Boston Sacred Heart Review 18 March 1916
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REVIEWSACREDHEART FOR GOD AND COUNTRY. CONTENTS. Have You 2. eccle si astic a l injvestigated Items. rlifira i 3. Week's News. possibili= 4. What Catholic ?- the! Editors Say. 5. Editorial Notes. 6-7. A Call to Action. The Workers' Friend. Church Calendar. Religious Maxims. 8-9. New Books. "Strength of Will." St. Patrick in His- tory. your lighting bill is larger than necessary. Learn about 10. Our Future Men And Women. the Reflex and C E Z Gas Lamps; their high candle 11. The Society For The Propagation power on a low gas consumption-a quarter of one cent The Faith. Of per hour. Let us send our representative to arrange for Diocesan Office Notes. 12. Temperance. a trial installation in your home. Prohibition Not Un-Catholic. 13. Aunt Bride. 14. Poem: The Lamb Cambridge of God. Story: Father Tim on "Company Keeping." Gas Light Company 15. Medical. Housewife. 719 Massachusetts Aye., Cambridge. 16. Sense And Non- sense. Near Central Square. Friendly Hints. Holy Orders. tTelephone Cambridge 4190 MARCH 18 1916. VOL. 55, NO 14 ,10 THE ;RED HEART REVIEW 2 March 18, 1916. &acrefc ijeart leuieui His Eminence the Cardinal: and also witnessed the military The Rev. William Barry, senior manoevres of the student cadet Expert Repairers is owned and published weekly by the assistant at the church of St. companies in the big Notre REVIEW PUBLISHING COMPANY, Mary of the Annunciation, Dame gymnasium. of a corporation organized under the law JEWELRY, CLOCKS, WATCHES, of the Commonwealthof Massachusetts, Cambridge, is made administra- As a result of a Converts' SILVER PLAT E,~~ FANS, and consisting of one hundred of the tor of St. Joseph's parish, East League inquiry class, in St. TORTOISE SHELL, CHINA leading Catholic clergymen of New Pepperell.Mass ; theRev.Thomas Mary's Church, Pittsburg, England. I Coghlan, who has been pastor AND ANTIQUE FURNITURE Kansas, we are informed by the for Managing Director and Treasurer: of the East Pepperell church, Western Catholic, eleven Protes- Right Monsignor b:ing OVER EIGHTY YEARS Rev. O'Brien. transferred to the pastor- tant business men of that city ASSISTANTS: Rev. James Higgins, ate of the Church, Sacred Heart received baptism on a recent D. A. McCarthy, MB. O'Sullivan. Atlantic, Mass. The Rev. Ber- Bigelow, of the Corporation : The Sunday at the hands of the Rev. Clerk nard S. OKane, assistant at the Right Monsignor James E Cas- Dr. Pompeney. The men are: Kennard & Co.??. Rev. Grace, sidy, Y. G., Fall River. Mass. Church of Our Lady of Ira Clemens, president of the EPISCOPAL AUTHORITY TO Chelsea, is transferred to St. Sons Com- GILD AND REPAIR SACRED Clemens and Coal \ ESSELS Subscription, in advance, $2.00 Mary's Church, Cambridgeport. pany; Harold Thomas Wright, of and the Rev. Dominick F. Rock, ADDRESS If notpaid in advance, $2.50 J. P. Wright and Sons, decora- ECCLESIASTICAL DEPT. Single Copies, Five Cents assistant at St. John's Church, tors; John C. Fox, of the Stand- Winthrop, assistant 511 WASHINGTON ST. General advertising, 20 cents a line to at the ard Oil Company; James H. Lady BOSTON agate. Church of our of Grace, Billings, of Billings andKoakum, Local Rates sent on application. Chelsea. merchant tailors; Fred W. Doll, Pomeroy Send money by Check, Registered A memorial window to Father of Dunn and Doll, teamerchants; Alta Churchill, dean of Letter, Post Office Money Order (not in Maturin has been placed in Robert W. Bixler, expert elec- Stanley Hall College, Minnesota, silver or bills), to the Downside Abbey, in the chapel trician with the Pittsburg Elec- who was born a Protestant but later REVIEW PUBLISHING COMPANY of the English Martyrs. It looks tric Company; Henry E. Fintel, became an infidel. Ad- down upon the vance figures of converts re- Washington Street, altar where dealer in music; W. F. McLaugh- ceived in the various dioceses Boston. Mass. Father Maturin used to say Mass lin, former Registrar of Deeds during 1915are publishedthrough during some months that he was journalist; J. E. Donohue, the courtesy of the official Catho- 1294Advertising Department, and at the' Abbe y. 111-health purchasing agentfor the Central lic Directory, with a review in Room 1036, Old South Building, obliged him to give up his hope of Stores Company; Charles R. detail of the conversions falling Boston, Mass. becoming member of the within the quarter from Decem- a com- Steele, of the Smelter Company, ber, 1915, to March, 1916. The munity. The window has two his son, Cstsred u Second-Class Matter In the Bolton and Francis. Rev. E. G. Fitzgerald, 0. P., Post Office, Dec. 1,1888. lights, one containing striking The Catholics of England have writes on "What the Catholic for figures of St. Basil and St. Will- sent many a splendid represent- Church has Done South iam of York, patron saints of America;" and Scannell O'Neil SATURDAY, March 18, 1916. ative to the front since this war other gives a complete list of Generals Father Maturin. The began, and many a Catholic of the North and South who light depicts St. Peter walking household in England mourns were converts to the Church. ECCLESIASTICAL ITEMS. on the waters: "Lord, bid me the death of one or more of its The Catholic Convert is issued by come to Thee upon the waters. the Catholic Converts' League of members who have given their New York, 117 Our agent, Mr. John O'Con- And Jesus said, Come! And the Empire. West 61st street, all to Catholic the subscription price for the nell, received through the mail Peter going down out of the nobles as well as Catholic com- year being fifty cents. last week an envelope containing boat walked upon the waters to moners have fallen in this fight, two dollars, presumably for a re- come to Jesus." (Matt, xiv.) and among the former special RECENT DEATHS. newal of subscription. No note Father Maturin lost his life in mention has been made by our The prayers of our readers are accompanied the money, so our the Lusitania disaster. requested for the repose of the English contemporaries of Lord soul Miss Lucy Murray, whom to of L. of agent can not tell That Notre Dame University Ninian Crichton Stuart, who Cambridge, Mass., who was one credit. The envelope was post- aids deserving students to the was slain last year in action. A of our first subscribers. marked "Cambridge A." Will extent of $65,000.00 a year has brother officer writing of him at The Rev. D. F. Berberich, a the person who sent this money just been divulged for the first the time of his death said: "I priest of the diocese of Galves- kindly communicate with us ? by the building committee spoke of his Catholicity. He ton, who diedlast month atFrels- time burg, Texas, the occasion of the first of the Notre Dame Alumni As- was indeed a devout Catholic, was forty-seven On years of age, and had been a priest anniversary of the death of the sociation. The committee an- and one who practised his relig- for twenty-four years. He made Rev. John T. Smith, a solemn nounces to the University's ion. Whenever we were near a his studies in Rome and was or- requiem Mass was celebrated at alumni that this great sum will village he was always assiduous dained to the holy priesthood at Patrick's Church, Omaha, be increased after the comple- in his attendance at Mass? Mantua, Italy, by Bishop Sartn, St. who later became Pope Neb., by the Rev. P. C. Gan- tion of Old Students' Hall, as which he often served; and he Pius X. May their souls non, his successor in the pastor- the from this proposed was most solicitous that the and all the souls income of the faithful departed through to the battalion ate of the church. Previous building will be devoted exclu- Catholics in should the mercy of God rest in peace. the Macs a bronze tablet, two by sively to helping deserving boys. have every opportunity to per- three feet, to the memory of the Old Students' Hall is to be form their religious duties." late pastor of St. Patrick's par- erected by the Notre Dame The Catholic Convert, the 6% Tax Exempt Bonds ish, was unveiled and blessed. Alumni Association. It will pro- new quarterly magazine pub- TANK-SHI P BUILDING The presidents of various vide rooms for old students visit- lished by the Catholic Converts' CORPORATION ing their Alma Mater, and will Catholic societies in the archdio- League of New York, starts the (Incorporated under the laws (if the accommodate 150 students. Its State of New York.) cese of New York met in the second year with the March TAX EXEMPT IN STATK OF NEW YORK erection will cost $125,000.00. TRUSTEE- (iuaranty Tm-t i; » m va n y Cathedral College, Madison av- issue. The Rev. Sigourney W. f N«w York. enue Fifty-first street, re- Washington's Birthday was Fay, formerlyEpiscopalian Arch- Interest payable Ist January and Ist .Inly. and Thebonds will lie a first mortgage upon the cently, toarrangefor the unusually elabo- deacon of Fond dv Lac, contrib- company's shipbuilding plant, situated at fifteenth celebrated with Newbtirgh. X. v., on the Hudson River. of the Ameri- an article on the subject, Earnings based on closed contracts more annual convention rate exercises at Notre Dame utes than six times annual interest requirements Catholic Socie- University. Has the Anglican Church any or equalto about '20 per cent on capital stock can Federation of The exercises in " alter meetingInterest requirements, ties, which will be in this Washington Hall, the University Longer a Part to Play in the I Payment of principal and Intercut of held i these bonds unconditionally guaranteed Aug.