2017 Gold Award & Scholarship Ceremony

Tuesday, May 16, 2017 Our Mission

Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.

The Girl Scout Promise

On my honor, I will try: To serve God and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

The Girl Scout Law

I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout.

Our Vision

Be the premier leadership organization for girls in City. 2017 Gold Award & Scholarship Ceremony May 16, 2017 - 7-9pm Baruch College

Welcome ...... Carmen Dubroc Flag Ceremony...... Gold Award & Scholarship Recipients CEO Remarks...... Barbara Murphy-Warrington Keynote Address ...... Madelyn Antoncic, PhD Gold Award Presentations...... Carmen Dubroc • Advocates • Educators • Humanitarians

A Tribute to My Mentor ...... Gold Award Recipients Future Woman of Distinction Scholarship Remarks ...... Janice Wang Scholarship Presentations...... Carmen Dubroc & Barbara Murphy-Warrington • Dr. Harry Britenstool Scholarships • Carmen Dubroc Bright Future Scholarship Closing Remarks...... Carmen Dubroc Flag Ceremony ...... Gold Award & Scholarship Recipients “God Bless America” ...... All GSGNY At-A-Glance


% 28,866 12 NYC Girls Served in 2016 25%



Independent/Other: 5%

8,224 adult volunteers.

girls attend 5,000+ Camp Kaufmann.

% of girls come from 70 low to moderate-income families. The Gold Award At-A-Glance

NYC girls are receiving the Gold Award – 48 the highest honor in Girl Scouts – tonight.

hours to design and implement 80+ a community service project.

hours of community service performed by this year’s 3,700+ NYC Gold Awardees.

70+ college scholarships are available to Girl Scouts who complete their Gold Award. of girls come from low to moderate-income families.


We are delighted to welcome you to our 2017 Girl Scout Gold Award and Scholarship Ceremony Presentation.

At the Girl Scouts, we strive to build girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. The remarkable young women we celebrate this evening are shining examples of these ideals. We are proud to bestow on them the Gold Award.

Earning the Gold Award is no easy feat – only 6% of eligible Girl Scouts achieve this prestigious honor. We are thrilled that 47 girls here in New York City demonstrated real leadership as they devoted at least 80 hours to enact lasting change in their communities by devising and implementing a Take Action service project.

The number of awardees and the impressive reach of their projects reflect our girls’ initiative and community spirit. We are confident that they are on their way to becoming leaders of tomorrow – the kind of leaders we need in our diverse society. This year’s Gold Awardees have collectively devoted over 3,700 hours of service. They are a credit to our organization and to the great city of New York.

On behalf of the girls, volunteers, board, and staff of the Girl Scouts of Greater New York, we congratulate all of our extraordinary Gold Awardees and Scholarship recipients.

Yours in Girl Scouting,

Michelle R. Clayman Barbara Murphy-Warrington Board President Chief Executive Officer

About Tonight’s Awards Girl Scout Gold Award The Girl Scout Gold Award is the highest and most prestigious award a young woman can earn in Girl Scouting. A young woman who has earned the Girl Scout Gold Award can look forward to greater access to college scholarships, paid internships, and community awards. More than 5,500 Girl Scouts design, implement, and complete Gold Award projects every year. Each girl is required to design and complete an 80+ hour Take Action project that will have a great impact on her community. Dr. Harry Britenstool Scholarships The Britenstool Scholarship is endowed in honor of Dr. Harry Britenstool for the Girl Scouts of Greater New York. It is designed for those young women with high scholastic ability, strong dedication to serving their communities, and career goals oriented toward the fields of medicine, science, or civic affairs. The scholarship is an award for the first year of college and is renewable for three years, provided that all renewal eligibility requirements are met. The award may be applied to the college of the recipient’s choice. The number of awards and the amounts vary each year, since the available funds are based on the annual income from the Dr. Harry Britenstool Trust. Carmen Dubroc Bright Future Scholarship The Carmen Dubroc Bright Future Scholarship is presented in honor of Carmen Dubroc, President and Chair Emerita of the Girl Scouts of Greater New York’s Board of Directors. It is designed for a young woman interested in pursuing a career in the arts, education, civil service, STEM, or the non-profit sector. The Girl Scout awarded with this scholarship has demonstrated a commitment to community service, participation in extracurricular activities, leadership ability, and the values of Girl Scouting and the Girl Scout Promise and Law. Future Woman of Distinction Award Each year the Future Woman of Distinction Award is given to one Ambassador Girl Scout in New York City who has earned her Gold Award, and who represents the ideals inherent in Girl Scouting through her participation in and commitment to community service, high academic achievement, leadership skills, and ability to communicate the values of Girl Scouting, and who provides an exemplary example of Girl Scouting for all Girl Scouts and the Council’s constituents.

This Award, together with a scholarship to continue her education, was presented to Janice Wang at our annual Women of Distinction Breakfast in October 2016. In addition to receiving this Award at the Breakfast, Janice shared her Girl Scout experience with our 500+ person audience. She also has attended Girl Scout events as a representative of all NYC Girl Scouts throughout the 2016-2017 year. Our Emcee

Carmen Dubroc

Carmen Dubroc has over twenty-five years of senior marketing and management experience at some of America’s best known brand leaders including Calvin Klein, Godiva Chocolate, Charles of the Ritz Cosmetics, Avon Products, Inc. and Weight Watchers International. Over the years, she has been a guest speaker and lecturer to business associations, women’s organizations, and marketing conferences. Earlier in her career Ms. Dubroc was a teacher for five years and was a Committee member for the New York State Commission on the Status of Women.

Ms. Dubroc is a member of the Girl Scouts and a member of the Juliette Low Society. She was introduced to the Council in 1993 and quickly became enthralled with the organization’s mission. She joined the Board of Directors in 1997, was elected Board President from 2004 until 2008, and then served as Board Chair from 2008 to 2012. As such, she has served as ex-officio chair of all of the Council’s Board committees.

Ms. Dubroc holds a B.A. in Languages from Benedictine College and completed her Post-Graduate Degree at the Sorbonne University in Paris. She resides in New York City with her husband, Lewis Haber. She considers the Girl Scouts to be her “life’s work.” Keynote Speaker

Madelyn Antoncic, PhD Former Vice President and Treasurer The World Bank

Madelyn Antoncic, Ph.D. is the former Vice President and Treasurer of the World Bank, where in addition to her financial responsibilities, she oversaw technical assistance and capacity building programs working with developing and emerging economies. During her tenure at the World Bank, Dr. Antoncic’s financial responsibilities included overseeing the management of $145 billion in assets for the World Bank, its affiliates, over 700 trust funds, and over 55 other official-sector institutions; the $22 billion World Bank Group’s (WBG) pension; the WB’s $135 billion derivatives portfolio; its $45 billion annual financing program; its $40 billion equity capital; and over $30 billion in daily cash payments and disbursements for the WBG. Among many initiatives which Dr. Antoncic led was financial innovation including implementing a new World Bank Capital-at-Risk Bond and Facility for catastrophic risks such as Ebola. She also led the development of catastrophic risk structures to help countries mitigate and transfer climate-related catastrophic risk. Under her leadership, the World Bank completed the largest weather and energy derivative transaction the market has ever seen ($450 million) to help a member country hedge against droughts and high energy prices. Dr. Antoncic has held leadership roles spanning global markets for more than 30 years. She began her career as an Economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and held senior roles at Goldman Sachs, Barclays Capital and Lehman Brothers. She is currently Executive Director of a half-trillion dollar asset management firm. She is a Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions and is recipient of numerous awards including the Girl Scouts Annual Tribute Dinner Award; the National Partnership for Women and Families Award; the NYU Stern Women in Business, Distinguished Alumna Award; the Risk Manager of the Year Award from Risk; and was named among the 100 Most Influential People in Finance by Treasury and Risk Management. She is a longtime member of the Board of Overseers of the Weill Cornell Medical College, which recently announced the establishment of the Madelyn Antoncic, Ph.D., Pediatric Research Fund for Childhood Disease. She is a former member of the Board of Directors of the Girl Scout Council of Greater New York, and is a member of the Economic Club of New York and of its Centennial Society. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics with a minor in Finance from the New York University Stern School of Business, was an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Doctoral Fellow and has taught economics and finance at the Graduate and Undergraduate Schools of Business of The Stern School of New York University.

2017 Gold Award Recipients

Hiba Aly Abigail Leong Paia Amelio Rheannon Loffredo Angelina Biondo Maggie Loh Kayla Blackwell Mykaela Lowe-Arthur Joey Chen Nicole Magliulo Connie Chow Mylene Marlin Marissa D’Antoni Grace McGrath Elizabeth Daly Caroline Murphy Alyssa Diaz Marcy Ng Rebecca Dupoux Paraskevi Paloumbis Kaylee Ettinger Vassilia Plakas Caitlin Faustner Sarah Quiñones Anjelica Ferra Hailey Rama Alexa Fucile Mathea Roberts Amanda Gullickson Jaysalee Salcedo Jadhia Harper Stavroula Sartzetakis Sadia Huque Paris Sims Kiara Hubbard Gabrielle Smith-Goldson Khadijatou Jallow Nicole Sullivan Francesca Louis Jean Amanda Tang Michaela Johnson Marie Traore Elizabeth Karpen Bernice Valcourt Ashley Kong Julia Wanamaker Mandy Lee Xui Ti Wang

2016-2017 Dr. Harry Britenstool Scholarship Recipients

Amanda Tang Xiomara Kelly Kiara Hubbard Maggie Loh Paia Amelio Hiba Aly Janice Wang

2016-2017 Dr. Harry Britenstool Scholarship Renewals

Sarah Atanasio Dimple Belani Aiyana Pierce-Dezonie Gabrielle Savoca

Carmen Dubroc Bright Future Scholarship Recipients

Mandy Lee Maggie Loh 2017 Gold Award Recipients

Hiba Aly Paia Amelio Troop 5381 - Staten Island Troop 3216 - Years in Scouting: 10 Years in Scouting: 13 Her Plans after High School: To become Her Plans after High School: To go to a successful woman leader in the STEM and double field. major in Theater and Neuroscience/Pre- Med track. Her Interests/Achievements: Muslim Club, National Honor Society, Global Kids Her Interests/Achievements: Music, and Girl Scout Leadership Institute. drama and pursuing a career in neuroscience. Her Project: Collaborating with various non-profit organizations, Hiba worked Her Project: Paia developed ‘Spotlight,’ to build a stronger connection with a four-week camp that promoted self- the communities of Staten Island, and expression through drama and illustrated she encouraged others to change their the importance of the arts. ‘Spotlight’ perceptions of the underserved. participants were from communities who lacked access to the arts. She Would Like to Thank: “My troop leader and my parents as well as my She Would Like to Thank: “Ms. Daly, Ms. older siblings for supporting me through Ginette, Mr. Chung, Megan Doran, and my my journey.” parents for providing me unconditional love and support”.

Angelina Biondo Kayla Blackwell Troop 2966 - Brooklyn Troop 2903 - Brooklyn Years in Scouting: 13 Years in Scouting: 11 Her Plans after High School: To study Her Plans after High School: To attend nursing with a minor in Italian at the college and study Business and Acting. College of Mount Saint Vincent. Her Interests/Achievements: Her Interests/Achievements: Playing Swimming, Speech & Debate Team, Delta soccer, drawing, and painting. GEM Cheerleading Club, Girl Scouts Silver Award, Presidential Volunteer Award. Her Project: Angelina raised awareness for cancer using social media platforms Her Project: Kayla raised awareness such as Facebook and Instagram. She for Haiti’s need for hygiene products then collected donations, which were after Hurricane Matthew. She collected used to make baskets for the outpatient donations and was able to provide much ward at Memorial Sloan Kettering. needed items to two organizations serving Haiti. She Would Like to Thank: “My mom, my dad, my leader, and all my friends She Would Like to Thank: “My mom and and family who donated and raised my leader, Sabrina Blackwell, for always awareness for my cause.” supporting me. Also, thanks to family and friends for donating the items and supporting me and my project.” Joey Chen Connie Chow Troop 8030 - Brooklyn Troop 3197 - Manhattan Years in Scouting: 11 Years in Scouting: 11 Her Plans after High School: To attend Her Plans after High School: To study college. Business Management at Adelphi University. Her Interests/Achievements: Music, sailing, rock climbing, gymnastics, Her Interests/Achievements: Traveling, Scholastic Honorable Mention, and Girl girls’ handball team, National Honor Scout Leadership Institute. Society. Her Project: Joey spread awareness on Her Project: Connie addressed the Mental Health issues faced by teenagers. lack of education for middle and She conducted workshops that were high schoolers on personal finance. geared towards assisting at-risk teens She created lesson plans that taught address this issue through photography. students financial literacy. She Would Like to Thank: “All my friends’ She Would Like to Thank: “My family robust support in helping spread the and everyone in Troop 3197, especially all word on his important topic.” the leaders that helped me through the journey.”

Elizabeth Daly Alyssa Diaz Troop 3216 - Manhattan Troop 1552 - Bronx Years in Scouting: 10 Years in Scouting: 11 Her Plans after High School: To attend Her Plans after High School: To attend Trinity College. college and major in Biochemistry and undertake a Pre-Med track. Her Interests/Achievements: Working with children to support their Her Interests/Achievements: Dancing, development. volunteering, National Honors Society, Presidential Volunteer Service Award, Her Project: Elizabeth addressed the lack of access to books for children from low- Internship at Metropolitan Hospital. income families. Her project, coupled Her Project: Alyssa addressed the with the renovation of the library, gave increasing number of homeless people in children at Cassidy’s Place access to her community by organizing a breakfast hundreds of books, with a chance to now run with Mt. Olive Baptist Church and borrow books weekly. successfully engaging her church to continue her efforts for years to come. She Would Like to Thank: “My mom for being so supportive.” She Would Like to Thank: “My mother and leader for giving me confidence and supporting me. Also, Mount Olive Baptist Church and everyone who donated.” 2017 Gold Award Recipients

Marissa D’Antoni Rebecca Dupoux Troop 5203 – Staten Island Troop 4591 - Queens Years in Scouting: 10 Years in Scouting: 10 Her Plans after High School: To attend Her Plans after High School: To become college and study Civil Engineering. a Pre-Law student at Bethune Cookman Her Interests/Achievements: National College. Jr. Honor Society, golf, math, swimming, Her Interests/Achievements: Girl band, Habitat For Humanity, Student Scout Leadership Institute, Silver Award, Senate, Petrides Against Cancer, Girl Leadership Award, Rosedale Football Scouts Cadette Green Corps, Girl Scouts Cheerleading Organization, Girl State Bronze and Silver Awards, Girl Scouts attendee. Counselor in Training (CIT). Her Project: Marissa addressed the issue Her Project: Rebecca raised awareness of childhood safety and missing children in her community about the significance by hosting an event where parents of what our veterans do and the prepared safety IDs for their children. sacrifices they go through and all they’ve She also created an online PSA and other done for our country. informational materials. She Would Like to Thank: “I would like She Would Like to Thank: “My parents to thank my family and friends for their and my troop leader/mentor Pattianne support.” Kelly. Also, my sister Girl Scouts, family, and friends, Father Micciulla and Pat Connors.” Kaylee Ettinger Caitlin Faustner Troop 5158 – Staten Island Troop 2766 - Brooklyn Years in Scouting: 12 Years in Scouting: 13 Her Plans after High School: To study Her Plans after High School: To communications and media arts. continue to give back to the community. Her Interests/Achievements: Track & Her Interests/Achievements: Camping, field, surfing, National Honor Society, Girl Bronze and Silver Awards, was recently Scouts. pinned as an adult Girl Scout lifetime member. Her Project: Kaylee collected 1,520 pairs of sneakers and donated them to Her Project: Caitlin collected slightly individuals in underserved countries as used prom dresses, bridesmaid dresses, a way to address issues of poverty and and other formalwear to be donated to allow others the opportunity to share in young women who cannot afford dresses her passion for athletics. for special events, such as prom. She strongly believes every girl deserves She Would Like to Thank: “Everyone who donated sneakers, promoted my project, to feel confident at special events, and offered guidance. Special thanks to regardless of her economic situation. my parents for always being there!” She Would Like to Thank: “Everyone who supported me and made donations.” Anjelica Ferra Alexa Fucile Troop 4947 - Queens Troop 4011 - Queens Years in Scouting: 10 Years in Scouting: 13 Her Plans after High School: To study Her Plans after High School: To attend special education and history, and Marist College. eventually become a Daisy leader. Her Interests/Achievements: Advanced Her Interests/Achievements: Teaching, Art Program, St. Francis Prep HS Varsity swimming, Arista (high honor roll), Girl Volleyball. Scouts. Her Project: Alexa implemented an Her Project: Anjelica addressed the arts program at her local school to give major safety violations at the church children an outlet to creatively express where her troop meets. She took aim at themselves and spark early interest in the safety hazards including trash and art. overgrown vines and trees by clearing She Would Like to Thank: “Julie Mansour, alley emergency exits and addressing Jackie Mancuso and Krista Laurenzano. floorplan signage that would improve I could not have achieved this without evacuations. everyone’s love and support. I cherish my She Would Like to Thank: “My Mom, my Girl Scouts experience.” leaders, and my mentor for supporting me and helping me. Thank you to everyone who donated safety materials.”

Amanda Gullickson Jadhia Harper Troop 5364 – Staten Island Troop 2087 - Brooklyn Years in Scouting: 12 Years in Scouting: 11 Her Plans after High School: To Her Plans after High School: To attend attend Boston College and major in a prestigious university to study Child Communication. Psychology. Her Interests/Achievements: Current Her Interests/Achievements: Softball, events, watching political news, reading, volleyball, cheerleading club, student dog-lover. government, and STEAM. Her Project: Amanda helped “Project Her Project: Jadhia collected and Hospitality Homeless Women Division in donated books to various child-friendly Staten Island” by collecting fully-stocked sites in order to promote literacy and backpacks for homeless children, help children develop a love for reading. and spreading awareness about their She Would Like to Thank: “I would like to everyday necessities. thank my mom and my leader for their She Would Like to Thank: “Kathy support, and everyone who donated to Connors, my troop leader.” my project.” 2017 Gold Award Recipients

Kiara Hubbard Sadia Huque Troop 3054 - Manhattan Troop 3106 - Manhattan Years in Scouting: 7 Years in Scouting: 6 Her Plans after High School: To attend Her Plans after High School: To study American University and major in business and marketing at Baruch Communications. College. Her Interests/Achievements: Yearbook, Her Interests/Achievements: Oliver Scholar Program, Girl Scout Photography, Black Alliance Club, Girl Leadership Institute Cohort 2 Scouts, Model UN, Student Government. Her Project: Kiara’s project addressed Her Project: Sadia addressed the stress the need for educating young children undergone by high school seniors on the benefits of healthy eating. Kiara applying for college by creating a simple also focused on “Food Deserts” in her and stress-free app to help students community. submit applications, meet deadlines, and create plans for clearer and brighter She Would Like to Thank: “I would like to thank my mom for supporting me futures. through this journey.” She Would Like to Thank: “I would like to thank my parents, friends, mentors, and everyone who helped me make this dream come true.”

Khadijatou Jallow Francesca Louis Jean Troop 5313 – Staten Island Troop 2696 - Brooklyn Years in Scouting: 2 Years in Scouting: 9 Her Plans after High School: To study Her Plans after High School: Study Medicine and major in Biochemistry. Nursing. Her Interests/Achievements: French Her Interests/Achievements: Playing Club, Girl Scout Leadership Institute volleyball, softball, Girl Scouts. Cohort 3, National Honor Society. Her Project: Francesca set up a donation Her Project: Khadijatou addressed the drive to provide underserved children in gaps in literacy in an isolated community Haiti with school supplies. in Costa Rica by collecting books and She Would Like to Thank: “I would like school supplies for children in the to thank my mom for helping me achieve community. This served to promote my Gold Award and everyone that helped literacy and improve the quality of donate supplies.” learning tools. She Would Like to Thank: “I would love to thank my mother and leader for guiding me and the Girl Scout Council staff for pushing me to complete the project.” Michaela Johnson Elizabeth Karpen Troop 2059 - Brooklyn Troop 3106 - Manhattan Years in Scouting: 12 Years in Scouting: 5 Her Plans after High School: To attend Her Plans after High School: To study Delaware State University. Political Science with minors in Gender Studies and Creative Writing. Her Interests/Achievements: National Honor Society, Yearbook committee. Her Interests/Achievements: Hazamir: The International Jewish High School Her Project: Michaela tackled the issue of homelessness by putting together Choir, Model UN co-President, Girl care packages for people who are Scouts, Student Government. homeless throughout the city. Her Project: Elizabeth addressed slut shaming and the double standard She Would Like to Thank: “I would like to thank my troop leader, Elizabeth Atkins, between men and women depicted and everyone who helped me along my in the media, in schools, and in the journey by providing donations.” workplace by creating an awareness website and pledge, as as well as writing educational articles for various online sources. She Would Like to Thank: “My parents, my leaders, and the cumulative 14,309 followers of the website and pledges for all their support.” Ashley Kong Mandy Lee Troop 3197 - Manhattan Troop 3106 - Manhattan Years in Scouting: 10 Years in Scouting: 6 Her Plans after High School: To study Her Plans after High School: Major in biology while also playing collegiate Computer Science or Marketing at an lacrosse. amazing university. Her Interests/Achievements: Her Interests/Achievements: National Horticulture, empowering other young Honor Society, Lacrosse Captain, honor girls, 2017 Carmen Dubroc Bright Future roll, Girl Scout Leadership Institute. Scholarship winner, Girl Scout Leadership Her Project: Ashley promoted education Institute. on natural disaster relief after seeing Her Project: Mandy researched the Hurricane Sandy’s devastation firsthand impact of standardized testing versus in her grandmother’s neighborhood. She project based assessments (PBAs) on provided an environment to talk, learn, STEM Identities by issuing surveys to and make personalized natural disaster students across NYC. She posted her first aid kits. findings on a blog. She Would Like to Thank: “I want to She Would Like to Thank: “I would like thank my Mom and everyone in my troop to thank my troop leaders —­ Maryann for shaping me into the leader who I am Stimmer, Christine Stimmer, Linda Colon, today.” Daniella Colon, and Rachel Chase ­— for supporting me through all my hardships and accomplishments for the past six years.” 2017 Gold Award Recipients

Abigail Leong Rheannon Loffredo Troop 3197 - Manhattan Troop 5364 – Staten Island Years in Scouting: 11 Years in Scouting: 5 Attending Her Plans after High School: Attend Her Plans after High School: Fairfield University. University at Buffalo for Pharmacy. Her Interests/Achievements: Horseback Her Interests/Achievements: Guitar, riding, gymnastics; National Puerto karate, Model UN, Girl Scout Leadership Rican Day Parade Scholar 2016; Rotary Institute Cohort 4. Club of Staten Island Service Above Self Her Project: Abigail promoted literacy Scholarship 2016; Fairfield College: Office and implemented a curriculum to help of Admissions volunteer, Campion Hall children in pre-k and kindergarten in an Residential Housing Association, ‘Play like after-school program. a Girl’, Education Chair on the Executive Team, Spanish Club Member, Colleges She Would Like to Thank: “Both of my against Cancer Member. parents, my leader, and my adviser for Her Project: Rheannon used both in- supporting me!” person and online methods to promote the benefits of Hippotherapy - therapeutic horseback riding - on individuals with a wide range of physical, cognitive, and emotional disabilities. She Would Like to Thank: “My troop leaders, Katherine Connors and Kate Jaenicke.” Maggie Loh Mykaela Lowe-Arthur Troop 3197 - Manhattan Troop 2696 - Brooklyn Years in Scouting: 8 Years in Scouting: 11 Her Plans after High School: Attend Her Plans after High School: Study Stony Brook University. Criminal Justice at a Historically Black College and University (HBCU). Her Interests/Achievements: Swimming, lifeguarding, Manhattan Her Interests/Achievements: Playing Borough President’s Office intern, Girl basketball, dance, Girl Scouts, Student Scout Leadership Institute Cohort 2, Government Organization. and 2017 Carmen Dubroc Bright Future Her Project: Mykayla strived to remind Scholarship female victims of domestic violence that Her Project: Maggie taught students there are people who care about them life preparation skills such as CPR and and would always be there for them. financial education to better prepare high She Would Like to Thank: “My mom, my schoolers for life after college. grandmother, and my leader for helping She Would Like to Thank: “Pamela Tang, and supporting me. Thank you to all the Christine Bryd-Tucker, Ruby Ng.” people who donated.” Nicole Magliulo Mylene Martin Troop 4993 - Queens Troop 5008 - Staten Island Years in Scouting: 10 Years in Scouting: 3 Her Plans after High School: To study Her Plans after High School: To study Physical Therapy. engineering. Her Interests/Achievements: Reading, Her Interests/Achievements: Dancing, playing volleyball, football, volunteering at Taekwondo, Girls Scouts, National Honor Ortho Flex physical therapy unit, National Society, Student Council, Girl Scout Honor Society. Leadership Institute. Her Project: Nicole collected stuffed Her Project: Mylene raised awareness animals for children at the 106th Precinct about how critical breast cancer early who had been recently removed from detection is and how it can save lives. their homes due to domestic violence. She started discussions with various She Would Like to Thank: “I would like groups, regardless of their age, and to thank my mom, Michele Magliulo, who shared the story of her grandmother, has always been supportive of my ideas.” who is now nine years cancer free. She Would Like to Thank: “My mom, because she was there to support me every step of the way.”

Grace McGrath Caroline Murphy Troop 3054 - Manhattan Troop 1619 - Bronx Years in Scouting: 12 Years in Scouting: 13 Her Plans after High School: To study Her Plans after High School: To attend Computer Engineering and Art. the University of Delaware. Her Interests/Achievements: Painting, Her Interests/Achievements: Caroline drawing, Girl Scouts, Varsity Swim, graduated from high school and is Yearbook, Girl Scout Leadership Institute currently studying at the University of Cohort 4. Delaware. Her Project: Grace addressed the lack Her Project: In an effort to reduce waste, of accessibility to STEM education by Caroline transformed juice box pouches integrating a robotics club into the into useful items, such as the 200 pencil after-school program at a transitional cases she created for a youth-serving housing center in the Bronx. The program charity. She created video tutorials to is expanding to include 3D printing and show others how to repurpose materials. coding. She Would Like to Thank: “Everyone who She Would Like to Thank: “Mr. Chung donated juice box pouches and those for providing endless guidance, Manuela supported her project in other ways.” Schaudt for hosting the program at Concourse House, and Stacey Pilson for supporting me!” 2017 Gold Award Recipients

Marcy Ng Paraskevi Paloumbis Troop 3197 - Manhattan Troop 2873 - Brooklyn Years in Scouting: 10 Years in Scouting: 8 Her Plans after High School: To study Her Plans after High School: To study Early Childhood Education at Hunter biomedical engineering at Rensselaer College and eventually become a teacher. Polytechnic Institute. Her Interests/Achievements: Volleyball, Her Interests/Achievements: Forensics Girl Scouts, Girl Scout Leadership Team, Girl Scouts, President of GOYA, Institute Cohort 3. Medical Assistant at PATH, math tutor. Her Project: Marcy promoted awareness about the lack of educational Her Project: Paraskevi promoted opportunities for many girls and awareness about violence against women around the world. By speaking women by organizing a self-defense to advisory groups at her school, and seminar to teach women in her creating a blog as a public resource for community how to stand up and protect information, Marcy encouraged her peers themselves in difficult situations. to never take their education for granted, She Would Like to Thank: “I would like and to always fight for a girl’s right to to thank my family, friends, and troop for learn. their continued support.” She Would Like to Thank: “I would like to thank my leaders, teachers, and mom for supporting me and helping me through this process.” Vasslia Plakas Sarah Quiñones Troop 4404 - Queens Troop 1126 - Manhattan Years in Scouting: 10 Years in Scouting: 11 Her Plans after High School: To pursue Her Plans after High School: To study to a career in Medicine and continue to become a physical therapist. volunteer in a hospital environment. Her Interests/Achievements: Girl Her Interests/Achievements: Girl Scouts, track, cross country, Guitar Club. Scouts, Baking Club, Greek Club, National Her Project: Utilizing extensive research, Honor Society, NYULMC Youth Advisor, and inspired by her relationship with volunteer at NYPQ. her sister, Sarah worked to promote Her Project: Vassilia addressed the need awareness and acceptance of those who for extended care to parents and siblings fall within the autistic spectrum, and at the bedside by providing care bags for the struggles they encounter. Through both groups. Tip sheets for hospitalized work with her Girl Scout troop, essays, teens and medical personnel were informative powerpoints, and an online created to improve communication and pledge, Sarah advocated for a more promote self-advocacy. accepting world. She Would Like to Thank: “My mom/ She Would Like to Thank: “I would like to leader, my father, and my brother for thank my parents, my sister, my leader, their never-ending support, and everyone and my advisor for their support in this who donated time/supplies to my endeavor.” project.” Hailey Rama Mathea Roberts Troop 4476 - Queens Troop 2087 - Brooklyn Years in Scouting: 11 Years in Scouting: 9 Her Plans after High School: To study Her Plans after High School: To attend Songwriting and Music Education at college. Belmont University in Nashville, TN, and Her Interests/Achievements: eventually become either a music teacher Photography and crochet. or a major label songwriter. Her Interests/Achievements: Campus Her Project: Mathea collected blankets Ministry Leader, Varsity Lacrosse, part- for the elderly and gave them to hospitals time music teacher, NYSSMA, guitar, and nursing homes in her community piano, ukulele, banjo. and nationwide. Her Project: As a believer in the healing She Would Like to Thank: “Greetings power of music, Hailey brought music into go out to my Girl Scouts leader, friends schools and hospitals. She contributed to family churchgoers and a community the glee program at St. Luke’s School and nationwide.” successfully attained musical instruments for locations like St. Mary’s Children Hospital. She Would Like to Thank: “I want to thank my momma for always supporting me with every dream I have... no matter how crazy!” Jaysalee Salcedo Stavroula Sartzetakis Troop 2966 - Brooklyn Troop 2873 - Brooklyn Years in Scouting: 10 Years in Scouting: 11 Her Plans after High School: To study Her Plans after High School: To study Communications and Broadcast Media at chemical engineering. The College of Saint Rose. Her Interests/Achievements: Research, Her Interests/Achievements: Latino National Honor Society, basketball. Dance captain, modern dance, yearbook, Her Project: Stavroula organized a student government, Head Ambassador, necessities drive to provide donations Campus ministry leader. to the people of Haiti in the wake of Her Project: Jaysalee addressed the Hurricane Matthew to raised awareness issue of teen pregnancy by collecting of their situation. donations for teen moms and their She Would Like to Thank: “My parents, children. She also provided them with friends, and leader who listened to me information on assistance options. talk about this project endlessly and She Would Like to Thank: “I would like supported me the entire time!” to thank my mom and leader for being a great support system.” 2017 Gold Award Recipients

Paris Sims Gabrielle Smith-Goldson Troop 3054 - Manhattan Troop 2696 - Brooklyn Years in Scouting: 11 Years in Scouting: 11 Her Plans after High School: To attend Her Plans after High School: To study Johnson and Wales University. Business at the University of Virginia. Her Interests/Achievements: Baking and Her Interests/Achievements: Singing, pastry arts. Girl Scouts, peer tutoring in Calculus, Her Project: Paris addressed the issue church youth group. of child obesity by teaching kids how to Her Project: Gabrielle helped girls hold make their own healthy snacks for after on to their dream of attending their prom school. night regardless of their ability to afford She Would Like to Thank: “Stacey Pilson, a dress. She held a prom dress clothing my troop leader, and my mother for drive for girls who couldn’t afford prom being so supportive.” dresses or were uncomfortable wearing the dresses in their closets. She Would Like to Thank: “I would like to thank everyone who donated dresses, as well as my mother and troop leaders.”

Nicole Sullivan Amanda Tang Troop 4011 - Queens Troop 3197 - Manhattan Years in Scouting: 13 Years in Scouting: 9 Her Plans after High School: To study Her Plans after High School: To study Nursing. Human Services or Psychology at the University at Albany, and later pursue a Her Interests/Achievements: National Honor Society, acting, dancing, volleyball. career in physical therapy. Her Project: Nicole involved local Her Interests/Achievements: elementary school children in service Jubilee chorale, Girl Scout Costa Rica projects that she developed in order destination, Robateau and Associates to benefit Veterans, recently deployed internship, Film Project: Teen Resource soldiers, the homeless, and others in Center, and the Girl Scout Leadership need. Institute Cohort 2. Amanda promoted self- She Would Like to Thank: “I would like to Her Project: thank my mom and my leader for their confidence and success in young women support, and all those who donated to by creating a website that allows young my project.” women to communicate and be inspired by one another. She Would Like to Thank: “My mom, troop leaders and Maggie Vasquez for motivating me! Many thanks to Barbara Murphy-Warrington for the interview.” Marie Traore Bernice Valcourt Troop 3054 - Manhattan Troop 2696 - Brooklyn Years in Scouting: 6 Years in Scouting: 3 Her Plans after High School: To intern Her Plans after High School: To study at the United Nations while studying Nursing or Business Administration, and Political Science and International Affairs, minor in Dance. and eventually become a diplomat. Her Interests/Achievements: Dance, Her Interests/Achievements: National musical theater, Girl Scouts, the Girl Honor Society Vice President, Feminist Scout Leadership Institute, cheerleading. Club officer, volleyball. Her Project: Bernice created workshops Her Project: Marie spread awareness at her school and in her community to of intersectional feminism, equality, and help teenagers learn about self respect self-love by creating a Feminist Club in and the importance of staying in school. her school. She Would Like to Thank: “I would like She Would Like to Thank: “I would like to thank my GS Leader and my mom for to thank my father for always motivating supporting me! To everyone who donated me, my leader Stacey, and my amazing snacks, thank you!” mentor, Ms. Rosenberg!”

Julia Wanamaker Xui Ti Wang Troop 5158 – Staten Island Troop 3106 - Manhattan Years in Scouting: 11 Years in Scouting: 6 Her Plans after High School: To attend Her Plans after High School: To attend college and study Forensic Psychology. college and be heavily involved with the student body and community. Her Interests/Achievements: National Honors Society, Girl Scouts, Key Club, Her Interests/Achievements: Girl lifeguarding, skiing. Scouts, Girl Scout Leadership Institute Cohort 4, Relay for Life, Elizabeth Street Her Project: Julia created a group dedicated to knitting and crocheting Garden volunteer, photography. hats for babies born prematurely. The Her Project: Xui Ti researched the hats were donated to various hospitals impact of standardized tests on the throughout Staten Island, and were development of STEM identities in boys used as way to educate others on the versus girls. She then shared her findings importance of keeping babies who are on social media platforms such as born prematurely warm after birth. Facebook and Instagram. She Would Like to Thank: “Everyone who She Would Like to Thank: “Everyone who made or donated hats - especially my has supported me, especially when there mom, and my Girl Scout leader.” were people who didn’t like the project or its results.”

Gold, Silver, and Scholarship Awards Committee Maggie Vasquez, Senior Director of Programs Marlinda Cesar, Manager, Teen Leadership Programs

Jennifer Chung Stavroula Floutis Venus K. Smith Audrey Clayton Nalda Gomes Susana Torres Yolande Collymore Wendy Leung Christine Yau Pauline Edwards Joy Lu Anita Persaud-Dass Rosanne Smith

Girl Scouts of Greater New York salutes the Gold Circle Members of our Family Partnership Appeal

Girl Scouts of Emmanuel Baptist Church Howard Ho Northbrook 2 Girl Scouts Tatiana Serafin Sylvia Smith Cheryl L. Swiatkowski

We thank all of our Funders, Girl Scout Volunteers, Family Members, Alumnae and other Friends for their support, which is helping to expand leadership opportunities for girls in New York City. For a complete list of our supporters, please visit www. girlscoutsnyc.org/support. Upcoming Events

Girl Scout Leadership Institute Cohort 4 Graduation at Baruch College Wednesday, June 14, 2017

2017 Women of Distinction Breakfast at Cipriani 42nd Street October 24, 2017

2018 Gold Achievement Gala Spring 2018

For more information about these events, please contact Sasha Thompson at 212.645.4000 x241 or [email protected] www.girlscoutsnyc.org Board of Directors

Chair Rose M. Littlejohn

President Michelle R. Clayman

Vice Presidents Patrice A. Tanaka James G. Gundell Robert Ouimette Barbara J. Cooperman Alyssa Moeder Jennifer M. Lee Todd Guenther Kerry A. Tatlock Sheri Wilson-Gray

Treasurer Kim Bourne

Board Members Kimberly S. Blanchard Melissa McClenaghan Martin Rhonda Boston Trish McEvoy Brittany Bragg Lindsay B. McKenna Stephanie R. Breslow Amanda N. Persaud Sarah E. Cogan Caitlin Pincus Lynda Davey Melissa Rice Samantha Kappagoda Stephanie K. Schnabel Catherine M. Keating Dhivya Suryadevara Susan Liddie Suzanne Yadav Joy Lu

Presidents Emeritae Nicolette P. Bingham Susan Nitze Carmen Dubroc Mary S. Phipps Lynn A. Foster Patricia Stensrud Edina Jennison

Honorary Directors Herbert E. Morse Ann Newburger Catryna Seymour

Chief Executive Officer Barbara Murphy-Warrington Girl Scouts of Greater New York Leadership Center 40 Wall Street, Suite 708 New York, NY 10005 www.girlscoutsnyc.org 212.645.4000