphy In Su­ men who took third place in tha yean hae become a prime factor in longer period for relaxation or out.” The name of her rescuer Olympic games. During the Olym­ Meanwhile a i [that h-HDUR SERVICE suppers and festivals. Is now a-l datlons o f the cell block wwre at treatment for poison Ivy, sunburn recreation. They are finding It perior Court here today gave the Connecticut Company per­ tos .eouth'e economy, hea been ' New York, Aug. 4— (/P)— Rap. Adam Clayton Powall, Jr., thing of the past for another year. I tiis disposal. and other skin conditions. was not learned. pic games, a closer contact was severly crippled. Unable to obtain will be Intradused in 11^198$ i paye In toe long run. Baby Bonilng mission to put into effect its new bus rates on Friday, Aug. Negro Democratic Congressman, taya mambers of his nca eral Aseembly to se tu p i PUbi DgptNdt B u Bach time wa heard that some I h Is suspicions kept in check by By a special mUUng procee^ tM developed between the Soviet Rus­ feed, many growera havs dumped Vacation reverie:-"The driver la Out on ths pavement she and 8. The Public Utilities commission last week authorize the sian athletes and Finland's and the will not vote for the presidential or vice presidential candi- for calling in ptofewional ’ At Stort EntraiMt small church out la the country I his complete respect for and his Mudier Foundation of New Toric ■afeat when toe roada are dry, ether msdmed and dated paasen- company to increase its rates and., ' ' " planned a strawberry festival, we I unquasUonlng trust In tha guard- N. Y., has been able to extract other countries* athletes.” (Oenttened ed W f Bevea) .clatea o f either party "unless we get f civil rights platform makers at a ’momant's aotlad' to and toe roada are eafect when toe THE gera "atumblsd around In s dsse' tos company had announced they m 1 fight future dry-spei]A;wBa bAM In first place gold medals, the made a mental promise to attend. I tons o f the peace, Ul-plaeed as It I the colloid-producing fraction from driver la dry.” looking st s scene of horror. would go Into effect on Aug. 1. j W aeoopUbie ' to the Negroea of'®'*...... And then, concerned with other| proved' to bo. the reporter de-|oatmeaL This portion of oatmesL United States far outstripped tod ^ by Rep. Simon S. ObOan, sK KEMP'S "There wae s UtUe baby,” Mrs. The W before the new rates' ” k J C d k . ® Amrrlca." Powell, who addreased ' A 1 llngton farmar-lawysr. Ooha* Is Immediate things, promptly for-|sconded to the block below. I rich In natural starch, pimteln and Oops! Daniel recalled. "It wee lying In were to go into effect, five groups,-Bv rnsr g T 1 Russia 41 to 38. In track and field I'Hariem rally yesterday, said ha got about It. Now It's too late once within, he hoard tha door oat oil, has marked soothing, pro- troops Alerted oounasi for ths fsrm«rff group hir­ I Being considerate obout one per- toe middle -of tod pavement, burn­ events, the central sport of tha an S e n ^ wUpbimfer with Gov. Adlal E. ing raln-mskcni In this wssk's at­ and we have yet to satisfy that I close behind him and—alas!—a I tectlve and relief-promoting action LAST games, toe U, S. won toe most Btavanson and Ben. John J. Spark­ aon often emotoera another peraon ing. Nobody could help.'.* I McMahon .job tempt for the first tlam la state. first places It has ever taken under ambition. tell-tale clicking noise. I on the skin. out of toe picture. This literally AutooriUes were st a lom to ex- ruling and the company waa pre- j -w Y T C? C? m. man on toe civil rights Issua. history to "induce" rain. For some peculiar reason we Retaining hla aocustomed com-1 i], • clinical stu^ published In toe modern program—14 In all of Grab of Powell read a telegram from For Red Strife happened the other night In s local plsih the accident, which may vanted by jjw from putting th a! ||| | J , senate Tobacco Injury kka devalopad in have always had a strong longing posure. the reporter strode to the I the May Issue o f "The New York movie theater. have been toe worst traffic crash ratea Into effect. tha 34 evanta. toe Democratic presldsntlai nomi­ three phases. Ylret, Dr. Aadqeeqn to attend such an affair, .an event I door, stuck hla hand through ths I physician and American Medl- Two staters walked down the MILE in Taxes history. It occurred on Richard L. Hershatter. counsel | Most o f RubsIb's BMring cams nee acknowledging a request for In Korea Vote said, outdoor tobacoo aad to some In which old Naw England seenu hers, and tried the padlock. I cine,” It was reported the meal aisle searching for s seat in the a Btraight etretch o f highway. in men's and women’s gymnastics, Qavam Wealth an Interview and agreeing to meet for the petlUonera, said the appeal I Washington, Aug. 4—— to bolster Its modeat treasury by the audacity to snap the lock sreas. This product is of particular msn said he wilt lead a delegation slater liked to alt next to toe siele, (Coatlaued on Page Sevea) The company then filed a peti­ A. Devitt Vanech today an­ track and field'compistiUona. Iranian Senate today gave Initial Bouth Korean police und troops the serving of delicious, garaan-1 shut. Undoubtedly they counted on I importance sines it permits many est down in toe second seat from approval to a bill grantiqg Pre­ to the conference. havs . been alerted fdr posstbis fresh strawberries; coupled with the fe|iorter's becoming panicky {skin conditions to be treated with- tion for a show cause order from nounced his candidacy for the Announces The Opening Of toe aisle and out of consIdMatlon the court seeking permtasibn to mier Mohammed Mossadegh un­ He aald a similar delegation wilt (Communist guenills intsrfcrance tha opportunity to mingle with end setting up a hue and cry wlth-.|out having to resort to drugs and for her elster (something unusual U- S. Senate seat left vacant limited powers to rule this near- confer with Stevenson'i running tomorrow In tha Rapublle'a first our neighbors, has always held out first having mustered the I medication which are often ir put the ratea Into effect Immedi­ by the death of Democratic Bulletins In aisteral.she asked toe little girl Resurvey Seen ately pending toe outcome of toe Red Cross Raps banknippt counttry with a free mate, but he did not aay when popular election of a president for us a great appeal. preeence of mind to effect hla ee-lritatlng to the skin. sitting in toe end seat to move Sen. Brien McMahon of Con­ hand for six monthi. But the tost meeting would take place. and v ks president. We view with regret that we cape. I Now someone who has never Lake Amston appeal hearing. from the AP Wiroi over to the only seat left in that upper^house offered unexpected Powell said the Alabama Senator's A government apokasmsn aald don't have the same opportunity Hts freedom gained, the report-1 had poison Ivy or a bad case of CAtEFUUY RESTRICTIO It waa on tola petition the court necticut. THE WHITE IRON row next to brunette sister. On Draft Pool, acted today. Vanech, a 46-year-old Democrat Soviet Charlies opposition to a government bill record shows continuous opposi­ reports bad been received that the la a bluebertfy festival. A| least er started up the stairs and there, sunburn or a rash probably can- Red est down In her favorite (TO CONFOEM WITH BUILDINO CODE) ordering confiscation of tha . per­ tion to civil rights legislation. Communists had ordered guerril­ we’ve never beard of one but per- lurking In a corner awaiting tha not appreciate what a boon this Murphy said in hla finding the whose home la at Stamford, Omn., LEWIS SERVES NOTICE spot and looked st her companion new rates ahould become effective told reporters that he had sub­ sonal wealth and property of Ah­ Becks FEPO DarlaraUo* las to disrupt tha elsetlon. Pettsvtila, Aug. 4 (0»-* BENCH SHOP haps somewhere In tha suburban I be^nnlng of his entertainment, new find la to suffering scratch- ■who by this Ume had discovered Hershey States mad Qavam. who waa forced out The republic baa S.JIS.OOO all-, Tm, area such an occasion might arise. I was the scoundrel of an olflcer. ers. If you’ve ever had an allergy, Friday. Aug. 8 with toe asaertlon mitted his resignation aa deputy Of Germ War Stevenson will be urged to take Jolui L. Leivta has aarved seOlb she waa sitting on another UtUe "toe companv cannot operate a attorney general to President Tru­ of the premiership two weeks ago a stronger position on civil rights gible voters. . he waata a *ew wage eastnMt- 465 PORTER STREET Btrawberry festivals with their The hero cast a withering and then had to take an injection by wildly demonstrating Mossa­ < girl who waa so smothered she Waihington, Aug. 4—<8V-Maj. buBineas at a loss and expect to re­ man this morning. Toronto, Ont.. Aug. 4—(8*)—The than tha Democratic platform con­ Ekee Mum Winner for hla 133,333 aathraette *d»> wholesome . nelghborllnesa also glance at the bully and there the of drugs to combat the allergy, degh followers. Syngman Rhae, 77, toe nation's MANCHESTER, CONN. bring to mind another type of I story ended for a while. and th«» found that you w m al- hadn’t tha chance to asy boo. Oen. Lewis B. Herahey eaye a re- main In business.” He requested tost it be sccepted tains, Powell told his audience of ers. Edward Q. Fox, ehainMli — A Non. The finding said that, since toe International Committee of the The lawmakers passed tha con­ 3,500. A declaration for compul­ first president, Is considered cer­ get-togather that holds an attrac- Arrived back at The Herald of- lergic to the drug with which you survey of men deferred from mUl- as early as possible, so that he aC the Aathracito Opsrat ete company had given a pay Increase might go to Connecticnit and make Red Cron, target of persletent fiscation bill without trouble on sory fair .employment practices tain to bs returned to office. Wage - Agree*se*t ixMMdittae. A $mall shop Maturing carafully tlon for us. That's the Orange, flee, the reporter discovered that were Injected—unless you Mve tary mrvlce because they have de­ Its first of three readings. On Originally tha president was ’The big question la: while the roisterer had pursued hla had a tests o f this vicious Itchy to all perwnn^l on April 1, It woi-ld an active campaign for toe nomi­ Communist ' attacks, lashed back will be sought. aaM Lewis, I* a Mtae dated last $alaetad antiqua$ pendents may won be necessary If stand to lose $613,664 a year at the nation. today. toe second reading; however, only Powell, minister of ona of tha elected by toe National Assem­ Friday, gave the reqeliad i t Do you have to be-a farmer to misdeed, the mischievous mind of circle, then you cauot truly ap- the armed forces are to be kept three of 24 senators present stood be a Orange member? Can a hla accomplice had not lacked oc- preclats the ImportMce of our old farer The DemocraUc nominee win be A 9.000-word report written for world's largest Baptist congrega­ bly. But Rhee, using pubNc pres­ days’ Moltee fer ceatraet axpirae st their present levels. up to signify approvsi. sure and police, recently forced city-type person belong If his or cupatlon. for the story which the new use tor ^tmeal. DONT With toe Increase, ssid the selected at the state convention in today's sessions of toa 18th Inter­ tions, told the rally o f hla con­ tioa. ^ Hershey, toe director of Belec- court, toe compsny will earn $445,- September. A Republican nomina- national Red O oas conference The bill then was sent to a Sen­ gressional constituents that toe the assembly to change tha con­ her rural connection ends with hero had left In the typewriter A friend of ours who recently ate commission for possible revl- one frustrated attempt to grow when he embarked on the lU-fat- had occaslM to, resort to tM A REASON OF NECESSITY. | MeM t ^ ^ t ^ many pro-vlded a list of her Rus­ Powell told his Harlem audience fer the railroad aay s Well, maytra next year Opp. FUet National Stosn 340,000 in S-A Key Red Headquarters that "Uncle Toms . . . spearheaded Treasury Balance .. ----- u|-» I ordinary kitchen strainer to keei Parldag Lot The qumtion which "must be sian prisoners—300 names written maybe. In pencil—but later refused to the sabotaging of civil rights POEMOBM NEW UAJBlNBrrCABINET with the chiidien. Have,^u1S!I?1i"rt\heMt..t well, cllml ONE OF THE MANY KACHES AT (scad In toe not too distant fu- New teat-tube victories "pressgt planks In platforms of- toe two Washlnkton, Aug. 4—(di—The Lima,la. Porn, Aug. 4—(P>—F»ev turs,” he said. Is the wurce o f the Jurnish any more because no news Ughtnlag Danger stride o f medical sclenceT No. It’s l» -a n d Waahiiigto*. Aug. 4— UTh— 4-era and destroyed one Red flghter toe coming of a direct and speciflo major parties." position of the Treasury July 31: mier Oea. Zeaoa Noriega has not one of those miracle drugs Just wondaitol. our Itchy frie^ LAKE AMSTON manpower which wUl inevitably be "was sent In return from Russian attack on paralytic polio in man People who work or play out­ Hw Navy reported today that and damaged another. csmpi. It Indicates that conditions A t Chicago last month ha was Net budget receipts, 8155,333,- formedd a aow eabiaet, the gov- with an exotic name or a tells us. In facL although his B ^ e d . himself.” say# preeldent of Na­ 083.43; budget expenditures, $534,- eramraVs lateraiBttoa doors are warned today that toe COMFLEn FACILITIES FOR o*e ef its patrol planes fought Score on 1,003 MlOa are the same in North Korea, tha first Negro delegate-at-large Itch la all gone, he's seriously con- . The group of about 900,000 de- tional Foundation for Infantile 735.348.03; cash balance, $7,335,- annouBcod today. It Is t* ha now BOO SETS OF o ff two Bneelan ballt MIO Jet , This raised to 1,002 the num­ which has turned away all Red slderhsg keeping up his oatmeal ■OATINO, lATHING, HSHINO fsrrod in (Usm S-A because of de­ Paralysis .... MaJ. John Eisen­ 452.218.30. swam la toiaoiTow to replara flghtehi over the Yellow Sea ber of MIGs destroyed, probably Cross representatlvaa. (Continued en Page Eleven) bath. He swaars there's nothing pendency, he added, "Is one of toe hower Ike's son. says hli first re Noriega’s oM caMaet, wMeh i*> T H i m S T FEW MILES TH AT bMit Thnnday aad returned to destroyed or damaged since the Cites Germ Ctalma like i t SEAT COVERS Urgest tost can be made avail­ action to Korea is "Ids a hole,” but signed Saturday. Ite - base la Korea. Two of its start of toe war, the air force re­ The cor.^mlttee raid toe sugges­ HAVE KEN DEVELOPED AM able to supplement toe present erew were killed and two were "I'm very happy adhere I am supply ef empower available for ported. Latest addition to the tion for an Investigation of Com- COMPLETELY SOLD OUT! wounded la the figbt. list waa a MIG damaged today by lUly lost 388.374 mra.In World CONDEMNS BULGABE Next to this summer's torrid aolUUry seraice. munist charges that United Na­ impromptu Pilot; And Up The aavy aald the plane waa Capl. Harry L. Durin of Portales, War il, an official government Atheos, Greece, Aug. 4— l D - « ’ now I wsather, ss a subjsct tor conver­ $ 1 2 9 5 "TIis futuri* policy In relation to tions forces have used germ wea- You K — This Is Your Last Chance oa rouUae patrol over the sea N. JI., in a fight between four Sa­ publication discloses .... One of The Ualted Nattsae Halha* sation when friends meet friends. OrSTALLED FEES area west of Korea when It was bres and 10 MIGs. Peaor oommlaaloa baa foiow arft Is tos word "vscstlon,” and truly (Osatfaraed an Page T i ^ (Oontlnued on Page Two) Denmark's few Negroes. Wilhelm TO PURCHAK LAND AT CONNECTICUrS attacked by two "CMneae Com- The Air Force said the Brat Adolf Flerre, former native of Vlr Sergeant Wins His Wings ed to UN hcadquartcfs a re­ Y m too COE Mnro looooy by fottiog yoor lit has a pleadant aound. Web- munlst MlG-18" tighten. In a port oondemalag the Balgariaas Tha weekly laundry is one chore I can farm oat I ster eaya the word meana "a ptri- HNEST LAKE DEVKOFMENT wave of fighter-bombers dropped gin Iriands and later a millionaire glowot ot Uoioo Oprieol CAMPBELL runaiag fight, tho American 3,500 gallons of flaming gasoline hotel operator In Berlin dies st 78. lor aa attack agalaat a Oeaeh —^a d I do— every week— to IDEAL Cleanera and od for rest and recraation; a holi­ ONE MILE OF WATERFRONT LOTS piaae, a ZO^mlle-aa-hour flying and 185 tons of high explosives On First Hop in U. S. Jet patrol OB Bvree Islaad daly 37. day.” To most of us It msana Governor Starts Saucer Reports Rep. Albert P. Morano (R. Launderers. Gives me more time with the chiMren AUTO SUFFLY ONE MIU OP ROULEVARD LOTS boat, was damaged but waa able on toe headquarters ares. Pilots Three Greek aoldtera w e n ktBsd. "travel." In vacation tons Amer- M BIS8EU- 8Y— TEL. 81fT to limp to the west coast of then sprayed the area with 15,000 Conn.) Scheduled to confer today Soffvko at Uoioo Optkol Is tho host io Are Discounted with Elsenhower st Denver, and ila economical—easy,-too. I simply call 5838. I lesna take to pianos, trains, buses, MANCHESIEB ONI MILE OP LOn IN A VIRGIN FOREST Jail Brfeak Probe Korea where It received spot re- rounds of SO caliber and 30 milli­ Co\o„ with U. 8. Fifth Air Force,* veteran aerial reconnaissance f9W So boats and sutomobUes to relax, re- paira before proceeding to Iwa- meter ammunition. according to a spokesman at Korea, Aug. 4 —(A^ - A hitch-hik­ pilot from Avenel, N. J. W hy don't yon call IDEAL next time Greenwich, (3onn. . . . VIce-Adm. -for lann- MontpeUer, V t, Aug, 4 —(8V - koBl la Japaa, ing Air Force master sergeant on fAII I Kaew Was ..." This first strike of 130 sorties Washington. Aug. 4--(,W—An C. Turner Joy, veteran o f Pacific dry or dry cleaning? AR lota or Oov. Lee E. Emerson said he will Air Force general and a phycho- his first. Jet plane ride recently I They were buzzing along at MerchanU’ Day A l worii doooot Uoioo Optical Co. b reported destruction of 39 build­ fighting and Korean peace talks, conduct sn InvesUgaUon Into logy professor both discounted found himself piloting toe swift, 500 miles an hour at 37,000 feet Seoul. Korea, Aug. 4—(JP(—The ings, one anti-aircraft gun and becomes 37 th auperiatendeat of Bffiead gtartingi 6m low i "all aspects” of toe escape, of two four machine guns. The Air tying saucer reports, but the ns two-seat craft. Then he flew the up when MacDuff asked Hilt to 1 0 % ' U. 8. Fifth Air Force said UN U. S. Naval Academy. hold the auxiliary control stick In Maaehester atores. lacladlag z v e state prison convicts believed to fighter-bombeni struck in two Force said 12 buildings were dam- tlon's cspital still biiszed with ship for nearly 30 minutes after THE OFFICE OF SERVICES Federal Communications (k>m- the engine failed. |the rear seat while toe phot ehala food stores, bat earlaOag Cash and Carry Green Stamps U>OK A T A IX THE OTHBE UUOEB ABOUND be involved In toe bludgeon death mauive waves toqay at a key aged and many fires started. them over the weekend. Ih ovoM i llia t Interpret The Wishfi of s Springflshl housewife. North Korean military headquar­ There was no report on the re­ 'The Rev. lEdward B. Lewis of mlssion catches up with Long The sergeant had to take over | worked a navigational problem. liquor aad drug *t*r^ 'rtH v*- THEN CXMIB TO AM8TON AND OOMPAEE the controls of toe T-33 Jet when! "AU I knew was that It you mala cleeed all da; fioo i t THE IXFFEBENCE Emerson said yesterday he had ters near ths Red capital of Pyong­ sults of the second raid. Washington's Union Methodist Beach, Calif., man who has been DR. JOHN PRIGNANO the pilot passed out from lack of push forward on ths stick you go la sbservaaiii *f Of The Faarily EASY MONTHLY TEEMS conferred with Public Bsfety yang and left it a ^m ing wreck- The Air Force said No. 1;001 Church drew a moral from It alt. broadcasting Jaxs records oa same frequency with a New .York sta­ oxygen, the Air Force said today. down and If you pull back you go Day. ONLY 38 3IINUTE8 PBOM MANCHE8TKB Cbrnmlsaioner WUUsm Baumann •f«- was toe MIG Lt. Harry A. Creset- from it all. WILL BE CLOSED about toe escape last Wednesday Air Force and Marine warplanes bene of 156 West Sherman avenue, "It la a good toing,” he said tion for toe fun of It . . . King­ He flew the training ship until the up." says Hilt. "I held to toe Bmployaea *f wafiS O m C II O N S i FVeae Mauwheeter take Eat s 88 to firiiriw aafi o f Donald DeMag, 33. o f BurUng- hit toe headquarters northeast' of Newark, N. J., destroyed In a Bunday from hla pulpit, "to have dom of Jordan reported planning engine quit. He then maneuvered course the pUot was flying.” will spead tha day at JOWIB.NRKE amstw Blgas at Amstoa potot tha way to AsMtaa something happening like ‘flying to follow Egypt's lead In abolltioa It carefuly down to a level where The pilot's head nodded forward ontiags * r pteaica a l ' d e m t i e r e ton, and Frsne^ Blair, 31, of Pyongyang with more than 27S noon battle between two Sabre FROM AUG. S TO Fitchburg, Maas. sorties. The first wave struck at Jets and seven Red fighters over saucers’ that 'demands that people of titles of Bey and Pasha. the pilot regained consciousneas. occasionally as If he were check recreattea spots. n m n A L h o m c Union O ptical Go. The pair was captured Satur­ noon and toe second in the after­ North Korea today. look up and study some of the won New Zealand's government, fac­ M /8gt. CYlarle# E. Hilt, 31. of ing his map. Then It bobbed back Beatdeata who had AUG. 18 AMSTON LAKE CO. day shortly after Mrs. Ellssbeto noon. Tha thousandth In toe triple ders of nature. ing financial deficit overseas, Parker, Fla., never had been in aa If he wars looking up to check to shop Wedaaaday nBastOairtarM. IbLOO Jet until he hitch-hiked a ride Instruments. HUt didn’t realise will be fececd to AMBTON, CONN. Westoerup, 54, waa fktsUy beaten The Air Force said U. 8. Sabre category°J1 wap'TM the one shot down "If we can get excited about orders Imports cut to bone in tv S 1 4 MAIN STREET S S 3 641 MAIN STREET. BIANCHESTER TEL. 2;^128 AMBUUUrOB OBBVlCai Jet'pilots Intercepted elements of order affecting weolea goods...from Korea to Japan In the T-33 i sn Page Twe). 6$ Ruaflan-made MIQ-IS Jet flght- (ConiIBUMWd M r* g e Eleve*)^ JOMtiniied sn Pngs Twe). koalery aad AeMricaa automobllee flown ^ Lt. Robert W. MacDuff, .(OoBttaued aa Pag* Twa]^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN« MONDAY. AUGUST 4.19U a ^ ilC B I T W O MANCBS8TEB XVXNINO HSRALD4 MANCHESIEB. CXUQU MONDAY. AUGUST 4.1962

■aid th a n ' UOOi and hto wife, Gladys, 33, o f the — "remala to ho eicalatasd.*’ Carbondale Pastor Familym Fracas ■ante addraaa ara eharged with In­ I EngagMMdlimti\ nuickville German Youth Prefaemr Spnwio oald ta Opiiniistic Note Foreign Ministers Start Oirl Scouts Enjoy Belgium District Race O n T V Show toxication. and breach o f tha radio tatervtow that' aauaer r»- Makes Comparisoo Case Continued peace. Loren to alao charged with I^Uy Is Flop, lorta are daa "prlmarfly to lial- On New Haven Food after English Rations Nominee Set assault while his wlfs is charged . AmUMBct ‘Three Towns Reprmented ttctaatlon." Csbai u B M idi Pan Pacific Pact Study with aaaault with a dangerous Mr. and Mn. Myna Sprowto lUnaed tho osarchao Masks* CM Of Man and Eagle The caaea o f Loren and Gladys wMpon, and destruction of prop­ Sr., of Andover, aiiMWiri for 4uMi uppar-ahr objaeta to "a Road Sounded Smith, a local couple arrested erty. tha e o m in g aaarrlaga at Officials Say Mind man In a dark room looking ‘ ►.■•J Kyorgam, Belgium, July 3S—— Tka SChSdulSa Of Sen. H. Borden; Gratn of Hartford. Tha weddlag Berlin, Aug. 4—gP)—Waat Ber­ Just sort of forget about It ” Pinrt National RuNk foreign nUniatera o f Australia, ttlp ooordiiiatpr-orfaalMr rmnk glum apparently la a proaparoua bring back with them. In Brugaa, of the First Methodist Church of ilace and charged with a com­ was wialdad by Mrs. Smith. Hs lin authoritlaa axpraaaad pustla- ofMaaebsotor...... 38 88 New Haven Railroad In a apaelal country and the people thara they atoo waat for a rida on aoma Has Law Office Here Carbondale, Pa., who waa giiest ined total ot seven counts, were was troatod st Manchester Me­ wUI ba a t tha South MathaOal . s RockvUlt, Au*. 4— (Special) Tolland: Batty Ann Rothar, Beaeers Over TM m * Nrw Zealand and tha U .8. todigr MOtoy waa 10 mfarataa lata to Uia ■asm much Ilka Americans, ao Church, Aug. 18 at 8 p. m. ' Tolland bounty 4-H Club Clinton Charter; Hebron, Arthur mant today at the flaala of a aitford National .mld-yaar report today tAd Its b ^ ta tmptoanantlng a aoeurlty o f the many canals and visitad preacher at both of ths ssrvices at continued to Aug. IS In Town morial Hospital. loudly advartiaad "peace and Tokyo, Aug. 4—(FI—The aewa- the traveling OIri Scouts from aoma o f tha hlatorlcal spots o f tha Camp opanad today at NorthtKeefe, Carolyn Coolldga, Barbara Bank and Trust . . . 39 91 itockholdara thito tha Brat hatf of pact Mgnad last SsptotabMr ^ Tho drtagatlon waa fioroad to Nominated for state aanator at South Methpdlst COurch yester­ Oourt thla morning by Judge John Sgt. Edward Wliudsr and Pat­ Halm, Jocelyn Landon, Ann Leary; unity” damonatratlon o f tha Com- pepar Tomlurt said today It had Hartford Obnn. T ru st. 93 89 studytag a futon Pan-Partfle Manchester have discovered since old Flemish city. day, spoke on the subject, “Eagle- S. O. Rottner unitor bond o f 8300 rolman Milton Stratton, and Wal­ qV R R N M M ; rrM______k lla ._ with ' a program o f edu­ received more then ISO tottera 1983 haa bean "a partod ^ favor- land at Donaer Friday Ita they landed on the continent of Both Ghent and Brugaa are lo­ tha Rapubltcan city convention cational and racraatlonal projacta Manaflald, Margaret Rlcharn, munlat Free German Touth Maaehsatsr Ttuat . . . . 87 > » Pact. hearts,” which waa hosed on the each. ter Gutaner made the arrests. plaanad. Tliara wUl ba eraolng Ellubath Rlcbarda, Chrlattna A t­ Phoenix State Bank U .a Saeiotary of State Dton Moond pUuM WM fUlWu out fiD n 40th chapter o f the book Of Isaiah. Aaatotont Proascutor W. David The FDJ bad aanonnead that flying sauesra over Japan fMday tha company rsoordad Ita bast ngt English diannel, crossing from o f Belgium. Flemish is the official School, Hartford w m Atty. Har- — Queen Mother EUiabath Fh* " cvanta around a eampf Ira and vlal- wood, Tharaaa Burch, Barbara Trust ...... OS S8 ehsaon aald "svury atasl* I* * " Washtagton but threw a propaDor Special music for the service was Keith raquaated the continuance Rudders on boats navigating yoiing atom troopora would nktat Inooma after alnktag funds ataea Dover, England to Ostend, Bel­ bmguaga, but many people apeak hart J. Schwarts who will run for In order to subpoena wrltneasea. livers df Portugal an longer than served her 82nd birthday fffllfUy ara wdooma at tha Wadnaa- Kuryan, Nancy Oameau, Janice Japansas astronomsrs, however, m ta tha Pacifle” wlO coom un­ and was grounded. A thlid ptone under the direction ot Herbert A. Zimmer, Kenneth Janaa, Oena damonotrata yaatarday at two . 0« H 08H 1848. gium, tha gtrla found the aaa vary French atoo and uaa that language the Second District against Sena­ France. June Oaa] was ths solo­ Smith, 46, o f 363 Adams atreet. tha vesaela ^oday at the royal lodge h s^ I ’ oay, Thuraday and Friday night unanimously agreed tha objects der discussion at tho brought tlw group to Sen Fran­ at home. Many can spaak Franch, jeampflra programa. Whaplee; Somera, Cynthia Monty; poInU along tha French aactor, at .148 148 Fradarie C. Dumalaa, Jr., prtal- smooth In what is repeatedly one tor Harold Borden, Democrat. A t­ ist, ainRlng 'tHaar T s Israal” an araa bordering tha American wars mataors. daat and chairman e f tha board, cisco, a day M iia d adaedute. The e f tha roughaat croaalngt in tha Flemiah and IkigUah and can torney Schwarts, son - of Mr. and Tha following 4-H menibera are Stafford, Carol Royca and David In Taipah, Formoaa, naWa- . MVA 9814 Achsoon, tho AuatraUan Mlntotw night to Honoluha waa without (from "E lija h ") by Mendetosohn Molltorla. aactor, at Potadamar Plats and. . 93 37 ■aid ta the report that net Inoenm world. changa from ona language to an­ Mrs. Frank Schwarts of 88 Gerard as the offertory. 'V'Cnrollad fo r tha camp; Andover, papara quoted a Chinaaa man and of Bktarnal Affairs Rtchard G.jBi|jta^ other with great rapidity and aaaa. Tolland: Carol Hagan, Barbara 10,000 strong, In tha Brttloh sac- U fa aa through Juaa 88 waa 83,008Ji87 When they pulled out o f Dover Dr Chayer began hla sennon by ^ Karat Ann Qlll, Richard MacNelll, tor's Jungfamhaida Park. wife aa saying they saw two iklny Astaa casualty or 88.19 a mara on tha prsfarrad Chaey and Now ZoMand'a Fonlgn Outwardly Praapariiaa t ARan Tala. Jr.; Bolton. Fradcrick Whitman, Joanna Eaatan, Dorothy eiretaa Saturday memtag atraak Mtatotar T . esfta n Wahb, wUl some of (hair Ikiglish frienda comparing the likeness o f man to Inotaad of an this, only 3,000 of Aetna U f a ...... 93 97 • to ^ eomparad With 8808,848 or ’ ware on the pier waving goodbye Belgium Is outwardly quite the great-hearted, great-spirited * laiek, Norman Luck. Patricia Luhreen, Margaret LuhrMn, Jo)rea tha bhiaahirts turned out in all, in eastward acroaa the d w Conn. G en eral...... 103 108 81.08 a ahars fo r tha aama period brief puMio addroaiaa this proaparoua and haa racovarad from k Btrlddand. Baveily Tuttle. Jeanne Wlanlawakl, .Barbara CaldwaU, mlnuta liitarvato. Tha eeupla da- morning. Governor Starts to tha local gIrU. No dlfflcuIUas eagle, in that both were created by Raa Peck, Jamaa Blllott, Richard acattarad damcnatratlona near the Hartford Steam B o lt. 4114 4414 •C 1981. were axparlanced by tha . group tha affects o f tha war. Howavs^, the Alm ighty for soring In the I' Fmioch. Snaanfla Ranaker. Laa- sector bordara, carrying thalr blue seribad them aa going faatar than Travalsra ...... 940 800 Palate Oul DMdand nowapapora ta Taipah, there la a vary poor class, who nora Howartb. Linda Carpentar. NIaderwerfar, Nancy DImock, a Jet but Blower than a mataor. Formoaa—t h o offictal Chtaoao Jail iBrcak Probe with either tha British or Bel­ great - heights. Both are at their KEITH'S Werner Kuncll, Jr.; vamon, Judy banners and chanting Communist The Tsport alae potatad out that gium cuatoms. Inasmuch as they find It difficult to mast ths every­ best when free to soar In the up­ i Alloa Boaworth; Columbia, Patrl- CJonii Light Power for tha Srst thna slaca laargan- Nattcaialtot Oantral DaUy Nowa day meads of life. Tha more pros­ Ola Haynea; Covantry, Adale Oeh- Albert, Nancy M u r^ y, Mary Jana oongo. West Barlin police, who had 14I4 18!4 are Oirl Guides, mambers o f an per wortd atmosphere: both are i bean mobllisad and braced for any Conn. Power ...... U ktlon a mld-yaar dlvldand M 18 tha Indapondsnt Kung Urn perous people drive American Kraxtok e ring, I w a Anderaon. Theodore Madden, Marguarlta Connor, Car­ P a o— adItorlaUy attartud tho >Ona) International oeganIsaUon travel­ dispirited, defeated and utterly eventuality reported only two Hartford Blac. L t . shara an tha prafarrad stock auotmobUaa—tharo are many o f crushed when prevented from do­ 1 Hladkp, RBbart Oahrtng, Donald olyn McOlnnla, Barbara Oaaaay, Red Cross Raps Uaitod States ■ Auatralla-Now Zea­ ing In uniform, they seldom have . Norman Kronick, wall known GREAT minor loci dents In which U blua- Hartford Gas Cb. . . SS 41 had bara paid. H a SaeUag tha them in this small country—and ing so. t Bmlth, a iffo rd Anderaon, Jamaa Sanford Palmar, William Vlttner; land pact aa too raglonaL in har home. Her husband. Donald, to even unlock their suitcases local Impersonator, will appear for sblrta wars taksn Into custody. So. New England managantont’a poltoy to pay back whsn going through customs. buy many other producte from the The story was told at a young Kalbar, Roberta Hanaan and Non- WlUlngton, Barbara Banjamla. Tel...... In tha PhUlppinsa, San. Joae P. 87. atoo eraa baaten but ta report­ United States. 'Tha Belgium peo­ the third time on ‘Ted Martc's O rig­ loa Graanwood. Bllaabath Smith, Batty Ann* Whlls the youth dsmonstratlons Soviet Charges 84M aSH dlvtdanda on the prafan te ed reoovarlng in a boapital. Mat by Chddes eagis found by a hunter In the wars ftsMtag, onamrad BcltUti au- aa rapidly ■■ peaawUa... ." tnttfal, Isadsr m the Naclonaltota ple Ilka Americans aa a whole and woods, who took it home where It inal Amateur Hour tomorrow MONEY Daley, Charlaa Semak and Robert party, erltlctoad the oenftrsnes as State Attorney Louto Springer, A t Ghent tha group waa mat by night on television from 10 o’clock Otka. thorttlas barred Sovist vahlclas Am. Hardware 9014 3314 Ccntlnutag tte report said: Oirl Guide hoataiaaa and taken to in many raapacte raaembla them. was raised In the yard with the Arrow, Hart, Rag. 43 45 "Oparattag > ravonnaa for tha "a modem varston of prewar 00- hinting that at Icaat one ef the They are Industrious and move to 10:45. This Is Kronick's second from antartag the Bovist radio Of Germ War nwn had admitted tlw fatal bast­ live In the homes e f French speak­ chickens. Ths neighbors fe lt that appearance oh TV. He has ap­ building In tha British aactor, Aaaoa Spring ,.., 39 S3 ■fat months totatod 880,499,M0, an tontoltom." He aald mutuM meur- rapidly as do Americans. They are it would never be an eagle like it SAVING Flit B«ok M ArflirHit Tha Rotary Club win bold ita tty dsetMons In tha Pacifle should ing, said ba would aaak grand ing Belgiums. Mias Oinette van peared oiT the Ted Mack show be­ Tha BritUh sHdsd o ff tha Bristol Brass ..... 19V4 UH taeranaa of 88,188,000 ovnr tha Hoorebeke, who was In Manches­ also noisy and push In a crowd, was supposed to be. Its heart aial luncheon meeting at noon OoUlns ...... 140.140 180 aama paried of 1881, and afforta not ba made by wnrtara powara Jury action against DaMag and much as the crowds do in tha fore on radio. at tha Blka Club tomorrow. vahlcla antranea to the big Soviat- Blair. Tha Wlwtoor County oourt ter five years ago as a guest of was gone. Its spirit was ’ntoaa who view the show w ill be M RNmaiisiii eontroUad building yaatarday un­ Bm-Hart . SB 89 . a n batag made to Ineraaaa tha United Stataa. chained to the rock on which It Dag R anat' Fafnir Bswrlng...... 38 88 Tho U. a baa aaparato aeeurlty la adiadutod to raconvaM Aug. 18. Troop 1 and who first suggaated asked to send tn votei to deter­ BOW TO AVOID OBtPPUNOi der ordara from MaJ. Gan. C. F. pons In Korea eama not from It from aanitaga from pasaanga that the troop come to Europe to The prices In the little country was held fast. But oha day the OKFMlinTlRM Tha local Barber Shop Btagaia but from tha United States govern- Hart Cooley...... 37 40 ■graanwnta erlth Uw Phll^pinaa Springer rafuaad dataila o f a’ ara comparahia to those In tha mine the winning contestant. Mr. Col am an, who aald ha ballavod tha wMI ■■ other aarvlcaa. ■tatemant ha aald tlw pair made make friends there, had as her hunter took the great bird and re- Kronick's routine Includes Imper­ An amaaing newly enlarged 44- win hold a hot dog roaat at • p. m. Riiaalans had been amugghag In mant and that the commlttaa Landers, IVary, Clk. . 3SH 38H "Tha New Havan'a largo termi­ and erlth Jofon. United States, although tha wages laoaed tt to fly. A t first It did ao paga book antitlad ‘‘Rhaumatiam*’ tonight...... at tha homo o f WhITaltar Now Brit. Mach. Co. . 34 89 Caaey said other natlona might to him but did say polica found a guests Bhnily Smith, Patricia sonations of such well-known fig- uaautbortaad Mraona, praauasably atartad to name a tribunal o f Swiss nal and aUtod axpanaaa a n im- Shirer, Ann Thrall, ^ tty Ann of the working class ara not aa only hesitatingly, Tha hunter uree as Petar Lorre, W. C. Fields, win ba cant free to anyone who T r iu a ion Grand avenue. North and Jodd . . . . 39 he Invited to Join a atagto o m n l- isco o f Iron p t^ naar the high and It to difficult' fo r many Garmana, ta m d Arm y trucks. Ha ■cisnttots, to ha aucmanitad by • >• - poftont factors ta tha oast of ita (aatharup home erhlch tl\|y bc- Trotter and Doris Beyer. toosad It into tha air again and Jimmy Durante, Ronald Oolman, win w rite fo r It. complained to tha Russians that otbsrs from non-conmatant Aston Ruassll M fg...... 18 17 rqiaratlime, yet aa fa r this yaar its ■aUon hut he didn't name Uwm. to gat along. Food la plantlful and again and finally tha great bird I t raraala why druga and modi * Tha Paganl Brothara wUI play Stanley Works com. w 88 89 Ha added, howevar, that the im- Uave eraa tha death ert^^oB. One day - the group visited Walter Brennan and Jimmy DU' Sovm trueka raead in and out eountriss. But tha entlra plan for oparattag redo for pa Ghent, climbing the 4(K) steps to thoaa who can afford it lack for found ite spirit, took on naw hsart rante. dnac gWa only temporary relief the Rotary Nina thia avantag at Tam Steam...... 8S 106 madlata problem waa to organlaa Ha aald tha charge against the nothing. and soared awav to tha highest without obiytag Bittkh military a probe ■• dropped baeauaa North ■arvioa haa bean towor than an eonvlcts erlU ba datarnwad after the top of the Belfry, and also Kronick, who appeared on Ted and fw to ramova the cauaaa of 6:1S p. m. In Henry Park, thla ponea traffic signals and a driver Torring^on ...... 81H 8SH oUtor major rallraada. The num- "almpto maddnory, poHtleal and Nylaos Avallabto Herbert J. JBehwarts mountains to fu lfill Its dsstlny as Korea rafuaad to have anythlag Union M fg...... 19 33 the ertdanca la submitted to the visiting the cathedral In which Mack’s show six months'ago, was the trouble; explalna a apaclallaed being an Alumni Laagua game. had triad to run down o m MP. . 19 bor o f paaaangara carrtod tacroaaod mlUtary" to implment tho three- Evan nylons, - meat, butter and an eagle. •oa-curgleal, oon-madloal treat- to do with It U. S. Bnvalopa com. . . 79 88 grand Jury. they saw Van Eyck’s famous street 'has a law office located at asked to Join one o f hla U.8.O. Tha Graya play tha Maroona to- Today tha Ruaslaas made ao at­ Tha Russian, Com munlat Chln- 1 Jt7S,000 fo r the Ms mentha. poerdr pact. cigarattes, which ara so Iterd to "Too many men are like the manl whicli haa provan ouooaaaful morrow in a. Farm League game at U. a Envelopa pM. . " 81 88 in tMa oomwcUon thara wW ba D a l ^ and Blair have bean painting “The Mystic Lamb” and get In Great Britain, ara easily 10 Depot Square. shows which are appearing all over tempts to enter or leave tha build- sss and North Korean dalagattona "MOdaratotag work, aad ta< the caiateau des Oontes, an old Born in Williamsburg, N. Y. and eagle of the story. While they the country and ovarseoa, but had lo r tha paat SS yaara. tha Recreation FlalA Vaadar-Root ...... 88 88 daetolon on erhatlwr than to naad plaosd in aoUtary conflnamant at obtained, and aoma o f thasa coma were intended for great things Tou Incura no obligation In aand tag. eoieapt on fee t t h r o ^ tha t tha confer Tbo above quotations ara not to eraaatag producUvtty ta oparatton, state prison In Wlndaor wbara castle over 1000 years old and In educatsd at Unlvsrslly of Ala­ ta turn down the offer due to the aSgtona main doorway. malntenanea and gonaral otfloa o f a parmaamit mlUtary sta ff and from tha United Stataa. . they have let life crush ths heart tag fo r thla inatructlva book. It that tha ICRC to only a tool o f tha ba oonatruad ■ « actual aniTkata a parmaiwnt haadquaixara. they erara returned Saturday. which lived tha Ootmte o f Flanders Sipca arriving in Belgium the bama and at Ohio University, he fact that he was attending Ameri Rav. John IPoat of Stafford la tha AsMrleaa aactor, MaJ. U. S. government since Washlag- acUvIttoa all allow prograaa," tha for many years. graduated from the University of and spirit out o f tham. They spend can International College, In nay ba tha maana of aavlng you Springe and Mra. Horaea Gala 6t Gan. Loasuat B. Mathawson, tha It to expaetad that future top They wlU rsmain thara on a bread local Girl Scouts have bean eat­ the years of their lives as captiva yaara o f untold mlaary. W rite to­ ten had only to su grw t an In- admintotraUva work win ba ear- and eratar dirt fo r ! • days. Another day they visited Bruges, ing a great deal of delicious food Connecticut College o f Law In Springfield, Maos. waat Hartford w ill apeak on V. S. eemmandant, w praaaad dls- vaatlgatlon and the ICRO wi Sept. 1943, and was admitted to birds chained to the rock .of clr- Kronick Is the son o f Mr. and day to Tha BaU Clinic, Dept 0400, Tam lly Worahlp” tomorrow at t rtod out hy deputy foreign minis­ Springer aald. the center of the toce making in­ and all look somewhat larger than Baoalalor Sprlnga, MBaourt. piaaaura at Americana hare who ■tart pranartng ana. DumalM said a raduettoa af practice before the Connecticut cumstsnee. But It need not be so, Mra. William N. Kronick o f IS a. m. at the claaa fo r Mothara at ■hop In tha Sovlat ■aotcr’a atata Resurvey Seen ters, with tha fpieigtt mlnlstani They broke out tort Wodneaday' dustry In Belgium. There they saw when they left home. They have for men are taught by the prophet " I t mlgnt J«ut aa wMl ba claim­ 81,370,771 was acoompUshad dur­ nwatlng about ante a year. by ramming a 19-ton truck women sitting on their doorsteps made some firm friends In Bel­ State Bar the same year. In 1944 Stephen street. tha. Uhlon Church. ■torts to take advaataga of tha ed," saya tha report, "that tha ing tha rix months partod ta long ha was admitted to practice before Isasiah that those who wait upon fevorabla curraacy aachanga Tho threo power part, algnad In through the gates. They told making beautiful lace articles, gium and will always ramembar tha Lord, howevar chained their ICRC bWln the pay of tha geram On Draft Pool, term debt but dadarad that the San Frandaeo at the time ot tho polica they hid in erooda moat. of using a aWlIl which h u been pasa- thalr stay there aa a most pleas­ the District (Ourt of the United Mr. and Mra. A lfred J, Judge four Beat Marka for o m waat mant o f North Korea, ataoa It 8139418,988 atUl ta the bands o f States for the District of Con­ spirits may be, shall mount up Mark. JapaiwM peace confarenoa, does tha time until they aurrandarad to ad down from ganerstion to gener-. ant ona. with wings as esglss, Man, lUcs an Sr. of Union atroat are apandl^ waa aufflclant that thla the pubHc "to toe 1 not spall out military obligations. posaa o f 300 man naar Spiing- necticut. Schwarts also had been two waaka at Ogunqult, Maine. Mathawaca, without aiaktag it mant should rafuss this tavaatiga- tlautag afforta win ba mad# to admitted to practice before the eagle, was destined to soar In dlract comaiaad, tot tho worn out Hershey States It mardy ptodges that each nation flakL God'es high heavens even though bjoy Meals Mora- Mra. Helen Labonta, aacratary tion fo r tha ICRC to abandon i t " raduoa I t " win "act to mead tha common A atata poUoeman aald Blair Interstate Commerce Commission at tha offlea o f prodiwUan and to hto staff that sheoptag ta tha Junk Man^s Tind' Mrs. McCullough and- tha United States Tax Court he Is a part o f tha world beneath,” naUen-fraa atoraa o f the oaat a Fhltaro Of aviltaatton Thla yaar bonds outatandtag danger^ la event of anaod attack elalnwd ba and DaMag erera near­ auukatlng, la apandlng bar vaca­ P a # i Om ) have bean ralnoad $3498,100 o f Appeals, and before the Inter­ stated the minister. tor was bsiptag tha Cbaununlst Tha faUura to get oooparaUon on any g f the thiea. ly captured aevenil times before ^n conclusion he urged his hear­ Chewing Wrigiqr’s tion at hoHM In ToUanA from aoma nations for human­ through purehate and eoovaralona, ^ Caaay aald this “ to not a con- they gave up. Blair told Uw offl- Is Worth Fortune Denies Candidacy nal Revenue. Department. economy. Ho s m ho hoped Bus- this group to o f tha utmost Im In 1948 he became a partner In ers to wait upon God in worship, Mra. Mary DalBana o f Grove bands would have soma taflaanea itarian works, tha report notes, to while aqiilpmeBt obSgatlMa have (arenea to plan toe war. Our ear they put thalr hands up once pertanca,” ha added. shown a net Ineraaaa o f 81.738,839, the Forward, Levin, and Schwartx in praise and spiritual osrvlee If atraat la om o f tha atata dalagataa ever thalr wtvaa to stop them from not a faUurs o f the Rod Ctooa, Hershav aald the United Stataa first purpose la to try to maintain when tero guarda appaarad to Marlijan, Aug. 4—OP)—A bronze Oraanwlch, Aug. 4—(Ft— Mrs. they would have eagle hearts. If who w ill attend tha national oon- but a faUure o f dvUlaaUon. ba sold. tasca.” But ha added, "wa want have guns pofaitad at them from Law firm of 101 Lafayette street, Speanniiit Helps! shopping fo r such thtags as rugs, historically baa gtvsh graator oon- bust of Abraham Lincoln, picked Hester Mcf^lough of this town they would fulfill the destiny of vantlon, Daughtara o f laaballa to china and laoa ta tha Sovlat aactor. Tha 30-man commlttaa, heart o f On tha subject of taxes tha re­ maha It clear to would-bo ag- a dlstanea. Whan nothing hrt>- Hartford. One nsaan many ■tdaratlon to faUierhood ta dafar- port aaya: up by a Junk dealer In a cluttered Attorney Schwartx la a member life for which they were created. ba held Auguat 10 to IS at the tha Red Croaa raovamant ItoU mant from mUltary aarvlea than graaaora that if they start any panad they aeurrled back into hid­ ■ays she has no intention of run­ peopli chew Wrig- L 9 D Df^'-veiies Royal York Hotel, Toronto^ Itana each Communist charge and ra- ''Managamant. o f eourao, funny buataaaa, era’ll all ba In It ing, tha offloar quoted Blair. cellar, now may,ba worth a modest ning for United Stataa Rapresan- of the Hartford County Bar Asso­ ley • Spearmint any other nation. Ha added; Uttio control over taxaa, which ciation, Connecticut Bar Associa­ TEXTILE AIDE DIES pUaa on t t "Thla conaldaratlon haa bean on togeUwr.” DaMag la aaretag Ufa fo r mur­ fortune to him. - tstive-at-larga on the Inde^ndant Gum after mtols is Saucer ReporU took about 88.338,000 for the drat ’ebb told newwnsn tlw danger der and Blair a 7 to 10-yaar term Chaster OrainI, 39-yaar-old vat- tion. American Bar Association, that tha pleasant Among tha main Cbmmuntot the baato o f an emergency large Republican ticket. Level Lodge No. 137 A. F. and oy, 1 Y., Aug. 4—,eri-'! ' ■?' vsie i-na«. coneantration camp norrora: Tha to the prosperity of industry and MaJ. Gan. Rraer M. Ramay, who committee notao that tha moat practically certain, than **Th8 • T h r i t F o r until, soma months later, a man run on tha Independent Rapubli A bon voyage party was ten­ laiid for yeara and yaara. Ba aura to gat haada tha A ir roroa’a tavastigatlon deferment must mean what tt waa agriculture throughout this tarrt- U. S. LATE AGAIN W innfaiff B c d ro os i offered him 83-8 for it. Whan, the can ticket, and have pledged him the original and fanuina W ritlay’a powerful nations of ths globs took torv and a l l ^ New Raven's ae- dered Mr. and Mrs. John A. Ftrato of tha currant rash o f reports, said six years to achlavt this. Intended to mean, a delay at moat San Fnnclaeo, Aug. 4—(S)—. Tessa*’ C” man eama back again and raised my full support as a Republican." Spearmint Gum. Look fcr the greea ton yaata o f study has convinced thritiea andfpIBinlng have aa- Saeratary o f State Achaaon and- his offer to 8100, Orsinl decided to of 276 Oakland street yesterday ■near on the aaekaa Tha ICRC dspanda fo r Ita fi­ In tha tulflUmeat of a certain ob­ SiM a:aa-*i« Late last week Mrs. McCullough him "reasonably wall" thara ta no ■antlal ralaltonship at h eart" tha dalay-plaguad U. 8. dalagatlon look Into tha matter. was reported to be a running mate evening by Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. M R S-M St Foi Comlorl and Health nances on tha Anglo-Amartcan ligation. Don’t 'doss’ yourself. Rub, ths sch l^ such thing. "Under a eoneapt of this natura to tha Ansne Part eonfarenea in WEDNRSDAT Consulting a Meriden lawyer, of Vivien JC^Hems who is seeking FIrato, and Hr. and Mrs. Joseph bloc: Tha commlttaa atataa Its Its Honolulu wars late again yaa­ Orsinl was advised to contact an election as U. 8. Senator on an In, G. Pero’ at the Pero Orchards on part wtll with Mustsrola Its ersst Feibneo E Z Fit Dr. Jsaato Sprowto, profeaaor o f work to flnancsd by voluntary vm ara faced with a rasurvay of "PAT aad MIKR” psia-rsliovlDt asdicatloa apssds frssh ■tanoraiat poyehology at tha Uhl- tha proMam fo r thoaa who gate do- tarday. expert on antiques for an ap­ dependent Republican ticket. Avery street. South Windsor. contributions. A ay nation can give. Search for Girl ' pbaa "ATOMjq em r* praisal. Sigmund Rothschild, New blood to ths painful srss, briasiag venSty o f Jdaryland, apotogtaad fo r panoanta either because o f the Nd plana trouMe this flow. They Mrs. McCullough, a Greenwich More than 50 friends and relatives smsslng rslist. If psla Is istsws— All Aluminum 9Vom 1939 to 19U, Swltseriand had to w ait for ths staff mambar York art dealer and appraiser, of the couple attended the party. hto grammar but aaM flying contributed 83.7 par cant, Japan proaenca o f tho obligation or ta tho RA8T FRRR PARKINa housewife, was drtendant in s buy Extra Streag Mustsrela. ■auoara "Just ain't tharo." knowladra that tho obUgaUen o f At Waiting Stage aald the bust was an original by 8300,000 suit brought in fedaral The Firatos will leave Wednes­ 14.3, Britain and the Uhltad Stataa Franklin Simmons (1830-1018) and day from New York aboard tha But. within hours after Gan. ■arvieo must bo moL" court at New Havap by entertain' AV-TM Ramay made hla talk—on tha CBS a total of about 18 par eant. A Sotoetlvo Sarvleo offlaial told would be worth as much as 838,000 era Larry Adler arid Paul Draper 8. 8. Constitution for Italy where MUSTeroLE SCREENS The report notes that, though UUlavlUe, Aug. 4—<»)—S t a t e "in the heart of tha Lincoln taiavtoion show "Man o f the Waak" reporter no official acUon haa who charged aha libatad them by they w ill visit the scenes of their ths Russians generally tolaratad bean taken toward a raaurvay o f poUea said today that the aeatoh country” In tha midwest. younger dsys. They will remain In FOR WOOD WINDOWS —tatophoaaa atartad ringing at ICRC dalagataa In Germany after calling tham Communist sym­ aowapapera and T V stations In tha S-A men. for Uttte CDniiia Smith haa raaehad 9^, ,:VJlND% Rothschild said if It could be pathisers. Italy until Nov. 0. the aacond world war. Dr. Otto STATE proved Simmons axacutad the bust ▼FOR MLT4L CASEMENTS Waahtagtoa. In another weak and davalop- a stage whar* *Nra’U Just havs to Trial o f tha suit resulted in a A buffet supper was served by Lthnar, oaa of tha moat famous mant. It baeama known that tha from Ufa, its value would only ba hung jury, and the case was dls- Mrs. Harry FIrato and Mrs. Pero Tha ealtors said they had aeon a Rad croaa workers, aad kto col wait for somathiag to tttra up." NOW PLAYING! 'S ' - [ilH L A f U p O n o r OB^hulenUnl light ahoot through tha aky acroaa Army and Air Force ara planning governed by whatever price a mlssad by Federal Judge Carroll and many bon voyage gifts, In­ CHAIRS THAT FORMERLY laaguaa wars taken to Russia aad to ralaaaa raaarva offlcara who Ooaala. 10-ytar old graaddaugb' , 1 * - -“"I purchaser coUld pay for It. C. Hincks whsn tha antartolnars cluding luggage and clothing, tha capital about * p.m. yaatarday. Intsmad for asvsral months. ter of former Gov. Nals H. Smith FAIRFIELD MARKET • tr tS B i Nr Tha Waahington National airport's dacllna to accept conuntoalona o f A rt records shoW that Simmons failed to ask for a retrial. were presented to the guests of m—4 Wtoif«s Indefinite length. Tha Navy aad o f Wyoming, dtaappaared from worked in Washington, D. C. In honor. The main gifts' were pur­ ED ADAMS, Proprietor • r # ferewei radar team reported It had picked TW C A comp hare about S a. m. WMIl MV A4a up no unldentlfled objects around Marina Corps already ara doing 1864 and 1805 where ha did savaixl THROWN FROM CYCLE chased from contributions made 384 HARTFORD ROAD S O L D for as M uch as %S9-95 thla. on July IS. 1 by the party guests. **-“ C le te rs that time. Teen-Age Antics Ltont. Osmua A very, com- husta and statues. _ ___ Mt. M9a While Gen. Ramay waa pretty An Arm y apokaaman aald tha Orsinl took ths bust to Chicago Hartford, Aug. 4— (F) —Calvin Mr. and Mrs. John A. Firsto are "A Modem Store With Old-Faahlonad Prlnelptea” Indefinite appointmant plan would mandar o f tho stato poUco bar­ the parents of Town Dlrector*Har- Auguat Furniture Sale values definite shout tha aeuear reports, racks at Chnaan, aaya that later where he said one tentativa offer Mills. 18, of Plainville, was admit- ■SjMlaMM I* which he said tha A ir Force has Target of Judge eltmtnata tha cost and work o f re- of 815,000 waa made fo r it by H. teil to St. FYapcls Hospital here ry J. FIrato and Mrs. Joseph O. that mean sensational savings • r uMiaMa hawing commissions aad 1 that morning sho was seen trying Pero, ' m um bean tracking alnca tha drat o m to thumb a ride on U. S. Route 44 Maxwell Holloway, curator of tha last night after he had been OPEN DAILY SUNDAYS for Manchester! All Styles! All la 1947, ha edged around another would gtvo tha raservtot ths sama Chicago Historical Museum. Or- thrown from a motorcycle operat­ RockvUla, Aug. 4— (Bpaelal)— treatment aa regular offlcara by between this northwestern Con­ Colors! All Fabrics! Finer Slaadard aad topic. Judge Robert U. Pigeon took a dim necticut town and IflUartoo. N. T. sinl quoted Holloway as saying ed by his father, Charles W. Mills. Chairs at a dramatic low sale Ramlla Alaaka Story ending the probationary scrutiny he'd like the bust for the museum Ths boy was reported to have a view In City Court, on tha antiea every five years. "Wa’va had nothing tangible on 8 A. M. P. M. price! AU are aamples, one and That waa a report o f vapor tralto o f taen-agSd drivara and atatad har wharaahouta slnca flu providing ha could find a way to fractured skull, a broken leg and -4v O IMNIWIWNT raise the money through donations. two of a kind . . . all are tops in laoa-nAMma a laatv mnaiiM over Alaaka last April 17 which an firmly that "they could expect no A very aald today. Internal injuriea. The accident oc' i ae raanaia Intarvlawer said "caused quite an lantoacy" whan brought before hto A t the present (Ime, the bust Is curred In WInsteS. NOTICE A Complete Line O f: GROCERIES, FR UITS and quality. Modem, 18th Century, alert." Ramay gave no direct an­ Wins His Wings A very said tha aaareh waa made In a CSiicago safe deposit box In court. In tha air aa well as on tha VEGETABLES. BAKERY DELICATESSEN. Conventional designs . . . all swer, even whan asked; "What One o f tha caaaa that arouaad hto charge of attorney Floyd F. HURT IN DIVINO ground. Tho glrl'a fsthor. Pater ra O Z E N FOODS and BEER grrouped at one amazing price. waa found?" Ira waa that o f 18-yaar-old Waldo On First Jet Hop Watch For . . . "FAT aad MIKR” Shields. DR. J. A. SEGAL asn YOM UM ia NAUR* O f tha aauoara, Ramay aald; Smith, a wealthy Sundance, W ya, E i^ Granby, Aug. 4—(F )—John See them Tuesday— Save! D. Lake o f RockvtUa road, Wlnd- rsneher, parUdpated in the aortal BiixRiiiiniionK “PEOPLE WUX TALK"... Other fm P fs m tf t Brs. WrMs MsM M "W a ara raaaonahly wall eon- aortvUa. Lake waa chargad with Mat. 3rtS Era. Show Ttli BODY BEOOVEBBD Furling, 31, of Hartford, was in (Oanttanad One) search. Tap Hite... At Tha EAST WIND­ FEATURING; FABRICO. Boi 31 vlnead they are not material, eelld oparattng while hto Ucenaa waa un' Featara At 3rt8 aad S18S SOR . . . Sooat critical condition at St. Francis’ IS H A V IN G objects." About 30 per cent of the Oonnto'a parents are divorced, Madison. Aug. 4— (F) —Police LIBERAL KEITH BUDGET TERMS I Nor’ h H J dar suspanaian aad speeding. but Uve on adjoining ranches. 0 »-Hlt A t St48 Mrt 7rtS Coat. Every Night Froaa : Hospital today with injuries suf­ reports In A ir Force hande—he Judge Pigeon ramlttad 838 of that the pitot waa« ■ uhundergoing( eon- late yesterday found the body of fered when he dived from a 10- SWIFT'S PREMIUM U. S. CH O ICE vutotona caused by ~ cotygan m tfva- M fr. Helen Smith, her mother, REGULAR OFFICE tha 8100 asaassad agalnat In k s on came hare from tho home o f her STARTS WiEDNESDAT John Hanvran, 49, o f Clinton who, foot bank into a foot of water FRESH MEATS tha first charge. The WlndsorvUto tlon and eraa unoonadoua. *Tha they said, drowned In ths Ham yertefday. Furling, the father of oxygen gauge showed plwity of pareaita- fi). Greenerleh. to aid the “WILL ROGERS STORY** youth, atoo pleading guilty to tha search. Ant-OONDrtlONED monassett River while fishing Fri­ three, suffered » possible frac­ HOURS AS USUAL speeding complaint, paid an 818 pressure,” HUt said. “I DREAM OF JEANIE** day night. Hanvran’a body waa ture ot the skull and spinal iU' “Fairfield Market la Large Enough To SERVE You— But whan MacDuff faUed to> "W a'va dona about aU we can Juries. flna-on this count. except find the g irl," A very said. found about 1,000 feat from Gris­ Yet Small Enough to K N O W You.” INNERSPRING TWIN STUDIO In other court action! answer over the radio HUt got wold Airport not far from where worried. He wogled tha stick to "PoUea departments throighoot EASTWOOD FRIGIDAIRE Howard Buachman, Qranlar A ir the eountry have bean sent clreu- hla outboard motor boat was attract attonUon. Whsn tkat faUad Baris-Bar tet(Mt>monstrafe Maas, Maneheatar, N. H., forfaited lan asking to be on the loMtout Jm s Polan founfi Saturday. Medical Examiner bonds o f 834 fo r spaadlag; Chartee ha realised ha had Just bacoms ■ash Mi ilaw Norman P. Rlndgs said death waa Vaaeid^hw i%hiCT pitot o f a SOO-inlte-an-hour Jet for Connie. W e've run down tips $79.95 Value! G. Uak, 19, o f MSachestar, rutoa o f which erers aa much as two w ew s “ W s H * n i due to accidental drowning. the road, case continued to Aug. 'T nmda a right turn and fd - “The- Automatic toered tha ooaat o f Japan. ! knew old. But we’U koop trying." The Snn U ; Charlaa A . MolaMd. 18. Wtad- WilUliiif Shines THE CANDY ^ ■or LockSw rutoa o f tha toad, that moat o f UM' Japanaae dttoa Bhie-eyad Ctonnla Is a big girl noUad; Ronald Godfrey, 18, Rock- ara on. tha ocean and I Sgurad for her age—five feet tall, and Bhe TssMt** Neffie*! Waslmr that was the beat eray of flndlng w e l ^ 88 pounds. Whsn I (Is oriar) with The Master’s Touch 4 SPECIAL vlUa, oparattng without a Ilcanaa, tiu-asw-iaria 819 and failure to ohsarva stop an airfield. seen she was wearing Navy biM M A DE A N D "Then tha Jet engine qu it ■horta, a bright raid Jacket and sign, 98; Ralph L. Amato, Spring- SOLD A T Down field, Mass., nilaa o f tha road, for­ 'T h a t acared m e " HUt said. But rad hair ribbon and brown Mtoas. EXTRA SPECIAL * $10 She was balievad to havo no M U N S O N ^ S faited 88 bond; Frank Arehakl he maintained control by trial aad Keel Rartoea Mattaae OFFER August Sal# Faaturat Cash P ric e $299.75 RockvUla, Intoxication, 830, and error determined the atoerest poa- money. Tuaalay Oafy At 148 CANDY KITCHEN A bettor Studio with 1bara*e no rough icrubbing of delhat LaaUa Robens, Maneheatar, In- ■IMa rata of descent Ha picked a 117 NEW BOLTON ROAD—ROUTE 8 and 44A full Innerapring cou'- »■ , ariii Uva-Wotar AcHon. Clolhai ora toxleatlon, 818. course over land and decided to W alt Dtoaaya NEW STORE HOURS: 940 A. M. to 8 P. M. WEEKDAYS atniction, that easily Am erki^ M ost Modem Car ride the plans down. Record Private .1 “Sshidos NO M AR GIN FOR ERROR SUNDAY 1640 A. M. to 8:00 P. M. FOR opens to a full eiae bed whwargad la water oO lha ihoa, wHh DROWNS WHILR WADING HUt aaya he raaUiwd that U the or separate twin beds. roRag cunenli of hot, ludey wolar You’vu never driven a car so new.In every pilot did not regain conaclousa< I Amigos'* In deluxa fabrica with Oub in Bolton la Olowhig Oaior Aceufoey b Our & , ffOlnggwou^dMakTwefraA-walar. way—rigid aero-frame coastruedoe Danbury, Aug. 4—(JR—Angelo by tha tiroa tha ptaM readMd 10,- CoRttcMt Watchword two cuahiona, flounce Uva-Wotar rioMi Hoot a l dkt away. . . . 61-indi-wide seating . . . smoddi, quiet MarrloM , 80. o f Tonkaia, N. T. 000 feat. It would mean ha proba­ AUGUST baae. Keith Value! PLU 81 “Tlw Wtaatag Tama* Wa ara preaerlpUoa *'airborne“ ride.., ^Ctndw vlaibil%. drowned vrttila wading with hto bly had died of oxygen starvation A private fraternal mutual wife. In Chndtowood lA k e hare and the only course toft wan to STARTS WRDNESOAT apectaliato nalag only W e invite yon to road-teat ii^ a flt aaaoeiatlan haa boon fonnad NATIONALLY ADVERTISED iMcIqof T i yesterday afternoon. POUca con' ” roU her over and step out' ta BMton with hsadquarton at tha NQ TSi "W ah T B The Ban the flaeat, teatod ta- without obligadon. "OAUFMUOA OONQURSr* Nellte"arfflarthaalwwa grodleata, aocoratoly MmwI Mr6% MMa Jaeturad that Marrlona,. a non- At about 13.000 feat MacDuff ■ito o f tha now-dofunct MantoUl’e ■wlmmar, atappad o ff into deep eama to. But HUt had to read tha GrlUa on Rmito 8. according to "JAPANRSE WAR RRIDR" eompooadad. YEAR ROUND AIR CONDITIONING PERMANENT WAVE water. Two men swimming from instruments for him because tha ■rtietoa of tneorporation fltod re­ ProscripfioM C oMsd STORE HOUBS: SperUt thla week, aoeed FREE PABKINO In Keith's Prtvato Phrite aa offshore ra ft found hto body blackout had blurrad hto vtohm. cently In the ofnee ef the Bolton Machine, MaehintUss or Cold Wav# aU day Wednesday (Merchants* Day) . . . tag Lot Adjoiaing the Stores N a Malar In eight fast of water and brought Tha pUot took over and got tha Town dark. . For OM M ivofod CoosfoRt ModffrniiatioM Open Thnradny Nights Until 9 p. M. . . . Parking In the Entln Block Jaat SoxMi eg It ashora. Medical examiner John BeguUr Houra From 9 - A. - -*M. UntU 8:30 angina raatartad at 9,000 fea t Then . Tha tastrumant, which eats forth WUSam F, Qniah haa always been prompt the Store! D. Booth aald death was due to ha called a radio dlractlon finding no capital atoek, Uata aubacrlbara Noncii la prevldlBg the most up-to-date featureo. P. M. accidental drowning. station to ataor him to tbs naanat aa Jamaa E. CampbalL Jamaa J. PINE Thla la appreelated by Maacbeater real- Reg. $I5.(K) NOW *7'^° bMM. OoauMra, aad Gnatave Luther. deata. I In i SHOW SHOP OL08S8 "I was a bit worried about tha Tha MuitelU'a CMlto algn PRINCESS RKTAURANT PHARMACY Includea A ll Preparation and Styling. mohthly been raplaead with one reading Free DaSvary landtag." HUt aaya, "baeauaa Mac­ Week end and end o f the week daya are ever eo busy—ao make Hartford, Aug. 4-GPt-Attrt- Duff stin couldn’t aaa rtaarly and "The Brook Chib—private, MAIN m m AT R u i. aiBm - 884 Oeatar St. Tel. 3-9814 $ 4 3 9 3 bttttag hto daetolon to "a alow 1 ban only.” Every your appointment early in ths week! f* n J W or MANCHESTER Ml 1 had to read tha alrspaad to him Madera ■on and high ovarhaad," managtaq .Chartoa Dowds ta Uatod ENJOY THE COMFORT OF THE PAYm rs diraetor Joseph B. Somaraet cloaaa: all the way down. But ho Feature agteit on Uw pr* PENGUIN AIR-CONDITIONED DRYER KEMPV tha canton Show Shop Saturday one o f tha aUekaat tondlags I over potato papara. Dowda waa fo r­ CLOSED AUG. 4 TO AUG. 11 la Provided Salas aad Senrks s ig h t aaw. Wa had only a faw mteiitoa merly n bartsndar at Maatofll'a "This marked the aarkaat cloa- fuel toft." Gillto. **'■* — —T “ ** ~ — “ i l TaiiaHita O panfaebi DeCORMIER MOTOR SRIES HUt haa bean ta tha A ir Force a ae eeual SB Maeday, Aagurt IL e ittv s INOOBPORATED* iag of the Hartford area’s only Tha purpose o f Uw eorporattoa^ H IS MAIN ST OPHOSITL HIGH SCHOOL pcof aaatonal thaator," Somaraat alaca 1940. His wUo, Mrs. Franow ■a aat forth ta Uw flr rt arUeto, to Charmore Beauty Salon 763 MAIN ST. 24 MAPLE STREET MANCHESTER B. HUt, aad thalr ttaraa ohlldien Rajoy Ftaa Fartto WHh Tear fhvartSa 1 ■aid today. "To unite frataraaUy for thalr la the AtrGaailttaaad Oeartart af Pitaaaaa T E L . 5680 "W a ara daflnitaly planning Uve at Parkar, (Box 908). Mr*. mutual banaflt. protocUon, tm- 225 M A IN ST. 351 CENTER ST. TEL. 3043 ^resuming oparatlona aaxt yaar. HUt ortgtaaUy la from Dotoan, Atou sm m u T V ■AKCHE8TSft EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY. AUGUST 4.1962 SttAOE fO U «

toe much aympathy with tha understanding among peoples iUmrljeiter phlloaephy and attltiidea of theaa through the instrument of epnrta- Local CAP Cadets Aoutham atateamen who tend to manllke and fair compatltlqn, waa Radio and T V W B AT— m At 'Cnlumhla, Aug. 4—(Special) w n o — 1666 Stintitts 1|rraUi .N DlJClarrata. Tha popular verdict well served. Weslover Field In the future, pavid Forbes Mm. Mary Charter and daughter. w Mm. Gracclna C. Taylor who have S^r1SS?»S^*n,c oaemed to be that it waa a And It la no small bright spot will wear shoes white croaaing 99 ifl M M lI ilWNrt mlatake, that it waa Illiberal, to In the current world picture that, Manchester cadets Anthony :sny rug In hls home. He has a Columbia,. Aug. 4— (Special!— been-spending several weeka In sharp reason for this decision. Florida are returning home hy l_ooks like leather, wean ‘dike iron try- to force theaa Southern with tenaiona and aiwpldona what BoJo,* Vincent Baloecbsttl. Charlea A 6,000 mile trailer trip whtch took 0-WCCC — Nsws: Good Mamlagl ^.jSSST^gsON. David, who Is the son of Mr. way of New Orleans. WHAT—News; Polis Hep^ WALTCB »• nMOVWOM, l>mocrata to behave one way or they ara, thla could ba achieved. Campbell, Charias Oanoveae. a local family through 34 atates Music. ^uMUhcr* snd Mrs, C. Randolph Forbes, 'The Pioneer Past Mastem’ As- WCC^Muik. WDRO-OId Music Box; Ntwa. ★ Tm u iM October 1. IWl another. In 1M2. Ruagga Griffin, William Lonnlng, Is hobbling around with a and parU of Canada, has come to Bociatlon at tha grange will hold WTRT-Ori TUumt. WHAT—Ooffaa Chib. an end. Dr. Ralph Wolmer, hia W0W6-Jsek Dotkssr'i Music Shop. 7:00—WTHT—Wsather. Now, with the convention' over, Ronald Larson, John McCauley. bandage on h|s heel, put there a picnic Aug. 6 at the home of Mr. WKWB—Wsws; Rsqusst Mstlose. •■•S-WDBC—World News Bouadup. r ■T*nln> wUa aad aoas Victor and Douglaa and Mra. Charles Hatheway of ■yt. Ent«r«« and with the truly llheral. eenae of John Moore, Arthur Thayer are hy attendants qt Windham WDRCrrIt Hsppens Bvary Day; WCnC—Kiddle Comer. _Bcl>Mt*r, Conn., Community Memorial Hos­ are hack In Columbia again. Bolton at 2 p. m. Tbs Chleaaoaas. WTHT—News. WATKINS ■■ttrr. the convHitlon majority having among the more than 70 cadets, In their JqumQr to the west Mr. and Mra. Lee Ryder of Main 4:15-WTlC!^clto:clte Dallas, WnO-News. Columbia the largest number to repraoent pital. «' 4 :A -W D IIC - Sen and CarolyB's WHAT—News. operated to defeat the dictator- coaat, the Wolmer family visited street am vacationing In Char- WONS-NewL Duran Plastic the Connecticut Civil A lf Patrol, Seems Uie^lad stepped on a Klichcs. ahl|jt of the Northern left wing of needle which hod become deiatlves In AreaAa, Calif. Other iottsavUie, N. Y., visiting Mr. Ry­ WTOT—I-Bddla Arnold Show. 8:10—WDBC-^oppera SpSclal. Plaal Phyoleal Exams who will Join with tha Rhods Is­ pointa vioiUd during the trip in der's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W il­ Conridflr yourgelf wgrned! WCOC—Wsws; Music. WnO-Newa. SEMI-ANNUAL 'KU-:; ...... •■■■■•"* the party, a few of the DIniecraU land cadets In tha annual two- secreted In a rug. It required a Call on on for year inrarm o WTOV-Touna Wtddar Brows. WHAT—Jesting with Wnmp. A final session for physical ex' trip to the hoepttol to remove eluded the U. S. National Park at liam Ryder. They will visit their diid—WnC—Woman In My Houss. WTHT—Martin Agmnsky. _ »• Mmitka era trying to turn the Ubiea, and weeks summer encampment at Gettyaburg. tha Painted Deacrt, amlnatlons to h# given children the steel silver after it became son-in-law and daughter, Mr. snd protection NOW. PiSP— WDBC—Wows; Old Roeord 6hop, WONS—BUI Jsnkin's Ibow. dictate to the whole party arid to Wsstover Air Fores Baas, Maos., Petrified Forest. Grand Canyon Mm. Brum Work, who are vaea- WTRT—Ntwi; Jos Olrand, g;l»-WOCC—Haws: Broakfori Nsws- ...... August 4 to 17. embedded In the ficehy part f u r n it u r e ttufi* o » y ...... Ita nominee. Senator Byrd of V!r' entering Horace W. Porter School aad Yallowatons. Niagara Falls tlorlng In Bennington. Vt. WHAT-6tory Quaen. Chair-Ottoman I Tha praaant Connecticut group inf hls heel. W n C—Just Plain BUI. Wt Yc—Radio Bosaar. ginia and Oovembr Bymea of for the first time. In September, la and tha laka at Boulder bam were Mr. snd Mm. RaymondPeltier WKWB—Wsws; Raquest MsUnss. WTHT—Boh Uoyd. THE jUMBaATED*^PRE8« scheduled to he held Thursday at consists of cadets from the also vUilsd. of Main otreet am spending a few ■ ilf-W HAT-Cm sby Qusrtsr •lit—WTHT-Joha OonU. South Carolina are playing cagey Bridgeport, Hartford, Monchaater, Dr. and Mra. Wilmof, who hava days at their summer home in W n C —Front Pngs rsmU: WONB-Gabrlel Hsattsr. tha school. Mrs. W. E. Pierce, who ills —WHAT—Goes Cols (Isahlrr, Pi n —WDRC-Nsws. S ondUnd to It. or on the queatlon of whether or not Meriden, NJW Haven, Naw Lon­ baan Icadora In community recre­ Vermont. WCCC—It Hundred and M HIU. heads the child welfare committee WOWS—PIsyUma for Children. Sm otlKirwCi erddlt'd they will aupport the TVmocratIn don, Norwalk. Stamford, Water- Onler Restored ational acUvitlea locally,, moda a Miss Hattts Berr of Main WDBC—Momory Lsn*. WONS—News. Rag. $22.60 Step End Tabla and alto th# lotml »tw t •ublUhoc; hrrr says appointments for examina­ buw and Wllllmantle oquodrons. turvey whlla anroute. Their flnd- Bti'cet la la Otis. Mass., spending WOpC—Wsws; Music. . WHAT—Italian Program. is 27 jc 16 inchaa over all. party and Ita nominee, and they WTIC—Loienao Jonos. WTHT—Breakfast Oub. 8 9 ° o iUI TtthU of rtpaWletllon of m clal tions must he mode with her prior Rhode Island and Connect­ ; a vacation as guest of her nephew dUEtlthtt titrtln »t « tlto rtttrrtd. are atlll flirting with the maneu­ In Montreal Jail Inga will be tabulated and arranged I;tt—WDBC—fhirt Msassy. WTIC-ThaaUr of MskoeV. to lliursday. Alio, ahe requeita icut cadets will take part In a for comparison so that tome of the and niece. Mr. 'and Mm. James WMAT—News,^ t i l l —WDBC—This U Hartford. Usually SI 10.00 for <2 pieces Fuji ttrrko' elltnl of H. A. Mtrr- ver the Northern radicela In the that any naw roaldenta who have complete training program which new Idwas for recreation may be Adams of Westfield. Masa., who WON6—Jock tiawnsy's Musle Ibop; WONa-TslIo-Tsst. Wsws. •:M—WONS—<>ean Pattsraon Show. party were trying to prevent -the chlldran who will enter school, or will Include courses In leadership, Montreal, Aug. 4 - (SV—Order dlacuoaed In regard to their ap­ hava a cottage In Otia. W(XX>-Mewa) It Hundred and M **VulS&htrt‘ lUFrtttnUliTtd! Th« othars who may not have reglster- ,. Wn C —Wotoi and ,QuoM. ■ _ „ GENUINE allot MtOiawt ■••^1 A«t«sy ~ ***^ maneuver of naming Blaenhower military enurtesy, close order returned slowly to Montreal's Bor- plication In communitiea Ilka Col­ Stid—WTHT— PrsnkTt friseb— BaU- Hits. ?tlt. Clilct«o. Ditrelt tnd ikitton. thelr six-year-olds, please contact drill. Instruction In. navigation and w n C —News; Tour Oardsn. 4 umbia. scores. WHAT—Italiaa Music. If you'va always dreamad of ownind a aa tha candidate for Prealdent on either her or William Innea. prin­ meteorology. daaux Jail today, replacing the up­ Brsulat * Avrnr BCiiEAV or t:U —WDBC—Bing Crasby: tnair own aUto Democratic cipal of the school before Thurs­ The cadets will he taken on ori­ heaval and riot that hold sway 6;ta-WOWa.^Mawa leathar chair, hare's ona that, looks liko CtEcBfTflONfe. during tha weekend. BALCH Is Your WON8—Craan Psturson. Uckata. day, If possible. entation flights during their W nC —News. WHAT—Famous Trials. MAHOGANY Most of the 500 prisoners who WHAT—Nows. . W n O -H al Kolb, Leather Colors laathar.. .covarod in tha 20th Century Mottled Colors »«^»5.52Sf.;';*ror Preaumably, If Governor Columbia Recreation Council coiirec as well aa visit communica­ WKWB—News; Sports: Musle. tion Installations In the area. They broke out of their eella Friday Ellington llid t—WDBC—Arthur Oodtroy. miracif fabric, Masland Duran... wears ___ trrort topttrinf In (td- Stavanoon weaaela enmigh on civil will meet for Its August session night were bark behind bars, leav­ WTHT—Naws: Jos Oirsed. WTHT—My True Story. ______nU tad t^ Monday night In Yeomans Hall at also will psrtlclpsta in planned WDBO-Ntwa .... W n C —Welcome Travelers. Green and w ears.. .yat costs loss than half tha Red TABLES In Tkt MtncbtttarlNtnlrc HmlC. righta laouea to pitaae them, they social and recreational sctlvUlee. ing a trail of violence and de- Work Is Rnspended t:U —WHAT—Sports; luppsr Sersnsds WOCG—It Hundred and M Hits. Chartreuae • ;30. JoMph Luaky, chairman, stnictlen behind them. TTteIr cell WONS—Jim Britt. WHAT—lUlian News. YeUow Dlntoir adttnitln* tlttltfitf kouft! will abandon thla threat, and pre­ will preside. Senior CAP officers will siiper- ThaiBUlngton Center PTA spon- 175 Bait W n C —Bob Steste: Sports. Itito-W DRC—Arthur Godfrey. Ivory price! Note tha crisp, sharp Lawson viss the cadet groups scheduled to doors were repaired and reinforced WDBC—Jack Smith. Sports. Brown rwlftadAT-l ». tend to be good Democrata. Mrs. Brian Minalga of Andover, with .extra locks. oored a dental program for. the WHAT—lUllan Music. styling with cut-back kay arms; tha Coral TMtdar—1 »• !"■ Monday. assemble in New Haven, Bridge­ achool children thla peat achool Contor St. S:ia—WDBC—Jock Salman. MtU—WTHT—Whispering. Streets. Yellow K r WtdnttfUy—1 P. «l. TMtdty. Thla threat, on their part, la president of the Catholic I.suiiM Some of the prisoners still were S:S»—WDR(>-Thle I Bsllere. WONS—Paula Stone. Thortdajr—I p. m, Wtdnttdty, port and Hartford to ba flown to year and waa having It completed TeL SMS w n o —Weather Bureau. WONS—Frank Slnglaar. smart brass nail trim. You can satisfy Groan Juot . about aa dlataateful aa ware Society of Sf. Coliimba's Chapel, held at Montreal police headquar­ i:ia'-W TH T—Sereno Osmmell. Friter—1 P. w. .Thurtdty. has announced names of those who Westover. ters. where they were transferred during vacation but the work has lt i» - ^ R (!- A r t h u r Godfrey. any decorating whim for thoro ara 20 the tactiea of the Northern radi- At the conclusion of the sum­ bean auopanded. Dr. Reginald Cline EdRar Clarke WnO-KmIle Cote Glee Club. W nc- or Nothing. Chortrauaa 's S s s y fn t’r-.riJim. .«i. form the newly created ways and while the cells ware being re­ WONS—News; Music ter Americs. WONS—Charlea Kasbar. exciting colors to work with! Built with ^ at pafellettton netpt iaiurday— cala In the convantlon. Their maona committee of the society: mer encampment, those who have la in tha 8 t Francis Hospital BETTER DEAL Inaaror WDBC—Ouy Lombardo, WCCC-News: Music. Ivory - sattsfactorilv -completed their paired, but these were scheduled WCTO—News; Music. Plain Colors Raplaea your old fashionad brand of blackmail la no better Mrs. Paul Merrick, chairman. Mrs. to ha transferred back to Bor­ where ha la recovering from an ap­ tt;«t-W T H T —When a Girt Manias. Uniflox Crimb-Wiro spring construction training course will be awarded pendectomy. PONTIAC DEALER S ;« S - t^ C —Three SUr Bztrs. WDBC—Arthur Godfrey, Grey and tablaa; add ona of thasa . ItaidEy, AH(UPt 4 than tha brand tha libcrata tried Harry Jones, Mrs. Alfred Soracchi, deaux today. •. WTHT—Stock Market; SporU. WONS—Sammy Kaye. . Smooth Modem Effecte! that's unqualifiedly guarantaad! Mrs. Harry Chowance all from Co­ certifleates of accomplishment, While on the loose, the prisoners Misa Blaine Kibbe will spend the M ••■( »|- -t»-r W K N B -0 «(t Dark. UitO—WCCC—It Hundred aad tO Hits. smartly fashionad cocktail to uaa agalnat them. presented by the commanding offi­ week wlt-'t Miss Joanns Reed and WDRC-news. WONS—Ladles Fair. Ltpetick Red .Ehia lumbia; Mrs. Harold Walsh and set a score of fires and r.laahed Light Green. , tablaa; and aaa what a 'W t"' R ip V m W liikb AchtEW Governor Stevenoon ahould pay cer of the siimnrier training aes- S:id—WONS—Sports. WTHT—Lone Journey. Mlia I.ana Gasper of Andover. with police and guards In a sertes y-tP—WONS—niton Lewis. Jr. WTIC-Strlke It Rich. Verdi ur room racaivatl It's amaz- no attention to them. Nor. for that Mrs. Minalga also stated that the ■lon. of skirmishes. At least a doien WDBC—nb ert Os Waxworks. WDRC-Arihur Godfrey. Covered to- order! Mr. Achaaen, who otatiia to ut the Black * • matter, should General Elaen- Society's annual outing will be convicts were Injured. WTHT—Wssthsr; Journal of WHAT—Italian Voice. Claoalc' Yellow Rosa Sr how little chanm like to Iwva E tout inatlnet to maat Today, clean-up squads worked Air. IIiU -W T H T —We.- The Women., thli will give an antua room howar. They ahould he allowed to held at Castle Inn, Cornfield Point, WKNB—Kd Bwett Show, Ilitt-W O N S -Les Nichols. tlM preUama o f tomorrow wlUi Aug. in. This year the women plan in the rambling Jail on the out­ w n o —Philo Vance. llitO—WDRC-Orani.' Slam. Choice of 20 colors! a "newly daeoratad” look. tha tachnlquca of yatlarday, do what their curious conscleni’ea to taka their husbands along on Tolland skirts of the city's north end for tilS—WONS—Tello Test. WTHT—Break tbs Bank. I ' WTHT—Rimer Dsris. 'WONS—Queen for a Day. Youll alwaya ba proud of maanwhlla Ivnorliif tha fadlltlaa direct them to do. but within t\fo the party, Alt those who wish to tha second time In the lost three S:M—WONS—Osbriel Hestter. make rasarvatloni ara asked to months. The first outbreak of vio­ w n C —Bob and Ray. thaia Watkina Quality Grand o f today whldi mltht ba davalopad Hmltotlofia, the flrat that Steven- Her* Oa Visit ■wnO—News of the World. W(XXP-News; It Hundred and M ■on will not buy their favor with contact elthar Mrs. Merrick, 3-44PS Mrs. lone Dickinson Smith and lence came in May, WHAT—Symphony Hsll Hits. ' Rapids-mada piacai. They iMte acntathiny alreiiK for tha to or Mrs. Minalga. 7-7ftfie. WTHT—Lone Banger. 11 itt-W DRC—Rosemary. principle,, and tha oecorid that Mrs. Lavlns Dyke of Springfield, WKWB—Best on Wax. WTIC—IHve Oarroway. have aoUd mahogany basaa; turn, la o ff a « aaothar of hla iii' . rwid Oeta $M0 , Maos., were guests Friday of Mra. TiU—WDBC—Bd Uurrow. Aftsraooa mahogany pl/wood topa. Blaanhowar doesn't want the John H. Steele and Mrs. Leila Hall. WONS—Tie Demon; News. tomatlOMl oonfartnoaa. A l.argt crowd attended both the W n C —Ons Mkn'a rsjnlly. . . II :t»-WDRCt-Wendy Warren. Handiiuna Sheraton and Duih Thla ttow, to Hawaii, ha duMoua privilege of running aa H;SO and 7 p.,m. auppers served Mrs. Fannia N. McLaughlin, has- TtU—WONS—News; Concert Feellral. WCXtC—Luncheon Musicale. thatr kind of Democrat. Their Saturday night by the Women's returned to Jersey City, N. J. after •ilO-iWDRC—Stars In the Air. WONS—Curt Massey Time. Use your living room for dining? can Phyfa dealgnal waatliif wtth rapraaantativaa of WHAT—Cote Glee Oub. WHTT—lUIUn Voice. support, baaed aa it ta upon oom- Guild of CoTumbla Congregation­ spending several days here with POISON WTIC—News; Weather. AuatraUa aad Now Caaland, who relatives. OAkarMIMAC Wn(^-Bsllrosd Hour. pltance with their own nineteenth al Church. Mra. William C. Robin­ WTHT—Hecry J. Taylor. WTHT—Jack Berch Show. art our apod al alUaa In ona of tha son, II, chairman of the commit­ Mr. and Mrs. Norman Reaves ■ W STOP ITCHIHG Willi Ikit WKNB—Kd Bwett Show. Itilt—ITORC—Aunt Jennie's Stories. century Idaaa, la no aaaet to either and daughters Barbara and Carol, ■ B axcaUest saw traitawni B:IS—WHAY—Bit of Ireland. WONS—News; Women's Pegs. thraa patAwork arranyammta wa tee, aald Sunday that an incom­ WTHT—Trsrel Diary of the Air. WnO-Down Homers. Dinette need small scale pieces? major political paKy In this elec­ plete check shows more than 1300 have returned to their home In Be W H tsf ivy. aak ar tunut hava la iha Padfle. SsIP-WDRC— Arthur Godfrey Tslent WTHT—Lun-Husie for Milady. arbtrary bidding to conform to mer resident who lives across the month, Sunday School sessions at wnO-Telephons Hour. WDRC;—Our Gal Sun^y, dleatleaa that It la our ^tuipoao to WTHT—gpeeklning of Books. tha rula « f the majority, oo the street from Sally, Marjorie was 10 tha Faderated Church win again WTHT—Wa She Women, I roatoto Japan to Ita laadlac poal> be held at 10 a. m. WONS—Nows; OHma Flghtsrs. WONB-Oeon PatUrsoa. prindploi} of democracy alao ought years old. Those attending were 6:1S-N.C.C.J. _ . t:M-WDRC-Newa. tlon la tha Padtie, imlaaa wa niada Linda Oollina, Susan and Holly Lawns In thla area were greatly 6:10—WONS—War Front Homo Front to ba)|nvii|iad to keep them, oa a a I d a d by the thundershower WHAT—Night Watch. WOCO—Manchester MaUaee. a apoelal ttoatp with thorn rdilch Htannard, John Eorryan. Susan W n O —Band of America. ,5 0 (Left) Usually $96.00; amall, but hard-ahellad minority, Randall, Carol Carpanter, Marjorie. Thursday morning. Homeowners WHAT—Batty KlmbaU. would guaraataa tham acalnat and farmers alike have com­ WTHT—Paul t^ltemsn Teen Club. WONS-Nawa 64 mahogany vene4rad top from dictating to the American Bally and Chralle Woodward. WDRO-Steve Allen Show. WTHT—Paul Harvey. haw iapaaaaa aarraaalon. plained that the prolonged drought 1S;SS—WDB(V-Wslk a Mile. ItlS—WDRC:-Ms Perkins. is 26 X 88” as shown; 88 majority. The tactic of democracy. Johnny Wheaton celebrated hla WTHT—John Daley. Wa hava aaottiar apodal traaty tenth birthday Friday. Hls mother, -hoa near rulnea crops and gar- Show, X In thla Inatanca, oeema to be to dens. WONS—Frank Edwardi. WTHT—Show Tunes. 60” with leaves up; 90 In tha Padflc.ulUi tha Phllippliiat. Mrs. Walter Wheaton gava him a W n C —Americas Music. - SfYlC—Juke Box Jingles. (Above) Usually $76.50; Ignore their premimptlon, and Dr. and Mra. Aaron Pratt of this lS;1S_WONS—Jack's Waxworks. inches long when extend, That nation, howavar, atlll haa party at their new home on Jona­ WTOT—Concert Hour. lito rS P U p —'7oung Dr. Malone. mahogany veneer^ top; their rather scurvy Invitation, aa than Trumbull Highway. Mrs. conimimtty and Windsor, spent S S S ^N ew a; Manchester Matinee. ed with 3 leaves, Gum- ^-2.60 X-Baaa OocktaR flailad to parfOriB tha pay-off, and the month of July at their summer U:|S—w n C — Robert Uonigomery. WKNB—Baaaball Maticaa; f gumwood base. 26 x 36” much oa pooalbla. Reginald L. Lewis assisted her. News; Dangerous Assignment. SpaelaL wood base. I; 19 X 86” tray-rim toi^ ratify tha Japanaaa traaty. Quests wars Busier, Jeffrey and home hare. WDBC—Bob Trout: Dance Orchestra. I'W rrSynO -Tha Guiding Light as shown; opens to 38 - Deoaoerats Ts Meat WHAT—NIt.e Watch. Our third apodal aUtanoa In tha Leslie Lewis, Tom Oolllns. Michael ll;dP—News on all Stations, WONft-SpOrta Review. X 60” with leaves raised. lUainrkabln OlyMpicn Tha Tolland County Damocratlc tistd—WDBC—Tou snd the World. 1 Its—WONS-^oston Braves, Padflo la with Japan, which la and Dickie McQuade, Dan Os­ Association will meet In Rockville tlto—W (X »—News: Music. Extends to 70 inches mond, Larry Hutchins. Charles 11:10—WTHT—Bob B; Uoyd. now our apaelal aUy acalnat Rua< Tha 1M3 Olirmple Gamas ara Aug. 11, at tha hotel there. WAnaNS WHAT—Nit* Watch. WHAT—Open, House. with one leaf. Mullanay, Charles and David The -'Young Peoples' Society of WONS—Jack's Waxworks. WDBC—Second Mrs. Burton. .50 ala. Co wa hava two Padfle al over. Thay ware remarkable In Forbao. A highlight of their after­ SaOTHBM. INC W n C —News. WONS—Conn. Bsllroom. 1 3 -7 5 72 Uancaa whtch ara diraatad ayalnat tha Federated Church and the 4-H lltOO—WDPC—Public Service Program WTHT—News; Top Hit Time. mdnywaya. noon was a baseball game. Recreational Club are co-sponsora FUNERAL ll!» 0—WTIC—Surprise Serenate. W n c—The Doctors Wife. Japan, and o m , ditoctod acalnat World records and Olympic Homs for Weekend o f a block dance to be held on the WONB.^ympheny Hall WKNB—News; Keybosrc,' Kapers; Reg, $19.76. One of numerous Huaaia, which Inciudao Japan. SERVICE 11:55—WONS-News. raeorda fall aa If thay prevloualy Mioa Maurina Leonard, who at­ Green Friday night from 8 p.. m. WTId-News; Music. chair styles at Sale SavingtI. Thla. oaya Mr. Achaaon, la baan aat by high school talanta. tends Ellis Country School at New to midnight. Music will be by Dick WDBC—News. Town Square, Pa. spent the week­ Mills. Itafreshmenta wilt be avail­ Onstnd XWcft l l i l t —Art Van Damme Quintal ti»ItTON^N?ir Mahogany finished gumw(>od •‘aacurlty.** But that waa not the case; they UilO—WTIC—Rio Rythma. end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. able. P ireet»r U liO—WTIC—NswS. WTHT—It Happens Evsry Dsy; with striped satin upholstery. Gevamor Thomaa Daway, upon f4U before oupremely good com­ Maurice Leonard, at their home on The Tolland County 4-M Camp _ Scores, News. hla raturn from hit tour of tha Tsmorrtw WDBC—Nora Drake. petitive challenge, which brought JonathanTrumbull Highway at the will be held at North Franklin thla g:M—WTIC—Frank Atwood Program. . WONS—<>nn. Ballroom. 5 Padfle laat aummar, undertook to about performaneea wlilch not lake. year. It opened yesterday for one NOT MUCH TIME WDBO-Farm Program. ti46—WOR(^Brigtater Dey. ~ t advocato the combination of all Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Beck week. . g;U—WDRC^Hymn Time. WTIC-News. even tha athletea themaelvea or Advance notices of three pos­ •tU—WnC-Nsws. tlto—WDRC— Hilltop House thaea olllanoaa into ona grand al« and Hqnry, Jr. hava raturned to WHAT—Nsws; Rural Roundup. WCW-MusIc. ^ • their coachea believed poaalble. their home in Forest Hill, Long ture meetings have been sent 3/96 t:M —WONS—BUI Jsr.klns Show. Uanea, pattamad after NATO. In thla Whirlwind of recorda, the Island; N.Y. after spending four members by the County Farm Bu­ BEFORE > WDBC—rawn Patrol. S S S tS S *'* Downey's Musle Shop. Rag. $22.60 CoektaU Tabto ■ WTIO-Wsather; Frank Atwood. WKNB—Nsws;M40 Club. That would look batter on paper, United States scored handsomely, months with hla mother Mra reau. Sessions for dairymen will W(XXt—Production Nswsrset be held Aug. 13 at Bahter Farm, W H A T -N e w s i^ n Hiuse. witB l9Vk z 88A4” rinunad tf^. but cannot be carried' out, ap? excelling Its prevloui beat show Leola . Beck at Onlumbla Lake. WHAT—Chapel “nme . • *• Bnsutlful I parantly, pradaaly bacauaa the Beck la with the Travelers In­ Tolland; Aug. 31 at Perarchin fka Sifa 0# • WTHT—Music. News. *'14;rWDR<5—Art LInkIstter. Ing for gold medala In the track Farm, Coventry; and Aug. 36 at S-U—WHAT—Variety Time. I aatora of tklnga In the surance Oo. working out of the WORTHY SERVICI WTHT—Homing Devotions. •‘S^N^t^e^'a-usIc. and field evanta, for us the can' New York office. He had been Foote Farm, Hebron. WONS—Weather: BUI Jenkins. See how little it costs to choose 5 Padfle la that raflaotad by our tral part of the games. transferred for a special assign­ t:H —WONS—Early Edition. * praaant tyaUm o f paUh-work al- ment In this ares these post John Howard Payne wrote ' 142 East Center St. WTIC—Nows. ^ ^ In the unofficial team acoring, 6:t0—W(N1C —Good Homing; Good Uaneae. Too mkny Padfle eoun- months. "Home, Sweet Home" while in Manchester Music. i which Olympic offldala Uiem- Mrs. John A. MaeVeogh Is visit­ Parts in 1833. WKNB—Phil Hale Show. wgSfciSJrl SS.T,r '' a triae, with aoma raaooh In t h ^ w n C —Bob SUelt. satvea frown upon because they ing har daughter Mra. Thomas • *“ Hspplnsss. your new bedroom from open stock * 1 nam paat anperlanea, fear our WDBC—News. WDR&-^drlc Adams. fear It accantuaCaa purely na- Murphy of Bryn Mswr, Pa. She WHAT—Allan Brown Show. *!to-W TH T—Cal TInnm. 0 praaant ally, Japan, more - than plana to return to Columbia early THE WHITE PAGES WONS—Weather: BUI Jenkini Show. tlaoaUatic rivalrlaa too much, the WTHT—Breakfast with Ben. WOc£rMuste'’‘“ " '^ * '^ ^ thay fear our praaant aaemy, R ob- In the week and bring her grand­ 6 :IA-WONS—News. . . v ^ Ola. United States came from behind in son Mark back for a vtalt hare. 7:t»—WTIC-Wenthsr, Homing Watch. W H A T ^ t e tha claaing two days of the games w n c —Bockstags Wlfs. A Meanwhile, oa Mr. Achaaon pur- OiMtats at Dr. and Mrs. Lane AMESItE DRIVEWAY OF YOUR to autacore Russia, either by our Qlddinga of Oolumbia Lake this Old Ipswich Solid Maple i Mae hla Intricate power*poUtlca SAVE 10% lY CALUNG NOW ewB unofficial system of point past weak have bean Mr. and Mra. i otratagy daalgn In the Padfle. William Stralgher and family of scoring, or by Russia's unoftidal MACHINE SPREAD a • WORK GUARANTEED Week End Deaths to*ra la another alliance alao Chicago; Mra. Frank Olddings and aystam o f point scoring. FREE ORADDfO airRM S ARRANGED •P*ratl«g in the Pacific areau Thla Mioa Dorla Chrlaon o f Worcaa- FREE ESTIMATRS a EXPERIENCE SINCE Television All of us were rather amased TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Bgr THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ter, Mass. q alhanee la called the United Na- POWER ROLLED 1630. that It was tha Rusoians wa had Dr. Marian MIrhinI and da)igh- BeUolre, Mich.—Albert D. Chah, tlona, and It U, In Korea, actually 54, Cincinnati councilman and for* Reg. $22.60 Commode with to beat for tha unofficial team tsr. Carol Ann hava returned to WNNC—TV f fighting a war In the name their home In Washington, D. C , P If. mer mayor. Died Saturday. ona drawer; 17 x 23 inch top. of champlonahip. Thia waa Rusala'a 4'Oh^Mstlnee In New Tork. aecurlty for aU free nations, after spending three weeks with DE MAIO BROS. { : ( » —Space Cedel. Peru, Ind.—Mra. Kate Cole Por­ Moraevar, It aaema first appearance In the Olympics her parents, Mr, and Mra. Louis C AU ANYTIME 7091 (: IS—Gabby Hayes. ter, 80. mother of compoeer Cole to be auc* GO TO PRESS 1:30—Howey Ddody. V. .I^ la , at Columbia Lake. . •**dlng In ita took. since the days of the Chars. And t:00—Fashions In Musle. Porter. Died Saturday. we were more prepared for propa­ Mr. pnfl Mrs. J. Russell Evans t-ts—Sesly Weather Forecast, London—Edward Henry Scud­ In thla Inatance, tha United Na- and son Richard have returned to tlto—World News Today. ganda than for performance. amore Stonhopa, 13th Earl of K . tlona la obvloualy the praaant In- their home after spending q few S:IS—Sidewalk Interview. The Russian auccena-waa large-' 7:00—up tc Parr. Ciheaterficid, S3. Died Saturday. ■trumant of policy which repre- days visiting relatives In l^nnsyl- 7: to—Those Two. ly concentrated In the field of vanla. M a I ro ■ e. Moot. — Frederick ^nta dearly tha ahape of hope 7:4S—Camel News (Mreven. Lauriston Bullard, 86, retired gymnaatico, ao much more of a Mr. and Mrs. George A. Reams t:00—Video Theater. , ■ tor tha future. have had as thair guest Mr. and t: 30—Voice of Firestone. chief oditorlal writer for the Bos. sport in Europe than here. But SPECIALIZING IN 1:00—Mv Little Margie. ton Herald, Pulitxer prixe winner, ttaal American otateamanahlp Mra. Harry Saul of Rye, N. Y.. »;S0—TVlto'e There? Russian talent was alao exhibited and Mr. and Mrs. Emerson THTt CUSTOM BUILT HOMES 10:00—Summer Theater. former OonKregational and Pros- > * ?■“***: build on thla in other events where It waa more of Hopedale, Mass. 11:00—Royal Playhouae. bjrterion minister, and authority precadont aad on thia foundation. 11:30—Hsu In tha Ring. and author on the life .of Lincoln aurprising. They were second only Mr. and Mra. George Taylor who 13:0O-Ftlm. M d aoak aacurlty for everybody GENERAL CONTRACTING Died Sunday. Usually $208.00 to ua In crew and in baakelball. Uva along U. S. Routs 8 near Hop 13:30—News. ' throi-gh atrengthening and im- River are vacationing at Great Is­ REMODELING AND REPAIRING 13:30—Newt _ New -Y o r k—Joeeph Thompeon two sports our minds hava naver Taaiarrsw proving the procedurea and land. Their son George. .Tr. la Shaw, 78, literary agent, editor A. M. and author. Died Friday. ^ authority of the United Natlona. aaaodated with life In Russia, and camping at Camp Asto-Wamiih. FREE ESTIMATES ~ MORTGAGES ARRANGED 7:00—Today. Mias Gwen TlhhUta snd Mias 1:00—Teat Pattern. Dresser Base, Mirror, Full Size , Tat Mr. Achaaon, even while he they showed unexpected talent In 10:00—Arthur Godfrey. other events. Alice Miller are spending the week 10:16—News, ' givea Up aervice to the United Na- at the Cbngregatlonsl Ohnfevence 10:30—Teati Patttm. But there waa, at the Olympics, ERNEST A. RITCHIE 1 7 6 ^ ° ^'tiona on the on4 hand, contrnda, Camp In Deering, N. II., delegstej 10:45—Al Pearce. DO YOU KNOW? Bed and Chest of Drawers a tasting much more Important 15 LIBERTY ST. TEL. 8172. MANCHESTER 11:00—Guiding Light. - with the ether hand of hia policy, from the Pilgrim Fel'owship I1:1S—Film Snort PreocripttaBs Colled For aad Reg. $22.50 Lamp Table with than the tasting o f athletic skills. Youth Group o f the local church. ll:80-Strike It Rich. that the United Natlona cannot Deliver^ Prooiptly At No B This is ona of doxent and doian$ of ways you can antambla th# shelf; 20 x 20 inch tray-rim Thera waa a general expectation Mr. and Mra. Irring loh r have Y. I*. . , ^ tra Chorfle- iprovlda aacurlty and peace in any returned from New York. Mrs. 13:00—Ruth Lorons. nineteen Open Stock pieces of tha Old Ipswich Collection . . . top. that this teat—In the field of hu­ 13:16—Love of Life. lOthar potential inatance, and that Amelia Toomey, Mrs. Lqhr'a sunt lt:30—Saarch for Tomorrow. CALL 2.9S14 an d it is not the lowest priced way, either! Any piece can ba man land national relattonahipa^ wa muat aubatituU for the United returned with them tor a vlaU. Including: Manchester and Rockville lt:45—lUlloa (>wkary. PINE PHARMACY would be flunked. It was con­ l:S0-Garry Moort. purchased separately at sale prices! Dresser base $61.50; Mir­ Katlona concept a treaty with the t:00—Film Short sidered almost Inevitable that 3:16—Garry Moore. ror $14; Chest $59; Bed $42; table $34. jPhlUppInaa, a traaty with Aua- t:t0—MId-aftamoon Newt \ • thera would be nasty Ideological If you are pfauuiinf to auive, desire a new listinE, or c h a n ^ in your ,itralia aad New Zealand, a treaty H«iDt You Ovorcomo ' t:00—The Big Poy-off. claahM mixed In with the athletic oW listing in the WHITE PAGES of your telephone directory picasa t:t0-Mal ToriM. ♦ with Japan. Thaoa treaUea ara 4:00—MaUcaa In Naw Tark. S6A«6 MT4, events. FALSE TEETH can the telephone business office. ^aartain to be nothing more than Covered to Order Colonial Wing Chairs There woa little or nothing of CASH Legal Notic Loosouou oud Worry &ncrapa of paper, not bacauaa of • "Yxa" moMpn.v to 4 out of S • p w r y a u a i r the kind. There waa real courtesy No )ong«r be onnoyoO or feel lll**t* ^bod faith, but bacauae they repre- eue herBuee of loose, wobbly ftlM DISTRICT OF (XJVENTRT as.. Pro­ I f Mat. 20 Mai. bata Court, July t». 1*#1 . The Colonial Wing Chair does two things for and friendship between the (eetK. rASTECTH. an ImproTefl bU g* married ar tliitls- 49-50 vAont a ayatem of aacurity which la Use (non*Bcld1 powder, aprinkled o» $34560 $312.37 Additionnl UaNnfs SOc par month ( | ^ ten) Estate of Charles L Purdln, late of athletea of all the nations. What' your pUtet holds them firmer »o they Phone for a 1-vUit loon, write, Coventry. In aald District, daeaaied. your room . . . gives boudoir-chair comfort . . . «OMe CRAWy rr PAIN« ME t o tue c o o b ^ Sense and Nonsense Texas ToU SpeetJy Aid laim ■ PI HBRE-THATIS G oiiit of Airtfcoft ThsawaU, Va., Aug. 4—(A)— WatoMi M yen .WMV. WE’LL J HAVE FER A OAAJd RetSHSORS ARft a^46l^4a to tHiMk OF tv « f=OLK Qaarttnlng buainaM with plana- ALL 8C < DID R7srrivEi.y not WHO’S HAVIN' A ; iNtHlE WORLD WHO ARE, I t MMW UUt lWlWM« WlU • Son-in-law of hia own son-ln- W atsM Myara 84. of New York Senate Fight Seat on Board L USOitACeP.O SUCH A DONs/S HERE UilAACWED S y MUSIC, « •low tamovar ovartuma quickly. ura la all 'vary wafl. imt a mxch law,.you sayT GUy died oa board the BB. Puablo r r w c x r •TONtSHT/, harder thing to do la to oanMna Expected to Mow ain't that aomathlng: In Drought off tha ooaat of Texas on Friday,, Will Benefit FLOWERS, ROSTRV, SBAUr- August 1. Hto body waa remav- IFOL HORSEPSHAW/ IW iio riR F M t-D id jroa UUI your Caaailjr budnsM with praftt. Lat'a aae now, haw was that Both PBiiicp Enter Well Support for Csndidaey •*“ OH.T)ASM IT ALL, ^ O«orfft I waa cowiliiif oVar tala avMla* agalnT •d a t Oorpua GhrtotL Texas, aad Announced by Pollih ^ C H U R L H ^ ' E H o n te - llR O ulm •BMl road aoiM of m y TorataT Lady—rm Mr. Salth’a wIfA ' WelL.Uiay got married hare BOW aa route to ManclMatar. Myeta Known Opponents in Everyone’ L c W c ——,3 r. SCdedwmi OlH—Toa. and tt woikad Hka a Redhead—rm hia m entary. R ise to 33 about a .week ago: J. H. HaU, Areas Seen waa a IreaMn aboard Ship and American C3nb Head • PoM Idgw tA fid eharni. gotaf oat to Lady—Ob ware you 7 of Mercer County, W. Va., who was la tba Marebant Marine for Battle^ for Noniin«tion ABm —» 4 U f JOlBt tha BBoWaa. (C to 93, and Roxle Bailey (OanMnnai fram Itoga Ona) the peat 88 yaara The race for seats on the Board (c fraaa ragn Oaa) UlOB S*'— »1bt Rutherford, of Bristol, Va„ He wea a veteraa of tha Navy Salt Lake CSty, Aug. 4- -(ffl — Ml :t ta a atuek aippar, buU who to only 38. Utah's Democrata and Reputdl- of Dlrecton waa off to an early tent the abadagrowff plants UWiiWBWi'E It U Bot alwajra poaaMa to OM«r dog hanga w ith ^ & graataat I 3T paraona had toft Dallas a t 3:01 their amadatad aalmala on the in World War I aad aarvad la tha ■tart with the double announce­ knot up a waak arguaMnt with a loud n. m. (a. A L) an route to Browna- Tou see, Roxle Is the step­ market at depreiwd prtcaa. Navy for more than nlaa yaara eaaa begah lining up behind their have not reached full growth, the nOorntmUO:^ AdtBrttMiautiMr, farodty. daughter of J. H. Han's daugh-^ champtona today for a no-holda- ment yesterday of a candidacy for MBMMdoC vlIU at Texas' aouthem tip. Tha H m Weather bureau la Atlanta He toavaa hto BMtIur aad father, the board and ths support of that leaves'being smaller aad thicker WhMt OuMt (to boat at outdoor ha»- north-bound bus was about to ter Annie, who married Rbxie's Mr. and Mra William Myera of barred battle to decide candktotaa A Maw Torkar was traveling said no ga'naral. rain waa In proa- ftor (he U. A Senate tai the Sept csndidaiT 9y ths Polish American than normal, raeulting to Mrarsd llflW Mra burgw roaat)—"Tm I eua taaU ftofli Waco. father, John W. Bailey. If pact any place In the South. Farm Glastonbury; 3va brathara Jaawh quality. west In a Pullman whan a group Tha drivers ware both killed— you keep that stralghL It’s S mlinary. etoctlMi. Club. ITBBTMtd the cbareeal flavor. ■•• tf you experta have declared at toast of Hartford; WUHam of Avoa; mc- two parttoe, at state con- Edwto M. Koss, of 13 Cooper Bettom Leave* Lest can retain a UUla of tha moat of chamber of commarea booatan M. B. HwTtaig of Waco, who had simple. ward of Nawtngtca; Btaatoy of The two ______iBMli MTkqr«h)iCl) from Kawaai City, Mo„ Ixiarded 'three days of good, steady, ground venttans toat weak and, named street, s registered DenM>erat, to The two outdoor varifttoA Ha­ m ApL) « « r a d a flavor on tha naxt oaa baan driving about a year, at tha HaU Is a son-in-law of his aoaktng rain to naadad to save Slmabuty and Lawreace Myers of 311 dticka . ./'lO M M v ' the train and began to nralM tbair wheel of tha north-bound vebida some wen known political gladia­ the first avowed candidate for the vana seed and lawadlief. tho lab­ 3SUvW^ daMM uftaU M lOpaaka*. ' hav-x —BOl KInc In CMBar'a own daughter, and atoo a aon- remaining crops. East Granby, aad thi*a slstora tors tO'Cariry thab* bannera Into oratory director aald, hav* loot dty to tha Maw Torkar; tailing Billy Malone of Waco in charts of in-Uw of hia own aon-ln-law. Mra Francto Wallace of Windsor new board, which wUI sasume effloe ^idiw m d ft* IMMwwad dtVolcaM M him of Us beautiful boulavards, the south-hou^ bua. a In Ctootgla. where ktaaea have the Senate fray- aad cheat noml- In Novsmber. At tbs same time their bottom lea’vee from lack of bfU m lM ttd % This is tha Urns of yaar whan Ha to Baitoy’a father-in-law, bean aatlmatad at betwoan.300 and Locks aad M ra Anna Vtota and Bses for tosssr otftcaa. water, known as "firing.’* Thirdly, the youna ooUafe student roeaivas iaiM induatrial aatabHdimanta, PoUca Chlw Jeaaa Guntarman which makes Baltoy a father- that be slgalfied bis Intention of iLqrAleott, ^ N W alacliv and its wondarful poaaUilMtlas. aald' Harring had Juat topped the 900 mUHon doUars, aUU farm Mrs.- AatlMay Bvaiw, both of Man- Incumbent Republican Sen. A^- running, William Masur, prerident ths tobacco when roUed Into dgara plaM his diploma and prepares to con­ in-law of hto own fathar-ln- leaders met today to diseuaa ways eheator. thur V. Watkins' seat la at staka will not have tba normal flre-hold- rtnally tha Maw Torkar became •raat of a alight hill. 1aw« of the Polish Ameriosn Club, an­ STMiMMd M n ^ f a i t . quer tha ^vorld ovendchL If he tlrad and said tha only thing that It waa on the aama highway In of handling the emergency. The funeral win ba bald froa Watkins, sssklag re-etoeUon, will nounced the club's unanimous en­ Ing capacity, or ‘qnirn." Andenon illhwcta SMlt haa a date of coarse, tha world Furthar, the n ^ Mrs. Hall Alabama's loia aatlmata to 130 tha John B. Burka Fuaaral Hoxw, be eppooed by MarrinCr, B own father, and Mrs. HaU and 300 mUUon. Farm omelato la day at 3:80 a. aa aad la SL Jamas’ Reserve Board. State Commiaaioner of F am e M □ Tha anthualastia Kanaaa dtlaens of Waco were killed (n a bus-train Mrs. Baltoy are each other's JOMph P. Nsylor, The declaratton of Koxe's can­ feri apuglad P P Ha—Are you the sort of girl laughed at 'him and aakad bow other atriekan states have made Chureh at 8 a. m. Burial will ba la the Democratic primary. Rap. and Markets John Chrietefiaen #•4 H0R66- who la awaot, baantifuL adoraidp ooUtoion. Btapmother. Mr. HaU and Mr. Welter K. Granger aad ox-Gov. Leea Fedrava didacy, together with Its required eOBNTHIPrr/YEARS 1tX> COON □ J r U they could make It a OMport, .be­ Utai Bcddent occurrad no damage evaluations other than la tlM Vatersaa FtoM a t tha Bast written endorsement by 5Q Demo­ •aid there had been extensive f i s f f i i i tX3M« n n o u ta I If” and charmin(T Ballsy are atap-aons to ona an­ to Say loaaas wUl run tkto many Otmatery. Herbert B. May wUI battle It out damage •nd."we need rain to Save * ing ao far from tha oeaan. Round Rock, Tax., consldaraldy other, and tha two wlvea are fUr the right to campaign for the Attorned' Leoa Podrove, who cratic voters, has aot yet been filed n w a m o t 8hs—Taah, bif boy; wbat kind The Maw Torkar rapUad t t a t It south of today's crash. mlUlona of dollars. Frteada ouy caU a t the fuawral what'a left." Even the irrigated 4 M l n N N sun Confident I BY I.ANK LEONARD i of a diump are you? step-daughters to each other. Tha droui^t has baan .a-buUdlag Senate In the November elections. waa formerly aaaociated with the with the town clerk’s offtos, ac­ roM are not up to normal, he eOow fah.) IT would be a Vary aaay task. With many of tha Injured in hosM qn Tuesday aftor T p. aa law flrtp of Rubinow and LaBeile, cording to Aaslstsnt Town Clerk K M Sundod Maw Torlmr —Tha only thing the ~ Weather ‘ ■bureau said Id thrauga Tha Democrata sadsd their con­ aid, "heoause thera is no anbatl- Reformer: One who inalata up­ critical condlUon, it appeared the vention Saturday on a note of har« today announced the opeiUng of Bathare Harttoon, A dsclaratton of tute for natural rain." SSCajrloataM y r that you will hava to do la to lay. accident may ha recorded aa an unuauaUy warm aummar un­ Mra Wlaltrad Is Sayee - hto new office a t 303 Main streeL os;»m »i;sai SdSoak dax 1 on Us conadence batng yow and Mrs. Raul. Brookman. 333 broken by a bsavy general rain, Mra Wlnlfrad L. Joyce, wife of mony after requiring their candl a candidate's InUattoa to run for The drought has cut tha aatl- v n y w ia f S H e m c T io w m a two-tneh pips from your dty to Texas' woraL Tha record number dates to s in a "toyiuty pledge." Attorney Podrove to a ni^va of office must bo filed with the town matad notato yield by 13 per cent im r n m m m X tk io i o iw n u ^ ~ r irn iv W a u * * tha Oulf of Mexico. Than If you killed In a traffic accident In the Main street; a daughter to Mr. RaJna mostly have bees ll|1iL Um- Garoge H. Joyce, former rsM ^t Mancheater and waa edlieated i -MUlard HUIm’ In Country and Mrs. Jack Baldwin, S3 A1«k- ttod In extonL ami foUowad by of Ifanebeater, of SOB Waablngtoa Tha pledge waa passed by a clerk at least 15 days before the to Hartford aad Tottoad Ocontlae .WNBOS mcmmimlmummtm a batwaan fallows can siick aa hard aa you Lone Star state to 30—all Latin voice vote, with a smattering of here. He to a graduate qf Trinity COMnifTIMOL , OwataraMta r aantleman. ander atreat. more hot waatber. ■treat, Hartford, died Satur Jay at primary electlans, which will be where the normal crop toeoma to _drN H i NI«M IMMO) >HC HNHTIW M P can blow you have it a aMj^rt American citrus workers who died oppoaiUoa, after an anticipated OoltoKe and the University of held this year BepL 3. 13 mUllon, sMd Sot Lavltt. EHtog- ____nCMHf w OFVOIMMLFI SdMiaaa instdo half aa hour. In a truck-train collision in March, DISCHARGBD SATURD A T : The reet of New England and tha a t Francto HoapitoL r r Judfo—H m poHoo tall me that Leroy Bleu, 33 Devon drive; M n. floor ngtA failed to materialise. Connecticut School of law whei* The nine top vote getters In ton, vtod president of tho National emweiPjywA., M B dp M 7m 1940, near Alamo in south Texas. at least six other atatea— North Bealdaa her husband aha to aur- Ben. Wallace F. Bennett opened he was secretary-trasaurar of the you and your wife bad Mary DeClaaUa, 303 Porter street; CaroUna, Virginia, Florida, Kui- vlvad by one son, George H. Joyce both tho RapuMIcan and Demo­ Potkto OouDcU* oouncoPMnTMWf dlLaaOiar thong r r Man are Just oppoalta from In Washington, tha Safety Bu­ Baturdayls session of the GOP claas of 1350 end a member of cratic prlmartoa will become the More.than II ndlUen wortJt of' ESIbfCM rords. Mra Mary Winten, 37 Jarvis road; aaa, Pennsylvania and New Jer­ Jr. of HarUord. Prtaonar—I had soma, your guim; tha amallar tha caliber, the reau of tha Intaratata Commerce convention and urged party mem the Board of Student Editors. candidates of tbooe partlea for irrigation equipment to now fight­ EdMald Commtoslon said Its flies contained Mist Emma W abnk, 133 Mapto sey—report varying degreaa of Funeral aarricea will ba bald honor; but 1 didn't gat a diaaea to blgiM* the bora. ■tnet; John Dougan, Andover; Tuoaday at 8:13 at thalbytor ^ bera to "rtotora toe riilit of the He Joined the Rubinow and La- ths nine seats ex ths board. ing • drought to the Ocnneotlmit MMaeolenUacia -*nothing approaching" the Waco drought damage. Individual .... and resiora our Belle firm when It waa formed In Koss, a political unhnown In VaUey, said LavltL who to adtothm fIraiD pM them. Bruce OoUins, 731 Main etnet; Treee Af* Dytag Modeen Fuaeial Parlor of 833 IT The chemical value of tha hu­ toll as to loss of Uvea. Its records Waablngtoa atreat, Hartford, with government to ita constitutional August, 1350. Manehaster, is employed (»s a to being a poUto grower la 3a Ir­ . dampnaw U i d f c n cover only buses traveling in inter­ Robert Klernan, 48 Strickland In TennesM, where many trees During the war hs served In. It's hard to bollaye that tUa man body is laaa than a dollar. It ■tnet; Mn. Rita Costa, South a requiem Mesa at the ImmacuUte pattern.” bookeeper at Hathaway and Stein rigation aquipmeat daator. Man \ ought to go up after a meal at state commerce. weijt dying aiMi farmers were Repraasatotlve Grsnger’a First Europe with the Army Medical Oorporatien In South Windsor. OaxMlsMli fla partly aSCeoiRmiad i l ■ P country waa founded partly to Coventry; M ra Mae PlecUy, 301 Ooneeptkm Church a t 3 a.m. avoid taxation. today's prices. trucking water from eitiea to their Oongreaalonal District scat will be Corpa, He waa wounded twice and He haa lived in Manchxiter nil Hardest bit spots to the (vision UPalatabla DESCRIBBS HOBBOB Adams street;,Mra Amy Symonda liveato^ one man summed up Burial will be In the Baal Osme- l : t w v ' ~ tory, Manchester and friends may fo u ^t over by Republicans Gsorge waa awarded the bronae star for hto life and went to school hare. of aome era paaturas on dairy SEModibar J B □ Wacoi, 'fax., Aug. 4—Uli — *Tt SO Glenwood street; M n. CeUa hto pllfht: bravery. He graduated trom BL James farms, where cows are betog -fad- CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER Leslnriii and daughter, 8 Nelson call at the funeral home tonight W. Staples and Douglas R. String- MMUMia • waa horrible. paopTa ware scream' "Corn'a gone, ^ cotton's going, He llvM with hto parents, Mr. B ^ h t o l School In 1334 nnd from supplemental amergancy ratlfina.^ ■ t iB AND HER BUDDIES S afa? BY EDGAR MARTIN d f l placs; Mra. Grace Tracy, 51 Lsnox from 8 to 3 o'clock. fellow, end Democrats George T. l’ A pretty brown-eyed Waco BamtL 34 Bowen street; Mra SO to 50 mlUlona. He waa born In Rlobmond, V t. today "won't bowl farmara near," VOoAtVAOMOBT July 0, 1913 and has bean a rtsl- Psderaen for the Second Ctoq' O4*tP0QR %OtU.\V woman, M n. Dora Daniels, IT June Johnson and son, 81 Oakland Bouth CaroUna reports 33 per Anderson added. "Hartford Oounty yeaiwild daiightsr of Mr. and Mrs. street; Mary Ann Raktewlcs, dent of Mancheatar for 10 years. grasalonal District seat. cent of Ita corn, 31 per cent of pea- Thsir Rspubllcsa counterparts For Red Strife •oil, crops and farmers hava a re- W. C. Webb of Waco, described Rockville; George OuUlettc, 344 turea 33 per cent of hay and f ^ He was employsd as an engineer Ex-GI Wfll Fly markabto capacity for a oMna- the gray-dawn horror on the Tem' Woodland street; Mra Bllubeth cleric at the Hartford Empire Oo. a n Don M. DaHon and William crops and 40 per cent of tta cot­ Ha waa a member of Mancheatar «k." pie highway from a bad In the Beet, S3 C ^ m road; M ra An­ ton have been damaged. A. Dawson. In Korea Vote In Waahtogton a plan that Oen- emergency room of Providence toinette Graesyk and daughter, Because of patched pastures, Lodge No. 78, A.F. and A.M.; An­ For governor. Republican incum' To Meet. Irish naeUcut be daelared a dtoaater Hoa^tal. -The ''thunder" was cient Accepted Scottish Rites bent Gov. J. Bracken Lee to op- RockvUle. Kentucky farmers already * 61* (Oeattaoed treas Pag* Ona) area waa put befora under ttoors- probably egploding fuel tanka. DISCHARGED TESTERDAT: drewing on winter reeerve su p ^ s Charter Oak Lodge of Hartford poeed by Cyril A. Calltoter. a Salt tary of Agriculture Herbert Wa­ Ths sickening scent of burning Syrua Goodale Chapter of H art­ Lake City dootor. Democratic nom­ Helena Burghardt, East Hartford; of feed for UvestocK- Virginia They are Cho Bong Am. vice Note - Swapper ters by Cengreeeman A. A. RIM- flesh was stUI heavy in the air. ford; Sphinx Temple Shriners of inees sra Mayor Esrl J. Otods of eoffs office. Telegrams have bean Mrs. Daniels, who had been Sherwood Smith, 90 Summit foresaw a possible milk price In­ Harfford; Connecticut Conaiatory chairman of tha National Assem street; Steven Kunmal, Tolland; crease for the same reason. UP" Salt Lako City and 8«:reUry of My; Hugh Cynn, former ambas­ New York, Auf. 4—(B7 — An aant tram Oonnecttcut by anting home for the week end, waa re­ ■UU New Toric’s milk production 8PR8 and the TaU Cedars of Leb­ Stats Hebsr Bennlon, Jr. Governor Edward N. Ailea .and turning to C o r^ Chriati when Paul Asingcr, 48 COburn road; anon of Mancheater. sador to the U. d., aad Lee 81 ex-GI wUl take a plane for Ire- M ra Emma Von Deck, 184 atoo was curtaUed. Yung, former vloe president. Jeen B. Shepard of tho graerara’ m F / a she worked at a drive-ln. She Ha to survived by hto wife, Eve­ toad tonight to meet a milkmaid l ^ p which haa taken up tba^^ ■aid she. owed her life to a Megro Summit street; Daniel W rirtt, 147 In southeastern Kansas. It was lyn Ward Deyette, hto mother, Mrs There are nine sspiranU for ALLEY OPP Qnick Grab BY V. T. HAMLIN School itn e t; Mra Alice W ^ and esUed the worst dry spell since the he's never seen. flghL man who was thrown to safety Anna Deyette of Lynn, Mass., and vice president. Six si* classed Shawara Fe I, RockvUle; Melvin WackwlU, black blissards of tha 1030s. Vaneeb. Seeks ss Rhee supporters but Rbso has Seventy letUra have passed each ‘‘but waa brave enobgh to coma Sunday's weather bureau report one stoter, M ra Elate BaeuUeau of Btoawhert to Nter.ltonland tha xnoriM.oowMMf back and puU .ua o u t” Mrs. Dan' Wapping; Frank Plsch, 434 Hart­ Lynn* H fff endorsed no onei way between Frank Hayoatak, 37, a a » ^ AHANDAN* tela' Injuries w en not serious. ford road; Samuel Hendrieksmi, 73 aptly Ulustratod the monotonouoly U. S. Waather bunau tSIeyly fcfora- w im . flPiLLiHid repeated weather foreeaat for The funeral will be held from McMahon Job ,ee Bum Suk, who as Homa an elactrle are welder to a JoHna- cast 'eubstaatlal ehaweea” begto- The Negro was unidentified eX' South Hawthorae- street; Mn. HolmM Funeral Homa of 400 Main minister directed recent arrests of town. Pa., ataal mUI, aad. Bwda cept that he waa believed to be a much of the drought area, "con­ nlng tonight with tha hsavtoat Mary Fantom, B9 Eln street; tinued dry and hot with scattered street Wednesday afternoon at 4 Rbes's polltiosi opponents In the O'SulUvan of Ltototo, County Kar- downfeU^ Matas, NbW Kaatb* soldier a t Fort Hood. Richard Glessman, Rockville. o’clock and burial 'wtU be In Btost 8ght with the ssssmMy, was nom- ry. Mn. Daniels said "The bus was ■howera;" In U. S. Senate shire and Vermont. DISCHARGED TODAY: H ra Louiavllle, Ky., 00 degrees, .17 demetery. * Instad by the dominant Liberal The story goaea back to Chrtot- Southern New Eagland, bard hit late and was going pretty fast to Joeephine Dorsey, 13 Depot The family requests that friends party, Rhea’s own. maa night to 1346 w hm Hayoatak, catch up. I waa seat^ in the rear. of an Inch; Memphis Tenn.. 100 by a mcmth-Iong droughL also wUI Squan. degrees, trace of rain; Nashville, maks donations to the Manches­ (OxattoasS Ftoas Pqga Om ) j f complained that Kim Tal a looMy Aedtoal corpwnan , r* raneflt,fimn^ a ^ r t p . I(epded Jiffq SomMxidy screamed T/iok oqL’ ter (Dancer Fund Instead-of send­ turning flam iBuropa after three Thbn the busea hlL Tile' Negro TMin., 100, no Tmln: Kanaaa City, tion rrill be rimtiarly made for the Sun, who sueceededf him as home from the WA W est 05, .53; U ttle Rock, Ark„ 100, ing flowers. minister, arrested 13 of Lee’s cam- YulaUdes away from home, wrote The buraan said ehowera wafe man saved me and a Uttle girl TTie funeral home will be open four years remaining In the Mc­ a wistful totter awl tosaxi it over­ who was seated next to me. none; Oklahoma City, 101, .01; At­ [>slgn workers. Kim said ths IS expected to coxUnue throwk tba lanta. Ga., 03. aone; Boston 84, for friends this evening from 7 to Mahon term. ;iad been arrestelf on speeiSc board to a bottle. nimt. The forecaster said M toast ‘‘He was thrown out of the bus Iranian Senate 9:30 o’clock and tomorrow, after­ Sen. McMahon died here July The Irtob girl found It on a beach but was brave enough to come JM; Charlotte, N. C., 88, none; charges but would be left free un If an Inch of rain would faU la Jacksonville, Fla., 80, none; Fort noon from 3 to 5:30 o'clock and to­ 33. til after the election. and the totter exchange began. some ptacea and aaayhajmora |n back and get us out. A little Mexl morrow nifht from 7 to 3;M Hto seat could ba temporarily Win Hayoetnk h»*ng her back! can girl was sitting by me. Her Bars Grab of W<^th.. lOL none. Other vice presidentist esndl- oUiera. o'clock. fUled, until Jan. 1, through an ap dstei Include Hem Tal Yung and "We have not written romanee "Even a half-inch would help mother amd father were standing Hof nnd Dry pointment by Republican Gov­ In our letten," ha repitod. "... But a.4 near her.' They 'wen kUled. I know Louies YIm, the only women can­ brtog aom# relief,'' he said. Qavam Wealth It was hot and dry In other Eobe ii B. T. Ohnrtoa ernor John Lodge. didate. U God wanU It, It wtU turn up Saturday night's storm toft «S|y th ^ were. The Uttle girl k ^ t say­ parts of the country Sunday, no- Robert R. T. Charles of 13 Jen­ Vanech haa been associated with that way." .39 Inches of rato ta Boston aad 3 CHRIS WELKIN. PkM tter llie Sane Ship tty m m winterbotham Cra»» WEI »f Ml CipalgiL MWi ing, ‘I want my mama.’ I didn't Ubly at Blythe, Calif., which re­ the Justice. Department since The firat totter, toeaed Into V. M. Bib. B. 4 Rib M. know what to do, so I Just kept sen street died this morning after vldalty and waa fMlowed bjr fair f. IBM H MCA Cantaa. tSB **AiMtfiar thingl Then's a aehool hiat a-atona'a throw •) ported 113 degreea Many points In a short Illness. Bom In Brooklyn, 1983. Was made deputy attorney wild ocean about 300 mitoa from weather and 30 dagrae temperatan xmlookhm^ ^ m m c r w * it her 'With me. the southwest reported above 100- N. Y.. son of ths Into William and general under J. Howard Mc­ New York, eonUlaad a deaerlptlr ffomhanl** . "Then was a littls baby. It was Sion. It probably wUl be brought Coroner Finds yeaterday. FORWURPTO tA»Amtii.§,auu*nj»* mftmucofnn. TM0M4WSMP vi’lf I buy that fur coat during tho AuguM aalaa, wa degree temperatures, Gertrude (Bell) Chariss, he was Grath. of Hayoatak end gave hie addrx N et FTn-rgfi A ph» ir.ZLIKflTW V M rtU tP B P lying In the middle of the pave­ up when the Senate meets again. Oregon bad varied fare. It wap employsd as a satosman before Ids X)ulssed by House 184 Iron atreet, Johnatown. ATOMIC WVdPSw TRdTV tmAMAioiiory O PA iaraK proaporouapreaparoua all winter wW» the mpfldy I aava on it! BUGSBUNNV ment, burning. Nobody could help. a record-tying 101 for the year at Both the Weather bureau aad WouU Spilt PortuM retirement a few years ago. Vanech was in the limelight The next September, while eta- MaaaachuNtte Agricultural Coto- drMMwnu MMLncriiA- "T hen 'was a boy walking along The legislation calls for (Javam’s Portland. The central part of the Little Mystery loned at the Brooklyn Army baae, nCH H M t ptnoM ioo . with ua. We w en all stumbling Mr. Chartoa leaves hto wife, M n. early this year when he waa sub­ mlsaioher Henry T. Broderick saM FUNNY BUSINESS BY HERSHBERGER fortune—estimated by- soma law- state had a 60 miles an hour dust Clara (Stommermaa) C harles; jected to critical queetioning by -layoetok fo t hto reply. tm n n a tMCMmjUBMt around in a dase. He kept looking m aken at 500 mUUon rjala storm. At Ashland, In tha south, the light rein waa not enough to OdMPaOMM back and aaying Thoae poor peo­ two daughters, Mrs. Clara Noonan members of the Chelf House com­ In Twin Deaths The letter forwarded f bring substantial rtlief to haaud- (about 16 mUUon doUara)—to be a .62 inch rain In half an hour of Manchester, ani Mra. Gertrude mittee Investigating the Justice Johnatown. told of Mlaa O’SulUvan IbdM IlW ple.' I suppose he waa one of the divided among the aurvtvpn of floodad otorea. Walbancke of Belroae, N. Y. He ously dry forests and wltherad P 0*m tr RE-ELECT boya who kicked out the windows Department concerning bis admis­ finding the bottle near a farm crofMs persons klUed In the streot nght- I t was rainy from the Mtoaiaalp- also leaves sevsn grandchildren. sion to the bar In Tennessee in Now London, Aug. 4—Um—Mra. where she Uved on tha aOuthweat o u a 4 r |BAG6>h|AGNO to let us out. We couldn't find the ing which resulted in hto over­ pi vaUey and Lake Superior re­ Tha funeral will be held from Helen B. Faile, 38, of this city waa Broderick said a "good soeklag exit door.” 1940. coast of Ireland, on Aug. 33, 1943. rato for two or three days" would throw. Hon than 90 piite to Mexico. unknown since Moaaadagh swept til tha hour o^ the aervice. serted that there was nothing tm- Issued today. ^ ever, appeared expeckrtly .favorad *7 asleep," the brown-eyed, to power July 21. The Independent Tennessee and Ohio Valleys. iroper" in his course of action, stond. It must have been becaura rUiCILLA*S POP Not That Ha Cana BY AL VERfilEBR weekly Donyn speculated today the Bsnssisk, st the same tima, you nMnUon»d Qod'a namo In i with the atorm depoelttog L74 4 11-y. jld said. ‘‘The bus stopped lemiuae hs said ths Tennessee Su­ hurled himself Into the' Thames inches rato on Provtdanca and 1J5 do fast my feet feU on me missing poUtlctan actually la hid­ preme Court specifically provid­ and Ha brought tt to aaf THE b e s t p a r t 77 C S i PROMISES! ing In the hdme of a Sanator in River and died from drowning," harbour . . . on Block Island. A P L E A ^ R E ^ and everything caught fin. Moth­ Funerals ed examinations for non-residents. McOarry sold In closing the first Etoewherc, New Haven, had 4 $ ABOUT IT WAS! er screamed when something fell Tehnn and the government knows ‘Thla ie Juat a little common DIDN'T WAVE TO S S t w e m jL ^ Obituary After the Varney testimony be­ case In which the IS^foot high Irish village where nothing strange inchs. Burlington, Vt.. 3.1 tochae, on her. I was choking. So much It but to unwUUng to violate the Ooxtad M en fore the Chelf committee, the ■pan has been luwd In a criminal smoke and fin. A girt by ms Senatorirlmmunlty by entering hto Funeral servlcea for Conrad ever oCcura, and this to sometbtoj; Newport, Vt., ,14 tochae and H art­ Tennessee bar sssocistion said It act bringing death to another. for the farmers to talk abou: ford, .13 Inches. The rest of the opened the window and she pushed house. Mers of Phoenix street, Vernon, proposed to look Into the matter. Their bodies later were recovered me through It I couldn’t walk. A The paper said, however, that who' died Friday at hto home, were while they cut the oate and bring elx-etete area had leee than oae- D eaths Aakad about the matter today from the river. Hers' about seven tenth of an Inch. man picksd ms up and brought me Moawdegh had pM t«l to arrest held this morning at 9 o'clock from Vanech said ha was willing "to hours after the pre-dawn struggle tha hey Into the barn.” and the girl ben in a truck. Qavam as soon as tha upper cham­ tho W. P. Qutoh Funeral Honw, Hnyoetak saved regularly from Beory A. duUfear ■lug it out with' anyone who ceres An the then deserted bridge and hto hto earnings and sold hie sedan Her parents bad left W ber paiaii the bUl granting him Henry Arthur (Aalifour of 133 and 9:30 at tha Sacred Heart to bring it up." three days later, v. where the father was a cafe cook, full government powera Welker street died Saturday night Church, Vernon. and bonds to finance tha trip to Vanech was born Iq New York The coroner found that about meet his eorreipondcnt. Army, .to Ration for San Antoine when they wen One current rumor to that S t Uanchestor Memorial Hospital Rev. Edmund Barrett was cels- City In 1906 end went to Connect­ five days before the fetal night, to take the train for Mexica Their Qavam alrrady has ftod the coun­ following a long illnsss. He waa brsnL Rev. Thomas Shes, dsscon, icut with his family while still sn Mrs. Fslle, widow of a sailor Big Ammunition names wen unavailable. try. bom In Mancbwter, N, H., on and Rev. Patrick Mahoney, sub infant. He was accepted In the killed more than s year ssrller in Aug. SO, 1808, son of Edmund and deacon. M ra Anna Mae Pfunder Dsricn, Ctonn., public schools traffic accident, had determined Albina Brian Chslifour. played and sang the mass. Peeksklll Military Academy, N. Y., she would no longer see Bsnssisk, Banquet Ends Washington, Aug. .dA^flaaapr Hospital Notes Father Attaches Ha waa employed as sn uphol­ Ray. Tlmmas Shea was In charge end Wss'ilngton College of Law a DP, because of his drinking A m y announced a strict ration r. a aw a a pw ea sterer by the Packard Motor Car of the committal service In SL and CsUiollc University here. habits. I of ammunition for use by any but JHUgflA£2gJg (k>mpany of Hartford for 30 years. James' Cemetery. Ths bearers A widower, be has a 13-yesr-old However, they met that night st Haakon Fete unite In action and troops daa-.', Vattents Today ...... 109 Property of Son re Michael Heasett, Bernard CAPTAIN EASY Lika a Brother BY LESLIE TURNER **Ladiaa and ganMainan tha uaharR. wM new paaa awt At ths time of his death he was ■on, Michael. s club and soon after midnight tined for combat saeignment to ADMITTED SATURDAY 9 employed by the Pioneer Para­ Sullivan, Clifford Glsason and 4 ■ is I e OOUBI OrOM DWOTP I v f W IVIMIk JW IPV IWVIU left In Mrs. Fsile's car. She picked Oslo, Norway, Aug. —A Korea. f i t s m r y , I'M______m Sb ITU Y IT WILL PKKri^l.K.8 AND t'IS bK "-: !1.-. M. t:. H- •• SR Frank Pisch, 464 Hartford road; A $15,000 property attachment chute Oo. here. John HoUorsn. up s women friend and drove state banquet tonight for 80-year- Aadstsnt Army SeerxiUT Karl InCancraaar M n. T h e n u Donovan, 92 Deep- PROTEGE OP CUMMINGS '='T1REIE55 m AU RIEM1V LIKE against Hr. and Mrs. Herbert J. He leaves hto.. wife, Harriet Stamford. Aug. 4—(Ml—A. Dc- over the bridge and toft the other old King Haakon VU ends s two- R. Bendsteen said to a atatoroent WORKER ht iUTHAEHENO d MAMMA A wood drive; M ra Maria Cocconl, Leggett waa Sled in the town Tlngtoy Chslifour; one daughter, woman at her Groton home st dsy national birthday eelebrstlon that the recently concluded atael TOONERVILLE POLES BY PONTAINB POX 'Andover; H. Fred Macbie, He­ vltt Vanech, who today announced ALC(7H0UCd MtOnKR VS& i t y h a l l cterk'a office this morning. The M ra William McNall. Jr., and one his intention to seek the Connecti­ ■bout 1:3)) a. m. In which thousands of Norwegians strike cost the Army about 37 per AN0NVM0U4L FORA cawaai tw o o S iy ^ bron; H arry Munro, 34 Madison action was taken by George Leg­ son, Robert H. Chslifour, all of About Town The coroner’s report next notes enthusiasticsily displayed their cent of its achedutod emmunltidn ma$ « t«5teo cut Democratic nomination for the u m e street; Mn. Edith Wickham, East gett, father of Herbert J. LeggetL this town. He also leaves hto U, 8. senatorial ssat mode vacant that two screams from the bridge affection for Europe’s oldest reign­ production for the current vear. AT0UCHCK5E WHEE. Hartford; Mrs. Lottt Cummings, parents In Manchester, N. H.; two were heard by four fishermen on "The Army will be compelled to MTHEROkP The attachmenL returnable to Miss Harriett Miller who was by the death of Brien McMahon s ing monarch. DAODVl 339 Woodbridge street; Mrs. the Hartford Superior Court SepL brothers, Leo Chslifour of Man­ wsek ago today has one thing In the river's bank st 4:15 a. m. and Steady rain yesterday failed to exercise the atrictest economy In Agnes HsU, 65 Wadsworth stneL chester, N. H., and Wilfred J. married July 34 to William Wilbur i i - v ^ 9, did not Indicate the nature of is tbs daughter of Mr. and Mra. common with the men he seeks to at 4 ;30 Mrs. Psile's abandoned car dampen the cheers of the King's the expenditure of emmunltlon ADMITTED YESTERDAY; the suit involved. Tht property Chslifour of this town. succeed: was found near the center of the subjects who lined the capital's and to utillM ell poeslble subsU- a i r . I Daniel Rush, South Windsor; Mra The fnnersl will be held st the Chartoa Miller of 67 ElUsbeth attached to located on Dudley drive. She is not the daughter of Both were proteges of Homer bridge. main Bouitvard to watch him pass tutes in training," Bendsteen said. LtUian Shuaks, 69 Charter Oak atreet. Holmes Funeral Home, 4(X) Main Examination of her body showed In a mUltary parade. He rode In Hie statement made It clear ■tre^; Mrs. Vl(ginU PbUIlps. street Wednesday at 3 p. m. Bur­ Mr.' and Mra. Charles H. Miller of Cummings, former Attorney Gen Attorney Herman Yulaa la rep­ 33 Hudson strset as it was stated e(*l of the Uqited States. many end severe bruises ‘'indicat­ the downpour in sn open car and that “the strict austerity beaia Essex street; Mn. Catherine Car- resenting the plaintiff. The pa­ ls! will bs in ths Bucklsnd Ctme- ing that she had received many later spoke at the City HsU to a would apply to training actlvlUee son, Rockvllls; Mrs. EHissbeth in Tile Herald Aug. L Cummings, who brought McMa­ pers were 3led by Deputy Sheriff tery. hon to the Justice department hard blows prior to her death end crowd of 50,000. of National Guard, Reserve and Dotchin, 13 Cottage street; Stan, Harold Keating. Friends may esU st the funeral that she hod engaged in s violent Visiting royalty—King Oustov ROTC unite In the United Stotsa ley Thompson, East Hartford; home today from 7 to 3:80 p. m. Mr. and M ra Richard H. An- ■too obtained a post in that de­ ■chuts of 80 Broad street, r/ho are partment for Vanech, not then an struggle to free herself from her VI Adolf of Sweden, Queen Mother aa well as to training In Europe Mrs. Florida Gullmaln. Stafford and Tuesday from 7 to 9:80 p. m. assailant." said McGsrry. Alexcndrlne of Denmark and and military ssslstsnce commit­ Springs; Mn. Hannah Anttila, 85 leaving shortly for s stay Of up­ attorney. wards of a jrear in Sesttls, Wash,, Although Vanech was active In "I am sstisftod that the death of Prince George of Greece—Joined ments to this nation’s AUlea Strickland street; Mra. Melina Bus Fares Boost Winisas Johns Helen Fslle was caused by the In the tribute to Haakon. Tho Duke ^ndsUen said that the nation- « VIC K L IM Johnson, 79 Baldwin road; Peter WlUtom Jofana 83, who for tho were honored with s.surprise party local politics for s while before go­ H ia Id ea o f F ob BY M IC H A E L O’M A L L EY ing to Washington shout 19 years criminal act of Taduesz Bsnssisk of Edinburgh, husband of Britain's Ing would apply to sD smmualtian Scheer. 187 Sprinc street; Mra. past four years had made hto recently when seven of their neigh­ end that he forcibly threw, her ^een Elizabeth II, was expected larger then .50 calibre. He noted Amelia Ulrich, 57 Doane atreet; Will Start Friday home a t 318 Main etreet, died Sat- bors cidtod to present them with a ■go, he never took s port In 7H*NK», aur. 'IH a’CLUE AIRaNMf X MUdT AaCATlHa MAHT clup'n Lets Son.VMea* T b e e r ^ State politics. from the bridge," he concluded. to arrive In Ume for tonight's ban­ that ths Army's rotation and dis­ RAir. A^OSTOF cowowaBd i- AorriN TME Auao«ox Quam oN .. Karen Smith, 3 Drive H; Henry u r ^ y evening In Manchester Me­ parting gift of a suitcase. Mr. quet, given by the Norwegian gov­ charge policies would re (Coattaaed ftaas FlWto <>■•) Roger Smith hotel, where he ernment training of about 650 thousand re­ AKlNTdO ~ inaFfaNT, W, Chomn, Stafford Springs; Mn. failing health for tho post few for the Pratt and 'Whitney Alr- Festtvittes began early yester­ UME/ stayed several days ago while re­ placements during the current Bh Aotna, Julia Faulkner, 160 Hollister 730 after taxes. months. * crafL will motor out to Seattle Public Records day morning as cheerful flsg-wsv- cel year which started July 1. street. ___ Mr. Johns was bom In Germany this week and Mra Anschuts and turning to the state for the fu- This, ths court held, will repre­ ■erml of Senator McMahon in Ing throngs Jammed the sidewalks. "It would be unthinkable to BM ADMITTED 'TODAY: Paul sent three emts on each dollar of end come to this country with hto daughter, Linda Susan, will mskt Special services wars held In Otlo’s Wright, 29 Nathan road; Bertll parents at the age of ten. He nearby Norwalk tost Thursday. Certilficate of Devteo or to anyone alee to autharttf Wa revenue tsksB In by the company. the trip by plane after be srrivea When Vanech was appointed Estate of Julia Bergren, of Etost Lutheran Ctothedral. High offl- send any men Into oombnt' tBitt Turner, 98 Avondale road; Richard The court atoo ordered the com­ ■pent the graater part of his life Nolan, 54 Chestnut street; Arthur in Jersey City; end after the death (toputy Attorney General lost Aug. Hartford, who died March 8, 1951, cisto and the diplomatic corps at­ be had become thoroughly famlltw pany tft issue redeemable receipts Mra. Bessie Ferris, director of 31, both McMahon end Cumming; to John A. Bergren, of Etost Hert­ tended. .1 with the use of his weapaxiT Craarford, 33 Arvina place; Allan to passengers who ask for them to of Hh wife end son, he come to the WBA Juniors, has called After a parade from the Royal Krob, Jr;, 27 Emerson stneL Manchester to live wiUi Mr. and praised him: ford, property on Middle turnpike Bendeteen said. be hrid until a decision on the ap­ meeting for tomorrow evening at "He to sn able and efficient pub­ west. Palace along Oslo’a Shady Karl Emphasising tha Kons-fiem BIRTHS SATURDAY: a daugh­ Mrs. Leo SebendeL . 6:30 In Odd FeUows hall. AU tha Johan street to the new city hall ter to Mr. and Mra John Haney, peal is reached. Should the appeal Funeral services will bs held lic officer," said the former Attor­ Marriage Ltornses rule. Bendeteen aald it wwt, Ytta) be uphekL roeelpt holders could re boys and girls are urged to atteniL ney General. *‘I wish him the best Vincent James Fsrrsnd, of Man­ at the harbor, the King spoke 180 Parker street; a son to. Mr. this evening st 7 o’clock at the from a balcony of the city hall. He to the safety to American tfootol and M ra Gaorgu Knoeas, 37 Au­ deem therafor cash. W. P. Qutoh Funeral Home. Rev. There will also bs drill practice. of luck." chester, Lorraine Read, of North there to provide them with' 1 aasa»> The new ratra U n 15 cents or Declared McMahon: "Vanach Arlington. New Jersey, Aug. 9. thanked his people for their trib­ tumn street Fred R. Edgar of the South Meth­ utes qnd pnusetf their re<»mstnK- nltlott reeervee for tha < BIRTHS YESTERDAY: 12M cents peij token outside cer­ odist church will officiate and Tbs swimming pool at the East has won advancement to a posi- Frank SteCle. duced scale of fighUng and e 6 e ^ daughter to Mr. and Mn. l>wU tain one-mile ianm. burial will be tomorrow In Yorl^ Side Recreation Center will be Uon of higtieet reepemeibiUty sole­ William Brennan Collins, of Now tton efforts since World War Haven, CHh« Irene Fotoy, of Man- Hto sddrsaa was broedeast on meet any peaalhle toeraaa4||-«3iva Ifiiw , Rockville. Increases in sebooharas a Bay Cemetery, Jersey City. doaed for npalrs until further no- ly oo the baeU of able end dto- enamy attocka." BIRTHS TODAY; a aon to Mr. were granted. Friends may call at tba funeral tioe. Workmen began today. tUyiUhed service.' ' 'dnstec, Aug. 9, Father Hannon. naUonal radio hookup. ^1“ xi •\ P A G E m N E PAGE EIGHT ■AHCSE8TEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, MONDAY. AUGUST 4 . 19S2 MANCHgSTKB KVENING HIRALD, MANCHESTER, CX)NN« MONDAY. AUGUST 4,1952 Rockville Ousts Nationals from Little; League Tourney Local Sport Chatter Phils and A’s May Decide Series By Hal Turkinffton

Olympic Giimes Gtme to a Close I Swimming in COACH TOM KELLEV of the. AMERICAN, IJttto League Snead Winner Grass G>urts Dodgers Take Many Records Broken Thomp^onville Wins; high school beseball teem has re­ shoots for District Three title to­ ceived the basebell emblems to be night at Memorial Field la Ita first Of Tam Golf Event Begins Infancy--Mann preeented to membera of the 1952, test in the tourney. Rockville Pair; Yanks In Olympic Carnival 0(?IL chdmplons. Pleyera are ask-1 wMelf dispoainl of the Natlonel Play Again Tonight to get In touch with him aa toon: Jadegue yeaterdey afternoon, sup­ Fires Sub.Par 65 nnd Frank Se<1|pnan Favored Sweep Browns Ohio Slate Coach Sayg Ita possible end. he will sward the1 plies the opposition. The Ameri­ Despite threa-hit pitching hy playera with the emblems. cans drew ■ bye In the opening Breezes to VictHry; In Tennis Tourney at ? fl By BEN imjsaAB end of the day they led by MVft Olympic Bfarka Will Be By RALPH KODKH pointa. Dick Wright and Nick Twardy. rotind. H«l«inkl, Auf. 4— Th* 1962 DICK HOPKINS, p^ at the Stmnahnn, Suggs Win Jersey's Oranfe Club AaaociaMd Prtoa flporta Writer Olympic Otunei bacMiie biatory to- The Utated Btatea added Broken Many .Times Eliminated Rockville was able to evercome- four mere potato yeeterday la Mlnnloheug Golf Cluh'in Gleston- ’raOMPHONVnXB, which Philatfelphlt'9 vastly improrad d*y and the hlitariana are goiny to Mancaester’s National iM guo by ' By Chnrtoe Chantbertola South Oranga, N J„—Ailg. 4— Phillies and Athletica don’t fiffdrs m m I • whole hew book to take the team acetlen of the Frix Ore By . Harvey Hndeen ■MhrUlo iHiry, la in Manchester Memorial handed Tri-V.IHege. composed of Hatoinkl. August 4 — (P) R HPO AE a 8-2 score in n District Three Hoepital. suffering from a re- Little Leaguers In Broad Brook. Chicago, Aug. 4—(P)—A beam­ Natlena, the ehew Jumptag ell* Ofturt Tennto Cbampionslilp feta but the men of Stevt O'Neill and max of the egoeetriea oompeti* The 1052 Olympic swim­ PefSBl. to . 0 0 I 1 • UUIe League playoff game yes- . occurranca , Of a service Injury. Wapplng and South Wlndaor In ing Sam Snead, his lost confldenca vaL ■btilu. w .. l i e tordey ntM amortal Field. Dickie , Owner Graham Clark of the club undar way at th* Oran(« Lawn Jimmy Dykes wlU havs a lot to . The gamea which ended in the tic a. mers completely re-wrote Heck, lb .... 0 0 0 the flrat end of yesterday's twia restored, Iteks eagerly to Thurs­ Thla event, the only one on yea- the record book la the greatest atsTene, If .. 0 0 0 Lee limited the locals to six bite - lays Hopkins nday lose his right bill, goes to the peat tomorrow Tannla Club today and Ainaricaas ■ay over who does. Klanlah twiUgbt laat evening were Jordan, lb . 7 0 1 and two unearned runs in going day's etart of golfs moat fantas­ will have thetr first paaUc at Aiia- Both Philadelphia rluba, below bigger and better in every way tarday*a program, brongtit France competitive swimfest of all time. arpr. Hopkins formerly served at night ageinat the winner of to­ But the ravtolona era only tempo­ Oeamy, r f.. 0 0 0 tha route for the trlnnera. tha Laurel Park Driving Range. night's gamp. tic money chase—the $90,000 trallan A«a Frank Sedsnwn in the .800 mark a Utile more than then any of Uioae of the prevloua ita alxth gold medal of the gamea. Lee, p ...... 0 1 0 BUNCHING three hits and Sve ■Ingtoa compaUtton sbica ha won month ago, have been playing at 14 modem Olymplca. In the individual aectlon, and Great rary say the men who know swim- lit Loulr. c 0 0 0 ' Clark la planning a benefit tourne- "World Chemplonship” at Tern Doherty, ef 1 4> 0 walks, RockvUla acoMd n pair of the United Statea title laiil’yaar. . pennant clip of lata and the Mace people took part. More Britain Ita flrat. In the team mlag beat. , ment for Hopkins and will an­ Hamilton has tentatively sched­ O'Slianter Country Club. ‘‘Swimming, as a aport. atlll to runs In the Srat and third nounce the event later this week. uled e liome and home series with Sadgman to seeded (tret in the majority of their remaining gnmea eeaatrlee entered. They laated divlaton. Total* ...... It 4 t II t 1 end e aingle tally In the sixth, First award In thla 72-hole foreign list foJiowad by Ken Mc- dre against the pennant eon- laager. Mere weat oh. Perfer- Competition waa ao atrong that In its Infancy,'’ Instate Mika Peppe, llaMiMatar MeUeBel (t) Wyman Gordon of Worcester, the coach at Ohl "The United States SOO-nuter KSelnikl. lb ...... 1 0 1 t 0 0 and three RBI'A Ed Hack got late Saturday night «'hen Tttalo 'That bankroll will cause a lot Curiy-halrad Frank will he National League by 9H games to­ ealved the Idea of reviving the broken. In awlmmlng, avefy record •-Sharpe ...... O 1 0 0 0 0 announced it could not field a relay record of S mlnutas 31.1 sec­ riik e , e ...... 1 0 1 1 1 1 the only other hit off Wright, also of choke-upa," said Snead. "A i favored to taka home the title day, and nine'against,the mnner- gamee of Ancient Greece, would waa broken. In boxing, the United team because Its pleyera were not 277 might he good to win. Right -. Btatea won five tltlaa, the moat onds to a real mark to shoot at,” Aloeky, lb ...... 1 0 0 1 1 0 a run-producing double. aa he always to. wherever he pleya. up New York Gtsnts. Save been proud of the ahow. aSld Mann. "It may bo a long time Richard, aa 101110 NO M A N ^nST B B player col­ notified they would play Sunday now I’d settle for a 278, elt back -but he'll have aeme stiff furgu- Dykes' darlings are confronted Soviet Ruaala competed for the any country haa ever taken. W rich t P ...... 1 0 0 0 1 0 If rain forced postponement Satur­ and collect all the bets." .i All In all It waa a terrlfle ahow. before anyone can get fotir great ProToat ,rf ...... I 0 0 0 0 0 lected more than one hit, and Wes menta not only from McGregor with e more strenuous schedule flrat time. Germany and Japan men to their peak at the same F/Mhier’s run-produdag. pinch-hlt day. Oohnniiaaloner Don Burke, Snead Waa feeling chipper.* Yes­ and Roae, but fron aome of the top then the Phils. The A's have qine were back for the Jirat time alnce time again.” Totala ...... 5 "i 'l ii "i " l two-hagger waa tha only oxtra Rhode laland attorney who Is bi- terday he scampered through a United BtaUs atan. CHIIF^WAHOO-Allle games to go against the front­ World War II. R o d rn io ...... 101 001—5 ' 1 ■tate commissioner, called the In the 11 swimming events on ManchiMter ...... 000 011—1 base bit. downpour that atnick wlUie he Dick Savitt, a home toemer, Rernsl9s. New Vsrk .'Yankee running New York Tenkaee, 14 Do Ooubartln'a Idea waa that all the Olympic program, tha old Ruaa batted In. Jordan I, Heck. Bt. Several rhubarbs delayed tha game off despite proteata of the waa on the eighth hole for a who haa beaten Sedgmah on oe hurler, ef Indian desrenl, should against thlrd-plsca Boston, 12 the youth of the world would take Little League Olympic records were cracked 72 Loull, Poahler. Pl*ke; two-baae hita, game aa certain daclelonB mads by writer and Hamilton. fourth roiuid 95. This gave him caalon, has the beat chance of com be ne praMem hi (hie roslume sgsinat fourth-piscs Washington part. The gradoue Finniah were Hack. Jordan, Feahler; atolen baaaa, far experts gnstsiBr (dcntlllea Leaders times. In three events—the men’s Shttlta, Hack; aacriOcca, SUrena, Lac; tbs umpires, If diaagad, would a 271 total to breeae to victory 9 I S T O I CM A M P.—Dclroller H. W. Seeves, lefL is fon» (ng through, but Art Laraan of and four against Bscond-pnea afraid far a while that the 100-metor freestyle, women'a'100- ■aft on baaea, Manchcatar 5. Rockville have changed the - outcome of this A SION announcing postpone­ In Tam'a All-American tourney. gratalatod by A. N. VIk. Nerweglan Skeallnc Atsaclsllsn heed, San Leandro, Oallf., an ex^atlonst en a TV thaw. * Cleveland. couatrlea of the world were taking meter freestyle and women's 100- 4-,'baota on ball*. Wrlaht i; atrlkeouta, hotly conteatad contest. ment of the game wee pieced on the HIS 17-UNDER-PAR tally was after winning pislel sheeting champienthip at Otto, Nerway. ehamplan. and Billy Talbert of Phlladeipliia'B rtoa In tha Mtoa- the Frenchmen literally becduae AMEBICAN metar back stroke—^It happened t. Twardy <. Wricht 4; hita off. THE LABGEBt crowd since fence at the entrance to ML Nebo. good for the (3,430 first prise with New York will have aomeUilng to ball sun colneldsa with the ap- 70 natlona aent 8,790 athletoa to W right 1 for 4 run* In 1 1-1 Inalnga; The postponement came too letb to Batitag only once. But In' the men's 200- Ttrerdy 0 for 1 run* In 1 1-1; btlld opening day alao aaw Hiomppon- an eight stroke edge o\'er Tommy eay. iwlntmsnt of O'NelU as boss of the thla clean, attractive citje—mere - ■ metar breaetatroke, the old record pltchaa, Twardy; paaaed halla, St. vlUe trounce Tri-Village 10^ In publicise. Many peraons travelled BolL BolL the peppery Durham, i Vie Sclxsa, the top-aeeded pUyar !*hlls on June 29th. Binoe then, than ISOO above any prevloua Name, Club O AB H Avc. by Joe Verdeur of the United umpire*. Krtya-Ruaaoto-Vaeantl. Renn, Red Sox ..19 80 22 .094 Lrata 5, Plaka; loalng pitcher, Wright; the opening game of the twin- to Nebo only to And tha game N. C„ pro who led Snead by one ^tn the UpUed Statea. will be In the Phils havs won 29 and lost ontiy. Statea In 1948, was clipped 17 blU. Neither atartliig pitcher called. atroke entering the finale, faded Canada t« captain tha eountry'a 12 for a .994 pace and the A'e have Abrama, Canto . .10 44 24 .040 times Sad tied once. Ridges and BA^s Begin Moaday, Aug. 4 FortyHdae of the 70 couatrlea Ftoher, Carda . ..14 30 19 .014 went the route, but the relievers, • a a to a cloaing 74 for (79 hnd 12,890. Davto Cup team la the North LL Tournsy, 9—Memorial. captured 24 ead. dropped 19 for a brake lata the aaeffldal aeerlag Standarda of participating natlona kre pamded around tmrk of main etsdlmn In Belelnkl, Flntaad, 'Take the 1800-metar,” vaald Jim Spenawick for ThompsonvUle lATTLE ' LEAGUE Alumni, American Zona final roimd this GOO oouiite Gavello, Tanka ..14 49 22 .400 daring eerm enlee marking tke doee ef 19th Olymple Gnmeo. U. S. teerq, wheee Sng at M to only Mann. "I think we have three Grouped at 290 were unhe-alded ' Ridges vs. BA's, 9—Nebo. a ila a t which recorded the flrat L e ^ n , Red Box 10 40 14 .400 “Sweet” Victory end ^ b Hudson for Trl-VUtoge, schedule. for this week has been Wally Ulrich of Austin, Minn., weekend anfl won't be able to play Green Manor vs. Millar’s, 9 The FbUa moved to rrtthln (H ate plaeco. Thetr tetala varlMI one ldenG9aMe, won a rlear-ent vletery aver B aiila In mwSlelnl team battle, 914 potato to 96IV|. (aI* swimmers In tha United States were more effective. Phil Bellice. called off because of the state Two Game Set Tonight Moat of the top atara are hoping gamea ef thlrd-ptaiM I t. Louie ytm- Grinavlch, R. B.MO 41 19 .890 Wlrephoto via radio from Hetolakl.) who could do 18 minutes. Ford *I kept right on hia tail. Jack Burke, Jr., and Cary Middle- Charter Oak. fra« 014 tor the Halted Blalea S. Holland, Tanka 11 80 18 .871 TbaaipaeavlUa (N> Karl Rusauto and Hat' Porcello tourney. Brown-Beaupre will rep­ coff, the All-American defending thla tournament doean't folloiv terday aa Lsfty Out Bununons Saw* to one made by Slagapere Konno set ao Olympic record at provided the hitting power for the Chief, ’til we paaeed ABC AP­ the pattern of the Southampton 'Pueaiay, Aug. 9 blanked the Oento, 9-6, an four Tama, Red Box 10 01 19 .303 18 mlnutas, 30 seconds In a great ABR HPO AS resent Manchester and meet the champion and leading money win­ The' Willimantic Ridges and.Is PAW, who has five games to LL Tourney, 9 -MemorlaL tor a alalli la fcatterwelglrt Gear, Tanka ....1 0 44 10. .341 Balltco. ai ...... 4 a 3 1 1 0 winners. PLIANCE, then 9 Hotpoint Waterbury club in Windsor tomor- ner of the season. Invitation, which ended yesterday hits for hla 10th win. Ha was help­ wMghtllftlag. race. He dfd a maganlflctoit Job, RuMuto. e ...... 1 3 3 3 3 0 Tonight at 9 at Memorial Field British American Club open a two mahs up and now holds third spot with Noel Broa-n, a fornur ptofaa W«dnea9ay, Aag. 9 ed by Granny Hnmner'e thrpem n R. Reynolda ....1 0 42 14 .333 but he was iwimining against one Bptnawlck. cf* p ...... 1 a 0 0 0 0 Freerer cflught my eye!” 'row night at 5:30 at Loomis Field. Then esme Doug Ford st 281. game scries tonight at Mt. Nebo with a 4-8 recoi-d. Iltuada preeented an extremely Country Qub Notes Baeundo. rf ...... 3 0 0 0 0 0 Manchester will get another It is a sudden death aeries. Jim Tumesa at 297, and Skee Rie- ■lonal from Loe Angalea, tha arin' LL Tourney, 9'-Mamorial. homer. wall balanced team and acored Buna Batted la man, not against time." Darenero. rf ...... a 0 1 0 0 0 chance at Rockville - when the at 0 o’clock. Both games are Meanwhile, the BA's are bat­ ner. Ha beat Sid Schwarta of Long Ridges vs. BA.'s, 0 —Neha Meanwhito, the Dodgem lunffad Renn, Red Box 22; Abrama, Guest Spot When the 1952 Olympic swim­ Porcello. lb ...... 4 0 1 6 0 0 gel, Shelley Mayfleld and Henry tling ' for a playoff birth. The 0U H pointa, aaeond to the United American Legion tries to avenge Chicago Is the world's largest Ransom at 398. rained out affatra from tha regu­ Beach, N. Y., la the final, 9-0, 0-1, Mason's vs. Canter, 9—Charter farther ahead of thq Otaata by Carda 20; Tarea, Red Sox 14; ming opencKd, that recort was 19 Bourque. I f ...... 3 0 1 1 0 0 the National’s kwa. lar aeas(Hi schedule. They meet kfaple Streeters are 3-5 on the Oak. Btatea. Heyart, Tanka 14; Ftoher, Carda minutes 12.4 seconds and it had Kopec. Sb ...... f 1 0 1 0 0 cut flo\yer market. Snesd, who shook off the men­ 0-0. sweeping a from Tile Ituaalana took the lead on (While Sports Editor Esri W. Yoot is Yacstioninf, othtr FYanglaimore. 3b ...... f* 1 1110 again Wednesday nIghL year and holds an edge on Moriar- 'Thla waa a oompletely unexpect Thursday, Aug. 7 Chicago, 3-2 (uid 9-1, wblto tha Ma- 11. stood since 1983. Laat week nine Cuacurltch. p ...... a.a J a 1 0 1 0 tal effect of a horrendous third CURRENTLY resUng In second ty’s, (3-8) In the fight for that the flrat day with their expected Baaa writsrs will froquontly fill this Gusst Spot Coliunn). men did better, and sSven of them Kalwa. cf ...... 0 0 0 1 0 0 round of 74, started off the flnala ed reault, but whan Straight Clark, Hamilton vs. BA's, 9—Nebo. Uonal League chanmlona dropped grand hlam in the women'a dlaeua, place, the RIdgea atill have a fourth spot. tha top-seeded antrenL was knock­ LL Tourney. 9--Memorial. a pair to laat place FMJMmrWh 7-0 Renn, Red Box 21; Tarea, Red twice swam under the old mark. with an eagle and two birdies. TONiaHT should find Kab were overhaiiled briefly by the "But the world record by Fur- Totala...... M 10 "i 5 "i ”o Sports Mirror chance to unseat flrat place ed out by young Bqb Perry in the Friday, Aug. 9 and 10-9, CilnctnnaU and BoiRon Box 21; Gavello, Tanka 19; Trl-Vlllasa (4) "If thst rain hadn't come on Hamilton, who has two games re­ Dumas' opposing Norm Boucher dtvidM a tMugaIn bill, tha Brmvea m uted Btatea during the aecond Abrama, Carda 17; Magnuaon, Red By Gayle Talhet But soon after that hla children tohaahl of Japan to 18 mlnutas Peck. 9 b ...... 3 0 1 0 0 0 TRUSSES^iaTS the eighth, I was playing good first round. It was a cats of It Decl'B vs. Mason's, 0 - Charter and third daya of track and field, One of- the best ways to make a began to run over other boraes, Women's Dtvtalon Naaon. 3b ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 By THB ASSOCIATED PRESS maining on the schedule with while Bobby Dunnack and Cal being anyone'a aegument Oak. winning the opener, 7-4, behind Sox 17. 19 seconds," Maim pointed out. ELASTIC STQCK1N08 enough to break all the records," mplc before? Ten Y ean Ago— Jim Tobin, nine would deadlock them with Jerry, Boh and Del Dunnack, Totala ...... 5 1 7 13 t 3 the 72 hole record of 259. I’m Zeke Potter, Moe Pringle, Dick eecond game, 9-3, after lOetaif the Renn, Red Sox 0; Abranu, Canto t you have In mind. Just ae a Bull Lea foal to handled with In the Thuraday Sweepatakea, France had two wonderful swim­ Thompaonvllle ... 343 000-10 Boston Braves* pitcher, tied a Na­ hot di.aappoipted. with that 05. the Ridges. Not to be counted out Shelves Bi^State Play calumet did. Tou can afford to be cxtreiqely tender cara from Its TH-Vmafe ...... 030 100— 4 tional League record for most of the race for the championship Grenier and. Steve Vadnals. flret, 4-1. 8; Merrer, Tanka 2. Anns McBride won flrat low net mers. Swimming Is getting big­ mind you. Init 1.could have done The Red Sox fall four fanwa be­ BAHTIY BTOUDN BABES generoua under the clrcumatancea first momenta and lacks for noth­ Catherine Olblln, aecond low net ger end better." , Runa batted In. Ruaauto 1. Porcello home rune hy a pitcher—9 hut I, Balllco. Spenawick. Peck 1. Hudaon, the Braves lost 4-2 to the PhUe- Septic Tanks Cleaned better If It hadn't rained." I Lata Saturtlay aftarndon ahow- hind ajul the Senaitora 5'A. A rt R. Reynolda, Dodgem 7; Leyden. end go perhaps as high as 914,000, ing except a governess. What few and Peg Stevens low gross. Tha Deakua; two-baae hita, Hoffman; left The All-Ameriean flnal round that being the figure for which reach the tales can be counted •a baaea. Trt-Vlllace t, ThorapaonvUle delphle Phlla. Mandly And KclUy In I era (orceil poetponvmen't of the Houtteman of Datfolt ihut out the OIL CO. Red Box 7; Renn, Red Sox 0. wtanera in the Klekera were Avia lacked some of the splee usually Red Sox, 9-0, while WaaMngtmt'B Bull Lea waa knocked down at the upon to fetch ' around 92S,(W0 Hamilton, Lil Holwey, end Betty Albany Takes Two T; beaaa on ball*, welter 4, Hudeon 3, Twenty Years Ago -B ab e Dld- Fiiulfl Of a«b Ev0nt j aecond. game In the M-atata play- Cuaavltch 4. Speniwlck 3; atrlkeouta, rickson of the United States rdcad CoH Manehtittr's Soworaga Spocioliiti Inserted bv fabulous side beta Pro­ Rickey Uncertain on Om Marrero and Chlcago'a Billy 1039 Saratoga auction, to which apiece, m It may be aeen that Cal­ WUkle. Hucaon 7. Wallar 3, Bpenawlcka, Cua- moter George S. Mav makes with I off aerlaa between Hamilton and m . 2-4111— 1.489* he waa sent bv Coldatream Stud. umet la conferring a financial fa­ cevltcb 3; hita off, (Aiacavltcli 4 for to her eecond world record victory Holly Mandly and Tom Kel­ Pierce battled to an elgnt-lnntng AFTEB THIS Initial outlay, vor upon, any breed Improver A selected 12 holes waa the From Hartford 4 run* In i 1-4 tnnlnxa; Hudaoa I tor in the SO Ineter flnel—11.7 sec­ the nroa. May'collapsed from I the T u talo Al Ce-of Provlitonce 0-0 tie In the first gams qf aSou- weekend tournament Georgia runa In 4; Spenawtcli 1 for 0 run* In Insulin shock shortly after the ley, Jr., will meet in the finals blehesder. The game vras caltod on RafiHMi L 8tm M about tha only expense will be oats, fortunate enough to OM9ln Bull ond*—at the Olympic gam er in ef the 1962 Man's Club Cham­ i Baturilay evening. OrigInaUy RoVigo and FutI Lamheck had flrat low net 80-20— t 1-4; Wallar 4 tor 10 run* In 3 (pitch­ Los Angelas. lunch hour and later was taken to Future of Pittsburgh scheduled to ptoy the game on account of rain In the ninth and end up to now the sons end daugh­ Lea'a Mrvteea. By The Aeeedatud Frees ed to 4 men In 3rd); wild pltcbea. a hospital. Hla condition was pionship at tha Country Club I ters of Bull Lea have earned In In providing the lets Warren 89; Nellie. Johnson, second low net, The Binghamton Tripleta are Weller.4;jtaaacd balla. White; wtneihe ; flunday If a pontponement was tha aecond game waa poetponaS. lim w iBB AfBMcy 80-14-42; and there wee n tie be­ pitcher.. dtiacmvirevltch; ' loatnx .. pitcher, " " reported good and he planned to next Sunday. They ranched the RIghthandera Cart Erakina and the nelghhorMood of seven' and a Wright with the .world's greatest sure to remember Jim Oimmand Weller; nniplrea, dtovIno-Ramadell, A federal statute forbids any McKin n e y b r o s. Would Mr. Rickey rare to com­ finals yesterday, Mandly de­ , ncceaaary, hi-atata rommisaioner ; nmplri be on hand for his big "World” By OUi Staley Oil Ditfributort • laearanea Advtoery Servlee quarter million dollars. In one yoar racing eteble. and bestowing upon tween P. Stevens end A. McBride of the Schenectady Blue Jaya Vacantl-Mellekl. postmaster to shoot ducks. ! Don Burke of Rhode laland called Johnny Rutherford pitched the for low groea, 64. golf iamboree. . Pittaburgh, Aug. 4— (99 —I ment on report! a meeting of the feating Hank Haefs, I-up. and Dodgers to victory over the eliih- An Uaaa of iBauraaea alone, 1949, the old hoy's' progeny him much uneeded money, the when hot-itove sessions of the SEWERAGE DISFOSAL GOMFANY IXIUISE SUGGS of Atlanta Pirate brass, including President Kelley winning on a qualiflca- ' off the game when it waa learned 333 M«iB StiM t b ro u ^ t home 11,834,027, which Is wonderful old stallion alao has This Thuraday Will he draarn Eastern League convene next win­ . , ... . . _i .-1 dni't know what I’ll do- I jiuit I that Bcveral of the Tutalo Club ing Cuba. Braklne granted six aafe- tU Mata.ptoeeMM- **** partnera, who will be drawn at ^k the All-Amerlcsn a I John GalbreaUi, was scheduled tcr- ' lion from Billy Thornton. tlea In the first game, wtnalng Um record. Calumet haa never re­ made wealthy men of Calumet's ter. There has been some upaaiU ! pleyera were unable to play yca- father-eon training team of Ben 9;S0 Wednesday of thla week. Hie DRAINAGE and SEWERAGE ENGINEERS Open crown and thp Sl.OOO top, « ♦«iuittfr —; j terday, not having prevloualy been when Roy Campanalla aingled gretted the purchase. The leftflelder- kietad the Trip­ oayoff with a 300 tot»l. four iin-1 That a Branch hnow nothing about a mact- In tha tournay to data. Bobby with tha baaea tosded 'hi the la st Bull Lea'a favorite son, Citation and Jimmy Jonei. Ben doubtleaa Wethaiwfleld club has extended an leta good-bye for the season last def feminine par. Betav Rawla ; the man who usually hw plenty of ^ ^ meeting haa been ' warned that they fared poaalble Invttatlon to Meneheatcr women LaFrancis, defending , tlUlat of tha ninth. Rutherford, maktng won 91,088,790, making him the meant It when he eaid a couple of night with a baaea loaded aingle 130.132 PMri St., MoBclMStmw.Ttl. S308 of Austin. T*x.. and Patty B-rg i *>is next move in boaebaii. ^ | haven’t heard about It as and two tima winner, fell vic­ .Sunday play. flrat and only millionaire horse. year* ago that "If I had my way to play at thetr club. The Red and to center in the eleventh Jnning Hamilton and Comm(a>loner Hal Ills aecond etart, .coasted bemq in Blue matches ere la their second rtered^.erond with 309. . tim to Haefs In the quarter the aecond game behipd a 14«hlt m s Another, Armed, stands third In ■bout It, I would breed ell Calu­ that gave Schenectady a 2-1 win The All- 9me-lc«n men'a ama- I 'set plare Pittsburgh PliatrS, pre j ^ SOURCE close to the Buc of Turkington protehted vehemently Ultd Oari W M-U N Oart Waatad round. Tha deadline' for this time Sj)eek/ flnala 1-up. Kelley defeated hla attack that Included home ninaby the ell-time winning Hat. Otbem, met mares to Bull Lea.** It waa the laat meeting of the teur went for the flfth succemlve | paring to welc^e hla laat place ficial family added, however, that father 2-up before edging on the cancellation, but Burke such aa Bewitch, Coaltown, Pwult- la Aug. 10. The Red team was tha Jackie Roblnaon and Duka Snider. - year for the two clutw. vear to Frank Stranahan who ral- entry bark to the Steel ^ y , re­ a top conference will be held very Freddie McKone 2 and I. ■aid he did not want either club MURKY DICKSON turned to a leaa and Hill Gall, recent winner winner of the first round by four ’ At Hertford the Albany Sena­ lied with a cloalne 78 foF 297 to turned from a fishing trip to soon. The source, who asked his The flight championships are to be weakened by loea of key of tha Kentucky. Derby, are high points. brilliant relief Job to win the Pierce Leading tors made a clean sweep of beat Nello CamnaanI of Waiik»-' Canada laat night. He declared: nsme not be used, declared: alao In progress with Bart Ball- men. He acknowledged that the opener against tbs -Giants. Rs al­ on the list. Almost every time you The tournament committee baa three-game series with Uie Chleft ~an, HI., who three putted the laat "1 did very little fishing bttt "Undoubtedly eomethlng will be Tutalo management and hlmeetf' look up some Bull Lea product, announced the pairings for the ■lepcr slated to meet Bob Mc­ lowed only three taKs after takhig by taking a Sunday doublehealer, summer Our New Location yreen. much mcdilailng.” done about our roster. After all Cann In tha flnala ef tha flrat knew of the: echrdule, but tinck over In the fd, steady money end there Is no Johnson and Meltosa DeMertIn will second flight with a I-u|> vic­ eme but tb« Olanta chdrged back CMcago, Aug. 4—(Jff—L e f t y ing at home, took a 10-1 cuffing 143 MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST prising wins over the New York boys will be calM up.” tory over Ed McNamarrii and played yfatarday, Sith eeven runa ta the alxth to seesonel slump. play C. Laking and Connie Kelly; from the Reading Indians la the Billy Pierce of the Chicago White Alice Bltoh and Eunice CNrena, va MAJOU LlAGUl Olanta yesterday, is firmly In last When Rickey took over ns Gen­ Joe Handley acored a 1-up Tha national tournament opens make it ckwe. ‘The game waa DESPITE the golden harvest he first game of a doutdeheadar. The ITS RIGHT OVER THE TRACKS FKOM MAIN ST. place with a record of 70 loasce eral last year there were win over John Sommer* in the In Wichita on Friday, Aug. 16. If called after tha New York uprtohig has produced. Bull Leaeprobebly Sox beat the rain to take over tha bye; V. Thornton and M. Gang- Tigers rallied to win the nightcap, terns/ ware vs. bye; C. Anderson and P. and only SO victorlea. There are reports he would fire Meyer. But third flight. tha tourney ip not cximpleted (hi* b«'*snf« of darkneia. would be tha flrat to admit that he American League strikeout lead 4-8, for their 88th triumph agalnat only 20 plevers on the aquad- -five the Mahetma, who had outstand- coming week* end, Ute winner will Johnny'Sain turned In his ninth waa no Man O' War In hla running Chanda, vs. bye; A. McBride and 67 loaeee in a dismal season. from Philadelphia's Bobby SImtx. Jo Anderson vs. bye; Mae Wilkie FLETCHER GLKSS CO. lesa than the, limit. Attendance is ,ing success at St. Louis and not have enough time to prejMir* victory for the Yanka in the tint days. Fact la, he won only e paltry The Scranton Miners grabbed n>- THK AKaOCIATKD mr.KS falling oft wherever the Buce Brooklyn before coming here, to reach Wichita.' The Conn, entry, of two at St, Louis, allowlag alx ^ ,9 2 8 , and was ao undlatln- Pierce fanned elx Washington end Betty Benton vs. bye; H.- both ends df a doubleheader at El­ Of Ayers and D. Ballatsper vs. bye. Aawrlcia iMsa* play and aome fans not only sre gave Meyer a contract for the backed b y the commiiaioner, hits. The Yanks almost loM gui^ed that hla atud fee at one Senators yesterday tovgtva him 11 mira, beating the Pioneers 8-8 in Msnehester , Balllns—rain. Philadelphia. .MS; crying for Manager Bill Meyer's 19.52 season. 6-0 lasd la the ninth of tha night­ Anne McBride, tournament Phone 3879 k»n. Boaton. ,3i3t (V>odman. Bojton. nerved notice on the Rhode laland time. In 1948, waa only (280, which BtrlkeouU, one more than Shanta tha 12-lnhlng opener end 0-1 in scalp but Rickey's as well, Since then Meyer has tried to champions that the serlee be com­ cap. when the Browne aeorad four IB practloaUy tha bargain baae- The game, the opener of a double- committee chairman, haa an­ the nightcap I i .533; Woodllns, New Tork. .314; r.nb- nounced that ev4n though ' pre­ SOLEX, E-Z‘EYE . Inann. nilcaga. .311. A.aked If Meyer will manage the go along with Rickey's youth pleted here next flunday after­ timea. but Joe Oatrowski put nut ‘ AT YOUR AUTHORIZED mant. header, was call^ in the ninth In­ Don Schmidt of Hartford al I Run-—looai. Philadelphia. 7(: Berra. PIratea next season. Rickey said: movement. noon with a doubleheader, if a tha flame. ning because of a downpour with ferred Ilea are now tha rule, handi­ lowed the Senators only four hits, AUTO GLASS TEMPLATES FOB ALL CARS New Tork. 71; .Mlnoao. Chlcaao. «9; - sed caps will be cut to enable the play- Rnaen. Glereland. i7; Rlnratn, New "I'llJ not ready to make any an­ Rickey didn't mention any of hts third game la necessary, or the Bob Fatter cheeked his four- UNCOLN-MERCURY DEALER the score tied, 0-0. era to submit more acorea.. Tha but second basemen Eddie Mc­ Tork. *4. nouncement. That question la ball players by name hut he in­ aerlea would be terminated with game losing streak in beating (he Hugh of the . Chiefs opened the MIRRORS — VENETIANS— FIREPLACE Runa Balled In—Rohlniop. rhlrajfn. a.iked of me so often that It's be­ dicated he la more than disap­ A'e In the flrat game. Cart Schelb Women are requested to turn in way for Albany’s wining run In 7S; Doby. Clereland. 70; Dropo. D-- no further play. Wandering away ars all acorea-until tha. committee an­ GLASS FURNITURE JO PS troll. 54; Rosen. Cleveland, 8«; Zernlal. coming rmbsrra.Uing. I'll tell you pointed with some of them. Then from the schedule as agreed to held the Indians to three’ hita In GtRARS - FIFES nounces a BuapenaiOn of recording the ninth , when he toased Philadelphia. 44. this: The first I will dis­ he paused and repeated: YIMTftRDAY*8 B M U iM by both rommlssloners and the the aftermath which the Athlet- the relay on n douhle-ptoy attempt Open Thursday Evenings Window, Plate, Hits—Pox. Chlcasn. IIS; Roblnaon. cuss It with will be Meyer. And I VI don’t know what I’ll do I Ice won with a seven-run rally in UOHTERS — WATCHES of acorea. Into the dugout. (Nilraan. 131: Roaen. aeveland and RMtera club* Involved have forced the Nut­ CLOCKS — WALLETS Beat Ban All Day Saturdays Steel Sash rain. Philadelphia. 114: Jensen. Waeh- haven't discussed It with him yet.” 'just don't know what I'll do.”. Aibony 9*1, Hortford meg arflllates to feel no considera­ the seventh Inning that waa fea­ TAKE IS 24 MONTHS TO PAY THE OFFICE OF John Chanda, Bundl Tarco,* 05 After Binghamton had taken Inctor. 117. -f. KaRdlng 10>A. WIIIUmfDort 1*1 tion was given to this state's tured by Gua Zernlal'a 19th hom­ lA rH N ir an early 1-run toed at Scheaec Dmiblea—r«ln. Philadelphia. 34; Arh^noctady 3. BlBfhamtnn * 1 (UK er. D iix Stout Lou KeUy, HIU Porde, 06 0>y lady, ( ^ 1 Buah Usd the count Bauer. New York. 3.S; Vernon. Waah- Rrrantrin 3*0, Elmira 3>1. representative. A ball player Is a 1949 CA D ILLA C 4-D O O a S ID A N DR. JOHN PRIGNANO draw. with his seventh home hm of the inaton. 34; Roblnaon. Chlcasn and KatloMl ball player, they contend, and he 2-Tom green. Odd Helaa Tonrney Mddy. Detroit. 33. PUtatiurfh 7-10. Ffav Tork should be ready to play when Claes A. Bob McCann. 80-5-84 year. Command untied the knot. Triples—Rlixulo. New Tork. 10; llrcKiklya 1-9. Chlc^n 3-1* Stack No. U-797...... Pitcher Mel Held of the Miners Slntpaon. (Tleveland an«.’ Touns. Bt. Boaton *’•0. Cincinnati 4-4. scheduled, not when he prefer*. Mika Karpuaka. 40-4-30— I.e>uis. 4; Mlnoao, Chlrasn, Doby. CTeve- Phllad#l|»hla 9. flt. Louia 0. Commissioner Burke ruled that WILL BE CLOSED (draw). outlasted three lanilra pitchers In Itnd and Verron. Waahinston. 7. their marathon first game. Held Anmriran the incident waa unfortunate, but 1949 MERCURY C L U l CO UPE LAND SURVEYING Class B, Joe Handley, 37-S-29 EXPERT SERVICE FOR Home Rune—Dobv. Cleveland and Sow Tork C-i. Bt. Louia 1-4. hd waa giving consideration to Gray. Radio and heater. Eyoelleat condition. R I o c c o Alexander, 40-0-34 finally rescued himself by tripling Berra. New Tork, 2.1: Roblnaon. Ol- Hraaland 4-3. ^ItadalQhla 1-9. FROM AUG. 3 TO la the 12th Inning. He scored the raso. Dropo. Detroit and Zernlal, Phil­ Datrol! N. Roaton G. players Involved who were not Stock No. U-7B8...... Edward L Davis, Jr. (draw). adelphia, IS. notified hy their management that Pitching—Curt Siramone, Phlla Member-Onest winning run on Bobby PhlUp'e fltnlep Rases—.lenaen. Waahlnston. Waahintton G. ChlrAgo 0 (tia-l. 3nd Bagtetond Load Snrveyer single. ANY TYPE BURNER! 16; Mlnoao. Chlcaao ard Rtxsuto. New poatimnrd). they may play on flunday. The —turned In 10th victory and fifth 1949 FORD CO N VERTIILE C O U K AUG. 18 ' Bob Bcyce-Henry DeFries, Tork. 13; Throneherry. Roston^ Rivera, Int«r«allanal postponement al a late hour with shutout In pitching PliiUuMiphta IS Procter Road •Maachaator Avon, 69. • th money (hm / ^icaao anO Avila, cn^velanH. 10. Rorbaatar 9. Rorlnfllald 4. Gray. Badio end heater. Excelleat ceodlHon Rufua—Boya, did 1 got atudron no chance for publicity has left a to a 4-0 victory over SL Louis. Tri. 701S Ronny' Sloane-Tony Kaaprow, Pilechina— Conaueefa. Waahlnaloa. bad taste In the mouths of local Batting; Roy CampaneOa. throughout. Stock No. U-797...... Wetherafield. 71. some Florida property! ★ Let US check your burner 8-0. l.oni); Shanti. Philadelphia, l*-S. 0TANDINOII Jasper-Did you buy It? Hotter .464: Raschl. New Tork. 12-3. .447; Eaaiara fans. Dodgers—alngtod with baaea load­ Net; Jim Horvath-CUnt Vlacent. First Payment Oct. 7 for heat loss—adjust it — Bain. .New York and Shea. Wsshinaton, W L Prt. GBL ed in ninth to give Brooklyn 9-3 1981 FACKARD "200“ CLUl COUPE Tale, 60. Rufua—No, but I hnd to pay clean it — make sure you’ll »-.1. .750. Albany...... U 40 .803 900 for tha hire of mules to pull Strikeonte-Plerce. Chlcaao. Ill; From 20 to 30 sinuses are 'c6n- victory over Chicago In opener of Railo. heater, Cltramallc drive. Dark green. BIU Phclaa-TMl Blelen, MiU Mobilheatp too! Reading ...... M 44 .600 "* doubleheader. Vety low mileage. Stock No. U-7BB...... River, 60. my car out of It. ' get eomplelt eombu$txon Bhanti. Philadelphia. 110; Rerrolda. Schenectady ...... 16 a ,660 4 tained In a human head. 36 Months To Pay when yoi(^need i t New Tork. 106; Garcia. Cleveland. 100; Binghamton ...... ‘ 66 17 ..630 4 Wjrpn, Oereland. #4. Rlmira ...... 13 60 .610 7'4 Scranton ...... 43 60 .490 II) 1981 FORD "8" 4-DOOR S8DAN 'A We have the tools, the ...... 43 63 .433 Ught green. naUMal lawsM Hartford ... ■4H Now. it's easier than evdr to install dependable Tiosken Sileat skiU and trained manpower Battina—k^utial. St. Louia, .334; Atr Wllllamiiport ...... as 36 .360 24 Stock No. NT-300...... to do the job right.. Well. (Thicaao. .414; Audla. Chlraao. HailMal AMESITE Autocnatic Well-Flame Oil Heat in your home! Cradk controlt .413; Kluaxewakl, ClnctnnatL .4l1; RriHiklvn ...... M 30 .363 have been lilted. You need pey nothing doam on the Thnltan Lockman. New Tork.* 410. New Tork ...... ao 37 .319 liw 1981 W lUYS STATION WAGON . ★ Complete Fuel Oil Serv- Runa—{.erckman. New Tork and flL Louia ...... u 44 .639 II Ofay. ^llaaeJphia ...... M 47 .636 14>,» Silent Automatic model of yoair cboioc. SUHMIR TIRM* aty ice, too. Automatic delivery Mualal, St. Louia. 71: Hemua. St. Chlrago...... 61 ao ..606 17^ We'll Trade Top Price! Stock No. NT-211...... y # — free hent-saving tips — Uouia. 47: Roblneor. Brooklyn. 66; Boaton ...... 43 53 .430 34 YES available, top. Get an expert, unhurried ineidlation now. Reeae. Brooklyn and Sauer. Chicaao, M rinclnratl ...... 43 31 .403 37H trained, reliable drivers. 44. U47 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN DRIVEWAYS Then make yoor first peyment next Fall! Extend pnyments Run* Balled In—Sauer. Chlr»o. 17; nitaburgh ...... 30 73 .333 41 'Thomaon. New Tork. 71; Hndaw. Aaierleoa J i A over three yenrt if iron with. We have a complete iiae of it HoUerMobiVuat contains Brooklyn. 47; Enate. PhUadelphla. 41; New York ...... NI 41 .667 Stock No, 17*7X9 ••eae,,,eeeae,e.eeeeeeeeeaeee Timken Silent Aufomatic oil convenion bticnert, oil-fired mil the heat units your Blauahier. St. Lonla. 44. nereltnd ...... 63 43 .666 "ii NO MONEY UP 36 MONTHS TOO CMTT REAT OIL HUTI Hita—Mualal. St. LeMila. 116: Adam*. Roiton ...... 66 45 .660 4 We Need Your Cor! furnaoM and oil-fited boilers. Phone ne for details. burner can possibly use- Cincinnati. 125: fywkman. New Tork. Waehlngtnn ...... 64 ff 5H YES It*; Srhnendlenat. St. Louia. Ill; Ham- Philadelphia ...... 80 U .610 • 1947 HUDSON COMMODORE " 8" Cisas, Chsap, Asttmattcl bums deaniy, completely. cer. Phlladalphla. 114. Chicago ...... i 61 61 .110 i 0-Ooor Sedan. S-toac Green. m m DOWN TO PUT Donblea— Schoandlenat. Bt. Louia. 8t. Louia ...... 43 33 .403 I* Blaek No. U-044...... $ 7 4 5 3d; Sauer, Chicaao. 34: Mpalal. Bt, Detroit ...... 3t 67 .560 24V4 Louia. 33: Adame. (Ttnrlnnati. Waltkua. lateraatlaaal WE HAVE THE PROPER EQUIPMENT Car Simonizing Evafy Thakaa Maet AatanaUi 09 Hiatlae enO Philadelphia, and D. Rise. Bt. Louts. .Montreal ...... t7 43 .316 _ 3L • Byracuae ...... 33 60 .664 4^ We'll Deliver You A . . A U A 8 0 VE CARS HAVE THE FAMOUS "ED" ood KNOW HOW It Lad by * • (aawet wa» 9eaw hwear, wbkh Triple*—Thomson. New Tork. 4; Rocheaur ...... 34 U .347 7 YES Don# To Tour Coaiplete Sstiafsetion bUaiwtt haeNefl yfaW we9i wMt ■ awwab Cnnia. Philadelphia. 7; Jelhroe. Bos­ Torontf* ...... 67 64 .614 11 DONT DELAY — CALL TODAY ton, Reese and Bnider. Brooklyn. Muel­ llatll.mora ...... 61 89 .478 SULLIVAN SAFE lUY USED CAR WARRANTY By Ab ExpenoBcod Man. • bentaf. Mat bat 9mm tar Webew tad t — m- ler. New Tork and Wyroaiek. Phlla- Buffalo ...... it 63 .434 IIH CsH Blaaelifster 4134 M o b ilh eat celphia. 6. Rprlngfleld ...... 4g 33 .433 11 YOU CAN ALWAYS DO lUSINESS WITH t m f . H eawfea wtatar ehar wbuar el depeed. SOCONY VACUUM HEATING OIL Ilome Runa—Sauer. CTilcsao. 37; Ottawa .... For An Appointment TODAY! Hodaea. Brooklyn. 31: KInar. Pltta- ...... 47 m .406 buran. 30: Mathews, Boator. 17; Gor­ "Yow Oldsmobile DtaM ' don. Boston and Thomaon. New Tork, TODAY’S GAMES NEW PONTIAC! 14. Stolen Bases-Reeae, Brooklyn. 31; Rttlara ■NEVER KNOWINGLY UNDERSOLD OR OVERTRADED CALL 5135 FOR TOP QUALITY Jethroe. Boston, 17; Rnblnaofi. Brook­ No famM arhaduloG. P n ttJ fy an d hnloK tS * y SILENT GLOW OIL BURNERS lyn. 14: Aahburn. Philadelphia. 14; Nalianal COLLA (3ox. Brooklyn and Adams, Cincinnati. No fomM orhuduled* MANCHESTER ' 4. Aaiarieaa CONSTRUCTION CO. Piuhlna—Roe. BrooUye. 7-1. .175; Nov Tork at WatliInfWm— Wilhelm. New Tork. 4-3. .HI; HMm. Raocni n3*3l vi Shea <9*9). ■ BALCH PONTIAC, INC. 249 New Tork. 13-3. .MO; Tuhas, Bt. Louis. Only fame scheduled. 1SS CENTFR STREET PHONE 2 4545 M-.S OIL NEAT'* ENGINEERING, INC, MORIARTY BROTHERS 4-3. .400: Erakinr. Brooklyn. 11-.7. 74«. lateraatUaal Uaad Gars Waatad^Usad Oart Waatad BROAD ST. 5 ^ 2 4 MOTOR, SALES Btrlkeouta—Bpahn. Boston, 133; Slm- U r A N D A T KT_ Speck, recent speUeS porpalic aSdi- Ror heater at Montreal. OPEN EVENINGS TIL 10 P M WEST CENTER STREET AT HARTFORD ROAD M OAK STKEET, MANCHKSTEB-TEL, g.4ug mona. Philadelphia. M; MIm II. Phtla- (ton la OeeanariMInn at NariaerMarineian9. — Fla., pravra K (a qaick ta learn SyracuM at Toronto (!)• ' 31S CENTER ST. MANO^TER delphli V7; wada, BrOMlya aa< ■a M ewUnnipe aMcr r«at9eata te get 9ally aaeal of fleh. SpHnfflaMat Sitflalo. Rob>b«rtrts. Phlladalphla, 44. •\ BaltlmorG at Ottawa (3). \ \ J \' ^ ft

MANCHESTER EVF^NING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN* MONDAY. AUGUST 4,1968 PAGE IIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 4, m i r A O i ' thay could reduce combat wounds Hossdwid Goods i l WUIwMB m i A 59 itorSMa 71 fUr Sato 71 RiEort Proportjr For Sak 76 WsBtsfi—Bssl Bsists 17 Dafs—BIrds—P«ts 41 r tg B ifn tT of tha ehsat and ghdofitan by dO AatoflioM ks for Sate AstoMobntB for Sate Rooflsv—SM isf Help W ssted— PsBwUe SS J g w tin r 4S PUULBAMT, Xmrge rooBs, twin KANCREBTBR—Four Moni Chpe MANCHEaVER — East SMa. aOUTH COVENTRY—Four room (XINSIDERINO BELUNQ R^ume Town r east. Statef *Farm WANTED—Secretary for doctor’s bade for two gantlsmen at tha GET BETTER VALUE ON 1444 CHEVROLET 4-4 panel. GREAT EASTERN Construction BARGAINS Ood, arsplace, brass plumbtag, duplex 4 and 4 rooma, laiga alagls. Full baaemsnt sarace, YOUR PROPERTTT Medtoal staUstUa eaUmatod 10 dassifM Oood condition. Pnea 4850. Pri­ Co., 34 Oak atreet. Home remodel­ offie*. Pleas* reply to Boa O, PUPPIES-Saen weeks old. Also LEONARD W. YOST, Jeweler, re­ Canter. 14-lU Wadsworth akreot stsam-oU hsat, p or^ garage, en- attle, lot 106 X 180, income $86 private baaeh, large tot Itoasim- Without oaWflattoa to you, ' Budget Review to 80 per cent of the ama killed ^Barn A BETTER USED CAR vately owned. Call 1-4538; ing speclaliata Roedng, aiding, Herald. small deg house. Phone 3-3466. pairs. adjusU watches experUy. New Merchandifo oaOent cieadKloa. Screens, storm per month. Maaehsatar—Ranch able. Funilabed or unfiaaMwd. at ths front would have surrivad painting, gutters and leaders, Reaaonable prlcea. Opea dally, itOOlf FOR Resit eoBvenlantiylo- windows. Vaeant prtM 810,800. had they been wearing the vasts. PARTY PLAN Demonstratore. In­ ma, thraa bedroonm, tiled hath, Phone Coventry T-6467. . Adwrtiteneits comMnatlen aluminum storm ‘muraday eveainga. 184 Spruce ^uUy Guarantoed oatod at 14 Johnson Torrnoo. Hsary Escett agant TM. 8668. Intently and msdlcal offlcars . AT crease your earninge, show our line BEAUTIFUL OoIUe, mala dog, Fhona 8464. tuU cellar and attic, quiet street Whlton Anditoriam Site Flash Fire o f IM fileiv 4 CLASSIFIED ADVT. 1485 FORD with 1441 motor, 885. wlndowa, apsclallxlng in lifa- street Phone 8-4847. $16,000, down' payment $6,000. COVENTRY — Pin* panel ttvlag haarttty favor tho body armor, Phone 3-0648. of Christmaa toys and gifts. Oet six, months old. Phone 4833. MANCHESTER—Ranch home (SO* room with ttreplaoe, 8 boflroomA DEPT. HOURS: BALCH PONTIAC, Inc. tlma Al'imlBum Waatharboard. ELECTRIC RANGE Manohsstsr- ■ Single, sin co n ^ te BIUB-BURN EEAUrr O f Directors* Meeting (topt. Mae Stranos, head of tha mined Origin Resnltfl "Wa make your house a home." sa^sarly atari. Writs house of X 86') with cellar and attic. 8 bed­ Xltehcn, full bath, aU on* floor. Army unR tasting It. said combat S:15A.M .to4:S»P.M . 1450 FORD 4-door custom eight, Plastics, Avon, Conn. SMOOTH, Fox Terrier puppies, G s r d M — r s r s h —D a liy ' 1100 O ff • ROOM FOR RENT. Fhom 4404. rooxas; flrtplaee, oU h sa t ga­ FOR QUICK RESULTS U seUUf For free inepactlon and artlmate rooms, Uving room with flnplaee, rage, comhinatloa storm sniii and Large sncloaed p«rek. Xnaolntod. On Flnancce Tonight voterana Twant tha vest" hut aoma In Damage o f $28*000 radio, heater, direction lights, pedigreed. Saddler strain. Stud Proda4ts 10 kitchen, dinette, side porch off Uv- your proparty eaU Suburban troope objectOb hoeonss It m i Pontiac 4-Dr. — 6 cyl; Phone 1371, evenings 8608. A. V. RELIABLE WOMAN to ha train­ service. J, Stanley McCray, Rock- AUTOMA’nC WASHER doora. Doom paym ent $$,600. OU hot water heat Attached ga- whitawalla, 30,000 mllae, original tof room ovartooUng brook, hot rage. Lot 100 x 100. Imk* privt- Raalty Oo., ltoaKo(% SU Mato with tha oharter rtqulriag adds weight to their equipment A eudden fire ftoahed thfeagh a COPY CLOSING TIME Standard ahift. ownar.' Call Mancheater 3-3757, Lindsay, owtisr. ed se asristaat to manager df vilto. Phone 6-8038. 1100 O ff PLXARANT ROOK on Wont Mdo (toventry—Mate highway, now Btrost OaS tSie, with prlrnt* famUy. aenUomaa water baaahoard radlatten with legea. Price $8,800. Bhoora Turk- adoption of tha budget for the lead. hay storage barn owabd tgr' the FOR CLASSmED ADVT. luncheonette. Apply F. W, V^ot- RIPE NA-nVE TOMATOES for six room ranch at $4,400. For an- An Improved veat giving pro- 1961 Ford 2-Dr. Sedan — 1446 CHEVROLET Aero Sedan. FOR aU.VRANTEEO Roofs that PORTABLE SEWING prtforrod. Fhoas 3-6863. oU .burner, aU copper plumbing, potetmsht please caU Howard It lagton. A gen t Coventry 1-6S4T. SIX OR SEVEN room bouaa; 6 to l$4i-58 flseal year by Aug. 10, tha Maaefleld atato Tfatali^ felwol stay on in any kind of Mora, and arorth Go. uv4iitsck-.Vtiitctes a sale at Cl Florence street Board of DIraotan win reauBsa tha teetloa to the kIdneyB to hetag MON. THRU FRI. Many extrsa. Radio, heater, In good condition. laundry t ( ^ hateharay, combina­ Hasttega( 8-1107. 16 yoara old. Must bo U sm guttare, eondueton end roof re­ MACHINE—166 O ff JROOM FOR Rant to mnrrisd cou tion aluminum screens and storm teak of revUwtag daportmeatal ttittil aad Hospital la Kansflald Depot i e : M A . M . Maroon flniah. Easy terms. Hurry WANTED—Dental Assistant. Ba- PEDIGREED Jersey bull, six oondlttoa. good nalghhoihood; and 1960 Mercury 4-Dr. Sedan— pairs, Cill Coughlla 7707. parses daairsd but not necee- ' pis or two glrto. Two minuUo windows, tot 106 x ISO; with shads SOUTH MAIN Street—Two tene­ WflEtad ■ .»■ > ! Bflteta T l budgote tor^ L T lM Msrd wlU The veato are not deeigned to Ibat night end destroyed It, Stspito to DOiigua. Douglas Motors, 888 months old, also Ouerneay heifer. Hooschold Goods 51 ' LEWYT VACUUM avalUbm In 40 daya. Profor hot meU in the Whitea Memeitol U- ■top bullets but to protoet tha SATURDAY t A. M. One owner, low mileage. Main Mraat. aery. Oord opportunity If you Phone 8874. • -from Main stroist CaU 1-1614, or treea Price |14,80a>HaMy 1 ment 6-6. Furnace hsat Vary WANTED To Buy-'-Alagl* or 8- wator hoaL IH or 8 hatha ai the efforts of five fire Bvart- MY (niSTOMER I8NT OBTTINO |26 Off 47 Cottaga atreet cott A g U cf. 8681. largo tot. Prioo $18,Odd One tene­ h t ^ at T:S0 to raapen tha ad- wearer against artillery, mortar m ents I t - A want to work. Write Box Y, Her- 4 funUy kouaa. Write Bok Q, Hen- racroaUon roosa Write Box B, ;|outaad hudflt hearlago. and grenado fragments Many Low Coat Pre-War Cara R o s n s ff MARRIED! ment owner bccupled. (toll 6680. HsrakL VOim OOUPBBATION WILL Artteks for 8ste 4 6 Several Other Items f r o n t BIDROOM with twin NINE ROOM house, completely alA QmmvaI lIsBssw luetefil Msr* In Menus, tha PhiUpptaa news 'the old etnwtniu, kaawu as tha . 1484 FORD Deluxe convertible ROOFING—Speciailalng la repair­ MY CUSTOMER DOB8NT NEED N AmUEOIATBO beda for two gontlaman. Oontlnu- remodeled. AU Imprevamenta PORTER 8TRBBT flection—Ave- tia haa roeomateaded a total of aervlee reportod that Filiptao W hlttof bata, wae valued at SSjOOO Excellent Tranaportatlon coupe, c a ll 3-1404. ing roofs of alt klnda Also new ROYAL AND Sndth-Oorona port­ THE WANTED—Your proporty to sell. USTINOS Wanted on sthgto and but win east abeut $80J>6S to re- Htip Wssted—Mste M All Floor Samples ouo hot wator. Phone 6848. In Arteeiaa walL large barn and ga­ room (tope Cod, oU hot water $S.8SSABY.OO ter tho asw ftoeal troope wearing the vaete In opera­ roofs. Gutter work. Chlmiiaya able and standard typewrftera. BEDROOM BUTTE ItelUbto bnyan waltUg with oaK two4|mUy hoaMs alao building year which atuta Aug. IS. If ^ tlacs according to ijr. NeU A. LIVINa ROOM SUITE qulra 116 North SrtiooL rage. Four acres of land, more heat SF Uving room, amasite for four, flvA six, atvan room aki- lots, Manehastor and vlokdty. For tions agaiaat Moiip bandits ta tha Jaytea. supertauadeBt The oon* D IA L 5121 elaanad, repaired. 36 years' ax- WANTED—A -l mechanic. Steady All makas of adding maehtnoo avaUabto. $18JM)0. TeL Manchea­ proved by tho direeton hi aeeord- Suitt archlpetogo were not an- Asto Acetasoriss—Tires • rlanca. Free estlmataa. Oall sold or rentod. Ropalra on aU DINETTE SET ABC APPLIANCE CO. drive, garage 16 x 3g, plus huge (to flhd two-fhailly la Maartno- prompt aad oourtaeua real oaUto tents of thestraetnn were vahisd BALCH PONTIAC, Inc. sr work under Sns working condt NICE R(X}M for two poopia near' ter 8-8179. tot 76 X 804. One of the better aaoo witii Maittn’a reooauaenda- U uisiutlc. Biowlsy,01 Maaehastar 6861. ' makao. Marlow's. "BBNOAL" COMB. RANGE tar, Boltmi, Ovm tUy aad Varaoa. aorvie*. See Bdvrard J. MorUrty. tloa, tho adopted budget wouM re- . aa. wtdltionel $ 8 ,M . ' BAROAINt Five 4.70 x 18 Good­ tiona. Apply la person. Boland "UNIVERSAL" WASHER Phone 2-1676 21 Maple St. Ghaaeyn. Kitchen privUsgm. 334 houeaa Sdiwartx Real Estate. "Tha lioros bit you right ha- 166 Center St. —r Mancheater rich, Goodyear new recap caainga MiiNClfBBTBR - Flnaneea arraaflad. Howard R. Tri. Y8S6. qnlro a eae-mOl lacraaa* to the Ths fire departawata nf tha Lost and Faaad Motera. 344 CMtar street. 80% OFF on famous make Bat­ "WESTINaHOUSB" REF. Charter Oak etraot Phona 887A tereen the eyes,” ths news servlee Fhena 4446. a p. m. (tod with dormer, Air-Temp RaatUfla Phoao fl-tlOT. iown’a proeeat $(Nnllt tax rate. flute School end Hospital, ICsas- Phone 2-4646 H f s t ls i > ■fPIs e M he 17 teries. Written guardttteee. $1.00 TELEVISION SET b e fy e SBLUNOr Sava tho hotlMr, ttou- axelateed. fisld, Baflleviae, wnBughm- sad LOST—Black and white cat. v1 WAJTTED DIVAN, Roll-a-way bed. Ove piece gaa furnace, gas hot water heat­ OIAflTONBURY—A-A Zone, land hlo aad aaamraaeaa of trytag to Tha dlraeton hava already re- U. N. end Cqmmunlat ateff offN down, $1.00 wedcly. Chloo Serv- 4 X 13 "Mohawk” ruga, lamps, ta­ breakfaei set. Call ^-3648. - towad tha budget roqueate of fltom reepondad to Urn - alarm cinity Strant and Bummlt atralta. Open Even! nga Until 10 P. M. C O; LORENTZBN. AlUratlOfia. leontor: Tel. 4164, 4168 o r 8-04S0. bles, In-Iaid pictures, smoker, and er, oak flooring, tUo bath, hatch­ and foundation, city water In- aaU R youraetf.. Let us sasume oars meaawhUo today agread on which was turtwd la abeu t 9 :8 0 by Reward. Call S08S. Motoreyctes—Bieyclos 11 Aimrtmtiite—n at»-> way, flrcplaec, combination steUeA-graded. 890 ft. on Maa- thres of ths depanamato, and to­ copper water piping. Naw nrork. One Laboratory Technician, a few other small Items. MANY Houashold items. Moving Powell Ui^es Adlai your haaqathoa. (tell tha BUa- night wtQ got to work oa 18 re- Bwat of the wordtag in a proposed Walter Warren, shift eagUtoer. TOTICKS — Cheverolet, O. M. C., 34-hour sarvica. Mancheater 8686. LOAM, Dark rich cultivated Grade TsBemsats 62 aeraens and storm wtadowR disster Road ovartooklag Hart­ Korean armleUee draft. Including LOST—WALLET containing amall Hudaon, plek-upa, etakae, etc. 1647 HARtEY-DAVIDSON 61 O. High* School background In scl. I’VE BEEN HOLDING EVERY- out of state. For Information call werth Mlttea Agoacy, Baalton, budget ! The origin of'tho fire, u ^ h H. V. Excellent condition. Muet No. 1, 18 cu. yard. Grade No. it THmO IN MY WAREHOUSE weathsr-strippod doora. AU city ford. OaU Mancbcatar 3-4866. a paragraph dealtag with exchange burst through the root at the barn Bum of money and Idantiflcatlon 1P40 up. Startliw •: glgg. Several EF4TC1ENT Plumbtag and beat­ eneea and in arithmetic preferred, 3-4437. APARTMENT FOR Rant Modern, utUlUaa BuUt 146L Lot 00 x 166 Build Righto Plank Uw only departmaat budget ap­ sell. Beat offe r.. Rockville 6-6161 88 cu. yard. Dellvsnd in truck FOR 6 MONTHS OeatraQy toeated. 4% rooms. proved by tlw dbeotor haa hsaa of war pnaeners before R was spotted, to still im- vicinity of.State theater, Eiiday late choire modela. Brunnar'a, ing. Plugged drains machine load lota. Scraoned aand and all TLL SELL TT FOR WHAT with alK grbvs and split raU ATTRACTIVE THREE bedroom BUYERS WAITINO-fltotU m night. Finder pleaae call 4U4 Three Pleat Workers (XIMBINATION Oil and gas. Hsat hot water, olsetrie etove ranch with Urge living room din­ the Board of Bduoattoa'a request Tha number at prlaoaere to be detsrmtasd. Steie FoUeo ere sar- SSa Eaet Center atreet Open 'til 1646 COLUMBIA |my'e bleycit. elaanad. Phene 6447, alaao etona deUirtrod. Ordor now. THEY OWE ME ftnee. launadlats occupancy. two-temfly bomen Fpr effleUat ■Kohaacod still I* eieobtag a trues v ro ^ the ettuatloa. Reward. range with fuel pump. Two years and refrigerator. Oarage. Adult ing comMnatton. Modem kitchen, (On I ’ f f 4 4 0M > of $LBTU,T40. thU budget was ap­ t every evening, Baturdaye until Equipped with horn .and light. Nuaedorf Oonatructlon Oo. Phone IF YOU’RE RELIABLE. YOU old also Lester upright piano. In­ Oamsr traaaferrad. Price $18,500, aad conSdentlal aarvlea eaU, . Tha mala armlstlee aegotlaUons The ban oflatalaed about 80 PLUMBINO and heating, special' Apply couple only, 175. Write Box D, colored tUe bath. OuteUndlng hot p ro ^ as soon aa R was tevlawsd S. Good condition. Phone 3-0864, CAN CONTINUE TQ MAKE quire Robert L (toeeelle, '98 Henry Eacott Agency, Manches­ fronsNaw 'Yiirk aUto to a Dwno- Reate, Broker. 8-1814. July 88 to penait werk ea eudUl diaeueatag that, reemeid Sunday toaa ef bailed June hay wWeh due W ag la repaira, renMidellag, Mp- ______Herald. ter 8688. water basting system. Attached AammaccBitBts CUBAN USED CARS PAYMENTS Adams street South, after 4 p. m. emtto national convantlon. Improvetnente, eteloh had baan unttt Aeg. 11 by mutual eonaent being stored there as feed tar tho OIRL’S Western Flyer, full, etas per water piping, new eoaatme- Monday or Wsdnaaday LOAM FOR BALE, $10 per load TU continue to hold it garage. Approximately $4,000 re­ lalry bird e f 47 tlon. Time payments arranged. PowaU, a candldato for raatoo- l^popoMd Qm tftpwtniilitp A UN eoBUBaad epokeamen said DRAPERIES Made to order. Any AT bicycle. Oood cenditlon. $30. delivorod. Call 7166 hotwaen 6 if you don’t need It right away. NEW FIVE-ROOK quired to assume 4% mortgage. tloa to further Just aad aquttobU f«t tmtfmm. staff offloera atlU muet work out by tha tasUtuUon. Xiveotoek baa Phma 3-0838, or ' 18 Harvard BdatrC JehasoB. Phene 4474 at and 8. Complete line of Children's 8H RfXm Futniahsd apartment Phone 8000. Warren Howland atyle. Reaaonable. For informa LOWER PRICES I’LL SHOW IT'TO YOU in Bolton. Phono 6864. RANCH HOME tion in Novambar, told tha raUy traataisBt U the area of d^ The board toet «a *k revlaerad ■a aeoeptabia tnuwlatiea at the not bsea kept la the bant- atace Road. 8044. ROGERS CORPORATION ANY DAY OR IWE. Furniture, Gribs, Mattresses, Realty. criminatory employment prac­ June. tlon egll LSBM. Written Ouaranteea MAKE MOWING A PLEASURE. ALSO that Amarlcma Necroaa “ wlU, o f the PubUc Weika aad Welfare da- words "Korea" end "United Na- MUl and Oakland Straete If you don't have any transporta­ Play Pens, High Chairs, Car­ tices." Tha .ham wea leeatad about 400 1M3 DODGE SEDAN BOY’S FIVE Star super Colum­ HBATTNO From A to E Con 13 down, 62 waakly. Buy tbo new LARGE FOUR-ROOM JUflT OFF MAIN street Older 10 oourae, go to tha polls this fall la pertmant' budflats. Uonff’ tee the armtotlee draft Al- CHRISTOPHER ROBIN pre-kind­ Manchester, Connecticut tion, I’U send my car for you. no riages, Walkers, dtc. Complete Damoeratio atoadard-hear- yards aost of tlw Lausky Behool ergarten aohool wilt re-open 1PM PLYMOUTH TUDOR bia bicycle. Fully equipped. Prac- veraton burnan, boUer-burasr Woreeater Power Mower. Fa­ Boriniaa LecaUmw CAPE (XJD room home tn sxceUsnt oondi- largar numbara than aver baCora.” Ued eteB oOleeni atoo have under 1P47 CHEVROLET SEDAN nbllgatlont furnishings for the entire s StovaasoB aad Spathama, ■tudr prepotad Oemmunlat and ctoso to the reoldmeo o f Dr,. S^em ber Sth for children SH to tleally naw. Phone 3-3M8. unite, complete heating systema. rOUNO MAN for etora work. Very mous . Brigge-Stratton motor. For appointment phone Mr. Albert, For Rest 64 PHONE 8-9381 tion. Fireplace, oU hot- water Haven’t Picked tUree Tet Arthur MerlU, roUied, o f tbo thil- 1P47 CHEVROLET TUDOR An work guaranteed. Time pay­ Phone 4164. home. Appliances and TV. "Wa aro watchlns tha raoa, hut Bisaawhlte. tuiaad their attoatloa Allied Warplanes eheajtee la a aeetlon providing for 5 yeena old. Mra. D. L. Ballard, plaaaeat working conditions. Ap- HARTFORD 4-035S heat 3-car garage. Ideal for Urge to another Uaue, foretfa poUey. rorrity of Oonaoetloat Dr.MmOl’a ItgS FORD CLUB OOUFE 1648 HARLEY-DAVIDSON motor­ ments arranged. Merlarty Broth­ HALUN BROS. — RBAlffORS famllA Haa posslbUlty for 8-fam- wa haven’t tockad our horaa yoL" raeommeadattone to govsrnmenta director, 7t Lakewood Circle. IM l MERCURY CLUB OOUFE cycle, model 135. Very good con­ l^y In person. Turnpika Market, BOLTON — Building atone and A fter 4 P. M. 46-4440 STORE OR Offleo space for rent Stovsnaon maasagod OMo Dmso- homo woo sprayed by firaawktew P h on eM S N . ers. Tel. 6188. A«L-B-E-R-T-’ -S Uy or profaarional otUee. Price ba decUrad, bringing protoagad Smash Red Center tavelveA Low Down Peymenta dition. Phone 3-3634. 161 Middle Turnpike West. Sagetone. Bolton Notch Quarry. 16 Depot Square. Phono 6660. MANCHESTER—Ardmore Road. imilaiiaa. "era aro going to voU In orate, U ooaveatloa at Oohnabus, a proeauUmury awaottre. Tho 43 Allyn Street, Hartford CHAMBERS FURNITURE $17,800. Bbnoro furklngton, that "bitter dlvlaloa" amoag Re- doctor wao at Uw mevlM whan the Eaey Terma FAST, BFFICIENT SERVICE on Phoae 8-0617. Stanley Patnode. Expandable Cape (tod, flreplace, Agent (toventry 7-6197. Novambar, but nobody knowa for Open any eve. by appointment. OFFICES or stor*. ground floor. pubUeaas over fOrsiga poUoy has « _ fire startod. alteration, Jobbing and new work. TOBAf^ib Help wanted. Stanley At The Green nice grounds, oU burner, $13,000, WbO#le** BidweU^f Filet Basintss {teiriecs Offertd IS Parmagiaaa Oat, Electric Hot 6” ILO WINDOW exhaust fan Main street near Poet Office. Henry Esoott Agency. TeL 8688. niMEDIATB Oeeupaney, sU PowaU addMI: "W a wlU vote the OOP "apUt down the eaator.~ BtaftoMI tortaga Btato paSoa CALSO BBRVICENTER Waldron. Oall 3-6450. 830; 80 X 73 movie screen, 615; Phone 6988. la a Richmoad, Va., radio hread- l^ rids]^ (3ept Kart B: Dtttmar of roroutad trafiie from tho hiffonv THE PROSPECT Hill Behoot for 4M Canter Street DOORS OPENED, keyt Sited, Water Heaters aold and Installad r CROSLEY Refrigerator. Very rooma (five finished). Charming only for our country, city and sUto At Corporation at reasonable rates. Time pay­ child’s steel eee-aaw, fO. Phone candidatos unUas tMtaroaa im w oaat y*aterday.,Sparianaa said tho to slda roada to proveat tie Imo ta young children will reopen Mon. T ele^ on a 41g4 or g-OttO. copied, vaeouM eleanen, irou, , APPLICA’nONS good condition. Call 3-4485. Open 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. TWO AJ4D Three room offloes. Ex- living room with flrepUca. Large The Air Faroe dM net bnak Uw aroa. day, Sept I. TranaporUtlon ments arranged. -An work 3-8040. FIRST TIME ON MARKET kitchen, three bedrooma, oU hot and Novambar wa can gat firm as- aatloa’s prim* task U oaaMatla^ "I LIKE Everybody" aaya Honeot guna, -etc., repolrod. Shsara, guaranteod. , Skelley Brothers, accepted for Grocery, Meat and THREE-PIECE living room set. Evenings 7:30 to 8:30 ceUent Main atreet location. CaU aurancaa from Ctov. Stovanspn and a frea-world wall against the down the 1,001 fhpve. BtdweO’a Soda Shop, located at fiimlahed. Mra. Lain Tybur, direc' kalvas, mowan, ate put late ooo- 6414. Inquire Werbner’s 81 water heat, aluminum acraen* march Of Communism. Tbs pro­ On the grouad, U. S, tor. Phone 3-B7S7. Dougina. Meet the delegatee at 1 Walnut Street, Manebeetar Produce Clerks In Manchester, on three piece kitchen set, Zenith Four Rooms, two unfinished, and doota. flafe street for cbil Sparkman that they ariU B8T Mata atreet, haa beaa Incor­ convantlun of the claanaat cere dltloa for eomlng needs. Bralth- 3-8714. full-time bsale. ' 7 by 9 WALL TENT, 880; awing wringer washing machine, 76 cu. Store. camphign on a more forthrighl gram U doing won, ha sold, aad Dtvlsioa troope wwahed a Chtaaea porated aad the bustadee eoM to Huge Sum Spent waits 81 Pearl street eaw. 8100. CkU 6680. hot water oil heat, fireplace, dran. (toU Madeline Smith, Real­ perhaps la two yean may ba ter ohaige agalaet heavily tertified anywhere. Dougku Motbra, SgS ft. (toolerator . refrigerator. In­ Machinery and Tools 52 PROFESSIONAL Office In Man tor. 8-1048 or 4679. dvU rl^ta program than the am the now Bou eoitaoreUoa, aeodrdtag to A b UmboMIm t s r SsJs PLUMBINO and heating. Furn MANY BENEFITS: combination storm windows Mguoos ona adopted U the party enough along to parinit aa "ap- poelum atop Old BaMy hill Half Main. c a r p e n t e r will frame unSniah- quire 483 Broad atreet evenings. cheater. HtoceUent location for i docuawBte fued at the town clerk’s By Gas Induttiy aces, oil burnera and botlera. Earl Paid Holidays, Pension Plan, LADY’S FUR coat, else 46, and USED OUVER "70". Farmalla, and screens, nicely land­ MANCMESTflUl—ExceUent pre^ pU tform ." procUbia’’ cut In taxeo. • attacking Bads ware killed. afftoe thto awnilng. PRE-WAR Oai* — Ford, Oldamo- ed upstairs rooma .Reasonable, Van Camp. Tal. 3-5S44. Five Day Weak. HosplUlIxatlon, many other Items for aelc. Phone WE BU7 and sail good usad faml- John Deere, AIlta-(toalmera trac- doctor or pediatrician. Entire A t prissnt, PoaraU said, ba oould PrivatHy, chtefUlas of both A rataferoed Chtaaea pUtoen of GUARANTEED USED CARS can .-4341, suite now being renovated. Oon- scaped. Very clean throngh war (tope (tod, 8 bedrooms, ga­ Marjorie T. Netooa, Ustod as one blle, Packacd, Buick, D ^a. Recant Trada-lne for New Hudeonk Good Starting Wage, 3-4437. tura, combination rangaa. gas tow. Used mowers, cultivators, a no clvU rights dlffaranca ba- major partUa eredltod Stavoason about 60 man was oaugbt under Now Tork-(JP)-O«ytto ^ COMPLETE f u r n a c e repair­ tact T. J. Crockett Agency. rage, excellent neighborhood e f tha taoorporatore oa Uw eerU- Stndbaker, etc. All modela, fSP 1P47 BUICK 4-Ooor Sedan, radio Group Insurance; Sick Benedte, rangae and nsatera. Jonea IVrnl- plows, lime sowera. Dublin Trac­ out. Five years old. Near taraan flUveaaon and the OOP with making a smart meva te *e- murderous Allied artillery fire and flcate of taeorporatkm, eoM Uw uoaaad mmatertola a w n a is Mioitacto,boot Jha bbiu- and im, full price. High valuee— ANTIQUES RaSaiahad Repairing ing'service. Oea, oil or coal. Win- VecaUon With Pay REMINGTON RAND noiseleee Phone 641A beauUfuUy landecaped. Priced aa U. S. laghth Anay spokewnaa ral gas Industry nt a record and heater, very clean. (On* done on any furniture, 'namnmi, tura Store. 86 Oak, Pbons 8-1041. tor (jo., North Windham Road,' Verplanck School and bus reasonable. Phoae Mancheater itomlnee, Daright D. Blaenhowar, tabllshing hla hsadquartara at bustaom to Uw corporaUca, ao- Low gg. Bninner'a, SBi Beat Cen­ . ter air conditioning system* In­ typewriter, $30. Recently over­ WUIimantic S-3317. He said Negroea area opposed to Springftald. They bald thU will aid reported 80 to 80 Bade were killad flAtlJWAM tar_____ i fa s U lt e In owner), 164 South Main street Phoae Apply On Tuesdav, between 3:00 hauled. Phone 8663. lines. 20-day occupancy. 6378. Brae-Bum. on the llopaa ef the waator* frimt oeedtaf to a bai of oals 1461. This, say Ui< ter atreet Open 'Ul g every eve­ 1444 Dodge Coupe, ra.dU> end beat­ stalled and serviced. T. P. Aitkin, P M. and 6:00 P. M. At (XlMBINA’nON Stovs, dining Eiaenhower becauae cof his stand hU apparent effort to separate Thomas B. Atbra aad Mario C thrAnwrieaaxtos ning. Saturday until S. er. ggSn.oo. 6 MeOabe atreet. Phone 6748. room chairs, studio couch, china Hooscs for Rent 65 on segregation in tha army. hU campaign from Preeldent Tru­ hUL Aaaoetatlon, exoiedid tho prevleua ONE SET Encyclopedia Ameri­ MAN(RIESTBR—Lovely two bed Exeept for thto eerap, the Sao- Daltoa t ie atoo Bated as Inoorpora- peak ootabUMwd ta 49S0 by 88 par 1446 FORD 3-Door. Black (Spa- )W SHADES made to order A * P SUPER MARKET cana, 46th edition. Uk* new. Gall closet, buffet, two rugs, end table, Wanted—To Bny 58 ''FOUR-ROOM single house, furn­ room home, hardwood floors, flre- Powell told the raUy thai Rap. man’s adminutration. ton on Uw eartifleato at tacorpera- ISSS OLDSMOBIUe ‘‘gT’ deluxe 176 Washington Street CALL 2620 WlUlam Daemon (D -llL ), Ngaro ond Divtaloa aaetor around Old o o n t d a l). ISMOO. and U^rinlled. Venetian bUnde Morlng—TmeWnf— 7343 after 4 p. m. floor lamp and dishes. G ill 5588. ished, avaUahle for eight months, placs, oU burlier, warm or cool RepubUeana from m inols wi tloa. Aeoordtag to that tiwtru- 4-door. A thoroughly excellent (Bpeclal). Hartford, Conn. WANTED—Used furniture. liv ­ vice chairman of tha Demoeratlo Baldy was reportod quiet although The aasoolaUon said tlw iwUon’o 1441 PONTIAC Sedan. and curtain rode. 14 boyr aerriee. , 88Q per month. Busin see 'couple air wlntar and summer. Nice con calling today on Don. EUenbower Communist artlUsry and mortars nwaL Uw eorporatloa haa a autoBobUe. For thia one eee Bob gsas. . B t o r s fs M MAGIC CHEF and Quality gas ing room, bedroom, kitchen or FIVE ROOM, ranch tjrpa. Fireplace National committee, "aold out the at Denver. The oonfereaee foUoere gaa dtottfimUoa aad pIpMtaa In- Oliver, Center Motor Salep, Main 00 Betimatea gladly given. Fagan ONE SQUARE , used ateem boiler, oh^. Phone TglS after 4. ditlon. (}uiet location. Phone 7905, pomaded Allied poaitlona. capital oteek o f $84,400, (ttvldad dubtry oxpoete to spend $8,dW,- 1444 HUDSON 4-Door Sedan, radio Window Shade Co., Route 44 at WANTED suitable for six room house. Also ranges, whits tabla tops, 185 and entire households. Let us make In Uving Ry>m and basament TUa entire dvil rights tssus behind by a day announeament of "oom- Into 100 aharos of common ateek atreet AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Co., local $50. Phone 8583. you ah offer. The Woodshed. closed doora in the pUtform com­ The Eighth Army oommander, OM,0&0 d u fw f Uw iw xt 414 yekre and heater, vary clean. Bolton Notch. Phone 3-4474. and long distance moving, pack­ SO gaUon hot water tank. Premier 'FOR RENT—Lovely home near bath, hot water oU heat. Younga- plate understanding" betwsan the Oen. Janwa A. Van Ftoet, a at $160 aaeh, aad Is commsnetag for eonotnwvoii of iww'Yh^IlM 14S0 HUDSON Commodore 4 8a A-l MECHANIC Phone 3-8154. town, kitchen, fuU insulation and mittee at (tolcago.” BEFORB YOU Buy a uaed oar ing, crating and storage. Service combination etove, oil, gas. In­ FLORENCE (tomhinatton gaa an'd bus and school Fqr appointment LARGE FAMILY, HOME OOP national committee and Uw gratnUtod aoMtera at A aad bualnoai with a e ^ t a l of $U fi0f. ■lid plant oxpaiudon. dan, ludlo and heater. Full new RBFRIQERA'nON Servlea. eom- quire 80 School street. : caU 8451. plastered walls, copper plumbing, Dawson, contacted at Cidumbus, national eitUena for Elssnhoerer aee Oonaan Motor Saiae. Bnlok to all parte of the U. B. Call to work on all makes of cars oil range. Very good condition, O.. decUnsd comment on PowsU’a companlaa at the SSrd Raghnant Salea and Semee, SM Mala oar guarantee. merolal and domestic, Bee our laundry tray. Lot 80 x 150. (3ty Seven large roonu, older commlttea. noKOB worn norm 1441 HUDSON Pacemaker 4-Door 8187. Hartford 6-1433. (100. Call 3-3101. Boonu Withont Board 59 speech. who reoeptured Old Baldy-Friday VAJUUt BU ttRSa atreet Phoae S-48TL Open ave- display oi guarnataed uaad rafrig- Salary or hourly rate which­ water and sewerage. September home completely modernized. Hum laiipendeat Vetera after sight houn at bloody bat^ Loo Angotao, Aufl 4—(SJ— 'ABTISTIO flNOBS* Sedan, radio and heater. Full atom Qeorga'' H. WIKiama Aase- UOHT TRUCKINO. Weekly rub- ELECTRIC Sewing mechlne with -Sommer Homes for Rent 6V 1 occupancy. For further details Seea No SpSt Tha announcement said the oRI- (Jomodiaa Bob Hope and a Baata nlaga. ever desired. Good working BLACK AND White porcelain top ATTRACTIVE Rotom for couple. Sen. A. S. (M ike) Monroney o f Ulng la ellmy mud and wan moon­ new ear guarantee. elates, 340 m ilaad Turnpika, blih disposal. Low ratea Cellars attachinenti, 835. (toll 3-9141. oaU 8680 New floors, wall paper, etc aenv group win operate aa a ape- light. Barbara, ChUf.. aohool teadier 1441 Studehaker t-ear Sedan conditions. kitchen set. Oood condition, IS^. Complete light housekeeping fs- WATERFRONT (tottoge at (tov- Oklahoma said last night he i Londoiv—(S>— British oom peiif 1S4S OLDSMUBILE Hydramatic Maanheatsi PtKme 3-8848, Bights cleaned, complete Janitor serv­ Oil burner. Located in 'Vemon clal agency on behalf of BU will bo henorod tonight ot Uw 4$rd Vaughan WUltoaaa aayo Brftdaa (S p ed a l). 4346.00. Call 3-3161. clUtiea available. Central' loca­ entry Lake, part or month of MANCiHESTEB—18 Lilac stre e t no Daroocratlc party dissension Van Ftoet aaid the Amarteang ■Ix-paeaenger chib eedan. Tutonb 7641. ice. Phone 3-4688. Api^ly In Person At Boats and Aeeessoiies 4? tion. Mrs Jerome, 14 Arch street, A ugu st (toU K night 8141. Priced at only . 210,000. hower committee. •uffarsd "only minor lossaa" In national, wwompmont ot tho a n "arttotie aaoho" baeauar^Btoy green. Nice, with radio and heat­ 1440 CHEVROLET 4-Door Sedan ir* PHILCO T.V. set. praeUcally An older home of five rooma Just arising from Sparkman’s nom ^- Vet^aiw at Foreign Wore. (SpacU l). 4346.00. first floor. tlon. 'When asked on ths " *NBC ~ Hunt ladapaadeat Vetan tha hand-to-hand struggle. go for foreign art taatead o f tbio er. Six other accaaaorlea. Low FLOOR PROBLKMS solved with 1450 o u t b o a r d LoweU Lap new. Five piece chrome breakfast a few steps off Center etreet Tha announoement aaid tha ritl- There wea only email Hope wliw Uw first AI Jotoon home-grown variety. All ^.KAN<7HE»TER—Drive-In Restan- 818,500. GUman and Page, Inc. try. Fyed MlUer, Coventry 7-6658. draftera trying to aeal the North- ASHES AND RubMeb removed. FIRST AND Second mortgages hardware. Part time schedules each 411.00. 851 Center street Manchester 3- South rift. alee eoadiUon throughout. Bee reasonable. Keeney’s Oarage, Phone 3-8781. ] rant for eale. bo not confuee thla Heneet Doug., liougwa Metore, bought for our own account Fast may be worked out with Clear Colonial Casing per ft. 87.50. I opportunity with a cheap hot dog 2188 • 3-3038. MANCHESTER — Apartment The 1463 Republican d v il righte Bucklend. huUdIng site. In the heart o f plank endorses "federal Icghda- 446 Main atreet FOR OIL Burner.service and In- conSdentlal eenrlcsy Mancheater OPEN FOR INSPECTION I stand. This Is a modern building For A Grddd-Sehool Mita laveatment Oofp.,' 887 Mala housewives. Apply Employ­ MANCHEATER—A real good buy. downtown, we have a comer lot, •taUatlon by 16 y ea n exper­ NA’nONAL BUILDERS I with modern equipment, aituated 1960 CHEVROIET StyleUne de­ 144S BUICSC 4-door. Excellent con­ atreet Phone 6416. ment Office. Six room Cape Cod. Bathroom 166 A 135 f t that would maka an ienced- oil burner service man. I tn a spot when it enjoys a won- down, lavatory upetalra. Ilre- luxe Club Coupe. Radio, heater. dition. Dyneflow. 81066. Tel. 6664. SUPPLIES I derful busineu from the Cheney cxcelient site for an apartment Can Mancheater 8-1781 or 3-8008. I^ace, oU heat, one car garage. building, also zoned for buslneae 3 Whael O f Fortund Doily Beautiful black finish. In excel 430 Davenport Avenue { Mills and Pioneer Parachute Fac- lent condition. Hurry. Douglas REAL QUALITY USED CARS Basteicss Oppoitunitids' 22 W. T. GRANT CO. Screened patio. Near new school and 8. This valuable parcel of New Haven, (tonn. ( toty and also a good tranclent Motor*. 488 Mein street AT LOWER PRICHS RELIABLE Radio and televiaton and bus line. Francei K. Wagner, tend can be purchased very very 816 Main Street Telephone 8T7-3597 PRE-FAB { trads. Gross bustnsss now $1,000 Realtor. Phona 3-0028. aervice. Gall 0187. I npr week. By . putting in hot reasonable. Contact Gilman and 1448 FORD Super deluxe 4-door. Our country overhead anvee you SNACK b a r on Routs 44 and 6, Page; Inc., 851 Center street, New Bolton Road. Phone 6384. { ronofaea, business could be Inenas- Black. Very epeclal. Down 1365. money on new nnd yaed ears, STONE AND Brick maron, also SIX RcSjHS, South Coventry. Manchester. Phone Manchester Balance easy. Brunnsr’e, 856 East LAKE AND SHORE COHAGE I ad praettraUy double. Situated on Newly redecorated. . Artesian weU, 1483 Dodge Coronet Baden—U ke cement work. Valentino BelluccI, I two, hundred-foot leased lots of S-318S or 2-3085. Om ter sw eet Open 'tU 4 every new. 80 Birch atreet. Phone 3-1601. . corner lot, beach privUeges, 85,' Help WsBtad— Ftsute 25 I land with option to buy for ten 400. (toll Manchester 3-8635. evening, Saturdays until 6. 1453 Dodge Tudor — Radio ai ANDOVER—Six acres on improv­ POWER b u r n e r s and Ranga TYPIST-CLERK { years. Land rent very reaaonable. ed road. High elevation 11,600. heater. Like new. TWO WOMEN iitt laundry work. CENTRAL—WeU buUt and weU SCHOOL BUSES — Ueed Ford. Burnera expertly etaaned and Apply In peraon. New Model I Could sen one toV at a handaoma (toU Coventry 7-7307 after 6:80. 1451 Dodge M sadowbrook 4-Dr. Girl wanted for payroll and general office work ANDOVER LAKE cared fOr two-fainUy home. Six Chevrolet Dodge, Studabaksr, asrvtded. Let us ssrrietuid re­ Laundry, 78 Summit street. j profit or maintain and purchase Diamond-T —$500 and up. AIm 1451 Plymouth Cambridge 4-Dr.— pair your araahlng maehw'e or re­ in amall textile office. Office experience or buaineaa ON SUNSET LANE I for own use. Owner forc^ to seU large rooms each floor. Additional LARGE BU IIEIN G L o t AU uUIl new unite 44,400 and up. Call T 15,000 milea. Radio and heater, frigerator. Metro Servlee. I-OMS. SHIRT PRESS operator. FiVa day tnUning requisite. Attractive salary and insnrance j business because o f Qlness. room on third floor. Two-car ga­ ties. Near HoIIiiter sch ool (toU 1547. 1450 Studebaker Tudor Deluxe— week. Ihiperlenoe not necacaary. Jnat A Short Way Beyond The New School I (toance for the right party to buy rage. Lot 64 X 140. Shown by ap­ Agent 7295. Radio, heater. Just like brand Apply - in person. New Medal baneita; air-eonditioned office. ' a very profitable business. You'll pointment. Madeline Smith, Real­ Buy A "One Owner fa r” new. HosMhoM S«rTlcM Laundry 73 Summit street. . f. I be glsd If you look into this en- tor. 2-1642 or 4074. ACTOR'S (XILONY Estates, 3 ad­ Easy Terms Offered IS-A I terprtst. Oilman and Page, Inc., joining tote SO X 100 each. South' 1451 Plymouth Tudor. Deluxe. TYPISTCLBPJC. Woman wanted Apply In Person A t: OTEN SATURDAY, AUaUST2 VACANT—Year old brick (top* street. South (toventry (toU 3-1545 1450 Plymouth Tudor—Very, very I 881 Ctouter street, Manchester. (tod. Four down and two unUnlM WBA'VTNQ of burns, moth holes for poyroU and general office I Telephones 3-3188 or 3-8085. after 0 p. m. 1437 Pontiac Four-Door Sedan— nice. and torn etothlng, healery rune, work in small textile office. Office ad up. Shed dormer, fireplace, oU Radio and heater. Oray. 1444 Mercury Conv. — Radio and handbags, repall ed, aippar re­ experleiice or bualnoas training Aldoi Sp iiiiii Milli CeriMratiM DAILY TNRQUDH SATURDAY, AUOUSTI heat, garage. You raaUy should healer. Fine condition. placement, umbrellas repaired, raquiaite. Attractive aalary^ and HooflCfl for Salt 72 aee thla home to appreciate it RcBort Property For Sale 74 1441 Chevrolet Four-Door Sedan— 1444 Hudson -Tudor — Low mile­ men’s shirt eoUan reversed and Insurance beneflta; qlr-condlUoa TALCOTTVILLE, CONN. T. J. Oockett Agency. Phone 6416 Black. ^CANCHESTER—oape Ood. three OLD ORCHARD Beach, Main age. replacad. Mariow*a Little Mendlag office. Apply in peraon at, Aldon or evening! 3-591t. Flva room cottage, aU conven- Shop. __O R CALL MANCHESTER 5128 t yean old. Shed dormer. Hot 1448 Dodge Custom Four-Door— 1444 Nash 400—Overdrive. Like a Spinning Mills Corp., TalcottviUe, lancea, atoaps eight. Urge new one. FLAT FINISH HiUland wUdow C^n., or call Manchester 613A I water-bU heat, rough heating and MANCHESTER—New 8 bedroom Radio and heater. Black. BUILT RITE I plumbing to seco^ floor, brick ranch- home. Ultra modern In screened porch. Three minutes 1447 Plymouth Tudor — Very ax- shades made to meaaare. AH I front, garage, lot 70 x 152. Im- every detail Large Uving room walk to beach. August 4 through ceptlonal. ACT NOW—Make big money. Sell 16th., $55. Ssptember $30 week. 1447 Dodge 4-Dr. Deluxe S e d a n - metal Venetian bllada at a m Christmas cards 50 with name I mediate occupancy. Price 813,400. with fireplace; large garage aU Radio, heater, green. Clean car. 1441 Plymouth 4-Dr. — Unbeliev­ tow price. Keys xmde whUe you $1.35. Buslneae, profesMonal I Henry Escott Agency. TeL 8088. pUaatered; full bSMment with Phone 3-8702 noons. Thifi’t Mthlif niort wtletiM tku MWt frwi kmai, ably clean. wait. Martow*A * cards. Stationery, napkins. Fund CONSTRUenON CO. fireplace; ameslte drive, tile bath; ANDOVER—Winterised cottage. 144S Dodgt 4-Dr. Sedan Deli>aliiae<- AUTUMN fltract—Two-story six atone front; all tha detaU In the Radio, heater, fog ll| 1441 Studebaker 4-Dr. raising plan, (tosts nothing to GIRL OR r Large living room with flnpUca, bapk-up 37 MARBLE ST„ MANCHESTER—TEL. 2-8727 J room cidonial, flreplace, hot water world. TMa la Agood sixed home whii |M’rt away fram banal Far Ughta and atinal lights. Gray. 1450 Dodge P anel try. Free Imprint aamplea. Boxeo deU^tfuI kitchen, five bedrooms, CostrsetlBg 14 on approval. Write: Syracuse ! heat, tUa Itath, axtra large lot, with 1350 square feet of living 1441 Ford Panel. WOAUN HOME TELEPHONE 2-0059 I quick occupancy, 814,100. S. A. large lot, lake privileges, $4,500, 1444 Ford 4. 4-Dr. Sedan—Heater, A LL TYPES o f carpenter work In­ (tord. Syracuse, N. Y. area. AU city utlUUea, exceUent (toll Madeline flmltb. Realtor. 2- 1444 Chevrolet—Long wheel baas. { Beechler. Phone 0409. quaUty throughout (tomplate for 8862 iiu nm aJii vaaatiaa readiai-yMr HOMETOWN FAFER black. cluding repaira. Francla Smith. 1642 or 4670. A I4 yii, APPUCAT10N8 TEN-DAY DELIVERY AND ERECTION $18,500. OUman and Page, Inc. New Arrivals Dally Phone 3-4846. MANCHESTER —4 room (tope A darling UtUe dress fo r Uw accepted for Orooory, Meat and [Ood, expansion attic, only two SSI (tonter atreet. Manchester 3- LAKE AM8TON—Waterfront cot tags Iba Hall Oall a ir subsari|rtiaa SOLIMENE, Inc. We Spaclallae In Square DeaUag READY FOR OCCUPANCY hl8S - 2-8085. nliw o'clock ocholar that la pretty Produce Clerks In Manchester, on WANTED • years old. Not In a devel^ment tege, plus extm tot Five rooms, enough for parties, too. Tiny acai- Dodge-PIymouth Cars Florists—Narstrlf 15 2 5 9 4 fuU-time basis. I ExeaptionqUy well built by 14 X 25 Uving room with Held- lops finish the front closing, peter Job-Rated Truckx BARLOW MOTOR SAIJB8 A IX tA Snc price reduction. Own­ stone flreplace, oil heat, wlater- Thla Ataceful dolly haa uf iaiNirInaai law, aaibafa yaarpaparfarwarMteyaar Wapping Conn.-Phone 8404 QLADIQU BOUQUETS — Freeh- MANY BENEFITS: • owner who la a builder. er leaving town September 1st eye-appeal. The simple etltchaa pan collar makea a dainty franw 634 Center Street FOR GENERAL OFFICE WORK- Lfltone front, picture panel ited, ceUar. Immediate occupan­ for her face. Open Evenlnge and Sundays ly cut. Choice varietlea. Wood­ Paid HoUdaya, Pension Plan, Erispectlon invited anytime. 76 cy. Only $2,000 down. Schwarts radiating from the center moUf Phone 6101 or 6102 land Gardens, 166 Woodland window, fireplace, alum' Bowers street Phone 3-4762. Five Day Week, HoapitallBatlon, 'Real EsUte. 8274. give the effect of a wheel. Crochet Pattern No. 6862 la a sew-rite Yaaaliaa aMrassI Katp ia iaadi Safe Place To Buy Uaed Cars! 1446 DB SOTO 4 door. Radio, heat­ street Phone 6474. Good Starting Wim Inum combination windows, flush Pries $18,950. It In white for a spaikling effect. er. 81050. Redmer’s Baeo Station, Moon. York oil burner hot water perforated pattern in slsea4,6,8, Group Insurance. Sick Benoflts, 10, 12, 14 years. S lu 0, 3% yards 14S6 PLYMOUTH ConverUble. In 1500 Burnside Ave., Eaet Hart­ Vacation With Pay e* Knowledge of itenography and % e a t 14 X 23 ft. living room, dln- MANCHESTER — Only 810,400. Suburban for Sale 75 Pattern N a 2544 contains com ­ with tba bon i folbt, wbaravar yaa nay ba! gaod running condition. Good ford. R o o fla g ^ —S M is c ' 16 typing eaaontial. Paid vacation, 3ng combination. Handy to schools n is .four room duplex 'at 12-14 plete crocheting instrucUons, ma­ of 80-lneh. Urea. Needs new top, $300. Phone Apply On Tuesday, between 3:00 HELP WANTED FEMALE lid transportation. Fins nelgh- Lilac street has Just been reduc­ BOLTON—LOVELY new six room terial requlremente, sUtch lUus- 4775, MANCHESTER — RooSng end P. M. and 4:00 P. M. At Hoepitalization, etc. Good hours, tratloiw and finishing direcUons. For thto pattern, sand SOe to 1488 PLYMOITTH SEDAN, nice working conditions. -ortiood valua Ctomplete for only ed for quick sals. If you want in­ ranch bouse. C. H. W, hwt, oil Cotas, your iwme, address, stoa da- good clean car. Written guaran­ Siding Co. Also aU types of paint­ 118,500. Oood mortgags availatile. come property be sure to look at baseboard radiation, flraplaoe, at­ M ir CHEVROLET aob C>upe, ing a ^ carpentry work. Guaran­ A A P SUPKBL M ARKirr Send 25c In Ckriiw, your iwme, ■Ired, and Uw Pattern Number to tee. Buy it on your own terms. TWO STINOORAPHERS FOR 404IOUR WKIK $0 Westfleld street Drive out- this For appointment call OUman tached garage; fuU basement, ar­ Sue Burnett (The Mancheater Mack. Excellent condition Calao Bervicaater, 4164. teed work. Phone 3-8688 far free 174 Washington Street address and tlw Pattern Number Hartford, Conn. IToodbridge to Mather—take first RaaKy, 851 Ontar street Phona tesian weU, Urge tot with shade to Anne Cabot (The Manchester Evening Herald) 1100 Ava. Amer­ throughout See Bob OUver to ­ estimates. 8-3188 or 8-6085. traea. Many axtraa Only ona day. (Jsntar M otor Sales. 441 1448 LINCOI.4N Custom 4-door. ■ft to house. If interested call Evening Herald), 1150 Ave. Anwr- icas, New York 86, N. Y. WE SPECLAUZB la tooSag and WOMEN—Reliable and eanoibto. APPLY lUman and Page, Ine., 8Sl (ton­ availahta Rsasonabla. Suburban Icaa, New York 86, N. Y. Mala street Vary chotoe car. Black. Over­ to be trained to sell a aatloBany NEAR PRINCETON Strtot school Ready tar you now—Basic fash­ drive. Radio, electric antenna. Biding. Highaet Qimllty mo- er street Mahehestor. PboiM Realty Oo., Rsaltors, 641 k iUatirI|f4a t4r lEufttbig l|frald 1^7 CHEVROLET Stylemaster terlaU. Worfcmaasiilp jnian advertleed. gtiaranteed prodnet Oroup iiM ficp vBCtitB wMi (anebester 3-SlgS or 8-8085. five rooms, fuU bath and lava­ street Phone 8315. Anne Cabot's New Album of ion for '63, Fall aad Winter. Thto Hydraulic windows. Heater. Only Write Box S. HeralA tory, flreplaes, hot water oU beat Needlework la chock-full of grand new issue te filled with Ideas for eluH coupe. Radio, heater. In nice 1865 down. Biggest bargain la taed. A. A. Dion. Inc., 844 Autumn iSanrlf^iitrr Sttntitts ifrrald Condi tlon. Original black 6nl*h. atreet T>hoae 4444. !-R(X}M colonial, flva years porch, plastered walla, foU Insula- designs, plus sxcltlng features aad smart, practical sewing for a new town. Brunaer'x, 856 East Om- WOMAN Wanted for hand cutting. Ctoraga, larga le t Private Sm Honest Doug, Douglas C A U 4141 FOR AFPOHfTMINT tlqn. open ■fnlrciiu, hatchway. SO a. gift pattern printed In the book, season; g ift pattern printed Inakla Ur street. Open 'Ul 6 every eve­ Apply Ka-Klar (3oth Toy Op„ r. Inq^re 146 Oak street days ooeupaacy. GaU S62Q. Read Herald Advs. esata. f. . tlw book. 3 ^ Moten, tS3 Main. ning, Saturday until 8. H idl^ street P Read Herald 4^vs.' -i

MONDAY, AUGUST A, IMS PAOB TWELVE ATcraga Doily Nat Fi : Son The W6oth6r r Evening limtUi Ver lha Waak Bn ad 17. S. Weather 1 Ang. 3. tS83 Mr. and Mra. Ruaaall Ooffln and Scattered eheware dauiditar Floranca o f 548 Middle DelaysTrial . Youths Flee 9 ,9 5 9 About Town turnpike aaat hava ratumad Ihma Bantly-Patterson Nuptial night; becemlag fair WaOweSty; afUr a 10 day tour of Now Tork, a ad tha AoiM Mlalmum tanlght la lawar T6B, ICn. Aim* Scott of Toronto. New HampaMre, and Vermont. On Car Theft .. ,1 11 1 Burninu Car Exceptional Values iad( ' ' ' GUMte la Vialtlnc with Mr. Md They vlaltad tha homea of two lata Manehetter A City of ViUago Charm M n, Abram Matehatt of 84 M c l^ prealdenU, Frahklln 1>. Itooaavalt •tMat. Tbay wara alio recantly and Calvin Coolfdga. Othar aighta Police Ask G>ntinoance Young Men Escape from aMtad by Mr. and Mra. E. Brog^ they aaw were tha Cataklll Game IN HALE'S VOL. LXXL NO. 261 AdvertMng aa Faga 16) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 5,1952 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FIVE GBNT8 afEarra, Vt. ____ rarm In N. .V.; North Pole, at In Case of Man Who 1. ■ Blase Ignited When Whltefaca Mountain. In N. T.; • Oarald T. Bapianca of 81 Au- Lake Champlain, which they Admits Stealing Auto Whed LesYes Axle tanui atraat, croaaed by tha atraamllned ferry; 1 ■ Domestic Deprtment Seeks Senate Seat Herald la on two waaka vacation In and a marble exhibit In Proctor, The caaa of 'Harvey Oagna, 35, - -if ' A - . ■ A Manahadtar youth and hta the O a i^ raglon o f Canada. V t They climaxed their yacatlon of 83 Durfea atraet. Providence, R. East Hartford compank* had to In the White Mountaina and at U. S. Jets Bag Harvay King who la Balaa Man- M t Waahington at Bratton Wood, I., who confaaaad Friday that ha thank thalr ability to baU out of arar of lha Ka-Klar Cloth Toy N. H. atola an autpraoblle June 28 ffom a car rapidly for thalr bting aavsd F our SLIGHT IRREGULARS OF Machines Hum^ Oatnpany will apaak at tha iy > t ^ tha parking lot of the A A P atore from p o ^ U a aarious Injury yaa­ Chib mooting tomorrow at tha Hoaa Co. No. 8 MFD wlU hold a HEAVY QUALITY on Center atraat Waa continued tarday. Tha car la wl|dch they wara Country Club. Ha , will td l abotU drill tonight at tha Plra Hbuaa at Mainland Hilliard atreaU. in Town Court thla morning to driving north on Routs 8 la South* 4 MIGs, Hit 6 tear making and tha raaotlona of tha oaUnf and purchaalng public. Aug. 18 by Judge John S. O. Rott- Windsor burst Into flaaM just GANNON TOWELS Hoae and Ladder On. No. 1 will ner on raqueat of . the police de­ north o f tha Bast Hartford town AantUary firoman will drill to> hold Ita monthly meeting tomor­ partment. Una. In fhci Nawsst Erilliant Colors Seoul, Korea. Aug. 5— (JF)—rThe U. S. Fifth Air Yorce said at diSO at baadquartara on row night at tha Hoaa Houaa at 8 Oagna walked Into police haad- WUUam McOsUum, SO, o f 887 tonight U. S. Sabre pilots shot down four Commlinist jets quartera In New Haven Friday Parktr street, was driving whan T o, t ta l ■pnm atraat p. m. at .02 Inches morning and aald l)a had aiolen the tha laft raar whaal o f tha ear M l and damaged six in aeiial dog fights over North Korea today, car. Mancbeatar j^llca later went off. Tha axla hit tha ground, the Rog. 1.19 22x44 lo B i Towols 79 liie smashing UN air victory announcement came only a few G)urt Continues to New Haven to pick him up. resulting sparks igniting tha gaa- hours efter the UN said it haito' Gagne, who la repreaanted by oUna in tha tank. Raymond Fewar- Rog. ‘ 59e 16g28 Hand Towols o • a e a < warned 78 North Korean towne Lombardo Case Attorney John D. LaBelle, la re- ty of 88 Dean Drive, Eaat Hart­ housing Communist military In- SERVICES laaaad under 81.000 bond. ford, who was riding With McCol­ stallatlona that they are doomed Police Kill Policy King Police Break Up Road Block The caaa of John Lucaa, 40, of lum, aaw tha fire and warned tha Rag. 29c Fact Cloths ...... and advised clviliana to get out in O p era tp rs n a t b t o r ^ Thd WWid* The eaaa agalnat Samuel Lom­ 118 Butler avanue, Plttaeon, Pa., driver. Beth jumpdd from tha car advance of air ndds. charged with breach of tha peace b a f o r a tha rapidly spreading Whet X value. Large Mxe heavy weight Cannon towala In tha v < ^ ^ Hie Air Force eald Sabre pUoU bardo, partner In tha Lombardo after ha waa arreatad July 26 Of Tht Fanllr Brothara Arm charged with viola- flames could trap them. newest coloringa. The imperfectione are hardly noticeable. Light, destroyed four MIQe and damaged 6 Rebels at Sh ot D ow n whan ha fled from tha acana of a Dasplta,tha efforts of Firs Chiaf nlng pink, sungold, rocket blue, forest, green, limelight, radiant five In four aeparate fights. The D en y C la ii]| [ Ilona of tha aanltary lawa In con­ fire In hla rooming houae quar- nection with tha operation of a Gaorga Enas and tha South Wlnd- sixth MIG .wss hit by sn F-64 tara, waa continued to Wedneaday. aor Voluntear Fire Department, aU Thunderjet pilot. JOHN I . OURKE pIRgary on Hlllatown road, waa Robert Krlnjak, 18, of 53 Eld- continued In Town" Court thla that could ha salvaged from tha The Air Force said the Red Korea Polls In C h icago rldga atraat waa flned 8150 on a car was the wheel that came off. fighters ventured farther eouth T o Show ei^ mornliig to Aug. 8 by Judge John charge of driving while hla llcenae m m a i h o m i B. O. Rottnar. State Policeman Ralph E. Water­ than they had In recent months. waa under auapanalon. Two Towns Hit Pusan, Korea, August 6— fiaMtOratarH*. TaLOOiO Tha continuance waa raquaatad Judge John S. O. Rottner order­ man and Auxiliary State Police­ Chicago, Aug. 6— — man James Bryara of Hartford in- SAVE S4 A PAIR Tho program of heralding air Washington, Ang. t —HO by Aaalatant Proaaeutor W. David ed Lm Cronin, .48, addreaa un­ (AV-Police killed six guerril­ Theodore Roe, last of the Ne­ AMMJUUfCa WOIVIOB :alth who told tha court tha mat­ vaatlgated. Hia 1888 car, which THIS MONTH C»4LTI raids is designed to spare non- las and wounded 10 of a band •— Agrienltora DainutaHill available, apprehended and ar­ combatant llvee. It also has the gro gambling boeses to resist ter would be diapoaad of Aug. 6 If raigned Wedneaday. Cronin waa waa left a charred wreck, waa In­ of 40 that attacked a polling offieinn nnid today they aoa Anthony Lombardo, Samual'a sured for everything except fire. effect of flaunting the Allied air' syndicate control over Chica- considering adding aeFoeol arraatad yaatarday, charged with superiority over the Communist place about 70 miles west of brother and partnar in the firm, la Intoxication, and ralaaa^ under WONDERFUL FIRST *QUAUTY go’s lucrative policy wheel stateo, inclnding North arraatad by that time. North Korean and Chineae com­ here today in South Korea’s C am -' 825 bond for appearance In court racket, was slain last night linn, Cennectient and RM w A warrant for tha aitaat of the thla morning. He failed to appear. mands. first, direct election of a Pres­ Deputy Attaraey Oeaeral by a blast of shotgun slugs. pair waa iaauad by Proaaeutor PLAYTEX SUPERFOAM At least two of the forewarned Island to the drought dioaater Edward Doren, 44, of Kerry For W ow ladM dBrfly ident and Vice President. Devttt Vaiiech (aihove), 46, Roe, 58, a reputed millionaire, DB. W. JOHN FIELD John J. O'Connor lYiday. Police towns have been hit. Police and troope had bean Stamford, Coan„ ea Angust 4 i area. atraet waa convicted of being a S o Im I ci Lt. Gen. Glenn. O. Barcua, U. 8. walked Into an ambush aa he left were unable to locata althar of LATEXFOAM alerted for just sudi raids. nooBoed his eandidaey for the V. OCfieiala ^ d North C « ^ tha accuaad Friday night, but common drunk and aentenced to Fifth Air Force command, said bis aouUi aide apartment. A shot- 60 daya in jail. AaaUtant Pro- FowMHBtloHs CnB 'H om e Minister Kim Tal Sun S. Senate seat left vacant by the gui\ roared aa he walked toward OSTEOPATHIC Samuel walked Into police head, the warning program has beei\ death ef Democrattc Senator linn and Ceonectieat a u y ha quartern Saturday, f t a warrant aacutor W. David Keith told the Mrs. Ebls MMcnecI under way In Korea since mid- said the guerrillas fled, leaving hta automobile. Roe fell with added to the list today. AB-ar court Doran had been arraigned PILLOWS sub-machine gun and 800 car­ Brian McMahaa of Oonnecticnt. wounds In hie cheet and neck. Po­ waa nerved on him than. Ha waa July. large parts o f 12 etetes a lh PHYSICIAN four timea aince' February on- In­ H m m 7737 tridges. lice eald he never had a chance to roteaaad uiidar $300 bond. MilUona of leaflets telUng of have been designated tIS Samuel told polloa Anthony had toxication chargea He waa ar­ Rag. 7.95 Ragular Haight ...Each future bombings Imve bwn He said police suffered no reach for a loaded revolver found HAS RESUMED left on a vacation and ha did not raatad yaatarday. dropped on North Korea by B-28s casualties and voting resumed In hia pocket diaaatar areas ss s rarndt J f know where ha could ba found. Howard Hagadorn, 50, of 88 Oak­ flying out of Okinawa and Japan. after a short delay. Solid South Authorities considered several prolonged drought and )£• Tha arraat la the latent atap In land atraet, waa convicted of viola­ Rag. 8.95 Extra Plump Haight, Each 6®^ A headquarters statement said: About 30 guerrillas kiUed *one possible motives for the slaying, tenso heat. PRACTICE tha town’a attempt to abollah the tion of probation and aentenced to MATTRESSES ‘‘In an effort to save the Uvea man and burned two buildings and One, was that he was slain to ggary. Tha matter began June aerve 85 ramalnlng daya o f a 80 o f North Korean clviUsna, an a home bi a vlUage ip south­ prevent him from testifying be­ Hartford, Aug. whan Oaneral Manager Richard day aanteneaVimpoaed June 30 for Rag. 11.95 King Sixa Haight ..Each 9 ® ^ western Korea last' night. But Is Seen by fore a federal grand jury which 5 t| Intoxication. It is bettsr to hsTs a good audacious program of prior warn­ The first higtone rain-nuliE* rMartin ordered tha abolition. rabnllt aisU m s than a ings of bombing attacks Is In ef- poHce who drove off the raiders yesterday began an Inveatigation The caaa of Cathertne Re sidd they did not know whether of Incomes of seven nu:keteers As a traidc loaded wltk power traaemlsBloa maohlaery (laft) preparae ta laava Soath Mds Ohiaaga tog attempt in aoutharn gan, 30, of 16 Coleman road, ar­ Joaaph Jay Plwto. cheap now one. Wo r«- operating at laaat two big policy MRS. ROBERT M. BANTLY "In recent weeks. Far Ektft Air the attack waa connected with the plant of laternatlooal Barveater twiae mill, Dolioe mix with etrikera who triad to Mock tho vaMde’s England was launched _ _ raatad July 38 by Lee Fracchia, moko and sterfliga aO tyges Forces aircraft have dropped election or juat another sporadic Adlai Aides wheels on Chicago's aouth ride. paMsge. Oae picket at Ferae Equlpmeat-llnlled Electrieal workera uoloa It kelag lad away by deg warden, on a charge of having RS'Cavar Thota O ld ' Bod Pillows Noi^l today and foliowad by ‘t ft of nuittroosoB. leaflets on 78 towns and cities in guerrilla strike. MoUves Urted poSee. Strikers were pro to* ting eompaay'a...... tranafer af plant to New Orleaaa, ‘ La. ((AF / ...... Wlrsphot#) an unlieanaad dog, waa continued Mias Bette Jane Patteraon, She la a graduata of Manchastar dropa o f rain for which DOWNPROOF and FEATHERPROOF North Korea known to house Overcast skies threatened rain, By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Another posalble moUve con­ THE OFFICE OF FILL to Aug. 6. . daughter of Mr. and Mra. William High school class o f 1847, and sidered waa vengeance for the n^ithar Mothar Natunt otif Cambridge Secretarial S^ool, (Oontlaued on Page Two) (Continued oa Faga Two) Top Democratic leaders slaying of Leonard (Fat Lenny) modem aeienea mode ex i^ Patterson of 89 Bigelow street, Boston. The bridegroom attend Jm m i Finiitiri a ii sive claims. * DR. JOSEPH MAS8AR0 and Robert Morgan Bantly, aon predicted today the South Calfano, 43, a Chicago hoodlum Stfikers Fail FO R SA L E ed Manlius Military Academy and PILLOW TICKS - 7 9 c EA, who was klUed Juna IS, 1861, U. S. Moves Goal Strike Aiming‘nt the draught-etrlekHi Give Turkington of Mr. and Mrs, Ernest l ’. Bantly graduated from WUbraham Acad­ Rmt Gavtriis will remain solid this Novem­ ber despite rumblings of when he and three other men al­ Oonnectleut river valley as toe CAU of 44 Porter street, were married emy. He la associated with 36 Oak S t TtL 2-1041 Reg. 81.00; torg*t, the flret of four raiarnin- WILL BE CLOSED Bachelor Dinner Bantly OU Co., Inc, Dixie dissatisfaction with the legedly attempted to, kidnap Roe. To Bar Truck Saturday In the South Methodist Bus Riders to Receive A murder charge against tha For Jailing Indicated in Ing maehinee went in to' a Church. The ceremony waa per­ party platform. Negro gambler waa dropped when ■horUy after midnight atoa FROM AUGUST 1 ALEXANDER Rag. 1.29 Zipparad Opaning...... 99e aa. T h e Democratle presidential Ohieage, Aug. 5—<04—Strik- Rock, New Haven. Hal Turkington, Harald raport- formed at tvro o'clock by the min­ he contended he shot In aelf de­ FltM quellty plUow ticks guaranteed hot!both downproof and nominee. Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson fense after Calfano and hit eom- en fought peSee at aa laterna- The flret amoke generator 8s- TO AUGUST 18 JARVIS COe ar of 55 WIntar atraet was honor- ister, Dr. Fred R. Edgar. Palms of Illinois, said southern political ttooal darvnater compaay twine and white gladioli decorated the featherproof. Mlake r your old pUIowa like new,' Receipts on Fare Hike panlona curbed Roe's automobile Of Costello Lewis’ Note leaning aUveii j Z ad Saturday night at a dinner leaden havd given him ‘‘hearten­ and attamptad to abduct him. ■ u i Mawlair aa6 ■ttg aa a ttark aky to iadaeo rtto w m Sm S T E L 4112 chancel. / ------— ing evidences^of the ‘TldeUty of .ttaaafentaa macMagry to a aow party ut tha BritUh Amarlcan Tha bride who waa presented In Calfano'a brother, Marahall, 38, •4 by Norman Tuntor, ™ ^ * Boys’ Shop the South to the Democratic party waa ordered picked up for quee- New Yorif, Aug, 6—(ff)— IHO pkut la New Orleaaa. Waghington, Aug** 6—-‘ Island aald in aeparate Interviews Stavt Al 4 a* Haven residents who claim that of 18 months in Jail and | 2 ,- Picket# were preteeOag the blast production arose today Richard ,F .DImock, brother-in-law the Republican candidate won't aohedoled permaaeat abutdowa By 4 a. m., aU four geawaters Toastmaster was Jerry Flood, o f' tha bridegroom, Allen F. Reg. Reg. the Public Utilities commission 000 fine for contempt of the as John L. Lewis served wera humming, deplojrto in etm- director o f athletics at Hamilton Back To School 3 - 9 9 4 9 9 Girl Vanishes win a single southern state. ‘Ang. g of the tlve-story plant oa Behn|(e and John Wennergren, Jr. 16.68 36.98 permitted too much o f an Increase. Man KiUs Wife Standard Propeller and guest Ike Talks to VFW U. S. Senate. the south aide and transfer of Its notice that his United Mine tegie locatloos to wlndwnrd of too Tha bride's gown o f Imported A aronderful value. The case goes to the superior Court Defense Couiiael George Wolf valley. Two wera near WntezMSry apeakara Included Recreation Sept 21. GOP nominee Dwight D. EUsen- eperatloaa to New Orleans. Workers’ contracts are end Chantilly lace and nlyon tuUe waa From Liner in wari reported to be seeking an or­ Members ef the ladeuMUleat and ona on Avon Mountain juat DIractor John Hedlund; Twilight fashioned with a aweethekrt neck­ Judge James E. Murphy said hower and hla party,are counting In Parked Car; ing next month. want of Hartford. , heavily on splitting the South over der from a U. 8. Supreme Court Farm Bqulpmeat-Uaited lUeetri- Lewis, president of the Min. Laague vice-president A1 Kean; line, short aleeyea and bouffant Specials Monday, however, that until the Justice to atay commltmant of They were aapected to coaliiiaw Mayor Harold Turkington; former court hearing the company may the civil rights issue, offsetting eai Workers union last week Workers union, wrote JoMph E. akirt which terminated In a full, ODDS AND ENDS OF Atlantic Ocean Costello pending further SppeaL ataged a brief altdowa atrtke at oporatlng more or leao ateadUy ^ Mayor Cecil England; former Twi­ circular train. Her veil of French put the IB-c'ent cash or four-tok- the heavy edge Democrats have Suicide Foiled Moody, president o f the Southern over Republicans in vote registra­ U. 8. Attorney Mylea J. Lane the twine ndlL Coat Producers association, that til aeme time after noon t o t e light League president Nick An: Illusion fell front a matching ens-for-50 cents rates into effect— -sent a latter yesterday to Wolf when the clouda o f "rain indnidii^ ge|p; Fred Dickson, president of provided It give customers receipts Hoboken, N. J„ Aug. 5—(jr>—A tions. A atrike by CIO United Ante his present work contract will ex­ headpiece and her cascade bouquet & Milford. Aqg. 6—— Juat century composer of "The Barber since the outbreak of hoetllities Pipcliner Is Freed day slipped a partial qaaraattea into beautiful bags, towels, etc. how many persona died in the of Seville'' and "William Tell' in northeast Asia. oa the Ohleago hog auurhiet te a flaming hell that resulted when Bus Crash Survivor Prince Aly Khan says he plans Watch Sea Approaches After Pit Collapse two Greyhound buses crashed to see his eatraiuced wife, Rita farther egort to atop Om i BOYS' SWEATERS White HUGK t o w e l in g 49c YD. Llw Bomli Haugf from Wiug The patrol planes are charged of a ewlft-movlag h a g Sixes • te 38. south o f here early yaatarday rs> Hayworth and their daughter. with the specific task of keeping called veelcalar exanthema Coarse and fine. malned a mystery today. Yeamln, during three-week vlelt watch over the etr and sea ap Naugatuck. Aug. 5— W) —A Rag. $ 8 .9 5 ...... Now $4.75 A t least 28 bodies had been re­ In thla country. natural gas pipeline pit collapsed proaches to Korea. The most prec- TRUMAN CASTS VOTE Rag. $4.50...... Now $3.59 covered from the charred aham- One Armed Pilot Lands Jet Appointment of Very Rev. tlcable of these lead through or here today, completely burying a Rag. $3.95 Now $3.15 Colored H U C K TOWELING 69c YD. blea of the big 87-passengar high­ Fraacle E. Morlarty, SBE, over the Yellow Sea which sepa 24-year-old Arkansas man who ladependcoce. Mo,, Ang. So* way liners, but a pile of charred ninth president of 8t. Michel’s rates the Korean peninsula from ha— A a- Check Your .Heating distreoa about our rapid, thorough dry cleaning service! completely cremated. landlBg with aa uaexploded man peace coatract when it is still bad aae bomb left, and be­ ratified by parliament . . . So­ After the Red-etar marked plane boulders as large as typewriters, prexlmately 188 aaiea ese|to9*e ONE GROUP RAYON For new patterns for colored or white buck begs and towela. Meanwhile, officials o f the Grey­ bomb dangling from Ms crippled lieve BH) I prayed the wheel was refused to be warned off and ac rumbled to the pit bottom about 50 In fact a beautiful friendship will probably result- For hound lines, local police and the viet Ambassador Adm. Constan­ at the Crown Corrat Compeay, pUne. ^ down wan the side the bomb tually opened fire It waa shot feet below the surface of the went on strike today te a walk- stains, creases— accidental or natural after a busy d a y - ‘Texas Department of Public Etofe- Capt. Edward Shnails, M, ef bang oa. tine Rodinov, calls on Swedish System N ow UNLINED JACKETS foreign office In Stockholm and down by U. S. naval aircraft. One ground. oat that started evra a break­ RE6. 4Sc l-OZ. SKEINS ty tried to find out what happen­ Peoancola, Fla,, has been rec­ ‘‘1 put her down oa the dock keep our phone number handy! Call immediately! Man­ Siies 6 to 20. Reg. $5.00 and $5.75. obse'rvera speculate he may handle of Its occupahta was picked up out Thomas McNeelan and the othar down te negottettoan wHk Now, while it will cause you na inconvenience, la the ed, and why. ommended for the bronxe star and for awhile that one wheel of the Yellow Sea dead and Iden- workers, disregarding the danger oooipaBy. chester 7254. Drtven Killed far Ms heroic actloa, the Ma­ held up. But when my air another Swedlah protest over tlnae to hive your heating system put into good working plane shooting Inrldcnto in Baltic. NOW $3.99 ’ BEAR BRAND 4 PLY lh a two speeding vriiiclea ram­ rino Corpo sold todny. speed got low, the plaae fell on (Coatinned on Page Seven) (Oeatiaaed oa Pago Twn) DESPERADO HUNTED ' eonditioii for the long winter ahead. med together and burst Into Shnmio was wounded by anti­ Villagers in Thuringia, Ger­ SPECIAL 1 DAY CLEANING SERVICE — WORK the wtag with ao wheel. Then WaaMngtoa. Ang, S—(F) " A We'U aend a man to look your equipment over. He’ll flames about 4 a. m. Two young aircraft (Ire aoon after be eom- she started aklddlng. many, ordered to turn In private Sale Starts August 4th BRITISH KNITINC WORSTED drivera—Milburn Berry Herring, plated bis first dhre^ bombing radio receiver# . . , Hummer breed­ 87-year-old deepera6*. Leonard td l you what needs to be done. And, if you wish, he’ll ACCEPTED UP TO 10 A. M„ EXCEPT SATURDAYS The Pantherjet enrae to a J. Zahrtaky, of AUratewa. Pa- 34, and Billy Malone, 28—were run agninst an enemy supply atop dose to a staadby crash ing ground of nearly extinct who eaeaped fear Ossea Rtpna clean the oil burner and flue: check your oil tank gauge; Brnfs August 9th piloting their big vehicles through area nortbeast of Cherwon. crew who rushed Mm to a aear- whooping crane that winters on clean and oU, adjust and replace parts. 35c I ounce sfcein the pre-dawn blackneas of cen­ He nattered a compound frne- bv heenltol. Texas coast reported found by two Florida atato prtaooa today wsa Americans . . . Informed officials Merchants^ Day added to tke FBPa Sot o f "1 6 Can 2-4595. One o f our men will call at your con- HEADQUARTERS FOR 38 colon. tral Texas. Herring was com- tuTo and lacerations of Mo left Maj. Aleaaader 8. "Rocky" pleUng his flfth day as a driver; arm. GUUa, Se, H i W. Ualveraity report Britain haa drafted plan moat wanted nwo." He te eea- Tenlence. MANCHESTER In order to give their employes a full day summer sidered daagoraoa. ROY SCOUTuiSroRM S^D EQUIPMINT Malone had been driving about "I beard this tbiag go ‘thuag* Parkway, Baltimore, a Mariae for seven-nation high command four months. Both were among to map defense of Middle East. iilf C Green Staapa Ghreo With Caoh Saloo. through the aide of the cockpit, pilot waiting to take off when holiday, most Manchester stores will remain closed all the dMd. tkea my am started Meeding," Skamlo came la aald, "Ed did a day tomorrow. Merchants’ Day. TW O 8 A IL O M KTTJJED DRY CLEANERS A passenger, pretty Mrs. Dora Adeipk Simmank, 38, o f Aaa- the pilot aald. **I turaed mad Sae Job o f bringlag t l« t thiag Treasury Balance w— Mase- Ang. » '( * ) "■ ■ INIRAl MOTORS Daniels. 17, o f Corpus Christl Un, T ^ gives kia aoa, Johaay Chain food stores, as well as other retail outlets, will 93 WELLS STREET TELEPHONE 7254 headed for our owa liaeo.” In, oa badly bnrt as be was. Ha Twn seUori were kflled osid ash The Bantly Oil Co. aald aomebody hollered, *XiOok OdeU, 2. a Mg kag at Waco after Followed by bis wingman, aare mads a sweet landing." ' Washington, Aug. 6—Iff)—^The observf^ the annual event. Only liquor and d i»g stores other was tejored out!" yomigater and kla mother drove to 2nd Lt. Richard T. Spencer, 38. Bbnmie from bU b^ptlal position of the Treasury Aug. 1: will stay open. eajty today when tkels CEHOliasSON Then the buses hit. Waco to pick him up. SImniaak mmm 331 Alsiii St. Minchesttr 338 Hnnnoa nvaane, Lima, Ohio, bank, grlaned; Nat budget receipts, 8114,262,451' Employes of at least one Main street store will have tele craeked tart* a tson W E GIVE GREEN STAMPS * lt sounded like thunder," Mrs. ■arrived heod:oa hue crash wMek tbn waoodad eOleer mode Ma "Tkey*ro all sweet. Beak, .01; budget expenditures, 8^2,468,' wMle sn rooto to tke Mss task Uvea of at least 38 peiaons. way ta a dUtaat Sold. As ho wiHB yoa walk away tram 003.86; caah balance, 87316,905, an annual outiiig. *. R. L. Navat Tratelag 01 Advertise in The Herald— It Pays iCtmUmm* ari Faga i ■). (AF WlrafOoto). > startad Ms laadtag appraeefc j|e 849.26. f tram Bestsa. * A . i L TT': A. / - X ...... - ...... SATURDATf, AUGUST 1952 TheW esther PAG* IWELV* X' ATcnce Daily Net P n m Ron iiitnrtiffBt^r lEvming If^raUk Far «h* W«ik B sM FaiMaat af U. S. Weaihar Bane S eatterjtd thnaditahawifi, summer season, with Its sudden wiarin, very hmnM.teaiglit. Shew sAd violent thunderstorms, is the Three Days Work in Oiie A re R e p a irin g 9,959 era eadiag Tneaday, foRewed- hy A b o u t T o w n perioq of the greatest dsngsr from REPPIR Heard Along Main Street lightning. SHOE Arnm clearing, leas hamM. Lightning ,tokssf opproxlmstely I^c^itad^l HanchoBter-^A City of VUlage Charm AuxiHaiy Police will meet for .TOO lives s' yssr in. thi United !■ J practice at Mt, Nebo And on Some of Manche$ter*i Side Sirccfd, Too Ststes, Btstistlcians of the Metro­ Monday night at 7 o'clock. politan Life Insurance Company ^alvation Army to Hold MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 1952 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS point out, adding that many of U lUOIT YDL. LXXL NO. 260 (OlaaaUM Adv6rUMat'‘wi Paga It) A daughter waa bom to Mr. and The Itttelleotual tlon." 'rtila la where you floor these lives could have beSn save4 ledication Sendee lUINIll Mrs. Janea Dowda of 206 Center It waa pointed out by an ac- them. if the vtctlms had sought ,aafe •troet a t the St.' Francla Hoepl- ‘quaintance the other day,, that You comb your mind for aome shelter. W f ^ End of OcL 4-5 mm tal niuraday. moat of ua are rolaalng a chance filler or aquib with a foreign flavor One of the, m p t dangerous to further our general knowledge and then recall you’d eeen one on places during a ato m la under a extensive Vopalrs are now In Reds Claim ggt, Charlaa L. Farrell of Cov­ when we read Juat the main page 11 of yeaterda/a Herald. tresr-especl^ly an.hMlatad one. progress at theNMvmtlon Army M- entry waa among 19 Connecticut atorlea (local ar.d national) In ’’In jmy opinion,’’ you begin and About one fourth of'Oil the deaths OtadsI, and It Is h o ^ the Im­ men who arrived at New» York the newapaper. let your ateely gaxe-roam around from lightning occur Among per­ from Burope on the troop ahip, the giieits waiting for each word sons who s«A shelter under or provements will be coinpleted by First Placet We figured, aa perhapa you do, the flrst Sunday In Octow^ when Ooneral Darby, today at 9:16 a. m, that If one reada page one, the aa If It were..a precimia gem. ’’In near trees. Afte'r etrlking^a tree, lop local atorlea on aucceedlng my opinion, the flrat pure nickle the bolt 'Inay flash aldewayS or It a rededlcallon service will be, held Daugbtam were born to Mr. and pagra and the advertlamenta, that coin ever laaued waa a 30-centlme may^ run along -the ground and on the week end of Oct. 4 anti .6. Mn. Oiarlea J. Merritt of • 296 we've done a good Job or looking piece minted In 1891 by Switzer­ klU anyone in Its path. Distinguiahed officers of lb's A tH elsinki North Main atreet and to Mr. and through the paper. But have we? land. And furthermore (now you The activities In which the light­ Army who ^1 1 be present on that Mra. Robert MilikowalU of 39 Cot- dig deep into that photographic ning victims ware engaged when occasion will be Commlaeioner and >R. W. JOHN FIELD We're not from Mlaaourl . . Fire By TED 8MIT8 taga atreet a t the Hartford Hoa- Mrs.. Donald McMillan, command­ rather from old New England, but memory of youra and remember (hey were struck indicate wliere JSTEOPATHTC pltal Wedneeday. we were wllhnjf to learn. And the dozena upon dozerta of flllera the greatest danger lies. A few of ing officsra of tbs Solvation Army Helsinki, Finland, Aug. 4 Tam you*ve read In the pait few weekai these were: lunching In a wooded in the 11 Eastern States. Oldsr Recently reporting at the fleet learn we did, residents will recall that Mrs. Mc­ pTiysiciA N —{IF)—Russia today claimed the metal known aa . tungaten in area, playing baseball In an open an overall victory in the training center,, Norfolk, Va.. for , Friend pointed out that aq*llba tha United Statea la called wolfram field,' fishing In boats on open Millan waa the former Harriet Colorful Royalty a eourae of Inafructlon In damage or flllera, uaed to plug the email In- many other naliona.” water, working In fields, herding Blackmon, who graduated from WILL ^EEUME Olympic games with 494 Control waa Lee F. Ooodell, ma- gape on a newapaper page, are a The dinner 'gueata alt back, cattle, and similar activities; oper­ Manchester High school while her Texas Toll points againat 490.26 for the chimat'a mate fireman, USN, aon wonderful aource of learning. It startlad at your complete control ating tractnra In open fields. parents. Adjutant and Mrs. Sam- p r A c t i ^ American Youth Speaks at Finnish Rally opena up a vaat new field arid usl Blackmon were officers of the United States. ef Mr. and Kre. DeForeat H. Cood- of the altuatton and general world Others were gathering the fam­ ON MONDAY, Apparently tha Russians decid­ Speedy Aid Claim Plan en of 49 Edward- atreet. Ooodell fine our minda with thouaanda of knowledge. But you don’t atop ily wash from clothesline attached Manchester Corps, 1906-1909. entered the naval acrvlce In Jen­ off-beat blU of Information. But The Improvements, estimated to Expected to ed a first place waa worth only there. to trees, standing on a porch or In AUGUST 4 ■even points inatead of the 10 n a ^ , IM l and la now aaaigned to flrat a brief word about flliara. "Amerlca’a flret club woman a doorway, and awimming. coat 110,000' will include new oak They are the email atorlea of point! awarded by the stan<|ard duty aboard the high apeed trana- waa Anne Hutchlneon who organ­ Lightning Is a danger both day doors, at the Main street entrance scoring method uaed on all Olym­ In Drought Will Benefit V8S Home. V from one to aeveral aentencea long, ized groupe of women for aecular and night, but the largest num­ and new inner doors. The build with or without a headline, and Ing'Will be painted throughout R ise to 33 pic games since 1920. and theological diaeiiaaibna . . . ber of fatal Injuries occurs In the X A statement Issued by N. Ro- uaually undated. The newapaper Chop Suey waa concocted In New afternoon. The fewest take place and new electroliers installed. A miutnv, leader of tha Soviet Olym­ aubacribea to a apeclal aervlee that York City on Aug. 29. 1996, by In the morning hours. tUe floor will be laid in the main Areas Seen ‘Everyone’ auppilea theae. Thoae requiring hall. The celling will be sound X Waco, Tex., Aug. 4—(ff*)— pic team, said the Russian score the chef of a rich, vlalting Chl- Lightning deaths among men ' Two Greyhound buses col- would have been better If the itaadllnea art,P(ia*« the door. occupied by any guesta. He found medleine Is rather-outlandish and KNOFLA AGENCY Baby land Exploding fuel tonka, sounded en the topsoil. Powell iJrges Adlai it necessary to ua# the facUitlea homely when compared to Its ultra­ entire plants for a two weeks’ fe- like thunder, sold the pretty leted a much higher point total if In tha south, damage to crops cut A frieultu^ EaqMfiniMt oto* ■boot tha wonderful food You don't care a squib for the epite from labor, or at leaat stag­ E s t 1921 In all aporta events thara had baea tion'a wtndoor totaeoo laboratory', party aftar a ll, > therein and feared to disturb modern contemporary discoveries. 878 MAIN ST. brown-eyed Waco woman. “It and Itveatock auffering from lack •enred at NORM’S DRIVE- anyone. gering departments. would blow up; and then blow up objactiva judgtog. ^ of'feed hgg ooitirid wall over the Exported Ttop Horn It’s oatmeal. The two-week vacation Is ths Dial 8440 or S-42T8 Will Start Friday "Three weeka ago wa 0X r~ ..~ - . FILMS Oat of SeosM Smirkingly, the culprit police­ That’s right. From pisin, old- KEMP'S, Inc; again, one after, another. “The United Statea athietM ac­ half-bllllon dollar mark. IN RESTAURANT?’* most popular, but there is a defi­ She sold a Negro soldier who cumulated 490.25 and won oecond The - multi-million dollar live­ Build Rights Plank A bit of nostalgic aadnaas creep man and an accomplice, also a fgshtoned oatmeal, the kind that nite trend, in the case of busy 788 Main SL—Maeeheetsr DEVELOPED AND you eat at breakfast, modem eci- waa thrown to safety "was brave place. We greet Hungary's sports­ stock Industry, which In a few upon ua as we note that the member of the department, ao- executives, to grant them a much quality Is Ism than gdod." PRINTED strawberry season with its many aurad the reporter the accommo­ ence has developed sn effective enough to ccme baick and pull ua Bridgeport, Aug. 4—(/P)-—Judge Jame.s E. Murphy in Su­ men who took third place In the years has become a prime factor in longer period tor relaxation or out.’’ ’The mune of her rescuer Olympic games. During the Olym­ ths .south’s economy, has been Meonwhlla a promlaa that a Mil h-HOUR SERVICE auppara and faativsia, la now a dations of the cell block were at treatment for poison Ivy. sunburn recreation. They are finding it, perior Court here today gave' the Connecticut Company per­ New York, Aug. 4— (;— to bolster Us modest treasury by the audacity to snap the lock areas. This product la of particular man said he will lead a delegation ; qoutb Korean police and troops Bister liked to sit next to the aisle, (Continued on Page Seven) The company then filed a petl- A. Devitt Vanech today an­ track and field competitions. Iranis Senate today gave Initial the serving of delicious, ga^en- shut. Undoubtedly they counted on Importance since It permits ilieny sat down in the second seat from appravoKto a bill granting 'Pre­ to the conference. have been alerted fdr- poasibla fresh strawberries; coupled with the reporter's becoming panicky tlon for A show cause order from nounced his candidacy for the He said a similar delegation will Announces The Opening Of skin conditions to he treated with­ the aisle and out of consideration the court seeking permission, to mier Monojnmed Mossadegh un­ Communist guerrilla Intarferonce the opportunity to mingle with and setting up a hue and cry •with­ out having to resort to drugs and for her sister (something unusual U. S. Senate seat left vacant limited potybro to rule this near- confer with Stevenson’s running tomorrow In tha Rspublle'a first our neighbors, has always held out flrat having mustered the put the rates into effect Immedi­ B lillelm s medication , which are often Ir­ in sisters) she asked the little girl Resurvey Seeiji ately pending the outcome of the by the death of DemiKratic Red Cross Raps banknippt couqttry with a free mate, but he-did not say when popular election of a president tor bs o great appeal. presence of mind to effect hie ee- ritating to the skin. sitting in the end seat to move Sen. Brien McMahon of Con­ hand for six months. But the that meeting would take place, and vies president. We view with regret that we cape.' { ■. Now someone who has never Lake Amston appM .hearing. Powell sold the Alabama Senator’s from the AP WirM upper .house offei-qd unexpected A government spokesman said had poladn ivy or a bad case of over to the only seat left in that c a r e f Uu y r e s t r ic t e d At was on this petition the court necticut. THE WHITE IRON don't have the same opportunity His freedom gained, the report­ row next to brunette slater. On Draft Pool, ^ te d today. Vanech, a 46-year-old Democrat Soviet Charges opposition to a government bill record allows continuous opposi­ reporto had been received that ths in a blueberryi festival. At leaat er started up the stairs and there, sunburn or a rash probably can­ Red sat down In her favorite (’TO CONFORM WITH BUILDING CODE) ordering confiscation^ the, per-' tion to civil rights legislation. Communiets had ordered guerril­ we've never heard of one but per­ lurking in a corner awaiting the not appreciate what a boon this Murphy said In his finding the whose home is at Stamford, Conn., LEWIM SERVES NOnOE spot and I(x>ked at her companion new rates shotild beeome effective told reporters that he had sub­ sonal wealth and propeHy of Ah­ Seeks FEPO DerloraUon las to disrupt the election. ^ Pottovllle, Po., Aug. 4 BENCH SHOP hapa somewhere In the suburban beginning -of his entertainment, now find la to suffering scratch- Hershey Stated med Qavam. who was to r ^ ^ out Stevenson urged to take Ths republic he* 8,218,000 eli­ area such an occasion might arise. was the scoundrel of an dfflcSr. ers. If you’ve ever had an allergy, —who by this time had discovered Friday. Aug. 8 with the assertion mitted his resignation as deputy Of Germ War John U Lewie has aervag —WK she was aiUing on another little "the company cannot operate a attorney general to President Tru of the premiership two weeks ago a stronger position on civil rights gible votets. he wants a new wnga eoaftort Strawbenry festivals with their The hero east a withering and then had to take an Injection by wildly demonstrating Moqu- 465 PORTER STREET of drugs to combat the allergy, girl who was so.smothered she Washington, Aug. 4—(4 V ^ « J business at a loss and expect to re­ man this morning. Toronto, Ont., Aug. 4—OP)—The than the Democratic platform con­ Rhee Seen Winner for hie 100,OM nnUirnrtto nzte- whoiasome neighborllness' also glance at the bully and there the hadn’t the -chance to say boo. degh followers. \ tains, Powell told hla audience of Syngmon Rhee, 77,- the nation's MANCHESTER. CONN. bring to mind another type of story ended, for a while. and then found that you were al­ Gen. Lewis B. Hershey saysA re- main In business." He requested that it be accepted International Committee of the ers. Edward O. Foz, chnirmali I- —A Non. The finding said that, since the as earlylaa possible, so that he The lawmakers passed the con- 3,,500. A declaration for compul­ flrst president. Is considered cer­ of the Anthracite Operotarn get-together that holda an attrac­ Arrived back at The Herald of­ lergic to the drug wdth which you survey of men deferred from mili­ Red Crora. target of persistent flscstlon bill without trouble on tain' to be returned to office, A small shop featuring carefully tion for ua. That's the Orange. fice', the reporter discovered that were Injected—unleoa you have company had given a pay increase might go to Connecticut and make sory fair employment practices Wage Agreement coonMlMae. had a taste of thla vicious Itchy tary service because they have de to all personnel on April 1. It world an active campaign for the nomi­ Communist attacks, lashed back Its flrst of three readings. On will be sought. . Originally the president wss said I.«wi*, In a letter doted last - selected antiquef The big question is: while the roisterer had pursued hts pendents may soon be necessary if the second reading, however, only sleeted by the National Assem­ Do you hava to be a farmer to mlsde^, the mischievous mind of circle, then you cannot truly ap- stand to lose $619,664 a year at the nation. today, Powell, minister of ona of the Friday, gave Urn reqaifod dt prtcttti the Importance- of our the armed forces are to be kept old fatw. The Democratic nominee will be A 9,000-word report written for three of 26 senators present stood world's largest Baptist /:ongrega' bly, But Rhee, using public pres- days’ notice for contract oxptat* ~ be a Orahga member? Clan a his B(Jcdmpllce had hot lacked oc­ at their present levels. up to signify approval. BUfe and police, recently forced city-type person belong If hla or cupation. for the story which the new use for oatmeal. With the Increase, said the selected at the state convention in today’s sessions of the 18th Inter­ tlons, told the rally of hla con­ tion. t DONT Hershey, the director of Selec­ court, the company .will earn $445,- The bill then was sent to a Sen­ gressional constituents that the the assembly to change the con­ her rural connection ends with hero had left In the typewriter A friend of ours who recently September. A Republican nomlna- national Red Cross conference ate commission for possible revl- stitution to provide for the popu­ one fruatrated attempt to grow i^en he embarked on the Ill-fat­ had occiudon to resort to the oat­ Threw Them Away tive Service, expressed this opin­ says the Red Cross was prevented Negro voters were "sold down the / PEACE TALKS BEGIN meal treatment reports that the ion today In on editorial in the (Contlnued on Page Seven) river" by "Uncle- Toma" a t the lar election. New York. Aug. 4— (A) —. tomatoes? ed adventure had been augmented StUl pleoity of woor left la (Continued on Page Seven) from aiding Russians In German (Contlnoed on Page Seven) . Rhee has made no campiUgn Orangers alap seem to know thus; treaUnent Is moet effective. He shoes repaired hsre. publication. "Selective Service,' prt'-oner of war carjps during Democratic and Republican na­ Peace talks begta today to a* said the uninitiated might think which Is sent to the 4,000 local speeches. Since his Is the only effort to head off a threateoed i, how to enjoy life . . . what with “The/pair were 'arrested Friday World War II because the Soviet tional conventions, name and face known to the bulk their lectures, study groups, mys- In connection w ith/(a minor crime the procesa a little foolish, but draft boards over the nation. Union barred the Red Cross from "Uncle Tom" Is a phrMe of New York Ceatrol Eallroad that tha aCratcher doesn’t care SAMYULYES Under the h e a d in g ,- "Pool of tbs voters, his three opponents strike east of Buftalo, N. Xl tary rides, hot dog roasts and was mentioned) end ALONG its camps. contempt uaed mostly by Nqgroes are given little chance of vrinning. general goodfellowahip. WITH THIS REPORTER WERE how Incongruous he may appear. Shoe Repairing of the Bet­ Bhrinking, Resiirvey Faced, States The report, written by Paul for other* of thsir race whom they Agents of four railroad bretiwr* FUI the tub with about six or ter iyi"d Done While You Director," Hershey says the man­ Allied Warplanes Ruin hood* shrugged off eegorteta'. Seems to us. that'a the way to LOC3CBD IN A-CELL AT POLICE Ruegger, pr.esident of the sll- News Tidbits regard as compromisers or luke­ (Continued on Page Sevea) "IVc MORE time HEADQUARTERS BECAUSE seven Inches of wrarm water, our W alt power poo! for the draft on July-1 warm advocates of civil. rights.' queatton* nor wiMild to tk—mea enj'oy life . . . know your neighbor, totaled About 1,30(>,OQO men. Swtae committee, says that Ger- without high pressure; r OF A REASON. OF NECESSITY,: friend tells. WS. then pour, a- cup - M....MAFLB. SXKEET ihany provided -a list b f her - Ku*-' ^ .CuUfld from AP. Wirf8 . . PowcU told hta Harlem oudlenca . for,tke.railroad"aay-'anirtWffg-. of ^a oomeal stuff through an ’ ' First'Natloiial MOjOOO in 8-A ,,«;,Ws?l,.,^maybe, „,^,pext.....year Shin. pfisonarA--ir^9G, noinea .Writtsh ,'.b.*t..)'.y.b.^!f. TPnta. !IP.eflLh^e4. 5".-.-(.'ri .*,,V... Tfeiuigry. ^ .J, , Balance wi«rSe..-.!r ITouiMiblfr Hint mdlnaiy kltebstt attainer to k e^ “ The - queotlon • whl^--; “must- be- the ' sabotaging ■ bf (il'MI ‘ l i s t s ' '■ 'FORMi ^ -/0« t - -th»' -luaspa. ■SUi?. ,sisellt -dUmb ; tacea . to :*tmr . not too diBtant . f«r In pencil-;,4ateir.,.'ro fa .-cj(!N«w-teM‘.tolM::«lctozlni.'. "presage/ 'Ul--«i>dsoiiki furnish ahY'mdtie. beC6Us>e ne.nSW# ' ligh'Mhg Diuij^ ..... stride (H m^cal scfencet No,’ It's tut*;” he said; H the eoarito bf ffia the' (rotntr g- of 'a- dfrisAwM specHIC maj'or pirtlJs;’"’-: ■-ssrs-.-.i.e.-.-.-... ^sltioh inf th e '’Treasury JOly 31: ...... Just wonderful, our Itchy frieiMl "manpower which will tnevltaWy be- destroyed (ine fighter waa. sent to.. cetuen, from Kusston sttBclf On paralytic polio In man PwBpIe whb"t(t»rR or play out-’ hSt' 'tth*' of thooff mlrdcle drugs Thb Na»Y tolktrled today that I and damaged another. camps. It indicates that conditions ' 'At Chlciffd 16« WdittH he was ' Net ’ budget • t-ecelpts; • 9t68.'S22> fortoed a new cobMet, nie gov-' doors warned today that with an exotic name or a sub­ tells us. In fact, although hla needed. _ . one of Its patrol plane* fought himaeir.” says prorident of Na­ the flrat Negro delegate-at-large 089.49; budget expenditures, $534.- ermnent’s Infornaotloa burona /f Sira the COMPLETE FACILITIES FOR Score onf 1,002 MIOs are the same in North Korea, itch Is all gone, hs'a seriously con­ 500 SETS OF . The grot*? bf about 900,000 de­ off two Rosslan built MIG jet , TTila rained to 1,002 the tional Foundation for Infantile 795,946.00; cash balance, $7,925^ announced todsy. It la to ha now sidering keeping up his oatmeal lOATING, RATHING, HSHING ferred. In Class S-A- because of de­ num­ which has turned away al| Red Paralysis .... MaJ. John Elsen­ 452,218.30. fighter* over the Yellow Sea ber of MiG* destroyed, probably Obs* repreeentatlve*.,, (Continued .on Fogs Kleven) swoni la tomorrow t« replaM bath. Ha swears there’s nothing pendency, he added, "is one of the last Thursday and returned to hower Ike's son. say* hla flrst re­ Noriega’s old cobtoet, wMeli THE HRST FEW MILES THAT largest that can be made avail­ degtroyed or damaged since the f1te* Germ fTalnm like I t SEAT COVERS Its - boae In Korea. Two of it* start of the war, the air force re­ action to Korea le ”lt»* a hole,” but signed Saturday. HAVE lEEN DEVELOPED ARE able to supplement the present The committee said the sugges­ "I'm very happy where I am.” Vaoatlnas ■upply of manpower available for crew were killed and two were ported. I.jitest addi'tion to the tion for an investigation of Ctora- COMPLETELY SOLD OUT! wounded in the flgbt. list (vas a MIG damaged today by Italy lost 288,274 men In World lm|irom|itu Pilots CONDEMNS BULGABS Next .to this summer's torrid m iU t^ service. munisl charges that United Na­ Athene, Oreeoe. Aug. 4i-UPV—' , $12 95 And Up "The future policy In relation to The navy nold the plane was Capt. Harry L. Durin of Portales, tions forces have used germ wea- War II, an official governntveht D o You weather, as a subject for conver­ OB rouUne patrol over the sea N. II., In a fight between four Sa­ publication disclose* .... One of The United Nations Balkan sation when friends meet friends, INSTALLED FREE This Is Your Last Chance Peace oommleolon baa foreword- (OMttoned OB Page Two) " area west of Korea when It was bres ahd 10 MlGs. ' (Oontlniied on Page Two) Denmark’s few .Nejrroe*. Wilhelm is ths word "vacation,” and truly TO PURCHASE LAND AT CONNECTICUFS attacked by two "Chlnw, Com­ The Air Force said the flrst Sergeant Wins His Wings ed to UN beadquartrir* a re­ it haa a pIcaAsnt sound. Wetn Adolf Fterre, former nstive of Vir­ The wieckly laundry in one chore I can farm oat You too COE sovo moMV by your HNEST LAKE DEVELOPMENT munist MIO-15” flYhter*. In a wave of fighter-bomber* 'dropped gin Wands and later a millionaire port condemning the Bulgartaag star says ths word means “a peri­ running fight, the American 3,500 gallons of flaming- ga.aoline for an attack agalaat a Oroelt —Hind I. do—every week—to IDEAL Cleaners and glcmoi at Uniou Optical Co^ od for rest and recreation: a holi­ CAMPBELL ONE MILE OP WATERFRONT LOTS hotel operator In Berlin dies at 73. On First Hop in U. S. Jet patrol on Bvrot lalnod July 27. Governor Starts plane, m 200-mlle-an-hour Gylng and 183 tons of high explosives Saucer Reports Rep. ' Albert P. Moisno (R., Laundejrers. Gives me more time with the children day.” . To most of us It means AUTO SUPPLY ONE MILE OF lOULEVARD LOTS boat, wrOe damaged but was able on the headquarters area.’ Pilots Three Greek eoldlera wan.kllted. Sorvicc at UnloR Optical Is bast In "travel.” In vacation time Amer­ t» BIS8ELL 8T.>tTEL. S1S7 to limp to the west roast; of then sprayed the area with 15,000 Conn. I scheduled to confer today and fta economical—easy, too, I simply call 5838. icana take to planes, trains, buses, MAN0HE8IEB ONE MILE OF LOTS IN A VIRGIN^ FOREST Jail Brfeak Probe Korea where It received spot re­ round* of 50 caliber and 20 milli­ Are Diseoiifiled with Elsenhower st Denver, Colo., With U. S. Fifth Air Foice.'fcyftcran serial rcconn'aisaance beats and automobiles to relax, re- pairs before proceeding to Iwn- meter ammunition. according to a spokesman at Korea, Aug. 4 (>T) A hltch-hlk-j pilot from Avenel, N. J. Why don’t yon call IDEAL next time—for laun­ Greenwich, (/kmn. . Vlce-Adm. Ing A(r Force master sergeant on All I Knew Was Montpelier, Vt.. Aug. 4 —(F)-; kuBl In Japan. This flrst strike of .190 sorties Washington. Aug.. 4- (tPl—An C. Turner Joy, veteran of Pacific dry or dry cleaning? A l lota orn rnasonobly , ^ Gov. Lee E. Emerson eoid he will Air Force general and a phycho- his first jet plane ride recently They were buzzing along at Merchants' Day AM woili doiM at Uniou Optical Co. b reported destruction of 39 build­ fighting and Korean peace talk*, 500 miles an hour at 37,000 feet conduct an Investigation Into Seoul, Korea, A ug.'4—(Ah—The ings, one/anti-aircraft giih and logy professor both discounted found himself piloting the swift priced sterfing ei low 08 fying saucer reports, but the na­ become* 87lh superintendent of two-seat craft. Then he flew the up when MacDuff asked Hilt to "all aapecta" of the escape of two U. S. FUth Air Force said UN four machine • guns. . The Air U. 8. Naval Academy. hold the auxiliary control stick In Mnachestor *torea. Including ,1 0 % „ state prison convicts believed to fighter-bomber* atruck In two Force said 12 building* were dam­ tion’s capital still buzzed with ship for nearly 30 miniites after THE OFFICE OF SERVICES Federal C^rmmunlcatlons Com‘ the engine failed. the rear' seat while the pilot chain food storeo, but axictadlag Caah and Carry Green Stamps LOOK AT ALL THE OTHER LAKES AROUND ■ be Involved In the bludgeon death massive waves to<}sy st s key aged and many Are* atarted. them over the weekend. ’ Como In mi bovn M r.' of a Springfield housewife. There waa no report on the re­ t h e Rev. Edwsrd B. 'Lewi* of mission catches up with Long The sergeant had to take over worked a navigational problem. liquor and drug etores, wUI lo- That Interpret The Wishes THEN COME TO AMSTON AND COMPARE North Korean military headquar­ - "All. I.' knew was that If you Rudn elooed all day Wodnooday ’^Emerson said yesterday he had ters .qeor the Red capital of Pyong­ sults of the second raid...... - Wwahtogtan’-* Union Methddlst Beach, Gollf,, man who haa been, 4he controU of ,th.e_ X-35. let,-When yowr d o n cs fmo of DR, JOHJJ PRIGNANO t h e DtFFEBENCE broadcaatlng jazz-records oa same the-pilot passed out from lack of push forward on the idick, you go to ohOervoaea of MerebeaW - 4 H Tlw Fantlly --h:::rr„'EASY m o n t h l y t e e b is - - v conferred -wlth PUbUc "' Safety yang and left it a flaming wreck' The Air Force said No. '>1,001 Church drew a moral from It 'all. | 4 ------...... - frequency with a New York sta- oxygen. thdded forward outlBgs or pleoleo a t ' vorteo* a e m n e r e FROM AUG. 8 TO Fitchburg, Moaa. sorties. The first wave struck at jets and seven Red fighter* over saucers’ that demands that; people of titles of Bey and Pasha. the pilot regained consclousneaa, occoaionally as if he were check­ recreation epoto. Union f X NINOAl HOMi ' Hie pair was captured Satur­ noon and the aecond In the after­ North Korea today. look up and study some of the won New Zealand’s government, fac­ M/8gt. Charles E. Hilt, 31. o( ing his map. Then it bobbed back ReaideBto who hnd tolMded day shortly after Mrs. Elizabeth noon. TTie thousandth In the triple ders of nature. ing financial deficit overseas Parker, Fla., '*hever had .been In a as If he were looking up to check to shop Wednetdny nawrotog AUG. 18 87 EM t Osatsr S t VaL 8888 AMSTON LAKE CO. “If we can get excited about orders Imports 'cut to hope in jet until he Tiltch-hlked a ride Inatrumenta. Hilt' didn’t realise will bo for«ed to rovtoo tfeolr TEL. 2-S128 n ' AMSTON, CONN. Weatherup. 54, waa totally beaten The Air Force said U. S. Sabre category waa the one shot down S I 4 MAIM STREET S I 3 I 641 MAIN STREET. MANCHESTER AMBULANCE SBBTi CE jet pilots Intercepted elements of order affecting woolen. goods. from Korea to Japan in the T-33 «■ K Se Two), 83 l«ii^siaa/.made M l^ l5 jet flght- (CoBttoued on Page ^ v e a ) XObnUaued oa Fog* Two) hoetery and America^ autooMblles flown ^ Lt. Robert W. MacDuff, (Oonttoued oa Fogs Twa]^ '"■I ' I . ■ ■ n "I " 3 ^ r " 7 _■ " ■- ■ ■ ■ ' , x - ■

IUNCHESTEB e v e n i n g HERALIX MANCHESTER, OOMM^ MONDAY, AUGUST 4.1962 P A G E IB B E M B TW O lU N C H E S '^ EVENING HERALD. M A N C ^TEB. CONN, MONDAY. AUGUST 4.1952 - • ^ £ S £ iigOO’.mselUfi an(l.,hiau,svUa,;^Otedylb.<23t,..nj(.,^l^^^ ngia to be exnlalnsd.' iVItifiMftrs S tart On TV Show Faiiiat Fracar same oddrssg arb charged with in ­ Engagement German loum ProfsSaeor Sprawia said OtrtSiSm U"Rnjii^Vet^um toxication, and breach of the L€fcal Stocks peace. Lioren la also charged with radio interview that oaueer re­ Makes Comparison Case Continued nee ports are dM “primarily to hal­ assault whila his wife is chargeff M iarrlafs On New Haven Nomiiiee Set with assault with a dangerous Mr. wndl Mrs. Myron RalMiuh Rally Is Flop, lucination.'' Cobnm A Mlddlshrsek, Ino, Food after English Rations ~Three Towns Represented Sprowla likened the searehsa Pan Pacific Pact Study Of Man and Eagle The cases of Loren and Gladys weapon, and deatruction of prop­ Sr., of Andover,, amwonca MsstoiS Chisid erty. tha c o m in g xianiaga . of for such upper-otr bhjeete to “a 1 priMS Smith, a local couple arrested Officials Say Wind man In a dark room looking Road Sounded Evetgem,' Belgium, July 36—.>ation. Needleae to eay, the trkvel- Schwartz Is Opfionent Saturday night afteh an lUleged Smith was struck on the head their datighter,. Shlriay Irene ;{ 4_(JH—T h sfasslgaed to keep things moving on 'iSr, qharlsa C. Chayer, minister Robbins to.. Robert Franda A t 4-H Camp Opening Day r % for a black cat." He reeommended: Bid Arkvd Honolulu, Aug. Although a small country, Bel- ere bought many lace articles to fracaa In nn Oak street drinking wijh a bottle which police allege New Haven, Aug. 4—(*>-- TIm schedule. . _ _ , glum apparently la a prosperous i bring back with them. In Bruges, Of Sen. H. Borden; of. the'" First MsthodUt Church of was wielded by Mrs. Smith. He Green of HkrtfonL Tha waMtng Berlin, Aug. 4— West Ber­ 'Just sort of forgst about lt.“ rm t Nattonal Bonk foreign ministers M Australia, Trip coordlnstor-onrmnlser Fianle place and charged with a com­ lin authorities , expressed puzzle­ New Haven Railroad in a special country and the people there ithey aloo went for a ride on some Has Law Office Here Carbondale,'--Pa., who was guest bined total of seven counts, were waa treated at Manchester Me­ will be a t tha South M atteOat RockvUle, __ Auf._ 4—(Special - l—f Tolland: Betty Ann Bother, of Manchsstar - New Zealand and the U. 8. today Meloy[eloy w' ts 10 mlnutee late t» the morial Hospital. Chprch, Aug. 16 at 5 p. m. ’*‘^ , f i n i t “Tolland*County---- — • 4-H - •* '^ub]Club] Clinton Charter; Hebron, Arthur ment today at the fiaale of a Ssnesrs Over Tsteysl • Hartford Nationsd mld-yesr report today toid its iM^in Implementing a aecuiity seem much like Americans, sO/Of ths many canals and visited preacher st bofn pf the ■ervlc<» at cotttinued to Aug. IS In -Town loudly advertised “peace and Tokyo, Aug. 4—(Fi—'the neWe- airport ___ the traveling Girl Scouts from | some of the hjetorical spots of the -jgom'inated for state senator at Court this morning by Judge John Sgt. Edward WInsler and Pat­ Camp opened today at North Keefe, Carolyn Coolldge, Barbara Bonk and Trust .. 81 stockholdara that tha Srst half of pact Mgned last Septenober snd The delegaUon was forced to South Methodist Ghu^rch yester­ rolman Milton Stratton, and Wal­ QUEEN m 53 Helm, Jocelyn Landon, Ann Leary; unity" demohatratlon of the Com­ paper Tomlurt aaid today It .hod Hartford Conn. Trust studying a futon Pan-Pacifle Manqheater have discovered since i old Flemish city, the Republican ^clty convention day, spoke on the subject. ‘Ylagle- S. G. RoUner under bond of $300 Franklin, with a program of >b- wood, Theresa Burch, Barbara The FDJ had announced that flying saucers ov»r Japan Friday and Trust ...... 58 83 the company reeordad ita host nat English Channel, crossing from | » t Belgium. Flemish is the official School, Hertford was Atty. Her­ Special music for the service wlw Keith requested the continuance Rudders on boats navighting evanta around a campfire and vlei- young storm troopers would night. Achaean said "every single prob­ Washington but threw a propeBor Dover, England to Ostend, B e l-jja n g u ^ . but many people apeak bert J. Schwarts who will run for in order to subpoena witnesses. rivers of Portugal arc logger than served her 53nd birthday qolatly •ogon are welcome at the Wednee- Kuryan, Nancy Oameau, Janice Ftre Inenmnns IncoHM after sinUag funds ainea lem in the Parifle” will come un­ and waa grounded. A third plana lutder the direction of Herbert A. demonstrate yesterday at' two Japaneoe astronomers, however, Aetna F i r s ...... 5 8 ^ 58H 1045. glum, the girls found the sea very French ~ also and use that language tha Second District agslnat Sena­ France. June Gaal waa the solo­ Smith, 46, of 362 Adams street. the vessels. ^joday at the royal lodge here. ^ 'tlay, Thureday and Friday night Zimmer, Kenneth Janes, Gene unanimously agresd Uis o b j^ ts der dlacussion a t' the cloeed see- brought the group to San Fran­ at home. Many can speak French. campfire programa. Whaples; Somers, Cynthia Monty; p by Mendelssohn The following 4-H membere are sector, at Potsdamer Plata and, In Talpeh, Formosa, frwwo- Phoenix ...... 03 07 aaid in the report that not inooma flight to Honolulq was without world. change from one language to an­ Mrs. Frank 8chwartz-«( 38 Gerard as the offarfory. vpnron^ for the camn: Andover, Mnlltoris. papers quoted a Chinese man and of External .Affairs Richard G. mishap. other with greet rapidity and ease. Tolland; Carol Hagen, Barbara 10,000 strong, in the British sec­ Life Ina. Ossb through June 80 was $3,008Ji07 ■When they pulled out of Dover . Dr Chayer began his sermon by Karen Ann Olll, Klchafd MacNelll, tor's Jungfemheide Park. wife as saying they saw two shiny Aetna Casualty 04 00 or 85.18 a share on tho prsferred Csssy and Nsw Zsaland'a Foreign some of their English friends Outwardly Proaperoua comparing the Itkenssa of man to E ABen Taile, Jr.; Bolton, Frederick Whitman, Joanns Eastan, Dorothy elrclss Saturday momlag streak MiMster T. (Slfton Wabb, wlU Luhrsen, Margaret Luhrsen, Joyce Instead of all this, only 3,000 of Aetna L if e ...... , 03 07 stock, compared with *$403,848 or • were on the pier waving goodbye Belgium la outwardly quite ths great-hearted, great-spirited f iH dt, Norman Luck,- Patricia the blusshirts turned out In all,' in eastward across the dty st 10 Conn. G eneral...... 153 158 $1.08 0. share for tho aame period brtsf pubUc addreassa this Governor StartR to the local girU. No dlfflculties prosperous and has recovered from eagle, in that both were created by I Strickland. Beverly Tuttle, Jeanne Wianiewski, Barbara Caldwell, scattered demonatratlona near the minute intervals. The ooupls de­ Hartford Steam BoU. ,4 1 H 44H morning. the effects of the war.- However, <■ Ponech, Suzanne Beneker, Lea- Bae Peck, James Blllott, Richard scribed them as going fssfer then of 1051. Two nawspapara In 'Taipwi, were experienced by the group tha Almighty for soring in the Niederwerfer, Nancy DImock, sector borders, carrying their blue Travelers ...... 845 855 Faints Out Dividend with either the British or Bel­ there Is a very poor class, who great heights. Both are at thsir KEITH'S ' nore Howarth, Unda Carpenter, banners and chanting Communist a jet but slower than a meteor. PnhSo Ctnttsa Tha report also pointed out'that Formosa—t h s official Chlnaae Jail Break Probe find It difficult to meet tha every­ beat when free to soar In .the up­ Alice Boeworth; Columbia, Patri­ Werner Kunzil, Jr.; Vernon, Judy Nationalist O n trri Daily News gium customs. Inasmuch aa they songs. West Berlin police, who had Conn. U ght Power . . 14% 18% for the .first Urns since reorgan­ are Girl Guides, membere of an day needs of life. The more pros­ per world atmosphere; both are cia Haynea; Coventry, Adele Ooh- Albert, Nancy Murphy, Mary Jana and tha Independent Kung Um perous people drive American Norman Kmnlek Madden, Marguerite Connor, Car­ been moblllasd and braced for any COnn. Power ..... i.. 88 88 isation a mld-yoar dividend of $3 (OunOaned f ra a : /One) International otganlsation travel­ dispirited, detested and utterly rlng, Eleie Anderaon, Theodore eventuality, reportad only two Hartford Else. LL . . . 48 48 a share on the preferred stock P a o—editorially attacked the auotmobiles—there are many of crushed when prevented from do­ H l a ^ , Bobert Oehrtng, Donald olyn McQInnls, Barbara Oeasay, Unitad Statss-Australla-Naw Zea­ ing in uniform, they seldom have Norman Kronick, wall known GREAT minor Inddenta In which 88 blue- Red Cross Raps Hartford Gas Co. . . . . 88 41 had been paid, Tefloctlng tbo In her home. Her husband, Donald, to even unlock their suitcases them In th)a small country—and ing so. i ^ t h , Clifford Andarcon, Jamei Sanford Palmer, William VIttner; So. Naw England management’s poUey to pay back land pact aS 'too regional. buy many other products from the local impersonator, will appear for Xatnar Boberta Hanaen and Mon­ Willlngton, Barbara Benjamin. ■hlrta were, taken into custody. 57. also waa beaten but la report­ when going through customs. The story was told of a young the third tIme-on Ted Mack’a Orig­ While the youth demonstrations Tel...... 8 4 % 88% dlvldands on tha praftired stock In tha PhUlpplnea. Boa. Jooe P. Met by Guidea United States. 'Die Belgium peo­ eagle'-found by a hunter in the ica Cmenwood. JCUagbelh Smith,, Setty A^ne Soviet Charges Manufacturing Cemneslie Laaisl, leader ta the Noclonallsta ad recovering in a hoopltaL ple like Americana ga a whole and inal Amateur Hour tomorrow MONEY Daley, Ohariee Zemefc and Robert were fhtallng, annoyed Btttiah au- aa rapidly aa poaalDla... .** State Attorney Lofiis Springer, At Ghent the group waa met by woodst who took it hooM where it night on tele vision from 10 o’clock thorttlea barred Soviet vehicles Am. Hardware ...... 30% 33% Continuing tha report aaid: party, criticised the conference as in many respects resemble them. was raised tn the yard with the Otka. Arrow, Hart, Hag. . . . 43 45 “a modem version of prewar co- Mnttng that at leaot one of the Girl Guide hostedses and taken to They are induatrioue snd move to 10:45. TMi is Kronick’s second from entering the Soviet radio “OparaUng < revennaa for tha men had admitted tha fatal* beat­ live In the homes of French apeak- chlckena The neighbors felt that appearance ’bn TV. He. has ’.ap­ Meeting Tsawrfew bidhUng in the British aactor. Of Germ War Xaaoc. S p rin g ...... 30 S3 ■lx months totaled $00,480,000, on lonlalianB.” Ha said nuitualmcuf- rapidly as do Americans.-They are it would never be an eagle like it SAVING-. Frat Btok M Arthritis The Rotary Oub will hold its Bristol Brass...... 13% 14% ity deciriona in tha Pactflc ohould ing, said he would seek grand hig Belglums. Mias Oihette van also noisy end push In a crowd, peared on the Ted Mack show be­ The BriUrii sealed off the Incroaoe of $8,100,000 ever the Hoorebeke, who waa In Manches­ was supposed to bo. Ita heart fore on radio. usual imeheon meeting at npoft (Oentinned from Rage Ons) OoUlns ...... 140 180 eame period of 1061, and efforts not be made by western powers jury action against DeMag and much as the crowds do in the waa gone. Its spirit was at the iElka Club tomorrow. vahiela entrance to (he big Sovlet- Blair. The Windsor County court ter five years ago as a guest of Those who View the show will be Aii RhMiM eontroUad building yesterday un­ Bm-Hart ...... 85 80 orb bring made to increaaa the ftlOM. United States. ., chained to tha rock on which it The U. 8. has separate security IS echeduled to recoley:';:,-.";;".',.'.’-.r8T ., 40: ngnwmgats ..with ; TUIlndnm ' Springer Trtuoed--deteUe-of a- that the -troop come to Europe to- rn im ihg wiiwinF-c6ntra states that, almost to ths end of tively few exceptions, occurs suhr Acheaon, upon hla arirval yea- record'in Congress and hla stand trict Deputy for District No. 1. attack at his home in Cohoes. delicious, mint- RANGE & FUEL OIL H. Webb, Home Demonstration (Ouniinned from Page Ona) ths war, Germany stubbornly for­ sequent to ths commencement of SUtlng the management’s faith terday with a 21-man Ameriesh ornament his television set, Orsini on Communism appeals to me. White, who had been adive In flavored gum promotes the flow ot di­ Agent wtU lead the group In a ses­ bade acesas to concentration ths obligation to serve. m the vitality and potential growth delegation, parried specific quer­ took the bust home. “As a Republican," She contin­ the union since 1917, retired in gestive juKxs and helps you digest you: sion oh freezing and canning. tha eternal truths of nature and campa and that the ICRC finally “Thia fact alwayi raioee the of New England, Dumalne declared ies as to whether the foreigm min­ Orsini told newsmen he polished ued, "It would be against my 1949 because of |II health. food so that you feel good after eating. the eternal truths of ths gr«ce of did discover names of some prison­ question of the use of Tatherhood that “Its future and the future of isters will consider the Japanese up the bust and put it on his tele­ principles to oppose Mr. Sodlsk. Bon Voyage Party Besides, Wrigiey't Spssrmint Chew­ tho New^ .Haven are inseparable" vision set, where he liked the looks The Rockville Bureau of the God, then ws can team how to ers and sent 750,000 parcels to aa a method of evading service. situation, the Indo-Chiina ques­ and I urge all Repubileana in the ing Gum costs so little that (oiks can llvs stsm ally and still be interested *Tf the armed eervicea must be and that "each contributes to the tion, future British participation of it. Orsini said he had an idea state to vote for hlm.”- get the beoeSt of chewing it gffrr m o Hie BOLAND OIL CO. Manrhester Bvenlag Herald la thtnie life of the othir,,The earning power O. SWSMSB the bust might be worth some­ Held for Firalos SmiYL0M4ASTM8nMf8r located at 1 Market atreet. Rock­ In suoh things as flying saucers.' The Icnc did not put an end to maintained anywhere near their and other thorny Far East prob- Jsiut Warns Mra. McCullough said she has ami. It ia a fine, wholesome product No SMh Thing of thia railroad la directly related lema thing but he pitj the thought aside, informed Sadlak that “f/ will not that has been a favorite in New £ng> 1 363 Centtf St Phont 6370 ville 8-8186, concentration camp horrors: Ths present letcl, and that neeeaaity to the prosperity 01 industry and MaJ. Gsn. Roger M. Ramey, who committee notes that ths most seems practically certain, then “Thriee For until, some months later, a man run on the Independent Republi­ A bon voyage party was ten­ Isfxl far years and years. Be sure to gri heeda the Air Force's tnvesttgetlon deferment must mean what It waa agriculture throughout this terri- U. 8. LATE AGAIN B edroom offered him $2.5 for It. When the can' ticket, and have pledged him the otigiiul and cenuine Wrigisy’s powerful nations of the globs took man came back again and raised dered Mr. and Mrs. John A. Firafo of the current rash of reports, said six .years to achieve this. intended to mean, a delay at most torv and all the New Haven's ac- Ban Francisco, Aug. 4—(8>)— (T my full support as a Republican.” Spem uit Cum. Look for the green six years of study hss convinced tivtttes and planning have Uila es­ Secretary of State Acheson and his offer to $100, Orsini decided to of 276 Oakland street yesterday BMsr on the gadcage. II ■ Ths ICRC depends for its ft- in the fulfillment of a certain ob­ S:ie-S:U Late laat week Mrs. McCullough him "reasonably well" thsrs ta no ligation, sential relationship at heart.^ the delay-plagued U. S. delegation look into the matter. was reported to be a running mate evening by Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. (3 For (omior! and Health -gush- thing,-....- ...... —— M um s on ths Angh^-^B»"^»f* ...... - - 'I I ;— ; . . to ■ the- -Anane- Pnet - conference- in ----- Oonsultlng -a -Meriden - lawyer, Ftrato, and Mr.- and Mrs; -Joseph ‘ :'.—John Wm.t994 UUfiRM. Wl rancher, participated tn the aerial BODY RECOVERED “We are reasonably well con­ oerivlle. Lake was charged with search. Mat. OtOO-^ve; Show 7il8 TtopRIta. .. At The EAST WIND­ Furling, 31, of Hartford, was in FEATURING: FARRICO, Boi 31. vinced they are not material, solid operating while his license waa un­ (Contlaned from Page One) Feature At 2:00 and 0t()8 SOR . . . Soon! critical condition at St. Francis' IS HAVING Connie's parents are divorced, Madison, Aug. 4— (rf’i ^Police LIBERAL KEITH BUDGET TERMS! Nor’h B(r(;rn. H. J objscts.** About 30 par cant of the der suspension and spssdiBg. but Uve on adjoining ranches. ' Oa-Hit At 8:48 and 7i4B OMrt. Every Night From Dnak Hospital today with Injuries Buf­ reports In Air Fores handn^he Judge Pigeon remitted |35 of that ths pilot was undergoing con­ late yesterday found the body of fered when he dived from a 10- SWIFT'i PREMIUM U. S. CHOICE vulsions caused by oxygen, starva­ Mrs. Helen Smith, her mother, foot bank liito a foot of water REGULAR OFFICE ths.8100 assessed against Lake on came here from the home of her STARTS WEDNESDAY John Hanvran, 49. of Clinton who, FRESH MEATS ths first charga The Wlndsorvllle tion and was . unconscious. “The they said, drowned in the Ham- yesterday. Furling, the father of oxygen gauge showed plenty of parente- in Greenwich, to aid the “WILL ROGERS STORY” youth, also pleading guilty to the search. AIR-CONOltlONED mnnaasett River while fishing Frl- three, suffered a possible frac- ' HOURS AS USUAL speeding complaint, paid an 818 pressure," Hilt said. “I DREAM OF JEANIE” dav night. Hanvran'a body waa tuee of the > skull and spinal in­ “Fairfield Market Is Large/Enough To SERVE You— Bgt when MacDuff failed to "We’ve done about aU we can juries, INNERSPRINC TWIN STUDIO flne^n this count. except find the girl,” Avery mid. found about 1,000 feet from Gris- Yet Small Enough to KNOW You.” In other court action; answer over the radio HUt gob EASTWOOD ■wold Airport not far from where Howard Buschman, Grenier Air worried. He wagled tho stick to "Police departments throughout his outboard motor boat waa FRIGIDAIRE attract attention. Whan that failed the country have been sent etreu- let(M Pem onstrafe Mass, Manchester, N. H., ferieitsd Daria Dejr Jaaa Fatara- found Saturday. Medical Examiner ho realised he had just become lers asking to be on the lookout ■aaalS Btasaa Bash Bariaw ^ W iiig ^ ^ sa n ii^ B a g m i^ w iV sa n is -wrigha-'-lfi- pounde. -t WImb Inst - - #lth T k e 'SPEGlAb* W a ^ e r tiis-«ras-Mttt lt«M;U 818’ and failure to observe stop an airfield seen she was wearing Navy blue s . M ADE AND “Tben,.ths jet engine quit. shorts, a bright rod jacket and sign, 18; Ralph L. Amato, Spring- red h ^ r ribbon and brown shoes. SOLD AT ^ 1 0 Down field, Mnaz., rules of the road, for­ “That acarad me,~' Hilt said. But ■k EXTRA SFECIAL * feited 88 bond; Frank Archaki he maintained control by trial and She wes beUeved to have no Kiddies Keel Kartoan Matiiiea \ MUNSON’S OHER 'August Sale reaturel CMh Price $299.75 Rockville, Intoxication, $30, and error determined the gloweat p6s- money. - TBMNMy Only A t I M " ^ANDY KITCHEN "A better -Studfo w ith'' stble rate of descent. Ha picked a 117 NEW BOLTON ROAD—ROUTE 8 and 44A 'full innerspring con­ Ihere's no rough icrubblng of clofhet Lealle Kobens,, Manchester, in­ struction, that easily whh Uve-Woter AcHoa Clothei ore toxication, $15. course over land ahd decided to WnH Dlanays Wsndertnl NEW STORE HOURS: 8:80 A. M. to 8 P. M. WEEKDAYS ride tho plane down. SUNDAY 10:00 A. M. to 6:00 P. ' FOR opens to a fiiU size bed svbawrged In water all the Hme, wMi America^ Most Modem Car Record Private "DiMibo" I or separate twin -bads. DMOWNS WHOM WADING HlR saya he realised that if the I Affligoei” reding eurrenh of hot, wdiy water You’ve never driven a car so new. in every pilot did npt regain consciouanees Aecaracy 1$ Our Ip . deluxe fabrica with going dirawgli diem. Two freih-watar, way—rigid aero-irainr constiactioo by the time the plane reached 10,- Club in Bolton la Glowing Color two cimhiona, flounce Danbury, Aug. 4—iff)—Angelo CoRftaHt W atchword base. Keith 'Value!. Uvo-Water rime* hoot oR dirt away. , . . . 61-incfa-wide seating . . . smooth, quiet Marrione, 50, of Yonkers, N. Y., 000 feet. It would mean ha proba­ AUGUST drowned while wading with hla bly had died of oxygen stsnratlon PLUS: “The Wfaudag Tenm’* We are prescription ,*'airboroe” ride.., d an d er visibility. A private fraternal mutual ben­ cpeclallete nelng only We invite ymi to road-teat it; wife. In Ouidlawbod Lake hare and tha only course left wan to efit aeeociation bae been formed, STABTS WEDNESDAY NATIONALLY ADVERTISED ToflOS yesterday afternoon. Police con­ "roll her over and step out." in Bolton with beadquartere at the NOTE: “Walt YB The Ban the finest, tested In­ without obligation. jectured that Marrione,- a non- “CALHtmNlA OONQUESr* ShfaMB Neale" win net be ahgwn gredients, accurately WMta tkm, • ■TrMHipMal,mn •i4r«s At about 13,poo feet MacDuif rite of the now-defunct ManteUl’a swimmer, stepped off into deep came to. But Hilt had to read'the “gAPANESB WAB BBHIB* TWieiajr maltMel compoanded. YEAR ROUND DIR CONDITIONING GrlUa on Route 8, aceordihg to PERMANENTa. '■ WAVE FREE PARKING In Keith’s Private Pnrk- water. Two men swimming from Instruments for him because tha artleles of incorporation filed re­ ProsciipHoRf Colod STORE HOURS: Special this week. Closed aa offshore raft found hla body blackout had blurred hla vision. cently in the office of the Bolton Machine, Machinelets or Cold Wave all day Wednesday (Merchants’ Day) . . ing Lot Adjotnlng thd'Store. No Slater in sight feet of water and brought The pilot took over and got the Town Clerk. « For ood Dolivorod CoMtaRt M odorniiatien Open Thursday Nights Until 9 P. M, . . . Parking In the Entire Block Joat Bontfe e( it aAore. Medical examiner John engine restarted at 8,000 feet. Then The tnstrument, which sets forth William P. Quish has always been prompt Regular Hours From 9 A. M. Until 5:80 the Store! D. Booth said death waa due to he called a radio direction finding no capital stock, lists subeerihen NOTICEI -PINE ; In providing the most up-to-dnte features. P. M . accidental drowning.' station to atser him to ths nsarsat a s Jam es E. CampbeU. Janses J. This la appreciated by Manchester resi­ Reg. $15.00 NOW Oonnors, and Gustave Luther. PHARMACY dents. SMOW SHOP CLOSES “I was a hit worried about ths The KaBtem’s Grille rign haa PRINCESS RESTAURANT Includes All Preparation and Styling. ' 1 b il )andlaff,“ HUt says, “bacaiiaa Ma^. been replaced with one reading Frcn DeHvery .Week end (tnd.and of the week days are ever so busy--ao make Hartford, Aug. 4—Oia-Attri- '"Tha Broqk -C lub-^)rt»*t*-' mem-* ------lfA m ''»IB E B T'A T 'FE A B I.'8TB E ST - .....~ ~ Centw S i Tgl. 2 ^ 1 4 your appointment early in the week! ■■■' ...... '■ OF MANCHESTER hutlng hla dacleloa to “a alow aea- Duff aOn couldn’t see clearly and Every I had to read the airspeed to him bore oirty." . Modem aoa and high overhead," managing all tho way down. But he made .Charlea Dowde Is Urted aa tha ENJOY THH COMFORT OF THE - director Joseph B. Somerset oloeed agent «n the pnmlsae in the oot^ Feature , PENGUIN AIR-(30NDITIONED DRYER K S M l i 'S the Canton Show Shop Saturday one. of the slickest landtags I ever pontes papegg- Don^ was fbr- CLOSED AUG. 4 TO AUG. 11 Is Provided Ssids sad Senricn Bight saw. Ws had only n few inlnutea n a r iy n barUidar at MantalU’s - . ■ • ■ , ■ ' ■ * ■ ^ ■ DeCORMIER MOTOR SUES ^ T lila marked the eatiieat cloe- fuel left." OrlUa. /• that wasnag aB have n srtB-snnwd vneaHen. Open far B etih 's INOORrORATED' ihg of the Hartford aren'a___ only HUt hoa been in the Air Force Tha puriMaa tt tha ootporattan, a as asaal an Maniay, A nraat U . . Charmore Beauty Salon ms MAIN ST OPPOSITE HIGH SCHOOL U flt profeerional theater;'' a annraetlriBce 1040. Hie wtfa, Mrs. Frsaoea aa aat forth hi tha lin t artlele. tg / 7C3 MAIN ST. 24 MAPLE STREET MANCHESTER B. HUt, sad their three ohildrea “To unIM Oratemally . for thalr Eajay Fine Foeda With YSnr VknalOa IMMka ■aid tods^r. In thn AlrOaadIttaaad Centfgrt at Frineaas BasInBi TEL. 3043 T E L . 5580^ 'yfs are daflnltaly planning on Uvo a t Parker, (Box 808). Mre. mutual banaflt. protaetlon, im- MMNST 351 CENTER ST. HUt originally ia (ram Dothan,-Ala. 'W m m T - f. ■ / ■ia j _ T.. ■■■■- if'*" •'*■ ■ « ii'i' I , ^'. ... r ,• • , • ‘ - r

.^*T£JSr,4«tyrr^''-'' .;jr'--

■ ^. .. ■ ■ ■ • tr V. • ■ -K • MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. M A N CteTER, CONN^ MONDAY, AUGUST 4, J962 P A O B g i y g Z >A 6E FOUK ICAMCHESTE& EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN- MONDAY^ A U G tSf 4,1952 T»irk-j.4%,7y’?3:*fcr:«fWP T _ T ...... I ■l■■...lll. — „ -. .— her p«p«iU Mr. and Mrn. iSineiRor lob m uch ■jrrapbthy w ith th<* im derntnndlnf ’ ' Bm ong people* Reed nt O ld I.ym e w ere they hnve iU^ifFBtrr phlloKophy «n—Ch. • a \ Pt'HLISHXD *T TM* •oemert to be thet It W M »i And It I* no nm nit bright npot will wear shoe*, while eroaalng m *T .r» PIUNTINO OO., tHC, Columbia,. Aug. 4 - (Special)-^'] been apendlng several weeka In m ln U ke, that It w nn Illiberal, to jin the current w orld pli:ture th at, Manchester cadets Anthony: any rug In hi* home. H* has a THE FELIXIW who has Just ” tt BIm »II Str^t A'4.040 mile trailer trip which took Florid* art rrturning home by Looks like leather, wears “like iron M%nch—i»r* Conn. ti'y to. force thene ftoulhern w ith lenninnn and auBpIdonn w hat Baio, Vincent Balocchetti, Charlce i sharp rcaaon fnrUhla decision. had a “close csir ,doesn’t hmve ____ , Wife. * 7iM—WCCC — News; Good MorBlcg I David, who I* the son of Mr. WHAT—News; Folia Hop. ' Music. it. rSSlSusoH; nem ocrata to behave one w ay or j they are, thin could be achieved, Campbell, Charles Genovese. | local family through 24 :at*l** PaeLMaater*- As- to be “Hold” on the wisdom of WCOC—Music. WDRC—Old Music Box; News n^Mlahara _ and Mr*. C. Randolph Forbe*. WTHT-Cal Tinoey. WHAT—Coffee CTub. - another. ' -In 1 W 2 , Ruegge Ciiffln, William banning, | la hobbling around with a and parti of Canada, haa come to aoclinton of the grange will hold in.sursnce proteclion. He’s TouDilatf Oet<»b*r I. I W an end. Dr. Ralph Wolmer, hla a picnic Aug-B at the homa of Mr.: WONB-'Iack Oowxey'x Music Shop. 7 ;**—W THT—Weather. K ow , w ith thr ronventlon over.] ------Ranald Larson, John McCauley, | bandage on hla heel, put there been warned! WKNB-^Newe; Request Hetinee. •:*a-W D RC—World News Roundup Publleli*intm ente for exam ina­ bury and Wlllimantle squadrons. suiwey while enroute. Tltelr find-1 Sir/et ta in Otla, Mass , .spending -Breekfeet - Clu'Club. 8 9 - 0 0 is 27 X 16 inches over .gll, A ll Tie h l* o f repuhllretlon nl apeclel party and It* nom inee, and they W TIC—borenso Jones. tion* m uat be m ade w ith her prior The Rhode Island and Connect­ Inga will be tabnlated And arranged ' a vacation as guest of her nephew •:4a—WDRC-Curt Massey. - VTIC—Theoter of Mekn-V dlepnloh** herein ere eU o reoerred. are atm flirting w ith fhe m aneu­ to 'rtiiiraday. Alan, ahe requeala icut cadets will take part in a In Montreal Jail to W HAT—Newi^ P :lt—WDRC—This Is Hertford. Usually SI 10.00 (or .2 pieces for comparison that some of the : and niece, Mr. and Mrs. J|*tnea WONS—Tello. Teat. ' Pull eerrlc* ellent o f M . B . A . Bei ver the Northern radicela In the tKat any new realdenta w ho have complele training program which Adams cf . Westfield, Mas*., whb WONS—Jock Downey's Music thop: new ideas for recreation may be News. • ;ia—WONS—Creen Patterson Show. p a rty w ere tryin g to prevent — the children w ho w ill enter achool, or will Include courses In leadership, MontresJ, Aug. 4 (l^ -O rd er hav* a cottage Otis. WCCC—Newe: 13 Hundred end *0 *T>uW toh»r*' R*nre*«nte|l»**: T discussed In regard to their ap­ to W T IC—Notes end ,Q uot^ GENUINE oth er* w ho m ay not h,*ve reglater- niilitsry cniirlesy, ’ cloae order Ilia —WTH T— Frankie Frieeh- Bell* HIU. .TuIlM M elhew * Mpoelel A »»n ry — M e * m aneuver of nam ing. Kleenhow er returned slowly to Montreal's Bor- plication In communities like Col­ wnc—Newe: Tour Garden. To rk. C hlre«o. D etroit end itoeton. th elr *lx-ye *r-o ld a , pleeae contact drill. Instruction In navigation and umbia. scores, WHAT—Itellen Music. If you'v* always dreamed of ownirid a a * the candidate for Pre*ldent on either her or W illiam Inne*. prin­ meteorology. daaux Jail today, replacing the up­ ETcalag- ' a u d i t b u r e a u o r • :44—WDRC—Bing Craehy; Uiair own ataU Dem ocratic cipal o f the ac.hool before Thura- -- The cadets wilt be taken on ori­ heaval and riot that held sway BftLCH Is Your •t*a—WONB—News WONS—Creon Pettersoti. leather-chaiTi here's one that looks like MAHOGANY - ■ - —»»•. . day, tf po»*tbte. during the weekend. . ■WnC-Newe. WHAT—Femout Trtxte. •' i Hfiket*.' ------entation flights dnrtng thetr WMAT-Newa. , „ . leather.. .covered in the 20th Century Mottled Colors rniiise aa well as visit communica­ Moat of the 500 prleonera who wnc—Hal Kolb. Leather Colors Preawmably, If Oovernor Colum bia Recreation Coiinril broke out of their rella Friday W K N B -N ew i; flDorU: Huelo, l*Nat-WDRC—Arthur Godfrey. tion Installations In the area. They E llin g to n •WTOT-Newe; Joe Oirand. WTHTfr-My True Story. ____ . miracif fabric, Masland Duran, .^wears Stevenaon w eaaela enm igh on e vil i w « l 1 1 * * 1 . It* AU guM *e*alon night wero back behind bars, leav------WDRC^lfewe. . . . WTIC—Welcome Travelers. Green ------R # r ------TABLES I M onday night In Veom an* Hall at siback key arms; tha assemble. In New Mavra.. Bridge- Ctnter St. Mitll-^WTJjlTrT Whispering: Btreria.; , Yellow . pMFStdent wif th e W ihV SftShnlrli rtitt |-k<»fc«><4 IBkIkIrtn t^ffS'woitGi^nHa-’-x’-’waiav#;:- - ■ ■■■'"WOWNirtnita-'Bttne."’" " ...... ■ TW a- - threat;- bh- lhele t(*rtr^1i* port' Slid Harttbrd to TBe flown I !Slu iT"!i year and waa having It compISted W TIC—Weather Bureau. W O N ^Fran k Bloglaer. ‘br'fjjss'w iii 'fflifh', ■ Y o li' t'div 'sfltfify. ' d ra a n ' Thumdnr—t n. "L w«dn**dny. juat about aa diataatrful a* were I Society of ,8|. Coliimha's Uhapel, heldeld at Monireal police headquar-headquar­ during__k vacation... .i.______but tha work_ i.-haa . • ;M—V i^IIT —Sereno Oammell. lt:ia —W D Rt^Arthur Godfrey. er Pirtd u — t B. m . Thuredey. ' haa announced names of those who We.atover. ter*. where they were transferred w n c - E m ile Cote Glee aub, any decorating whim for theft are 20 Chartraua* m . P r l d e y . At the ronrliislon of the. sum­ been suspended. Dr. Reginald Cline Edmir Clarke WTIC—Double or Nothing. e e r h the tactics of the Northern r*>n will not buy their favor with Mrs. lone Dickinson Smith and ^ R EM IN D ER f W TH T—Lone Renger.. 11: W—WDRC_Roarmary. In to aom athlngr alrong fo r the fu< nr Mr*. Mlnalga. 7-7AA0. .Mr*. 1x1 Vina Dyke o f Springfield, i WKNB-Eeet on We*. have solid niikhogany bases; pilnciple, and the second tha* Delicious W TIC—Dav« Qarroway. ,, h ire, la o ff an -an oth er of h i* in Fund fiela *3M Mass., were guests Friday of Mrt. y.«g—WDRC—Bd Murrow. AfUraaoB mahogany pli^vood tope. Eisenhower doesn't want the John H. Steele and Mra. I^lla Hall. WONS—Vic Demon: Newe. tam atlonal oonfaranM *. A large t rowd Attended both the w n c —One Men’s Femlly. , , H :ib—WDRC—Wandy Warren. - / Handsome Sheraton and Dun-' dubious privilege of running a* 5:30 and T p ., m. suppers served Mra. Fannie N. McLaughlin, haa ICE CREAM We are closed all da.v (oday (only) for our TiM—WONS—News; Concert Feltlrel. WCCC—Luncheon Mu>lcale. Thia tim e, In Haw aii, he la • t*a—WDRC—sure In the Air. WONS—Curt Uaaaey Time. can Phyfe designs t their kind of Democrat. Their Saturday night by the Women’a raturnad to Jersey City, N. J. after W HTT—Italian Voice. Use your living room for dining? Ruatlnc w ith raprcaantatlvea of spending xeveral day* here with WHAT—Cote Glee Club, r niipport, based a* It I* upon com- Guild of Columbia Congregation­ POISON annual beach party for Shady Glen employeH. w n c —Reilroed Hour. WTIC—Newe; Weather. AuatraUa and New Zaaland, w ho al Church. Mrs. William C, Robin­ relatives. / OAK er SWIHAC WTHT—Henry J. Teylor. W TH T—Jack Berch Show. pllanc* with their own nineteenth M r* . WKNB—Ed Swell Show. If :1ft—WDRC—Aunt Jennie* a Storlei. ara o u r apacial allie t in o n * o f th * son, II', chairman of the commit­ Mr. and Norman Reeves STOP ITCHING wHh thii OPEN TOMORROW AS USUAL. WONS—Newt; Women'a Page. century IdeAa, I* no asset to either and daughter* Barbara and Carol, g;|g_W HAY—Bit of Irelend. i x thraa p at^w ork arrangem ent* w * tee, said Sunday that an Incom­ ixcellsnt new tisstswnt W THT—Trevel DIery of the Air. WTICr-Down Homera. Dinette need small scale pieces? X . have”'returned tn their home In lot ivy, oak- w sumac W TH T—t^ncHbon Muilc. h a v* la tha P adfle. major political party In thl* elec­ plete check shows more than 1200 S:ia—WDRC— Arthur.Godfrey Talent cleared for the re-decoration fund. Belleville, N. J. following a week IVY:poiioninf. It'l tsallt sn4 MFE ks childra* For something real good—try our Peach 13:30—WCCC—Newi. tion. They belong In a certain ScouU. W l ^ —Phil Becker: Newt. Tliia a tw o fina. eountriea' h a v* .Sally Ann Hutchins was hostess spent as guests'of Mlaa ^ rn lc e A. and aduitt, quiody dr'isi up Ih* Witlari—ohas Ire Cream (made with fresh peachea). A WONS—Crime Does Not Pey. ' baaaaaa^m ir a p a d a i'■ a llla a " haoBBaa kiad.. of. Umbo, and Just, a# the to a gyniipr of sight tittle girls one Hall at her campon Ij*ke Chaffee. KithiB SdaT. Atdniaistr. Mc. real treat for pichira and partihi. ■wnc—Voice of Plivetonr. principles of democracy wera In­ Ashford. W HAT—Weetern Cereyen. WDRC—Romance of Helen Trent use an Extenston Table U i*y w ould not h av* atgnad the afternoon laat week, to celebrate f;ta.^W TH T—Chicego Signeture. WHAT—be Rosa Program. voked to exempt them from any th* birthda.v of Marjorie Dilb, aiim- After being closed the past i :**—WDRC—Romsnee. 13:45—WCCC—Music for MUedy. Ja pa n *** p **M treaty, w ith It* la- w n c —Telephone Hour. arbitrary bidding to conform to mer reeident who Uvea across the month, Hundsy School session* at WDRC—Our Gal Sunday. d le aU aM th a t It la our purpoa* to th* Federated Church will again W TH T—Speeking of Books. W TH T—We the Women. th* rule ef the majority, an the alreet from Rall.y, Marjorie wsa 10 WONS—Newe: Crime .Fighter*. WONS—Creah Patterson. raatar* Jap an to ita landing poai- years old. Those attending were be held at 10 a. m. S :l»—N.C.C.J. _ , prtnclplw) of democracy also ought I:a#-WDRC-Newe. i tlan In th * P a d fle , unieia w * m ad * binds Collins, Susan and Holly Lawns In thla area were greatly 'iS S E S i • :S>—WONS—War Front. Home Front. wnc—Newe. to ha‘invoked to keep them, as a a I d e. d by the thiindershnwef WHAT—Night Welch. WCCC—Moncheeter MeUnee. I a apaeial traafy w ith tham w hich Stannard, John Fnrryan. .Susan ■ w n c —Band of America. - WHAT—Betty KUnhaU. (Left) UausIIy 896.00; •t amall, but bard-shelled minority, Randall, Carol Carpenter, Marjorie. Thursday morning. Homeowner* W TH T—Paul Whiteman Teen Club. WONS—News. 6 4 mshogsny veneered top would guaraaUa th*m againat and farmers alike have com­ WDRC—Steve Allen Show. W THT—Paul Harvey.Henrey. from dlrtallng to the American Bally and tToralle Woodward. lg;aa—WDRC—Walk sMIle. saw Ja p a n *!* aggrAm ion. Jnbnny Wheaton celebrated his plained that the prolonged drought Iria—WDRC—Ms Perkins. is 26 X 88” u shown; 38 majority. Th* tactic of democracy. haa near ruinedd crops and gar- W THT—John Deley. WONS—Trakce Food Show.8h W * h av* another apadal treaty tenth birthday Kllday. His mother, WONS—Frank Edwards, WTHT-^ihow' Tunes. X 60” with leaves up; 90 In thl* Inatanc*, aeema to be to dens. w n c —Aroericee Music. Juke Box Jingles. (Above) Usually |76;50; in th * P a d fle ad th U i* Philippinaa. Mrs. W alter Wheaton gave him a l* :l* —WONS—Jack'* WexForke. wnC— inches long when extend- ignore their premimptlon. and party at their new home on Jon a­ Dr. and Mra. Aaron Pratt of this 1:3I^W D R O —Toung Dr. Malone. mahogany veneer^ top; Th at nation, how ever, atlll haa community and Windsor, spent W TH T—Concert Hour. wCCJ^Newe; Ifancheeter MeUnee. led with 3 leaves. Gum- r. $22.60 X»Baa* Oocktafl their rather scurvy Invitation, a* than Trumbull Highway. Mrt; ia:ia—W TIC — Robert ■ Montgomery, fallad to perform th * p ay-o ff, and the month of July at their summer WKNB—Be/Mbell MeUnee; Sports gumwood base. 26 x 36” Reginald b. I.«wla aaalsted her. News; Dengeroua Assignment. Special. wood base. Table; 19 x 86” tray?rim top. ra tify th * Japan *** treaty. much aa pofalbl*. homa here. WDRC—Bob Trout : Dance Orchestra. l : 4g:-WDRC—The Guiding Light. as shown; opens to 38 X Giiesta wera Buater. Jeffrey and - Democrats To Meet W H AT—Nile Welch. WONS—SporU Review. O u r th ird *i>*cial alliance In the beall* bewle, Tom (>>lllna. Michael ]!;* * —News on ell Stetibne. 1:55—WONS—Boston Brovee. X 60” with leaves raised. 'l l The Tollaml County Democratic QUAUTV II :*»—WDRC—Tou end the Wofid. Extends to 70 inches Padfle la xrlth Japan, xrhlch U Remarktiblc Otympirs and Dickie McQuade, Dan Oi- U :ia —W THT—Bob B; Lloyd. 1:**—WCCC—Newe; Music. Association will meet In Rockville W h a t —open House, new aur apadal aU y again*t ftua- mond, barry Hufchln*. Charles WHAT—NIte Watch. with one’ leaf. n e ISAS Olympic Gamea are Aug. 11, at tha hotel there.' WMKINS WONS—Jack's Wexworke. WDRC—Second Mrs, Burton. MuUaney, Charles and David The Young Peoples' Society of WQNB—Conn. Ballroom. a l * . 8 o w# hav* tw o Paddle al­ over. They were remarkable in BROTHERS. INC - M ANCHIiTIR TiLiPHONi 2-424S w n c —News. 13.75 7 2 Forbes. A highlight of their after­ 11 ;W—W DPC—Public Service Program 'JKIP 7 —New*: Top Hit Time. liance* .w h ld i are d irtetad again at the Federated Church and the 4-H ■BMUyt-Waya. ...-;u- . noon was, a- baseball game. " tteoteatloBal Club.axe co-aponaora. — 1 1 >*#—w n c —Surprise Serenan'e. • Dpetorti Wife. ' Japan, w d W H C 'ffiri^^ igaUiat WONS—Symphony Hall. WKNB—Newe; KeyboerO Kepera; Reg. $19.75. One of numerous % prid recorda and Olympic iioma for Weekend of a block dance to be held on the SERVICE 11 :Si—WONS—Newe. RendexvouS with Mualc. Kuaaia, w hich Include* Jap an. neorda feU aa if thay ptevloualy Mlaa Maurin* beonard. who a t­ Oreeh Friday night Jro m 8 p. m. ll;ea—w n c —Newe; Music. 3:I5-WDRC—Perry Meson. chair styles at Sale Savings. • Thia aaya M r, Achaaon. la tends Rills Country School at New to nildnlghb Music, will he by Dick WDRC—N*»e- basfi set by high school taiento. Omand IWeit 11:1*—Art Van Damme Quintet Mahogany finished gumwood r| v ;. "a e c u rlty.’* Town Hqiiare, Pa. spent the week­ Mllla. Refreshments will be avail­ lt:»a—w n c —Rio Rythme. 3:3*—WCCC—Newe; Music. But that waa not th* caae; they end with her parents Mr. and Mrs able. IHreetar, I l ! » » —w n c —Newe. W TH T—It Happens Every Dey; with striped satin upholstery. Govam or Thom a* Dew ey, upon Scorea. Newe. feU before supranwiy. good -com- Maurh e l.«onard, at Iheir home on . The Tolland County 4-H Camp Tsmerrew WD r C—Nora Drake. hla return from hla tour of th* petitiv* chaUrnge, which brought .Jonathan Trumbull Highway at the will be held at North Franklin this g:ia—WTIC—Frank Atwood Program. WONS—Conn. Belirnom. WDRC—Farm Program. 3:45—WDRC—Brighter Dey. T Pacific laat aulnm er, undertook to shout perforniancea wiilch not lake. year. It opened yesterday for one NOT MUCH TIME week, .____ _ ,...... g; U—WDRC—Hymn T i m e . _____ W n C -N ew e. ad vdm u the , oom blnation o f ail aven ■ th# ' athletes themaeh'ea or Mr. and Mrs,. Henry M. Beck giU-^'W nC—Newe. Stga—WDRC/^HlIUop Mouse "-TX-'T,- nd Henry, Jr. hav* returned to Advance notices of three pas­ WHAT—Newe; Rural Roundup. WCCC-Muelc. ■ th **e alUan cdi .In to c m grand al« --t thelr-Toachea beHevrd poBatble. /Thtbelr Kbme In Foreat Utli; Ixing ture meeting* have been sent #:Sa—WONS—BUI Jerkins Show. Hit Time. hance, patterned after N A TO . members by the County Farm Bu­ iEFORE“ - WDRC—Tewn Petrol, Downerte Mualc Shop. Reg. $22.60 Cocktail TaUa In .this qrhirlwind of records, the Island: N.Y, after spending four w n c —Weather: Frank Atwood. . WKNB—News;.A40 Club. Th a t w ould look batter on paper, United States scored handsomely, month* with .hla mother Mrs. reau. Sessions for dairymen will WCCC—Production Newarset WHAT-New*:^pon Hiiuee. . withl9Vkx88Vk” rimmadtop. E lt . cannot be carried out, *p - beola Beck at, Columbia .LaUc*. .be held Aug. 12 at Bahler Farm, ---- WHAT—Chapel Time . ■ ------. Be Beouttful. excelling ttx prevlpua beat show­ Tolland; Aug. 21 at Peracchlo Sign tit e W TH T—Mualc, Newe. ^liJ^rWDRC—Art Llnkletter.^ parently, j^ecieely becauae the Beck ta with the Travelers In­ FI* a;4*_W H A T —Variety Time. wnc—Road of Life. ing for gold medsiB In the track surance Clo. 4-orktng out of the Farm. Coventry; and Aug. 24 at W THT—Morning Devotion*. 3:3*-WCCC-.Vewe; Music. real nature of thing* in the and field events, for us the cen­ New York office. He had been Foote Farm, Hebron. WORTHY SERVICI WONS—Weether; Bill Jenkins. W TH T—Bellscorea; Top HU Time P a d fle la th at reflected ■ by our * :» » —WONS—Early Edition, . _ ' WHAT-WIIAT Je^borSe. " See how little it costs to choose tral part of the gamea. transferred for a special assign­ wnc—New#. „ . •y*tcm o f patch-w ork * - ment in thla area these past John Howard Payne wrote 142 Kast Center St. 7 :ia_WCCC —Good Morning; Good 1 In the unofficial team scoring. "Home, Sweet Home" while In Too m any Padfle coun- months. Manchester Mualc. « Which Olympic offirlala them-, Pari* In 1822. WKNB—Phil H*ie Show. wSSfc^Srl gSiTtr * trie*, w ith aqm e raaaon In their Ur*. John A. UaeVeagh is vlilt- ■w nc—Bob Steele. < IlKPPlneee. selves frown upon becauae they Ing bar daughter .Mrs. Thomas I WDRC—Newe. 3:5*—WDR(>-Cedrir Adams.’' \ your new bedroom from open stock > aw n paat e^perianca, faar our ' «:**—W!to -W T TH H T—CelT -C a l TInney.Tlnnev ' fear It accentiial'es purely na- Murphy of Bryn Mawr, Pa. She / W HAT—Allen Brown Show. praaent ally, Japan, m ore than THE WHITE PAGES / WONS—Weether; BUI Jenkins Show tlonallitic rivalriaa too much, the plana to return to Columbia early I W THT—Breekfeet with Ben. they fear our preaant anem y, lU u - In the week,and bring her grand- q;I,V_WONS—New*. . „ . V WKNB—Newe;ewe; Request Matinee. United States came from behind in 7 ;jj_ W T ip —Weether, Morning Watch WHAT—New*. a i a . / aon Mark-back fora vtalt her*. WTIQ—Bsckauae Wife. the ciMing two days of the games Giieats' at Dr. and Mrs. Lane M eanw hile, a* M r. Acheaon AMESITE DRIVEWAY OF YOUR O ld Ipswicl^ Solid M aple pur- to dutsrnre Riiaala, either by our Qlddingi of Columbia bake this ; - miM his JnthjcsU powerrpcUUIcs SAVE 10% lY CALLING NOW own unofficial ayatem of' point p u t -Week have been Mr: and Mra. ^ atrategy deelgn In th* Padfle, William Stralgher and family of Week End Deaths scoring, or by Ruaala'a unoffldai MACHINE NPREAD • WORK (H’ARANTF.KD % there la another alliance alao Chicago; Ur*. Frank Glddliigs and FREE. ORADINO • TF.RMR ARRANGED system of point scoring. Television ^ operating In the Pacific area. Thla Mias Doris Carlson ‘ of Worces­ FREF. F.STIMATES • r.XPFJUEKCr. SINCE TELEPHONE DIRECTORY By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS All of ua w ere rather amazed ter, Maas. POWER RObbF.D 1020. jj alliance la called lb* ttnlted Na- BeUalre, Mich.—Albert D. CRah. that II waa tha. Rusaians w* had Dr.~Mariah MichinlTsiHl daiigb- Reg. $22.60 Commode with i tlona, and It It. In Korea, actually ter Carol Ann hav* returned tn W R H C —T V 54. Cincinnati councilman and for­ to beat for the unofficial team P M. mer mayor. Died Saturday. one drawer; 17 x 23 inch top. fe fighting a war In the name of their home In Washington, D. C. 4 OO^Metlnee In New Tork. ^ aecurtty for aU free rhampinnahip. This was Riisaia's a(ter spending three weeks with DE MAIO BROS. 5 :00—Space Cadet. Peru, Ind.—Mrs. Kate Cole Por­ first appearance In tjie OlympUw her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Louis CALL ANYTIME 7691 6 : 15—Gabby Heye*. ter, 90, mother of composer Cole I e Moreover, It acema to NUC- GO TO PRESS 6 :.10—Jlo w 'ty Ddody. since the days of the CAuirs. And V. .l^ la, at Columbia bake. 5 no—Feahlona In Mu*lr. Porter. Died Saturday, ^ j - feeding In !U taak. g .35—Seely Weether Forecail. we were more prepared for propa­ Mr. .pnd Mra. J,. Russell Evans 7 - London—Edwdrd Henry Scud- f - Itwlanfe, the Unitad Na- and son Richard have returned to *;30—W orld Newe' T n d a r. amoro Stanhope. T2th Earl of ganda than for performance. ' a 45—Sidewalk Interview. i S - : *“ obvjoualy the preaent in- their home after spending a few : —Up-tc Perr. Chesterfield, 63. Died Saturday. The Russian auceeaa --was large­ 7 00 atrument of policy which repre- day* visiting relatives In Pennsyl­ 7 : 30—Thoee Two.'" M e r r o a e, Maas. — .Frederick ly concentrated In the field of vania. 7 : 45—Camel Newe Cereven. f • • " I * clw ly th# ahape of hope *;00—Video Theater. Lauriaton Bullard, retired gymnaatles, sO much more of a Mr. and Mra. George A. Ream * -r— .8: 30—Volc* o l FlrtetoB*., chief , cqitorlal .writer for the Bqa- have: luUF aa: thatr guest Mr.. aad ' * ;00—MV Little Margie. .r.i-CsCitctX-T''’ Sport’ In Europe than heto. ' ' Blit SPECIALIZING. IN loh 'Herald. Pulitzer prize ivtnner, L Ji _■?**' American atateduahahlp Mrs. Harry Saul of Rye, N, Y„ , 3: 30—Who'i There?. r.>j.ia!;ti-7qoi(b.^lnmme* TJieeteri - .: i fqrmw. igcutgragqttonal -*ad. Pr**- 4..-- f-n' trik-to*— Huaaian vtalaiit «aa..Mlaa^::«KhlUta«cld> powrirr, tprinklrd on ^ 4 5 4 0 AddHieiwI UaHn^t ptr monlh (phis kn^ your room . given boudoir-chair comfort . . . aUiletas o f all the' nations. -What­ $312.37 Coventry. In arid DIetrlet, deceased. incapable of m atting the needa of your platat holdn thrm nrmrr ao thay Phono for a 1-visit loan, writs, 34922 Upon the .appllcntlon of Agnes decorative height with Colonial charm. Made ever their newspaper* gt home frrl morr ' comforlahlr. Soothlnf and or com* in.. Jhaeeeiaf vnode over e 451.45 >'Winona PurdtB praying Hi* fli^ :• ;.our Umaa. In an atomic age, Mr. roolinf tp fum i ifinda jdrr by ricaa* Recount on Iho RRtRto of X%Rriff Xa. to order in quaint Document Prints and Toiles. 1 may. Jiaye siMd. Hi* Rumians/ a t ■6v« «oid MAuUi. Avoid w b a rradWmant million loons lost poar! . You can hiova other inamben of your housahold of businass Reg. SS9.50 '....^ c liaBai , M->BH^jwtM*-booM|gh to'gii,' piitoo. OdvrAm rtTH ia ft Purdln be aoeepUd...... home com fort Helsinki were "food 'wHahers’ aiid Im w I t * to hi tiM WHITE P A G S i d r ^ ^ l k k ’ ■ OimOTKDr Tlnrt erid appltaatl«B~h* todtty nt -nny drujr atoro. •I OMllwv heard enC deteimlned at tlw Frohat# good losers. I t waa Mtade clsar On gignntwre Alon* Coop. Office. In Coventry In arid dtotrlet, on I EIm«M Bb No Sale VT' -V enough, that, when they are al­ tha Ith day of August. A.D. 1*63. a t ‘TNt;coapAMr#7TWAr tffffi f SAr v*r- 1 * o'clock Jn the forenoon, and that MORIARIY Bros • r' Duriag th* Damocratig l^Uonal lowed to 'ba. themarives, human ' pendency lime aad 3 1 5 CENTER ST J ' ^iiboiivaatiaB. it -w m the ^^trame l>ainga 'are pretty miijch' u i* same FINANCE C a j publish Reg. $22.60 End Table has 17 ' It' .^ orthara Mbmala who triad to ua* FRESH OANDY ^ M n**r e JAMVIS flUIUNPtO ___ Ing a copy orof totethis oreerorder one time in T E I 5 1 3 S X 26”*tray7rimmed top; shelf. everywhere, and have much more ,W hltiM a. Sehgmft. P . « 8. THf SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE COMPANY newspaper haring a circulation aiAIN iTREET (Ovw W whm th's) MANCHESTER tom * nr ^ coBVBBtloa whip on the party in oohmiMm than /they have againat ■ o^ ia HefUgetBPai Caaa* M l In aridI Dtstrict. and by posting a copy ' ^Mactianarlaa of th* South. Thdr each other- - Dial SAM V PhHIfl K. J umMiw, YCt MAUagar thereof on the pnhllc tlga-ppat In the S n , E N T G L O W OPtN TNUtSOAV IVfNItkM UNTIl • . .NfO:i T TownT' of Coyentnr. In said Dto,trlct. at Adctie was reaented by macy, | cIM fly* days before sajd day of hesi^ The Olympic ideal, which' la to Arthur Dnis Siortt I leeei neds Is iwliieh ei.eli ■neeeffe| Hew * ; O lL B T O iE B S 1 Bot m asy.peopl* hav* iir^ ot* paac* and friandahlp and T U O lU a O. W XLLK4, jodga. Afihaa ■A MS home until the hour ef , I’m My Own Graadpaw ka. Kooe Peking Nonsense Texas Toll a e m g / Claim P: § Tasewell, Vs.. Aug. 4— — Speedy Aid Watsoa klyera It ■iimr that buiUtMa with a Oomblnliig biialniu Son-|n-law of his own son-in- Watson Myers, 84, of New York SenateJFight Seat on Board •low^turnovar overturna quickly. ura la all vary wall, law,.you say? O ty died on boaid the BM. Pueblo hardar thing to do la ^ comMne Expected fb Now ain’t fhat something: In Drought off the coast of Texas on Friday,, Will Benefit . F«at—Did you UU your famUy buslaoM with ;’s see now, bow aros tba^ #! August 1. Hla body was remov­ Both PbpUcis Enter Well Support for Candidacy I w u eominff oV«r thl* rvenlny ed at Corpus Chrlstl, Texas, and Announced by Polish and rtad aoma a t w j veraae? lAdy—I’m V/t. Smith’s wifa. Weih.they got married here now en route to Manchester, Mysrs Known Opponents in ne Girl—T m , and It worfcad Mka a his saeiatary. Rise tb 33 about a ago; J. M. Hall, Areas I a hresaan aboard Ship aw l American €3nb Head ehann. tliay'ra aU golii( out to Lady-^-Otr wars you? of Mercer W. Va.. who was la tha Merchant Marina for Bsttle for Noniinstion Is 92, and sBoxle Bailey (OonthiMt fraos Pnga Om ) tba moTlaa. << rage Oaal (OonMnnsd tram Png* Om ) the past 28 yoara The race for eseta on the Board Butberford, of 'Bristol, Va., Ha was a veteran of the Navy Salt Lake City,' Aug. 4— tm — Nast to a stuck aippu, a huU of Directors was off to an early g? peraoaa had left Dallas at 2:0} who Is only 8^. in World War I and served in the Utah’s Democrats and Republi­ extent tha ahodogrown plants It la aot alwaya peaaUda to covar dog. lianga oa with tha graataat their emociatad animals on the start with tha double announce­ a. m. (e. d. t.) en route to Browns- You see, ROxle Is the step­ Navy form ers than nine yeara cans began lining up behind thslr have not reached full growth, tha up a waak uguaMnt with h farodty. market at depreised prices. ment yesterday of a csndMscy for <.4tBrittdia«rthor, Tllla at Texas’ southern tip. The daughter, o f J. H. Hall’s daugh-, He leaves his mother and father, chsmplMU today for a no-holda- The Weather bureau in Atlanta borred battle to decide csndldstss the board and the support of that lesvss' being satallar and thicker C h w l i — — Oueat (to boat, at outdoor hamr* tto^-bound bus was about to ter Aqnle, who married Roxle’a said no general rain was in pros­ Mrr and Mra William Myers of A Now Torkar was timvalii^ reach Waco. for tha U. 8. Senate In the Sept candidacy by the Polish American thnn normal, reaulUng In lowered [OMohamoMdn, tmrger roaat)—"Tea, I can taata father,’ John W, Bailey. I f pect any place in the South. Farm Glastonbury: hve brothers, Joseph quality. , p H « t tha charcoal flavor. Baa If you west In a Pullman when a group Tha drivers were both klUed- you 'keep. that straight. It's of Hartford; William of Avon; Ed­ primary, election. aub. experts have declared at least two parties, at state con- Edwin M. Kose, of 29 COopar Bottom Leaves Last MTIoT obJMl) can retain a UtUe of tha meat of chamber of comsaeica boosters - M. B. Herring of Waco, who had simple. ward of Nowlngton; Stanley of n e three dny* ot good, steady, ground vsnUons last week end. nsmsd street, a registered Democrat, Ui The two outdoor vsrtettss, Ha­ from city, Mo^, boarded been driving about a year, at the Hall is a son-in-law of his Simsbury and Lawrence Myers of « T M * flavor on tha next oi|a.' sodking rain is needed to save soma wall known political glsdls- the first avowed candidate for tha vana seed and tovodlsaf, the lab­ — BUI King la OolUar’a the train and bagan to praise their whMl of tte north-bound vehicle^ own daughter, and also a son- Bast Granby, and three slaters. 47Sm Uw >— , remainiqg crops. tbrs to carry thslr barmen Into new board. Which will assume office oratory director sold, have lost city to the NewrJ(oniari' telling Billy MoIo m of Waco in charge of in-law of his own son-in-law. Mrs. FrancU Wallace of Windsor 4iV0lauio W him of its beautlfiil boulevards, the aouth-bouqd bus. a In Oeovgin, where loeaes have the Ssnsts fray- and chose nomi­ In November. At tbs same tttos their boitom leaves fram lack of 9UOm This is tha tlma o f year whan He Is Bailey's father-in-law, been estimated at between 200 and Locks and M ra Anna VlSts and large industrial eatabHshmenta, Police Chief Jeeae Guntarman which makes Bailey a father- nees for Issssr offices. that hs signified bU intention of water, known as "firing." .’Ihirdly, SOwStwinc the young college student receive* 300 million doUora. state farm Mrs. Anthony Bvamr, both Incumbent Republican Ban. Ar­ tha tobacco when rolled Into cigars hia diploma and prepares to con­ and Its wonderful pooslbUities. said Herring had Just topped the in-law of his own father-in- running, William Moxur, president rinally the New Torker became leaders met today to discuss ways chestsr. v' thur V. Watkins'^ asst la at stake. will not have the normal flrs-bold- quer tha eWorld overnight. If he crest o f a alight bill. law. of the Polish American Club, an­ M n o ^ p u t. tired and said the only thing that of handling the emergency. Tha funeral will be held from Watklne, seeking re-election, will Ing capacity, or "burn.” Anderson has a ^ta of course, the world It was on the same highway In Further, the new Mre. Hall nounced tha club’s unanimous en­ would Improve their city would aarly 1928 Uiat 10 members o f the Alabama’s loss estlmiite Is 180 the John B. Burke Funeral Homs, be o p p o ^ by Morrinar lipclea, dorsement o f Koss. Koss la finan­ asilid this Is espscislly true of Out­ will have to wait until tomorrow. ie now mother-in-law to her ST East center street on Wednes­ former chairman of tha Federal be fo make It a seaport. Baylor University basketball team million dollars; North GAroUna’s cial secretary ot the club. door tdmcco. own father, and Mrs. Hall and day at S;S0 a. m. and in S t Jamaa’ Tha anthusisstlc Kansas dtisens of W aco were killed in a bus-train 200 million. Farm oSlClals in Raaerve Board. The declaration of Koss’s can­ Stats Oommiaaionsr o t Farms Ha—Are you tha sort of girl Mrs. Bailey arc each other’s In the Democratic primary. Rap. joMph P. Naylor. and Markets John Chrlstofissn laughed at hlin and aaksd how coUlslon. other stricken states have made ChurHt at 9 a. m. Burial wUl be Lean Psdrsv* didacy, togather with iU rsqulrsd who la sweat, beautiful, adorable stepmother. Mr. Hall and Mr. in the Vetcrane FISM at tha Eaat Walter K. Granger end ex-Gov. said there had bean extensive they could make it u seaport, .be­ 'That accident occurred near no damage evaluations other than written sndorssmsnt by 80 Dsmo- and charming? Bailey are step-aona to one an­ to Soy. looses will run into many Herbert B. May will batUa It out dsmags and "ws need rain to save ing so far from the ocean. Bound Bock, Tex., considerably Osnsatary. . Attorne$r Leon Podrove, who oratlc votoro, has not yet bean filed She—Teah, Wg boy; what kind other, and the two wives are mllUOns o f dollars, lyiaadS may caU at the funeral for the right to campaign for the what's left." Evan the Irrigated 4 The New Yorker replied that It south o f today’s crash. step-daughters to each other. wee formerly asaodated with the with the town dark’s offlea, ac­ af a diump are you? Tha drought has been a-buildlng hoBSS qa Tueaday after T p. Senate In the November elactioiM. rops ora not up to normal, ha would be a very easy task. With many of the injured in The Demoorata ended their con­ law firry of Rublnow end LaBelle. cording to Assistant Town Clark Ness—Yoricer---- Tha owly- thing— the Weather bureau said through old, "bscauas there la no substl- critical-ooB-v...... mocs-i})ot..wsathar. strsst, (6ts4 Sotwasy ptilIU^F.1llMtil]nA...V)>‘cR S i .whera the. normal crop, inoome. is A idMloan citrus w otken who died diqiOBttlftn. after oa $4 mllHoii, sold Sot XAVltt, EDing- Inslde half aa hour. in a truck-train colllaion In March, D1SCHAIU3ED 8ATU R D A Y : The reat o f : New England and the 8 L Frands Hospital. heVdi i h i r year - Leroy Bleu, 22 Devon drive; Mra Bssldas her huaband abs Is Mur- floor, fight foiled to mettrUllae, ConnscUcut School of law where The nine top voU getters In ton, vlo# prsaldsnt of the National 1940, near Alamo In south Texas. at least six other states— North Sea. Wellece F. Bennett opened ha was secretory-trsasursr of the^ Mary DeCtantla, 202 Porter street; vived by o m son, Georgs H. Joyce hoUi the Republican and Dsmo- Potato Oounclt. Hen are Just opposite from In Washington, the Safety Bu­ CaroUns, Virginia, Florida, Kan Seturdey’s seeoion of the OOP rissa o f 1080 and a member Of Mors-than II million worth of' Mrs. Mary Winters, 27 Jarvis road; saa, Psnnaylvania ukI New Jer­ Jr. o f HsrUord. ci’ntlc primaries will become the guns; tha smaller the caliber, the reau of the Interstate Commerce convention and urged party mem­ the Board .of Student Editora Mias Emma Wabrek, 193 Mapls sey—report varying degress of Funeral asrvlcsa will be bald candMIatM of those parties fmr Irrigation squlpmsnt la now fight­ bigger the bore. Commiaolon said its files contained bers to "rsators tha right o f the He Joined tha Rublno«r>oiM La- ing drought la the Connecticut street; John Dougsn, Andovsr; drought damage. Tuesday at 8:16 af tha'1>ylor ^ the nine seats on the board. ■’nothing approaching’ the Waco individual .... sad rsaiors our Belle firm when It war formed In Koss, a political unknown In Valley, eeld Lavitt, who In addition toll as to loos of lives. Its records Bruce OoUlns, 791 Main strsst; Traes Are Dying Modssn Fimsral Parlor of 233 ’The chemical vahM o f the hu­ Robert Kiernsn, 46 Strickland Washington atrest. Hartford, with government to ita conititutlonal Au|(hst, 1980! Msnchsstst^x Is omploysd as n to being a potato grower ia On Ir­ cover only buses traveling In inter­ In Tenneraee, where many trssa During the whT he eerved in bookesper a t ^ t h s w a y and SUln man body la less than a dollar. It street; Mrr. Rita Costs, South a requiem Maas at the Immeculete pattern." rigation equipment dealer. ought to go up after a meal at state commerce. wera^yiac- kBd farmars CbnceptWrt Church at o .* . Representative Granger’s Ftrat Europe «rith.Hlie A m y Medloot OorpoeattoB bi Boulh Windsor. -OMMSMIE OMMAMV r- Coventry;'M ra Mae PlecUy, 201 trucking water from dUss to their t today’s prices. Burial will be in the Beat Ctme Congreoetonel District seat will be Corps. He.wsa wounded twice and He has lived- In' Mattchastor all Hardest hit spots In the opinion DESCBIBE8 HORROR Adams strsst;.Mra Amy Symonds, livesto^, ons man summad up woa.awotdcd the bronxe star for hla Ilfs and went ti^ school here. some are paaturan o n . dairy SO Glenwood etreet; Mrs. Celia tery, Manchester aqd frtbnda may fought over by Republicena George ot m r DICK TURNER Waco, Tex., Aug. 4—•Is also "n a«~~"graduMb^ ~^T;g~ oounty oSsnt Hartford Oaunty, daughter, Ernst Hartford; Miss Jekn Stanley Dejretts R. McKay. find the exit door. ^ ' gone, too."” Incumbent Rapreaentatlys Revs the M ona flchqot o f Aceountttg ^^farmera are goUs to use that "It sounded like thunder. It Teaea Pecks. 84 Chestnut street; North Carolina’s loss has been John Stanley Deyette of 376 'and ia a veteran ot throe years’ extra penny a quart thay got for would blow up, and then blow up Mrs. Priscilla McKensle and Woodbridge street died last night Beck Bosone, running for re-elec- aarvica In the Army during the estimated at 200 million dollars tlno, will be oppoced the Demo­ to buy extra feed.” agdln, one sifter another.’’ 'daughter, Amston; Mrs. Helen Kentucky’s loss on tobacco alone et his home after a long lUnaaa. 111 war* cratic primary by Charles R Troops Alerted But. the dry spell as It stands A pretty brown-eyed Waco Barrett, 84 Bowers strsst; Mrs. 30 to 50 millions. He wae born In Richmond, Vt., today "won’t bowl farmers ovtr," woman, Mre. Dora Daniels, 17- June Johnson and son, 81 Oakland July 5. 1912 and has been a resi­ Psdsrssn for the Second Con­ South Carolina report# 03 per gressional District asat. Anderson added. "Hartford County yeorK>ld daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. strest; Mary Ann. Raklewics, cent of Ita corn, 01 per cent of paa- dent of Menchaater for 10 years. For Red Strife eoU, cropa itnd farmers have n re- W. C. Webb of Waco, described Rockville; .George Oulllette, 244 He was employed as an engineer Their .Republican counterparts Ex GI WiU ny tiires, 68' per cent o f hay and feed are Doh M. DaHon. and William merfcabla eapwelty - tor a -oente- the gray-davm horror on the Tern Woodland street; Mrs. Elisabeth crops and 40 per cent of ita cot clerk St tha Hartford Empire He was a member of Manchester A. Dawson. bock.’’ pie highway, from a bed in the Best, 53 Coburn road; Mrs. An­ ton have bean damaged. In Korea Vdte In Weehlngton a plea that Oon- emergency room of Providence toinette Grmexyk and daughter, Because of parched pastures, Lodge No. 73, A.F. and A.M.; An For governor. Republican incum­ To Meet. Irish nacUcut -be danlared n dianateri-'' Hoepltal. -The "thunder” was ctsnt. Accepted Scottlah Rites bent Oov. J. Brsckefn Lea Is opr Rockville. Kentucky farmers already were (OontUraed frow^ Fag* Om ) was put before utHtor SiCgl’ probably eyploding fuel tanks. DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: drawing on vrinter reserve supplies Charter Oak Lodge of HarUeTd; posed by Cyril A. CaUlsUr. a Salt tary of Agriculture Heroeri^.Wa- The sickening scent of burning Syrus Goodale Chapter of Hart­ Helens Burghardt, lEast Hartford; of feed for livestock. Virginia lake. City dootpr.-: N o te - fff# by Congnrp"iiiAfi A SUbi-- flesh WM still heaivy in the air. ford; St>hInx'TsmpI4 ShHn'ers o f Inasi are Mayor Earl J. Olade of They are Cho Bong- Am, vice Sherwood Smith, 90 Summit foresaw a possible milk pries in­ chairman of tha National Aasem- coffs office. TOlegranu |Mlve been Mrs. Daniels, who had been Hartford; ConnscUcut ConsUtory Salt Lake a t y and Secretary of home for the week end, was re­ street; Steven Kuremol, Tolland; crease for the Same reason. Up- bly; Hugh. Cynn, former ambas­ New York, Aug, 4—(SB An M t from Connect ststs New York’s mUk producUon 8PRS and the Tati Cedars of Leb State Heber Bepnion, Jr. tiovarnor Edward IL Alien' turning to Corpus Christ! where Paul Azinger, 48 Coburn road; anoy of Msnehsaisr. sador to the U. S., and Lee 81 ax-Ol wlU take a plana for Ire­ also was curtailed. Jean E. Shepard,of tha growers* ^ e worked at a drive-in. Sbe Mrs. Emms Von Deck, 184 He is survived by his wife, Bvs- Yung, former vlM president. land tonight to meat n mUkmald Summit street; Daniel Wright, 147 In southeastern Kansas. It was group which hoa taken up the; said she owed her life to a Negro ly)t W anlDsystts, his mothsr, Mrs There are nine aspiranta for he's never seen. man who was thrown to safety School street; Mrs. Alice West and caUed the worst dry spell since the vice president. Six are classed Fight ^ , black blisssrds of the 1930*. Anns Dsyette of Lynn. Mass- and Vanech/ Seeks Seventy lattcn hnve passed each Showen Feraroal "but was brave enough to come son, Rockville; Melvin Wackwitz, one slater, Mra Elsie. BeeuUeeu of as Rhee supporters but Rhee has back and pull us out.” Mrs. Dan­ Wspping; Frank Plsch, 464 Hart­ Sunday’s weather bureau report endorsed no onei way between Franic Hnyeetok, 27. Elaewher# In Ntw Enshuul the aptly Illustrated the monotonoualy LJnn. Mas# U. 8. Weather bunnu today fora- iels’ injuries were not serious. ford rood; Samuel Hendrickson, 72 The funeral will be held from Lee Bum Suk, who, as Homo on electric arc welder in a fohne- The Negro was unidentified ex­ repeated weather forecaat tot McMalion Job ca a t/’suhetantlal ahowera" begta- South Hawthorne street; Mra. Holmea Funeral Home of 400 Mein minister directed recent arrests ot town. Pa., eteel mill, . and Breda nipg tonight with the heavheavleat cept that he was believed to be a Mary Fsntom, 59 EIro strest; much of the drought area, "con tlnued dry and hot with scattered street Wednesday afternoon at 4 Rhee's political opponants In tha O’SulUvan oC Llatole, County Kar- downfall In Maine, NWr Hamp­ soldier at Fort Hood. Richard Glessman, Rockville. o’clock and burial will be In Bast showers:" In U. Se Senate fight with the assembly, was nom­ ry. shire and Vermont. Mrs. .Daniels said "The bus was DISCHARGED TODAY: Mra Cemetery. inated by the dominant Liberal The story goeee back to Christ- late and was going pretty fast to Louisville. Ky- 90 degrees, .17 Southern New England, hqrd hit Josephine Dorsey, 10 Depot The family requests that friends party, Rhee's own. mss night In 1946 when Hnyoptalc. by a month-long drought, also wUI catch up. I was seated in the rear. of an Inch; Mempjiis, Tenn., 100 (OeattniMd From F ^ One) Square. degrees, trace of rain; Nashville, make donations to the Manches­ Lee complained that Kim Tal loaAy msdtcal corpenM re- benefit, from a storm he^sd hwe Somefbody screamed ‘Look ou t' ter Csacsr Fund Instead- ef send­ turnlnff fi«m fcurope afUF three Then the buses hit. The Negro Tenn- 100, n o rain; Kanaas City, Sun, who succeeded him as home from the Mid West. ' - ing flowers. , Hon will be similarly made for the minister, arrested 13 of Lee’s cam­ Yuletidei ewny from heme, wrote The bureau said ahowers'were man saved me and a little ^rl 95. .52; U t t ls Bock. Ark-. 100, four years remalnlpg In the Mc- none; Oklahoma O ty, 101, .01; At- TOe funeral home wilt be open paign workers. Kim said the 13 a wlatfUI letter u d toeeed It over­ expected to continue through the who was seated next to me. for friends this evening from 7 to Malion term. > board In n bottle. fd M t 'The forecaster said « t tasat "He was thrown out of the bus Iranian Senate lantsi, Oa., 92, none; Boston 84 had been arresteff on' specific 9:30 o’clock and tomorrow after­ Sen. McMahon died here July The Irish girl found It on a beach h u f sn Inch of rain would fall in but was brave enough to come .26; <3hsrlotU. N. C- 88.- none charges but would be left free un­ Jacksonville, Fla., 90, none; Fort noon from 3 to 5:30 o’clock and to­ 28. til after the election. and the fetter exchange began. soma placss and maybe..mora (n back and get us out. A little Mexi morrow night from 7 to 9:30 Hie seat could be temporarily WUI Heyostak Vfoff ber hack? can ghi was- sitting by-me. Her Bars„ Grab of ■Wortl^--104,. noM._, Other vice' presidential candi­ othsrs. X o’clock. -— ------flUed,.*intll.Jan..J. thrsush an ap* -"We have- not wsttlee Aeewnoe, • ■ "Even a half-lneh would lielp mother and father were standing Hot and Dry dates-“Wwlmle Ham-Tat Yting am) pointment by Republican Gov­ Louisa Yim, the only woman can­ In our lettere," he replied. "... But bring aome rslitf," ha said. near her! They were killed. I know It was hot and dry In other Bober| B. T. Charles ernor John I ^ g e . If .Qad wanU It, It wlU turn up they were, The Httle girl kept say­ Qavain Wealth didate. .Sotiirdky nlghl’A storm left parts of the country Sunday, no­ Robert A T. Charles of 12 Jen­ Vanech has been associated With ing, 'I want my mama.’ I didn’ that way.*^ .20 Inches of rain In Boston and 3 tably at Blythe, Calif., which re­ sen street died this morning after the Justice Department since The first letter, toeeed Into a • f 5 know what to do, so I Just kept m Wclhlty and wae followed by fair (OoBtlaiied fram Fogs O ) ported 113 degree# Many points In a short Illness. Born in. Brooklyn, 1983. Was made deputy attorney wild ocean about 200 miles from her with me. weather and 80 degree temperature the southwest reported above 100- N. Y „ son of the late William and general under J. Howard Mc­ New York, conUmed e deesriptlon yeeterday. "There was a little baby. It was Sion. It probobly will be brought degr^ temperatures. Goroner Finds ii Gertruds (EMI) (^ r le s , he was Grath. of Heyostak end gave hie addrees, Not Enough Bala lying in the middle of the pave­ up when the Senate meets again. Oregon had varied fare. It wap employed as a aslssman before hla Quizzed by Uoase 184 Iron strest, Johnstown. _____ Both the -Weather bureau oad ment, burning. Nobody could help. - WoMd SpRt F uitsai a record-tying 101 for the year at retirement a few years ago. Vanech was In the limelight Little Mystery Th* n « t September, wrhlle eta- Maaeachusette AgilcUUufal Cofti- ‘.There was a boy walking along • The leglMation calla for Qavam’a Portland. The central part of the Mr. Charlsa leaves his wife, Mrs. tloned at the Brooklyn Anny base, with tu. We were all stumbling early this year when he was sub­ mlerioner Henry T. Broderick S6td fortune—estimated by« some law­ state had x 60 miles an hour dust Clara (Stemmerman) Charles; je c t s to critical questioning by KayoeUk got his re|Uy. around in a daze. He kept looking makers at 500 million rials storm. A t Ashland, in the south the light rein was not enough to two daughters, Mrs. Oars Noonan members of the Chelf House com­ In Twin Deiaths The letter forwarded from bring eubetantlal relief to basajrd- - bock and saying Those poor peo­ (about 10 million dollars)— to be a .02 Inch rain . in half an hour of Manchester, and Mrs. Gertrude ple.’ I suppose he was one of the mittee Investigating the Justice Johnstown, told o f Mtse O'Sullivan ously dry foreets and .wUhefod divided among the survivors of flooded stores. Walbancke of Belrose, N. Y. He Department concerning his admis­ finding the bottle near a iarm boys who kicked out the windows persons klUed in the street fight­ also leaves seven grandchildren. Now London, Aug. 4—( ^ —Mre. crops. to let us out. We couldn’t find the It was rainy from the MissISalp sion to the bar In Tennessee in where ehe lived on the eouthwest ing which resulted In his over­ pi valley and Lahe Superior re­ The funeral will be hsld from Helen B. Felle, 26, of this city waa Broderick said a "good soekiag exit door." 1940. coast of Ireland, op Aug, U , 1948. rain for two or three deye" would throw. More than 20 police and gions southward Into lUlnols, ISia- the T. P. Hollorsn Funeral Home. beaten %nd thrown to her death 1 drove the cows to the fields Unaware Parentar Dead soldiers reportedly died In the 176 Center street, Wednesday at Vanech told the committee that be needed to end the drought but ■ourl, Kansas and Oklahoma. Falls from Gold Star Memorial Bridge beside the •ea," 'ehe wrote, "and Matilda Zamoudlo. / the little clashes. of an Inch or more were reported 3:30 p. m. Rev. Fred R. EMgsr of he passed the bar examination tind that even that would not bring Mexican girl taken .from the bus received his license from Tenn­ then went for a walk on tha etrand Five million rials (about 3160,- at several points In lows, Wiacon the South Methodist (^urch will July 12 by Taduesz Banaslak, 26, called-n'he BeaL’ It Is on Inist on fuU TeUef," ______by Mrs. Daniels, was given break­ 000) would be set aside for sin and northern IlflnoU. conduct the service and burial will essee In that year after failing the of this city, with whom she hod The storm Saturday nlsht drop­ fast in bed this morning at Provi- bar examinations In the District dingls bay . . , Qavam’s wife and 10-year-old eon. There were scattered showers In be in the East Cemetery. been friendly until a few days be­ cork , of • the bottle ped 2.18 Inchee of rain at Quoneet denca Hospital unaware her father of Columbia and Virginia. fore, deputy coroner John J. Mc- Qavam’s whereabouts have been Wyoming, Colorado and New Mex­ Friends may Call at the funeral crumpled In my finger# How the Point, R. L, hut none In weitarn and mother were dead. The family ico 'and scattered points in the borne from Tuesday at 2 p. m, un­ The deputy attorney general aa- Garry said In his ihquest finding HaerBcbueette. Rhode Island, how­ was ■ -lUte to Mexico. unknown since MossadeMi swept ■erted that there was nothing Im­ note kept dry nobody con under- Tennessee and Ohio Valleys. til the hour o^ the service. issued today. atand. It must havs been beesuae ever, appeared aepecially .favored i “* asleep," the brown-eyed, to power July 21. The Independent proper” in hie course of action, "Banaslak, at - the same time, weekly Donya speculated today the you mentioned Ood’e name In It with the etorm depoeiUng L74 11-y .Jld said. "The bus stopped because he said the Tenneseee Su­ hurled himself Into the Thames Inchee raln on ProvWence and 1J5 do flist my feet fell on''me m la ^ g politiciiui actually U hid­ preme Court specifically provid­ end He brought It to eefe ing in the home of a Smator In River and died from drowning," harbour . . . on Block laland. , and aVsrythlng caught fire. Moth­ Fuperab ed examinations for nori-realdents. McOarry said li\ closing the first Elsewhew, New Haven, had^1* er screamed when something fell Tehran and the government knows This Is Just a mile common it but is unwHUng to violate the Obituary After the Vsmey testimony be.- case In. which the 138-toot high Irish village where nothing etrange Inchs. Burlington. Vt„ 8.1 Inchea, on her. I was choking. So much Oonrod M en fore the Chelf committee, the ■pan has been used In a criminal smoke and fire. A gin by me Senator’*Immunity by entering his Funeral services for Conrad aver occurs, end this le something Newport, Vt., .14 Inches end Hart­ Tennessee bar asaociation aaid it act bringing death to another. for the fermere to talk about ford. ,13 Inches. The rest of the opened the window and she pushed house. Merx of Phoenix street, Vernon, proposed to look Into the matter. Their bodies later were recovered while they csit the oeU anU bring elx-etete-oraa hod-lsaa than..nM . f me through it. I couldn’t walk. A The paper said, however, that Deaths wko died Friday at hls.home, were Asked about the matter today. from the river. Hers’ about seven man picked me up and brought me Moasadegh had pledged t » arrest held thie morning at 9 o’clock from tha hay Into the barn.” tenth of an inch. j Vanech eaid he was willing "to hours after the pre-dawn struggle Hayoetak^ saved regularly from and tne girl here In a truck. Qavam as soon aa the upper cham­ Henry A. Challfoar the W. P. Quish Funeral Home, slug it out with anyone who cares An the then deserted bridge and hla his earnings and sold his sedan Her parents had left Waco, ber passes the bUl granting him Henry Arthur Chalifour of 122 and 9:30 at the Sacred Heart to bring it up." three days Ister. and bonds to finance the trip to where the father was a cafe cook, full government powers. Walker street died SsUirdsy night Church. Vernon. The coroner found that about Army to Ration for San Antdine where they were 'One current rumor Is that ■ Rev. lEdmund Barrett was cele­ Vanech wee born In New York meet his correspondent. at Manchester Memorial Hospital City In 1900 and Went to Connect­ five days before the fqtalKnight, to take the train for' Mexico. Their Qavam already has fled the coun- following a long Illness. He was brant, Rev. Ttiomae Shea, deacon, Mrs. Kalle, widow of a sailor names were unavailable. icut with his family while still an Big Ammunition t»y- ■ ______bom In Manchester, N. H „ on and. Rev. Patrick M*honey, sub Infant. He was-accepted In the killed more than a year earlier in Aug. 30, 1890, son of Edmund aiid deacon. Mra. Anna Mae Pfunder Darien, Conn., public . echooli, a traffic accident, had determined Banquet Ends Albina Brian Chalifour’ played and sang the mass. Peekakill Military Academy, N. Y., she would no longer see Banaslak Washington, Aug. 4—<67—The Father Attaches H s was-Employed- aa an uphol­ ^ v . Thomas-Shea waa In charge and WSa'iIngtoh College of Law a DP, because of hla drinking Army announced a strict ration Hospital Notes of the committal service In St. sterer by the Packard .Motor Car and Catliolic Univ^sity here, . habHs. i, ™ Haakon Fete o f .smmutUUiui for use by any hut Prd][ierty of Sort Company of Hartford for 20 years. James’ Cemetery. The bearers ■ A widower, he has’ a 13-year;old However, they met that night at units In aiitidn and," trtmpa 'dee-r Patients Today ...... lOB At' the time of his death he was were Michael Haseett, Bernard ■on, Michael, . a club and soon after midnight tlnCd for combat assignment In “ APkfrrTEb -' S ATURDAY; W lfolir^ b y the -p ion s^ Para-; Sulttvaji,' CUfford :Gieaaon left in .Mrs." C8V- She picked ■ QS16,' Ifprwsy. '4—<67—-A ’iyanic Pi8cli!-'484 Hartford; rood;: -OhitS' 00 . -hsra. rjqU nEO E: DF- ccM M iNoi: :"r: ftp : a railil- AUnvq, itatd ■banquottimli^^^ -..... it ■.BocrratiY. Mfe. -The^sa ■‘'DonoVon; 92 DoeJ>- against Mr. and Mrs. Herbert "J, - He leaves' Ms wife', W r rfe t Qver.ihe bridge' and.left the other old King .Haakon VH fnds a w o- Bahdataen said In a itatement wood drive;' Mrs. Marla "Coccont, : Stamford. Aug. 4^-(A)—A. De- Leggett was .filed in the town Tihgley Chalifoiirr"'one daughter, vltt Vanech, who today announced woman at her Orotbn ’ liome 'at day rtstlonsl birthday celebration that the recently concluded steel , Andover; H. Fred Machle, He­ clerk’s office this mbmlng. The Mrs. William McNall, Jr. and one about 1:3b a. m. In which thousand* qf Norwegitn* Strike coat the Army about 37 per bron; Harry Munro, 24 Madison his intention to seek the Connecti­ action was taken by George Leg­ ■on, Robert H. Chalifour. all of A bou t Tow n cut Democratic nomination for the The coroner’s report next notes enthusiastically displayed their cent of Ita scheduled ammunition street; Mrs. Eldith Wickham, East gett, father of Herbert J. Leggett. this . town. He also leaves his that two screams from the bridge affection for Europe's oldeat reign­ production for the current year. Hartford; Mrs. Lottl Cummings, U. 8. senatorial seat made vacant The attachment, returnable to parents in Mancherter, N. H.;' t-wo by the .death of Brlen McMahon a were heard by four fishermen on ing monarch. "The Army will hq compelled to 239 Woodbridge street; Mrs. brothers, Leo Chalifour of Man­ Miss Hargett Miller who was the Hartford Superior Court.Sept. married July 24 to WlUlam- Wilbur week ago today has one thing In the river's bank at 4:15 a. m. and Steady rain yesterday foiled to exercise the strictest economy In Agnes Hall, 65 Wadsworth street. 9. did not Indicate the nature of chester, N. H., and Wilfred J. at 4:30 Mrs. Faile's abandoned car dampen the cheers of the King e the expenditure of ammunition ADMITTED YESTERDAY: la the daughter o f Mr. and Mrs- common with the men he seeks to the suit Involved. The property CTialifour of thie town. Charles Miller of 67 . Elisabeth succeed: was. found near the center of the subjects who lined the cepitel’e and to utilize ell possible substi­ Daniel Rush, South Windsor; Mrs. attached is located ,on Dudley The funeral will 'be held at the bridge. main Boulevard to watch him pass tutes In training,” Bendetsan said. LiUlsn Sh«Mka, 69 Charter Oak Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main drive. She ia not the daughter of Both were proteges of Homer street. )6r. and Mrs. Charles H. Miller of Cummings, former Attorney Gen­ Examination of her liody showed In a military parade. Ho rode In ' HU statement made It clear Btreft; Mrs. Vi(ginls Phillips, 47 Attorney Herman Yules la rep­ street Wednesday at 2 p. m. Bur­ many and severe brulseA ’’Indlcat- the downpour In an open car and that "the strict austerity basis . Essex street; Mrs. Catherine Car- ial win be In the Buckland Ceme­ 06 Hudson street aa It waa stated eral of tha Uqited States. . resenting the plaintiff. The pa­ In The Herald Aug. L In'g that she had received many later spoke at the City Hall to a would apply to training acUviUea - son,- Rockville;.. Mrs. Elisabeth tery. Cummings, who brought McMa­ pers were filed by Deputy Sheriff hon to the Justice department, hard blows prior to her death and crowd of 50,000. of National Guard, Reserve and Dotchin, 13 Ctottage 'st'reet; Stan­ Harold Keating. Nends may call at the funeral that she had engaged In a violent Visiting royalty—King GuaUv ROTC units In the United States' ley Thompson, Eaat Hartford; home today from 7 to 9:80 p. ni. Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. An­ alao obtained a post in that de­ schutz of 80 Broad street, v/ho are partment for Vaiiech,. not then an struggle to free herself from her VI Adolf Of Sweden, Queen Mother as well as to training in ‘Europe' Mrs. Florida Guilmaln. Stafford and Tuesday' from'7 to 9:80 p. m. assailant," said McGarry. Alexandrine of 'Denmark and and military sasiatance commit­ Springs; Mrs. Hannah Anttila, 88 leaving ehortty. for a srtay Of up­ attorney. wards of a year in SestUe, Wash., Although Vanech was active In "I am satisfied that the death df Prince George of Greece—Joined ments to thU nation’s AUiea Strickland street; Mrs. Hellns Bus Fares Boost M'llllam JohM Bendetsen ssM that the nation-'s were honored with a.surprise party local politics for a' while before go­ Helen Falle waa caused by the In the tribute to Haakon. The Duke Johnson, 79 Baldwin road; Peter WilUain Johns, 88, who for the Ing would apply to an ammunition recently when seven o f their neigh­ ing to Washington about 19 years cfrmlnal act o f Tad'*^* Banaalak o f EkIInburgh, huaband of Britain’s Scheer. 187 Spring street; Mrs. past four years had made hla and that he forcibly threw, her larger than .50 calibre. He noted Will Start Friday bors cellsd to-preaent them with a ago, he never took a part In Queeir Elizabeth II. was expected Amelia Ulrich, 57 Doane street; home at 218 Main street, died Sat- from the bridge," he concluded. to arrive in time for tonight’a ban­ that the Army’s rbUtlon and di*- parting gift of a suitcase. Mr. state politics. Karen Smith, 8 Drive H; Henry iurday evening In Manchester Me­ quet, given by the Norwegian gov-o charge poHcies would require the Anschuts who is a test engineer ’’His legal address here is the Coffey, 693 Center street; George (Coattmwd froas Page Om ) morial Hospital. 'H e had been in cmmenL trailing of about 660 thoueaiyd r e - " ' Choma, Stafford Springs; - Mra. failing health for the past few for the Pratt and Whitney. Air­ Roger Smith hotel, where he FeativltleS began early yoeter- plecemenU during the current r Julia Faulkner,. 160 Hollister months. * - craft, will motor out to battle stayed several days ago while re­ Public Records 780 after taxes. dsv morning aa cheerful flag-wav­ cel year which started July 1. street. Mr. Johns was bom in Cfermany Uifa week and Mra Anschutz and turning to the .state for the fu- This, the court hsld, will repre­ ing throngs Jammed the eldewelka. "It would be unthinkable to me ADMITTED TODAY: Paul and came- to this country with his daughter.^Linda Suaan, will maks xeral of Senator McMahon in sent three cants on each dollar of niuuby Norwalk last Thursday. Certificate of Devise Special eenrtcee were held In Oslo’s or to anyone else ia authority to Wright. 29 Nathan road; Bertll rsvenua taken in by the company. parents at the age o f tea. He the trip plane after he errivaa Turner. 98 Avondale road: Richard spent the graatei’ .part of hia life When.. Vaoecl) was ..appointed Estate .of. JftU». Be.rgren,,.of..Baat. Lutheran. .CattHMhrsI-,, High offl- sand .any 'man.into-.oomhot:.until., .The court also o^tred the com­ tieputy Attorney General laat Aug, Hartford, who died'March 8, ISSl^ ciale and the diplomatic corps at­ be had become thoroughly familiar Nplut,. 5 i Chestnut street;- Arthur in-Jersey- -GHy-, ■ and-ofterrthr death Mn. Besele Farris, director of pany--^ Issue- I'OdWmsblerBcelptx 31, both McMishon and Cumming; to John A. Bergren, of East Hart­ tended. — with the use of hU , v^ponar'’ Crawfo'rd. 'M Xrvlhs place: A ll^ of wife and son, he came to the

■J- , i 3?? • • * .:V=^-. .«;0:'.——

r>^*. If ■


-7 ■ . , ■ a. J fro m :ue Local Sport Chatter

By Hal Turkinjrton i ______Snead Winner Grass Courts Olympic Games Come to b Close Swimming in POACH TOM KELLEY of the. A8HJUCAN UtUe League Dodgers Take Many Records Broken Thompsonville Wins; high school baseball team has re- shoots for District Three, title to., eolved the baseball emblems to be night at Memorial Field In its first Of Tam Golf Event Begins Pair; Yanks '^ ; ^ Infancy-»Maiin presented to members of the 1662 teal fn the tourney. Rockville “In Olynipiii^GaTfniv^ CXJIL champlona. Player# are aak- i vlitch (liapoked of the National ■ ;- •! to get in touch with him a.i aoon i League yesterday afternoon, sup- FiPwT" Sub-Par 65 and Frank SiMlgman Favored Sweep Browns Ohio State Coach Says aa possible and he will award the: plies the opposition. The. Ameri- Despite three-hit pitchihg by playera with the emblems. cans drew a bye in the opening Breiraefi to V ictofv; In Tenniii Tourney at By MW PHUMiAR { end of lh« dty tb«y lad by MH Olympic Marks W ill Be By RALPH' KODCN HcUinkl. Auf. 4—(A^-r'n** *1*62 ; polnU. Dick Wright and Nick Twardy. round. Broken Many .Times m r iC ^ O P K lN a pro at the ^tranahan, SuRg* W in Jersey’s Orange Club Aaaoclaed Preas Bporto Writer 'K Olympic G«m«« became hUrtory to-1 The United .States added Eliminated ItockvUle was able to overcome - „ ,,—» Minnichaug Golf Club in Glaaton- THOMPHONVILLB, which ; Phttadelphtm*r vsitly Imppoied 4 J day and the- hlitoriani are nolng to | four more palnto yesterday lit Phillies and Athletics don’t figure the team ercHoa of the Prix Ore By Harvey Hudson Manenester'a National League by burj', la in Manchester Memorial handed Tri-Vlllage, 'composed of By Charlea Chamberlain South- Orange. N J ..- Aug. 4-': need a whole netv book to take Beekellle (f t a 6-3 acore In a DIstriot Three (AS • The annual Bailsrn Gross I to claah.ln the 1663 World Sertea vcara of lhl» gigantic aporte carnl- Nations, the show juilltplDg clN Helsinki, August 4 — (C) ABR HPO AE Hospital. suffering from s re- Little Leaguers In Broad Brooks Chicago. Aug. 4—(A1 • A beam­ The 1632 Olympic swim­ Peganl. lb ...... Little League playoff game yes­ occurrsnee of a service Injury. Wapplng and South Windsor in Oourt Tennis Cthampbmihip gets hut tha men of Stave O'Neill and Vai. max of.the equestriM competi­ BhulU. M ,,,,,,. ing Sam Snead, his lost confidence Jimmy Dykes will havs a lot to tion. mers completely ■ re - wrote terday at MemoriM Field. Dickie Owner Graham Clark of the club the first end of yeaterday'a twln- under way at the Orange Lawm ■’nia games which ended In the Heck, lb ...... restored, looks eagerly to Thurs­ Tennis Club today Lnd Aroerlcsna aay over who does. ' TlnnUrtt twilight last evening were Tbfs event, tha only one on yea- the record book In the greatest atsTene, I f ...... Lee limited the locals to six bits says Hopkins may lose his right hlll. goes to the post tomorrow competitive swlmfest of all Ume. Jerden. lb snd two unearned runa In going arm. Hbpktns formerly served st day's start of golf's most fantas­ will have their first peak at Aiui- Both Philadelphia rJubs," below bigger Md belter In every way tot'day'a program, brought France Oeaaey, r f ...... night against the winner ef to­ But the ravislona are only tempo­ the route for tho winners. the . Laurel Park Driving Range. night's game. tic money chase- the $00,(MO tralian A m Frank Sedgman In the .600 mark a little more than than any df. those of the previous 'Itf sixth gold medal of tha games. Lee. p ...... a month agp, have been playing at In the Individual aectlon, and Great rary say ths men who know swlm- 8(. Louie, e ..... BUNCHINO three hiU and Rve Clark la planning a benefit tourna­ "World Championship" si Tam singles competition since he won l i modem Olympics. the United States tiUs last'year. a pennant clip of lata and tha BffSjlh Ha first, in the team minig beat. Datacrty|, cf ...... walks, RockvlUe scored ;a pair of ment for Hopkins and will an­ Hamilton has tentatively sched­ Mote people'-took part. Mate runs In the first and Uilra innings O'Shanter Country Club. Sedgman U seeffM first In the majority of their remaining gkmea coqntrlee entered. ;They lasted division. "Swimming, as a sport, still Is To tell IS 5 S II I 1 nounce the event later this week. uled a home and home series u1th In its infancy," inalats Mike Peppe, ■aeclieeler NeUeeei (tl and a single tally In the sixth. Wyman Gordon of Worcester, First .award In - this .72-hole foreign list followed by Ken Mc­ Sre against tho pennSnt oon- longer. More went' on. Perfor- Competition was so strong that scramble of leading pros Is $39,000 Gregor snd Mervyn Ro4W. his fel­ tenders. . mnoes weroamaslng. There was merely breaking an Olympic record the coach at Ohl,6-1, whilewnue unt^a-UMlJta' 11. CuRcuvttch. p ..., tal effect of a horrendous third CI'RRENTLY resUng In second ty'a, (2-8) In the fight for that Hamilton vs.'BA’s, 6-- Nebo. tionol Leagueeagua .cluui^ona dtB » 6 d - .(, tha first day with their expected Bans writers will frequently fill this Guest Spot Column). men did better, and sdven of them Ktlwa. cf ...... round of 74, started off the finala ed result, but when Straight Clark, grand Siam In tha woman's discus, place, the RIdgea still have a fourth apot. LL Tourney. 6 Memorial. a pair toI last placa PlUM)iii|^Trih' Renn, Rad Box 31; Tarca, Red twice swanri under the bid mark. with an eagle and two birdies. the top-aaoded entrant, was 'knock­ wars overhaiilsd briefly by the ToUlo ...... 38 10 9 18 Sports Mirror chance to unseat flrat place TONIGHT should find Kab ed out by young Bqb Penry 'ln the FYlday, Aug. 8 and 10-8,8, Cincinnati and BCdff6i» Sox 31; Gavello, Yanks 16; ■But the world record by Flir- Tri-Vlllase <4) ; " If that rain hadn't come on Dumas opposing Norm Boucher United States during the second By Gayle Talbot ,1,, But soon afUr that his childrsn iahashl of Japan la 18 minutes TRUSSES-BELTS HainlUnn, who has two games re­ first round. It was s rasa of It Deri's vs. Mason’s, 6 - Charter divided a bargain bill, the Braves Abrams, Cards 17; Magnuaon, Rad Womea’s Divleloa Peck. 3b I the eighth. I was playing good maining on the schedule with while Bobby Dunnack and Cal winning the opener, 7-4, behind and third daya of track and field, One oit the best ways to make a ! began, to run over other horses, 10 seconds," Mann pointed out. Naion. 3b<1» ...... 1 0 0 0 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ELA.«ITIC STOCKINOS being anyone's sggumcnt. Oak. Sox 17.' . Ths contsat for ths Manchester Shephard, lb ...... 0 0 0 3 PPLIANCE CO. enoueh to break all the records," Pratt k. Whitney and the B \’s. Lyles are the llkekjt choices for V.'arren Spahn, and the JtiMa the than took a long lead when results . Doubles great deal of money is to buy a ' and Calumet not only hiked the "That record can be beaten, and It Today, a Year Ago—The United EXPERT FI1TEIERS Snead seriously proclaimed. Sedgman and Seixaa teamed to poured in from man's and woman's horse like Bull Lea, the head sire ; price In a hurry but became vary Country club championship among Thompson, lb ...... 1 0 0 0 States gained the final round of 71 MAPIE SI MANCHESTER The Ridges must meet the Air­ Wedpe-sday. The youthful BA’s, taka the doubles final from BroWn Illinois has leas waste land In nightcap, 4-0, on Bubba Chareb'a ...... Abrams. Cards 8; Renn. Red Sox will be beaten, under the right White, c ...... 3 0 I 7 HE FIRED his seven-under-par paced b.v Hartford. High protegee at Calumet Farms, and then hire 1 particular abovit what maraa Bull women golfers Is beginning Its competitive conditions."— Burp. e'.'Tay'*s'41 »*■.*»» '1 G' G'8' -Davta Cup; Zone competition by craft beaideB.. theie ghmea. with and Chlle'a Lula Ayala, 4-3, 10-8, proportion^ to total area than any 1 8; Grinavtch, Red Itox « ; Smith, Cufhmtn. 3b ...... 3 0 1 3 Arthur Ctiif! StoTM 66 despite three'fives, all of which Jimmy Fox, Billy SteVens,. Nick THE YANKS, With an nadlst The U. S. won out Saturday, the Red Sox 8; Heyart. .Yanks 6. a small armored truck to carry you ' Lea associated with, other than third round. Anne McBride de­ "Swmmliig Ik getting more In­ sweeping the first three matches the BA's. As It stands now with 6-4. other state. fbial full day of competition. The in to the bank n^w and then when ! those of thr Calumet set. Since feated Carolyn Laklng In their Weller, p. rf ...... 3 1 1 1 against Mexico. he bagged during the atorm. eight gsmes before the season Knback and Loo Donahue, plus the from the Athlstlos, moved .'three TRIPUDB ternational, and that means more Orent. u ...... 3 0 1 0 "That rain alowed me down Just Afflsrtcana started off the morn­ the stuff begins to clutter up the 11946, when he led the money-win- match last week; Virginia Thorn­ Hoffman, rf ...... 3 1 1 1 Five Years Ago—Iks Willlanui eomea to a, Hamilton has experienced Jimmy Griffin, Fred­ games ahead of Cleveland in the Tarca, Grlnavich and Smith, Red and better competition,” assorted enough, or I'm sure I would hai'e Amarickn League rhaoe. Thfi ing trailing 34H pointa. At the Sox; Gavello, Geer and Lalne, livlng room. / 1 ning sires for the third straight ton defeated Cora Anderson, Nel­ Mann. "Look at Okamoto of Bra­ Andrulot, rf ...... 0 0 0 0 knocked out Bob Montgomery In won seven ind dropped three die Booth and Boh Quinn, will col­ Hurtfon. rf. p ...... 3 1 1 1 broken the course record o f 63 lide with the veteran Ridges boast. Yanks tripped fit. Louts, 6-1 M d Yanks; Ksnsal, Dodgers; Abrams, What you do Is go to erne of the ; year, the figure has been 16,000 lis Johnson detested Pe^ Stevens sil. He finished third In the 1500. DeikiM. If ...... 1 0 0 1 th.e sixth round to gain undisput­ while the Ridges own s 6-3 mark. Rain and Disagreement yearling sales and bid a little . for socially acceptable vtaltors. ed claim to the lightweight title. (In which case he would have re­ A win tonight for the Thread City Ing good field and good hit In 6-4 as. the AthlcUcs spilt with Cards; 1 each. snd Mas Wilkie defeated Melissa Who ever heard of Brasilian, swim­ Uarouekl. If ...... 1 1 0 1 ceived a $.1.(>0n special pri-el and higher' than anyone else for the [ As may be readily Imagined, DsMartln. Ten Years Ago— Jim Tobin, nine would deadlock them with Jerry, Boh and Del Dunnack, aevelsnd. Philadelphia won tiie HOMB RUNS mers In the OI>mplc before? ToUln ...... 39 4 . 7 18 3 3 the 72 hole record of I'm second ganie, 6-3, after loidng the Renn, Rad Sox 5; Abrams, Csrds colt you have In mind. Juat as ^ a Bull Lea foal is handled with In the Thursday Sweepstakes, ^ance had two wonderful swim­ ThompeonvIlle ...... 143 006—10 Boston Braves' pitcher, tied a Na­ the Ridges; Not to be counted out Zeke Potter, Moe Pringle, Dick Shelves Bi-State Play calumet did. You can afford to be ^ extremely tender care from Its Trl-vniage ...... 030 lOO— 4 tional League record for most Grenier and Steve Vadnnis. first, 4-1. -___ S; Merrsr, Tsnks 2. J Anne McBride won first low net, mers. Swimming Is getting big­ Tha Red Box fell four gamsa be­ BANTLY BTOUEN BASISS generous under the circumstances: first moments and lacka for npth- Catherine GIblin, second low net ger and better." , Rune betted In, Rumutn 3. Porrello hoine runs by a pitcher—6 but . Belllco. Openewick. Peck 3. Hudion. the Braves lost 4-2 to the Phils- Septic Tanks Cleaned better If It hadn’t rained.” ! Late Saturday aftarndoi) show­ hind and the fienatnra OH- Art R. Reynolds, Dodgers 7; Day den, and go perhaps as high as $14,000,1 ing except a governess. What few and Peg Stevens low gross. The Deekue; two-beie hits, Hoffman; left that being the figure for which delphis Phils. The All-American final round Mandly And Kelley In ers forced postponement of the Houttaman o f DatYoit shut out the Rad Qox 7; Renn, Rad Sox 6. reach tha sales can be counted winners in the Kickers were Avis on beies, Trl-Vlllsce 8, Thompsonville lacked some of the spice usually ' OIL CO. Bull L«a was knocked down at the upon, to fetch around Albany Takes Two 7; bases on balls, VVeller 4, Hudson 3. Twenty Years Ago —Babe Did- Flnaln Of Club Event Red fiox, 6-0, while Washington's Hamilton, Lit Holway, and Betty Cussvitch 9. Spsiiawlck 3; strikeouts, Inserted bv fabulous side bets Pro­ Rickey Uncertain on second' game in the bl-statf play­ Con Marrero and Chicago's Billy 1030 Saratoga auction, tp which apiece, so It may be seen thal Wilkie. Hucson 7. Weller 3. ^snswlcka, Cus- rickson of the United States raced C dl Manchester's Sewerage Specialists 2-4BfBw-2^8n to her second world record victory moter George S. Mav makes with j off aeries between Hamilton and Pierce battled to an elgnt-lnning he was sent bv Coldstream Stud. umet Is conferring a financli A selected 12 holes was the csvitch 3; hits off. Cuscavltch 4 for ■ Holly Mandly and Tom Kel­ AFTER THlH Initial outlay, From Hartford 4 .rum In 1 1-8 Innlnsa; Hudnon 8 for in the 80 mater final—11.7 sec­ the pros. May'collapsed from j lhe«Tutalo A r C,. of ■ Providence 0-0 tie in the first gaoM pf a dou­ vor upon, any breed Improver ■nsulln shock shortly after the ley, Jr., will meet In the final* r- about the only expense will be oats, fortunate enough to ohtiln Bull weekend tournament. Georgia 6 rum In 4; Spemwtek 1 for 0 onds—at ths Olympic games In ! Saturday' evening. Originally bleheader. The game was culled on 2 Raymoii E. Qarmaa Lambeck had first low net, 66-3O--7 1 2-3; Weller 8 tor 10 rum In 3 (pitch­ lunch hour and later was taken to Future of Pittsburgh of the 1663 Men'a Club Cham­ account of rain In tho ninth and go and Fuel and up to now the sons and daugh­ By The Associated Pteaa Los Angelas. . ; scheduled to play the game on 1, *' T Lea's servicea 36; Nellie Johnson, second low net, ed to 4 men In 8rd); wild pitebee. , a hoapllsl. Hla condition was pionship at the Country Club ters of Bull Lea have earned In in providing the late Warren The Binghamton Triplets are' Weller 4: peseed. balls. White; winrins ] Sunday If a postponement was tha aecond game, waa postponed. liMHitmea Agency 60-14-43; and there was a tie be­ pitcher. Cusoavtlch; .Insins pitcher, j reported good snd he plsnned to — — . next Sunday. They reached the Righthanders Cart Eraktne and the nelghboi'MDod of seven and a Wright with the world's greatest sure to remember Jim (Command A federal statute forbids any McKi n n e y b r o s . finals yesterday, Mandly de­ j necessary, hi-stste rommlsslonei- tween P. Stevens snd A. McBride Weller; umpires, Olovino-Ramsdell, be on hand for his big "World" ' By (iib StaLe.v J Would Mr. Rickey care to mm-1 Johnny Rutherford pitched the Oil Dittributors . Insnranee Advisory Servteo quarter million dollars. In one year racing stable and bestowing upon of the Schenectady Blue Jays Vacsntl-Msllskl. postmaster to shoot ducks. I Don Burke of Rhode Island called for low gross, 64. golf lamboree. . i Pittsburgh, Aug. 4- - (/n 1 ment on reporla a meeting of the ; feating Hank Haefa, 1-up, and Dodgers to victory over the sink- All Lines of InsuranM atone, 1648, the old boy's progeny him much uneeded money, the when hot-stove sessions of tha Pirate bra.w....including President] K cllfy . winning on a .quallfica- ^ off the game when It was learned 333 Mala ,3trMf This Thursday wUl ba drawn SEWERAGE DISPOSAL GOMFANY i itan't .hnow I ’ll do—I Just • -that several'-of -the- -TYitorto -<3nb IngfinhK ileiJUiMLgpowiMld bmugltt home $1,834,027j-rwhich is yrpndsrful. old atsdiion: also has JCastern Xaagua.canveae next, win­ took the All-American - l ^ e n * p „ ^0. " t J6hh Gslbi eftth. WSM arhemiH'irto­ itbh ffom Bmy'Thorhtow. the record. Calumet has never re­ made -wealthy men of Calumet's parthe'rs, who WDl be drawn at ter. ' players were unable to play yes- ties In the first gams, winntngi« g Open crown and the Si (lOO top day: There has been some Upsets when Roy . Campanellalla singled gretted the purchase. father-son training team of Ben 6:30 Wednesday of this week. Tha The laftfldder kissed the Trip­ ii DRMNAGE and SEWERAGE ENGINJERif That.'* Bi-snch Rickey talking ^ terdSy. not having previously been Wethanrflcld club haa.axtandcd an payoff with a 300 total, four18 un­nil- a* 1. ■ _i_.^a'.. ^ ‘t 0 niltiwknow nothing riiMJiiiip, about raa meet-.i.w. v In the tourney to date. Bobby wltn. Uw .bases Ifiadikt m the^ist - Bull Lea's-favorite son, Citation and Jimmy Jones. Ben .three-game series with the Chiefs I -an. III., who three putted the ■I flld very little fishing but Undoubtedly something will be sleper sisted to meet Bob. Mc­ Tutalo management and himself look up some Bull Lea product, announced the pairings for tha hfwjkl only Uiree hits after taking by faking a Sunday doublehealer, Our New Location w York. ..tlR; Hob* scalp hut Rickey's S-s well. Since then Meyer has tried to rtismplnns that the srrl4A be com cap, when the Browns scored four Is- practically the bargain base­ The game, the opener of a double- the nightcap A.'ked If Meyer will rnsnage the go slong with Rickey's youth timee, but Joe Ostrowefci put out nounced that evOn though pre­ HOLEX, £-Z T V E Insnn. OilrKRiir .311. . 'pleted hrre next Bund^ after­ AT YOUR AUTHORIZED ment. header. was c s lM In ths ninth In- Don Schmidt of Hartford al­ ‘PhUnfl^lphU. <4; B<*rrs. Pirstes next season. Rickey said: movement. noon w'ilh a doubleheader, if the flam*. ferred lies are now the rule, handi­ N>w York. '71; .Mlnoso, / plng because of a downpour with lowed the Senators only four hits, AUTO GLASS TEMPI.ATES FUR ALL CAR.k "I'm,not ready to make nnv an­ Rickey dldn't.meallon any of hla third game is neceaasry, or the Bob Feller checked hia Used lINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER - r cap# will be cut to enable the play but second baseman Eddie Mc­ TlOAffi. n**vpUnfl. *7; RIzrtito. the score tied, 0-0. era to submit more scores. The York «4. nouncement. Tftal queslion ia hall players by name hut he in­ neriea would be terfhlnaled with game losing atreak in heating Hugh of the dilefs opened the women are requested to turn in MIRRORS — VENETIANS ^FIREPLACE Runs ■ Rattl’d In Rohlnsor. rhlraRo. of me .so often that it's be­ dicated he Is more than disap­ no further play. Wandering away A'a In the first game. Carl ficheib wey for Albany's wining run in 7.S: .Dftby. Cl8’TOls«r1. 70. Drop-t D"- Cars all scorea until tha committee an /(///ff/fz/tuZ/r GLASS FURNITURE .TOPS Irolt. 68; R«af*n. ClfvrlAnfl. 66. Zrrtilal. coming emlmrra.ssing. I'll tell you pointed with Some of them. Then from the schedule as agreed to held the Indiana to three hits in CIGARS - FIFFS nounces a suspension of recording the ninth inning, when he tossed rhllad^IpbiK. 64. this: The first perron 1 will dis­ he paused and' repealed: YUHTIIKDAY'S KBADLTfl b.v holh commissioners and the the aftermath which the Athlet- UORTERS — WATCHES the relay on a double-play attempt Open Thursday Evenings Window, Plate, HUfi—Fox. ChlcKRo. 135; Robinson, cuss It with will be Meyer. And I "I don't know what I’ll do 1 clubs Involved have forced the Nut­ ica won with a seven-run rally In of scores. Into the dugout. rhlrxirn. 12K; Roam. Cl^vfUnd and . ttofifra OLOORS — WALLETS. Beet Bail AH Day Saturdays Steel Sash Fain. Phnsfi^iphSa, 118: Jpnspit. Waah-i navon I dlnc-UaA; It with him yet." JurI don't know what I'll do." Albany 8*1. H irlford 8-0. , meg affiliates to feel no i-onsider.s- the seventh Inning that waa fea­ TAKE?S24M0HTHST0 PAY THE OFFICE OF John Chanda Bund! Tarco,' 65 After Binghamton had taken 4 M I . I I I . A T Inrtor. 117. ^ !• Rpading 10-1. WlllUmiport 1'4> llon was given to this state's tured by Oua Zernlal's 16th horn- ^ an early 1-run lead at Schenec­ DoiihkA-Filn. Phlladrlph^a. * 29;-| 8rh«>nprUd>' 2. BlDfhatnIon 1 (11). er. Arthur CruK SiorM Lou Kelly, BUI Fordo, 86 (by Raii^r, .NVw York, 2.S. Vwrnon. Wash* ' RrrKntnn 3>8. Elmira 2-1. /representative. A ball player Is a draw. tady, Carl Buah tied the count hall player, they contend, and he 1949 CADILLAC 4.DOOR SBDAN with his seventh of the WALL-FLAME METHOD tnKton. 24; Robinson. Chlcafo and i NatInHil 3-Tone green. DR. JOHN PRIGNANO Odd Holea Tourney Priddv, Detroit. 23. ' Plttaburgh 7*10. S ew York 0-8. should be ready to play when Claaa A. Bob McCann. 36-5-34 year. Command untied the knot. Triplaa—RiMuto. Spw york. JO; , RrQoklya 3-D. Chicago 2-1. Stock No. U-767...... Simppon. riFvaland am. YoiinR. St. | ^*aLon cinrfnnatt 4-4. Scheduled, not when he prefers. Mika Karpuska 40-4-36— Pitteher Me! Held of the Miners WILL BE CLOSED outlasted three Elmira pitchers in IVHiU. 6; Mlnoao. Chlf"aRo. Dobv. Clav^- j . rhltad^U)hta 8, fit. lx>ula 0. Commissioner ^urke, ruled thst (draw). land and V#rmn \A’a^hlnKl^D 7. ! Aa*#riraa the Incident was unfortunate, hut ; 1949 MERCURY CLUR COUPE LAND SURVEYING Claaa B, Joe Handley, 37-8-20 their marathon first game. Held EXPERT SERVICE FOR Homo Riina-Dobj riovoland 1 . finally rescued himself by tripling Borra. Now York. 23: Roblnaon. rhl* •"* NVw Yf>rk 6-8. 8t. Isouia 1-4. he was giving consideration to Gray. Radio and heater. Excellent ooudlUon. FROM AUG. S TO R I o c c o Alexander, 40-6-34 n^vatand 4-2. Phllailalphla ID. players involved who were not In the 12 th inning. He scored the rafo. Dropo. Dotroit arH Zornial. Phil- ; Drlrol! 6. Boaton 0. . 1 Stock No. r-ies...... Edward L Ddvis, Jr. (draw), tod-: ,i)«UUed.-^y', Khoir .luanaKcmaht .IhA!^ Member-Ooeat winning run on Bobby Philip's --Pfiching-— . Rogistored Land Surveyor S l^ lA ANY TYPE BURNE1II lS:..MIn«*«..Chlc»SO »i;. |>nafpAna<1». they may play on Sunday. The turned in. ioth rtetory and fifth . y-— * * * 1949 FORD CONyERTIHE CO U Pi * .. „ AUG. 18; ' , Bob r Boyee-Henry - > DeKriaa - - ■ -'7■■ •• '--.'■'-’-■zJi'',- 'y--'- IS P r ^ e r R o a d *Maaclieater •T«flc. 7*1 Thrr>n»h»rTy^.- BiTwro. RnrhaatFr f. Rprlnffiald 4. ' pmitponement at. a late hoUr wfith |shiitcait in . pitchififf - FldUtaMIphta m ay. Radio and heater. ExceUent condition .Avon. 66. ffo t h u ^ < h w h L ■ V - - ' ' ■- ■ OUrAKf* Avlli. rirvelanl. in. Rufus^Boys, did' I get atuOk on no rjisnce for publicilv- ha.s' left a ' to a 4-0 victory ovsr 8L Louis, tkMagkout. Slock ,No.--r------8it^ff FlbrWa ^ropirtyf' — ' tfschtfcTc yci&r s t AmilKOfi' bad- tsrte in IWk' mouths bf^Iocal f ' B ’A t t l 'Key ' Camimne^ N mk'iiliJiM-» > V/e-' H o ttG r “ttMt-iRliKohl ‘ Kisar Totk.. ll-F. r aIMS% i.Dodge>e;'; slngtofi.witfcAaMme.geadr'i- Neu!S^6bm$lfcCto^ Vtaanii ... JUspef-^Dfd Tkhi-buy^itT ; 7 ' l l c f f l o m .-i^adj urt 3. Mata.-Sew: T4»fk and . $¥4Mib4aFtAai. f— r Rufus—No, but I had to ^poy 'first Paying Oef; 7 r,-:~ -7B V (■-■ed"1w nlhth-to-irtve'-SroofcH**-fi«3- ■ -■■■ t-.'Vi r.; _ 1981 PACIURD^CfO" CLUR tale. 66...... dean it-r-makeguce you.!Il.. 8*3,. .. - ' •evi.V - AJbGftyw— --e 4-e-*:e-ee-' 't; Fro'm 20 to-.-SO sinuses' are '-con- i Ylctoey- nver -Chlfigo-hi-opener-Ot- Radio, hratcr, ITItrw^ttc drive. Dark grera. Bill Phelan-Ted Blelen, Mill $65 for the hire of mules to pim' Moblliiiatyfoo! Strlkonijta—^l«rco. Chlcafo. ITJ; 8 44 -MO R^adinr talned In a human head. doubleheader. , * Very low mileage. Stock No. U-188...... River, 66. my car out of It, get eomplets rombutlion Rhanli. Phlladolphla 110. Royr^oldP. Sf-henectady ...... 8 48 .560 36 when you^need it. Now York. 106; Oarria. noroland, 100; Blnyhamton ...... 6 * 47 .sns Months To Pay Wynn, Clevoland. 83. Elmira ...... 2 80 .810 Srranton 8 60 .420 1951 FORD "8" 4-DOOR SEDAN •k We have the tools, the llAriford ...... I 8 88 426 ' Light green. Tfatinnal y 6 6ft .380 Sow, it’s easier than ever to install dependable Timken SiieiM skill snd trained manpower BattinR—MualaL fU. LoulP. ..334; A1- winiamaport .... Stock No. NT-206...... to-do the job right., woll. Chtraffo. .3l6; Ai.dlp. Chloafo. Automatic Wall-Flame Oil Heat in your home! Credit controle .312: Klua^wfkl. Cincinnati. .311; Riklvn .... AMESITE Nkw York .. have been lifted- You need pey nothing down on the Timken ijr^kman. Now York.* 810, - -'| 1951 WILLYS STATION WAGON ★ Complete Fuel Oil Serv­ Runp—I^Kkman. Now York- and, Ml. JefKtiK r. . , Gray. SUent Automatic model o( your choice, su m a i TBun aiq ice, too. Automatic deli very . MusLat. St. Loula. 71; Homua. St. 'Fh1lAA>lphlK We'll Trade Top Price! Stock No. NT-311, ...... LoulP. Roblnaor. Brooklyn. 66; r^lrtiro . . — free heat-saving tips — Bruton ...... YES availahle, too. Get an expert, unhurried installation twin. Rook*. Brooklyn and Sauor, Chlrago, trained, reliable drivers. rifH^InnAll Then make your first payment ncxr Fall! Extend payments Runs Raced In—Rauer (Tilraao. 87; Pltubiirirh .. 1947 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN DRIVEWAYS 'Thomann, New Tnrk.Trtrk, 71; ... Hodsea, ptoa over three yean if you wish. We have a complete line of i t Holier Af obiVisat contains Rronkijrn, (T: Enals. Philadelphia. .Npw York .. .517 stock No. U-726 ...... all the heat unita .your Slauahter. St- I»uta. 64. riprnlKnd ... .558 NO MONEY 36 MONTHS Timken Silent Automatic oil convenion burners, oil-fired lilts—Muslat. St.' Loula, 138: Adams. Rofiton ...... 580 We Need Your Cor! I t YOU ciu rr beat o il n e a ti burner can pomibly use- foroacee end oil-fired boiler*. Phone os for details. Cincinnati. IT.'ii I-nckman. .New York. Wiphlncton ,835- YES bums desnly, completely. ll»:'hrhnendlenst. St, I>,uts. Ill; Ham-, PhllidPlphlK ..510 1947 HUDSON COMMODORE *'8'' Clus, dwap, Astssiatiel cer. Philadelphia. 114. ChkAfo ----- .510 $-Door Sedan. S-tone Ore«Be v M w DOWN TOPRT Dmiblra— Schnandlenat. 8t. Louie. St. Lotii* .. .406 Stoek No. U-M4...... 38; Saiier. Chirasn. 34; Muelal. St. D ptrojj^...... 180 Lmile. 33; Adame. Cincinnati. Waltkue. W HAVE THE PROPER EQUIPMENT Car Simonizing Ivanr TMaa $llsa4 Ai 06 Haaliaf m 8 Philadelphia, and I). Rlec. St. Iy>ul». Xfontrpal ... 31. • If 6red by Ike fasHM eel SyrATuiir .... We'll Deliver You A . . . A U ABOVE CARS HAVE THE FAMOUS "ED"' ORd KNOW HOW * 6aan toner, wfcldi Trlplce—Thomann. New York. •: Roch«aLtPr ..s’ YES npli Snnie. Philadelphia. 7; Jethroe, Boa- Inn, Reeee and snider, Brooklvn, Muel­ Toronto SULLIVAN SAFE RUY USED CAR WARRANTY DOHT DELAY — CALL TODAY ___ By An Experiencedriei Man. • Baltlmoro M lar Uqlwe foW Mobilheat ler. New York and Wjrroatek. Phlla-- Buffalo Can Bfancheeter 4134 any. » amm wk afwr wiato ef to. 'celphia. 8. JlpflnKfialjt . YOU CAN ALWAYS DO lUSINESS WITH SOCONY VACUUM HEATING OIL Holne Rune—Sauer. Chicago. , 27; OttawA ...... 47 For An Appointncfit TODAY! abb, mrMne to. Hodrea. Brooklyn. 21: KInar. Pltta- burgn. 30; Ualhewa. Boator, 17: Oor- - ^^Your OfdsmoiMfe Deofar^^ don. Bpaton and Thomson. .New York, .TP®AY'» G/^Bfi NEW PONTIAC! ^ CAU SI3GFOItTOP 9UAtiT¥-^ Stolen 'Baaesc-'Reeae, Brooklyn. 21; Ratl^ra •NEVER KNOWINGLY UNDERSOLD OR OVERTRADED' Jethroe. Boston. 17: Rnblnaon, Brook- No fftmaa ArhodulM. ’ ' Proudfy SeU md ImhJM k f lyn. 14; Aahburn. Pklladelphla. .11: NkttkBAl SILENT GLO W 'O IL RURNERS , Ooz.'Brooklyn and Adams. Cincinnati. Nq firtiM arhKdulad.. MANCHESTER ' . Api#rkAB CONSTRUCTION CO. - PlUhlnt—Roe. 1 Brooklyc. 7-1. .879; Nnv York wKjhinfft;iDn<—(nttht)*? BALCH PONTIAC, INC. Wilhelm. Nrw York, «-3. .til; Haam. FUachi (12<4l va Shan 1l•3T. 249 New York. 13-8. .160; -Tuhas, St. Louie. Only irmmp arhedul^d. 155 center street phone 2 4545 WANCHE . >f OIL HEKTG ENOfNEERINC, INO. m o r ia r t y b r o t h e r s 1-2. .800; Rrakine. Brooklyn. 11-3. .788. liilarBallaKM Iliad Cart Waaiad — Usad Gars Waalad BROAD ST. M O TO R s a l e ;s w Strlkeoula—Spahn. Bnatnn. 123; Sim- U P- ANDATIT— Speck, recent spotted porpebe add!- RwhfitFr at Mnntrfftl. OPEN EVENINGS Til 10 P M 2-5224 WEST CENTER STREET AT HARTFORD ROAD Ill OAK STREET, $IANCHESTE$$—TEL. S-lUt; mona. Pblladalphla. N; Mlaall. Phlla U*B to Oeesnarlam st Msriaelsad. Fla., peeves It Is qaick to learn SyracuM it Toronto- <2)# ,318 CENTER ST. M A N C i^ TEk delBhio.' t7; wadt. BreMIklTB sad BS It OBtiuipt aider rcaldeata to get dally mea| ef fiah,, . 8pHnr11*iii it Buflilo.. Robertria. Philadelphia. M. BalUn^orv it Ot.Uva (2).

V.-J r -rT 4 ': '^ V ^

/ MANCBESTER E V F i^ G HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN* MONDAY. AUGUST 4.1962 x PAGtttUUBVXN UANCMESTER e v e n in g h e r a l d , MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 4,1952 W kfT g — F>_ ijrithon Bord 59 HoBfiea for SMa 72 Howsa for Sala 72 RiMrt PiopartY For Sak 74 they could reduce combat wounds Hoaschold Goods of. tbe- ebeet- aad abdomen, by...60 .ABtoBiDMkB foFSBia.. 4 J t BBllBg iiBMIb e . lYanleB E ^sle - -BE ------...... "M ^j^U TO oSvENTinr-^roo**!^ OONHIDUaUNQ^ ^ ^ ?^ BEtXJMOr ?Sr 5lResuiiie Towi p e fe d h l...... StateFarm GET BETTER VALUE ON 1848 CHEVROLET 8-4 panel. GREAT EASTERN Oonatructlon WANTED -Secretary for doctor’s ' BARGAINS for two gSntlaiuen. at tha (tod, fluraplaca, brass plumbtog, duplex 4 and/ 4 roonw, large alngle. FuU basement garage, YOUR PROPERTY? ' MadtMl ataUatlea asUmatod 10 Clasiifitd Good condition. Price 1380. Pri­ Co., 34 Oak street Homg remodel­ office. Plei ise reply to Box.. O, jPUPPIES ■-Seven weeks old. Alao LEONARD W. YOST, .Jawaler, re­ Kter. 14-16 Wadsworth atraet. Bteam-oU hast, porch, garage, aa- attic, lot 106 X 180, Income 396 private beach. Urge lot. Raaaon- Without obUgatioa to yoa, wa Budget Review to 30 par cant of the man kilted Barn Bum s A BETTER USED CAR vately Owned. Call 3-8888. ing epeciallata. RooAng, aiding, Herald. ' small dog house. Phone 2-3488. pairs, adjusts watches axperUy. New MerchsndiM oanaat oondiUoa. fierasna, storm par month. Manchastar—Ranch able. Furniataed or unRiratshad. at tha froat erouM have aurvivtd painting, gutters and leadere, Rsasonabla pricaa. Open dally. BOOH FOB ReRt, convenlcnUy lo- wtodoara. Vacant Prtoa $10,800. horns, thraa badmnm, tiled bath, Phona (tovanUy 7-3637. . I had thay been eraaring. tha vaata. Mvertisements PARTY PLAN Demonstratora, In­ Thuraday evenlnga 138 Sprites , caUd sit I t Johnson Tarraoa. Infantry and madical offtcara AT cjjiQJilnallon alunUnura storm crease your saCnings. iltow oiir llna dog. Fully Guaranteed Hanry Eocott, agant Tal. 3683. fuU cellar and attic, quiet atraet. niiton Auditorium Site Flash Fire of Ihideler* CLASSIFIED ADVT. 1838 FORD with 1041 motor, 8.15. windows, apectallsing In Lifa- BEAUTIFUL Ctellle. roSIe stfeaL Phona^-43S7.______- Phona 8888. 316,000, down payment 30.000. a pi ftirsii airs haartlly favor tha body armor. Phone 2-0883. of ChriatmM toys and gifts. Oet .six months old. Phone 4833. ELECTRIC RANGE MANCHESTER—Ranch hoina (30' room with flraplaea, I badrooma. b r a e -b u r n r e a l t y Capt. Mae Stranaa, head of the imined Origin Resnhs DEPT. HOURS: BALCH PONTIAC, Inc. Uma Al"minum' Waatharboard. an aarly start. Writs house of Manchastar—Btoigla, six com ets O f Directors* Meeting “ Ws maka your house^ hoflM.t’ X 36’) with eeUar and atUc, 3 bad- rooBM, flrapli^ oil hast, ’ga­ Kitchen, fuU bath, aU Coa floor. AttoF unit taattng it. aald combat S:1S A. M. to 4:M P. M. 1880 FORD 4-door cuatom eight, Plastics, Avon, Oonn. SMOOTH, Fox Terrier puppiea. G«rd«i—r« r» —Itoiry ' 4100 Off * BOOM FOR RENT. Ptwaa 3608. rooma; living room with flnplaca, Large encloaad porch. Insulat ed. rO R QUICK RESULTS to aaUtoS On Finencee Tpnight vatarana "want tha vast” but aome itt Damage of $23,000 radio, heater, direction Hghls. For frea Inspection and artimata pedigreed. Saddler strain. Stud rage, cqmbtoatMn atom anA and ymtr property eaU Suburban 1!)41 Pontiac 4-Dr. 6 cyl. Phona 8371, evenlnga 8803; A. V. ProdoCta SO AUTOMATIC WASHER kitchen, dinette, side porch off Uv- doors. Down payment, 33,600. OU hot water heat Attadwd ga­ grabn troops object bacansa It whltawalli. 20,000 mtlea original REUABLB WOMAN to ba train­ sendee. J. Stanley McCray, Rock­ tog -rooaa overlotddng brook, hot RMlty Oo., Raaltoca, ..M l Matoi with tho ehartar 'roqulriaE a wrtgbt to their- equipment A BiMfdm fira fiaahad thnugb a— COPY CLOSING TIME Standard »hlft. Lindsay, owner.;'* ed as aeristiuit to managar of ville. Phone 5-8038. 1100 Off PLBto.8A3fT ROOM on 'WaaC Btda (tovaniiT—Mato hliitway, ' flaw rage. Lot 100 x lOO.- ladm prtvi- atroat (toU UIB. owner. Call Manchester 2-2787., water basaboard JfuDatlon wtth Isgsa. Plica 33,300. Elmore Turk- adoption ot tha -budget for tha lead. hay storage barn ownM t y the FOB CLASSinED ADVT. luncheonetta. Apply F. W. >W)ol- RZPK NATIVE TOMATOES for with privata family. Oeatlemaa ■tx room ranch at 38,400. For sj^ 1951 For^ 2-Dr. Sedan — FOR OUARANTBED; Roofs that prafarrad. Phona 3-8852. oU burnar, all copper plumbtog, ington, A gant Coventry T-6S9T. su e OR SEVEN room hoidlia 5 tp I86i-(U ftaeal year by Aug. 10, the An Improvad vert giving pro­ Mansfield State Training School 1846 CHEVROLET Aero Sedan. worth Oo. ' L Iyb St^ —VchldM ij- Xmmlmsals atm CI Florenca street. PORTABLE SEWING pototmeht please oaU HoTvanl R. Board of Dtraotora will raauma tha tection to the l^dnejre Is being Many, extras. Radio, heater. In good condition. stay on in any kind of storm, and laundry tiiba, hatchway, combina­ Hastings, 3-1L07. 16 yaara old. Muet. ha. to good MON. THRU PRI. . gutters, conductors and roof re­ MACHINE—$66 Off ROOM FOR Rant to married cou- tion aluminum acracas and atorm of revteselng dapartmanUI teat ad. and Hoepital to Kanafteld Depot 1 0 :.1 0 A .M . ' Maroon Anish. Easy terms. Hurry WANTED- DenUI Assistant. Bx- PEDIGREED '^ tr m y bull,^''elx Wgatfid H3|I Efltata 77 oanditlon, good neighborhood, and budgata tonight. Tlio board will The vaata are not dasignad t<> that night and daetroyad It, dsspito 1950 Mercury 4-I>r. Sedan— to Dot!giia'. Douglaa Motors, 333 pair!. Call Coughlin 7707. pertanca dsatrsd but nut necaa- monthi'old, also Guernsery heifer. Household Goods 51 pl* or two girls. Two mtoutaa windows, lot 108 X 180; with ahada SOUTH MAIN Streat—Two tens- nvalUtus to 30 d n ^ Prefer hot LEWYTYT VACUUM from Mato atraet Call 3-1614, or treaa Pries 314,600. •Hanry F mant. 8-8. Furnace heat. Vary moat in the wlilton Memorial li­ stop bullata but to protect tha the efforts of fiva fire dapart- SATURDAY 9 A. M. One owner, low mileage. Main xtraet. sary. Oord opportunity If you Phon« 53T6. $2Gi5 Off WANTED To Bny-*4togU or watar heat IH or 3 baths and brary at 7:80 to'raopan tha ad- waarar against artillery, mortar want to work. Writs Bm Y, Her­ ifY (nriroMER i s n t g e t t in g 9 47 (tottaga straat cott Agahey. 3383. large Irt. Price 31S.O0O. One tene­ famUy houaa. WHto M Q. Har- racraaUon room. Write Boa B. manta. > Roonag It-A MARRIED! ment, owner occupied, (toU 8320. Jo u r^ hudgt haartogi. and granada fragments. TOim OOUrERATION n m x Many Low Cost Pre-War Cars ald. ArtlclcB for SalE 45 Several Other Items FRONT BBXUXJM wtth twin NINE ROOM houaa'.' oompletaly aid. X Herald, Ganaral llanagar Richard Mar­ In Manila, tha Philipphia nawa *tha old atrueture, liaowa aa the BB APrBEOtATEO 1838 FORD Deluxe conxertlble ROOFING—Specialising in repair­ MY (nJSTOMER DOE8NT NEED tin has rsea total of Whittog bant, waa valued a t 36,000 Excellent TransporUtion coupe, call '3-1408. TOE beds for two gantlemcn. (tontinu- remodelad. ' AH - impravemanta. PORTER STREET flection—fivc- WrANTED—Your property t6*^sML LUTiNQS Wantad on atogto and aarvlea reported that Filipino but -arlU coat about I30JI00 to re­ ing roofs of all kinds. Also naw ROYAL AND Smlth-Oorona port­ All Floor Samples oue hot watar. Phona 6898. In- Artealan well, large barn and ga­ room (tope (tod, oU hot amter 33,333,387.80 for tha new f ^ troops wearing tha vaata to opern- V roofs. Gutter work. Chimaeye Help WBfittd—Male 36 able and standard typaarrltai^ ’BBDR(X)M SUITE Rallahte buyan walttog with deA two-famUy homaa alao building place, accordtog to Or. NMl A. quira 116 North School rage. Four acres of land, more heat, S3' living room, amastta lota, Manchastar and vletolty. For year which starts Aug. IS. If ^ ttona against Moro bandits to tha DIAL 5121 cleinad, repaired.. 38 years' aX' WANTED—A-1 mechanic. Steady All makas of adding machlnaa'' -^uviNo ROOM sumc for four. ftvA alx, aavaa room au> id by tha diraetora tn ataord- Dayton, suparinteadenL Tba con­ Aato AcecaMrioB—TIrcs 6 \ d in b t t b s e t available. 312.000. Tel, Manchaa- drive, garage 13 x 26. plus huge g)a idid two-fhmUy to Maiichaa* \ prompt and oourtooua teal- astato Sulu arcbipalggo wart not en­ BALCH PONTIAC, Inc. perlence. Free estimatet. ' Gall sold or rented. Rapaira on all ABC APPLIANCE CO. NKTE Ro o m for two psoplt. near anoa with Martin's rsooaiinanda- tent* of the atraetoro were vahtad work under Sne working condi­ *M3ENGAL" COMB. RANGE ter 3-3179. lot 76 X 304. One of the better tar; Bolton, (tovaatiy and Varaaa. karvloa. Sea Edward J. Morlarty. thusiastic. ' ra'. an additional 33,000. BAROAINt FIva 8.70 x 18 Good­ Howley, Manchester 8381. tions. Apply in person. Boland makes. Marluw*a Phone 2-1575 21 Maple St. ' OMBsys. Kitchen privUegia; 324 tlon. tha adopted budget would ra- 'The Moroa hit you right be­ 156 Center St. — Manchester *■ ' "IVER8AL" WASHER houses. Schwarts Real Estate. Ftoaneaa arranged. Howard R. m ^729o. '______qulra a ona-mUl toqraaaa to tha The fira dapartmenta of tha Lait and Pnnnd 1 rich. Goodyaar new recap casinga. Motors, 388 Center streat. 60% OFF on famous maka Bat' GHOU8E” REF. CSiOrtar Oak stra a t Phona 8366 MANCmSTER — Expandable 8274. Haattoga. Phone 3-1107. ' tween the ayae,” tha nawa earvtca Stata School and Hoepital, ICana- Phona 4438. h efya 8 p. m. ______(tope (tod with dormer, Air-Temp SEtXJNQ? Sava tha bother, trou- tovm’a praaant 30-mlU tax rate. explained. Phone 2-4646 RcBtlBg—FIbbiMb e 17 teriea Written guar4ntcea 31.00 SION SET DIVAN, Roll-a-way bed, five piece 'Dm dlraeton have already ra- flal^ Eagtevilla, 'mntaitoR and t0 8 T —BUck «nd whll* r»t, vi­ WANTED down, 31.00 Sreekly. CSlao BerV' 9 X 13 "Moha^li'' rugi, Ixmpe.'tx- gas furnace, gas hot watar heat­ GLASTONBURY—A-A Zone, land hla and snniwaaeM of trying to U. Ni and (Jqmmunlat staff offt- Stom raapondad to the alarm breakfast eet. Call 2-3643. er, oak flooring, tlla bath, hatdi- and foundation, city watar In- vtawad the budget raquasta of cinity Btnint ntfd Kummit itrctti. Open Evenings Until 10 P. M. C.-0. LORENTZBN. AltcraUona, leenter. Tel. 4Jfl4. 4165 or 3-0880. bles, In-laid pictutes, smoker, and aaU it yoUrpatf.. Let ua aaauma thraa of tha daputmants, and to­ oara msanwhlla today agreed on which waa tuitiad to about 3:30 by Rtwnrd. Call SfiSS.' MotorcyciM—Bicyclet 11 copper water piping. New work. Apartmento— flato— way, 'flreplaca, combination staUed.* graded* 380 ft. on Man­ your haadartias. CaU tha nia- meet of tha wordtoff to a propoaad TRUCKS — Chavarolet, O. M. C.. One Laboratory Technician, a few other small ICema. MANY Household Items. Moving Powell Urges Adlai st to arork Walter Warren, shift angbMar. 1847 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 81 O. 34-hour service. Manchester 8888. LOAM, Dark rich cultivated Grade I’VE BEEN HOLDIWJ EVERY- Tenements 6S acreana and atorm iHndowa; chester Road overlooking Itort- worUr Mitten Aivacy. Raaltors, Korean armIsUca draft. Including Tha origin o t’tha B n , wWch L08T WALXJCT contalnlnf small Hudson, pick-upa, sUkea, ate. High' School background In ad out of state. For Infornaation call weather-atrippad doors. AU city ford. (toU Mancheatar 3-4868. milntog budget Items. H, V. Excellent condition. Must No. 1, 33 cu. yard. Grads No. 3(: THINO IN MY w a r e h o u s e 2-9427. a p a r t m e n t f o r R ent Modern, 6930. *nia only department budget ap- a paragraph dealing with exchange burat through the roof of tha bam mim of money and IdantlAcatloni 1840 up. atarting at 8188. Savaral EFFICIENT Plumbtog and heat­ eneea and in nrithmatle preferred. 33 cu; yard. Delivered to truck utUiUas. BuUt 1851. Lot'60 X 168 Build Rights Plank of/war priaenero. bafora it waa apottod, to etUl un- vicinity of Stata thaatar, Friday laU cholca modela. Brunnar’a, tell. Best offer. Rockville 8-8181. FOR 6 MONTOS^x Oantrally located. 4.^ rooms. ATTRACnyE THREE bedroom novad by tha dtraotor has bean ing. Plugged dralaa maehUia load lots. Screened sand and all I'LL SELL rr FOR WHAT COMBINA'nON on and gas with atoa groTo and split rail BUYERS WAlTINOMBtogte and ha Board of Bdoeattoa’s r aqusat Tba number af prieonare to ba detarmlnad. fitate PeUee aft aur- niirht. Finder plaaaa call' 4M4. 388 East Canter atraet. Open 'til eleanad. Phona 6487. Three Plant Workers Hast hot watar, elaetilc rtova fence. Immediate occupancy. ranch with Urge Uvtog room din­ two-famlly homaa aOlelaBt 1848 COLUMBIA boy’s bicycle. ataas stons daliverad. Order now. THEY OWE ME ., range with fuel pump. Two years and rafrigsrator. Ctoraga. Adult (Oaat 8) of 3L678.730. Ib lf budget waa ap- lebaagad atm Is eloeklng a truce. vaylng tha situation. Rcarard. t every evening, Saturdays until Equipped with horn and light. Nusndorf Conetruetion Co. iHione Owner tranafcired. Price |1S,B00. ing combination. Modern kitchen, liroaapAb and eonfldaatlal aarvicaxeaU, PLUMBINO and hsaUng, MMCtol IF YOU'RE RELIABLE. - old alio Lester upright piano. In- coupla oiUy, 375. W rits Box D, eolortd tUe bath. Outst anding .hot * aa soon as It w as tavlaarad Tha main armistice nagotlaUona, Tba barn coatatoed about 50 If'* '' ■ ■ ----- ' ------Ol»d ffthdlllon. Phone 3-0584. Apply 13408. - CAN" CONTINUBTfj MATOT imjr* Robert L. (toseella, 98 Henry Btocott Agency,' Manchea* fronvNew York atata to a Dirob* Raale. Broker. 2 - lflt; Jui^ l i to^pamlt weriron oanltof aieBiang tiiat. roetma~tmaf]f 'toag oc. ballad June my wbUK^ew' tsing In repaira, rsmodallng, eop- — a______Harald. ter 3683. ' water heating ayatem. Attached Aanoofitointnta CLEAN U8ED CARB PAYMENTS AdapM street South, after 4 p. m. cratto natlooal convention. Improvomanta, which had bean until Aug. 11 by mutual oonaant being stored there aa food for the GIRL'S Western Flyer, full Mae per water piping, new coostruc- Monday or Wsdneaday LOAM FOR SALE. 310 par load n i continue to hold It garage. Approximately $4,000 re­ A UN oomatond epokesman aald dairy herd of 37 oowi awtotatoad AT bicycle. Good Condition, 130. tIon. Time payments arranged. quired to assume 4% mortgage. Powall, a candidate for raeloc- propoaad by tba dHiartmant, to DRArERIBS Mada to drder. Any delivered, (toll 7186 between If you don't need'It right away. C om ^te line of Children’s SH R(X)M Fumiahad aprutmant NEW FIVE-ROOM tion to furtbar Just and aqultsbla g o t underway. ataff offloara stlU miwt work out by the tosUtuUon. Iiveatoc)f baq : , style- B»aaoiiaMa.- Fm>> tnforiMa* -'W)!WEILPRttato.27-;^^ Phone 3-0328,., or„„l3 , Harvard Rdarari: Johnaon. Phona SfTf cw ..68.II.5. , i;iX , RHOW. IT* TO YOU Phone 8600. Warren ^.Howland tion in Noyambsr, told* tha xa^)^ traatmsnt in the araa aS dto> X--Tit>'- 'bOiLw[- iMt-’-'W ■aaaiftabli'^^tvaaBlaMBa -ef the JBQb baaa k ^ to. . the barageOtaee. Read. 8044...... ROGERS CORPORATION" Filrrtittirife>i?ribs, Mattresses, ‘ in Btotoa. Phona 3889. RANCHHOira ■Realty.' • tion call J-890#. , .'Wiittan Ouaranteaa ANY d a y OR EVE. ALSO that American Ifagrom '‘will, ot criminatory employment prae- ttia Publle Worha aad Walfara da- word! "Koroa'v aad "Unltad Na- June. Mill and Oakland Btreata MAKE MOWING A PLEASURE. If you don't have any transporta­ Play Pens, High Chairs, Car­ Ucas.” The bam was loeatad about 600 1882 DODGE SEDAN BOY'S F'VE Star aupar Colum­ HEATING From A to R Con 32 down, 32 weekly. Buy the new LARGE FOUR-ROOM JUST OFF MAIN atraet Okter 10 course, go'to tha polls this fall to piutonant budg^ Uens” for the annlstleo draft. A1 CHRISTOPHER ROBIN pra-klnd- 1880 PLYMOUTH TtJDOR Manchastar, Connecticut tion, I’ll send rfty car for you, no riages, Walkers,^etc. Complete Business Locations lar^ r numbers than aver bafora." Dameeratlo atandard-baar- Had staff offleera alao have under yarda eeet ef the Loaglay SCbool argartan school will ra-opan bia bicycle. Fully equipped. Prac­ version burners, botlar-bumar Worcester Power Mower. Fa­ obligation! CAPE ODD room home - to axcallant oondi' ara Stevaason and Sparkman, and cloaa to tha reetdoBoe of Dr. 1847 CHEVROLET SEDAN tically new. Phone 3-3343. units, eompista heating systems. mous Briggs-Stratton motor. furnishings for ''the entire For R«Bt $4 tion. Ftreplaca, oU hot watar Haven’t Ftekad Horae Tat ■tody propoeed Cbmmuniat flaptambar 8th for childran 8 H to rOUNO MAN for store work* Very, For appointment phone Mr. Albert, PHONE 3-8331 msanwhlla, turned thsir attention Allied Warplanc^s ahangaa to a aeetlon provtdtog for Arthur MerlU, retired, of the Uni- 1847 CHEVROLET TUDOR All work ^aranteed. Time pay­ Phone 4164. home. Appliances arid TV. hast 3-cnr garage. Ideal for Urge "Wa era watching tha race, but varaity of Oomieetleat. Dr.ManrlU's B. yaana old. Mrs. D. L. Ballard 1848 FORD CLUR COUPE 1848 HARLEY-DAVIDSON motor­ pleasant working condltloru. Ap­ HARTFORD 6-03.58 wo havon’t picked our horaa yat,” to another laaua, foreign poUey. racommandationa to govammants director. 78 Lakewood Circle. ments arranged. Morlarty Broth­ ply In person. Turnpike Market, After 6 P. M. 46-4680 HALLIN BROS. — REALTORS fainll]^ Has poaslbility for 2-fam- Stavanaon masaagad Ohio Damo- homo was sprayed by firemaa as IM t MERCURY CLUB COUPE cycle. model 138. Vary good con­ ers. Tel. 5136. BOLTON — Building stone ahd s t o r e OR Offlca apaea for rant Uy or profemlonal o ^e. Prioa ha daclarod, bringing prolonged SmasH Red Center tovehrad. Phone I-IAM. 161 Middle Turnpike West. flagstone. Bolton Notch Qaarry. A-L-B-K-R-T-*-S 16 Depot Square. Phone 6860. crats, to convantion at COhimbus, a precautionary maaaure. Tba Low Down Paymsnta dition. Phone 3-3624. CHAMBERS FURNITURE MANCHipSTBR—Ardmore Road. 317,800.I. Elmore Turlrktogton, applause, "wa are nto|g to vote in doctor waa at the movtea whan tba Eaay Tarma FAST. EFFICIENT SERVICE on Phona 3-0617. Stanley Patnode. 43 Allyn Street, Hartford Expandable (tops,(tod. flreplaca- Novambar, but nobody knows for that ’’bitter dlvlaion” among Rs- Open any eve. by appointment. OFFICES or store, ground floor, Agent Oovantty 7-6397, pubUeans over foreign prtiey has w r ^ i >Oa8$ ■flWStSftStie ...... PcraoluilB alteration, Jobbing and new work. TOBA<|Sb Help wanted. Stanley At The Green nice grounds, oil burner, $13,000. whom.” BidwellV Filei Stafford Bprtoga State paSea RiMinfM Btrviees Offered 1.7 Permaglaea Gae, Electric Hot 8” vILO WINtKIW exhaust fan Main street, near Post. Offlca. Henry Bacott Agency. Tel. 9838. im m e d ia t e Occupancy, six PowaU added; "Wa wlU vote tha OOP "split down tha canter.” CALBO BBRVICENTER Waldron. Call 2-8450. 320; 80 X 73 movie screen, 315; Phone 8988. In n Richmond, Va., radio broad- XartKDtttmaraf raroutad ttafne from tba hlitoway THE. PROSPECT Hill Bobool for ' 4.38 Cantar Streat Water Heatere sold and Installed 7' CROSLEY Refrigerator, Very rooms (five flniahad). (toarmtog only for our country, city and stota DOORS OPENED, keys Bttad. at reasonable rates. Tims pay­ child's steel see-saw, 38. Phone candidates unleaa batwaan now eaat yesterday, .Sparkman said tha El Rano; Okla. As Corporation to aids Ktoda to pravant ^ • ’Kpa l*> . young childran will reopen Mon' Telaphona 4184 or 3-0010 copied, vacuum elaansra, iroBK APPUCATIONS good condition, (toll 2-9985. Open 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. TWO AND Three room offices. Ex< living room with flreplaca. Large Tha Air Fores did aot .break tha area. day, Sept. 8. Tranaportatlon ments arranged. All work 2-8600. FIRST TIME ON MARKET kitchen, three bedrooms, oil hot and November wa can gat firm aa- nation’s prims task ta oamanting "I LIKE Evarybody" says HoneM guns, aU., rapalftd, Sbaara, guaranteed. Sksllay Brothers. accepted for Grocery, Meat and THREE-PIECnC living room eet, /Evenings 7 :30 to 8 :30 caijent Mato streat location. Call suraincea from Gov. Stevonson and n fraa-world wall agMnat tha down tha 1,001 flmra. BidWell’a Soda Shop, loeatad at fiinilaiiad. Mrs. Lala Tybur, dirac' knlvas, mowan, ate put Into coa- 6418. Inquire Werbner’a Shoe watar hast, aluminum scraana march o f ' Oommunlsm. Tba pro- ' On tha ground, U. 8. Bado tor.; phone 8-8787.; Douglas, Mael .'tha dalagataa a t 1 Walnut Street,'- Manchester Produce Clerka In Manchester,, on three piece kitchen eet. Zenith snd doors. Safe street for chit- Ben, Sparkman that th w .ortll 837 -Mata, atreat,.. hfa.baeB-iiu»tf. . convantion of the cieaneit ' Cara ditfon for eohiliig noads. Bralth- full-time baits. t by 9 WALL TENT, 330; swing Btore.^ . Four Rooms, two tmfiniahed, eampklgn on a mora forthright j ^ m la dotog welt, ha said, and DtvMoa tr o ^ ■mufliiifr a tminaw poratod aad tha bustodsa sold to Huge Suin Spent 3-8714. ' . wringer washing machine, 76 cu. deen. Call Madeline Smith, Real­ eham against baav^ fortlflad .^anywhera. Douglas .Motors, 338 waits 81 Pearl atrsat. raw,-^3100. Call (1830. ft. Coolerator refrigerator. In­ Machinery and Tools 52 hot water oil heat, fireplace, civil rights program than the am­ perhaps to two yaara may ba far w e new ccorporation, according to PLUMBING and hasting. Fum MANY BE»(EFIT8: ' PROFESSIONAL Office to Man tor. 2-1643 or 4678. enough along to permit an "ap- pi^Uons atop Old Baldy bUL Half AatoBiobllM for Salt Main. * CARPENTER will frama unSnlMi- quire 432 Broad street evening!. cheater. Excellent location for i combination storm windows biguous ona adopted to tha party domeamenta fUM at,tha town clerk's By Gas ih(dugtry aces, oil bumera and boilers. Earl Paid Holidaya, Pension Plan, LADY’S FUR coat, siae 46, and USED OUVER "70", Farmalla, and screens," nicely land­ MAN(HE8TER—ExcaUent pre- platform.” Wsciabla" cut in taxes. . tba attoektog Rada wars Mllad. effteo this morning. PRE-WAR Oaiw ~ Pord, Oldamo- ad upstairs rooms. Raaaenabla. Van Camp. Tal. 3-8844. Five Day Week. Hospitalization, many other Itema for sale. Phone WE BU7 and sail good uaed farnl- John Deere, Allta-Chalmers irac- doctor or pediatrician. Entire A t praaant, PowaU said, ha could Privately, . chieftains of both A reinforced Chin see platoon of GUARANTEED USED CARS call .-4381. suite now being 'renovated, (ton- .war Cape* (tod, 3 bedrooms, ga­ about 00 man waa caught under IC irJ^ a T. Nelson, liatad as one blla, Packatd, Bulek, Dodga. Recent Trade-Ins for New Hudsons Good Starting Wage, 3-8427. ture,’ combination ranges, gas tonc. Used mowers, cultlvatora, . scaped. Very clean through­ aaa no clvU righto difference ba- major parties ciadltad Stavanaon ef the isoorporatora on. tha cartl- Naw Tork-HffV-DSivUa CXlMPLEtE f u r n a c e repair Group-Insurance, Sick Bensflts, tact T. J. O ockett Agency. rage, excellent neighborhood, murdarous Alll«d artUlOry ftra aad and matortola ■hortagaa.ihd-iuitu- Btwdbakar, ate. All models, |S8 1847 BUICK 4-Door Sedan, radio ANTKJUES Relintsbad Rapairing rangaa and haatara Jones Funil- plows, lime sowere. Dublin Trac­ out. Five years old. Near beautifully landscaped. Priced twean .Btevaason and tha (X>P adth making n. smart move to as- Deata of tooorporatlon, aold tha and up, full price. High valuaa— Ing service. Gee, oil or coal. Win­ Vacatlop With Pay REMINGTON RAND noiseless tor CJo.. North Windham Road, Phone 6416. nominee, Dwight D. Eliaenhower. tahllahlng hla headquartara at an V: 8. EbD>tb Army apokaamaa ra] gas industry spant a rirord and hcatar, very clean. (Ona dona on any fiimiturs. Ttamanit, typewriter, 335. Recently over­ turs Store. 86 Oak. Phona 3-1041. Verplanck School and bus reasonable. Phone Manchester rapertad 30 to 38 Rada wore kiUad buaineaa to the corporaUon, ae- 91,4llim,933 for now faeUlUsS^ Low 88. Bnmnar’a, 880 East Can­ ownar). ter air comiHlonlng syetam* in Wtllimantic 3-3317. He said Negroes are opposed to Springfield. They said this will aid cording to a bin of aals. 188 South Main straat. Ptaope stalled snd serviced. T. P. Aitkin Apply On Tiieadav. between 2:00 hauled. Phone 3892. lines.. 30-day occupancy. 6373. Braa-Burn. on the alopea of tha oraatorn front 1301. This, say ths Amarlcan Gag ter street Open 'til 8 every eve­ 1848 Dodge Coupe, radio and hsat- 8648. ' M. and 8:00 P. M. At (XIMBINATION Stove, dining Elsenhower because of hla stand hla apparent effort to separate 'Thomaa R. Albro and Maria O. ning. Baturday until 8. . 6 McOshe street; Phone 8783. room chairs, studio couch, chins Houses for Rent AS on legregatlon in the army. his campaign from Praaldant Tru­ hin. Association, sxcaadsd the previeus e f 8808.00. ONE SET Encyclopedia Ameri­ MANCHESTER—Lovely two bed­ Exeapt for this aerip, tha 8se- Dalton are also listed as Incorpora­ peak eatobUshad to 1360 by 33 per 1848 FORD 3-Door. Black (Bps WINDOW BHADEB made to order A A P SUPER MARKET cana, 48th edition. Like new. (toll closet, buffet, two rugs, end table, Wanted—To Buy 68 '*FOUR-R(X>M alngle house, furn-' room home, hardWood floors, flra­ Powell told the rally that Rap. man’s administration. tors on tha eartiftoata of Incorpdrap 1880 OLDSMOBILE "88” deluxe 176 Washington Street floor lamp and dishes, (toll 5538. CALL 3620 William Dawson (D-ni.), Ngero Republicans from lillnols ware ond Division aaetor around Old cent . 4-door.. A thoroughly eseallant clal). 8688.00. and Installed. Venetian blindt MotIiie—^Tmekinf-* 7J4S after 4 p.. m...... Ished, available for eight rnonthe, place, oil burner, warm or cool Baldy was rtportod qiiltt nlthougb tloa. Acoerdtog to that Inatru- The BsaociaUon aaklthaj:; 1841 PONTIAC Badan. (Special). and curtain rods. 34 hour service. Hartford, Conn. WANTED—Uaad furnitura. liv ­ air adntar and auihmer. Nice con­ vice flialrman of the Deniocratlo calling today on Gen. Elsenhower meat. Um eorporattoa bar automilMle. For this one see Bob Storat* M MAGIC CHEF and Quality gas ing room, bedroom, kitchen or 380 per month. BualneiM| 'couple National committee, "aold out the Communist artillery and mortars gas distribution aad l4paltaa In­ 8388.00. Eitimatea gladly given. Fagan ONE SQUARE used steam boiler, only. Phone 7618 after 4. PTVEJIOOM ranch type. Flreplaca dition. (}ulet location. Phone 7005. at Denver. The conference foHowa pounded Allied poaittona capital atoek of $94,(MO, dlvldad dustry axpsets to apand $6,610,- Oliver, Canter Motor Balsa, Main 1848 HUDSON 4-Door Sedan, radio Window Shade Oo., Route 44 at WANTED suitable for alx room house. Also ranges, white table tops, 335 and entire households. Let ua make in living ropm and bazement TUe entire civil rights issue behind by a day aanouncanhant of "tom- Into' 160 aharqa of common stock •treet. AUSTIN A. CTIAMBBRS Co.. locnl 350. Phone 8583. you an offer. The Woodshed. closed doors In the platform com­ The Eighth Army commander, OOO.OW duiutg the next 4H yefira and heater, very clean/ Bolton Notch Phone 3-4478. ' and long distance moving, pack­ 30 gallon hot water tank. Premier FOR RBJNT—lively home near bath, hot-water oil heat. Youngs­ pleta undarstanding" batwaan tha Gen, Jamas A. Van Fteat, con­ at 3150 each, and la commanef ~ for constructian of new SaeUWes 1880 HUDSON Commodore * Se­ A-1 MECHANIC combination stove- oil. gas. In Phone 2-3164. bus and school. Fox appointment town kitchen. fuU insulation and LARGE FAMILY, HOME mittee at ™icago.” GOP national committee and tha buslnaaa with a capital of 310J1 BEFORE YOU Buy a uaad «ar ing, crating and storage. Service FLORENCTE Ctomblnation gas ahd Dawson, 'contacted at Columbus, gratulated BOldieri of A and ' ...... - and plant expansion. •ca Oorman Motor Bawt. Boleli dan, radio and heatar. Full new REFRIGERATION Sorvtee, oom- to all-parte of the U. S. Call quire 80 School street. ; call 5461. plaetered walls, copper plumbtog, national citlsena for BZaanhoarar cempanlas of tha SSrd-Ragtmant car guarantee. memlal and domastic. Sat our to work all makes of cars. oil range. Very good .condition Uundry tray. Lot 90 x 150. City O., declined comment on PoweU's committee. BONOS FOR HOPS Balsa and Banrtea, 388 Mala 8187. Hartford 6<-1433. {100. Call 2-3161. Rooms Without Board 59 Seven large roonw, older apeech. who racapturad Old Baldy lYlday LAREUl BR1TI6H stTMt. Fhoaa 3-487L Opaa ava- 1881 HUD|K>N Pacemaker 4-Door display ui guaranteed uaad refrig- Salary or hourly rate which­ water and sewerage. September Hum Independent Vetera after algnt h'oura o f bloody bat­ Loa Angatea, Aug 4— ‘ARTUm O MWHWr Sedan, radio and heatar. Full atora. Oaorga H. WIClama Aaso- ELECTTRIC Sewing machine with -Summer Homes for Rent 67 1 occupancy. For further datalla lome completely modernized. (teea No SpHt Oomadlaa Bob Hope and a Santa nlags. LIGHT TRUCKING. Weekly rub ever desired. Good working BLACK AND White porcelain top ATTRACTIVE Room for couple. New floors, wall paper, etc. Ben. A. 8. (Mike) Monroney of The announcement said the cltl- tling In allmy mud and wan moon- new car guarsntae. clatae, 360 Tolland Tumplks, bish disposal. Low rates. Cellare conditionx. attachments, 325. Call 2-9141. kitchen set. Good condition, 335. Complete light housekeeping fa- daU 3620 sens group will operate .aa a apa- Ught. Barbara, (3allf„ aobool teacher Londoiv-^-OH— British compeear 1041 Studabaker 3-car ' S^an. WATERFRONT Cottage at (tov- Oil burner. Located in Vernon. Oklahoma said last night he -sees Will ba honored tonight at the 48rd 1848 OLDSMUBILE Hydramatio Manchastai Phona 3-8888, nights cleaned, complete janitor serv­ (toll 2-2181. clUtiea available. Central loca­ entry Lake, part or month of no Democratic party dissension cial agency on behalf ot Etaan- Van Fteat aald the Amarlaanf Vaughan WlUlama says Bsl|9na alx-paasenger club aadan. Tutona (Special). 8348.00. 7881. ice. Phone 2-4888. MANCWESTER—18 LUac street. Priced at only $10,000. howar commlttae. BUfferad "only minor toasas" ' naUnnal , anoampmant of tha are "artlstio aaoba" baoaaea^^y 1840 CHEVROLET 4-Door Sedan. Apply In Person At boats and Accessories tion. Mrs Jerome, 14 Arch street, August. (toU Knight, 3141. An older home of five rooms Just arising from Sparkman’s nomina­ green. Nice, with radio and heat- 17" PHILCO T.V. set. practically first floor. Hunt Indapandent Votaro the hand-to-band atruggla, Veterana of Foreign Wars. go for foreign art toataad ot ths (Special). 828S.00. FLOOR PROBLEMS solved erith 19.50 OUTBOARD LoweU Lap a few steps off Center stree t tion. When ashed on the NBC Hope wins the first A1 Jolson ar. Six other aceexsoriSa. Low new. Five piece chroma breakfast television program whether the Tha announoemant said tha cUI- Tbara' waa only small seal# home-grown variety. down payment of 8483. Balance All Pre-War Cara — No Money llnolaiim, asphalt tlla counter. PshitinB—Papcrfnt VAN’S SERVICE STATION Make cabin cruiser, sleeps two. set; Roper apartment size \ gas ATTRACTIVE Furnished front FuUy remodeled- complete living ARTHUR A. KNOFLA Bans group will operate as a spa- fighting alaawhare aereaa tha Medal for outstanding aarvtce WIlUama told a folk mnate eon- Down. Expert workmanship, frea aatl- Wanted to Rent 68 room with fireplace, dining room nomination might alienate Ne­ aaay. Brunner's, 888 East Centar and GARAGE running llghta, anchors, toilet, range; Serve! gas refrlg«>V°'' bedroom with twin beds. Couple 875, Main St.—Est. 1921 groes end nortoem liberals, Mon clal agency on behalf ot 36 front. during and sliioa World W ar H to grass to London tha British "can’t Terms On Poat-War Cara To Suit matea. Open evaningji. Jones Fur­ FREE ES'nMATEB. Exterior etc.. Price 3450. With Johnson 16 THREE OR FOUR room unfum- and kitchen on first floor. Two Fighter bombers were ut> antartalntog arrvtoeinan abroad. straat Open 'til 8 avary avening, Tour Budget. painting. Hava It done now, (both about one year old). Irv ­ preferred. Light housekeeping fa- ronejr replied; bower and the OOP Vica-praskton- baliava any artlatto effort la good 'Bg^rday 'til 8. niture. Oak street. Phone 3-1041 427 Hartford Road h. p. motor ahd 5 gallon cruise-a ing, must seU. Inquire Apartment dUties available. Iitquire 167 lahed apartment wanted by bedrooms on second floor. Hard­ Phone Office 6440 Ual nomtoaa. Ban. Richard Nixon force, pounding Rad frimt and aup- The echoolmarm, Mre. Oeraldtoa unlsM it comsa from' another McCLURE au to COMPANY Phone 3-1383. wood ' flooni, new heating unit, "Only one or two Negro leaders dav tank, 363 Keeney street. 32. 701 Main street after 3 p. nt. Maple street. ^ mother and adult daughter. Phone Evenings 2-593,8 or 2-4278 have dlaagead with tha nomination of California. Its particular field ply llnaa. Jonea, waa aelaetad VFW taaehar country. Wa get all our paint­ 1848 CHEVROLET 2-Ton Truck. 373 Main Bt„ Mancheatar, (%nn. LIGHT TRUCKING—Also rub- Tel. 2-1487. fuU' basement, all new copper of the year for "teaching chUdren btih removed. Phone 3-3501 or PAINTING and paperbanglng GRANT’S HAS A GOOD 3-2525. of Sparkman. Northern liberals will be any disgruntled Demo­ (Juartarmaatar onoara aald 4H ing from Fmiea, all our music Good cdnven- worded this time by platform- 1841 DODOE. 13 (t. rack bod^ Mahogany- Flush Doors. AU slxea $13,500. Gilman and Page, Inc. drafters trying to seal the North- victory, / luxe, tudor osdaa, radio, heater, truck. 1838 Ford pickup. Very removed. •MANCHESTER—Drive-In peatan- try. Fjed MiUet, Coventry 7-6688. ABHER AND Rubbish FIRST AND Second mortgagaa hardware. Part time schedules each 3 11.00. ; rant for tale. Do not confuse this 351 Center etreet Mancheater 3- South rift ’tag] .nice condition throughout. 'Bee reaionable, Keeney's Oarage, Phdnq 3-3781. MANCHESTER — Apartment The 1952 Republican c)vU righU Honest Doug., Dougiaa Motors, Buchland. bought for our.oam account Faat' may be worked out with Clear Colonial Caaing per ft. 37.50. t opportunity with a cheap hot dog ^183 - 2-3035. confidential aei^ce, Hanchtater I stand. This la a modem building building site. In the heart of plank endorses "federal leglsla- For A Gradt-Sehool Miis S8i Main atraet. FOR OII>-Bumer .eervtce and In­ housewives. Apply Employ­ OPEN FOR INSPECTION MAN CHESTER—A real good buy, downtown, we have a corner lot, stallation 0y^ 15 years exper- Inveatment Ootp^' 887 Mala t with modem equipment, situated 19 III 1886 CHEVROLET Btylellne de­ atreat Phona 8416. ment Office. NA'nONAL BUILDERS Six room (tope Cod. Bathroom 165 X, 125 f t that would make an (■knife I 1848 BUICK 4-door. Excellent can- leneed oil burner service man. { to a spot where it enjoys a won- down, lavatory upstairs. Flra- luxe Cl'.ib coupe. Radio, heater. dltton. Dynaflow. 11088. Tel. 8384. SUPPLIES ( derful buxlneu from the Cheney excellent site for an apartment sm irt Can Mancheatar K17SI or 3-8003. )dace, oU heat, one car garage. building, alao zoned for business 2 Wheel O f Fortune Doily Beautiful black finish. In excel­ 420 Davenport Avenue { MUIa and Pioneer Parachute Fac- lent condition. Hurry. Douglas BEAL QUALITY USED CARS Business Opportunities' 32 W. T. GRANT CO. Screened’ patio. Near new school and 3. This valuable parcel of New Haven, Conn. I tory and also a good trancient r p ^ e Motors, 338 Main atreot. AT LOWER PRICES RELIABLE Radio and tejevliion and bus line. Frances K. Wagner, land ran. be purchased very very 816 Main Street Telephone 8T7-3597 PRE-FAB j trade. Grots buaineaa now 31,000 Realtor. Phona 2-0028. aarvtce. Call 5187. reaeonable. Contact Gilman and 1848 FORD Super deluxe 4-door. Our country overhead saves you 8NA(JK BAR on Routs 44 and 6, • par week. By putting in hot traWD'kite that J lunrises, buatoeea could be toertax- Page, Inc., 351 Center street, Black. Very apectal. Down 8288. mnnay on new and ya#4 cars, New Bolton Road,.Phons 6388.’ SIX RC^MS, South Coventry, Manchester. Phone Mancheater STONE AND Brick mason, also I cd practically double. Situated on Newly redecorated. Artesian weU, akirt Balance eS^. Brunner's, 358 Bast 1863 Dodge Coronet Sedan—U ka cement work. Valentino Belluccl, LAKE AM) SHORE COTTAa 2-2183 or 2-3035. Center Mkeet. Open 'til 8 every I two, hundred-foot leaped lots of corner lot, beach privUegea, |5,-> "maa new. 80 Birch street. Phone 3-1601. Hels Wanted—Fesialt 35 I tahii with option to.4niy for ten evening, Saturdaya until 5...... - ...... 400. Call ManidieaUr 3-8628. ANDOVER—six acres on Improv­ 1883 Dodge T udor — Radio and POWER BURNERS and Ranga - TYPIST-CLERK j yeari. Land rent very reasonable, ed road. High elevation $1,600. tar hla aniT heater. Uke new. TWO WOMEN for laundry' work. CENTRAL—Wall built and well SCHOOL BUSES — Uaed Ford, ..,------, t Bumara axpartly claansd and Apply Mn paraon. New Model Girl wanted for payroll and general office work i (tould seU one loi at a handsome (3all Ctoventry 7-7207 after 6:30. Hand- taka yaur Chevrolet, Dodge, Studebaker, IM l serviced. Let ua eenrle* and re­ ANDOVER LAKE I profit or matotato and purchase cared for two-fainily home. Six tlva orcbooaaj 1 Laundry, 73 Summit atraet. Diamond-T -;3500 and up. Also 1 ^ Plymouth Cambridge 4-Dr.— pair your washing machiiTe or le- in amall textile office. Office expcrl|ince or busineaa ON SUNSET LANE I for own uqai Owner forced to sell large rooms each floor. Additional LARGE BUIIXIING Lot. All utlll- •ma ‘mtoan’ new units 84.MIO and up. Call 2 18,000 miles. Radio and heatar, frigarator. Metro Sarviea. 1-0688. SHIRT PRESS operator. Fiva day tnUning reqoialte. Attractive salary and insurance ■ buiiness ' because of illness. room on third floor. Two-car gS' tlee. Near Hollister echooL Call - bandied I 2587. 1950 Studebaker Tudor Deluxe— week. Experience not neceaaary. ' Just A Short Way Beyond The n 4w School I (toanca fpr tba right party to buy rage. Lot 84 x 140. Shown by ap­ Agent 7295. Radio, hcateV. Just like brand Apply - in person. New Medal bfineflts; air-eonditioneil office. I a vei^ profitable business. You'll pointment. Madeline Smith, Real­ Buy A "One Owner ^ar” new. HooMhold norvleM Laundry 73 Summit straat I be glad If you look Into this en- tor. 2-1642 or 4679. ACTOR'S (X)LONY Bstatea, 2 ad- Offtnd ' IS-A r. . - Apply In PersoR At r -• t arpi'lae: CWman-xiMI Page, Inc., Jototog. lota.50 x.ripo each, south * -Easy Terms - ' 1951 Plymouth Tttdor Deluxe; TYPIST-CX^JC. Woman wanted OPKN SATURDAY, 3UWST 2 v a c a n t —Year old brick Cape ■treet, South Coventry (XII 2-1595 1850 -Plymouth Turkw-^iVeiy, -vary . I 981 Oiiiter street, Mancheatar. WBAVINQ of hnnia. moth holaa for payroil and geriarai' -oSiod; I Talephonca 2-3l83 or 3-3088. 'w mfla- nirni’t rtitit- eoRare tetvaraad -iuta- tnaurimL‘8 heitefitst alf^condition • ■ -TAL^^ CONN.------■■■ ■- T,' * O ockett 'Ageney-.-PHMM MtV OLDlORCHARp ^ ^ h j Matiifr- .. Black* ' ------■ " ratdaoM: Marlow’s Uttic Mendtar iin c f '. Apply lii' pcraoh' at, Atdon -jKANC!KBS!nBR-*w*a cards. Stationery, napkins. Fund, CONSTRUenON CO. fireplace; ameslte drive, tile bath; ANDOVER—Winterized cottage. 1848 Dodga 4-Dr. Sedan Deluxe — 'SlUTUMN Street—Two-atory stone front;, all the detaU to tha Radio, heatar, fog lights, hack-up 1841 Studebaker 4-Dr. -raising- plan. Oosta nothing to GIRL OR Large living room with fireplace, try. Frae imprint aamplea, Baxes 37 MARBLE ST., MANCHESTER—TEL. 2-872T ! room colonial, fireplace, hot water world. ’This Is a-'good sized home wliM yii’rt away fraiii hoiiia! Far Ughta'iiMti aaw, aaA hawa yaar papar forwaiM to yaar - Wapping Conn.—Phone 5404 GLADIQLI BOUQUETS — Freeh- > MANY BENEFITS; , er leaving town September Irt. ised. cellar. Immediate occupan­ eye-appeal., The simple stitchas 634 Center Street ly cut. Choice vartetlea. Wood­ Paid Holidays, Psnalon Plan. FOR GENERAL OFFICE WORK- {jBtone front, picture panel Inspection invited anytime. radiating from 'the*"center motif forJier face. . Open Evenings -and Sundays wtodow, fireplace, alum- cy. Only $2,000 down. Schwartz Phone 6101 or 6102 land Gardtns, 163 Woodland Fiva Day Waak, HoapitaUaaUoo, Bowers street. Phone 3-4753. 'Real Estate. 8274. give tha effect of a wheel. Crochet Pattern No. 8663 la a aew-riU vaaatiaa aMrast! Kaap ia toaah - Safe Place.To Buy Used Cars! 1848 DB SOTO 4 door. Radio, heat­ atraet. Phona 3474. Good Btarttog Wags 'BunU combination windows, flush Price $13,950. it In white for a sparkling effect. atfoors. York oil burner hot water perforated pattern In slses4.6,8, er. 31080. Radmer'a Easo Station, Group Insurance, Sick ^nellta. 10, 12, 14 years. Size 6, 384 yarda IBM PLYMOITTH ConverUble. in 1800 B.unulde Ave,, Beat H art­ Vacation With Pay .e* Knowledge of stenography -and % ea t 14 X 33 f t living room, din- MANCHESTER — Only $10,900. Suborban for Sale 75 Pattern No. 2594 contains com­ m good running condition. Good ford. RboflBf—suing ' 14 typing essentid. Paid vacation. M g combination. Handy to schools TUa four room duplex 'at 12-14 plete crocheting Instructions, ma­ of 89-lnch. with R honifffolks, whartfar yoa laay bi!_ tiw . Needs new to^, 8300. Phona Apply on Tueaday, between 8:00 HELP WAHTED FEMALE d transportation. I ^ e nelgh- LUac atraet has Just been reduc­ BOLTON—LOVELY new six room terial raquirements, stitch illus- M A N C tniB nR — Rooflng and P. M. and 3:00 P. M. A t -f- Hospitalization, etc. Good hours, For this pattern, send SOe to 1988 PLYMOUTH SEDAN. A jiliodd value. Ctomplete for only ed for qnick sale. If you want In­ • ranch house, C. H. W. heat, oil tratioin and flnlshlng directions. Oins, your name, addraea, aUa da- good clean car. Written guaran­ Siding Co. Alao. all types of patot- nice working conditions. 13,500. Good mortgage kvailalila. come property be sure to look at baseboard radiation, flraplace, at­ CHEVROLET Club Cbupe, tog a ^ carpantry work. Quaran- A S P SUPER MARKET Send 25c to Coins, 'your name, aired, and the Pattern Number to tee. Buy it on your' own terms. 173 Waahingtoii Straat TWO STCNOORAPHERS FOR 40.4IOUR WEIK Waatfleld atraet D$lve out- this. For appointment call OUman tached garage; full basement, ar- Sue Burnett (The Maaefaeeter black,.....E jc .q a M c n t coijKtltlon _CWao' Servicaater, .4 1 ^ ______taad work. Phona 8-3893 fdr free address and tha Pattern Number — ■ Hartford, Cpaik- '------Yoodbridgt..t« MaUtox—itaka fliat Realty,. 351 Oentac street. Phona taalaa weU, Jarga k>t..irtth abMIa to Anne Cbbdt 'Cnkit Mkncheater Eventog Herald) 1160 'Ava.' A n^- throughout. See Bob Oliver to­ 'eitimatea.:—^ •—r* aft to bouse. If intereated oaU 8-3188 or 3-3085. trees. Many extrasi Only^ one day. Ontar Motor Sales, 461 1848 L1NCOIJ4 Cuatom 4-door, Evening Heraldlt-llbO Ave. Amer- Icaa, (New Torlr 6«. N. Y. WB SPECriAUZB to roofing and WOMEN—Raliabla and aaestoto. >PPLY cMditirat. lUmaa and Paga,‘.Iac., 351 (ton­ avallabla. Raaaonahla. Suburban icaa, New, 'Yprk 36, N. Y. , Mala straat Vary chofoe ear. Black. Over­ to ba trained to sail a aatkmally NEAR PRINCETON Straat achoot, Ready for ycui now—Basic faah- i i drive. Radio, electric - antenna. sidtog* Highaat .Quality ma- er atreert; Maaehaatar. Phona Realty 0>., Raaltors, 541 Mato SM7 CKBVROUT Btyicmaater tarlala. Workmaublp goaran* advertised, guarantaed product (anebeatar 3-3183 or 3-3035. five rooBU, fuU bath and lava­ etrest Phone 8216. Anne (Xbot'a New Album of' W for '82, FaU and Winter. This iKanrh^stfr .SofnittB IffraUl H ^rauUe wtodowg. Haatar. Only Write Bqk i C Harald. . F T 9kk I m . tory, Uraplaoa, hot .water M cqlonlal, flvs yaara porch, pU(tered%a]la, fiiU inaula- designa, plus exciting features and ■mart, practical sewing for a new condiUoa. Original black Sniah. town. Brunner's, 866 Beat Can- WOMAN Wantad for hand cutting. Gangs, large let. Privata - tion, open stalrcaae, hatchway. 80 1 ^ ' Baa ' Honaiit Doug, Douglas CALL 4U 1 FOR-AFFOINTMiNT a gift pattern p r in ts In the botdc season; gift pattern printed inside tar atraet. Open 'til 8 every eva- Apply Ka-Klar Cloth Toy Oo., er. in ^ re 196 Oak straeL i daya occupancy, (toll 8620. ' Read Herald Advs. ^ cents. the book. 25c Motoric IBS Mato. ntog, 8aturday~untU s. Read Herald 4^dvs.' HiUiai'lliard atraet ■ .sfci;-..."". / V _v 4 * .:-A MONDAY, AUGUST 4 ,1«M PIGB TWELVE Avenge Daily Net Preen Run The WeotKtr For toe Weto Bade4 ilanriffBt(r lEvraing Hrralli .|CewcaaSn#f,SZ,.A->'i ■*Tiij%ttifroiit (CUwUlee AevmOtoig Ml Faff* U) Tlaltad by Mr. and Mrt. E. B ro g ^ they aaw were the CaUkllt Gama - — HALE'S - MANCHESTER, CONNm TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1952 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE nVB CENTS a< Barra, Vt. Farm In N. Y.; North Pole, at Blaze Igniicd Whiteface Mountain, In N^ Y.; In Case o f Mail T ^o I- Oar^d T..9api^^ AU- LaKe Cfi a in p la in ', which they Admiti SUTAling Anto Wheel Le»iiriNF~Ajde atraat.^'dty editor of The croaaed by the etreamllned ferry; PoDiestrc fepartifieM Seeks Senate Seat- Herald la on two wee>a vacation In and a marble exhibit In Proctor, ’Tba caae of Harvey Qegne, 26, A Manchester youth and hla the Oaapa rarlon of Canada. V t They climaxed their vacation of 33 Durfee atreet, Providenca, R. Eaat Hartford’ companion had to In the White Mountalna and at S. Jets Bag Harvey Kina who la Ralaa Man- Mt. Waahlngton at Bretton Wood, I.,'~who confeaaed Friday that ha thank their ability to ball out of arar of the Ka-Klar CTolh Toy N. H. » atole an autpmoblle Juna 28 ffo m a car rapidly for tbeir being saved SLIGHT IRREGULARS OF ^ Cbmpany will apeak at the Rotary the parking lot of the *A A P atore r'-f ■ from poasible aerious Injury yea- CSub meeting tomorrow at the Hom Co. No. 3 MFD will hold a HEAVY QUALITY on Center atreet.. Waa conttnueil tarday. The car In which they were omwtry Oub. He win tell about drill tonight at the Fli;e Houae at toy maJdng and the reactlona of Main and Hilliard atreeta. In Town .Court thla' morning to driving north on Route 6 In South MIGsf Hit 6 Windsor burst liits^ flamo just the oelllnc and purchaaing public. Aug. 18 by Judge John 8. O. Rott- CANNON TOWELS -" • r Hoae and Ladder C o. No. 1 will ner on raqueat of the police de­ north of the East Hartford town y ' AoKlIlary fireman will drill to­ hold lU . monthly meeting tomorr partment.^ line. Seoul, Korea,- Aug. 5r-(a>)— The U. S. Fifth Air Force said night at 6:84) at headquartera on row night at the Hoee Houae at'A dagne walked Into poiice head­ William McOoUum, 30. o f SIT' - In the Newest Brillient Colots Parker street, waa driving when tonight U. S. Sabre pilots shot down four Communist jets •praee atraet. p. m. quarter* In New Haven Friday morning and said he had stolen the the left rear wheel of the car fall and damaged six in aerial dog fights over North Korea today. car. Mancheatar police later went off. The axle hit the ground, the Reg. 1.19 22x44 Beth Towels ...... 7 9 'I^e smashing UN air victory announcement came only a few Court Continues to New Haven to pick him up. resulting sparka igniting the gas­ hour* after the UN aald It had4[>“ -—— — — ------. Qagne, who la represented by oline In the tank, ^ y m on d Fogar­ warned 78 North Korean towns —_ — ^ T T ' e i l Attorney John D. LaBclIe, is re­ ty of 39 Dean Drive, East Hart­ Reg. 59e 16x28 Hend Towels ...... 3 9 houxlng Communlat military In- SERVICES Lombardo Case leased under 81,000 bond. ford, who waa riding With McCol­ atallatlona that they are doomed Police Break IJp Road Block The case of John Luca*, 40, of lum, aaw the fire and warned the and advlaed civilians to get out In Police Kill Policy King Reg. 29e Face Cloths .... e e • # e • O p e r a t p r s H u t Interpret The Wtohee The cdae agalnat Samuel Lorn IIB Butler avenue, Plttseon, Pa., driver. Both jumped from the car advance o f air raids. i bardo, partner' In the- Lombardo charged with breach of the pear* before the rapidly spreading Wh*t e-valui. L *rf* alxe h«*vy weight Cannon towel* to th* The Air Forge aald Sabre pilot* OfTheFunil^r AfUt he was arrested Jlily 26 flamea could trap them. ikGWMt eolorlnfs. TTio imptrfoctions ar« hardly tiotlcaaolas Ufntw deitroyed four MlOa and damaged Brothera Arm charged with viola- when he fled from the scene of a 6 Rebels at Shot Down t Iona of the aanitary lawa In con* Deaplte the efforts of Flra Chief ning pink, aungold. rocket blue, forest green, limelight^ radiant five In four separate fight*. The 6 ■ Deny Claim fire In hie rooming house qiiar- Oeerge Enee-and-the-South-WInd- -sixth- MIG wax hit b y -sn F-Jit-l Tiectlon—wtth~ the-operation of- a tere, wa* continued to Wednesday, JOUTB: BURKE PigRery on Hlllatown road, waa sor Volunteer Fire Department, all Thunderjet pilot. Robert Krlnjak, 18, of ,13 Eld- that could be ealvaged from the 'The Air Force aald the Red I continued In Town r Court thia ridge street, wa* Aned $150 on a jljT TIhicago morning to Aug. 6 by Judge John car was the wheel that came off. fighters ventured farther south T o Showers charge of driving while hie ilcenae than they had In recent month*; - A. ..a . Sta^ Policeman Ralph E, .UVeter- w*a. undev-euanenakni.. - - -Two'' Tilwfii ' Hit- "• -■-‘ 7 - Pusan, “Korea,' AOifUBt fl Beal Oantar lii. VM MU The continuance waa requeeted Judge John 8. Cl. Rnttner order­ mah~ and Auxiliary' State l^dllce-' Chicago, AUg: WSihliigloB, Aiif. by Aaalatant Proeecutor W. David man Jamea Bryera of Hartford in- The program of heralding air (/P)— Police killed sik guerril­ Theodore Roe, last of the Ne­ ed l**o Cronin, 49, address un­ raids la designed to spare non- — Airricaltore DepsrtHMat AMBITLAMOB s b b v io b Keith who told the court the mat­ available, apprehended and ar­ veatigated. The 1989 car, which THIS MONTH ONLY! las and wounded 10^ of a band gro gambling bossen to resist Waa left a charred wreck, wa* In­ combatant Uvea. It also haa the effieiele said tedsx tkcjr are ter would be dlepoeed of Aug. A If raigned Wednesday. Cronin waa of 40 that attacked a polling Anthony Lombardo, . Hamuel.'e sured for everything except firg. effect of flaunting the Allied air syndicate control over Chica­ eonniderins adding aavatal - 4 — ' arrested yesterday, charged with place about 70 miles west of brother and partner in the Arm, ie WONDERFUL FIRST QUALITY 'superiority over the Communist go’s lucrative policy wheel atates, induding Nerth Caw*' Intoxication, and released under North Korean and Chlneae com­ here today in South Korea’s arreeted by that tlnoe. $26 bond for appearance In court racket, was alain last night ina, Coanectient and Rhaie A warrant for the arreet of the thia momihg. He .failed to appear. mand*. hrst direct election of a Pres­ Depnly Attome:sey Oeneral by a blast of shotgun slugs. pair waa taaued by Proaecgtor PLAYTEX SUPERTOAM At least two of the forewarned Inland to tha drought diaaatar Edward Doren, 44, of Kerry For Your ladhridhiflly ident and Vice President. . DeVitt Vanech (alMve), 46, — Roe, 68, *. reputed mlUlonalre, DB; W. JOHN FIELD John J. O'Connor Fidday.-Pi -tow n* have been h it Police and troops had been Btniitfofd, Conn., on Angwt 4' walked Into an ambuah aa he left araa.'^-^‘ T" street, waa''convicted of being a Lt. Gen. Glenn.O. Barcu*, U. S. were unable to locate either of ■ ' LATEXFOAM nounoed hla candidacy for the U. his south side apartment. A shot Offidala aaid North Cue- common drunk and sentenced to Fifth Air Force command, aald alerted for Just such raids. the accuaed Friday night, but Home Minister Kim Tal Sun 8. Senate aent left vacant by the gun roared as he walked toward OSTEOPATHIC Samuel walked Into police head 60 days in Jail. Assistant Pro­ the warning program ha* beei\ ina and Coanecficat nmjr 8 a death of Democratic Senator his automobile. Roe fell with quartern Saturday,. . The warrant secutor W .. David Keith told the Mrs. Ebki MtekBCci under way In Korea since emld- said the guerrillas fled, leaving added to the list today. All er court Doren had been arraigned PILLOWS sub-machine gun and 800 car­ Brian McMahon of Connectlhut. wounds In his chest and neck. Po­ PHYSICIAN waa carved on him then. Ha wae nom» 7737 July. arge parta of 12 atataa nGr refeaaed under 1300 bond. four times since' Febniary on ir)-' Mllllona of leaflets telUng of tridge*. lice said he never had a chance to toxlcatlon chargea. He . Was ar- He ■aid, police suffered no reach for a loaded revolver found hava been designated M Samuel told polio* Anthony had Reg. 7.95 Regular Height . .. Each future bombings ' have been $iaaater inreur ps'H rwiilt gd HAS RESUMED left on a vacation and he did not rssted yssterday. dropped on North Korea by B-39s caaualtlea *nd voting resumed in his pocket. know where he could be found. Howard Hagedpm, 60, of 89 Oak­ flying out of Okinawa and Japgn. after i short delay. Solid South Authorltlea considered several prolonged drought and in­ The arreet la the lateet etep In land street, was convicted of viola­ 8.95 Extra Plump Height, Each A headquartera statement *aldr About 30 guerrillas killed 'one possible mbtives for the slaying. tense beat. “ PRACTICE the town'a attempt to abOllah the tion of probation and sentenced to MATTRESSES “ In an effort to save the Uvea mito and burned two buildings and One, wa* that he was slain to piggery. The nuttier began Juna serve 86 remaining days of a BO of North Korean civilian*, an a home In a village In south­ prevent him from testifying be­ Hartford, Aug. 5—(ffVi- 0 v^an Oeneral Manager Richard day eentence Impoaed June' 30 for It is better to have a good Reg. 11.95 King Size Height . .Each audacious program of prior warn­ western Korea last* night. But Is Seen by fore a federal grand jury which Intoxication, 1%6 flint historic raln-Riiik* Martin ordered the abolition. rebuilt aiattress than a ing*, of bomblng^tacks la In ef-/ police who drove off the raiders yesterday began an InvesUgatlon The case o f Catherine Re­ said they did not know whether of Incomes of seven -racketeers As a tirack loaded with power traaMhlasloa maohinery (left) prepare* to leave. Soath Side Obleaga ^ attempt in aouthern Naw gan, 30, of 16 Coleman road, ar- Joseph Jay Phpto, cheap new one. We re­ feet. operating at leaat two big policy plant ef International Harvester-twine mill, pbiloe mix with strikers wko tried to Mock toe vehicle's England waa launched eaHy MRS. ROBERT M. BANTLY "In recent week*. Far Ela*t Air the attack was connected with the rMted July 39 by Lee Fracchla, make and sterilize all typea Bed Pillows Now! Force* aircraft have dropped election or just another sporadic Adlai Aides wheels on Chicago’s south aid*. passage. One picket of Farm Equipment-United Rleclrloal workers union I* helag lod away by today and followed by a faw dog warden, on a charge of having Re-Cover These Old of mattresses. leaflet* on 78 towns and cities In guerrilla strike. MoUvea Ua«ed poUce. . Strikers were protesting eompany’s transfer ef plant to New Orlenns, La. (AF Wlraphoto). an unllcenaed dog, was continued Mias Bette Jane Patterson, r She la a graduate of Manchester dropa of rain for whkh DOWNFROOF hnd FEATHERPROOF North Korea known to house Overcast skies threatened rain, By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Another poasible moUve con­ ------e- —— V-/ THE OFFICE OF FILL to Aug. 6. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William ! 1947, and sidered, waa, yeggeanc* for Vhe neither Mother Nature nit „ " [Cambridge Secretarial sehooT, (Continued, on Page Two) Top Democratic leaders sdioiiriaade exdiK Patterson of 89 Bigelow atreet, gogjon. ■yhe bridegroom attend- Joilii Fiiniltliri i i i (Oontlnued on Page Tw o) slaying of Leonard (F*J| Lenny) DR. JOSEPH MASSARO predicted today the South Caifano, 43, a Chicago hoodlum StrUiei^ Fail eive claims. . FOR and Robert Morgan Bantly, son ed Manlius Military Academy and - 7 9 c E A who waa killed June 18, 1861, U. S. Moves Aiming at th* drought-atrtokOi Give Tiirkingtoti of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest T. Bantly graduated from Wllbraham Acad- Floor Covtriig PILLOW TICKS will remain solid this Novem her despite rumblings of when he and three other men al­ Oonnactiout rivar valley as toe CAU nf 44 Porter street, were married ^"’1; *■ aaeoclated with 36 Oak St. Tel. 2-1041 Reg^ $1.00. legedly attempted to^ kidnap Roe. ^rg*L th* flrat of four raliifimS- WILL BE CLOSED Bachelor Dinner Bantly Oil Co., Inc, Dixie dissatisfaction witl^ the To Bar TV«c*| jjj Saturday In the South Methodiet Bus Riders to Receive A murder charge agalnat the For Jailing Ing machines went toto' aettoa Church. The ceremony wa* per- party platform. Negro gambler waa dropped when shortly after midnight atop Beat FROM AUGUST 1 ALEXANDER R*g. 1.29 Zipptrod O pening...... 99c •«. T h e Democratic presidential Chicago, Aug. 6—iflWi Btrik- Rock. Naw Havaa. - Hal Turkington, Herald report­ formMl at two o'clock by the min­ he contended he ahot In self de­ riominee. Gov. Xdlal E. Stevenson fense after (Talfano and hla com­ ers fought police at aa Interna­ er of 66 Winter street waa honor­ ister, Dr. Fred R. Edgar. Palms Fine quality pillow ticks guaranteed both downproof snd Th# flrat amok* gmarator ke- TO AUGUST 18 JARVIS CO. of IlUnols, said southern political panions curbed Roe's automobile tional Harvester company twiae laaslng sUvef iodln* < and white gladioli decorated the featherproof. Make your old pillows Ilka new. Receipts on Fare Hike OT Costello Lewis’ Note TIL. 4112 ed Saturday night /at a dinner leaders have given, him "hearten­ and attempted to abduct him. ■Oil Maadhy aad stoead » truck th* aky to iadae* rtla chancel. I ( - i ,— ------ing evidenc**'' of the “fidelity of .Craaafentag maobltoiry to » aew party at the Brttleh American The bride who was presented In' Calfane’a brother, Marshall, SS, •d by Normsa Turnar,____ Boys^ S h o p the South to the Democratic party waa ordered picked up for ques­ New Vopk, Aug. 6—(JP)— IHO plaat to New Orlaana. Wsihiiigton, Augt h~-4JP\ oiaa for Wallace * . Howall ame- club. More than 60 gueate wished marriage by her father, was at-1 Hartford. Aug. 5—ink duntry-tnrottUng htrikd/bd- waa reoeally brought hoeM 4a>aa % V of monay. Turlington will be mar­ strin g Friday. The rates go up on that day. The company gave Mm more reason for op­ laveivtoa aeam.Zlb atrlkera,' aad aji oparatioi) in Pani to sM tha ried to Marie Louise Johnson at Bantly, Jr., was best man for hla Chenille and Hobnail Bedspreads must be prepared to refund the extra charges, however, if the timism; Russell Long of Louisiana (Ceatlansd oa Paga Etovea) Oeiitello in jail on Friday. 24 mraoa* were arrsated. fore the iteel mills have hec the Emanuel Lutheran Church brother, and uahers were Earl and Theodore F. Green of Rhode llie truck get through. OonnactlOut valley, > Twin bed six# only. Superior Court side* with WestT ' Costello, 61, is undei^ntence « chance to get back to fu August .16, Patterson,, .brother of the bride; \. Island said in separate Intervlewi Picket* were proteatlag tha ■tart at 4 a. M. Haven residents who claim that of 18 months in jail and $2.* blast production arose today Richard JF .DImock, brother-in-law the Republican candidate- won’t scheduled permanent shutdown By 4 a. m., all four ganatetera i-.t Toastmaster was Jerry Flood, of' the bridegroom, Allen F. Reg. Reg. the Public Utilities commission 000 fine for contempt of the as John L. Lewis servec were humming, daployad la stra­ director of athletics at Hamilton Back To School Girl Vanishes win a aii^gle southern state. 'Aug. 8 o f the ffve-atory plant oa Behnke arid John Wennergren. Jr. $6.98 3.99 $6.98 4.99 permitted too much of an Increase. Man KiUs W ife tegic location* to windward of to* Standard Propeller^ and guest Iko Talk* to VFW U. S. Senate. tiie south aide and transfer of Ita notice that hia United Mine - The bride’a gown of Imported wonderful value. The case goes to the superiorJ^ourt Defense Counsel Georgs Wolf vallay. Two were ntar Watarbtiry 3 p * a k e »' included -Recreation^ GOP.nomlnee ;Owlght-IX..Elaan' operations to New Orleans, Workers’ contractu are «nd Chtonny tace aiid rilyon tulle whs 'Sept. 21; - From Liner in -waa reported to-be seeking aa ori' - MemrUNTs or to* indeMdeift ( fng Tiext month:* an.-:Avoa-. MoaatatK.^Btot~,;i: Director John Hedlund; Twilight fashioned with a sweetheart neck­ Judge James E. Murphy said hower and his party are counting In Parked Gar; der from a U. S. Supreme Cburt west of Hartford. League vice-president A1 Kean; Monday, hov/ever, that until the heavily on splitting the South over Farm Equipmentment-Unlted Elertrt- Lewis, presidentnresldsnt erlwlnkle blue nylon, Stevenson set up appointments estranged wife's head *nd killed On Thursday, Lane wiU seek a park. The strike Involved a dis­ Whan Dr. HowaU at Ma Matal aantlng the Police Department; remain In buaineas,’' Judge Mur­ ship's officer said adieri the vessel tion lipoii 60 days* 'notte* 1>y either may be, if it ie something and promjH tervics at uni- tulle and net over matching taf­ with two White House Intimates her yesterday waa held on , a cor­ court order for toe surrender. pute over work rlasslttcatlons. aide. Bond Jieai^uartars In Hartfaad Sedrick Straughan, representing Re9. $3.95 ...... $3.15 phy said. The compSny based Its docked here today. you would expect to find in formly.ily. fairfafr priMs—always.i feta. She wore a headpiece to to talk' over campaign plan* oner's warrant In New Haven B a li^ on gala The Melrose Park plant, shut Hkutdewa waa aaked who, or what, oa’ Umi Fire Department; Dave Rohtn- matclf her gown and ' carried a case for higher rates largely :pn The girl,, Patsy Ann Psrtrldge, Gouiify jail today. ■ tMa anudl aiHOunt of twin du • good drug store, turn coo- Prescriptions? Bring thtm Re^. $3.25 ...... -a. .> ;•••.. • i $2.59 was on her way \ from England Elsenhower -will address the VFW OosteltO wa* convicted last April down during the steel strike, The notice to Moody, following Bocotly to this dependable hers for sursl Thsir com­ son, representing the B.A. mem­ cascade of yellow roses the* claim that it has been losing Also Jockeying for political Dead was Mrs. Anna Stefanko, for refusing to answer a num­ was diie. to reopen Monday. hia initial operation ftm repU( bers; Bill PaganI, and Twilight The bride's mother was attired R«9. $2.98 ...... $2.37 money steadily for many months with her family to vialt an aunt 65, mother o f four grown children by 10 day* almllar word to the with an air of neutrality; iourok. Yon can count on ns pounding is out spedaltyi In Short Hills, N. J.. when she ber of question* before the Senate Nearly 5,000 persons are em­ Bltqmlnous Coal Operatora aaao- League president Jack Stratton, In , powder blue crepe and lace R«4. $2.49 ...... \ ...... $1.98 EXTRA SPECIAL on some divisions, and that further (OontlBue^ on Page 'Dvo) and five grandchllt&en by a pre­ crime committee and for walking ployed there. . "It's highly probabt* that we who preiMiited.j^ glft. with navy acreasoriea, and the losses are expected. was reported missing at 6:30 a. vious marriage, who was slain In clatlSn, la certain to mean a shut­ had something t<^do arith If. put m. last Wednesday. out on th* committee twice. down of alt but a sm*ll portion The chicks^ dinner was served bridegroom’s mother Wore a dresa SLIGHT IRRESULARS OF I.9S 72«B4 / Ready Friday a centrally, located gas station aa On July 3, the U. 8. Circuit I don't make deflnit* claims i«- of amethyst taffeta with navy blue R iva rd J. Bennett, general A aeamon on watch reported she sat In a friend’s automobile. of eoft coal mining th* end o f next gardlng one litti* ahower." by the Oardeh Grove caterer*. JR/BOYS' BOXER TOP SHORTS that he saw Patsy Ann pacing the Court of Appeals upheld hla con­ arcessorles. Both had corsages manager of the OonnecUcut com­ Pearson Backed Her husband, Michael Stefqnko, month unlese Lewis, Moody and The rather ahy former faculty ■til Sixes 4 to 18. deck, apparently iri a distraught viction and jail sentence, hut cut Navy Accepts Harry M. Moses agree on . hew of pink rapture roses, and assist LADY PEPPERELL pany. said this mqmlng that a waa arrested shortly after the the fine from $5,000 to $2,000. member of the Hartford ohiserva- ed the bridal party at a reception $2.25 ..21.79 state, about three hours before ■hooting by an off-duty policeman contract terms.. tory broke into a chuckl* ta point­ system of receipts—to be kept by her disappearanpe. For Senate Sea Supreme Court Justice Robert Ope* Sundays — We Oellver for approxlfnafely 130 guests In $1.89 .11.53 customers as proIllforA Korean War which Is unlikely to ploys 100,000 miner*. The bi­ Reg. $2.25 ..$1.70 proval. Town chairman William Mra. Schock said Stefanko cam* prompt any diplomatic protests, tuminous diggers number 450,000. A. Edwards said he would present to the car and talked with Mrs News Tidbit? from the U. 8,- at leaaL Still not e party to the aeries Bulletins Reg. $1.98 ..$1.45 S w e di s h Weaving the decision of the committee to Stefanko in a foreign language, Naval officials In expressing of recent Lewis letter* are opera­ Texas Bus Crash Toll State Republican Chairman Clar­ presumably Polish. I^ e couple was Culled from AP Wires this view today pointed out that tors In Indiana and the Far West, from the AP Wiraa ence F. Baldwin at Hartford to­ to appear (n New Haven Superior American patrol planes and' BOYS' SOX day. Court today on a divorce action. squadron o f British. Navy flying (Oontlnusd on Page Eleven) Sixes 7 to I«i/i. Is All the Rage! Still Remains Mystery Pearson who was state chairman Mrs. Schock said that ehortly Italian conductor announces he boats have flown about 12,000 sor-. HOO IMSEABB *1 haa discovered unpaMIshed opera ties over the approaches to Korea CMcago, Aug. 6—P)—-A come down. dor Heusa asks P’ederal Con-, day* before Allied warships'began a.a the pit collapaed McNeelan's caacelM by Us raeeat Ulaesb glass poured in ' little streams brother, Thomas, and two unident­ Marine jet pilot with a shat­ "Evideatly the shell that go4 stttutlonal Court for ruling on the Inchon landing bombardment ALL OUTER JACKETS across the cracked highway. Offi­ me bad also torn op my landing a Russian bomber flew over a ified men scrambled to safety as CORSiET WORKERS STRUtp EmbarnuHing situation? ^ ot if you tell the'lady In cers believed some bodies were tered arm made a one-wheel whether he may sign Allled-Oer- Check Your Heating Od d LOT— n o t a l l s iz e s M cCALL p a t t e r n s NO. 1723 AND 1724 gear system," Shamis said, "I man peace contract when It is United Nations naval formation. the earth, containing some Bridgeport, Aug. 5—<85—Ap­ distress about our rapid, thorough dry cleaning service! completely cremated. landtag - with an unexploded still had oae bomb left, and be­ After the Red-star marked plane boulders as large aa typewriters, proximately 104 aalaa a m ^ y a a Meanwhile, officials of the Grey­ ratified ■ by parliament , . -. So­ ONi GROUP RAYON r^r new pattema for colored-or white buck bags and towsla, bomb dangling from hit crippled lieve me 1 prayed the wheel was refused to be warned off and ac­ rumbled to the pit bottom about 50 at the Crowa Cornet CkMapany. In fact a beautiful friendship will probably result. For hound line*, local poUce and the plane. viet Ambassador Adm. Constan­ doiva waa ther side the bomb tine Rodinov, c.'slls on tually opened fire It was shot feet below the surface of the went on strike today to a walk­ atains, creases— accidental or natural after a busy d a y - Texas l^partment of Public Safe­ Capt. Edward Shamis, 28, of bung oa. / ground. System Now UNLINED JACKETS foreign office In Stockholm and down by U. 8. naval aircraft. On* out that started ever a break- REG. 45e I-OZ. SKEINS ^ ty tried to. And out what happen­ Pensacola, irin., haa been rec­ “ I put her down on the deck of its occupants was picked up out Thomas McNeelan and the other down In negoUaUoa* wlto to* keep our phone number handy! Call immediately? Man­ Sizes 6 to 20. Reg. 15.00 and $5.75. ed, ahd'vrhy. — - observer* speculate he may handle Nowt while it wiii cause you no inconvenience, is the ommended for the bro'nxe star and for awhile that one wheel of the Yellow Sea dead and Iden- workers, disregarding the danger company, chester 7254. Drivers Killed for hi*. heroic action, the Ma­ held up. But when my air another Suedlah protest over time to have your heating system put into good worMng ! BEAR BRAND P LY _ plane sKootlag Incidents in Baltic. N p W $3.99 4 The two speeding vehicles ram­ rine Corps sakL today.. speed got low, the plane fell on (Ck>ntlnned on Page Seven) (OonttoiMd oa Pag* Two) d e s p e r a d o HUNTED condition for the long winter ahead. med together and burst into Shamis was wounded by anti­ "'tba Ming i^th no wheel. Then Villagers In Thuringia, Ger­ SPECIAL 1 DAY CLEANING SERVICE — WORK many, ordered to turn in private WaahIngtoB. Aug. E—(*h--A We’U send a man to look your equipment over. He’ll flames about 4 a. m. Two young aircraft fire BOOB after he com­ she started skidding. ' - Sale Starts August 4th BRITISH KNITINC WORSTED drivera—Mllburn Berry Herring, pleted hla first dive ^ bombing radio receivers . . . Summer breed­ 27-year-old desperado, Dsenatd ACCEPTED UP TO IQ A. M„ EXCEPT SATURDAYS The Pantberjet came to a J. Zalutsky. of AUeatewa, Pa, tell you what needs to be done. And, if you wish. Iie’O 34. and Billy Malone, 25—were run against an enemy supply stop dose to a standby crash ing ground of nearto extinct clean the oil burner and fluej check your oil tank gauge; ' Fruls August 9th \ , piloting their big vehicles through area northeast of Chorwoa. crew who rushed him to a near­ whooping, crane that winters' on who neaped four tone* )<■*■■ clean and oiL adjust and replace parts. 3 5 c 1 ounce skein the pre-dawn blackness of cen­ Ha suffered a compound frac-. by hoapitoi. Texas coast reported found by two Florida state priaaaa today waa , -l - tral Texas. Herring waa com- Americans . . Informed officials Merchants^ added to toe FBI'* hat ef "14 Call 2-4595. One of our men will call at your con­ HIADOUARfm FOR 34 colota. tore and lacerations of hi* left Maj. Alesaader 8. "Rocky" pleUng his flftb day as a driver; arm.” ■'— ...... OBHa, *4, H 4 - W , Vaiveralty^ report__Britain has dcafted plan iMoat w a a M awn." He to ***• venience. - _ MANCHESTER BOY SCOUT Uj^RMS E9Ulfl|^ Malone had been driving about "1 heard this thing go thuag* Phrkway, Baltimore; a Marine 'for "scvea-BaUba high' command —---Iiv order to give theic.employes.a lull day suinmer aid*red_ dalMcara^^ ...... v .. Yqur months. _ Both were among to map defense of Middle Em I. holiday, Manchester stores will remain clos^ alF GrSga SUaips Giv«i With Cash Solti. through too side of the cockpit, pUot waiting to take off when the -• '•INFRAl MOTORS Daniels, 17, o f Corpus Christl tin, ^ x „ give* Us son, Jogany . Chain food stores, as well as other retail outlets, will ,93 WELLS STREET TELEPHONE 7254 headed for our,own Uara.” In, as badly hurt aa he wKk He Two aaUors wer* kfllad aad ato fbe Bantly Oil Co. said aomebody. hollered, “Look OdeU, 2. • Ug bug at Waco after Fol|iwed by his wingmaa, sure made a awaet landing." Washington, Aug. 5— —The ob.serve the annual event. Only liquor and dnig- stores other waa tojnred aaataaaftr CJJIOIISESSON -out!" youBgater and hla mother drove to 2nd Lt. Richard T. Speaoer, 24, Shamis frota his hospital position of the Treasury Aug. 1; will Stay open. , ; early today when their aataaao- Then the buses hit. Waoo to pick him 'up. SlmmaA 331 Main St. Manchesiw I M IS . CO. 229 Hanaoa avenne, Lima, Ohio, bunk, grtoaad: Net budget recelpU, $114,262,451- Empioyes of at least one Main street store will have bUe cirashed lato a tre* ker* <*It sounded like thundier," Mrs. survived heud-ou bus crash which the wauaded olDeer asade hla "Thay*re all awaet. Rack, .01; budget expenditurha, $212,465,- - While aa rant* to th* MewpseE W E GIVE dtotGEEEN STAMPS took lives f t at leust 28 penou*. w h r ta a distaht Said. • An ha When yoa walk away fra n 993A5; cash balance, $7414,905,- an annual outihg. a R. L. Naval Tratobm MatoM ’ 1 .• • • Advertise in The H e ra ld ^ It Pays^ V .(Ceattaaed JPag* M onm ), (AT Wlraykoto). - ataiiad Ids iahdiBg approach j^a 249.36. ' ; ■ ■ - - V . 4 troM Baataa. * -I r

J V •I V