Disorders of Sexual Differentiation and Surgical Corrections
Marmara Medical Journal Volume 2 No: 5 April 1989 DISORDERS OF SEXUAL DIFFERENTIATION AND SURGICAL CORRECTIONS C. Ôzsoy, M.D.* / A. KadioÇlu, M.D.*** / H. Ander, M.D.** * Professor, Department of Urology, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Istanbul, Turkey. ** Associate Professor, Department of Urology, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Istanbul, Turkey. * * * Research Assistant, Department of Urology, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Istanbul, Turkey. SUMMARY Patients with ambiguous genitalia who applied to our ?). Developments in Cytogenetics and Radio-immu- clinic are investigated and they are classified as true no assay after 1950's provided the easy diagnosis of hermaphroditism, male and female pseudohermaph sexual differentiation disorders. roditism. Normal sexual differentiation: The normal human After chromosomal, psychological, hormonal, phe diploid cell contains 22 autosomal pairs of chromoso notypic and surgical evaluation, the final sex is de mes and 2 sex chromosomes. Except spermatozoon termined and appropriate reconstructive surgery is and oocyt normal human cell is diploid. The chromo performed. somal sex is determined at the time of fertilization. An XX female or male determined chromosomal sex, In six of our 18 patients we reassigned the female sex influences sexual differentiation by causing the bipo- to male. 2 of our 18 patients are true hermaphrodites tenlial gonad to develop either as a testis or as an (one being male and the other is female). 2 of them are ovary. female pseudohermaphrodites and 14 of them are male pseudohermaphrodites. 6 patients who under Until the 7th week of gestation the gonads are indis went sexual reassignment were male pseudoher- tinguishable. In the presence of Y chromosome or H- maphrodiles. Y antigen, which is located on the short arm of X chromosome, the medulla of gonads will begin testi In our opinion the most important aspect of sex reas cular differentiation.
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