North Council Local Area Traffic Management & Action Plan LATM Zone 4 T

Prepared by Bitzios Consulting 9/2/2018

LATM Action Plan Zone 4

Document Control Sheet

Report File Name Prepared by Reviewed by Issued by Date Issued to Michaela Kemp – P2945.001R North Sydney A. Piggott S. Brooke SP. Power 01/03/2017 North TAPAS Action Plan Zone 4 Sydney Council Michaela Kemp – P2945.002R North Sydney A. Piggott S. Brooke A. Piggott 13/04/2017 North TAPAS Action Plan Zone 4 Sydney Council North P2945.002R North Sydney M. Kemp A. Piggott M. Kemp 10/06/2017 Sydney TAPAS Action Plan Zone 4 Council North P2945.002R North Sydney M. Kemp A. Piggott M. Kemp 27/07/2017 Sydney TAPAS Action Plan Zone 4 Council P2945.002R North Sydney North TAPAS Action Plan Zone 4 M. Kemp A. Piggott M. Kemp 10/11/2017 Sydney Post Ex Council North P2945.002R North Sydney M. Kemp A. Piggott M. Kemp 09/02/2018 Sydney LATM Action Plan Zone 4 Final Council

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Contents 1. Introduction 5 1.1 Background 5 2. Link to Community Strategic Plan 8 2.1 Scope and Methodology 8 2.2 Study Objectives 8 2.2.1 2013‐2023 North Sydney Community Strategic Plan (2013) 8 2.2.2 North Sydney Integrated Traffic and Parking Strategy (2015) 9 2.2.3 North Sydney Integrated Cycling Strategy (2014) 9 2.2.4 Draft North Sydney Transport Strategy (2017) 11 2.2.5 Public Domain Style Manual and Design Codes (2016) 11 3. Zone Characteristics 12 3.1 Study Area 12 3.2 Land Uses 12 3.2.1 North Sydney Local Environmental Plan (2013) 12 3.2.2 North Sydney Development Control Plan (2013) 15 3.3 Road Network 16 3.3.1 Road Hierarchy 16 3.3.2 Traffic Volumes 18 3.3.3 Speed Data 18 3.3.4 Crash Data 19 3.4 Public Transport Network 22 3.4.1 Bus Routes and Bus Stops 22 3.5 Walking Network 23 3.6 Cycling Network 24 3.7 Parking Demands 25 3.8 Public Consultation Data 27 3.9 Key Developments / Traffic Generators 32 3.9.1 Travel Patterns (JTW) 32 3.9.2 Key Trip Generators 33 3.9.3 Development Traffic Overlay Analysis 36 3.9.4 Issues and Needs Summary 40 3.10 State Government Projects 40 4. Council’s Current Traffic Actions 41 4.1 Section Outline 41

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4.2 Summary of Council’s Traffic Actions 41 5. Detailed Data Analysis 42 5.1 Section Outline 42 5.2 Crash Data 42 5.3 Traffic Speed 42 5.4 Traffic Volumes 43 5.5 Public Consultation 44 Transport for NSW 44 Roads and Maritime Services 45 Cycling Strategy 45 Road Safety Education 45 Matters Referred to Other Council Departments 46 6. Additional Traffic Actions Identified by this Study 47 6.1 Section Outline 47 6.2 Development of Additional Traffic Actions 47 6.2.1 Site Observations 48 6.2.2 Existing LATM Devices 48 6.3 Summary of Additional Traffic Actions 49 7. Project Scoring – Traffic Actions 50 7.1 Existing Conditions (Problem Score) 50 7.2 Community Strategic Plan Criteria 50 7.3 Total Project Score 50 8. Parking Review 52 8.1 Section Outline 52 8.2 Parking Review Methodology 52 8.3 Key Findings 52 8.4 LATM Action ‐ Parking 53 9. Approvals Processes 55 9.1 Process Outline 55 10. Summary 56 10.1 Traffic Actions 56 10.2 Parking Review and Actions 56

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Tables Table 3.1: Traffic Volume Summary (2011-2016) Table 3.2: 85th Percentile Speed Analysis Table 3.3: Crash Severity Summary (2011-2015) Table 3.4: Issue Descriptors Table 3.5: Parking Rates Table 3.6: Traffic Generation Rates Table 4.1: Council’s Current List of Traffic Actions Table 5.1: Detailed Crash Trends – LATM Zone 4 Table 5.2: 85th Percentile Speed Exceeding Posted Speed Limit Table 5.3: Exceeding Desired Speed Limit Table 5.4: Traffic Volume Exceeding AADT Threshold Table 5.5: Public Consultation Trends Table 5.6: Summary of issues raised for attention of Transport for NSW Table 5.7: Summary of issues raised for attention of RMS Table 5.8:: Summary of issues raised for attention of other Council departments Table 6.1: Defined List of Traffic Issues and Locations for Detailed Investigation Table 6.2: Defined List of Parking Issues and Locations for Detailed Investigation Table 6.3: Locations Omitted from Solution Development Table 6.4: Existing LATM Devices Table 6.5: Summary of Additional Traffic Actions Table 8.1: Sample Parking Occupancy Survey Summary Table 8.2 LATM Parking Actions

Figures Figure 1.1: LATM Zones Overview Map Figure 1.2: Study Area – LATM Zone 4 Figure 2.1: Proposed Cycling Route Figure 2.2: North Sydney LGA – Precincts Figure 3.1: Study Area Figure 3.2: Land Use Zoning Figure 3.3: Heritage Items and Conservation Area Figure 3.4: DCP Planning Area Figure 3.5: Road Network and Hierarchy Figure 3.6: Crash Data Heat Map Figure 3.7: Crash Severity Map Figure 3.8: Bus Stops and Bus Routes in LATM Zone 4 Figure 3.9: Existing Cycle Routes Figure 3.10: Parking Demand by Residential Parking Area Figure 3. 11: Summary of Issues raised during Public Consultation – LATM Zone 4 Figure 3.12 Map of Traffic Issues from Public Consultation Data Figure 3.13 Map of Parking Issues from Public Consultation Data Figure 3.14: Journey to Work Assessment Area Figure 3.15: Journey to Work Travel Patterns – From Cammeray Figure 3.16: Transport Mode Share – Trips to LATM 4 Figure 3.17: Key Trip Generators Figure 3.18: Parking Rates with Residential Parking Demand Figure 3.19: Traffic Generation Rates with LEP Zones Figure 5.1: Road Classification Desired Maximum Traffic Volumes Figure 8.1: LATM Parking Principles Plan (Warrants)

Appendices Appendix A: High Level Analysis Maps Appendix B: Detailed Analysis Maps Appendix C: Action Plan Appendix D: Items referred to Transport for NSW Appendix E: Items referred to Roads and Maritime Services Appendix F: Items referred to other Council departments Appendix G: Items not addressed as part of this study Appendix H: Assessment Process and Scoring Methodology

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1. Introduction

1.1 Background The Integrated Traffic and Parking Strategy for the North Sydney Local Government Area (LGA) identified the need to develop Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) action plans. These plans provide specific measures to maintain and improve traffic and parking management. There are seven LATM zones within the North Sydney LGA, with three located on the west of the and four to the east, as seen in Figure 1.1.

Source: Adapted from Integrated Traffic and Parking Strategy (2015)

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Figure 1.1: LATM Zones Overview Map Bitzios Consulting was commissioned by North Sydney Council to undertake an analysis of the four LATM zones to the east of the Warringah Freeway, including the following suburbs: . Cammeray (majority); . Cremorne; . ; . Kirribilli; . Kurraba Point; . Neutral Bay; and . North Sydney (partly).

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This report focuses on LATM Zone 4, located in the northern section of the North Sydney LGA. LATM Zone 4 lies predominately within the suburb of Cammeray and is bounded loosely by: . the Warringah Freeway to the south-west; . Palmer Street and Hamilton Avenue to the west; . Flat Rock Creek, Tunks Park and Long Bay to the north; . Primrose Park, Creek Lane and Park Avenue to the east; and . Cammeray Golf Club in line with Grasmere Road to the south. The extent of LATM Zone 4 is shown in Figure 1.2.

Source: ECW Image provided by North Sydney Council Figure 1.2: Study Area – LATM Zone 4

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2. Link to Community Strategic Plan

2.1 Scope and Methodology This study has been divided into the following key components: . review of LATM Zone 4 context and assessment of current traffic and transport issues; . assessment of emerging issues and expected developments, modal shifts and changes in traffic and parking demands in LATM Zone 4; . summarising Council’s current list of traffic actions for LATM Zone 4; . identification of additional traffic actions for LATM Zone 4 drawn from detailed analysis of principal- supplied data and site inspections; . development of a prioritised list of actions for LATM Zone 4; and . review of key on-street parking areas for LATM Zone 4, and development of a priority list for detailed parking surveys. The study relies upon data provided by North Sydney Council in conjunction with site investigations. Where data has not been available, potential traffic issues and modal conflict issues have been identified based on site observations and public feedback submissions by residents.

2.2 Study Objectives

2.2.1 2013‐2023 North Sydney Community Strategic Plan (2013) The North Sydney Community Strategic Plan (CSP) was developed by Council in consultation with the community of North Sydney LGA. This plan was revised from the identified priorities and strategies in 2009 for North Sydney to cover a 10-year horizon from 2013 to 2023. The plan is a broad strategy for the whole North Sydney LGA and does not identify by individual wards. To provide a unified vision across the whole LGA, the plan identified five key directions: . Direction 1 – Our Living Environment; . Direction 2 – Our Built Environment; . Direction 3 – Our Economic Vitality; . Direction 4 – Our Social Vitality; and . Direction 5 – Our Civic Leadership. These key directions clearly categorise the community strategic goals for North Sydney by identifying the desired outcomes and the strategies to achieve these outcomes. The plan also identifies indicators, to measure the progress of the strategies. The relevant objectives from the CSP are: . 1.2 Quality urban greenspaces; . 2.1 Infrastructure, assets and facilities that meet community needs; . 2.3 Vibrant, connected and well maintained streetscapes and villages that build a sense of community; . 2.5 Sustainable transport is encouraged; . 2.6 Improved traffic management; . 2.7 Improved parking options and supply; . 4.7 Community is active and healthy; and . 4.9 Enhanced community safety and accessibility.

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2.2.2 North Sydney Integrated Traffic and Parking Strategy (2015) The North Sydney Integrated Traffic and Parking Strategy was developed to address the identified traffic and parking issues and to rationalise the parking and traffic controls created by a range of factors, such as: . increase in car usage by the existing population; . increase in the number of workers and visitors to the area; and . increase in residential and commercial development in and around the LGA. The Strategy proposed to manage traffic and parking matters within the LGA is based on seven (7) LATM Zones. No changes to the existing 33 resident parking areas are proposed under the adopted Strategy, however; parking restrictions within each of the (7) LATM Zones will be reviewed. It also introduces the concept of a scoring tool to assess the existing traffic and parking conditions. For traffic, cycling and pedestrian facilities the scoring considers a range of criteria including safety, traffic volumes, speed, pedestrian and cyclist volumes, activity generators, parking occupancy, parking turnover and alignment with the objectives of Council's Community Strategic Plan. For parking facilities, the methodology considers the existing parking supply, the surrounding land uses that generate parking demand, and occupancy and turnover rates, which are used to determine the most appropriate controls to apply to the existing parking supply to manage parking demand and reduce transfer of parking demand to surrounding streets within an area. The North Sydney Integrated Traffic and Parking Strategy was adopted by Council in May 2015.

2.2.3 North Sydney Integrated Cycling Strategy (2014) The North Sydney Integrated Cycling Strategy aims to provide a high quality built environment conducive to walking and cycling and to provide safe, accessible, and connected walking and cycling routes along key strategic links. The Strategy further aims to promote cycling as a sustainable transport option for North Sydney commuters. The strategy assessed the existing cycling network and identified the issues, and subsequently identified upgrades required to mitigate the issues in unison with the North Sydney Community Strategy Plan. Issues identified included: . incomplete cycling network connections; . some difficult sections (e.g. steep grades) within the defined cycling routes; . inconsistent and insufficient bicycle route signage; . insufficient bicycle parking facilities; and . the lack of safety associated with cyclists sharing road space with traffic. The Integrated Cycling Strategy outlines five routes aimed at increasing the safety and connectivity of cycling infrastructure within the North Sydney LGA. One key proposed route was identified within LATM Zone 7 to increase the safety and connectivity of the cycling network of North Sydney. Figure 2.1 shows the proposed cycling route (known as “Route 3”) connecting North Sydney and Milsons Point to Mosman. Route 3 enters LATM Zone 7 along Clark Road and continues along Broughton Street before utilising the underpass at Milsons Point Train Station to connect with the Harbour Bridge Cycleway or Alfred Street and to North Sydney. The strategy also included an implementation plan with cost estimates, timelines, and processes for stakeholder involvement in taking these routes forward. The North Sydney Integrated Cycling Strategy was adopted by Council in July 2014.

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Source: North Sydney Integrated Cycling Strategy, GTA (2014) Figure 2.1: Proposed Cycling Route

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2.2.4 Draft North Sydney Transport Strategy (2017) The Draft North Sydney Transport Strategy (NSTS) is proposed as Council’s guiding document for the delivery of its transport planning and management functions. This includes strategic transport planning, transport advocacy and the delivery of local transport projects.

The NSTS builds on the directions, outcomes and strategies detailed in North Sydney’s Community Strategic Plan 2013-23 (CSP) and Ecologically Sustainable Development Best Practice Project 2014 (ESD) to create an over-arching transport planning and management framework for the whole of Council. The Draft North Sydney Transport Strategy is scheduled for public exhibition in July 2017 and adoption by Council in late 2017.

2.2.5 Public Domain Style Manual and Design Codes (2016) The North Sydney Public Domain Style Manual and Design Codes were developed to outline the approaches to implement the public domain infrastructure improvements in North Sydney. The North Sydney LGA was divided into eight different precinct types, with each precinct having a style and design guide to allow consistency and unison across the whole LGA. The North Sydney LGA precincts are shown in Figure 2.2. The North Sydney Public Domain Style Manual and Design Codes were adopted by Council in November 2014 and amended in 2016.

Source: Public Domain Style Manual and Design Code (2016) Figure 2.2: North Sydney LGA – Precincts LATM Zone 4 is mostly “Local/Residential Areas” precinct and with areas of “Parks and Open Space” precinct and “Village Centre/Activity Centre” precinct.

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3. Zone Characteristics

3.1 Study Area As previously mentioned, LATM Zone 4 is located in the northern section of the North Sydney LGA, lying predominately within the suburb of Cammeray and is bounded by: . The Warringah Freeway to the south-west; . Palmer Street and Hamilton Avenue to the west; . Flat Rock Creek, Tunks Park and Long Bay to the north; . Primrose Park, Creek Lane and Park Avenue to the east; and . Cammeray Golf Club in line with Grasmere Road to the south. The extent of LATM Zone 4 is shown in Figure 3.1.

Source: ECW Image provided by North Sydney Council Figure 3.1: Study Area

3.2 Land Uses

3.2.1 North Sydney Local Environmental Plan (2013) The North Sydney Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2013 aims to make local environmental planning provisions for land in North Sydney in accordance with the relevant standard environmental planning instrument under section 33A of the Act. It aims to promote development appropriate to its context and enhance the amenity of the North Sydney community and environment. Figure 3.2 shows the Land Use Zoning in the LATM Zone 4 area / Cammeray area.

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Source: North Sydney LEP (2013) Figure 3.2: Land Use Zoning

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The majority of the study area is defined as Low Density Residential with sections of Medium Density Residential west of Miller Street and a small section to the east near Alan Street. Pockets of High Density Residential properties are located near the Warringah Freeway, Miller Street and accesses off Carter Street and Cammeray Road towards to the south-east of the LATM Zone. There are also areas of Public Recreational, such as parks, Neighbourhood Centres, Environmental Conservation and Infrastructure such as religious and educational facilities. The LEP also defines the heritage items and conservation areas, as shown in Figure 3.3.

Source: North Sydney LEP (2013) Figure 3.3: Heritage Items and Conservation Area Two sections of conservation area exist, sharing a common boundary, in the central part of LATM Zone 4 and Cammeray. These zones are the Cammeray Conservation Area (Area CA01) and the Plateau Conservation Area (CA02). Several heritage items are also contained in the western and central section of LATM Zone 4 including: . Cammeray Public School; . a tree at the corner of Pine Street and Miller Street; . ; . bus stop shelters; . Cammeray Anglican Church; and . a range of other properties. The eastern part of the study area does not contain any conservation areas.

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3.2.2 North Sydney Development Control Plan (2013) The North Sydney Development Control Plan (DCP) 2013 aims to ensure that the development positively contributes to the quality of the natural and built environments as well as the quality of the site and its context. The DCP aims to ensure that the objectives of Council’s 2020 Vision – North Sydney Community Strategic Plan are achieved. The DCP consists of three parts: . Part A – General Requirements (The general requirement of information required prior to an application lodgement); . Part B – Development Controls (The development controls to be complied with prior to approval); and . Part C – Area Character Statement (Additional controls to be complied with for specific area). LATM Zone 4 is located entirely within Section 4: Cammeray Planning Area. The Cammeray Planning Area is divided into smaller localities based on the corresponding land use, such as commercial areas, town centres, residential areas and heritage conservation areas. The localities contained within LATM Zone 4 include: . Anzac Neighbourhood; . Cammeray Neighbourhood; . Palmer Neighbourhood; . Cammeray Village Centre; . Cammeray Conservation Area; and . Plateau Conservation Area. The Cammeray Planning Area and smaller localities are shown in Figure 3.4.

Source: North Sydney DCP (2013) Figure 3.4: DCP Planning Area

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3.3 Road Network

3.3.1 Road Hierarchy The Warringah Freeway borders the western side of the study area, with Miller Street/Strathallen Avenue providing the primary north-south road connection for Willoughby to North Sydney Amherst Street, Cammeray Road, and Carter Street are the main east-west roads in the study area. Armhest Street and Cammeray Road provide connections with Ernest Street and Military Road to the south of the study area. Topography limits the length of some local streets and limits permeation in the area as a number of local streets terminate in cul-de-sacs, rather than providing through traffic connections. Other local streets in the study area typically follow ridges and contours. Some steep grade and narrow streets are found in the study area, particularly on the northern and north-eastern fringes. Miller Street is a state road carrying substantial through and local traffic, connecting adjacent regions and connecting with local east-west roads. Amherst Street, Cammeray Road, parts of Palmer Street, Bellevue Street, Park Avenue and Grafton Street are classified as collector roads. An overview of the road hierarchy is shown in Figure 3.5, all following maps in this section can be found in Appendix A.

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Source: ESRI Maps Figure 3.5: Road Network and Hierarchy

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3.3.2 Traffic Volumes Historical “link” traffic counts were provided by North Sydney Council for the period between 1996 and 2016; although only counts from 2011 to 2016 were used in this study for relevance. The data presents 7-day annual average daily traffic (AADT) volumes, with location, direction, and date information. The locations of these counts are listed in Table 3.1. Table 3.1: Traffic Volume Summary (2011-2016)

Count Number Location Suburb Direction Year AADT 697 Abbott Street Cammeray Two-way 2013 2082 5 Alan Street Cammeray Two-way 2013 538 633 Arkland Street Cammeray Two-way 2011 488 602 Bellevue Street Cammeray Two-way 2011 3456 603 Bellevue Street Cammeray Two-way 2011 3495 69 Bellevue Street Cammeray Two-way 2013 197 782 Cambridge Street Cammeray Two-way 2013 232 752 Cammeray Road Cammeray Two-way 2013 6398 751 Cammeray Road Cammeray Two-way 2013 3753 771 Cammeray Road Cammeray One-way 2013 116 654 Carter Street Cammeray Two-way 2011 1803 728 Echo Street Cammeray Two-way 2013 1433 681 Hamilton Avenue Cammeray Two-way 2012 1044 705 Jenkins Street Cammeray Two-way 2013 5807 660 Lumsden Street Cammeray Two-way 2011 215 808 Palmer Street Cammeray Two-way 2013 3615 853 The Boulevarde Cammeray Two-way 2016 1015 717 Warringa Road Cammeray Two-way 2013 638 741 Warwick Avenue Cammeray Two-way 2013 472

3.3.3 Speed Data Local roads within LATM Zone 4 are posted at a speed limit of 50km/h. 40km/h school zones are in operation between 8:00AM-9:30AM and 2:30PM-4:00PM on school days on selected sections of the following roads, namely: . Miller Street; . Palmer Street; and . Bellevue Street. Speed data from 2011 to 2016 was analysed by calculating the “weighted average” of the hourly 85th percentile speed relative to the hourly traffic volumes. The results indicate in the majority of locations, the surveyed 85th percentile speeds are below the respective posted speed limit. The location and results of the speed surveys are summarised in Table 3.2.

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Table 3.2: 85th Percentile Speed Analysis

Posted Count Number Location Suburb Direction Year Speed 85th %ile Speed (km/h) Limit 697 Abbott Street Cammeray Two-way 2013 50 37.9 5 Alan Street Cammeray Two-way 2013 50 45.1 633 Arkland Street Cammeray Two-way 2011 50 48.6 602 Bellevue Street Cammeray Two-way 2011 50 46.8 603 Bellevue Street Cammeray Two-way 2011 50 47.2 69 Bellevue Street Cammeray Two-way 2013 50 33.6 782 Cambridge Street Cammeray Two-way 2013 50 35.2 752 Cammeray Road Cammeray Two-way 2013 50 57.1 751 Cammeray Road Cammeray Two-way 2013 50 49.2 771 Cammeray Road Cammeray One-way 2013 50 36.7 654 Carter Street Cammeray Two-way 2011 50 50.4 728 Echo Street Cammeray Two-way 2013 50 35.8 681 Hamilton Avenue Cammeray Two-way 2012 50 43.8 705 Jenkins Street Cammeray Two-way 2013 50 47.6 660 Lumsden Street Cammeray Two-way 2011 50 45.9 808 Palmer Street Cammeray Two-way 2013 50 46.1 853 The Boulevarde Cammeray Two-way 2016 50 43.3 717 Warringa Road Cammeray Two-way 2013 50 42.1 741 Warwick Avenue Cammeray Two-way 2013 50 39.3

3.3.4 Crash Data Crash data was summarised for a five-year period from 2011 to 2015. Figure 3.6 shows a ‘heat map’ distribution of crashes within LATM Zone 4 for this time period, with the Warringah Freeway omitted from the analysis. Clustering can be seen along Miller Street and connecting streets. The roads identified to experience the most crashes are: . Miller Street (state road), particularly at Amherst Street and Carter Street; . Cammeray Road; . Palmer Street; and . The Boulevarde. Figure 3.7 shows the severity of crashes within LATM Zone 4 by location, noting that the Warringah Freeway has been excluded from the analysis. The data shows that there were no fatal crashes recorded within LATM Zone 4 between 2011 and 2015. .

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Source: ESRI Maps Figure 3.6: Crash Data Heat Map

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Source: ESRI Maps Figure 3.7: Crash Severity Map

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The crash data summary presented below in Table 3.3 shows: . a total of 76 crashes were reported within the five-year period (2011-2015), at an average rate of 15 crashes a year within LATM Zone 4; . around 30% of tow-away crashes occurred during wet road conditions; . out of all reported crashes, seven involved pedestrians. . 50% of the crashes were recorded along Miller Street; . 57% of the crashes reported involved casualties; . 23% of crashes occurred during PM commuter traffic (4pm-7pm); and . 34% of crashes occurred on the weekend. Table 3.3: Crash Severity Summary (2011-2015)

Severity Total Crashes Wet Condition Pedestrian Tow-away 33 30% 0 Injury 43 7% 7 Fatal 0 - 0 Total 76 - 7

The majority of recorded crashes occurred in and around intersections. Of the seven crashes involving pedestrians, four involved a right turning vehicle. Based on the crash data, key locations in LATM Zone 4 are the intersections of Abbott Street / Palmer Street (Council-controlled), Miller Street / Abbott Street (state-controlled), Miller Street / Palmer Street (state- controlled), and Miller Street / The Boulevarde (state-controlled). The intersection of Abbott Street / Palmer Street has eight recorded crashes between 2011 and 2015. Five of these crashes were recorded as ‘thru-thru’ crash types. Three of the ‘thru-thru’ crashes involved northbound and eastbound travelling vehicles. The intersection of Miller Street / Palmer Street has thirteen recorded crashes between 2011 and 2015. Seven out of the thirteen crashes occurred during turning movements, with the remaining being rear-end crashes. 50% of these crashes occurred during the weekend period. Two of the crashes involved a pedestrian. It is noted that this trend of crashes is further substantiated by public consultation feedback about requests for improved intersection safety. As a further note, a site inspection identified that tertiary signal lanterns have not been installed on the eastern and western intersection legs, and sight distances to oncoming vehicles for eastbound and westbound right turning vehicles (uncontrolled filter right turns) is very limited due to topography. The intersection of Miller Street / Abbott Street, and nearby approaches had six crashes between 2011 and 2015 with five of these crashes occurring at night. Two of the crashes involved a pedestrian. Several public feedback submissions also raise concern over intersection safety. The intersection of Miller Street / The Boulevarde and approaches recorded eight crashes between 2011 and 2015. Five of the crashes involved vehicles leaving the road on the curve on Miller Street. This location’s crashes correlate with public consultation feedback, raising concerns over traffic calming and intersection safety.

3.4 Public Transport Network

3.4.1 Bus Routes and Bus Stops Bus services run along Miller Street, Amherst Street, and Carter Street which cater for passengers from the north of Sydney, through LATM Zone 4, to the neighbouring LGAs and on to the CBD. Miller Street is a key route through this area with bus stops located at regular intervals. Eleven local bus routes operate through the study area. A map of the bus routes are shown in Figure 3.8.

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Source: ESRI Maps Figure 3.8: Bus Stops and Bus Routes in LATM Zone 4

3.5 Walking Network North Sydney Council has provided a walking network throughout LATM 4 which allows pedestrians to access various public transport facilities as well as historic sites. North Sydney Council is working to improve pedestrian accessibility and make North Sydney more ‘walkable’. The Community Strategic Plan identified needs for improvements for pedestrian safety and sustainable transport. Further, pedestrian and cycle paths produced some of the highest dissatisfaction ratings amongst services for residents based on public feedback. Any traffic and parking strategies proposed as part of this study will consider the impacts to pedestrians.

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3.6 Cycling Network A collaboration between Councils produced a map of proposed or recommended cycling routes throughout the study area, North Sydney LGA and neighbouring LGAs of northern Sydney. An extract of the routes within the study area is shown in Figure 3.9.

Source: Northern Sydney Cycling Map (2012) Figure 3.9: Existing Cycle Routes A large majority of bike routes located in LATM Zone 4 are both marked and un-marked on-road routes, with a short section of off-road cycling facility through Cammeray Golf Course to the south. This is primarily due to road section and topographic constraints placing heavy reliance on on-road cycling facilities. Key on-road marked bicycle routes connect Palmer Street to Miller Street and Pine Street, to Carter Street, to Cammeray Road and joining the off-road facility through Cammeray Golf Course connecting to Ernest Street. Other routes are aligned westward from Strathallen Avenue, following the northern fringe around to Cammeray Road, re-joining the other route or diverting eastward towards Cremorne via Grafton Street. Some sections of the cycling route have been identified as steep/difficult grades for cyclists, particularly both northern and southern approaches to Carter Street, Palmer Street and Hamilton Lane west of West Street. Miller Street is not recommended as an on-road cycle route due to heavy traffic volumes reducing the safety and appeal of cycling (i.e. rider comfort). Alternate routes are provided to North Sydney and beyond.

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3.7 Parking Demands On-street parking within North Sydney Council is split into 33 residential parking areas located across the LGA. LATM Zone 4 comprises three areas as shown in Figure 3.10 and listed below: . Area 18; . Area 20; and . Area 25. The North Sydney Integrated Traffic and Parking Strategy designated each of the 33 residential parking areas into three categories, which are described as follows: . High Demand; . Medium Demand; and . Low Demand. The majority of LATM Zone 4 has a “Low Demand” category for parking in Areas 18 and 25. Only a portion of Area 20 is within the LATM 4 boundary, which is categorised as “High Demand”. Sites which generate trups and contribute to the demand for parking in LATM Zone 4 include local shops and restaurants along Miller Street, Cammeray Public School, North Leagues Club, bus stops servicing bus routes to and from the City, and residential properties. The supply of parking also correlates with traffic generation. Walking, cycling, and public transport require significantly less destination parking than driving. Applying appropriate parking controls to the finite parking supply discourages car-based trips whilst enabling adequate turnover of the existing parking spaces so that those who do need to drive can actually find a parking space when they arrive. North Sydney Council implements a number of parking restrictions including timed parking throughout the area in order to manage the parking.

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Source: ESRI Maps Figure 3.10: Parking Demand by Residential Parking Area

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3.8 Public Consultation Data An extensive public consultation engagement was undertaken by Council in 2016 to inform transport, traffic, and parking projects. The consultation methods included surveys, drop‐in sessions and workshops and culminated in a comprehensive dataset of issues and suggested improvements pertaining to transport, traffic, and parking. The consultation data was analysed to establish key traffic and parking issues/suggestions for LATM Zone 4 as raised by the public.

For LATM Zone 4, Council received 595 submissions from 383 respondents. Of those submissions there were 758 specific traffic and transport related issues raised. Of those issues 36% were related to parking, 32% were related to traffic generally, 10% were related to cycling, 9% were related to walking, and 9% were related to buses. The remaining 4% of issues were related to public transport, specific developments and events.

Figure 3. 11: Summary of Issues raised during Public Consultation – LATM Zone 4 While the dataset was filtered by consultants, KJA using predefined themes, the data required further processing to identify key trends in issues and suggestions for further investigation. A broad set of issue descriptors was defined and assigned to each data entry to narrow-down the data and establish focus areas. The descriptors are detailed in Table 3.4.

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Table 3.4: Issue Descriptors

Issue Example Traffic ‐ Indent Bus Bay Indent bus bay to allow traffic to pass and relieve congestion Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety and/or Intersection safety concerns (i.e. traffic request for right turn Performance arrow, insufficient sight distance, poor geometry, etc.) or capacity concerns (i.e. traffic congestion on a particular intersection approach) Traffic ‐ Traffic Calming Resident's are concerned about rat running, or suggesting a lower speed limit be adopted Traffic ‐ Increase Speed Limits Suggestion to increase speed limit Traffic ‐ Decrease Speed Limits Suggestion to decrease speed limit Traffic ‐ Don't change Request for a specific change not to be made Parking ‐ Create New Supply Suggestion to create new car parking supply (i.e. on a vacant lot) Parking ‐ Concerns Related to DA Residents' concerns about sufficient off‐street car parking for new development Parking ‐ Parking Restrictions Parking restrictions are either: non‐existent, too short or too Insufficient long; OR request for parking meter Parking ‐ Parking Causes Narrow On‐street car parking creates narrow travel lanes Travel Lanes Parking ‐ Parking Access for Residents' concerns about accessing their own car parking Residents Parking ‐ Parking Configuration On‐street car parking configuration is suggested to be revised (i.e. to make safer, etc.) Parking ‐ Cost of Parking too high Suggestion that cost of parking is too high Parking – Line mark Bays Suggestion to line mark parking bays Parking ‐ Too much enforcement Residents are concerned that parking is too heavily enforced Parking ‐ Too little enforcement Residents are concerned that parking is not enforced enough Parking ‐ Disabled Parking Suggestion to increase or decrease provision of disabled parking spaces Parking ‐ Permits ‐ Residential Suggestion to review resident parking permit provisions Parking ‐ Permits ‐ Disabled Suggestion to review disabled parking permit provisions Parking Pedestrian ‐ Safety Concerns related to pedestrian safety (i.e. pedestrians v vehicles at traffic lights, sight distance to marked pedestrian crossing inadequate, etc.) Pedestrian ‐ Connectivity Suggestion for new connection, or improvements / maintenance to an existing connection (this includes at traffic lights) Pedestrians ‐ Footpath Provisions Lack of sufficient footpaths or footpath widths Pedestrians ‐ Footpath Surface Poor footpath surface conditions, footpath restorations Conditions Pedestrians ‐ Walking Amenity Factors which affect the amenity of walking eg. shade, terrain, obstacles Pedestrians ‐ Street lighting Poor street lighting conditions Pedestrians ‐ Shared Zones Suggestions for new or changes to existing Shared Zones Cycling ‐Safety Concerns related to cyclist safety (i.e. cyclist v vehicles at traffic lights, parked cars v cyclist, narrow streets, etc.) Cycling ‐ Connectivity Suggestion for new connection, or improvements / maintenance to an existing connection (this includes at traffic lights) Cycling ‐ No support for new Resident does not support cycling facilities in their area generally facilities

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Issue Example Cycling ‐ End of trip facilities Suggestion for end of trip facilities for cyclists (ie bike parking, showers, lockers, change rooms etc.) School Zone Congestion Traffic or parking congestion caused by a school (i.e. during pick‐ up/drop‐off times) Public Transport ‐ Timetables Not enough services, services not frequent enough Public Transport ‐ Cost Cost of Public Transport is too high Public Transport ‐ Stop/ Station / Suggestion to increase number or change location of bus stops, Wharf locations ferry wharves, train stations Public Transport ‐ Infrastructure Suggestion for improved public transport infrastructure eg. bus shelter, seat etc. Public Transport ‐ Passenger Passenger congestion on existing services Congestion Public Transport ‐ Connections Connections between modes of public transport ‐ suggestions for improvements Public Transport ‐ Accessibility Access to public transport for mobility impaired passengers and prams Public Transport ‐ Routes Suggestions for additional routes or changes to existing routes Shuttle Bus Services Request for a Shuttle Bus Service Road Surface Damage Poor road surface condition, pot holes, road restorations Roadworks General interruptions caused by roadworks ‐ Council works, third parties & private development. Events ‐ Road Closures, Markets General interruptions caused by events ‐ traffic diversions, parking issues, congestion Positive Feedback Positive feedback about the situation ‐ no changes requested Vehicle‐related Pollution Noise pollution, exhaust Other Can't be defined

The descriptors in Table 3.4 were assigned to each relevant data entry along with the location. Figure 3.12 and Figure 3.13 show the location of traffic and parking issues gathered from public consultation data.

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Source: ESRI Maps Figure 3.12 Map of Traffic Issues from Public Consultation Data

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Source: ESRI Maps Figure 3.13 Map of Parking Issues from Public Consultation Data

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3.9 Key Developments / Traffic Generators

3.9.1 Travel Patterns (JTW) The Cammeray Journey to Work (JTW) travel patterns were assessed to evaluate mode share and travel trends for LATM Zone 4. The JTW data is split into individual travel zones which can be selected to evaluate travel trends in a specific area. The area of assessment is shown in Figure 3.14. It must be noted this data represents trips which originate and end in Cammeray and does not consider trips which pass through Cammeray.

Source: BTS JTW Explorer Interactive Map Figure 3.14: Journey to Work Assessment Area The travel patterns for residents in Cammeray taken from the year 2011 “Journey to Work” (JTW) data (published by the Bureau of Transport Statistics and ABS) shows: . 2,950 workers lived in Cammeray, with 1,450 travelling to Cammeray for work; . the majority (35%) of JTW trips have a destination in the CBD; . 29% of JTW trips remain within the North Sydney-Mosman area; . 13% of JTW trips are towards the Chatswood-Lane Cove area; and . the majority (45%) of workers within Cammeray travel from North Sydney/ Mosman with a further 12% workers travelling from Chatswood/Lane Cove. More than half of trips (54%) from the study area are made by cars (as vehicle driver or vehicle passengers), see Figure 3.15. Bus travel is the next highest mode share with 28%, followed by walking at 9% and train travel with 5% of the mode share. Less than 4% of trips were made by bicycle.

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Data Source: BTS JTW Explorer Interactive Map Figure 3.15: Journey to Work Travel Patterns – From Cammeray Figure 3.16 shows the overall transportation mode shares for residents of Cammeray (for all types of trips). Car usage is the most prevalent travel type with 67%, including vehicle passengers, with 12% of workers walking to work and 19% taking public transport.

Data Source: BTS JTW Explorer Interactive Map Figure 3.16: Transport Mode Share – Trips to LATM 4

3.9.2 Key Trip Generators North Sydney Council defined key trip generators in four categories for the purpose of this study. The categories and the included features are: . Category 1 – Education; - Primary School; - High School; and - University/Tertiary Education. . Category 2 – Health and Care; - Retirement Village; - Aged Care Facility; and - Hospital. . Category 3 – Parks; - Major Parks; and - Minor Parks.

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. Category 4 – Shopping; - Major Shopping; and - Minor Shopping. Key pedestrian trip generators are located adjacent to Miller Street, with commercial centres, car parking, high residential developments, and a school. There are also two parks towards the eastern section of the study area and one major shopping precinct. Important trip generators are shown in Figure 3.17.

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Source: ESRI Maps Figure 3.17: Key Trip Generators

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3.9.3 Development Traffic Overlay Analysis A review of known developments either under consideration or approved between 2001 and January 2017 was undertaken. It should be noted that subsequent developments have not been considered as part of this review, however impact assessments are undertaken for individual DAs during the development application stage. A total of 45 development proposals have been approved for LATM Zone 4, comprising the following land uses: . Dwelling House; . Multi-Dwelling House; and . Residential Flat Buildings. A total of 342 new dwellings have been approved in LATM Zone 4 with a maximum of 46 dwellings approved in a single location at 450-476 Miller Street and 11 Amherst Street, Cammeray. Table 3.6 shows the estimated parking and traffic generation per development type as per North Sydney’s Development Control Plan (DCP) (2013) and the RMS Guide to Traffic Generating Developments (2002). It is important to note that detailed analysis and modelling was not possible as the respective Traffic Impact Assessments for each development were not made available by Council; however, this analysis is expected to have been completed as part of the Development Application process. Table 3.5: Parking Rates

Maximum Parking Rate Development Type Zone Location (Spaces per dwelling) Studio, 1 Bedroom 0.5 Residential Flat All - except in St Leonards B4 - Mixed Use Buildings Precincts 2 and 3 2 or more bedrooms 1

All 1-2 Bedrooms 1 Dwelling Houses All 3 or more Bedrooms 2 Studio, 1-2 Bedrooms 1 Multi-Dwelling House All All 3 or more Bedrooms 1.5 Source: North Sydney’s Development Control Plan (2013) Table 3.6: Traffic Generation Rates

Residential Type Traffic Generation Rate (Trips per peak hour) Low Density Residential 0.95 Medium Density Residential 0.5 High Density Residential 0.29 Source: RMS Guide to Traffic Generating Developments (2002) Using these parking rates and traffic generation rates, the parking and traffic demand estimated for each development is shown in Figure 3.18 and Figure 3.19.

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Source: ESRI Maps Figure 3.18: Parking Rates with Residential Parking Demand

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Within LATM Zone 4 only a single cluster of developments can be found along Miller Street between Palmer Street and Amherst Street, with the highest parking rate between 41-50 spaces required for a single development. It is expected that these parking facilities will be provided within the development for residents and that any overspill will be accommodated with local on street parking, which should be readily available due to the “Low Demand” area in which the developments are located. The remaining developments are not expected to result in any substantial impact on parking demand due to their low-scale and dispersed nature, as seen in Figure 3.18.

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Source: ESRI Maps Figure 3.19: Traffic Generation Rates with LEP Zones

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The traffic generation from the cluster of developments along Miller Street between Palmer Street and Amherst Street have an estimated maximum traffic generation in the order of 21-30 trips per peak hour. The developments connect to Miller Street, which is classified as a “State Road”, and serves as a through traffic carrying function for the area. The remaining developments are anticipated to have minimum impact on the local road network as it is expected that the developments will either be replacing existing dwellings of similar size or, as seen in Figure 3.19, are only small traffic generators and are unlikely to have an adverse effect on the capacity of the surrounding local roads.

3.9.4 Issues and Needs Summary The proposed developments reviewed in this study are not expected to have a substantial impact on the local traffic management schemes.

3.10 State Government Projects There are no major Government projects within LATM Zone 4. Crows Nest, located within LATM Zone 2, has a planned new station as part of the Sydney Metro project, and is approximately 1km from Miller Street in LATM Zone 4. It is likely that there will be new bus service which will connect to the Crows Nest Metro Station; however, no detailed information is available at the time of writing this report.

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4. Council’s Current Traffic Actions

4.1 Section Outline This section identifies and summarises details of Council’s current list of traffic actions for LATM Zone 4.

4.2 Summary of Council’s Traffic Actions In past years, Council has maintained a list of traffic facilities projects awaiting further approval and/or funding. As these projects have previously been identified through community engagement or Council resolutions it is appropriate that they are considered and incorporated into the LATM Action Plans where they are still relevant. Table 4.1 summarises the details of Council’s current list of traffic actions for LATM Zone 7. Each action has been assigned a unique identification for ease of reference and will be subject to Council’s scoring system detailed in Section 7. Table 4.1: Council’s Current List of Traffic Actions

Location ID Action Details Abbott Street, at Miller Street 4.01 Raised pedestrian crossing Abbott Street, north of Palmer Street 4.02 Pedestrian crossing Alan Street, Stratford Street to Cammeray Road 4.03 Traffic calming Amherst Street, at West Street 4.04 Roundabout modifications to improve road safety Amherst Street, Miller Street to West Street 4.05 Traffic calming Bellevue Street between Raleigh and Lumsden 4.06 Pedestrian refuge upgrade Streets Bellevue Street, at Lumsden Street 4.07 Pedestrian crossing Bellevue Street, between Palmer and Amherst 4.08 Pedestrian facilities Streets Bellevue Street, just north of Amherst Street 4.09 Speed hump after roundabout to slow vehicles. Brothers Avenue, near Tunks Park 4.10 Traffic calming, particularly to slow bicycles Cammeray Road, between Warringa Road Park 4.11 Traffic calming Avenue Cammeray Road, entire length 4.12 Traffic calming Cammeray Road, through travel lane adjacent to 4.13 Traffic calming Green Park Cammeray Road, west of Park Avenue 4.14 Chicane or reinstall "higher" speed humps Kerb blister next to driveway to prevent cars Carter Street, adjacent to 27 Carter Street 4.15 parking Carter Street, Cammeray 4.16 Speed hump/s Grafton Street, at Cammeray Road 4.17 Hazardous left turn Miller Street, at Place 4.18 Pedestrian fence/ chicane at the traffic signals Palmer Street, entire length 4.19 Traffic calming Palmer Street, at Abbott Lane 4.20 Kerb blisters to increase sight distance Palmer Street, at Abbott Street and Hamilton Avenue 4.21 Pedestrian refuges Palmer Street, at School 4.22 Pedestrian fence Vale Street at Miller Street 4.23 Kerb extensions Vale Street, at Abbott Street 4.24 Median island stop treatment (MIST) West Street, near Amherst Street 4.25 Traffic calming

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5. Detailed Data Analysis

5.1 Section Outline Section 3 broadly summarised the crash data, traffic speed data, traffic volume data and public feedback data for LATM Zone 4. This section analyses these four key datasets in finer detail to narrow-down focus areas and associated traffic and parking issues within LATM Zone 4 that have not already been identified by Council. The detailed analysis culminates in a list of defined issues by location to be investigated and diagnosed at a fundamental level such that fit for purpose remedial solutions can be developed and scored. The proposed solutions are intended to supplement Council’s current list of actions.

5.2 Crash Data Crash data is based on the reported crashes and details characteristics about the crash type, location, speed, severity and a range of factors which can cause crashes including weather, time of day, time of year and influence of alcohol. As previously identified in Section 3, key crash locations in LATM Zone 4 are the intersections of Abbott Street / Palmer Street (Council-controlled), Miller Street / Abbott Street (state-controlled), Miller Street / Palmer Street (state-controlled), and Miller Street / The Boulevarde (state-controlled). Detailed assessment of the crash data for the key intersections has been undertaken to identify key trends. Crash clusters were categorised based on crash type at each location to identify trends, namely by recurrence of same crash types. Where a majority or relatively significant quantity of crashes (i.e. more than three of the same crash types over the five-year period) are recorded at one location and are similar in nature (i.e. same DCA code, or DCA code series) it can highlight a deficiency in road design, intersection operation or local area traffic management (LATM). By identifying any specific trends and understanding possible contributing factors, a solution to treat the specific crash types can be devised. It is important to note that the state- controlled intersections will not be investigated in detail to devise a solution or scored. Instead, these intersections will be identified as an interface for discussions with Roads and Maritime Services (RMS). The key crash trends for LATM Zone 4 are summarised in Table 5.1. Table 5.1: Detailed Crash Trends – LATM Zone 4

Location Crash Type Frequency Vehicle Travel Direction Abbott Street / Palmer Street DCA Code 101 (thru-thru) 3 North (vehicle 1) / east (vehicle 2) Miller Street / Abbott Street DCA Code 202 (thru-right) 3 North (vehicle 1) / south (vehicle 2) Miller Street / Palmer Street DCA Code 301 (rear-end) 3 South (vehicle 1 and 2) DCA Code 803 (off right Miller Street / The Boulevarde 3 South (vehicle 1) bend into object)

The Miller Street intersections listed in Table 5.1 are state-controlled. These locations have been captured and classified for further action as an RMS interface and are therefore omitted from solution development and scoring.

5.3 Traffic Speed Traffic speed data was provided for various locations in the North Sydney LGA by Council for a 20-year period between 1996 and 2015. Only data for the five-year period from 2011 to 2015 was used to ensure data maintained relevant to the existing traffic conditions. This assessment identified locations where speeds of traffic passing through the survey location were in excessive of the speed limit. The 85th percentile speed was taken as the indicative speed of vehicles and represents the speed that 85% of vehicles do not exceed. All locations where the 85th percentile speed remained below the posted speed limit were not considered for further assessment.

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Locations identified as having an 85th percentile speed exceeding the posted speed were investigated on an individual basis. The characteristics of the roadway, conditions of the road surface, sight distance, adjacent land use and nearby cross roads will be considered when investigating why vehicles were travelling in excess of the posted speed limit regularly and to find a suitable measure to implement to calm traffic and reduce the 85th percentile speed below the posted speed limit. Two roads were found to have 85th percentile speeds in excess of the posted speed limit, which are summarised in Table 5.2. Maps illustrating the locations are provided in Appendix B. Table 5.2: 85th Percentile Speed Exceeding Posted Speed Limit

Count Posted Speed Location Closest Cross Street 85th %ile Speed (km/h) Number Limit (km/h) 752 Cammeray Road Park Avenue 50 57.1 654 Carter Street Cammeray Road 50 50.4

The North Sydney Integrated Traffic and Parking Strategy (2015) states a desire for all local roads to have a posted speed limit of 40km/h. Instances where the 85th percentile speed exceeded 40km/h are summarised in Table 5.3 and Council notified, however no further analysis was undertaken if the posted speed limit was not exceeded. These sites have been included in the action plan to be investigated and scored separate to this study. Table 5.3: Exceeding Desired Speed Limit

Count Number Location Desired Speed Limit (km/h) 85th %ile Speed (km/h) 5 Alan Street 40 45.1 633 Arkland Street 40 48.6 602 Bellevue Street 40 46.8 603 Bellevue Street 40 47.2 681 Hamilton Avenue 40 43.8 705 Jenkins Street 40 47.6 660 Lumsden Street 40 45.9 808 Palmer Street 40 46.1 853 The Boulevarde 40 43.3 717 Warringa Road 40 42.1

5.4 Traffic Volumes Council provided traffic volume survey data for the North Sydney LGA for a 20-year period between 1996 and 2015. Data for the five-year period from 2011 to 2015 was used to ensure data remained relevant to the existing traffic conditions. This assessment identified locations where the AADT exceeded the respective road classification AADT threshold as outlined in the North Sydney Integrated Traffic and Parking Strategy (2015).

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Source: Table 7.2 –North Sydney Integrated Traffic and Parking Strategy (2016) Figure 5.1: Road Classification Desired Maximum Traffic Volumes Based on the traffic survey data, a total of four roads surveyed indicate an AADT more than the prescribed capacity threshold of 2,000 vehicles per day for a local road. These locations are listed in Table 5.4. Maps illustrating the locations are provided in Appendix B. Table 5.4: Traffic Volume Exceeding AADT Threshold

Count Number Location Closest Cross Street AADT Threshold AADT Count 697 Abbott Street Vale Street 2000 2082 602 Bellevue Street Palmer Street 2000 3456 603 Bellevue Street Palmer Street 2000 3495 705 Jenkins Street Kyngdon Street 2000 5807 808 Palmer Street Abbott Street 2000 3615

5.5 Public Consultation The high-level aggregated data (previously mentioned in Section 3) was further processed to identify key trends raised by the public. Clusters of more than ten issues per street was chosen as an initial threshold to ensure only recurring issues were the focus of the investigation. The streets identified with more than ten issues were analysed in detail by clustering the issue descriptors. Trends emerged from this process and key streets and associated issues became the focus areas for further investigation. The key streets are summarised in Table 5.5. Table 5.5: Public Consultation Trends

Location Closest Cross Street Specific Issue Amherst Street Miller Street Perceived difficulty by residents to access on-street parking Palmer Street Abbott Street Fast approach speeds for vehicles West Street Amherst Street Lack of bicycle facilities The Boulevarde Along street Blind spot on crest, which is only wide enough for one vehicle to pass

Transport for NSW

There were 75 issues raised with respect to public transport in LATM Zone 4. 61 (81%) of these responses related to bus services. The most recurring of these requests was the frequency of buses services and timetabling (37%), followed by lack of convenient access to local bus routes (31%). A summary of the issues raised and the raw feedback will be forwarded to Transport for NSW for their attention (Appendix D).

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Table 5.6: Summary of issues raised for attention of Transport for NSW

Frequency Transport Mode Buses Ferry Public Train Grand Issue Category Transport Total Public Transport ‐ Accessibility 19 6 25 Public Transport ‐ Timetables 23 1 24 Public Transport ‐ Connections 12 1 3 16 Public Transport ‐ Stop/ Station / Wharf locations 3 2 5 Public Transport ‐ Routes 2 2 Public Transport ‐ Passenger Congestion 2 2 Public Transport ‐ Infrastructure 1 1 Grand Total 61 2 10 2 75

Roads and Maritime Services

There were 76 issues raised with respect to roads and routes which are managed by Roads and Maritime Services. The majority of these were related to vehicular traffic on RMS managed roads (88%). The most recurring of these requests was the intersection of Amherst Street and Miller Street (68%). A summary of the issues raised and the raw feedback will be forwarded to RMS for their attention (Appendix E). Table 5.7: Summary of issues raised for attention of RMS

Mode Frequency Pedestrian 9 Traffic 67 Grand Total 76

Cycling Strategy As noted previously, 16% of issues raised related to cycling. This included a range of issues such as cycling safety and connectivity, as well as perceived safety of other road users due to the lack of separated cycling infrastructure. Council has already developed and is in the process of implementing the North Sydney Integrated Cycling Strategy, some of the issues raised have already been addressed as part of the cycling strategy and some are new matters that require further action. Many of the submissions justify the work that Council has already planned and highlight the need for more dedicated cycling infrastructure. The items raised are listed in the LATM Zone 4 Action Plan. In addition, all future road facilities will be designed with cyclists in mind to ensure they do not create additional hazards or pinch points.

Road Safety Education

There were a small number of submissions (7) concerned with a lack of understanding of the road rules amongst the general community. Council already produces a range of road safety campaigns targeted towards specific road users about key road safety messages which have been developed based on local crash data, collaboration with local Police and the RMS. The feedback received during the LATM consultation phase can also be used to inform and enhance these campaigns. These actions have been included in the LATM Zone 7 Action Plan.

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Matters Referred to Other Council Departments

60 submissions were received which fall under the responsibility of various Council departments but contribute to the overall transport amenity of the area. These include conditions of footpaths, enforcement of parking restrictions, events management bus stop infrastructure and driveway approvals. A list of these issues has been summarised in Table 3.7 and will be referred to the appropriate departments within Council for their attention (Appendix F). 144 of the submissions received could not be used further for reasons such as there was not enough information provided, the issue fell within a different LATM Zone, or the issue was outside of the North Sydney Council LGA. A comment has been provided against each of these in Appendix G to explain why these have not been included in the Action Plans, or if they have been referred to the Action Plan for a different LATM Zone.

Table 5.8:: Summary of issues raised for attention of other Council departments

Council Department and Issue Category Frequency CIS 5 Refer to CIS 5 OSE 8 Overhanging trees and dead braches 1 Tree sap on cars 1 Hedges obscuring view 1 Hanging branches 1 Request to remove obnoxious weeds. 1 Overhanging branches 1 Prune branches 1 More street trees 1 Rangers 26 Enforcement 26 Works Engineers 21 Refer to Works Engineers 14 Footpath repair program 5 Footpath improvement program 1 Refer to EPS and OSE for more public seating and leisure areas. 1 Grand Total 60

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6. Additional Traffic Actions Identified by this Study

6.1 Section Outline This study identified additional traffic actions to supplement Council’s current list of actions for solution development and scoring. Based on the information in the preceding subsections, the following locations and associated issues have been identified as the focus areas for detailed traffic investigations as summarised in Table 6.1. Table 6.1: Defined List of Traffic Issues and Locations for Detailed Investigation

Location Closest Cross Street Specific Issue Prevalence of thru-thru crashes for northbound / eastbound Abbott Street Palmer Street movements, and fast approach speeds for vehicles Cammeray Park Avenue 85th percentile speed greater than posted speed limit Road Carter Street Cammeray Road 85th percentile speed greater than posted speed limit Abbott Street Vale Street Traffic volume exceeds environmental threshold for road class Bellevue Street Palmer Street Traffic volume exceeds environmental threshold for road class Jenkins Street Kyngdon Street Traffic volume exceeds environmental threshold for road class Palmer Street Abbott Street Traffic volume exceeds environmental threshold for road class The Boulevarde Along street Blind spot on crest, which is only wide enough for one vehicle to pass West Street Amherst Street Lack of bicycle facilities

Table 6.2 summarises the parking areas that are subject to further assessment. Table 6.2: Defined List of Parking Issues and Locations for Detailed Investigation

Location Closest Cross Street Specific Issue Amherst Street Miller Street Perceived difficulty by residents to access on-street parking

The locations and issues presented in the Table 6.1 and Table 6.2 are subject to further assessment in Section 6 for detailed traffic investigations and in Section 8 for parking reviews.

6.2 Development of Additional Traffic Actions Traffic actions have been developed for the following locations previously identified in Table 6.1: . Abbott Street / Palmer Street; . Cammeray Road / Park Avenue; . Carter Street / Cammeray Road; and . The Boulevarde. The remainder of locations previously identified in Table 6.1 have been omitted from solution development for the reasons detailed in Table 6.3.

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Table 6.3: Locations Omitted from Solution Development

Location Closest Cross Street Reason for Omission in Solution Development Abbott Street Vale Street Bellevue Street Palmer Street Area wide traffic modelling to understand (i.e. flow-on effects) and test potential LATM schemes to reduce traffic volumes on the Jenkins Street Kyngdon Street subject roads Palmer Street Abbott Street West Street Amherst Street Detailed bicycle volume surveys are required

The following subsections detail the process for solution development for the subject locations.

6.2.1 Site Observations Site audits were undertaken to identify causes of issues at the subject locations. During the site audits, current LATM treatments were identified (where applicable) and assessed for effectiveness. Proposed treatments were developed based on the specific issue identified for the location and the observations documented on site. Characteristics which were of high importance to the site observations include, but are not limited to: . current LATM treatment; . gradient of roadway; . pedestrian accessibility and connectivity; . sightlines; . signage; . line marking; and . lane width.

6.2.2 Existing LATM Devices Photographs were taken and observations documented to assist in determining the proposed treatments at each site, and to ensure any solutions proposed weren’t already implemented on-site. . Current LATM devices are detailed in Table 6.4. Table 6.4: Existing LATM Devices

Closest Cross Is there an existing Location Existing LATM Device Details Street LATM device? Kerb extensions on all legs of Abbott Street Palmer Street Yes intersection Cammeray Road Park Avenue No - Carter Street Cammeray Road No - The Boulevarde Along Street No -

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6.3 Summary of Additional Traffic Actions Table 6.5 summarises the additional traffic actions and unique identification for ease of reference for the project scoring undertaken in Section 7. Table 6.5: Summary of Additional Traffic Actions

Location Closest Cross Street Action Details Cammeray Road Park Avenue Flat top road hump and speed cushions Carter Street Cammeray Road Road cushions and horizontal deflection devices Palmer Street Abbott Street Wombat crossing Palmer Street Abbott Street Raised intersection The Boulevarde Along street Modified kerbside allocation Abbott Street Vale Street Further investigation required Bellevue Street Palmer Street Further investigation required Jenkins Street Kyngdon Street Further investigation required Palmer Street Abbott Street Further investigation required West Street Amherst Street Further investigation required

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7. Project Scoring – Traffic Actions Council’s traffic actions and those identified by this study have been assessed against several different criteria as per the North Sydney Integrated Traffic and Parking Strategy (2015) to prioritise the actions on a relative basis. The scoring methodology consists of two parts – an assessment of the current conditions (problem score) and an assessment of the proposed treatment (solution score).

7.1 Existing Conditions (Problem Score) The problem score, P, is derived from the following quantitative criteria: . road classification; . traffic volume vs desired volume; . 85th percentile speed vs desired speed of 40km/h; . crash data including weighted scores for severity and vulnerable road users; . relative pedestrian and cyclist volumes; and . surrounding land uses

7.2 Community Strategic Plan Criteria The solution score, S, is derived from the project assessment framework set out in the 2017 Draft North Sydney Transport Strategy which consists of a score from -3 to 3 based on how relatively consistent the proposal is with the following criteria: . Safe Travel - Improve community safety by creating slow speed road environments where more vulnerable road users are protected from higher impact road users and the number of crashes and severity of injuries is minimised . Transport Security - Improve personal security through improved streetscape design, increased street activity and passive surveillance . Social Wellbeing - Provide social spaces where human interaction is given the highest priority and the negative impacts of traffic are minimised, promoting incidental social interaction, increasing civic pride, reducing anti-social behaviour and community policing requirements . Active Health - Provide infrastructure that encourages healthy and active lifestyle/travel choices . Fair Access to Parking - Reduce demand for parking and / or provide more equitable access to existing parking supply . Environmental Sustainability - Encourage the use of low greenhouse gas emitting transport options . Local Environments - Encourage the use of travel modes that have minimal impact on air quality, water quality and noise . Transport Affordability - Encourage the use of travel options with lower social, health and economic costs and higher social, health and economic benefits . Congestion - Apply travel demand management principles to minimise traffic demand and associated traffic congestion . Business Activity - Increase business opportunities by improving the look/ amenity of North Sydney throughout the day and in to the evening while, at the same time, reducing the whole of life cost of transport networks, including the ongoing costs associated with cleaning and maintaining assets

7.3 Total Project Score The total Project Score is calculated using the following formula:


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T = Total Project Score P = Problem Score S = Solution Score N = Relative number of people affected by proposal C = Cost of implementing project

The Action Plan is intended to provide a 10 year program of works for Council. However the Action Plan will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to highlight projects that have been completed and also incorporate new projects that are subsequently identified through community requests and Council studies. The priority timeframe “Short”, “Medium” or “Long” has been assigned based on relative scoring and project ranking. It is intended that the indicated timeframe is the timeframe in which the project should be completed. However all projects identified will require some level of further planning, investigation and design in the short and medium. Some projects are also intended to be programs or actions to be implemented on a continued basis over the long term, for example Road Safety Campaigns, and these have been assigned “Long Term” priorities accordingly. An indicative quantitative description of each timeframe is provided below.

Short term: 1-2 years Medium term: 2-5 years Long term: 5-10 years

In addition, a small number of projects have been assigned the priority “Not to proceed”. These are for projects which have been assessed under the LATM criteria but were inconsistent with the community priorities and objectives outlined in Council’s Community Strategic Plan. For those projects, the reasons have been noted in the Action Plan and an alternative, positive benefit action has been proposed, but remain on the list for clarity and future reference. The outcomes of the LATM assessment have been used to produce the LATM Action Plan which is provided at Appendix C.

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8. Parking Review

8.1 Section Outline This section provides a high-level parking review for LATM Zone 4 due to the absence of comprehensive parking data.

8.2 Parking Review Methodology At the time of preparing the LATM 4 Action Plan, comprehensive parking occupancy data was not available for all streets in the LATM Zone. This data collection is an extensive process that needs to be undertaken on a regular basis either with manual surveys or use of Council's License Plate Recognition vehicle. For the purposes of this report, sample parking occupancy surveys have been undertaken in collaboration with Council and based on community feedback data. The purpose of this process is to identify key roads that need to be prioritised for detailed surveys and assessment. However, it is recommended that an ongoing schedule of parking surveys across all streets in each LATM Zone be undertaken to ensure parking can be pro-actively managed across each LATM Zone. The results for each sample of the LATM areas were represented in tables, with the main focus on the occupancy percentage for each street that was identified in the survey samples. North Sydney Council Integrated Traffic and Parking Strategy (2015) provides a LATM Parking Principles Plan (Warrants) table which identifies the occupancy percentage thresholds and actions required (refer Figure 8.1). Where the parking occupancy percentage exceeds 85% for multiple time periods, further analysis will be recommended as a high priority. If any of the streets exceed 85% for only one time period, further analysis will still be recommended; however, it is treated as a lower priority.

Source: Table 7.6 – North Sydney Integrated Traffic and Parking Strategy (2016) Figure 8.1: LATM Parking Principles Plan (Warrants) The limitations involved with this survey process were largely related to time constraints. As a result, and with limited on-street car parking data received from Council. The limiting factors include: . using google maps to calculate on-street car parking provision; and . work zones not providing accurate representation of occupancy percentage.

8.3 Key Findings As noted in Section 3.8, parking-related issues made up 36% of the feedback from the community in LATM Zone 7. Furthermore, 75% of that feedback was that either parking restrictions were either too

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LATM Action Plan Zone 4

restrictive or not restrictive enough. The most frequently mentioned streets were Miller Street (20); Amherst Street (12); Bridgeview Avenue (9); and Bellevue Street (8).

The key roads surveyed and respective survey results for LATM Zone 4 are summarised in Table 8.1. Table 8.1: Sample Parking Occupancy Survey Summary Off-Peak Average Street AM Occupancy PM Occupancy Occupancy Occupancy Palmer Street 88% 71% 38% 66% Bellevue Street 77% 64% 59% 67% Amherst Street 69% 73% 59% 67% Miller Street 35% 87% 33% 52% West Street 74% 60% 67% 67% Aside from Palmer Street and Miller Street recording an occupancy of greater than 85% in one time period each, the average occupancy for all streets assessed ranges between 52%-67%. The survey samples indicate that the on-street parking for these streets requires regular monitoring as per the direction in Figure 8.1.

8.4 LATM Action ‐ Parking It is recommended that an LGA-wide parking study is undertaken with detailed parking surveys. This would provide a complete data set necessary to determine informed parking actions, such as monitoring frequency and modifications to existing restrictions. In addition to the above, it is recommended that an ongoing schedule of parking surveys across all streets in LATM Zone 4 be undertaken to ensure parking can be pro-actively managed. The schedule should be initially prioritised based on commercial areas, then locations with a high number of public complaints and then all other streets to provide an ongoing, complete data inventory. Table 8.2 LATM Parking Actions Action ID Location Category Action Notes Priority P.1 General Parking Review resident parking policy Short

P.2 The Parking Install parking restrictions to Medium Boulevarde reduce parking occupancy and allow for passing areas P.3 Miller Street Parking Remove parking to improve See T81 for proposed Not to opposite traffic flow actions to reduce right proceed Vale Street turns into Vale Street. P.4 Hamilton Parking Remove parking to improve Hamilton Lane has very Not to Lane traffic flow low traffic volumes and proceed speeds. Passing opportunities are adequate. Removal of parking would result in increased speeds. P.5 Cammeray Parking Install motorbike parking Short shopping area

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LATM Action Plan Zone 4

Action ID Location Category Action Notes Priority P.6 Car Share Parking Review Car Share Parking Short Parking Policy and Strategy

P.7 Bridgeview Parking Install parking restrictions on Medium Avenue Waste Collection Days

P.9 Colin Street Parking Formalise angle parking Medium

P.8a Tunks Park Parking Parking Review Short P.8b LATM Zone 4 Parking LATM wide review of parking Short restrictions

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LATM Action Plan Zone 4

9. Approvals Processes

9.1 Process Outline The approvals process for the LATM actions involved several different steps to be approved for final recommendations. The steps were: 1. Draft LATM Action Plans submitted to Council for endorsement to place on public exhibition; 2. Draft LATM Action Plans placed on public exhibition for a minimum of 28 days; 3. Feedback from Steps 1-3 incorporated into LATM Action Plans; 4. Final LATM Action Plans submitted to Council for adoption; 5. 5-10 year program of works developed from LATM Action Plans; 6. Ongoing review of LATM Action Plans included completed and new assessed and prioritised items; and 7. Projects referred to Traffic Committee for approval prior to implementation. North Sydney Council has been delegated certain powers from RMS to manage traffic matters on North Sydney roads. The North Sydney Traffic Committee considers all proposed changes to traffic and parking arrangements within the North Sydney LGA. Any recommendations from the traffic committee must be taken into consideration by North Sydney Council before making a determination to proceed. The Action Plan will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to highlight completed actions. The Action Plan will also be updated with new projects that are identified by the community or through studies and subsequently prioritised using the LATM assessment criteria.

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LATM Action Plan Zone 4

10. Summary In order to gain a detailed understanding of the traffic and parking requirements and needs across the North Sydney LGA, investigations have been carried out under the Local Area Traffic Management Action Plans (LATM) program. The LGA of North Sydney was divided into seven LATM zone; this report has considered LATM Zone 4. The key traffic and parking actions are summarised in the following subsections. Appendix F includes a complete action plan comprising of the traffic and parking actions, maps of action locations and the concept plans for schemes identified by this study.

10.1 Traffic Actions Actions for LATM Zone 4 have been incorporated into a single Action Plan. This incorporates actions that were developed as a result of the review of community consultation and from past traffic facilities programs, and additional actions identified by Bitzios Consulting as part of the detailed technical review. The actions and associated priority are shown in Appendix C.The Action Plan is intended to provide a 10 year program of works for Council. The priority timeframe “Short”, “Medium” or “Long” has been assigned based on relative scoring and ranking. It is intended that the indicated timeframe is the timeframe in which the project should be completed. However all projects identified will require some level of planning, investigation and design in the short, medium or long term. Some projects are also intended to be programs or actions to be implemented on a continued basis over the long term, for example Road Safety Campaigns, and these have been assigned “Long Term” priorities accordingly. An indicative quantitative description of each timeframe is provided below. Short term: 1-2 years Medium term: 2-5 years Long term: 5-10 years In addition, a small number of projects have been assigned the priority “Not to proceed”. These are for projects which have been through the rigorous assessment and scoring process but overall produced a negative benefit when assessed against Council’s scoring criteria. For those projects, the reasons have been noted in the Action Plan and an alternative, positive benefit action has been proposed, but remain on the list for clarity and future reference.

10.2 Parking Review and Actions In lieu of comprehensive parking occupancy data, the focus area for the parking review and sample parking occupancy surveys was primarily based on collaboration with Council, as well as public feedback data. The extent of the parking surveys undertaken in LATM Zone 4 was largely based on the proximity to commercial streets and public feedback received in the area. Through this process, several streets were selected in LATM Zone 7 and treated as a sample due to project time constraints. There were 9 parking related actions listed in the Action Plan for LATM Zone 4 The actions and associated priority are shown in Appendix C. It is recommended that an ongoing schedule of parking surveys across all streets in LATM Zone 4 be undertaken to ensure parking can be pro-actively managed.

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LATM Action Plan Zone 4



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Legend Road Classification Lanes Local Collector Regional State Roads Private TAPAS Zone 4 Tapas Zone TAPAS 4 TAPAS 5 TAPAS 2

TAPAS 5 *#

*# *# *# *# *# *# *# TAPAS 4 *# Legend *# AADT Seven Day *# *# 0 - 2000 *# *# 2000 - 5000 *# *# *# *# 5000 - 10000 *# *# 10000 - 15000 *# *# 15000 - 20000 *# Road Classification Lanes Local Collector Regional State Roads TAPAS 5 Private TAPAS 2 TTAAPAPSA ZoSn e5 4 Tapas Zone TAPAS 4 TAPAS 2

TAPAS 6 (!

(! (!

(! (!

(! (! (! TAPAS 4 (!

(! (! Legend (! 85th %ile Speed TAPAS Zone 4 (! (! (! Speed (! (! 0-20kph (! (! 20-30kph (! (! 30-35kph (! 35-40kph (! 40-45kph (! 45-50kph (! >50kph Road Classification TAPAS 5 Lanes TAPAS 2 Local TAPAS 5 Collector Regional State Roads TAPAS 2 Private TAPAS Zone 4 Tapas Zone TAPAS 4 TAPAS 6 G G

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TAPAS 6 #0 A! #0 ! A#0A! #0 #0 A! #0 A! A! A! A! #0 #0 #0 A#0! A! #0 #0 A! ! A#0! !A! #0A!A#0! A#0A!A TAPAS 4 A! #0 A! #0 #0 #0A! A! ! A! A A! #0 #0 A A#0! #0 A#0! #0 A!

#0 A! Legend Crash Degree TAPAS Zone 4 Degree of Crash G Fatal A! Injury #0 Towaway TAPAS Zone 4 TAPAS 5 Tapas Zone TAPAS 2 TAPAST 4APAS 5



Legend ID_2_Public Consultation (Issue) - TAPAS 4 Issue Traffic - Traffic Calming Traffic - Intersection Safety and / or Performance Cycling - Safety Cycling - Connectivity Pedestrian - Safety Pedestrian - Connectivity Other TAPAS 5 School Zone Congestion TAPAS 2 TAPAS Zone 4 Tapas Zone TAPAS 4


Legend ID_2_Public Consultation (Issue) - TAPAS 4 Issue Parking - Parking Configuration Parking - Concerns Related to DA Parking - Parking Restrictions Insufficient Parking - Parking Access for Residents Parking - Parking Causes Narrow Travel Lanes Parking - Create New Supply TAPAS Zone 4 TAPAS 5 Tapas Zone TAPAS 2 TAPAS 4


Legend Pedestrian Generator Primary School High School

Retirement Village Aged Care


Minor Shopping

Major Shopping

Minor Park

Major Park TAPAS Zone 4 Tapas Zone TAPAS 4 TAPAS 5 TAPAS 2

TAPAS 5 Area 18 Area 25

Legend Parking Rate 0 - 10 Area 20 11 - 20 21 - 30 31 - 40

41 - 50

51 - 60

TAPAS 4 High Demand Medium Demand Low Demand R4

RE1 R3 RE1 RE1 RE1 R4 RE1 E2 RE1 RE1 RE1 RE1 RE1 E2 RE1 E2 RE1 SP2 RE1 RE1 RE1 RE1 R3 R3 SP1 SP2 R3 B1 B1 R2 B1 RE1 RE1 B1 SP2 RE1 R4 R4 SP2 RE1 Legend B1 R4 Traffic Generation 0 - 10 11 - 20 RE1 RE1 21 - 30

R4 31 - 40

41 - 50

51 - 60

61 - 70

TAPAS 4 B1 - Neighbourhood Centre B3 - Commercial Core B4 - Mixed Use E2 - Environmental Conservation E4 - Environmental Living IN2 - Light Industrial IN4 - Working Waterfont R2 - Low Density Residential R3 - Medium Density Residential R4 - High Density Residential RE1 - Public Recreation RE2 - Private Recreation SP1 - Special Activities SP2 - Infrastructure UL - Unzoned Land LATM Action Plan Zone 4



North Sydney Council Page 58

TAPAS 4 0#

Legend Posted Speed Limit TAPAS Zone 4 0# 0# Exceeding Road Classification Lanes Local Collector Regional State Roads Private TAPAS 5 TAPAS Zone 4 TAPAS 2 Tapas Zone TAPAS 5 TAPAS 4


TAPAS 6 0# 0# 0#0# TAPAS 4

0# Legend Desired AADT TAPAS Zone 4 0# Exceeding Road Classification Lanes Local Collector Regional State Roads Private TAPAS 5 TAPAS Zone 4 TAPAS 2 Tapas ZonTe APAS 5 TAPAS 4


TAPAS 6 LATM Action Plan Zone 4



North Sydney Council Page 59

LATM Zone 4


Long Bay 22 20 24-26 E 18 16 U SUSPENSION 4 1 28 N BRIDGE 12 10 E RESERVE 8 BO V 6 UL A 4 EV 2 A 2 27 9 3 RD 25 1 33 E 3 E 1A 2 37 H 21 2 T 19 39 17 A 15 41 1A 11 1 43 9 47 7A 7 5 49 1 39 41A







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0 T

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28 4 L 104 1 1 2 A 30 - A 63 TO E E E 0 65 R 5 N R E L 3 4 A H 6 67 A 8 M L E 8 132 6 N 3 4 A T 9 L A 1 T M 34 E 7 1 7

136 13 1 A 3 4 5 8 T 1 C N 4 1 40 73 1 5 142 6 1 75 144 A U 1 81 1 7 46 7 7 6 6 1 79 3 83 14 8 M 4 K 1 1 V 6 85 50 152 E T 8 15 E 1 7 8 9 4 81 89 156 4 4 4 R 158 E 1 91 E 8 8 1 1 3 3 93 160 C 1 16 IV E 2 6 4 ES 4 L S 4 7 U 2 T 4 95 R 9 3 E E 5 4 LA 1 E 9 9 1 N 1 E 7 T L 2 3 1 99 N 101 1 R 5 03 0 105 3 4 E 8 10 2 1 7 N 1 1 1 09 1 4 E F 1 G T 11 A 1 11 L 2 3 O L A 1 7 15 I B 7 8 1 A 3 W 17 0 3 5 V 2 4 11 1 S 9 1 1 1 1 S Z 21 1 X T 23 I RE E 125 1 0 ET 6 27 4 A 1 1 1 1 1 2 A 0 8 1 14 A 1 1 A 1 1 H 6 4 16 A 6 3 1 5 1 3 7 5 5 L T 8 7 I 2 4 T 3 1 78 2 T 8 1 0 8 T 2 8 L 4 2A 4 E 86 1 88 1 9 2 A 2 1 0 4 7 1 92 2 4 2 2 A 6 94 S 1 96 2 T 8 4 6 98 T 5 1 H 3 O 1 S 3 6 M M 0 AS M D A 1 -1 8 ' E RB Y 2 1 3 0 RE TC G 14 2 S A 1 L 0 T L A RD N E 1 Y S 1 P FE E S 16 O TR 12 ARK 1 MO 1 S R 8 2 3 9 U E L TR D 40 E E 2 1 5 E U 6 1 T D E N 0 1 N 9 E 7 T 8 22 1 G 3 56 35 V 9 0 1 O 14 1 2 E 53 N 1 4 N 58 S 16 0 13 3 2 4 6 5 5 4 H 1 1 5 26 1 S 39 7 1 8 5 47 I 2 - 3 R 2 1-3 B 0 66 T 0 A T 3 E E 1 1 20 1 9 A 7 68 5 5 1 2 22 6 G R 2 5 S 52 8 E 7 2A 7 1 E 70 70 3 24 A 7 3 9 24A V E 2 8 E 1 9 N 3 1 T 7 74 A Y 4 26 1 S 7 0 1 2 6 3 3 11 T 5 7 1 6 R 8 T T 28 5 R 6 A 15 1 3 3 EE 1 0 B 1 1 0 7 7 3 T A R U 8 T 19 2 (1 LI 34 E 15 5 ) TT 48 80 H 8 L 6 23 3 A 2 E 8 3 1 R 4 S 6 8 3 1 O YO 2 1 E A U 25 8 G O D N 40 2 E G 8 C L G S 9 1 O 6 3 2 42 N 5 3 SU TR 4 S 6 E 41 U 7 I R E T E Y 2 E T 1 D 29 R R 1 43 3 E 7 6 6 R A 3 O E 1 1 3 1 T T T 1 45 1 4A O R 6 31 6 L A 0 2 1 0 R 1 8 A 1 35 6 L 33 S I 4 3 9 1 5 W

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Commercial decisions should not8 be made based on 4 2 1 0 2 7 157 3 3 6 R 1 E 38 4 8 2 4 2 5 ( G 0 2 2 R 77 42 4 159 1 O ASM 4 E 94 2 T 46 2 R 4 161 C E - (1 8 information contained in this map without first checking8 details held by the 1 HI 6 8 /11 50 1 R 5 LD 9 ) (2/ 52 2 RE 81 96 1 11) 54 LAN N'S E 0 56 E PA 8 58 8 9 R K 1A 60 1 25 98 6 4 N 4 ) 2 responsible Government authority. 2 2 64 66 83 R 17 4 6 A O 10 ( 8 0 70 9 2 7 A 5 72 18 4 L 10 7 6 4 D 2 5 4 7 3 7 3 K 1- 2 6 9 35 8 5 78 1 5 8 - 2 1 2 80 3 8 7 9 7 8 8 1 82 1 9 0 1 4 ) 84 29 1 6 B 7 1 95 31 R 4 U 8 1 3 33 R 6 19 / 9 L 1 35 I Further details can be obtained by calling (02) 9936 8100 or e-mail E 5 N 37 3 3 ( 0 8 1 3 G 9 8 1 9 0 20 A A T 2 5 5 4 5 9 2 2 41 O 2 7 N - 43 N 94 S 4 2 4 45 96 T 2 3 98 1 7 RE A 5 00 P 9 A 47 [email protected] 1 E 4 1 3 Y T 2 2 4 104 21 L 6 1 9 51 5 106 5 9 1 3 108 6 5 0 B 55 1 5 110 5 5 ) 5A 11 9 57 2 4 93 4 5 114 0 223 6 G H 3 4 9 11 / 6 6 7 1 11 9 22 93 8 1 63 5 5 6 6 12 48 5 0 4 ( G 67 126 227 4 1 1 2 69 28 8 0 29 50 N D 13 6 0 6 5 U 71 13 7 7 5 1 3 R 2 23 O 3 7 13 1 52 5 1 4 4 1 73 3 4 6 A 4 13 6 6 2 7 0 5 6 U O 5 - 6 4 R 77 1 3 M 40 1 1 3 79 233 56 E 8 5 4 4 4 L - 237 G - 5 2 58 0 0 6 O 4 6 4 1 O L 45 8 0 2 39 I A 1 S 24 3 47 T 3-2 C 3 6 5 A R 45 4 2 58 E 1 A 27A-2 83 E - Y 5 7B T 4 W 3 85 2 E 3 9 2 2 6 89 3 3 24 7 9 2 41 4 91 - N 8 4 - 9 45 3 5 7 99 2 A 3 S 10 3 1 1 10 5 7 3 1 3 5 L 10 4 5 3 T 3 10 4 5 7 10 3 2 7 2 3 7A 3 8 R 109 - -3 49 1 3 4 FALC E 1 3 ON 5 6 E 3 T 1 2 L 5 E A 2 7 A E 0 D N T 4 E R E 6 4 0 R 1 T - 0 Y U 1 9 3 S S 5 5 6 6 2 2 3 0 G 3 O 4 8 1 3 O IN L 1 T T 8 2 C 5 E L 5 RE A D 1 T P L 8 B L IL S 1 OA A L ( A 1 2 N 1 I ) 62 3 R E 6-8 E S 2 - 64 - 0 O 8 E 26 47 3 289 9 A 1 2 0 6 K 1 3 1 3 ) 6 5 0 S 0 8 P E 291 1 10 0 2 4 N 4 1 3 A 6 29 3 2 6 5 7 3-2 95 ( 1 3 T 8 2 5 A 4 A E 5 4 1 6 297 RN 68 1 1 4 12-14 R E 7 L L S 8 7 1 8 T 0 6 6 1 E 5 8 9 9 18 4 4 6 2 5 4 A 9 1 2 I 311 7 8 T 2 72 20 5 4 1 9 1 2 7 3 N F 2 5 A 3 2 1 2 1 4 2 3 LC 1 1 4 A 1 13 4 2 ON E 74 4- 4 S 26 9 31 U 1 S 5 T 53 22 G 3 28 317 9 H 76 2 ( E 5 5) 30 1 E 31 5 7-7 20 9 R 6 5 S A 3 R 3 2 7 21 L (2 5 T L A 5 AN 9 16 A 0) 7 7 9- 1 E 9 32 34 6 N R 8 1 3 7 6 3 5 2 7 2 32 D 9 9 1 2 E 3 40 U 5 4 - A 5 4 15 40 T 61 E 7 1 2 3 42 44 5 4 (1 63 T 5 1 3 1 2 4 N 33 7 1 - 3) 6 3 B 8 2 L 6 8 S 48 9 1 A A 5 0 S 2 5 V N 20 50 E 7 67 1 17 4 - E 33 4 4 T 2 9 E 1 19 5 2 69 56 J 0 N 4 21 341 5 4 58 5 1 2 5 5 7 3 7 0 1 R 3 U

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TAPAS 1 TAPAS 6 LATM Action Plan Zone 4 Action ID Location Description of Request or Issue Category Action Notes Priority C.1 Amherst Designated cycle route? Plans don't seem to have gone forward. Solution? Cycling Undertake 12 Independent Short Street Parking and driving in Amherst St ‐ 1) the new bike pathway designated on Amherst st has created Strategy month post‐ review conduted between problems (double lines) to enter and exit from our driveway (garage), and the northern car lane is too installation and concluded Miller narrow for cars resulting more often cars drive over double lines to miss crashing into parked cars. Very review of that lane is Street and dangerous. performance operating Bellevue Amherst St, Cammeray (Between Echo St & Miller St) ‐ new bicycle lane (heading uphill/ westerly direction) of cycleway satisfactorily with Street has made space between traffic heading east (downhill/ on the opposite side) & the parked cars unsafe. some minor Motorists drive over double lines to avoid parked cars/ pedestrians. Also, have seen 2 cars swerve to avoid amendment to opening car door across the double lines. pedestrian refuges Amherst St, Cammeray between Miller Street and Green Park ‐ new line markings on northern side of recommended. Amherst St are very dangerous. They are too narrow and risk the Safety of cyclists, pedestrians and drivers. RSA concluded that new line Freshen Ave, Cammeray ‐ getting out onto Amherst St, can't see cycle lane dangerous. markings are likely Amherst & Miller Streets ‐ so much busier now with Stockland & also being a major public transport hub & to assist with now the encouragements of more cyclists. It's a disaster & dangerous. Suggest removing crossing on the speed reduction. southern side. Ideally an overpass for pedestrians & cyclists would be best. Amherst St, Cammeray ‐ major Safety issue ‐ new lanes for bicycles not aligned with middle of the road. Narrow lane on north side dangerous to cars being parked when driving west down Amherst St Bike riders ‐ not stopping at red lights and riding between cars in two lanes

Amherst St ‐ new bike Routes is now dangerous ‐ as road too narrow for traffic (frequently cars coming over median line).;

Amherst St, Cammeray ‐ New double lines not well placed near Bellevue forcing eastbound traffic too close to parked cars.

Exit from Nths Leagues Club into Amherst St (dangerous for pedestrians) due to emerging vehicles with no stop sign. (young chn in particular). West St, Amherst St ‐ Bike traffic volume has increased to the detriment of pedestrians (and cars) West St/Amherst St ‐ cyclists heading North on West St proceed too quickly through the roundabout risking injury from vehicles exiting the Freeway. Signage for cars and cyclists ‐ warning of traffic leaving from freewayAmherst St, Cammeray ‐ Converging of cycle path, vehicular traffic at roundabouts and wombat Crossings. Amherst St, Cammeray ‐ Council's recent installation of cycle lanes in Amherst St, with no consultation with local residents whatsoever, and poor spacing of carriageway lanes, has badly impacted safely so its now dangerous to get into or out of a car and it's more dangerous to even cross the road.Amherst St, Cammeray ‐ cycle ways Amherst St pointless/not used/cyclists still use road and pavement Amherst St, Cammeray ‐ Cyclists on road ‐ problem. Not enough room for cars making it more dangerous for cyclistsSome streets marked for new cycleway are to narrow ‐ dangerous for cyclists/drivers

Roundabouts in Sydney are usually too small which means drivers hardly need to slow down to drive through them (see below) and usually only care about possible incoming traffic from their right leading to 1 of 28 Updated 20/02/2018 LATM Action Plan Zone 4 Action ID Location Description of Request or Issue Category Action Notes Priority some near misses when they turn left if there are pedestrians crossing the street or with bike riders. For instance I was recently nearly hit by a car at the roundabout at the intersection of Amherst st/Cammeray rd/Warringa rd: a driver was going down Amherst st and failed to slow down sufficiently to register my presence and that of my daughter on a bike. We were coming from Warringa road (south part) and turning into Cammeray road and were already on the roundabout when this man went through the give way sign and onto the roundabout missing us by only a few centimetres. You could not blame his lack of awareness of cyclists since he had bike racks on his roof!

Amherst St bike path ‐ turning right from car park Camm Sq. C.2 Cammeray Can anything be done to improve cyclist safety along the section of Cammeray Road that immediately Cycling Implement Medium Road adjoins Cammeray Golf Course please? Strategy improvements Cammeray Road & West St ‐ cyclists are dangerous. Streets are too narrow to accommodate cars & cyclists. to the existing Unsafe cars on either side network as Cyclist Separation, fixed quality of road per the 2014 Cammeray Rd, Carter St, Churchill Cres intersection ‐ So many cyclists using West St which should be Cycling upgraded to a better Strategy facility but then it's not easy to get to Harbour Bridge.

Roundabouts are an issue: drivers do not respect the right of pedestrians to cross near roundabouts. Roundabouts in Sydney are usually too small which means drivers hardly need to slow down to drive through them (see below) and usually only care about possible incoming traffic from their right leading to some near misses when they turn left if there are pedestrians crossing the street or with bike riders. For instance I was recently nearly hit by a car at the roundabout at the intersection of Amherst st/Cammeray rd/Warringa rd: a driver was going down Amherst st and failed to slow down sufficiently to register my presence and that of my daughter on a bike. We were coming from Warringa road (south part) and turning into Cammeray road and were already on the roundabout when this man went through the give way sign and onto the roundabout missing us by only a few centimetres. You could not blame his lack of awareness of cyclists since he had bike racks on his roof!

Linking key routes safely e.g.. West Street and Cammeray Street, linking things up properly with shared zones C.3 Miller Miller St, Cammeray ‐ Bike paths; Miller St, North Sydney and Cammeray ‐ cyclists ‐ road is not big [wide] Cycling Implement Long Street enough especially at peak hours when buses are stopping.Miller Street ‐ no Bike pathsUnsafe ‐ narrow, cars Strategy Cycle Route 1 on both sides makes it hard to get to North SydneyMiller St, North Sydney/Cammeray ‐ Bikes should not be from 2014 allowed on Miller St turning periods when clearways are enforceMiller St bus stop opposite Cambridge St ‐ Cycling improving, but cycle speed issues. Unsafe some areas when walking.Amherst & Miller Streets ‐ so much Strategy busier now with Stockland & also being a major public transport hub & now the encouragements of more cyclists. It's a disaster & dangerous. Suggest removing crossing on the southern side. Ideally an overpass for pedestrians & cyclists would be best.

2 of 28 Updated 20/02/2018 LATM Action Plan Zone 4 Action ID Location Description of Request or Issue Category Action Notes Priority C.3 West Street Lots of bike riders, no dedicated bike path Cycling Implement Long between Linking key routes safely e.g. ‐ West St and Cammeray Street. Linking things up properly with shared zones Strategy Cycle Route 1 Palmer Cycling is dangerous especially roundabout at West Street. Cyclists speeding though roundabout at West from 2014 Street and Street. Cycling Warringah North Sydney connectivity ‐ not safe, dedicated and ongoing bike path to key destination Strategy Freeway West St, Amhurst St ‐ Bike lanes that stop & start so cyclists weaving in & out at traffic overpass West St Nth Sydney to Cammeray ‐ Undefined Bike paths. West St from Cammeray to Nth Syd ‐ Bike paths. Those on bikes don't stick to path again another major accident waiting to happen.West St, Cammeray to North Sydney ‐ too many unnecessary Bike paths ‐ some are never used. West St ‐ Bicycles are problem on West St and dangerous; 1 metre law now ‐ dangerous to pass bikes; Unsafe ‐ cars on either side, overtaking, narrow road Cammeray Road & West St ‐ cyclists are dangerous. Streets are too narrow to accommodate cars & cyclists. West St ‐ bike path ‐ many bike riders within traffic. West St, Amherst St ‐ Bike traffic volume has increased to the detriment of pedestrians (and cars) West St/Amherst St ‐ cyclists heading North on West St proceed too quickly through the roundabout risking injury from vehicles exiting the Freeway. Signage for cars and cyclists ‐ warning of traffic leaving from freeway Warringah Freeway ‐ Lack of defined safe bike path after the golf course exit. Must use shoulder of road then slip road to North Sydney. Why can't a ramp be produced to the overhead bridge that leads to Ridge St? C.3 Cammeray Cammeray to City ‐ there is no safe bike path ‐ if feels like it would be suicide to attempt to cycle in traffic Cycling Implement Long to City lanes Strategy separated Cammeray, Crows Nest, Naremburn, Artarmon ‐ Bike paths do not feel very safe and can be disrupted cycleways in numerous times (eg stairs at one point) busy areas as Very little Bike paths in Cammeray identified in 2014 Cycling Strategy C.3 Armstrong Jenkins Street/Armstrong Street ‐ bikes speeding down hills are dangerous; Cycling Implement Long Street Palmer St/Armstrong St ‐ cyclists ride too quickly own the hills risking collision with vehicles. Strategy Cycle Route 1 Connectivity with Narenbum dedicated bike paths from 2014 Cycling Strategy

3 of 28 Updated 20/02/2018 LATM Action Plan Zone 4 Action ID Location Description of Request or Issue Category Action Notes Priority C.6 Bridgeview There are a ridiculous number of cycle signs in the whole of the North Sydney area. Just at the end of Cycling Conduct Signage review has Short Avenue Bridgeview Avenue in Cammeray there are multiple signs (a new post has even been erected!) which all Strategy signage commenced. show directions to North Sydney or Naremburn only. I cannot believe that cyclists are that dense that they review as set need that many signs. (There is even a sign outside our house ‐ halfway down the street which is surely out in busy redundant). The cost of these signs, their erection and the visual pollution is unnecessary, to say the least. areas as Car drivers need signs (their speed warrants clear directions). Surely cyclists can use satnav or, at the very identified in least, consult the phone or a map by stopping at the side of the road. When I cycled I usually had a good 2014 Cycling idea of where I was heading! Strategy

There are at least 10 signs for cyclists at the end of Bridgeview Avenue and all they indicate is North Sydney Use pavement and/or Naremburn. As well as being unsightly, they are surely unnecessary as cyclists can easily refer to markings for maps or SATNAV while pulling in to the kerb. Why the expense and proliferation of these futile signs? It is a bike route dreadfully unnecessary waste of money. directions rather than signage. Remove existing signs where pavement markings are installed. C.8 Hamilton Hamilton Lane ‐ This is a marked cyclist Routes it is very popular, however at present there are no parking Cycling Undertake 12 Medium Lane restrictions along a big section of Hamilton Lane. Due to increasing number of residents in this cul‐de‐sac, Strategy month post‐ cars are now being parked along H/Lane, creating a one way street. As a resident, I am unable to drive installation down or up without quite often having to give way to another car or cyclists. I am aware of the problem review of but other people are not.Chatswood connectivity as above.Parked cars along cycle pathI had a rather performance serious cycling accident n October 2014 in Hamilton Lane, Cammeray. I was riding around a tight left hand of upgrades blind corner when a red P plater came in the oppose direction on my side of the road. I managed to avoid the car riding over me but went over the handlebars and landed on the top of my head (thank goodness for the helmet). I broke my neck in 2 places (C1 and C2 Type lll ‐ the “hangman’s fracture”) and my back in 4 places. A C2 Type lll fracture means the 90% of victims either die or are quadriplegics so I was very lucky. My skull and brain were undamaged. I also dissected my right vertebral artery and developed a 4cms clot which completely stopped the flow of blood. I was in hospital for 3 weeks and in a halo brace for another 7 weeks. I am still not fully recovered. The problem is that the North Sydney Council's proposed solution after 17 months (!) is paint and signs. This will not work. Mountable median strips around the bend and speed humps are essential. Perhaps you could apply some pressure since this is North Sydney Council's busiest cycle route (they say this, not me).

4 of 28 Updated 20/02/2018 LATM Action Plan Zone 4 Action ID Location Description of Request or Issue Category Action Notes Priority C.10 General Neutral Bay/Cremorne and Willoughby/Lane Cove ‐ cycle paths are too hilly for normal riders. You need to Cycling Install Long beva spreme athlete. The whole cycle network nedds a rethink to get ordinary commuters on bikes and to Strategy separated keep them safe on roadways. Bike Lanes ‐ need Nth Syd area safe bike lanes to people can use less cars etc. cycleways Throughout North Sydney lack of cycle lanes. along major Cammeray/North Sydney/Neutral Bay ‐ Bike paths should be dedicated (i.e. separated from cars)North cycling routes Sydney needs improved access to Harbour Bridge cycleway when travelling from the North and upgrade Cammeray‐North Sydney ‐ no bicycle paths intersections North Sydney ‐ parking is normally too expensive along minor Neutral Bay ‐ Military Road is too narrow and there's always traffic routes to Cycling paths to City over bridge ‐ better Bike paths/more direct to SH Bridge Bicycle lanes that suddenly improve stop, or aren't really bicycle lanes in the first place. Risk of getting "doored" when riding too close to safety and parked cars. Keep cyclists off Urban FootpathsNo safe bicycle access from Cammeray shops to Harbour access for bridge or Nth Sydney shopsDo not feel safe taking my children bike riding on the busy roads. cyclists. ALL SUBURBS ‐ MORE BIKE PATHS, MORE BIKE FRIENDLY INFRASTRUCTURE EG BIKE RACKSLondon and Boston: safer to ride there without a helmet than it is in Sydney with one‐cities planned before cars were main transport"Boats and trailers are issue around house, relative killed while cycling, safety is a focus for her, cars blocking cycles when parked". Bike lockers dedicated bike parking ‐ not enough, public seating amenities/facilities, leagues club more bike parking/facilitiesRoundabout dangerous for cyclists. This is officially cycling road right now.I have one additional comment to add that I was not able to within the survey.

I commend the work that Council has done so far with respect to a more streamlined bike network for North Sydney. I hope that post merger, you can do an even better job of linking Willoughby and Mosman into the existing North Sydney network.

I would like to push you to do more about improving the network. Making a better connection from the north side of the bridge up into North Sydney should be looked at in more detail. Access through Milsons Point, along side the Warringah Freeway and around the Pacific Highway need to be improved, given the number of cyclists that travel through this area. I believe that if access was improved, you could even look at charging a toll for something like the Harbour Link project, to help fund it. Such a project could be linked in with Falcon Street and through this the West Street corridor and Crows Nest to take bike commuters to the city out of the North Sydney metro area.

Biking to work is a really fun thing to do and keeps me fit, I would like to see it enhanced for others who might be nervous about riding on roads with cars, busses and trucks. G.1 Mosman to Shuttle service from Mosman to get local crowd especially in valleys of Cammeray not just main roads and Shuttle Investigate Medium Cammeray later at night due to safety and expensive taxi services Service feasibility of a shuttle service

5 of 28 Updated 20/02/2018 LATM Action Plan Zone 4 Action ID Location Description of Request or Issue Category Action Notes Priority P.1 General We would like to reduce the amount of commuter parking in our street as we cannot find parking on our Parking Review Short own street for more than two hours and from time to time receive parking fines for overstaying the two resident hours by a minimal amount or for parking slightly over the driveway ‐ which we have done to unload parking policy groceries etc because we can't park outside our own house. I know of other councils that supply one free parking permit per household in congested areas and I feel extremely frustrated that after paying a fortune in rates each year, we are then expected to pay to park outside our own homes. My suggestion is to provide the option of a free resident parking permit per house and reduce the parking time limits to avoid commuters. I also do not agree with the proposed expansion of the zones as i note some of the regular commuter parking is taken by people living within North Sydney council, just not near our particular bus stop. When you pay a extra money for your house to be closer to these amenities, i feel it only fair that you should be able to access them. I also know someone who puts his kayak in at Clontarf carpark and he gets an electronic tag that allows him to access carparks in his LCA. At least give us 1 free carpark sticker (with minimum 4 hours usage) and put meters on Tunks Park carpark allowing rate payers in our area to enjoy our nearest assets and others from elsewhere if they choose to can pay at least a nominal fee. Can something be done to improve access to Tunks Park Carpark particularly and probably our other popular carparks for local ratepayers.Photos: depicts boats/trailers left parked in Tunks Park carpark and contributing to parking issues at that location. Photos taken 29.2.16.Tunks Park Carpark has next to no weekend parking. My No.1 hobby and fitness activity is recreational kayaking and have been trying to do so from that boatramp for 5+ years but that carpark keeps getting busier by the week to the point where kayaking (for me) from that location is almost impossible as weekdays I'm busy and on weekends it's just chaos, not able to find a park in the carpark or even the nearby streets on any weekend. There is limited car parking spaces there but at present and for several months there is one catamaran on trailer and another boat trailer parked permanently in 2 car spaces. There are bootcamp businesses, mass dog walking business and other businesses using the area for payment ‐ mainly on weekdays and on weekends you have boats, buses, people playing cricket and soccer, people exercising their dogs and/or themselves, sightseers and tons of boaties etc. all trying to access this limited resource. I believe I live in the ward that covers Cammeray and the Tunks Park Carpark and I pay my rates and can't access the area for my kayaking due to it being hogged by blow‐ins from all over Sydney and elsewhere eg spoken to boaties from SW Sydney hogging the tap to hose their entire boat and engine after being out on the harbour for half the day, spoke to a business guy from Melbourne who has large boats in popular locations all over the country and has a large catamaran moored off North Cremorne and they park there for the free parking regularly and for weeks at a time. Something needs to be done for the residents of this council area as if I go to another boatramp carpark, scenic, harbour or water side carpark anywhere else in Sydney I have to pay parking meters to park my car eg all Pittwater carparks, Clontarf, the carparks in the Spit and carpark. They are coming from all around, laughing as Tunks is the only free and unlimited time harbourside parking. In Pittwater rate payers are give 2 free access to carparks stickers once per year on their rate notices. Residents don’t want timed parking but it was put there without giving residents free permits ‐ this permit should be for a wider area, why is it illegal for visitors to park in drive way, have to do U‐turn when looking for parkingCambridge St, Cammeray ‐ 2 hour limit on parking but too hard for residents to get permit4. Regarding the proposed boat trailer parking changes, I would like to see an exception for residents who should be allowed to park boat trailers outside their own homes, however, I agree that boat trailers should not be permitted to be parked for long periods of time outside other people's homes. It would be great if significant boat trailer parking is also provided near marinas, although 6 of 28 Updated 20/02/2018 LATM Action Plan Zone 4 Action ID Location Description of Request or Issue Category Action Notes Priority this should not be instead of permitting residents to park their boats outside of their own homes. The current proposed changes would essentially only permit residents to own a boat if they have garaging facilities for cars and boats, which is unfair, considering this is generally not available for most people in the area and would significantly reduce access to water leisure activities for many people. Boat housing at a marina is very expensive and prohibitive for many.Miller Street ‐ where I live ‐ parking is a real issue. I unfortunately do not have off street parking with my building so have to park in the street and even though a lot of people around have off‐street parking ‐ they still prefer to park on the streetTimed parking means people don’t park there and residence cant take longer term spots taken by commuters and 4 hours is necessary for visitors as it would prevent commuters parking. Should have 2 parking permits per household.All Nth Sydney ‐ why can't residents have free parking for 2 hrs as they have in Warringah Council!Armstrong St, Cammeray ‐ when parking restrictions were introduced, council gave preference to unit dwellers who have off street parking at the expense of residents in houses before the advent of the car (and garage). Otherwise no complaints. Timed parking in some residential streets of Cammeray was done despite the survey by the Plateau Precinct which opposed this timed parking and requested that if council adopted this policy all households should have at least one free parking permit per household. P.2 The The Boulevarde, Cammeray ‐ Too much on street parking, restricts access to our property. Parking Install parking Medium Boulevarde restrictions to Tunks Park ‐ High level use, especially on weekends, creates severe traffic problems, creates severe traffic reduce problems in the area. Suggest residents' parking Permits and parking on one side of the Boulevarde only parking occupancy Blind corner: At the crest of the Boulevarde ( opposite 24‐26 ) is a blind corner because of cars parked on and allow for both sides. Can one side of this street opposite or next to 24‐26 the Boulvearde be a "No Parking" zone, so passing areas there is an opportunity for vehicles to see what's coming or give way without having to reverse into someone's drive way or 50 plus metres?

2. Combined bend and hump in the Boulevarde 100m from Miller Street Both bend and up severely restrict vision between oncoming vehicles… difficult to avoid a head‐on collision. Locals who are aware of this hazard usully reduce to maximum of 25km/h but visitors to Tunks Park using this road have reached speeds well over 50km/h particular if turning downhill from Miller St. A number of cars have been side‐swipted and one motorbike written off when driveway have chosen to hit parked vehicles rather than the oncoming one. AT night problem is reduced because headlight reflections give advanced notice. It either needs a speed bump with advanced warning markings, or no parking on one side of the road in that section, so that vehicles can avoid each other head on.

4. Boat trailers. Non locals park their boat trailers in The Boulevarde and the wheel width of most of these esceeds that of a standard car making them an additional hazard on such a narrow road. In some cases the road has become impassable, especially to other vehicles with boats. This situation needs to be addressed.

Parking both sides of The Boulevarde has caused many accidents,we believe that there should be parking only on the Northern side of The Boulevarde and not within three meters of a driveway access

7 of 28 Updated 20/02/2018 LATM Action Plan Zone 4 Action ID Location Description of Request or Issue Category Action Notes Priority P.3 Miller 2. Cars parking on Miller St city bound opposite Vale St during afternoons Monday to Friday. Causes delays Parking Remove See T81 for Not to Street back to bridge as cars turning right into Vale St have to wait for up to 50 seconds for Palmer/Miller Sts parking to proposed actions proceed opposite lights to change. (Already mentioned separately in my Submission form)1. Intersection Miller and Vale improve to reduce right Vale Street Street ‐ northernmost parking space on eastern side of Miller Street conflicts with left lane travelling south traffic flow turns into Vale when a northbound vehicle in the right lane is stopped to turn right into vale street. This prevents traffic Street. flow and causes frustration, road rage and accidents. Only one parking space needs to be removed to provide passing lane. Particularly bad during Cammeray Public School pick‐up times.

P.4 Hamilton No parking restrictions, creates one way street Parking Remove Hamilton Lane has Not to Lane parking to very low traffic proceed improve volumes and traffic flow speeds. Passing opportunities are adequate. Removal of parking would result in increased speeds. P.5 Cammeray Cammeray ‐ not enough scooter/ motorcycle parking if any?; Parking Install Short shopping Cammeray shops ‐ no motorcycle parking motorbike area parking P.6 Car Share Too many carspaces for Go Get cars, which has now become the conditions of registration by council of Parking Review Car Short Parking building applications. If this is to be the case, their access to the Go Get cars should be reserved only the Share Parking residents of that building, and not by the general public. Policy and Strategy P.7 Bridgeview Bridgeview Avenue ‐ The road is too narrow where it bends and we have had the situation where the Parking Install parking Medium Avenue garbage truck was unable to travel the whole length of the street. Some From of parking restriction needs restrictions on to be applied. Waste Collection Bridgeview Ave, Cammeray ‐ parking on both sides of road leads to restricted access to home and limited Days parking available.

Bridgeview Ave, Cammeray needs 2 hour parking restriction with resident exemption to discourage commuter parking. Presently garbage trucks and delivery vehicles are hampered or unable to access. P.8a Tunks Park Tunks Park ‐ lack of parking when sports are on Parking Parking Short Review P.8b LATM Zone 112 submissions regarding parking restrictions Parking LATM wide Short 4 review of parking restrictions

8 of 28 Updated 20/02/2018 LATM Action Plan Zone 4 Action ID Location Description of Request or Issue Category Action Notes Priority P.9 Colin Street Colin St, Cammeray ‐ Formalise parking in street and incorporate green buffer islands to improve Parking Formalise Medium streetscape and Safety angle parking

Ped.1 The Dangerous ‐ no clear red pathway, hanging branches and have to go onto the road. Footpaths stop, cars PAMP Prepare Short Boulevarde parked in driveway, crossing road on blind corners have to cross 4‐5 times along road. Pedestrian and Access and Rowlison Mobility Plan Parade RS.1 General Miller St Nth Sydney & Cammeray ‐ pedestrians running across roads & cyclists not obeying road rules. Road Safety Continue Long Palmer Street ‐ Crossings not being obeyed Road Safety One final comment ‐ teach people about common sense. Reality is people, cars & buses all need to share Campaigns our roads. Let's be respectful, watchful & sensible. It's not that hard. Cammeray Road now looks absurd targetting with lines & bike stencils everywhere. various road Pedestrians using local streets ‐ Distracted by mobile phone use and walking against lights ‐ particularly users to running to get a bus in Miller St reduce road trauma S.1 Cammeray 25 submissions.1. Congestion around Carter Street, Bellevue St, Palmer St & Miller St intersections on School TMP Work with Affected streets Short Public Saturday mornings and during Cammeray Public School drop off & pick up times Monday to Friday.3. Cammeray include Amherst School Terrible bottlenecks at the corners of Carter/Bellevue/Palmer Streets during school drop off time...not sure Public School Street, Bellevue what to suggest to alleviate this...maybe a roundabout at the dog leg section?Carter St, Palmer, Cammeray to develop a Street, Cammeray ‐ Major Congestion and illegal parking in school hours.Miller St, Cammeray ‐ Full buses at peak School Travel Road, Carter timesBellevue St, Cammeray ‐ School drop off/pick up. Congestion and parents illegally stopping in no Plan including Street, Fredben stopping zonesExits From Cammeray ‐ Other points of traffic generation are school hour pick ups and drop Traffic Avenue, Miller offs. Similarly for Saturday School.Palmer & Bellevue ‐ traffic Congestion with buses & parents double Management Street, Palmer parking Carter ‐ parking;Palmer St ‐ Congestion school hrs driving Carter St into Bellevue St turn left into Plan to reduce Street, Raleigh Palmer very difficult also so many pedestrians going to & from school across lights at Palmer & Miller St. vehicle use Street Only almost 2 cars can turn right to Northbridge direction. Alternate for Northbridge direction just as bad. and minimise Suggest school arranges a better pick up, drop off system.Exits From Cammeray ‐ At school excursion time the negative buses park from Raleigh St around the corner into Palmer St completely blocking access to Miller St for impacts on traffic from Carter St. This pushes all the traffic through Bellevue St and up Amherst Street, generating long road network, traffic queues around the Amherst St roundabout and back up Bellevue St. In the direction to Chatswood parking and and Eastern Valley Way there are other there at Northbridge. Also too many parents at school pick up amenity. timeSchool traffic at Cammeray Primary corner Carter/Bellevue ‐ Some days I have trouble exiting Carter St to be able to get across Miller St going westThe buses hired by the school take up parking on Carter St.I would really like to raise one area of concern that does not seem to have been highlighted on your website that is very close to my heart ‐ road and traffic safety ‐ especially for children in and around school zones. I live on a road that connects directly to a School (Cammeray Public School) and there are groups of children walking up and down this street every morning and afternoon. While there are the usual 40 School zones around the school, Carter St seems to have become what seems like a race track for cars taking a short‐cut between Mosman/Neutral Bay and Northbridge. The stretch between Cammeray Rd travelling up Carter is particularly bad.Carter St and Bellevue, Cammeray ‐ school drop off and pick up time traffic, unsafe intersection. Bellevue St/Miller St, Cammeray ‐ peak hour and school drop off and pick up times CongestionRoundabouts (all) ‐ have become like give way to the right cross roads. New enforceable rules 9 of 28 Updated 20/02/2018 LATM Action Plan Zone 4 Action ID Location Description of Request or Issue Category Action Notes Priority needed with appropriate signageDriving, Bellevue St, Cammeray ‐ Unmanaged traffic on Bellevue St & congested intersection at Bellevue & Palmer St. Dangerous double parking along Bellevue.Cnr Bellevue and Palmer, Cammeray ‐ at pick up and drop off around Cammeray Public School. Also on Saturdays with the Japanese school. The intersection is blocked with cars, buses and kids using the crossing then the lights at Miller and Palmer Streets also add to the disruption. Cars coming out of the carpark at Cammeray shops don't help either. this all happens simultaneously and causes gridlock. Cammeray Public School causes massive congestion because there are too many parents in private cars, kids need to walk more. It holds up the 263 and 201 and takes up parking. Should initiate walking programsCammeray School ‐ Bellevue Street at drop off and pick up. Cammeray public buses backed up during school excursions. No lollypop person to help with blind spots. Drop off zones away from the school to ease congestion.Drop off congestion at schoolCarter St Cammeray ‐ parents dropping & picking up children at school. Double parking, parking at No Stopping signs, parking across my driveway! Changes need to be made at Cammeray School for Safety reasons. The whole area becomes a bottleneck at school times.Fredben Ave, Cammeray ‐ sometimes hard to park in street eg school drop off/pick up and Sat morning and some evening eg Friday nightPalmer St ‐ Parking in streets around Cammeray P SchoolThe Lollipop person employed by the school is not very effective. Will stop traffic for every child when they should allow a build up of people and let traffic through. Miller St, Cammeray ‐ Danger time 8.20‐8.40 the school kids crowd the front area of the bus and it screams past the main stop without stopping. I, along with many other horrified commuters are stunned to see the back half empty. Private school in North Sydney need their own dedicated buses at this time.

SL.1 Amherst Increased Lighting for Safety ‐ quite dark in places on pathways Street Upgrade Short Street Lighting street lighting between Amherst st (west of Miller) is very dark at night and therefore hard for car to see pedestrians and Miller pedestrians seeing other people. Street and West Street SL.2 Cammeray Increased Lighting for Safety ‐ quite dark in places on pathways Street Upgrade Medium Road Lighting street lighting Safety walks from the bus to destination on Cammeray Road ‐ lighting on Park Avenue. Access to Neutral Bay X St Leonards station. Connectivity to public transport/local bus services that feed the main transport links.

Lights needed

SL.3 Carter Increased Lighting for Safety ‐ quite dark in places on pathways Street Upgrade Medium Street Lighting street lighting SL.4 Park Safety walks from the bus to destination on Cammeray Road ‐ lighting on Park Avenue. Access to Neutral Street Upgrade Medium Avenue Bay X St Leonards station. Connectivity to public transport/local bus services that feed the main transport Lighting street lighting links.

10 of 28 Updated 20/02/2018 LATM Action Plan Zone 4 Action ID Location Description of Request or Issue Category Action Notes Priority T.1 Miller Miller St shops, Cammeray ‐ Make it a 40 zone, slow the traffic for a better village feel like Balmain Traffic Create Short Street, did.Shops built up now, going too fast along Miller Street through the shops. Miller St ‐ Drivers Facilities & 40km/h speed Cammeray SpeedingMajor speeding problemMiller St, Cammeray ‐ Speeding and loud cars/motorbikes at night/early Investigations zone including at between morningMiller St, Cammeray ‐ Speeding cars towards and away from suspension bridgeMiller St, traffic calming Amherst Cammeray ‐ bad peak hour traffic scheme Street and Palmer Street T.2a Tunks Park ‐ The Boulevarde, Cammeray ‐ No clear line of sight travelling from East to West, especially in crest about Traffic Tunks Park Short access half way along Boulevarde, cars parked on both sides of the road, single lane, dangerous. especially during Facilities & Traffic streets winter sport, soccer on Sat mornings, traffic is a nightmare. Investigations Management Plan The Boulevarde, Cammeray ‐ We now avoid using the Boulevarde ‐ especially at the weekend, with cars parked on both sides there is little chance to pass a car coming in the opposite direction along what is effectively one laneThe Boulevarde ‐ Traffic Congestion and accidents on Saturday, when there is sport at Tunks Park

Car ‐ congested street in the Boulevarde on Saturdays during sport ‐ parking congested in the street

Car ‐ I have trouble parking in the street on Saturday mornings 3 day parking with commute by car, unit in Boulevard too, Saturday parking boulevard because of Tunks? Park nearby (sport)/boats etc. Need to reverse to make room for parental driving to park, hard to have visitors".

Pine Street East, Cammeray ‐ When there are sporting fixtures in Tunks Park (at the weekend) it can be difficult to park near our home

I struggle with getting into or out of my garage or street on a Saturday morning.

Tunks Park ‐ Major Congestion on Saturday, inadequate parking, dangerous traffic in narrow streets.

Cammeray ‐ narrow streets with large volume of traffic going to/from Tunks Park especially due to sporting activities. This causes extreme Congestion, dangerous driving and lack of parking for residents.

Suggestion re congestion on Saturday sport days ‐ buses to take players to Tunks Park on a loop, have 2‐3 pick‐up/drop off points so parents can drop children to buses, not requiring individual vehicles to travel to/from Tunks Park and avoid the large volumes at vehicles and subsequent congestion. Sports Clubs to fund. One side of The Boulevarde “No Parking” on Saturday AM to allow through traffic.

11 of 28 Updated 20/02/2018 LATM Action Plan Zone 4 Action ID Location Description of Request or Issue Category Action Notes Priority T.2b Tunks Park ‐ Saturday morning congestion and emergency vehicle access: During the winter months, particularly on Traffic Prepare Includes:Currawan Short access Saturday mornings, there is gridlock and congestion on roads travelling toward Tunks Park, and parking is Facilities & Green Travel g Street; Rowlison streets near impossible as is access out of residents' driveways. This is particularly bad in the Boulevarde but Investigations Plan and Parade; The extends through Rowlison Parade, Currawang St, Pine St East, Alan St, and on the other side of Tunks Parks, Traffic Boulevarde; Lower Cliff avenue.Can the Traffic Committee which includes representatives form the Police Local area Management Brothers Avenue command and the RTA please send someone down and put traffic measuring devices back onto the Plan for Tunks Boulevarde to assess this issue and either provide personnel to manage the congestion or come up with a Park and viable solution? Right now, if a child is injured in Tunks Park, on a Saturday morning, there would be no various vehicular access for any emergency vehicles. And local residents should be able to exit their homes without sporting adding to the congestion. Please advise what Council or the Traffic committee are going to do to attend to groups to this issue ?Shocking issues with parking and traffic flow along The Boulevard and Rowlison Parade when reduce travel sport is on at Tunks Park.The Residential side of Rowlison Parade needs to be made 'No Stopping' to by private prevent traffic clogs Parking on Saturday and Sunday mornings along roads leading to Tunks Park is vehicles and atrocious. I have called council rangers on three occasions to report cars parked on Saturday mornings in minimise the 'No Stopping' zone (on a blind corner with double lines I might add) outside my house in the past traffic and month and no one has attended. Cars also park on the footpath meaning children as young as 6 have to parking walk on the road, dodging traffic, to reach the playing fields. Traffic blockages occur regularly every impacts of Saturday from 8am through 1pm along Rowlison Parade and The Boulevard leading one resident from the private Boulevard to get out of her car and direct traffic last Saturday morning due to a blockage which involved at vehicle trips. least 18 cars so she could reach her house.I have teenage sons who play sport and worry about the lack of access for emergency vehicles in the event of an accident. Each year it would seem that the problem gets worse. If a resident leaves their parking spot in the street outside their home on a Saturday they would have to wait until after 1pm to have any hope of reparking. In my opinion, it is only a matter of time before a serious accident occurs and when this happens I don't know how emergency vehicles will be able to get through.The Boulevard, Cammeray ‐ traffic, particularly on Saturdays. As a resident whose home surrounds Tunks Park on the Willoughby side, I feel the need to complain about the traffic and parking chaos that happens every Saturday and Sunday (sports days). During school sports I cannot even reverse out of my garage due to hundreds of cars trying to exit and arrive at Tunks Park. The Boulevarde in Cammeray and Lower Cliff Avenue and Willoughby are severely effected by this traffic. Add to this boat users trying to access the jetty and you really have an unsafe and frustrating chain of events. If an ambulance was required either by a park user or resident of these streets, I can pretty much say that they would not be able to get to their destination. Photos are available if required.Parking for sport in and around Tunks Park on Saturdays is also difficult. Access along streets both North and South of Tunks park is greatly affected. On some occasions it can take 20 minutes to get out of a traffic jam along The Boulevarde as cars of kids, car with boats on trailers, trucks etc all build up and try to manoeuvre and reverse through the narrow streets and parked cars. I have seen numerous accidents with cars colliding or the scraping of parked cars along here as there is often not enough room for passing. I am not sure how this can be solved as kids sport down there is a fantastic activity. We are fortunate we have an alternative access but it must be difficult if you live along any of these streets.I would like to comment on traffic congestion and parking around Tunks Park. I live in Cammeray and often use (or try to use) Tunks Park for exercise for myself, my young kids and my dog. When Tunks Park is utilised by sporting groups, we are prevented from using it because we can't park anywhere near it. Weekend mornings are particularly bad. At 10am on Saturday 7 May 2016, for example, there were no available parks from Stratford Street in Cammeray, through Tunks 12 of 28 Updated 20/02/2018 LATM Action Plan Zone 4 Action ID Location Description of Request or Issue Category Action Notes Priority Park and all the way up to Strathallen Avenue in Northbridge. There was also gridlock in Lower Cliff Avenue Northbridge. I appreciate that this street is not in the North Sydney LGA, but the gridlock was caused by sporting groups using Tunks Park, so I believe that it is of concern to the North Sydney Council. The gridlock extended along the entire length of Lower Cliff Avenue. I was stuck motionless in the gridlock for 10 minutes and a driver who was attempting to drive the other way informed me that he had been stuck for 20 minutes. No residents of Lower Cliff Avenue were able to get cars into or out of their houses. The gridlock was only resolved when around 6 cars coming down Lower Cliff Avenue reversed their cars all the way out of the street. Had a boat‐with‐trailer been part of this mix then the gridlock would have taken even longer to resolve. I am deeply concerned that Council's plans to install floodlighting in Tunks Park will make this traffic congestion a daily occurrence in both Cammeray and Northbridge. We have narrow streets and very limited parking and the traffic congestion already overwhelms our area. We are Cammeray residents but are effectively prevented from using Tunks Park because of the traffic congestion and parking problems. Thank you for your consideration of this submission. Please save Tunks Park from its obvious overuse. T.3 Weringa Single Vehicle Sign on lower Weringa St/Pine St/Alan St: The street is a single vehicle access road between Traffic Install Narrow Long Avenue ‐ Wernga street and Pine/Alan streets but often times vehicles are travelling too quickly or unaware. Can a Facilities & Road warning single lane sign be put up "Slow Down‐ Single vehicle road" at both ends of this street ? Also there is currently a boat Investigations sign section near trailer (minus the boat) parked at the bottom of this street, further restricting one's view of oncoming Alan Street/ traffic if travelling from Alan Street up. Can that be moved ? Please advise if such a sign will be erected or Pine Street some other means of indicating to vehicles? T.4 Miller Lane Pedestrian crossing sign not clear Traffic Upgrade Short at Raleigh Facilities & Pedestrian Street Investigations Crossing signage T.5 Churchill Churchill Cres, Winston Avenue ‐ narrow streets, congested parking ‐ solution: make one way into Churchill Traffic Convert street Long Crescent from Cammeray Rd and exit via Winston. Facilities & to one‐way and Investigations Winston To date (past year) damage by vehicles: Avenue ‐ 2 x side mirrors damaged ‐ 2 x fence demolished ‐ 2 x near head on at Churchill and Cammeray Rd intersection

Convert narrow streets into now way thoroughfares where possible e.g where it is relatively to have traffic moving in circuit systems, e.g. enter churchill crew from cammmeray Rd and exit vis Winston Ave back into Cammeray Rd. This will minimise the parking issues, streamline traffic movement and limit the possibility of vehicle damage and head on collisions of which there have bee at least 2 in the past year. T.6 Abbott Cnr Abbott & Cambridge St ‐ poor visibility of turning the corner near 52 Abbott St due to number of cars Traffic Remove Not to Street at parked due to 'No Limit' area. Facilities & parking to proceed Cambridge Investigations improve Street visbility

13 of 28 Updated 20/02/2018 LATM Action Plan Zone 4 Action ID Location Description of Request or Issue Category Action Notes Priority T.7a Amherst Amherst St, Cammeray ‐ cars parked in Amhurst St block the line of sight of cars exiting Cammeray Square Traffic Install kerb Not to Street at car park. Reduce parking spots by two car lengths and build a garden with gutters to prevent cars parking Facilities & extensions on proceed Stocklands near the car park exit Investigations either side of carpark exit driveway (remove parking) T.7b Amherst Amherst St, Cammeray ‐ traffic exiting Stockland's car park at Cammeray Square should be directed to turn Traffic Restrict exit to No recorded Not to Street at left only Facilities & left out only crashes. Carpark proceed Stocklands Investigations exit has speed carpark exit Cammeray Square Amherst Street ‐ exiting Stockland Cammeray Square. Dangerous & poorly managed by humps and Stop Council. signage.

Restricting movements will extend trips and diver traffic onto local roads. T.9 Carter Carter St, Cammeray ‐ crossing at Carter St near Colin St allows cars to park too close to it so when cars Traffic Increase No Medium Street at drive thru they can't see pedestrians. It's very dangerous crossing (more signage). Facilities & Stopping Colin Street Investigations distances at Carter St, Cammeray ‐ pedestrian crossing, cars not stopping, visibility issues pedestrian crossing with kerb extensions

T.10a Carter Fast cards at crossing ‐ Visibility is difficult Traffic Redesign Medium Street at Facilities & pedestrian Bellevue Investigations facilities Street T.10b Carter Bellevue and Palmer St and Carter St ‐ traffic jam at school caused by lack of turning lanes. Carter St left Traffic Create am Increases crossing Not to Street at into Bellevue St. Palmer St right into Bellevue. Facilities & extra lane at width for proceed Bellevue Investigations intersection pedestrians and Street for left turn creates greater only. potential for conflicts. T.11 Miller Parking on Miller down hill towards the bridge before Carter Street ‐ should not be able to park here at all ‐ Traffic Remove Not to Street dangerous blind spot Facilities & parking to proceed between Investigations improve Palmer Rat Run ‐ cars parked both sides, difficult to merge to go north traffic flow Street and The Boulevarde

14 of 28 Updated 20/02/2018 LATM Action Plan Zone 4 Action ID Location Description of Request or Issue Category Action Notes Priority T.14 Park Walking from M30 bus stop on Military Road to Cammeray Road ‐ not safe for pedestrians. Low or no Traffic No action Separated Not to Avenue at visibility. 1. Park Avenue & Sutherland St ‐ no visibility; 2. Park Avenue & Grasmere Road; 3. Park Avenue & Facilities & required. footpath on proceed Grasmere Earle Street. Investigations eastern side of Road Park Avenue with road narrowing in Grasmere Road T.15 Park Walking from M30 bus stop on Military Road to Cammeray Road ‐ not safe for pedestrians. Low or no Traffic Install kerb Medium Avenue at visibility. 1. Park Avenue & Sutherland St ‐ no visibility; 2. Park Avenue & Grasmere Road; 3. Park Avenue & Facilities & buildouts Earle Street Earle Street. Investigations

15 of 28 Updated 20/02/2018 LATM Action Plan Zone 4 Action ID Location Description of Request or Issue Category Action Notes Priority T.16a The Parking at Tunks Park.Parking at Tunks Park is generally adequate for the current use of facilities and Traffic Traffic Consider low level Medium Boulevarde should not be expanded. The facilities are relatively balanced between nature reserve, organised sport and Facilities & calming rain gardens simple community free play and recreational use. Any further "industrialisation" or commercialisation in Investigations adajcent to this sensitive environment would be a big burden on residents and local fauna and flora. There is no scope driveways of No. for additional vehicular traffic on the narrow suburban streets ‐ they are already choked at peak sporting 28 to address sight times. Access is very restricted and can not be expanded. Public transport is non existent and could never issues in be cost effective in this location. Even commuting by bike or foot is only for the very fittest elite because of conjunction. the long steep climbs involved back to Strathallen. The main issue for Tunks is vehicular safety at the intersections with Strathallen particularly the southern intersection. A roundabout at the southern end of the stone bridge would have a traffic calming effect and offer north and south passage without the stop start impact of lights, especially in peak hour, and this is what I strongly advocate.Speed limits painted on road: The Boulevarde is a busy throughfare for vehicles and is basically a single lane road with obstructed vision because vehicles are parked on both sides of the road. Often cars travel too quickly on this road and there are no opportunities for passing oncoming traffic other than reversing into a driveway or reversing many metres to allow oncoming traffic to proceed. It would be helpful if signs were painted on the road with "Slow down" 40km area at the intersection of the Boulevarde ann the Bridge and perhaps at the junction down to Tunks park from Rowlison Parade? Please advise if anything will be done re speed limits or signposting / road painting 3. No. 28 The Boulevarde ‐ both exits ‐ view of oncoming traffic blocked due to parked vehicles. The Bouelvarde is favoured by cyclists. The exiting driver has no choice but to nose out blind. Because cyclists hug the left side heading east they cannot be seen until about a second before collision. There are 2 spots between the 2 exits, yet up to four residents now park in the streets in preference to using their own garages due to the exit hazards. We request that those two parking spots be removed and the two eastern and western most boundary markes be extended another 2 metres or more, particularly if cyclists are not to be hit. Across the road there is a single parking spot between No.s 39A & 41. This, if occupied prevents is from turning on to the narrow road by severely restricting our radius of turn. It also blocks any escape route for an oncoming vehicle about to hit a car exiting blind. This parking spot urgently needs to be removed.In The Boulevarde ‐ Cars travelling east from Miller often pick up speed down hill narrowly missing cars exiting driveways that have no visibility of cars come down the street. Cars have been damaged. With ever increasing traffic the above situation will be compounded.2. Combined bend and hump in the Boulevarde 100m from Miller StreetBoth bend and up severely restrict vision between oncoming vehicles… difficult to avoid a head‐on collision. Locals who are aware of this hazard usully reduce to maximum of 25km/h but visitors to Tunks Park using this road have reached speeds well over 50km/h particular if turning downhill from Miller St. A number of cars have been side‐swipted and one motorbike written off when driveway have chosen to hit parked vehicles rather than the oncoming one. AT night problem is reduced because headlight reflections give advanced notice. It either needs a speed bump with advanced warning markings, or no parking on one side of the road in that section, so that vehicles can avoid each other head on.Parking both sides of The Boulevarde has caused many accidents,we believe that there should beparking only on the Northern side of The Boulevarde and not within three meters of a drivewayaccess

16 of 28 Updated 20/02/2018 LATM Action Plan Zone 4 Action ID Location Description of Request or Issue Category Action Notes Priority T.16b The Cammeray, the Boulevarde No. 28 ‐ Serious accident waiting to happen! Zero visibility when exiting due to Traffic Remove 1 crash reported Not to Boulevarde cars parked next to driveway exit. Council must install mirror, reduce speed to 40 and have one speed Facilities & parking to along The proceed hump when coming down over the hill ‐ or ‐ best solution:‐ Reduce car park space in street from two to Investigations improve Boulevarde. one (between visitor car entry & main driveway). This would enable drivers exiting the unit block to see traffic flow Removal of cars coming down the hill. Currently a matter of cross your fingers & hope for the best!;I travel to Tunks and visibility parking can result park via the boulevard. There is an extremely dangerous blind curve and cars park on both sides so only in an increase in one wat can occur. An accident is bound to happen...Council should restrict parking on this curve Opposite traffic speeds due 2‐24 The Boulevarde ‐ Blind spot for vehicles coming from both directions of The BoulevardeThe to widening of Boulevarde, Cammeray ‐ Too much on street parking, restricts access to our property.Tunks Park ‐ High travel lanes. See level use, especially on weekends, creates severe traffic problems, creates severe traffic problems in the also Action P.2 & area. Suggest residents' parking Permits and parking on one side of the Boulevarde onlyBlind corner: At the T.16a for crest of the Boulevarde ( opposite 24‐26 ) is a blind corner because of cars parked on both sides. Can one alternative side of this street opposite or next to 24‐26 the Boulvearde be a "No Parking" zone, so there is an solution. opportunity for vehicles to see what's coming or give way without having to reverse into someone's drive way or 50 plus metres?Monitoring on Boulevarde for speed and number of vehicles. Boulevarde should have parking on only one side. Need resident permit. Timed parking would be okay.Impossible to drive out of 28 The Boulevarde driveway safely with parked, sometimes trucks parked right up to the driveway. There is no sight distance to observe approaching vehicles, mostly going too fast, until your vehicle is well into the traffic path in The Boulevarde. The Boulevarde, Cammeray ‐ No clear line of sight travelling from East to West, especially in crest about half way along Boulevarde, cars parked on both sides of the road, single lane, dangerous. especially during winter sport, soccer on Sat mornings, traffic is a nightmare.The Boulevarde, Cammeray ‐ We now avoid using the Boulevarde ‐ especially at the weekend, with cars parked on both sides there is little chance to pass a car coming in the opposite direction along what is effectively one laneThe Boulevarde, Cammeray ‐ driving ‐ need a mirror to help see oncoming traffic as the road is narrow and often boat towing etcBoulevard/semi attached/not currently working/ don’t need daily transport/ major paring issue in street (due to renovations, tree cutting, road renovation, trailers with boats) pulling out of drive way is dangerous. notice black strips monitoring traffic on street (council report revealed its recording speeding to determine extent of problem and notify police of peak speeding periods)/husband catches bus to work, excellent/inconsistent parking restrictions along street/maximum 3 cars on street to solving traffic problem with boat trailers and Tunks park sport getting past each other means removing parking on one side of road".3. No. 28 The Boulevarde ‐ both exits ‐ view of oncoming traffic blocked due to parked vehicles. The Bouelvarde is favoured by cyclists. The exiting driver has no choice but to nose out blind. Because cyclists hug the left side heading east they cannot be seen until about a second before collision. There are 2 spots between the 2 exits, yet up to four residents now park in the streets in preference to using their own garages due to the exit hazards. We request that those two parking spots be removed and the two eastern and western most boundary markes be extended another 2 metres or more, particularly if cyclists are not to be hit. Across the road there is a single parking spot between No.s 39A & 41. This, if occupied prevents is from turning on to the narrow road by severely restricting our radius of turn. It also blocks any escape route for an oncoming vehicle about to hit a car exiting blind. This parking spot urgently needs to be removed.

17 of 28 Updated 20/02/2018 LATM Action Plan Zone 4 Action ID Location Description of Request or Issue Category Action Notes Priority T.17 West Street Corner Vale St and West St ‐ very dangerous, due to parked cars, cannot see oncoming traffic in both Traffic Install kerb Removal of Long at Vale directions at the bottom of Vale St. Facilities & buildouts parking alone is Street Investigations not recommended as this will increase traffic speeds on bend. T.18 Abbott Vale St, Cammeray ‐ traffic Speeding along Vale St from Miller St and going far too quickly into and along Traffic Traffic Medium Street Abbott St very concerning for cars and pedestrians exiting garages and homes along eastern side of Abbott Facilities & calming between St Investigations Vale Street CAMMERAY GENERALLY ‐ SPEED LIMIT OF 50 KPH IS EXEEDED BY FAR TOO MANY MOTORISTS AND NEEDS and Palmer TO BE OBSERVED BECAUSE OF PROXIMITY OF SCHOOLS, YOUNG FAMILIES AND OLDER PEOPLE. Street Cammeray, corner Abbott and Palmer ‐ we really need a flat roundabout that slows cars, but buses can go over as they do with the one at West and Amhurst Cammeray‐Palmer St, Abbott to West ‐ the one at West and Amhurst. Cars speed up coming down from Miller heading over West and have to break for cars turning into the Leagues ClubIntersection of Palmer and Abbott Sts Cammeray ‐ despite stop signs crashes continue to occur putting pedestrian lives at risk. Basic solutions such as speed bumps/roundabout have been ignored by Council Cammeray generally ‐ speed limit of 50kph is exceeded by far too many motorists and needs to be observed because of proximity of schools, young families and older peopleINTERSECTION OF PALMER AND ABBOTT ST, CAMMERAY ‐ DESPITE STOP SIGNS, CRASHES CONTINUE TO OCCUR PUTTING PEDESTRIAN LIVES AT RISK. BASIC SOLUTION SUCH AS SPEED BUMPS, ROUNDABOUT HAVE BE IGNORED BY COUNCIL. VALE ST, CAMMERAY ‐ TRAFFIC SPEEDING ALONG VALE ST FROM MILLER ST AND GOING FAR TOO QUICKLY INTO AND ALONG ABBOTT ST VERY CONCERNING FOR cars AND PEDESTRIANS EXITING GARAGES AND HOMES ALONG EASTERN SIDE OF ABBOTT ST. T.19 Alan Street Alan St ‐ Speeding cars are a danger. It is a rat run to Tunks Park & Northbridge. Dangerous to back out of Traffic Traffic Medium my driveway as visibility is poor due to parked cars. Speed bumps advisable. Also cars speed from Facilities & calming Cammeray Rd into Alan St & there will be a head on one day soon! While the entrance from Cammeray Rd Investigations in to Alan St is quite wide, the road curves back in, the result often being that cars turn and drive in the middle of the road. As with many streets in Sydney now, there are cars regularly parked on both sides of the road; if an unsuspecting driver is heading along Alan Street towards Cammeray Road, they can be confronted with a car driving directly towards them and there can be restricted opportunity to move quickly out of the way. A division in the road (such as the island in Carter St near the intersection with Cammeray Rd) would provide an actual and visual reminder for drivers to ’stick to their side’ of the road and alleviate the possibility of head on collisions. Alan St Cammeray ‐ Speeding drivers using Alan St. I've already raised this issue with Nth Syd Council ‐ their reply was a study has been undertaken and no evidence was found. It is racetrack on occasion with high speed drivers travelling in excess of 100km/h!Alan Street provides a shortcut to Tunks Park, a popular venue for sporting activities. Its a long, straight (one you’ve turned into it) street and its tempting for visitors to drive over the speed limit. Some speed bumps could assist in resolving this issue and lessen the risk to people, particularly children.

18 of 28 Updated 20/02/2018 LATM Action Plan Zone 4 Action ID Location Description of Request or Issue Category Action Notes Priority T.20a Amhest Bellevue St, Cammeray ‐ traffic calming measures should be put in place, especially for cars turning left into Traffic Traffic Medium Street at Bellevue from Amhurst Avenue as many speed around corner Facilities & calming Bellevue Investigations Street T.20b Amhest Roundabout and buses‐ Bellevue rd. buses find it hard to get around the roundabout. Site line issues and Traffic Install raised Roundabout outer Long Street at signs being flattered. Facilities & intersection island is flat so Bellevue 263 and 201, top of Bellevue near Palmer St., peak hour. Investigations buses can mount Street it. No crashes recorded. No evidence of conflict with signs on inspection. Interesction appears to be operating satisfactorily T.20c Amhest Cammeray and Crows Nest ‐ more pedestrian Crossings ‐ there are so many parents with babies/young Traffic Install Medium Street at children in the area and drivers rarely give way ‐ please install more Crossings to keep kids safe! eg Facilities & pedestrian Bellevue Bellevue St near Amherst St and West St near Amherst St Investigations crossing, Street refuge or kerb The roundabout at the intersection of Amherst Street and Bellevue Street is also very busy and potentially buildouts dangerous for pedestrians. Please install a crossing, for example further down Bellevue Street, so pedestrians can safely cross the road.

Barriers to movement ‐ Many of the barriers to movement (concrete dividers and steel posts) are hazards to people and expense to the community. We see them continually flattened eg those in Bellevue St near Amherst and Carter Streets and Carter St near Cairo St. They generally don't seem to help people cross the road. T.21 Amherst Amherst St, Cammeray ‐ cars coming out of Stocklands, bottleneck and dangerous. My rear driveway also Traffic Traffic Short Street backs onto the carpark behind Miller St off Amherst st. There needs to be speed humps here, particularly Facilities & calming between at the entries to the carpark. People speed in forgetting that locals might be using these driveways and Investigations Bellevue there could be a crash. Also there is a lot of pedestrian activity in the car park and it's not a safe place to Street and drive fast and aggressivley. Amherst St ‐ entry/exit to car park behind Miller St shops (east) ‐ cars do not West Street stop when exiting car park despite stop sign. Speed hump and bigger sign required. Exit onto Amherst St should be left turn only Amherst St, Cammeray ‐ used as shortcut crossing/exit from express way noisy and busy. Make it one way

T.22 Bellevue Car seems to speed down Bellevue Street Traffic Traffic Medium Street Facilities & calming Investigations

19 of 28 Updated 20/02/2018 LATM Action Plan Zone 4 Action ID Location Description of Request or Issue Category Action Notes Priority T.23 Vale Street Speeding coming down Vale St onto West St or Bridgeview Avenue Traffic Traffic Medium Facilities & calming Investigations T.24 Cairo Street Cairo St, Cammeray ‐ please install speed bumps on this street. Traffic is too fast. Children play on streetRe Traffic Traffic Consider Medium Cairo Street, Cammeray Speed Limit Cairo St is a dead end with no through traffic and low traffic density. Facilities & calming horizontal This enables children to play on the street and parents encourage them to do so. It is joyful and a rare Investigations deflection and opportunity to experience the simpler life before cars. However the legal speed limit is too high for safety. passive traffic In this little street the official speed limit should be reduced to 10 Km/hour and signs should be erected calming options showing children at play. There is no need for speed humps which would be uncomfortable, noisy, visually rather than speed ugly, and would actually spoil the play and would endanger kids running for a ball etc. humps T.25 Miller Cambridge St Bus Stop ‐ Morning peak hour ‐ crossing from west to east side of Miller Street is dangerous. Traffic Request RMS RMS policy no Long Street near Traffic won't stop.; Facilities & to install longer permits Cambridge Investigations signalised new zebra Street Miller St, Cammeray ‐ dangerous trying to cross Miller St to catch bus at 'Bridge' stop near the Boulevarde. pedestrian crossings where crossing there are more than 2 travel Getting across this St. lanes.

Crossing the road ‐ cars do not stop when crossing Miller St to bus stop;

Pine St, Cammeray ‐ crossing/traffic No formal pedestrian crossing/unsafe to cross (high traffic)

Trying to cross road from bus stop near Pine St, Cammeray ‐ cars speed up Miller St from Northbridge making it difficult to walk across road when getting off the bus. Trying to cross road from bus stop near Pine St, Cammeray ‐ cars speed up Miller St from Northbridge making it difficult to walk across road when getting off the bus.

Pedestrian crossing (cars don’t see them) T.26 Cambridge Cambridge St, Cammeray ‐ motorists cut through and use as rat run. Traffic Traffic Long Street Facilities & calming Investigations T.27 Cammeray Head ons happen all the time Traffic Traffic Medium Road Cammeray Road not safe for families. ‐ drivers love the long stretch of Cammeray Road and regularly drive Facilities & calming over speed limit. Investigations T.28 Carter Often poor driver behaviour at Carter Street corner. Roundabout at Cammeray & Carter to slow vehicles. Traffic Traffic Medium Street Cars speeding over hill/blind spot Facilities & calming between Investigations Cammeray Road and Stratford Street 20 of 28 Updated 20/02/2018 LATM Action Plan Zone 4 Action ID Location Description of Request or Issue Category Action Notes Priority T.29 Cowdroy Cammeray ‐ Cowdroy Avenue ‐ due to parked cars and walkers Cowdroy avenue is a dangerous 2 way Traffic Traffic Long Avenue street. It needs to be one way. Facilities & calming Investigations T.30 Miller Lane Big problem in Raleigh St and parking behind Cammeray shops. Children play whilst parents attend coffee Traffic Traffic Medium shops, dogs, many people walking to cars, school children using the crossing. It is extremely dangerous as Facilities & calming very few cars bother to use stop sign. There is going to be a death. Crossing needs to be clearly marked, Investigations LARGE Safety bumps put in and STOP signs painted on roadway. Same needs to be done exiting car park Palmer St

A safety concern: Miller Lane on the eastern side of Cammeray shops. There are two stop signs where the lane crosses Raleigh St and joins Palmer St. Most cars do not stop at these signs. Some cars speed across Raleigh St. Do we have to wait till there is serious injury/death before some action is taken. Recommend using those black and yellow speed hump strips to slow cars down.

Cammeray near the Laneway ‐ suggest you install speed bumps before the pedestrian in the car park area ‐ dangerous on the pedestrian crossing

T.32 Pine Street Pine St, Cammeray ‐ cars parked on both sides of street and away traffic ‐ congested, near miss accidents, Traffic Traffic Medium between etc. Facilities & calming Currawang Investigations Street and Alan Street T.34 West Street Turning onto West Street from Palmer and Amherst Street. Avoiding lights on Miller and Amherst Street. Traffic Traffic Medium between Traffic off Warringah Express way to round about on Amherst Street. Speeding down Parker and speeding Facilities & calming Palmer down West. Speed and site lines are an issue. Blind spots needing attention Investigations Street and Warringah Freeway overpass T.35a Abbott Cnr. Palmer & Abbott Streets, Cammeray ‐ Intersection difficult for cars crossing at stop sign, as traffic on Traffic Install Not to Street at palmer St tends to go fast, plus palmer St is Hilly making visibility worse.; Facilities & roundabout proceed Palmer Abbott and Palmer Sts intersection ‐ dangerous crossing for all users Investigations Street Palmer, Abott Street, Cammeray ‐ Despite council approving more and more developments, it shows scant regard for ensuring road Safety. This intersection is a potent case in point. In the face of accidents crashes, and in the face of the residents expressing their concern for years, North Sydney Council has done nothing but send out amorphous "community Consultation" surveys. Prove to us you aren't nothing but a drain on ratepayers dollars and do something.

Palmer St & Abbott St ‐ People do not observe the large Stop sign. Bicycle riders scare me.

21 of 28 Updated 20/02/2018 LATM Action Plan Zone 4 Action ID Location Description of Request or Issue Category Action Notes Priority T.35b Abbott Cnr. Palmer & Abbott Streets, Cammeray ‐ Intersection difficult for cars crossing at stop sign, as traffic on Traffic Install raised Medium Street at palmer St tends to go fast, plus palmer St is Hilly making visibility worse.; Facilities & intersection Palmer Abbott and Palmer Sts intersection ‐ dangerous crossing for all users Investigations Street Palmer, Abott Street, Cammeray ‐ Despite council approving more and more developments, it shows scant regard for ensuring road Safety. This intersection is a potent case in point. In the face of accidents crashes, and in the face of the residents expressing their concern for years, North Sydney Council has done nothing but send out amorphous "community Consultation" surveys. Prove to us you aren't nothing but a drain on ratepayers dollars and do something.

Palmer St & Abbott St ‐ People do not observe the large Stop sign. Bicycle riders scare me. T.35c Abbott Cnr. Palmer & Abbott Streets, Cammeray ‐ Intersection difficult for cars crossing at stop sign, as traffic on Traffic Install speed Medium Street at palmer St tends to go fast, plus palmer St is Hilly making visibility worse.; Facilities & cushions on Palmer Abbott and Palmer Sts intersection ‐ dangerous crossing for all users Investigations approach to Street intersection Palmer, Abott Street, Cammeray ‐ Despite council approving more and more developments, it shows scant regard for ensuring road Safety. This intersection is a potent case in point. In the face of accidents crashes, and in the face of the residents expressing their concern for years, North Sydney Council has done nothing but send out amorphous "community Consultation" surveys. Prove to us you aren't nothing but a drain on ratepayers dollars and do something.

Palmer St & Abbott St ‐ People do not observe the large Stop sign. Bicycle riders scare me. T.36a Amherst Cnr. Amherst St & West St, Cammeray ‐ Dangerous crossing for pedestrians over Amherst ST (slip road Traffic Install raised Short Street at from Brook St) as traffic is fast, having exited a main road ‐ cars tend not to give way to pedestrians, Facilities & pedestrian West Street despite roundabout. Investigations crossing

Roundabout West & Amherst Sts ‐ Mad, unpredictable, impatient traffic ‐ difficult for my kids to nav. on their own.

Amherst/ West ‐ cars approaching roundabout off exit ramp do not turn their blinker off. Too many car accidents.

Crows Nest ‐ roundabout Amherst and West Street ‐ not safe to cross at all

Cammeray and Crows Nest ‐ more pedestrian Crossings ‐ there are so many parents with babies/young children in the area and drivers rarely give way ‐ please install more Crossings to keep kids safe! eg Bellevue St near Amherst St and West St near Amherst St T.36b Amherst Amherst/West St ‐ roundabout ‐ blind spot for motorist entering from the westCongestion due to cars Traffic Intstall speed Medium Street at coming off freewayRoundabout, lengthy buses can't get around it. Roundabout on West and Amherst Facilities & cushions on West Street Streets ‐ buses can’t get around it easily. Investigations approach to roundabout

22 of 28 Updated 20/02/2018 LATM Action Plan Zone 4 Action ID Location Description of Request or Issue Category Action Notes Priority T.37 Alan Street 1. Can anything be done about the intersection of Alan Street and Cammeray Road please. Due to the Traffic Install Long at junction configuration vehicles often enter Alan Street from Cammeray Road at speed and swing wide onto Facilities & pedestrian Cammeray the opposite side of Alan Street. We have experienced a number of near head‐on collisions. Perhaps a Investigations refuge or kerb Road small traffic island/median strip could assist keep traffic on the correct side of the road? extensions T.39a Amherst Cammeray Car Park Amherst St entrance ‐ most cars fail to stop at stop sign at entrance of car park at Traffic Reduce Short Street at Amherst St side this is an accident waiting to happen Facilities & signage Miller Lane Investigations clutter at Cammeray shops car park. Amherst St exit dangerous for pedestrians/traffic flow (restrict turning right Miller Lane from the carpark) exit onto Also suggest left turn only out of the Cammeray shops parking exiting on Amhurst Amherst Street T.39b Amherst Cammeray Car Park Amherst St entrance ‐ most cars fail to stop at stop sign at entrance of car park at Traffic Install Give Short Street at Amherst St side this is an accident waiting to happen Facilities & Way to Miller Lane Investigations pedestrians Cammeray shops car park. Amherst St exit dangerous for pedestrians/traffic flow (restrict turning right on Miller Lane from the carpark) at Amherst Also suggest left turn only out of the Cammeray shops parking exiting on Amhurst Street exit, before footpath and intstall kerb extensions with a Stop sign at Amherst Street T.41 Miller Coming North and turning right (or U‐turn) into Boulevard leads to crashes. Traffic light solution, rat race. Traffic Install traffic The Boulevarde is Long Street at Facilities & signals a local road. A The Corner Miller St & The Boulevarde ‐ Investigations right turn bay is Boulevarde Almost impossible entering or exiting The Boulevarde during peak morning periods. During peak afternoon provided U‐turns periods unable to turn into Cambridge to go back over bridge. are banned with During morning peak there is NO letup in traffic & it is a matter of hoping someone lets you in or take a existing signage. chance & hope for the best. Light phase at Sailors Bay Road insufficient as the cars quickly catch up to the Traffic signals ones in front sot htat by the time they are crossing the Bridge therre are no gaps & therefore no would encourage opportunity for cars exiting The Boulevard to safely file in. more traffic to use The Boulevarde which is not desirable.

Location does not meet RMS warrants for Traffic signals. 23 of 28 Updated 20/02/2018 LATM Action Plan Zone 4 Action ID Location Description of Request or Issue Category Action Notes Priority T.43 Amherst Left lane onto Miller from Amherst street: There isn't enough space for cars who are turning left into Miller Traffic Request RMS Short Street at street (from Amherst Street) at peak times…Pedestrian scramble Amherst and Miller StCars don’t see lights Facilities & to install Miller that are being used by kidsUp till now, such traffic is forced to run the juggernaut of straight‐through traffic Investigations dedicated Street coming up Amherst Street hill from the east. These vehicles are almost always out of the line of sight of the turn phase at right‐turning drivers (hidden behind left or right‐turning vehicles) until the very last moments by which signals time many drivers have bravely if not foolishly ventured into the intersection to complete the right turn. Having to run this juggernaut usually reduces the number of cars which can successfully make the right turn (without collision) to one or two per phase which is inadequate to deal with the traffic volume. The chances of getting hit by oncoming straight‐through vehicles travelling at speed must be high. As mentioned earlier the congestion in this street is already chronic and slated to get worse. Of course, the exact same problem (in reverse) confronts drivers coming up Amherst Street hill from the east.I have lived here for two and a half years and am a regular driver. I believe the control of traffic flows at this intersection to be manifestly inadequate.No turning right arrow Miller and Amherst ‐ Turning right from Amherst onto Miller should have a green arrow on the traffic light T.45 Palmer Bellevue and Palmer St and Carter St ‐ traffic jam at school caused by lack of turning lanes. Carter St left Traffic No action No crash history. Not to Street at into Bellevue St. Palmer St right into Bellevue. Facilities & required. proceed Bellevue Investigations Street T.47 Grafton Grafton St ‐ turning left into Cammeray Rd dangerous design. Risk of collision. Traffic No action No significant Not to Street at Facilities & required. crash history to proceed Cammeray Investigations suggest Road intersection is operating unsatisfactorily. Steep gradient of road and surrounding street trees are limitations to modifications to this intersection T.48 Jenkins 1. Find it hazardous coming out of Jenkins Street and turning right onto West Street ‐ is difficult with Traffic Install kerb Long Street at visibility due to the parking. Facilities & extensions on West Street Investigations either side of intersection

24 of 28 Updated 20/02/2018 LATM Action Plan Zone 4 Action ID Location Description of Request or Issue Category Action Notes Priority T.50 Miller Difficult Turn Traffic No action No significant Not to Street at Facilities & required. crash history to proceed Pine Street Miller St, Cammeray ‐ Pine St ‐ dangerous to turn out of onto Miller Street Investigations suggest intersection is operating unsatisfactorily. Location does not meet RMS warrants for traffic signals. T.52 West Street West St and Palmer Sts intersection ‐ need for better signage; dangerous crossing for all users Traffic Install kerb Long at Palmer Facilities & extensions on Street No pedestrian crossing. Speeding down Parker and speeding down West. Speed and site lines are an issue. Investigations either side of Blind spots needing attention intersection

Long wait at signals T.57a Palmer Palmer St, Cammeray ‐ no pedestrian crossing on About Life side of streetMiller St and Palmer St, Traffic Install Medium Street at Cammeray ‐ Needs pedestrian crossing at About Life to avoid people crossing dangerously especially with Facilities & pedestrian Miller school nearby Investigations crossing Street T.57b Miller Palmer St ‐ Miller St Traffic Request RMS Medium Street at Facilities & to install Palmer See above ‐buses having difficulty. Need an arrow for buses here. Investigations dedicated Street turn phase at signals T.58 Cammeray Cnr Cammeray Rd, Park Avenue ‐ crossing (pedestrian) required. Traffic Install Medium Road at Facilities & pedestrian Park Investigations crossing, Avenue refuge or kerb buildouts T.63 Carter Barriers to movement ‐ Many of the barriers to movement (concrete dividers and steel posts) are hazards Traffic Redesign Medium Street at to people and expense to the community. We see them continually flattened eg those in Bellevue St near Facilities & pedestrian Cairo Street Amherst and Carter Streets and Carter St near Cairo St. They generally don't seem to help people cross the Investigations facilities road.

Concrete barriers on roads in middle of street are dangerous and expensive (bus struggles to avoid)

25 of 28 Updated 20/02/2018 LATM Action Plan Zone 4 Action ID Location Description of Request or Issue Category Action Notes Priority T.66 Bellevue I am extremely concerned about the Pedstrian Traffic Island on the corner of Lumsden, Bellevue and Traffic Redesign Medium Street at Raeiligh Streets. Currently the metal poles at one end of the traffic island have been bent over by impact. Facilities & pedestrian Lumsden They are currently lying across the Pram Ramp crossing direction. I have seen a child in the last three days Investigations facilities Street and trip on the edge of this metal and stumble across the road. Imagine if a car had been passing at that time! Raleigh Street This is about the 10th time this traffic island pole has been bent over through vehicle impact since we purchased the property on the corner of Bellevue and Lumsden. It is clearly a very inappropriate place to have a pedestrian crossing.

I specifically note that the traffic island has not been impacted on by any vehicle entering or leaving 91 Bellevue Street since we commenced our construction.

I also note that there has been numerous times when either my builder or myself have warned children against crossing the road, and have directed the children to move back from the edge of the road as a State Transit bus has approached the bottle neck that is caused by the existence of the traffic island where it is placed. The existence of a traffic island gives children the false sense of security and encourages them to cross in front of traffic ‐ despite the traffic island clearly being more of a target for vehicles than a safety feature for the many children that access Cammeray Public School and buses on Miller Street.

It is also unsafe to expect a child to stand on Bellevue Street and, while looking right and left, to also look behind them to see if any car is turning across Bellevue Street from either Lumsden or Raeligh Street. Children do not think to look behind them and there have been many near misses as cars pull out onto Bellevue Street from Lumsden having checked left but not looked to see if a child is darting across the raod through the traffic island. It is an incredibly unsafe crossing for children. I do not believe this crossing should exist where it is, in any form. If another crossing is needed then this should be moved further up or down the road, but please do move it. I fear the day when a vehicle hits not only the traffic island, but also a child. T.68 West Street No pedestrian crossing. Traffic Pedestrian Medium between Facilities & crossing or Palmer Investigations traffic calming Street and Warringah Freeway overpass T.69 Pine Street Traffic Install No Medium between Pine St between Curraway and Alan St, Cammeray ‐ cars parked on Footpaths on the northern side, making Facilities & Parking along Curraway this a single lane road, again with no line of sight until one is on the road. Accident waiting to happen. Investigations footpath Street and Alan Street

26 of 28 Updated 20/02/2018 LATM Action Plan Zone 4 Action ID Location Description of Request or Issue Category Action Notes Priority T.70 Rowlison Rowlison Rde, Cammeray ‐ 2 cars parking spots opposite no.1 if there's a large 4 wheel drive or boat Traffic Remove Not to Parade parked the car travelling W‐>E is faced onto other side of the road. Can these parking spots be removed Facilities & parking to proceed and this made a No Parking? Investigations improve traffic flow Rowlison Pde, Cammeray ‐ parking on Saturdays ‐ need "no stopping" on residential side road as road is too narrow to accommodate both sides with parked cars T.71 Palmer Request for pedestrian facilities and traffic calming along Palmer Street Traffic Install Medium Street at Facilities & pedestrian Hamilton Investigations refuge or kerb Lane extensions T.72 Miller Weekend driving ‐ Weekend driving around Crows Nest, Cammeray, North bridge Congestion around ovals Traffic Remove Much of the Not to Street ‐ eg. Shore's oval Facilities & parking to parking in these proceed Northbridge Cammeray ‐ Amherst St near Stockland ‐ traffic very busy. Investigations improve areas is to Freeway Crows Nest/ Northbridge ‐ Transit west from Cammeray area is problematic with no thoroughfare; traffic flow destination Westbound traffic has to join morning peak hour on most alternate Routes rather than a clean reverse parking. Removal commute.; of the parking will Northbound access to Warringah freeway also problematic. e.g. Access to Military Rd ramp during peak result in more hours.Miller St, Cammeray ‐ weekend traffic around Cammeray shops; circulation of traffic. Cammeray to North Sydney ‐ Traffic Congestion on Miller Street.Miller St, Cammeray ‐ Congestion along the road cars parking/shopping See Action P8 which Palmer Street ‐ Saturday car Congestion recommends review of parking restrictions to allow for better turnover T.75a Brothers Could be shared zone ‐ used by pedestrians/vehicles/cyclists Traffic Install Shared Long Avenue Vernon St/Brothers Ave, Cammeray ‐ pedestrians, kids, dogs on road not looking out for cars. Illegally Facilities & Zone parked cars ‐ unable to get past. Near crashes due to the above. Investigations

T.75b Brothers VERNON ST/BROTHERS AVE, CAMMERAY ‐ PEDESTRIANS KIDS DOGS ON ROAD NOT LOOKING OUT FOR Traffic Create Long Avenue & cars, Facilities & 40km/h speed Vernon Investigations zone Street T.75c Brothers Acting like a pedestrian/shared space but a road. Parking issues ‐ Cars parked in dangerous areas for Traffic Create Long Avenue & cyclists using road. Treated as part of running circuit. Facilities & 10km/h Vernon Investigations Shared Zone Street VERNON ST/BROTHERS AVE, CAMMERAY ‐ PEDESTRIANS KIDS DOGS ON ROAD NOT LOOKING OUT FOR cars,

27 of 28 Updated 20/02/2018 LATM Action Plan Zone 4 Action ID Location Description of Request or Issue Category Action Notes Priority T.76 Abbott Concerns about pedestrian safety when crossing this road. Request to install a formal pedestrian crossing. Traffic Install Medium Street at Facilities & pedestrian Miller Investigations crossing Street T.77 Palmer Request for pedestrian facilities and traffic calming along Palmer Street Traffic Install Short Street at Facilities & pedestrian Abbott Investigations refuge Street T.78 3 Amherst The congestion will worsen dramatically if and when the planned 80‐head child care centre comes on Traffic Monitor Development was Short Street stream (at no. 3?). This section of road will become chaotic mornings and afternoons, and the danger level Facilities & traffic approved through will increase. Investigations conditions Land & after Child Environment Proposed development for new preschool on main road of Amherst Street ‐ concern for drop off of Care Centre is Court. children opended T.79 Palmer Speeding down Palmer and speeding down West. Speed and site lines are an issue. Blind spots needing Traffic Traffic Medium Street attention Facilities & calming between Investigations Miller Street and West Street T.80 Vale Street Intersection safety and visibility Traffic Install kerb Long at Abbott Facilities & buildouts Street Investigations T.81a Vale Street Traffic Committee Recommendation for pedestrian facilities 7/2/14 Traffic Install kerb Medium at Miller Facilities & extension on Street Install kerb extension on northern side of Vale Street to improve sight lines whilst minimising impacts on Investigations northern side parking of Vale Street T.81b Vale Street Rat run between Miller Street and Palmer Street. Refer Traffic Committee recommendation 16/10/2015 Traffic Half road Long at Miller Facilities & closure on Street Investigations Vale Street at Miller Street T.82 Abbott Traffic Committee Recommendation for pedestrian facilities 25/11/16 Traffic Install Short Street north Facilities & pedestrian of Palmer Investigations crossing Street

28 of 28 Updated 20/02/2018 LATM Action Plan Zone 4



North Sydney Council Page 60

LATM Zone 4 Items referred to TfNSW

Consultation Method Sub No. Comment/Response Road 1 Road 2 Road 3 Road 4 Mode Issue Action Comments

Online Submission 41 Transport (by Bus) to Crows Nest and Chatswood on Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW a Sunday. The bus 267 (Crows Nest to Chatswood) Timetables does not operate on a Sunday. The bus 263 (Wynard to Crows Nest) terminates at Cammeray. For many people (some elderly like myself) are left isolated in Cammeray with no means of transport to these locations. Workshop 5 Bus stop here, getting there takes a long time. The Buses Public Transport ‐ Stop/ TfNSW TfNSW bus stop location changes. Infrequent. Station / Wharf locations

Workshop 5 No express buses to the city on weekends ‐ general Abbott Street Miller Street Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW reliability Saturday and Sundays Timetables Workshop 5 buses come 4 at once and cause issues and Amherst Street West Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety TfNSW TfNSW congestion. and/or Performance

Workshop 5 Going to city in evening and getting back. buses are Cammeray Road Churchill Crescent Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW not frequent and indirect. Takes too long. New bus Timetables stop in city (due to transport change up) adds time.

Workshop 5 St Leonards and North Sydney Train Station so far Carter Street Stratford Street Public Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW away for those east of Stratford. No access to rail, or Transport Connections infrequent. Workshop 5 Same as above. Availability of transport on a Public Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW weekend especially on a Sunday. Need to walk to Transport Connections Crows Nest and bad congestion is an issue. Workshop 1 Freeway buses from Cammeray are only during peak Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW hour which is terrible Timetables Workshop 5 Not enough 201 bus. Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW Timetables

Workshop 3 Bus infrequent to get to Military Rd from Langley Ave Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW Timetables

Workshop 5 M30 is always full. No bus that goes directly to city. Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW buses more expensive because you have to change Connections modes of transport. Workshop 5 Transport on Sunday out of Camden to Crowns Nest Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW and beyond. No buses. Connections Workshop 5 Not enough buses, cant get to St Leonards Train by Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW bus. No interior transport. Connections Workshop Additional "Public transport‐buses to University of Sydney Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW Resident friends cant park nearby when visiting". Connections Workshop

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Survey 481 Miller St, Cammery @ Cammeray Shops: Queues for Miller Street Palmer Street Buses Public Transport ‐ Stop/ TfNSW TfNSW buses heading into City and North Sydney during Station / Wharf locations peak hours are long and often result in 3 or more buses lining up. Passengers heading into North Sydney are forced to wait until all the city buses are full. To help alleviate it would be advisable to separate the two bus stops.

Survey 484 Bus ‐ to get to Chatswood I have to walk 15‐20 Miller Street Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW minutes uphill to Miller St, catch a bus to Chatswood Connections that takes 30 minutes. Alternatively, catch a bus to North Sydney Station and then the train. Both options take 45‐60 minutes and it is a distance of 8 km.

Survey 486 Difficulty parking, The 263 being several minutes Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW early and missing it, the same bus being late Timetables sometimes. Survey 489 No bus transport to Willoughby Leisure Centre so Cammeray Kirribilli Wharf North Sydney Willoughby Public Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW always have to drive. Leisure transport Connections It is cheaper to drive to the local library than to catch Centre the bus. Bus transport from Cammeray to North Sydney Pool and Kirribilli Wharf is very limited. Therefore always drive to the pool and never catch the ferry to the city (which would be lovely). Survey 502 Issue 2 ‐ 263 bus Berry Street Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW Where ‐ Cammeray to City on weekends Accessibility What ‐ the 263 is my local bus but it takes a long period of time to get to the city. It is poorly patronised from Cammeray because of this. If it was say a Miller street bus, or one that went to Military road and then the city, instead of travelling down through Neutral Bay and Kirribilli, it may be better used by residents. Survey 517 Suggest ferry from Tunks Park ‐ Northbridge ‐ Spit ‐ Ferry Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW Manly ‐ Balmoral etc. light swift water services Connections connecting with buses. Survey 793 Bus Cammeray to the City ‐ no bus going to Central Bellevue Street Carter Street Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW station, bus now stops at Wynyard. Connections

Survey 794 Carter St, Cammeray ‐ infrequent and indirect bus Carter Street Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW service to CBD and North Sydney after morning rush Connections hour. Survey 797 Buses full at peak hour, stopping at Cammeray shops Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW at morning peak. Accessibility

Survey 799 Cammeray to City bus ‐ bad frequency on weekends West Street Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW Timetables

Survey 808 Miller St, Cammeray ‐ no express city services on Carter Street Miller Street Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSe weekends/outside peak hour thru week. Timetables

Carter St, Cammeray ‐ no express services to City on weekends, from shops or out of peak hour.

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Survey 935 Cammeray ‐ can we have a rail station. TfNSW TfNSW Cammeray Train Public Transport ‐ Stop/ Sta Survey 1076 The bus Timetable is hopeless outside of peak times Abbott Street Palmer Street Miller Street Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW Monday‐ Friday ( 8‐9.15 am and 5.30‐6.30 pm). It can Timetables take up to 2 hours to get to Surry Hills (near Cleveland St) via bus or 15 minutes driving and that is also at peak times. The buses are often late and extremely full on the weekends. Public transport in Cammeray is extremely disappointing compared to other suburbs like Neutral Bay.

Survey 1174 Bellevue Street Palmer Street Ferry Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW Ferry ‐ poor ferry service at weekend, hourly is Timetables useless.

Survey 1198 Carter St bus 263 ‐ not enough going to Crows Nest. Carter Street Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW Finish too early. Accessibility

Survey 1199 Kirribilli is fantastic, no need to change a thing. Public Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW Transport Accessibility Cammeray to Ferry ‐ there is no direct Routes to the wharf.

Cammeray to Town Hall, Sydney ‐ it takes one bus and one train to get to Town Hall. Should be direct.

Cammeray to Potts Point ‐ it takes one bus and two trains to get to Eastern Suburbs p, on hour by public transport or 10 minutes to drive.

Survey 1200 Miller St ‐ buses are not always on time. Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW Timetables Survey 1204 Lack of buses from Gresham St to Cammeray late in Gresham Street Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW the evenings ‐ there is no bus between 10.20pm and Connections 11.20pm meaning patrons existing the Opera House miss buses.

Survey 1256 Cammeray ‐ Parking. I drop my young son at St Public Parking ‐ Parking Access for TfNSW More buses and Mary's North Sydney then return to Cammeray. It's Transport Residents bus stops in impossible to find a car space so I return home to Cammeray walk 20‐30 mins for the 201 bus. I became so frustrated last year trying to get to work on time I started driving to the city, it's cheaper to pay for parking in the city than it is in Cammeray!

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Survey 1339 263 Bus Route, review necessary stops and change ‐ Ben Boyd Road Clark Road Rawson Spruson Buses Public Transport ‐ Routes TfNSW TfNSW Slow journey through Neutral Bay Streets due to Street narrow/poor access in streets. Use Ben Boyd Rd and Clark Rd only. Cremorne Spruson and Rawson Street.

201 Buses, increase services during day, not only peak hours ‐ Express service directly to city hourly during day. Reduce 263 services

Survey 1340 Miller St, Cammeray ‐ Infrequent bus service to city, Morden Street Bells Street Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW large increase in apartments being built. Timetables

Survey 1342 Cammeray to Chatswood ‐ No buses operate on Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW Sundays and Holidays Accessibility Survey 1346 Cammeray ‐ needs more buses Cammeray Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW Accessibility Survey 1348 Cammeray ‐ issue with growth population due to Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW new apartment developments but no apparent plans Accessibility to increase bus services, particularly at peak AM and PM times and even on weekends. Survey 1349 Carter/ Cammeray St to St Leonards, bus ‐ no direct Carter Street Miller Street Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW bus to St Leonards Connections

Carter St, Cammeray, bus ‐ Poor connections to train stations

Carter St, Cammeray, bus ‐ Poor connections into the city and return outside of peak hours

Miller St, North Sydney ‐ Bus stops too frequent causing traffic delays/ Congestion during peak times reduce number of bus stops.

Survey 1350 Trains into CBD ‐ Congestion when alight at North CBD Train Public Transport ‐ Stop/ TfNSW TfNSW Sydney station. Station / Wharf locations

Survey 1432 Buses from City to Cammeray and Cammeray to the Buses Public Transport ‐ Passenger TfNSW TfNSW City ‐ congested during AM work periods increased Congestion frequency and number of buses required.

Survey 1443 Miller Street Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW North Sydney ‐ Miller Street ‐ too few buses stop at Accessibility peak times/overcrowded Cammeray to North Sydney ‐ not enough buses during the weekend/outside peak hours

Survey 1448 Cambridge St and Miller St, Cammeray ‐ bus stop ‐ Cambridge Street Miller Street Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW have waited for buses here and not turned up, app Timetables shows it waiting at the shops in Cammeray

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Survey 1451 Miller St, Cammeray ‐ buses do not run according to Miller Street Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW Timetable; some buses don't show up Timetables

Survey 1474 Chatswood to Cammeray ‐ bus Routes 267 at 3.05pm Cammeray Chatswood Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSw TfNSW is invariably late or frequently doesn't turn up at all Timetables

Survey 1479 Carter Street Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSw TfNSW Carter St, Cammeray ‐ bus stop infrequently Routes Timetables to the city centre, long wait Carter St, Cammeray ‐ some nights can't get back home after 7pm from the city. Decent time periods please. Up to midnight

Survey 1480 Miller St, Cammeray ‐ the availability of reliable Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW buses into the City (Routes 202‐208) needs to be Accessibility improved and the stop in Bridge St in the city is not convenient for all. More options are needed

Survey 1482 North Sydney, Cremorne, Cammeray ‐ Very difficult Public Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW to find parking ‐ with meters very expensive. Public transport Accessibility transport inadequate. Survey 1483 Balmoral ‐ can't find a free place to park ‐ no direct Balmoral Cammeray Chatswood Randwick Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW bus from Cammeray Accessibility Randwick ‐ Takes 1.5 hours to get there by 3 buses Chatswood ‐ Sunday no bus from Cammeray

Survey 1487 Buses from Cammeray don't go outside North Cammeray North Sydney Station Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW Sydney Station Accessibility Transport back is infrequent/non existent at night

Survey 1494 Miller St, Cammeray ‐ bus Timetables are not regular Miller Street Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW and sometimes cancelled or do not show. Timetables

Survey 1494 Cammeray Shopping Buses Public Transport ‐ Passenger TfNSW TfNSW Centre Congestion Cammeray Shopping area bus stops ‐ Congestion of both traffic and bus passengers.

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Survey 1506 Bus Routes ‐ since changes for light rail construction, North Avenue Parking Parking ‐ Parking Access for TfNSW TfNSW no buses go near my work. Should have split the new Residents destinations to 2 different parts of city (20, 203, 204 etc) Overcrowding of buses ‐ too many people in North Sydney who park in Cammeray and work in North Sydney

Survey 1511 Military Rd, Mosman ‐ access to Military Rd. Very Carter Street Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW busy road and only way to access Northern Beaches Timetables (eg Manly, Seaforth) and Neutral Bay/Mosman Carter St, (corner Tilley St) bus stop ‐ there is no Timetable, making it difficult to plan transport

Survey 1527 Miller St, Cammeray ‐ bus stop ‐ confusing to see Miller Street Buses Public Transport ‐ Stop/ TfNSW TfNSW which bus stop to stand in for different destination Station / Wharf locations

Survey 1530 Amherst Street Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW Need more bus to city via North Sydney during Timetables school drop off/peak periods Survey 1710 New bus stop at Gresham Street has significantly Gresham Street Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW increased time taken to get to work Timetables

Survey 1842 Kirribilli, Fitzroy St, all streets in Milsons Pt ‐ Bus Public Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW service infrequent and not useful. Ferries infrequent Transport Accessibility in the weekends and finish early on sundays

Survey 1913 Very difficult to get from Cammeray to ferry at Cammeray Milsons Point Public Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW milsons point‐ no buses and very hard for disabled. Transport Accessibility

Survey 1917 Carter St, Cammeray ‐ Bus Routes does not go Carter Street Buses Public Transport ‐ Routes TfNSW TfNSW anywhere useful ie to a train station like St Leonards.

Survey 1919 The Boulevarde / Miller Street ‐ No bus going to St Miller Street Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW Leonards Station (direct line) Connections

Survey 1924 201 & 203 bus services are excellent ‐ More 201 Alan Street Carter Street Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW services needed in the morning; Accessibility

Survey 1925 Carter St, Cammeray (Bus Timetable) ‐ The bus stops Carter Street Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW making trips from the CBD at pm on weeknights. Accessibility Extra service beyond this would be good.

Survey 1930 201 Express bus ‐ starts too late. Has been Cammeray Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW completely stuffed up for Cammeray residents. Timetables Starts to late ‐ should start at 5.30am; finishes too early ‐ should finish at 7pm; CBD bus stop now hopeless/ useless ‐ reinstate Wynyard bus stop and extend to QVB. M30 ‐ completely overcrowded, standing room only, late or doesn't turn up, total shambles with changes from Oct 2015.

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Survey 1931 Cammeray, Arkland St ‐ To get to the airport I have Arkland Street Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW to take a bus and 2 trains. It's quicker to drive! Accessibility

Cammeray ‐ At certain times to get to the city by bus I have to take 2 buses and go via Neutral Bay. I live 1km from the freeway across the bridge. It's just ridiculous.

Survey 1940 Cammeray ‐ no bus early enough to city (husband Cammeray Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW, not works all over) Accessibility enough information Cammeray ‐ parking (friends/ shopping) about parking in Cammeray Survey 1951 Miller St, Cammeray ‐ buses from city ‐ not quite Miller Street Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW frequent enough in PM. Buses to city in the morning Accessibility are good. Buses during the afternoon not quite frequent enough to city. Survey 1957 Miller St ‐ bus service to southern part of city. Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW Connections Survey 1959 Bus 209 from Miller St shops ‐ Does not operate on Miller Street Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW weekends so we can go to Nth Syd Pool without car. Accessibility

Survey 1959 Express buses from Cammeray to City ‐ weekend Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW services would be handy Accessibility Survey 1960 Bus to city (201 & 203) ‐ Often not on time. Express Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW 201 to start earlier in the afternoon ‐ City to Timetables Cammeray. Survey 2489 Miller St, Cammeray ‐ more direct access to Central, Miller Street Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW Inner West.; Accessibility Improved late night transport options; Survey 2489 Cammeray, Crows Nest ‐ improved bus access Cammeray Crows Nest Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW between Cammeray and Crows Nest; Connections Survey 2492 Cammeray ‐ too few buses, no rail; Cammeray Public Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW Transport Infrastructure Survey 2496 Miller St, Cammeray ‐ Cammeray bus stop. Bus is Miller Street Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW often very late; Timetables Survey 2512 Public Transport to Gladesville is difficult.; Cammeray Gladesville Public Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW Transport Accessibility Survey 2525 New bus stops in city for 202, 204, 205, 207 ‐ Buses Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW Inconvenience with stop at Gresham St as previously Accessibility it was Wynyard station. Survey 2535 Travel to Airport ‐ difficult by public transport, too Public Public Transport ‐ TfNSW TfNSW many transport changes; need to good metro train transport Accessibility system.

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North Sydney Council Page 61

LATM Zone 4 Items referred to RMS

Consultation Method Sub No. Comment/Response Road 1 Road 2 Road 3 Road 4 Mode Issue Action Comments

Email Submission 4 Regarding the traffic lights at the Amherst/Miller St Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to intersection: your traffic officials just need to spend and/or Performance review a short time here observing the flows to appreciate intersection the problem. operation and control Email Submission 4I am a resident in Amherst Street, located in the Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to short section of street between Miller Street and and/or Performance review West Street. This has become a bottle neck. intersection Moreover, the Amherst Street/Miller Street operation and intersection, governed by traffic lights, is highly control dangerous and the phasing of the lights is completely unhelpful. Email Submission 4 Traffic turning right from Amherst into Miller St are Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to governed by a RED arrow which protects pedestrians and/or Performance review pasing of on the adjacent crossing. The problem is there is no traffic signals GREEN arrow in the phase which would allow right‐ turning traffic safe passage across the intersection.

Drop‐in Session No. 2 70 Amherst/Miller Street ‐ traffic signals (red arrow) Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to need pedestrian protection and/or Performance review pasing of traffic signals

Hardcopy Submission 33 Amherst Street (turn into Miller Street) ‐ Exists from Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to Freeway create traffic jams. and/or Performance review intersection operation and control Hardcopy Submission 35 Exits From Cammeray ‐ There are only two exits west Cammeray Road Carter Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to from Cammeray, both of which cross Miller St, via and/or Performance review traffic lights, i.e. Amherst St and Carter St. Both sets intersection of traffic lights create undue traffic which could be operation and reduced if not eliminated by scramble crossings for control pedestrians. Hardcopy Submission 33 Amherst Street (turn into Miller Street) ‐ New right Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to turn light doesn’t work. and/or Performance review intersection operation and control Hardcopy Submission 35 Exits From Cammeray ‐ Access to Artarmon and RNS Brook Street Marks Street Merrenburn Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to Hospital is another problem due to the closure of Avenue and/or Performance review Palmer Street. All traffic has to chicane around intersection Merrenburn Ave and Brook St ‐ this could be operation and eliminated by including Mark St in the Merrenburn control Ave/Brook St traffic light system.

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Online Submission 37 "As a post script to my completed survey, I have one Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to additional traffic matter to identify. This relates to and/or Performance review phasing the right hand turn bay at the intersection of Miller of traffic signals Street and Amherst Street. This is currently a through traffic light only. In peak hours, there can be delays in proceeding through this light. A right hand turn light and rephrasing of the traffic lights here may improve the through flow of this intersection".

Online Submission 22 Cars parked on Miller St city bound opposite Vale St Miller Street Vale Street Parking Parking ‐ Parking RMS Review parking near Cammeray Public School, particularly during the Restrictions Insufficient afternoon school pick up time, are causing congestion to traffic coming from the Northbridge direction. Vehicles turning right into Vale St often have to wait for the Miller/Palmer Sts lights to change before they can turn. This can take up to 50 seconds & causes a build up of traffic back to the Long Gully bridge. It is particularly frustrating for bus drivers. I suggest the area from the bus stop up to & beyond Vale St should be a "No Stopping Zone".

Online Submission 43 The intersection of Miller & Amherst Streets is Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety Rms Request to chaotic in peak hours with vehicles attempting to and/or Performance review turn right into Miller from Amherst in both intersection directions. It is difficult to see oncoming traffic and operation and there is also pedestrians to deal with. Lighted control arrows would help enormously. Online Submission 127 There is extensive traffic backup east from Miller Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to Street down Amherst Street at many times of the and/or Performance review phasing day and weekends. This is primarily caused by the of traffic signals difficulty in turning right (north) from Amherst (and also Palmer) Street onto Miller Street ‐ especially around school drop off/pick up and Saturdays. A turn signal should be added at both sets of lights (the left turn light recently added at Miller/Amherst (south from Amherst) is useless for anything but slowing traffic further. Online Submission 26 The intersection at Amherst Street/Miller Street Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to outside Stocklands is a nightmare. Cars heading both and/or Performance review phasing east and west on Amherst attempting to turn right of traffic signals into Miller Street have huge difficulties during peak hour as there is no turning arrow. Likewise cars on Miller turning right into Amherst to head east (there is a turning lane, why no arrow?) There is an arrow for cars turning left onto Miller Street to head south, but only to allow pedestrians to cross. These pedestrians are often very selfishly slow and cross after the red man so often only a few cars get through. There have been so many near misses as drivers get frustrated having to wait so long. Would turn arrows triggered by detector pads alleviate some of these issues?

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Online Submission 128 Also ‐ the lights at Amherst/Miller are extremely Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to dangerous ‐ especially due to the cars turning right and/or Performance review from Amherst southbound onto Miller and cutting intersection off the cars turning left onto Miller who are initially operation and waiting at the temporarily red left hand turn arrow. control They are not only breaking the law but narrowly avoiding pedestrians. It is a disaster waiting to happen and i have seen many near misses. We need to install right hand turn lights on all three sides that turning right is available.

Online Submission 27 The Miller Street and Amherst Street intersection Amherst Street Miller Street Pedestrian Pedestrian ‐ Safety RMS Request to (near the Cammeray shops) and the Miller Street and review phasing Pine Street intersection (near Cammeray Primary of traffic signals School) are very dangerous for pedestrians. Many drivers that are turning, especially drivers who are turning right, do not give way to pedestrians who have the right of way. I have also observed many "close calls" where a car turning right has nearly crashed into another car. Please installed arrows for right turns.

Workshop 5 Has become traditional passage between suburbs ‐ Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to problem is getting out through Miller Street (we and/or Performance review phasing need right turn arrow and left arrow out of Amherst) of traffic signals

Workshop 5 School zones in wrong spot ‐ 40kms are not where Amherst Street Palmer Street Pedestrian Pedestrian ‐ Safety RMS Request to kids cross. Kids cross at Amherst to Palmer stretch of review School road (where the school zones should be ) Zone

Workshop 5 Need lollipop lady at crossing Bellevue Street Pedestrian Pedestrian ‐ Safety RMS School to apply through RMS Workshop 5 Amherst and Miller St, no right turn light, is Miller Street Amherst Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to dangerous without a right hand light. and/or Performance review phasing of traffic signals

Workshop 5 Traffic lights ‐ Amherst St and Miller St ‐ red arrow Miller Street Amherst Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to does not working, people turn left and have to do a and/or Performance review phasing U‐turn which can cause accidents of traffic signals

Workshop 5 Hang traffic lights here for increased visibility Miller Street Raleigh Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS RMS and/or Performance

Workshop 3 Take 4 sets of lights to get through, especially on Miller street Warringah Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to Sundays Expressway and/or Performance review phasing of traffic signals

Workshop 5 Difficult intersection. People turn when it is red Miller Street Palmer Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to because they have already waited through several and/or Performance review light changes which is dangerous intersection operation and control

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Workshop 5 Green/Red crossing is not long enough Amherst Street Miller Street Pedestrian Pedestrian ‐ Connectivity RMS Request to review phasing of traffic signals

Workshop 5 Safety issue for pedestrians at this intersection ‐ not Amherst Street Miller Street Pedestrian Pedestrian ‐ Connectivity RMS Request to enough time to cross review phasing of traffic signals

Workshop 5 Traffic lights ‐ arrow on Miller and Amherst/Palmer, Miller Street Palmer Street Amherst Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to Miller Street and/or Performance review phasing of traffic signals

Workshop Evaluation 5 125 Right hand turn on to Miller St from Amherst and Amherst Street Miller Street Palmer Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to Palmer St is terrible ‐> needs a Right arrow. and/or Performance review phasing of traffic signals

Survey 153 Cammeray Rd turning onto Miller St against traffic ‐ Amherst Street Miller Street Palmer Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to can be stuck for 3‐4 sets of traffic lights and/or Performance review phasing of traffic signals

Survey 484 Car ‐ turning right onto Miller St (towards Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to Northbridge) from Amherst or Palmer St during the and/or Performance review phasing morning peak can take 3‐4 changes of lights. of traffic signals

Survey 491 Safety at the school is not good. Need something Miller Street Palmer Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to done with the traffic lights at Palmer/Miller. and/or Performance review intersection operation and control Survey 492 ‐ I would like a traffic light at the crossing of Merlin Ernest Street Merlin Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request for St and Ernest street for a safer crossing by bicycle and/or Performance traffic lights at and walking. the crossing

Survey 492 Ernest Street Falcon Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to ‐ I would also like a pedestrian/cycling traffic light to and/or Performance review access the cycle/pedestrian lane on the other side of intersection the freeway between Ernest street and Falcon St. operation and The island in the middle of the road has to be shared control with pedestrian, bicycle and sometimes people pushing prams. With high level of traffic at peak hours it can take ages for a pedestrian (especially with a small kid) to cross the street.

Survey 664 MILLER AND AMHERST ST LIGHTS ‐ NEED RED Miller Street Amherst Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to ARROW TO TURN TO PROTECT PEDESTRIANS. Cars and/or Performance review phasing TRY TO "BEAT" PEDESTRIANS of traffic signals

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Survey 667 AMHERST ST CNR MILLER ST CAMMERAY ‐ LIGHTS Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to ARE DIFFICULT, NEEDS AN ARROW, ABSOULTE and/or Performance review NIGHTMARE IN BOTH DIRECTIONS/RIGHT TURN/LEFT intersection TURN/ REDESTRIAN CROSSING operation and control

Survey 683 Not feeling safe at some intersections due to cars Brook Street Palmer Street Pedestrian Pedestrian ‐ Safety RMS Request to not stopping at red lights and pedestrian Crossings. review I walk from Palmer St across the freeway on‐ramp intersection and along Brook St almost everyday. At least every operation and second day when crossing the freeway on‐ramp at control the designated crossing a car (or cars) don't stop at the red light, still passing across the pedestrian crossing after the green man is lit. I am concerned that kids that tend to walk as soon as they see the green man will be hit. There is a similar problem at the zebra crossing at the freeway off‐ramp doing a left turn onto Brook St. Many cars do not stop here for pedestrians and I have come close to being hit on a few occasions. Driver's seem to be reoccupied with watching traffic coming from the right, down the hill on Brook St, and don't check for pedestrians coming from the other direction ... perhaps a speed bump before the crossing would help...

Survey 691 Miller St and Amherst St ‐ traffic lights turn to right Miller Street Amherst Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to AM too slow, only two cars get through lights. Needs and/or Performance review phasing green arrow to turn right in AM peak. Sometimes of traffic signals wait for three change of lights. Too dangerous to attempt right hand turn due to lack of visibility of ongoing traffic. Survey 807 Amherst St/Miller St ‐ unsafe intersection. Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to and/or Performance review intersection safety and operation Survey 1076 Miller Streeet Palmer Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to Between 8am and 9.30 am it can take up to 8 traffic and/or Performance review phasing light changes to get through to turn right onto Miller of traffic signals street from Palmer Street due to Cammeray school traffic. Can there be more parking near Cammeray school or a filter on the traffic lights to turn right in the mornings,

Survey 1203 Miller St, Cammeray ‐ cars now park in Miller St near Miller Street Palmer Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Review traffic lights. This means that cars bank up as no and/or Performance intersection available lane changing options when cars turning operation and right into Palmer St. control

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Survey 1204 Corner of Miller St and Amherst St needs a right Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to hand arrow urgently ‐ when travelling up Miller St and/or Performance review from North Sydney then turning right into Amherst St intersection there is no right hand turn arrow, very dangerous. operation and control

Survey 1205 Amherst/Miller St ‐ the traffic lights at the Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to intersection of Amherst St and Miller St going west and/or Performance review or east depending on the direction you are coming intersection from should be a dedicated right hand turn onto operation and Miller St. control Survey 1207 Cnr Miller St/Amherst St ‐ traffic turning right from Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to Amherst (towards the City) needs green arrow. and/or Performance review phasing of traffic signals

Survey 1332 Cnr Miller and Palmer at Traffic Lights near About Miller Street Palmer Street Pedestrian Pedestrian ‐ Connectivity RMS Pedestrian Life ‐ There needs to be a pedestrian option. I have crossing two young children and this crossing is dangerous.

Survey 1339 Palmer St, Amherst St, Cammeray ‐ traffic lights at Amherst Street Miller Street Palmer Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to miller St, please provide "turn right" arrow/green and/or Performance review phasing light to assist cars safely proceed. of traffic signals

Survey 1351 Intersection Miller St and Amherst St, Cammeray Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to (traffic lights) ‐ a right hand turn arrow is needed for and/or Performance review vehicles heading north in Miller St to enable a safe intersection turn right into Amherst St. operation and control

Survey 1355 Traffic ‐ lights at cnr Miller and Amhurst cars often Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to run red light North ‐> South on Miller. Needs arrow and/or Performance review for cars turning right from Miller into Amhurst. intersection operation and Parking ‐ In Colin St where I live there is a caravan control parked outside a house taking up 2 parking spaces

Public Transport is great ‐ Many people with off street parking do not use it but park on the street where there is all day parking.

Survey 1445 Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to Amherst and Miller St, Cammeray ‐ intersection ‐ and/or Performance review cars going in every direction, very busy, cross fingers intersection every time I drive through it! operation and control

Survey 1451 Lumsden Street Traffic Vehicle‐related Pollution RMS RMS Lumsden St, Cammeray ‐ severe traffic noise ‐ a sound proof wall is required along the freeway (including golf course frontage)

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Survey 1453 Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to Miller St and Amherst St, Cammeray ‐ very busy and and/or Performance review sometimes dangerous intersection to cross intersection operation and control Survey 1455 Miller St and Amherst St intersection (near Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to Cammeray shops) ‐ very dangerous when crossing and/or Performance review road, have almost been hit several times when intersection crossing by cars turning right, please install arrows operation and for right turns to protect pedestrians, many drivers control ignore the "green man"

Survey 1474 Amherst Street Miller Street Traffc Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to Amhurst Avenue intersection with Miller St, and/or Performance review Cammeray ‐ cars turning right into Miller St from intersection Amhurst next to Stocklands Shopping Centre do not operation and indicate. Right hand lane should be right hand turn control only to avoid confusion as to which lane cars should line up in

Survey 1477 Amhurst St and Miller St lights ‐ combination of left Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to turn red arrow and cars turning right can result in and/or Performance review several changes of lights to go straight across intersection operation and control

Survey 1496 Corner of Miller and Amherst St ‐ major Safety issue ‐ Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to very busy intersection. Inadequately managed by and/or Performance review phasing traffic lights. Need right turn arrows each face of of traffic signals intersection

Survey 1503 Amherst Street Bellevue Street Miller Street Traffic School Zone Congestion RMS Request to Amherst St and Miller St Cammeray ‐ traffic lights ‐ review phasing should be right tuning arrows at lights (often only a of traffic signals few cars get through)

Survey 1507 Gerard St/Bennelong Rd ‐ PM restriction until 3pm Bennelong Road Gerard Street Parking Parking ‐ Parking Access for RMS Request to and 7pm to make right turn from Gerard St. This is Residents review unnecessary and forces turning traffic to already intersection congested turning street operation and control Survey 1518 Amherst St ‐ Congestion due to pedestrians crossing Amherst Street Miller Street Amherst Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to and car turning left or right. Have separate light Street and/or Performance review sequence for pedestrian crossing so traffic can flow intersection operation and control

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Survey 1518 Palmer Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to Palmer St/Miller St ‐ need turn right arrow onto and/or Performance review Miller St ‐ traffic doesn't move from Palmer St intersection (public school side) onto Miller St operation and control Survey 1522 Miller and Amherst St ‐ lights ‐ need red arrow to Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to turn right to protect pedestrians ‐ cars try to beat the and/or Performance review pedestrians intersection operation and control Survey 1538 Amherst St, Cammeray ‐ right turn into Miller St Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to need for an arrow to allow traffic to turn right into and/or Performance review phasing Miller St without the danger of cars coming up of traffic signals Amherst running the red Survey 1588 Amherst/Miller Sts ‐ intersection ‐ traffic lights Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to should have automatic walk sign, pedestrian should and/or Performance review phasing be prioritised to get to major shopping destination at of traffic signals Stockland

Survey 1588 Bellevue Street Morden Street Traffic Vehicle‐related Pollution RMS RMS Morden St/Bellevue St Cammeray ‐ noise barriers along Warringah Freeway. Council have always supported the installation of barriers here. We ask Council to request a plan and Timetables for implementation according to ... Report

Survey 1588 Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to Amherst/Miller St ‐ traffic lights ‐ cars regularly turn and/or Performance review on red light. Install red light camera intersection operation and control

Survey 1608 Amherst/Miller St and Palmer St/Miller St Cammeray Amherst Street Miller Street Palmer Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to ‐ traffic is becoming overly congested during peak and/or Performance review periods. Hazards to pedestrians and motorists has intersection been observed operation and control

Survey 1736 My issue concerns the intersection of Miller St & Amherst Street Miller Street Parking Parking ‐ Parking Access for RMS Request to Amherst St. Although a red left turn arrow has been Residents review installed turning left from Amherst into Miller intersection heading south this intersection will result in a operation and fatality. I see people take huge risks here every day. control There needs to be a right turn arrow from Miller into Amherst heading north. People beep to force drivers to turn right into Amherst street as the oncoming traffic along Miller heading south is continual. I myself have been forced to turn with little time and come close to an accident.

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Survey 1930 On Amherst Street turning left to Miller Street to Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to access freeway ‐ turn light is too fast. Suggest and/or Performance review removing pedestrian light crossing on that side. intersection Traffic bottlenecks. operation and control Survey 1939 Amherst St, Cammeray ‐ assess and intersection with Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to Miller St ‐ a disaster waiting to happen. and/or Performance review intersection operation and control Survey 1953 Cammeray/ Miller St ‐ Pedestrian light crossing ‐ this Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to quibble applies to all traffic lit pedestrian crossing, and/or Performance review which only give the green cross sign if the button has intersection been pressed. Pedestrian buttons should be phased operation and along with the lights (traffic) automatically. I've lost control count of the number of times I've arrived at a crossing too late to press the button, which mean crossing on the red light or waiting for another full cycle. Constantly annoying.

Survey 1955 Miller St & Amherst St intersection. Not safe to turn Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to right ever. Traffic Congestion is horrific & not safe, and/or Performance review drivers running amber isn't always. A green arrow to intersection turn right is a need before a major accident does operation and happen. control Survey 1960 Miller St Cammeray ‐ turning off Miller St into Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to Amherst St from the south and/or Performance review intersection operation and control

Survey 1960 Palmer St Cammeray ‐ Again turning onto Miller St Miller Street Palmer Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to (north direction) especially during school hours. and/or Performance review intersection operation and control

Survey 1961 Miller St ‐ Parked cars Miller St adjacent to School Miller Street Palmer Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Miller St from coming up from suspension bridge to Palmer St and/or Performance Palmer to cause Congestion. Therefore no parking. suspension bridge is a state road. Survey 2498 Miller St into Amherst St, Cammeray ‐ the right hand Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to turn (car) into Amherst needs a traffic arrow. Only and/or Performance review phasing one car can turn as the lights turn red when there is of traffic signals a traffic build up ‐ frequent occurrence.

Survey 2512 Freeway Northbound between Berry St and Falcon St Warringa Freeway Traffic Traffic ‐ Congestion RMS Request to ‐ Many people trying to cross 4‐5 lanes in not enough review traffic time.; conditions

Denison St, Ward St ‐ very long delays joining Berry St at evening peak.

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Survey 2523 Palmer St, Cammeray ‐ On Saturday mornings Miller Street Palmer Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Congestion RMS Request to between 10‐1 there is generally very bad Congestion. review phasing Too many cars for narrow roads and lights don't stay of traffic signals on long enough to help with the flow. Also there are no right turn green arrow so it takes at least 2/3 changes to get across.; Survey 2523 Miller, Cammeray ‐ Turning right from Miller St into Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to Amherst is always a risky exercise especially at peak and/or Performance review phasing times. We have requested a right turn green but of traffic signals rejected every time by RTA. They are waiting or a bad accident before taking any action!!

Survey 2527 Cammeray, Amherst St, Miller St, Cammeray, West Amherst Street Miller Street Ernest Falcon Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to St, Ernest & Falcon ‐ crossing ‐ no right turn light, and/or Performance investigate Congestion. Need right turn light Congestion.; phasing of traffic signals Survey 2532 Cammeray, Lower Miller and Palmer St ‐ There is a Miller Street Amherst Street Palmer Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to large amount of vehicular & pedestrian traffic at this and/or Performance review cross road especially at school drop off & pick up intersection times. Turning arrows would greatly facilitate traffic operation and flow and make number of small children attending control the primary school.; Allowing parking in the Northbound lane in Miller St just before these lights also creates long delays which would also be eased with a right hand arrow.;

Survey 2534 Cammeray, Miller St, Palmer intersection & Miller Street Palmer Street Pedestrian Pedestrian ‐ Connectivity RMS Pedestrian Strathallen & Sailors Bay Rd, Northbridge ‐ No safe crossing on state pedestrian crossing across Miller from lights at road Palmer to Sailors Bay Rd.;

Survey 2563 Miller St, Cammeray at Palmer and Amhurst ‐ Miller Street Palmer Street Pedestrian Pedestrian ‐ Connectivity RMS Request to Pedestrian lights too short in timing. review phasing of traffic signals

Survey 2700 Miller St, Cammeray cross streets Amherst St and Amherst Street Miller Street Palmer Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to Palmer St ‐ This is now a major thoroughfare for and/or Performance review traffic and pedestrians with Stocklands Cammeray, intersection the village and local primary school. These two operation and intersections are notoriously bad and dangerous for control pedestrians and drivers. I am especially concerned about the number of small children that use these intersections. They need proper working filter lights that turn green for drivers turning right once pedestrians have crossed. I have seen too many near misses of drivers running the red light in peak hour traffic as they simply cannot get through. It is so dangerous. I almost saw a 3 year old boy killed at the Palmer St intersection when an RTA ute ran a red light around 9.15am a couple of years ago and the problem has still not been solved properly!! This is now a very busy area.

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Survey 2715 Miller St, Cammeray ‐ crossing at the canopy is Miller Street Pedestrian Pedestrian ‐ Safety RMS Request to dangerous (Miller St stop before the Bridge). review intersection The Boulebarde/Rowlinson Pde operation and control Survey 2717 Ammerst/Miller ‐ traffic turn sigs required going Amherst Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to north from Ammerst St from east. and/or Performance review intersection Ammerst/Miller ‐ traffic sign right turn coming from operation and south. control

Miller St at Ammerst St Shops ‐ limit car speed.

(Includes hand drawn diagram of Miller and Falcon Sts, illustrating how bus gets delayed leaving Miller St). Survey 2717 Miller‐Falcon opposite park ‐ single light should be Falcon Street Miller Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety RMS Request to independent of other lights. and/or Performance review intersection operation and control

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North Sydney Council Page 62

LATM Zone 4 Items referred to other Council departments

Consultation Method Sub No. Comment/Response Road 1 Road 2 Road 3 Road 4 Mode Issue Action Comments

Hardcopy Submission 33 Dumped cars ‐ many abandoned in Armstrong Street. Armstrong Street Parking Parking ‐ Too little Rangers Enforcement enforcement Hardcopy Submission 35 Parking ‐ double driveway. Parking ‐ Concerns Related CIS Refer to CIS to DA regarding cnocerns with Hardcopy Submission 24 These are jobs that North Sydney Council needs to Cammeray Road Park Avenue Warringa Vehicle Road Surface Damage Works Refer to Works do urgently: Road Engineers Engineers 1. The stretch of “Cammeray Road” between Warringa Rd and Park Ave is in such a bad state that it is full of large pot holes. This stretch of road is heavily used by through traffic, and is in urgent need of re‐surfacing by Council.

Hardcopy Submission 24 2. Council Rangers need to attend to the matter of Warringa Road Parking Parking ‐ Too little Rangers Enforcement illegally parked “Boats and Trailers” in Warringa Rd, enforcement which are there for several weeks in 8P zone.

Hardcopy Submission 24 3. At the corner of Warringa Rd and Cammeray Rd Cammeray Road Warringa Road Other OSE Request to there are obnoxious weeds growing which need to remove be removed by Council staff. These obnoxious weeds obnoxious have been in this area for over 20 years. Council has weeds. made no effort in the past to do anything about the weeds. Council does not need a “budget” to remove obnoxious weeds. There are enough Parks staff employed to do the job.

Hardcopy Submission 35 Parking ‐ There has been a great increase in demand Amherst Street Miller Street Parking Parking ‐ Concerns Related CIS Refer to CIS. for parking in Cammeray shopping centre due to the to DA change of commerce there eg restaurants, cafes, bars instead of butchers, fish shops etc. but there has been no provision for extra parking in response to this greatly increased demand.

Hardcopy Submission 33 Jenkins Street/Armstrong Street ‐ parking in street ‐ Armstrong Street Jenkins Street Parking Other OSE Tree sap on cars tree sap on the cars Feedback Form ‐ 115 Overhanging trees. Junction of the Boulevarde and The Boulevarde Rowlinson Parade Vernon Street Other OSE Oberhanging workshop 5 Rowlinson Parade for entries length of bonds. trees and dead Southern footpath to Vernon Street, mainly dead braches branches. Online Submission 25 Street parking close to public transport in Cammeray Amherst Street Parking Parking ‐ Parking Access for Rangers Enforcement is not patrolled enough. I am a resident of Amherst Residents Street next to one of the closest all ‐day street parking spots to the express buses up the road. I find that commuters regularly park over my driveway in an attempt to squeeze into an all day park. I then have to make a dangerous manoeuvre reversing blind onto Amherst Street. Last week my car was stuck in the driveway all day due to a commuter blocking me in.

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Online Submission 34 Concerned about the proposed Childcare centre on Amherst Street Fredben Avenue Parking Parking ‐ Concerns Related CIS Traffic impact Amherst Street Cammeray in relation to parking to DA would have around the vicinity and in particular Fredben Avenue. been assessed at Fredben Avenue is currently busy with retail time of DA customers parking in the street, the added traffic with a Childcare Centre nearby will cause much more traffic and less available car spaces for residents and their visitors. Online Submission 163 Please do something about the number of trailers Cowdroy Avenue Parking Parking ‐ Parking Rangers Enforcement (some appear abandoned) , some for boats which Restrictions Insufficient never seem to be used, some with boats on them, some trailers filled with rubbish, all apparently able to be parked on the street with no obvious owner responsibility, or perhaps not even living in the area. Apart from being unsightly, these are a safety hazard, especially a large trailer at the northern end of Cowdroy Ave. advertising RUM. If people want these things, they should pay for storage elsewhere.

Online Submission 20 We are disturbed at the presence of trailers in the Cowdroy Avenue Parking Parking ‐ Parking Rangers Enforcement western end of Cowdroy Ave which never move over Restrictions Insufficient several years. One is a large enclosed trailer which partially blocks the narrow street and has ben there unmoved for over 2 years. The other is a trailer full of rubbish which agin has not moved over a long period and is quite unsightly. We request that owners be asked to not leave them in public streets.

Online Submission 147 Lastly 'permanent' parking of trailers and boat Parking Parking ‐ Parking Rangers Enforcement trailers, utilising public parking spaces for long term Restrictions Insufficient storage of personal trailers in the area seems to be increasing and often there will be a large number all lined up. Online Submission 31 We very regularly have people park across our Amherst Street Miller Street Parking Parking ‐ Parking Access for Rangers Enforcement driveway (we live opposite Stocklands shopping Residents centre). Thete is not enough parking in the area.

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Online Submission 150 Cnr Rowlison, Currawang , Currawang Street Rowlinson Parade Parking Parking ‐ Parking Rangers Enforcement Grid locked every Saturday morning due to illegally Restrictions Insufficient parked cars in no stopping blocking streets and driveways and council not booking offending cars, I have stopped phoning for ranger every week as they don't come within an hour so car moves or give warnings most of the time Last Saturday I couldn't get out of my driveway and street to collect my own children from their sport for 3/4 hour Street blocked and drivers abusing each other out of their cars Mid week evenings just as bad, The area cannot cope with the volume of cars or blatant disregard and failure to monitor no stopping zones I have had to phone the police help getting out of my street and driveway in the last few weeks due to seriousness of infringements and driver abusers front of my house.

Online Submission 166 What footpaths that there are constantly obstructed The Boulevarde Other OSE Overhanging by overhanging branches requiring walking on the branches road.

Online Submission 29 Provide kayak racks at Tunks Park, Folly Point, etc etc Kayak Other OSE Provide kayak for residents to take pressure off parking and racks improve resident access . It is unfair that dinghy racks cannot be used for other recreational pursuits. Given there is a waiting list for dinghy racks, why aren't there more of them?

Workshop 5 People double park ‐ near post office ‐ safety issues Amherst Street Parking Parking ‐ Parking Rangers Enforcement Configuration

Workshop 5 Dangerous ‐ no clear red pathway, hanging branches Boulevard Parade Rowlinson Parade Pedestrian Pedestrian ‐ Connectivity OSE Hanging and have to go onto the road. Footpaths stop, cars branches parked in driveway, crossing road on blind corners have to cross 4‐5 times along road.

Workshop 5 Cars parking front to cab ‐ unloading boat on street The Boulevarde Parking Parking ‐ Parking Rangers Enforcement Restrictions Insufficient Workshop 5 No rangers, blind corner, no limit on parking so Pine Street Parking Parking ‐ Parking Rangers Enforcement tradies park all the time, should be a T‐way street. Restrictions Insufficient Uncomfortable about electronic meters. Meter paid for 1 hours e.g., but leave before and cannot get money back and if you are over you entail a huge fine. If you want to enforce parking ‐ employ rangers, more employment Workshop Additional Huge fines to genuinely deter (e.g. $1000)‐also hard Parking Parking ‐ Too little Rangers Enforcement Resident to see meters at night enforcement Workshop Workshop 5 Branches blocking path Vernon Street Pedestrian Pedestrian ‐ Connectivity OSE Prune branches

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Workshop 5 Lack of rangers, construction workers park around Bridgeview Avenue West Street Vale Street Parking Parking ‐ Too little Rangers Enforcement corners enforcement

Workshop 5 West Street Bridge ‐ needs higher railings West Street Pedestrian Pedestrian ‐ Safety Works Refer to Works Engineers Engineer Workshop Additional "Cant park during the day, trades not booked when Young Street Parking Parking ‐ Parking Access for Rangers Enforcement Resident parking all over street" Residents Workshop Survey 481 Miller Street Palmer Street Parking Parking ‐ Parking Rangers Enforcement Miller St, Cammeray @ Cammeray Shops: Vehicles ‐ Restrictions Insufficient most especially in the morning ‐ ignore the 'No Stopping' zones while their owners pickup coffee or a newspaper or shop at the convenience store. This makes it difficult for pedestrians to see and be seen.

Survey 483 Some of the Footpaths are difficult to use with a Cowdroy Avenue Pedestrian Pedestrian ‐ Connectivity Works Footpath pram and dog. Engineers improvement Specifically, there are some houses whose plants and program bushes obstruct the paths ‐ these include Cowdroy Ave. I am forced onto the road with a pram, which isn't ideal.

Survey 786 North Sydney Leagues back car park, West St ‐ very West Street Vehicle Other Works Refers to Works bad surface, ripped hole in my car's water pipe. Engineers Engineer

Survey 797 Walking ‐ few places to sit, rest and enjoy being out Walking Other Works Refer to EPS and and about Engineers OSE for more public seating and leisure areas. Survey 804 Cammeray Ave, Cammeray ‐ the number of cars Cammeray Avenue Parking Parking ‐ Too little Rangers Enforcement being abandoned along the park and road, its enforcement constant. Survey 1198 Car ‐ not enough street parking. Several batalax Carter Street Parking Parking ‐ Concerns Related CIS Refer to CIS apartments with no allocated parking. to DA

Survey 1204 The road between Green Park and Cammeray Golf Park Avenue Vehicle Road Surface Damage Works Refer to works course ‐ is road needs resurfacing. engineers engineers

Survey 1204 In Cammeray generally ‐ too many cars are parking Cammeray Parking Parking ‐ Parking Access for Rangers Enforcement all day in 2 hour zones. Residents

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Survey 1343 Amherst St ‐ Illegal parking/standing across our Amherst Street Miller Street Parking Parking ‐ Parking Access for Rangers Enforcement driveway. Residents

Survey 1344 Palmer St, Miller St, Abbott Lane ‐ cars parking in No Abbot Lane Miller Street Palmer Street Enforceme Other Rangers Enforcement Stopping zone. nt

Survey 1349 Cammeray Rd, Cammeray, cycling ‐ poorly Cammeray Road Cycling Cycling ‐Safety Works Refer to works maintained roads, poor filling of roads where cables engineers engineer laid/other roadwork has been done. Results in unsafe cycling conditions.

Survey 1351 Blue St, North Sydney (Bus Stand C at North Sydney Blue Street Buses Public Transport ‐ Works Refer to works station ‐ Overhead protection from the sun is needed Infrastructure engineers engineers at this bus stop (clear Perspex doesn't work) as is shelter from wind and rain.

Survey 1499 Cammeray ‐ insufficient parking in the village area. Cairo Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Traffic Calming Rangers Enforcement The parking marshalls are overly zealous giving out tickets, be nice to receive a polite warning

Survey 1505 Pine Street East Rowlinson Parade Pine Street Tunks Park Walking Pedestrians ‐ Footpath Works Refer to works Rowlison Pde, Cammeray ‐ to reach Miller St bus Provisions engineers engineers stop from Pine St East there is no continuous footpath. It is necessary to cross over at the top of Rowlison then back again at the start of the Boulevarde

Survey 1509 The Boulevarde, Cammeray ‐ walking ‐ footpath is The Boulevarde Walking Road Surface Damage Works Footpath repair very uneven. Difficult for disabled and prams. Please engineers program fix.

Survey 1512 Cammeray Rd ‐ between the golf course and the Amherst Street Bellevue Street Cammeray Vehicle Road Surface Damage Works Refer to works tennis courts, the road surface is degraded and Road engineers engineers needs re‐surfacing Amherst and Bellevue ‐ at the traffic roundabout there is a sinkhole that needs filling in

Survey 1523 North Sydney Station ‐ parking Avon Street Parking Parking ‐ Parking Rangers Patrol Avon St ‐ parking ‐ frequent parking for extended Restrictions Insufficient abandoned periods 0‐6 months vehicles.

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Survey 1532 Cambridge St, Cammeray ‐ parking ‐ yet you have Cambridge Street Parking Parking ‐ Concerns Related CIS Refer to CIS allowed the construction of more units in a street to DA that can't cope. Very silly of you! Survey 1608 St Thomas Rest Park Crows Nest ‐ Northern most St Thomas Rest Park Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety Works Footpath repair footpath should be made wider for convenience of and/or Performance engineers program users.

Survey 1691 Most Streets ‐ Footpaths in disrepair creating Pedestrian Pedestrian ‐ Connectivity Works Footpath repair dangerous trip hazards. Engineers program

Survey 1913 Cars parked in Amherst st and Fredben Avenue Amherst Street Fredben Avenue Enforceme Other Rangers Enforcement illegally (over driveways and in no stopping zones) nt blocking cars and crossing pedestrians seeing each other. Rarely patrolled by rangers. Survey 1913 Raleigh st south of school, people ALWAYS park and Raleigh Street Bellevue Street Traffic School Zone Congestion Rangers Enforcement stop over driveways and in the no stopping zone south of the school, blocking driveways and kids crossing/cars can't see each other Survey 1917 Pine St E, Rawlinson Parade, The Boulevard ‐ Pine Street East Rowlinson Parade The Pedestrian Pedestrian ‐ Connectivity Works Refer to Works footpath along this Routes is hit and miss. When Boulevard Engineers Engineer using a pram, we often have to walk on the road for several sections. Survey 1922 Vale Street ‐ due to construction work always parked Vale Street Parking Parking ‐ Concerns Related Rangers Parking patrol of out & dangerous to get out of driveway from 8‐12 to DA construction Vale St due to big SUVs parked out side designated vehicles. space. Survey 1923 Sorry one last comment ‐ the pavers put across Walker Street Pedestrian Pedestrian ‐ Safety Works Refer to Works driveways in Walker St with no grouting are Engineers Engineer extremely dangerous for any person wearing stilletos ‐ we have had 2 broken shoes in our office. It's only a matter of time before someone injures themselves with a sprained ankle or broken leg!

Survey 1924 Alan St & Carter St corner ‐ Bus shelters needed. Alan Street Carter Street Buses Public Transport ‐ Works Refer to Works Infrastructure Engineers Engineer

Survey 1925 Cammeray Rd, Cammeray (Between Warringa Rd & Cammeray Road Park Avenue Warringa Vehicle Road Surface Damage Works Refer to Works Park Ave) ‐ lots of unsafe pot‐holes & road repairs Road Engineers Engineer with cars crossing double lines to avoid.

Survey 1936 Cammeray Road ‐ cars parking over footpath seems Cammeray Road Pedestrian Pedestrian ‐ Safety Rangers Enforcement to be common issue in area. Very difficult when you are pushing a pram and footpath is blocked.

Survey 2526 Cnr. Abbott & Miller Streets, Cammeray ‐ Dangerous Abbott Street Miller Street Pedestrian Pedestrian ‐ Safety OSE Hedges oscuring for pedestrians crossing Abbott St at Miller St, due to view hedges obscuring the view from cars entering Abbott St, from Miller St.;

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Survey 2527 Kyngdon St, West St & generally ‐ Footpaths need Kyngdon Street West Street Pedestrian Pedestrian ‐ Connectivity Works Footpath repair repair Engineers program Survey 2532 Parking Cairo St ‐ there is a 2 hour limit for non Cairo Street Parking Parking ‐ Too little Rangers Enforcement residents in 1/2 this street & it is very rarely enforcement monitored which makes it difficult for residents who pay for the privilege. Survey 2538 Cammeray Rd, Cammeray outside Golf Course ‐ road Works Refer to Works needs to be resurfaced badly, pot holes etc.which get Engineers Engineer repaired but just come undone. Vehicle Road Surface Damage Survey 2679 Rowlison ‐ Boulevarde, Cammeray ‐ Footpath very Rowlinson Parade The Boulevarde Pedestrian Pedestrian ‐ Connectivity works Footpath repair uneven, unlit. It finishes on a blind corner with engineers program nowhere to cross. Survey 2698 Cammeray Rd, near golf course and Green Park ‐ works Refer to works Road surface deteriorating and more pot holes engineers engineers appearing. Strathallen Ave, Northbridge ‐ Northbridge bridge road surface deteriorating and more pot holes appearing. Grasmere Lane, Cremorne ‐ between Waters Lane and Young St road surface deteriorating and more pot holes appearing. Vehicle Road Surface Damage

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North Sydney Council Page 63

LATM Zone 4 Items noted as part of this study

Consultation Method Sub No. Comment/Response Road 1 Road 2 Road 3 Road 4 Mode Issue Action Comments

Hardcopy Submission 35 Parking ‐ one side of road 90 degree parking Parking ‐ Parking 0 Uncertain of removing grass strips (alternation on the street) Configuration specific location

Hardcopy Submission 35 Exits From Cammeray ‐ Connections between Congestion Other Noted Positive Cammeray, Neutral Bay and Mosman are not feedback problematic.

Hardcopy Submission 35 Exits From Cammeray ‐ Once you get past the Miller Street Congestion Other Noted Positive crossing on Miller St the access to Crows Nest is feedback acceptable. Online Submission 39 Many residents around the Cammeray area near Amherst Street Miller Street Parking Parking ‐ Parking Noted Marking parking Miller St retail/transport park deliberately taking up Configuration bays generally two parking spots Ie halfway between two driveways results in an to prevent others parking there. This is very selfish. I overall loss of suggest parking spot lines are painted and it parking spaces becomes an offence not to park between the lines. This would increase the number of spaces available.

Workshop Additional Roundabouts‐cars don’t stop and people cant cross Albany Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety 0 Refer to TAPAS resident and/or Performance Zone 2 workshop Workshop 5 Parking restricted by pipe construction blocked Carter Street Parking Parking ‐ Concerns Related Noted Temporary driveway to DA works Workshop 5 Fairy lights on trees at Amherst and Miller Street 0 Not enough information Workshop 5 Car spaces not marked ‐ cars park badly, major Amherst Street Parking Parking ‐ Parking Noted Marking each hotspot in area Configuration bay generally results in an overall loss of parking spaces Workshop 5 There is going to be a new school put in that is going Anzac Avenue Ernest Street Parking Parking ‐ Concerns Related 0 Refer to TAPAS to cause congestion on Earnest St. On Earnest St. to DA Zone 2 there is no traffic light or signs etc., need to be prepared for that. Workshop 5 Boat on trailer parked here Armstrong Street Jenkins Street Parking Parking ‐ Parking Noted Boat trailer Restrictions Insufficient parking laws have been introduced Workshop 5 Trailer for 3 weeks Armstrong Street Palmer Street Parking Parking ‐ Parking Noted Boat trailer Restrictions Insufficient parking laws have been introduced Workshop 5 Bus was in Wynyard now corner of Bridge and Bridgeview Avenue Buses Public Transport ‐ Stop/ 0 Uncertain of Gretchen St. Station / Wharf locations specific location

Workshop 5 Garbage truck cant get up the street Bridgeview Avenue Vale Street Parking Parking ‐ Parking Causes Noted No Parking Narrow Travel Lanes restrictions have been introduced on waste days

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Petition 56 The situation, regarding parking, in Bridgeview Ave is Bridgeview Avenue Parking Parking ‐ Parking Noted No Parking getting worse. Construction workers from the site at Configuration restrictions have Vale St and the increase in commuter parking is been introduced making the access along Bridgeview Ave extremely on waste days difficult. On at least 4 occasions the garbage collection has been disrupted due to the fact that the truck cannot get at least half way along the Avenue. The problem that the Avenue has a couple of dog‐ legs which are impossible for trucks to negotiate when vehicles are parked on both sides. We need some action to alleviate the problem. At the very least, a ban on parking on the north side of the Avenue for the length of the dog‐legs would relieve the situation. We, the undersigned, would like you to consider the urgency of the situation and Fromulate a solution to our problem.

Workshop 5 Bad access to hospital (all roads lead to highway) Brook Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety Noted Royal North and/or Performance Shore Hospital is approximately 5‐ 10 minute drive from Marks Street

Workshop 5 Seeing traffic coming out of driveway ‐ cars moving Brothers Avenue Parking Other 0 Uncertain of specific location

Workshop 5 Address parking issues in Cammeray Closer to main Parking Other Noted No enough road and NS information Workshop 5 0No enough information Workshop 3 Boats don't move Cammeray Road Parking Parking ‐ Parking Noted Boat trailer Restrictions Insufficient parking laws have been introduced Workshop 5 What is going to happen with parking at new school 0 Traffic impact on the corner of Miller Street and the Pacific would have Highway, Ernst Street. been assessed at time of DA Workshop 5 To by pass school zone issues. Only way to move Arkland Street Carter Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Traffic Calming Noted T‐way is not traffic are T‐Way streets feasible in residential streets Workshop Additional Boats take up 2 spaces Palmer Street Parking Parking ‐ Parking Noted Boat trailer resident Restrictions Insufficient parking laws workshop have been introduced Workshop Additional Cars over ridge and use lane as shortcut (too heavy Christie Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Traffic Calming 0 Uncertain of Resident traffic, peak hour)‐have called police specific location Workshop Workshop 5 Trailers and Boats Cowdroy Avenue Parking Parking ‐ Parking Noted Boat trailer Restrictions Insufficient parking laws have been introduced

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Workshop 5 Lack of pedestrian/bike crossing Ernest Street Pedestrian Pedestrian ‐ Connectivity 0 Refer to TAPAS Zone 5 Workshop 5 Opened up access and now bikes use it ‐ needs fixing Merrenburn Avenue Cycling Cycling ‐ Connectivity 0 Outside North Sydney LGA Workshop 5 No parking in the area ‐ concerns when school opens Earnest Street Miller Street Parking Parking ‐ Create New Supply 0 Refer to TAPAS Zone 2 Workshop 5 Concerns when Anzac Ave Primary Schools‐ from Earnest Street Miller Street Traffic School Zone Congestion 0 Refer to TAPAS Cammeray Public School Zone 2 Workshop 5 0No enough information

Workshop 5 Unsafe 0No enough information Workshop 5 Children around school 0No enough information

Workshop 5 Speeding for cyclists 0No enough information Workshop 5 Building McMansion. Tradies park around corner and 0 Uncertain of can hardly get past ‐ dangerous and can cause an specific location accident Workshop 5 Come home 8pm, no parking available on street. Parking Parking ‐ Parking Access for 0 Uncertain of Residents specific location

Workshop 5 Tradesmen park in no‐standing zones can't get out of Parking Parking ‐ Parking Access for Noted Uncertain of garage. Residents specific location

Workshop 7 Opportunity to align motorcycle parking with city of Motocycle Parking ‐ Parking 0 Refer to TAPAS Sydney rules Configuration Zone 3

Workshop Additional How do electronic monitors detect disabled permit? Noted Parking sensors Resident and LPR are Workshop unable to detect disabled parking permits. Enforcement officers manually check this prior to issuing infringement.

Workshop Additional Not everyone had issues with boat parking Boat Positive Feedback Noted Noted. resident Trailer workshop Workshop Additional "Parking Times in Neutral Bay‐Study in the city‐kids Parking Parking ‐ Parking 0 Refer to TAPAS Resident area‐parking‐building going up nearby‐buses Restrictions Insufficient Zones 5 & 6 Workshop dangerous (especially for kids)". Workshop Additional "drives now due to bus stop change parking over Parking Parking ‐ Parking Access for Noted Uncertain of Resident driveway dangerous". Residents specific location Workshop

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Workshop Additional Paris: great metro, currently extending it ‐problems Public Other Noted Noted. Resident with over population in some areas‐traffic good in transport Workshop priority‐great reliance on public transport

Workshop Additional Auckland: Sydney seemed better at first (easy to Noted Noted. Resident walk etc.)‐This has changed over time (fares have Workshop gone up and efficiency dropped) especially bad for students‐ city is great and secure (Sydney safer than Colombia)‐environment (Sydney has low pollution)

Workshop Additional Good city is efficient well out of the city Noted Noted Resident Workshop Workshop Additional Buses fill up in Sydney (you stop using if not Noted Noted Resident guaranteed a spot each time) Workshop Workshop 5 Same issue as above in 5 Miller Street Palmer Street Pedestrian Pedestrian ‐ Safety Noted Noted

Workshop 5 Address transport around Primrose Park Primrose Park 0No enough information Workshop 5 Same as above 0No enough information Workshop 5 Domestic buildings closing up road Alan Street Stratford Street Parking Parking ‐ Concerns Related Noted Traffic impact to DA would have been assessed at time of DA Workshop 5 Boats etc. parking where there are no restrictions ‐ Stratford Street Alan Street Parking Parking ‐ Parking Noted Boat trailer not sure they live nearby Restrictions Insufficient parking laws have been introduced

Workshop 5 Hotel ‐‐> no parking. Parking Parking ‐ Create New Supply 0 Refer to TAPAS Zone 3 Workshop 5 New development on Union St ‐‐> where to park?? Parking Parking ‐ Create New Supply 0 Refer to TAPAS "horrendous for residents" Zone 3 Workshop 5 0 Not enough information Survey 307 North Sydney ‐ traffic Crossings, parking Parking Parking ‐ Create New Supply Noted Not enough Neutral Bay/Cammeray ‐ traffic Crossings, parking information Crows Nest ‐ traffic Crossings, parking Willoughby ‐ traffic Crossings, parking

Survey 444 Congestion from vehicles commuting through the Congestion Other 0 Not enough area. information

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Survey 492 ‐ Crossing of Sutherland St on Park Avenue is really Park Avenue Sutherland Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety 0 Refer to tAPAS dangerous as the cars coming from the bottom of and/or Performance Zone 5 Park Avenue or Sutherland St can go pretty fast. I have taken the habit to either cross Park Avenue earlier and walk on the golf to avoid this crossing or again cross Park avenue after the staircase but before Sutherland St to avoid that crossing. However when I walk with my 3 year old daughter on Park Avenue I have to cross this street (Sutherland) if I want to go to North Sydney as there is only ONE traffic light to cross Ernest Street.

Survey 492 McLaren Street Walker Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety 0 Refer to TAPAS ‐ On Walker St, while going home (north) I will and/or Performance Zone 2 always cross the road before McLaren St as I find this crossing extremely dangerous. Cars are going very fast from the bottom of Walker st and turning into McLaren St and will rarely let pedestrian cross as they are supposed to do. The problem for this intersection is that the crossing is way to wide helping the cars not to slow down. For information there's a school at the top of the street and I amazed there is no pedestrian crossing at this crossing.

Survey 492 Park Avenue Sutherland Street Merlin Street Ernest Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety 0 Refer to TAPAS ‐ Again on Walker street passed McLaren st going and/or Performance Zone 2 North, I find the bit just after the McLaren St extremely nerve racking while I am riding my bicycle. Council or the RMS deemed a good idea to reduce the road at this point whithout leaving a path for a safe passage for the bicycle. This means cars either overtake me really close or will be really close to me at the back to overtake me while the separator in the middle of the road has disappear.

Survey 719 If I want to drive & park to within walking distance of Alan Street Cammeray Road Parking Parking ‐ Parking Access for 0 Refer to TAPAS Neutral Bay Junction to catch a bus into the city for Residents Zone 5 more than 2 hours it is difficult to find parking.

Neutral Bay needs more 1 hour spots & less 1/2 hour spots as Woolworths car park is so inadequate.

Survey 769 Parking meters everywhere ‐ I detest them Noted Noted Survey 791 Miller St ‐ crossing to catch bus. Miller Street Pedestrian Pedestrian ‐ Connectivity 0 Pedestrian crossings have been provided on Miller Street at various intersections.

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Survey 798 West St ‐ Crossings, Bike paths, bus stop locations, Falcon Street Miller Street West Street Willoughby Traffic Parking ‐ Parking Access for Noted No enough parking, traffic Road Residents information

Miller St ‐ Crossings, Bike paths, bus stop locations, parking, traffic

Willoughby Rd ‐ Crossings, Bike paths, bus stop locations, parking, traffic

Falcon St ‐ Crossings, Bike paths, bus stop locations, parking, traffic Survey 800 Cammeray ‐ Bike paths Cycling Cycling ‐ Connectivity Noted No enough information Survey 803 Crows Nest ‐ too much metered parking Parking Parking ‐ Cost of Parking too 0 Refer to TAPAS high Zone 2 Survey 804 Anzac Ave, Cammeray ‐ Congestions around new Anzac Avenue Traffic School Zone Congestion 0 Refer to TAPAS school, lack of parking for residents due to caravans, Zone 2 boats etc. Survey 804 Anzac Ave, Cammeray ‐ Congestions around new Anzac Avenue Parking Parking ‐ Parking Access for 0 Refer to TAPAS school, lack of parking for residents due to caravans, Residents Zone 2 boats etc. Survey 843 As a disabled person I find that North Sydney is one Noted Positive feedback of the best councils by a long shot. Well done!

Survey 1125 Too much metered parking in the North Sydney Noted Metered parking Council Area. increases parking turn You can not buy a single ticket that you have to use over. Single opal an opal card ticket can be purchased at station.

Survey 1174 North Sydney CBD ‐ parking metered should be free Bellevue Street Palmer Street parking Parking ‐ Cost of Parking too Noted Metered parking at weekends. high bays in CBD are mostly free on weekends

Survey 1198 Carter Street Parking Parking ‐ Parking Access for Noted Boat trailer Boats/trailers on road ‐ selfish drivers house owners Residents parking laws making driveways. have been introduced

Survey 1201 Amherst St, Cammeray ‐ parking Amherst Street Parking Parking ‐ Create New Supply 0 Not enough information Survey 1203 Pine St, Cammeray ‐ boats parked in street and left Miller Street Palmer Street Pine Street Parking Parking ‐ Parking Noted Boat trailer for months. East Restrictions Insufficient parking laws have been introduced Survey 1203 15/30min free parking/North Sydney meter parking ‐ LGA Parking Parking ‐ Parking Access for 0 Refer to TAPAS other suburbs have this option when using local Residents Zone 3 businesses.

Survey 1276 All over North Sydney ‐ Bike Paths and parking Cycling Cycling ‐ Connectivity 0 Not enough information

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Survey 1331 Pine St, Cammeray ‐ Boats parked on street for long Pine Street Parking Parking ‐ Parking Noted Boat trailer periods without being moved or used. Restrictions Insufficient parking laws have been introduced Survey 1331 North Sydney CBD ‐ Lack of sufficient affordable Crows Nest North Sydney CBD Parking Parking ‐ Create New Supply 0 Refer to TAPAS parking Zone 2 & 3

Crows Nest ‐ Dreadful parking situation, not enough spaces on street or in parking stations. Survey 1337 Cammeray ‐ Parking, Bus Crossing Parking Parking ‐ Create New Supply 0 Not enough information Survey 1340 Morden, Warringa and Bells, Cammeray ‐ Parking of Morden Street Bells Street Parking Parking ‐ Parking Noted Boat trailer boats jet skis and trailers for lengthy periods Restrictions Insufficient parking laws have been introduced Survey 1349 Military Rd, Neutral Bay to Manly ‐ Parking on Carter Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Congestion 0 Refer to TAPAS Military causes traffic Congestion throughout day Zone 5 including on weekends

Survey 1351 Ensemble Theatre, Mcdougall St, Kirribilli ‐ parking Ensemble Theatre Parking Parking ‐ Parking 0 Refer to TAPAS for theatre patrons needs to be longer than 2 hours Restrictions Insufficient Zone 7

Survey 1351 Parraween Street Parking Parking ‐ Parking 0 Refer to TAPAS Cremorne Orpheum cinema Parraween St, Cremorne Restrictions Insufficient Zone 5 ‐ Parking for cinema‐goers needs to be longer than 2 hours. Too few parking spaces are available.

Survey 1354 Parking at North Sydney Pool ‐ With the population North Sydney Pool Parking Parking ‐ Parking 0 Refer to TAPAS growth in this area pool and parking at pool are Restrictions Insufficient Zone 3 overcrowded

Survey 1354 Boats parked on street ‐ Boats are permanently Tunks Park Parking Parking ‐ Parking Noted Boat trailer parked in residential streets around Tunks Park Restrictions Insufficient parking laws which causes increased Congestion in already narrow have been streets. introduced Survey 1354 Limited parking at North Sydney ‐ Poor traffic flow North Sydney Parking Parking ‐ Parking Noted Uncertian of through pedestrian area at North Sydney suggest Restrictions Insufficient specific location close to cars

Survey 1366 When I use my car that has to me parked on the Parking Parking ‐ Parking Noted Uncertian of street I frequently have issues finding a park of more Restrictions Insufficient specific location than 2hrs.Largely commuters and people working in the area i.e. teachers from the school.capitalise on the parking in my street.It is not unusual to receive hostile notes on my car demanding I park so two cars can fit in a space designs for one car.As a rate paying resident I feel this is not satisfactory or fair.

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Survey 1372 Cahill Express Traffic Traffic ‐ Congestion 0 Refer to TAPAS 2. Very often Congestion getting onto Cahill Express Zone 7 at Kirribilli.

Survey 1446 West St, Cammeray ‐ Bike paths Amherst Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Traffic Calming 0 Not enough Amherst St, Cammeray ‐ traffic information Survey 1455 Cammeray Road Churchill Crescent Boat/Traile Parking ‐ Parking Noted Boat trailer Cammeray Rd and Churchill Crs, Cammeray ‐ parking r Restrictions Insufficient parking laws can be very difficult as a number of residents park have been boats on the street, the large boats also limit introduced visibility

Survey 1458 North Sydney CBD ‐ lack of parking until 9.30‐10am Parking Parking ‐ Create New Supply 0 Refer to TAPAS Zone 3 Survey 1459 All North Sydney ‐ parking and traffic noted Not enough information Survey 1464 Local Cammeray area ‐ parking 0 Not enough information Survey 1481 Cammeray ‐ Bike paths Cycling Cycling ‐ Connectivity 0 Not enough information Survey 1486 I think the services are very good Noted Positive feedback Survey 1490 I find parking for local shopping satisfactory in both Noted Positive Neutral Bay, and Northbridge and Cammeray feedback

Survey 1491 West St ‐ most of the parking is only 2 hours. There West Street Parking Parking ‐ Parking Access for Noted Boat trailer are many boats and/or trailers parked in all day Residents parking laws parking spots; Public transport not an option for me have been because of where I live. It is a nightmare going to introduced work in my car because of unavailability of parking and yet it is the safest way for me especially at night.

Survey 1500 Pathways and streets Cammeray ‐ bike riders do not Pedestrian Pedestrian ‐ Safety Noted uncertain of sound their bell ‐ they come silently when we are specific location walking and nearly knock us down Survey 1502 Cammeray ‐ Parking outside my house 0 Not enough North Sydney ‐ Traffic from oval to station information

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Survey 1505 Blue St, North Sydney ‐ when dropping off or picking Pine Street East The Boulevarde Tunks Park Parking Parking ‐ Parking Access for 0 Refer to TAPAS up from/at North Sydney Station there is not Residents Zone 3 designated spaces to do this

Survey 1507 Lambert St ‐ parking ‐ residents should not be Lambert Street Parking Parking ‐ Parking Access for Noted Boat trailer permitted to permanently park their boats/trailers Residents parking laws have been introduced

Survey 1508 Amherst St, Cammeray ‐ dangerous exit for vehicles Amherst Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Intersection Safety Noted uncertain of turning right ‐ no visibility due to parking bay and/or Performance specific location

Survey 1510 McMahons Point ‐ Parking 0 Not enough information Survey 1588 Amherst Street Miller Street Parking Parking ‐ Parking Noted Boat trailer Morden St Cammeray ‐ commuter parking has made Restrictions Insufficient parking laws parking very hard. Boat parking should not be have been allowed introduced

Survey 1591 Cowdroy Ave, Cammeray ‐ parking of unattended Cowdroy Avenue Parking Parking ‐ Parking Noted Boat trailer trailers in street ‐ Safety issues and visual impact Restrictions Insufficient parking laws Photos of 2 examples within 50 metres of our house have been attached introduced Survey 1703 Crows Nest near the shops ‐ parking hard and fines 0 Refer to TAPAS expensive Zone 2 Survey 1845 Kirribilli, North Sydney, Cammeray, etc ‐ too much Public Other Noted Not enough traffic, not enough ferries from Kirribilli to CBD on Transport information peak hours, too many traffic lights, too many bikes and Bike paths (these are dangerous and harmful to pedestrians)

Survey 1845 Pedestrian Vehicle‐related Pollution Noted Not enough North Sydney Area ‐ Not enough safe pedestrian information paths/Crossings in North Sydney Area.

North Sydney/Kirribilli Areas ‐ Too many trucks and heavy vehicles damaging the roads. Too many unserviced polluting vehicles releasing toxic emissions on our streets Survey 1914 This is a very badly constructed survey. Very difficult 0 Noted to answer no structured well. Survey 1916 Want safe walking to hubs eg. Nth Syd without being Pedestrian Pedestrian ‐ Connectivity 0 uncertain of on main roads ‐ fumes. specific location

Survey 1919 Traffic in city ‐ car share; shuttles to free city centre; Public Other Noted uncertain of encouragement to take public transports, bicycles Transport specific location

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Survey 1928 Cowdroy Ave, Cammeray NSW ‐ limited parking with Cowdroy Avenue Parking Parking ‐ Parking Noted Boat trailer a narrow street ‐ and many residents park their Restrictions Insufficient parking laws boats & trailers for extended periods, further limiting have been the available space to park. Suggestion ‐ either introduced restrict parking with Permits and 72 hour limits or ban all non‐motorised vehicles.

Survey 1930 Walking from M30 bus stop on Military Road to Park Avenue Earle Street Grasmere Sutherland Pedestrian Pedestrian ‐ Safety 0 Refer to TAPAS Cammeray Road ‐ not safe for pedestrians. Low or no Road St Zone 5 visibility. 1. Park Avenue & Sutherland St ‐ no visibility; 2. Park Avenue & Grasmere Road; 3. Park Avenue & Earle Street.

Survey 1930 Pick up the transport game! Noted Outisde North No parking on Clarence Street during commuting Sydney LGA. hours. Survey 1933 Palmer St, Cammeray ‐ parked trailer/ boat taking up Palmer Street Parking Parking ‐ Parking Noted Boat trailer valuable parking space. Restrictions Insufficient parking laws have been introduced Survey 1933 Cammeray ‐ status of proposed sound blocking Noted Refer to Council walls? we suffer from traffic noise. website for updates on Noise Walls

Survey 1934 N/A ‐ we are happy. Noted Positive feedback Survey 1954 Cammeray ‐ through traffic (to Forest area etc) too Noted Not enough heavy for local roads. information Survey 2268 Whole North Sydney Area ‐ `U‐turns' should be 0 Noted banned everywhere.; Survey 2414 All ‐ Lack of Vulnerable Road user law A/O Christie Street Chandos Street Pedestrian Pedestrian ‐ Connectivity 0 Refer to TAPAS Awardness in 95% of car drivers. Footpaths dug up Zone 2 for contruction take months/years to be fixed temporary fixes are rarely done well. Survey 2414 Christie/Chandos St ‐ Needs zebra crossing for Christie Street Chandos Street Pedestrian Pedestrian ‐ Connectivity 0 Refer to TAPAS redestrians Zone 2

Survey 2479 Some Footpaths are very uneven in North Sydney Pedestrian Pedestrian ‐ Connectivity Noted uncertain of council area specific location

Survey 2480 Cammeray, Neutral Bay, Crows Nest ‐ no problems Cammeray Square Miller Street Parking Other 0 Refer to TAPAS parking at shops ‐ Cammeray Square, Miller St (even Zone 2 with clearways);

North Sydney Parking meters ‐ GP in Crows Nest; specialists in St Leonards ‐ if I'm running late, problem not being able to put additional money in meter;

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Survey 2480 Long term trailer boat parking an issue. Cammeray Square Miller Street Boat/Traile Parking ‐ Parking Access for Noted Boat trailer r Residents parking laws have been introduced Survey 2491 Bus, Walking ‐ no problems Noted Positive feedback Survey 2492 North Sydney ‐ Parking ‐ affordable; North Sydney Parking Parking ‐ Cost of Parking too Noted Positive high feedback Neutral Bay ‐ Parking ‐ affordable Survey 2492 Cammeray ‐ parking ‐ residents ‐cluttered by boats; Cammeray Boat Parking ‐ Parking Access for Noted Boat trailer Residents parking laws have been introduced Survey 2493 Many problems seem to be a result of angry Noted Positive impatience but I find public transport quite reliable feedback and frequent. Survey 2497 West St, Cammeray ‐ those bikes West Street Cycling Cycling ‐ Connectivity 0 Not enough West St, North Sydney ‐ those bikes information Survey 2499 West Street, Miller, Pacific Hwy ‐ too much emphasis Miller Street Pacific Highway West Street Cycling Cycling ‐ Connectivity 0 Refer to TAPAS on Bike paths/ cyclists. etc. Zone 3

Survey 2505 I think the current system is great! Noted Positive feedback Survey 2506 Express Bus, excellent to City & Cammeray ‐ more; Noted Positive feedback Survey 2506 Cowdroy Avenue ‐ too many boats, trailers & empty Cowdroy Avenue Parking Parking ‐ Parking Noted Boat trailer trailers.; Restrictions Insufficient parking laws have been Cowdroy Avenue ‐ residents' parking the above not introduced outside their property. Survey 2512 Denison St, Ward St ‐ very long delays joining Berry Denison Street Ward Street Traffic Traffic ‐ Congestion 0 Refer to TAPAS St at evening peak. Zone 3

Survey 2513 Peel St, Kirribilli, Crows Nest 0 Not enough information Survey 2517 Warringa Rd & Bells Avenue Cammeray ‐ Boat Bells Avenue Warringa Road Parking Parking ‐ Parking Noted Boat trailer trailers & commercial vehicles not observing parking Restrictions Insufficient parking laws restrictions. have been introduced Survey 2527 Cammeray ‐ popularity of lakes means more parking Parking Parking ‐ Create New Supply 0 uncertain of needed; specific location

Survey 2527 North Sydney ‐ more parking needed around CBD Parking Parking ‐ Create New Supply 0 Refer to TAPAS Stanton; Zone 2 Survey 2531 Loftus Street City ‐ Bus shelter ‐ seats for 6 people if 0 uncertain of all thin; one miserable shelter from wind & rain. specific location Often a dyer people wait for their relevant bus.;

Survey 2535 West St, Cammeray ‐ Trailer parking in streets; Long West Street Parking Parking ‐ Parking Noted Boat trailer term ‐ boats caravans; Restrictions Insufficient parking laws have been introduced

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Survey 2535 Cammeray ‐ traffic Congestion. In local streets.; Congestion Other Noted uncertain of specific location Cammeray, Commuter parking in local streets. Survey 2541 North Sydney ‐ parking Noted Not enough information Cammerah School ‐ parking Survey 2542 Bridgeview Ave, Cammeray ‐ no problems when Noted Positive travelling by bus, Excellent service. feedback Survey 2548 Roads all over ‐ round abouts everywhere. No one Noted uncertain of knows how to use them. specific location

Survey 2565 North Sydney ‐ Completely different to Sydney who LGA Motorbike Parking ‐ Create New Supply 0 Refer to TAPAS get it . North Sydney is backwards & fails to show Zone 3 planning. NO real incentive for motor bikes or links with public transport. Survey 2602 Over the entire area ‐ traffic Congestion; bicyclist Congestion Other Noted Uncertian of and skateboards on Footpaths; poor state of specific location Footpaths. Survey 2721 No issues 0 positive feedback

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North Sydney Council Page 64

Request Received

Initial review by Council Traffic Engineer

Is request supported based on existing policies, guidelines, safety or statutory requirements?

Yes No

Complete LATM Assessment Matrix and Traffic Engineer politely produce priority score & responds to customer ranking with outcome & outlining reasons

Does the proposal have merit under the LATM Assessment process?

No Yes

Investigate alternatives Refer to Traffic Add project to LATM list Committee for advice if required

Review project priorities

Staff refer design to Traffic Committee under staff Delegated Authority

Implement Project

Figure 1 Process for consideration of traffic and parking requests Site ID T.31 Location:Cremorne Road at Milson Road Issue: Request for formal pedestrian facilities 1. Existing Conditions No. Crashes Length of site (m) 0 (past 5 years of available RMS crash data) Activity Generators within 400 metres Speed Limit (km/h) 50 No. Injury crashes 0 Primary School 85th Percentile Speed 42.8 No. Non‐injury crashes 0 High School No. Pedestrian crashes 0 University Road Type Local No. Cyclist crashes 0 Retirement Village/ Aged Care/ Hospital Daily Traffic Volume Major Park (vehicles per day) 418 Minor Park Pedestrian Usage Medium Major Shopping Cyclist Usage Medium Minor Shopping

Problem Score (P) (from Problem Scoring Criteria Sheet A) 31.15

2. Solution Score Proposed Treatment Pedestrian crossing, refuge or kerb build‐outs Estimated Cost (C ) $80,000 Number of people Affected (N) 1000

Community Transport Priority Score NSTS Priority Rating Total Safe Travel 3 0.81 2.43 Transport Security 1 0.81 0.81 Social Wellbeing 2 0.65 1.3 Active Health 3 0.65 1.95 Fair Access to Parking ‐10.59 ‐0.59 Environmental Sustainability 2 0.56 1.12 4. Project Priority Local Environments 2 0.56 1.12 Transport Affordability 2 0.51 1.02 T ≥ 14 Short Term Congestion 00.440 3 ≤ T < 14 Medium Term Business Activity 1 0.38 0.38 0 < T < 3Long Term Solution Score (S) 9.54 T ≤ 0Not to Proceed

3. Total Project Score (T) P x S x N = 31.15 x 9.54 x 1000 3.71 C 80000 Sheet A ‐ Existing Conditions ‐ Problem Scoring Criteria

Criteria Measure Score Weighting Total Score Volume Greater than environmental capacity Road Type 1 Environmental Capacity (veh/day) 10 Local: 2,000 Less than or equal to Collector: 5,000 environmental capacity 0 Sub‐Arterial: 10,000 Arterial: 20,000 Speed Above legal speed limit 2 (85th Percentile) Above 40km/h but less than 10 1 speed limit Less than 40km/h 0 Crashes (most recent No. injury crashes per linear 2 per 5 5 years of available metre of total site to be treated crash/m RMS crash data) No. non‐injury crashes per 1 per linear metre of total site to be 5 crash/m treated No. pedestrian crashes 1 per crash 1 No. cyclist crashes 1 per crash 1 Pedestrian Usage High (Guide: More than 50 4 pedestrians per hour) Medium (Guide: 20‐50 pedestrians per hour) 2 5 Low (Guide: Less than 20 pedestrians per hour) 1

Cyclist Usage High 4 Medium 2 5 Low 1 Activity Generators Sum all that apply within 400 metres of site: Primary School 10 High School 7 University 5 Retirement Village/ Aged 10 Care/ Hospital Major Park 6 10 Minor Park 4 Major Shopping 6 Minor Shopping 4 Total =Sum/52

=Sum of TOTAL PROBLEM SCORE Total Score Example Site ID: T.31 Location: Cremorne Road at Milson Road, Cremorne Point

Sheet A ‐ Existing Conditions ‐ Problem Scoring Criteria

Criteria Measure Score Weighting Total Score Volume Greater than environmental capacity Road Type 1 Environmental Capacity (veh/day) 10 0 Local: 2,000 Less than or equal to Collector: 5,000 environmental capacity 0 Sub‐Arterial: 10,000 Arterial: 20,000 Speed Above legal speed limit 2 (85th Percentile) Above 40km/h but less than 10 10 1 speed limit Less than 40km/h 0 Crashes (most recent No. injury crashes per linear 2 per 5 0 5 years of available metre of total site to be treated crash/m RMS crash data) No. non‐injury crashes per 1 per linear metre of total site to be 5 0 crash/m treated No. pedestrian crashes 1 per crash 1 0 No. cyclist crashes 1 per crash 1 0 Pedestrian Usage High (Guide: More than 50 4 pedestrians per hour) Medium (Guide: 20‐50 pedestrians per hour) 2 5 10 Low (Guide: Less than 20 pedestrians per hour) 1

Cyclist Usage High 4 Medium 2 5 10 Low 1 Activity Generators Sum all that apply within 400 metres of site: Primary School 10 High School 7 University 5 Retirement Village/ Aged 10 Care/ Hospital 10 1.15 Major Park 6 Minor Park 4 Major Shopping 6 Minor Shopping 4 Total =6/52 =0.115 TOTAL PROBLEM SCORE 31.15 7.4 Transport Planning and Management Decision Matrix

The revised Integrated Traffic and Parking Strategy (ITPS): Project Assessment Framework below delivers a justified and consistent transport planning and management decision matrix that addresses North Sydney’s transport vision and poriorities and that can be used to prioritise both strategic*1 and local*2 transport works programs.

*1 projects identified through Mode Specific Action Plans *2 projects identified through TAPAS consultation and ongoing resident enquiries

Community Transport NSTS Priority Will the project: Make Worse Improve TOTAL Priority Rating *

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Safe Travel ...improve community safety by creating slow speed 0.81 Score X road environments where more vulnerable road users NSTS Priority are protected from higher impact road users and the Rating number of crashes and severity of injuries is minimised?

Transport Security ...improve personal security through improved streetscape 0.81 Score X design, increased street activity and passive surveillance? NSTS Priority Rating

Social Wellbeing ...provide social spaces where human interaction is given 0.65 Score X the highest priority and the negative impacts of traffic NSTS Priority are minimised, promoting incidental social interaction, Rating increasing civic pride, reducing anti-social behaviour and community policing requirements?

Active Health …provide infrastructure that encourages healthy and 0.65 Score X active lifestyle/travel choices? NSTS Priority Rating

Fair Access to ...reduce demand for parking and / or provide more 0.59 Score X Parking equitable access to existing parking supply? NSTS Priority Rating

Environmental ...encourage the use of low greenhouse gas emitting 0.56 Score X Sustainability transport options? NSTS Priority Rating

Local Environments ...encourage the use of travel modes that have minimal 0.56 Score X impact on air quality, water quality and noise? NSTS Priority Rating

Transport ...encourage the use of travel options with lower social, 0.51 Score X Affordability health and economic costs and higher social, health and NSTS Priority economic benefits? Rating

Congestion ...apply travel demand management principles 0.44 Score X to minimise traffic demand and associated traffic NSTS Priority congestion? Rating

Business Activity ...increase business opportunities by improving the look/ 0.38 Score X amenity of North Sydney throughout the day and in to NSTS Priority the evening while, at the same time, reducing the whole Rating of life cost of transport networks, including the ongoing costs associated with cleaning and maintaining assets?

TOTAL = SUM / 16.35 ______Preliminary Project Score = SUM/16.35 x estimated cost x residents effected Figure 24: Proposed North Sydney Transport Planning and Management Decision Matrix

* figures derived from community feedback regarding the relative priority of CSP outcomes

North Sydney Transport Strategy | 23