New German Critique, No. 78, Special Issue on German
NEW GERMAN CRITIQUE NUMBER 78 * FALL 1999 G ERMANRMEDAN SRTUIDUES GEISLER AND MATTSON * AFTER THE BARDIC ERA HUMPHREYS * GERMANY'S "DUAL" BROADCASTING SYSTEM HICKETHIER * A CULTURAL BREAK: TELEVISION IN GERMANY GEISLER * WEST GERMAN MEDIA THEORY BOLZ * FAREWELL TO THE GUTENBERG GALAXY ZIELINSKI * FISSURES - DISSONANCES - QUESTIONS - VISIONS SCHUMACHER * GERMAN "B-TELEVISION" PROGRAMS MATTSON * THE GENERATION OF PUBLIC IDENTITY HUHN * LUKACS AND THE ESSAY FORM o 473 > 744., 80557 1 PRICE: U.S. 12.00 /CANADA $15.00 This content downloaded on Fri, 18 Jan 2013 06:22:27 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions NEW GERMANCRITIQUE An Interdisciplinary Journal of German Studies Special Editorsfor ThisIssue: MichelleMattson, Michael Geisler Editors:David Bathrick (Ithaca), Miriam Hansen (Chicago), Peter U. Hohendahl (Ithaca),Andreas Huyssen (New York), Biddy Martin (Ithaca), Anson Rabinbach (Princeton),Jack Zipes (Minneapolis). ContributingEditors: Leslie Adelson (Ithaca), Susan Buck-Morss (Ithaca), Geoff Eley(Ann Arbor), Gerd Gemiinden (Hanover), Agnes Heller (New York), Douglas Kellner(Austin), Eberhard Kni6dler-Bunte (Berlin), Sara Lennox (Amherst), Andrei Markovits(Ann Arbor), Eric Rentschler (Cambridge), James Steakley (Madison). ManagingEditor: Michael Richardson (Ithaca). AssistantEditors: Jill Gillespie (Ithaca), Andrew Homan (New York),Franz PeterHugdahl (Ithaca), Kizer Walker (Ithaca). GraphicsEditor: Brendan K. Bathrick(New York). Publishedthree times a yearby TELOS PRESS,431 E. 12thSt., New York,NY 10009.New German Critique
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