If. T< IT PAYS TO BE LEGAL There is • to criticise the DAILY nil tendency city WASHINGTON officials of late because they have adopted I tag BaMgl dire means of taxes. This seems Holiday* by collecting MERRY-GO-ROUND WATERBORY DEMOCRAT. INC. rather old in view of the fact that the -By DREW PEARSON umd ROBERT ALLEN_ it Building. Watorbury. Conn. common complaint against city officials tot hors of “Washington Merry-tWo-Ron nd*’ and “More Merry-Go.Ronnd’’ is that don’t hard to col- Rates, Payable in Advance they try enough NR A Faces Crisis as Automobile Code o* Decem- $9.00 One Month.75c lect money due the city. Waterbury’s Expiree $*.50 One Week .llo ber 31; Ford’s Attitude to Battle Over own plight is no different than many Secondary the Labor Section; Alfred P. Sloan and Walter Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation other towns of larger or smaller popula- Hold to Roosevelt Elab- tion. We have commented upon this fact Key Settlement; Laughs Away The Democrat will not return manu- several times of recent weeks. In order orate Code Strategy of Power Mogul. script aent In for publication unlew ac- companied by postage. No attention paid for the municipality to exist as one it Washington, Dec 15.—For the In the Union Tavern when he anonymous communications.. NRA, December 31 is more than scribbled the first draft of “The must meet its'obligations. To do this it the last of the 2L just day year. Star Spangled Banner" on the On that the automobile 4-2121 can resort to the means day back of an envelope. DIAL 4-2121 DIAL only at hand. Other codes code expires. have LAST LAUGH All Departments All Departments There is no known way of making a passed through their trial period, been renewed without attracting During the water power con- man his taxes to the vention in St Louis, Washington 1933 pay city government special attention. But the auto- FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, mobile code is different. For authorities were much puzzled other than such as through legal ways the two reasons: by the reiteration of leaders of the Industry that “the law sets in the charter. A Ford’s refusal govern- up good many First, Henry ment is sabotaging the NRA.” What Of The Tax? to sign tiic code; Franklin, cities show no whatsoever to- Last week the mystery was leniency Second, Inclusion of the bit- solved. wards the If he terly contested "merit” clause President Franklin D. Roosevelt will go taxpayer. foregoes pay- ill the labor sections. Floyd B. Corliac, expansive president of the Morgan-owned as the man who ment the necessary legal are imme- Ford’s attitude is of secondary flown in history gave steps Niagara Hudson Power a importance in the question of a Co, taken and the debt is satisfied giant of the Industry, appeared In more to the drive than any diately renewal of tho code on a per- impetus repeal the with'a code contain- manent basis. In some NKA Capital have con- through extraordinary proceedings. Wa- ing a that would bar other. He actually may not circles the conviction is held that provision the government from lending has been more than anx- before tho year runs out, develop- tributed more to the repeal of the 18th terbury always money for electric ments between the governmerft municipal plants. It also barred the than but it was during ious to meet the taxpayer half way. In and the rebellious automobile gov- amendment others, ernment from into the manufacturer will bo of such a going that the amendment was fact, it has gone further than that. Hut business itself, as it is doing his presidency sensational nature as to make through the Tennessee Valley and to his inauguration he that day has gone. Conditions today the issue of whether he signs or repealed prior doesn’t sign of litle Importance. Authority. make it to assume an unfor- The restraining had stated that repeal would be one of the necessary “MEIUT” CLAUSE clause, neatly worded, deftly tucked into the attitude. The can’t be f is first things he would accomplish. Now giving city just The "merit’ ’clause the key. code, was elaborately explained to the renewal crisis. The pro- by Power Mogul Carlisle. Com- what are a good fellow any longer.. that we haye legalized liquor, vision was written into the code petition by public-owned projects VVp arp spn/inor tav warranfu nil by General Johnson over the was he we to do with it? That is a com- injuring private plants, going vehement of labor. He proclaimed, thereby interfering property owners now. It is the second later admitted ho had mon question. We can’t claim to be orig- frankly with the President's ecovery pro- step in a gigantic campaign to wipe out erred, explained that he had gram. it. But it is as per- been bound to grant the inal in voicing just some of the owed in duty When Carlisle made his $3,000,000 Waterhury concession to tho employers be- "spell" was fresh from our to the president, the latter threw tinent as if it lips. back taxes. A few weeks back the City cause of a personal promise. back his head and laughed. The President while ap- There is much discussion today of the Sheriff was authorized to go forth and Roosevelt, provision would have to bo elim- proving the temporary code, con- inated in toto, Roosevelt said, to be paid by the ultimate impound automobiles owned by delinquent publicly announced no others prices before the code would even be his wuold be allowed such sumer for his bottle of whiskey or taxpayers. This occasioned both favor- wording, aphaHlllOfl n hAntiInn n Johnson has en- no in ruling rigidly bottle of wine. There is tendency able and unfavorable comment. So has forced. MRS ROOSEVELT'S WEEK con- federal circles to interfere with the the latest drive against owners of real The auto men want the clause Mrs Roosevelt Informed the National Association for the trol acts set up in the several states nor estate. But all of us should remember continued In the prenument code. Ixibor is insisting it be strick- Advancement of Fine Art of T state one or the that is more that to influence any way Waterbury doing nothing en out, that the industry lie put Drinking she could not en- ter a cocktail other. We wanted state control of liquor than many other cities do today. In fact, on the sarnie basis us all others. recipe for its is NltA officials intimate that a contest. "I am personally dry," —In— laws and we have it. But Uncle Sam others adopted such tactics years ago, she said Wrote licuccful solution of the contro- foreword for Know Your Waterbury vitally interested in the revenue accruing because the law authorized them to do so. versy lien with Alfred P. Sloan, Congressional Cook Book and | head of General contributed recipes for Facts and General Information from manufacture and sales, as are If we want the city to meet its many obli- Jr, Motors, and kedgeree, Its History, liquor Walter Chrysler, president of the (an Indian dish of fish, rice, comes the we our also the states. And therein gations, must expect to contribute company bearing his name. eggs and condiments), Italian BY PAUB HARRISON city facts share. If these two leadersr agree to rice, and pecan pie ’. Declined HISTORY brass — moat the elimination clause Johnson is admission at front entranco of New York One of the the Prices now are ridiculously high when convinced thch others will fol- exclusive Cosmos club when at- successful men with one of The story of Joseph Scott’s death Woodtlck In Wolcott was named low. tending meeting of National oddest Jobs about town Is Anthony at the hands of the Indians is more In the days of the Revolutionary to those that existed before pro- We’re still for the for the Is a compared waiting plans League of Women Voters. Later Thlebault. Mr Thlebault or less tradition. He supposedly war. A saw mill was In operation The windup of the senate bank a took its toll in this nation. Can for “transients”. admitted at ladies’ entrance taster; not Just his life near Waterbury in the there as early as 1776. hibition so-called camps Early investigating committee's long professional lost a Entertained Ambassador- of wines, but of anything. of Bridge. At you imagine any person paying over $3 this week the Civil Works Administra- and sensational probe of the campler vicinity Reynold’s at-Large Norman Davis and Mrs makers hire him to pass this in the history of Wa- Julius Hotchkiss was chosen the you Chase National bank was a love j Cigar point for bonded whiskey? Today tion announced it was to Javis as overnight .... him mention of the quart going provide feast. President Winthrop W. guests on new blends and bakers ask terbury we have first mayor of Waterbury by unani- for blended Accepted invitation to attend ^bem Rock House near the scene are asked to pay this price quarters through the winter for knights Aldrich cast asido his haughty to come around to tell ancient mous vote. “Icebound” presented by Colum- a more vanilla Scott’s supposed deatlv domestic and imported, reserve, went around saying whether to put little of Joseph stocks. Wines, of the road. They are to be run with bia Players Flew to New likes to are three rocks in this vi- goodbye and exchanging cordial In their cake Icings. He There In 1851 the first public High than they were ob- York in morning to deliver fourth wine best of and the Rock House was a are proportionately higher federal funds and, from what we can handclasps with everybody. taste tea, coffee and cinity, School was opened, taking place illicit lecture at Todhuntor school. Re- to know boundary line. This ledge has been in 1918-19. We do not conceive how serve, will be National Other officials of the bank did all, but doesn’t protend of the academy which had served supervised by turned to Washington same day as some of known in the Reynolds family for at this rate. We llkeswlse. Shepherd Morgan, as much about vintages previously for educational pur- sales can be checked Guard officers. and unmar- in time to stand for hour and But a hundred years as the Rock Unemployed who as vice president in charge the European professlonels. poses. fact that a half receiving diplomats in the American .and there is also a larger must not lose sight of the right ried officers are being sought to devote a of Cuban loans, had spent many he does know how House, first formal reception of New will to different ledge of the same nature in the is $5.00, unhappy hours in tho witness palate respond first fire now the liquor gallonage levy few months to this work. The camps are Deal Flew back to New same Waterbury’s department chair, was particularly enthu- wines. vicinity. to work it is York next afternoon to atetnd Scott’s son John' was was Organized in 1830, and had whereas after Congress goes to be similar to those maintained the siastic. He rushed up to Max ago Mr Thle- Joseph by concert for About 20 years inhabitant hero sixteen men known as the Matta- least hali that. brilliant given benefit of In a.big admitted as an to be at the very CCC units. Of course, the men will have Lowenthal, economist, bault was a cashier tuck Fire Engine company. Samuel going Warm Springs Foundation .... that about 1709. Subsequently author of the widely read, “The and after he discovered perhaps In the old days it was $1.10. work hours ahd this Back in Washington, entertianed rant, Jonathan Scott was captured by C. Snagg was the first fire chief. regular every day inventor Pays”, now special fi- the chef was not too temperamen- 260 widows of the Gridiron club, Indians, and Joseph’s grave at sums of for Uncle work will them outside nancial adviser to the committee, a fellow ho began suggesting To raise vast money naturally keep saw Nancy Cook’s pictures of the tal Scott’s mountain has been mistaken It was not until after 1835 that and said; In the flavorings of dishes. the President’s liquor commission except in the worst weather. We wonder Roosevelt family, also, "Miss changes for that of his brother Jonathan. the gross amount of metal handled Sam “It was nice to have met the dishes Democratic” with Baby Nlra and His Ideas niude Jonathan Scott’s capture is said, by the various brass mills of Wa- a tax of $2.60. That met with if the “floaters” of the nation can be cor- Thlebault suggested you. Goodbye,” her “lovely chisel'’ Attend- so popular that reliably, to have been July terbury and vicinity reached a ton be re- Ills pretty It was dropped to $2.20. raled into such camps. We always "Oh, you may back,” ed cabinet ladies’ luncheon giv- realized he was wasting 1710. a week. opposition. ixiwcntiml Into the 2E, be insti- was a certain of man plied quietly. en by wife of Secretary of War talent, so he went Now we hear a $2.00-tax may thought there type The bunker looked for himself. blinked, Dern, and debutante daughter tasting business we think that suffi- who was so footloose that he was never startled, hurried away. few tuted. Personally Betsy’•. , Joined the ellto of ho *100 for a WHEN WASHINGTON WAS Now gets cient taxes could be raised with the $1.10 satisfied with remaining under the same Washington society at Mrs Lau- minutes work. Or did until he And Answers WET renco and roof. Work didn’t interest him as work. Townsend’s musicalo signed up with a wine llqmn- Questions which existed in pre-prohibition clays. the levy Historians have been busy dig- Entertained at state dinner for Importing company. One of is our belief He would work to feed and clothe some some ; by Maybe we are wrong, but it himself, ging up of the dirnking tho nine most dignified and se- Ideas he had while sampling lore of the old when date make ice until taxes are at such a fig- but not for any enjoyment he might get good days old men in Washington— bottled goods was to The Democrat’s Information Bureau that placed was wet. Here the The Washington Washington very Justices of the supreme court. creams flavored with cordials. vast of domestic and from it. And his work never kept him are some of the have ime- ure that supplies things they suggestion was sold, and Mr uncovered: if ANSWERED stocks will be available at rea- tied down. When he wanted to migrate bault will realize a big royalty YOUR UUUSTIONS imported President John Tyler always Copyright, 1933, by United Fea- and to a new field of endeavor he would. Of the scheme succeeds. nnswernble of fact or In- sonable retail prices the bootlegger invited White House visitors— ture Syndicate, Inc.) You can get an answer to an y question to Frederick M. Kerby, Question Editor, The are to con- course, if Unde Sam to feed and —even total strangers—to ’take formation by writing proprietor going proposes Ueuiocrnt. Washington Uarenu, IEEE New York Avenue, speakeasy something.” So also did Presi- ‘Talk” of the Town Waterbary Uncle Sam and the state, clothe him the winter he may be Washington. U. Co enclosing THREE eents In eola or postage stamps tinue to deprive during dent Vun he was is doubtless a natural he Buren, although Tasting for reply. Do aot use postal eards. Medical and legal advice cannut the of its taxes and but we wonder if the real more formal of the for sheer ingenuity will re- not to mention city, satisfied, really One alent, but given nor can, catcalled research be made. All other questions to Mr Alex- ennnot be an- his “transients” will be induced to off or famous taverns of tho early days Letter he odd-job honors go ceive a personal reply, l.etters without name or address the dealer in liquors of just stop Peiping lan- a are Invited to make legitimate was the old Union in George- ander Jacoby. He conductsI swered. All letters are conDilentlql. Yon cordially the of some of free service as often ns please. merely floating population town, frequented by Woshlngton- guage exchange. Not a linguist use of this you profits. BY are THE] EDITOR. our cities and towns. ton Irving, Robert Fulton and H. R. ERINS ho realized that there rlmself, in Francis Scott Key General [United Press Stall Correspondent) ots of newly-arrived foreigners anxious to Givo tlie location ot the Q. When does the term of Gov- Soon Forgotten Henry Harrison ran for presi- Peiping, China — (UP)—With »Iew York who are Q. as many Cumberland River. ernor Plnchot of Pennsylvania ox- dent in 1840 on a "hard cider earn English, and almost One of the objections to the Merritt ho Bible now in the '‘best seller” master plre ? campaign" and cider barrels were Americans who want to A. It is a large southern branch returned tq now is 1 :lass in or some When the Bourbons power Highway down in Fairfield county tho chief feature of the inaugu- China the American Bible Russian, French, Spanish of the Ohio River, rising in the A. January, 1935. a lot of fthe fact that Commissioner Macdonald ral parade which followed his loclety this year is celebrating tho >thcr togue. So ho moved highest part of the Cumberland in France after the downfall Napoleon Into a big is a victory Tho first saloon in >C tables and chairs plateau In south-east Kentucky and Q. What cyclone? proposes to build a four-line road divided LOOth anniversary of its work in was discovered that Washington—John Sutor's Tav- •oom on the edge of Greenwich emptying into the Ohio near Smith- A. A storm in which the wind Bonaparte, it speedily his country. by a parkway. The County Planning ern—is only a few blocks from filluge, sent out announcements, land, Kentucky, after a devious blows spirally toward a center, it famous “learned business, they had, in the phrase, the home of Dr James M. Doran, This year alone the society has ind soon had plenty of course of 688 miles through Ken- Is brought about by un- Association and other groups want a two- otner. generally of for years czar of the government llstributed 61,190 copies of the rhe customers teach each tucky and Tennessee. equal atmospheric pressures at the nothing and forgotten nothing.” One lane road with Event- fee a dividing parkway. dry forces Francis Scott Bible in It is For a nominal registration same altitude. China. announced Yankee of the the results was that their restoration there will be four lanes on each side Key is understood to have been lapanese busboy and'a, O. Who Is the author ually hat in all the has dls- can of society In an Importing house novel "The Rosary?” Q. Name the three leading gold didn’t last. One is reminded this by the as this is the ;lerk In- of parkway completed ributed 2.969,706 volumes of the and swap words and states In the United antics which certain lit down A. Florence Barclay. producing some of the liquor plan of the Merritt Highway. But only I Scriptures in China. itruction in writing and reading. States. the 18th when there s an odd concerns have indulged in since half of it is to be built for the present. We a According to tho records of the Sometimes, Q. How many deaths ociured A. California, Colorado and Book Day loclety the Bible tlrst was truns- lumber to clients,Mr in the United States in 1932? South Dakota. amendment was but this repealed. think the commissioner’s idea is ated as a whole into a lesson himself, by certainly BRUCE CATTON Chinese in akes In the area, one retail for by with so A.' registration For thing, prices charged sounder. Traffic on this 1807 by Dr Robert Morrison, the line he has experimented numbered Q. What is the record distance proposed express he can t rc- deaths 1,304,109. less than fan- poneer Protestant missionary nany languages that for ski hard liquors have been little route is to be A 'two-lane them. jumping? going heavy. Churchill Is Kind vorker in China who learned not much about any of of what the nember O. Who succeeded Mr Justice A. Bob Lymstoke at Revelstokc, tastic. The principle collecting road would be to our of to Speak Chinese re- inadequate way To A Great Name >nly but to Oliver Wendell Holmes as associate B. C., March 13, 1932, 209 been fol- ind write it tho jumped traffic will bear seems to have If the four lanes are built it despite lmp< Him of the United States Su- feet. thinking. rovornment’s Greeters Pay justice edict against to; 4 Court? lowed over and over again. A nation an matter to widen them later Amorican readers may find ! Another entrepreneur is griz- preme will be easy ng tho language to foreigners. with ‘Marlborough: Ills Life and Times,” He trades A. Cardoso, Q. Can ducks be crossed which can remember when a quart of one Earlier zled Torkel Helgesen. Judge appointed tyy the addition of lane every few a Translation which geese for propagation? by by , too-detail- on the welcoming instinct President Hoover in February, could be for $1.50 ed account of the of a man This naures or good whiskey bought years. career is', however, historical evl- seems to be part of the 1932. A. No. lence that the came now is discovering that it must pay as who Is not, for most of us, much Nestorlans trans- all New Yorkers. When he more than a vaguely familiar ated at least the New Testament 25 ago he How many acts have been How many dogs are in the same article. For to this country year* Q. Q. as $5 for the name. nto Chinese in the of ferry- of con- United States? high are in the for Ni- early yeurs bought a launch and began passed since the beginning to Great plans making ho 17th None last another thing, the liquor interests seem Nevertheless, the man Is worth century. of this ing to and from ships anchored gress and how many did the A. Estimates from reliable P’alls and its near neighbors in reading about. He commanded ranslatlon has survived. In the be- be to back into just agara In the lower bay. But people session of congress pass? sources place the total number at ready plunge politics England's armies a 13th century John de Monte Cor- so often total of all acts Canada this summer. Fort Niagara, the during porlod gan to charter his boat 0\. The grand approximately 8,000,000. before —the earliest of rino translated the New liners as they did prohibition. years the 18th Testa- to greet friends on lncojning passed by tho congresses is 65,684. famous outpost of colonial days, is to be was ment and Psalms into busi- A fair sample is the experience Ohio century—which strikingly Mongol that finally he went Into the The 73d congress passed 82 public Q. Give the length and breadth Canada is to celebrate like the World War In the number \gain, no copies of this work are his boat Is 12 acts and 11 puhlle was rededicated and ness exclusively. Now acts: private of Egypt. been Ohio’s of ex- extant1. The Jesuits in the has having. legislature contestants Involved, the 16th crowded almost every day with resolutions in its session ending the 400th anniversary of its discovery by tent and bitterness of ■entury translated A. It extends 675 miles north the — to consider conflict, only parts of -r 1933. session «v June called into special (vnuiib 16, and south, with a general breadth Cartier. There will be French, and tho exhaustion which all par- to where laws. The sub- Jacques They chug down the hay of ^ibout 500 liquor control governor ties suffered. Dr off on the miles. Canadian, American, and English par- Morrison's complete transla- the liners anchor for awhile iQ. How does a fly walk mitted a sales of wine He was victorious In every bat- tion of tho Bible was not the a few without fulling off? ’- plan permitting printed Quarantine, circle ships ceiling If want a of our bul- in the coming events, according tle and in every campaign, and ho tor distribution wave foot is with you copy the in ticipation popular until times while his passengers A. Each equipped & Bon- and hard liquor by glass hotels, did about as much as to letin on Fondants, Fudges to There will be a series any map 1824. Meanwhile, in 1822 and after to their friends and rela- two pads or putvllli, and each pui- a present plans. and yell bons, write to the Wutcrbury Dem- restaurants and clubs, and setting up establist the enduring solidity of IG years of labor back to the pier villi bears hairs which celebrations at mighty Dr tives, then scoot many tiny Bureau, en- of local starting Gaspe, the British Empire. tfarshman of the to welcome fluid that holds ocrat’s, Washington state monoDolv to handle all retail pack- English Baptist in Brooklyn In time secrete a sticky five cents In Mr Churchill in the two vol- mission a leave closing postage stamps. Prince Edward Isle, Cartier’s first land- printed complete tranH- the voyagers again as they the fly to the celling. sales. Instantly the liquor lobby got umes of the biography which now ation with age and down the St the aid of an Armenian the ships. Mr Helgesen reckons ing, continuing Lawrence, are available, carries Marlbo- !)orn at more busy. Parties were thrown for legisla- Macao. Curiously enough his little craft has greeted Q. .Where is Clinton Prison? Miss Gertrude Gartslde, a mill all the to Fort The old rough through the early part of Or Murshman's s official was The way Niagara. translation of the travelers than the city A. lJannemdrn, New York. girl of Mossley, England, has been tors. Pressure applied. liquor his career, and up to the begin- llible fort has been restored and will be dedi- into Chinese was done in welcoming tug, Mucom. granted a year’s leave of absence that this bill be thrown ning of the war of the Spanish India. The lobby demanded labors of Dr Morrison Getting into the lower wage from her loom to act as Mayoress cated in fashion. Sucesslon in 1702, and he is con- md Dr that licenses to retail proper Marshman were virtual brackets of the city’s oddest Job- of Glossop to' her widowed uncle. overboard and pack- cerned with an to chiefly attempt lupllcatlons. consider the task of Frank be sold to Dick and clear his hero's name of some of men, So aged liquor any Tom, Classic who does nothing but re- They Say* the Literary Style Gordon, for the Hartford Crusaders are wise in follow- unkind things which histori- gum from Harry who could raise $250 The first translations into Chin- move wads of chewing ans have had to say about him. Music Hall in the of their ese were made in the classic liter- Radio City’s vast I’ll give my last drop of bload to. privilege. ing footsteps Waterbury This attempted vindication has quit- ary style, which When the last customer see that the NRA and other emer- had a sane and brethren and We can see no seemes to havo been necessary; only the mosl Gordon The governor presented disbanding. educated could ted the theater at night, are not made per- Marlborough, for all his great- highly read. Nol tool! gency legislation conservative which the profit need for the group to continue its activi- until 1856 were the Scripture* goes to work with scraping manent.—U. S. Senator Simeon D. plan by ness, needs defending here and During especially be removed from the retail ties It was founded for one there. translated Into Mandarin, the col- and chemicals. Fess of Ohio. motive could any longer. weeks he has an assistant • • • A penniless page in the court oaulal medium of two-thirds ol busy so That has been the looks for the gum antf liquor trade. The liquor lobby, recently purpose. accomplished. of Charles he got his start Chinese people. Now there art who merely The farmers are running a II, by Its location to th< old be switch now to some other field with to the translations in various dialects at then reports house for this country resurrected, insisted that the set-up Why shining up king’s mistress, harvest hoarding ten both to avoid well as in Manchu, Mongolian master remover. They and you eastern fellows won’t let im=Tirst restored — of course, the open sa- which half the enlisted members managing being of used spear- minus, perhaps Hie king and to get Tibetan and Annamese. In Pieping about 200 pounds us raise your board.—Gov C. W. t&ite caught by a and Gor- amendments — so state be dotted with a are not in mon- the Bible may be obtained in 93J mint and pepsin week, of Nebraska. loon that the sympathy? Backing any from tho lady enough money to can Bryan or is troubled because he • • • Ris is different from finance his military career. languages dialects. don U-S. Constitution host of retailers, each urged by pocket- etary program quite of use for It. He became a trusted\executive In China tho American Biblt think any When I learned that a man had as much booze as he The men in the Cru- came info force. book to sell could, advocating repeal. of James II after Charles died society has a main office, with 2< the power to go Into the depart- of this should reor- James to William In COUNT IDYA TODSTOI ment of and change tho each striving to outsell his neighbor. If saders desirous doing cooly betrayed employes. addition thoro art Justice 1SH« Hartford Con- then continued to nine I was rather ashamed of some of Orange, and sub-agencies with 39 colpor- records, such tactics are a of the way the ganize as other body. (Hartford Times) nation.— sample negotiate with James after Wil- teurs, 74 correspondents and 78! being a citixen of this vention assembles The death of Count Ilya Tolsto trade generally is gointf to act, it liam had come to the throne. • volunteer workers. In all 9,'(2 per- William Fox, former Him magnate. liquor interest to Connec- • • • and As an expert at playing both sons are engaged in Is of particular powers is evident that the trade has learned noth- distributing he had made hli Seeing how mad everybody seems to get cndM against the middle, he can- the Bible In China. cicut because My Idea of real happiness la to homo in Southbury. His sister ing by what happened to it in 1919. not some stand a bit of whitewash. Mr In And some small corner of the about.gold, why adopt peaceful addition the National Biblt Countess Alexandria, is a resident was be- Churchill applies ot with loving world, crawl Into -It and never Prohibition adopted largely metal for a like Society of Scotland and the Brit- of Haddam. Both children of th< money standard, platinum care. again see my name In the papers too ish and Foreign Bible society art religionist cause the liquor interests had become or chromium? The two volumes give an en- great literary genius, until I die.—Maxine Elliott. represented In this country. Tbt 1 L*e< be- lightening and readable of and social philosopher, Count • • • and too active in politics; picture American came arrogant life in the and organisation n Tolstoi, with their remarkable per- English troubled the British in 1838 You know I don’t make cause had the lust for profits In- 1333. and tht sonalities and talents, enriched th< they put eventful restoration period. Scots speeches; I make cars.—Henry Then there’s the curious contra- in 1843. of our state, ahead of other consideration. If again cidentally, If In your reading of cultured circles Ford. every Wherever turr diction of wets wines. romantic novels you have been possible the Bible ii It seems indeed a strange revive those old habits, may wanting dry they they puzzled by "Jacobite conspiracy" sold in Chinese for a nnmlna I of fate that member# of this famll) here. The tempt a great many citizens to recon- and have wondered what It was price but thousands of free copiei once almost as completely Indcnti- and made their homes all about, these books will tell have been db-Stlbuted. It is esti- fled with Russian nativity as th< state’s sympathy for these emigres sider their recent action in repealing the All vehicles must be not later is as Is the lighted you. They are published by mated that there are now approx very scM of shouk substantial, appreciation 18th amendment. than 4:55 o’clock tonight. Kchrlbners at M Imately 2*.908,000 Bibles in China that^ nation^, of their worth fc :