4th Infantry Division Rear Detachment and FRG Training Scenarios November 2017 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS, 4TH INFANTRY DIVISION AND FORT CARSON 6105 WETZEL AVENUE, BUILDING 1435 FORT CARSON, COLORADO 80913-4289 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF: AFYB-SGS 17 November 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD SUBJECT: Rear Detachment Training Scenarios 1. Purpose: These scenarios are intended to be used as training exercises for your Rear Detachment and Family Readiness Group Senior Advisors. They are real world crises units have had to deal with during deployments. Rear Detachments, along with their FRG Advisors, are encouraged to use these scenarios to stimulate discussion and consider what SOPs may be useful to ensure that similar situations within their unit are handled properly, quickly, and consistently. 2. The Division Family Readiness Liaison (FRL) maintains a site on the 4ID portal where unit FRL’s can find templates, forms, training resources and other family-related information. Access this site at: https://army.deps.mil/Army/cmds/4id/CG/SitePages/FRL.aspx. Use your email certificate to log in. 3. The Division FRL stands ready to assist Brigade level Rear Detachments plan and execute this scenario training. 4. The point of contact for this memorandum is the undersigned at 719-503-0012 or
[email protected] ALEXANDER H. CHUNG CPT, GS Family Readiness Liaison 4th Infantry Division Rear Detachment and FRG Training Scenarios TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Quick Reference Phone Numbers 2. Acronym Explanations 3. Category Breakdown For Scenarios