New Deal Compact with international partners will be a milestone to move forward

Mogadishu, June 26, 2013 – His Excellency Prime Minister Abdi Farah Shirdon today officially announced the New Deal for Somali conference in Brussels on September 16th, at the core group meeting in . The conference is co- hosted by the Somali Gover nment and the European Union, which aims Somalia to enter a joint compact with international partners and frame a new paradigm for political and socio-economic development of Somalia.

“Entering a New Deal Compact with international partners will be a milestone for the Federal Government of Somalia as it re-asserts its sovereignty and takes a greater responsibility for its future,” Prime Minister said. “We hope the Brussels New Deal Soma li conference will provide a positive momentum in the political and economic reconstruction for the new Somalia.”

Prime Minister stated that the government set national development plan, as well as compact with international partners to support plan implem entation through the New Deal for Somalia will deliver human development results that are sustainable in the long-run, while providing a short-term boost.

“We believe the New Deal process for Somalia will signal global recognition of the need for a new way of thinking and working in the fragile states, and establishment of broad-based consensus on a core set of priorities and reforms,” Prime Minister said.

European Union Managing Director of East Africa Affairs Nick Westcott said that the New Deal Compact p reparations are in hand. He said the Somali government and the international partners should agree the steps of the process between now and September 16th. Nick also specified that the aim of the compact is to show solidarity and move Somalia forward while reassuring by providing resources that will enable Somalia achieves its planned development goals.

UN special representative for Somali described the News Deal as a process to strengthen the relationship between Somalia and international comm unity. He said the process will prioritise and find support for the Somali citizen’s needs. He urged the Somali government to articulate its needs and come up with a unified development agenda.

Prime Minister stated that the Somali government hopes the ada ptation of the New Deal principles would outline future synergies between the Federal Government of Somalia and the international partners. He said Somali is fortunate enough to have New Deal partners that have already implemented the process, and hope to learn from their successes and failures.

“My government started initial discussions with international partners to identify the best financing mechanisms and aid modalities. In this respect, the FGoS would like to see move to in-country instruments and mod alities to strengthen national capacity”, Prime Minister said.


Ahmed Adan

Prime Minister’s Media Office Mogadishu, Somalia

Phone: +252 (0) 616 44 00 28 Email: [email protected]

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