In the BULLETIN for October, 1932

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In the BULLETIN for October, 1932 Report on Weather Bureau's Program at Point Barrow, Alaska, for the International Polar Year, August, 1932, to August, 1933 In the BULLETIN for October, 1932 have been made at Barrow with Nome there appeared an account of the and Fairbanks which, if successful, Weather Bureau's complete program will doubtless be of great value in for this event. It can now be reported auroral discussions, in view of the long that the work has been carried out as baselines, viz., 500 miles. contemplated and that very satisfac- A total of 320 pilot balloon observa- tory results have been obtained thus tions have been secured. Cloud obser- far. Several very gratifying reports vations were made on an average of on the progress of the work at Point eight times daily. A number of sky- Barrow, Alaska have been received by coloring as well as numerous special radio from Mr. C. J. McGregor, official weather observations have been made. in charge. The unusually clear On January 1, 1933 a meteor of great weather which fortunately has pre- brilliancy was observed. Several halo vailed at Barrow during this period phenomena were also observed. has resulted in exceptionally favorable In addition to the meteorological ob- conditions for observing and photo- servations, there is also being carried graphing the aurora. Between Sep- out a considerable magnetic program in tember 15, 1932 and March 10, 1933, cooperation with the Department of nearly 4,000 auroral photographs were Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie In- made, developed and catalogued. Sev- stitution, Washington, D. C.—L. T. eral simultaneous auroral photographs Samuels. A SELECTED AND ANNOTATED LIST OF PUBLICATIONS ON GENERAL CLIMATOLOGY1 By R. DEC,. WARD 2 The following is a selected and anno- of what are now generally recognized tated list of publications dealing with as established subdivisions of climato- the larger and more general aspects of logical science as a whole. Or, on the climatology, i. e., with its fundamental other hand, it can be limited to what principles and general relations. No may best be termed the principles of books on climatography are included climatology. In compiling this bibliog- except in cases where both general and raphy a more restricted, rather than a descriptive climatology are treated to- more literal use of the term was in the gether in one volume. Nor does the mind of the writer. bibliography include titles which prop- ALT, EUGEN: "Das Klima" (Biicher erly belong under any of the other spec- der Naturwissenschaft. No. 12) Leip- ialized headings noted above. It is, zig, Philipp Reclam, Jr., 1912. 5^x4 therefore, a bibliography of general inches. Pages 136; pis.; figs. A pocket-size booklet. Gives a brief dis- climatology. This term, general cli- cussion of the fundamentals of climat- matology * is elastic. It can be ology, together with a bird's eye view stretched to include most, or even all, of the climates of the continents. BONACINA, L. C. W.: "Climatic Con- 1 Cf. R. DeC. Ward, The Literature of Clima- trol." London, A. and C. Black, 3d. ed., tology, Annals Assn. Am. Geographers, Mar., 1927. 7 x 5 inches. Pages 168; maps; 1931, 21:34-51. diagrs.; bibliogr. An interesting book, 2 Late Professor of Climatology, Harvard University. Died Nov. 12, 1931. Cf. biographi- suited to the general reader. Written cal notes in May, 1932 BULLETIN, pp. 87-90. to serve as a small text-book for use in * Allgemeine Klimalehre. schools. Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/24/21 11:14 PM UTC BROOKS, C. E. P.: "The Weather: the world's standard text-book of An Introduction to Climatology" meteorology, contains much informa- (Benn's Sixpenny Library, No. 145) tion of importance in climatology, such, London, Ernest Benn, Ltd., 1928. 6Y2 e.g., as the methods of summarizing x 4 inches. Pages 79; diagrs.; bibliogr. and reducing the numerical data; the A compact little book containing a distribution of the various elements in necessarily very brief discussion of place and time, etc. In fact, the Lehr- some of the fundamentals of meteorol- buch is almost as indispensable to the ogy, also an introduction to climatol- climatologist as are the publications ogy, and an outline of the climates of that are directly concerned with cli- the continents. The very limited text mate. is both accurate and readable. HETTNER, ALFRED : "Die Klimate der ECKARDT, W. R.: "Klima und Leb- Erde" (Geographische Schriften, Heft en." (Naturwissenschaftliche Biblio- 5) Leipzig and Berlin, B. G. Teubner, thek aus der Sammlung Goschen). 1930. 9 x 6 inches. Pages 116; ills., Berlin and Leipzig, G. J. Goschen, maps. Revised reprint of a series of 1912. 6 x 4y2 inches. Pages 83. An articles that appeared in the Geogra- admirable simple statement of the re- phische Zeitschrift in 1911. Although lations of climate and life from the the title suggests that the volume deals point of view of a climatologist. No solely with climatography, there are other single book covers the field in so chapters on insolation; pressure and small a compass, and so well. The sub- winds; the composition of the atmos- title is Bioklimatologie. phere; humidity, cloudiness and rain- EDWARDS, K. C.: "The A B C of fall, and on light and sky colors, all Climate" (The Vanguard Series). considered in relation to climate. The London, John Hamilton, Ltd., 1930 (?), climates of a considerable number of 6V2 x 4V2 inches. Pages 140; figs.; stations are illustrated by curves show- bibliogr. An elementary discussion of ing their mean monthly temperatures some of the important facts of weather and rainfalls. There is a brief survey and climate in a booklet small enough of the climates of the world, classified to fit in one's pocket. Contains chap- on the basis of the author's own ters on weather and climate, how cli- scheme. mate is modified, what determines cli- KENDREW, W. G.: "Climate: A mate and types of climate. Treatise on the Principles of Weather HANN, JULIUS: "Handbuch der Kli- and Climate." Oxford, The Clarendon matologie." Stuttgart, J. Engelhorn, Press, 1930. 8% x 6 inches. Pages 3d ed., 1908-1911. 9 x 6*4 inches.f 329; pis.; figs.; bibliogr. "Written pri- There are three volumes. The first marily for the general reader who volume concerns general climatology; wishes to know something of the prin- the second and third volumes deal with ciples of weather and climate—and for the climates of all parts of the world. those who find a knowledge of climat- Hann's Handbuch was for nearly fifty ology desirable for the furtherance of years the standard work on the whole their main subject of study. The field of climatology, and upon it all book considers climatology mostly from later discussions of climate have been the geographical side . and treats based. The first volume of the second the principles of climate largely from edition (1897) was translated into a distributional standpoint. The English by R. DeC. Ward (1903). essential fundamental bases of the phe- This translation has long been out of nomena of the atmosphere . are print, but is accessible in the larger li- kept prominent throughout." (From braries. Preface). HANTN, JUNIUS VON and SURING, KNOCH, KARL: "Klima und Klima- REINHARD: "Lehrbuch der Meteorolo- schwankungen." Leipzig, Quelle & gie" Leipzig, Chr. Herm, Tauchnitz, Meyer, 1930. 7*4 x 5 inches. Pages 4th ed., 1926. 10*4 x inches. 150; figs.; charts; bibliogr. One of the Pages 867; figs; charts; biblogr. This, best of the recent books. The meaning, scope, and methods of climatological t A fourth edition appeared in 1932, edited and elaborated by K. Knoch. (xvi + 444 pp., study; the elements of climate; types 26 illus.)—Ed. of climate and classifications of cli- Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/24/21 11:14 PM UTC mate; "changes" of climate, and cli- logical observations for use in climat- mate and man are all discussed as fully ology. Almost as valuable as when as is possible within the limits of 150 first published. Contains many refer- pages. A brief outline of the world's ences, both historically and practically climatography is also included. To of interest. "changes" of climate, 25 pages, and to climate and man, 20 pages are devoted. MILLER, A. AUSTIN: "Climatology." London, Methuen & Co., Ltd., 1931. 9 KOPPEN, W.: "Klimakunde. I. x 5% inches. Pages x and 304; figs.; Allgemeine Klimalehre" (Sammlung bibliogr. "The object of this book is to Goschen). Leipzig, G. J. Goschen, 2d provide advanced students, and espec- ed., 1906. 6 x 4 inches. Pages 132; ially students of geography, with a pis. An excellent little volume, in the reasoned account of the worlds cli- Sammling Goschen, covering the sub- matic types" (Preface). About 50 ject of general climatology as fully as pages at the beginning are devoted to is possible in less than 150 small pages. general climatology, and about 25 KOPPEN, W: "Die Klimate der pages at the end to "changes" of cli- Erde: Grundriss der Klimakunde." mate. Most of the book is taken up Berlin & Leipzig, W. de Gruyter & Co., with a discussion of the world's cli- 1923. 8x5^ inches. Pages 369; figs., mates, by types and variations from pis. The first part is a revision of the the types. Special emphasis is laid volume in the Sammlung Goschen, re- upon the climatic control of vegetation. ferred to above. The last part is a The volume is essentially climato- description of the World's climates on graphic. the basis of the Koppen Classification.f TRABERT, WILHELM : "Meteorologie KOPPEN, W. and GEIGER, R. (Edi- und Klimatologie." Leipzig & Vienna, tors.: "Handbuch der Klimatologie." Franz Deuticke, 1905. 10 x 7 ins. Berlin, Gebriider Borntraeger, 1930—. Pages 132; figs.
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