Bedřich Smetana (1824–1884) ČERTOVA STĚNA / The Devil’s Wall Comic-romantic opera in three acts Zdeněk Plech (Beneš) and Martin Bárta (Vok Vítkovic) © Daniel Jäger

Antonín Dvořák Theatre © Martin Popelář

Dana Burešová (Hedvika) © Daniel Jäger

Jiří Myron Theatre © Martin Popelář


The National Moravian-Silesian Theatre (based in 1919) is the biggest and oldest professional theatre in Ostrava and the Moravian-Silesian region. The theatre has four artistic companies – opera, drama, ballet and operetta/musical, which regularly perform on two theatre scenes – the Antonín Dvořák Theatre (seating capacity of 517) and the Jiří Myron Theatre (seating capacity of 623). The theatre presents 16-19 premieres per year and plays almost 500 performances. The National Moravian-Silesian Theatre organises the festival of drama theatres OST-RA-VAR and also the event European Opera Days in Ostrava. The theatre also participates in NODO/New Opera Days Ostrava (biennial). Jan Vacík (Michálek) and Luciano Mastro (Jarek) © Daniel Jäger Intendant: Jiří Nekvasil Music director of Opera: Robert Jindra November 22, 2014 The City of Ostrava as the founder of the National Moravian-Silesian Theatre operates as its most significant donor. In addition, the Moravian-Silesian Region and the Ministry of Culture of the are two other significant donors of the theatre. YEAR OF CZECH MUSIC – Brno and Ostrava Autumn Conference

Peter Mikuláš (Rarach) © Daniel Jäger Bedřich Smetana (1824–1884) Bedřich Smetana (1824–1884) was a Czech by the Countess. Lord Vok then laments that he will die alone and unhappy. Michálek replies that he composer who pioneered the development of a will find a hundred other eligible women. Jarek agrees and tells him to choose. The Devil whispers to musical style which became closely identified Lord Vok that Michálek has a lovely daughter. When asked, Michálek, intoxicated with the thought of ČERTOVA STĚNA / The Devil’s Wall with his country's aspirations to independent having such a noble son-in-law, presents his daughter Katuška. Jarek fears that she will betray their love statehood. He is thus widely regarded in his for riches and a higher station in life. Lord Vok asks her if she has pledged her heart to another. She MUSICAL PREPARATION ROBERT JINDRA homeland as the father of Czech music. Interna- replies that she has but refuses to divulge the name of the man. Meanwhile, the Devil is busy whispering CONDUCTOR MAREK PRÁŠIL tionally he is best known for his opera Prodaná in the ear of Michálek. Together they try to convince Katuška to seize upon the opportunity. Záviš asks STAGE DIRECTOR JIŘÍ NEKVASIL nevěsta () a for the symphonic her to reveal the name of her betrothed. In answering, she runs into the arms of her dear Jarek. The Devil cycle Má vlast (My Country), which portrays the in the disguise of Father Beneš, offers to bless the couple, but Jarek reveals the oath he made earlier. SETS DAVID BAZIKA history, legends and landscape of the composer's In the background the Devil laughs as Michálek tries to get Lord Vok to go ahead and claim his daughter COSTUMES MARTA ROSZKOPFOVÁ native land. Smetana was naturally gifted as a pi- as his bride. Lord Vok asks Jarek if he did indeed swear such and oath, who replies that he did. Lord CHOREOGRAPHY IGOR VEJSADA anist, and gave his first public performance at the Vok then asks everyone to leave. Only Záviš and the Devil stay behind. In the guise of Father Beneš, age of six. After his conventional schooling, he the Devil says he will pray for Jarek’s soul then asks Lord Vok to make him abbot of the monastery that CHORUS MASTER JURIJ GALATENKO studied music under Josef Proksch in Prague. His Vok is building on the bank of the river. The request is granted. A messenger arrives with a scroll for DRAMATURGY DANIEL JÄGER first nationalistic music was written during the 1848 Lord Vok which is the last will of the now late Countess of Schauenberg. She has entrusted her or- Prague uprising, in which he briefly participated. phaned daughter, Hedvika, to him. Lord Vok dismisses the fake Father Beneš then tells Záviš of his love Cast: After failing to establish his career in Prague, he for Hedvika’s mother. The Devil then reappears in his Father Beneš guise to again ask to be made left for Sweden, where he set up as a teacher and abbot of the monastery now being built to honor the late Countess. Lord Vok assures him that the post choirmaster in Gothenburg, and began to write shall be his, then Lord Vok and his nephew depart. The real Father Beneš enters and is surprised to Vok Vítkovic, the Knight Marshal of the Czech Kingdom Martin Bárta large-scale orchestral works. During this period once again find himself looking at his double. The Devil then ridicules the monk who makes the sign of Záviš, his nephew Kateřina Jalovcová of his life Smetana was twice married; of six the cross. The Devil runs and hides behind a boulder. Father Beneš thinks he has won, but the Devil Jarek, knight in Vok´s service Luciano Mastro daughters, three died in infancy. ascends the rock and appears in his true demonic form. Horrified, Father Beneš runs away. In the early 1860s, a more liberal political climate Hedvika, countess of Schauenberg Dana Burešová in Bohemia encouraged Smetana to return per- Bedřich Smetana (1882) Act II Michálek, castellan of Rožmberk Jan Vacík manently to Prague. He threw himself into the Jarek is dressed in pilgrim’s clothes and asks for shelter for the night. The Devil now in the guise of an Katuška, hus daughter Petra Perla Nôtová musical life of the city, primarily as a champion of the new genre of Czech opera. In 1866 his first two old shepherd, warmly welcomes the haggard traveler and offers him supper. The Devil leaves. Jarek tries , Braniboři v Čechách (The Brandenburgers in Bohemia) and The Bartered Bride, were premiered to eat but all he wants is peace. He stares at the moon, unable to banish Katuška’s image from his mind Beneš, the hermit Zdeněk Plech at Prague's new Provisonial Theatre, the latter achieving great popularity. In that same year, Smetana and sings of his longing for her. In the background, the Devil’s laughter is heard and Jarek prays for Rarach, the devil Peter Mikuláš became the theatre's principal conductor, but the years of his conductorship were marked by controversy. peace before falling asleep. The Devil returns and sings of soon owning the young man’s soul, then Factions within the city's musical establishment considered his identification with the progressive transports the sleeping Jarek to Rožmberk Castle. There Michálek is lamenting over having lost the ideas of and inimical to the development of a distinctively Czech opera style. opportunity to have Lord Vok as his son-in-law. Katuška enters with the Devil, now in the disguise of Chorus and Orchestra of the National Moravian-Silesian Theatre Opera This opposition interfered with his creative work, and may have hastened the health breakdown which Father Beneš. She sees Jarek who is still asleep and she is overjoyed. Michálek asks her to reconsider – concert masters Vladimír Liberda and Lucie Staňková precipitated his resignation from the theatre in 1874. Lord Vok as her husband instead of this bedraggled wanderer. The bogus Father Beneš offers to talk By the end of 1874, Smetana had become completely deaf but, freed from his theatre duties and the some sense into the girl. Michálek leaves. Jarek awakes and is welcomed by Katuška. The Devil tells related controversies, he began a period of sustained composition that continued for almost the rest of them to stick together then he disappears. Lord Vok enters and is surprised to see Jarek, but gives him The opera is performed in Czech with English subtitles. his life. His contributions to Czech music were increasingly recognised and honoured, but a mental a warm welcome. Záviš describes Hedvika’s beauty and youth to Lord Vok. The flame of love is again An interval of 20 minutes after 1st and 2nd act. collapse early in 1884 led to his incarceration in an asylum and his subsequent death. ignited within the heart of the older man. A chorus welcoming the young woman is heard. Lord Vok Smetana's reputation as the founding father of Czech music has endured in his native country, where hides behind Jarek when Hedvika enters. She asks of the man who is to give her a home. Jarek steps Opening night on 12th June, 2014 at 6.30 pm advocates have raised his status above that of his contemporaries and successors. However, relatively aside to reveal Lord Vok whom, Hedvika recognizes. She expresses her thanks. Lord Vok welcomes her few of Smetana's works are in the international repertory, and most foreign commentators tend to regard as his daughter. The scene changes to Lord Vok and the real Father Beneš. Lord Vok tells of his love at the Antonín Dvořák Theatre, Ostrava Antonín Dvořák as a more significant Czech composer. for Hedvika and is reminded that he is to accept her as a daughter. The Devil emerges in a hermit’s disguise and throughout the scene whenever Father Beneš approaches and speaks the Devil retreats List of operas by Bedřich Smetana: and vise versa. The two silently threaten each other but Lord Vok sees only one of them at a time and Braniboři v Čechách / The Brandenburgers in Bohemia (1866), Prodaná nevěsta / The Bartered Bride considers both to be the same person. Lord Vok is consumed with passion for Hedvika but does not (1866), (1868), Dvě vdovy / (1874), Hubička / (1876), Tajemství / want to break his oath to be her father. Urged on by both the Devil and Father Beneš, he decides to (1878), Libuše (1881), Čertova stěna / The Devil´s Wall (1882), – fragment (1884) enter a monastery. He calls everyone in to announce the news which is not well received. However, at everyone’s request, he decides he will marry any girl who comes to the monastery for him in the evening Čertova stěna (The Devil's Wall) is a comic-romantic opera in three acts, with music by Bedřich Smetana before he takes his monastic vows. and by Eliška Krásnohorská, in their third operatic collaboration. The subtext of the plot is a Czech legend of a sheer rockface that overlooks the Vltava river, near the old monastery of Vyšší Brod, Act III where the Devil was said to have halted the building of the monastery by damming the Vltava, which then Michálek enters carrying a heavy book, and Záviš and Lord Vok are accompanying him. Lord Vok tells rose and flooded the site. Michálek to take the book to the monastery. Lord Vok then tells Záviš that he wishes his nephew to Krásnohorská had originally intended her scenario to be serious in nature, a symbolic representation marry Hedvika. Záviš protests, wanting to remain free of the bonds of marriage for a while longer. Night of the conflict between the Church and the Devil. By contrast, Smetana had wanted a less serious treat- is falling and Jarek and Katuška enter with Hedvika. Lord Vok and Hedvika exchange pleasantries. ment. She acceded to his demands and provided such a scenario, but then Smetana changed his When Lord Vok can no longer control his feelings, he leaves for the monastery. Záviš tells Hedvika that thinking on the story. He reworked the plot such that he turned the young girl, Hedvika, into a surrogate Lord Vok is in love with her and ask her if she might feel the same toward him. She answers that she for Lord Vok's late first wife, and the story became more serious in that aspect. As a result of these changes, is then leaves with Jarek and Katuška. Michálek returns and Záviš tells him of Hedvika’s love for Lord Krásnohorská and Smetana did not have contact for a year and a half, and Smetana made substantial Vok. Záviš tries to get by the old man but Michálek refuses to move. Záviš goes for his sword as does changes to Krásnohorská's submitted libretto without her input, deleting up to 500 of her original verses. Michálek but Father Beneš steps between them. Záviš vows to lead Hedvika to Lord Vok then departs. Smetana completed Act 1 in March 1881, and Act 3 in April 1882. The opera was first performed on Michálek wants to go after him, however Father Beneš tells him to stay. The monk says he needs a priest 29 October 1882, at the Nové české divadlo (New Czech Theatre) in Prague. The premiere was not to confess his sins to. Curious, Michálek then offers to hear the confession. Father Beneš relates how successful, with difficulties including the staging and the wildly conflicting appearance of two singers the Devil has been going about disguised as a monk in order to gain favor with Lord Vok. He also whose characters were supposed to resemble each other. In spite of the tensions between librettist confesses to having ruined the marriage of Lord Vok and the late Countess in order that the Church and composer, Krásnohorská attended the premiere and defended Smetana, to the point of keeping might inherit Lord Vok’s wealth as well as trying to get Jarek to break his oath. Michálek then tells the silent on criticism directed towards the libretto, of the changes which she herself did not sanction. monk that he is forgiven and that he must do all in his power to see Lord Vok wed, going so far as to promising to bring Hedvika himself. Michálek leaves but he says to himself that he will take his daughter SYNOPSIS Katuška to the monastery instead. Father Beneš stands guard on the footbridge leading to the monastery. The Devil appears in his shepherd’s disguise playing a pipe but the monk recognizes Act I him and bars his way. Father Beneš then makes the sign of the cross which blazes in the night air. The Knight Jarek, loyal to Lord Vok of Rožmberk, is sitting on one of several boulders on the edge of a Triumphantly, he departs. The Devil stands dismayed then retreats. The sign fades. Next two groups of wooded area. He is deep in thought when Michálek, the castellan of the Castle, enters with news that young women meet at the bridge. Each girl carries a bouquet of flowers, intending to be the first at the Lord Vok’s proposal of marriage has been rejected by the widowed Countess of Schauenberg. The men monastery in order to become the wife of Lord Vok. They begin to fight among themselves. A group of curse the countess and proclaim that their good master shall have a wife whatever the cost, saying that young men enter and each takes his girl away. The Devil appears in his true form but he wears a even the devil himself cannot prevent it. Upon hearing this, the Devil appears among the boulders in the shepherd’s hat and carries a pipe. He is surrounded by sheep which turn into demons. Thunder is guise of a hermit, laughs at the men, then disappears. Jarek then rashly vows not to marry Katuška, his heard and the young people run in fear. The Devil plays his pipe and the demons dance. Afterward, the betrothed and Michálek’s daughter, until his master, Lord Vok has found a wife. He leaves. The Devil again Devil calls upon more demons and instructs them to build a dam across the river. Hedvika enters, laughs and frightens Michálek away. Father Beneš approaches and the Devil reappears but as the exact having been chased in this direction by Záviš. She sees the work of the demons and realizes that Lord double of Father Beneš. He threatens the monk. Father Beneš, swearing by the Holy Cross, orders the Vok is unaware of the rising waters threatening the monastery. Jarek appears and together they climb Devil to depart from him. They argue and chase each other away. Katuška enters, having heard Jarek’s over the wall. On the other side of the river, Lord Vok and Father Beneš appear. Hedvika and Jarek tell voice, but she finds no one there. She sings of her love for him. The village maidens appear. They are them to save themselves from the flood. Father Beneš walks across the wall to stands on a boulder on carrying sickles and are on their way to gather the hay. The women and Katuška bid each other a good the other side where he makes the sign of the cross in the air three times. With a deafening roar, the morning. She asks if anyone has seen a horse and rider. They tell her that no one has seen her beloved wall comes tumbling down and the Devil and his minions disappear into the night. The sky then before going on to the fields. Jarek enters and the two declare their love for one another. The Devil again lightens and the waters recede into the natural confines of the riverbed. Záviš enters with a royal appears in his hermit’s disguise and mockingly blesses the couple. He reminds Jarek of his oath but entourage as well as Michálek with the peasants and inhabitants of the castle. Jarek and Katuška before the knight can explain himself, a fanfare is heard in the distance heralding the return of Lord Vok pledge themselves to one another. Lord Vok is told that the King wishes to see him, for he has been Vítkovic, Lord of Rose, the Supreme Marshal of the Kingdom of Bohemia. Michálek rushes in with the appointed Chief Commander. Lord Vok asks Hedvika if she will accompany him. She offers him her life. maidens, peasants, and people of the castle all singing a welcoming song. Záviš, Lord Vok’s nephew, Father Beneš suggests she go as Lord Vok’s wife. Hedvika says she will be his forever and Lord Vok precedes his uncle and comments on the beauty of this place. Lord Vok enters and warmly greets his calls her beloved. In the final chorus everyone cheers for the Lord of Rose and his bride. dear friend Jarek and the people. He asks Jarek if he has any good news but is told that he as been refused