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Key Issues for the New 2010 THE NEW PARLIAMENT House of Commons Library Research

A Lucinda Maer

Our constitution provides for procedures in a hung parliament, but recent events may result in pressure for change

After a , the party that holds minority administration and lost a vote on the individuals may not wish to inadvertently bring Queen’s speech, the party or parties likely to a majority of seats in the House of Commons King’s Speech. Ramsay MacDonald was called down an administration. Past experience be able to form an administration are asked to forms the . When no party gains to form a Labour administration. shows that the amount of legislation passed do so. Only once they have shown they can more than half the seats, our “unwritten” The 2010 general election left Gordon during periods of command the confidence of the House could constitution allows for negotiations, coalitions Brown as a “caretaker” Prime while does not alter dramatically from majority they properly seek and be granted a general and minority . negotiations took place to form a government. administrations. election. The last time comparable events occurred was Governments do not have to win every vote in Must an uncertain general election result FORMING A GOVERNMENT following the February 1974 election. Edward the Commons to remain in power. The votes inevitably lead to another general election Heath resigned as Prime Minister on the that matter are ultimately those of confidence soon after? In 1924 the minority Labour The constitutional position in a situation Monday following polling day after talks with and supply. A may administration lasted from February to of no overall control is clear. When no , leader of the Liberals, failed to be tabled, or a government can make it clear October of that year before the loss of a party holds the majority of seats, the produce a agreement. Thorpe had that a particular vote is an issue of confidence confidence motion triggered a dissolution. In incumbent Prime Minister has the first call on attempted to meet Heath without the glare and a defeat would be taken as a resigning 1974 Wilson governed from February until forming a government, either as a minority of publicity, walking through muddy fields to matter. Supply motions provide funding October before seeking an election. As the administration or by building a coalition escape detection on his way to London. By for government policy and a defeat would loss of a confidence motion usually triggers a with another party or parties. The first contrast, in 2010 the party leaders all made likewise require the administration to fall. In dissolution, the must be ready to parliamentary test of a minority or coalition public statements and negotiations took place July 1993 the Conservative Government lost a fight a general election before inflicting such government is the vote on an amendment to in an era of rolling news coverage. Some vote on legislation to do with the Maastricht a defeat. the Queen’s Speech. If the Queen’s Speech pressure was exerted for an outcome to be Treaty but won a subsequent confidence is amended, the Prime Minister must resign. reached as quickly as possible, with financial motion. The Conservative party lost their majority in PRESSURES FOR REFORM? markets looking for reassurance of stability. has been governed by coalitions the December 1923 election. They put their Without a written constitution, a series of since 1999. Until 2007 there was a Labour/ programme to the House in January 1924 as a conventions and precedents inform processes Liberal Democrat coalition administration. A BALANCED COMMONS? in a situation of no overall control. In February In 2007 the Greens agreed to sustain the In recent years, large parliamentary majorities 2010, those precedents were drawn together The UK has not been governed by a formal SNP as a minority government in return for have been the norm. Sitting hours have and published by the Office as a draft coalition in peacetime since the National commitments on the environment. Since become more predictable and proceedings chapter of a larger Cabinet Manual not yet Government of 1931-40. The Labour/ then, the SNP has lost several important votes through the night have become rare. When completed. Lessons learned from the 2010 Liberal pact of 1977-78 did not go further without anyone having to resign. than support on key votes. There had been the Conservative Party lost its majority in election results and the subsequent Parliament negotiations between Labour and the February 1997 through a succession of will no doubt feed back into future versions of Liberal Democrats on political reform before defections and by-election defeats, sittings A SUSTAINABLE PARLIAMENT? this document. In addition, the election result the 1997 election. In the event no coalition often went late into the night and the The Prime Minister advises the monarch on may mean moves towards a more proportional was considered necessary although Paddy outcome of votes was uncertain. Such the timing of general elections. A dissolution voting system where coalitions might be more Ashdown did temporarily sit on the Cabinet practices could return. There could be an may only be refused if it is improperly common. Pressure might grow for fixed Committee concerned with constitutional increased media focus on the Commons, term , or an investiture vote at reform. There have, however, been or unconstitutionally sought. Hence a and a rebalance towards the chamber from the beginning of a Parliament to confirm an coalition governments in both Scotland defeated Prime Minister cannot ask for a and since devolution and in other constituency work by Members. The impact second attempt at winning a majority. If individual as Prime Minister. We will only be European countries, coalition governments of a lone rebel on the sustainability of the an incumbent Prime Minister fails to form able to judge the full consequences of the are common. Government could lead to stronger whipping. an administration or loses the vote on the 2010 election for our constitution in some Backbench rebellions may become rarer as years to come.

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